Zoroastrian calendar compatibility. The oldest Zoroastrian system will help you discover all the secrets of your destiny

All of our marriages, for the most part, are based on love. Well, or at least sympathy. However, some time passes, and feelings usually lose their sharpness and cease to prevail in the relationship between spouses. Often this is fraught with the emergence of mutual irritability and enduring scandals because of every insignificant little thing. At the same time, there are families in which dullness of feelings is by no means a reason for frequent strife. Why is that? Why do equivalent situations have different consequences, and some marriages remain reliable and quite happy, while others end in divorce? Let's try to find the answer to this question by turning to the Zoroastrian calendar for help.
Age difference between spouses according to the Zoastrian calendar

From the point of view of Zoroastrian astrology, their age differences play an important role in the relationship of spouses. The Zoroastrian year begins from the moment when the Sun appears in the zodiacal Aries. This usually happens on the twenty-first or twenty-second of March. In accordance with this number, compatibility is determined by the age difference between the spouses. This difference is calculated differently than according to the usual calendar. For example, if the husband was born on February 20, 1971, and the wife on May 20, 1974, then according to the usual calendar, their age difference is three years, three months. According to Zoastrian, February 20, 1971 is still considered February 20, 1970, and, according to it, the age difference between the spouses will already be four years and three months. This number is rounded up to four years if it is slightly less than three months, and to five years if it is slightly more. That is, a difference of one year and four months counts as two years, a difference of three years and two months counts as three years, and so on.

The forecast of the Zooastrian calendar, which determines the foundations of a happy marriage, applies to all people, with the exception of those born between the sixteenth and twentieth of March in any year. So let's get started...
The effect of age difference on family relationships

The Zoroastrian calendar states the following. Marriage of peers, (age difference from a few days to three months), is a marriage, in general, not easy, because both the husband and wife have the same age problems. And the tasks that they have to solve, if both spouses strive to develop both their inner world and their social position, become twice as difficult. At the same time, such a marriage has advantages: it promotes self-knowledge and determines the priority life goals of people who have entered into an alliance.

With an age difference of three to nine months, the relationship between the spouses promises to be stable and too conservative. It is not worth expecting from such a connection any, pleasant or not, surprises. Therefore, it is most suitable for people who are calm, not prone to cardinal changes.

The difference in age from nine months to a year and three months (according to the calendar, it is considered as one year) contributes to the creation of material well-being in the family. Husband and wife with such a difference can create an excellent business form of relationship that will help them maintain a strong marriage over the years.

The difference in age of 2 years (from 1 year three months to 2 years three months) suggests only a commonality of spiritual interests. In no case should such a couple try to cooperate in any business area - this is fraught with regular conflicts and loss of money.

With a difference in age of 3 years, the family is doomed to constant psychological discomfort. Her relationship is based on eternal struggle, so this type of marriage is suitable for those who have a strong rebellious spirit. If one of the spouses is a peaceful phlegmatic, it will not be easy for him, because the other half will periodically try to arrange a big or small battle.

An age difference of 4 years is the dream of everyone who intends to marry. It assumes a friendly and strong family, in which love and mutual understanding always exist. Of course, here time can make its own adjustments, but they do not have too powerful destructive potential.

The age difference of 5 years is for those who believe that marriages are made in heaven. In this case, this statement is absolutely true. According to the Zoroastrians, the meeting of such a couple is never accidental. Fate itself brings them together and keeps them close to each other. However, this fact is not a guarantee of a happy marriage, because fate is different. And spouses with a difference of five years can both achieve prosperity together, and together, not wanting to be careful and prudent, fall into the abyss. At the same time, their union, regardless of its quality, promises to be long.

An age difference of 6 years is generally undesirable. It creates a very negative type of psychological connection between spouses, which simply attracts a lot of trouble. Intrigues and all sorts of intrigues await such a family from both friends and relatives. Therefore, such an alliance can be favorable only for those who cannot imagine their life without thrills and struggle.

The age difference of 7 years is favorable only if both spouses have high spirituality. Such a marriage is based on the aesthetic side of the relationship and may well be happy if it acquires some features of a secret love affair. This will allow the spouses to realize their spiritual needs, all the time learning with interest the inner essence of each other.

The age difference of 8 years promises a harmonious union in which the spouses are a good complement to each other. In such a marriage, a deep affection usually develops, contributing to its stability and well-being.

The age difference of 9 years for a calm and serene marriage is not entirely successful. In the future, such a family will face difficult trials due to the close attention of strangers to it. This attention is not accidental - psychologically, this is a rather strong tandem, and regular attacks on it are inevitable and natural. Therefore, creating a family with such a difference in age is better for those who can withstand the negative influence on it from the outside and repel even the most powerful attacks.

The age difference of 10 years contributes to the strength of the marriage, in which the spouses, in addition to feelings, are also connected by a joint business. Such a pair will always look and move in the same direction. Conflicts between them are rare, even if one of the spouses takes the place of the leader, and the other, the follower.

The age difference of 11 years is a marriage that does not allow feelings to cool down and does not allow you to be bored for a single day. The relationship of the spouses in such a union is constantly changing, instantly turning from irreconcilable enmity into passionate love, and vice versa. Of course, such a swing is not easy to endure, and throws from cold to fire, in the end, can lead to divorce. However, in this case, it is not as destructive as in the others - a pugnacious couple will start all over again with great pleasure.

The age difference of 12 years creates a dual alliance with an unfavorable prospect. Mutual understanding in this case is given to spouses with great difficulty, which, of course, does not contribute to the reliability of marriage. Both husband and wife are stumbling blocks for each other, and, as a result, great contradictions arise between them, leading to bad consequences.

The difference in the age of 13 years is ambiguous - it is not for nothing that the number thirteen is fanned with a mystical halo. Such a marriage forms a clear relationship that transforms consciousness and allows the spouses to be spiritually reborn. But this rebirth can be both improvement and degradation of the personality. Therefore, the prospects for such a union depend on the inner essence of each spouse. If at least one of them is deeply vicious, the other will die.

The age difference of 14 years is the key to a long-term romantic marriage. Both husband and wife are more like lovers than spouses. The main thing is that constant omissions do not lead to mutual misunderstanding. And then such a union will exist for a long time, contributing to the moral progress of both spouses.

The age difference of 15 years creates a strong marriage, which is not afraid of any life storms. But only in the case when the spouses help each other choose the right direction of development. If one of them starts to knock the other down from this direction, the outcome of their relationship will be deplorable for both.

Couples with an age difference of 16 years create a great strong union of two complementary personalities. Husband and wife in such a marriage seem to reflect each other, becoming more and more attached to their soul mate. This allows you to make a marriage stable, based, in addition to love, also on support and respect.

The age difference of 17 years promises the family well-being and prosperity. It is desirable that the spouses in this case be connected not only by feelings, but also by a common cause. The younger of them should accept the fact that the priority in decision-making is on the side of the older one. Otherwise, conflict situations will arise that hinder the development of both and undermine the foundations of marriage.

The age difference of 18 years suggests a misunderstanding of each other. Such marriages are unstable and because of the constant interference in the affairs of the family of people from the outside, and because of the impossibility of psychological compatibility. Of course, there are exceptions, but they are quite rare and are based mainly on material factors.

This is how the Zooastrian calendar positions the influence of the age difference on the quality of the marriage union. Of course, this interpretation is rather arbitrary - the ideal age difference cannot be determined accurately. However, the Zooastrian calendar gives general ideas about the pitfalls of a particular type of marriage. And the presence of these stones is better to assume in advance. After all, going on a big voyage without even knowing about them is too reckless and risky. Just look, you will run aground, or you will suffer a major wreck.

To date, there are a very large number of different horoscopes. The Zoroastrian horoscope is not as widespread as the Zodiac, but it is one of the very first to appear on our planet. From the material below you can find out what the Zoroastrian horoscope is and how to use it.

What is the Zoroastrian horoscope

The Zoroastrian horoscope is the ancestor of all other similar horoscopes.

It is based on a calendar cycle, which is equal to 32 years. Each year has its own specific symbol, which has a connection with one of the living beings - that is, a totem. And a person born in the year of a certain animal receives the character traits inherent in it, which it must manifest in itself.

Moreover, each totem has its own anti-totem, capable of warning about the devilish temptations sent to people born in a certain year.

Knowing your totem of the year of birth, you will understand how to act so that the highest grace descends on you. And if a person, on the contrary, follows the lead of his negative characteristics, then an antitoteme will begin to appear in him - which will indicate personal degradation. The more significant the correspondence of a person to his totem is observed, the higher his probability of receiving a talisman from evil forces, bestowed by Divine Essences.

According to the Zoroastrian calendar, the beginning of the year falls on the twenty-first of March, when the Sun is in the constellation Aries. And those individuals who were born in the first or second months of the new year (up to the twentieth day) are under the influence of the totem of the previous and subsequent years.

Totems of the Zoroastrian horoscope with their characteristics

Deer(corresponds to one thousand nine hundred and seven, one thousand nine hundred and thirty eight, one thousand nine hundred and seventy and two thousand and two)

The Deer totem symbolizes the ascent with a higher power. Those who belong to the totem are able to notice evil everywhere, and also to reveal it to others, plus they prevent the commission of bad deeds.

It endows a person with swiftness, pride, excellent self-esteem, the desire to retire and regular dissatisfaction with what is available today.

Ram(corresponds to one thousand nine hundred and seven, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine, one thousand nine hundred and seventy-one and two thousand and three years)

Babies born in the indicated years are reliably guarded by their deceased relatives. They have the most significant place in life given to family values. It is also very important for such individuals to involve a large number of people in their affairs. They are distinguished by inner peace and obedience. The energy of the team is extremely important to them.

Mongoose(corresponding to one thousand nine hundred and eight, one thousand nine hundred and forty, one thousand nine hundred and seventy-two and two thousand and four years)

For people related to the indicated years, it is important to systematically maintain creativity in themselves and their surroundings. They need to strive to show their dexterity, agility, the desire to fight evil forces and destroy them.


In these years, active individuals are born who love extreme sports, who are not afraid of dangers, born travelers. The wolf is patronized by the divine Raman, who controls a powerful natural element. Raman endows his "ward" with the great power of the volcano and the power of fire.

Stork(corresponding to 1910, 1942, 1974 and 2006)

Stork people act as travelers who feel affection for their fellows. Although they often travel, they like to return home. The Stork Totem endows a person with silence and faith solely in his abilities. And such a person is always monogamous.

Spider(corresponding to one thousand nine hundred and eleven, one thousand nine hundred and forty-three, one thousand nine hundred and seventy-five and two thousand and seven)

The spider symbolizes the absolute. And his paws are the personification of the eight directions of the world, while the web personifies the universe.

People who saw the world in the year of the Spider are characterized by a quiet and modest demeanor. They love to create some kind of grouping - a kind of "web".

Snake (or Already) corresponds to one thousand nine hundred and twelve, one thousand nine hundred and forty-four, one thousand nine hundred and seventy-six and two thousand and eight

These years are patronized by Apam-Napata, a deity responsible for the flows of the sky, earth and groundwater. The highest charisma of this year is the purification from bad karma and the comprehension of the great secrets of the world. The year is intended to remind that absolutely everything in the world happens as it should happen.

Beaver(corresponding to 1913, 1945, 1977 and 2009)

Beaver people are distinguished by diligence, accuracy, diligence, hospitality, as well as the firmness of their life views. For such individuals, rituals are very important, they are used to equipping their surrounding space according to the state of the heavenly world - with beauty and reliability.

Turtle(corresponding to one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, one thousand nine hundred and forty-six, one thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight and two thousand and ten)

The turtle is distinguished by secrecy, slowness, self-confidence. He prefers to follow the beaten path and feed others with his energy.

Turtles boast an excellent memory, as well as an amazing sense of purpose. If such a person has set a goal for himself, then he will move towards it slowly, but confidently.

Magpie(the totem corresponds to 1915, 1947, 1979 and 2011)

Magpie people are very fast, have a lively tongue, a little insincere. They boldly and decisively deal with various intrigues and intrigues, immediately correctly understand the situation and find a reasonable solution for different situations.

Squirrel(this totem corresponds to 1916, 1948, 1980 and 212)

Personalities with a manifested Squirrel totem are very lively, smart, homely, agile, incredibly able-bodied. Strive to create a happy family. But at the same time they have a rather uneven character with possible depression and nervous breakdowns.

Crow(corresponding to 1917, 1949, 1981 and 2013)

The years of the Raven are associated with injustice, rejection, persecution and epidemics.

