An enlarged heart in a dog causes. Ambulance to a four-legged friend. Congestive heart failure

Heart failure is an age-related disease. bad heart at old dog- It's like a self-evident fact. "Where to be healthy heart at this age?" - I often hear from the owners of the "old men". Of course, the aging process is irreversible. But is it always natural, do we sometimes accelerate it ourselves, due to our ignorance or insufficient care for our animals?

You can detect the first signs that a dog's heart is starting to fail long before serious disorders appear in it. It is important to capture this moment because early stage development of heart failure treatment is most effective. Sometimes you just need to change your diet and reduce physical activity to stop the process.

The first signs may appear as early as six or seven years of age.. Your dog has become tired more quickly, he needs more time to catch his breath after a walk. If this happened in hot weather, everything is clear: the dog tries to get rid of excess moisture in the body, "sweats". But soon the heat was replaced by cool days, and the dog's shortness of breath continues. Of course, shortness of breath accompanies many diseases. She appears at high temperature and with various pains, with poisoning and simply from indigestion. However, with all types of cardiac disorders, shortness of breath is the most constant and sure sign. If you go to the doctor in time and he confirms that the whole thing is in the heart, then you should simply reduce the time of walking and transfer the dog to three or four small meals a day.

But here you did not pay attention to the very first signal. A cough may appear a little later, although your pet does not have a cold and retains an appetite. This happens after long runs or when happy meeting with you. This is a formidable symptom, and here you can’t do without drugs. They should be given for a long time and always under the supervision of a veterinarian. But let's imagine that here you missed it (the dog is cheerful and agile, it has an enviable appetite). Attacks of coughing and shortness of breath can pass without any treatment, but after a while they will appear again. This may be repeated several times. Over time, the intervals between attacks will become shorter and the attacks themselves longer.

Now your dog will need to be given medication constantly, for the rest of his life, and there will be less and less hope of success. And finally, the unfortunate animal develops shortness of breath at rest, coughing fits do not go away for a long time and torment the dog both day and night. The dog becomes lethargic, indifferent and looks indifferently at the pieces of meat offered to her, which she loved so much until recently. it running case, and the doctor most often fails to correct the situation at this stage. The heart muscle is already so worn out that it has no reserves left even for partial recovery. In this case, the prognosis is always disappointing.

But you can prevent trouble: if your pet suddenly has shortness of breath after six or seven years, and even more so a slight cough, show it to the veterinarian.

There are breeds that are particularly prone to heart disease. It doesn't mean that all these dogs finish their life path heart attack. They just have heart failure more often and in more early age than others. And it doesn't mean that dogs of other breeds don't know what heartache is.

The "risk group" primarily includes dogs of giant breeds. These are Great Danes, St. Bernards, Newfoundlands. As a rule, they have heart problems for two reasons: from excessive physical exertion or, conversely, from a lack of exercise. In both cases dog's heart fails ahead of time. More than once I heard from the owners how the Grays and Polkans like to run after their bike for a long time. “Doctor, Gray and I have been doing sports all our lives, and now it’s even hard for him to climb stairs,” the owner of an eight-year-old gray dog ​​explained to me in confusion. A huge handsome man was lying on the cold floor of my office and could not catch his breath. I listened to his heart. It was clearly not in order, it worked with great tension. Serious violations, fortunately, has not yet been, and could still be corrected, but, of course, provided that with " sports career"will be over. It's good that I didn't have to explain to the owner of the dog for a long time how dangerous for Gray heavy loads. Eight years is not yet old age, but still more than half of Gray's life has already been lived.

Sport, of course, is useful for everyone, but it is very difficult to calculate the load for dogs, especially for those who are not adapted for running. Yesterday's load today can become unbearable, and as a result - a breakdown. These breakdowns are always unexpected and take owners by surprise. It must be remembered that the main condition for keeping "giants" is moderation. Both in exercise and in food.

