Why dream of chase and pursuit - a dream book will help to predict events in real life. Interpretation of dreams: why the chase is dreaming

Fortunately, in ordinary life we ​​see the chase only in movies and sometimes in dreams. "Why dream of chasing me?" - such a question you can ask yourself in the morning after waking up in your bed. According to the dream book, chasing me in a dream symbolizes your fears. And no wonder, a person is always afraid when he is persecuted. But is it the same pursuit of happiness? Could chasing in a dream have such a meaning? Let's study the dream books and understand everything in more detail.

Chasing in a dream most often means that in reality you have a lot of problems, and you are afraid that you will not be able to cope with them.

Did you dream of a chase? First, remember the dream in as much detail as possible. A more accurate interpretation will depend on this. It is necessary to pay attention to such details: your feelings during sleep, who is chasing whom and how it all ended. Chasing in a dream - why dream? Let's try to figure out what interpretation this dream has.

In a dream, someone was chasing you and you were running away

  • If you had a dream chasing me, there are a lot of problems in your life now, but they are not as grandiose as they seem at first glance. If something doesn’t work out for you, focus, haste will not lead to anything good. And if at work you were given an assignment that does not bring pleasure, try, you have high hopes.
  • If a group of people are chasing you in a dream, then you have a serious conflict with a group of people. Running away from one person in a dream means that soon you will solve some business very quickly. Such decisions usually end in failure, so the dream warns you not to make hasty decisions.
  • In a dream, running away from the chase, do you understand that your strength is running out? In real life, you devote a lot of time to work. It's time to rest and relax. Take a vacation for a week, stay with your family or just go to a sanatorium. You haven't been out for a long time. You can still earn. It's time for a change of scenery.
  • In a dream, did you manage to break away from the chase? Expect change for the better. The difficult period will soon end, ahead of a bright life, in which there will be a lot of good things. But if it was not possible to get away from the chase, losses will soon await you. Be careful.

Who is chasing you: monster, animal, criminal, police

If in a dream the police are chasing you, this indicates difficulties in relations with loved ones.

If the person who is chasing you in a dream is familiar to you, a friend or acquaintance trusts you in reality. Do not tell anyone his secret, because the person trusted you, was able to open up. Remember, it is very easy to lose trust, but it will not work to earn it.

Is a monster chasing you in a dream? Something is troubling you. You can't find your place. The problems are not what they seem at first glance. Focus and you will be able to find a way out of the situation. There are many fears inside of you that torment you. Understand what's going on inside you. If you managed to deal with the monster, hard times are coming to an end.

Running away from animals in the forest? Danger awaits you. Colleagues are trying to piss you off. They are trying to manipulate you. If in a dream an animal catches up and rushes at you, you often lose your temper. In anger, you can say harsh words that you later regret. But correcting the situation can be quite difficult. Learn to control your emotions. Close people suffer from your rage.

If you are being pursued by a criminal or, in reality you are trying to escape from problems. Remember that they will not resolve themselves. Calm down, focus and you can find a way out of this situation. If you are trying to escape from a gang of criminals and end up falling into their hands, such a dream is a warning and speaks of a future loss. Be careful, the loss can affect both the material component and relations with relatives.

You are being chased by a police car and you are afraid that you will? You are strongly influenced by some person who is trying to suppress you. Do not succumb to provocation, know how to defend your point of view. A dream in which you are trying to hide from the police can also talk about a problem in a relationship with a loved one. Get ready for moralizing from a loved one, but do not take his words with hostility, but just let him speak out.

How do you run away from the chase: running, by car

Are you running away from a chase in a dream? In real life, you are trying to hide from problems. Trouble awaits you. If in a dream a person runs away from a group of criminals, difficult times are over for you. You can find a way out of this situation and improve your financial situation.

If in a dream a person runs away from a chase in a car, something worries him in reality. What can be associated with fears? For example, difficult relationships with family, disagreements often arise at home. Also, not everything is smooth at work. We need to look at the situation from the other side. Look for a way out, compromise. If in a dream you yourself are chasing someone in a car, in reality you are trying to improve your financial situation by any means. Be careful, you may incur losses.

Did you manage to break away from the chase: yes or no

  • Managed to break away from the chase - soon your life will change. What these changes will be is up to you.
  • If in a dream you left the chase with a group of people, a party at work awaits you. Be careful during the fun, do not allow yourself anything extra. Otherwise it can be used against you.
  • If in a dream you couldn’t get away from the chase, trouble awaits you. But if you were caught and then released, you will soon be able to improve your financial situation.

If in a dream you yourself tried to catch up with someone

If you are chasing certain people whom you know in reality, and they enter your environment, then you need to be very careful with them. You need to understand your relationship with them, in the near future there will be a situation that in some unpleasant way will push you against these people.

If you have not seen who you are chasing, then you need to deal with your internal conflicts and experiences. Probably, in reality, you chose someone else's path, but not your own. No need to chase ideals, be yourself. Listen to yourself and start new life.

And if in a dream a person tries to catch up with someone, and he fails, this symbolizes the inability to achieve the goal in real life. Reconsider your goal, most likely it is blurry and not accurate. Measure your strengths and understand exactly whether you can achieve it, and do not waste your life time chasing the unattainable.

