Top of head hurts. Causes of pain at the top of the head If the parietal part of the head hurts

Headache is a non-specific symptom of various diseases and pathologies. It can be localized in different parts of the head, including in its upper part, when the crown of the head hurts, thereby indirectly indicating the cause of the appearance. In some cases, in order to get rid of it, you just need to change the type of activity. If the head hurts often, you should consult a doctor.

Causes of pain at the top of the head

If your upper part of your head hurts, then there can be many reasons for this, we will try to consider the most common ones, as well as understand how to distinguish between them and, most importantly, how you can get rid of such pains.

Traumatic brain injury

Often the cause of pain in the upper part of the head is a post-traumatic condition. It can appear within 2 months after the injury. This pain indicates a concussion.

The nature of the pain

With a concussion, the pain is dull, pulling, sometimes throbbing. It has a pronounced character and causes discomfort.

Cephalgia caused by a concussion may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Nausea.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • fluctuations in blood pressure.
  • Weakness.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Frequent and pronounced mood swings.

How to get rid of such pain

If the onset of a headache was preceded by an injury, the patient needs bed rest and a doctor's consultation.

In order to get rid of it, take the following drugs:

  • Analgesics: Pentalgin, Tempalgin, Sedalgin.
  • Nootropics: Phezam, Piracetam, Nootropil.
  • Sedatives: Persen, Valerian extract.

If the crown of the head hurts and the pain is combined with other symptoms, does not respond to analgesics, or repeats too often, you should definitely seek the advice of a specialist.

Headache in the frontal part of the head periodically worries adults and children, and manifests itself in different ways. Pulsation, heaviness can be replaced by dull, aching pain, subside for a while, cover with a wave, radiate to the back of the head, temples. The condition is often accompanied by:

  • light intolerance;
  • sharp sounds;
  • dizziness;
  • mild nausea.

Usually it is attributed to stress, overwork, limited to taking Citramon, cold compresses, if the pathology is explained by episodic manifestations. In chronic discomfort, it is necessary to establish provoking factors.

Causes of a headache in the parietal part

The syndrome can be the only complaint in 40 diseases: depression, neurosis, endocrine, renal disorders, ENT diseases. Most often occurs with (27%), psychological stress (68%).


A chronic disease with episodic attacks makes itself felt with pulsating, spasmodic pain in the orbital-frontal-parietal region. Paroxysmal syndrome is accompanied by nausea, an unhealthy reaction to light and noise, drowsiness, lethargy. Before exacerbation, there are sometimes peculiar sensations:

  • ripples, light flashes;
  • distorted perception of reality;
  • tension in the abdomen.

Migraine begins suddenly, lasts from a few hours to several days. It is permissible to stop a cephalic attack before the onset of aggressive pain with analgesics, antispasmodics. With the development of a pathological condition, painkillers are ineffective.

Psychogenic factors

Headache in the crown region of moderate intensity is formed on an emotional background, often radiating to the back of the head. Stress occurs in people:

  • with high anxiety
  • suspiciousness;
  • latent or overt depression caused by chronic fatigue.

Important! Typical symptoms such as nausea, dizziness are practically absent. Sometimes there is a reaction to light, appetite decreases.

chronic diseases

Acute headache in the parietal part of the head occurs when :

  • hypotension and high blood pressure;
  • taking pharmacological preparations;
  • infectious diseases;
  • hormonal changes;
  • after exposure to the sun;
  • prolonged sitting at the computer.

Serious disorders appear after traumatic brain injury (). There is a memory disorder, dryness appears in the mouth, vision problems arise.