Unlike large dogs, dwarf breeds(miniature poodles, pinschers) more often than others suffer from emotional overload. Everyone who keeps such dogs in their homes knows that these creatures are quite nervous, and sometimes even hysterical. Most likely, this is the reason for their frequent heart troubles. They are timid (strive to bark at everyone), sensual and terribly jealous. Their element is not sports, not endless fields, and not even a sofa. They spend their entire lives on their hands. A more suitable place for these cute creatures is hard to imagine. When you first picked up your Charlick, know that this is for life. This is your joy, your happiness, this is your cross.

For these crumbs, the consciousness of their exclusivity and even uniqueness is important. Do not try to praise another dog in their presence, and even more so to stroke it. This will be an irreparable mistake on your part. And although dogs are better at forgiving than we are, we should not tempt fate. Remember that for such little ones the most the best medicine- this is Love. And, of course, often ask the veterinarians to listen to your dog's heart.

All dogs, without exception, are well oriented in our mood. All our joys and sorrows they empathize with us. Therefore, if you want to see your pet always healthy, try to have a good mood more often.

Dogs, just like people, are prone to cardiovascular diseases, which can occur both in young individuals and in very advanced age. Cardiovascular diseases may be congenital or acquired. You should regularly examine the dog with a veterinarian cardiologist in order to identify this condition in time and start treatment on time. Let's take a look at what they are together.

Common Symptoms of Heart Disease in Dogs

Despite the variety of reasons why cardiovascular disease can occur, there are general symptoms , and she will allow you to decide with confidence that this is precisely the problem with the heart.

    Heart disease in dogs is accompanied by a number of symptoms:
  • Mucous and skin become cyanotic due to lack of oxygen and circulatory disorders;
  • The dog becomes very passive, instead of active games, he prefers to lie on the couch;
  • When listening, heart murmurs are clearly audible;
  • A variety of edema, dropsy of unknown etiology;
  • Shortness of breath, tachycardia at the slightest exertion.

If you notice at least one of these symptoms in a dog, you should immediately postpone all business and seek qualified help in veterinary center"I-VET".

Heart disease in dogs: what are they. List

Congestive heart disease, heart disease in dogs

With a pathology such as congestive heart disease, the heart muscle can not cope with pumping blood through the circulatory system.

    Symptoms of pathology:
  • saggy, bloated belly, which becomes such as a result of the development of ascites;
  • the animal is rapidly losing weight short span time;
  • cyanosis of the mucous membranes;
  • if everything is bad, then fainting due to lack of oxygen is possible.

If you notice at least one of these symptoms, schedule a visit as soon as possible. veterinarian who will prescribe all the necessary studies.

Myocarditis, heart disease in dogs

Any infectious diseases can cause diseases such as myocarditis.

    The clinical picture of the disease is as follows:
  • a clear violation of the rhythm;
  • a hearty dry cough that does not let go of the animal for a minute;
  • the dog gets tired quickly;
  • normal breathing is difficult;
  • the beast prefers most to lie still for days;
  • possible additional symptoms similar to poisoning.

Also, the owners should keep in mind that the disease can be divided into two stages.

    For first stage characteristic:
  • tachycardia;
  • extrasystole;
  • pain in the region of the heart;
  • the heart beat becomes stronger.

On the second stage the impulse of the heart muscles is significantly weakened, which can be seen on the ECG, which can be done at the Ya-VET veterinary center and find out everything about the condition of the pet's heart.

Myocardosis, heart disease in dogs

Etiology this disease not inflammatory at all. Doctors suggest treating this condition based on the situation, choosing the drug based on the symptoms. The reasons given state are still not exactly clarified and thousands of scientists continue to study them.

    However symptoms of myocardial disease in dogs may be as follows:
  • shortness of breath, blue mucous membranes and skin;
  • venous pressure increases significantly, while arterial pressure drops significantly;
  • the pulse becomes indistinct, weak;
  • if the process is strongly started, then the push is weak and is not felt as it should be.

