To see drunken men in a dream. Dream Interpretation - Drunk. Interpretation of the image according to famous dream books

A dream in which a person appeared in a state of intoxication always causes unpleasant emotions. Therefore, the question of why a drunk is dreaming is quite natural. After all, by correctly deciphering such a dream, you can avoid trouble in real life.

Drunk person

A drunk person in a dream always symbolizes disturbing and uncertain events in real life. Very often, fears are fictitious, but they can turn reality into hell. After such a dream, it is important to analyze the events of the outside world and try to look at reality soberly without fantasies. In order to more accurately understand what and how to change in your life, you must definitely understand what a drunk man dreams of.

What is the dream of a drunk husband

When a drunken husband dreams, then in reality you should not expect anything good. This portends problems in the financial sector, therefore, during this period of time, serious decisions in business should be avoided. You should also not invest in new projects, even if they seem reliable. You also need to carefully look at your companions or partners, as the dream indicates that there are adventurers among them.

It is necessary to interpret such night dreams, also considering the following:

    A heavily drunk husband who cannot utter a word indicates that the dreamer will experience mental instability. At work, you need to be very careful during this period and try to avoid conflict situations. A husband who is so drunk that he stumbles and cannot stand still portends possible health problems with relatives.

A drunken husband in a dream for a woman who has been married for a long time portends a grandiose scandal, which can even cause a divorce. If you dream of a drunken spouse in the company of drunken friends, then this predicts big troubles in reality that will affect the whole family. And if at the same time they make fun of your husband, then this indicates that the problems will drag on for a long time.

Drunk ex-husband

When a drunken ex-husband dreams, such a dream focuses on the fact that this person is very sorry about your separation. Perhaps he has a very difficult life period, and he needs your support. Therefore, when a drunken ex-husband appeared in a dream, it is recommended that you contact him, perhaps you will lend him a helping hand in time and help him stay afloat.

Since the father is a very close person, the question of why a drunken father dreams is very relevant. First of all, such night dreams indicate that your worldview does not correspond to the world around you, which makes your life uncomfortable. Such a dream focuses on the fact that you are in search, therefore, you have not yet set priorities in life and have not determined values ​​for yourself.

When, according to the plot of the dream, a drunk dad returns home, this indicates that you made mistakes in the past that still haunt you. Most likely, the time has come when it will be possible to correct it. Take advantage of this, because only after this will relief come in your soul.

If a drunken father was seen in his daughter's night dreams, then this indicates that she will have to face betrayal and betrayal in life. Moreover, if in such a dream the father showed aggressiveness, then the girl will have to endure parting with her loved one.

When, according to the plot, the drunken father shows anger towards the dreamer, it means that a black streak begins in life. It will be filled with conflicts, troubles and anxieties. Such a dream gives advice to show patience and restraint towards others.

In addition, the following scenarios should be taken into account when interpreting:

    If you happened to see a knife in the hands of a drunken father, then this indicates that your authority will suffer from your rash actions. In addition, you should prepare for the fact that there will be complete stagnation in business. There may also be problems with property. When you dreamed of a drunk dad driving, then in real life you will have to deal with an important project, the success of which depends on the correctness and speed of the decisions made.

drunk guy

Many girls are interested in the question of why a drunk guy is dreaming. Such a dream is always a harbinger of everyday problems and troubles. But in order to correctly interpret such night dreams, one should remember all the details of the plot. You need to remember how the person behaved, how he looked and what he did. In addition, it is very important how you feel after such a dream.

Drunk beloved - interpretation of sleep

When a drunken loved one dreams, then such a dream can be interpreted in different ways. Most often in dream books there is an interpretation that portends a serious quarrel with a chosen one in real life. Most likely, its cause will be the misconduct of a loved one.

If your chosen one does not drink alcohol in real life, then such a dream indicates that you are not satisfied with some of the character traits of your loved one. It must be remembered that it is impossible to remake an adult, so you need to learn to love him with all the advantages and disadvantages.

