How many days before menstruation does bt fall. What should be the indicators of basal temperature before menstruation


The temperature of the human body fluctuates depending on the time of day. The lowest rates are observed in the morning hours. This morning temperature of the human body is called basal. The indicators do not have to be the same at the same hours. It is generally accepted that the average temperature of the human body is 36.5 ° C, but in women it is above 37 ° C for about half the monthly cycle. The basal temperature decreases slightly before menstruation. By fluctuations in indicators, you can determine the moment of ovulation and the onset of menstruation.

Can there be a temperature before menstruation

Due to the characteristics of the body, women have an increased BBT for about 2 weeks. Considering that the most uncomfortable range of TT for a person is 37-37.5 ° C, it is not surprising that women often have mood swings and poor health. The only consolation is that you can make a graph of basal temperature that correlates with menstruation.

What you need to make a schedule

To identify patterns in each case, basal temperature is measured daily for 3 months. BBT is measured in the morning, at the same time and no later than 8 am. The duration of sleep before measurement should be at least 5-6 hours. Before the measurement, you can not show any physical activity, up to "sit in bed".

BTT is always measured with the same thermometer to avoid errors in readings. Digital or special basal thermometers are best suited for this purpose, they are able to record even minor changes in BBT. The duration of the measurement is at least 5 minutes, but some digital thermometers give a sound signal about the end of the measurement.

Measurement methods:

  • oral;
  • anally;
  • vaginally.

Due to good compression of the sphincter of the anus, the anal method is considered the best. This method provides the most accurate data. Indications are collected from the first day of the monthly cycle: the next after the end of bleeding. At the onset of menstruation, measurements do not stop.

normal schedule

At the end of menstruation, BT decreases to the usual averages of about 36.5 ° C. Deviations of 1-2 tenths of a degree are normal.

From the first day after the end of menstruation, they begin to draw up a schedule. Gradually, BBT begins to grow. In the follicular period (from the beginning to the middle), it gradually rises to 36.6-36.9 ° C.

In the middle of the monthly period, in the ovulation phase, the basal temperature rises to 37-37.4 ° C. This is the phase of the highest temperature indicators. The difference in BBT between the follicular and ovulatory phases is about 0.5°C. The ovulation period lasts approximately 2 weeks ± 2 days, depending on the individual length of the monthly cycle. An increase in temperature just before menstruation is not normal unless the woman is pregnant.

Can there be a temperature of 37 before menstruation

This largely depends on the individual characteristics of the body, but 37 ° C is the lower limit of the norm in the ovulation phase before the onset of menstruation. The average basal temperature before menstruation is 37.2°C. Sometimes women cannot understand why the temperature rises to 37.5 before menstruation and stays that way even after the onset of menstruation. The answer here is simple: most likely, the woman became pregnant. The second cause of increased BBT can be infectious or inflammatory diseases.

Temperature during menstruation 38

BTT 38 ° during menstruation is not a normal phenomenon, but it occurs. And far from always such BT is bad news. If there is a subfebrile temperature before menstruation, it is better to go to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test. If there are 2 strips, you should visit a gynecologist to confirm pregnancy. Sometimes, if the hormonal balance fails, a rapid test can show a non-existent pregnancy. If the increased BT lasts for a long time, but there is no pregnancy, this is a sign of a disease that requires immediate treatment. Postponing a visit to the doctor in the hope that it will pass by itself is impossible.

The norm of basal temperature during menstruation

With menstruation, BBT begins to decrease. Normally, on the first day, it can be up to 37.4 ° C. But BTT is affected not only by the phase of the menstrual period, but also by other conditions:

  • heat and stuffiness in the room;
  • general overheating of the body (sleeping with an electric blanket or under an overly warm blanket);
  • possible diseases;
  • too short, less than 4 hours of sleep before measurement;
  • alcohol drunk the night before;
  • food or liquid intake before measuring BBT;
  • violation of the BT measurement mode;
  • taking certain medications;
  • sexual intercourse in the morning before measurement;
  • diseases that disrupt the hormonal balance.

If the bedroom is too hot, your basal body temperature may be much higher than normal.

What should be the rectal temperature before menstruation

3 days before menstruation, the basal temperature usually drops to 37 ° C and stays that way until the onset of bleeding, after which it begins to decrease. If throughout this period and in the first days of menstruation, the basal temperature is above 37 ° C, this may indicate a pregnancy.

