Overweight. How to lose weight without harm to health? What effect does being overweight have on sexual function?

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Remaining, surplus. Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

- (excess) 1. Initial amount to be covered by the holder insurance policy before the policyholder satisfies any claim for insurance indemnity. Most often, this practice is used in car insurance; ... ... Financial vocabulary

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  • Eat right! Without salt, I. A. Rodionova. Excess salt accumulates in our body, resulting in diseases such as arterial hypertension, circulatory failure, kidney failure, problems with…

What overweight? It is a field of study in endocrinology and dietetics and is of interest to many areas of medicine as one of the predictive factors. various diseases. According to statistics, children and adults are equally susceptible to obesity. Obesity is often accompanied by sleep disturbance, posture, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Against the background of increased body weight, it is recommended to conduct examinations more often, follow medical recommendations to reduce overweight body. To eliminate obesity, patients undergo a course of treatment from medication and physiotherapy correction. Many have to comply long mode medical nutrition. Complications of being overweight are always serious, which is why it is so important to take care of your own health on early stages development of pathology.

The nature of the pathology

Obesity (from the Latin "obesitas" - nourishment, fullness) is characterized by excessive accumulation of fatty tissue in human body. It is characteristic of pathology chronic course, since the processes of accumulation and preservation of fat in the subcutaneous structures last for years. AT rare cases patients gain weight within a few weeks. Violation of the mass, that is, the primary process, occurs due to overeating, inactivity, lack of proper diet. The development of complications against this background is secondary. All of them bring colossal harm to health, often irreversible.

Obesity is determined not only by measuring weight, but also by measuring the volume of subcutaneous fat. AT clinical practice The following indicators are of particular importance for determining body weight:

  • body mass index (fat index or BMI);
  • waist circumference;
  • parameters of the ratio of waist and hips;
  • anthropometric indicators (measurements of skin folds).

Important! Body mass index is a determining factor clinical diagnostics obesity. Patients can self-determine possible risks the appearance of pathology using conventional weighing.

Stages of obesity and calculations

Overweight in patients is classified according to the severity of the course according to the change in body mass index (BMI). Clinicians distinguish 4 main stages in the development of pathological fat accumulation:

  • Stage 1 - BMI varies from 25 to 30 kg / m 2;
  • Stage 2 - BMI ranges from 40 kg / m 2;
  • Stage 3 - BMI varies from 40 to 50 kg / m 2;
  • Stage 4 - BMI exceeds 50 kg / m 2.

Already at the first stage of the development of pathology, patients feel the first signs: nausea, shortness of breath even with slight physical exertion, fatigue, sweating. Early obesity provokes exacerbation of existing chronic diseases, entails the formation of new pathological abnormalities. Excess weight is directly related to a change in the function of many internal organs or systems.

Calculation rules

Body weight is considered superfluous, at which BMI strongly deviates from the norm in relation to the height and body weight of the patient. Today, there are many methods for determining excess weight in people of any age, but the simplest one is calculated by the formula: height in cm - 100. The resulting value should vary within an error of 10%. A strong excess indicates the presence of excess body weight. There is an example for calculation rules. So, height 180 cm, weight 90 kg. According to the formula, 180-100=80 kg. 10% of 80 = 8, which means the optimum for this patient is from 72 to 88 kg. Calculations indicate an excess of the recommended weight by 2 kg.

These calculations are quite approximate, which is unacceptable in the diagnosis of obesity with serious complications, as well as in childhood. To eliminate an error of 10%, doctors resort to calculating BMI using the formula: weight (kg) divided by height in meters squared. In the calculations, you can focus on the following example. Height 180 cm, weight 90 kg. BMI = 90 / 3.24 = 27.7. This indicator means pre-obese according to the overweight classification.

Weight control can be done at home. You need to weigh yourself every morning, on an empty stomach, after going to the toilet. For the accuracy of the data, it is better to weigh yourself without clothes or in the same clothes. In addition to weighing, you can measure waist circumference once a week to determine by doctors the redistribution of fat over a certain period of time.


