An amazingly simple and effective set of exercises that Kotovsky used. A. Anokhin (B. Ross) - Volitional gymnastics. Psycho-physiological movements Volitional gymnastics exercises

Not quite, or rather, not at all a martial art, but it helps for the overall development of the muscular corset.

A.K. Anokhin - Russian athlete, doctor (pseudonym B. Ross). Anokhin's volitional gymnastics is notable for the fact that athletic equipment, a lot of space and time are not required to perform the exercises.

The Russian athlete Samson used its principles in his training, the hero of the civil war G.I. Kotovsky was trained according to the Anokhin system. The principle of this system is that when performing exercises without weights (i.e. without kettlebells, expander, barbells), you need to consciously strain the corresponding muscles, imitate overcoming one or another resistance. Anokhin's system has not lost its relevance to this day. His exercises make it possible not only to increase strength, but also to achieve the ability to strain and relax individual muscle groups, which is very important in sports and in any physical activity.

Let's start our acquaintance with Anokhin's system with 8 basic principles that should be followed when mastering his methodology:

  1. It is necessary to concentrate all attention on the working muscle or muscle group.

  2. Do not rush to increase the number of exercises and their dosage.

  3. While exercising, make sure you breathe properly.

  4. Perform each movement with the greatest muscle tension.

  5. Make sure that when performing the exercise, only those muscles that are involved in this movement are tensed.

  6. Exercises should be performed naked in front of a mirror.

  7. After doing the exercises, you need to take a shower, and then vigorously rub the body with a towel.

  8. Temperance and simplicity in food is one of the keys to success. Food should be varied, with an abundance of vegetables, fruits and milk, without the predominance of meat. The opinion sometimes held that those who are engaged in athletic exercises should include a large amount of meat in their diet is not true. There are many examples when famous athletes limited meat in their diet. Pyotr Krylov, the owner of an outstanding musculature in terms of volume and relief, preferred plant foods.

Exercises should be performed twice a day, for a total of up to 20 minutes. Each exercise lasts 5-6 seconds and is repeated up to 10 times. The first two weeks you need to perform the first five exercises, then every week add one exercise. After three months, you can engage in the program of the entire complex.

Exercise 1

Main stand. Raise your arms to the sides and clench your fingers into a fist, turn your palms up. Strongly straining the biceps of the shoulder (biceps), bend your elbows. By bending your arms, imitate the attraction of a large weight. Touching your shoulders with your hands, turn your fists with your palms to the sides and begin to unbend your arms as if you are pushing a large weight to the sides. In this case, the triceps muscles (triceps) should be tensed and the biceps should be relaxed. Breathing is even. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

Exercise 2

Legs shoulder width apart. Raise your hands forward, clench your fingers into a fist. Strongly tensing the muscles of the arms and back, spread your arms to the sides, then begin to bring them together in front of you, straining mainly the pectoral muscles as if you were squeezing something in front of you. When spreading your hands, inhale, when reducing, exhale. Try to keep the muscles that are not involved in the exercise relaxed.

Exercise 3

Lie on your back, hands behind your head. Keeping the torso immobile, alternately quickly and with tension raise and lower the legs. Raise your legs to approximately a 50 degree angle. Do not touch the floor with your heels during the exercise. Breathing is even. The abdominal muscles and leg muscles should be tense.

Exercise 4
Put your hands on the back of a chair, put your heels together, toes apart, straighten your back, look straight ahead. Slowly, with tension, sit down until your heels touch. Then begin to straighten your legs with such tension in the quadriceps femoris muscles, as if you are lifting a large weight on your shoulders. When squatting, exhale, while lifting - inhale.

Exercise 5

5. Put your feet apart. Raise your arms to the sides, clench your fingers into a fist, palms up. Look straight ahead, chest forward. Tightening your muscles, raise your straight arms up as if you were lifting a weight. Raising your arms, take a breath and begin to lower your arms down with tension in the latissimus dorsi - exhale.

Exercise 6

Do push-ups while lying down, keeping your whole body in tension. As you get better, keep doing push-ups on your fingers. Bending your arms, inhale, unbending - exhale. The main load should fall on the triceps.