Personalities in whom the Raven totem is manifested are distinguished by seriousness, severity and isolation. They do not like to be neither a commander nor a subordinate, they easily get rid of any guardianship and oppression. They have the ability to foresee.

Rooster(his totem refers to 1918, 1950, 1982 and 2014)

The years of judgment and exposure are the manifestation of all evil spirits. This is not the Rooster that Eastern horoscopes show us, in this case the Rooster acts as a real warrior, a reformer, not used to hiding in the bushes. It is difficult for him to always complete his undertakings, he often leaves them halfway, but the best representatives of this totem manage to find pearls in a pile of manure.

Tour (or Bull) totem correlates with 1919, 1951, 1983 and 2015

Those who are born at this time are characterized by some passivity. They have the soul of a child, they really need guardianship, a “shepherd” who can lead them, that is, an additional impetus for development. But their disinterestedness, kindness, gentleness, patience will certainly bring them a well-deserved reward.

Badger(refers to 1920, 1952, 1984 and 2016)

Years of the Badger are a kind of repository of information about the past, they are very strong and stable. People with the totem of this living creature are by nature zealous owners, distinguished by frugality and practicality, sufficiently efficient and very secretive.

Camel(the totem corresponds to 1921, 1953, 1985 and 2017)

The camel is a symbol of asceticism, endurance and the ability to enjoy the little, because the camel has almost nothing. He carries all his luggage with him, distributing it in a very intelligent and harmonious manner. Camel is also very distrustful, used to preparing himself for the worst, able to spit on his offenders.

An interesting feature: the more Camel loves someone, the more he will ridicule the object of his love.

Hedgehog(this totem corresponds to 1922, 1954, 1986 and 2018)

Years of the Hedgehog are responsible for grace, unpredictability and freedom. The Hedgehog Man is used to using his thorns to pierce the world of Darkness and either defeat it or shake it up.

Hedgehogs are characterized by an excellent memory (most of all visual), increased meticulousness and a desire to "cling" to minor details. Also Jerzy is very loyal.

Doe(corresponding to 1923, 1955, 1987 and 2019)

Wards of Lani are distinguished by grace, graceful figure, light gait, aristocracy and refined manners. And they are also given out by beautiful eyes that have a veil. Lani are born romantics, very artistic, capricious, able to subtly feel and experience. As a rule, the sphere of their activity is art.

Elephant(the totem is answered in 1924, 1956, 1988 and 2020)

Personalities who are patronized by the Elephant totem are distinguished by a large, massive body and the same limbs. And yet - a long nose and short ears. Elephants have a balanced temperament, it is quite difficult to piss them off, but if they are already angry, it is almost impossible to stop them.

Horse(corresponds to 1925, 1957, 1989 and 2021)

The Man-Horse is an independent blacksmith of his own happiness. He is distinguished by honesty, courage, love for nature and wide open spaces, and also for travel and sports. Such a person always strives for order and justice.

Cheetah(the Cheetah totem corresponds to 1926, 1958, 1990 and 2022)

The cheetah can run fast, quickly explore large areas, and also survives in dangerous conditions. The ward of this totem always tries to predict possible dangers and carefully calculates everything. He likes the fight, but sometimes he steps back to gain strength and attack again.

Peacock(the totem corresponds to 1927, 1959, 1991 and 2023)

A person belonging to the Peacock totem is distinguished by a cheerful disposition and many-sided nature, and also by unpredictability, love of the game. Such a person strives to reveal his creative potential and demonstrates his abilities to others. He does not like to stand still, as he is used to constantly improving himself.

Swan(totem correspond to 1928, 1960, 1992 and 2024)

Those who belong to the Swan totem are distinguished by complete disinterestedness, pride, loyalty to lofty ideals, and also by a tendency to delve into themselves and love meditative practices.

Lynx or Nightingale(this totem corresponds to 1929, 1961, 1993 and 2025)

Personalities related to the Lynx totem are characterized by the presence of something feline in their appearance. Such people are characterized by an unpredictable demeanor: they can be peaceful and calm, and then suddenly, for no reason, they become aggressive. The lynx never strives for order, although it does not forgive similar things to other people.

A donkey(totem correspond to 1930, 1962, 1994 and 2026)

The attitude to the Donkey totem gives a person a very great capacity for work, endurance, patience, peacefulness, complaisance, calmness, the ability and desire to create something with their hands, as well as modesty.

For such individuals, a rational and balanced attitude to any life situations is typical, and also a fairly firm character. However, they need to be further stimulated for work.

Polar bear(this totem corresponds to 1931, 1963, 1995 and 2027)

Polar Bears have a strict, chivalrous and somewhat unpredictable disposition. They love the game and the game sometimes ends in real ecstasy. They also love life, have a wide soul. Such individuals are not vile, not prone to betrayal. They have different large-scale plans and projects that are successfully implemented in life. They also have organizational skills and captivate.

Eagle(totem correspond to 1906, 1932, 1964, 1996 and 2028)

Those individuals who belong to the Eagle totem have a proud posture, a beautiful, as if chased profile, an excellent voice, and also behave with dignity in any environment.

For them, the team, their family is vital, they are even able to sacrifice themselves for a good cause. Even Eagles often have the gift of predicting the future. They protect their state, they are not afraid of any obstacles in their path. In love, Orlov is distinguished by asceticism.

Fox(totem corresponds to 1901, 1933, 1965 and 1997)

For the most part, in the year of the Fox, those people appear who have a very mysterious, strange and changeable fate, their life is never monotonous. Such personalities are distinguished by dexterity, mockery and cunning. At the same time, they are somewhat shy, not inclined to look for trouble, prudent and quickly unravel any intrigues. Cannot stand meanness, stupidity and swagger.

Dolphin(the totem appears in 1902, 1934, 1966 and 1998)

Dolphins act as inspired idealists, wise and carefully separating Light from Darkness, who are always ready to help in difficult times. They are distinguished by devotion to the highest ideal, a philosophical approach to life.

Dolphins are very mysterious and mysterious, they are used to taking on even very hard work. They have an amazing ability to receive and transmit thoughts telepathically.

boar(his years are 1903, 1935, 1967 and 1999)

Born into the world in the year of the Boar, these are very brave, courageous, fearless and determined individuals. They will always repulse enemies, strive to be the first in everything. The boar correctly assesses its capabilities and never acts aimlessly.

If the situation is peaceful, the Boar listens to someone else's opinion and is distinguished by sufficient patience, especially with regard to his neighbors.

Owl(it corresponds to 1904, 1936, 1968 and 2000)

During the years of the Owl, it is necessary to pay increased attention to the shadow side of things, because it is the dark entities that begin to actively manifest themselves at this time. Those who belong to the Owl totem have their own life schedule: they like to sleep during the daytime, and stay awake at night. They often become seers, soothsayers, and also organizers of various secret clans. Owls are reserved, have a penchant for everything mystical, very suspicious.

This is how different animals are distributed over the years according to the Zoroastrian horoscope. At the end of this topic, we recommend that you watch an interesting video:

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Zoroastrianism is the oldest religion of prophecy. It originated in Persia and is considered the founder of all astrological movements. The founder is the prophet Asho Zarathushtra, whose life is shrouded in mystery and mysticism. There are three main virtues: good words, good deeds and good thoughts.

Ancient Persian astrology was considered a powerful movement for its time. And many nations still use its teachings.

The calendar starts on March 21st. This date is also used by other astrological systems. But the discovery belongs to the founders of the Zoroastrian horoscope.

The cycle is 32 years. Each year corresponds to a certain animal or bird (totem). But in parallel there is also an Antitoteme. Two choices of a person - the influence of the Totem - and life will be enlightened and pure. If you indulge the Antitoteme, its spiritual essence will be dark and lead to tragedy.

Deer (year of birth 1938, 1970, 2002)

The coming year, born under this sign promises interesting meetings and acquaintances. But new people should be treated with caution, not all of them are open and truthful. Rely on your intuition.

Personal relationships can spoil the influence of the Antitotheme. Put your relationship with your loved one above pride and this year there is a great chance to create a strong and harmonious couple.

In professional activities, you will demonstrate the wonders of compromise and reach heights. Team up like an analyst, you'll be second to none and your chances of success will increase.

Baran (year of birth 1939,1971,2003)

2018 is favorable for increasing the level of self-education. Find ways of spiritual growth that will give you the opportunity to increase your career growth. Sign up for courses on a professional profile - and your financial condition will go up.

Plan a long vacation this year. Your body and soul will be exhausted, a source of peace and harmony is needed. Choose a quiet place where meditation is possible, recuperate and calm down.

In personal relationships, this sign will predict events. Use the gift of foreboding to get closer to your family and friends. Remove selfish and envious people from your life.

Mongoose (1940,1972,2004)

The totem endowed individuals born under the sign of the Mongoose with resourcefulness, a sharp mind and the ability to emerge victorious from any situation. The ability to instantly navigate in life situations will help this year to fulfill a dream. Clearly formulate it otherwise you will go in a different direction.

Take care of your health. Sign up for dances (Latin American is better for your temperament), a pool, a gym for group classes. If you dream of adding offspring to the family, it's time.

Concentrate, although it is difficult, restless mongoose - and 2018 will be full of trips abroad, promising projects and numerous acquaintances. In communicating with new people - try to believe only in deeds, but not in words.

Wolf (1941,1973,2005)

This year, count on a natural analytical mindset. Do not go on about any kind of adventure. If you want to get involved, listen to other people's reviews.

Wolves are not inherent in a state of rest, so this year you will have to fight for the object of your sympathy. Success will be dizzying, the envy of others.

Financially, everything will be stable. Become a flexible partner, learn to negotiate. As a result, the financial situation will only grow.

Stork (1942,1974,2006)

In 2018, the main joys will be brought by the environment of family and friends, around them you will be truly happy. Protect yourself from new acquaintances, it will not bring anything useful. If you are single, this is the best time to find a partner.

A lot of luck in financial matters. But do not attribute all the victories to yourself, do less criticism of others - otherwise activate the Antitoteme. As a result, you will lose business partners and communications, you will have to start over.

Try to talk less about your projects and financial rewards. There will be many envious people in the team. Be careful in dealing with colleagues. And many troubles will pass by.

Spider (1943,1975,2007)

The coming year will spin you in a whirlpool of interesting and useful ideas, which by the way is just in time. At the moment you are energetic, filled with strength and energy, confident in yourself. The result will be support both in the team and from the authorities.

The Zoroastrian calendar is one of the most ancient. Its history goes back over 4000 years. It was distributed in Persia, Media (modern Iran) and other countries of the Middle East. The calendar is named in memory of the founder of the religion of the ancient Persians, the prophet Zoroaster. The Avestan calendar of the ancient Persians is based on the movement of the planet Saturn, the most distant planet in the solar system visible to the eye. The Persians called this planet Keyvan - "the lord of time." Interestingly, the Greeks also called Saturn Kronos or Chronos, which means "god of time." Hence the name of the modern science of time - chronology.
The Zoroastrians celebrated the New Year on the day of the vernal equinox, which, according to the modern calendar, occurs on March 20–21. They also celebrated the New Year in Ancient Russia until the end of the 17th century. The New Year did not begin in January, but in March (as in ancient Rome) or September (as in Byzantium). Until 1492 (7000), researchers believe that both New Years existed in parallel, but the March style prevailed. Since 1492, the September style has gained predominance, replacing the March style. Peter I, by his decree of the summer of December 7208 (1699), on the 20th day, indicated that January 1 should be considered the beginning of the year. By the same decree, the chronology of the Slavs, previously considered from the Creation of the World, the king indicated to replace the chronology from the birth of Christ. Thus, the summer of 7209 from the creation of the world became the year 1700 from the birth of Christ. The same decree contained an instruction to people to congratulate each other on the new year, and not on the new year, as was customary before. Western and Eastern astrology operate with a 12-year circle of animals, which only the lazy one does not know about. And the Avestan calendar is associated with 32 sacred animals, which are guides between all the kingdoms of nature. All animals are called totems. Each totem has an anti-totem. In ancient times, each person knew in the year of which totem he was born. You can find out too. The Persians believed that their characters are reflected both in the events of the year, and in the properties and appearance of people born in this year. They carefully watched the animal - the symbol of the year, trying to predict future events by its behavior. They believed that people born, for example, in the year of the Deer, have nobility, self-esteem, purposefulness. In the year of the Deer, it is good to conclude contracts and agreements, they remain valid for a long time. In the year of the Wolf, desperate and fearless people are born, but the year itself is dangerous with wars and natural disasters. In the year of the Stork, poets and travelers are born, in the year of the Mongoose - fighters against evil in all its manifestations.

