Spring beriberi, symptoms, causes. Treatment of spring beriberi. What vitamins to drink with beriberi: symptoms and consequences of the disease, the main methods of treatment

In spring, the body's need for vitamins increases. The reasons are clear: stocks of fresh vegetables and fruits made in early autumn are depleted. There are beautiful apples and tomatoes in supermarkets, but they are chemically processed and poor in trace elements. No wonder people call these products plastic. How, then, to replenish the body with useful substances, and what vitamins are recommended to drink in the spring?

First, let's discuss why the issue of fortification is so important. Micronutrient deficiencies impair well-being. Symptoms of polyavitaminosis appear: fatigue, drowsiness, nausea, stratification of nails and hair loss. This is not the worst - a prolonged lack of vitamins provokes an exacerbation chronic ailments, contributes to the development of anemia, increases the frequency allergic reactions. It is true that they say that not only plants bloom in spring, but also rhinitis, asthma, ulcers, and even mental illness. Prevention of avitaminosis will help to avoid complications.

The list of useful organic compounds includes a large number of nutrients, but among them the main group can be distinguished. For normal functioning, the body needs vitamins:

  • A - responsible for the state skin helps to maintain vision;
  • C - strengthens the immune system, increases resistance to colds;
  • D - positively affects the health of nails, hair, bone tissue;
  • E - neutralizes the action free radicals and actively removes toxins;
  • B - a group of elements that regulate the work nervous system, heart, metabolism and other processes.

Different groups of the population need a set of vitamins that is appropriate for age, gender and well-being. Vitamins B 12, B 6 and B 2 will strengthen muscles, give vitality and strength to an adult man - the main breadwinner in the family. It is important for women to look beautiful in all seasons. Vitamins of group B, as well as A, E and C will retain healthy state skin, hair and nails. Older people need antioxidants - A, E, C, as well as vitamin D, which is necessary for strong bones. Building materials for growing child's body are vitamins of groups B, A, and C.

What about pregnant women? For intrauterine formation the child needs certain organic compounds. This is true in the spring, when mommy's internal resources are depleted. Vitamin A will help proper development placenta, B 5 normalizes hormonal background, and B 9 minimizes the risk pathological development neural tube. Also, during pregnancy important role vitamin E plays. The lack of this element creates a threat of miscarriage. Future mother you need to take care of your health for two.

In addition to the main vitamins, there are other organic elements, without which the body would not be able to function normally. For example, vitamins K, H and F are actively involved in metabolic processes lower cholesterol, improve performance of cardio-vascular system. As you can see, the role of nutrients is important. How to replenish your body with vitamins in the off-season?

vitamins in food

The best way is to get nutrients from food. If you can eat right, you can improve your health without synthetic additives. Based on which vitamins are best for the body, you need to adjust the diet. Pay attention to the products available in the spring and make a spring menu out of them.

The content of the most important vitamins in foods

Vitamin Foods containing the vitamin
A Fish fatty varieties, liver, egg, butter, milk, cottage cheese, kiwi, oranges, carrots, cabbage, peas, garlic.
E Vegetable oils (including wheat germ oil), walnuts, buckwheat grain, oatmeal, prunes, butter, carrots, Brussels sprouts.
C Liver, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, beans, onions, beets, bananas, kiwi, citrus fruits, lemons, rose hips, mountain ash, sea buckthorn.
D Cod liver, mackerel, fatty herring, egg, mushrooms, liver (beef, pork, poultry), butter, hard cheese.
B1 Brewer's yeast, brown rice, wheat groats, oatmeal, corn, nuts, bran, sunflower seeds, buckwheat, pasta, offal (liver, kidneys), egg.
B2 Brewer's yeast, beef liver, kidneys, chicken heart, veal, herring, beans, peas, dried figs and dates, asparagus, spinach.
B3, B5 Mushrooms (porcini, champignons), nuts, beans, cereals ( cereals, barley grits, wheat), potatoes, corn, broccoli, carrots, eggs, red fish, meat and offal, coffee.
B6 Cereals, nuts, potatoes, carrots, colored and White cabbage, beans, egg, oranges, lemons, avocados.
B9 Greens, citrus fruits, legumes, Wheat flour coarse grinding, yeast, liver, honey.
F Vegetable oils and animal fat.
K Green leafy vegetables, cabbage, wheat bran, meat, egg, soy, olive oil, Pine nuts, cow's milk, kiwi, bananas, avocados, pine nuts and butter.

