Ayurvedic treatment: panchakarma. Panchakarma - Ayurvedic method of cleansing the body

PANCHAKARMU, as a "general cleaning" in the body, it is desirable to carry out regularly even healthy person, thus preventing the accumulation of toxins and toxins and ensuring health and youth on long years. And the older the person, the greater the need for regular cleansing. If this is panchakarma performed by professionals in an Ayurvedic center, then it is quite enough to do it once a year.

If you do not have the opportunity to visit the Ayurvedic center every year, but only after a few years, then during these years it is advisable to carry out panchakarma at home + strictly follow the system for maintaining the constitutional type in balance, which we teach our patients at Ayurvedic basic consultation. For certain constitutional types, instead of "home" panchakarma, it is better to carry out other cleansing activities at home, which can also be found in the course of an Ayurvedic basic consultation. Then you will be able to keep yourself in good shape until the next professional panchakarma in the Ayurvedic center.

"Home" panchakarma, of course, is not as deep and effective as professional panchakarma in an Ayurvedic center. However, even panchakarma performed at home has a clear cleansing effect on all organs and systems of the body.

It is most effective to carry out "home" panchakarma during the periods of change of seasons (spring, autumn) 2 times a year.

The following is carried out one of variants of "home" panchakarma .

First stage- internal oiling. Within 3 days should be taken on an empty stomach in the morning, 50 g of warm liquid ghee (butter ghee), washed down with hot water. Representatives of the constitutional type Vata - with a small amount (pinch) rock salt, Pitta - without any additives, Kapha - with a small amount (a pinch) of a mixture of ginger powder, red pepper and black pepper in equal proportions. You can take the first meal no earlier than 30 minutes after taking ghee, since before the new food arrives, ghee must be completely absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. If you absolutely cannot drink 50 g of liquid oil at a time, then take at least 2 tablespoons of warm liquid ghee 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals or just on an empty stomach. Through ghee, internal oiling is carried out, which ensures the release of ama (slags and toxins) into the gastrointestinal tract. (If your blood test shows an increase in cholesterol, sugar or triglycerides, then instead of ghee, you should take flaxseed oil, which contains fatty acid that lower cholesterol levels. Linseed oil should also be taken 3 days in a row, 2 tablespoons at least 15 minutes before meals 3 times a day).

Second phase– external oiling. (If you do not have enough time, then it is allowed to start external and internal oiling on the same day, then the time of your "home" panchakarma will be reduced from 10 to 7 days). Within the next 7 days every day, at least 2 hours after eating, self-massage with warm oil is performed. Within 15-20 minutes, the oil is thoroughly rubbed into the skin of all parts of the body, from the top of the head to the toes. It is better to perform this procedure in the evening before going to bed. For wat is used Sesame oil, for Pitta - sunflower oil, for Kapha - mustard (or corn) oil. The oil must be in without fail unrefined. The room where self-massage is performed should be very warm so that the body does not cool down.

After self-massage, you should take either hot shower or a hot bath. Wash off the oil with soap or other detergent it does not follow. Dry off with a towel after a bath or shower. A certain amount of oil will remain on your skin, it is necessary for the oil to be absorbed deeper into the tissues after the massage, providing effective external oiling.

During all 7 days before going to bed, at least 2 hours later, and preferably more, after dinner, you should take 1-2 teaspoons triphala churny. (Ayurvedic preparations can be purchased through many Ayurvedic online stores that exist today). You must choose the appropriate dosage according to your body's reaction: the next day in the morning, the stool should be softened or watery, but not too thin, watery. If there was no stool in the morning, then an hour after breakfast, you need to take another serving. triphala churny. triphala churnu pour a glass or half a glass of boiling water, mix and leave to infuse for 15-20 minutes. Then shake and drink with the sediment. triphala churna renders soft laxative effect and also tones and activates the functions of many organs and systems of the body.

The final stage"home" panchakarma - cleansing enemas that are performed after a bath or shower in the last 3 out of 7 days. Ayurvedic collection is used to prepare enemas dashmula. To prepare a decoction 1 tablespoon dashmules placed in 0.5 liters of boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes. Next, the broth is cooled to body temperature or slightly higher, filtered and used for an enema. In the case of a Vata enema, a decoction of dashmula is mixed with 150 ml of warm sesame oil. (If you can't find dashmoola, use a mixture of dry ginger, fennel, and calamus in equal proportions instead.) The decoction should be kept in the intestines for as long as possible, at least 20 minutes. In some cases, the liquid does not come out or almost does not come out back. This shouldn't be a cause for concern. This is usually the case with Vata-type people, who have colon can be very dry and dehydrated.