Exercise 7

Main stand. Raise your straight arms to the sides, clench your fingers into a fist, palms up. With tension, start alternately raising and lowering the brushes. Breathing is arbitrary.

Exercise 8

Lie on your back on the floor. Legs apart, arms crossed over chest. Leaving the lower torso and legs motionless, with a strong tension in the abdominal muscles, begin to raise your head and chest as if you are lifting with a load lying on your chest. When lifting - inhale, when lowering - exhale.

Exercise 9

Place your legs apart, bending them at the knees. Raise your left arm forward, right along the torso. With the tension of the pectoral and latissimus dorsi muscles, lower the left hand down, and lift the right hand forward with the tension of the deltoid muscles. In the next lesson, raise your arms to the sides, and in the next - again forward. Breathing is even.

Exercise 10

Put your hands on the back of a chair, put your heels together. Strongly straining your back and legs, lift your feet up as high as possible, leaning on your heels. Then return to the starting position. During the exercise, the muscles of the thigh and lower leg should be strongly strained. Breathe in when lifting your feet, and breathe out when lowering your feet.

Exercise 11

Put your feet apart. Alternately bend and unbend your arms at the elbows. joints, keeping the elbows motionless. When bending the arms, the palms are facing up, and when unbending, towards the body. When bending the arms, all attention and tension should be focused on the biceps, and when unbending, on the triceps. Breathing is even.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the system of physical development of the Russian athlete Dr. A.K. Anokhin (pseudonym B. Ross) gained great fame. Books describing the Anokhin system went through seven editions during the author's lifetime, even the Niva magazine, far from sports, published it in full in 1909, calling it "the best indoor gymnastics." Its principles were used in their training by many Russian athletes of the past. As you know, the hero of the Civil War, G. I. Kotovsky, studied according to the Anokhin system. This system is notable for the fact that special sports equipment and special premises were not required to perform the exercises. The author of many articles on hygiene and physical development, Anokhin took a new approach to the principle of performing physical exercises. He believed that there are no new movements, you can’t invent them, you can only talk about one or another principle of their execution.

Anokhin called his system "The New System", and later it was called "Volitional Gymnastics". Its principle is that when performing exercises without weights (that is, without dumbbells, expanders, weights and other shells), you need to consciously strain the corresponding muscles, simulating overcoming one or another resistance. Anokhin's system has not lost its relevance to this day. His exercises make it possible not only to increase strength, but also to achieve the ability to strain and relax individual muscle groups, which is very important in sports and in any physical work. The ability to control muscles was given great importance by professional athletes of the past. Often in their performances they included "posing", during which, in the beams of spotlights, they took the poses of ancient sculptures of the discus thrower, Hercules. They also demonstrated the "muscle game", contracting and relaxing certain muscle groups. Peter Krylov, Georg Lurich, Georg Hakkenshmidt, Konstantin Stepanov perfectly mastered their muscles.

We will begin our acquaintance with Anokhin's system with the author's recommendations. First, he says: “Volitional gymnastics will not make you Poddub or Gakkenshmidt. It will not give you biceps of 45 centimeters or the ability to squeeze 6-7 pounds with one hand, but it will significantly improve your health. It will give the beauty of forms and outlines and that normal strength for everyone, which is lost by modern man.

Then Anokhin gives 8 basic principles that should be followed when mastering his methodology. These are the principles:

1. It is necessary to concentrate all attention on the working muscle or muscle group.

2. Do not rush to increase the number of exercises and their dosage.

3. Performing exercises, follow the correct breathing.

4. Perform each movement with the greatest muscle tension.

5. Make sure that when performing exercises, only those muscles that are involved in this movement are tensed.

6. It is desirable to perform exercises in front of a mirror.

7. After exercising, you need to take a shower, and then vigorously rub the body with a towel.

8. Temperance and simplicity in food is one of the keys to success. Food should be varied (vegetables, fruits, milk), without the predominance of meat. By the way, the opinion sometimes prevailing that those who are engaged in athletic exercises should include a large amount of meat in their diet is wrong. There are many examples when famous athletes limited meat in their diet. Pyotr Krylov, the “King of kettlebells”, having an outstanding musculature in terms of volume and relief, preferred plant foods.

