How long does menstruation last after medical abortion. Possible complications after medical abortion. Menstruation after medical interruption

The hormonal background of a woman is often unpredictable, and any failure in the body system can affect the production of certain substances. One of the important indicators of a woman's health is a stable menstrual cycle, which stops in case of successful fertilization.

It happens that, due to the testimony of a doctor or other reasons, maintaining a pregnancy becomes impossible. It is worth finding out how long menstruation lasts after medical termination of pregnancy.

What is medical abortion

This term refers to the method of terminating a pregnancy, carried out with the help of drugs, without surgical intervention, exclusively at the initial stages (up to 6 weeks), maximum up to the 49th day from the first day of the last menstruation. The sooner the pregnancy is stopped, the lower the risk and the higher the outcome..

Medical termination of pregnancy should be only at the discretion of the doctor

Another name for this method is “pharmacological abortion”. Today, various domestic and foreign medicines are used, prescribed strictly according to the prescription of a specialist. For the safety of patients, to avoid complications, they are not distributed to pharmacies and are delivered only to specialized institutions.

Medicines must be taken at the doctor's office

The same one who observes the action of the strongest drugs that lead to rejection of the fetus. It usually takes 1-2 hours. In the absence of side effects, after a few days the patient is invited again, and takes the remedy again.

The onset and course of menstruation after a medical abortion

It is necessary to understand how long periods go, when they come, and what happens to the cycle after medical abortion.

Therefore, it is worth understanding the main points of this process.

How soon does the cycle return?

Any abortion is a serious stress for a woman, both physically and emotionally. Full restoration of hormonal balance and ovarian function takes some time.

Menstruation can begin on time if the woman's body is healthy

However, if the woman is healthy and the interruption goes without complications, menstruation comes pretty soon - with the next menstrual cycle. For several months, it may increase slightly up to 10 days, and this is considered the norm.

When to expect next period

This rate of resumption of the cycle is due to the fact that medical abortion does not involve damage to the tissues of the uterus and is carried out in the early stages. Bleeding following medication is not menstruation.

However, it is this moment that gives a guide to the date of the next menstruation. To approximately find out when this happens, you should add the duration of your own cycle (on average, this is 28 days).

The nature and duration of the discharge

The first expected discharge after drug interruption is bleeding that begins within a day, more often in the first few hours. The abundance of secretions gradually decreases, and, normally, by the end of the first week they should be spotting.

When changing the hygiene product at the end of the week, you will notice spotting

A deviation is considered if the blood loss does not decrease or the discharge continues until the next menstruation. This may be due to the development of endometritis or the remnants of the fetal egg in the uterus - what exactly is happening will be determined by ultrasound.

Is a delay possible, and is a pregnancy test needed?

The delay in this situation may be due to factors such as the natural restoration of the cycle, the further development of pregnancy or the next fertilization.

If it persists for more than 10 days, is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, nausea (signs of toxicosis), it is urgent to undergo an additional examination.

Signs of pregnancy after termination - a reason to urgently consult a doctor

Using conventional pregnancy tests is not entirely wise, since the hCG hormone is still stored in the woman’s blood for a month, and there is a high probability of a false positive result.

The first menstruation after medical termination of pregnancy is also significant for diagnosing possible deviations. If they go on for about as many days as before, do not differ in intensity, soreness from the previous ones, and the body temperature does not rise, it is considered that the recovery process is successful.

What does cycle recovery depend on?

Despite existing norms, the resumption of the menstrual cycle in each woman proceeds in her own way. It depends on factors such as age, the general condition of the patient, the presence of gynecological problems and hormonal disorders, the number of previous births and the nature of their course, the interruption period.

The qualification of a gynecologist is a significant factor influencing the further development of events

When planning to terminate a pregnancy, a woman should contact a specialized center and a professional doctor. An experienced specialist will certainly advise on all issues, explain how many periods go after medical termination of pregnancy.

Advantages and disadvantages of this method

The presence of regular periods, as a rule, indicates the possibility of having children. Of course, it matters how many abortions and other gynecological procedures she has undergone. Women who go for an abortion are aware that this step can deprive them of another fertilization.

Aborting a pregnancy is a deliberate move, but for every woman, it's a problem inside her.

However medical method of abortion gives a chance to avoid a sad ending. It is a modern alternative to surgical abortion, after which various complications may appear, including quite severe ones, for example, infertility.