1st SOLAR YEAR. Patron of Ahura Mazda 1906,1938,1970,2002.

Goldenhorn Deer Totem. The color of the year is white. The initial choice between Light and darkness. Loneliness. Pride. Concentration on the main. Outbursts of passion. Waiting for his time. Antitoteme Zhabokozel. Eternal dissatisfaction with what he has. Croaking, arrogance, deceit, puffiness, desire for power. Bald and slippery. DEER with golden horns is a symbol of pride, ascension, grace, higher power. Patron: Ahura Mazda, Hormazdom, Darva, Datush - the creator of the visible world Month of Capricorn - Davosh. The year is associated with choice, the fight against lawlessness, agreements - The initial choice between Light and Darkness. White color is a symbol of purity, cleanliness, a person must keep the light from within. The deer must go forward without looking back. Higher charisma is a manifestation of evil, you must be vigilant, always on the alert, run fast. Medium - pride, swiftness, eternal dissatisfaction with what has been achieved, waiting for the high point, loneliness, a sense of being marked. The lowest is the cold desire to crush, despotism, the desire for power. People are pioneers, with a sense of their own dignity, concentration on the main thing, swiftness, purposefulness, clear thinking. Proud, somewhat cold, slightly mannered, isolated, very fast, does not look back. Long legs, neck, blond hair, a thin, lean person, elitism, loneliness, surprise in manifestations, high creative productivity.

ANTITOTEM - Ahriman, a black goat, a zhabokozel, with warts, shabby hair. Warty toad - eternal discontent, desire for power, arrogance, pouting, swagger, eternal fog, ugly fat, desire for power, plagiarism, big eyebrows, gloominess, small stature.

2nd SOLAR YEAR. Patron of Fravashi 1907,1939,1971,2003.

Totem Mouflon. The color of the year is purple. Year of Retribution. Connection with ancestors. Dependence on genetic karma. Genus veneration. Year of collective energies. They want to take over the space. Activity. Clustering. Aggressiveness, but inner peace. Fulfillment of debt. Cultivation of the land. The antitoteme is the black sheep. Panic, cowardice, stubbornness, obsession, cutting off roots, looting. Unscrupulousness. WILD RAM, MOUFLON - a symbol of connection with ancestors, great external activity. with inner peace. Fravoshi - ancestors, peace tree - veneration of ancestors. A year of dependence accumulated in the genetics of karma, a year of retribution, the union of many people, collective energies. The year is associated with karmic retribution, the unification of people, collective energies. It is connected with the souls of the departed, embodying in our deeds and deeds, connected with all the elements, with unification, with large masses of people, with karmic retribution. The birth of freaks, unusual phenomena. The desire to unite people, the embodiment of traditions. Outward activity, with inner peace. Medium - obedience, reference to the past, traditionalism, good assimilation of information, the desire to be with everyone. Soft, calm, peaceful disposition. Inner calm. The lowest is the desecration of one's family tree, it sows panic, fear, a defiler of graves, a marauder. Mouflon - quite aggressive, in need of guidance - herd, obedience, duty, obstinacy and stubbornness in matters of principle. Honoring the clan, traditions, family ancestral connection. People of principle, a sense of duty, commitment to traditions, land, family.

ANTITOTEM - Sheep. The embodiment of the defiler of the family, the destroyer of holy traditions. A sheep is not able to create a family, does not know how to work independently - but it also cannot stand being led, as it considers itself superior to everyone around.

3rd SOLAR YEAR. Patron - Atar 1908,1940,1972,2004.

Totem Mongoose. The color of the year is blue. Agility, speed, sensitivity, flexibility, vitality. Always on guard. He sees in the light and in the dark. Destroys all muck, understands intricacies. It suddenly appears. Stays high. Creative start. Loyalty, constancy. Adventurers. Fairy tale "Riki-Tiki-Tavi". The antitoteme Cobra is a black snake. Unpredictability, chaos, deceit, cunning, lies, stupidity, helplessness. Fires. Explosions. MONGOOST - a symbol of dexterity, surprise, the fight against evil spirits. Patron: Atar - Cosmic Fire - spirituality, creativity, a year of fire support in all good creations. A symbol of transformation, the possibility of embodying the creative principle and the Divine law. The year is associated with adventures, happy accidents, with retribution for the desecration of good creations, is fraught with fires, explosions, unpredictable phenomena if a person breaks the balance. The rise of adventure. Changeability. It notes in society, the opportunity to stand out, show up and do a great job. Thin, very mobile, mobile arms, legs, plastic, grip, eternal alertness. Higher - eternal readiness for everything - great vitality, dexterity, flexibility, ability to navigate, fidelity, speed, sensitivity. Average - dexterity, sensitivity, variability, the ability to quickly respond. The lower one is a destroying fire - unpredictability, deceit, randomness, cunning, resourcefulness. People - creatively active, flexible thinking, the ability to quickly navigate in difficult situations, switch from one to another, loyalty and devotion.

ANTITOTEM - Poisonous black snakes, cobra. Helplessness, randomness, cunning, deceit, deceit, stupidity, uncleanliness.

4th SOLAR YEAR. Patron - Ramman 1909,1941,1973,2005.

white wolf totem. The color of the year is blue. Brave, proud predator. Looking for extreme conditions. Flocks. Great mages. Independence, responsibility, duty, devotion. Hard temper. Hold large loads. Victory over the elements. Travelers. Antitoteme Werewolf. Chaos, decay, rage, cowardice, werewolf, spitefulness, arrogance. Sadists. Cannibals. Broken destinies. WOLF - a symbol of independence, courage, responsibility, endurance. Patron: Rama, Raman - the god of thunder and storm - the way out of the cycle into the Universe. with magic. A year that unites the destinies of people or scatters. Subduing the elements. At worst, riots and wars. Highest - courage, pride, activity. Medium - magic, courage, especially in extreme situations, the ability to create a structure, a system. Travelers, adventurers. At worst - the forces of chaos, decay, war, the need for destruction, werewolf, arrogance, sadism, cannibalism. People: tightly built, athletic, with a powerful neck, scruff, in character - independence, courage, but also a sense of the pack, duty, responsibility, devotion, toughness of character, the ability to withstand heavy overloads.

ANTITOTEM - Werewolf wolf, tailless werewolf, with webbed feet, shapeshifting.

5th SOLAR YEAR. Patron - Atman 1910.1942, 1974, 2006.

Totem Stork. The color of the year is green. Reward, reward for deeds. They have the seal of rejection. Yearning. Darkness. thoughtfulness. Asceticism. They return to their nest. Order, regulation. Single, single. meditation practices. Travelers, wanderers. Visionaries, educators, educators. Gracefulness. Antitoteme Toad. Increased gesticulation, impaired coordination of movements. Destruction of the world and family. STORK - a symbol of peace, the conquest of spaces, compliance with the established order, asceticism, willingness to help. Patron: Asman, Ashvan, Atman - the Divine Spirit - the patron of Heaven, heavenly space, penetrating all phenomena. The year is associated with the preservation of order, cutting off extremes, birth and raising children, strengthening the family; large births, family strengthening, great activity, revelations. Bad for adventurers, violators of harmony. Good for travelers, meditation. It is necessary to observe the established order, the year of denial of magical influences. Receiving reward. People - a tendency to solitude, clarity, accuracy in actions, silence, vatalism, conservatism, a pedagogical gift, a seal of longing, rejection, non-recognition, melancholy, long-legged, a loner, a love of love, gloom, a wanderer, but very attached to loved ones, relatives, traditions, reclusiveness, isolation, good coordination, skinny, - a loner, monogamous, ability to foresee far, asceticism, willingness to help in difficult times, fatalism, not talkative, only to the point, clarity and specificity, very accurate.

ANTITOTEM - Toad. Fussiness in thoughts, impaired coordination of movement, optional, inadequate active gestures, incoherent speech, gesticulation.

6th SOLAR YEAR. Patron - Vayu 1911,1943,1975,2006.

Totem Spider. The color of the year is yellow. Abrupt changes. Healing, exorcism. Doctors, physicians. The year of gaining harmony and higher meaning, knowledge. Slowness, purposefulness, tenacity, sensitivity. Regeneration. Needlework. Informal leaders. Atheism. Destruction of shrines. Demonism. Infanticide. Adventurism. SPIDER - a symbol of the fight against evil spirits, exorcism, healing, a symbol of the well-being of the house. Patron: Varyu - god of Wind, Space and time, patron of medicine. The year is associated with drastic changes, with the acquisition of harmony, in the worst case, with the collapse of the foundations, the destruction of religion. The critical year is unpredictable and unexpected. A year of drastic changes, upstarts and adventurers, the collapse of the foundations, the destruction of religion, is associated with healing, the exorcism of demons, doctors, physicians are born, the opportunity to master time cycles. The year of searching and gaining harmony and higher meaning is associated with knowledge, the search for higher meaning. Very strong and long arms, tenacious, long fingers; needlework, the ability to sew, knit, spin slowness, purposefulness, tenacity, grasp, informal leader, sensitivity, strongly expressed creativity, regeneration, dark, with unmemorable faces, necessarily their own family, their own circle, clan. People - purposefulness, tenacity, good instinct, creativity, ability to work with hands.

ANTITOTEM - Fly. Permissiveness, the spread of disease, mockery, theft.

7th SOLAR YEAR. Patron - Apam-Napat 1912,1944,1976,2007.

Totem Uzh (Royal python). The color of the year is black and green. Return to the origin. Everything tends to move. Karmic reward. Restoration of justice. unpredictable events. Flexibility, criticality, changeability. Controlling your boat. Ability to navigate, intuition. Mystics, philosophers. Sometimes defenselessness. Perseverance and consistency. Magnetic eyes. Antitoteme Viper. Looseness, shifty eyes. Compression. UZH - a symbol of the wheel of incarnations, karmic retributions, a stream that carries people, hidden currents. Patron: Apam-Napat - the patron of stormy streams of rivers and underground waters, the month of Scorpio. The desire for movement, unification, the repetition of old events, you can not defile the water. Unpredictable phenomena, secret forces with which it is impossible to fight, but it is possible to restore justice and reconstruct what has already been. A year associated with discoveries, inventions. The karmic year of returning to its circle, the year of retribution and retribution, strengthening the foundations, the clash of huge secret forces - the collapse of states and bloodshed - secrecy, intuition, flexibility, variability, the ability to navigate, intuition, understanding the frailty of being, directed striving for the goal. Mystics, philosophers, flexible mind. elitism, defenselessness, criticality. Unpredictability in manifestations, purposefulness, perseverance and consistency. The lowest is a scoundrel, a snitch.

ANTITOTEM - Poisonous snake. Looseness, superficiality, lack of concentration, vague, shifty eyes.

8th SOLAR YEAR. Patron - Ardvisura-Anahita 1913,1945,1977, 2009.

Totem Beaver. The color of the year is purplish red. Year of lawmaking, beauty, harmony, love. Unification of the upper and lower worlds. Earthly, loves earthly goods. Pragmatism. Materialistic. Housekeeping, nepotism, diligence, diligence, reliability, seriousness. Do not lose heart, everything restores. Repair, improvement. Antitoteme Otter. source pollution. Greed. collapse. Discord. BOBER - a symbol of natural harmony, beauty, love, inviolability of laws. Patron: Advisura-Anahita - mistress of heavenly waters. Harakhvaeti with three streams of water is connected with the upper world, with nature, with elemental spirits. The year of beauty, harmony, love that conquers hatred, the year is associated with lawmaking, the formation of states, building a house, prudence, thrift, following a ritual. Sin is a superstition that replaces the true faith. Reliability, strength, hospitality, thriftiness, diligence, nepotism, fertility, reliability, pragmatism, materialist, firmness of convictions. Dense figure, strongly knocked down, round face, accuracy, precision, diligence (scientists, experimenters, builders, architects).

ANTITOTEM - Water Rat, red otter. Filth, greed, destruction of nature, discord, confusion, superstition, divorce.

9th SOLAR YEAR. Patron - Zamyad 1914,1946,1978,2010.

