Brown flax good. Flax seeds - the benefits and harms of a plant with a thousand-year history. Useful properties for weight loss


Surely many have heard about flax seeds and their benefits for women's health and beauty. They have been used for a long time and are considered really unique product. positive properties seeds have a lot if you apply and use them correctly.

We want to invite you to learn about the benefits of flax seeds for a woman's body, in which cases it is possible to harm from the use this product and how to use linseeds.

Benefits of flaxseed

Beneficial features flax seeds for women are undeniable. often recommended for women to strengthen and treat the body.

It is often used to cleanse the intestines and the body as a whole, as it removes all toxins, bad cholesterol and deposits. heavy metals.

The remedy is especially indicated for women with such problems:

The unique properties of the product are explained by its rich composition, the components of which are special value for women:

  • Coarse insoluble fiber, which, when it enters the body, acts like a broom, cleansing it of all harmful substances.
  • Lignans are unique substances with antibacterial and antiviral effects.

    They are also antioxidants, and for the fair sex they are valuable because prevent breast cancer.

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids that help prevent joint inflammation and Alzheimer's disease. They help keep cholesterol levels normal. These substances are indispensable for expectant mothers, as they support their body and fetus.
  • Soluble fibre. Indispensable for overweight ladies. Once in the body, it is processed and broken down beneficial bacteria providing a feeling of satiety for a long time. Therefore, flax seed helps to control appetite and lose weight.
  • Vitamin F, which, unlike a number of other vitamins, the human body does not produce on its own.
  • Vitamins A and E. They are responsible for the shine and beauty of the hair, tone and elasticity of the skin. These are beauty vitamins that help slow down the aging process.

As additional funds linseeds can be used for lung diseases. They are shown because they are able to reduce the latter.

Seeds help cleanse the skin of inflammation, boils, boils and other imperfections, make it supple and even. The product also provides female body hormones phytoestrogens, which help to improve well-being before critical days and during them. They struggle not only with pain, but also with constant mood swings and excessive irritability.

Flax seeds are useful for pregnant and lactating women. They contribute to the successful development of the baby in the womb and favorable gestation. the product contributes to better milk production.

Many women face inflammatory diseases genitourinary system. And here these tiny seeds can come to the rescue. They are help reduce inflammation pain with cystitis, restore all the resources of the body.

Elena Malysheva will tell you about the beneficial properties of flaxseed:

Possible harm to the product

Before you start applying flax-seed, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications to taking it, because in certain cases they can do harm. You can not use the product for such diseases:

There are also a number of cases where the benefits of seeds are obvious, however only when taken carefully under the supervision of specialists:

  • . The seed can lower sugar, but it can worsen the effect medical preparations necessary for diabetics.
  • Pregnancy. The benefits of the product for expectant mothers are obvious. But if it is abused, it is possible to increase the tone of the uterus, which increases the risk premature birth. Lactation. Keep in mind that the seeds can lead to a sharp jump in the hormone estrogen, so its level must be constantly monitored.
  • Poor blood clotting. In certain cases, flaxseeds can reduce the clotting process, so those who have such problems should take it with caution.

When and how to take

For internal use mucus is prepared from the seeds by dissolving one and a half teaspoons of the product in a glass of warm water. Means should be consumed 30 minutes before eating three times a day. The dosage is a quarter cup. As a rule, seeds are taken in a course of 2-3 weeks.

Women often use flaxseed to solve various problems with health. Yes, it helps with constipation. In this case, it must be eaten with fermented milk drink and honey.

And with gastritis or ulcers, remedies that eliminate inflammation of the mucous membrane help. To prepare such a remedy, you need to brew a tablespoon of seeds with half a liter of boiling water and let it brew for an hour. The mass is filtered, mucus is taken from it. It is used before meals. BUT decoctions and infusions of flax seeds are indicated for diseases of the pancreas.