Who saw the dream: man, woman, child

  • If a man saw a dream, he will soon have a conflict at work. Ignore and do not go to the conflict, so as not to aggravate the situation. Otherwise, you may lose your job. You have a lot of envious people among your colleagues.
  • If the chase pursues an unmarried girl, then she is in danger. For a long time, an intruder is watching her, who, at any opportunity, will strike. Be careful.
  • If a married woman is being chased in a dream, this is a bad interpretation. You may suffer material losses. Relationships with loved ones are stressful. Don't make things worse. If, as a result of the chase, the criminals failed to catch up with the woman, in reality you can find a way out of a difficult situation.
  • If a child in a dream sees how they are being chased, he is surrounded by bad people. Teach your child to understand people. Explain to him that you can’t consider everyone your friend, you should be careful, otherwise you may face danger.

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep according to various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

If you dreamed of chasing me, with the help of such dreams, the subconscious mind wants to convey information that there is a conflict inside you. The dream shows that you want to get rid of these internal conflicts and accept a state of soul harmony. If you often see a chase in a dream, you need to start leading a calm lifestyle, not rushing life events. Sleep reflects a threat to both physical and psychological health. Try to start a measured lifestyle and let there be only harmony inside you.

Miller's dream book - you will run into problems

Are you running away from a chase in a dream? Try to spend more time with your family. Perhaps the deterioration of the health of someone close to you. Or you yourself will run into problems. If in a dream you yourself are involved in the pursuit of someone, in order to achieve your goals, you can go over the heads. You can’t be hypocritical, loved ones trust you, don’t make mistakes.

If in a dream you managed to break away from the chase, in reality you can solve all your problems.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation - you have many friends

If in a dream you are watching the chase from the side, in reality you have many friends. In the near future you will have a rest in a cheerful company. If in a dream you are being chased by a car, there are many envious people around you. People try to denigrate you in the eyes of loved ones. Do your best not to undermine the trust of loved ones. At work, be careful, you can be "hooked". Don't make stupid mistakes that will cost you dearly.

Arranged a chase for a criminal? In the near future you will face difficulties. You are pursued by an insidious person who, in order to achieve his goal, will go to meanness.

Freud's dream book - you are a purposeful person

If in a dream you are pursued by a chase, in reality you are striving to achieve your goal. Don't rush or it won't work. Be careful, weigh all the pros and cons before making a decision. If you are caught up, then a lot of problems have piled up lately. We urgently need to find a way out of this situation. Don't be discouraged and don't give up. Everything will work out, you just need to make an effort. Remember, there is a way out of any situation.

Modern dream book - you will succeed

If in a dream you managed to get away from the chase, a new stage begins in life. You can easily finish what you started and achieve success. Relations with the team are stable. Your boss has high hopes for you.

If in a dream wild animals are chasing you, in reality there are many enemies around you. Enemies are just waiting for you to stumble. Don't make mistakes, you can pay dearly for them. The problems that have arisen can affect the financial situation. Family relationships are complex, but stable. Appreciate your loved ones who are ready to help in any situation.


Only a person who has a developed sense of self-worth can consciously take those actions for which he is responsible. In life, you need to be able to take responsibility for your actions, whatever they may be. What will be the result depends on the person himself. And remember, in the pursuit of the main thing, do not miss the secondary. Then we can say with confidence that you are a man of word and deed.

Video "Why the Chase is Dreaming"

Who at least once did not look into the dream book? What is the dream of chasing? If you saw a chase after yourself in a dream, you yourself ran after someone or saw someone chasing someone and you are interested to know what it was for, then you need to remember all the details as much as possible (running away from someone or chased, caught up or not, who else was in this dream). In general, the pursuit is a sign that a person has any fears or concerns, a feeling of regret about a missed opportunity or not achieved a goal. Let's look into the dream book. To get away from the chase - such a dream has different explanations, depending on the circumstances under which the action took place. Let us consider in more detail what this dream is about.

Let's look at the dream book. Chase - the meaning of sleep

Depending on whether you were chasing or just watching, chasing someone or running away, there are many different interpretations.

First of all, if you are running after something in pursuit, it indicates your desire to achieve something, whether it is an improvement in your career or an impossible dream. If you run away, it means that fears haunt you, perhaps the burden of something impossible or unresolved grievances and disagreements. If you dream of a chase during a nightmare, it can display hidden fears, most likely in life with your loved ones and loved ones.

Watching the chase from the side is a sign that you have been sitting around doing nothing, it's time to take part, and not be an ordinary observer.

Running across the bridge in a dream is a loss of love, but if during the chase you run away from someone, then this symbolizes a new stage in life.

What will the dream book tell about? Chase, run away from someone - the meaning of sleep

Running away from someone is running away from problems.

If you dream that the one who was chasing fell behind, then you don’t have to worry. The problems that loomed will not cause any harm. Soon you will be able to get rid of them.

From a man means that in life you will soon be deceived. You need to be considerate of the people around you. For young girls, a dream where she runs away from a man can be interpreted as a subconscious unpreparedness for a serious relationship.

To dream of a chase overtaking you and quickly trying to get away from it means that in the near future you will have to do a lot of things in a hurry, so you need to start solving your own affairs. If a loved one pursues you in a dream, then soon he will want to make amends.

Running away from a killer or a maniac - such a dream means that soon you will need all the strength and energy to solve urgent matters.

If you are caught up during the chase, then this is a sign that the accumulated problems cannot be avoided. Perhaps this will be an unpleasant conversation that will lead to trouble or problems at work.