Exercises should be performed twice a day, morning and evening. Up to 20 minutes in total. Each exercise lasts 5-6 seconds and is repeated up to 10 times. The first two weeks you need to perform the first five exercises, then every week add one exercise. After three months, you can engage in the program of the entire complex.

I watched the series "Kotovsky". By the way, I really liked it. I recommend. Kotovsky was an athlete of rare strength and health. When the doctor asked him what kind of gymnastics he did, Kotovsky replied: "Anokhin's volitional gymnastics." Naturally, my inquisitive hands immediately went to Google
and collected the necessary information there. After reading, I was amazed at the simplicity and logic of these exercises, and after trying them, I felt their effectiveness. She exceeded all expectations.
The body has a tone that lasts all day. Laziness is gone! In the upper part of the abdomen, long-forgotten squares appeared. And he just started doing it! There is another effect as well. The nervous system became calmer. It is known that breathing exercises have a beneficial effect on her. In any case, I recommend trying it. For this gymnastics you do not need any shells and it takes only 20 minutes a day. 10 in the morning and 10 in the evening. Here is a complete description of these time-tested exercises.
A.K. Anokhin, who bore the pseudonym B. Ross, was a doctor and an athlete. These exercises were used by the Russian athlete Samson, who later developed his system of tendon training, and also, known to everyone, Grigory Kotovsky. By doing these exercises, we tense the corresponding muscles, imagining that we are overcoming the corresponding loads. These exercises not only increase strength and tighten the figure. They are very healthy and teach you how to tense and relax individual muscle groups, which is a very useful skill for athletes.
Here are the 8 basic principles of the Anokhin system:
1. It is necessary to concentrate all attention on the working muscle or muscle group.
2. Do not rush to increase the number of exercises and their dosage.
3. Performing exercises, follow the correct breathing.
4. Perform each movement with the greatest muscle tension.
5. Ensure that during the exercise only those muscles that are involved in this movement are tensed.
6. Exercises should be performed naked in front of a mirror.
7. After exercising, you need to take a shower, and then vigorously rub the body with a towel.
8. Temperance and simplicity in food is one of the keys to success. Food should be varied, with an abundance of vegetables, fruits and milk, without the predominance of meat. The opinion sometimes held that those who are engaged in athletic exercises should include a large amount of meat in their diet is not true. There are many examples when famous athletes limited meat in their diet. Pyotr Krylov, the owner of an outstanding musculature in terms of volume and relief, preferred plant foods. Exercises should be performed twice a day, for a total of up to 20 minutes. Each exercise lasts 5-6 seconds and is repeated up to 10 times. The first two weeks you need to perform the first five exercises, then every week add one exercise. After three months, you can engage in the program of the entire complex.
And here are the exercises themselves:
1. Main rack. Raise your arms to the sides and clench your fingers into a fist, turn your palms up. Strongly straining the biceps of the shoulder (biceps), bend your elbows. By bending your arms, imitate the attraction of a large weight. Touching your shoulders with your hands, turn your fists with your palms to the sides and begin to unbend your arms as if you are pushing a large weight to the sides. In this case, the triceps muscles (triceps) should be tensed and the biceps should be relaxed. Breathing is even. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.
2. Feet shoulder width apart. Raise your hands forward, clench your fingers into a fist. Strongly tensing the muscles of the arms and back, spread your arms to the sides, then begin to bring them together in front of you, straining mainly the pectoral muscles as if you were squeezing something in front of you. When spreading your hands, inhale, when reducing, exhale. Try to keep the muscles that are not involved in the exercise relaxed.

Volitional gymnastics was invented back in the twentieth century by the great doctor Anokhin. Who, among other things, was also an avid sports fan, Anokhin developed a set of exercises aimed at developing muscles and increasing strength. The difference between this gymnastics and others lies in the complete absence of any auxiliary shells. To perform gymnastics, a person simply needs to stand in front of a mirror.