Since ancient times, people have known the true benefits of flax. This plant can not only feed and clothe a person, but also cure various diseases. In appearance, flax is a simple culture: a thin stalk of a plant is enveloped in pale blue small flowers. But in this simplicity, the unique abilities and healing properties of flax are hidden.

Composition and useful properties

Flax seeds are a plant product that has medicinal properties:

  • antiviral action;
  • antibacterial and antiviral agent;
  • laxative effect;
  • antifungal action;
  • a property that restores the mucous membrane of the stomach or intestines, which is actively used in the treatment of diseases such as ulcers, erosion, purulent wounds.

When as medicinal product flax seeds are used, the benefits and harms of this wonderful product lie in its composition. The chemical component of the product is equipped with vitamins (the whole group B, vitamins A, F, E), mineral components(selenium, calcium, sodium, manganese, iron and others), a complex of omega acids, proteins, amino acids, polysaccharides, fiber and vegetable protein.

An active study of the beneficial properties of flax seeds has led to the fact that scientists have discovered the unique abilities of this product, which are used to treat various ailments, as well as for effective improvement general physical and emotional state person.

  • Omega acids and natural antioxidants contribute to the normalization blood pressure, effectively reduce the risk of thrombosis, heart attack and stroke;
  • Selenium has restorative properties, it positively affects the performance of the brain, helps to eliminate heavy metals and all other harmful compounds from the body.
  • A complex of vitamins and minerals beneficial effect on general state of the whole organism, actively strengthen the immune forces, help to gain health and excellent appearance hair, skin and nails.

What other properties does flaxseed have, the benefits and harms of which are described in this article?

  • Flax seeds have a mild adsorbent effect. Regular intake of the product contributes to the normalization circulatory system(the level of cholesterol is reduced, the blood is cleansed, compounds of harmful substances are removed from blood vessels);
  • herbal product actively used for the prevention and treatment oncological diseases. In addition, preparations containing flax seeds are prescribed to people who have suffered from adverse effects. radioactive radiation. The product is shown to people after operations as a restorative and strengthening drug.
  • A decoction of flax seeds is used to cleanse the human body of toxins, they are prescribed for people suffering from chronic fatigue and depressed mood.
  • Great favor linen poses for beautiful ladies. The course use of flax seeds contributes to the normalization hormonal background, stabilizes hormonal disorders in a woman's body, which are associated with a violation menstrual cycle or menopause.
  • Fiber from flax seeds helps the intestines cleanse itself of slagging, remove toxins and harmful pesticides from the body, lower the level bad cholesterol in blood.
  • Flax seeds are actively used for weight loss. The fiber contained in the product contributes to the feeling of satiety in a person.
  • The softening and restoring properties of flax seeds are used to treat gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, colitis, enteritis, ulcers).
  • laxative effect The product helps in the treatment of constipation.

Bowel cleansing

It has been proven by medicine that most of various diseases caused by impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The main signs of slagging of the stomach and intestines are: stool disorders, chronic fatigue, depression, belching, abdominal pain, etc. To effectively and safely get rid of negative symptoms and clean the intestines from congestion, flax seeds are used.

For healing and preventive purposes, the most commonly used:

- whole flax seeds;

- flour from flax seeds;

- a mixture of flax seeds with kefir;

- infusion or decoction of flax seeds.

The simplest and useful way bowel cleansing: grind white flaxseed in a coffee grinder or blender. Eat 1 tbsp every morning. spoon of the prepared mixture, while always drinking boiled and moderately warm water in enough(about one and a half glasses). An approximate course of cleaning is 10 days.

Flax seed flour

Ground flaxseeds and flaxseed meal are two different product. It is almost impossible to prepare flour from flax seeds at home, it is prepared only according to the appropriate technology at industrial enterprises and flour mills.

Flax seed flour is used as a medicinal and dietary product. Course treatment with this product can normalize the performance of the gastrointestinal tract, prevent the development of diseases of the circulatory and cardiac vascular system, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys and liver. Antioxidant properties of the product are useful in the treatment of diseases endocrine system, in particular, thyroid gland.