Chase, pursuit

What will the dream book tell us? Chase, pursuit - why is this a dream? Chasing someone or something for a long time means that soon you will receive a reward for your efforts and labors.

Chasing a loved one in a dream can symbolize your hidden desire to help him, to direct him in the right direction. You should also think about why this person is running away from you, maybe he does not need help or you are too intrusive.

If you are chasing a beloved man or husband, then, alas, this means that your relationship is collapsing, and they can no longer be saved.

Chasing someone at night is a sign of the impending disaster that you foresaw, but since it has not yet become part of reality, you can still avoid everything.

If during a chase in a dream you are chasing your girlfriend, then this means that you are paying a lot of attention to her, which can lead to a breakdown in relationships. Let yourself be a little more selfish, because the more we love a girl, the less she likes us.

Car chase

Let's look into the dream book. Car chase - what does this dream mean? If you are running away from someone in a car while dodging, this means that you are trying to hide something, to get away from problems. You should seriously think about your secret or plan and decide - perhaps you should not shirk?

Riding a car with a fellow traveler means that your relationship with this person will improve.

chase, animals

What does the dream book say? Chase, animals following the trail - why this dream? Running away from animals - such a dream means that gossip and intrigue will soon appear. You should take a closer look to see if you said anything superfluous. But if a girl dreams that she is running away from a bear, then it is possible that she will soon marry. Entrepreneurs promises problems in business and imminent trouble.

Running away from a snake in a dream is an inevitable health problem. You should not hesitate to visit a doctor.

To see in which he runs away means a deterioration in his financial situation. But do not worry, as the lost money can soon be returned.

Running away from a cat in a dream is a very bad sign, which means that soon there will be troubles that will cover not only you, but also those close to you.

Chasing the days of the week

The meaning of sleep often depends on what day of the week he had a dream. Let's look in the dream book - the chase on different days of the week has such a meaning.

  • If the chase dreamed on Monday, then this means that you will not be able to change something in life. But as they say, what will be, it cannot be avoided, but you can prepare for the blow of fate.
  • Dreaming of being chased on Tuesday? This speaks of health, running away, you can get seriously ill. And if you run after a loved one, it means that you want to help him and he needs it.
  • If during a dream chase on Wednesday you fall, then this may mean death. If you stumble - an accident or mortal danger.
  • Dreams on Thursday speak of the financial situation. If you catch up with someone in a dream, this promises profit, and if they catch up with you, expect monetary instability.
  • Friday - dreams speak of an internal state, therefore, by running away from someone, you are running away from yourself and your problems.
  • Shabbat dream about the chase means that you are following the wrong beliefs. Perhaps it's time to grow up or find a soul mate, eventually start a family.
  • Sunday - all the bad things are left behind, soon there will be good news.

Every time, lying down in a cozy bed, we don’t even assume what our subconscious has prepared this time, what kind of dream we will have to see. Sometimes we dream of simple images, and sometimes we dream of whole plots. In some visions, we observe the ongoing events from the side, while in others we ourselves find ourselves in their center.

Let's talk about dreams in which you became a member of the chase. Why the chase is dreaming is the main question to which we will try to find an answer. Traditionally, for a more accurate interpretation, let's pay attention to the details:

  • In a sweet dream, you have to run away or you are chasing someone.
  • Maybe you are watching the chase from the sidelines.
  • Someone is chasing you in your dream.

In general, the dream book considers the chase as a phenomenon from two sides. On the one hand, it is a reflection of the dreamer's state of mind: his inner world is in a phase of conflict, constant dissatisfaction and irritation. On the other hand, it is a symbol of the pursuit of some goal.

In the first case, the dreamer should first of all pay attention to himself: find a point of balance and come to inner harmony, realizing that the world around him is beautiful, whatever one may say. In the second case - to make every effort to achieve the goal that torments him so much.

As the dream book says, a chase in which you act as a pursuer is a good sign. Such a vision portends some work. It will not be easy, but it will bring success to its performer. Seeing the persecution of someone from the outside means trying to change the circumstances.

What if in a dream you happened to run away from bandits? Such a vision says that no intrigues on the part of ill-wishers can harm you. There is another interpretation on this matter. The persecution by the bandits is the personification of rumors about the identity of the dreamer, which are spread by others.

If a killer pursues you in sweet dreams, but you manage to escape from him, this is a good sign. You will live a long life. Persecution by this kind of people in a woman's dream speaks of the attention of a very annoying boyfriend, while in men's dreams it promises the fulfillment of plans.

To run away in your dream from a chase from a vehicle (for example, a car) means to be a very closed person. Your isolation is absolutely unreasonable, you cannot endlessly hide from the world around you. Open up and you will see that it is not scary at all.

Next, let's talk about what the chase from representatives of the animal world is dreaming of. The pursuit of a clubfoot predator (bear) is an extremely pleasant sign for unmarried women and inveterate bachelors: soon you will be walking at your own wedding.

If a cow is chasing a person in a night vision, this is also a good sign: your financial difficulties will end soon. The source of funds will come as a surprise to you. Perhaps it will be a lottery win or an inheritance.

What to expect if a wolf is chasing you? - In fact, a serious opponent will stand in the way of the dreamer. However, you have enough experience and knowledge to get around it in business.

Summing up, it is worth noting that dreams in which the chase was present, in most cases, are a reflection of the dreamer's inner experiences. Working on your problems will allow you to get rid of your own experiences and fears. In other cases, the chase portends rather pleasant events: a wedding, receiving an inheritance (winning), success in work.


