Proven ways to reduce the sensitivity of the head of the penis, choose the best one. Sensitive head of the penis: effective methods of treatment

The sensitivity of the penis is essential for a full, high-quality sexual life of a man. It is thanks to the sufficient sensitivity of the glans penis that the representative of the stronger sex has the opportunity to experience, feel bright, thrill during sex, achieve orgasm. Reduction, partial or complete loss of sensitivity leads to problems such as disappearing, unstable erection, lack of orgasmic sensations, sexual dysfunction. What can reduce the sensitivity of the penis and how to increase it?

Why is this happening?

First of all, you need to understand what constitutes a low sensitivity of the penis. It is possible to identify this sexual disorder due to the following characteristic features:

  1. It becomes more difficult to achieve a state of sexual arousal.
  2. Poor, less pronounced erection or the complete impossibility of achieving it.
  3. Sexual contact becomes shorter.
  4. Orgasmic sensations are absent even during ejaculation.
  5. Difficulty achieving ejaculation.
  6. The pleasure of intimate contact is lost.

The reasons for the decrease in the sensitivity of the penis are quite numerous and varied. The following diseases can provoke a problem:

  • Cardiovascular pathologies.
  • infectious processes.
  • Traumatic injuries of the spine.
  • Obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus with concomitant circulatory disorders, which can reduce the blood supply to the penis.
  • Nerve damage in the genital area.
  • Pathologies of the nervous system - weaken the pleasure of stimulating erogenous zones, which include the penis.

One of the most common causes of sensitivity problems is inflammatory conditions affecting the glans and foreskin. The fact is that the head of the penis is the most sensitive part of the penis. Inflammation, scarring of tissues in this area lead to disturbances and even loss of sensitivity.

The sensitivity of the head of the penis can also decrease under the influence of psychological factors. Complexes, problems with self-esteem, depressive states and psycho-emotional shocks lead to the fact that a man feels less pleasure from intimate contact, his ability to perceive sensations during intimacy decreases. This is due to the inability to completely relax, focusing thoughts on other factors.

Sensitivity can decrease under the influence of stress

Smoking, alcohol abuse, drug use can also reduce the sensitivity of the penis. Traumatic injuries of the penis can also provoke a problem. Moreover, the cause of injury is often factors such as masturbation, too rough sex, frequent and excessively long intimate contacts.

The fact is that with dry friction of the penis, an aggressive effect on it, the skin is damaged. This can be expressed in slight redness, soreness. In such cases, the skin becomes rough, creating a barrier between the nerve receptors, the sensitivity is significantly weakened or even completely disappears.

It is also possible to get injured through negligence, for example, during sports activities, horseback riding, cycling, active games with children or pets. Another provoking factor is tight trousers and underwear, which disrupt the processes of blood circulation and blood flow, which leads to damage to the tissues of the penis, irritates the delicate skin of the penis, contributing to their coarsening.

Reduced or, on the contrary, increased sensitivity of the glans penis is the result of a violation of the processes of the hormonal background. A failure in the body of a representative of the stronger sex causes a prolonged and uncontrolled use of certain medications.

Sometimes loss of sensitivity is due to non-compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene. Insufficient or improper care of the skin of the penis leads to excessive dryness, loss of elasticity, irritation and the development of an inflammatory process.

With a decrease in the sensitivity of the penis, you must definitely fight.

This problem violates the quality of sexual life, a man develops erectile dysfunction, and depression begins to develop. If you ignore unpleasant symptoms, then the situation is aggravated. With a long absence of sexual arousal, the function of nerve endings is lost, they cease to transmit certain signals to the brain area, which threatens the development of impotence.

If the problem is not dealt with, complications may arise.

General principles of restoration

How to increase the sensitivity? This question is asked by many representatives of the stronger sex, striving for a harmonious, full-fledged intimate life. If a man has lost the sensitivity of the glans penis, it is best to seek the advice of a qualified specialist.

The doctor will carry out the necessary diagnostics, establish the cause of the problem and prescribe an adequate therapeutic course in order to increase the degree of sensations. Often, weak sensitivity or its absence indicates that the representative of the stronger sex has serious health problems that require professional medical attention.

Depending on the provoking factor established during the diagnosis, the following methods are used to increase the sensitivity of the penis and restore normal sexual function:

  1. Drug therapy - is prescribed for inflammatory, infectious, hormonal diseases. Patients are prescribed a course of hormonal or antibiotic drugs, which can stimulate tissue repair.
  2. Surgical intervention is recommended in case of traumatic injuries, changes in the nerve receptors of the foreskin, when other methods of increasing sensation are not successful. Operations are performed using modern, minimally invasive, painless techniques with an accelerated rehabilitation period.
  3. Psychological rehabilitation is recommended if sensitivity problems have arisen under the influence of psychological factors, stress, depressive states, overstrain, diseases of the nervous system.