In the spring, you can get vitamins from frozen berries: raspberries, strawberries, black currants, cherries and apricots. Add them to porridge and cottage cheese, prepare mousses and compotes.

After the winter menu, with pickles and fatty foods, it is useful to switch to herbal products. You should not buy the first cucumbers and tomatoes - they have a lot of pesticides and practically no vitamins. It is better to buy apples from grandmothers in the market - homemade, from the basement.

In the spring, the first greens appear: dill, parsley, dandelion leaves, nettles. They, in large quantities, are recommended to be added to salads. Can always be grown on a windowsill green onion. For dressing, use extra virgin olive oil. So you can make up for the lack of organic matter.

Pharmacy vitamins

It is not always possible to diversify the diet.

According to the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, in Moscow and a number of regional capitals, 80% of the population does not receive enough B vitamins, and 60% are deficient. ascorbic acid(vitamin C).

Some people have no time or do not want to adjust their menu. In addition, the quality of many products leaves much to be desired, and getting the required amount of nutrients along with food is problematic. Therefore, doctors recommend in early spring, within 2-6 weeks, take a multivitamin. You can buy in pharmacies complex preparations designed for people of different sex, age and other characteristics.

  • Supradin- designed with daily requirement organism in useful substances Oh. The composition of the drug includes 12 vitamins and 8 minerals. Supradin improves metabolism, gives strength, strengthens the skeletal system.
  • Vitrum- a vitamin-mineral complex, which is recommended to be taken in the spring by adults. It helps to strengthen the immune system and protect the body from colds. For young women, manufacturers have released the Vitrum Beauty complex, and for mature ladies - Beauty Lux and Beauty Elite. Vitrum Centuri suitable for those who are over 50 years old. It contains components that will support the aging body.
  • Multi-tabs- a series of vitamins for consumers different ages. For children over 11 years old and adults, Multi-tabs Classic is recommended, and for the smallest - Multi-tabs Kid.
  • AlfaVit Cosmetic- Designed specifically for women. Contains elements necessary for healthy skin, hair and nails. The manufacturer did not ignore the stronger sex. AlfaVit for men is balanced so as to strengthen the reproductive, physical and mental functions of the body.
  • Elevit- Designed for expectant mothers. These prenatal vitamins contain a lot of folic acid (B 9), which is so necessary for normal development fetus.
  • Revit and Undevit- good and inexpensive vitamins, the effectiveness of which has been tested by more than one generation. Revit is universal, in the appropriate dosage it can be used for both young children and adults. Undevit is for adults only. It is especially effective for the elderly.

Buy multivitamins after consulting with your doctor. After all, apart from positive properties these drugs have contraindications. Given the information about your health, the specialist will tell you which vitamins to inject or drink in the spring.

What you need to know when taking multivitamin preparations

Pharmacy complexes must be used correctly, otherwise they will not be useful. Here are some interesting details:

  • More than 3 cups of coffee a day or regular intake of caffeine tablets destroys B vitamins.
  • Nicotine kills vitamins A, E, and C.
  • Alcohol depletes vitamins B and A from the body.
  • Acetylsalicylic acid reduces the content of vitamins A, C, and B.
  • Sleeping pills interfere with the absorption of vitamins A, D, E and B 12 .
  • Antibiotics destroy group B nutrients, so a multivitamin may be needed after treatment.
  • Taking anticoagulants is not compatible with vitamin K, as it thickens the blood.
  • An overdose of vitamin A can cause miscarriage.

Consider contraindications. Act prudently so that this does not happen - treat one, and cripple the other!

