Folk remedies for the treatment of pyelonephritis. Elimination of pathology folk remedies. Effective folk recipes for healing remedies

Consult with your doctor!

Pyelonephritis is an inflammation renal tissue caused by various microorganisms or groups of microorganisms. The most common disease occurs in women. Pyelonephritis is dangerous with complications: chronic renal failure or arterial hypertension. Women, and young age suffer from pyelonephritis about five times more often than men.

Acute pyelonephritis is characterized by fever, chills, headache, nausea, vomiting, pain in lumbar region.

AT acute period or in exacerbation chronic pyelonephritis the patient must comply with bed rest, as the heat improves the blood circulation of the kidneys and Bladder and, consequently, accelerated absorption inflammatory process.

With an exacerbation chronic process or in the acute period, spicy, smoked, salty foods are excluded. When the process dies down, the consumption of infusions should be increased. medicinal plants, juices and mineral waters for fastest removal from the body of toxins, slags, other harmful substances and to relieve toxicity. Infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants with antiseptic, antibacterial and disinfectant properties are also recommended. These include: thyme, sage, birch, chamomile, mint.

At insufficient treatment pyelonephritis acquires chronic course and is characterized by general weakness, increased fatigue, periodic increases body temperature, pain in the lumbar region, increased blood pressure, edema. In the treatment of pyelonephritis it is very important to use diuretic and antibacterial, anti-inflammatory herbs to remove microbes and viruses from the body, which increase their activity as a result of stagnant urine.

Along with the use medicines in the treatment of chronic pyelonephritis, traditional medicine is widely used.

Treatment of pyelonephritis with folk remedies

    Salt dressing: must be done 10-15 salt dressings from a towel material folded into 3-4 layers with a 9% salt solution on the lower back for the whole night. If at the same time you feel headache, especially in the occipital region, tinnitus, at the same time with bandages on the lower back, perform 3-4 bandages of 8-10 layers of gauze with a 9% solution around the head and always on the back of the head.

    Cowberry tea: so as not to aggravate pyelonephritis, drink tea from lingonberry leaves - 1 tablespoon of leaves per 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 5-10 minutes, strain, drink 2-3 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

  • Grass oats pour water and boil for no more than 30 minutes. Drink 2 cups of decoction per day for 2-3 weeks. For best effect it is good to combine the reception of a decoction with a medicinal bath.
  • Decoction of bearberry (bear's ear): 1 tbsp. crushed bearberry leaf pour a glass hot water, close the lid and hold in a water bath for 30 minutes. Cool and strain the decoction. Then dilute it with water, bringing the volume to 1 cup. Take a quarter cup 3 times a day. Bearberry has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic effect.

    If pyelonephritis is accompanied by edema and a decrease in blood pressure, use for treatment corn silk, after consulting with your doctor: pour 1 dessert spoon of corn stigmas with 1 cup of boiling water, cook for 5 minutes over low heat, leave for 30 minutes. Strain. Take an infusion of 2 tbsp. l. every 3 hours.

    If a pyelonephritis accompanied by cystitis or the appearance of blood in the urine, drink an infusion of yarrow herb, which has an astringent, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect. 2 tsp crushed yarrow herb pour a glass of boiling water, leave to infuse for 1 hour, then strain. Drink during the day in several doses.

  • Anesthetic, decongestant and anti-inflammatory agent for pyelonephritis: Pour a tablespoon of cornflower flowers with a glass of boiling water, insist in a thermos and strain. Take 1/4 cup 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. Cornflower kills microbes and has a diuretic effect.
  • Collection with pyelonephritis: take 3 parts of bean fruits, birch buds, stigmas of corn and bearberry leaves, 2 parts of meadowsweet flowers, calendula, knotweed grass, mix. 4 tbsp pour the mixture overnight with a liter of not boiled water. In the morning, boil for 5-10 minutes and insist for half an hour. Then strain and squeeze out the rest of the raw material. Drink the infusion in a warm form for 6-7 doses during the day.
  • Flax seeds to cleanse the kidneys: pour a teaspoon of flax seeds with a glass of boiling water, boil for 2-3 minutes, and then leave to brew for 1 hour. Drink 1/4 cup every 2 hours for 2 days.