To the question of what the chase is about, you can find many different answers. In such dreams, details play a huge role: who is chasing, who, what you experience during such a dream, how everything ends, etc.

Run in a dream from someone

If in a dream you are running away from a pursuer, then in reality you will have to solve some important matters in a hurry. This event may end in failure or failure.

If we turn to the subconscious, then with the help of dreams about the chase, it tries to communicate that a conflict is raging inside a person. In a dream, a person wants to free himself from the conflicts raging in his soul, to free himself from the burden that presses on him from the outside.

Those people have to run away in a dream from law enforcement agencies who are brewing major troubles in relations with a loved one. Most likely you will read morality and begin to teach life. In order to avoid trouble, do not focus on the problem.

If an angry animal is chasing you, then someone spreads false gossip about you, weaves intrigues or tries to plant a pig. Take a closer look at your surroundings, maybe you will be able to prevent trouble.

In pursuit, it is very scary to be overtaken. If your enemies still managed to trap you, then such a dream portends a major loss.

run after someone

When a person in a dream tries to catch up with someone, but he doesn’t succeed, then in reality he can’t achieve his goal in any way. Soberly evaluate your strengths, perhaps the bar is too high and you should not torment yourself in pursuit of this goal.

Chasing in a dream is a real threat to the physical or psychological health of a sleeping person. If such dreams are repeated repeatedly, then you need to be especially careful and not run ahead of the locomotive. Let all life events take their course, do not rush to overtake your opponents, otherwise you risk losing everything that you already have in your soul.

A big role for the interpretation of the dream about the pursuit is who exactly the run is being followed. If you know these people well, you clearly distinguish their faces and know their names, then such a dream is a direct indicator of where you need to be careful. Understand the relationship with these people, most likely not everything is as smooth as it seems.

If strangers are running or it is not visible at all who is participating in the chase, then perhaps this is an internal conflict that exists in your soul. Relax, listen to your feelings and everything will work out.


Events from the world of our dreams are like movies, and we ourselves remind ourselves, rather, of the heroes of these films - sometimes action-packed tapes filled with events.

Chase, pursuit, fast running - without this it is impossible to imagine an action-packed action movie or adventure. But in real life, fortunately, not everyone has to experience this.

How to interpret what the chase is dreaming of, what the pursuit means, how to perceive it and what to expect? Such dreams are often disturbing and not very pleasant, but they are unlikely to portend the dreamer something really terrible. Most often, according to the dream book, the chase reflects our fears, the desire to hide or run away from something.

For example, in a dream it could be the following:

  • You saw the chase from the side.
  • They themselves ran away in a dream from a crowd of people.
  • They ran away from their lover or spouse.
  • Hiding from the pursuit of a man.
  • They fled with all their might from the animal.
  • A car or other vehicle was chasing you.
  • You ran away and hid in a dream from the police;
  • On the contrary, they were chasing someone.
  • They ran away, although they did not see the pursuer.

Having understood why the chase is dreaming, you can avoid troubles, and, on the contrary, achieve happiness and good luck - if you do the right thing.

What was the chase for?

1. Such a dream, in which the chase was on the sidelines, you saw the persecution, watched him - this indicates your waking attempts to somehow change the situation, attempts to influence something. Perhaps it is worth finding a different approach, looking at the situation differently?

2. In a dream, running away from a crowd or a group of some people is a sign that you have a fear of responsibility. This is probably related to your business activities, work area.

Are you afraid or afraid to take on excessive responsibility, afraid to fail? Think, maybe in this way you lose the chance to achieve a high position and success.

3. If a woman dreams of the persecution of her own spouse, or a girl dreams that her chosen one is chasing her, this is a bright sign that makes you think.

Probably, you have some secrets from your beloved, or you simply want to get away from something, hide, you don’t want to do something - but you can’t tell him this, but you are subconsciously tormented. Omissions destroy any union, do not let this accumulate - be bolder and sincere with your chosen one.

4. Running away in a dream from the pursuit of a person is an indication of the dreamer's strong internal conflict, some conflicting feelings or desires that are at war with each other, or with your conscience. It's time to calm down and take care of yourself.

5. Chasing an animal in dreams is a sign that in reality in reality you are stubbornly hiding and moving away from solving pressing problems, and this can go sideways. Learn to be stronger and solve difficulties, even if it is unpleasant and scary.

6. Running away from the pursuit of a car or other transport in dreams is an indication that the dreamer is afraid of people, perhaps avoids any society and tends to close. This can lead to loneliness - so be a little more open.

7. If you were hiding in your dreams from the police chase, you probably have secrets in reality. You are not completely honest, you are hiding something - and you yourself are tormented by this.

8. On the contrary, if you yourself are catching up with someone, then perhaps you have too unrealistic goals or ghostly dreams. Be real, take a sober look at life.

9. If in your dreams you ran away, but the chase was not visible, you have to do something in reality in a great hurry. Try to stay calm, do not fuss, do not get stressed.

Running away, hiding, hiding, catching up - all this is important in a dream, and the advice of dream books should be taken seriously, but soberly - realizing that these are just dreams. They do not form reality, but only hint at possibilities and give advice. The decision is always up to you!

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Chase is a natural state in the animal world, and one of the frequent phenomena at all stages of human development, corresponding to the “predator-prey” situation. A chase dream is one of the most common and, as a rule, quite unpleasant: the pursuer has a frightening appearance, the dreamer experiences a feeling of panic and various difficulties, and waking up from such a dream is accompanied by fear, palpitations and other unpleasant sensations.