Temperature in the vagina before menstruation

The BT of the human body is the same everywhere, but due to the fact that in different places the thermometer sensor fits differently, the readings differ from each other. When measuring temperature under the arm, the readings will be the lowest. In the vagina, the BBT is the same as in the anus, but the readings during the measurement may be lower. Or be the same. Depends on the sensitivity of the sensor and the fit. The vaginal temperature during menstruation can also be lower than the anal temperature due to moisture.

Attention! During oral measurement of BBT, saliva cools the sensor very much.

The difference between anal and oral indicators can be 0.5-1°C.

Why does the temperature rise before menstruation

The menstrual period is divided into:

  • follicular;
  • ovulation;
  • luteal;
  • period.

In the follicular egg matures. To create conditions for the maturation of the egg, estrogen production is suppressed at the beginning of the phase. The lack of estrogen leads to an increase in BBT during the second ovulation stage.

Important! The lowest BTT value falls just in the middle of the monthly cycle: on the last day of the follicular phase.

Body temperature in the second phase of the cycle

The lower temperature limit in the second phase of the cycle is 37°C. Basal temperature rises in the middle of the menstrual cycle. 10 days before menstruation, the temperature is already stable between 37 ° and 37.4 ° C.

Temperature a week before menstruation

If menstruation occurs every 4 weeks, then even on the 23rd day of the cycle, the basal temperature is still above 37 °. Indicators may decrease slightly if the cycle is shorter than the lunar month or much longer. With a period of more than 28 days, all phases are somewhat "stretched" in time.

Attention! On the 20th day of the cycle, the basal temperature can drop by one tenth of a degree.

Temperature on the first day of menstruation

Immediately after the start of menstruation, BBT begins to decrease from 37 ° C and continues to fall until the end of menstruation. In the case of pregnancy, there is no fall, BBT values ​​continue to remain above 37.5 ° C.

Temperature and delayed menstruation

BBT from 37.5° to 38° in the second (ovulatory) phase, in combination with a delay in menstruation, most likely indicates the onset of pregnancy. But it must be borne in mind that increased BT can be due to diseases of the organs that produce hormones, and hormonal failure can cause a delay in menstruation.

How many days before menstruation does basal body temperature drop?

The basal temperature in the ovulation phase is kept almost at a constant level until the onset of bleeding. The body "hopes" for pregnancy. The data may fluctuate within 0.1°. If the initial BBT was high, a couple of days before the period, it may begin to gradually decrease. But the readings drop sharply with the onset of bleeding. Indicators almost immediately return to the average level of 36.5 ° C.

Deviations in temperature readings in diseases

Although few people have an ideal temperature schedule, every woman has her own “norm”, found out experimentally. Deviations from this norm indicate any diseases. Sometimes a consistently elevated, but not very high, BBT indicates sluggish inflammation.

Deviations from the schedule in one direction or another may indicate internal pathologies:

  • n significant decrease in BBT on the eve of menstruation and again an increase in indicators above 37 ° indicate endometritis;
  • increased BBT, not changing for 18 days and no menstruation at the usual time = pregnancy. But it is better to check this with a specialist;
  • an increase in BBT up to 37 ° C in the first half of the cycle indicates inflammation of the appendages. In this case, the increased BBT is kept in the second phase, not decreasing with the onset of menstruation. During bleeding, BT is also more than 37°C;
  • slow increase with a difference of less than 0.4° between the first and second phases is a symptom of progesterone deficiency. Insufficiency is also indicated by a decrease in the time of the second phase and an earlier than usual onset of menstruation.

Failure in the temperature graph in itself is not yet a sign of any disease. Many other factors influence performance. But in the presence of regular deviations, it is necessary to visit a doctor.

When to See a Doctor

With significant or regular deviations from the established schedule, especially in combination with a delay or early arrival of menstruation, a visit to the doctor will be necessary. If the basal temperature in the second phase is above 38 °, and severe pain is felt in the lower abdomen, a visit to the medical facility cannot be postponed for a long time. A medical examination is also necessary when confirming pregnancy.


The basal temperature before menstruation should normally not exceed 38 ° C. If such BBT lasts longer than 18 days, you should consult a doctor.

Anyone who is planning a baby in the near future or simply monitors their health is interested in the features of the body. Many women measure their basal temperature, because it helps to understand whether the reproductive system is functioning normally. To determine if everything is in order, you need to know what indicators a woman should have at different periods of the cycle.

Measurement Rules

Before talking about specific values, it is important to find out exactly how the basal temperature should be measured before menstruation. The most accurate readings will be only if a number of conditions are met. So, it is desirable to take measurements at the same time, in the morning, until the woman gets out of bed. Doctors recommend monitoring the basal temperature, and not taking measurements in the mouth or armpit. It is believed that in the rectum it is most reliable.