Treatment of pyelonephritis with juices

For kidney disease- if there are no medical contraindications, then drink up to 2-3 liters of liquid per day in the form of mineral waters, fortified drinks, juices, fruit drinks, compotes, jelly. Restriction of fluid intake is necessary only in cases where the exacerbation of the disease is accompanied by a violation of the outflow of urine or arterial hypertension.

  • Apples. Eat several sweet apples a day to improve your digestive processes.
  • Grapes and melon wash the kidneys and increase metabolism. Melon has a particularly beneficial effect on the body of the elderly, but only without mixing with other products.
  • Cranberry juice or fruit drink is very useful. It has an antiseptic effect on the kidneys and urinary tract.
  • Sea buckthorn and viburnum. These berries have strong anti-inflammatory properties. Eat sea buckthorn in season, and mix viburnum with honey and take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals.
  • Squeeze the juice from the rowan. Dilute 1 tablespoon of honey in 1 glass of juice. Drink 50 ml in small sips 3 times a day. Juice must be washed down with a glass of boiled water! Only in this case will positive effect.
  • Pumpkin is considered one of the best diuretics. In chronic pyelonephritis, eat raw pumpkin pulp 500 g 2 times a day or drink pumpkin juice half a glass a day.

The lack of vitamins leads to disruption of the normal functioning of the body, lowers the defenses, exacerbates chronic pyelonephritis. For the prevention of hypovitaminosis and for normal functioning all organs and systems of the body, including the kidneys, it is recommended to take in the form of infusions, especially in the winter-spring period, the following medicinal plants containing a large number of various vitamins: wild rose, mountain ash, birch and currant leaves, knotweed. It is also necessary to use enough vegetables, fruits, greens (carrots, lemons, parsley, dill, nuts) that contain great amount wide variety of vitamins and minerals.

Diseases genitourinary system well amenable to herbal treatment. Therefore, herbal medicine for pyelonephritis is one of the effective methods getting rid of the disease. Herbal preparations are indispensable during complex therapy. However, they cannot completely replace drugs and are only an additional way to improve the body. Herbs for pyelonephritis are useful in chronic, and not acute course diseases, they are able to effectively reduce the possibility of recurrence.

The main cause of the disease is bacterial infection. Its spread is provoked different kinds pathogenic bacteria: coli, enterococcus, staphylococcus, proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In this case, the renal pelvis, calyces and parenchyma of the kidneys are affected.

Most often this disease affects children under 7 years of age and women. reproductive age. Symptoms of acute pyelonephritis are heat(up to 38 ° C), chills and fever, pain in the lumbar region, frequent urination, aching and soreness in the muscles, headache.

If left untreated, acute pyelonephritis eventually progresses to chronic stage and amenable to therapy much worse. Therefore, at the first signs of illness, you should definitely consult a doctor.

The danger of the disease lies in the fact that with each exacerbation, more and more new tissues of the organ are affected. Gradually, a scar forms in place of the natural tissue, which leads to kidney dystrophy and the cessation of their functioning. If you don't practice timely treatment disease, sooner or later, for the normal functioning of the body, the patient may need an “artificial kidney” apparatus.

The main therapy is antibiotics, multivitamin complexes, uroseptics. But the treatment of pyelonephritis with herbs can provide significant support. Drink herbal preparations possible only during a period of stable remission of the disease in order to prevent new exacerbations, as well as to protect the liver and intestines from adverse impact antibiotics taken. In addition, they help get rid of pathogens, toxins and viruses.

How do herbal preparations work?

Properly selected phytotherapy for pyelonephritis is based mainly on the use of herbal teas (kidney teas). Usually they include plants that have a urological effect. Unlike chemicals with diuretic properties, herbal collection prevents leaching from the body mineral salts, including potassium.

In addition, if you drink teas for the kidneys regularly, you can achieve uroseptic, detoxifying and restorative effects. Bactericidal substances from plants (phytoncides) when released into the blood, and with it the lesion, can have a disinfecting effect.

Due to the high presence in plant raw materials of microelements and natural vitamins, kidney teas nourish the patient's body and have immunomodulatory properties. Often healing effect is achieved due to the fact that microorganisms accustomed to antibiotics and chemical antibacterial drugs, can't resist natural force plants.

Herbal preparations have a good effect in the treatment of pyelonephritis in children. If the child does not have an advanced form of the disease, then with the help of herbs you can achieve complete cure. In adults, therapy may be longer.

