Neurosis of the facial nerve causes. Facial neurosis or Bell's palsy: subtleties of the disease. The main symptoms of pathology

Modern people are often exposed to various stresses, which are primarily due to excessive and unbearable stress on the fragile nervous system. In its turn stress provokes neurosis which may be accompanied by muscle tension.

Such tension must be relieved, but before understanding how this can be done, it is necessary to understand what a neurosis is.

The essence of the pathology under discussion is the pinching of the nerves, which are located between the ribs. The difference between thoracic neuralgia and heart pain is that the pain in this disease is constant, and is aggravated by turning, coughing, sneezing, or any movement of the body.

Heart pain does not become more intense with an uncomfortable position, and is also usually stopped by taking nitroglycerin or other cardiac drugs. In addition, heart problems are often accompanied by pathological changes in blood pressure, as well as disturbances in the rhythm of the pulse, which does not occur with intercostal neurosis.

Diagnosis of intercostal neuralgia consists of the following activities:

  • collection of anamnesis;
  • neurological examination, during which the soreness of the spaces between the ribs is determined;
  • a blood test that detects inflammatory processes in the body;
  • ECG to exclude cardiac pathologies;
  • fibrogastroduoenoscopy to exclude diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which can also be felt as pain in the chest area;
  • x-ray of the lungs, to exclude pathologies of the pulmonary system.

The reasons

Muscle spasm can develop due to stress, injury or overexertion. In addition, this condition is provoked by hypothermia, infections or lung diseases.

So, the reasons may be as follows:

    • poisoning;
    • hormonal changes that provoked disorders in the spine, this phenomenon is often observed during menopause;
    • multiple sclerosis;
    • allergies;
    • polyradiculoneuritis;

  • osteochondrosis, arthrosis, hernia and other deformation processes in the chest area;
  • aortic aneurysm, benign and malignant neoplasms in the pleural cavity;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • physical stress;
  • diabetes;
  • chest trauma;
  • awkward sudden movement;
  • avitaminosis;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • prolonged incorrect posture of the body during work.


The most characteristic symptoms of neuralgia:

    • periodic or non-stop pain in the ribs;

  • muscle twitching;
  • increased sweating;
  • redness or blanching of the skin;
  • increased pain when coughing and changing body position;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • fights with pressure on certain points of the thoracic spine;
  • at the site of damage to the nerve fibers, a feeling of numbness can be observed.


Treatment is as follows:

  1. Taking medications that only a doctor can prescribe, based on the intensity of pain and other factors.
  2. Physiotherapy. It is prescribed for the relief of pain. This can be electrophoresis, thermal procedures, amplipulse, and so on.
  3. vitamin therapy. B vitamins are especially indicated, since they nourish the nerve fibers.
  4. Therapeutic exercise to relieve muscle spasms and relax muscles.

Important! Self-treatment is absolutely excluded, since drugs have contraindications, and all other methods of treatment should be prescribed after the removal of the acute syndrome and carried out under the supervision of a physician.

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Cervical neurosis

  • increase in pressure;
  • fever or chills;
  • insomnia;
  • nausea;
  • weakness.

Cervical neurosis can manifest itself and.


    • pain in the back of the head and in the temporal region;

  • deterioration of the sensitivity of the tongue, which leads to a deterioration in speech;
  • pain in the upper limbs;
  • numbness of fingers;
  • stiffness in the movement of the hands;
  • pain in the liver, and under the shoulder blades;
  • burning in the cervical region, as well as decreased sensitivity in the neck and shoulder.

Pain in cervical neurosis is dull and bursting.

For the treatment of cervical neurosis, medications and massage are prescribed. The duration of the course of treatment depends on the intensity of the clinical picture and the severity of the pathology. If the disease is advanced, and the patient suffers from severe pain attacks, he may be prescribed potent medications, which are dispensed in a pharmacy only by prescription.

Video on the topic of cervical neurosis

We invite you to watch a short video about spasms in the muscles of the cervical region.

Neurosis of the facial nerve

This is a unilateral lesion that occurs in the 7th pair of nerves located in the cranial region. These nerves regulate facial expressions on the one hand, so the main symptom of facial neurosis is the absolute inability to control facial expressions in the affected area.