Diagnosis is carried out in the same way, with the help of ECG, ultrasound and similar studies that can be carried out in our veterinary center "I-VET".

Endocarditis, heart disease in dogs

Myocardial infarction, heart disease in dogs

myocardial infarction The disease does not only occur in humans. Dogs are also affected by it. This disease heart is characterized by the fact that the flow of blood to a certain area of ​​​​the heart stops and a real emergency, which requires the immediate intervention of specialists from the Ya-VET veterinary center. If the area of ​​soft tissue damage is not large, then the dog has significant chances for salvation, which must be used without fail. Otherwise, it is possible fatal outcome and doctors can only ascertain the death of the animal.

Diagnosis of cardiovascular disease, heart disease in dogs

The doctor may prescribe a variety of diagnostic methods depending on the result of the internal examination:

  • ECG - will allow you to track the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle;
  • Ultrasound - will allow you to notice even the smallest heart defects and quickly eliminate them;
  • A biochemical blood test will allow you to track the slightest changes in the composition of the red liquid and promptly prescribe the necessary drugs.

Using all these methods and visual inspection doctor, you can get 100% reliable result for the shortest possible time.

Which dogs are most prone to heart disease?

heart disease can hit absolutely any dog, from the Tibetan Mastiff to maltese. Heart disease does not depend on age. They are able to strike both the old and the young creature. Here, one should only hope for luck and efficiency of veterinarians. If in the first case it is impossible to influence the situation in any way, then in the second case you can contact the Ya-VET veterinary center, because it is here that experienced cardiologists work, who are ready to provide assistance at any time of the day. qualified assistance associated with heart problems.

It is possible to leave even late at night, because, as you know, the likelihood of heart attacks occurs in the predawn time. remember, that slightest sign cardiovascular disease should not be ignored! A minute of delay can cost the animal's life.

How to choose a veterinary center for the treatment of a pet - heart disease in dogs

Treatment of cardiovascular diseases you should trust the veterinary center that has unconditional trust, as well as your own veterinary cardiologist who will guide your animal from the onset of the disease to the victorious end. And if the treatment is successful, the veterinarian may recommend special diet, which will not allow you to dial overweight beloved friend, and will be able to support his health.

Nutrition for cardiovascular diseases, heart disease in dogs

Nutrition for heart disease in dogs should be low-calorie, easily digestible, an abundance of proteins is only welcome. Proteins will help to renew normal exchange substances and make the dog more resilient and healthy. First time after surgical intervention(if required) it is recommended to feed the animal with semi-liquid food through a syringe without a needle, gradually making the consistency more and more solid.

    The diet is allowed to include:
  • kefir;
  • dairy products;
  • boiled chicken;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • lean meat (little);
  • maybe the dog will like soaked dried apricots. It is a source of potassium for both humans and animals. Offer 1-2 items a week.

All these products should be given carefully and only in those proportions and quantities that will be prescribed by a veterinarian, and even better a cardiologist. After all, it is cardiologists who are most closely involved in the study of heart disease.

Heart disease in dogs. How to help a pet?

A trip to the veterinary center for heart disease in dogs, even with the most kind atmosphere, is a colossal stress for a four-legged friend. That is why our doctors "I-VET" use with might and main modern technologies in the world of veterinary medicine in order to minimize stress from ongoing medical procedures. ECG, ultrasound can now be done at home. Also, in addition to the veterinarian, you can invite other specialists to your home who will be happy to help solve the problem:

  • A cardiologist is a specialist in cardiovascular diseases.
  • Dentist.
  • Nephrologist.
  • Endocrinologist.
  • Neurologist.
  • Ophthalmologist.
  • Uzist.
  • Nurse.

The departure of each such doctor must be paid separately. A cardiologist is a narrow-profile specialist who has a deeper knowledge in his field than an ordinary veterinarian.

Heart disease affects dogs a little differently than it does people. However, animals are susceptible to them and this can have serious, even fatal, consequences.