To increase the sensitivity of the penis, to avoid such problems in the future, you can listen to the following recommendations of specialists:

There are ways to prevent pathology

  • Exercise regularly. Give the body feasible physical activity and observe the proper drinking regimen (drink at least 2.5 liters of fluid throughout the day) to maintain normal circulatory processes in the penis and pelvic organs.
  • Refuse rough, aggressive sexual contacts, especially if the penis is not as sensitive as before. When masturbating, use a special lubricant cream.
  • Follow the rules of intimate hygiene. Wash the penis daily with warm water and soap, apply a moisturizer to it. Thanks to such procedures, the skin of the penis will become more tender, elastic, sensitive and elastic.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor your weight, stop smoking and abusing alcoholic beverages.
  • Give preference to underwear made from natural fabrics. Avoid overly tight, tight-fitting lingerie and trousers.
  • Change your diet. It is recommended to include products that increase sexual desire and arousal in the daily menu. Good results can be achieved if you regularly eat nuts, seafood, herbs, eggs, onions, ginger, garlic.

Tools and techniques

You can increase the sensitivity of the head of the penis using special techniques and tools for this purpose:

Massage can be used to combat the disorder

  1. Moisturizing gel and cream for intimate hygiene. This kind of funds will help prevent dehydration of the penis, make the skin elastic, and the penis more sensitive. It is necessary to apply the product to an intimate place 2 times daily during the day after hygienic water procedures,
  2. The highest point of sensitivity will allow you to achieve a kind of massage - stimulation of the head with the help of feathers. Experts recommend stroking the penis with feathers for six months before each intimate contact. This technique not only increases sensitivity and promotes arousal, the achievement of an erection, but also helps to diversify intimate relationships, add an element of erotic play to them.
  3. Special preparations will also help to increase and restore the lost sensitivity. An excellent reputation, for example, is enjoyed by Man Oil cream, which promotes intensive nutrition of the sensory cells of the penis, increases overall tone, activates blood flow and cellular metabolism. If you apply the cream on the skin of the penis daily for 1-2 months, it is quite possible to get high sensitivity and improve the general condition of the genital organs.
  4. Massage - normalizes the processes of blood circulation and microcirculation, restores sensitivity. A good effect can be obtained if every day for 1.5-2 months the penis is immersed in a cloth bag filled with fine rice or sand. This is the most simple and affordable way for everyone to increase the brightness of sensations.
  5. A special nozzle on the penis, which stimulates the erogenous zones, gives a wonderful effect. It is recommended to use such attachments before sexual intercourse, as they also improve erectile function and contribute to the prolongation of sexual intercourse.

In the treatment of pathology, it is important to monitor the psychological state

It is very important to normalize the psychological state. A man needs to fully relax, try to avoid stressful situations, excessive mental and physical overwork. Sometimes sexual disorders occur against the background of problems in relationships with a partner. In such cases, the best solution would be a frank conversation or a joint visit to a sex therapist.

Problems associated with a decrease in sensations are fraught with serious psychological disorders and even impotence.

You can restore sensitivity with the help of lifestyle correction, exercise, massage, special cosmetics. Often, a weakening of sensitivity indicators is a sign of serious diseases that require professional medical attention. Therefore, it is best to seek the advice of a qualified specialist and undergo appropriate treatment. In most cases, after the elimination of the underlying disease, everything is fully restored.

Reduced sensitivity (hyposensitivity) of the penis is a problem faced by many men who abuse onanism. The absence of sensations during manual stimulation or frictions may also indicate a violation of the innervation of the head of the reproductive organ.

Before you increase the sensitivity of the penis with the help of manual therapy or special simulators, it is advisable to be examined by a specialist. Penile hypersensitivity may be associated with exposure to a number of provoking factors that need to be identified and eliminated.

Very often, insufficient sensitivity of the phallus occurs due to malfunctions in the nervous system or the development of somatic pathologies. In today's publication, the causes of hyposensitivity, as well as effective methods for restoring the normal innervation of the head of the male penis, will be considered.

Innervation of the penis

Why does the penis become less sensitive? To answer this question, you need to consider some features of the structure and functioning of the genital organ. The ability of the head of the penis to feel is provided by several types of innervation. Somatic and motor, as well as sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation take part in the conduction of nerve impulses from soft tissues to the cerebral cortex.