Totem Turtle. The color of the year is dark brown. Cultivation of the land. Discovery of bowels, treasures and secrets. Earthquakes. Cautious, secretive, confident. Wisdom, knowledge, penetration, meditation, slowness, complete harmony. Shell-shield. Thick skin. Good memory. Antitoteme Seagull. Excitable, exalted, dependent. Vindictiveness. It overthrows those who hinder the achievement of the goal. Cunning and arrogance. TURTLE - a symbol of wisdom, consistency, modeling the situation, caution. Patron: Zem (Zamiad) - treasures, bowels of the Earth. The year of the expansion of the earth, the cultivation of the earth, the year of the discovery of the bowels, revenge., earthquakes, stagnation, the punishment of the initiative. A year when one can hide a secret, a year of earthquakes, one must not desecrate the earth, one must not take the initiative to stick out, separation is unfavorable. The highest is wisdom, thoroughness, slowness, conservatism, caution, self-confidence, secrecy, good memory. Lower - easy excitability, exaltation, deceit, arrogance, gluttony, violent death, game, disguise, hiding.

ANTITOTEM - Seagull. Greed, gluttony, deceit, arrogance.

10th SOLAR YEAR. Patron - Mara Spent 1915,1947,1979,2011.

Magpie Totem. The color of the year is silver blue. Magic year. Dexterity, cunning, mobility. Quick on the tongue. Clear mind, logic, combinatorics. Players. Divine word. Finding protection through prayer. verbal magic. Signs. Small events are big events. Signing documents, contracts. Discoveries, travel. Hair color change twice in life. Antitotem Mole. Flabby, tongue-tied, brake. Undermines the roots. FORTY - a symbol of connection with the higher world. prayer, gaining protection, verbal magic, spreading the word. Patron: Manta Spenta, Maraspent - messenger of the gods, Divine word, sacred prayer. The year of gaining protection, when prayers come true, and the wishes of a person, magic, evil eye, corruption, a year of minor incidents leading to major events increase. A year of deceit and disappointment, glib language, cunning, great mobility, punishment and retribution for scoundrels, restoration of justice, speed, mobility, good logical thinking, the ability to follow the word, constantly on the move, be a guide, the ability to understand the situation, a clear and sober mind , logical thinking, ability to do several things, part-time work, a sharp change in hair color, good players. Lower - tenacity, grasping, talkativeness, tongue-tied tongue, lethargy, undermining the roots

ANTITOTEM - Mole. Tongue-tiedness, baldness, flabbiness.

11th SOLAR YEAR. Patron - Daena 1916,1948, 1980, 2012.

Squirrel Totem. The color of the year is yellow-green. Faith test, don't get hung up. Search for the true meaning of life. Return to the past is retribution. Conscience, lively mind, speed, clarity, duty, housekeeping, seriousness. Needlework. The work of thought. A trailblazer, but a conservative. Not afraid of death. Indefatigable, tries himself in different areas. Antitoteme Kunitsa. Seduction. Always fussing. There may be depression. Zombie. No family. Petty. Chaos, fantasy, uncleanliness. Stupidity. Eyes protruding. BELKA - a symbol of thought, knowledge of the family tree. belief tests. revealing the truth. search for faith. Patron: Daina (Proserpina) - a test of faith, religion and true face, conscience. The year of the discovery of the true face, the identification of scoundrels, the year of the search for faith, the true meaning of life, the year of recurring events, the restoration of the lost, with discoveries and inventions, seduction. delusions. renunciation of the roots. A person is alive, very mobile, thin, bright, with a sharp face, always searching. Mystery, religion test, persuasion, conscience, a year of trials, crimes against the innocent, temptation, changeable, repeating events, vanity of a living mind, clarity and speed in the performance of duty, thriftiness, independence, realism, affection. tendency to repetition thought process, clarity of duty, speed, ability to cope with different loads, homeliness, nepotism, rely only on themselves, go to work early, pioneer, conservatism in habits, attachment to one place, no fear of death, knowledge of the secrets of the family tree , frequent job changes, small facial features, uneven character.

ANTITOTEM - Marten. Fornication of thought, superstition, doubt, renunciation, obnoxiousness, senseless fantasy, chaos, disorder, stupid actions, a bachelor, a petty grumbler, a lot of superfluous things, chaos, a mess, a lot of stupid and meaningless actions, bulging eyes, slowness, fat flabbyness, anger.

13th SOLAR YEAR. Patron – Sraoshi 1918,1950,1982,2014.

Totem Rooster. The color of the year is red and white. Court. Justice. Demons are completely exposed. Calls the forces of darkness to fight. Revelations. Bloodshed. Shocks. Separation year. Courage, activity. Fighting, fair. Reformer. Leads. Rough, hasty, doesn't get things done. Goes to extremes. Crowd man. Bouncy energy. Live expression. A penchant for dress and headgear. Has a harem. Homemade and protects his home and children. Antitotem Kite. Manifestation of insanity. Riots. Selfishness. Rejection of power. Hatred, senseless malice. Harming the weak. COCK - a fighter with the forces of darkness. Patron: Sraoshi (associated with Chiron), messenger of Ahura Mazda, associated with judgment, justice and victory over arguments, with the proclamation of freedom, with riots. Manifestations of evil deeds, a symbol of victory over demons, manifestations of hidden evil spirits, exposure of evil, the triumph of justice. The year is associated with the activation and open manifestation of the forces of evil, the active struggle against them. A year of great revelations, the active flourishing of devilry, marriages either fall apart immediately or enduring, senseless bloody riots, murders, strife, divisions. Appearance - quick redness, a tendency to headdresses, outfits, in men - harems, fighting enthusiasm, cockiness; reformer, reformer, hasty in conclusions, Sharp in actions. Lively facial expressions, a very mobile face, and the person himself, cockiness, determination, courage, fearlessness, activity, self-revealing, burning bridges behind him, idealist, recklessness, ability to find a pearl grain, emotionality, love of love, ebullient energy, lean, athletic-asthenic physique , average growth, frankness. The lower one is a bastard, maximalism, jellyfish, sugary, selfishness, hatred, senseless malice, rebelliousness for selfish purposes.

ANTITOTEM - Kite. Selfishness, malice, non-recognition of power, hatred, cowardice, pallor, masquerade.

ANTITOTEM - Wasp. Malice, stubbornness, rapacity, obstinacy.

15th SOLAR YEAR. Patron - Keyvan 1920,1952,1984,2015.

Totem Badger. The color of the year is orange. A year of foundations, traditions, memories of the past. material success. Wealth. Accumulation of treasures. Master of the Earth. Quiet coup. Black streaks under the eyes. thrifty. Cautious. Does not tolerate violence, poverty. Restoration of justice. Reproduces past tense. Conservative. Hvatky. Secretive. Workable. Multivariate solutions. Psychologists and criminologists. Mathematics. Organizers. Careful and diligent. Heavy character. Antitoteme Kot Bayun. Careless, cocky, changeable, lightweight, without traditions. Base, insidious, hating, not believing, greedy. Lulling. BARSUK - a symbol of wealth, traditions, memories, thrift, gradualness, strengthening the material world. Patron: Keyvan (Saturn) - Cosmic judge in the realm of the dead; memories of the past, memories of memory - funds, vaults, bins, banks, treasures. The year is associated with memories, with the restoration of the past, with justice, with accumulation, with the cessation of wars, the collapse of unstable systems, the suppression of people, the destruction of traditions. The year is very steady, restoration of the lost, reconstructions. A year of foundations, traditions, serious savings, a return to independence. Favorable for acquisitions, material success, wealth, year of vengeance, year of change of formations - slow substitution, testing the system for strength, secret revenge, ending wars, violence - pointed face, caution, secrecy, thrift, activity in accumulation, materialism, desire to strengthen the material world, cultivate the land, does not tolerate change, innovation, planned, thrift, materialist.
Densely built, a little obese, a tendency to be overweight of medium height, elongated eyes, a heavy character, they rely only on themselves, they divide the world into “us” and “not theirs”, conservatism is on their mind. Psychologists, criminologists, investigators, scientists, mathematical abilities. People - traditionalism, thriftiness, a heightened sense of justice, strict morals, high efficiency, insight, logical thinking. Lightness, break with traditions, lack of internal foundations, hatred of others, the desire to interfere in the psyche of other people. The lowest is thin, uneconomical, talkative.

ANTITOTEM - Wild cat. Lowly, greedy, treacherous, losing a lot, careless, not thinking about the past conservative, cocky, promising a lot.

16th SOLAR YEAR. Patron - Rashnu 1921,1953,1985,2016.

Totem Camel. The color of the year is yellow and blue. Space Court. Rebirth. Condemnation. Humor. Processes. The desire to restore justice, lost values. year of reconciliation. Herd processes, hype, agitation. Ascetic. Workable. Careful. Reliable. Meticulous, incredulous. Persistent. "He carries everything with him." Likes to move. Skeptic. mocker. Not tied to money. Harem propensity. Tied to tradition. Antitoteme Karakurt. Sweetness, immoderate delight, smearing, intolerance, lack of asceticism. When crossing roads, it is dangerous for the Camel. CAMEL - a symbol of skepticism, austerity, humor and ridicule, perseverance. Patron: Rashnu (Osiris) - God of judgment, justice, sums up the first half of the cycle, cosmic court, rebirth. The year of trials, trials, revelations, the unification of people. the formation of parties, the example of enemies, terror, noise, skepticism, the loss of a career, the desire to restore justice, the wars that have arisen are short-lived, a year of trying on the warring, austerities. People are distrustful, critical, mocking, sarcastic, picky, meticulous, independent, cautious, always ready for the worst, but rejoice in the good, know their worth, loving. Saccharity, smeared personality, intolerance, desire for pleasure at any cost, spitefulness, efficiency, cautious, not tied to one place, asceticism, wise distribution of one's resources, distrustful, attached to the owner, mockery, distrust, ability to keep a distance, skepticism, great feeling humor, mask, disgust, readiness to spit, but also hard-working, faithful, reliable, distrustful, desire to understand everything, fanaticism, there is always a supply of what is necessary, asceticism, captiousness, pride. Medium - skepticism, stubbornness, obstinacy, pickiness, rudeness, criticism. The lowest is sweetness, politeness with everyone, internal malice and cruelty, hypocrisy, a liar, a deceiver.

ANTITOTEM - Poisonous Black Spider Karakurt. Sweetness, immoderate enthusiasm, lack of healthy cynicism, impatience, desire for pleasure.

17th SOLAR YEAR. Patron - Khvarena 1922,1954,1986,2017.

Totem Hedgehog. The color of the year is white. Reforms, innovations, prophecies. Freedom. Prickly character. Meticulous and meticulous. Brave and courageous. Unexpected and unpredictable. Sharp. Executive. Great memory. To each in justice. Faithful and constant. Antitoteme Monkey. Promiscuous in communications, not prickly. Builds evil intrigues. Ham, dirty trick, coward. Low instincts. Loose. False mirror. Hedgehog - a symbol of grace, unpredictability, freedom, novelty, upheavals. Patron: Khvarena (Farena) Uranus - grace, a symbol of liberation from oppression, exit from the circle. A year of unpredictability and freedom, changes in laws, a year of the appearance of prophets, unexpected phenomena, reforms, sometimes anarchy, manifestations of an informal system, vulnerabilities, pricklyness in character, the ability to keep secrets, a tendency to experiment on oneself and others, corrosive, meticulous, activity, courage, unpredictability, sharpness, changeability, persistence, diligence, tenacious memory, vindictive, but fair, picky about trifles, striving for the foundation, fussy, serious researcher, unexpected and unpredictable in life, loves friends, tenacious memory, especially visual, sharp face, pointed nose, large head, small features, sticking hair. The lowest - smoothness, perfect hair, baldness, a pancake face, promiscuity in relationships, contacts, cowardice, rudeness, looseness.

ANTITOTEM - Monkey. Cowardice, rudeness, anger, promiscuity in relationships and contacts, lack of pricklyness, harsh judgments, love of freedom.

18th SOLAR YEAR. Patron - Arta 1923,1955,1987,2018.

Lan Totem. The color of the year is purple. The search for higher meaning. manifestation of motherhood. Defense of justice. Theater and show. Popularity. Test of strength and conscience. Great physique. Beauty, grace, thin legs, long neck. Languishing eyes. Capricious. Emotional. Sensitive. Refined. Aesthetes. Artists. Romantics. Purposefulness. Elitism. High ideals. Antitotem Chimera. Inactivity, rationalism, skepticism. The mockers. Swearing. Deceptions. Confusion of good and evil. Wrapping and tightening. DOE is a symbol of the birth principle, harmony, beauty, restoration of righteousness. Patron: Arta - Mother of the World, Heavenly Grace, joy. The year of rewarding the defenders of justice, the flourishing of culture, the exposure of vices, the test of strength, the manifestation of shamelessness, the persecution of culture, the confusion of concepts, the patronage of women, the punishment for vices, the exposure of crimes. Conscience check Women have a big responsibility. The search for the Higher meaning, harmony, beauty, maternal origin. Marriages can only be on a spiritual basis or destruction. A lot of window dressing, games - a year of deceit, distortion of the truth, grace, justice, an esthete who does not recognize the ugly and destructive, some elitism, purposefulness, romance, idealism, vulnerability are emotional, a little capricious, artistic character, easy gait, thin neck, languishing eyes, slender , long legs, thin, fine figure, graceful.

