Types of Ayurvedic massages and their benefits in Ayurveda. Ayurvedic oil head massage

When, while trying to achieve complete relaxation in the shavasana pose, as the instructor advised, I closed my eyes, looked into myself and found an endless Facebook feed inside. It was filled with the posts of ex-men and betrayed girlfriends, the most unpleasant employers and all those whom I could boldly list under the heading " obsessions". It became clear that something had to be done urgently, literally here and now, while the demons of the past had not yet completely devoured my present.

imaginary life

They say everyone has imaginary friends. But what to do with very real exes - friends, lovers, bosses, relationships with which continue, even if in reality they have long been terminated? Like hung computer program, all these images of once close people are eating nerve cells, densely settling in the head. In what commission can I hand over my memories and how to erase them from a memory disk?

No, meditation, self-persuasion, willpower and do not even help. By the age of thirty, each of us has several suitcases without handles - there is no strength to drag, it is impossible to get rid of. After all, they have been collecting for so many years. I want to go back to my 20s and do everything in a completely different way. But there are too many memories, unfinished texts, relationships, desires. All this threads stuck out, interfered and eventually tangled inside into a tight lump. And ahead loomed a new cool job and new life paths. How not to drag all the old stuff into your new life?

calm the mind

Quite by chance, as they say, friends of friends advised me by the arm, Indian traditional medicine, Ayurveda, turned up. Its basic principle is that the body responds to the problem of the mind - psychological factors affect physiological functions. When exposed to various techniques (massage, for example) on the body, the mind calms down, which means that the body as complete system comes into harmony. It sounded great, of course.

Then I googled where real Indians work, and not just a complex of spa services that are often offered under the guise of Ayurveda. For an introductory consultation, I went to a doctor with the authentic name Unnikrishnan at the Center for Ayurvedic Medicine and Yoga Therapy "Atreya Ayurveda". He had a magnificent mustache, and during the consultation he asked me more questions than all my boyfriends on all first dates combined.

My health complaints interested him much less than my lifestyle, daily routine, how I sleep and how I spend my time. Before coming to Russia 15 years ago, the doctor studied for 7 years in his homeland in the state of Kerala (they have a local medical campus there), but he asked questions in such a way that I thought I would start crying right in the office. No, not because “it was a shame just now,” but because I didn’t talk about it so long ago, but didn’t even think about it. In general, by the end of an hour-long conversation (his Russian, by the way, turned out to be excellent), I already roughly understood where and how physics patches holes in the psyche.

“Until the mind is calmed, it is useless to deal with the body,” the doctor said. He suggested starting with a week-long procedure called shirodara, which is used to clear and calm the mind and is one of the most popular.

Its meaning is very simple: on the forehead, in the area of ​​the “third eye”, oil is poured in a thin stream for half an hour, and before that the body is prepared - massaged with oil in four hands on the most active points, paying special attention to the neck-collar zone. For advanced users, we can say that this procedure affects the ajna chakra (sometimes they say about it: “to open the third eye”), for everyone else it is indirect massage the pineal gland, which gives deep relaxation, puts a person in a borderline state between sleep and wakefulness. It is believed that Shirodhara is one of the most powerful procedures to get rid of vata (wind) in the head, calm the mind and work out difficult memories in the subconscious. From the point of view of physiology, the procedure itself affects those parts of the brain where old impressions, habits, and harmful patterns are “stuck”. As the oil is poured onto the forehead, the nervous system is deeply relaxed, the brain waves calm down and become orderly.

Erase memory, or analyze it

The schedule of the procedures was drawn up so that I would come to them in the evenings, warning that after the procedure it is best not to make any complex mental movements, to spend time in silence and contemplation. Shirodhara is done in a course, daily, and has a cumulative effect. Therefore, I asked everyone (including at work) (everyone, of course, was ignored).

I came at the appointed time, completely undressed (they give out a disposable gown and underpants). In the massage room, the Indian woman first did a head and neck massage. Then I moved to the massage table, half a bowl of warm sesame oil was poured into the center of my navel, and already in four hands with a colleague, carefully, but very gently, with gentle movements went over my whole body, rather stroking than kneading. They turned me over on my stomach and did the same on the other side. Then I lay down on my back again. The hair was hidden in a disposable cap, cotton pads were put over the eyes, and in the nostrils too, so that oil would not get there. A stream of warm oil flowed on the forehead in a thin stream, which was immediately smoothed over the forehead. Soft, caressing movements immersed me in half-asleep. But it’s just impossible to sleep - one of the Indian women lightly touched my shoulder as soon as I started to sink into sleep.

And dear subconscious has already shown me a movie. Like an oil solvent, the dust from deeply hidden experiences was erased. They appeared as pictures, only to disappear again later. For the first time, I was able to look so deeply inside my own head. Time passed very slowly. After the procedure - a shower, where for another forty minutes I washed off the oil from long hair. By the way, for each client, the oil is selected individually and "my" oil was then used during all my procedures and only for me.

After the shower, there was a feeling of "like in slow motion." I didn’t want to run anywhere, on the street all the noise and bustle of the city crashed against me, as if I were in a cocoon. And this is me, who until recently was able to overtake a tram! I didn't answer my cell phone (and for the first time I didn't feel any remorse about it). I felt very whole – and calm. It is interesting, I thought, what will happen to the sixth procedure, if after the first it is so good.

And yet, despite the low pressure, three liters of coffee and a total increased anxiety I went to bed at midnight. And fell asleep almost immediately. I dreamed of a large hospital, where I entered in an incomprehensible capacity - either as a visitor or as a patient - but passed through it and went out on my own. There was also that young clown on which, then still a minor, I stumbled, and a series of “same-bad” guys rolled head over heels. But he was a patient, and I was healthy. I left and he stayed.

Cockroaches in a dream and in reality

At the next procedure, everything was the same, only I, as an experienced user, peered more actively at those pictures that my brain gave me, while oil was flowing on my forehead in a slow stream. Perhaps the best definition of what it is like: peering into clear water spring, you can better see all the rusty cans, bottles and other garbage accumulated at its bottom. I went to bed on time again, forgetting about many years of insomnia.

On the second night, I dreamed of an unfamiliar apartment, or rather a bathroom, teeming with cockroaches (I went to them, if anything, calmly, without nerves). There were a lot of them, they were everywhere - they fell on my head, climbed into the bathroom from all the cracks, and I tried to get rid of them by drowning at least a part and flushing into the bathroom drain. The next morning I really wanted to clean the apartment for real.

The dream book in the face of a friend claimed that this was a lot of money, and I thought how much oil you need to spend to evict cockroaches from your head.

Before the third procedure, I remembered that I had exams for graduate school in 2 weeks, and should I take the vacated part of the brain hard drive useful knowledge- for example, philosophy tickets. So instead of Facebook and other Internet, I began to read abstruse textbooks.

And, of course, every night I had wonderful amazing dreams in which I finally figured out all those relationships that were hanging somewhere in the RAM of my head and did not want to go to the trash. For the first time since my school days, I was able to wake up at 7 in the morning and see how beautiful it is when the sun fills the room.

I was temporarily off work, and my rest of the day consisted of household chores (suddenly I began to shake things up, throw out the excess and organize everything and everything), philosophy in audio and printed form, then the procedure, a light dinner - and that's it.