It is also important to sleep at least 4 hours before the measurement. In addition, it must be remembered that during illnesses that are accompanied by an increase in temperature, it makes no sense to carry out such measurements, the picture will be distorted. Any intestinal disorders, significant changes in the daily routine, taking sleeping pills, alcohol can also affect morning performance. On these days, the temperature can be omitted or taken into account when calculating averages.


It should be noted that there are general average indicators of what the basal temperature should be before and after menstruation, during ovulation, as well as at other periods of the cycle. But each organism is individual, therefore, in order to understand whether there are problems with the reproductive system, it is necessary to regularly record the obtained values ​​​​and build graphs. Possible diseases are judged by temperature fluctuations, by the difference in indicators in the first and second phases, by the nature of their changes. The graph is built as follows: the days of the cycle are marked along the horizontal axis, and the measurement values ​​are marked along the vertical axis. Normally, two phases should be clearly visible on it. In the first of them, the temperature is lower and is at the level of 36.5 degrees, and in the second, which occurs after the release of the egg, it rises to 37 or more. To understand if there are any problems, doctors recommend counting the averages in each of the phases. The difference between them should be at least 0.4 degrees.

Cyclical changes

If it is clear with the indicators in the first and second phases, then the question of what the basal temperature should be before menstruation worries many women. Ideally, in the second phase, which begins after ovulation, the values ​​\u200b\u200bshould be above 37 degrees. By the beginning of menstruation, they may decrease slightly. The first days of menstruation are characterized by the fact that the temperature drops every day, reaching the level of 36.5-36.8 degrees by the end of them.

Before ovulation, it can fall even more and rise sharply immediately after the release of the egg. This indicates that the second phase has begun. If you measure indicators regularly, then various problems can be suspected by the deviation of values. Despite the fact that many people talk about the meaninglessness of measurements during critical days, the temperature during this period can tell you what aspects of women's health you should pay attention to. The basal temperature during menstruation should fall, if this does not happen, then you should think about passing the examination.

Possible diseases

On average, a couple of days before the start of the discharge, the indicators should begin to decrease. A gradual decrease in temperature should also occur during critical days. If, instead of lowering during menstruation, there is a sharp rise to about 37.6 degrees, then this may indicate the development of endometritis or endomyometritis. Of course, an increased basal temperature during menstruation should alert, but making a diagnosis using only one measurement is unacceptable.

But in the case when in the second phase the temperature barely reaches 37 degrees, but with the onset of critical days it rises above this level, inflammation of the appendages can be suspected. In addition, measurements provide an opportunity to identify problems with the tubes or cervix. It is worth talking about the probable inflammation of these organs in cases where the temperature indicators increase by the 4-5th day of menstruation. It is worth paying attention to those cases when the basal temperature before menstruation is 37.2. If at the same time it does not drop significantly with the onset of critical days, then it is better to do a test. Perhaps this is a pregnancy with a threatened abortion. But if the temperature has risen for one day, then you should not worry, this still does not mean anything. Also, do not forget that measurements alone are not enough to make a diagnosis; this will require a series of examinations.

First phase

Having dealt with the temperature during critical days, you can find out how the body should behave after they end. Normally, the thermometer readings should be at a level of about 36.6, but they will depend on the personal characteristics of each girl or woman. For some, they will stay at the level of 36.4 throughout the first phase, for others they can rise to 36.8 degrees. But both cases described are perfectly acceptable.

But a more significant rise in temperature indicates that it is better for a woman to consult a gynecologist. If the indicators in the first phase approach 37 degrees, then this may indicate a lack of estrogen. But this can only be confirmed with a blood test for hormones. You should also be wary of a rise in basal temperature during menstruation and its periodic increase by 1-2 days throughout the first phase to a mark of 37 degrees and above. This may indicate inflammation.

Indicators during ovulation

An unusual basal temperature before or during your period may indicate a number of problems. But measurements on other days are no less revealing. Normally, the next morning after the release of the egg, a woman observes an increase in temperature. It can be either abrupt or gradual. For some, on the very first day, it increases by 0.4 degrees, for others, this difference is gained in 2-3 days. Both of these situations are perfectly acceptable. In the event that the rise in values ​​takes more than 3 days, one can suspect the inferiority of the egg released from the ovary or a lack of estrogens. As a rule, it is almost impossible to get pregnant in such a cycle.