The reasons

As a rule, it is impossible to determine the causes of this very unpleasant phenomenon, however, there are factors that can provoke facial paralysis:

  • infectious diseases;
  • atherosclerotic pathologies and other vascular diseases;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • draft and hypothermia;
  • the presence of neoplasms in the brain;
  • inflammatory processes in the facial sinuses, ears or in the brain;
  • complications and consequences of anesthesia, which was used for dental procedures.


For neurosis of the facial nerve is characterized by an acute course. Clinical signs of pathology develop rapidly, and can be stable.

Visible signs of pathology:

    • asymmetry of the face - the palpebral fissure expands on the side of the lesion, the skin folds are smoothed out;
    • sagging lower lip;

  • when trying to smile, the mouth is drawn to the undamaged side;
  • inability to wrinkle the forehead or raise the eyebrows;
  • incomplete closure of the eyelids.

Other symptoms:

  • loss of sensation in the affected area (complete or partial);
  • pain, especially if there is an inflammatory process in the trigeminal nerve;
  • disorder of oculomotor function;
  • lack of eye reflexes;
  • problems in the process of eating;
  • taste disturbances;
  • a painful increase in auditory function, in which any sound is heard louder and sharper than it really is. In some cases deafness develops;
  • increased tearing;
  • decreased or increased salivation.

With complications of this pathology, muscle contracture is possible, which causes sensations of paralysis of a healthy part of the face.


The sooner the correct treatment of neurosis of the facial nerve begins, the lower the risk of complications. That's why seek help from a doctor as soon as possible. The doctor will prescribe:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • diuretics to relieve swelling;
  • painkillers;
  • vasodilators.


In the program "Live Healthy" we discussed the issue of interest to you and me. Let's see an excerpt from the program.

In addition, physiotherapy treatment is recommended, which will speed up the recovery process in the nerves. Facial gymnastics is also shown. In the absence of the effect of conservative treatment tactics within 10 months, an operation may be prescribed - nerve autotransplantation.

Prevention of muscle neuroses

Despite the fact that there are a lot of ways to defeat neurosis and relieve muscle tension, doctors recommend trying to prevent the development of this pathology, because often the treatment of muscle neurosis is long and difficult.

To reduce the risk of muscle neurosis, you must adhere to the following principles:

    • Reduced stress in daily life.

  • Proper working conditions, as well as strict adherence to the regime of work and rest. In addition, with prolonged sedentary work, it is shown to get up every hour and do simple gymnastic exercises to relieve muscle tone.
  • Proper nutrition, providing the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.
  • Active lifestyle, sufficient physical activity - walking and so on.

Water procedures are useful, and these are not only baths with essential oils, but also a contrast shower. A contrast shower copes very well with a number of problems:

  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • initial stages of hypertension;
  • low immunity and many others.

However, it is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • heart failure;
  • skin diseases;
  • tumors;
  • tuberculosis;
  • menstruation.

If it is impossible to relax on your own, doctors recommend seeking help from specialists - these can be psychotherapists, yoga therapists and others. It is also a good idea to take preventive massage courses from time to time.

How to relieve muscle tension in neurosis?
It is very important to understand that any remedy that is aimed at relieving muscle tension will be ineffective if a person does not relieve moral or mental strain. Therefore, the basis of preventive measures to prevent muscle neurosis should be work with the psychological state of the patient.

Muscular neuroses are painful and very unpleasant manifestations that cause a person a large amount of pain and significantly reduce the quality of life. It is not advisable to treat muscle neuroses on your own, since only a doctor can determine the cause of the disease, its nature and severity. Drugs that are used to treat muscle neuroses can be prescribed from different groups, and an independent approach to choosing a remedy can only aggravate the situation.

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Neurosis of the facial nerve, otherwise known as Bell's palsy, is a disease manifested by weakening or complete paralysis of part of the facial muscles caused by inflammation of the facial nerve. All this leads to the fact that a person cannot eat, speak, sleep normally and generally looks repulsive. And if you remember that a person is an organ of social significance, then this problem must be solved as quickly as possible.

Despite the fact that this disease can be diagnosed simply by examining the patient's face, a thorough examination, including the use of instrumental research methods, is necessary to treat the pathology.

Causes of neurosis of the facial nerve

The primary causes of inflammation of the facial nerve are hypothermia or a virus. They cause swelling of the soft tissues around the nerve, followed by compression. This condition is especially dangerous near the temporal bone, near the exit of the facial nerve.