By the sixth procedure, I caught myself thinking that not only did I understand everything that was written by philosophers, but I myself could offer something new. The feeling of a clean, washed face is familiar, I think, to everyone, but what is the feeling of a well-washed, fresh brain? This feeling, when anxiety goes away, there are no memory lapses, but there is already an acceptance of the past, and there are no tantrums about “the mediocre years lived”.

Radiance of Pure Mind

How did it all end? For a week of procedures, 3 disappeared somewhere extra pounds, although I didn’t set a goal to lose weight - I just didn’t want to eat up in the evening. I passed the philosophy brilliantly, entered the graduate school. Three weeks later, she got a new job. After 2 months, I went for an operation that I could not decide on for more than 10 years. And this is still an incomplete list of everything that happened a couple of months later.

I have a lot of unused memory for new things and emotions. While my brain is building a new reality, my task is to ensure that garbage does not clog my RAM cache. I have a remote control to control myself. Sometimes it still skids, especially at the turns of life, but I know where that magic button is, which will allow you to free yourself and unload the hard disk of the brain. The Buddha advised: "Do not do evil, do good and keep your mind pure." Golden words for those who want to be finally let go.

Ayurvedic massage is one of the most effective ways to force the energy to circulate through the body and get rid of toxins and toxins.

Ayurvedic body oil massage has existed in India for many centuries and was originally used before cleansing and full recovery organism.

The massage technique consists in rubbing essential and healing oils into the body. Moreover, the movements should go in the direction from the heart.

A massage session has a positive effect on the appearance and condition of the skin, stretch marks disappear and “ Orange peel". It improves blood circulation and lymph flow, which accelerates the removal of ama or toxins. And using quality oils natural origin, the skin receives additional nourishment.

Ayurveda advises to do massages regularly.

Benefits of Ayurvedic massage

Ayurvedic massage has a very profound effect on the body, namely:

  • increases skin elasticity and improves blood microcirculation;
  • helps to reduce subcutaneous fat and removes toxins;
  • restores all vital functions of the body - respiratory, digestive, immunity;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • improves sleep;
  • the effectiveness of such massage in the prevention and treatment of diseases such as neurosis, osteochondrosis, chronic migraine, syndrome chronic fatigue and even obesity.

What oils are used

To perform this type of massage, pure vegetable oils or vegetable oils with the addition of essential oils are used. Each plant that is part of the oils has its own characteristics. They need to be taken into account, because they help some people, but they are completely unsuitable for others.

Sesame oil: excellent for the treatment of abrasions, cracks, helps to reduce adipose tissue and increase muscle, has a calming effect on the skin.

Olive oil: able to penetrate deep into the skin, restores the structure of bones and muscles, helps well with fractures and muscle sprains.

Ghee butter: This butter is regular ghee that has had the water and other mixtures removed. With it, you can eliminate inflammation, it also helps with swelling, burning, improves digestion, restores memory, vision, voice.

Coconut oil: moisturizes the skin well, creates a protective film on the surface of the skin, softens, nourishes and smoothes it. Effectively helps with cracks and peeling. Suitable for all skin types.

Corn oil: this oil during massage has a beneficial effect on muscle mass, contributes to its increase. It absorbs quite quickly, which is a very good indicator of quality.

Essential oils such as lavender, sandalwood, clove, eucalyptus, geranium are added to oils in a ratio of 1:20.

After several sessions, a person will be saturated with vitality, blood microcirculation will improve, sleep will be strong and healthy.

Ayurveda massage techniques

Exist different techniques ayurvedic massage:

☯ Champi (effective for headaches of a psychogenic nature),

☯ Marma Chikitsa (full body massage lasting about three hours - leads to harmony between body and soul),

☯ Snehana (body oiling).

External Snehana (oiling and softening) consists in rubbing oils into the skin with the help of massage movements, internal - in taking oils inside.

External oiling can be carried out using several massage techniques. One of the most popular oiling techniques is the Abhyangu technique - self-massage of the whole body. If such a self-massage is carried out correctly, it will relieve tension (both muscular and emotional), improve blood circulation throughout the body, which will help restore the function of all organs and tissues.

How to give an Ayurvedic massage to yourself

You need to start from the head. To do this, pour a teaspoon of oil on parietal part and massage the scalp in circular motions, as if you were washing your hair. Lightly massage the temples and the area behind the ears, as well as the lobes.

Now move on to the face. Here are the main lines for acupressure:

  • from chin to earlobes
  • from the corners of the lips to the middle of the ears
  • from the nostrils to the middle of the ears
  • from the middle of the forehead to the temples
  • from the inner corners of the eyes - above the eyebrows - to the temples
  • from outer corners eye - under the lower eyelid - to the inner corners of the eyes

To massage the neck, move from the collarbone to the chin. Then, with gentle finger movements, massage the back of the neck (without putting pressure on the spine). Massage the shoulders with the whole palm, hands - with circular movements in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints and longitudinal in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bones. Stay longer on the hands, pay attention to each finger.

The body is massaged with different strength, relieving pressure in the heart and abdomen. Movements, wide and soft, are done clockwise. The back needs to be massaged exactly as far as you can reach without straining, while the movements must be done vertically.

Gently and thoroughly massage the buttocks, then the thighs and legs, and especially the feet, where there are many biologically active points. Pay attention to your fingers - just like on your hands, work out each phalanx.

All this takes no more than 15-20 minutes. Rest for five minutes, remove the remaining oil with a towel or paper towel and take a warm shower or bath.

How Ayurvedic massage is performed

Ayurvedic massage is carried out in an environment that promotes maximum relaxation of the patient. The room is usually subdued light, music for relaxation. During the massage, there is a smooth, gradual rubbing of the oil and activation of biologically active points. An Ayurvedic massage session takes about two hours.

After several sessions of such a therapeutic massage, the patient, in addition to a healing and relaxing effect, fills his body with vital energy, improves blood microcirculation, reduces the layer of subcutaneous fat, improves sleep, and gets rid of migraines.

Ayurvedic oil massage allows you to achieve harmony of body and spirit. This therapeutic massage is a thorough study of all muscles, which allows you to relieve tension. During the massage, a person completely relaxes and gets rid of negative thoughts.

Daily massage procedures can have a beneficial effect on the entire body. At the same time, harmful and toxic substances are removed from the body.

Ayurvedic head massage technique

1. Prepare a mixture of oils of your choice. Cover your shoulders with a towel. Make tapping movements with your fingers on the head, starting from the eyebrows, then up the forehead, to the top of the head and down to the base of the neck.

2. Pour some oil into your palm. Rub it into the top of your head. After adding a little oil, run your fingers from the top of your head to your ears, and then from the top of your head to the back of your head, running them through your hair like a comb.

3. Grab a tuft of hair on both sides of your head with your hands. Twist them first clockwise, then vice versa. Tilt your head forward, apply the oil to the back of your head and spread it with your fingertips over your scalp, moving up to the crown and forehead, and then back.

4. Make tight rotational movements with the fingertips of your left hand from the hairline above the left ear to the back of the head. Do the same with your right hand on the right side of your head. Twist and pull a section of hair at the crown, at the nape and below.

4. Connect your fingertips in the middle of your forehead. Swipe them towards the temples to distribute the oil on the forehead. With your middle fingers, make point circular movements counterclockwise in the direction from the temples to the crown. Repeat at the temples. index fingers do the same movements behind the ears towards the base of the occiput; gently press on end point. Now massage the points behind the earlobes in the same way.