When strong negative emotions arose in your soul at the sight of your chosen one while intoxicated, the relationship will soon cool down. This may lead to separation.

Drunk ex boyfriend

A drunken ex-boyfriend in a dream may indicate that the dreamer is waiting for painstaking routine work, from which she will not have the opportunity to refuse. But at the same time, you should know that such a dream may not mean anything. It only indicates that you still remember your former lover.

Always causes negative emotions and bewilderment, a drunk woman seen in a dream. For the correct interpretation of the dream, it is necessary to take into account who the drunk woman is to you.

Other interpretations of dream plots in which drunk women appear:

    For business people, a dream in which a drunken acquaintance dreamed warns that he is surrounded by insincere and envious colleagues. Their hypocrisy can really harm you, so you should not trust them. To see a lot of drunk girls in a dream means to expect a change in the usual way of life. Elderly drunk women in a dream always portend sad events against which the dreamer may develop depression. night dreams behaved very aggressively, then you should be wary of a family scandal.

drunk girl

If a drunk girl is familiar to you in a dream, then unexpected troubles will arise in reality. After such nightly dreams, you will have to face the insincerity of others, which will cause you strong emotional experiences. When you happened to see a stranger in a dream in severe intoxication, then this is a favorable sign. In this case, positive changes in life should be expected in the near future.

Why is a drunk mother dreaming?

The question of why a drunk mother is dreaming can be clarified only by taking into account all the details of the plot of the dream. Such dreams can be divided into two categories. In the first case, a mother appears in night dreams, who is alive and well. In this case, the dream is interpreted taking into account the following:
    The dream signals that the parent herself has problems. Perhaps the mother had a discord with her father, but they hide it from the children. If, according to the plot of night dreams, the mother appears in the company of drunken friends, then family troubles are provoked by the mother. indicates that she is planning a new romance in reality. If the mother, who appeared in a dream in a drunken state, is in old age, then the dream indicates an exacerbation of various diseases associated with old age.
When a drunken mother who has already died dreams, then dreams are interpreted differently. This is a warning that the dreamer himself will have big problems. They can relate to any area of ​​life. Having seen such a dream, which is a warning, you need to analyze the current situation in the real world and reconsider your outlook on life.

Despite the fact that for a man a dream in which he saw his wife intoxicated is unlikely to be pleasant, one should not be upset in advance. First of all, a drunk wife in a dream is a harbinger of very promising and profitable offers that will come in the near future. This will contribute to career growth and financial stability. But on the other hand, such a dream is a warning. In the coming life period, you need to be careful in business, but at the same time you need to not miss the chance given by fate, which will allow you to achieve complete well-being. In addition, such a dream in some cases predicts that in real life you will have to feel awkward for the actions of your wife. In addition, there are other interpretations in dream books:
    The strange behavior of a drunk wife in a dream portends that some secret will be revealed to you. A naked drunk wife warns that family troubles are coming.

drunk relatives

When drunken relatives dream, this is deciphered as the presence of guilt of relatives before the dreamer. Also, such a dream predicts a deterioration in the health of the person who dreamed. If you dream of drunken acquaintances, then you should prepare for life's difficulties. They will most likely be associated with communication with people from your immediate environment. You should take a closer look, perhaps dishonest and hypocritical people surround you. But sometimes such a dream indicates that soon you will have to participate in an entertainment event with a large number of people.

Dreaming of a drunken dead man

A very common question is what a drunken dead man dreams of. Such a strange dream is always a bad omen. He predicts big problems and can sometimes be a harbinger of mortal danger.

A familiar drunk man

If a familiar drunk man is dreaming, then this suggests that during his lifetime he was very guilty of you. Most likely, you could not reconcile with him and still have not forgiven him. To prevent such a dream from happening again, you must definitely visit the temple and pray for the repose of the soul of the person who appeared in your dreams in a drunken state.