Secondary causes of neurosis of the facial nerve are various ailments leading to this condition - tumors, vascular diseases, physical damage to the soft tissues of the face, parotitis, inflammation of the inner ear, Hunt and Melkersson-Rosenthal syndromes. Usually neurosis affects only one side of the face. It is extremely rare for bilateral inflammation to occur.

Signs of the onset of neurosis

The earlier it is possible to notice a neurosis, the higher the chances of its successful treatment, so a person should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  1. There is an obsessive pain behind the ear.
  2. Already 3-5 days after the first symptom of neurosis of the facial nerve, complete or partial paralysis of the muscles occurs - a person cannot close his eyes or feels that the corner of his mouth has dropped.
  3. Tearing is disturbed on the affected side of the face - tears are either many or few.
  4. Paralysis affects the oral cavity, sensitivity to the taste of food disappears, salivation is disturbed.
  5. Over time, the paralysis progresses, and the muscles of half of the face stop responding at all.
  6. Increased sensitivity of the ear on the affected side of the head.
  7. If the paralysis is caused by a neuroma, then hearing, on the contrary, deteriorates sharply.
  8. When paralysis accompanies mumps, then all the signs of this disease take place - fever, swollen lymph nodes, swelling of the neck, and general well-being worsens.

Diagnosis of neurosis

For the treatment of neurosis of the facial nerve, it is not enough to state its presence. The main thing at the same time is to determine what it came from, and direct the therapy to eliminate the paralysis and pathology that caused it. For this, a number of diagnostic measures are taken.

First, the doctor determines how many facial muscles are paralyzed and how deep. To do this, he asks the patient to make a series of facial movements - smile, close and open his eyes, raise and lower his eyebrows, frown, move his lips. Secondly, a patient is interviewed to find out what diseases he has had recently, in what conditions he lives and works. This helps to determine the cause of the disease. After that, the patient is sent for magnetic resonance imaging of the head in order to identify the focus of inflammation.

Treatment of pathology

Treatment of neurosis of the facial nerve is carried out in a hospital or at home. It depends on the severity of the disease and the general condition of the patient. If paralysis is caused by otitis media or parotitis, then it is best to undergo complex treatment in a hospital setting.

Drug treatment of neurosis of the facial nerve includes taking a number of drugs that act on various body systems.

  1. To relieve swelling, Prednisolone or Dexamethasone is used. This is a necessary measure, first of all, so that the nerve does not die completely.
  2. To restore the blood supply to the soft tissues of the face, Pentoxifylline or nicotinic acid is used.
  3. To relieve pain, the patient is prescribed some kind of analgesic.
  4. Nerve conduction is restored by Galantamine, Prozerin or Neuromidin.
  5. Symptoms and treatment of neurosis of the facial nerve lead to the course of taking vitamins B 6 and B 12. These trace elements strengthen the nervous tissue and the entire immune system as a whole.
  6. Spasm of muscle tissue is relieved by sedatives prescribed individually.
  7. If an injury has led to paralysis of the facial nerve, then plastic surgery is performed to restore blood vessels and nerve tissues.
  8. Viral infection is suppressed by antiviral drugs.

Only a doctor can know how to treat facial neurosis in a given situation. Self-treatment is usually ineffective and may worsen the situation.


In any photo of the neurosis of the facial nerve, it is clear that the person's face turns into a repulsive mask. In order for it to quickly recover, in addition to conservative therapy, therapeutic exercises for the face are necessarily used.

It must be carried out at least 2 times a day. It should be done in front of a mirror in order to see the dynamics of muscle movement, adjusting the exercises.

  1. You need to frown.
  2. Move your eyebrows.
  3. Shut up and open your eyes.
  4. Pull out the lips with a tube and rotate them in a circle, first in one direction, then in the other.
  5. Stick out your tongue as far as possible and twist it in a circle.
  6. Strongly inflate the cheeks.
  7. Smile broadly.
  8. Pronounce the entire alphabet, articulating brightly with your lips.

For each exercise you need to take 15-20 seconds.


This causes the drug molecules to penetrate into the intercellular space of the skin and enter directly into the bloodstream.

The drugs used in this situation are Trental, Hydrocortisone, Eufillin, Prozerin.