Intracranial pressure

Often causes headaches in the upper part of the head . Discomfort is accompanied by decreased vision, dizziness, apathy, drowsiness, fluctuations in blood pressure. Occurs in the morning, localized in the forehead, quickly spreads throughout the skull . Painkillers are ineffective. Structural damage to the brain tissue requires specific treatment.

cluster pain

They occur for no apparent reason in the eye area at about the same time and last from a few minutes to 3 hours. Associated symptoms are swelling of the eyelids, sensitivity to noise, vomiting, progression with movement. More often worries middle-aged men, women in menopause. Symptoms often change. Feelings may weaken or intensify. Due to the characteristic signs, the disease is quickly diagnosed.

Inflammatory diseases

  1. Sinusitis. The disease is always accompanied by a headache in the region of the crown, forehead. Signs - nasal breathing, discharge, nasal voice, photophobia. Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses provokes a pathology of a different nature. With a complication, pulsating sensations shift to the cheekbones, encircle the forehead, cover the temples.
  2. Infectious neuritis affects the branches of the trigeminal nerve, resulting in the formation of deep tissue edema, which compresses the nerve endings. The first signs appear in the late afternoon, then the destructive state is transformed into severe pain. Relieve the condition with decongestants, antibiotics
  3. Frontit. Inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the frontal sinus, located between the orbit and the frontal cranial fossa, without appropriate treatment, leads to rhinogenic and orbital complications. Symptoms: aching frequent headaches in the forehead with localization in the eyebrow, swelling of the eyelids. The problem is solved with the help of decongestants and antibiotics.

How to solve the problem with a headache in the forehead?

First you need to organize the daily routine. With single episodic headaches in the forehead area, walking in the air, good sleep will help. It is good to conduct a course of massage, acupuncture or manual therapy, myofascial releasing (massage according to a special technique). If the measures taken do not give a result, the cause of headaches in the parietal part is identified by a neuropathologist, then he prescribes adequate treatment.


Pain in the crown of the head or in the crown of the head is one of the reasons for an urgent visit to the doctor and a signal from the body that there is a serious problem that requires treatment. Knowing the cause of discomfort in the head area is simply necessary in order to take some measures.

Headache in the region of the vertex is felt as a pressure of the whole upper part. It seems to a person that he is "wearing a helmet." Often accompanied by unpleasant tinnitus, sometimes there is a pulsation in the temples.

The reasons

Symptoms may appear for several reasons. Among them:

  1. Strong overexertion and muscle fatigue.
  2. Stress.
  3. Migraine.
  4. Traumatic brain injury.
  5. cluster pain.

It is worth considering each item in more detail to understand the features of the onset of pain.

Overexertion and muscle fatigue

If you stay in an uncomfortable position for a long time, you may experience pain in the parietal region of the head. Often, pain occurs in people sitting at a computer screen, a machine tool, during agricultural work, when they have to stand in an uncomfortable position for a long time. Muscles tense up, causing pain. The parietal region often hurts due to improper daily routine, nutrition, severe overload, both mental and physical.

Often the head hurts from above, not only in men, but also in women. And this is not just an excuse, but a consequence of a constant repetitive lifestyle, significant overvoltages.


The muscles in the head tense up due to negative emotions, so a person may experience severe pain. It can give in the shoulders, neck. Pain of this kind cannot be called strong, it is stable, moderate, does not change, even if there are additional loads. Sometimes exacerbations occur, when unpleasant feelings intensify, it starts to prick much stronger.

With pain in the parietal region, when dizziness occurs, a feeling of motion sickness, the limbs go numb, it is one of the reasons - psycho-emotional disorders. Prolonged stress that occurs in people often leads to such a development of events. The brain is trying to correct the situation, to make it clear to the person that his work is deteriorating, there comes a limit when something needs to be done. For most people, this causes the top of their head to hurt.

cluster pain

A similar nature of pain occurs in one of the parts of the head and lasts from several minutes to 2-3 hours. Subject to pain men 30-50 years old, women during menopause. Attacks are accompanied by redness of the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, increased sensitivity, urge to vomit and nausea. Increases with fatigue, with any physical exertion.

