What vitamin is lacking in spring. Most likely, there is not enough vitamin D. What vitamins are needed for spring beriberi

  • Symptoms spring beriberi in women and men, dull color and peeling of the skin of the face, brittleness and excessive hair loss, fragility of nails can be called.

    How to conserve beneficial compounds

    In spring, people have the highest need for vitamins of groups B, C, D and A.

    Complexes for men and women have been developed. Vitamins slow down the aging process at the cellular level, reduce the risk of anemia, maintain healthy skin, nails and hair. Duovit is a universal complex, and adult , and a child from 10 years of age is prescribed 1 tablet per day.

    The range of drugs under this name is wide. To combat beriberi, the best solution would be to take the "" complex with lipoic acid.


    Products of this brand are suitable for people from 3 to 60 years old. The complex for adults contains three tablets with various groups vitamins: in the first B1 and iron, in the second - antioxidants, and in the third - vitamins D and A. The action of this vitamin complex is aimed at normalizing calcium metabolism in the body, strengthening bone tissue, teeth, as well as improving the functioning of muscles and ligaments.

    To combat developed complexes Alphabet - Our Baby, Schoolboy, Teenager.

    How to avoid spring beriberi?

    To overcome beriberi in the spring and replenish seasonal shortage vitamins in your body, as well as in your family members, follow simple rules balanced diet:

    • In your daily diet should be presented fresh berries, greens, vegetables, fruits that have not undergone heat treatment.
    • Vegetables, berries and fruit fruit better to eat whole , without cutting into parts - so beneficial features they are better preserved.
    • Remember that fresh frozen fruits and berries contain more vitamins than apples and pears stored since autumn. Before the onset of cold weather, make sure that in freezer your refrigerator had a sufficient number of vacuum bags with red and, peaches and other healthy fruits and berries.
    • Try to eat only fresh food that has not been reheated since yesterday. . It has significantly higher vitamin content. The same applies to salads - it is better to cook them for 1 time, you should not store vegetable slices for a long time.
    • Shorten the cooking time for fruits and vegetables under influence high temperatures. in the best way preparations with preservation of all useful substances Roasting and steaming are considered.

    What mistake do people make when buying a vitamin complex to combat hypovitaminosis? We often take pills “for everything, so that for sure” and do not know the real state of our body. To properly take a vitamin complex, you need to take a blood test for vitamins and consult a doctor about what to do next. The problem is that many vitamins are antagonists, that is, they will neutralize each other's action. A competent specialist will definitely tell you about these subtleties. Therefore, it is better not to self-medicate, but to observe simple rules prevention of spring beriberi.

    Probably not enough vitamin C or, as they like to call it, ascorbic. With its deficiency, we become lethargic, get tired quickly, catch colds very often and slowly recover. And if, moreover, at the slightest bruise, bruises appear on the body, which then do not go away for a long time, the probability of vitamin C hypovitaminosis is almost 100%.

    Sources of Vitamin C: to make up for the lack ascorbic acid, lean on citrus fruits (unless, of course, there is no allergy), chokeberry, green onion, Bell pepper, tomatoes, broccoli, sauerkraut. A lot of vitamin C is found in rosehip broth and kiwi fruits.

    How to deal with beriberi, watch the video:

    2. Eyes often turn red, jams appear in the corners of the mouth, lips dry and crack, hair and nails become brittle, hair also grows dull, and their ends begin to split.

    Most likely, there is not enough vitamins of group B. Other signs of their hypovitaminosis are often also irritability and insomnia.

    Sources of B vitamins: to provide the body with enough of them, eat more in the spring fermented milk products, as well as eggs, organ meats (especially beef kidneys and liver), nuts, mackerel, buckwheat, legumes. But such sources of B vitamins as beets, carrots and different kinds cabbage in the fight against spring beriberi will help badly: by the end of winter, there are very few vitamins left in them.

    Experts of the program will tell you more about how to choose the right vegetables and fruits in the store, how to “by eye” determine how many vitamins they contain, and what good or bad bioproducts are. "Beauty Week"

    3. Vision is falling, eyes are very tired in the evening, redden or watery, and the skin has become dry.

    Probably not enough vitamin A responsible for visual acuity, youth, firmness and elasticity of the skin, as well as the shine of the hair.