Drunk, dead in my sleep

A drunk who died in a dream should not cause panic in the dreamer's soul after waking up. All that is needed is to look around and try to intuitively find the reason for such a dream. Very often, such night dreams indicate the return of old problems that you considered resolved long ago. If in a dream you received a slap in the face from a drunken dead man, then this is considered a good sign. It indicates that you will be able to successfully complete the project you have begun and get a good financial profit. This will allow you to become an absolutely prosperous person and gain financial stability. If you dream of a drunken dying husband, then such a dream is considered a warning. The spouse, most likely, wants to inform you that you are in danger in real life. Moreover, such a warning can relate to any sphere of life. Often the appearance of a deceased spouse in a dream while intoxicated portends complications in the relationship with the current chosen one.

Other interpretations with drunks

Some other interpretations of dreams in which drunk people appear:
    When a mother dreams of a drunk daughter, this portends very good news about her. Ultimately, they will turn into very painful grief and routine chores. A drunk boss in a dream indicates that an unfavorable period has come for communication with the boss. A drunk child in a dream focuses on problems that the dreamer is very afraid of.
In any case, if the plot of a dream is associated with the appearance of a drunk person in it, care must be taken in life. It must be remembered that only with this approach you will be able to avoid trouble and overcome any obstacles.

What did the Drunk dream about (interpretation of the dream book of AstroMeridian)

A drunk person is a symbol of frivolity, indulgence in momentary desires, committing acts that will be regretted in the future.

  • Why is a drunk friend dreaming - most likely, an unpleasant conversation with him, a quarrel will soon follow.
  • Being drunk yourself is an unjustified risk that can destroy a career, business, reputation.
  • Dreaming of drunk people in large numbers - to the illness of relatives, serious losses.
  • Watching a drunk person sitting next to you is working together with an unpleasant, slippery type. Also, a dream about a drunk may indicate an unfair boss.
  • Not always seeing a drunk in a dream is a nuisance. If you see yourself drunk at a party, get ready to receive nice gifts soon. What you desire will come easy.

What did the Drunk dream about (Psychiatric dream book)

Drunk dreamed - Drunk people often dream of indecisive, irresponsible people. Through the appropriate image, the subconscious is trying to say that it is time to pull yourself together, become more practical, courageous, be responsible for your actions and words.

  • Why a drunk person dreams is a sign of fatigue from constant problems, stress. The psyche cannot withstand daily pressure from all sides. Perhaps the unloved work is oppressive, troubles in the family. In the depths of the soul, a protest is ripening, but it is not clear how to get rid of the shackles.
  • To see yourself drunk is to doubt your own worth. It is likely that you feel superfluous in the circle of relatives, suspect hypocrisy on the part of friends.

Why is Drunk dreaming (Romantic dream book)

  • Being drunk in a dream means trouble, especially for a young girl, woman.
  • Dreaming of getting drunk from a sweet drink, symbolizes betrayal by a loved one.
  • I dreamed of a drunken husband - health problems or discord in the family.
  • Seeing a drunken stranger in a dream is an unpleasant acquaintance with a man.
  • A woman dreamed of a drunk - a partner would commit an unpleasant act.

What is the dream of Drunk in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Dreaming of being drunk means you are in a frivolous way, you can lose your job.
  • A drunken young woman dreamed - a dream warns against an act that you will regret.
  • Seeing other people drunk in a dream - you are frivolous about the behavior of your colleagues.

If the dreamer dreamed of Drunk (interpretation of the magician Yuri Longo)

Why dream of a drunk? To be drunk - You got drunk after a very small amount of alcohol, which means that you attach too much importance to things that do not deserve it. This is most likely about your relationship with the person you love or you think so.

To put everything in its place, try to tell fortunes and find out what a relationship with a partner is really worth. To do this, take a candle, light it and place it in front of you along with a mirror. Now calmly and clearly ask the candle aloud: “The mind is bright, the light of fire! Is everything the way I dream? If the candle burns smoothly, and the flame does not move in any direction, then everything is in order and you can not be afraid for the fate of your relationship with your partner. But if the flame has swayed, you better break off the illusory relationship yourself.

