Perinatal Congress. XII Annual Congress of Perinatal Medicine Specialists “Modern perinatology: organization, technologies, quality. Dear colleagues, friends

Address N.N. Volodin to the participants and guests of the XI All-Russian Annual Congress of Perinatal Medicine Specialists “Modern Perinatology: Organization, Technology, Quality”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Academician V.A. Tabolina


September 30 - October 1, Moscow hosted the XI All-Russian Annual Congress of Perinatal Medicine Specialists "Modern Perinatology: Organization, Technology, Quality", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Academician V.A. Tabolin. The event was the largest in the history of our forums both in terms of the number of participants and the coverage of the discussed problems of providing medical care to mothers, newborns and young children.

The congress brought together 1,138 participants from all subjects of the Russian Federation. The symposiums were also broadcast online, which increased the audience by another 542 people. For the first time, the event was organized by two professional communities - the Russian Association of Perinatal Medicine Specialists and the Russian Union of Pediatricians. The partnership between RASPM and SPR is dictated by the need for the closest interdisciplinary interaction between obstetric, neonatological and pediatric services in order to achieve the main goal - to preserve the life and health of children, to provide conditions for their harmonious growth and development.

Within the framework of the forum, 35 scientific symposiums were held, within which 156 reports were made on the most pressing issues of perinatal pathology: "Genetics in neonatology", "Rehabilitation and preventive programs in children born in critical conditions", "Perinatal and neonatal nephrology at the present stage" , "Perinatal Cardiology", "Perinatal Immunology", "Congenital Infections: A New Look - New Approaches", "High Perinatal Risk Pregnancy: Achievements and Prospects", "Actual Issues of Vaccine and Immunoprophylaxis", etc. Basics of diagnostic methods, treatment, building the process of providing medical care, which are widely used at the present stage, was laid by the outstanding Russian scientist, brilliant teacher Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich Tabolin, whose memory our Congress is dedicated to. Academician Tabolin became the author of neonatal screening, created the first model of a perinatal center, and stood at the origins of perinatal immunology, nephrology and other areas. Vyacheslav Alexandrovich is a teacher for almost every pediatrician, regardless of whether he personally attended the Master's lectures or studied the basics of pediatrics from his scientific works.

The forum was attended by leading domestic and foreign experts in the field of perinatology: L.S. NAMAZOVA-BARANOVA - President of the European Pediatric Association, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of the SPR, Chief Freelance Children's Specialist in Preventive Medicine of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences; M.A. KURTSER - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Presidium of the Moscow Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; A.G. RUMYANTSEV - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director General of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology named after Dmitry Rogachev"; A.N. STRIZHAKOV, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences; N.P. SHABALOV - Professor, President of the St. Petersburg Regional Branch of the "Union of Pediatricians of Russia", Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department and Clinic of Children's Diseases of the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Military Medical Academy. CM. Kirov” Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (St. Petersburg); S.B. SEREDENIN - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Scientific Supervisor of the V.V. Zakusov Research Institute of Pharmacology; A. KURYAK - President of the International Academy of Perinatal Medicine; M. LUNA - President of the European Union of Neonatal and Perinatal Societies; F. CHERVENAK - President of the International Society "Fetus as a Patient"; I. G. SOLDATOVA - Professor, Deputy Minister of Health of the Moscow Region - Head of the Department for the Organization of Medical Care for Mothers and Children. “During its existence, your Forum has become an important scientific event. And today it has once again united well-known scientists, neonatologists, pediatricians, obstetricians-gynecologists and other related specialties. All of you are unique specialists who literally hold the future of our country in their hands. After all, you care about women's health, help a child to be born, nurse the smallest children, ”he said in his greeting to the guests and participants of the Congress CHAIRMAN OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION DMITRY ANATOLYEVICH MEDVEDEV. Letters of welcome to the Congress were also sent by the President of the Union of the Medical Community "National Medical Chamber", Professor L.M. ROSHAL, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences I.I. DEDOV, neonatological and pediatric societies of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. F. CHERVENAK, President of the International Society "Fetus as Patient" (USA), in his speech at the opening of the Congress, stressed that the tension in political relations between our countries in no way affects the field of professional cooperation of medical specialists, their joint projects and human communication.

For the third time we are honoring the best doctors and institutions who have made a significant contribution to the development of perinatal medicine in Russia. Representatives of more than thirty subjects of the federation applied for the III All-Russian Prize "First Persons", which rightfully found recognition in the medical community. Every year the number of participants increases, the geography of the competition expands. The works of the debutants - the Crimean and Chechen Republics - were highly appreciated by the experts, and the representatives of the latter became the owners of a special prize of the Board of Trustees. A total of 12 winners received awards.

XI All-Russian annual congress of specialists in perinatal medicine "Modern perinatology: organization, technology, quality", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Academician V.A. Tabolin, has become a status platform for the exchange of experience, demonstration of the latest innovative developments and the development of practical recommendations. I express my sincere gratitude to all the scientists and practitioners who made presentations at the symposiums, to all the listeners who were in the halls of the Congress Hall for two busy days, and to the organizers of the event. Ahead is the next, XII Congress, with which our most daring expectations are connected. See you soon!