The advantages of pharmacological abortion include:

  • High percentage of positive outcome - more than 95%;
  • The impossibility of damage to the cervix and endometrium (which often occurs with surgical abortion);
  • No need for anesthesia;
  • Low rate of complications in the form of inflammatory processes;
  • The impossibility of contracting hepatitis and HIV;
  • It is easier to tolerate psychologically, which is very significant in such a situation;
  • The best option for women who have not given birth, which allows them to fully preserve their reproductive function, is an indisputable advantage for those who want to get pregnant again in the future.

A competent doctor will weigh all the pros and cons before offering any option.

However, the medabort also has certain disadvantages:

  • Short terms of application - sometimes a woman finds out about pregnancy after 6 weeks, when this method is no longer feasible;
  • A considerable list of contraindications, including cancer, breastfeeding, certain pathologies, severe anemia, poor blood clotting, smoking, etc.
  • Possible side effects (pain in the abdomen, stomach, nausea, diarrhea, contractions).

It is worth mentioning the cases of ectopic pregnancy, which is not amenable to the action of the medications used and is interrupted by the surgical method. Therefore, one of the conditions for pharmacological abortion is pelvic ultrasound to confirm or refute uterine pregnancy.

The drug method quite rarely does not bring the proper result, if you look at its greater effectiveness in general. However, it must be remembered that such a risk exists, as with other types of abortion. Therefore, a woman is recommended to visit a doctor without fail for control.

Possible Complications

Why and how long menstruation does not go, what pains can be, how long they can last after a medical abortion - these and other questions concern women who decide on a pharmacological abortion. The attending physician should also warn about possible complications.

heavy bleeding

May open as with other interrupt methods, but much less likely. If the blood loss exceeds the permissible norms (above 150 g for all days), the patient is prescribed special drugs.

Severe weakness may be a sign of excessive bleeding

Excessive bleeding can provoke the development of anemia (a drop in hemoglobin levels), pressure surges and weakness. To eliminate such conditions, the woman will also be prescribed medication.

Possible inefficiency of the method

And, as a result, the continuation of pregnancy. The risk of congenital malformations in the unborn child is fully justified, despite the fact that officially the harm from the medications used on the developing fetus has not been proven. In such cases, the woman is offered to terminate the pregnancy in another way.

incomplete abortion

A serious complication caused by the remnants of the embryo, amniotic membranes in the uterine cavity. This usually occurs as a result of an incorrectly calculated dose of the active substance. The lack of timely treatment threatens the development of an inflammatory process in the uterus, infertility and is dangerous for the life of a woman as a whole.

Infertility is one of the main consequences of repeated abortions.

Side effects

Serious consequences of taking pills, such as uterine rupture, Quincke's edema, infectious-toxic shock - they are extremely rare and mainly when trying to self-administer drugs without medical supervision.

The woman's body needs time to fully recover.

Especially after any gynecological intervention, in particular medication. The process takes about six months, so during this period it is recommended to take care of contraception.

Carrying out the next interruption procedure is highly undesirable, so as not to harm the functioning of the body systems even more. Frequent abortions can trigger the development of tumors at an early age (before 45 years).

Do not forget about the consequences of abortion

If a woman knows how long menstruation lasts after a medical abortion, as well as the principles for its implementation, it will be easier for her to mentally prepare for changes, and after that, it will be easier to transfer the restoration of her body.

How do periods go after a miscarriage. Check out this helpful video:

Medical abortion: advantages of the method and course of action. Watch in the video:

Rehabilitation and treatment after an abortion. Watch the video consultation of a specialist:

Artificial termination of pregnancy is a difficult test. Regardless of the reasons and methods of its implementation, a woman experiences a double burden: physical and psychological. To fully recover, she needs time, even menstruation after an abortion does not begin immediately, and the usual rhythm of their course normalizes for a rather long time.

Women need comprehensive and truthful information about why there is no period after an abortion. What is considered normal during this period, and what symptoms will be a pathology, how to distinguish bleeding after an abortion from menstruation, and after what time do they occur? In the article you will find all the important information regarding women's health during this period. Such information will help to correctly assess your condition and, if necessary, seek medical help in a timely manner.

Features of menstruation with various types of abortion

Abortion is possible in the following ways:

  • with the help of medicines;
  • vacuum method;
  • in a surgical way.

If an abortion is required, it is recommended that it be carried out as early as possible. The duration of the recovery of the body depends on the method of intervention. It should be understood that negative consequences can occur regardless of the method of abortion. This may be a temporary disruption of the cycle (this problem is described in detail in the Causes of Disorders section) or serious health consequences with impaired reproductive function (see the Complications after an abortion section).