ANTITOTEM - Chimera. Inactivity, great rationalism, skepticism, mockery, a fat figure, rudeness, harshness, heaviness, excessive rationalism, lies, dirty abuse, atheism.

19th SOLAR YEAR. Patron - Asha-Vakhishta 1924,1956,1988,2020.

Totem Elephant. The color of the year is blue. Year of retribution, accumulation of property. A year of strong marriages. Sustainability, seriousness, house building, development of new spaces. Big things, projects, solid plans. Healthy, strong, athletic. Long nose, thin hair. Slow nature. Balanced. Persistent. Giant passion. Freedom-loving. suspicious. Misses the best opportunities. He doesn't even trust himself. Night fears. Herding. Mess. Internal doubts. Waste of energy. Self blinding. Head.Antitotem Mouse. Thin, stunted, fussy, miserable, talkative, deceitful, treacherous, hiding. A gray man with gray thoughts and only caring about his supplies. ELEPHANT - a symbol of stability, strength, seriousness, solidity, balance. Patron: Asha Vakhishta (associated with Taurus) - the keeper of Heavenly Fire, tamed fire. The year is associated with construction, development of new spaces, drawing up long-term plans, retribution, accumulation, strong marriages, stability, seriousness, association, cooperation if many volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, self-deception of people - desecration of fire, bad for self-confidence, self-deception. A very strong, stable year, favorable for house-building, for solid plans and projects, for big deeds, for protection. Things have great consequences, great stability, slowness, heaviness in character, perseverance, great inner strength, love of freedom, distrust, balance, slowly swaying, but difficult to stop, durable, constant, efficient, conservative, keeper of foundations, home. Small stature with a massive carcass with a nose and fangs, healthy, weightlifter, sparse hair. Balance, great inner strength, suspiciousness, misses a lot in life. The lower one is small, fidgety, self-confident, fussy, talkative, unreliable, deceitfulness, cowardice, meanness.

ANTITOTEM - Mouse. Thin, stunted, fussy, talkative, deceitful, treacherous, unreliable in the family.

20th SOLAR YEAR. Patron - Mitra 1925,1957,1989,2021.

Totem Horse. The color of the year is blue.Year of oath and contract. Punishment for injustice. Herding. Sharp events, changes, publicity, revelations. fatal events. self-confidence. Roughness, perseverance, quarrelsomeness, disobedience. Everyone wants to turn over, build according to their own model. Herd. Formalists. Athlete, proud posture, big teeth, coarse hair and big beautiful eyes. Traveler. Firm, tenacious, enduring. Keeps his word. The smith of his own happiness. Romantic, loves nature. They take on a lot. Extremely clean. Antitoteme Jackal. Slow, unexecutive, coward Acts on the sly. Strives to eat delicious food everywhere. Complains and draws attention to it. HORSE, HORSE - a symbol of justice, agreement, diligence, striving forward, leadership. Patron: Mihr (Sun). People are self-confident, broad-minded, firm, persevering, endurance, commitment, striving for a team. Anti - cowardice, opportunism, lack of performance, optionality. The year is associated with the conclusion of treaties, drastic changes, the beginning of civil wars, a split, excessive self-confidence. The year is associated with an oath, an agreement, punishment for injustice, favorable for groups, bad for schismatics, abrupt changes, a year of abrupt events, publicity, revelations, fuss. Hard-working, fair, conservatism, majority feeling. Athletic build, proud posture, good figure, travelers, firm, stubborn character, assertiveness, endurance, ability to obey, pedantic in execution, grumpiness, desire to trample, disobedience, a little cowardly, out of the herd, builder, formalism, indomitability, strong teeth, long face, coarse hair, beautiful eyes. Inferior - taciturnity, bad teeth, flattened face, weak legs

ANTITOTEM - Jackal. Unfulfillment, vagueness, sluggishness.

21st SOLAR YEAR. Patron - Shahrivar 1926,1958,1990,2022.

Totem Cheetah. The color of the year is green. Wars. Battles. Fight for what is right. Revelations. Militancy, indomitable temper. Challenge, fearlessness, aggression. Fast run. Independent. Cunning. Insidious. Terrible power. Cat grace. Single. Ability to live in extreme conditions. Jump into danger. Sexy. Players, but calculate the moves. Athletes. Antitoteme Amoeba or Leopard. A coward, a pathetic, insignificant person, a cannibal, a sadist, a mafioso. CHEETAH - a symbol of the struggle for a just cause, militancy, unpredictability, fearlessness. The Cheetah is a dog-headed cat with a fast run. Patron: Shahrivar is the lord of the Heavenly Host. The year is associated with the struggle against evil, aggravation of problems, revelations, unexpected undertakings, the outbreak of war, revolution. Acute problem solving, wars, revelations, a new course is possible. People are brave, indomitable, independent, great strength, sharpness, pressure, ability to play, forethought , surprise, nobility, independence, propensity for shapeshifting, cunning, great strength, compressed into a ball, feline grace, loner, sharpness and pressure, aggression, unpredictability, militancy, indomitability, ability to do everything, up to scandal, insidious, revelations can be associated with the game, fearless or play as such. A tendency to innovation and surprises, the desire to foresee any danger. The ability to anticipate any danger. Leanness, smartness, with a firm piercing gaze, with catlike grace, but great strength, organizational skills. The lowest is cowardice, hiding behind others.

ANTITOTEM- Leopard. Promiscuous in communications, vagueness, cowardice, insignificance, cruelty, sadism, deceit.

22nd SOLAR YEAR. Patron - Spenta Magnou 1927,1959,1991,2023.

Totem Peacock. The color of the year is yellow. A year of play, seduction, masquerade. Deceptions, illusions. Pseudo-wars. Player. Unexpected, coquettish, handsome, graceful and many-sided. She shines with all facets of talent. Lots of abilities. Closed on itself. Passive. Panache. Happy. Crazy plans. Not independent. We need conditions for development. Loving - harem. Unsettled personal life. Antitoteme Jerboa. Gray man. Pulls everything to the golden mean. Stupid. He hides and does everything on the sly. PEACOCK - a symbol of overcoming illusions, knowledge of the true essence of things, but also games, disguises. Patron: Spenta Manyu, the Holy Spirit. A year of seduction, masquerade, illusions, deception with their exposure, the appearance of false prophets, loss of faith in people. A year of impudent, cynical deceit, an unpredictable year, a manifestation of dark forces, a hoax, deceit, pseudo-wars. People are bright, prone to play, theatre, oketstvo, diversity and unexpectedness of manifestations, versatility, independence, daydreaming, sparkling, the ability to present themselves, isolation, stupidity, dullness, the desire to merge with the crowd, unexpected, loves to play, disguise, coquettish, affectation, graceful and many-sided, new abilities are revealed all the time, does not cling to anything, is lonely and unpredictable, the desire to reveal oneself, but is somewhat passive, loves drawing, often repeats, cheerful, with a sense of humor. The lower one is a gloomy, reserved person.

ANTITOTEM - Gopher. A gray, average person, clinging to the golden mean, not expressing his opinion, closed, stupid, spiteful.

23rd SOLAR YEAR. Patron - Khaurvat 1928,1960,1992,2024.

Totem Swan. The color of the year is orange. Revival of faith, religion. Uniting people on a spiritual basis. Mutual aid, profit, disinterestedness. Waiting for a miracle. Proud singles. A year of change, insecurity, healing and secret protection. Celestial Phenomena. Heavy in material terms. Pride. Idealism. Separation from life. Attached to loved ones. Stationarity. Closure. Grace. No mobility. Self-sufficiency. Cleansing with holy water. Antitoteme Rat Nanhatya. Greed, materialism, infidelity, deceit. SWAN - a symbol of purification, faith, mutual assistance, spirituality, hope. Patron: Khaurvat, sacred water. The year is associated with the spiritual unification of people, the restoration of lost integrity, retribution for injustice, the destruction of foundations, greed, bargaining, intrigues, non-fulfillment of obligations, isolation, eternal expectation, change, destruction of material insecurity and hope, expectation of a miracle. Year of healing and secrets. Protects those who are in the shadows. The revival of faith, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, selflessness, spiritual unification. Vileness, greed, money-grubbing, a turning year, everything that prevents the birth of a new time, the restoration of justice, is being washed away. Favorable for restoring unity, for women, healers, doctors, long neck, graceful, proud, loners, disinterested, attached to their loved ones, capable of self-sacrifice, great stationarity, self-sufficiency, isolation, fanaticism in religion, pride, idealism, isolation from the real , affection for loved ones, inner loneliness, isolation, religiosity, selflessness.

ANTITOTEM - Nanhatya, a red rat. Greed, deceit, intrigue, deceit, money-grubbing, greed, meanness, double-dealing, infidelity, materialism, hatred of loved ones.

24th SOLAR YEAR. Patron - Haoma 1929,1961,1993,2025.

Totem Lynx (Nightingale). The color of the year is red. Year of enlightenment and intoxication. A year of strangeness, absurdity, eye opening. Checks, trials, transformations, unexpected phenomena, changes. Predator, ambush jump. The secret becomes clear. A year of catastrophes, destruction of plans. Cat habits. Affectionate and violent, brave and apathetic. They pick on everything. Don't let it sit on your neck. Prophets. Optimists. Nightingale at best gives joy, fun, emotions, a good voice. Enlightenment is the opening of the heart. Year of love and marriages. Antitoteme - Tick. Doesn't know what he's doing. Spraying. Chaos. blur. Disorder and collapse. Drinking. Freedom. Independence. Looseness. Rudeness, filth, disgrace. LYNX (for men) a symbol of enlightenment, insight, transformation, fun, surprise. NIGHTINGALING (for women). Patron: Haoma, Saoma, Soma (Vedic). Softness, dimness of appearance, outward calmness, but also the ability to quickly concentrate and show frenzied activity, joyful perception of life, generosity, love of freedom, the year is associated with a test, with insight, an unexpected realization of hidden events with the disclosure of secrets, revelry, intoxication, collapse, disaster. The year of unification, divine enlightenment and intoxication, the year of transformation, unexpected phenomena, oddities and absurdities, the destruction of solid plans. Good for marriage, for love. Blurred events, chaos, many calls that are not fulfilled, many secrets, a year of catastrophes, a nondescript appearance, invisibility, but a sharp and quick manifestation - as a reformer. Nightingale - seriousness, severity, dignity, noble posture, fast and light. Gentle, ringing voice, young people have many enemies, love, higher feelings, opening of the heart, higher human qualities. Lynx - dense build, powerful legs, large hairiness, pronounced whiskers, bronze-yellow eyes with a large pupil, great strength, soft habits, but also sharpness, the gift of prophecy, optimism, firmness. The lowest - senseless asceticism, hypocrisy, pettiness, tediousness, bloodthirstiness, predation, anger, hatred, loners

ANTITOTEM - Jerboa. Timidity, willingness to try on, meekness, peacefulness, short arms, large head, pig snout with wide nostrils, little hair. acute vision, hearing, touch. Men love big mustaches, helpfulness, flattery, drunkenness, dirt, rudeness, violence, stickiness.

25th SOLAR YEAR. Patron - Spenta-Armaiti 1930,1962,1994,2026.

Totem Donkey. The color of the year is white. Year of Beneficent Peace. A year of abundance, a way out of deadlocks, out of crises. Getting real results. Peaceful. Compliant. Patient. Calm. Stable. He does everything with his own hands. Great inner strength. Hardy, survives in any conditions. passive resistance. Solid inner core. Avoid extremes and sharp corners. Everything reaches quietly. It's better to be on the sidelines. Need an impulse. A year of testing the strength of family and kinship relationships. Stubbornness. Inflexibility. closed. Reasonable. Everyone is attracted. Cultivation of the land. Antitoteme Rabbit. Cowardice, lust, anger, uncontrollable instincts, unnecessary deeds, unwinding. The desire for a harem. Uncleanliness. Champ. DONkey - a symbol of abundance, peace, patience, passive resistance, the search for the true path. Patron: Spenta-Armaiti, sacred land. The year of a beneficent peace, the end of the war, stability, a way out of an impasse, a reward for honest work, manifestations of uncontrollable instincts, mania, chaos, chaos, patience, meekness, a year of earthly gifts, overcoming a crisis, stabilization, testing a family for strength, good for building houses, land acquisition, restoration of harmony, slightly elongated face, protruding, healthy teeth, peacefulness, a solid inner core, endurance, lack of aggressiveness, common sense, poise, avoids extremes, complaisant, patient, calm, hardy, modest. perseverance, passive stubbornness.