Physiotherapy treatments sometimes include acupuncture. But this method refers rather to the placebo effect - if a person believes in its effectiveness, then it will definitely help him. And vice versa, if a person is skeptical about this method, then there will be no effect from such treatment.


Very high efficiency was shown by therapeutic massage in the treatment of neurosis of the facial nerve. Indeed, during the procedure, blood circulation in the head and face is restored, swelling of soft tissues is removed and muscles relax.

Usually, the massage therapist begins the procedure by rubbing and kneading the collar zone of the neck, then proceeds to the back of the head and only then to the front of the head. This technique allows blood to slowly rise to the head without the risk of increasing intracranial pressure.

Therapy of neurosis of the facial nerve involves 5 to 10 sessions of therapeutic massage. Then you need to take a break for 30 days and after that you can resume the procedure, if necessary.

Treatment with folk remedies

The treatment of neurosis is not complete without traditional medicine. But it must be admitted that their effectiveness increases many times in conjunction with traditional therapy. That is, the patient must, along with decoctions and infusions, take medicines and regularly do facial exercises.

Only in this case, the treatment will end with a complete recovery.

For the treatment of neurosis, a tincture of hawthorn, motherwort, peony and calendula flowers is usually used. All components of the collection must be in equal shares. You need to brew it like tea - for 1 tbsp. collection spoon of 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for at least 1 hour.

During a therapeutic facial massage, fir oil should be used, which is gently rubbed into the skin.

Sometimes a compress of oil mixed with finely chopped wormwood helps. It must be applied exactly to the affected area.

Well helps tincture on rose petals. It is brewed in a ratio of 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flowers per 0.5 liters of water. You can take 100 g 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.

It is believed that mummy helps a lot with neurosis of the facial nerve. It must be mixed with milk and drunk. One dose of the drug does not exceed 0.2 g, as it is very effective. If it is not possible to get a mummy, you can use propolis for the same purpose and in the same way.


To prevent the disease, several rules must be observed. In the cold season, you need to protect your face from hypothermia, wear a hat or at least a hood.

With a cold or other viral diseases, you do not need to hope that everything will go away on its own - you must definitely complete the full course of treatment prescribed by your doctor.

To improve health and immunity, you need to engage in winter hardening and sports. A healthy lifestyle will help prevent many different diseases. It is better to get rid of bad habits, because both alcohol and smoking poison the human body, destroying its circulatory and nervous system.

In general, the prognosis for timely treatment of neurosis of the facial nerve is positive. More than 70% of all patients with this diagnosis are completely cured. The main thing in this disease is to seek medical help in time, because delay and self-treatment are dangerous. The sooner treatment begins, the greater the chance of a full recovery. Any unpleasant symptoms should alert a person - this is a reason to see a doctor.

Inflammation of the facial nerve develops as a result of exposure to negative factors. In the face of a person, severe pain begins. Doctors call this disease neuritis of the facial nerve. Inflammation of the facial nerve can be on one or both sides.

Causes of the disease

Before starting treatment for inflammation of the facial nerve, it is necessary to find out the cause of its appearance. This will help to prescribe the most appropriate treatment. Neuritis of the facial nerve can occur as a result of inflammation of the middle ear. Sometimes the disease is the result of injuries to the bases of the skull, ear or face. The presence of infectious diseases of the face and ear also leads to neuritis of the facial nerve.

The disease can occur as a result of intoxication, hypothermia, improper actions of a dentist. In case of circulatory disorders, against the background of a cold, this disease also develops. Diagnosis of neuritis of the facial nerve is to establish the causes, the elimination of which is directed to the treatment.

Symptoms of the disease

The facial nerve is responsible for the activity of the facial muscles. When it is inflamed, a person has a feeling of freezing of the face. The appearance of the patient during this period deteriorates significantly. His face is distorted, the corners of his mouth are lowered on one or both sides. If the facial nerve becomes inflamed on one or both sides, then the eyelids of the corresponding eye open wide, the patient cannot close them.

The presence of the disease can be judged by the numbness of the face. A person loses the ability to control facial muscles. Some patients complain of increased sensitivity to loud sounds, changes in taste sensations. The presence of tinnitus and pain in this area are also a symptom of the disease. Patients complain of hearing loss. The disease can cause tearing or dry eyes. In some patients with this disease, poor salivation begins, and in others, excessive salivation.