Physiological or metabolic processes in overweight are changes in the composition and volume of fats, proteins, carbohydrates. The mechanism of fat formation is due precisely to violations in the digestion and assimilation of these main components. Entering into digestive tract, fats break down into fatty acid, fats and glycerol compounds. One part is absorbed through the intestinal wall and distributed throughout the body for the implementation of biochemical processes, the other is deposited in the subcutaneous adipose tissue, provoking the accumulation of fat volume.

Carbohydrates in the complex processes of food digestion are transformed into monosaccharides (breaking down into fructose and glucose) and enter the bloodstream. In muscle and liver structures, monosaccharides are converted into glycogen, and in excess they are deposited in subcutaneous fat. In the exchange of carbohydrate-containing compounds, insulin is of key importance. It is he who converts glucose into glycogen, deposits it in adipose tissue.

In fat metabolites, leptin plays a huge role, which prevents excessive accumulation fats. Metabolic disorders lead to gynecological diseases and endocrine disorders in women, provoke in men impotence, other serious pathologies from vital organs.

Features in children

Determination of excess weight, as well as diagnostic measures in obesity in children are significantly different from adults. The difference is due to the constant change in the height and body weight of the child at a certain age. BMI is especially difficult to calculate during puberty, during the period of rapid growth of the skeleton.

Girls during puberty and later have physiologically more body fat than boys. BMI indicators at one age can signal the occurrence of obesity, and at another state the absolute norm. In clinical practice, a special chart is used to determine the health of a child at different ages.

So, if the BMI of a child exceeds the BMI of other children by 10%, then it can be attributed to the risk group. If the child's BMI exceeds more than 90% of the BMI of other children in the measurement group, then there is clearly obesity. Parents need to be attentive to the development and physique own child. High performance BMI against the background of active physical life, playing sports is a signal of the development of pathological conditions in the child's body.

Predisposing factors

The main causes of overweight are considered to be violations of biochemical processes inside the body caused by various internal or external factors. The triggers for the development of pathology can be considered:

  1. Metabolic disorders. The mechanism for the development of metabolic disorders is simple - a person consumes more energy than he spends in a day. Abundance, excessive eating, nighttime snacking - all this leads to body fat.
  2. genetic factors. With a hereditary predisposition, the likelihood of overweight (including diseases that led to obesity) in children with overweight parents is significantly increased.
  3. Sedentary lifestyle. Sport and daily training consume fats, provoke strengthening muscle tissue, prevent deposition in the subcutaneous adipose tissue.
  4. Lack of diet bad habits. Alcohol (especially beer) contributes to the violation metabolic processes in the body, leads to the deposition of fat in the thighs and abdomen in men, women, adolescents. food consumption in different time, fast food snacks and the use of aggressive foods (salty, spicy, sour, fried) contribute to the development of obesity.

Lack of normal balanced diet in children different ages quickly leads to an increase in body mass index. In developed countries, it is customary to monitor the weight of the child, and with predisposing factors, engage in regular prevention of dangerous obesity. Special meaning have active games and physical education classes at school, in kindergarten.

Symptoms and signs

In some patients, even a 5-10% deviation from the normal weight can cause some discomfort in the form of heaviness, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, and shortness of breath. With a significant deviation of BMI from the norm characteristics experience all categories of obese patients:

  • severe shortness of breath with little physical exertion;
  • bouts of hunger;
  • violations menstrual cycle among women;
  • swelling of limbs, face in the morning;
  • stretch marks (small striae) in the neck, décolleté, thigh and abdomen;
  • arterial hypertension.

As the pathological condition the way of life of the patient is also changing: physical activity, violated psychological condition. Adolescents tend to be left alone because of the ridicule of their peers, self-esteem and personality assessment breaks down. For many obese people, being overweight means loneliness, large quantity food. An important part The therapy for this disease is psychological help.