Remember that at the moment when you ask your question, you need to look directly into the mirror you are standing. You behaved like a drunk, but your consciousness was sober, know that someone wants to take advantage of your indecision for personal gain.

The state of intoxication in a dream warns a person about frivolous acts that can cause big trouble in the future. A detailed analysis, as well as the correlation of what was seen in a dream with events occurring in real life and the search for answers in the dream book, will help to correctly understand what this image is dreaming of.

Feeling in a dream a state of intoxication, according to the esoteric dream book, is fraught with a threat in real life to get sick or get seriously injured due to your carelessness. If you dreamed of a drunken acquaintance, then you should prepare for the troubles that this person can deliver. Perhaps the dreaming person will feel unwell, or unexpected grief will happen in the family of this person.

Seeing yourself drunk according to Miller's dream book predicts the dreamer reckless and defiant behavior in the future. Moreover, the person will not feel remorse about his own frivolity and rudeness. Also, this dream is a sign that the dreamer in real life avoids difficulties and life problems, hides from difficulties and is afraid of responsibility.

In a modern dream book, the meaning of a dream in which a drunk person sits at a table next to the dreamer speaks of the prospect of working shoulder to shoulder with a person who causes unpleasant emotions and irritation in the sleeper. It is worth keeping your emotions to yourself, as your opinion will soon change to the opposite.

Feel the state of intoxication in a dream.

To a young girl, to see herself drunk in a dream, speaks of the prospect of disgrace or compromising herself in the eyes of her loved one and those around her. The dream book advises not to succumb to other people's persuasions and arguments, to listen to your heart and mind.

For married women, this dream predicts a struggle with their own emotions. You should not give in to a momentary impulse and conflict with household members, as this can lead to great discord and trouble in the family.

For a man, being drunk in a dream promises problems with his girlfriend in a dream book. The frivolous temper of a beloved can cast a shadow on his honor and dignity.

Those who happened to drive drunk in a dream should be on the alert, since such a vision predicts the occurrence of unforeseen situations that could interfere with the execution of their plans. Being in a car driven by a drunk driver predicts that in the future the fulfillment of the goals of a sleeping person will depend on the mood and behavior of other people.

Why dream of drunk friends and relatives

Why is a drunken relative dreaming? Most dream books interpret this picture as the presence of guilt of relatives in front of a sleeping person, and also predicts a deterioration in the health of a dreaming person.

To understand why drunk parents dream, one should recall the small details of the dream and one's own feelings. In addition, not only the dreaming parent himself is of great importance, but also his behavior in real life.

A drunken mother dreaming in a dream, who in reality abuses alcohol, is a sign of subconscious concern about the health of the parent. If in reality, a loved one does not lean on drinking, then a drunken mother in a dream testifies to the weak-willedness and reliability of a sleeping person who is afraid to say “no” and is led by other people.

Seeing a drunken father in a dream, according to the dream book, means the dreamer's erroneous or incorrect views on the current situation or on life itself. Such a dream reflects the search for eternal values, reliability, priorities, which is often associated with the image of a parent.

If a man who owns a big business dreamed of a drunken father, then you should think about the honesty of partners. Perhaps, having shared the reins of government with people you know, you should take control of the actions and behavior of these people. Due to the rash act of one of the partners, the prestige of the company and the authority of the sleeping person may suffer.

For a young man, seeing his late father drunk, according to the dream book, is a warning that one should not rely on someone else's help. When difficult situations arise, you should rely only on your own strength.

For a married woman, a drunken dad in a dream warns of possible conflicts with her husband, which should be warned. Criticism and taunts against a lover can cause unpredictable results and become one of the reasons for the betrayal of the chosen one.

If an unmarried young lady dreamed of her dead father drunk, then, according to the dream book, the parent is not satisfied with the behavior or choice of the dreamer's beloved. In most cases, such a picture comes to girls on the eve of a wedding or engagement.