How to be treated with herbs?

In order for the treatment with phytocollections to be more effective, it is important to follow a few rules:

  1. The herbs that make up the kidney collections should be changed periodically: at least once every 30–40 days. You can choose for yourself several suitable herbal teas and use them in different time of the year.
  2. Between courses of treatment, it is important to take breaks of 2-3 weeks.
  3. Considering physiological features functioning of the organs of the genitourinary system, it is better to drink herbal teas in the 2nd half of the day. In the treatment of pyelonephritis in children, it is possible to use funds before lunch.
  4. If any herbal collection is ineffective or causes adverse reactions, you need to immediately stop using it and try another recipe.
  5. In the process of treatment, it is recommended that you always consult with your doctor and take urine tests.

Recipes of phytotherapeutic agents

To really cook useful tools, it is important that the plant material is good quality, it is better to buy it in a pharmacy. If possible, you can harvest it yourself, while it is better to collect it in ecologically clean areas:

  1. One of the most accessible and inexpensive means from pyelonephritis - oat grass. The plant has a large number of trace elements, it has an anti-inflammatory effect. Fresh or dry grass is brewed in any concentration and drunk 1 cup in the morning and evening for a long time.
  2. Milk thistle seeds have a mild diuretic and antispasmodic effect. 1 st. l. brew 250 ml of hot water, bring to a boil and leave for 1 hour. Cool and strain. Infusion is taken throughout the day, every hour, 1 tbsp. l. for 2 weeks.
  3. Lime blossom is a well-known diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent. In addition, it contains a large amount of vitamin C, which allows it to be used as an immunomodulator. The flowers are brewed like tea and drunk 3-4 times a day.
  4. The complex composition of this recipe justifies the impact that this collection has. You need to take 3 parts of dry bean leaves, bearberry leaves, corn stigmas, and 2 parts of calendula, knotweed herb and meadowsweet flowers. For 1 liter of boiling water, 30 g of the collection will be needed. Pour boiling water over the raw material and leave to infuse overnight. In the morning, boil the infusion for 10 minutes. Drink the entire volume in small portions in a slightly warm form throughout the day.
  5. Flax seeds are able to remove excess fluid from the body. They have a strong diuretic effect, so when treating with flax, it is important to replenish the lost fluid. This is usually done in large quantities. mineral water. Seeds are taken in the morning 1 time per day for 1 tsp.
  6. Common cornflower flowers help eliminate puffiness, relieve severe inflammation and anesthetize the kidneys. 1 tsp Plants pour boiling water, leave for 1 hour and drink 50 ml before each meal for at least 2 weeks. Raw materials can be used both fresh and dry.
  7. Herbal preparations containing bearberry and parsley have a good effect on pyelonephritis. These herbs have a diuretic effect, are capable of pain relief and disinfection of the kidneys. For infusion in equal proportions mix dry or fresh leaves bearberry, stems and leaves of parsley, grass and leaves of the field harrow and hernia. 1 st. l. the mixture is poured with 1 cup of boiling water, insisted for 2 hours. This is the volume for the whole day. Infusion drink 1 tbsp. l.
  8. Lingonberry leaves have a good diuretic and healing effect in kidney diseases. In combination with bearberry, parsley and celandine, this herbal tea can be drunk by both children and adults. 1 st. l. dry collection, pour 400 ml of water and boil over medium heat for 40 minutes. The decoction is drunk 100 ml 3 times a day.
  9. St. John's wort, birch leaves, centaury grass, rose hips, hop cones and chicory root are mixed in equal proportions. Grind the mixture as much as possible. 1 st. l. collection pour boiling water, place on water bath and heat for 30 minutes. Remove from the water bath and leave for another 2 hours. Strain And drink 100 ml before each meal.
  10. 1 st. l. leaves of black currant and birch warty, nettle, plantain and bearberry chop and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Put on medium heat and cook for 1 hour. Take 100 ml per day for 1 month. The product can be stored in the refrigerator, shake before use.
  11. The period of collecting fruits and berries, you can use the following recipe: take 1 tbsp. l. rose hips and juniper, and cranberries, and wild strawberries. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over medium heat and cook for 1 hour. Filter the drug, cool, take 100 ml 3 times a day.
  12. In chronic pyelonephritis it is useful to take next collection, which has an antibacterial and tonic effect. In equal quantities, take horsetail grass, bearberry, lingonberry leaf, juniper berries, rose hips, licorice root. Brewed in a thermos at night, drink 20 ml 3 times a day for a month.