Excess fat is always serious complications, as it is the determining link in many diseases. For the prevention and treatment of almost any somatic pathology weight loss or stabilization is important normal weight, active image life and diet food. Not to be underestimated negative impact fat on musculoskeletal system. So, even 3-4 kg of excess weight exert a daily load on the spine, lower limbs, leading to the development of destructive-degenerative processes. Particularly important consequences of obesity include:

  1. Cardiological diseases. When overweight, the heart needs to work several times faster, which leads to the development of hypertension and hypertension. Cholesterol accumulates in blood vessels, forming plaques - common cause atherosclerotic changes, heart attacks and strokes. With hereditary or autoimmune-induced obesity, the patient's clinical history often has left ventricular heart failure.
  2. Liver diseases. The liver suffers from the use of poor quality or aggressive food, alcohol. The structures of the liver are oversaturated with fats, causing fatty liver or steatosis. Complications of the disease can be cirrhosis and other destructive processes leading to liver failure and death of the patient.
  3. Pathologies of the digestive tract. The stomach and intestines are subject to serious stress when overweight. distended stomach requires more and more food, the mucous membranes of the internal organs are constantly irritated. Obese patients often suffer from heartburn, flatulence, constipation and unstable stools.
  4. pituitary and thyroid. Endocrine system a person reacts strongly to weight fluctuations, responding to weight gain hormonal disruptions, decreased immunity. The main danger from endocrinology is the formation of diabetes mellitus.

Important! Excess weight can cause kidney disease, the formation of oncogenic tumors different localization and genesis. Joint diseases with an increase in obesity, they begin to progress, patients experience severe pain in the limbs, limitation of mobility, up to its complete limitation.

Complications during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women undergo a mandatory monthly examination by a gynecologist to identify possible deviations in fetal development. In addition to screening studies and ultrasound of the fetus, the woman herself is also examined, revealing edema, parameters of the growing abdomen, and the woman's weight. Tracking the dynamics of weight allows you to respond in time to strong jumps in BMI. The danger of being overweight during pregnancy is obvious. It can cause:

  • the formation of varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  • edema;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • complex and long labor because of the big baby.

Weight during pregnancy is gaining imperceptibly, a woman allows herself more sweets, starchy foods. Almost all family members are condescending to the preferences of a woman during this period, which is fraught with backfire for the body of the child and the woman in labor.

Treatment tactics

Before treating overweight in children and adults, complex diagnostics on the subject possible diseases, which could provoke an increase in fatty tissue. Additionally, they take blood tests, urine tests of various directions, prescribe instrumental research if necessary. The treatment of obesity is always complex and involves the following steps:

  • medical nutrition;
  • sports or exercise therapy;
  • massage and apparatus treatment;
  • homeopathy and medicines;
  • surgical operation (vacuum liposuction is used).

It is worth noting that surgical correction is a temporary panacea for excess weight and is ineffective if all other rules of a healthy lifestyle are not followed. When excess fat is removed using a vacuum, it will return again after some time after the patient's transition to the usual way of life. The method has many contraindications, long recovery period, complications.


To provide the body of an adult with all useful and nutrients it is enough to use a single serving of 250 gr. Preference should be given to fresh quality products. The basic rules of clinical nutrition and any diet include:

  • food in small portions, but often;
  • adherence to the schedule of eating;
  • "slow" food with a long chewing of each piece.

Drink between meals clean water without gas, brush your teeth. This way you can prevent hunger. The diet will be effective if the patient leads a socially active lifestyle, participates in many activities, is busy at work. It is only important to remember to eat at certain hours (breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner). The last meal should be 4 hours before bedtime.

If you are slightly overweight, you can drink a course of vitamins and metabolism-improving drugs. All medicines are prescribed by a doctor in a certain dosage, upon agreement (if necessary) with other specialists in the medical profile. AT severe cases patients may need the help of a psychologist or psychiatrist. With a burdened clinical history, it is recommended to prevent the development of exacerbations of various chronic diseases in time.

Obesity is a chronic deposition of fat in the subcutaneous adipose tissue. Pathology is dangerous with complications for the health of children and adults, which is why it is so important to respond in time to any changes in weight. Sports, active lifestyle, attending massage sessions and Attentive attitude to own body It will keep your weight in check and make you look slim.

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Of course, all erection problems, in most cases, can be bypassed thanks to the well-known blue pill. Unfortunately, this solution is short-lived.

For many men, a long-term solution to sexual dysfunction can be regular visits to gym and calorie restriction.

Latest Scientific research showed that weight loss can significantly improve the ability of men to have an erection.

How being overweight affects sex

First, being overweight negatively affects the condition blood vessels. An erection occurs when the blood vessels in the penis dilate and fill with blood.