The image of a grandmother in a dream symbolizes comfort and warmth in the house, and mutual understanding between relatives and close people. Accordingly, a drunken grandmother, according to the dream book, has the opposite meaning.

For parents, seeing a son or daughter drunk in a dream indicates subconscious anxiety for the future of their own children, an expression of concern for their health and well-being.

Despite the unpleasant sight, the meaning of what a drunk wife dreams of has a positive meaning. Such an image promises unexpected success and good luck in business and any undertakings. A drunk girl, according to the dream book, speaks of the dreamer's futile efforts to reveal someone's secret or find out someone else's secret. You need to take care of the safety of your own secrets and not talk too much when talking with others.

Seeing a drunken husband in a dream does not bode well. Such a picture can talk about the upcoming illness of a lover or his difficult emotional state, which the chosen one cannot cope with on his own.

In addition, to see a drunken husband in a dream is a sign of impending troubles and the difficult financial condition of the family. Quarrels, conflicts and clarification of relations with relatives are possible, litigation and proceedings are not excluded.

A drunken deceased husband, according to the dream book, speaks of the unsatisfactory behavior of his wife. And it can serve as an indicator that the dreamer abandoned her family and took up the arrangement of her personal life.

In some cases, a drunken deceased husband comes into a dream to warn of danger. This can apply to both the business (working) sphere and the personal life of the young lady. Often, such an image hints at the complication of the relationship of the sleeping person with the current chosen one.

Seeing an ex-husband drunk indicates that in real life the ex-spouse is very difficult and he needs support. Your participation will help this person stay afloat and will not allow him to completely destroy his life.

Why is a drunk guy dreaming? A drunken loved one is interpreted by the dream book as a possible complication of the relationship between lovers. In some cases, the image of a drunk beloved man speaks of insincerity or betrayal of a partner.

According to some dream books, a drunken ex-boyfriend dreams of those girls who perceive relationships with the opposite sex quite easily, in the form of another frivolous adventure. It is worth settling down and thinking about the meaning of your own life and its values.

The need to support a loved one in a difficult matter is what it means to see a brother or sister drunk in a dream. The relative clearly needs the participation of the dreamer.

Seeing a drunk girlfriend or friend in a dream means a quarrel or an unpleasant conflict situation with this person.

Why is a drunk person dreaming

Young girls will be interested to know why a drunk man is dreaming. Such a picture speaks of the frivolous mood of the young lady, as a result of which she is capable of frivolous acts, which she will bitterly regret in the future.

An unfamiliar drunken man in a dream is a sign of an unforeseen situation that will be difficult to take control of and bring the work begun to its logical conclusion. The dream book advises to show your willpower and patience in order to avoid losing.

The need to reconsider your own ways of achieving the desired results, since in reality, the efforts made will be in vain - this is what a drunk woman dreams of. In order for the end result to please you, it is worth enlisting the support of trusted persons.

For people who are busy building a career, seeing a drunken boss in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as an unfavorable period for meetings and communication with the boss. Perhaps the leader, busy with his own problems, in spite of the dreamer's former merits, will take out his evil on the sleeping person.

If a person dreamed of drunk people, then, according to the dream book, in the near future the dreamer will have to take part in an entertainment event. At the festival, you need to drink alcohol in moderation and monitor your own words and actions.

Getting a slap in the face from a drunken dead man in a dream is a good sign. The dream interpretation predicts the successful completion of the current business, a successful financial investment and financial well-being. Drinking alcoholic beverages with a deceased person warns the dreamer about future problems that will fall on him like from a cornucopia.

Why is a drunk child dreaming? According to the dream book, this dream speaks of the onset of problems that the sleeping person was most afraid of.

Often, if a drunk man dreamed in a dream, then it should be interpreted as an unfavorable dream. To see a drunken stranger in a dream, this promises a meeting that is not very favorable, or it will be a visit to some place, some event that causes only negative emotions.

What if a drunk man is dreaming?