Flax seeds: contraindications and harm

Due great content in alpha-linoleic acid flax seeds, the product should not be used by people suffering from polycystic ovaries or endometritis.

Very carefully and always only after a qualified consultation with a doctor, you can use flax seeds as a therapeutic product during an exacerbation cholelithiasis or cholecystitis.

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AT last years interest in natural remedies recovery is enhanced. Many people choose to take herbal supplements instead of medications. And one of the popular means for healing and cleansing the body is flax - seeds, reviews on the use of which are mostly positive. This plant has been popular for thousands of years. And in ancient times they knew about its beneficial properties. Therefore, flax was used not only for making clothes, but also as a food additive that improves health.

The composition of flax seeds

Previously, it was believed that this remedy is suitable for the treatment of diseases. gastrointestinal tract, as it contains a lot of fiber and mucus. But latest research scientists studied the composition of flaxseed in more detail. They found almost 20 types of protein in it, essential amino acids and lots of vitamins and minerals. According to the latest data, flax seeds contain:

What is useful flax, seeds?

Reviews of those people who tried to add this remedy to food note that the state of health after that improves significantly. Research scientists have confirmed these facts and found out how useful flax seeds are for the body:

In what cases is flax, seeds used?

Reviews about the use of this product testify to its useful action with many diseases. They are successfully used in such cases:

  • to relieve inflammation in gastritis;
  • to normalize brain activity;
  • with hemorrhoids, gout and rheumatism;
  • to prevent the formation of blood clots;
  • with high blood pressure;
  • in patients with diabetes;
  • with allergies and asthma;
  • to cleanse the body of toxins;
  • with a tendency to alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • with diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • as an expectorant for coughs;
  • to normalize the work of the kidneys;
  • to improve vision.

Effective and external use of flax. Its decoctions restore the skin after burns and frostbite, treat boils and abscesses, promote wound healing and relieve pain in muscles and joints. They are useful for improving the condition of the skin and hair.

But most often flax seeds are used for constipation. This use has even been recognized official medicine. AT recent times popular has also become used about this rather controversial. Those who have been waiting quick effect, disappointed. After all, weight loss under the influence of this product occurs due to cleansing the body, improving digestion and reducing appetite.

Contraindications to the use of flax seeds

At serious illnesses should be done only after consulting a doctor. But in general, this product is so useful for the body that its only negative effect is diarrhea. Therefore, it is not recommended to take flax seeds for digestive disorders and diarrhea. It is strictly contraindicated to eat them in case of such diseases:

  • with hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • acute intestinal diseases;
  • with acute cholecystitis.

Doctors also do not recommend the use of endometriosis and allergies. And when cardiovascular diseases, pancreatitis, ulcers and cholelithiasis, you can use them only in the form of a decoction. But even healthy people you need to follow the norm in taking this remedy. Experts recommend taking them no more than 2 tablespoons per day. For children, the dose should be reduced by half. According to studies, an overdose can cause nausea, stomach pain, weakness, high blood sugar levels, and even intestinal obstruction.

Flax seeds in the diet

It is very useful to add this product to regular dishes. They give a pleasant taste to pastries: pies and pancakes, cookies and gingerbread. It is recommended to add flax seeds to salads, cereals and dairy products. You can use them whole or grind them into flour. Ground flax seeds are more convenient to add to pastries, yogurts and cereals. In this form, they are absorbed much better. Very good for health

It is prepared very simply: ground flax seeds need to be poured hot water, but not boiling water, and cover with a lid. After a while useful and nutritional product ready. To taste, you can add honey, nuts or dried fruits to the porridge.

Ways to use flax seeds

On sale now you can find this product in any form. Flaxseed oil contains more polyunsaturated fatty acids, flax flour better absorbed. But the most useful - whole seeds. After all, it is in their shell that lignan is contained, which has a beneficial effect on health and protects a person from cancerous tumors. Therefore, it is in this form that they are best used. How to drink flax seeds correctly?