ANTITOTEM - Rabbit. Cowardice, lust, distraction, uncontrollable emotions, mental disorders, oblique, tongue-tied, gluttonous.

26th SOLAR YEAR. Patron - Angraosha 1931,1963,1995,2027.

Polar bear totem. The color of the year is purple. year of manifestation. Illumination of everything obscure and confusing, upheavals, the destruction of some plans and the emergence of others. Games. Crushing illusions. Test for truth, strength and teamwork. Malice. Rage. Can break fate. fatal mistakes. Courage, missionary, star guide, healer. Serious tests.. Dull force. Bookmark big events. Premonition. magnetic force. Single. Patient, direct, strict. Athlete. Unpredictable. Reformer. Passionate. Noble. Not tamed. Broad soul. Smart choice. Antitoteme Brown bear. Cowardice, opportunism, “bear services”, sadism, vileness, laziness, hibernation, terrible crushing force, picky, playful. window dressing. Snitching. Darkness. Connecting rod. wild manifestations. POLAR BEAR - a symbol of the mission of the Aryans, healing, magic, unexpected upheavals, unpredictability, generosity, slow buildup and quick, abrupt actions. Patron: Aryaman (Angraosh) - Infinite Light, the leader of souls in heavenly wanderings, the patron of the Aryan peoples. A year of strange upheavals, the destruction of plans, the crushing of illusions, the bookmarking of events, tests of strength, strength and teamwork. Cases on a solid basis and fatal mistakes that are difficult to correct. Those who endure receive initiation - karmic memory, the ability to anticipate and anticipate any situation in advance. Year bookmark events that are implemented in the next year of the Eagle. A year of severe trials, abrupt changes in plans, upheavals, testing people for strength, crushing illusions, fatal mistakes, destruction of foundations, outbursts of unreasonable anger, a year of manifestation, illumination of everything obscure and confusing, upheavals, changes in plans, games, destruction of illusions, love of life, chivalry, breadth of soul, excitement in the game, a penchant for unexpected actions, great creative power, courage, rigor, unpredictability, openness, a tendency to coups, surprise in manifestations, a magical effect on people, the ability to create big plans.

ANTITOTEM - Brown Bear. Ferocity, deceit, laziness, crushing blind force, tediousness, pettiness, sadism, senseless malice, sharp outbursts of rage, anger, mockery, vileness, cowardice and opportunism.

27th SOLAR YEAR. Patron - Amertat 1932,1964,1996,2028.

Totem Eagle. The color of the year is blue. The year of construction, serious plans and projects that are beginning to be implemented. Creation of the system. The year of uniting people. Flying high. Proud aristocrats. Prosperity of adventurers. Year of order, delimitation of forces. Loneliness, high ideals. Predation. Ability to lead. Knight. Is tamed. Adheres to the laws. Seer. Penetrates through space and time. Proud posture. Antitoteme Fly. Maliciousness, drooling, stickiness. Devourer. Intemperate. Unclean. Aggressive with close people. For the sake of principle, I am ready to hate them. EAGLE - a symbol of royalty, power, statehood. Patron: Amertat, immortality - plants. Year of order, formation of a system, empire, assistance to a clan, party, system. year of construction, implementation of plans. Unfavorable for swindlers and upstarts Implementation of grandiose plans, a year of high flights, a year of people rising above society, a year associated with the creation of a system, the foundation and strengthening of empires, the unification of states, with the beginning of grandiose projects, with the fall of righteous states, the spread of epidemics, pride, aristocracy, isolation, ability to lead, elitism, sense of duty, striving for high ideals, a heightened sense of self-esteem, the ability to behave in society, proud bearing, a chased profile, an aquiline nose, a well-placed voice, the ability to behave in any society, an ascetic in personal life . sacrifice for a great cause.

ANTITOTEM - Shawar, fly, locust. Malice, intemperance, stickiness, gluttony, bulging eyes, thin arms, legs, intemperance, uncleanliness, dirt.

28th SOLAR YEAR. Patron - Vata 1933,1965,1997,2029.

Totem Fox. The color of the year is blue. harmonious changes. Year of the lot. Will of chance. Backstage games. Return to the past. The end of a cycle and the opening of a new one. Finding the spirit, restoring balance. Deceptions, intrigues, mouse fuss. Cunning, cunning, cunning. Prudent. A sharp mind that conquers strength. Time change. Changing fate. Puzzles. Dexterity, irony, humor. Feeling of danger. Excerpt. Sharp word. Antitoteme Rat-Rabbit. Lust, evil spirits, gluttony, base instincts, stupidity, greed. FOX - a symbol of cunning, lot, harmonious changes, restoration of balance. Patron: Vata - change of time, God of the wind. A year of accidents that decide a lot, a return to spiritual traditions A changeable year, little things decide a lot, a year of lots, behind-the-scenes intrigues, deceit, deceit, but bastards and scoundrels die. The year of return to the past, allows you to complete the cycle and open a new time cycle, gaining the spirit, spiritual traditions, the year of rebalancing, the year of deceit, intrigue, pettiness, deceit, strange incidents and gossip, sharp mind, dexterity, subtle mind, irony, humor, good instinct, the ability to cunningly defeat strength, caution, foresight, changeable fate, cunning, the ability to expose intrigues, endurance, a sense of danger, changeable fate. Thin, with a sharp face, thin, agility, loves change, mockery, reveals all intrigues, investigator, cunning, does not climb on the rampage, retains appearance for a long time, dexterous, prudent, sharp in words.

ANTITOTEM - Aishma, hare, rabbit. Low instincts, gluttony, lust, cowardice, stupidity, lust, evil spirits, gluttony.

29th SOLAR YEAR. Patron - Vohu-Man 1934,1966,1998,2030.

Totem Dolphin. The color of the year is green. Year of Good Thought. The smartest year. Year of good animals. Year of travel. A year of big ideas. mysterious phenomena. Year of help and salvation. Missionary. Peacemaker, idealist. monogamous They take on the hardest. Inspiration. Teacher. Prophet. Telepath. Separation of Light and Darkness. Elitism. Antitoteme Shark. Evil thoughts. Discord. Unbelief. Atheism. Malice. Bloodlust. Vindictiveness. Giant performance. False teachings. DOLPHIN - a symbol of the knowledge of secrets, help, salvation, travel, good thoughts, guidance. Patron: Vohuman (Mercury), Good Animals, the year of good thought, the year of the Savior, separation. The year of the triumph of reason, the establishment of peace, appeal to higher values, bloody uprisings, discord, the rise of heresy, natural disasters. A year of travel, wanderers, big plans, mysterious phenomena, help and salvation, missionary activity, rebellion, earthquakes, wickedness, the instinct of destruction. Peacemaker, desire to help, humanism, idealism, curiosity, modesty, sensitivity, isolation, devotion to higher ideas, appeal to religion, philosophy, idealism, wisdom, prophetic gift. The lowest is discord, gossip, slander, malice, great working capacity, malice, discord, destructiveness, vindictiveness.

ANTITOTEM - Akimana, a shark. Malice, discord, distortion of the truth, false doctrine.

30th SOLAR YEAR. Patron - Vertragna (Mars) 1935,1967,1999,2031.

Totem Boar. The color of the year is yellow. Victory. Achievement of power. Giant powers. Voltage. Struggle. Sharp contradictions that need to be cut. Civil wars. Fight of Light and Darkness. Wanderings and big campaigns. Bravery. Courage. Fearlessness. Directness. Determination. They know how to obey, but the desire for superiority. Sharpness, honesty, maximalism, militancy, reasonableness. Swings for a long time, but sharp in manifestation. Defenseless in front of their own, but a thunderstorm to strangers. Antitoteme Wolverine. Malice, dirty tricks, arrogance, rage, cowardice, vindictiveness, meanness, greed. WILD BOAR, BOAR - a symbol of victory, achievement of power, intense struggle, awakening of huge forces, activity. Patron: Vertragna (Mars) - good war and victory. A year of aggravation of contradictions, struggle, tension, contradictions, wars, one cannot start confusion. Favorably distant wanderings, great campaigns, honesty and openness, struggle to the bitter end. War on one's own territory leads to the defeat of the instigator. Right gained in struggle. The awakening of the forces of the next year, it is necessary to cut contradictions, decisiveness, courage, sharpness, honesty, the desire for active self-affirmation, superiority, courage, courage, fearlessness, courage, rather cunning, with a large head and upper body, athletic build, able to obey not only strength, but also true power, knights - fighters against injustice, do not like to be debtors

ANTITOTEM- Hyena, Wolverine. Greed - rudeness, treachery, malice, resourcefulness, groveling before the strong, arrogance, cowardice.

31st SOLAR YEAR. Patron - Mach 1936, 1968, 2000, 2032.

Totem Owl(Owl). The color of the year is orange. Associated with home, family, tradition, patriotism. Much is done in darkness. Much of the obvious becomes secret, mysterious, confusing. shadow processes. patriotic ideas. Awakening of hidden forces and sources. Revival of lost knowledge and traditions. Strange, mysterious, mystics. The weak are not fighters. Quiet. The seers. They love nature.. Their opinion. Superstition, hypocrisy. Defenselessness. Pessimist. Myopia. Antitotem Bat - Bat. Vampire, bloodsucker. Grey Cardinal. FILIN (for men) - a symbol of mystery, the hidden essence of all things, the destruction of invisible evil spirits, the struggle against the forces of darkness. OWL (for women). Patron: Maha (Moon). The year of the awakening of hidden forces and hidden sources, the revival of lost knowledge, is associated with outbursts of patriotism, high feelings, uniting people for bright purposes, with the exposure of the forces of darkness to home, family, tradition, the providence of hidden things, patriotism. Much is done in darkness, it is necessary to track the reasons. Many secrets become clear, a year of secret actions against legitimate authority, the creation and development of dark secret societies, isolation, dimness, nocturnal life, quietness, a penchant for mysticism, love of nature, energetic protection of higher values, a mysterious fate of seers, suspiciousness, pessimism, susceptibility superstition, myopia, suspiciousness, helplessness.

32nd SOLAR YEAR. Patron – Khvarshat 1937,1969,2001,2033.

Totem Falcon. The color of the year is red. Tendency to coups, to a mysterious life. Pride. Arrogance. Bluffing. Feeling of rivalry and competition. Brave. But messy. Often lives in the past. Finishes the job well. Theatrical inclination. Serious. Creator. Fighter for justice. Loyalty. Subsequence. Capriciousness. Purposefulness. Flying high. Periods of inactivity are combined with gigantic action. Arrogant. Idealists. Reckless. Conscientious. Thinks about death. Teacher. Loves children. Pierced on love, partners cease to love them. Fight for their happiness. FALCON, HAWK - a symbol of creative insight, reincarnation, fidelity, courage and consistency. Patron: Khvarshat (Sun). The year is associated with fractures, reforms, splits, the struggle for justice, a breakthrough into the unknown, the beginning of wars, the active destruction of people, the rejection of the past. Upheaval, a year when many things are clarified, but this year should not be anything new, loyalty, tendency to upheaval, attachment to home, periods of inactivity and great activity, gambling, orientation to the past, flamboyance, serious fighter, unforgiving offenses , unpredictability, idealist, many reincarnations, courage, but obedience to someone's will, purposefulness, courageous, loves children, teacher, educator, preacher, attachment to the past, courage, determination, but disorderliness, harshness, scrupulousness, propensity for hoaxes.

Antitoteme - Seagull. Noisy, arrogant, rude.

In this article, you will learn what a Zoroastrian horoscope is, how to determine the year of your birth according to the Zoroastrian calendar. You will be able to identify your totem animal, what properties it has and how it affects you and your life.

One of the oldest calendars on Earth is the Zoroastrian calendar. The mythology of this people has significantly influenced astrology and gives rise to various horoscopes, incl. and Zoroastrian.