The dreams that people dream about can mean a very different interpretation, even for one dream. Indeed, now there is a dream book of Sigmund Freud (the famous psychologist), and a culinary dream book, Vanga's dream book, Miller's dream book and Nostradamus' dream book, family, love, intimate, children's, Russian dream books and many, many others. There are countless of them. You need to start with an interpretation of what a drunk man dreams of.

It happens that a drunk man may dream, and then you can definitely expect trouble. But if a familiar person dreamed and he was drunk in a dream, then he would be in trouble. Be sure to beware of deception, be careful and not allow yourself to be provoked if a person dreams of a large company of drunken friends.

I had a dream in which there were a large number of drunk people, portends mass diseases. And therefore, you should try not to go to public places in order to keep your body healthy.

A woman dreamed of a drunken man, this is what you need to pay attention to and beware. If a woman dreamed of a man and he was drunk, then this means that her future husband will be a man who is not able to control his own emotions and he is capable of small and large meanness.

If a drunk woman dreamed, there are also many interpretations of this dream. A drunk woman dreamed in a dream, which means that in reality a person should stop drinking alcoholic beverages for a while, since the consequences can be the most unpredictable.

Daughters as a drunken man may dream of a drunken father. Therefore, to see your own father drunk in a dream is a very bad sign. It should be expected from treason or betrayal. If a drunken father behaves aggressively in a dream, then you should definitely wait for a separation, which is inevitable, in principle.

What portends?

Dreamed of a drunk spouse (wife)? The interpretation of a dream in which the spouse or wife is drunk means that there will be some kind of illness, or rather serious conflicts in the family circle, which in turn can lead to a nervous breakdown.

It also happens that even a drunken child or a drunken boss can dream. If a drunk child dreamed, then this portends big troubles. A dream in which the boss came intoxicated, this means that relations with him will improve. If in a dream, that person who is drunk was nearby at the same table, then very soon one should expect a meeting with a vile person. I dreamed of a drunk person in a public place or transport, which portends minor troubles in money matters

You also need to know the meaning of if someone who has a dream is drunk in his dream. Such a dream portends something bad, promises trouble. For example, this may mean the loss of a family, loss of work, health due to excessive gullibility.

The woman dreamed that she was drunk. Such a dream suggests that she should beware of frivolous and reckless actions, which in turn can bring trouble to a woman. And if in a dream a person gets very drunk, then in reality this may mean that a person will fall ill with a more than serious illness.

Intoxication in a dream most often symbolizes the desire to escape from reality, the inability to correctly assess the situation and find a solution. It also reflects self-indulgence. The dream warns that you need to pull yourself together, otherwise fate will force you to do it in the most incredible way.

Why dream of a drunk or drunk according to Miller's dream book

Mr. Miller gives clarifications: if you dreamed that you were very drunk in a dream, then in reality you will behave too frivolously. But you are not threatened with pangs of conscience, because you can easily get around any difficulties. Unfortunately, the same vision may mark the loss of a job.

Seeing drunk people in a dream means that you underestimate the people who surround you. At any moment, you can expect a dirty trick and trouble from them. To avoid problems, Miller's dream book calls for caution and not trusting the first comers.

Drunk - interpretation according to Vanga

Vanga, in her interpreter, emphasizes that intoxication is akin to insanity, which, fortunately, passes. The vision promises the acquisition of huge money that will be spent uselessly: on reckless antics, noisy parties and other entertainment.

If in a dream you happened to see a drunk, then an extremely dangerous incident will soon occur that will threaten not only you, but also your loved ones. However, if you correctly interpret the vision, you will be able to, if not avoid, then at least minimize all the unpleasant consequences.

I dreamed of a drunk or drunk according to Freud's dream book

In Freud's dream book, it is noted that if you dreamed of a terribly drunk character, then in real life you will do something stupid because you really overdrink. In the near future, try to moderate libations and refuse to participate in noisy events with an abundance of alcohol. This way you will be able to avoid a major scandal and loss of your own reputation.