The tactile sensitivity of the male genitalia largely depends on the type and intensity of various types of exposure: strokes, vibrations, pressure, etc. In turn, tactile stimuli are captured by numerous nerve endings, most of which are concentrated in the head of the penis. Somatic nerves innervate tissues inside the corpora cavernosa, so a decrease in their sensitivity often leads to erectile dysfunction or a rapid weakening of erection after sexual arousal.

In the case of the development of certain pathologies in men, penis hyposensitivity occurs. The loss of the ability to sense in most cases is associated with disturbances in the work of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. Acquired and hereditary factors, as well as somatic diseases, can affect the functioning of nerve endings.

Causes of penis hyposensitivity

Before increasing the sensitivity of the penis, it is necessary to find out the main reasons for its decrease. It should be understood that symptomatic treatment gives only temporary results. Very often, after the end of the course of palliative therapy, the ability of the penis to sensations gradually decreases.

The main causes of hyposensitivity of the head of the phallus include:

  • somatic diseases (diabetes mellitus, heart pathologies, neurological disorders);
  • unhealthy lifestyle (alcohol abuse, smoking, physical inactivity);
  • traumatic factors (regular cycling, rough sex, frequent masturbation);
  • hormonal imbalance (abuse of antibiotics and hormonal drugs);
  • non-observance of hygiene rules (wearing synthetic or tight underwear).

In most cases, a decrease in the sensitivity of the penis is associated with a violation of blood circulation in the soft tissues.

Doctors warn that too frequent "dry" masturbation inevitably leads to a decrease in the sensitivity of nerve endings. As a rule, a short abstinence from self-satisfaction allows you to restore the ability of the head of the phallus to sensations. In addition, psychogenic factors play an important role in the development of hyposensitivity. Constant stress, irritation, problems at work and in relationships negatively affect the functioning of the nervous system. Subsequently, this may affect the quality and speed of nerve impulses from the male genitalia to the corresponding zones in the cerebral cortex.

Ways to increase sensitivity

To increase the sensitivity of the head of the penis, it is necessary to take care of restoring normal blood microcirculation not only in the penis itself, but also in the pelvic organs. As you know, with the blood flow, soft tissues receive the necessary amount of oxygen, amino acids, vitamins and other nutrients. Insufficient blood supply to organs negatively affects the work of muscle and nerve fibers.

Experts identify several main directions for solving the problem, which include:

The reason for the hyposensitivity of the penis quite often becomes depression and lack of self-esteem.

If you cannot cope with psychological problems on your own, visit a psychologist or sexologist. Competent psychological assistance of a specialist helps to increase self-esteem and restore the functions of the nervous system, which will have a beneficial effect on the innervation of the tissues of the penis.

Massage techniques

As a rule, an increase in the sensitivity of the head of the penis occurs against the background of the restoration of normal blood circulation in the tissues. To speed up this process, it is recommended to massage the genitals at least once a day. During therapy, it is advisable to take precautions, as too intense stretching and squeezing of the penis can lead to injury.

Jelqing is one of the simplest and safest techniques, with which you can not only restore the ability of the penis to subtle sensations, but also increase its size. For manual therapy, it is recommended to preheat the scrotum and penis with warm water or a heating pad. In the process of self-massage, you need to perform the following exercise:

  • grab the phallus at the base so that the fingers of the right hand close into a ring;
  • slowly stretch the ring to the middle of the penis shaft and, tightening your grip, stay in this position for 15 seconds;
  • stretch the ring of fingers again, stopping this time in front of the very head of the penis;
  • now with your left hand grab the penis at the very base and repeat the exercise.

Important! During exercise, you can not tightly squeeze the head of the penis, as this will lead to an even greater decrease in the sensitivity of the nerve endings in the spongy tissues.

As practice shows, the sensitivity of the glans penis increases after a week of regular exercise. During self-massage, you need to monitor the degree of erection of the penis. It is not recommended to exercise if the member is erect by more than 60-70%.

Warming lubricants

An increase in the sensitivity of the penis occurs only in the case of normalization of metabolic and redox processes in the tissues of the penis. To speed up metabolic reactions in the cells of nerve and muscle tissues, it is recommended to use special warming lubricants. They include substances of reflex action, which contribute to the expansion of blood vessels and, accordingly, increased blood circulation in the penis.

To make up for the lack of useful substances in the body that take part in biochemical reactions, it is recommended to use only those lubricants and lubricants that include:

  • L-carnitine;
  • retinol;
  • folic acid;
  • pyridoxine;
  • L-arginine;
  • tocopherol;
  • alpha lipoic acid;
  • vitamin D

You should not buy warming lubricants from unknown manufacturers, as they may contain preservatives and stabilizers that negatively affect the skin condition.