The property of cluster pains is the frequent change in their nature. They are either strong or weaken, becoming almost invisible. The upper part of the head hurts, middle, inside. Sometimes it is difficult to determine where the source of pain is, it feels like the entire surface is subject to discomfort.


These pains are the most common. They occur at any age, in any gender. It all starts with aching pain, spasms. It starts to hurt only in the upper part of the head, and the duration of pain lasts from a couple of hours to several months. Manifestations of migraine:

  1. The head in the region of the top of the head hurts badly, an unpleasant feeling begins abruptly. Pulsations penetrating the entire surface.
  2. Severe pain to which the parietal part of the head is exposed, aggravated after eating or waking up. It turns out this is due to a change in pressure due to a change in the state of the body.
  3. Pain in the top of the head while walking or during physical exertion.
  4. Vomiting, nausea.

The main cause of migraine is degenerative disorders of the nervous system, when they appear in the blood or vice versa, there is a lack of any substances. Migraines can occur due to increased consumption of alcohol, food, frequent smoking, numerous stresses, and increased physical exertion.

Traumatic brain injury

After a person has suffered a traumatic brain injury, a post-traumatic condition may occur. There is an unpleasant sensation of pain in the parietal region. There is both acute and chronic pain that appears several weeks after the injury. Often, such sensations are accompanied by a craniocerebral injury that has not been detected. Therefore, you should consult a doctor for advice, especially if the following symptoms occur:

  • blurred vision;
  • deterioration of well-being;
  • memory impairment;
  • increase in pain intensity;
  • the occurrence of vomiting, dryness in the oral cavity;
  • temperature rise.

Preventive measures for pain in the crown of the head

To prevent severe pain from appearing, there is a recommended set of measures aimed at improving well-being, increasing the tone of the body. Prevention measures:

  1. Leading a healthy lifestyle. You should not often drink alcohol, smoke a lot. All these altered states of the body provoke increased pain, impaired brain activity. It is difficult to completely abandon habits if they occur, but when pain appears, it is worth reducing the consumption of non-recommended products.
  2. Sports. A healthy lifestyle improves the overall resistance of the body, enhances protective functions. Therefore, physical activity significantly improves the condition, allows you to prevent pain in the head.
  3. More often to be in the fresh air. The measure is quite effective against headaches. Fresh air enriches the blood with oxygen in sufficient quantities, the brain begins to work stably and correctly, pain does not appear.
  4. Avoid stress, strong overvoltage. It is difficult to just take and give up the occurrence of stress. But if you set a goal, figure out how you can act, behave in certain situations so that stress does not arise, you can greatly improve your condition and prevent further headaches.
  5. Eat properly. Useful substances that enrich the blood with essential elements should be regularly replenished in the body. Therefore, it is worth eating fruits and vegetables more often, observing a diet. If the crown of the head hurts, the reasons may be a banal lack of nutrients. Therefore, this point is especially important to comply with.
  6. Sleep for the required amount of time. Such a measure will allow the whole body to rest normally. As a result, overwork will not occur, headache in the crown region, the causes of which are very different, will not appear.
  7. Take vitamin complexes. Vitamins will allow each organ to function normally, stimulate brain activity. Headache on the top of the head and in other parts of the head will appear much less frequently.
  8. Get more frequent check-ups for problems with the brain and spine. A preventive measure that allows you to understand in advance what is wrong with the body, what problems have arisen and how to deal with them in order to prevent the condition from worsening.
  9. Drink more liquid. Drinking plenty of water effectively improves overall well-being. Pain in the parietal or other part of the head will decrease, because the body will no longer experience a feeling of dehydration.
  10. Warm up after being in one position for a long time. The warm-up will allow the blood to pass normally through the stale areas.


Basically, people get rid of pain with the help of pills. The most popular in the presence of headaches are "Analgin", "Spazmalgon" and the like. You should not take medicines often, even if you can get them in a pharmacy without a prescription, because the pain of the top of the head cannot always be cured with such medicines.