RASPM President, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
N.N. Volodin

At the congress "Modern Perinatology: Organization, Technology, Quality", leading Russian experts and their foreign colleagues will discuss topical scientific and practical issues of modern perinatology, innovative methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment of diseases, prospects for the development of the field and improvement of technologies.

The Congress will be attended by:

Nikolay Volodin– President of the Russian Association of Perinatal Medicine Specialists, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Leyla Namazova-Baranova- President of the European Pediatric Association, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia, Deputy Director for Research of the FGAU "NNPCZD" of the Ministry of Health of Russia - Director of the Research Institute of Pediatrics of the FGAU "NNPCZD" of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Chief Freelance Children's Specialist in Preventive Medicine of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, MD. , professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Elena Baibarina– Director of the Department of Medical Care for Children and the Obstetrics Service of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor; Irina Soldatova- Deputy Minister of Health - Head of the Department of Organization of Medical Care for Mothers and Children of the Ministry of Health of the Ministry of Health, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.

The following issues will be discussed during the congress:

    Infections in neonatology as a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in newborns.

    Tactics of pregnancy management in patients after the use of assisted reproductive technologies (ART). What problems related to the health status of children born after the use of ART still remain unresolved?

    Neonatal oncology: unique methods of treatment of newborns.

    Breast milk in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

    "Vaccination cannot be delayed": vaccination of pregnant women and newborns. False ideas of doctors about vaccinations and true contraindications to immunoprophylaxis of diseases.

    Ethical and legal aspects of the use of off-label drugs in the neonatal period: the experience of specialists.

    Painful manipulations in the NICU. Will the pain experienced by the newborn in the NICU affect his health in the future?

    Pharmacoeconomic aspects of the organization of medical care in perinatology. How can the introduction of new technologies help to reduce the costs of hospitals for nursing preterm infants outside the NICU?

    Orphan diseases: diagnostic algorithms in the neonatal period, a personalized approach to therapy.

    How effectively are specialized institutions using the capabilities of expensive equipment for intrauterine diagnosis of congenital heart defects (CHDs)? What to do if CHD is detected in the fetus?

Within the framework of the congress, a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the IV All-Russian Prize "First Persons" for achievements in the field of perinatal medicine in Russia will be held.

The XII Annual Congress of Perinatal Medicine is organized by the Russian Association of Perinatal Medicine Specialists (RASPM). Technical organizer - NP "Society for the Development of Medicine and Health" (ORMiZ).

Venue: Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 31a, building 1, Renaissance Moscow Monarch Center Hotel

Additional Information:

The contact person:

Evgrafova Alina

Scientific program Venue

Dear colleagues, friends!

Perinatology is a dynamically developing field of medicine, the main principle of which was and remains the unification of the efforts of specialists to provide quality care to a pregnant woman, fetus and child in the first years of his life, as well as the development of effective interdisciplinary interaction.


President of the Russian Association
perinatal medicine specialists
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Volodin N.N.

Gathering on its site obstetrician-gynecologists, neonatologists and pediatricians, as well as pediatric neurosurgeons, cardiac surgeons, ultrasound specialists, geneticists, endocrinologists and many others . The main task is to discuss the latest approaches to diagnosing and treating the most complex pathologies of the fetus and newborn, to increase the level of knowledge of doctors in certain issues, and thereby instill an understanding of the need for continuity in the actions of all medical personnel at various stages of providing medical care to patients.

The relevance of the topics discussed during the event is confirmed by the geographical coverage of the audience. To exchange experience, gain knowledge about the development of new methods, approaches and improvement of technologies, specialists from all subjects of the Russian Federation and their foreign colleagues come to the Congress every year. The number of our guests is also steadily growing: at least 1,500 specialists are planned to attend this year.

We always pay special attention to the approaches to organizing the work process of the thematic sections, and the video materials mounted at the end of the Congress become real manuals for specialists and do not lose their relevance for a long time.

The XII Annual Congress of Perinatal Medicine Specialists "Modern Perinatology: Organization, Technologies, Quality" is included in the Plan of Scientific and Practical Activities of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for 2017 (Order No. 99 dated March 7, 2017) .

In addition, an application for a training event will be submitted to the Committee for the Assessment of the Conformity of Training Activities and Materials for Continuing Medical Education (CME) the established requirements of the Coordinating Council for the Development of Continuous Medical and Pharmaceutical Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. This step, in case of a positive decision, will make it possible to present all participants of the Congress with certificates of the established form with the accrual of NMO points.

This year, according to tradition, within the framework of the Congress, IV All-Russian Prize "First Persons" . The solemn ceremony involves the awarding of specialists, as well as medical institutions for achievements in the field of perinatal medicine in Russia.

Colleagues, I invite you to take part in the XII Annual Congress of Perinatal Medicine Specialists, because only by uniting can we improve the level of care provided to patients and contribute to the development of domestic perinatology. I am sure that together we will be able to hold one of the most unforgettable and, most importantly, effective scientific and practical events in our country.

Best wishes,
N.N. Volodin

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