Treatment of pyelonephritis at home is of interest to so many people who suffer from such a pathology. It should be noted that now they are becoming more and more. Therefore, this issue should be carefully considered.

Features of the disease

Pyelonephritis is inflammatory disease having an infectious nature. It is non-specific. The main object of the lesion is the calyx and pelvis. If this pathology is not treated in time, then a more complex disease, nephrosclerosis, may develop.

The presented infection does not have an epidemic character, however, the number of cases increases annually. And people may have different shape this pathology. Treatment of pyelonephritis at home is effective, but it should be used only after consulting a doctor, and in complex therapy.

Where does the disease come from?

First you need to find out why there is this problem. Among the causes of the development of pathology, the following can be distinguished:

1. General decline defensive forces organism.

2. Difficulty in the outflow of urine from the kidneys.

3. Chronic inflammatory processes in the body.

4. Frequent hypothermia.

5. In men, prostate adenoma can become the cause of the development of the disease.

6. Urolithiasis.

Before you start treating pyelonephritis at home, you should definitely visit a doctor and decide what exactly caused the problem. Only in this case, it is possible to prescribe adequate therapy.

Varieties of the disease

Most often this pathology occurs in two forms: acute and chronic. The second type of disease appears only if you have not cured the first one. That is, an acute attack is characterized by more pronounced symptoms and often requires immediate medical attention.

The chronic form of pyelonephritis can develop much longer. In this case, the strength of the symptoms may not be so pronounced. However, in any case, treatment is required. It should be noted that the pathology can be unilateral or bilateral.

Symptoms of the disease

Before starting the treatment of pyelonephritis at home, it is necessary to determine not only the cause and type of pathology, but also to establish its signs as accurately as possible. The acute form is characterized by the following symptoms:

Appearance general weakness, headache, decreased ability to work;

In some cases, vomiting and nausea are possible;

A sharp increase in temperature up to 40 degrees;

Painful sensations of a dull nature in the area lumbar(the intensity of the syndrome may be different);

Presence purulent discharge in urine.

Concerning chronic form pathology, it is characterized by all the previous symptoms expressed in varying degrees. In addition, a violation of urination, lack of appetite can be added.


If you have and whose treatment depends on the type of pathology, then you should definitely get rid of it. The fact is that any delay is fraught with serious complications. Besides the fact that you will constantly feel discomfort and pain, you can significantly damage the kidneys.

First of all, the chronic form of pathology can periodically worsen. If left untreated, it can lead to the development kidney failure. In the damaged organ, small abscesses, abscesses, and carbuncles may occur. This complication requires immediate surgical intervention.

The most severe form of pathology, which often leads to lethal outcome, is pyonephrosis. In this case, the kidney is destroyed under the influence of pus. That is, the damaged organ is filled with pus, tissue decay products and urine. In this case, the kidney consists of separate cavities.

After all that has been said, you should understand that if you have pyelonephritis, only a specialist determines the symptoms and treatment.

Diagnosis of the disease

The presented pathology must be correctly diagnosed, because the symptoms may not show the full picture. However, the signs are important role in diagnostics. In addition, the doctor will prescribe blood and urine tests to the patient to see if there is an increase in the number of white blood cells and protein. And some tests allow you to determine which bacterium is the causative agent of the disease.

In addition to tests, the doctor must also collect the patient's history and see if there have been any recent inflammatory processes. To complete the picture, x-rays are taken, excretory urography. These studies will help determine the size of the kidneys, the degree of their damage.

Features of the elimination of an acute attack

If you have pyelonephritis, the symptoms and treatment must be determined by the doctor. Thus, the presented disease can proceed in acute form. Naturally, it is not enough just to remove the symptoms and end it all. A problem has arisen and needs to be addressed.

Most often during acute attack the patient must be hospitalized and given drug therapy. That is, the patient must take antibiotics that effectively affect pathogens. In addition, the patient should take which will help the body maintain its natural defenses.

All the forces of doctors at this stage are concentrated on eliminating the focus of inflammation, getting rid of symptoms and preventing the transition of an acute form into a purulent-destructive one. Naturally, in the course of therapy, it is imperative to restore the function of urine outflow from the kidneys.