Special creams and lubricants are sold in sex shops and pharmacies. Conventionally, all types of cosmetics are divided into several categories: silicone, oil and water-based. According to experts, oil and silicone products are the most suitable. They form a protective layer on the surface of the skin, which prevents the evaporation of moisture and dehydration.

vacuum pump

A vacuum pump is a mechanical device that stimulates blood flow to the tissues of the penis. The vacuum constrictor device consists of an acrylic cylinder and an air pump. The principle of operation of the apparatus is based on the creation of low atmospheric pressure in a limited space, where a non-erect penis was previously placed. Due to the pressure drop in the tissues, there is an additional blood flow to the penis.

In medical practice, vacuum pumps are used to treat erectile dysfunction, increase the size and restore sensitivity of the penis. The systematic use of pumps leads to increased oxygenation of tissues and the restoration of normal metabolic processes in them. According to research results, the improvement of blood microcirculation in the penis has a beneficial effect on the innervation of the head, as a result of which its sensitivity is significantly increased.

The use of a vacuum pump is extremely simple:

  • enter the penis into the opening of the flask;
  • press the pump to the body;
  • pump air out of the cylinder;
  • to achieve an erection, lower the pump down;
  • after 20 minutes, press the shut-off valve;
  • remove the device and do some jelqs.

Such a device is very often used to permanently enlarge the phallus before copulation. If you use the pump for at least 3 months in a row, it will subsequently lead to an increase in the diameter of the penis.

Increased sensitivity of the glans penis and, as a result, premature ejaculation, is a problem for some men. As a result of such physiological characteristics, they are not capable of prolonged sexual intercourse and often cannot bring their partner to orgasm.

People have repeatedly wondered how to reduce the sensitivity of the glans penis, so there are several ways to achieve a result. However, not all recommendations are effective, and some may subsequently harm the body of the man himself or his partner.

radical method

The decrease in sensitivity occurs after circumcision. The head of the penis, not covered by the foreskin, becomes less receptive, which allows you to prolong sexual intercourse. Usually this method is practically the only one in the case when a man has phimosis or balanoposthitis. It is extremely important that the operation is performed by a qualified specialist in a medical institution.

Self-control and exercise

Prolong sexual intercourse will help the use of self-control. The method consists in mastering the way to control ejaculations. If during frictions a man feels that the excitement reaches its peak (ejaculation is nearing), it is necessary to remove the penis from the vagina for a few seconds, stop all movements, caresses and take 4-5 deep breaths. It is advisable to connect both the chest and the stomach to the breathing process. Feeling that the tension has subsided, you can return to the interrupted process.

In addition, the systematic implementation of special exercises helps. The main one is to train the muscles of the urethra. To do this, during urination, you must try to stop the flow of urine. Having determined which muscle tissues are involved in the process, you can rhythmically tense and relax them several times a day. Gradually, it will become easier to control ejaculation.

Use of mechanical means of protection

Good, and most importantly, almost instantaneous results in reducing the sensitivity of the head gives the use of condoms during intercourse. The protective agent allows you to reduce the direct contact of the glans receptors with the walls of the vagina, thereby prolonging coition.

Pharmacy funds

Pharmacology has developed a number of special chemicals that help solve the problem of premature ejaculation. They are available in various forms: in the form of ointments, gels or sprays. They must be applied 5-10 minutes before the onset of sexual intercourse on the frenulum of the head. However, be careful, the use of these substances can cause a burning sensation in the vagina, as well as cause an allergic reaction in you or your partner.

Other Tips

It is impossible not to mention the advice that now and then pops up on the forums or in confidential conversations. For example, to reduce the sensitivity of the head, it is recommended to drink a little alcohol before foreplay. However, be careful, in this way a conditioned reflex is formed and after a while sexual intercourse becomes impossible without alcohol, which, in turn, can lead to alcoholism.

Another way to be careful is to wear underwear. There is a chance that instead of the desired result, you will get irritation or inflammation of the head or foreskin.

Read about ways to prolong sexual intercourse in our article How to prolong sexual intercourse.

However, before you start looking for ways to prolong sexual intercourse, you need to understand the causes of excessive sensitivity.

Usually (in the vast majority of cases) hypersensitivity is characteristic of adolescents who are just starting to have sex and do not have enough experience, but it happens that the problem remains for many years. In this case, it is customary to talk about the congenital features of the genitourinary system.

If such a condition occurs at an older age, this should be an occasion to visit a doctor, since acquired diseases, such as balanoposthitis or phimosis, may be the cause. In the latter case, after a thorough examination and testing, the doctor will prescribe an adequate treatment, as well as give recommendations on resolving the issue of premature ejaculation.