The process begins when the epithelium of the blood vessels releases nitric oxide, molecules that are responsible for relaxing the surrounding muscles.

By the way, this dependence is used in pills for potency, which increase the production of this oxide in the epithelium.

Despite the ambiguity of the causes of erectile dysfunction, scientists are confident that obesity leads to the destruction of the epithelium and blood vessels. When the tissues do not function, respectively, the penis does not receive enough blood needed to maintain an erection.

erectile dysfunction may also be a consequence of atherosclerosis of the vessels. Fatty food and disadvantage exercise lead to narrowing of blood vessels and atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis can cause the blood vessels leading to the penis to infarct, as happens during a heart attack.

How weight loss affects erection

A new study by scientists from Australia has shown a relationship between weight loss and increased ability to achieve an erection. The studies were conducted on a group of 31 obese men suffering from diabetes mellitus.

The subjects underwent a two-month weight loss program based on low-calorie foods and a set of exercises. It turned out that men who lost 5-10% of their body weight experienced more sexual attraction , and also returned the ability to erect.

Research results show that increased physical activity and healthy diet may contribute to improved sexual function. Analyzes show that obesity is usually accompanied by erectile dysfunction.

Problems sexual in nature significantly reduce self-esteem, sometimes even lead to depression. Getting rid of a few extra pounds not only improves the ability to erect, but also increases the male ego, which is so necessary in the bedroom.

Remember: Erection problems don't always have to be solved with pills. Sometimes it's enough just to take care of yourself!

Hello everyone, my dear readers. Today we will talk about a topic that will not leave anyone indifferent - what is excess weight, what diseases does it lead to and how to avoid it.

Our conversation will begin with the definition of what is overweight. You will find out what weight is the norm for a person, learn how to correctly calculate your weight norm.

We will also talk about the effect of being overweight on women Health. So, we begin our serious and timely conversation.

According to statistics, every year obese and overweight there are more and more people. Although healthy lifestyle life is actively promoted, the planet is rapidly "getting fat".

The World Health Organization has defined overweight as follows:

Overweight is a pathological accumulation excess fat posing a threat to life and health

I think it's short and clear. But how to determine for yourself the presence of this excess weight? For this, there is a formula developed by scientists for calculating the body mass index (BMI).

BMI is calculated using the following formula: the value of weight (kg) divided by the square of the value of height (m).

A woman with a height of 1 meter 66 centimeters, weighs 60 kilograms. Her BMI will be calculated as follows: BMI=60/(1.66*1.66)=21.8.

A value of 21.8 corresponds to normal weight.

In order not to manually calculate BMI and at the same time find out if you are overweight, you can use the help of an online body mass index calculator. On my blog, there is such a calculator at the end of each article. Use on health!

Outward signs of being overweight

Agree that extra pounds did not appear unexpectedly. Have you noticed changes in your body? Being overweight has its clear signs. It is worth sounding the alarm if:

  1. You do not get enough sleep at night or snore;
  2. It is inconvenient for you to lead a mobile lifestyle and play sports.
  3. Do you have cellulite on your body?
  4. haunts you constant feeling hunger;
  5. Your blood pressure often rises;
  6. You experience discomfort and pain in the back, knees;
  7. Your waist size and your weight are constantly increasing.

All these signs indicate the presence of excess weight and diseases associated with it. This is a reason to go to the doctor and get tested.

If overweight is suspected, the following tests should be taken:

  1. Biochemistry of blood with a detailed lipid profile. It will show the level of glucose, cholesterol level, help control the condition of the liver. Indicates problems with the heart and blood vessels.
  2. Hormone analysis. It will help not only to identify the presence of excess weight, but also the causes of deviations in the body.

Reasons for being overweight

It has always been thought that the reason extra pounds- overeating and sedentary image life. Yes it is! But there are still a number of reasons contributing to the appearance of excess weight.

  • Diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries, pituitary gland.
  • hereditary predisposition, wrong eating behavior.
  • Low content of vitamins and minerals in food.

All these reasons for the appearance of excess weight can be presented in each individual person one by one or all together.

So, we have analyzed the signs and causes of excess weight. And now the main question.

How to get rid of excess weight

Most topical advice: try to prevent the appearance of extra pounds, and if they already are, shed them!