It should be remembered that such decoctions are stored for no more than a day, so every day you need to prepare a fresh portion. You can also add flax to compote, porridge or vegetable dishes.

For external use, ground seeds are used. They are tied in a rag bag and dipped in boiling water for several minutes. After cooling, apply to the affected area of ​​the body.

Cleansing the body with flax seeds

A large amount of fiber allows you to effectively remove toxins from the body and soften stool. It is very important to drink more water when using this product, so the cleansing process is easier. Flaxseed cleaning can be done in several ways.

  1. For three weeks, a mixture of seeds is used instead of breakfast. In the first week, they take 1 dessert spoon of seeds, in the second - 2, and in the third - 3. Kefir needs 100-150 ml.
  2. Eat for breakfast for a month flaxseed porridge, which is prepared in the evening. Half a cup of whole seeds should be poured with warm water. Eat them in the morning without salt and sugar. Next reception food is possible only after 4 hours.
  3. You can grind the seeds in a coffee grinder and eat them during the day, 2-3 tablespoons. You can simply drink them with water, mix with honey, yogurt or add to porridge.
  4. A more intensive cleaning process takes place with the help of a decoction. You need to drink it 5 times a day for a glass. For better assimilation the broth should be warm.

Folk recipes using flaxseed

  1. If you mix flaxseed powder with honey, you get effective remedy to strengthen immunity. It can be given even to children older than three years.
  2. It is recommended to drink a decoction or infusion of them half a cup in the morning on an empty stomach.
  3. If taken half an hour before each meal, 100 ml will help reduce appetite and reduce weight.
  4. If you pour ground seeds with sunflower or olive oil and insist in a dark place for a week, it will turn out excellent tool to restore the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. With hemorrhoids and rectal fissures, you need to make an enema from warm flaxseed jelly.
  6. Flaxseed inhalations in milk help with sinusitis.

Flax was grown not only for personal purposes, but also for trade.

How natural are flax seeds? medicinal products, you can list for a long time: vitamins, calcium, fiber, acids, magnesium, manganese, protein and many other substances. Plus, this product is high in calories. Therefore, not in vain.

Benefits for women

Flax seeds are the source female beauty and health. it natural product, which has been used by women for cosmetic and medicinal purposes since ancient times. They can be used in such cases:

Dry skin

A mask is made from seeds:

  • 1 st. l. seeds pour 200 ml of boiling water;
  • let it brew 1–1.5.

The mask is ready, now you need to apply it on the skin of the face and hold it for about 30 minutes. At this time, try to relax all the muscles, do not strain them, neither smile nor grimace in order to get a qualitative effect. Then wash off the mask with warm water and apply a moisturizing gland.

Oily skin

In this case, you will need another additional component - oatmeal.

  • one st. l. crushed seeds mixed in a ratio of 1: 1 with oatmeal;
  • Pour the resulting mixture with milk.

Then the mask should be applied to the face with a brush or sponge, evenly distributed along all lines. Sit for 20 minutes in a relaxed state.

Slimming Blend

Regular intake of decoction will help get rid of kilograms that you do not need. At the same time enrich the female body useful elements. 1 st. l. seeds pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Take cooled, 100 ml, morning and evening.

Pregnancy and lactation

If consumed during pregnancy, you will have a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus. The seeds contain the hormone phytoestrogen. And taking it while breastfeeding will provide your baby with milk.

Various diseases

  • anti-inflammatory and antibacterial;
  • sedative, is an excellent antidepressant;
  • source for the treatment of mental illness;
  • has the property of burning fat;
  • provides a woman's body with the hormone phytoestrogen (which is necessary at any age);
  • cancer prophylactic.

The main thing to remember is that where there is benefit, there may be. And yet, even such drugs should be used after consulting a doctor.