Traditional treatment of the chronic form

Before using a folk remedy for pyelonephritis, you should definitely consult a doctor. Conservative therapy involves the use of antibacterial and immunostimulating drugs.

In order to restore the outflow of urine, can be applied surgery. When comes quickly enough. Antibiotics should be prescribed only taking into account how the urine microflora will react to the drugs. As for anti-inflammatory drugs, such drugs as Nimesil, Voltaren can be used. To improve blood flow from the kidneys, you can use the funds "Trental", "Heparin".

If you develop pyelonephritis, treatment folk remedies, reviews of which are mostly positive, can become an additional stage of therapy that will accelerate the elimination of the disease. However, you should definitely consult your doctor.

How to get rid of pathology by non-traditional means?

So, herbs have been our helpers in the fight against many diseases for many hundreds of years. If you have found pyelonephritis will help you in this case.

Consider the most effective folk medicines:

1. A large spoonful of flax seeds must be steamed with a glass of boiling water. Next, the mixture will have to be additionally boiled over high heat for about 3 minutes. One hour is enough to infuse the drink. It is necessary to drink the prepared remedy for only 2 days, twice a day for half a glass. Such a drink will help reduce inflammation and further cleanse your kidneys.

2. If you have chronic pyelonephritis, treatment with folk remedies will be very effective. For example, use hop cones. To prepare a decoction, take only 2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials and steam them with half a liter of boiling water. The mixture should be infused for 2 hours. The drink should be consumed up to 4 times a day before meals. You need to drink only half a glass.

3. When kidney disease sea ​​buckthorn berries help a lot.

4. Honey and viburnum are the richest in vitamins and other useful substances funds. To prepare the medicine, you just need to mix the raw materials in equal quantities. It should be taken 1 large spoon three times a day. And this should be done before meals.

5. In order for urine to drain well from the kidneys, try to eat at least 2 kg of watermelon per day. And it does not matter at all when you will use it: day or night.

Excellent help with this disease are herbs such as stinging nettle, bearberry, oats, smooth hernia, chamomile, cornflower, yarrow. If you have been diagnosed with pyelonephritis, herbal treatment can be an alternative to antibiotics. Although in some cases they should not be abandoned, so as not to aggravate the situation.

Nutrition Features

Therapy is not the only method getting rid of the disease. The point is that the approach must be comprehensive. Naturally, the patient will have to adjust his diet and diet. That is, you need to eat fractionally at least 4-5 times a day. At the same time, spicy, canned, smoked, sweet and too salty dishes are excluded from the diet. Do not use spices, coffee, cocoa, citrus juices.

Meat and fish should be eaten boiled. Soups are best cooked only from vegetables, adding a small amount of oils. Any cereals are very useful. Try to use more vegetables and fruits, and the most effective are those foods that have a large amount of fiber in their composition.

If you can't give up sweets, then just limit the amount. It is allowed to eat marshmallows, honey, pancakes, jam. Drink plenty of compotes, water, juices, milk, kefir. Useful are cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream. Eggs can be eaten in any form.

In order for vitamins C and P to enter the body, try to drink teas from chokeberry, currant and wild rose. Moreover, they should be used only 2-3 times a day. The amount of fluid consumed per day should be at least 1 liter in children preschool age and 2.5 liters in an adult.

Disease prevention

If you have pyelonephritis folk methods treatments will help you quickly get rid of this problem. However, at all times it was believed that prevention is the best remedy from all diseases.

So, in order for you not to suffer from this pathology, try to strictly observe personal hygiene, do not catch a cold. Any infectious or inflammatory process should also be treated in time. Watch your diet, do strengthening the body physical exercises, enhance immunity.

If you have any kidney problems, you should immediately contact a doctor who can recognize and eliminate the focus of the disease in time. Do not try to delay treatment, because pathology can go into that form when the doctors are powerless. In this case, it is produced and this is enough swipe throughout the body.

Now you know how to treat chronic pyelonephritis with herbs. However, always be careful and attentive so as not to harm yourself even more. Be healthy!