How to reduce the sensitivity of the head of the penis: tips

Men enjoy intimacy much faster than women. This leads to problems in personal life, since 2-3 minutes is clearly not enough for the fair sex. But what should you do, is it your fault that your head is too sensitive? As a result, ejaculation occurs much earlier than we would like.

Don't panic or get frustrated if you finish too fast. You can reduce sensitivity on your own, without the help of doctors, and thus improve the quality of intimate life.

In many sources, you can see information that antidepressants and other powerful drugs also help reduce sensitivity. But we recommend that you do not experiment with them, as you will only harm yourself.

If all of the above methods of reducing sensitivity did not help you, the only way out is circumcision. The operation is quite painful and in adulthood the recovery process takes a long time. But if you want to please your woman and get maximum pleasure, why not?

Men's online magazine

The high sensitivity of the glans penis creates problems for a man in intimate life. He cannot control the moment of ejaculation. Full-fledged sexual contact with a normal duration becomes a big problem, despite all efforts. The situation leads to the acquisition of psychological complexes and insecurity of the partner, which grows with each case of unsuccessful sexual intercourse.

Causes of hypersensitivity of the head can be congenital and acquired.

The main reason is an individual feature, when a man has a congenital high excitability of the nerve endings located on the head of the penis. Most often, this specificity worries only in adolescence, when boys begin to lead an intimate life. As you get older, the sensitivity most often decreases, but in some cases remains elevated for life.

Among the acquired causes, previously transferred diseases are distinguished:

Consequences and symptoms

Congenital pathology is accompanied by a number of specific symptoms:

  • manifestations of pathology are observed throughout life;
  • the duration of each subsequent sexual intercourse does not increase;
  • when using a condom or a special cooling ointment, the duration of intercourse increases;
  • a similar effect is observed after the use of lidocaine, which is applied a quarter of an hour before sexual intercourse;
  • Alcohol intake also contributes to the prolongation of intercourse.

In the case of an increase in the sensitivity of the foreskin due to the disease, other symptoms appear:

  • normal duration of intercourse and premature ejaculation alternate;
  • before the disease (phimosis, balanoposthitis) there were no problems in the sexual sphere;
  • ejaculation can occur outside of sexual intercourse;
  • each subsequent sexual intercourse is longer;
  • the time of intercourse is not affected by alcohol, lubricants;
  • during ejaculation, painful sensations appear, the man does not experience pleasure from such sexual intercourse.

The consequences of increased sensitivity of the head are premature ejaculation, dissatisfaction with the partners in the process. In addition, the problem greatly interferes with the conception of a child.

Fighting methods

To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to consult a doctor who, on the basis of the studies carried out, will draw up a treatment regimen. There are many ways and means that help reduce the sensitivity of the head.


This group includes drugs in the form of injections, tablets or ointments:

  • One group of drugs (Tifen, Papaverine, Spasmolitin) acts on the central nervous system, blocking sympathetic nerve impulses and slowing down the transmission of the excitatory impulse to the spinal parts of the brain.
  • Other drugs affect psychological factors and reduce male insecurity. These include Elenium, Meprotan, Andeksin, Trioxazin.
  • There are also agents that reduce the sensitivity of the foreskin. These are anesthetic drugs in the form of ointments. They are applied not to the head of the penis, but to the frenulum before sexual contact. They slow down the sensitivity of the penis head in a man.
  • Condoms can also prolong the onset of ejaculation, as they act as a barrier to contact with the vagina. Even the simultaneous use of 2 or 3 condoms is practiced.

    self control

    This method is based on the self-holding of sperm, which helps to increase the duration of sexual intercourse.

    First, a man needs to learn a special technique for controlling certain muscles, and then he can master the technique by which sperm is retained.

    The technique is as follows: a man must repeatedly stop the process of urination by tensing a group of muscles. Another option is to retract the scrotum and testicles into the body. A positive effect appears if you do the exercises daily and repeatedly. The duration of such actions depends on the stage of reducing the high sensitivity of the glans penis.

    When the muscle control technique is mastered, then you can move on to the sperm retention mechanism. This technique consists in contracting the muscles and holding them in tension during intercourse and until the moment of ejaculation.


    If these methods do not help to reduce the sensitivity of the penis, then they resort to surgery. The essence of surgical intervention is denervating manipulations. The method is very effective and has an instant result. After the operation, the duration of sexual intercourse immediately increases, sexual life improves, and the man's complexes disappear.