There are a few effective ways do this:

  1. Diets.
  2. Physical exercises.
  3. Massage.
  4. Homeopathic treatment.
  5. Treatment with medications.
  6. Operational intervention.

I will make a small digression about the latter. For overweight - this is an irrelevant procedure. Such an intervention in the body is shown in the third and.

And now more about how to deal with excess weight in less radical ways.

You should adhere to those diets that are carried out under the guidance of an experienced nutritionist and must be taken into account individual characteristics and the health status of the patient.

Several of these diet schemes, I have already given in this blog.

A diet with excess weight, first of all, should exclude foods that contribute to the deposition of fat.

It is necessary to reduce the energy load of food. Exclude fatty meat, smoked meats, muffins. Preference is given to vegetables, herbs, boiled lean meat. Grain bread, fish, cottage cheese and other dairy products are allowed.

When following a diet, follow simple rules:

  1. Eat small meals often at the same time.
  2. Eat food slowly, chewing thoroughly.
  3. Do not go to the store and visit hungry.

Exercises for overweight people

Run in the morning, do yoga, dance, go hiking. All these ways of dealing with excess weight are not only useful, but also pleasant.

Even if the situation is critical, in no case do not put off the fight against excess weight for tomorrow. Start today, now!

Fitness yoga classes are useful for reducing excess weight. Have you ever seen a complete yogi. Me not! The lifestyle of people involved in yoga is such that it is simply not possible to gain weight. This is vegetarian food, meditation, physical exercise.

By the way, I recently received a question in the mail:

Is it possible to run with a lot of excess weight?

Of course you can, but you should start gradually. When overweight, the heart suffers in the first place, so you need to be careful about heavy physical exertion. Start with walking and short runs. And gradually increase the time of classes and their intensity.

Good results in the fight against unnecessary kilograms are given by simple and affordable sports:

  1. Swimming.
  2. Nordic walking.
  3. Badminton.

Massage for overweight

In addition to the usual warming massage, specially developed techniques are used in the fight against excess weight.

Preso- and meso-therapy consists in the impact on certain areas on our body. If such an impact is carried out correctly, then a good local effect is achieved in the fight against overweight.

Diet, exercise and massage, or rather all of these together, give excellent results in the fight against excess weight.

Overweight treatment with homeopathy

To homeopathic remedies weight control includes the use of biologically active additives. Body cleansing. The use of herbal tea. On the pages of my blog, I have repeatedly told how to drink.

Treatment of overweight pills

Overweight is also treated with medication. AT initial stage normalize metabolism. Provide vitamins and nutritional supplements. With more serious cases excess weight is treated with hormones prescribed by an endocrinologist.

Appetite suppressants are also used. Just do not need to run to the pharmacy right now. First, see a doctor!

Consequences of being overweight

Today, we have learned a lot about being overweight in women. We understood how it arises, studied ways to deal with this disease.

The problem of overweight is not only appearance man, it's even bigger additional load to all organs.

So, what threatens overweight, if you do not fight it.

  1. Diseased heart. He has to work doubly, pumping blood through a body that has doubled in size. As a result - high blood pressure development of hypertension. Excess weight threatens the appearance cholesterol plaques. Which lead to atherosclerosis, strokes and heart attacks.
  2. From being overweight the liver suffers. Eating a lot of fatty and salty foods, we create an unbearable burden for this organ. The liver is full of fats. Steatosis develops - fatty liver.
  3. Intestines too is under attack extra pounds. Constant overloads lead to the development of gastritis, cholecystitis, dysfunction of the bile ducts. Those who are overweight suffer from heartburn and indigestion.
  4. Endocrine system also responds to being overweight. The metabolism slows down. The thyroid gland suffers. There are hormonal disruptions. Reduced immunity.
  5. turns out to be unbearable. Overweight people are less likely to leave the house, it becomes more difficult for them to lead a normal life.

Excess weight can be a sign of such serious diseases as: kidney disease, hormonal disorders, problems with thyroid gland. He can provoke the most serious illness including oncology.

Very important: if you started quickly without special reasons gain extra pounds - be sure to consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

Dear readers, it would not be superfluous to recall the influence overweight on our women's health. This is especially important at the time when pregnancy occurs.