Start of the second phase

If the indicators after the release of the egg do not reach 37 degrees, then this may indicate the inferiority of the corpus luteum. But it is not worth talking about the insufficiency of the second phase only by the temperature value. It is important to look not at the indicators themselves, but at the difference in the values ​​that were in the first and second parts of the cycle. If measurements are taken in degrees Celsius, then it will be 0.4 or even higher during normal functioning of the body. Although it is not worth making any diagnoses without an examination. The insufficiency of the second phase and the appointment of progesterone preparations is possible only after an appropriate analysis.

End of the second phase

Regardless of what kind of values ​​a woman had after and before ovulation, the basal temperature before menstruation should begin to decrease. At the same time, its value by the first day of the cycle should normally not exceed 37 degrees. If, according to the schedule, ovulation took place more than 14 days ago, and the temperature does not drop, then you can do a test that helps to diagnose the conception of a baby in the early stages. The basal temperature before menstruation is 37 degrees is considered quite normal. But at the same time, it is important that it decreases with the onset of secretions. If menstruation began, and the fever lasted a few more days and fell only by the end of the critical days, then this may indicate an aborted pregnancy.

Phase duration

In addition to knowing what the basal temperature should be before menstruation, it is important to know how long each part of the cycle can last. So, the length of only the second part of it is relatively constant, depending on the characteristics of the body of each particular woman, it can be 12-16 days. But the ideal option is considered in which it lasts 14 days. But the long first part of the cycle can range from 10-12 days to several weeks. Of course, with a cycle of 28 days, it lasts about 14 days, during which time the follicle has time to mature and ovulation occurs. But for some women, it can be much longer. At the same time, all the necessary stages go through in their body: the growth and maturation of the follicle, the release of the egg, the formation and functioning of the corpus luteum.

Norm Options

It is not worth talking about some diseases only by the level of temperatures. But this information is needed in order to suspect some problems and undergo the necessary studies to confirm or refute the diagnosis. At the same time, it is impossible to judge only by one cycle, it is necessary to carry out measurements at least for three months. If the picture repeats every month, then together with the gynecologist, you can draw any conclusions by analyzing how the basal temperature changes before menstruation. The norm for it cannot be set in absolute values. It depends both on the values ​​in the second and in the first phase. If a woman's indicators before ovulation are around the mark of 36.4 degrees, then after it they may not exceed 36.9. At the same time, an increase in temperature to 37 by the day of menstruation will not speak of approaching critical days, but of the onset of pregnancy.

Anovulatory cycles

Ideally, a woman should have a biphasic basal temperature chart. Before menstruation, it decreases slightly, but at the same time, the difference between the averages of the first and second half of the cycle fits into the norm. But it is quite acceptable if ovulation is absent once or twice a year. In this case, the indicators can change every day, the temperature can rise sharply, then fall. This does not indicate any problems, just this month there will be no ovulation.

Important nuances

If on any of the days before the measurements the normal daily routine was violated, then the temperature will not be indicative. If you drank alcohol in the evening, got up a couple of hours before the measurement to go to the toilet, or in the morning there was closeness, then the obtained values ​​\u200b\u200bmay differ significantly. Even a banal indigestion or stress the day before can cause fluctuations in the temperature curve. This, by the way, is one of the reasons why it is impossible to judge the state of a woman's health on the basis of one graph alone. But at the same time, it should also be noted that even an ideal schedule, in which two clear phases emerge with a good difference in indicators, and the basal temperature before menstruation is 36.9 degrees, does not mean that the woman is in excellent health. For example, measurements will not give any information about the size of the endometrium in the uterus or adhesions in the tubes. Therefore, even with normal indicators, visits to the gynecologist should not be neglected.

Even in the last century, doctors found out that if you measure the temperature inside the female body every day, you can learn a lot about how her reproductive organs function.

Basal temperature before menstruation and after menstruation allows you to track important changes in the female urogenital area. With the help of daily temperature fixing, the most suitable or unlikely days for conception are calculated. The BT method helps to "detect" pregnancy even before the delay, that is, the end of the cycle, as well as to identify deviations in the state of women's health.

Basal temperature - changes in temperature, recorded rectally, orally or vaginally in a woman immediately after a night's sleep.

Regardless of the method, for an accurate measurement result, some rules should be followed:

  • The chosen method of measurement should be used only one. If in this cycle you started measuring BBT in the anus, then continue until your period. And only in the next cycle, the method can be changed;
  • Temperature indicators are recorded daily for at least 3-5 months in a special schedule.
  • Measurements are taken early in the morning at a fixed time, immediately after the woman wakes up;
  • During the periods of measurements, deep sleep should be at least 3-5 hours. That is, if you got up to go to the toilet in the morning, 1-2 hours before getting up, then the measurement result will be unreliable;
  • The graph should reflect not only the basal temperature figures, but also the factors affecting its changes: stress, sexual contact, alcohol or medication intake, changes in the study time. All this can suddenly increase BBT. Therefore, make notes under the graph. For example: "5 dts - woke up 3 hours later."