    Another surgical treatment option is circumcision (removal of the foreskin). This operation leads to the fact that the head coarsens very quickly, which means that its sensitivity decreases. Circumcision is the best solution to the problem because it solves it once and for all.

    Folk remedies

    And folk remedies reduce the sensitivity of the penis of a man. One of these is the use of burdock leaf. In winter, it can be replaced with a fresh and juicy white cabbage leaf.

    So, about 15 minutes before sexual contact, put the sheet on the lower back and fix it with a towel, wrapping it around and reinforcing it with pins.

    If you are concerned about rapid intercourse and increased sensitivity of the head, do not hesitate to contact a specialist. It will help you find the best solution to your problem.

    The cause of problems in bed may lie in excessively low or high permeability of the nerve fibers of the penis. Knowing how to increase the sensitivity of a penis, you can avoid awkward situations during intercourse, satisfying your partner at 100%.

    By the way, the hypersensitivity of the genital organ also cannot be called an advantage, since it can bring discomfort to a man, up to pain. In such a situation, the issue of reducing sensitivity comes to the fore.

    We will analyze each case separately, but first a little theory!

    What does it depend on and what does it affect?

    The penis is one of the organs of the male reproductive system, which contains a large number of nerve endings and blood vessels. Its anatomy is represented by two cavernous bodies and a spongy substance. It consists of a root, which is attached to the pubic bones of the pelvis, and a trunk ending in a head.

    A significant number of afferent nerve endings are concentrated in the thickness of the head of the penis and its dorsal part - the coronary sulcus. The part of the skin that covers the head is called the foreskin and performs a protective function against mechanical damage.

    In the lower sections, the sheet of the preputial sac is connected to the head through the frenulum, which also contains a huge number of nerve endings. Thus, the frenulum, coronal sulcus and head have the most developed nervous network and are considered erogenous zones of the male genital organ. The sensitivity of the penis shaft is much lower.

    Rich equipment of nerve endings allows:

    • Bring the member into an excited state and prepare it for.
    • Activate the production of seminal fluid and promote its release from the male gonads.
    • To prevent a man from interrupting intercourse until the end - ejaculation.
    • Stimulate interneuronal synapses that release serotonin and endorphins (“happiness hormones”).

    Increased sensitivity of the glans penis can be observed in inflammatory diseases of the penis, in particular, with balanitis or balanoposthitis, when the affected skin reacts to touch with pain.

    With phimosis - a narrowing of the preputial sac, due to which the part of the head hidden by the skin swells, becomes inflamed and becomes overly sensitive.

    The reason for this condition can also be in prostatitis and prolonged abstinence, as a result of which the head becomes hypersensitive, and ejaculation occurs much faster.

    In addition to this, neuropsychiatric disorders, congenital characteristics and imbalance in the endocrine system in some cases provide hypersensitivity of the male genital organ.

    Causes of low sensitivity of the head and shaft of the penis:

    • somatic pathology. For example, the uncontrolled course of diabetes mellitus, complicated by microangiopathy or polyneuropathy, also leads to problems in sexual life. Damage to the nerve endings negatively affects the sexual and leads to loss of sensation. Spinal column injuries and urinary tract infections can lead to. Not the last place is occupied by obesity, which also leads to a decrease in sexual desire and the loss of pleasant sensations on the physical and hormonal background.
    • Such psychological factors as a low assessment of one's own sexual capabilities, depression as a result of troubles in personal life or at work, fear of a new partner or dissatisfaction in, negatively affect not only the sensitivity of the penis, but also on.
    • Wrong way of life. Prolonged or abuse of alcohol, promiscuity, and unprotected sex (high risk of STDs) all disrupt the nerve fibers in the penis.
    • Injuries. They may arise from frequent masturbation, rough sex, wrestling sports, and the like. Wearing tight underwear and trousers interferes with normal blood flow to the genitals.
    • Medicines, in particular antihypertensives, sedatives and painkillers.

    How to raise?

    First of all, men suffering from low sensitivity should consult with the following doctors: a urologist, an endocrinologist, and, if necessary, a psychologist and therapist, since the cause may be hidden in organic pathology.

    In this case, the solution to the problem will be the treatment of the underlying disease. If no diseases have been identified, then some manipulations described below can help increase the sensitivity of the head of the penis.

    Erogenous masturbation

    To restore sensitivity, stimulation of receptors in erogenous zones is often used. Before direct masturbation, it is necessary to apply a moisturizing lubricant to the penis, while the movements should not be fast (smooth).

    When approaching ejaculation, you need to reduce the pace of movements by half, changing their intensity. Regular use of this method will allow you to get stronger pleasure from further sexual intercourse with partners.