History of Zoroastrianism

Zoroastrianism is one of the oldest religions, founded by the Greek prophet Spitama Zarathustra. He claims that he had a revelation from the god Ahura Mazda. In ancient times and at the beginning of the Middle Ages, this religion was mainly preached in the lands of Greater Iran.

Today, Zoroastrianism has practically been supplanted by Islam, but there are still small groups in India and Iran, in some countries of the former USSR and in the West there are also followers. In total, there are no more than 130 thousand Zoroastrians in the world, and their number is rapidly decreasing, because. fertility declines and they are swallowed up by other, larger communities.

The dualistic philosophy of Zarathustra is based on the idea of ​​confrontation between good and evil. According to this teaching, the wise and kind god Ahura Mazda, an absolute light principle, together with the holy spirit and all the spirits of the earth, sky, animals, water, fire and plants, opposes the dark Angra Mainyu, who has evil spirits in his assistants.

Zarathustra identified 3 main virtues:

  • good deeds
  • good words
  • good thoughts

The Zoroastrian calendar was over 4,000 years old. years ago in the Middle East. It was named after the founder of the religion of Zoroastrianism.

Features of the Zoroastrian horoscope

The Zoroastrians took as the basis of their calendar the rotation around the Sun of the most distant of the visible planets - Saturn. The Persians called this planet Keyvan, which means “lord of time”. The Greeks, by the way, also called this planet Kronos or Chronos - "the god of time", hence the term chronology - the science of time.

The Zoroastrian New Year begins very symbolically, on the day of the vernal equinox, and, as you know, falls on March 21st.

The Western and Eastern calendars are represented by 12 animals, and the Zoroastrian one operates with 32 animal totems, which are considered guides in our world between all the kingdoms of nature.

Totems and Anti-Totems in the Zoroastrian Calendar

Western and Zoroastrian horoscopes

On March 21, the Zoroastrians celebrated their New Year, from this day their calendar began. According to the Western calendar, this day begins the influence of Aries, which is the first sign of the zodiac of the Western horoscope. This day is often found in other astrological systems, but it was the Zoroastrians who first used it.

How to interpret a horoscope according to the Zoroastrian calendar

The Persians believed that the nature of the animal characterizes the events that occur in its year, and affects the appearance and inner world of people born at this time, and also determines their life priorities and values.

They followed the animal-totem, and tried to unravel future events from its behavior.

  • The Persians believed that Deer people are noble, purposeful, have self-esteem
  • Also, the year of the Deer is favorable for the conclusion of contracts and transactions, which subsequently will continue to be valid for many years.
  • Wolf people are desperate, they are not afraid of anything, and this year is very dangerous with natural disasters and wars
  • In the year of the Stork, poets and wanderers are often born, and the year of the Mongoose gives life to people who resist evil in any form.

Zoroastrian horoscope by date of birth

The cycle of the Zoroastrian horoscope includes 32 years, each year is represented by its own totem - an animal or a bird, therefore this horoscope is also called Totem. The beginning of the year starts on March 21, so if you were born before this date, your totem animal is from the previous year.

1st year. Totem - Golden Horned Deer (1906, 1938, 1970, 2002)

The patron of the year is Ahura Mazda.
Color year white.
deer have a strong intuition, easily recognize any deception. Often kept apart, lonely, uncompromising, never admit their mistakes. They rarely repent, they easily leave everything in the past.
antitoteme- warty toad. These people get fat, go bald, they grow warts, they suppress others, become arrogant, arrogant, appropriate dignity that they do not have.
Year Deer - this year when justice, goodness triumphs and lonely leaders rule.

2nd year. Totem - Wild Sheep (1907, 1939, 1971, 2003)

The patron of the year Fravashi.

Color year purple.
Ram cherishes blood ties, faithful to national and family traditions. Obedient, easily influenced. He is calm and noble.
antitoteme- Black Sheep, Goat. A person without traditions, who despises his family, does not honor the memory of the family, believes that only he should be respected.
Year The ram flows under the symbol of obedience: people go with the flow after those around them.

3rd year. Totem - Mongoose (1908, 1940, 1972, 2004)

Patron year of Atar.
Color year blue.
Mongoose knows how to solve problems with lightning speed and get out of any situation. He is fickle, he changes his mind. These people are open, sincere and devoted, they live for today.
antitoteme- Cobra is a poisonous black snake or Ferret. A person shows himself in deceit, deceit, is not particularly smart, cannot provide for himself, his deceptions are doomed to failure, because. he downplays the power of those around him.
Year The mongoose is the year of the best aspirations and sacrifice, it symbolizes eternal life that conquers death.

4th year. Totem - White Wolf (1909, 1941, 1973, 2005)

Patron of the year Ramman.
Color year blue.
Wolves all their lives they long for fights and battles, the comfort of the hearth is not for them. They spend their lives traveling and wandering. They are not inclined to deceive or cunning, they do not compromise. Able to sacrifice themselves, but do not know how to take care of the weak.
antitoteme— Werewolf, Jackal. Breaks and destroys everything in its path, annoys others. Strong, embittered and cowardly. He despises others and hurts them.
Year The wolf is the year of wars, betrayals, intrigues, because these sacred animals are constantly in conflict.

5th year. Totem - Stork (1910, 1942, 1974, 2006)

Patron of the year Asman.
Color year green.
Stork- a lonely wanderer who always returns to his home. Monogamous, always faithful to his partner, but he remembers disappointments all his life. Silent, difficult to fit into society, relies only on himself. Knows how to highlight the main thing in life, understands life like no other.
antitoteme- Woodpecker or Toad. He talks a lot, provokes conflicts, neglects other people's interests, changes frivolous attachments, avoids real feelings. These people have a negative impact on others, their actions are dictated by complacency and are ridiculous.
AT year Storks often experience epiphanies.

6th year. Totem - Spider (1911, 1943, 1975, 2007)

Patron of the year Vayu.
Color year yellow.
Spider an informal leader, a wise strategist, able to lead others. Does not strive for fame, keeps in the shadows. Slow and attentive, smart and reasonable, constant in his affections and seeks reciprocity. Knows how to subordinate others to his will, but does not conspire and does not intrigue over trifles, does not strive for power. Can manipulate people, but rarely uses it. For a partner, he becomes a lover, friend and like-minded person.
antitoteme- Tarantula or Fly. He behaves defiantly, spends his energy on dividing people. Attracts attention and shocks others. It creates conflict situations, provokes disputes and quarrels that separate people.
Year spider is characterized by the acquisition of higher meaning and harmony.

7th year. Totem - Snake - Royal Python (1912, 1944, 1976, 2008)

Patron years of Apam-Napat.
Color year black and green.
Snake she cares little about what is said to her face, she is more interested in secret motives and hidden reasons. Possesses insight, easily recognizes lies, not talkative. Often continues work that others have begun. Has a flexible mind, adapts to any circumstances. Constant in her affections, faithful and devoted. Brave, knows how to live in constant tension, not to waste energy.
antitoteme- Poisonous Snake, Viper. A broken personality. Actions are inconsistent, aspirations are superficial and frivolous. He does not know peace, expects only negativity from others, easily succumbs to provocations, for which he pays dearly.
AT year The snake is mastering the secrets of world harmony and the purification of karma. Often this year repeats or returns what has already been once.

8th year. Totem - Beaver (1913, 1945, 1977, 2009)

The patron of the year is Advisura-Anahita.

Color purplish red.
beavers neat and hardworking, not afraid of routine work, not chasing ideals and not wanting more than they can achieve. They care about the future and not only about their own. Optimists do not give in to despondency, their house is full of warmth and comfort, and the doors are open to everyone. Take care of loved ones, do not leave them in trouble. They are wary of the new and quite conservative.
antitoteme— Water Rat, Nutria. He does not value his family, he refuses his own children. Sloppy, sloppy, lazy, easily changes priorities.
Year Beaver is the year of beauty, harmony, lawmaking. This is the year of love conquering hate.

9th year. Totem - Turtle (1914, 1946, 1978, 2010)

Patron of the year Zamyad.

Color years dark brown.
Turtle not very open and sociable, needs a sense of security. Easily shares the benefits received from fate, does not count on the help of others in difficult situations. He does not forget his own or other people's mistakes, as well as good deeds. Draws lessons from past experience. The turtle is smart enough, tends to complicate things too much, is afraid to get carried away with something. Maintains a detached, closed position from the world.
antitoteme- Slug or Seagull. Nervous, protected by masks, dependent on others. They are hypocritical, cannot take care of themselves, often become easy prey for manipulators.
Year Turtles are full of wisdom, harmony with nature, knowledge of the structure of the world.

10th year. Totem - Magpie (1915, 1947, 1979, 2011)

Patron of the Year Mara Spent.
Color year silver-blue.
Magpie always in the center of events. He talks a lot and does a lot, knows how to do several things at the same time. A skilled manipulator, behind external frivolity lies a clever mind and cunning. She always keeps her promises, does not survive defeats for a long time, pretends that everything in her life is easy. He does not neglect intrigues, is capable of tricks to achieve his goal.
antitoteme- Black Rook or Mole. Talkative, slow to react to what is happening, inactive, miss their benefits.
Year Magpie is also favorable for Deer. Life this year returns to normal, and Magpies and Deer can have a successful marriage.

11th year. Totem - Squirrel (1916, 1948, 1980, 2012)

Patron of the year Daena.

Color year yellow-green.
Squirrels mobile and agile, lively and intelligent, hard-working and homely. They always want to start a family. The character is not even, there are mood swings, depression is possible. Very conservative in affections. They are wary of the new, strive for stability. They need the support of others and appreciation of their merits. Everyone is forgiven.
antitoteme- Marten or Rat. Petty, slow, doubts everything, afraid of death and at the same time a long life.
Year Squirrels are not very pleasant. If a person runs away from a problem, it returns to him with greater speed. In this year, evil puts on a mask of goodness, a year of corruption and crimes.

12th year. Totem - Raven (1917, 1949, 1981, 2013)

Patron of the year Tishtar.

Color year black and blue.
crows severe and serious people who are not inclined to command and do not know how to obey. They marry late or remain single for life. They do not allow themselves to live at the expense of others, they are often squeamish and clean. Take care of themselves, do not allow weakness. They don’t take on debt, they don’t fill their own worth, they don’t play on the feelings of others. Restrained, do not show their feelings, even in the family they keep aloof.
antitoteme- Worm or Hoopoe. They adapt and live on alms, curry favor with their superiors, are always in debt, and often there are problems in the family. They try to dump their problems on others, but fail. They always look back at others, they cannot cope even with the simplest task.
Year The crow is characterized by persecution, injustice, epidemics.

13th year. Totem - Rooster (1918, 1950, 1982, 2014)

Patron of the year Sraoshi.
Color year red and white.
Rooster an energetic, full of plans warrior, never sits in the bushes. Outspoken, fearless, burning bridges behind him. He loves outfits, especially hats, loves attention, but at the same time he is embarrassed. Can quit an already started business if this does not affect his benefit. He does not imagine himself without a family and children, despite his "public". He never regrets his actions, the decisions made are always final. Helps those who are unable to take care of themselves, and puts their interests above their own.
antitoteme- Quail or kite. Cowardly and helpless, senselessly cruel, resigned to what is happening, often a slave to circumstances and causes pity. He does not love anyone, feels offended, deceived by life, hates the authorities and those who are in a better and more advantageous position.
Year Rooster - a time of exposure, but without retribution.

14th year. Totem - Ox (1919, 1951, 1983, 2015)

year of Geush-Urvan.
Color milky white, yellow.
Bull passive, disinterested and kind, like a child, in need of care. Very soft, knows how to endure, helps others, most often works in the field of medicine or education and receives a reward for all this. The bull is sensitive and trusting, very vulnerable, it is easy to humiliate or insult him. Protects his loved ones and beliefs to the last. He is not touchy, knows how to forgive, endures all hardships steadfastly and patiently.
antitoteme- Elk. Aggressive, nervous, obstinate, seeks to insist on his own at any cost. Subject to base desires. Impatient, devoid of stamina, embittered.
Year The Ox is a year of peace, a time to repay debts, be ready to obey and work hard.

15th year. Totem - Badger (1920, 1952, 1984, 2016)

Years of Keyvan.
Color year orange.
Badger attractive and mysterious, practical and thrifty, efficient and quite secretive. A person born this year has a rationalistic mindset, but the totem rewarded him with the gift of a psychologist and researcher. Deprived of false aspirations and empty daydreaming. Hardworking, reasonably distributes forces, does not show off. It is never boring with him, Badger knows how to enjoy life, has a good sense of humor.
antitoteme— Mole. Greedy, careless, unreliable, embittered, believes in nothing and hates people. Frivolous and insidious, loses the favor of others, does everything in order to get rich. His greed is boundless, words are misleading, actions are illogical.
Year Badger is connected with the past: with banks, funds, warehouses, storage facilities, with all the burden of the past.