The dream of the chase is significant and indicates that the dreamer's life is not the most prosperous period. The interpretation of such a dream depends on whether the dreamer was in the role of a pursuer or vice versa, they pursued him, as well as on how and how the chase ended.

Dream Interpretation of Medea. Interpretation of the dream "Pursuit"

A dream in which someone is chasing you means a state of internal conflict. Perhaps you cannot cope with internal aggression, a state of anger, but if in a dream you run away from people or animals, you will not be able to solve your problems. More favorable is a dream in which you are catching up with someone. This is a harbinger that your hard work will end in success.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century. Chase - what does such a dream mean?

If you hear in a dream that someone is rapidly chasing you, it means that in real life a period of haste awaits you. Seeing the chase and trying to escape from it - haste will greatly hurt your business.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z. What does the dream "Chasing" predict?

The dream in which you are trying to escape from the chase is a prediction of the deterioration in the health of one of your loved ones. If you manage to safely get away from the chase and leave your pursuers far behind, this is an extremely favorable dream that predicts a happy deliverance from impending troubles and losses. If you yourself set off to catch up with someone, this means that you should not try to achieve material well-being at any cost, since this will not bring satisfaction. A failed chase is a harbinger of irritability and despondency.

Psychological dream book. What does the dream chase symbolize?

A dream in which you are a participant in the chase, whether you are chasing someone or fleeing yourself, is a symbol of achieving a goal. If such a dream is repeated regularly, this indicates that you cannot achieve your goal in any way.


The dream of chasing speaks of an internal conflict between striving for something and the inability to achieve it. If the dreamer is being chased, then the interpretation of the dream depends on who the pursuer is. Sometimes this is a real person associated with a problematic situation. An animal in the role of a pursuer means intrigues and intrigues, servants of the law - to a break in relations with friends, and sometimes to criminal problems.

If the dreamer is trying to catch up with someone, such a dream can be very favorable; it depends on whether it was possible to catch the pursued and who he turned out to be. A caught animal means victory over the qualities of which it is a symbol, a caught person means superiority over an opponent.

“Waiting and catching up is just wasting time”(Russian proverb)

If a person is being chased in a dream, then this is not a very good omen, from which problems with the authorities should be expected, up to and including arrest. Also, such a dream suggests that a person is pursuing some goals, and is unlikely to achieve them.

If a policeman was chasing a dreamer in a dream for some kind of offense, then in reality he may be drawn into illegal affairs, because of which he may face a prison term. A dream in which a person is caught up is especially bad, as this suggests that he will not be able to escape punishment. The only way to avoid trouble is not to get involved in dubious projects and not to promise anything to the people who offer them. Often a person dreams that they are chasing him, if in reality he needs to quickly make a difficult decision, as a result, the subconscious mind gives out such a dream. However, in this case, you should not rush, it is better to try to find as many arguments in favor of one or another option as possible. If a woman dreamed that her husband was chasing her to kill her, then in reality she should not anger him, as she would react very aggressively to this. On the contrary, it is better to show concern, then it will be possible to avoid an unpleasant conversation.

If an unmarried girl is tormented by the question of why she is dreaming that several robbers are chasing me to kill, then she should not walk alone in the near future, as she may be attacked, it is better to take a taxi or ask a friend to take her home.

When a man dreams of chasing him, he should not speak out against his boss in the near future, otherwise he will make his life unbearable, and the only way out of this unpleasant situation will be dismissal. And this will be very pleased with colleagues who have long envied him and slander him before the head. If evil dogs try to catch up with a person, then in reality he should be wary of the intrigues of enemies who will do anything to make the life of the sleeping person unbearable. When in a dream the dreamer runs away from someone, but does not know exactly from whom, then in reality he has many problems, and he does not know how to solve them, and constantly puts everything off until later. He should get down to business, and try to get rid of all the troubles that have fallen on him, otherwise he will not be able to move on in life. More than that, he will be left completely alone, as friends and family will give up on him.

Thinking about the question of why I am dreaming that they are chasing me, you should definitely look at the interpretation of this dream in several dream books, so you can find the right answer much faster. Nostradamus warns the dreamer that his enemies are not asleep and will soon strike him. Hasse advises to be extremely careful, because at any moment a person can make the wrong decision, which will cost him dearly. A modern dream book advises after such a dream to refrain from participating in conflicts, as they can lead to arrest. The famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud is of the opinion that this dream shows a person his helplessness in stressful situations. So, most likely, he has a lot of problems in his life and he does not even try to solve them, letting everything take its course. As a rule, such dreams are often dreamed of by such people, and they wake up in a cold sweat.

If a person hears a swift pursuit behind him, then in reality he will be in a hurry to complete some business. However, it is better not to do this, since you can miss a lot of important details, because of which the material side will suffer, and very much.

Chasing in a dream is a bad omen. However, in the hands of any person to change his future, he should not dismiss the prompts of the subconscious. After all, only thanks to them he will be able to overcome even the most difficult problems, emerging from troubles as a winner.


Such a symbol as an unfamiliar man does not have a definite interpretation, therefore dreams with his participation can carry both positive and negative information. To understand this, you need to remember other details of the plot and the emotional load. It is important to consider what exactly the stranger did, as well as your actions, etc.

What is the dream of an unfamiliar man?