6. With light pressure, move your fingertips from the top of your head to the base of your head, and then back. Twist a strand of hair and pull it.

7. Relax for 15-20 minutes and then wash off the oil with shampoo. If you are going to bed, do not remove the oil at night, and to avoid staining the pillow, cover it with an old towel. Wash off excess oil with shampoo in the morning.

Ayurvedic bag massage

The most delicate and gentle among all the variety of Ayurvedic massages is massage with warm bags filled with herbs. In the ancient Indian practice of healing, this massage is called "kizhi" and has long been used to solve the following problems:

  • getting rid of chronic stress;
  • withdrawals nervous tension in the muscles after playing sports and staying in one position for a long time (for example, after a whole day spent at the office at the computer);
  • breeding excess fluid;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • gentle elimination of toxins through the skin;
  • elimination of small inflammations and irritations on the skin.

To perform this Ayurvedic massage, small linen or cotton bags are used, heated to a comfortable warm state, which are filled with healing herbs soaked in various essential oils. After lightly kneading the body with your hands, the action on the active points begins with the help of bags, and in the end, the masseurs gently stretch all the heated muscles and ligaments.


Like any physiotherapy, this one also has its contraindications, which must be remembered before starting the sessions. The main contraindications include such diseases and pathological conditions, how:

  • Arthritis
  • 2 days before period, period and 2 days after period
  • Puffiness of any origin
  • fractures
  • Increased body temperature
  • Poisoning the body with toxins

In some cases, this type of treatment should be completely abandoned, especially when a person is allergic to any substance used. Secondly, such a procedure cannot be performed during an exacerbation of any chronic disease or in the presence of acute illness especially flu or colds.


Ayurveda massage is best used in combination with proper nutrition and cleansing of the body. Sessions should be held twice a week for a month.

It is advisable at this time to monitor your diet, do not abuse alcohol and cigarettes, play sports.

After a course of massage, you will notice an improvement in well-being and mood. You will have more energy. The entire body will be cleansed of salts, toxins and toxins. The skin will tighten and become smooth.

Constant attendance of Ayurvedic massage sessions allows you to successfully deal with such problems as: migraine, insomnia, nervous disorders. After each procedure, the human body is filled with vital energy.

Massage is an integral part of Indian Ayurveda and Indian culture in general. Newborns are regularly massaged to increase muscle strength and vitality, care for the body and develop motor skills so that the child grows up calm and contented. Isn't it a great start to life!

Indian ayurveda , one of the oldest medical systems in the world, is famous for its oil massage. Ayurvedic massage acts not only on the physical, but also on the mental level and spreads the life-giving force in the body, which helps all body systems to recover and revive.

Similarly, it connects with emotions including sadness, happiness, frustration, and indecision. Warm sesame oil massaged into hiridai reduces sadness, confusion and indecision of the vata dosha. Cooling oil sandalwood or sweet jasmine or rose oils are helpful in reducing pitta disorder and will promote restful sleep.

The second great marma, called basti, is just below the bladder, about four fingers wide above the pubic bone. It regulates apana vata. Apana controls the colon and promotes the release of toxins and waste. This marma balances the muscular system, adipose tissue, urinary system and reproductive system. It treats lower back pain, constipation and a range of urinary difficulties. Warm sesame oil or Castor oil on this marma reduces vata dosha. Application aromatic oils, such as nutmeg, to basti marma, will ground, while cardamom oil helps to reduce the amount of gas.

In physical terms, it helps the vital functions of all body systems - immune, respiratory, nervous, endocrine, vascular, muscular, skeletal, digestive and lymphatic. In terms of mental massage brings peace and relaxation to the mind, promotes the process of self-healing, makes the mind stop aimless wandering and brings complete relaxation. In terms of energy, massage restores the correct movement of energy in the body, eliminates many damages to the energy cocoon, cleanses and significantly enhances a person’s energy.

The third mahamarma, sthapani, is located between the eyebrows. This point controls the prana, mind, senses and endocrine system. This moment helps to develop concentration, clarity, meditation and focus in the mind. Massage at this point will calm anxiety, reduce depression, reduce mental stress, eliminate headaches and improve sleep. Lavender oil is wonderfully soothing in this moment, while stimulating oils uplift the mind and open up the senses.

Hot oil soaks and heals Ayurveda has developed an extremely effective and delightfully soothing system, basti karma, which involves marinating certain local organs of the body in warm oil. It seems to be one of best secrets ayurveda.

Regular massage once or twice a week prevents the development of many skin diseases, such as eczema, herpes, scabies and seborrhea. In addition, massage increases the overall resistance of the body, endowing a person with patience, self-confidence, endurance, quick wits and intelligence, sexual activity and physical beauty.

The term also refers to the usually curative enema. The three mahamarmas are great places to start basti therapy. These treatments, detailed here, are more effective when done regularly, such as every day for three to four days. Try both or a combination to suit your style. The dough consists of a small round ring four to five inches in diameter and is placed over the area to be treated.

The edges are glued to the skin with a few drops of water; warm herbal oil is then carefully poured into a well or squeezed into a cotton net. When the oil cools, it is squeezed out and replaced several times with warmer oil. Learning how to make dough and building a ring in this exceptionally low-tech process is like being a French pastry chef and civil engineer at the same time. Fortitude pays for learning Ayurveda.

Massage with oils is universal remedy restoring health, relaxation and improving the quality of life. Ayurvedic massage is especially effective for disorders of the nervous system (insomnia, neurasthenia, migraine, chronic fatigue syndrome), metabolic disorders, endocrine and digestive systems, diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

Ghee removes impurities. Ayurveda believes that the milk of eight kinds of mammals is safe for humans, and ghee can be made from these eight kinds of milk. Under normal conditions, cow's milk milk is best for human use.

It is also used for the treatment of diseases, anti-aging treatments and aphrodisiac treatments. In addition, ghee is said to promote memory, intelligence, quantity and quality of sex secretions, and improve digestion. We know from modern science that ghee is rich in phenolic antioxidants. It is beneficial for the growth of all seven souls in the body and is suitable for people of all ages. Specifically, it aids in bone formation and facilitates healing. traumatic injuries including fractures.

Massage increases the production of white blood cells and antibodies, thereby increasing the body's ability to fight viral and other infections. It stands guard over the life of the body and strengthens the immune system.

Ayurvedic massage combined with yoga practice can bring quick and very effective result to the general physical and spiritual state a person, relieving many diseases and ailments, ranging from overweight problems to more complex diseases body, bringing an inexhaustible flow of vital energy into the human body, working wonders with our physical and mental bodies.

How to give an Ayurvedic massage to yourself

Ghee has been praised for its sexual vitality and for building nerve and brain tissue. Long beloved by yoga practitioners, it lubricates connective tissues and promotes flexibility. The revered sage Acharya Vagbhatta describes its healing properties in cases of burns and wounds. Age-related ghee reduces all three doshas and dispels blockages in features. This applies to alcoholism, fever and vaginal pain.

Ayurvedic oil massage at home: how to do it right?

Medicinal ghee, clarified butter in which herbs have been extracted, is a well-known preparation method for treating pitta conditions. Netra basti. In netra basti, warm ghee bathes the entire eye, one eye at a time. Build a flour dough ring around the orbit to encircle the entire eye socket. Of course, it is very important to be extra careful here. Using ghee that feels a little warm to the touch, start slowly pouring the ghee into the dough ring, starting at the side edge.