But these are not all important nuances. Read the detailed article and how to interpret it.

BT in different phases of the cycle

The female body is a complex mechanism controlled by numerous hormones. It is they who influence the digital temperature changes in different cyclic phases: it goes down or goes up. That is, the graph clearly demonstrates two phases: before and after ovulation.

Basal temperature in the second phase of the cycle is an important indicator of how the female organs function. But measuring it only at this time is not enough: you need to see the whole “picture” in its entirety, that is, BT measurements are important for a whole month, and preferably several.

Let's analyze what basal temperature should be at different cyclical phases in a non-pregnant young woman.

Time of menstruation

On the first day of the cycle, the indicators are usually low, but not low either - 36.7-36.9 degrees. Further, an increase in temperature may be observed, but it does not rise above 37 degrees. By the end of critical days (4-7 days) BT decreases.

Ovum maturation phase (first phase)

During the period when the egg matures, immediately after menstruation, figures from 36.2 to 36.6 degrees are considered optimal. Before ovulation, a slight drop is possible. The temperature will begin to rise as soon as the egg begins to leave the follicle.

Luteal phase (second phase)

The temperature after ovulation rises and reaches the maximum figures (37-37.5 degrees). This happens due to the active production of the hormone progesterone.

At the final stage of the luteal phase, the indicators again begin to decrease slightly. The optimal bt before menstruation (2-4 days) is considered to be a basal temperature of 36.8-37 degrees.

Your rectal temperature before your period may not match the reference temperature. A difference of plus or minus 0.3 degrees is considered the norm, because each of us has our own characteristics. That is why it is extremely important to conduct research for several months in order to identify “your” indicators.

However, the main thing here is the general trend: the basal temperature in the second phase of the cycle rises by 0.4-1 degrees, and a few days before menstruation (2-3 days) it decreases slightly (by 0.2-0.4 degrees).


Sometimes the results of basal temperature readings before menstruation may have readings that differ from the standard ones. The reason for these changes lies in the failure of the functioning of hormones, which occurs due to two factors:

  • Deviations in the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • The coming conception.

Let us analyze the features of deviations of rectal indicators when the BT schedule indicates the presence of diseases of the female urogenital area.

Anovulatory cycle

A monophasic graph, when the measurements are fixed at almost the same level, indicates the absence of ovulation. In this case . This situation is often caused by hormonal problems. Regardless of the reason, a woman will not be able to get pregnant.

Almost every woman can fix an anovulatory cycle 1-2 times a year. In this case, there is no reason to worry. However, if the graph shows a monotonous straight line for a long time, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary to identify and eliminate the causes.

progesterone deficiency

Lack of the hormone progesterone provokes a condition called progesterone deficiency. Due to illness, temperature indicators rise very slightly and even a week before menstruation do not reach 37 degrees.

A distinctive feature of the disease is a shortened second phase of the cycle, which causes the appearance of menstrual bleeding ahead of schedule.

Inflammatory diseases

Inflammatory processes on the uterine mucosa cause endometritis, which can also be recognized using the curve on the graph.

A bright, characteristic feature of the disease is rectal indicators in the region of 37 degrees on the first day of the cycle, and after a slight fall, they rise again. Such deviations from the norm require a mandatory referral to a specialist.

With inflammation of the appendages (adnexitis), BBT is consistently high throughout the cycle - 37 degrees and above.

When to see a doctor

In addition to important knowledge about what basal temperature should be before menstruation, a woman needs to fix the duration of each phase.

The length of the second (luteal) phase is normally 12-13 days. As for the indicators before the onset of ovulation, here the time frame is more free. However, in a healthy woman, such fluctuations should be negligible. Moreover, such "minor violations" should be noted only within the first phase.

We list the important signs, after identifying which a woman needs to undergo a complete gynecological examination:

  • After ovulation, the basal temperature rises, but quite a bit - by 0.3 degrees or even less;
  • The figures fixing the changes during the entire cyclic period have approximately the same indicators or exceeded or decreased values;
  • In the middle of the cycle, there is a very slow rise in values;
  • The first phase lasts more than 18 days, and the second - less than 10.

BT and pregnancy

However, indicators that differ from the norm can be evidence of a pleasant and often long-awaited event.

Indeed, many women begin to use this technique in order to calculate the best time for conception and quickly.