Panchakarma, even at home, requires a lot of strength from the body. Therefore, these days you need to give the body and mind enough rest and not allow physical, emotional and mental overload. It is advisable to make sure that your work schedule is not too busy. It is best if you can be free from work for this period. After panchakarma, you also need to start working gradually, avoiding overload in the first days after the end of the program.

Also, during the entire program, it is recommended to follow a special cleansing vegetarian diet, which also consists of dishes called khichri (or kichadi) and herbal tea with spices (basil or tulsi, thyme, chamomile, mint, dandelion root, burdock root + ginger, cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, black pepper of your choice). You can also use honey, preferably old candied. During the day, you should eat as many times as you feel hungry. Fasting during the program is not recommended. At the end of the program on the first day, you should only eat khichri, cooked with vegetables, and starting from the second day, move on to a diet recommended for your constitutional type.

Recipe khichri (or kichadi) :

You will need rice (preferably basmati) and mung bean (bean, which you can usually buy in markets in tents where they sell dried fruits and nuts, because it grows in the southern republics former USSR) in equal proportions. And also the spices a small amount of turmeric, coriander, cumin, ginger, and mustard seed, or powder. You can add rock salt. To improve digestion, mung bean should be soaked overnight in cold water, in the morning drain the water and cook in clean water. (If you buy shelled, or yellow, mung bean, which Moscow residents can buy at the Indian Spices store, then you don’t need to soak it).

To prepare a dish, it is good to use a pressure cooker (one whistle is enough and khichri ready). You can also cook in a regular pot. We put mung bean, rice, spices, salt in a saucepan, pour water (the more water, the more liquid the dish will turn out; you can choose any consistency - from soup to crumbly porridge), bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes without a lid, stirring occasionally. Reduce the heat, cover with a lid, leaving a small gap and cook for another 25-30 minutes until the rice and mung bean become soft. Before serving, add 2 tablespoons of ghee (clarified butter) to the plate.

It should also be noted some WARNINGS.

Firstly, panchakarma, even in its light version, has a powerful effect on the body. If you feel weak, exhausted, you have little strength, then it is better not to use this method. This method is for those who are strong enough.

Secondly, during pregnancy, panchakarma, as well as other types of purification, cannot be performed.

Thirdly, simultaneously with the outflow of toxins to physical level, "mental toxins" may begin to flow. Previously suppressed negative memories and emotions, such as anger, fear, sadness, etc., may begin to rise to the surface layer of consciousness. This is a very favorable part of the purification process. Thus, a person gets rid of mental blocks forced into the subconscious, which in many cases become the underlying causes of illness and mental suffering. If such processes begin to happen to you, then they must be accepted as a positive part of the purification process. It is recommended to drink sedatives herbal teas+ use any method of meditation familiar to you. An emotional reset can happen even a few weeks or months after the end of the "home" panchakarma.

Panchakarma is a course of cleansing procedures that originated in India over 4000 years ago, which is the basis ayurvedic medicine. Although today there are many modern techniques detoxification and rejuvenation, panchakarma does not lose its relevance, this method of cleansing the body continues to be actively used. Hindus use panchakarma as a means of restoring strength after suffering ailments and believe that thanks to this, patients get back on their feet twice as fast. What is the secret of the ancient Indian system?

What is panchakarma and how effective is it

In 2002, the effectiveness of panchakarma was scientifically substantiated. Experts from the USA, England, India and Japan studied the blood counts of people who had undergone such a course of cleansing the body. It turned out that Indian technique contributed to the reduction of the level of toxins in the blood by 58%. These results can be achieved by using herbal infusions and oils, which contribute to the fact that toxic substances take a water-soluble form and are more easily excreted from the body.

The scheme of panchakarma has remained the same as in ancient times. The first 7 days the body is oiled, for which melted water is drunk on an empty stomach. butter ghee. In this way, it is possible to achieve softening of old slags and protect the mucous membranes. digestive system. After oiling, thermal procedures are carried out: the body is steamed using a steam of infusion of Indian herbs in an Indian sauna. This is followed by the actual cleansing, which consists of 5 stages. Types of procedures and their duration is determined for each person individually.

Stages of cleansing the body panchakarma

Vaman. The first stage is the intake of emetic drugs. According to the doctors of Ayurveda, in this way it is possible to free the lungs, stomach and maxillary sinuses. To call vomiting reflex, use bitter herbal decoctions that irritate the root of the tongue.