  1. Since with some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the seeds can cause bloating and constipation.
  2. In case of bleeding, slow down the clotting process.
  3. Consultation is also required for people with diabetes.
  4. During pregnancy and lactation, you should also not avoid a doctor, but clarify your estrogen levels.

How to drink seeds

For women with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. pour 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes.
  2. Take 1/2 cup 30 minutes before meals.

If for some reason you suffer from constipation: 2 tsp. dry seeds 3 times a day and drink them with water.
If you want to prevent breast cancer or heart disease:

  • 2 tbsp. l. flax seeds pour 1/4 liter of boiling water;
  • leave to insist for 20 minutes, the infusion is ready to receive.

For cough, constipation, colitis:

  1. Put on 1 cup boiling water 2 tbsp. l. seeds, leave for 20 minutes.
  2. Take half an hour before meals, 100 ml 3 times a day.

Before taking funds, consult your doctor!

Good afternoon, today we will talk about flax seeds, consider what are the benefits and harms of this small flax seed. And also we will consider the use of flax seed in folk medicine. We ourselves use flax seed in the treatment of certain diseases, this gives a very good result. So I wanted to share some useful information with you. And if you do not know anything about flax seeds, I advise you to read this article.

Flax seeds have been used since time immemorial for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. Flax seeds are used both in folk and official medicine.

Flax is a very unique plant, flax seeds are a source of complete protein, vitamins, fiber, microelements. Due to its composition, flax seed is considered a product that heals our entire body. The value of flax seeds for humans is associated with the presence of nutrients and organic compounds.

Flax is natural and very useful product. Since ancient times, flax has been a very popular plant, linen clothes saved from heat, scabies, helped with increased sweating. Not for nothing, and now in the heat it is best to wear linen clothing. And from flax seeds, oil was also obtained, which was used for cooking, and was also used with therapeutic purpose.

The shell of flax seeds is smooth and shiny, odorless, the shape of the seeds is oblong, flattened, the color of the seeds can be from light yellow to dark brown, the flax seed tastes crunchy.

The shell of flax seeds is saturated with mucus, inside the flax seed there are proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamin C, organic acids, carotene, fixed oils, tocopherol, pectins, linoleic, oleic, palmic acid.

In folk medicine, flax seed is used for gastritis of the stomach, with peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, when coughing as an expectorant, with colitis, with constipation. And with abscesses, with boils, a compress made from flax seeds softens the boil, abscess and relieves pain.

Flax seeds, benefits and harms, why is flaxseed so useful and what is its harm

Flax seed properties:

  1. Anti-inflammatory
  2. expectorant
  3. Wound healing
  4. Enveloping
  5. Painkiller
  6. bactericidal
  7. Laxative
  8. Emollient

How can you eat flaxseed

Flax seeds are usually eaten in crushed form and with large quantity liquids. It is advisable to eat flax seeds immediately after grinding, as the seeds contain a lot of linseed oil and it oxidizes in air. The swelling of flaxseed usually occurs in the intestines and it is not necessary to soak it, except in cases of inflammation in the intestines.

For example, we add flax seeds to, tasty and very healthy, and flax seeds can also be added to pastries, salads, soups, mix flax seeds with fermented milk products, or you can mix flax seeds with jam or honey in a 1: 1 ratio. We eat oatmeal every day for breakfast and sometimes we add flax seed, black currant to oatmeal, it is tasty and very healthy.

In order to prevent flax seeds, it is useful to consume at least 5 grams per day, and for the purpose of treatment, you need to take two tablespoons in the morning and evening, but not more than 50 grams per day. I draw Special attention that flax seeds are soluble and insoluble fiber, so introducing flax seeds into your diet should increase the amount of fluid consumed.

Children can consume flax seeds from the age of 3, for therapeutic purposes, children can take only as directed by a doctor.