    Feather and cloth

    Practice using a feather and a small piece of thick fabric. The man closes his eyes and slowly runs his penis first with his hand, then with a cloth, trying to focus on tactile sensations and remember their differences.

    Then you should draw a thin and fluffy feather over the penis, which will allow you to feel a seemingly elusive touch. Results from this method can be expected after 4-6 months of training. The main thing is to do them regularly.

    The use of aphrodisiacs and the use of lubricants

    To improve the sensitivity of the penis, it is recommended to enrich your diet with herbs, and. Auxiliary products such as stimulating creams and lubricants can be purchased at pharmacies or specialized stores.

    How to reduce?

    The question often arises as to how to reduce the sensitivity of the penis, since its increased state is not only negative and, but also causes severe pain even with slight touches.

    Auxiliary pieces

    In a sex shop, pharmacy network or in specialized online stores, you can buy lubricants and gels with an anesthetic in the composition, sprays that prolong the duration of sexual intercourse, special ointments or condoms that have a thicker texture and are treated with an anesthetic from the inside. The disadvantage of using them is that the effect is short-term, that is, for the period of sexual contact.


    The use of special medicines also successfully helps to reduce the sensitivity of the head of the penis. However, their use must first be agreed with a urologist. In no case should you self-medicate, this is fraught with negative consequences.

    To block the transmission of nerve impulses, Papaverine and Spazmolitin are most often used, and in case of psychological reasons, sedatives are used. It is not recommended to wipe the skin of the penis with iodine, because this can cause burns, and the effect is almost zero (proven by reviews).


    An alternative way to reduce the sensitivity of the penis is surgery. When choosing such a technique, circumcision of the foreskin is most often carried out, as a result of which the head is completely exposed, or denervation (that is, the “destruction” of nerve connections).

    After surgical treatment, men can have much longer sex and delay ejaculation.

    The main problem of increased sensitivity of the head of the penis is the inability to control ejaculation. This causes a feeling of inferiority during intimacy. The defect can be both congenital and acquired. In this case, the man seeks to learn how to reduce the sensitivity of the head using available methods.

    Doctors recommend not to resort to independent searches for a miracle cure. It is necessary to find out the cause that provoked the pathology. By eliminating it, it will be possible to normalize the level of sensitivity and solve problems in sexual life.

    In the article we will tell:

    Causes of hypersensitivity

    The degree of sensitivity of erogenous zones for each man is different. It is determined by the individual characteristics of the organism, the state of the nervous system and other important factors.

    With increased sensitivity of the glans penis (PC), a man is faced with premature ejaculation. In this regard, sexual intercourse is short.

    The problem is accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • the possibility of ejaculation without sexual contact with a partner;
    • pain during orgasm;
    • the intake of alcoholic beverages does not increase the duration of sexual intercourse;
    • premature ejaculation is also noted after repeated intimacy.

    A combination of certain factors can provoke pathology. One of the possible causes is a disease of the genitourinary system.

    Other predisposing factors include:

    • narrowing of the foreskin of the head (phimosis);
    • mental disorders;
    • inflammation of the prostate;
    • hormonal disorders;
    • irregular sex life;
    • hereditary predisposition;
    • staphylococcal infection.

    If the problem is temporary, there is no need to contact specialists. But with constant misfires, you need to visit the doctor without fail.

    Diagnosis of causes

    Before reducing the sensitivity of the head of the penis, it is necessary to determine the cause of the pathology. The problem is solved by a urologist. At the first appointment, he will examine the penis and interview the patient.

    For an accurate diagnosis, diagnostic procedures will be required:

    • testing for sexually transmitted diseases;
    • palpation of the prostate;
    • ultrasound examination of the scrotum and prostate;
    • delivery of a biomaterial sample from the urethra for bacteriological examination.

    How to reduce head sensitivity

    After receiving the results of the examination, the doctor determines how to reduce the sensitivity of the head . If the pathology is caused by a disease, a course of treatment is prescribed. After it is carried out, unpleasant symptoms should disappear. If necessary, additional diagnostic manipulations are carried out.


    In diseases such as phimosis and balanoposthitis, circumcision helps to reduce the hypersensitivity of the glans penis.

    Surgical intervention is carried out in the following ways:

    • excision of the tissue holding the foreskin (frenulotomy);
    • complete circumcision of the foreskin (circumcisio);
    • dissection of the nerve endings of the penis (denervation).

    With hormonal disorders, prolonged abstinence and mental disorders, surgical intervention will be ineffective.

    The recovery period after the operation is 2 weeks. Intimacy during this period is strictly prohibited.