The appearance of these symptoms indicates the proximity of the facial nerve to the intermediate and auditory nerve. With severe inflammation of the facial nerve, these nerves are also involved in the pathological process. During neuritis, a person experiences acute pain in the face. Pain is characterized by paroxysmal. It appears in the following areas of the face:

  • lips;
  • gum;
  • jaws;
  • language.

With neuritis of the facial nerve, pain can occur as a result of talking, brushing your teeth, or strong feelings. When this disease appears, the patient cannot fully live. He is uncomfortable with the slightest movement of the muscles of the face.

With active treatment of neuritis of the facial nerve, as well as in severe forms of the disease, watching TV, it is better to reduce the load on the mimic muscles. This will help to avoid excessive tearing, facial muscle tension and, accordingly, speed up the healing process.

Important! Only a doctor can establish an accurate diagnosis after a comprehensive examination.


If you start treatment for facial neuritis or ignore the doctor's recommendations, the consequences can be serious:

  • synkinesis - friendly movements. Due to the disease, part of the nerve fibers dies. Therefore, one nerve can control many muscles. So, when blinking, the corner of the mouth can rise;
  • muscle atrophy - may occur due to a violation of the innervation of the muscles and their inactivity;
  • conjunctivitis - develops due to the inability to completely close the eyes;
  • spontaneous contraction of facial muscles;
  • muscle contracture - contraction of facial muscles on the affected side of the face.

Is hospitalization required?

Therapy for neuritis of the facial nerve must be started as soon as possible to avoid irreversible consequences. Only a neurologist can prescribe the necessary treatment, including medications, physiotherapy, massage, physiotherapy exercises, acupuncture. In view of the rather complex therapy and the possibility of serious consequences of the disease, hospitalization is the best solution. Treatment is also possible in a day hospital under the supervision of a doctor.

Treatment of neuritis

Treatment of neuritis can be carried out at home using several methods: facial gymnastics, folk remedies and drug treatment.

Mimic gymnastics

Mimic gymnastics helps to restore control of the nervous system over the muscles of the face, improves blood circulation, and prevents contraction of facial muscles. There are many mimic exercises. Among them are:

  • whistling;
  • expansion of the nostrils;
  • a smile with a closed mouth;
  • lifting eyebrows up and down;
  • smile with an open mouth;
  • cheek puffing;
  • exposure of the teeth, raising and lowering alternately the upper and lower lip;
  • squinting;
  • blinking;
  • folding lips "tube";
  • smacking lips.

Features of treatment using traditional medicine

This disease requires immediate treatment. Otherwise, the consequences can be dire. When the first signs of the disease occur, it is imperative to seek help from a doctor. In the absence of such an opportunity, it is possible to treat inflammation of the facial nerve at home.

To date, there are many traditional medicine recipes that have proven effective in the treatment of the facial nerve.

rose tea

Quite simple and cheap, but at the same time an effective remedy is rose tea. In order to prepare this medicine, two teaspoons of rose petals are taken. The color of the petals must be red. They are shrinking. If you take dry petals, then this action can be done with your hands, and when using fresh petals, you must use a knife. The resulting mass of roses is poured with one glass of boiling water. It is necessary to take the medicine in the form of tea, several glasses a day. This medicine must be used within three weeks.

black cumin seeds

Black cumin is known for many healing properties, the main of which is strengthening the immune system. With neuritis of the facial nerve, you need to breathe in pairs of a pre-prepared remedy:

  • crush and crush cumin seeds;
  • soak in vinegar for 12 hours.

Also, to strengthen the general condition of the body, it is advised to eat a teaspoon of black cumin seeds after meals.

fir oil

Fir oil is used to treat this disease. You can buy medicine at a pharmacy. Fir oil is rubbed daily on the area of ​​inflammation of the facial nerve.

Important! It is necessary to use fir oil as a medicine for no more than two weeks.


A complex but effective folk treatment is mummy. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. Shilajit must be rubbed every day in the area of ​​the temporal part of the face.

Important! When using this method, only a ten percent solution of the drug is used.

The second stage of treatment is to take a special medicine inside. To do this, take one glass of milk, in which they dissolve a few drops of mummy and one teaspoon of honey. You can use this medicine to treat inflammation of the nerve on the face for no more than twenty days. If the disease as a result of its use has not completely disappeared, then you can interrupt for 10 days and undergo a course of treatment again.