Under various circumstances, Ayurvedic massage with oils is carried out in courses of 7, 9, 14 days and special indications or more days. For a general wellness course, a 9-day massage is optimal. The duration of each massage procedure is 1 - 1.15 hours. If you receive this very pleasant massage regularly, it improves the overall tone of the body, restores mobility to tired joints, relieves you of wrinkles and is an alternative to modern cosmetology.

FROM eyes closed client, fill the dam with warm liquid oil until the eyelashes are completely submerged in water. The client's eye is then opened during the treatment, looking through a yellow pool of liquid ghee. The client will be able to see, but the image will be blurry. This incredibly relaxing "eye bath" treatment nourishes the deep connective tissue of the eyes, improves vision, and benefits eye strain, dry and itchy eyes, sturgeon, optic neuritis, early cataracts, macular degeneration, and Bell's palsy.

Ayurvedic massage is done using special Ayurvedic oils, selected according to your dosha (constitution). The oil penetrates deeply into the tissues, allowing for joint mobility and skin elasticity. A special massage technique provides high-quality lymphatic drainage, relaxes muscles well, relieving nervous tension and stress.

In general, it helps to balance the doshas in the head. While plain ghee is common for netra basti, trihala ghee, or other vegetable oils such as chrysanthemum flower, saffron, and bala root. Empty the dough by tipping your head to the side and pouring the ghee into a small bowl.

Ayurveda massage technique

The vision will be a little blurry for a few minutes but will clear up quickly. People often experience an immediate measurable improvement in visual acuity. For a fun experiment, use an eye chart to measure acuity before treatment. In some cases, netra-basti is contraindicated for conjunctivitis, blepharitis, corneal ulcers and glaucoma.

An indispensable condition of Ayurvedic massage is the use of oils. At the same time, their inherent qualities and the effect that they seek to achieve with the help of massage are taken into account. Penetrating into the skin, essential oils affect the peripheral nerve endings, and also have a detoxifying effect on the body. The removal of toxins from the body occurs due to the fact that oils are excellent sorbents. An aromatherapy session during a massage allows you to relax and has a calming effect on the human nervous system. This is facilitated by melodic mantra music that sounds throughout the entire massage procedure.

To soothe and rejuvenate the burning sensation that pitta aggravates the eyes, apply one drop of warm ghee to each eye before bed. Siro basti. This is ghee or oil washing of the entire upper half of the skull. A specialized tall, hat-like cylindrical leather container is mounted on top of the head and sealed around the rim with sticky dough. Imagine Abraham Lincoln's hat.

Shiro basti with ghee treats headache and scalp dermatitis. With castor oil, shiro basti heals facial paralysis, insomnia, anxiety, dandruff, facial paralysis and other neurological disorders and improves memory. This is usually done daily for seven days, repeated every month or so. This therapy for chridia marma helps to nourish, strengthen and balance cardiac functions and rejuvenate the heart. It strengthens the heart muscle, increases the contractile force of the heart organ and benefits coronary disease heart disease, cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure.

Along with relaxing, Ayurvedic massage also has a stimulating effect, which has a beneficial effect on the energy potential of the human body. After the massage, a person feels peaceful, literally reborn and full of strength and energy.

Separately, it should be noted the effect that Ayurvedic massage has on the functioning of the joints, working out the muscles, ligaments, joints, the massage specialist normalizes the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, relieves pain in the spine and muscle clamps.

Indications for Abhyanga

This procedure relieves deep anger and sadness. Give him a taste of the frozen shoulder. Warm, medicated oil or ghee is left on the chest for twenty to forty-five minutes. It is also an effective treatment for asthma and other breathing problems. Rose petals are a great addition to the oils in Hridya Basti.

Open your heart and let the tension melt. Katy Basti. It is a simple therapy with profound effects. AT subtle body nadis emerge from the manipura chakra and supply energy to the upper and lower limbs and back. The test ring is about 4-5 inches in diameter and is placed on the back around the painful area. It is usually applied to the lumbosacral region of the spine, which is the main site of vata. Warm ghee is poured or rubbed on lower part backs in the test. When the oil cools, it is squeezed out with a cotton mesh and the procedure is repeated several times.

Ayurvedic massage is also excellent remedy to strengthen immunity. After all, during the massage there is repeated stimulation of biologically active points, and this has a general strengthening effect on the body. It only takes a few procedures to tangible effect felt over the next six months.

From year to year, the number of regular admirers of Ayurvedic massage is growing. This happens due to the effective preventive properties that this type of massage has, its ability to prevent the development of diseases, relieve nervous tension.

The indications for this therapy are back pain, degenerative changes spine, compressed discs, osteoporosis, sciatica, hip pain, shoulder pain and compression spinal cord. Most of the time, vata dosha is the culprit in this area, so warm castor oil or dashum oil works well for kati basti. Brahma oil will treat nerve damage. St. John's wort is not a typical Ayurvedic herb, but its nerve and connective tissue repair oil is used specifically for kati basti.

Healing properties vegetable oils, used for this basti, deeply cleanse and strengthen the blood, build strong muscles and connective tissues and lubricate the joints. Kati basti is likely to relieve most types of lower back pain. This special technique aims to provide relief by bathing the lower back for twenty to fifty minutes.

As a result, Ayurvedic massage gives:
  • deep relaxation
  • detoxification of the body (removes toxins)
  • healthy joints
  • improved lymphatic drainage
  • activation of blood circulation
  • smooth heart rate and breathing
  • relief from stress and tension
  • increases the level of the hormone of joy
  • clear head
  • pressure normalization
  • weight loss
  • strengthening immunity
  • pain relief (relieves muscle clamps, pain in the joints, in the spine and headaches)

Ayurvedic oils and cosmetics

The effectiveness of Ayurvedic massages and procedures is also due to what Ayurvedic remedies are used during massages and Ayureda procedures.

The treatment of this mahamarma can be done with a simple manual massage or with a test well. Castor oil, sesame oil and ghee are suitable. To treat vata of the nervous system, use calamus root infused oil on this marma. Basti chakra. This basti, also called nabhi basti, is applied to the umbilical cord. Nabhi Marma is the vital center where all seventy-two thousand Nadists of Ayurveda converge. Hot oil washing here acts on solar plexus and balances the digestive fire.

In our studio we use 2 lines of Ayurvedic products - DEVANGARI and BLISS STYLE. This is 100% natural oils and cosmetics, manufactured in India according to old recipes and technologies, in just a few factories. The recipes of Ayurvedic remedies are thousands of years old and the technology of their production has remained unchanged, and is strictly protected by the Hindus.

Use it for indigestion, gas and constipation. Emotionally, it facilitates the release of deeply rooted emotions. A little further - basti-marma. Use warm ghee basti over this reflex point to open the energy circulation in bladder and pelvis. This area treats premenstrual syndrome and other disorders menstrual cycle, frequent urination and blocked urination.

It improves knee strength by improving blood circulation. Use it for knee arthritis or general knee pain. Use it for any type of chronic neck pain, including frozen shoulder. Vaksha-basti is done above the adrenal glands, just above the kidney region on the back, to rejuvenate these glands and the entire back chest region.

There are dozens of classic Ayurvedic recipes for solving certain health problems, for gaining clarity of mind and calmness, improving memory and thinking, allowing you to get rid of pain in muscles and joints, problem solving with the skin and normalizing metabolism.