Modern doctors do not consider the process of vomiting too useful procedure, because gastric juice destructive effect on the mucosa of the esophagus. But Ayurvedic doctors are convinced that this cannot harm in any way, because the oil taken during preparation for cleansing the body provides unsurpassed protection for the esophagus. In addition, during panchakarma, the patient adheres to a vegetarian diet, and one day before the emetics are taken, only liquid can be consumed. rice porridge on the water, which greatly softens the procedure.

Virechan. At this stage of cleansing the body, such Ayurvedic laxatives are taken: prunes, Castor oil, Alexandrian leaf, and cow's milk with ghee.

Vasti. The colon is cleansed using two types of enemas, based on vegetable decoctions and oils. Herbal enema is applied on an empty stomach, and oil - after a meal. Adherents of Ayurveda believe that thanks to this procedure, it is possible to achieve “rejuvenation” of the colon and improve the body, since healing substances absorbed into the blood from the intestines.

Nastya. This phase of Ayurvedic cleansing of the body involves the introduction of medicines through the nose. Ayurvedic doctors believe that through this procedure it is possible to cleanse the head area and contribute to the treatment of diseases of the ears, throat and nose, as well as improve mental abilities.

Rakta moksha. The final procedure is bloodletting, its purpose is to cleanse the skin of toxins. To pierce the skin, the doctor uses a medical needle, which pierces the vein and releases no more than 300 ml of blood. This procedure is contraindicated for people suffering from edema, anemia, dehydration, and also those with a tendency to hypotension.

The full complex takes about two weeks to a month. It is recommended to take a vacation for this time, and after the end of the procedures, carefully and gradually return to normal life. After the course of cleansing the body is completed, the patient is selected a special diet.

If pranchakarma has been carried out according to all the rules, it should cause lightness in the body and clarify thoughts.

Our body has unique property- the ability to self-purify and self-heal.

But wrong image life, poor nutrition, stress, cause the accumulation of toxins and waste products in the body that block the blood vessels and cells of the body, which causes fatigue, energy deficit and low vitality. In extreme cases of slagging, our body generally loses the property of self-healing and self-purification.

Panchakarma- seasonal "general cleaning" of the body. This is one of their techniques for rejuvenation and cleansing of energy channels, which was fully developed by 300 AD. Panchakarma has traditionally been used to prepare the body for internal changes which inevitably follow the change of seasons.

Panchakarma treatments clear clogged channels and help restore awareness inseparable connection with the surrounding people and all nature.

The goal of the Ayurvedic Purification Program (or Panchakarma) is to remove toxins and waste products from the body that interfere with its normal functioning. At the same time, toxins and toxins are removed from the body even at the cellular level, which helps to restore balance in the body.

Classical Panchakarma includes five actions:

  • Vasthi(enemas from decoctions of medicinal herbs mixed with oil)
  • vamana(purification through the use of emetics)
  • virechana(taking laxatives)
  • nasyam(cleansing the nasal cavity) medicinal herbs, mixed with oil, are introduced through the nose.
  • raktamoksham(bloodletting) In this procedure, contaminated blood is removed from the body using a needle or medicinal leeches.

These five procedures are collectively called "Pancha Karma" which in Sanskrit means "Five purification procedures".

These procedures are not prescribed for all patients, and this largely depends on physical condition and the needs of the individual.

Before performing Panchakarma, the body must be prepared to remove toxins. Deposits of toxic products must be separated from cells and tissues and transferred to an external channel for removal. For this, two main Ayurvedic procedures are carried out:

  • Snehana karma (oil therapy) in which medicinal herbs mixed with vegetable oils taken internally or externally. The composition of this therapy includes such procedures as Sneha panam, abhyangam, massage, shirodhara.
  • Svedhana karma (steam therapy). Sweating process using steam bath and a hot herbal bath, as well as such procedures as navarakizhi, pazhichil, elakizhi.

Panchakarma (literally "five actions", "five procedures") is an ancient program for cleansing and rejuvenating the body, as well as for cleansing consciousness and mind. Panchakarma has a beneficial effect on general state health, well-being, self-healing, elimination of stress.

According to Ayurveda, the natural state of a person is a state of health, happiness and morning feeling of well-being. In Ayurveda, health is defined as such a state of the body when there are no toxins and toxins in it, the mind is balanced, emotions are calm and happy, and all systems and organs function normally. In today's busy, stressful and toxic world, toxins and stress accumulate in the physical and mental spheres of a person, which leads to a deterioration in their functioning. Ultimately, this weakens these systems - that is, deprives of health, which leads to diseases.