One of the dream books interprets such a dream as a harbinger of failure. It can also be a symbol of gossip that will surround you from all sides. There is also information according to which such a dream is a harbinger of a pleasant meeting. An unfamiliar man in a dream is an omen of favorable changes in life that can affect any area. For a girl, such a night vision predicts a change in intimate life. If a man caused you unpleasant feelings, then you should expect various problems and disappointments ahead.

For women in a relationship, a dream where they had to kiss a stranger predicts the occurrence of problems that may end in parting. Passionate kisses with an unfamiliar representative of the stronger sex are a harbinger of the appearance of a rival that can destroy relationships. If an unfamiliar man sticks in a dream and wants to kiss, then there is a serious danger in life that has a connection with a new relationship. Night vision, where an unfamiliar man is chasing and you manage to escape, indicates that you can easily overcome the problems that have arisen on the way to the goal. If he caught up, this is a harbinger of trouble.

A dream where an unfamiliar man hugs - this is an auspicious sign that indicates good luck. It can also be a harbinger of the arrival of unexpected guests. If you feel disgusted when hugging, then you should expect problems at work or in business. The dream where you met an unfamiliar man while traveling indicates the presence of dissatisfaction with the existing state of affairs. Seeing a handsome stranger with good manners means that there will be a lot of joy and pleasure in life. It may also be a harbinger of an improvement in the financial situation. If you dream of having sex with a stranger, this is a warning that a dissolute life can cause a loss of respect among others. Night vision, where you had to argue or quarrel with a stranger, predicts the emergence of numerous problems that will affect your reputation.


Pursuit in a dream is a reflection of your fear, fear of the onset of some event. You sense impending danger or retribution for your actions and try to avoid it. Another interpretation is your persistent, even maniacal, pursuit of the intended goal.

If, according to the plot of the dream, you were followed, in real life you will encounter the annoying attention of some person with incomprehensible intentions. Someone will persistently demand your attention or beg for something.

Video interpretation of sleep about persecution:

What actions did you perform in a dream to get rid of persecution?

Run away from persecution

Why hide from persecution in a dream

According to Felomena's dream book, hiding from persecution means that you are not confident in your abilities, you cannot make final decisions. Your opinion is changeable and fickle. Without having a clearly defined goal, it is impossible to achieve any results.

Who haunted you in your sleep?

If you dreamed that a man was chasing

A dream in which a man is chasing you means that someone is showing an increased interest in your person. The purpose of this interest may be a desire to get close to you, or you are interested in this person from a professional point of view.

What does it mean if a woman is chasing you in a dream

A woman who haunts you in a dream is trying to point out to you the actions that hurt her in real life. If a stranger was chasing you, beware of all sorts of gossip that discredits your reputation.

The meaning of the dream in which the car is chasing

If you dreamed that a car was chasing you, this is an indication of the need to speed up your work. Delay threatens to lose part of the capital and lose the competitive race.

Why dream that a guy is chasing

If a guy is chasing you in a dream, you will be surrounded by attention and care, but this will not bring you joy. A person who shows signs of attention to you will cause you antipathy and irritation. For a girl, such a vision means failure in a relationship that will end against her will.

If you dreamed that your ex-boyfriend or husband was chasing you

For a girl, a dream in which her ex-boyfriend is chasing her means that she has not yet fully come to terms with the fact that the relationship has ended, and secretly hopes for a reunion. This dream should not be taken literally, it only reflects the dreamer's thoughts.

If you saw a picture in which the ex-husband was the pursuer, this is an indication that it is time to forget the past and start living a new life. If there are any unexplained points in the relationship, you should personally discuss them with the ex-spouse, and stop torturing yourself.

Interpretation of a dream in which a friend pursues

A friend chasing you in a dream serves as a reminder of broken promises. Perhaps the person seen in the dream is really looking forward to some steps from you, but he does not dare to tell you directly about this. Be sensitive and ask him what is bothering him.


The man was chasing me

Dream Interpretation A man was chasing me dreamed of why in a dream a man was chasing me? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a man chasing me in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Man

If you dreamed of a man, then you will have some kind of pleasure. If you see an unfamiliar man in a dream, this portends some kind of adventure. Seeing yourself as a man in a dream means getting into some kind of piquant situation with far-reaching consequences.

If a man seen in a dream is in prison, then this promises you the implementation of your plans for a long time.

Seeing a male actor in a dream means an upcoming quarrel with friends or the loss of someone close to you. Resentment, tears and grief are possible. Annoyance, hassle.

If the man you saw in a dream was an obstetrician, this means an imminent illness.

Seeing the man of your dreams in a dream and enjoying talking with him means that you will have to cry a lot and worry about trifles.

If in a dream a man of small stature is trying to start a quarrel or fight with a person who is superior in strength, this means that you are exchanging for nothing. Also, a dream promises an unexpected acquaintance, thanks to which many joys will appear in your life.

By the way, various historical sources give numerous examples of dreams that predicted events that actually happened later. Such facts are cited in his Comparative Biographies by the ancient Greek writer and historian Plutarch (c. 45 - c. 127), the Roman historian and writer Gaius Suetonius Tranquill (c. 70 - c. 140) and many other ancient authors narrate about prophetic dreams.