The best option would be to go to the doctor, who will examine, identify the cause, determine the method of treating the problem. Particular attention should be paid to the treatment of the child, because many drugs are contraindicated in the child's body. After taking many medicines, there are side effects prescribed in the instructions. Therefore, before taking medications, you should carefully study the instructions.

If the pain is already difficult to endure, self-medication is not worth it. It is better to undergo a course of treatment prescribed by a specialist after making a diagnosis. For proper treatment, it is important to understand why the crown of the head hurts, and not to make a diagnosis on your own and then suffer from the low effectiveness of self-treatment.

Headaches are a very common type of ailment in humans, which can occur in adults and children.

The pain can be in any part of the head, at a certain point, and often there is a complaint of pain in the upper part of the head, in the crown of the head.

You need to understand why the top of your head hurts and what may be hidden behind it.

Main reasons

Headache in the vertex area may resemble the compression of the skull, because it presses hard on the top of the head.

In some cases, the condition may be supplemented by throbbing pains in the temples, as well as tinnitus.

The main causes of this disorder are as follows:

  1. Strong muscle tension.
  2. Various head injuries.
  3. Stress and emotional disorder.
  4. Migraine.
  5. Bad habits.
  6. Osteochondrosis.
  7. cluster pain.

The described reasons are the main reasons for which pressing pain begins to appear in the parietal part of the head.

It is necessary to understand in more detail the problems and the principle of their occurrence.

If a person has constant stress and the muscles of the head tense up, then they are in good shape, this provokes pain in the crown.

Initially, the upper point in the head hurts, after which the symptom goes lower and there is a feeling that someone is pulling.

This state does not change the strength of the attack, even under stress. In some cases, a headache of this nature becomes so severe that it is very difficult to endure and the use of painkillers is carried out.

If the pain in the head appears in the crown, and is also supplemented by other symptoms, for example, dizziness and numb fingers, then this is typical of emotional stress or neurosis.

The problem occurs in a person who is in a state of stress for a long time. Thus, the body speaks of fatigue and indicates that rest is needed.

If the cause of pain in the crown is a sedentary lifestyle, then muscle fatigue appears.

This problem occurs in office workers, drivers, as well as people who are in one position for a long time.

The muscles of the neck and back tense, after which it hurts in the upper region of the head.

Another cause of muscle tension is constant fatigue as a result of lack of sleep or mental stress.

It should be noted that this condition often occurs in women. A very common cause of pain in the parietal region are migraine attacks.

This pathology can be at any age, even in a child. Headaches are quite severe and often radiate to other parts of the head, such as the eyes, ears, or teeth.

Attacks can be both in one part and throughout the entire head area, the duration of the attack can last from 1-2 hours, up to several days and even months.

The main causes of migraine are as follows:

  1. Entry into the blood of various elements.
  2. Nervous system disorders.

You can identify migraine by the characteristic symptoms:

  • There is a sharp pain in the head, which can be described as pulsating.
  • The head hurts more after sleeping, and also after eating.
  • During movement or other loads, the pain also becomes stronger.
  • The patient begins to feel nauseous, perhaps the appearance of vomiting.

Migraine often appears with frequent use of alcohol, as well as with prolonged smoking.

In addition, the top of the head because of a migraine hurts during stressful situations, when overeating.

In the case of a cause in the form of cluster pain, a person begins to experience discomfort in only one area from above, and the duration of an attack can be from 5-10 minutes to several hours.

As a rule, this problem occurs more often in men, although women may suffer from the disease during PMS or menopause.

By nature, the symptoms are inconsistent and the pain in the top of the head is either reduced or becomes stronger. Pathology can be determined by the following symptoms:

  • The eyes turn red.
  • Pain in the parietal region becomes stronger with stress and activity.
  • Perhaps the addition of vomiting and nausea.
  • The head starts spinning.
  • People may be afraid of loud noises and bright lights.