Panchakarma helps reverse these Negative consequences Everyday life. It restores the natural state of health and well-being, cleanses the body of toxins, and nervous system from stress. As a result, harmony (balance) is restored in the system, and all functioning is improved. Panchakarma also helps support this process through positive lifestyle changes.

Panchakarma - therapeutic procedures, and quite simple to use, but extremely effective. Therefore, Panchakarma is a unique natural, holistic, useful set of health-improving procedures that will deeply cleanse the tissues of the body from toxins, open thin channels, bring vital energy, thereby increasing vitality, developing internal spiritual world giving confidence and well-being.

In Sanskrit "Pancha" means "five" and "Karma" means "action". So, Panchakarma therapy is the five main methods of Ayurveda, which are unique. Panchakarma is unique for the following reasons:

Therapeutic procedures not only eliminate diseases (that is, for example, arthritis of the hands), but also remove toxins from the body. Panchakarma is able to cure diseases that are considered western medicine incurable. Each dosha (psycho-physiological principle) is improved after Panchakarma therapy.

What are the five procedures of Panchakarma?

1. Vaman

Vaman is the first of five Ayurvedic detox treatments. It consists in stimulating therapeutic vomiting. Before this procedure, the human body is prepared by appropriate Snehana (oiling) and Swedana (steaming, sweating). This procedure is especially beneficial for diseases caused by the predominance of Kapha dosha, such as asthma, cough, psoriasis, skin diseases, and so on.

2. Virechan

This therapy removes excess Pitta dosha from the body. Virech is performed with Virechak-Aushdhi (laxative) prepared with warm milk after appropriate preparation of the person by Purvakarma. This procedure it is extremely beneficial in diseases caused by the predominance of Pitta dosha, such as for example dermatitis, chronic fever / fever, heartburn, jaundice (bile spillage) and so on.

3. Basti (Vasti)

a) Sneha Vasti
Of the Panchakarma procedures, this one is aimed at violations of Vata dosha. Vata dosha is mainly located in large intestine, therefore Basti (medical oil enema) is the main therapy for diseases caused by the predominance of Vata dosha, such as constipation, neurological disorders, paralysis, flatulence, back pain, gout, rheumatism and so on. Its effects nourish and regenerate Dhatus (body tissues), enhance their activity, restore and strengthen the immune system. This procedure nourishes and at the same time removes accumulated Malas (toxins) from the large intestine.

b) Kashaya Vasti
This therapy is performed after a course of Sneha Vasti. This is a cleansing enema, for which the combination of honey, oil, herbs is compiled on the basis of the condition and characteristics of the correct person. The procedure eliminates the imbalance of Vata dosha and helps to cure diseases such as arthritis, constipation, neurological disorders, paralysis, flatulence, rheumatism.

4. Nasya (Nasyam)

Nasya is a treatment for the nose, throat, sinuses and head. The face, shoulders and chest are massaged with special herbal oils and brought to sweating. Herbal extracts and oils in precise dosage are injected into the nostrils during inhalation. After that, the areas of the nose, chest, palms and feet are carefully massaged. This Ayurvedic therapy provides an amazing cure for allergies, congestion (congestion), migraines, sinusitis, rhinitis and other nasal infections. It cleanses and strengthens the nasal passages, bringing full and easy breathing. This procedure is especially effective for headaches and infections in the nasopharynx.

5. Rakta-Moksha (Rakta-Moksham)

This is a method of removing toxins from the blood by bloodletting. This procedure was described by Sushruta, the father of Ayurvedic surgery. In the Charaka Samhita, instead of bloodletting, it is described special kind Basti. In later literature, there is the Shiro-Dhara procedure - hot oil head massage (Abhyanga).

Panchakarma is for:

1) removing toxins from where they accumulate (for example, with arthritis - from the shoulder joints);
2) removing toxins from the whole body through sweat;
3) bringing the Doshas into balance and returning to their original locations (Kapha - stomach, Pitta - small intestine, Vata - large intestine).

In order to avoid harm to the body, please do not self-medicate, but do Panchakarma under the supervision of an Ayurvedic doctor.

We thank Anton Kuznetsov for providing the information.

"Ayurveda: a person can and should be healthy!"

The main task of this ancient Vedic system from India is not only treatment, but also the prevention of diseases. For achievement full health from the point of view of the ancient, a person needs a harmonious combination of body and mind, balance of personality and environment, harmony with the environment and true nature. Everything around us: nature, people, animals, plants direct impact on the state of health. If you adapt to the world around you, live fully and interesting life, not allowing unrighteous deeds, negative thoughts then you can achieve health and longevity.