About one prophetic dream that predicted misfortune, the story of Plutarch from his famous "Biographies" has been preserved. One night on the eve of the assassination of the Roman dictator and commander Gaius Julius Caesar, his wife Calpurnia woke up sobbing: she dreamed that she was holding her murdered husband in her arms. Her feelings were so convincing that Julius Caesar intended to cancel the Senate meeting scheduled for that day. If he had given importance to this warning from above, given to his wife, he would have remained alive (in the Senate he was stabbed twenty-three, in which all the senators took part) and the subsequent history of the Roman Empire would have been different.

Dream Interpretation - Man

If you dream of a young, handsome man - in real life, anxiety awaits you. An old, gray-haired man portends a long life. A very obese, full man with a big belly - to pleasant events and sensations.

A man with a beard means illness in the family. A man in a shirt - a sign of an unhappy marriage, in an expensive elegant suit - you will fully enjoy all the benefits of life. An ugly man with repulsive features - to disappointment in his lover.

A gloomy man in a bad mood means that you will encounter many obstacles in the way of realizing your plan. A cheerful and sociable man portends that you will gain fame due to the successes achieved.

An aggressive man rudely seeking intimacy with you means that you will have unpleasant experiences because of the person you considered your friend. Seeing a dead man in a dream is a big money.

Dream Interpretation - Man

If a woman sees in a dream a pleasant man with beautiful features, the dream promises her well-being, contentment with fate, and considerable joy. If a man sees such a dream, this is a sign of long business disagreements, quarrels with partners, intrigues of business opponents. A man in white clothes promises joy, gaining a fortune, in black - loss and sadness. A fat man in a dream portends prosperity in business, and a short man is a sign that you will overcome difficult circumstances. The hunchback does not bode well, because often this dream warns of deception or betrayal of those whom you trust.

Dream Interpretation - Man

If a woman dreamed of a handsome, well-built man, in the near future she would enjoy a full life and be happy in love and sex. But if the man she sees is gloomy and ugly, she will be disappointed and have problems with her loved one.

For a man to see another man (friend or stranger) in a dream means that soon he will have a rival who can destroy the harmony of relations with his beloved woman and cause jealousy.

Dream Interpretation - Man

"to talk like a man to a man" a serious conversation, a showdown.

"be a man" is a call to courage, nobility.

"I will make a real man out of you" (a strong, strong-willed person). "Man" the word carries a connotation of simplicity, rudeness, rudeness.

Dream Interpretation - Man

If the image of a woman symbolizes the sphere of feelings, then a man: it is a symbol of active activity.

To meet a slender, pleasant-looking man: portends deeds that will please you. Such a dream is equally favorable for both women and men.

An ugly man in a dream: a sign of failure in business. Most likely, your plans for the future need to be revised.

A woman has a dream in which she sees her husband: it can tell you what state her current affairs and plans are in.

Seeing a husband cheerful and cheerful is a sign of prosperity in the house.

A quarrel with her husband in a dream portends some difficulties, which, nevertheless, will end happily.

Seeing your husband ugly or unpleasant is a sign of acute dissatisfaction with your position.

Such dreams do not bode well.

If a woman sees herself as a man: this indicates that she is able to cope with a difficult situation and can safely rely on her own strength.

Dream Interpretation - Man

Bald man - to respect and wealth.

A man in a shirt dreamed of a woman - to trouble in marriage.

Seeing a naked man is good luck.

A dead man on the street - to the discovery of new sources of income.

Intimate relationship in a dream with a man - to the loss of state.

Dream Interpretation - Man

Peeing on your feet - portends great luck, success.

Uncovered head and loose hair - someone is secretly plotting against you.

Uncovered hair and a closed face - there will be a lawsuit, a trial.

If you cut the wasp's hair in front, there will be misfortune in the family associated with the household.

You see yourself with eyebrows on a par with another person - there will be a promotion.

Dream Interpretation - Bear

Bear - To hunt a bear in a dream - you seek the favor of that person who does not pay any attention to you, but this does not bother you at all. Often you behave unnecessarily aggressively and persistently. Moderate your ardor, otherwise you will completely scare this person away.

Run away from a bear - you will have to have sex in a place where it is considered at least indecent. You will get a lot of pleasure from this, because often such experiments are quite interesting, although unsafe.

Fight in a dream with a bear - you are under the influence of a complex of painful love for your own parents, which you transfer to your own partners. Seeing a wounded or killed bear in a dream - you experience excruciating difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex, which you find difficult to overcome on your own. Try to find a person who will treat you with understanding and who can dispel your fears.


A horse was chasing me

Dream Interpretation - Groom on a white horse

Soon there will be an option with a new job, or a new project at work. In parallel, pay attention to new options in your personal life.

Dream Interpretation - Fortuneteller, chest, horse

It seems that what is happening in your life now is an important stage, in some ways even cleansing. But you need to balance your intuitive and mental/logical sides. At the moment, logical thinking, assessment of situations with a sober mind - prevails, you should often turn to your intuition and listen to your heart! Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Gypsies child horses

Lying, sitting on the bed is a disease, the malaise of the one who was seen in a dream, in your case, your young man. As for the part of the dream about gypsies, this always portends a deception, usually for money.

Dream Interpretation - On horseback

Hello. I think your dream is of a sexual nature (they saddled a beautiful horse, while riding they accelerated the movement). Berry in this case, too, as a symbol of carnal pleasure.... Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Horse Son

Hello! And Happy New Year to you! Let's start with the fact that you were born in the year of the Horse, and the next year will be held under this sign. It seems to me that something good should happen in your life during the New Year, perhaps some changes or events .... But what exactly? It is most likely too early for you to know about this (in a dream, your son-horse should not know you and cannot be brought to the mirror) .... Good luck to you and all the best in the New Year! MAY IT BE SO!