How to choose and how to store flax seeds

I usually buy flax seeds at the pharmacy. But flax seeds can also be purchased at the store, it is sold both in ground form and in the form of a seed. But the ground seed has short term storage about 6-10 weeks, unlike whole flax seeds. Crushed seeds oxidize and spoil faster. Whole flax seeds can be stored for up to a year in an airtight container in a dark place, and if the flax seed is put in the refrigerator, the shelf life of the seeds increases, you can store 1-2 years. It is better, of course, to buy whole flax seeds and grind them in a coffee grinder as needed.

When choosing flax seeds, you need to take into account the expiration date, it should not be expired, the seeds should be as fresh as possible. There must also be a dry package in which they are sold. It is desirable that the packaging was vacuum. Flax seeds should be dry without the presence of various debris and pebbles. Of course, it is best to store them in glass jar with a tightly closed lid in the refrigerator.

Flax seeds benefit

  • Flaxseed lowers blood sugar and cholesterol.
  • Improves digestion.
  • It is the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Strengthens immunity.
  • As a result of the use of flax seed, high blood pressure is reduced.
  • It also reduces the likelihood of blood clots and the risk of developing a heart attack.
  • Flax seeds, with its regular use, normalize liver function.
  • Reduces inflammatory processes.
  • Mucus prepared from flax seeds is used for treatment, rinsing, enemas, douching.
  • Flax seeds contain vitamin C, A, E, F macro and micro elements: zinc, aluminum, chromium, iron, potassium, calcium, nickel, iodine, boron, manganese, selenium.
  • Flaxseed contains the anti-cancer substance lignans.
  • Flax seeds are an excellent source of selenium, selenium prevents the development of tumors in the body, helps to improve brain activity improves eyesight.
  • Flax seeds are useful for us, as they help cleanse our body of heavy metals.
  • Vitamin F is actively involved in both fat and cholesterol metabolism in our body.
  • Two irreplaceable vitamins A and E are "vitamins of youth" and have good action on our skin, which is why flax seed is used in many cosmetic recipes.
  • Fatty oils that are part of the flax seed promote tissue regeneration.
  • Flax seeds have an enveloping effect.
  • Flax seed is effective for any food poisoning, since the polysaccharides that make up flax seeds reduce the absorption of toxins.
  • Flax seeds have a mild laxative effect.
  • Flax seeds are rich in fatty acids such as Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9.

Flax seeds harm

  • Flax seeds should not be eaten in large numbers, that is, more than one tablespoon a day, since flax seeds contain a large amount of linseed oil, it is possible discomfort in the region of the liver.
  • Some people may experience bloating or flatulence when eating flaxseed, in which case start consuming flaxseed with one teaspoon and slowly increase the dosage.
  • If there are stones in bladder, in bile, with pancreatitis, cholecystitis, you need to use flax seeds with great care, since flax seeds have a strong choleretic effect.
  • It is not recommended to use flax seeds during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • When using flax seeds, allergic reactions are possible.
  • If you consume flax seeds long enough, it can lead to diarrhea and pain symptoms.
  • It is strictly forbidden to take flax seeds with intestinal obstruction.
  • Do not use flax seeds in acute and chronic cholecystitis especially in the acute stage.

The use of flax seed in folk medicine

Flax seeds are useful in diseases of the digestive system.

Flax seeds are very useful for gastritis, peptic ulcer, intestinal inflammation, colitis, as biologically active substances, which are part of the flax seed, have a protective effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach, esophagus, intestines, as they have anti-inflammatory, enveloping, softening properties.

And the fiber, which is so rich in flax seeds, activates the activity of the intestines and helps to cope with chronic constipation, flax seeds have a laxative effect. The laxative effect is due to the fact that the seeds swell in the intestines, increase the volume of the contents of the intestines and thus stimulate bowel movements faster.

Very useful for digestive tract slime made from flaxseed. How to cook it? You need to take 1 teaspoon of flaxseed and pour 100 ml of seeds. boiling water, shake this mixture for 15 minutes, then strain. Take warm 30 minutes before meals, three times a day. Each time you need to prepare a new portion, drink only a freshly prepared preparation. How do I whip up slime? I take a teaspoon of seeds in a glass bottle from under water, pour 100 ml. boiling water, close the lid tightly and whisk, then finished product strain and consume before meals, each time cooking new drug, since the mucus of flax seeds deteriorates very quickly.