The vast majority of dogs do not suffer from coronary disease hearts are usually caused bad diet(as it happens in humans). But they can suffer from congestive heart failure, a progressive decline in the heart's ability to pump blood to the rest of the body. Since the heart is the engine that carries oxygen throughout the body, congestive heart failure eventually affects other organs as well.

As with many progressive diseases, it is possible that your dog will live with heart disease for years without showing any symptoms. But the disease may worsen over time, and symptoms may appear slowly or suddenly. For example, after intense physical activity, when you notice that your dog cannot catch his breath.

Causes of heart disease

The vast majority of cases of heart disease in dogs (about 95%) are considered acquired. They are usually the result of normal age-related changes but can also be caused by injury or infection. They are most commonly seen in middle-aged and older dogs. The most common acquired heart diseases in dogs are:

  • Chronic valvular heart disease, where the heart valves weaken with age and become less effective
  • A heart attack, when the heart muscle weakens, causing the heart to enlarge
  • Arrhythmia, when there is a problem with the body's electrical system that controls the heartbeat
  • Pericardial disease is when the protective sac that surrounds the heart fills with fluid, preventing the heart from beating normally.

Another cause of heart disease is birth defects. They are associated with improper development of a certain part of the heart, or the presence of a small hole in one of the chambers. There are many various types, but the result is the same: the heart cannot function normally. Such defects can limit the lifespan of dogs and make them more susceptible to other problems.
The most common acquired heart diseases are:

1. Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM)
DCM is a disease of the heart muscle itself, where the dog's heart does not allow an effective pumping function. The heart's contractions are weak and therefore blood is not pumped through the body efficiently. As a rule, over time, some parts of the heart increase, which further reduces its ability to pump blood throughout the body. DCM usually occurs in middle and large breeds dogs such as Dobermans, Boxers, Great Danes, Dalmatians, Irish Wolfhounds, St. Bernards, english bulldogs and cocker spaniels

2. AV valve insufficiency or mitral valve is the most common form of heart disease in dogs. Three-quarters (75%) of cases of canine heart disease are caused by chronic disease valve. As the name suggests, this disease affects one or more of the heart valves. Heart valves usually tightly close the openings between the chambers of the heart. In diseases, the valves "leak", allowing blood to flow in the opposite direction. This reverse flow creates a noise that your veterinarian can hear with a stethoscope. Valve disease is 1.5 times more common in males than females. This form of heart disease is usually seen in small to medium sized dogs, less than 20 kg: Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Poodles, Schnauzers, Chihuahuas and Fox Terriers.

When is it time to visit the veterinarian?

You should take your dog to the doctor if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • Dry cough after exercise
  • Dry cough that gets worse at night
  • Dyspnea
  • Weight loss (which can happen quickly, within a few weeks)
  • Fatigue
  • fainting

What's next?

Your doctor will perform a thorough physical examination and ask many questions about your dog's symptoms. Every little thing can be useful, so it's important that you don't forget anything.

The veterinarian may also perform blood and urine tests, x-rays, echocardiography, or Doppler echocardiography, which will show exactly how blood flows through the heart, making the diagnosis more accurate.

If a birth defect is found in your puppy, chances are the veterinarian will not recommend surgery. However, if the diagnosis is a non-closure of the batal duct (a defect between the aorta and the pulmonary artery, which leads to excess blood flow in the lungs), then surgery will still be required. Without it, 60% of puppies don't make it to their first birthday.

It is impossible to treat acquired heart defects, but there are drugs that improve the symptoms of the disease. ACE inhibitors are drugs that reduce stressful conditions for the heart (and may slow the deterioration of the heart muscle) by reducing blood volume and pressure. Other drugs used to treat heart disease are: beta-blockers, nitroglycerin, which dilates blood vessels, or digitalis (to control heart palpitations), and diuretics such as furosemide(helps manage fluid buildup in the lungs or elsewhere).