Approximately 50% of the effect of Ayurvedic procedures is provided by oils and herbal powders. Our skin is the largest barrier in terms of area to protect against aggressive environmental factors, which helps the body to remove toxins, toxins, and normalizes temperature metabolism. The beauty of the skin is its natural health.

Expertly processed marma points on the body can literally give life. Working with these three important marmas and the warm oil technique goes a long way in creating balance and health in the body, mind and spirit. With a caring attitude, gentle hands, and some soothing, warm oil, we can bring the gift of health to people in new and exciting ways, and maybe work a little in the process too. Notes Liquid chromatographic method for the determination of nine phenolic antioxidants in butter oil: a collaborative study.

Each oil solves its own problems: bone health, slim figure, relief muscles, healthy nerves and restful sleep, sexual health etc. The preparation of Ayurvedic oils is a way of long-term fermentation of various herbal formulations when not only fat-soluble substances and vitamins, but also water-soluble ones pass into the oil.

In the process of massage with Ayurvedic oils, a healthy metabolism occurs in the patient's body, the result of which, among other things, is the separation of toxins and toxins.

Any person, after a properly performed Ayurvedic massage, feels elated, as if reborn into the world!

The effectiveness of Ayurvedic massages and procedures is also due to what Ayurvedic remedies are used during massages and Ayurvedic procedures.

Ayurveda - oldest system recovery in India. This is a system of healing and prevention, tested by time and tested by thousands of doctors, who with its help relieved the suffering of millions of people for 5000 years. Prevention in Ayurveda plays a more important role than therapy. in order to avoid illness, harmony in thoughts, physiological balance, freedom of expression of emotions, spiritual development and attention to the environment. Ayurveda helps the healthy to maintain health, and the sick to restore it. Unlike traditional medicine, in Ayurvedic treatment, the patient takes an active part.

Ayurveda is the medical side of Hatha Yoga. In conjunction with Ayurveda - Hatha Yoga, wonderful results are obtained, because. according to Ayurveda, the human constitution is determined and only then asanas (Poses of Hatha Yoga) are selected.

So what is Hatha Yoga? This is the doctrine of physical harmony achieved through physical means effects on the body (diet, breathing, asanas, bandhas, mudras), and mental means (meditation and concentration during asanas, pranayama). Ahimsa is the main ethical principle underlying Hatha Yoga. The ethical principles of Hatha Yoga are described in the first two steps: Yama and Niyama. The ancient Vedic scriptures say that the atma (soul) is in captivity of five life streams (the stream of thin air, the stream of thin water, the stream of subtle fire, the stream of subtle earth and ether) and only Hatha Yoga can free it from this captivity to achieve samadhi . Every exercise in a certain way affects a certain part of the body, organ or group of organs. Specially selected sets of asanas, in which the sequence of exercises plays an important role, are used to improve and strengthen health, to combat various ailments. When performing asanas, the following are taken into account: breathing (holding, inhaling or exhaling); the point where attention should be directed. Some asanas have contraindications for performance. Diseases, according to yogis, are an incorrect distribution of vital energy (prana) in the body, and the performance of certain asanas (as well as the performance of pranayama) leads to the correct redistribution of prana in the body, which cures diseases, both physical and mental.

The next, more complex than asanas, step of yoga are breathing techniques.

Hatha yoga helps to gain full health using hidden reserves own organism, and on their own, their will to achieve healing

Prices for procedures are indicated in our price list.


Duration 60 min.

Abyanga refers to the technique of Ayurvedic massage, and, from the point of view of its interpretation, is intended to restore the energy balance of the body and harmonize the energy flows of the body. Abyanga contributes to the simultaneous relaxation of muscles, the elimination of muscle spasms, the disappearance of fatigue and physical fatigue. As a result, Abyanga is able to prolong life, as it strengthens the nervous system, heals and rejuvenates the body.

The impact on the psycho-emotional state of a person of Abyang massage is as follows:

  • Raise mental activity and ability to concentrate, improve memory,
  • Harmonization emotional state,
  • Restoring emotional balance
  • Elimination of the consequences of the transferred emotional stresses,
  • Removal of psychological and nervous tension,
  • Sleep normalization.

Thus, Abyanga literally promotes the revival of the body. The disappearance of irritability, tension and fatigue without a trace contributes to a feeling of youth and health. That is why Abyanga is referred not only to tonic procedures, but also to healing ones. top scores from the use of Abyanga arise in the treatment of insomnia, chronic fatigue, joint pain, headaches, chronic back and muscle pain. The Abhyanga massage complex is also recommended as an ideal remedy for insomnia and nervous fatigue, for sleep disorders of the different nature, with emotional and mental overload. The therapeutic effect of Abyanga is necessary for the most various disorders organism. This massage is able to soothe pain, reduce swelling, relax stiff muscles, improve sleep and lead to a positive emotional state.

The healing effect of Abyanga is as follows:

  • skin rejuvenation,
  • cellulite removal,
  • Fight stress and nervous tension, improve sleep,
  • Relief from muscle pain and spasms
  • Restoration of lymph and blood circulation,
  • Removal and dissolution of toxins and slags,

Slowing down the aging process.

Price: 3500 rubles.


Duration 45 min.

Special warm medicinal oils are applied to the back, and an Ayurvedic massage is performed. Pressure and speed during massage, as well as oils are selected in accordance with your individual constitution.

Healing effect:

  • Gives flexibility to the joints and spine
  • Chronic pain relief with regular massage
  • Strengthens the nervous system
  • Relieves tension in the muscles of the back and shoulders, allowing them to recover easily after physical exertion

Price: 2500 rubles.


Duration 45 min.

Foot massage on marma points. This is a unique opportunity for corrective action on the internal organs through the active points of the foot. You get acupressure and reflex foot massage at the same time. Stabilizes the energy balance, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular, immune, nervous systems, musculoskeletal system, stimulates venous outflow, improving the condition in the initial stages varicose disease, has a healing and soothing effect on problem areas of the body.

Healing effect:

  • Stimulates venous outflow, improves the condition in the initial stages of varicose veins
  • Normalizes the activity of the sweat glands of the feet
  • Relieves leg fatigue
  • Improves the work of the cardiovascular, immune, nervous systems, musculoskeletal system
  • Improves eyesight
  • Relieves tension and headaches
  • Improves sleep

Price: 2500 rubles.


Duration 45 min.

Ayurvedic massage, neck and face, with the help of a special technique of execution, acts locally and reflexively: locally it tightens and rejuvenates the skin of the face, and reflexively acts on the whole body. Mukhabhyangam nourishes and cleanses the tissues of the face, which gives the skin a beautiful tone and a healthy look. Maintains good tone and elasticity of all layers of the skin. It relieves muscle tension and the effects of stress, smoothing out wrinkles and giving softness to the facial expression. Attaches right direction subtle energies, relieving tension in the entire body, and filling it with energy. Causes a desire to take care of others, develops inner beauty.

Releases suppressed emotions, facilitates verbal communication, opens the mind to new ideas and positive thoughts, improves memory. During the massage, the marma points located on the face are affected, which improves vision, removes bags and dark circles under the eyes, affecting the kidneys, liver and other organs.

Healing effect:

  • Nourishes, tightens and rejuvenates the skin of the face
  • Purifies tissues and cells
  • Smoothes out wrinkles
  • Relieves tension in the face and body
  • Energizes the body and mind
  • Calms and opens the mind

Price: 2800 rubles.