In light of this topic, it will be relevant to answer one more question from my reader Marina, 24 years old:

Why is being overweight dangerous during pregnancy?

Firstly, weight gain during pregnancy is imperceptible. After all, there is also a general weight gain due to the growth of the baby.

Secondly, excess weight can provoke such unpleasant diseases, how varicose disease, hemorrhoids, edema, high blood pressure.

Thirdly, overweight mothers often give birth to large children. This complicates childbirth. In addition, pediatricians note that a child born to a mother with extra pounds, he then suffers from excess weight.

I wish all mothers to always remember that we are the most important example for our children. child with infancy you need to instill proper eating behavior by example.

Try not to overfeed your baby. Watch his weight. If you suspect that your baby is overweight, show it to the doctor.

Concluding, our conversation, I wish you to use all the knowledge gained with benefit. Our conversation is called "overweight - one step to illness." Do not take this step and be healthy. See you soon!

Hugs, your Anna 🙂

Today we will talk about health, namely, what problems excess weight creates and its consequences for human health. When someone says - I want to lose weight - most often these people are driven by the desire to look beautiful. Statistics say that 90% of women who turn to specialists are concerned about aesthetics - “I don’t like the way I look”, “I can’t look at myself in the mirror”, “I want to wear fashionable beautiful clothes”.

But men, although they turn to weight loss specialists less often, but if they do, then it’s just for the purpose of health. And rightly so, because being overweight really affects our health.

Being overweight is a health issue

I already spoke about it earlier. Now let's talk about problems. In fact, if the conversation was only about fat that affects aesthetics, namely subcutaneous adipose tissue, then this could be experienced. Just think, there was a size 48, it became 52 - you can, if you wish, look beautiful with this size. But excess weight leads to the formation of not only subcutaneous fat, but also to an increase in visceral fat, the fat that is inside us and envelops all our organs.

On the one hand, visceral fat in reasonable amounts is also needed - this is a kind of airbag for our organs - it warms internal organs, supports in the right position, softens shaking during movement. The lack of visceral fat can lead to prolapse of the internal organs even with such concussion as coughing or sneezing, so we need it.

But when overweight, worse if it is obesity, our internal organs are squeezed by fat and adipose tissue starts growing inside. Our internal organs literally suffocate from such hugs and begin various problems with health.

Consequences of being overweight

The list of consequences is quite impressive:

  • limited mobility;
  • labored breathing;
  • high pressure;
  • the likelihood of stroke and heart attack;
  • increased sugar;
  • high cholesterol;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • type 2 diabetes;
  • joint problems;
  • arthritis;
  • bone problems;
  • hernia;
  • impotence in men and infertility in women;
  • high probability of oncological diseases;
  • low life expectancy.

it medical problems excess weight, there are also psychological problems:

  • low self-esteem;
  • depression;
  • social inequality;
  • less job opportunities.

Overweight is a real problem

And indeed it is. Statistically 30% fat people they do not even realize that they are overweight, much less realize the seriousness to which they subject their health. Many people think this way - my whole family is like that and my overweight grandmother lived up to 90 years. But, as experts say, it's time to stop looking back at our grandparents. We must realize that everything has changed, we live in a different time, we already have a different genetics.

And interestingly, if we consider the list of diseases that may arise due to excess weight, then a person will go to a doctor to treat this disease, but people sometimes do not go to doctors about extra pounds and even obesity, although obesity is included in the register diseases and has its own code.

“I live with this weight for 10 years, I didn’t die”- so many argue. What a misconception if you look at the list above.

Do you want interesting fact? Scientists conducted such a study - if all patients are cured of oncology, then the life expectancy of the population will increase by only one year. And if all obese people are cured, then the life expectancy of the population will increase by four years.

We conclude that excess weight does not lead us to the problem of a fashionable dress or suit, this is a problem of our health, which must be solved if you are overweight and urgently solved if you are obese.

So I will continue the topic of overweight, because we need to know how overweight differs from obesity, how to find out if we have excess visceral fat and other issues. Follow the blog news. I also suggest watching the video course of Galina Grossman while it is freely available, she useful tips gives on weight loss. Click on the banner.

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