According to the system of doctor Anokhin, a lot of famous athletes of the twentieth century were engaged. Anokhin himself always said that his gymnastics is not designed to endow a person beyond his abilities, but at the same time it allows you to improve your health and keep your figure in shape. To practice this gymnastics, you don’t really need anything except the presence of two walls, a roof over your head and willpower. No wonder the revolutionaries loved this gymnastics so much - it could be performed both in prisons and in Swiss emigration.
Anokhin's technique is based on willpower, since no shells are used when performing exercises from Anokhin's gymnastics, any effort on the muscles is controlled only by willpower. The person himself strains the muscles, thereby simulating the overcoming of resistance. The effectiveness of volitional gymnastics is evidenced by the fact that it is still popular, including among professional athletes. If you systematically engage in this technique, the athlete receives unlimited power over his body and muscles.

The result does not depend on any external factors and anyone who decides to use Anokhin's gymnastics in their training can achieve high performance. No wonder the athletes of the last century were so proud of their muscles, which they built up without auxiliary equipment such as barbells, dumbbells, protein shakes and so on.

Principles of the methodology

  • You need to focus on the working muscle.
  • Do not rush with the number of workouts, it is better to gradually increase the load.
  • When performing any exercise, it is important to monitor breathing, it must be correct.
  • Any movement must be performed with maximum muscle tension.
  • When doing gymnastics, try to strain only the muscle group that is currently involved in the movement.
  • Any exercises according to the Anokhin technique must be performed in front of a mirror - this is important.
  • After each workout, be sure to take a contrast shower and rub yourself with a towel for as long as possible. 8. Being engaged in the Anokhin system, you should not overeat, eat only wholesome food in moderation.

To get a good result from training, it is recommended to do gymnastics according to the Anokhin system several times a day. In total, gymnastics should take about twenty minutes. Each physical the exercise must be repeated ten times, and the duration of one exercise is five seconds. The first few weeks you need to do only 5 exercises, adding one exercise every week, after a few months you can fully practice according to the method of Dr. Anokhin.

Popular exercises

  • Rack. Spread your arms out to the sides and raise them up, clench your fingers into a fist. Bend your arms at the elbow joint while strongly straining the shoulder muscles. Stretching your arms to your shoulders, spread your arms in different directions. With this exercise, it is very important to breathe correctly, namely: when bending your arms, inhale, while unbending, exhale.
  • Legs at shoulder level. Extend your arms out in front of you and curl your fingers into a fist. With all your strength, squeeze the muscles of your back and arms, spread your arms to the sides, then bring them together in front of you, imagining that you are squeezing something in front of you, do not forget about breathing.
  • Lie on your back with your hands under your head. Maintaining complete immobility of the body, raise your legs to the top one by one. Breathing should be calm and even, the muscles of the abdomen and legs should be involved from the muscles.
  • Take a chair and put your hands on its back, the heels must be connected together, the socks in different directions, the back should be even. Slowly tensing your back muscles, squat until your buttocks touch your heels. Then straighten your legs with a feeling as if there is a heavy bag on your shoulders.
  • Position your limbs apart. Spread your hands in different directions, pinch your fingers, palms should look up. Push your chest forward, straining your muscles with all your strength, raise your arms up. Then inhale, and with tension lower your arms down as you exhale.

Here are just five basic Anokhin exercises that will help anyone to keep their body and spirit in excellent condition. Anokhin's volitional gymnastics helped many athletes overcome themselves. Today, this gymnastics is used by both famous athletes and ordinary guys who care about their health.

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Today there are a huge number of gymnastics. They can have a variety of purposes and therefore it is often easy to confuse what exactly you need. Today we will consider in more detail what Anokhin's gymnastics is. She is quite popular, but at the same time she has a narrow circle of followers. That is why not everyone can do it.

The essence of Anokhin's gymnastics

Gymnastics was created by a doctor who dedicated his life not only to medicine, but also to sports. That is why it has no contraindications for health and is suitable for everyone. You may hear another name for gymnastics - this is the way of the warrior.