Duration 90 min.

In India, they make a special spa-procedure that gives the body health and beauty, and the soul - harmony. This is udvartana - a deep massage of the whole body using dry powder. medicinal herbs. A real ritual, which begins with a light pleasant massage with aromatic oils, then a wrap with herbal infusion, after which, in fact, a dry massage. In addition to the pronounced therapeutic effect, udvartana delivers a rare sensual pleasure, tones and relaxes at the same time.

Indications for the procedure:

  • varicose veins: a positive effect on blood vessels, strengthens them;
  • getting rid of cellulite and its prevention;
  • lethargy and flabbiness of the body: udvartana slows down the aging process, “revives” the skin, tightens the muscles;
  • muscle "clamps", joint pain, pain relief from sprains and bruises;
  • excess weight and body volume;
  • fatigue, nervous tension: udvartana relaxes, replenishes vital energy.

The principle of udvartana is simple - under the influence of massage movements in combination with the action of medicinal herbs, blood circulation is enhanced, the skin is cleansed, toxins are removed from the body. Massage affects the biologically active points of the body, tones the nerve endings. Udvartana is performed by one or two masseurs who, with intensive movements of the hands, elbows and feet, rub the powder of medicinal herbs with various additives into the skin of the body. Spices, clay, soy flour, etc. are used as additives. Udvartana is a full-fledged massage, its technique includes kneading the skin and rubbing the dry mixture with pressure. At the same time, it is a scrub that cleanses and revitalizes the skin.

The duration of the procedure is approximately one and a half hours. During this time, you will relax, get a lot of pleasure and pleasant sensations, restore inner balance. The effect of udvartana is truly healing: blood circulation and metabolism are improved, the skin becomes softer, its structure is evened out, and inflammation disappears. The procedure tones the muscles, your body will be more sculpted, toned and attractive. Lightness, excellent mood and spiritual harmony - this is the result of Ayurvedic massage udvertana.

This procedure has contraindications:

  • skin diseases, damage, wounds;
  • allergic reaction to the components of the mixture for massage;
  • increased body temperature;
  • any inflammatory and infectious diseases;
  • acute form diseases of internal organs

Benefits of Udvartana

  • Contributes to the treatment of cellulite and vericosis, improves the condition of capillary networks, subcutaneous fat and blood vessels.
  • used for muscular dystrophy
  • Rejuvenation (slowing down the aging process)
  • Relieves tension, fatigue, weakness and stops the abnormal development of muscle tissue
  • Controls kapha (deposits of fat in the body)
  • Strengthens and cleanses the skin, making it more sensitive, refined and firm.
  • Gives tone and nourishes body tissues, strengthens muscles and improves skin structure, improves skin relief, stops the development of pathogenesis.
  • The procedure stabilizes the work of all body systems

Varieties of Udvartana

  • Snigda - using oils, prescribed for exhaustion, etc.
  • Ruksha - using medicinal powders, prescribed for obesity, drowsiness and skin diseases

Price: 3800 rub.



Duration 60 min.

First, a classic Ayurvedic oil massage is performed, during which all the muscles and joints of the body are worked out, saturating the skin and tissues with healing oils. Then, bags filled with herbal powders are dipped in warm oils and placed on top. problem areas as warm compress. it ayurvedic method treatment of pain in the back, limbs, joints and muscles.

Healing effect:

  • Brings peace and tranquility;
  • Eliminates the phenomenon of depression, anxiety, restlessness, insomnia;
  • Reveals new sensations from life;
  • Improves brain activity;
  • Helps with recovery after strokes;
  • Strengthens hair;
  • Relaxes mimic muscles;
  • Smoothes wrinkles;
  • Tightens the skin.

Price: 5500 rubles.


This is an ancient Ayurvedic remedy that helps to get rid of headaches, nervous tension, improves emotional state and memory.

Taking medicines through the nose (NASYA). Excess bodily secretions that accumulate in the throat, nose, sinuses or head are removed through the nearest openings. Prana ( Vital energy) enters the body through breathing through the nose. Prana supports sensory and motor functions in the body. Nasal medication helps to correct prana disturbances, improves the efficiency of brain, sensory and motor functions. There are two interchangeable terms - shirovirechana and nasya. "Shir" in Sanskrit means "head", "virechana" - "purification". The Shirovirechan procedure cleanses and rejuvenates the tissues and organs of the head and neck. In this case, medicinal substances are administered nasally, since the nose is the closest access point to the organs of the head. Shirovirechana removes ama and toxins from the nasopharynx, sinuses, larynx, ears and eyes.

Ingredients:. Holostemma, Himalayan cedar, Coleus, Nutgrass, Indian sarsaparilla, Sandalwood, Barberry, Licorice, Sedge, Aloeswood, Wild asparagus, Sugarcane, Bael tree, Indian crocus, Yellow nightshade, Small sago palm, Costus, Cardamom, Chaste tree, Water lotus, Sida. Cyperus rotundus, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Vetiveria zizanioides, Hemidesmus indicus, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Cyperus esculentus, Aegle marmelos. Solanum anguivi. Desmodium gangeticum. Pseudarthria viscida. Embelia ribes. Asparagus racemosus. Kaempferia rotundus. Cinnamomum tamala. Elettaria cardamomum. Piper aurantiacum. Nelumbo Nucifera. Oil of Sesamum indicum, Goat's milk.

Properties: Sedative, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, mucolytic.


  • headache, migraine;
  • dryness of the mucous membranes of the nose;
  • nasal congestion (nasal sinuses);
  • chronic sinusitis;
  • runny nose;
  • sinusitis;
  • insomnia, nervous overexcitation;
  • overwork, stress;
  • noise in ears;
  • hearing loss.

The main indications for Nasya are dryness of the mucous membranes of the nose, nasal congestion and frequent headaches, migraine, loss of smell, dizziness, as well as some diseases of the eyes and hearing organs.

Regular cleaning of the nose with Nasya eliminates puffiness and dark circles under the eyes, and also sharpens the sense of taste and smell.

medical application:

According to Ayurveda, the nose is the door leading to the brain. Instillation opens and clears the channels of the head, improving oxygenation (oxygen supply) and the flow of prana, which has a very beneficial effect on brain activity. Anu Tailam oil is indicated for diseases of the head and neck, it is also successfully used for dry nasal passages, congestion of the paranasal sinuses, for colds, chronic rhinitis and sinusitis (including allergic); it brings relief from chronic vascular headaches, migraine, epilepsy, and also has positive influence at mental retardation and degenerative diseases of the brain.

Anu Tailam oil can be used for diseases of the eyes and ears, including tear deficiency and tearing, chronic irritation of the sclera, conjunctivitis, glaucoma, hearing loss and tinnitus, and loss of smell.

Side effects: none

In contact with

A good scalp oil massage has a number of benefits, including providing peace of mind, improving sleep, being a headache remedy, helping people suffering from baldness and hair loss, preventing premature graying of hair, relieving stress, and other diseases associated with the nervous system. . Applying hair oil and massage is one way to improve hair strength and hair quality according to the principles of Ayurveda.