Pyelonephritis is considered a urological disorder characterized by infectious, inflammatory processes. This anomaly is characterized by infection of the tubules, pelvicalyceal structure, leading in the future to changes in the renal tissue structures - the parenchyma. Usually this disease is found more often in women, children under 7 years of age than in males, due to the peculiarities of the structure of the urinary canals. According to statistics, about 20% of people are exposed to this violation in one of its forms. The inflammatory process occurring in the kidney area can be acute,. Rarely can it be found in early stage due to lack of initial severe symptoms illness. In the presence of any form of the disease, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor, often used A complex approach in the treatment of this pathology - along with medical prescriptions, various useful plants are also used.

Treatment of pyelonephritis at home is carried out after a medical examination of the patient, sometimes hospitalization is required. But the doctor can also allow pyelonephritis to be treated at home, special diet food, drink, medicines, bed rest, medicinal herbs - all this will help in healing process.

How to treat kidney pyelonephritis at home?

A patient with this pathology in an acute form should adhere to bed rest at least 2-3 weeks, so that diseased kidneys are warm, bed - best zone to find the patient. You must also adhere to daily diet do not include food that irritates the kidneys, namely:

  • Various spices;
  • Alcohol;
  • Black coffee;
  • Spicy, salty dishes;
  • Fatty fish, meat broths;
  • preservatives.
  • Yoghurts, kefirs;
  • Vegetables - pumpkin is best;
  • Fruits - watermelons, melons, grapes;
  • Dairy products, eggs;
  • Boiled meat, fish.

The chronic form of pathology is often combined with signs iron deficiency anemia, therefore, in this situation, fruits, berries saturated with iron, such as pomegranate, strawberries, apples, should be added to the menu.

People who are different normal indicators blood pressure, urine outflow, switch to plentiful drink- daily intake plain water must be at least 2000 ml. Increasing the fluid intake will help in the process of washing the urinary tract, relieve excessive concentration of urine.

Herbs for pyelonephritis

How to treat kidney pyelonephritis at home? Use useful plants in the treatment process aimed at eliminating urinary infection, has long been considered one of the components of a successful result of getting rid of this pathology, has proven itself well as maintenance therapy.

Phytotherapy for pyelonephritis is often combined with medicinal substances.

Treatment of pyelonephritis at home is not complete without the use of herbs characterized by anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, diuretic, antispasmodic, hemostatic properties. Medicinal herbs remove viruses, trace elements from the body structure that spread due to stagnant moments of urine. These kidney fees are needed to get rid of the consequences of antibiotic use in order to prevent them bad influence on the liver, microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment with folk remedies: the use of herbal preparations

Quite often, the positive effect after the use of medicinal plants is much better than after drug treatment.

How to treat kidney pyelonephritis at home? When using herbal medicine, remember 3 rules:

  • It is necessary to periodically change the components of the fees - after 1-1.5 months;
  • Do not forget to pause for a duration of 2-3 weeks;
  • Experts recommend the use of herbs in the second half of the day due to the peculiarities of the functioning of the genitourinary structure.

Oat grass is considered a good anti-inflammatory substance, a decoction made with it should be taken every day for 2 cups, also to get good result often its use is combined with taking special baths.

Due to the occurrence of puffiness, it is often advised to use decoctions containing corn stigmas, bearberry grass, blackcurrant, flax seeds, wild rose, juniper berries, strawberries, horsetail. You can use already made pharmacy fees aimed at curing any form of pathology.

Treatment of pyelonephritis with folk remedies:

  • Bearberry herb - used in the form of a decoction (30 g of plant / 500 ml of water), taking the prepared solution up to 6 times every day 2 tbsp. spoons, has an antibacterial effect. The action of bearberry is expressed in an alkalized environment, when using the prepared liquid, it is also necessary to use mineral water, pears, raspberries, apples;
  • Lingonberry (leaves) - characterized by antibacterial, diuretic effect. A decoction is made from the amount of 2 tbsp. spoons of the plant, half a glass of water, taken up to 6 times daily 2 tbsp. spoons, alkalinization of urine is also necessary, the same as in the situation with the use of a decoction based on bearberry;
  • Cranberry juice, fruit drinks - it has an antiseptic effect, it is consumed in the amount of 2-3 glasses per day;
  • To cure the chronic form of the pathology, a kidney collection from the roots of parsley, calendula, orthosiphon is used - these ingredients are used in a decoction, it is consumed every day, treatment course- 1 month;
  • Tincture from grass, cornflower flowers is characterized by anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect, diuretic effect relieves swelling. For the solution you need 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried crushed plant, 1 cup of boiling water, tincture is taken before meals in a volume of 50 ml;
  • The chronic form of the disease is eliminated by means of a decoction made from flax seeds - you need to fill them with water, put them to boil for several minutes, then leave the liquid to infuse, then use this remedy in the amount of 50 ml with a pause of at least 2 hours.