It is important for women to understand that the condition after an abortion (bleeding and discharge) is not menstruation, but a consequence of an abortion.

Menstruation itself will begin only after the restoration of reproductive function, that is, after 28 to 45 days (the countdown starts from the first day of cleaning). The indicated terms are the extreme limits of the norm, on average, the female body needs 30-35 days for primary recovery, that is, for the maturation of a new egg, ovulation and its removal from the body (until the first menstruation after an abortion).

When there is a choice, it is worth giving preference to less traumatic methods of interruption. Abortion is carried out for up to 20 - 22 weeks (after this period, the operation will be called "artificial birth"). At the request of the patient, an abortion is recommended to be done no later than 12 weeks, in the future, the operation is performed only for medical reasons. The sooner it is done, the less risks, in the early stages the woman herself and the doctor have the opportunity to choose the method of interruption. But in any case, the possibility of complications remains, and the first menstruation may begin late. Consider how the methods of conducting an abortion and speed are interconnected.

Menstruation after medical interruption

Drug-induced abortion is considered the most benign way to terminate a pregnancy. This opinion is based on the following facts:

  • early date (no later than the 7th week);
  • medicines cause rejection of the fetus, which means that it is not necessary to further injure the uterus and endometrium;
  • the fetus comes out naturally without additional interventions.

Normally, periods after a medical abortion should begin in 20 to 45 days, and spotting can be observed during the first 10 days after a medical abortion. The body is gradually recovering, it takes several months, after which the menstruation will go in the usual way.

Since women most often use special preparations on their own at home, it is important to understand that bleeding after rejection lasts only a few days (on average, a week). But there are alarming symptoms in which you should immediately go to the doctor. These include:

  • cramping pains;
  • dizziness, nausea and/or vomiting;
  • temperature rise;

Any of these symptoms is a serious reason to visit a gynecologist. If the menstruation after the pharmacist did not start on time, then it is also necessary to visit a doctor. The main risk with medical abortion is the ineffectiveness of the procedure. That is, bleeding is not yet a guarantee that everything went well, and the fetus was completely rejected. Even if the first menstruation after an abortion began in a timely manner, it will not hurt to visit a gynecologist. This is necessary to assess the condition of the female body after the procedure.

How long do periods last after medical termination of pregnancy? may start with a slight delay (but not more than 2 weeks). If there is a longer delay in menstruation or after the termination of pregnancy on the 20th day, then you should immediately contact a specialist.

Menstruation after vacuum aspiration

The method of vacuum termination of pregnancy is also considered less dangerous for the female body. The operation is performed for up to 7 weeks, it is done using a vacuum that pumps a fertilized egg out of the uterus. After a mini-abortion, bleeding is observed within 5 to 10 days, which should be painless.

When does menstruation begin after an abortion made by the hardware method? The standard term is 30-35 days from the date of the operation. Menstruation can come at the normal time for the cycle (for example, after 28 days) or be delayed a little (but not more than 10 days). Menstruation after a vacuum abortion in its color, consistency and duration usually does not differ from normal. If there are deviations, then it is necessary to consult a gynecologist. Usually 3 months is enough for the female body to fully recover, after which menstruation should go in the usual way without any deviations.

Menstruation after surgical abortion

Most complications are observed after surgical abortion. This is due to the technique of its implementation. Curettage of the uterus is accompanied by damage to the endometrium, so bleeding after surgery can continue for 10 days (up to complete healing), and recovery may take up to six months.

Endometrial disorders are a serious injury, insufficient cleaning may require a second operation, and too much curettage can lead to serious pathology. If the deep layers are damaged, then a woman may have big problems.

Since the deep layers are not restored (unlike the surface layer), menstruation may not begin at all. That is, the mechanism of egg maturation and its removal from the body will take place without the usual bleeding, but the reproductive function will remain.

When menstruation begins depends on various factors. These include:

  • timing of the operation;
  • the age and health of the patient;
  • the skill of the surgeon;
  • the absence or presence of a secondary infection (the state of the reproductive system after curettage increases the risk of infection and the development of infectious diseases).

How many days are discharges? After the operation, the maximum period is 10 days, while there should be no severe pain, spasms, fever and other unusual symptoms. Menstruation should begin at the usual time, a slight delay (up to 2 weeks) is possible. If 45 days after surgery, menstruation has not begun, then you should visit a gynecologist.