What should be the basal temperature after ovulation if a woman conceives a child?

Sometimes, about a week after ovulation, BBT drops sharply or slightly - by 0.2-0.5 degrees. This is the so-called implantation retraction - the moment when the egg is attached to the wall of the uterus. It does not last long - on the chart, the decline is usually only one day. Then the indicators return to the previous elevated values. Before menstruation, the basal temperature is kept at 37.1 and above (and does not decrease, as usual).

During pregnancy, temperature data after the release of the egg for a long time retain high rates: from 37 to 37.5 degrees. If these factors are accompanied by a delay in menstruation, and tightness or soreness is felt in the chest, then a pregnancy test may be positive.

However, if bleeding from the vagina joins these signs, you should definitely visit a doctor, since in this case there is a high risk of miscarriage.

In the event that pain and fever are added to the above symptoms, an urgent need to go to the hospital, as these signs may indicate an ectopic pregnancy.

Is the method reliable?

Patients and gynecologists have been using rectal temperature values ​​for a long time, despite the fact that new, modern diagnostic methods have already appeared.

  • Physical exercise;
  • Stressful conditions or psycho-emotional stress;
  • Taking hormonal drugs;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • SARS;
  • alcohol intake;
  • sexual contact;
  • Short or excessively long night sleep;
  • Long distance travel.

It is impossible to take into account all the factors affecting the change in temperature indicators, therefore it is impossible to consider the measurement of basal temperature as 100% in a reliable way.

It would be more correct to use this technique as an aid along with diagnostic methods such as folliculometry or hormone level tests.

The reproductive system of the female body is a complex mechanism for which even the slightest failure is dangerous.

One of the ways to control the work of the genital area is to measure the basal temperature before menstruation. Based on daily measurements, a woman can build a BT schedule and track the dynamics of current processes. This information makes it easier to determine dangerous and safe days for conception.

Normal basal body temperature

The menstrual cycle consists of several phases, and each of them is characterized by its own BBT.

In the absence of pregnancy and an inflammatory disease, the basal temperature index begins to decrease a week before menstruation. For different women, this value is not the same due to individual characteristics. Important information is the temperature difference between the phases.

The follicular phase lasts from 7 to 22 days. At this time, the eggs mature. Next comes the ovulatory phase. Its term is very short - 36 - 48 hours. During ovulation, the egg is fully mature for fertilization. In the luteal phase, the follicle bursts and the corpus luteum is released. The stage lasts 11 - 16 days. Its place in the menstrual cycle is before bleeding.

The concentration of sex hormones in each phase of the MC fluctuates. The exact basal temperature is determined by the levels of progesterone and estrogen. Permissible fluctuation between phases is not less than 0.4 - 0.5 degrees. The normal duration of the menstrual cycle in a healthy woman is 21 to 35 days. Ideally, when menstruation occurs 1 time in 28 days.

Here are the average indicators of basal temperature:

  • Before ovulation - 37.2 - 37.4 degrees.
  • On the days of ovulation - t reaches 37 - 37.2 ° C.
  • After the release of a mature egg, the temperature is kept at around 37 ° C.
  • The day before menstruation - BBT drops rapidly to 36.7 - 36.9 ° C.
  • On menstrual days - 36.9 - 37 ° C.
  • End of bleeding - 36.4 - 36.7°C.

Why you need to know your basal temperature

Basal temperature indicators are relevant for those women who want to know the exact time of ovulation. This period is favorable for conception.

But if the fair sex does not aspire to motherhood, BT will help her avoid an unplanned pregnancy.

From a medical point of view, temperature analysis can be considered as a way to diagnose infertility. Knowing the basal temperature in a particular patient will allow the gynecologist to recognize the inflammatory processes occurring in the uterus and appendages in time.

The basal temperature chart is an important tool for predicting your next period. This is true when planning long trips, doing hard work and in other situations. If the measurements show a deviation from the norm, the woman should visit an endocrinologist and be examined for hormonal disorders.

Comparing BT schedules for several months, and even better - for a year, a woman can easily determine the date of ovulation. The time of a possible conception will show the need to strengthen protective measures, or vice versa, it will signal that there is a chance to become pregnant. But the probability of error here exists even in healthy women. Unexplained failures before menstruation spoil any forecast. Therefore, you should not completely rely on measurements.

However, the curved line allows you to determine ovulation in each cycle and draw a conclusion about the correct functioning of the ovaries. Also, thanks to the schedule, the doctor can understand whether the amount of female sex hormones is normal. Temperature points recorded on the eve of menstruation also help to diagnose pregnancy in the early stages. To confirm this assumption, the gynecologist uses the method of palpation of the uterus and ultrasound data of the abdominal cavity.