If you assign proper treatment, the dog can live longer and more comfortable life than without treatment.

How to prevent heart disease?

Giving your pet a good diet is a must for many reasons. One of the most important - your dog will receive good energy and be in excellent health. Besides, physical exercises are also important for keeping your dog in good shape.

Since heart disease has so many causes, there is very little you can do to prevent it. But giving Special attention your dog, you'll be able to spot signs of a problem early—and the sooner the better when it comes to treatment.

Article prepared by doctors cardiology department"MEDVET"
© 2014 SVTS "MEDVET"

It is no coincidence that the heart is called the “flaming motor”: the life of all mammals depends on its state. Our dogs are no exception. Numerous heart diseases in dogs can put an end to the history of your pet and bring a lot of grief to its owners. In this article, we will discuss the main varieties of these pathologies, their causes and methods of treatment.

First of all, you need to remember that all the ailments of this group are divided into two large categories: acquired and congenital. The former are most common in older dogs, while the latter is more common in some breeds, and Clinical signs diseases can manifest themselves from a very early puppyhood. So, acquired heart disease.

This is the name of a pathology in which the heart cannot cope with pumping blood, resulting in regional congestion. Very often observed in older dogs, may be the result of many infectious diseases. The main symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • Swollen and saggy belly, which becomes so due to.
  • Heavy hoarse breathing. Sometimes you can hear gurgling without even using a phonendoscope for this. This indicates the presence of effusion in the chest cavity.
  • AT severe cases fainting is possible due to insufficient oxygen supply to the brain tissues.
  • Visible mucous membranes acquire a pale, bluish tint.
  • Observed a sharp decline fatness of the dog for a relatively short period.

How to treat heart disease in dogs if their manifestations lead to the development of congestive heart disease? First, for the normal conduct of therapy, you need to find out what you are dealing with in this case. This can be used for: ECG, ultrasound procedure chest, blood and urine tests. The treatment itself depends on many factors, but, most often, it is quite typical:

  • Medications are given to keep the heart rate up.
  • Diuretics that prevent the accumulation of effusion in the chest and / or abdominal cavity.
  • If it is a congenital defect, surgery may be used. Of course, in our conditions - from the category of fantasy.
  • Frequent, but short walks, with which you can maintain the general tone of the animal's body without overloading it.

Dogs with congestive heart failure respond well to multivitamin supplements containing vitamins B, A, and E. This is especially true when considering heart disease in small breed dogs. They just have a crazy metabolism, so vitamins will never interfere with the crumbs.

Read also: Fungus on the paws of dogs: causes, symptoms, treatment


The heart is a muscle. And therefore, almost all the troubles that can happen with skeletal striated muscles can lead to problems in his case. For example, infectious diseases and helminthiases often initiate inflammation of the heart muscle, better known as myositis. More specifically, myocarditis. Myositis is exactly the same pathology, but in the case of ordinary skeletal muscle tissue.

The reasons for it (given the above) are quite diverse: the action of viruses or pathogenic fungi, toxins and medications in the case of their immoderate use, sometimes a traumatic origin of myocarditis is possible (with fractures of the ribs). The clinical picture suggests the manifestation of the following symptoms:

  • Pronounced arrhythmia.
  • Cough, dry and persistent.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Labored breathing.
  • Weakness, the animal tries to move less, often lies in its place, apathetic to everything that happens.
  • Other symptoms associated with primary infection, poisoning, other negative factors.

But at the same time, it must be remembered that the entire course of the disease can be divided into two distinct stages: the first and second. In the table below, we will detail which clinical picture which species is typical.

Mandatory diet. The animal needs to be fed more often, but in smaller portions. You should walk regularly, but in no case should you load the dog. It is necessary in every possible way to prevent the development and appearance of constipation. To do this, all dry and roughage is completely eliminated from the diet, preference is given to broths and boiled, mashed vegetables. As in the previous case, vitamin preparations can be extremely useful.