Factors affecting the resumption of menstruation

After an abortion, the female body needs a recovery period. It can be divided into 2 stages:

  • first: the time it takes for a new egg to mature. Usually it is 30 - 35 days, sometimes the first menstruation can begin earlier, at the usual time (but not less than 20 days) or later (maximum after 45 days);
  • second: the period required for the full restoration of the menstrual cycle (from 3 to 6 months).

The period when menstruation begins for the first time after an abortion depends on the following factors:

  • method of conducting (the body recovers most quickly after a medical abortion, which is considered less dangerous);
  • timing (the sooner the better);
  • age (a young body recovers faster);
  • the presence of pathologies of the reproductive system (diseases may worsen or new ones develop, which affects the duration and quality of the rehabilitation period);
  • anesthesia (some drugs can cause hormonal disruptions);
  • the experience of the surgeon (the more accurate and professional the curettage is, the faster the body will return to normal);
  • the quality of rehabilitation (the recovery period may require a sparing regimen, the use of special drugs, psychological assistance, etc.).

Hormonal disorders after an abortion

If menstruation after an abortion did not start on time, the nature of menstruation has changed (they have become too plentiful, last longer than usual, or too scarce), that is, there is a reason to worry about your health. Hormonal failure is one of the most common consequences of artificial termination of pregnancy. Recovery takes a maximum of six months. During this period, you may experience:

  • abnormal course of menstruation (abundant, scanty, untimely, too short or long);
  • change in general condition: increased fatigue, weakness, acne or pimples, weight gain;
  • psychological problems: a sharp change in mood, nervousness, irritability.

Any of these symptoms individually or their appearance in a complex indicates that you need to contact a specialized specialist. If these symptoms persist, then we can talk about the serious consequences of an abortion. Sometimes it may take several years to restore hormonal levels, women experience amenorrhea or dysmenorrhea, and there are problems with conception.

The reason for this phenomenon is an artificial termination of pregnancy, and the longer the period, the worse the consequences can be. The female body during pregnancy undergoes serious hormonal changes, it prepares for childbirth. The sudden disruption of this process causes a hormonal storm, which is sometimes difficult to cope with. That is why it is customary in medicine to limit the duration of the operation (maximum 12 weeks) and use sparing methods (medical or vacuum abortion, which are performed early and are considered less traumatic). If the hormonal background has not recovered, then treatment is prescribed, which is aimed at normalizing the balance of hormones.

Causes of violations

The menstrual cycle after an abortion may be temporarily disturbed, but the consequences of the operation should completely disappear within six months. During this period, the following may be recorded:

  • deviations from the cycle;
  • more serious consequences.

Although the symptoms are similar to signs of a hormonal imbalance, the causes may be completely different. Let's consider this question in more detail.


Abundant periods after an abortion can be the result of an inflammatory process, poor-quality cleaning, trauma to the organs of the reproductive system. It is not normal if, and the amount of discharge is so large that a woman is forced to change a pad or tampon more often than once every 3 hours. The consequence of blood loss can be the development of anemia, iron deficiency, problems with immunity (against the background of the latter, other diseases often develop).


The scarcity of allocations is also a problem. Scanty menstruation may indicate a spasm of the appendages, a violation of their function, a partial retention of blood in the uterus as a result of its atony or other reasons. If within 3 months, then this is a serious reason to think about the state of health, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary in this case.


A delay in menstruation after an abortion by more than 45 days indicates pathological processes. It can also be caused by various reasons:

  • the absence of menstruation is observed if adhesions and / or scars appear;
  • the uterus has been damaged or the muscle tone is insufficient (if there is no menstruation after an abortion, then they can accumulate inside the uterus, resulting in infections and serious complications are possible, up to peritonitis);
  • if the deep layers of the endometrium are damaged, the reproductive function is preserved, and. This is because only the surface layer of this tissue can be restored, and menstruation is the result of its rejection;
  • re-pregnancy: if a woman does not observe sexual rest for a month (after an abortion, this is recommended) and sex was unprotected, then the risk of re-pregnancy increases many times over.

What to do in such a situation? The absence of menstruation for more than a month and a half is a sign of pathological processes, only a specialized specialist can identify the cause and begin treatment.