Phytotherapeutic options are usually applied in order to additional measures to the medical treatment process, also to prevent an exacerbation of the disorder, the use of kidney fees should be monitored by a medical specialist.

Propolis in the treatment of disease

An aqueous extract of propolis is often used in the treatment process, as it has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects.

Recipes for the use of propolis for the treatment of disease:

  • Ingestion aqueous extract propolis (10% - 20% concentration), it is necessary to dissolve it in ½ glass of milk. The course of treatment - up to 1.5 months;
  • 100 g of propolis is crushed, medical alcohol (500 ml) is added, it is left to infuse in a darkened room for up to 18 days, do not forget to shake the solution daily. Then strain, take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day, drinking warm milk. You should drink all the prepared tincture, after six months repeat this treatment course.

Birch buds to eliminate pathology

The prepared decoction, tincture from this component are characterized by a strong antimicrobial effect. Birch buds with the development of the disease are often used in the form of a decoction - 15 g given ingredient it is poured with boiling water (1 glass), everything is left to infuse for several hours, the remedy is taken 3 times a day after meals in the amount of 1 glass.

Birch buds contain resinous elements, flavonoids, vitamin complexes, tannins, various useful components. They help improve kidney function, liver function, and strengthen the body's immune defenses.

Physiotherapy for pyelonephritis

In addition to the main medical procedure the following physiotherapy methods are performed:

  • Electrophoresis of furadonin, erythromycin, calcium chloride in the kidney area;
  • Thermal measures in the area of ​​the infected kidney - the use of special mud, ozocerite, paraffin applications, diathermomud.

The result of the use of physiotherapy:

  • Increased blood supply, increased plasma flow - provides an influx of antibacterial substances;
  • Relief of the spasmodic moment in the renal pelvis, ureters - helps the waste of mucous secretions, bacterial microorganisms, urinary crystals.

Treatment of pyelonephritis with folk remedies, herbs is carried out only in conjunction with medications. Scientific research the effectiveness of combined regimens of antibiotics, uroseptics, medicinal herbs.

There are ready-made pharmacies herbal preparations(cyston, kanefron, phytolysin). If possible healing fees you can cook by yourself.

Recipes for getting rid of inflammation pelvicalyceal system many kidneys at home. Some of them have been tested by centuries folk experience. Some developed modern doctors. Practice has proven the benefits of the recipes given in the article.

Acute pyelonephritis: treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedy for pyelonephritis based on propolis:

  1. 100 grams melted butter mixed with 10 grams of propolis. Using a coffee grinder, the mixture is crushed;
  2. Reheat the ground mixture before use to 80 degrees (after the refrigerator). Let it brew for 20 minutes in a sealed container. Then heat up to 90 degrees. Strain the solution;
  3. After obtaining the consistency of the oil, the solution must be filtered. Drain the water after breaking through the top layer;
  4. Take a spoonful of oil before meals.

There are other folk ways to get rid of the inflammatory process of the pyelocaliceal system:

  • Clay therapy;
  • Hydrotherapy;
  • hardening.

Each type of clay is characterized unique composition. Some ingredients of the product have medicinal properties. The main benefit of clay is the ability to adsorb (absorb) toxins. adsorption properties depend on the proportions of the solution. The more water, the less absorption.

To prepare the medicine, you need to dilute the clay warm water, let it brew for several hours, heat up to a temperature of 45 degrees. For the treatment of pyelonephritis, the composition is applied to the kidney area. The duration of the procedure is about 30 minutes. For full treatment 15 procedures are enough.

Applications are applied to the kidney area for 15 minutes. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, you can add clay to a bath with a temperature of 45 degrees. It should be taken twice a week. The duration of the procedure is up to 30 minutes.

Attention! Excessive warming of the lower back improves blood circulation, which contributes to the spread of a purulent focus, spreading cancer cells throughout the body. If there is suspicion of oncological diseases, it is better to avoid any warming procedures.

There are other therapeutic baths, which are successfully used by medical and preventive sanatoriums in the treatment of patients with kidney diseases.

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