Also a disease of the cardiac striated muscles. But in this case, its etiology is more complicated, since the nature of the disease is not inflammatory. In short, myocardosis is a complex of degenerative and dystrophic changes in the thickness of the heart tissue, due to which the latter loses its natural functionality.

Read also: Asthma in Dogs: Symptoms, Signs and Prevention of Choking

The exact causes of this disease are still being investigated. It is assumed that disturbances in carbohydrate and protein metabolism play an important role in its development. Most likely, the trigger for this pathology is still infectious and parasitic diseases. In any case, statistics show that approximately 34% of dogs after myocarditis showed signs of myocardosis. But this is at least a third of the cases!

The clinical picture of this disease is largely similar to that described above. The difficulty here is that the symptoms here are more blurred, since the pathology develops very slowly. When something really serious begins to appear in a dog, it is too late to save it. The fact is that the process of degradation muscle tissue in this case is irreversible, and therefore the animal is doomed. Only supportive therapy can help prolong his life, simultaneously maintaining its quality at an acceptable level.

However, rather sad lyrics. How exactly can myocardosis manifest itself? The list of signs is quite extensive:

  • Shortness of breath, cyanosis of the mucous membranes and skin.
  • The skin can become flabby, lose firmness and elasticity.
  • The venous pressure rises, while arterial pressure drops significantly.
  • The pulse "sags" significantly, becomes poorly expressed.
  • When the process is neglected, the heart impulse is diffuse, weak. The intensity of contraction of the heart muscle is significantly reduced, a serious arrhythmia can be observed.


It happens acute and chronic, according to the characteristics of the pathology - ulcerative or warty. The second variety is especially dangerous, since detached warts can block blood flow even in large vessels causing heart attacks, strokes, and sudden deaths. Many heart diseases in older dogs are called endocarditis. Because of them, pets often die ...

According to statistics, diseases of cardio-vascular system occupy leading place among diseases of non-communicable etiology and are the main cause of death (43%). Allocate diseases that have developed against the background of congenital malformations and acquired. Congenital malformations appear very early and account for only 2.4% of the total number of cardiovascular pathologies. Dogs with birth defects cardiovascular system do not live long. Common causes premature death of old animals are acquired diseases: cardiomyopathy (23%), lesions of the cusps of atrioventricular valves (11%).

The symptoms of a disease of the cardiovascular system in an animal are divided into four main groups:
- syndrome of left ventricular failure and stagnation in the pulmonary circulation - cough, shortness of breath, cyanosis, pulmonary edema;
- syndrome of right ventricular insufficiency and stagnation in big circle circulation - ascites, hydrothorax, peripheral, edema;
- syndrome vascular insufficiency- anemia of the mucous membranes, the capillary filling rate (CNC) is more than 3 seconds;
- cardiac arrhythmia syndrome - tendency to collapse, Morgagni-Edems-Stokes epileptiform seizures, arrhythmia pulse waves, pulse deficit.

However, in about 50% of animals with cardiovascular disorders, the only symptom detected is a chronic cough.

Non-closure of the ductus arteriosus. From congenital pathologies occurs most frequently (30%). A feature of the fetal circulation is the presence of the ductus botulinum between the pulmonary artery and the descending part of the aorta, through which blood is drained from non-functioning lungs. With the first breath of the animal botall, the duct collapses and becomes obliterated (overgrown) within 8-10 days, turning into an arterial ligament. If the duct is not blocked, they speak of an anomaly of development.

The narrowing is valvular or subvalvular, when the ring of valve leaflets or the space under it is narrowed along the outflow path from the right ventricle of the heart.

This defect in dogs is usually asymptomatic. Sometimes in puppies it is accidentally discovered by a characteristic high frequency noise with the maximum intensity of audibility at the left cranial border of the sternum. Find x-ray changes. In the dorsoventral projection, the deviation of the entire shadow of the heart to the right and the expansion of the main trunk are noticeable pulmonary artery. The latter looks like a protrusion of the shadow of the heart at the "1 o'clock" position. Most dogs show signs of fatigue only after many years, they have fainting, ascites, liver enlargement.