Complications after an abortion

We have already indicated some possible consequences (hormonal failure, adhesions, delays, bleeding, etc.). Complications may appear as:

  • incomplete removal of the embryo;
  • damage to the organs of the reproductive system;
  • development of fibroids, cysts in the ovaries and mammary glands;
  • the appearance of tumors, including malignant ones;
  • the development of a variety of gynecological diseases;
  • appearance of psychological problems, etc.

Abortion is a serious intervention in the female body. Regardless of whether menstruation comes on time or not, she needs the supervision of a gynecologist. The consequences can be long-term, for example, you can find out about infertility after an abortion even after a year. The most important recommendation is the use of contraceptives that prevent unwanted pregnancy. Then you can avoid all the consequences of artificial termination of pregnancy. If surgery is necessary, then it is recommended:

  • carry it out in the early stages, preferably with medicines or a vacuum method;
  • visit a gynecologist within six months, fulfill his appointments during the rehabilitation period;
  • at the slightest problem after an abortion, consult a doctor;
  • observe sexual rest for a month to exclude complications and re-pregnancy.

Abortion is always stressful: physical, emotional and hormonal. It is difficult to say exactly when menstruation begins after an abortion. They are often absent for some time. If it lasts a couple of months, there is nothing to worry about. If the recovery process stretches for a longer period, you need to think and visit a specialist as soon as possible.

How abortion affects the cycle

For some, another negative pregnancy test is a real tragedy. But not all women are happy if the mini-test shows two strips. Sometimes the decision is made to terminate the pregnancy. Often it can also be interrupted for medical reasons. The body's response to an abortion can be unpredictable. But the fact that it is always there is a fact.

Temporary disturbances also apply to reproductive function. There is a disorder in the balance of sex hormones, namely they are responsible for the onset of menstruation.

If there is no menstruation after medication or other interruption of the gestation period, this is a serious reason to consult a doctor.

During an abortion, the inner layer of the uterus is injured, the fetal egg is suddenly removed and a sharp hormonal change occurs. The menstrual cycle is temporarily disturbed, hypomenorrhea develops, there are atypical spotting or too heavy bleeding.

A sharp hormonal restructuring causes a long recovery of menstruation, sometimes this process takes up to six months.

In other cases, recovery occurs quite quickly. How long this process will take depends on many factors: the type of abortion, the quality of the operation performed, the gestational age, etc.

Medical abortion in the early stages is done in several main ways - medicines, vacuum and medical instruments. The latter is the classic method and is used most often. True, among other methods, scraping is the most traumatic and dangerous for its negative consequences.

Medical abortion involves the termination of pregnancy with special hormonal preparations. During vacuum manipulation, a pump is used, with its help, the endometrium and the fetal egg are removed.

Menstruation after vacuum abortion

After a mini-abortion, the cycle report begins from the day of the manipulation. This does not mean that the critical days will begin this very second. There will be discharge, but they are a sign of the impact on the uterus and its healing. Characteristics of discharge after vacuum abortion:

  • duration 5–10 days;
  • blood inclusions of the corresponding color;
  • moderate soreness as during menstruation;
  • a small amount of discharge, gradually fading away.

It is important that the discharge does not exude an unpleasant odor. Itching and burning should normally be absent. An increase in temperature is a bad sign, this indicates the development of an inflammatory process or infection that disrupts the recovery period. In this case, you will have to wait six months or longer for menstruation.

If there are no additional complications, rehabilitation is much faster, the female body recovers well. Menstruation comes after about a month. Permissible delay - no more than 1.5 or 2 months.

To make recovery faster, after abortive measures, experts advise to give up bad habits, follow a diet with minimal coffee consumption, have a good rest, do not burden yourself with excessive physical exertion, and avoid stressful situations.

How quickly menstruation begins after a vacuum abortion depends on whether the woman has already given birth. If it was supposed to be a second birth, the process could be delayed.

Menstruation after surgical abortion

Reviews indicate that such abortions are painful. Curettage violates the uterine integrity (its walls bleed), contributes to vascular damage, so bleeding is a constant companion of such a serious intervention.

Scraping day is the first day of a new cycle. This is where the report should start.

After a surgical abortion, menstruation can come on the 30-35th day. The duration of the cycle will gradually decrease and will soon return to normal.

At the very beginning after the operation, the woman will be tormented by bleeding. Do not be afraid if the first menstruation passes with some deviations. It can be meager discharge or, conversely, too plentiful. All this is the cause of hormonal failure. You can restore the hormonal background with birth control pills, but you can take them only on the advice of a specialist, because such a medication provokes the development of serious complications.