Ayurvedic medicine treats diseases in four areas:

  • therapy with medicines ;
  • five (pancha) actions(karma);
  • harmonization regime;
  • ordering lifestyle and thinking.

According to this Indian teaching, disease physical body is only a consequence of a violation of consciousness, damage to the mental shell,. If the disease is not eliminated at this stage, there is an imbalance in the coordinated work of the whole organism. To restore the lost balance and thereby provide a therapeutic effect is intended cleansing according to Ayurveda, in particular Panchakarma.

Panchakarma - general cleansing of the body

To date, this method of cleansing the body of toxins is the most effective and popular all over the world. No wonder well-known VIPs and members of the government not only of India, but also of other countries regularly receive Panchakarma procedures.

Goals of Panchakarma

The goals of this system are:

  • cleansing the body of toxins / toxins through the removal of sweat;
  • "inhibition" of aging processes, rejuvenation of the body shell;
  • improvement of vision;
  • clearing the mind through the elimination of stress;
  • restoring the balance of the three doshas (Kapha, Vata, Pitta);
  • general improvement in mental and emotional state;
  • restoration of immunity;
  • into the spiritual creative development personality by opening subtle channels.

Five actions

As you already understood, Panchakarma in translation is five actions. What are these actions?

Procedures include:

  1. Vomit ( vamana), caused by special herbs and drugs. Its purpose is the elimination of excess kapha doshas (the entire system of Ayurvedic medicine rests on the "three pillars", the so-called elements: air (vata), water (kapha), fire (pita). The individual constitution of a person consists of the proportions of Doshas, ​​diseases arise from dosh imbalance)
  2. Therapeutic cleansing gastrointestinal tract (virechana), due to which the excess dosha pita is removed.
  3. Enemas with medication vasti), eliminating excess doshas of vata.
  4. Nasal instillation or inhalation of medicines through the nose ( nasya), contributing to the cure of diseases of the head and neck.
  5. Bloodletting (rakta moksha) positive effect with blood diseases.

These are the main actions that were originally in Panchakarma. Later as additional actions appeared as necessary oil massage head () and - relaxing massage using natural oils.

All these procedures remove toxins, slags, free radicals and other waste products of the body. As a result, not only individual bodies and systems, but also every cell of the body, and even tissues located so deep that it is impossible to reach them with other cleaning methods. As they say, with such a deep cleansing according to Ayurveda can't compare therapeutic fasting, no means for weight loss, nor any other methods.

Oil massage

Who is shown Panchakarma, timing

Undergo cleansing procedures rejuvenation panchakarma, anyone can, regardless of religion, nationality and gender. This procedure is usually carried out once a year. It is shown even to a practically healthy person in order to prevent the accumulation of toxins in the body. The older a person is, the more his body needs such cleansing. If a harmful substances accumulated for decades, one should not hope that they will leave the body during just one cycle of Panchakarma, therefore, repeated courses are necessary.

Full the course is 28 days, but the patient can choose for himself the most desirable period cleansing according to Ayurveda, at least 7 days. After even such a short time, you can feel positive changes in your well-being, although, of course, they will not be as significant as with full passage Panchakarma.

In some advanced cases cleaning is required and longer - up to 45 days. This question is decided by the doctor in each case, taking into account the age, the degree of slagging of the body and the severity of ailments.

Time and place of Panchakarma procedure

Experienced Ayurvedic doctors believe that cleansing and rejuvenation according to the Panchakarma system best spent in the off-season - at the end of winter and beginning of spring or at the end of autumn - beginning of winter. Regularly for several years, carrying out Ayurvedic cleansing procedures during these periods, even diseases caused by genetics can be avoided.

Panchakarma should be performed in a place whose climate is close to the patient's native climate. More than ten years ago, Moscow SPA centers began to offer some of the components of the classic complex. Everyone here can consult Indian specialists on their health issues, as well as find out how to cleanse using the Panchakarma method. Today in our country there are a very small number of centers where you can get a relatively complete, high-quality, but rather expensive cleansing and rejuvenating complex.

Kind Indians in the Ayurvedic Center of Kerala, waiting for you

However, those who traveled for health, donated by ancient, like the world itself, Ayurveda to India, say that domestic Panchakarma cannot be compared with the local. Contrary to what is expected, prices in India are quite democratic. Particularly enthusiastic are the reviews of numerous guests about the southern part of the country - the birthplace of Ayurveda, the city Kerala. Everything is here: the freshest preparations, well-equipped rooms, and mentors - wise and experienced Indians who will diagnose and compile effective program rejuvenation and cleansing the body of toxins.

Good health to you!

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