Finally, spring has come, the sun has appeared, but ... the mood and well-being are below average, and the reflection in the mirror is not encouraging. Most likely, you do not have enough vitamins. Our body is a very complex system, which can get sick from a long-term lack of even one component. This is true for vitamins too. After all, these substances play a significant role. They are involved in all physiological and biochemical processes of the body, so it is clear that the absence of one of

components introduces an imbalance. The absence or lack of vitamins in the body is called "avitaminosis". And most often this condition is observed beriberi - a mass condition. Its symptoms are present in 60-90% of the population. It seems that there is nothing to go to the doctor with, but the state of health is disgusting.

Spring avitaminosis. Symptoms

  • State chronic fatigue, increased drowsiness, fatigue.
  • Peeling skin, dull thin nails.
  • cracks may appear in the corners of the mouth that do not heal well.
  • Reduced vision, especially in low light (in the evening).
  • Decreased concentration and attention
  • Exacerbation of existing diseases, susceptibility to colds.

Most reliable way avoid this state or return to normal - adjust good nutrition. In winter, we are often tempted by "unhealthy" products, which include pasta, bakery products, semi-finished products, meat. In cold weather, it is very important not to forget about fruits and vegetables. Then you won't have to suffer in the spring. Spring beriberi is perfectly “treated” with just the right and reasonable approach to nutrition. This method is much

more effective than taking medicines or vitamin complexes. If there is no opportunity to improve nutrition, then you can and should use vitamin complexes. But there is nothing better than natural products.

To make it easier to defeat spring beriberi, you need to have an idea in which foods which vitamins are:

Vitamin A: carrots, tomatoes, beets, pumpkins, apricots, corn, nettles.

B vitamins: B1 - baking, oats, rice, yeast, pork and beef meat, nuts, egg yolk and beans. B2 - milk, meat, fish, yeast, fresh vegetables, cereals (to preserve this vitamin, the absence of an alkaline environment is necessary).

Vitamin C: citrus fruits, wild rose, blackcurrant, apples, sea buckthorn, strawberries, strawberries, herbs, cabbage, potatoes, sorrel, red pepper.

Vitamin D: dairy, fish fat and various varieties red fish, yolk and butter.

Vitamin E: rosehip, yolk, green vegetables, vegetable oil.

In order to get rid of or not to earn spring beriberi, you need to eat right. This means that every day your diet should consist of all food groups. There is not a single product in the world that contains all the substances necessary for life, therefore vegetables, fruits, cereals, milk, and meat should be on the menu every day. Especially in winter and spring, when spring vitamin deficiency looms on the horizon.

Spring beriberi symptoms, causes, treatment spring beriberi folk remedies about it today will be discussed. So spring has come, we were all waiting for it, after winter we already want warm, bright and sunny spring days, but with the onset of spring, the chronic diseases, we feel drowsiness, weakness, fatigue, and sometimes even get annoyed over trifles. We feel far away in the best way, to all the reason there can be a spring avitaminosis. What is beriberi and what are its causes and symptoms?

Avitaminosis is a malnutrition in which there are no vitamins. Avitaminosis is characterized by seasonality, it happens in winter or spring. As a rule, vitamin deficiency occurs in the cold season, we eat a lot of sweet, flour, fried, fatty, and in the summer we already switch to light vegetable salads, juicy berries and fruits, so we don’t have vitamin deficiency either in autumn or summer, unless of course in our diet enough fresh berries, fruits and vegetables.

What we usually take for vitamin deficiency is called hypovitaminosis in medicine, that is, a partial lack of vitamins in the body. Therefore, this disease requires examination and treatment by a doctor, so if you notice symptoms of beriberi in yourself, consult a doctor for help.

The causes of beriberi are

  • Improper nutrition
  • Violation of the intake of vitamins with food
  • stressful situations
  • Long-term use of antibiotics
  • Diseases gastrointestinal tract
  • Bad habits (smoking, alcohol, which destroy vitamin C)

  • Drowsiness
  • lethargy
  • Fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Brittle nails
  • Peeling of the skin
  • stress and depression
  • Cracks in the corners of the mouth, which is most often called "zaed"
  • Exacerbation of herpes and fungal diseases
  • Bleeding gums
  • Lack of focus
  • Irritability
  • reduced immunity
  • Frequent colds with complications

In the spring, unfortunately, we can have not only beriberi, but also immunity decreases, our body is more susceptible to viruses and infections. You can read about how to raise immunity with folk remedies in my article, I think that in the spring this topic is no less relevant than beriberi. But today we will talk about beriberi and how to treat it with folk remedies.