Menstruation after medical termination of pregnancy

When will menstruation go after a pharmacist? New reports begin. Most often, bleeding occurs a couple of days after the pill is taken to cause a miscarriage. At first, the blood goes poorly, then it intensifies. It must be understood that with heavy bleeding, the egg is released. Menstruation after medical termination of pregnancy for the next month comes late.

The nuances of recovery after a honeybort:

  • a slight delay (considered normal up to 10 days);
  • recovery within 6 months.

This situation is normal. If the deviations are too obvious, menstruation is very scarce or, conversely, abundant, there are other pathologies, there is no need to postpone a visit to the doctor. Menstruation after medical abortion is normalized after 28-40 days. Until then, the cycle will be delayed.

After an abortion with medications, this process is necessarily controlled using an ultrasound machine, and if there are no deviations, the manipulation is considered successful.

How long do periods last after medical abortion? Uterine bleeding after a pregnancy has been interrupted tends to last a week, sometimes longer. A bloody mass with clots is a miscarriage. When menstruation starts after medical termination of pregnancy depends on the body and the recovery period.

For faster recovery

Restoring the menstrual cycle after an abortion is a long process, and it must be approached with all responsibility. It is impossible to predict the occurrence of complications. They can start from any kind of abortion. Therefore, after the procedure, every woman should carefully monitor her well-being, listen to the body and pay attention to any unusual condition, and not expect everything to go smoothly and simply. If you do not follow the prevention, recommendations and instructions of the gynecologist, you can provoke the development of inflammation and infection, which is fraught with much more complex and dangerous pathological processes. Not paying attention to them, you can no longer get pregnant in the future.

Delay after abortion

Sometimes periods are absent for a very long time. This cannot be ignored. To avoid problems, you should definitely go to a consultation and ask your doctor why there are no periods after an abortion when the pregnancy is terminated.

Medical treatment

You can not engage in self-prescription of drugs, only a doctor can do this, because complications are possible. Medicines are prescribed on an individual basis, taking into account all the characteristics of the body, the intervention, complications and other important factors. In order for the restoration of menstruation after an abortion to be faster, after the manipulation, the woman should drink a medicinal course, which includes:

  1. Antibiotics. They are necessary to prevent infection. Take about a week.
  2. Vitamin complexes with antioxidants. Contribute to the maintenance of the body and help it recover.
  3. Painkillers. In addition to relieving pain, they also accelerate the contraction of the uterine cavity, prevent the development of bleeding.

Traditional medicine to restore the cycle after an abortion

How to restore the cycle after an abortion? Many, trying to find the answer to this question, turn to alternative medicine and folk remedies. One thing is important - they should not become the main ones in the process of therapy. But they can be used as an additional treatment to speed up recovery.

Most often, a boron uterus is used. A tincture is made from the herb. With its help, the menstrual cycle is restored. And also the medicine helps to relieve inflammation and improves the functioning of the genitourinary system. Many women who have terminated their pregnancy, and using this method, noted that menstruation came and recovered quickly enough. If the period is very late, you need to visit a doctor.

Psychological factor

Recovery after an abortion (surgical, vacuum, pills that cause miscarriage) before the onset of menstruation is a long process. Everyone goes through it differently. Therefore, it is difficult to say exactly when menstruation begins after an abortion. It is important to follow all the recommendations and appointments of a specialist. Not the last place is occupied by psychological rehabilitation. This does not mean that you need to immediately make an appointment with a psychotherapist. The support of relatives and close people will help to restore psychological health (so that a loved one does not go down in the water), because they know the character of a woman well, they can guess her thoughts. Such support must be given credit, because it sometimes turns out to be the best medicine. To better understand what happens to a woman's body during this period, relatives can read special articles and comments, stories from the lives of women who have gone through an abortion. This will help you find the right words.

Pregnancy is not always desirable, sometimes in life circumstances develop in such a way that a woman faces a difficult choice. If for some reason she does not have the opportunity to bear a child, take care of him, then she has to decide on an abortion.

Pharmacological abortion

There are several types of abortion, one of them is medical abortion.

Medication or pharmabort is an artificial termination of pregnancy with the help of medications.

It is most preferable to use it during pregnancy no more than 6-7 weeks, which corresponds to 42-49 days of delay with a menstrual cycle of 28 days. In some countries, this type of abortion is allowed up to 24 weeks of pregnancy. But one should take into account the fact that the longer the period of delay, and hence the pregnancy, the less likely the successful outcome of the procedure.