The next reason why the top of the head hurts is injuries. Even with a small bruise, seizures and discomfort are possible, due to which memory will deteriorate and performance will decrease.

Pain in the parietal region can become chronic, as a result of concussions.

A person will need to see a doctor as soon as possible if the following symptoms appear after an injury:

  • Memory disappears.
  • The headache in the vertex becomes very severe.
  • The temperature rises.
  • Vision deteriorates.
  • Nausea, weakness and general deterioration are possible.

If it hurts all the time in the crown area, it means that diseases of the neck and spine are possible.

Often, doctors diagnose osteochondrosis, pinched nerves, all this causes pain in the crown and upper part of the head.

Treatment can be carried out by a neurologist or therapist, you may need the help of a neurosurgeon. If the causes are identified, then massages can be used, as well as a manual type of treatment.

Patients are prescribed exercise and other ways to improve their health. The upper part hurts due to vegetative-vascular dystonia, when the pressure is unstable.

Treatment can be carried out only with drugs, in addition, you must lead the right way of life.

In some cases, it’s not the head that hurts, but the skin on the crown, why this happens, the doctor can say, but often the reasons are hidden in an allergy to care products, the reason may also be a fungus or psoriasis.

In a person with such a lesion, pain is aggravated by pressure and touching the skin.

Medical treatment

Parietal headache can be relieved with medication and various pills are often used at home, without determining the cause, which is very wrong and leads to deterioration. That's why it's important to diagnose the problem first and then treat it.

Headache in the parietal region can be stopped with:

  1. Analgin.
  2. ibuprofen.
  3. Spazmalgon.

It should be understood that treatment with such means should be carried out one-time, solely to get rid of seizures.

An effective treatment should be prescribed by a doctor after establishing the cause and collecting all the symptoms, especially if a child has a parietal headache.

If the child has pain in the crown of the head and the sensations become stronger or are supplemented by other symptoms, then it may be better to call an ambulance so that the child is hospitalized and qualified assistance is provided.

home treatment

If, after diagnosing pain on top of the head, doctors did not find diseases, then the causes are hidden in fatigue or stress.

In this case, you can use folk remedies and the crown will feel relieved.

For this you can use:

  • Chicory and Aloe. It is necessary to put the crushed plant in chicory juice and leave for several hours. After that, take the remedy 50-100 ml at a time. If you use this tool every day, then the pain begins to disappear.
  • Valerian root. For a medicinal decoction, grind 50 grams of the root and put it in 250 ml of water. After that, send for half an hour to a water bath. When the decoction is ready, water is added to a total volume of 250 ml and the decoction is taken 3 times a day, before meals for a week.
  • Cinnamon. It is easy to make a remedy if you put a pinch of cinnamon in 0.5 liters of water, then stir and add 1 tsp. Sahara. You need to drink medicine for 2 tsp. every 2 hours and the headache will start to go away.

If the pain from above is very strong, then compresses should be done. For efficiency, you can use knotweed, which is applied to the top of the head, if discomfort radiates to the frontal part or to the temples, then you need to use a towel and cold.

For a compress, you can use cabbage, which must be kneaded and applied to the place of discomfort.

Potato gruel can become severe pain.


To prevent seizures and discomfort from reappearing after treatment, it is necessary to use preventive measures.