Ayurvedic head massage helps restore healthy hair

Exposure to direct sunlight in the summer, using a hair dryer to dry your hair, regular coloring and other negative effects on the hair can make hair dry and brittle, with split ends. Ayurveda gives us excellent methods to counter the above problems. One such method is head and body massage with warm oil. There are certain points on the human body called “marma”, and massage at these points with warm oil has certain advantages:

  • lubricates and soothes the scalp;
  • helps prevent dandruff and dry scalp;
  • improves blood circulation in the head and neck;
  • helps to relax the scalp;
  • strengthens and nourishes the hair roots;
  • softens hair;
  • protects hair from the damaging effects of the sun and wind;
  • soothes Vata dosha, balances Pitta dosha and related problems, depending on the herbs used to massage the scalp (for example, Pitta soothing herbs promote emotional balance, relax the muscles in the head area);
  • reduces body heat;
  • promotes healthy sleep in nighttime.

Massage of the head and hair with warm oil is desirable to do with the addition of herbs beneficial for hair, which is the best way to nourish the scalp and hair, and also helps to relax the mind and nervous system. The base oil must be chosen according to the type of constitution (Prakriti). As a rule, people with Vata constitution have thin, dry and curly hair, with split ends. Pitta-dominated people have fine hair that is prone to premature thinning or graying. For people with a Kapha constitution, the hair will be thick and greasy.

The right choice of massage oil is already half the battle.

If your constitution is Vata, choose almond or sesame oil as base oil.

Sesame oil
Sesame oil is the preferred base oil for almost all massage oils used in ancient traditional Ayurveda and is an ideal choice for hair. The main reason for this choice lies in the fact that those who use sesame oil regularly do not suffer from headaches, gray hair, baldness, dandruff or hair loss. Hair becomes silky, long, deeply rooted, and regular use of sesame oil also helps to improve sleep. If you have trouble sleeping, make it a habit to massage your feet and head with sesame oil before bed. Sesame oil is also safe for massaging babies as it promotes deep relaxation and relieves headaches. In addition, it has antibacterial and antifungal properties and protects hair from harmful effects chlorine found in tap water.

Almond oil
Almond oil is also used as a base oil to restore thin, dry and frizzy hair in Vata people. Thanks to great content vitamin E, calcium and magnesium, it is used on its own as a head and hair massage oil, or used as a carrier oil to add shine and strength to the hair.

Representatives of Pitta constitution can choose as a base oil for massage Coconut oil , as coconut has and is very good at soothing Pitta. Coconut oil can also slow down hair thinning and prevent premature graying of hair, which in turn are associated with an imbalance of Pitta dosha. The use of coconut oil also prevents dandruff and dryness of the scalp, nourishes damaged hair and also acts as an air conditioner. Because of its cooling properties, coconut oil is simply indispensable in the summer. In colder seasons, the use of coconut oil can increase Kapha dosha, especially in people prone to colds, allergies, coughs, runny nose, asthma, etc. Even some relatively healthy people who do not have problems with colds can experience runny nose problems when using coconut oil during the cold season, especially if the oil is left on the hair and scalp all night. The longer the oil stays on the scalp and hair, the more oil is absorbed into the hair. Therefore, a head massage with warm oil will be more beneficial if done at night. In the period from 2 pm to 6 pm, and from 6 pm to 10 pm, and the use of coconut oil at this time can worsen both Vata dosha and Kapha dosha. Therefore, if you want to use coconut oil for massage, it is better to do it in the morning.

Some Ayurvedic experts advise to neutralize the cooling properties of coconut oil by mixing 1 tsp. ground black pepper with 100 ml coconut oil, and heat for 5 minutes, filter and use in winter time of the year.

For Kapha constitution, the best choice as a base oil is sesame or mustard oil.

So, we have decided on the choice of oil. In addition to the above oils, you can use Ayurvedic oils with one or more hair friendly herbs. Traditionally, for the preparation of such oils, herbs are added to base oils and heated for a long time, cooled and filtered.

Herbs used in Ayurvedic hair oils

1.Brahmi Calms the mind and nervous system, soothes Vata and nourishes the hair. Brahmi is used to prevent premature hair loss and increase hair thickness and volume. Brahmi oil is made by mixing it with sesame oil or other base oils and applied to the hair and scalp.

2.Amalaki- has cooling, nourishing and cleansing properties. Suitable for all hair types, especially Pitta types. Oil, with the addition of amalaki, is used to eliminate most hair problems, as well as to relieve headaches, dizziness. Most Ayurvedic oils contain amalaki as their main ingredient. Amalaki is also used with coconut oil and is great for protecting hair from sun damage.

3. Bringaraj - occupies a strong place in Ayurvedic hair products. Bhringaraj is often mixed with sesame or coconut oil and used as a scalp massage oil. Bringaraj has high content protein and stimulates hair growth, restores black shine to hair.

4. Hibiscus- Cools and helps maintain hair color and vitality.

5.Nim- prevents dandruff and has cleansing properties, has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties, stimulates hair growth, contains essential fatty acid and vitamin E.

6. Rosemary - is an excellent hair stimulator, promotes hair growth, prevents premature graying .

7. Lavender- prevents dandruff, has anti-inflammatory properties, reduces itching, swelling and redness, inhaling the smell of lavender helps to fall asleep, reduces heart rate and blood pressure and acts as a sedative.

Self-massage of the scalp and hair

Ideally, self-massage should be done every day before taking a bath in the morning. But most of us work, and there is not always time for a morning massage. You can also massage in the evening, but never do a massage in a hurry. It is better to do at least once a week, but a quality massage, and after the massage at least 15-20 minutes of rest is necessary before you return to normal activities.

Step 1. Pour some oil into a bowl and warm the oil in a water bath by placing the bowl in hot water. The oil should be warm and comfortable to the touch, but not too hot. Or put oil in plastic bottle and then dip it into hot water to heat up the oil. Store leftover oil in the refrigerator.

Step 2 Relax, take a deep breath, tune in for a massage. Rub your palms together, feel the warmth and energy fill your palms.

Step 3 Pour a little oil on the point called the fontanel (located in the middle parting at a distance of eight fingers from the eyebrows), and rub the oil on both sides of the head from the fontanel towards the ears.

Step 4 Pour some more oil on the top of the head (three fingers from the fontanel to the back of the head) and rub the oil again on the head towards the ears.

Step 5 Tilt your head forward, pour the oil on the point where the skull joins the neck, rub the oil on both sides towards the back of the ears.

Step 6 Now that all hairy part covered with oil, gently pat your head with your fingertips to stimulate blood circulation and improve hair nutrition.

Step 7 Massage well with your fingers the entire surface of the skin on the head, collect the hair in a bun and gently pull the hair to relax the muscles. Pull the hair in the same way at the three points where the oil was applied.

Step 8 Now cover your head, leaving the oil on your head for 30-60 minutes. You can wrap your head on top terry towel. After that, wash off the oil with a mild shampoo.

1. Protect your hair from the direct rays of the summer sun by covering it with a hat or cap every time you go out.

  1. Comb your hair with a sparse comb in the morning and evening.

3. Hair loss may be due to permanent stressful condition. Avoid stress and anxiety. Breathing exercises and meditation are very helpful to keep stress free.

4. When washing your hair, try to avoid shampoos with strong chemicals. Natural herbs such as nettle root extract, licorice (licorice) extract, horsetail, green tea, ginger, Apple vinegar, rosemary and sage are best for preventing and treating hair loss.