Termination of pregnancy is carried out at the request of the woman in those countries where it is not prohibited by law. As such, there are no specific indications for this procedure, except for those cases when doctors forbade a woman to become pregnant for some reason, but conception did occur. In this case, when determining the fact of pregnancy in the early stages, a pharmaceutical abortion will be preferable to a surgical one, if there are no contraindications to it.

Like any medical manipulation, medical abortion has its indications and contraindications.

The first and main contraindication is an ectopic pregnancy, in this case, no pills will give a positive effect, the embryo from the tube can only be removed surgically. Therefore, before you start taking abortive drugs, you must definitely undergo an ultrasound scan and make sure that the woman does not have an ectopic pregnancy.

  • Allergy to the active ingredient of the drugs used;
  • Long-term treatment with glucocorticosteroids;
  • Treatment with anticoagulants;
  • Reduced blood clotting;
  • Myoma, malignant tumors of the uterus;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs
  • Severe extragenital pathologies;
  • Serious lung diseases (asthma, tuberculosis);
  • Renal or liver failure;

Smoking women over 35 years of age should definitely report their habit to the doctor, since in this case the risk of complications and consequences is very high.

What is dangerous pharmabort?

The consequences of pharmacological termination of pregnancy can be both unpleasant and dangerous. Even if there are no side effects, the effect of such powerful drugs is still quite traumatic for a woman's body. The basis of the action of these pills is a complete blockage of progesterone, which can lead to hormonal imbalance.

Minor side effects include indigestion, nausea, skin reactions, general weakness and fatigue, and dizziness.

More serious consequences are:

  1. incomplete abortion;
  2. ongoing pregnancy (drug did not work);
  3. Cramping pains in the abdomen;
  4. Uterine bleeding;
  5. Fever;

The effectiveness of the pharmabort is assessed using ultrasound. The doctor must confirm the complete absence of the fetal egg or its particles in the uterine cavity.

How to treat the consequences of pharmaceutical abortion?

In case of incomplete termination of pregnancy, a woman is recommended curettage of the uterine cavity, which is carried out under general anesthesia. This is necessary, since the retention of a part of the fetal egg in the uterus can provoke both severe bleeding and an infectious process.

If the pharmacological method turned out to be ineffective, and the pregnancy was not interrupted, the doctor must definitely warn the patient that the unborn child has a very high risk of malformations. In such cases, surgical termination of pregnancy is strongly recommended.

Cramping pain after a medical abortion is normal, because under the influence of medications, the uterus begins to contract. Their intensity depends on the height of the woman's pain threshold, but, as a rule, the sensations resemble pain during menstruation. If the pain is unbearable, you can take an antispasmodic or pain medication with the permission of the doctor.

It should be borne in mind that uterine bleeding after an abortion is inevitable, but in different women it will be of an individual degree of intensity. Discharge from the genital tract can continue for up to 12-14 days. If two pads of the maximum size are soaked with blood within an hour, and this continues for at least two hours, then such bleeding requires emergency treatment in the hospital.

In case of indigestion, if vomiting occurs less than 1 hour after the administration of the drugs into the body, they must be taken again. If after 1.5 hours or more, there is no need to take these pills anymore. With severe and frequent vomiting, it makes sense to take antiemetic drugs.

If allergic reactions occur, in most cases it is enough to take an antihistamine tablet.

An increase in temperature can be triggered by pharmaceutical preparations. But in such cases, it should not be more than 38 degrees and last no longer than 24 hours. If the temperature rises above 38 degrees, or the first rise in temperature occurred the next day after taking the drugs, you should urgently contact your doctor. This may be a sign of an infection.

When do periods start after a medical abortion?

Bloody discharge after this type of intervention usually goes like heavy periods in the first week, with a transition to spotting in the second week. Bloody clear discharge can persist until the next menstruation.

The beginning of the menstrual cycle, or its first day, is the day the bleeding starts, usually one day after taking the pills. Menstruation should be expected after a period that is a normal menstrual cycle for a woman, with the possibility of a delay of up to 10 days. That is, if your cycle was earlier than 28–30 days, then the first menstruation after an abortion should begin in the range from 28 to 40 days.

According to statistics, every tenth woman who has made a pharmaceutical abortion has no menstruation for 2 months (or 2 cycles).