If a man dreamed of a drunk lady, then a harmonious sexual relationship awaits him. If a woman saw a drunken man in a dream, then she should worry about safety.

In general, Freud's dream book believes that dreams about drunk people warn that you may encounter this trouble in reality. Especially revealing are the visions in which the dreamer himself is drunk. This is an indication of excessive addiction to addictions, and not necessarily alcohol.

Why dream drunk in a dream book for the whole family

If in a dream it happened to sit at the same table with a drunk, then you have to make a business deal with an extremely unpleasant person. To achieve your goal, you will have to curb hostility and, perhaps, change your opinion about this person.

A dream book for the whole family assures that drinking with a drunk means that you will have to obey someone you do not approve of and dislike. To get drunk yourself to a pig squeal - to your own weakness and clash with people who use your own mistakes against you.

Why dream of drunks according to the 21st century dream book

The 21st century dream book is sure that if a drunken acquaintance had a dream, then soon he will change his life style for the worse. For women, such a dream promises a whole chain of adventures and incredible events, which will later be bitterly regretted.

Why dream drunk according to Aesop's dream book

Aesop's dream book gives a very detailed interpretation of the image of a drunk. He claims that in a dream the drunk person personifies a very unpleasant and very weak person. Perhaps it is you yourself, especially if lately you have clearly felt a lost state of mind. In addition, a vision may indicate an event that will be painted with appropriate colors.

Did you dream about being drunk? In reality, problems will literally fall on your head, and each of them will have to be solved very quickly. Seeing a loved one drunk in a dream means that you are aware of your helplessness and are trying to shift some of the problems onto others.

Why is a drunk person dreaming

A drunk person in a dream means that you have to deal with an extremely weak-willed and life-orientated person. Although his appearance may say quite the opposite. Seeing a drunk - to the emergence of questions that require an immediate response. Communication in a dream with an alcoholic means that excessive kindness can become the cause of your troubles.

In addition, depending on the details of the dream, the image of a drunk in a dream can be interpreted as a shameless invasion of privacy, a warning about the waste of both strength and material resources, the onset of illness and inadequacy due to nervous strain. It is also a symbol of confusion, disappointment and a general deterioration in affairs.

Why dream of a drunk ex or drunk ex

Did you dream of a heavily drunk ex (former)? You probably feel guilty about a certain case or situation. The appearance in a dream of a drunken ex or ex suggests that irresponsibility and connivance will lead to complete collapse. In a dream, the intoxication of a former loved one also hints at his current inability to take decisive action.

Drunk father, dad in a dream - what does it mean

A father in a dream is a symbol of some authority, protection, solidity and orderliness. But if you happened to see him drunk, then everything in life will go awry. You will lose your privileges, lose your position and the very meaning of existence.

Dreamed of a drunk, and even a dirty dad? Treason is coming and a likely break with her lover. A drunken father predicts a loss of authority and health, a decline in vitality and a breakdown in plans. Perhaps you made a fatal mistake and are now reaping the fruits of your own irresponsible actions.

If in a dream the father appeared very drunk, then in reality you will not receive the support that you were counting on very much. This is a sign that you risk getting into an extremely confusing situation, from which you will have to get out alone.

If a drunk dad dreams regularly, then this marks an endless search for meaning. You constantly doubt yourself and others, do not understand why you live and what should be done next.

What is the dream of a drunk mother, mother

Mom in a dream personifies wisdom, hope, love, spiritual strength, compassion and other positive qualities. If she is drunk, then you will face a tough and even cruel attitude. At the same time, life will be filled with a series of problems that will be interspersed with short-term successes. But in fact, you only need to blame yourself and your short-sightedness for the situation that has arisen. If your mother dreamed drunk, then the business, which had high hopes, would stall, and you would have to listen to a lot of reproaches addressed to you.

What does it mean if you dreamed of a drunk dead, deceased

No less symbolic is the vision in which the drunken deceased appears. First of all, this is a sure sign that you are building your life incorrectly and not striving for it. The dream calls for rethinking the current guidelines and finding new ones. It is necessary in the near future to think carefully about each step so as not to make a mistake.