Dream Interpretation - On horseback

This dream must be considered in the context of a dream about a shot in the heart. So, briefly: The dark horse is a symbol of bodily, animal strength. This animal force leads to the fact that the dreamer "broke" into the bushes-trees (a symbol of female sexuality). Berries are sweet fruits (sensuality again). As a result, and the bottom line6, the dreamer was captured by a strong passion. More sensual than romantic. Sleep as a statement of the fact of happiness from sensual pleasures.

Dream Interpretation - Horse Son

Hello, perhaps we are talking about some of your impulse, aspiration. Something that you are currently keeping secret from others. It is also possible that we are talking about the coming year - perhaps this will be a special year for you. But for now, you'll have to wait for it to manifest itself. Perhaps you need to wait for some special conditions for the realization of what you want. It is also possible that you need to work hard to achieve what you want. Take care of yourself.

Dream Interpretation - Horse Son

Hello! Horses - horses. With coming! Most likely it was the introduction of a newly incarnated entity into reality. Superstition appeared in a dream, but this does not mean at all that it is not correct. Caution is the right quality if you do not bring yourself and others to excesses in this parish. If you meet a mirror in a dream, then this is a very good sign, try to look into it. Be Happy!!!

Dream Interpretation - My husband is following me

The key figure in the dream is a man who has turned into a woman. You do not have trust in a relationship with this man, there are many omissions (in a dream, it is openly spoken about surveillance without symbols). But the image of a man makes you think. He has big problems, a thin, emaciated body is his troubles and worries, a diaper with urine and blood is a disease. An office appears in a dream, troubles are somehow connected with management or work, and at the same time because of a certain girl (a man turns into a girl).

Dream Interpretation - Chasing me

Perhaps there is a girl in your life whom you want to patronize. It can be exciting, but dangerous, you have to hide. She did something "illegal", that is, something that causes "public condemnation", in your eyes she also looks like a "criminal", although she deserves sympathy and help. Some other people are involved in this situation. In any case, you have a “hidden” part of your life (in reality or in fantasy) that you hide from the environment and this is somehow connected with your relationship with women (the dream begins with the appearance of a girl, and ends with a meeting with your wife ). As a result, you are hiding either from your internal "censors", or from real people who do not approve of something in this relationship. The dream speaks of your desire for integrity, in order to stop hiding and find an acceptable form for the "shadow" part.

If a person is being chased in a dream, then this is not a very good omen, from which problems with the authorities should be expected, up to and including arrest. Also, such a dream suggests that a person is pursuing some goals, and is unlikely to achieve them.

What if I'm being chased in a dream?

If a policeman was chasing a dreamer in a dream for some kind of offense, then in reality he may be drawn into illegal affairs, because of which he may face a prison term. A dream in which a person is caught up is especially bad, as this suggests that he will not be able to escape punishment. The only way to avoid trouble is not to get involved in dubious projects and not to promise anything to the people who offer them. Often a person dreams that they are chasing him, if in reality he needs to quickly make a difficult decision, as a result, the subconscious mind gives out such a dream. However, in this case, you should not rush, it is better to try to find as many arguments in favor of one or another option as possible. If a woman dreamed that her husband was chasing her to kill her, then in reality she should not anger him, as she would react very aggressively to this. On the contrary, it is better to show concern, then it will be possible to avoid an unpleasant conversation.

If an unmarried girl is tormented by the question of why she is dreaming that several robbers are chasing me to kill, then she should not walk alone in the near future, as she may be attacked, it is better to take a taxi or ask a friend to take her home.

When a man dreams of chasing him, he should not speak out against his boss in the near future, otherwise he will make his life unbearable, and the only way out of this unpleasant situation will be dismissal. And this will be very pleased with colleagues who have long envied him and slander him before the head. If evil dogs try to catch up with a person, then in reality he should be wary of the intrigues of enemies who will do anything to make the life of the sleeping person unbearable. When in a dream the dreamer runs away from someone, but does not know exactly from whom, then in reality he has many problems, and he does not know how to solve them, and constantly puts everything off until later. He should get down to business, and try to get rid of all the troubles that have fallen on him, otherwise he will not be able to move on in life. More than that, he will be left completely alone, as friends and family will give up on him.

What portends?

Thinking about the question of why I am dreaming that they are chasing me, you should definitely look at the interpretation of this dream in several dream books, so you can find the right answer much faster. Nostradamus warns the dreamer that his enemies are not asleep and will soon strike him. Hasse advises to be extremely careful, because at any moment a person can make the wrong decision, which will cost him dearly. A modern dream book advises after such a dream to refrain from participating in conflicts, as they can lead to arrest. The famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud is of the opinion that this dream shows a person his helplessness in stressful situations. So, most likely, he has a lot of problems in his life and he does not even try to solve them, letting everything take its course. As a rule, such dreams are often dreamed of by such people, and they wake up in a cold sweat.

If a person hears a swift pursuit behind him, then in reality he will be in a hurry to complete some business. However, it is better not to do this, since you can miss a lot of important details, because of which the material side will suffer, and very much.

Chasing in a dream is a bad omen. However, in the hands of any person to change his future, he should not dismiss the prompts of the subconscious. After all, only thanks to them he will be able to overcome even the most difficult problems, emerging from troubles as a winner.

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