  1. Spend your day actively. You should change your lifestyle and include several physical exercises in your daily regimen, perhaps morning exercises or just sports after work. It will be useful to walk along the street for about half an hour, especially before going to bed.
  2. Give up bad habits. It is recommended to completely abandon cigarettes and alcohol or reduce consumption to a minimum. Also, do not abuse coffee, as it can increase pressure and cause seizures. It is recommended to drink plain water, compotes, fruit drinks and other drinks without harm to the body.
  3. Take vitamins. Vitamin B2 will help with headaches, which is quite a lot not only in drug complexes, but also in broccoli, spinach, eggs or nuts.
  4. Adjust nutrition. You need to eat a balanced diet, as well as add all healthy foods to the diet, which can eliminate seizures. It is necessary to remove fried foods, salty and spicy foods, as well as smoked meats from the diet. Add more to the menu of plant foods, cereals and dairy products.
  5. Normalize sleep. For the normal functioning of the body and the prevention of seizures, you need to sleep from 7 hours a day, and before going to bed you should open a window for ventilation.
  6. Get rid of stress and stress. Constant physical and mental stress leads not only to headaches, but also to other disorders of the body. Therefore, you should try not to worry, avoid stress and not burden the body.

The described tips will help to avoid bouts of pain at the top of the head.

If the symptoms reappear after treatment and are not stopped by simple methods, then a visit to the doctor should be made, especially if the attacks are supplemented by vomiting, nausea and other ailments.

Useful video

Shoshina Vera Nikolaevna

Therapist, education: Northern Medical University. Work experience 10 years.

Articles written

Why does the top of my head hurt? This problem can be caused by various reasons, among which there may be quite dangerous diseases. This pain is characterized by a feeling of pressure in the upper part of the head. It may be accompanied in the ears and. To eliminate this symptom, you need to determine what caused it. Only then can the doctor prescribe treatment.

If the head hurts from above, then this problem can be very different: from temporary disorders to brain tumors. If a person experiences stress, is often in an uncomfortable position, leads an unhealthy lifestyle, then sooner or later he will be disturbed by headaches. They indicate vascular disorders, diseases of the spine or nervous system, or neoplasms in the brain.

Each cause has its own characteristics and accompanying symptoms. Treatment methods in these cases are different. Therefore, only a doctor should deal with the diagnosis.

Fatigue and muscle tension

With a long stay in an uncomfortable position, pain appears in the parietal region. This symptom is usually felt by people who spend a lot of time at the computer or engage in other activities that require being in an uncomfortable position. This causes muscle tension and pain. The head in the crown area may hurt due to:

  1. Wrong daily routine.
  2. Eating unhealthy food.
  3. Mental and physical overload.

This problem can occur in men and women due to improper lifestyle and excessive stress.


Headache in the parietal region begins to disturb with emotional problems, stress, depression. Such pain may radiate to the neck and shoulders. It proceeds moderately and does not increase with increasing load. Stable periods are replaced by exacerbations, in which stabbing sensations appear.

With psychoemotional disorders, other symptoms may also occur:

  • dizziness;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • tachycardia;
  • feeling of pain and burning in the chest.

With pain at the top of the head, the brain wants to make it clear that it needs rest. Therefore, this problem cannot be ignored.


If the upper part of the head hurts, then perhaps this. Women are the most affected by the problem. Migraines cause spasms and aching pain in the upper part of the head. Unpleasant sensations can disturb for several days or weeks. The disease manifests itself as follows:

  1. Headache in the crown of the head can be very strong, sharp and.
  2. The symptom worsens after waking up or eating. This is due to fluctuations in blood pressure.
  3. Nausea and vomiting may occur.

Migraine is a degenerative disorder of the nervous system. It occurs in people who abuse alcohol, smoke a lot, often overeat, experience stress and increased physical activity.

Head injury

Pain in the top of the head may appear after a traumatic brain injury. This problem can become chronic. The first manifestations a person feels a week or two after the injury.

Similar symptoms may be present if the pathology has a latent course. Therefore, you can not do without the help of a specialist if you have:

  • visual impairment;
  • deterioration of memory and general condition of the body;
  • amplification of pain;
  • vomiting and severe dry mouth;
  • high body temperature.

Only a doctor can prescribe the appropriate treatment depending on the severity of the injury.

cluster pain

The crown of the head hurts for several hours, and the sensations are localized on one side - these are cluster pains. Their feature is the frequent change in the nature of the flow. In some cases, it is very difficult to detect the source of unpleasant symptoms; a person has a feeling that the unpleasant sensations have covered the entire surface of the head.