5. Diet plays an important role in correcting nutritional deficiencies that lead to hair loss. Your diet should be rich in seeds, nuts, vegetables, fruits, grains, milk, vegetable oils, yeast, wheat germ and honey, foods rich in B vitamins, iron, zinc, magnesium and calcium.

  1. Eating large amounts of carbohydrate-rich foods can lead to hair loss.

7. Drink up enough water when you feel thirsty. This will help flush harmful toxins from the body.

8. Avoid using a hair dryer when drying your hair as exposure to hot air will weaken the hair and cause hair loss.

  1. Do not wash your hair with very hot water. The water should be slightly cooler than for washing the body.

Our hair is a reflection of our health. It is the result of what we eat and drink. Eat healthy foods and drink enough water, remember to cover your hair when you go out in the sun in the summer, keep calm and enjoy life.

An ancient medical science whose origins are lost in the mists of time. Presumably, it originated in the Tibet region 5 thousand years ago. This ancient system had a huge impact on the modern, primarily thanks to Avicenna. In the 20th century, Ayurveda became popular in the West, and by the end of the century it was also recognized in Eastern Europe. Few people really know what Ayurvedic massage is. But the now familiar procedures - dousing, enemas, diagnostics by pulse, medical - familiar to everyone, came precisely from Ayurveda.

What is it: why is it carried out and how is it useful

Let us clarify right away that Ayurveda is not a semi-legal field of medicine that can be trusted, but can be considered charlatanism. In the US and Israel this type of medicine is studied at the state level.

The difference from the Western one lies in the fact that Western doctors treat the disease that has already arisen. Oriental remove the cause. Translated from Sanskrit, Ayur - Veda - "knowledge". Thus, Ayurveda means "knowledge of life". This is the essence of ancient medicine. It does not focus on a specific disease, but on a person. Ayurveda's approach to is to harmonize the balance in

Energy consists of 5 elements: earth, fire, ether. Ether is a substance that both ancient philosophers and Hindus tried to define, and but there is still no exact concept. Ether, or still represents a mystery in terms of origin and its nature. However, its presence is taken into account in various systems of healing and the East, including Ayurveda. The effectiveness of the Ayurvedic approach to treatment is undeniable, it has been proven thousand years of history. There are many methods offered by this eastern system; in the introduction they are indicated, of course, not completely. One of these methods, which is gaining more and more popularity, is Ayurvedic massage.

Its purpose is not only physical relaxation, the impact on painful areas but mental and emotional peace, as well as ensuring the free passage of the flow of spiritual energies through the body.

Varieties of this massage

There are many types of Ayurvedic massages. They differ in technique, indications, selection and This procedure is a synthesis Indian system healing and the unique technique of the technique itself. Let's talk about the most popular.

  • - most known species ayurvedic massage. It is desirable to carry it out daily, since it is preventive. Maintains the balance of the elements in the norm. Abhyanga is performed using aromatic oils, which are selected individually.
  • - a complex of procedures for deep cleansing of the body. Oil wellness and anti-aging are integral part this health promotion. As a rule, these are 5 sessions, during which they oil internal tissues, the stomach is cleansed, the intestines are thick and thin, and the result is the cleansing of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Panchakarma is held once a year.
  • - this is an Ayurvedic massage. A warm oil jet is directed to the head, as well as to the place of the third eye, just above the bridge of the nose. The result is deep relaxation. This type is very effective in the fight against migraines, not to mention the cosmetic bonus for the skin of the face and
  • Marmas - points on the body, energy centers, by acting on which you can influence the state endocrine system, internal organs and even Ayurvedic body massage in combination with the technique of influencing marmas triggers self-healing mechanisms.
  • - Ayurvedic facial massage, and in doing to relieve swelling, achieve the effect
  • - for the Technique with the use of a special dough, from which a kind of container is formed in the desired area. Then heated oil is poured into the dough. After the desired part of the body has warmed up, the massage begins. The masseur also works with the muscles of the neck.
  • - for Funnels are made from a special dough, they are placed in front of the eyes and heated oil is poured in. As a result of the procedure, problems are removed from swelling of the face, dark circles under the eyes are removed, work is normalized Good for fans
  • Complex impact on the body with the help of hot herbal bags, acupressure and Ayurvedic kizhi massage gives a tangible anti-stress result.
  • They use the study of the spine and back muscles using against a whole range of diseases and undesirable conditions. Variety - anti-cellulite massage.
  • Segmental-classical the technique is used to work out all parts of the spine.
  • Hot and cold stones are used to achieve relaxation. Hot stones are basalt, their heat penetrates deeply into tissues, up to 4 cm. Cold stones are marble. The study of the face and feet is carried out by two masseurs at the same time. Ayurvedic foot massage significantly improves tone, relieves clamps and fatigue

What oils are best to use

Any Ayurvedic massage is, first of all, oil massage. And therefore it is important to choose an oil that suits this particular person and will help to achieve the maximum effect. A suitable oil is chosen by a specialist whose services the patient decided to use.

Types of oils used in Ayurveda:

  • sesame;
  • mustard;
  • sunflower.

These are base oils. In addition to them, there are also specially made oils according to Ayurvedic recipes. For interest, here are the names of some of these oils:

  • Balaswagandhadi Tailam;
  • Kshirabala;
  • Trifaladi Tailam;

Did you know? Sanskrit is the basis of all Indo-European languages.

The choice of these is huge. Moreover, they are combined with various medicinal herbs.


Like any medical procedures, Ayurvedic ones also have contraindications. Massage is not carried out with the following problems:

  • Unpredictable allergic reactions to drugs used in massage.
  • Diseases such as SARS with concomitant cough, fever.
  • Skin diseases, often infectious, in the acute stage.
  • different localization.

Ancient Indian treatises claim that this procedure is almost a panacea for all diseases. In any case, according to patients' reviews, it is guaranteed to relieve pain of various localization, improve overall well-being. In general, it improves the quality of life.

Scheme and technique

Ayurvedic massage is carried out according to certain rules.

  • The procedure is done in the morning
  • The oil must be heated.
In addition, there are 2 techniques for carrying out.

Technique 1.

  • 1 st. l. oil is poured into the palm of your hand and rubbed into the head. The movements are circular.
  • 1 st. l. oils are applied to the face, ears. Hand movements are very careful.
  • The neck is massaged with the palm of your hand.
  • Hands are processed in a circular motion from top to bottom.
  • Chest and massage in a circle.
  • The next area is the back and
  • The legs are massaged from the hips to then from the knees to the feet in a circular motion.
  • At the end, the feet are processed.
  • At the end of the procedure - hot
In the process, do not forget to add oil. Hands should slide easily.

Technique 2.

  • The navel area is stroked 20 times clockwise, then the same number of times against.
  • After that it is massaged top part from the navel and back.
  • The next treatment area is from the navel to the legs and back, first in front, then behind.

Can you do it yourself

The procedure can be carried out independently at home. During self-massage, active points are simultaneously involved, which is an additional advantage.

For home massage, it is preferable to choose technique 2 described above. It is better to choose the oil for the procedure on the advice of an Ayurvedic specialist.

And you need to take into account the contraindication. If there are problems from the list above, then it is better not to risk it.

According to reviews, home massage is better to do The relaxing effect will allow you to sleep like a baby.

The types described are just a few of what Ayurveda can offer to modern man in his struggle for health and vitality. Patients who are disillusioned with the possibilities are increasingly turning to the possibilities of the oldest healing system on Earth. And, it must be admitted, this approach does not deceive.

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