Well, of course, first of all, you need to reconsider your diet. Nutrition should be complete, eat fruits, vegetables, meat and fish, grains and dairy products, nuts, greens. As a rule, a change in appearance - hair, skin, nails, which are symptoms of spring beriberi, indicates a lack of B vitamins, and vitamins A, E, C.

Treatment of spring beriberi

Rosehip contains a large amount of vitamin C, so rosehip infusions perfectly help to replenish vitamin C reserves in the body and have general strengthening properties. Take 2 tablespoons of rose hips and pour them with 2 cups of boiling water, it is better to do this in a thermos, leave for 12 hours, then strain, you can add honey or sugar to taste in such a drink, take half a glass several times a day before meals.

Prepare yourself a vitamin tea from viburnum fruits. Pour one tablespoon of viburnum fruits with a glass of boiling water, leave for about 1 hour, strain and drink half a glass several times a day.

Prepare dried fruits (it can be dried apples, pears, cherries, strawberries), dried fruits need to be washed, poured with water, boiled for 5-10 minutes after boiling, then insisted for 6-8 hours. You can drink such an uzvar during the day.

You can make a delicious, vitamin and restorative drink from lemon, carrots and honey, as you know, lemon is rich in vitamin C, carrots are rich in vitamin A, and natural honey is generally a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. To prepare a drink, prepare juice from a kilogram of carrots, you also need to squeeze the juice from one lemon, mix everything and add a few tablespoons natural honey, drink such a drink during the day in 3-4 doses.

Prepare cranberry juice, this is a very tasty, healthy and vitamin drink. To prepare a fruit drink, you will need 600 ml. water, half a glass of sugar (sugar can be replaced with honey to taste), 150 grams of cranberries. You need to wash and mash the cranberries, squeeze the juice from the cranberries and pour into a glass, put the cake in a saucepan, fill it with water and put on fire, bring to a boil and strain. Add sugar to the strained broth and mix, cool the broth, pour the previously squeezed cranberry juice and mix. Cranberry juice is ready.

Eat salads from cabbage, carrots, celery. Don't forget the pumpkin too. Of course, now it is not difficult to buy on the market fresh cucumbers and radishes, but the first fresh vegetables usually contain nitrates, and they are not cheap. Eat a salad of green onions with sour cream, just finely chop the green onions, salt it and season with sour cream, it's tasty and healthy, as green onions are just a storehouse of vitamins, macro and micro elements that we need especially during the spring beriberi, and green onions You can even grow it on your windowsill. Garlic is also a natural piggy bank of vitamins; it contains vitamin A, C, D, E, B1. You can read about the benefits and harms of garlic in my article.

Now you know what spring beriberi is, symptoms, causes, and treatment of beriberi. Don't forget also about physical activity, drink enough water per day, visit more often fresh air, try to get enough sleep, smile, laugh, let good mood never leaves you, because spring has already come, now the sun will delight us with its bright rays, its warmth. Spring pleases us with the singing of birds, and of course the first snowdrops.

We usually have joyful and pleasant expectations associated with spring, but the reality often turns out to be completely different. It is difficult to enjoy life when you are overtaken by general lethargy, drowsiness, irritability, hair becomes dull and brittle, the skin begins to peel off. All these symptoms are signs of spring beriberi.

Causes of beriberi

In fact, what is called beriberi in everyday communication is not. Avitaminosis is a disease caused total absence in the body of one or another vital essential vitamin which can lead to very grave consequences. AT modern world it is almost impossible to get such a lack of vitamins, except for cases when, for one reason or another, they are simply not absorbed by the body.

In everyday life, we are dealing with a different phenomenon - hypovitaminosis, that is, a condition caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. It is hypovitaminosis that causes various ailments, which are especially acute in the spring.