How to measure basal temperature and build a graph

The most accurate indicators of basal temperature can be obtained if the rules for its measurement are observed. Measurements in the mouth, vagina and armpit are not very informative. A reliable picture is shown by measurements made in the rectum.

Basic rules for measuring basal temperature before menstruation:

  1. Take your temperature in the early morning without leaving your bed. The thermometer should be nearby so that you do not have to get up for it.
  2. If, for any reason, a woman is awake at night, she should sleep for at least 4 hours the day before the measurement.
  3. If sleeping pills, psychotropic or hormonal drugs are taken, or alcoholic products are consumed, this fact can affect the indications.
  4. Intestinal disorders, illnesses with fever and a sudden change in regimen also distort morning readings.
  5. The temperature should be controlled with the same device. If the thermometer is out of order, you must buy a similar model.
  6. When measuring BBT in the rectum and vagina, the thermometer is held for at least 3 minutes. For measurements in the oral cavity, the minimum time is increased to 5 minutes.

Stress or intimacy in the morning are two more reasons why BT deviates from the norm. On such days, the temperature can not be measured at all, or these values ​​can be discarded when calculating the average indicators.

The basal temperature graph is built according to this scheme - first, the days of the cycle are marked on the horizontal axis, then the measurement results are recorded vertically. If everything is in order in the body, the picture will clearly define two phases.

The first shows a low temperature at 36.5 degrees. The second, which follows the release of the egg, rises to 37 degrees. The average indicators of each phase will help the woman to make sure that there are no pathologies.

The temperature difference between the phases should be at least 0.4 degrees. The ideal option for the second phase is the basal temperature before menstruation is slightly above 37 degrees. Closer to the onset of bleeding, the indicators may decrease slightly. In the first days of bleeding, the temperature begins to decrease and by the last day it reaches 36.5 - 36.8 degrees.

On the eve of ovulation, the indicators may decrease even more, but after the release of the egg, they immediately increase. This is the beginning of the second phase. Regular measurements of indicators help to diagnose gynecological problems.

Some experts consider it pointless to measure the temperature on critical days, but it is during this period that BT can indicate which part of the female body requires medical attention. With the onset of monthly BT indicators should decrease. If the value remains unchanged, it is necessary to undergo an examination.

Pathological deviations of basal temperature

About a day before menstruation, the previous basal temperature should decrease. In the following days, a decrease in temperature is also considered normal.

But if the bleeding process is accompanied by a jump in BBT to 37.6 ° C, this may be a sign of the development of endometritis or endomyometritis.

It is impossible to focus on temperature marks during menstruation when making a diagnosis; they should be perceived by the doctor as additional information.

But when the basal falls below 37 degrees, and with the advent of critical days it exceeds this threshold, for the doctor this is a signal of a possible inflammation of the appendages. Temperature fluctuations also signal diseases of the cervix and tubes. If the temperature increases by the 4th or 5th day of menstruation, the uterus and appendages are likely to undergo pathological changes.

Special attention is required for those situations when, before the start of menstruation, the basal temperature indicator was fixed at around 37.2. If there are no downward changes with the onset of critical days, it is advisable to do a pregnancy test. This situation may indicate the onset of pregnancy, but there is a threat of interruption. If the temperature jumped slightly in only one day, you should not worry about this.

P.S. Knowing the features of the basal temperature before menstruation (what it should be and what deviations are allowed), a woman still cannot diagnose herself and pregnancy.

If the schedule was drawn up for 3 months, it is better to discuss any fluctuations with the doctor. High temperatures are dangerous in the first half of the cycle, and low temperatures in the second. Abnormal for the reproductive system and monotonous temperature. But nevertheless, a qualified gynecologist should deal with the decoding of BT values, since the body of every woman is a separate world with its own laws.

Basal body temperature (BT) is considered the lowest temperature indicator of the human body. The most reliable data is obtained through measurements in the vagina and rectum.

The need to study temperature values ​​is based on the close relationship between the hormonal background of a woman and the process of thermoregulation. With fluctuations in the level of progesterone, which is directly related to fertilization, the indicators change. This happens at different stages of the menstrual cycle. Thanks to the measurement and analysis of basal temperature during menstruation, the state of reproductive health is assessed and deviations are detected in a timely manner.

This gynecological method has been known for a long time. Many doctors recommend keeping a basal temperature calendar, despite the fact that this is an auxiliary way to study the normal course of physiological processes.