If the soul is already “scratching”, then the drunken deceased only confirms that the period of depression and decline will last indefinitely. Here you will have to figure it out on your own and get out of the vicious circle by an effort of will.

What is the dream of a drunk man or woman

Dreamed of a drunk man? For women, this is a sign that they will be disappointed in some person. For men, it is a symbol of a lack of internal energy, concentration and resistance to stress.

If you dreamed of a drunk woman, especially an old one, then expect a decline in business, a stop in relationships, general degradation and destruction of both external and internal. If in a dream it happened to argue with a drunk lady, then in reality you will be outwitted and deceived.

Drunk acquaintance, acquaintance in a dream

Seeing a familiar person drunk in a dream is not very good. Sometimes this indicates a real problem with alcohol or any other addiction. If at the same time a drunken acquaintance brawled and fought, then in reality you fell under the bad influence of a person or an entire company.

Dreamed of a drunken friend? Get ready to be scammed. If in a dream you found out that one of your friends became an alcoholic and completely drank, then in reality a disaster will happen to this person: illness, accident, etc.

Dream Interpretation - a lot of drunks

Why do so many drunks dream? This is an indication that you have to change your job or lifestyle. If you dreamed of a whole crowd of drunks, besides aggressive ones, then you will lose your current authority and location of an influential person.

After a dream in which there were a lot of drunks, it makes sense to analyze your behavior and direct your forces in a different, more promising direction. In addition, this is a sign that you are at risk of catching a viral disease and becoming another “victim” of a seasonal epidemic.

Why dream of a drunk wife, girl, bride

If you dreamed of a drunk wife, then you will get a huge profit from an extremely risky transaction. At the same time, a violent lady in a drunken state predicts a family scandal out of the blue. Any close woman tipsy marks a love adventure and unexpected successes. If a guy dreamed of a drunk girl, then she would learn some important secret.

What is the dream of a drunk guy, groom, husband

If an unmarried lady dreamed that she had a drinking husband, then this would happen in reality. The image of a drunken companion portends unfair accusations, cooling in relationships, insincerity and distrust. If you happen to fight with a drunken spouse or boyfriend, then in reality you are destined for a harmonious and happy union.

Why do drunken relatives dream

Dreamed of drunken relatives? You have to make a responsible choice between material wealth and spirituality. If you yourself got them drunk in a dream, then you will be able to show your organizational skills and earn trust. The dream calls not to miss the chance that will turn up literally within the next month.

Why else do drunks dream

More specific transcripts will help to give the correct interpretation of the image.

  • drunk friend - to trouble, trouble (with him)
  • drunk girlfriend - to worries and useless chores
  • naked drunk - to danger and fear
  • drunk daughter - to debts, illness, disorder of life (for her)
  • drunk son - to scandal
  • to see yourself drunk - to humiliation and excuses
  • drunk loved one - to a probable break
  • drunk brother - to injury, wound
  • drunk sister - to control, importunate guardianship
  • drunk wife - to improve life
  • drunk child - to the problems that you are most afraid of
  • drunken colleagues - to a real party, a booze in the company
  • drunk boss - to be collected from the boss (it’s better not to catch his eye)
  • drunk driving - to the collapse of conceived plans
  • drunk in transport - to material problems
  • drunk under the fence - to an unexpected meeting
  • lying under the fence yourself - to unexpected profits
  • drunk on love - to disappointment
  • drunk attacks - to longing and despondency
  • to bring a drunk to a sense - to a joyful event
  • treat an alcoholic in a clinic - to large expenses and valuable acquisitions
  • taking money from a drunk - to a belated manifestation of feelings
  • accidentally run into a drunk - to financial losses
  • drunk sticks - to trouble at work

If you dreamed that a drunken dead man gave a resounding cuff, then in reality everything will turn into a truly triumphant success. The case, which seemed unpromising, will bring money, relations will improve, and peace and tranquility will reign in the soul.

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