The essence of Anokhin's gymnastics

That is, only strong-willed strong people will be able to fulfill it. This is a challenge to test your willpower. So, it has special indicators. Firstly, its main essence lies in the fact that it is necessary to strain each muscle group separately, then weaken it. It is important to imagine the load that you can produce. These exercises will help you tone your muscles, strengthen them and, most importantly, you can easily control your body, you can develop one or another muscle group separately.

The basic principles of Anokhin's gymnastics

There are eight basic principles for practicing this gymnastics.

  • The main thing is concentration. Think about what muscle you are developing, what muscle group you are pumping, only after that the result will be exactly what you need.
  • It is necessary to increase the number of exercises, the frequency and strength of their implementation gradually, it is impossible to rush here.
  • requires that we breathe properly.
  • When performing gymnastics, you need to strain your vessels that work as much as possible, this also applies to muscles.
  • It is necessary to strain only those muscle masses that are working now, that are contracting.

The basic principles of Anokhin's gymnastics
  • It is better to practice in front of a mirror, it is best to do it naked. This will help you make sure that you are doing the exercises correctly. Before the mirror, you must perform at least at the beginning, then, when you perform automatically, you can refuse the mirror.
  • After completing the exercise, you need to take a shower. After a shower, you need to rub yourself with a towel, we do it intensively. This will help relax the body.
  • Nutrition is the key to your success. You need to eat wholesome and healthy food. Do not deny yourself vegetables, fruits and meat products. But remember that there is no need to increase the amount of meat in your diet. Many people think that if you are athletic, you need to increase portions of meat, this is an erroneous opinion. Eat as usual, just add some vitamin and minerals.

How to practice according to the Anokhin method?

Classes will take approximately 20 minutes per day. You will spend no more than five seconds on each exercise, you need to perform it about 10 times a day. We do two approaches.

How to practice according to the Anokhin method?

We do not start training with all the exercises at once, the first five are enough for you to start. There are 15 of them in total. Then we add one of them weekly. After three months, you will be able to use the entire complex in your studies.

Anokhin gymnastics exercises

There are fifteen exercises in the complex of this gymnastics. Anokhin's gymnastics is a complex complex that must be done in order and not change the sequence.

  1. We raise our hands to the sides, squeeze our hands into a fist, turn our palms up. Next, we strain the shoulder muscle groups, it is the biceps muscle groups that should work. We bend and unbend our arms, imagine that you are lifting a huge load, imitate it.
  2. Bring your hands forward, clench your fist. We spread our arms, imagine weights, you can think about dumbbells.
  3. Lie on your back, hands behind your head. We raise our legs one by one. We also think about weighting agents.
  4. Hold on to the back of a chair, do squats.
  5. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides, raise and lower your arms.
  6. We take emphasis lying down, strain the body, perform push-ups.
  7. We arrange the handles, we rotate the muscle groups.
  8. We lie down on the floor, arms crossed on the chest, raise the chest, keep the body in tension.
  9. The legs are bent at the knees, one arm is lowered, the other is raised up. We change hands one by one.

Anokhin gymnastics exercises
  1. We hold on to the back of the chair, lift the socks up, then lower the feet to the heels.
  2. We put our hands in front of us and unbend at the elbows.
  3. We bent our arms into the castle, turn to the side and bend over, then also in the other direction.
  4. We stand near the chair, drop from heel to toe.
  5. Bend your knees and lean back and forth.
  6. One arm is up, the second is bent at the elbow, we change their position and positions.

Think about the weight, how hard you lift them. This is where the tempering of will and inner strength takes place. This will help build muscle mass and tidy up the general condition of the body.

Video of Anokhin's gymnastics exercises

If you have just started classes, then Anokhin's gymnastics video will help you. You can find it on the Internet. They are available on almost all video sites. There you can carefully consider the execution technique.

Video of Anokhin's gymnastics exercises

If suddenly you do not understand how to do it, then you can view it again and pause. The video will help beginners understand the implementation of volitional exercises. You will find the rules and technique of execution, as well as the theory about these exercises.

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