Usually, after several cycles, menstruation begins to come on time, and go for 3-7 days. Such a quick recovery is due to the fact that at the very beginning of pregnancy there are no serious hormonal changes in the body yet, which means that it is easier for him to return to his usual state after an abortion.

However, before the cycle is restored, monthly may come with a delay. If more than two expected cycles have passed, and menstruation still does not begin, you should contact a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct an examination, give a referral for an ultrasound scan and, if necessary, prescribe drugs that stimulate the restoration of the cycle.


Reproductive function can resume approximately 1.5 weeks after the abortion. Therefore, already a few days after the procedure, it is necessary to begin to protect yourself. Hormonal contraceptives can be started the same day the bleeding starts, or as directed by your gynecologist.

The menstrual cycle is a very important part of a woman's life. It is easy to determine the health of a woman, whether everything is in order. Moreover, menstruation is important if the body has undergone such an operation as an abortion. Not everyone knows how hormones behave after this and after how much discharge appears. The restored menstrual cycle after an abortion has its own special characteristics.

Menstrual cycle after abortion

The first day of menstruation after an abortion of any kind is the first day of the cycle.

If the body endured such stress without complications, then the next menstruation begins a month from the day of the operation, or rather, after as many days as the cycle lasts.

For example, if regular periods came every 27 days, then after so much from the day of the abortion, they should be expected again. But do not forget that ovulation will still occur on the due day, even before menstruation. So at this time, remember about protection. Most often, the gynecologist himself after the abortion prescribes oral hormonal contraceptives.


If menstruation after an abortion began earlier than the due date - it's okay, this is considered the norm. But if there was a significant delay, you should pay attention to this and visit a gynecologist.

If monthly blood does not appear within 45 days from the date of abortion, you should urgently seek the help of a doctor. This could mean that:

  • the fetal egg was not removed, the fetus still began to develop - pregnancy;
  • pregnancy develops due to poor protection on advisory days;
  • there was a gynecological disease.

As for the latter, this option has the most interest. After all, abortion is the removal of the fetus from the uterine cavity, during which the mucous membrane is damaged. Sometimes curettage is performed very strongly, which damages the uterine cavity, violates its integrity up to the muscles, and then inflammation occurs. If you do not consult a doctor in time, a woman runs the risk of becoming infertile.

If you notice that after an abortion you feel bad, menstruation does not occur, be sure to consult a gynecologist. He will conduct an examination, most likely, prescribe an ultrasound of the lower abdomen to find out the cause of the delay. And already, on the basis of this, treatment or repeated surgical intervention will be prescribed.

Do not worry if after this procedure there is a scant discharge from the vagina - this is normal, because the hormonal background is greatly changed. Now, if after a month it does not recover, there is a reason to check for the presence of diseases (infections and complications).

After a mini-abortion

Mini - abortion - this is the same operation, carried out up to the 5th week of pregnancy, it is also called vacuum. The fertilized egg is "sucked" out of the uterine cavity. After this period, it will be impossible to do this, otherwise you can damage the body and cervix. A woman can observe the consequences of an abortion for about 1 week: bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen, weakness.

The amount of blood released depends on the structure of the body, the term of the interrupted pregnancy. If after a mini-abortion it only smears a little, then after a serious abortion at week 22, blood is lost a lot. But, if it bothers you for more than 7 days, you need to urgently go to the doctor. Since it can be dangerous for the health and condition of a woman's life. The fertile egg may not have been completely removed.

How many go

With medical abortion or after a miscarriage, the duration of menstruation during the restoration of the cycle, as a rule, does not differ from the discharge before the intervention. The longer the gestational age, the greater the likelihood of complications in the form of excessive scraping, damage to the myometrium, leaving parts of the fetus, and hormonal disorders.

Therefore, changes in the duration and intensity of menstrual bleeding are possible, both upward (up to 7-10 days) and scanty (daub 1-2 days). But in any case, normalization and stabilization of cyclicity should occur within 2-3 cycles. If failures persist for up to 6 months, you should consult a doctor.

Looking at the type of abortion, at what gestational age it was done, we can talk about the timing of the start of the next menstruation. Their appearance is also affected by the complications that a woman can get during the operation.

The usual common cycle of critical days in a woman takes 20 to 30 days, plus or minus a few days. All this proceeds in direct proportion to the characteristics of the body, structure and hormonal background. The duration of blood release is also different for everyone: from 3 days to a week. If your period is more than 7 days late, this is a wake-up call. In a normal female body, they pass almost painlessly or quite a bit with spasms.

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