16th year. Totem - Camel (1921, 1953, 1985, 2017)

Patron year of Rashnu.
Color year yellow and blue.
Camel- a man of action. Don't waste too much time talking. It is distinguished by asceticism and endurance, knows how to be content with little, what it has, uses it wisely. He never hides what he thinks about others, is somewhat harsh and distrustful, often expecting the worst. Knows his own worth, achieves everything he wants on his own. Much forgives relatives, family, but expects independence from them.
antitoteme- Hyena. She has a desire to have fun and sweetness. She is pampered and weak, has no control over her feelings, exaggerates everything, behaves stupidly. Life does not suit her, because it is boring, and the Hyena spends everything she has, and then turns to others for help.
Year Camel is the year of worries and labors of all those who were born under the sign of the herbivorous totem, but their diligence will be surely rewarded.

17th year. Totem - Hedgehog (1922, 1954, 1986, 2018)

years of Khvaren.
Color year white.
Hedgehog has a good memory, especially visual, meticulous, often clings to trifles. He is unpredictable, too fussy, ruffy. Periodically shakes up the dark world, sometimes defeats it. A good friend and partner, devoted and faithful, does not leave in trouble. It has a rebellious, cocky character, speaks without thinking and can offend, therefore it has many enemies and ill-wishers.
antitoteme— A shrew. Deliberately harmless and pleasant in appearance, but this is deceptive. In fact, she is deceitful and hypocritical, promiscuous, betrays friends, does nasty things, takes advantage of others, puts up with lies. Cowardly and confident in complete impunity.
Year Hedgehog - a time of freedom, grace, unpredictability, unexpected phenomena are possible.

18th year. Totem - Doe (1923, 1955, 1987, 2019)

Patron year of Art.
Color year purple.
Doe elegant and graceful, manners aristocratic and refined. Romantic by nature, sensitive and subtle, but rather capricious. Artistry is inherent in them, thanks to which they achieve success, especially in art. Doe lacks common sense.
antitoteme- Cow or goat. Unnecessarily rationalistic, rude, unpleasant in communication, inactive. Dress in a way that emphasizes flaws, not virtues. More reasonable and reasonable, but taunts those who want to help her.
Year Lani is characterized by the search for harmony and beauty, higher meaning, the manifestation of motherhood, a test for decency.

19th year. Totem - Elephant (1924, 1956, 1988, 2020)

Patron year of Asha-Vakhishta.
Color Year Blue.
Elephant balanced, it is difficult to piss him off, but if he succeeds, he is difficult to stop. Very strong. Conservative, but can shrug off conventions if need be. Slow, but very persistent, appreciates relationships and cooperation with others. Keeps traditions, head and support in the family. Often he is not confident in himself and misses the chances given.
antitoteme- Anteater. He looks stunted, stooped, talkative, extremely unreliable, a bad family man, devoid of judgment, incapable of serious deeds, deceitful, even with close people.
Year The elephant is characterized by strength, stability and seriousness. Things that were started this year will be continued in the future.

20th year. Totem - Horse (1925, 1957, 1989, 2021)

years of Mitra.
Color year blue.
Horse honest and courageous, stands guard over order and justice, is able to punish the violator of any formalities. He always achieves everything himself, stubbornly goes towards his goal, he can show strength only among like-minded people. He loves space, sports and travel.
antitoteme— Jackal. Cowardly and optional, unhurried and lazy. Doesn't keep his word. Strives for loneliness, silent, afraid of strong attachments.
Year The horse is bound by contracts and oaths, fair retribution is possible.

21st year. Totem - Cheetah (1926, 19587, 1990, 2022)

years of Shahrivar.
Color year green.
Cheetah strong, graceful. Often predicts danger, calculates all options. Knows how to be in extreme conditions, loves to fight. Sometimes he retreats, but only to return with renewed vigor. Warlike and aggressive, fearless and cunning, but at the same time noble. Has an indomitable temper.
antitoteme- Swamp Cat. Cowardly, weak, promiscuous. Deprived of courage and strength, inspires pity. Does not know how to understand people, trusts those who use it.
Year Cheetah is the year of wars and revelations. A new political course may begin this year.

22nd year. Totem - Peacock (1927, 1959, 1991, 2023)

Patron years of Spenta Magnou.
Color year yellow.
Peacock prone to narcissism, always sure of his innocence. It has creative potential and strives to unleash it with all its might. He always has many plans, but not all come true. Often discovers new traits in himself, which surprises himself and others. Cheerful, many-sided, does not value property.
antitoteme- Drozd. Gray and gloomy, withdrawn, embittered. He tries not to draw attention to himself, modest, but suffers because of this. He has few friends and interests, or none at all, the world is limited only to himself.
Year The peacock is full of deceit, seduction, games.

23rd year. Totem - Swan (1928, 1960, 1992, 2024)

years of Khaurvat.
Color year orange.
Swan proud, disinterested, true to high ideals, prone to self-knowledge and meditation, does not pay attention to material wealth. Strongly divorced from reality, tk. lives in his own world. He does not like loneliness and needs close people. Loyal to friends and faithful partner.
antitoteme- Duck. Greedy, obsessed with the material, deceitful and unreliable. Without moral values, profiting from the weaknesses and mistakes of others, betraying even the closest and loved ones.
Year Swan is the year of uniting people. At this time, either miracles occur, or deceit, greed, intrigue, unfulfilled promises reign.

24th year. Totem - Lynx (Nightingale) (1929, 1961, 1993, 2025)

year of Haom.
Color year red.
Lynx unpredictable, sometimes quiet and calm, sometimes vicious and implacable. It seems uncollected, but this is deceptive, if necessary, it will mobilize. She always and everywhere has a mess, but she does not tolerate this with others.

Sometimes manifested Nightingale. Noble and peaceful, not proud of his merits, deserving of respect, having a sense of his own dignity, devoid of frivolity.
antitoteme- Mouse. Timid, cowardly, helpful, petty, boring, does not have her own point of view, strives to please the stronger. Afraid to break any norms and get a bad name.
Year Lynx is a time of trials and unexpected events. This year, the meaning of the previously incomprehensible may be revealed.

25th year. Totem - Donkey (1930, 1962, 1994, 2026)

Patron years of Spenta Armaiti.
Color year white.
A donkey efficient, hardy and patient, complaisant and calm. He loves and knows how to do everything with his own hands. Guided by common sense, calm and balanced. Has a strong character, but needs motivation to work.
antitoteme— Mule. Passive, withdrawn, stubborn, lazy. Cowardly, lustful, petty. He does stupid things, because of which he suffers and his loved ones suffer. Strive for fame, but does nothing for it.
Year Donkey is an auspicious time, this is the year of exit from crises, the beginning of abundance.

26th year. Totem - Polar Bear (1931, 1963, 1995, 2027)

year of Angraosh.
Color year purple.
Polar bear quick-witted and good-natured, strict and unpredictable, in some ways he behaves like a knight. Likes to live in grand style. He always has many attractive projects that are successfully implemented. Possesses good organizational skills.
antitoteme- Brown bear. Arrogant, petty, touchy, vindictive, brings chaos everywhere, boring, prone to sadism, knows how to disguise himself well. Interferes with other people's affairs, destroys the plans of others.
Year The polar bear is a year of hard trials. The mistakes made this year cannot be corrected. This year is the foundation for the future.

27th year. Totem - Eagle (1900, 1932, 1964, 1996)

Patron year Amertat.
Color year blue.
Eagle worthily kept in society, can not do without the team. I am ready to sacrifice myself for the common cause. These are people with high ideals, defenders of statehood. They are respected and loved for their chivalrous demeanor and aristocracy. In love they are ascetics.
antitoteme- Fly. Envious, vain, fickle, unable to restrain himself, unscrupulous, gluttonous. Insatiable and greedy, does not disdain base methods of satisfying her desires. These people form packs and do not act alone.
Year Orla is the time of construction, new projects that are beginning to be implemented. This is the year of bringing people together.

28th year. Totem - Fox (1901, 1933, 1965, 1997)

year of Vata.
Color year blue.
Fox has a sharp mind, thanks to which he exposes intrigues. Often the fate of these people is strange and changeable, devoid of monotonous everyday life. The fox is a little cowardly, but clever and witty. Never climbs on the rampage, prudent, always chooses the right path and shows it to others. Often punish others for meanness.
antitoteme- Weasel. Cowardly, greedy, opportunistic. Insolent, if confident with her impunity, but afraid of resistance. Often finding a strong patron, deceives and robs him, and then changes to a new one.
AT Gone Foxes very much depend on trifles and chance.

29th year. Totem - Dolphin (1902, 1934, 1966, 1998)

year of Wohu-Man.
Color year green.
Dolphin able to make decisions quickly. Dedicated to higher ideals, inclined to philosophizing. He clearly sees the difference between White and Black, Light and Darkness. Helps in difficult times, but does it imperceptibly. Always does the harder part of the job. He is mysterious and enigmatic, able to transmit his thoughts at a distance.
antitoteme- Carp. Vengeful, greedy, vicious, sows discord, always tries to distort the truth, confuse evil and good. Leaves behind ruin and chaos, tries to quarrel everyone, is aggressive and deceitful.
Year Dolphin - a time of help and salvation, a year of travel, great ideas, mysterious phenomena.

30th year. Totem - Boar (1903, 1935, 1967, 1999)

year of Vertragna.
Color year yellow.
boar has an indomitable temper, but can obey some higher idea. Brave, courageous, fearless, resolute, always ready to repulse the enemy and strives to become the first. Able to soberly assess their strengths. In peacetime, he is able to listen to the opinions of others and is quite tolerant of loved ones, who are forgiven a lot and allows them to sit on his neck.
antitoteme- Pig. Greedy, vicious, insidious, cunning, greedy, dodgy. She does everything only for bad purposes, fights on the side of evil, often helps criminals, and in this she is ruthless.
Year Boar - the year of struggle and aggravation of contradictions.

31st year. Totem - Owl (1904, 1936, 1968, 2000)

year Max.
Color year orange.
Owl possesses the gift of providence, prediction, is often the organizer of secret communities. Live according to your own schedule. Protects the highest values, mysteriously lives and also leaves. It is revealed to the full among people who are well related to it.
antitoteme— Filin. Vile, vengeful, cowardly. He obeys the stronger, is afraid of losing favor, for which he commits unworthy deeds. Deceives and cunning to get revenge.
AT year Owls are strongly influenced by dark forces, so you need to pay attention to the hidden side of things.

32nd year. Totem - Falcon (1905, 1937, 1969, 2001)

years Khvarshat.
Color year red.
Falcon swift and sharp. Often these people are preachers or reformers of religion who are obsessed with the idea of ​​resurrecting previously lost knowledge. Reckless, but later regret their behavior. If there is a wise leader, the Falcon is capable of much, but does not tolerate dictate. He knows how to easily disorganize, ruin, and does it with pleasure.
antitoteme- Sparrow. Does not value the past, cowardly, grumpy, does not attach importance to love. Behaves defiantly, obsessively. Always dissatisfied with life and afraid of everything.
Year Falcon - the time of splits and battles for justice. New projects should not be started only if you are 100% confident in your abilities.

Zoroastrian calendar compatibility

Totem and antitotem help to characterize a person, an ideal partner. Knowing the qualities of his personality, what he needs to strive for and what to avoid, you can imagine the personal qualities of a person who will complement him and help him go straight and up in life. This is precisely the foundation of a strong union.

Remember the saying: "A goose is not a comrade to a pig." According to the same principle, compatibility is determined according to the Zoroastrian horoscope. After all, it is impossible to imagine the union of the Uzh and the Mongoose, but the Deer and the Doe are made for each other. And if we consider the qualities of these people according to the horoscope, then the first couple has a joint future under a big question, but in the second case a strong union is possible.

Of course, compatibility according to the Zoroastrian horoscope is not a reason to change everything radically, there are exceptions to any rule. We advise you to take a closer look at your soulmate, you may notice that your "herbivorous" nature is annoyed by his "predatory" habits. These are the properties of his totem, and if you try to change this, he may fall under the destructive influence of the anti-totem. It's up to you to decide - do you need it?

Video: Zoroastrian calendar

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