Treatment. If up to 6 months there are no signs of progressive expansion of the heart, then the dog will live its term. In cases where the symptoms of the disease increase, the dog should be limited physical activity and appoint long-term use digoxin. With ascites, furosemide is additionally prescribed, laparocentesis is performed.

Stenosis of the aortic mouth. This is the third most common congenital defect (15%), almost always manifesting as a subvalvular malformation in the form of a fibromuscular pressure ring under the valve. It occurs in Boxers, German Shepherds, and Labradors, and tends to be inherited in Newfoundlands.

The diagnosis is usually made at the first examination of the puppy. low rising-falling systolic murmur listen best at the border of the sternum on the right in the fourth intercostal space. The obstructed outflow of blood from the left ventricle leads to a weak, delayed pulse in the thigh. Sometimes they listen to the noise above carotid artery, feel the trembling of the chest ("cat's purr") at the entrance to its cavity and in the place of maximum audibility of noise. Puppies with aortic stenosis lag behind in growth, quickly get tired. With the expansion of the left ventricle and decompensation of cardiac activity, arrhythmia, fainting, may occur sudden death. On radiographs in the lateral projection, a sharp expansion of the aortic arch is noted, the loss of the waist of the heart along the anterior contour of the shadow due to protrusion of the aorta forward. In the dorso-ventral projection, the anterior mediastinum and the left ventricle of the heart are dilated. Possible alveolar pulmonary edema.

The disease can be asymptomatic, and many puppies die at an early age.

Treatment. In mild cases, no treatment is required. Consistent, non-severe training exercises can help slow the progression of left ventricular decompensation and reduce the chance of life-threatening arrhythmia caused by myocardial ischemia. At moderate diseases appoint anaprilin 3 times a day. It contributes to the complete contraction of the ventricle of the heart and its better emptying, increases blood flow in coronary arteries delaying the onset of arrhythmia. With congestion in the lungs, in addition, a salt-free diet, diuretics and aminophylline are prescribed. Digoxin is recommended only as a last resort.

Anomaly in the development of the aortic arch. Diverticulum of the esophagus. In the process of ontogenesis, the transition from the branchial to the pulmonary circulation in the fetus occurs with the formation of six pairs of aortic arches, which then transform into the arteries of the small (pulmonary) and large (systemic) circulations. The formation of the aortic arch is normally associated with the transformation of the left fourth aortic arch. With an anomaly of development, the aorta develops from the right fourth aortic arch. As a result, the aorta is not located to the left of the esophagus, but to the right. The ductus botalis, which runs from the aortic arch to the pulmonary artery, in this case pulls the esophagus in a ring. When the puppy eats thick bulky food, it will accumulate in the precordial part of the esophagus, which leads to the formation of a diverticulum.

Sick puppies lag behind in development, their weight decreases. After almost every feeding, they burp undigested food. Diagnosis is based on contrast esophagography.

Technique of contrast esophagography. The animal is allowed to swallow 50 ml of a thick suspension of barium sulfate in water and immediately take two pictures covering the chest and neck in frontal and lateral projections. On the radiograph in the lateral projection, a precordial dilatation of the esophagus is noticeable. At the same time, the right-sided location of the aorta is visible in the dorsoventral projection.

This developmental anomaly must be differentiated from mega-esophagus and esophageal achalasia, which are characterized by the expansion of the esophageal tube all the way up to the diaphragm. Forecast at timely treatment favorable.

Treatment. Perhaps only surgical intervention. The course of the operation is the same as for the closure of the persistent ductus arteriosus. The arterial ligament that pulls the esophagus is ligated and dissected. In this case, it is much easier, since the duct is almost always obliterated, and the ligament is longer than usual. The operation is completed by applying tightening serous-muscular plastic sutures to the expanded wall of the esophagus.

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