There are more reliable and modern methods, but in certain situations, a basal temperature chart before menstruation can come in handy. Correctness of measurements and data interpretation is of great importance.

The main requirement is to take measurements every day, regardless of the state of health. The indicators are recorded in the chart for 3-4 months. Among the mandatory items should be dates and temperature values. Separately, days are marked when the usual way of life was violated: feasts with alcohol, illness and stress, medication.

How temperature changes during the menstrual cycle

Each phase of the cycle has its own standards and temperature standards. Any fluctuations in values ​​in a healthy woman are a reaction to changes occurring in the body.

The study of basal temperature before menstruation allows you to identify and understand many important points. Based on the information received, doctors and women themselves learn about hormonal disorders, ovulation days and future periods, and the presence of gynecological diseases. The cyclic calendar is used when planning and diagnosing conception, as well as in cases where pregnancy is undesirable and must be prevented.

The essence of the gynecological method is to assess cyclic changes. During menstruation, basal temperature can rise and fall. The values ​​depend on how the egg behaves.

In a non-pregnant woman on the first day of menstruation, the temperature remains normal - within 37 degrees. The same indicators are noted a week before menstruation. With each subsequent day, the values ​​begin to fall, fluctuate, and by the last day they become extremely low - 36.3–36.5 ºС. This is the most optimal period for the formation and growth of the follicle.

When the dominant follicle ruptures, the corpus luteum is formed, producing progesterone, which is responsible for conception and prepares the uterus to receive the egg. A sharp release of the hormone during menstruation causes a temperature rise to 37–37.5 ºС. This is the most favorable time for pregnancy.

If conception has occurred, the data in the chart will not change. With accurate fixation in indicators, there should be stability. This picture indicates the fertilization that took place. You can test your assumptions with a test.

According to the temperature chart, even the day of conception is determined. This is usually reflected in temperature fluctuations: at first it drops sharply, after which it rises rapidly. Such jumps occur under the influence of progesterone. When its level drops, the indicators decrease, indicating that fertilization has not occurred.

When studying the graph, it is necessary to take into account the errors and factors that affect the reliability of the values. The reason for incorrect data may be:

  • stress;
  • gynecological and colds;
  • serious physical activity;
  • sexual contacts;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • taking contraceptives and drugs;
  • bad (short) sleep.

These factors increase blood flow and provoke temperature fluctuations during menstruation.

What does the rise in basal temperature mean?

Before the onset of menstruation, the values ​​vary between 36–36.5 ºС. This is the norm, but temperature deviations are possible depending on climatic conditions, health status, lifestyle, physiology.

The growth of indicators is accompanied by the second phase of the menstrual cycle, when ovulation occurs. A high temperature (37–37.5 ºС) may indicate a pregnancy.

Atypical situations are also identified when changes and an increase in basal temperature are caused by gynecological diseases and hormonal imbalances.

Let's single out the most frequent deviations associated with an increase in basal temperature before menstruation:

  1. progesterone deficiency. The presence of a serious pathology is accompanied by a slight increase in temperature, which lasts no more than 7 days. The difference is 0.4 degrees, while the cycle is reduced to 10 days, which provokes the onset of menstruation ahead of schedule.
  2. Risk of miscarriage. With a confirmed pregnancy, a temperature increase of up to 37.2 ºС and late menstruation may indicate a threatened miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.
  3. . The inflammatory process that has begun in the first days of menstruation causes an increase in temperature to 37 ºС. Such fluctuations before menstruation are one of the signs of pathology in the mucous layer of the uterus. Similar phenomena are observed with inflammation of the appendages.

It is important! If, against the background of stable changes during menstruation, sharp temperature fluctuations are observed, consult a doctor. Indicators of 38 ºС and above indicate the presence of serious gynecological diseases.

How to measure correctly

The resulting BT schedule during menstruation is a kind of health scale that reflects a complete picture of changes in the female body. The reliability of the information of this technique depends on the correctness of the procedure.

Two measuring methods are used: rectally (in the rectum) or vaginally (in the vagina). To determine pregnancy, the measurement of rectal temperature is considered the most effective. When using a mercury thermometer, the measurement time is 5-7 minutes, it is enough to hold the electronic device for 1 minute. Insertion depth - 2-3 cm.

The procedure is carried out in the morning after waking up, preferably at the same time. It is better not to get out of bed, so the thermometer should be within reach. When measuring, walking, bending and squatting are unacceptable. Any movement affects blood circulation and is reflected in the performance.

In order to determine the day of ovulation, you can use an alternative method -. You can read more about the procedure in a separate article on our website.

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