Ordinary edible salt is very helpful with neuralgia of the facial nerve. It is heated in a dry frying pan and poured into a cloth bag, which is applied to the inflamed area of ​​the face. Salt should not be very hot so that during the procedure the patient does not burn the skin of the face.


An effective folk remedy in the treatment of the facial nerve is a medicinal ointment from lilac buds. It is necessary to take one tablespoon of lilac buds, grind them into powder and mix with lard in a ratio of 1:4. The drug is stored in the refrigerator. It is rubbed into the affected area of ​​the face daily.


With damage to the facial nerve, wormwood is very often used. Recipe:

  1. To prepare the medicine, dry wormwood flowers are taken in the amount of 1 tablespoon and one and a half glasses of boiling water are poured.
  2. The medicine is infused for 3-4 hours, and then filtered.
  3. It is necessary to rub the resulting infusion into the affected areas of the face.


For the treatment of inflammation of the facial nerve, you can use a chicken egg.

  1. Protein is separated from a raw egg and placed in a glass dish.
  2. Pure turpentine is added to it in the amount of one tablespoon and mixes well.
  3. The resulting medicine is wetted with a clean cloth or gauze and applied to the area of ​​the facial nerve.
  4. The lotion must be held on the face for 10 minutes. The procedure is repeated after 7-8 hours.

Important! During the preparation of the medicine, it is necessary to separate the egg white as carefully as possible. Otherwise, the medicine will be ineffective.


With inflammation of the facial nerve at home, it will be possible to carry out acupressure, which helps to relax it. It is not difficult to perform this action, which allows any patient to use the method. After the massage, the patient's face is smeared with medicine from honey and black radish juice, which are mixed in equal amounts.


For the treatment of the disease, you can use coltsfoot. One tablespoon of this herb is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for an hour. The medicine is taken before meals in the amount of 1 tablespoon. The patient should take four to six doses of medicine per day.

Dog's fur

For the treatment of neuritis of the facial nerve, dog hair is used. It must be wrapped with gauze so that a small “cushion” is obtained, approximately 10 by 10 centimeters in size. It must be applied to the inflamed area, wrapped with a handkerchief. Wear without removing for 7-8 hours. Rubbing with ointments with a locally irritating effect, for example, Asterisk, also helps. After that, the affected area should be wrapped with a bandage of dog hair.

Elecampane root

Very often in folk medicine, crushed elecampane root is used to treat the facial nerve. It is taken in the amount of one teaspoon and poured with a glass of boiling water. The tincture is aged for 10 hours. The medicine is taken inside along the lines of the glasses. The patient should take 1 to 4 doses of the medicine per day.

For the treatment of inflammation of the facial nerve, it is necessary to collect the rhizome of the lure high. This herb is crushed and infused with 40% alcohol. The ratio of lure high and alcohol should be 1:10. The tincture is aged for a week. The medication is taken in the morning and in the evening - 30-40 drops each. The drug should be taken with plenty of water.

If you do not have the time or opportunity to collect herbs to prepare a medicine, then you can use an ordinary potato for treatment. Juice is squeezed out of it and a quarter cup is drunk daily.

All folk remedies are effective in treating inflammation of the facial nerve. But before using them, it is best to consult a doctor. He will be able to most accurately diagnose and prescribe treatment to eliminate the cause, which does not exclude the use of folk remedies.


Treatment of neuritis of the facial nerve with leeches is gaining more and more popularity. The healing effect is observed due to the properties of the saliva of leeches: it restores the necessary nutrition of tissues, dilates blood vessels, and relieves pain. Thus, the use of hirudotherapy for neuritis gives:

  • removal of inflammation;
  • pain reduction;
  • improvement of vascular function;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • removal of edema.

Leeches are placed along the inflamed nerve. 4-6 individuals are used at a time, depending on the affected area. Such treatment must be agreed with the doctor.

Medical treatment

Drug treatment of neuritis of the facial nerve is carried out according to a certain scheme. Depending on the cause of the disease and its period, different remedies are effective:

  • glucocorticoids - Prednisolone, which has a strong anti-inflammatory effect;
  • antiviral drugs;
  • B vitamins - contribute to the improvement of the functioning of nerve fibers;
  • vasodilating agents - Nicotinic acid, Complamin - improve blood circulation;
  • decongestants - Furosemide, Triampur - to reduce swelling and prevent the progression of pathological changes;
  • painkillers - Indomethacin;
  • anticholinesterase drugs - Prozerin, Galantamine - to improve the conductivity of nerve fibers;
  • drugs that stimulate metabolic processes - Nerobol.