Purification of the body from radionuclides with flax seed.

Flax seeds are a powerful sorbent and are in no way inferior to activated carbon, and unlike artificial sorbents do not affect the destruction of cells in our body. In addition, the use of flax seed inhibits the absorption of toxins, improves liver function and helps cleanse our body of toxins.

Flax seeds for fistulas, boils, boils.

Poultices and lotions from flax seeds accelerate their ripening. Seeds need to be ground a small amount boiling water, place in a linen bag and make poultices, after cooling and evaporation of moisture, the procedure is repeated and done until the boil opens. You can also apply dry heated seeds in a linen bag to boils, hold until cool, then repeat the procedure.

Flax seeds for diseases of the throat and oral cavity.

You need to take one teaspoon of flax seeds pour 1.5 tbsp. water and boil over low heat for about 10 minutes, leave for 10 minutes, then strain the broth and gargle every hour with warm broth in the throat with, with sore throat, and also with inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. The decoction is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic.

Flax seeds are used as an expectorant for coughs.

An infusion of flaxseed is prepared and drunk when coughing, such an infusion acts as an expectorant, as an anti-inflammatory. To prepare the infusion, two tablespoons of flax seeds are poured into one glass of boiling water and infused for 20 minutes, then the infusion is filtered and consumed 100 ml three, four times a day before meals.

The use of flax seed among the people is very popular, ground flax seed should be placed in a linen bag and dipped in for 10 minutes. hot water, such a bag of flax seed is applied to a sore spot, thus treating facial neuralgia, rheumatism, abdominal pain, toothache.

Flaxseed, which must first be boiled in milk, helps to cope with such an ailment as a heel spur.

Flax seeds at diabetes.

In diabetes mellitus, a decoction is prepared that lowers blood sugar well. To prepare, mix in equal proportions blueberry leaves, flax seeds, bean pods, oat straw. Two tablespoons of a mixture of herbs should be poured with two cups of boiling water, simmer for about 10 minutes, then leave for 30 minutes and strain. Take this infusion three times a day for half a glass until the disappearance of dry mouth, as well as a feeling of thirst.

Flaxseed in cardiovascular diseases.

Flax seed contains in its composition and in large quantities polyunsaturated fatty acid Omega 3. And the presence of Omega 3 acid in our body helps to reduce blood pressure and also helps lower blood cholesterol levels. Therefore, flax seeds are useful for strokes, heart attacks, atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases.

Flax seeds for oncological diseases.

Flax seeds contain two important components that reduce the risk of developing cancer. This is Omega 3 acid, as well as plant hormones "lignans".

The use of flax seed in cosmetology

With a double chin, it is very useful to make a poultice of flaxseed boiled in milk before going to bed, keep the poultice for about half an hour.

The flax seed mask will make your neck and décolleté skin soft and smooth. To do this, grease with gruel from a decoction of flax seed problem areas, cover with a bag and top with a terry towel.

At oily skin face, mix a teaspoon of flax seed ground in a coffee grinder with a teaspoon of oatmeal, pour this mixture with milk, let it brew, then apply the resulting slurry to your face for 15 minutes, after the time has elapsed, rinse the slurry from your face with warm water.

For dry skin. Take a handful of flax seeds, fill them with warm water, let the infusion stand for one hour, then lubricate the face with the resulting infusion and after thirty minutes rinse your face with warm water, wipe with a towel and brush with a nourishing cream.

Flax seeds benefits and harms, the use of flax seeds, indications and contraindications, as well as the use of flax seeds in cosmetology are now known to you. Apply flaxseed and be healthy. And you can read about flax seed oil in my article.

I suggest you take a look useful information about flax seed about its medicinal and beneficial properties.

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