This is natural, because in winter period fresh fruits and greens are much less than in summer. And those that we eat do not contain so many vitamins. By spring, in vegetables and fruits, albeit fresh, but stored for a long time, the amount of vitamins is halved. As a result, the decrease in the level of vitamins and microelements in the body, which began in winter, by spring reaches the stage when it causes external manifestations- the same spring beriberi.

Manifestations of spring beriberi

The main symptoms of beriberi include:

  • increased fatigue, drowsiness, decreased attention;
  • deterioration in the condition of hair and nails;
  • the appearance of poorly healing cracks in the corners of the mouth;
  • bleeding gums;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

All of these symptoms do not necessarily occur at the same time. These or other symptoms directly depend on which vitamin is lacking in the body.

So, redness, peeling, dermatitis, rashes and other signs of beriberi on the skin are most often associated with a lack of B vitamins (in particular, B2). Bleeding gums and poorly healing wounds indicate a lack of vitamin C in the first place, as well as vitamin E.

The appearance of beriberi on the face and skin can be caused by a lack of vitamin D. And a decrease in the amount of vitamins D, E, A, B2 and PP causes separation and increased fragility of nails and other signs of beriberi on the hands.

How to treat beriberi?

Avitaminosis is still a disease, and it needs to be treated. Many people think that in the summer, when a lot of vegetables and fruits appear in the diet, everything will go away on its own. Often, if vitamin deficiency does not appear on the hands or face in the form of serious problems, people do not even think about how to deal with vitamin deficiency in the spring.

But you can't let things go by themselves. After all, even with food we do not always get necessary complex vitamins and microelements. In addition, to obtain the required norm of vitamins, an average person must eat up to one and a half kilograms of various vegetables and fruits per day, which is unlikely.

Therefore, at the first signs of beriberi, you should drink a course of vitamins. Multivitamin complexes are sold at any pharmacy, but it is better if the choice is agreed with the doctor. On average, the course lasts a month, take vitamins better in the morning with water without gas.

Prevention of spring beriberi

In order not to lead to the onset of symptoms, it is worth thinking in advance about how to prevent spring beriberi. It will help here balanced diet with the use of those foods that contain the necessary vitamins.

Springtime is considered the most wonderful time of the year when the leaves on the trees bloom, the grass appears green, the birds chirp, and the air is fresh to the point of dizziness. However, all this can overshadow the spring beriberi, which appears in most people of all age categories and social strata.

Avitaminosis is a state of the body in which, in the absence of one or more vitamins, some certain disease or a whole range of pathological ones. Spring vitamin deficiency is treated immediately, until it develops into more serious problems . Flaw nutrients can lead to the development of cancer or serious cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, it is very important to recognize the beginning vitamin deficiency on the very early stage its development.

Symptoms of beriberi

by the most frequent symptoms spring beriberi are:
  • apathy and reduced performance;
  • irritability, constant stressful condition on the brink nervous breakdown against the background of the absence of a clear cause;
  • Bad mood;
  • fatigue and weakness persist after eight hours of rest;
  • delamination of nails and hair loss are very often observed in spring beriberi;
  • decreased vision;
  • dyspeptic manifestations of the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, vomiting, weight loss);
  • frequent and prolonged respiratory viral diseases, occurring mainly with any complications;
  • excessive dryness of the skin, manifested by peeling, is considered the first;
  • the formation of bruises and hematomas with minor bruises of the body;
  • bleeding gums while brushing teeth;
  • often formed seizures in the corners of the mouth;
  • decreased concentration and memory.

If you experience the above symptoms, you should immediately seek help from qualified specialist, to determine deficient trace elements and prescribe a number of therapeutic measures aimed at replenishing their stocks.