    The first time after the healing of the organ, increased sensitivity persists. Its decline is gradual. After 2-3 months, a man forgets about his problems.

    self control

    This method of reducing the sensitivity of the head is relevant for psychological problems. In this case, premature ejaculation is caused by the emotional susceptibility of the man. Self-control means long workouts. It is necessary to choose the most suitable methods of pushing back the process of ejaculation.

    Experts recommend stopping sexual intercourse for a few seconds, taking a deep breath, or pulling the scrotum down. This will help delay the orgasm for a while. At this point, it is desirable to switch thoughts from sex to more everyday issues.


    Regular exercise will help to reduce the sensitivity of the head at home and reduce intimate problems to a minimum.

    The most common and effective exercise involves holding urine during urination. At this point, the muscles responsible for holding seminal fluid during sexual arousal are activated.

    1. It is necessary to periodically squeeze the buttocks, imagining that there is an object between them that needs to be held. Starting position - standing on slightly bent knees, tilting the torso forward. The next step is to slowly sit down without unclenching the muscles of the buttocks. The number of repetitions is 10 times.
    2. Starting position - standing straight, arms extended along the body. It is necessary to make movements, as in a drill step, raising the knees as much as possible.

    A positive effect on the work of the male genital organs is the usual run.

    Condoms with antiseptic

    Another way to reduce the sensitivity of the foreskin is to use special condoms. They are saturated with benzocaine, which has a freezing effect on the genitals. As a result of the application, not only the upper part of the frequency converter will become numb, but also its base.

    The desired effect is achieved only during the use of a condom. After removing it, the sensitivity is restored.

    The most common benzocaine condoms include:

    • Durex;
    • Contex;
    • Sico.

    Medical preparations

    Pharmaceutical companies produce many drugs aimed at prolonging sexual intercourse. They come in the form of tablets, sprays and creams. Their action is based on the ability to block nerve impulses and eliminate nervous tension.

    The tablet form of such funds is valued for the lack of influence on the partner. Topical preparations can cause an allergic reaction in her.

    Medications that reduce the sensitivity of the penis should be used 15-20 minutes before sexual intercourse. It is extremely important to study the instructions, eliminating the possibility of contraindications.

    Among the pills that prolong sexual intercourse, there are:

    1. Tifen. Improves circulation in the pelvic organs and has an antispasmodic effect.
    2. Papaverine. It produces a mild analgesic effect by acting on the central nervous system.
    3. Eroforce. Normalizes prostate function and increases the duration of intimacy.

    Means for local use have an anesthetic effect due to the content of lidocaine or prilocaine. Their disadvantages include the lack of the possibility of combining with condoms.

    The active ingredients corrode latex, which reduces the effect of protection. Among these drugs, Emla cream, anesthesin and lidocaine ointment are popular.

    On sale are also special rings designed to restrain premature ejaculation. They are put on an erect organ immediately before sexual intercourse.

    The maximum duration of using the ring is half an hour. If you do not remove it after this time, there will be problems with the blood vessels.

    How to downgrade at home

    There are methods that can solve the problem of hypersensitivity without serious financial expenses. The method of reducing the sensitivity of the head with iodine is very popular among them. It causes a lot of controversy and disagreement.

    It is necessary to apply the solution daily on the penis in the form of a mesh. The total duration of treatment is 3 weeks.

    Reducing the sensitivity of the head with iodine is fraught with burns. Therefore, this method should be practiced with extreme caution. It is also not recommended to combine iodine with lidocaine.

    Mint is considered not only a disinfectant, but also a cooling agent. This effect helps to cope with premature ejaculation. The head of the penis is smeared with mint decoction or toothpaste. The procedure is repeated once a day, daily.

    A positive effect on the duration of sexual intercourse is the intake of herbal decoctions. The herbal mixture is purchased at a pharmacy and prepared in accordance with the recommendations in the instructions.

    Men suffering from high sensitivity of the head, you need to pay attention to calendula, rose hips, capsule roots and oregano. It is desirable to combine the components with each other to increase the effectiveness of the treatment.

    Products that prolong sexual intercourse

    Nutrition plays an important role in the functioning of the genital organs. With the problem of premature ejaculation, a man should give up fatty, sweet, spicy and starchy foods. It is advisable to follow the principles of proper nutrition. Alcoholic beverages are allowed in moderation.

    The following foods must be included in the diet:

    • peanut;
    • chicken eggs;
    • celery juice;
    • different types of meat.

    The effectiveness of the methods used depends on the susceptibility of the male body. The selection of the optimal way to solve the problem is carried out individually. Doctors do not recommend immediately resorting to drastic measures. The operation is carried out when other methods of reducing sensitivity do not lead to the desired result.

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