Prozerin refers to anticholinesterase drugs. It helps to improve the signal conduction along the nerve fibers to the muscles, which increases their tone and restores the function of the affected nerve. Prozerin is prescribed from the second week of treatment, one tablet 1-2 times a day thirty minutes before meals. The course is a month and a half. With the appearance of contracture of the muscles of the face, the drug is canceled.

A nicotinic acid

Nicotinic acid is a vasodilator vitamin agent. It is prescribed to improve blood circulation in the area of ​​​​the inflamed nerve. Nicotinic acid also regulates metabolic processes. The drug is prescribed in the form of tablets or injections. Orally - 0.025-0.05 grams 2-3 times a day after meals for a month. Intramuscularly injected at 0.002-0.003 g per 1 kg of body weight once a day.

Antibiotics for neuritis

Antibiotics for the treatment of neuritis of the facial nerve are prescribed in case of bacterial damage. The best effect will be with intramuscular administration of antibiotics, since oral administration reduces and slows down the effect of the drug. In such cases, appoint Amoxiclav or Klaforan. The need for antibiotics in each individual case is determined by the attending physician after identifying the cause of neuritis.

Questions to the doctor

Is it possible to give birth with neuritis of the facial nerve?

Answer: You can give birth with neuritis of the facial nerve. As a rule, the condition does not worsen after childbirth. However, it is better to cure the disease before planning pregnancy, in order to avoid serious consequences. In an "interesting" state and after childbirth, the treatment of neuritis becomes more complicated, since many drugs are contraindicated. Sometimes a long-term neuritis can make itself felt after childbirth.

How to sleep with neuritis of the facial nerve?

Answer: The position of a person in a dream with neuritis of the facial nerve does not matter. It is better to choose a comfortable position - on the back, stomach or side. If the last position is chosen, it is recommended to sleep on the side where the side of the face is inflamed.

Diseases of the peripheral nervous system are very diverse, they have different localization, etiology, and their symptoms also differ. Only one thing definitely unites all these pathologies - they are all extremely painful and unpleasant. But even against this background, neurosis of the facial nerve stands out, which not only causes severe pain and disrupts functions, but also brings psychological discomfort and suffering to a person.

It is more correct to call this disease neuritis (or neuropathy) of the facial nerve, because this ailment is a consequence of damage to the facial nerve. This can lead to partial paralysis of facial muscles, facial symmetry, and other symptoms that we will discuss below. The disease can change a person's face beyond recognition, make it repulsive.

Before describing the symptoms and starting treatment, one should understand the nature of this disease, the mechanisms of its development and the causes that cause this pathology.

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General information

What is facial neurosis, why does this pathology develop? Neurosis (or neuritis) of the facial nerve is an inflammatory disease that affects one or two branches of the facial nerve, which leads to the onset of paralysis or paresis of the facial muscles.

The facial nerve is one of the twelve cranial nerves and passes through the ear opening and exits through the opening in the temporal bone. This is a motor nerve, its main task is to innervate the facial muscles.

There are two types of neurosis of the facial nerve: primary, which most often begins after hypothermia, and also secondary, it is the result of various diseases.

Symptoms and treatment of neurosis of the facial nerve are related to which part of it is affected. The causes of these symptoms are very numerous:

  • hypothermia (cold neuritis);
  • herpes;
  • parotitis;
  • mechanical compression (tunnel syndrome);
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • circulatory disorders.

Otitis and neglected diseased teeth can also lead to the onset of this disease. These are not all the reasons that can cause neurosis of the facial nerve.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms, as well as treatment of the disease, depend on the location of the lesion. If the lesion occurs at the level of the nerve nucleus, weakness of the facial muscles is observed, if the damage is localized in the brain stem, strabismus is observed - a symptom associated with damage to the abducens nerve, which innervates the external muscle of the eye, which pulls out its paresis.

If the facial nerve is affected at the outlet of the brain stem, then hearing impairment is observed, because in this case the auditory nerve is also damaged. In case of nerve damage in the temporal bone canal, salivation disorders, dry eyes, taste disorders are observed - these symptoms are associated with damage to the intermediate nerve.