The main causes of beriberi

In the spring, beriberi manifests itself in 85% of the population. This statistic has a number of specific reasons. The main ones are:
  • reduced content of vitamins and minerals in the composition of fruits and vegetables due to the greenhouse conditions in which they grow;
  • great content chemical substances in food;
  • heat treatment reduces the number of required elements up to 70%;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • a disease of the digestive system very often becomes an obstacle to the normal absorption of many nutrients;
  • spring vitamin deficiency manifests itself most often due to an imbalance in the intestinal microflora, which adversely affects the absorption of beneficial trace elements;
  • age-related changes in the body can interfere with the absorption of vitamins and minerals;
  • some features of the child's body, due to impaired absorption in the sections of the small and large intestines;
  • use a large number drugs significantly reduces the content and composition of vitamins in the human body;
  • increased need for nutrients that occurs during childbearing in women, during intensive sports and during the recovery of the body after serious illnesses.
Lack of vitamins in spring is a very common phenomenon, but knowledge about possible reasons their lack, in some cases helps to prevent the development and aggravation of pathological symptoms.

Diseases that occur due to a lack of certain vitamins

Due to the lack of a particular vitamin, a characteristic clinical symptoms, respectively, only by subjective and objective data, the doctor can determine which element is missing.

Vitamin A

A decrease or absence of vitamin A (retinol) is reflected for the most part on the visual apparatus. Many have heard about night blindness, that is, visual acuity decreases significantly with the onset of darkness. In the spring, vitamin deficiency is manifested by the following symptoms:
  • feeling of sand in the eyes;
  • burning;
  • discomfort associated with drying of the mucous membrane of the eye.
Retinol beriberi also worsens the condition of the skin, which leads to the appearance of peeling on the face and body, the formation of areas of inflammation in the form of abscesses. There is also a decrease in immunity, disorders of the nervous system appear, especially in children in preschool age, which allows you to recognize the spring beriberi.

B vitamins

This group contains 8 vital important vitamins, which are involved in the set various reactions human body. Each member of the group has a purposeful action. Here is a short description:
  • B1 (thiamine) is actively involved in metabolic processes and the conversion of carbohydrates;
  • B2 (riboflavin) provides the function of vision, skin and mucous membranes, is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin;
  • AT 3 ( a nicotinic acid) participates in the assimilation of proteins and fats;
  • AT 5 ( pantothenic acid) accelerates the healing process and synthesizes antibodies;
  • B6 (pyridoxine) regulates the functioning of the nervous system, is involved in carbohydrate metabolism and synthesis of hemoglobin;
  • B7 (biotin) provides energy metabolism;
  • AT 8 ( folic acid) is involved in the development of immune and hematopoietic system, responsible for normal growth in children;
  • B12 (cyanocobalamin) plays a global role in the formation of red blood cells.

Prevent spring beriberi group B will help certain products nutrition and recommendations of a nutritionist regarding their use. Ignoring the symptoms is fraught with the development of insomnia, mood swings, attacks of aggression, digestive disorders and skin defects.

Vitamin C

For patients with spring avitaminosis, a lack of vitamin C is characteristic, which is manifested by frequent colds, decreased skin turgor, bleeding gums, increased permeability vascular wall, and in severe form - loss of teeth, internal bleeding and lethal outcome.

Vitamin D

Violations in the structure and functioning of the musculoskeletal system are associated with vitamin D deficiency.

Usually in the spring, vitamin deficiency manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • fragility of bones and loss of teeth in the adult population;
  • rickets, fast fatiguability, violations in the formation and growth of the skeleton and teeth in children;
  • development risk diabetes and oncological pathologies;
  • development of hypertension.
Such pathological manifestations much easier to prevent by eating foods containing necessary element.

Vitamin E

Vitamin deficiency of this trace element can cause sexual weakness in men and the absence of pregnancy in women. Significant disturbances in the functioning of the liver are also noted., that is, its cells tend to degenerate into fat, which is considered initial stage cirrhosis.

Prevention measures

To prevent spring beriberi, you should adhere to following recommendations nutritionist:
  • varied diet;
  • minimal use of heat treatment;
  • maximum consumption of fruits and vegetables, better than local growth;
  • the frequency of meals should be 5-6 times;
  • restrictions are imposed only on sugar and fats.
For the treatment of spring beriberi, it is quite acceptable to use synthetic vitamins. But the main way to fight will always be considered fresh or frozen fruits, vegetables and herbs. It should be noted that with the advent of spring, the amount of nutrients in foods plant origin equates to almost 20-30% of the original composition, which cannot satisfy the needs of the human body.

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