This problem most often occurs in women during menopause and in men in their 30s and 50s. There may be additional symptoms such as:

  • eye redness;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • increased sensitivity to external stimuli;
  • nausea and vomiting.

When a person exposes himself to physical exertion or gets very tired, the symptoms intensify.


If the upper part of the spine is affected, then there are violations of blood flow to the brain. This leads to the development of neuralgia. When the parietal part of the head hurts as a result of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, the attacks can be very painful. The spasm often radiates to the shoulders, temples, cheekbones,. There are additional signs of the disease:

  1. Double vision.
  2. Constantly disturbing dizziness.
  3. Numbness of the upper limbs.
  4. Decreased muscle tone in the neck.

To eliminate the problem, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, and other methods are prescribed.


An increase in blood pressure often causes a headache in the crown area. This is a serious disease that can cause hemorrhage and other pathological conditions. You can not do without the help of a doctor if:

  • often hurts and throbs in the head,;
  • it seems that ;
  • double vision;
  • pricks the heart;
  • sleep was disturbed;
  • often dizzy;
  • memory deteriorated.

To facilitate well-being, antihypertensive drugs are prescribed.


Causes of a headache in the crown of the head are quite serious. This condition may indicate the presence of a tumor in the brain. In this case, a characteristic symptomatology occurs:

  1. Intense pulsation on top of head.
  2. Unpleasant sensations intensify in the morning, after physical exertion or drinking large amounts of liquid.
  3. Hearing, vision deteriorates, coordination of movements is disturbed.
  4. Worried about nausea and vomiting.
  5. Memory declines and mood changes constantly.
  6. Decreased performance, there is a strong feeling of fatigue.

Treatment is prescribed depending on the size and location of the tumor. Surgery may be needed.

Treatment and prevention

Pain in the parietal part of the head is treated depending on the causes that caused it. You can stop unpleasant symptoms with the help of Analgin, Spasmalgon and the like. It is not worth trying to cope with the problem on your own, as it can be caused by quite serious diseases.

To avoid a headache in the upper part of the head, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle. Alcohol abuse and smoking cause diseases that can cause headache on the top of the head;
  • do sport. Physical activity strengthens the immune system and the entire body. People involved in sports are less likely than others to suffer from various diseases and their accompanying symptoms;
  • take regular walks outdoors. This option is good for pain in the parietal region of the head and other symptoms. It prevents development;
  • avoid strong emotional stress. Stress and tension negatively affect the entire body. It's hard to avoid it completely. But, if you try hard and avoid situations that cause stress, you can significantly improve your well-being;
  • consume only healthy foods. The body constantly needs vitamins, micro and macro elements and other substances that ensure the normal functioning of all organs and systems. If there is pain in the crown of the head, the reasons may be a lack of vitamins. To avoid this, you should eat more vegetables and fruits;
  • rest for the required amount of time. Your body needs at least eight hours of sleep a day to function properly. This will restore the strength spent during the day. If you sleep less, then there will be overwork and, as a result, unpleasant symptoms in the form of spasms in the head;
  • use vitamin complexes. These drugs are more needed in winter, when there are no products that can replenish vitamins. They stimulate brain activity and prevent the development of many diseases. The doctor should prescribe such drugs based on information about the lack of certain substances;
  • regularly undergo preventive examinations. In order to detect diseases of the brain or spine in time, it is necessary to visit a doctor every six months and undergo an examination. This will allow you to notice the problem in the early stages of its development;
  • drink more liquid. The brain and the whole body need water. Compliance with the drinking regime will help to avoid dehydration and related problems.

Headaches in the crown region can have different causes. At the first signs of deterioration in well-being, you should visit a specialist to prescribe treatment.

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