There is a so-called Hunt syndrome - this is a lesion of the ganglion, through which the innervation of the middle ear, palate, auricle occurs. This process usually affects the facial nerve passing here. This disease is characterized not only by paresis of the facial muscles, but also by hearing impairment, as well as severe pain in the ear area, radiating to the back of the head and to the temporal region. In this case, damage to the structures of the inner ear can lead to impaired coordination of movements, dizziness.

Very often, this disease begins imperceptibly, proceeds gradually and its treatment begins when problems arise with the facial muscles. The patient's nasolabial fold is smoothed out, and the face warps in a healthy direction.

Weakness of facial muscles leads to the fact that the patient cannot close his eyelids, unable to smile, bare his teeth, stretch his lips or make other movements of the facial muscles. Since facial expressions play a very important role in everyday communication, the patient has social and psychological problems. It is possible to turn the eye up when trying to close it (Bell's syndrome) or "hare's eye".

If other cranial nerves are affected, additional symptoms are observed: dry eyes or excessive salivation, increased auditory sensitivity.

Another cause of neuritis of the facial nerve can be otitis media. In this case, the infection spreads to the facial nerve. There are sharp pains in the ear, which are accompanied by typical symptoms of neurosis of the facial nerve.

Another cause is the Melkerson-Rosenthal syndrome, an inherited disorder that causes swelling of the face and wrinkling of the tongue.


Treatment of neurosis of the facial nerve depends on the cause of the disease. It is necessary to find out the location of the nerve lesion and the cause that caused it. To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor should pay special attention to additional symptoms that accompany the weakening and paresis of the facial muscles characteristic of facial nerve neuropathy.

The clinical picture of this disease is very clear and bright and usually, therefore, its diagnosis usually does not cause any special problems for physicians. For additional information, CT and MRI of the brain are sometimes used (for secondary lesions).

To determine the exact location of the lesion, electroneurography, evoked potentials of the nerve, as well as electromyography are used - these methods allow you to accurately determine the location of the pathological process, which is very important for treatment.

Treatment of this pathology depends on its nature and cause of development. If we are talking about primary neuritis, then glucocorticoids (prednisolone), vasodilators, decongestants, vitamin complexes (group B vitamins) are used to treat it.

If the disease is secondary, then the main forces should be directed to eliminating the underlying cause.

For the treatment of neurosis of the facial nerve, the use of non-drug methods is very effective: physiotherapy (it begins to be used almost immediately), massage and physiotherapy exercises, ultrasound and electrical nerve stimulation.


If the patient does not receive adequate treatment, this can lead to the development of complications.

The most common complication is contracture of facial muscles. In this case, the affected muscles tighten, causing severe discomfort to the patient.

This medical condition is also known as Bell's palsy. It is very important to notice its signs. They will be able to tell the specialist when diagnosing how badly affected or constricted facial nerve. The main symptoms include:
  • Decreased sensitivity. This may be a complete or partial loss of sensation in some individual areas or completely on the entire face.
  • Paralysis. In a person on one side of the face, the susceptibility of the facial muscles is completely or partially lost, and pronounced asymmetry can be observed.
  • The eyes may move with some difficulty or even incorrectly.
  • Visually, the difference between the palpebral fissure and the nasolabial fold on the affected side from the healthy half of the face becomes noticeable.
  • Tearing may stop completely. Sometimes this can lead to drying of the mucous membrane. In some cases, the exact opposite happens - tearing is very difficult to stop.
  • Hearing problems.
In addition, pain may appear on the affected part of the face. But it lasts no more than 2 minutes, while it can return several times a day.


When a person begins to have neuritis of the facial nerve, he must definitely contact a neurologist. The doctor will help to find out the cause of the development of the disease and prescribe the correct course of treatment. Typically, a specialist in his treatment resorts to diuretics, glucocorticosteroid hormonal drugs, as well as non-steroidal antiphlogistics. In addition, if necessary, analgesics, drugs aimed at expanding blood vessels, vitamin B can be prescribed.
The neurologist must prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures to the patient so that the facial muscles recover and regain their former mobility. It can be paraffin therapy, ultrasound, massage.
If medical measures do not have a positive effect, then the doctor may prescribe an operation. It consists in autotransplantation of the facial nerve.
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