    Sources of Vitamin A: in the spring it is, first of all, oily fish, eggs, carrots, sweet peppers (just do not forget that provitamin A, which gives orange vegetables their bright color, is converted to vitamin A only in the presence of fats). However, the longer the path of bright fruits to the table was, the less vitamins they contain. In peaches or apricots brought from overseas, they are practically absent at all. So until the fruit and berry season begins, to combat spring vitamin deficiency, often include greens in your menu. Especially rich in vitamin A are sorrel, spinach, parsley and dill.

    Alexey Kovalkov

    nutritionist, host of the programs "Food by the rules and without", "Family size"

    It is important to understand that vitamins and minerals do not work alone, they work as a team. Therefore, the most rational way is to take them not separately, but in the form of balanced vitamin complexes.

    4. Memory, attention and ability to concentrate noticeably worsened, the skin became dry and very sensitive.

    Probably not enough vitamin E or tocopherol - it improves the supply of oxygen to brain cells, helps to cope with intense mental and physical stress, is responsible for maintaining water balance skin.

    Sources of vitamin E: in spring, look for it in cabbage, spinach, lettuce, eggs, beef liver, lean meat, as well as vegetable oils. So even if you are on a diet to lose weight by the summer, be sure to season salads with at least a small amount of oil, best of all - olive, linseed, grape seeds or pumpkin seeds. And, if you don't use bottled water, be sure to filter and stand tap water before cooking. Not even a large number of chlorine (and in the spring tap water chlorinate especially strongly) destroys vitamin E.

    5. Hair and nails have become brittle, hair has lost its luster, a feeling of weakness and anxiety haunts, “aches” in the bones, appetite worsens.

    Most likely vitamin D deficiency.

    Sources of Vitamin D: in the spring it is dairy products, eggs and fish. Walk more often sunny weather, and then spring beriberi will not be terrible, because this vitamin is perfectly produced in the body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation!

    6. Bruises under the eyes have become more noticeable, scratches on the skin bleed for a long time and heal poorly, there are also complaints of increased fatigue and disturbances in the functioning of the intestines.

    Most likely vitamin K deficiency responsible for vascular tone and regulating the processes of hematopoiesis and blood coagulation in our body.

    Sources of Vitamin K: in the spring it is, first of all, frozen green vegetables, especially broccoli and spinach. Another great year-round source of vitamin K is freshly brewed green tea!

    7. By the evening, the legs are like cast iron, even slight physical exertion is tiring, when “sipping” there is pain in the ankles, muscle cramps periodically occur.

    Most likely not enough magnesium. Since this mineral is necessary for the transmission nerve impulses from the brain to the muscles and back, then not even strong, but systematic muscle cramps or muscle pain of unknown origin may be one of the main symptoms that the body is suffering from its deficiency.

    Sources of magnesium: in spring, these are dried fruits (especially dried apricots), nuts, mushrooms (but not canned). Also keep in mind that excess calcium interferes with magnesium absorption, so too much dairy in the diet is not always good for health. And give up carbonated drinks, even the usual unsweetened mineral water: the phosphoric acid contained in it “washes out” magnesium from the body.

    8. Dandruff, increased oiliness of the skin, exacerbation of acne, low hemoglobin.

    Most likely, there is not enough selenium and zinc.

    Sources of zinc and selenium: in the spring, these trace elements are best looked for not in vegetables, but in seafood, fish, nuts and seeds. For example, 150-200 g of cod or pink salmon will provide the daily norm of selenium, and 200 g of shrimp or squid will provide us daily allowance Selena.

    9. Anemia, frequent colds, swelling, apathy, lethargy, weakness and muscle pain in the arms, sciatica, drowsiness, frequent headaches, weight gain.

    Most likely not enough iodine. Without enough this trace element normal activity thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system are simply impossible.

    Sources of iodine: in the spring, trying to find this trace element in vegetables and fruits is useless. Load up on fish, seafood and seaweed!

    Beauty spring is the time of awakening of nature and man, but, unfortunately, after autumn and winter, our bodies are so weakened and depleted that vitamin deficiency in spring is a common thing for everyone. It manifests itself in different ways: in the form of weakness, apathy, a decrease in freshness. appearance etc. Also one of negative signs springs are seasonal colds.

    How are these two factors related to each other - vitamin deficiency and a cold, and is it possible to protect yourself from this? We will understand together, and for starters, let's take a closer look at what a cold and beriberi are.

    Spring colds

    So, a cold is a phenomenon that appears in the process of interaction of two factors: an infection that has entered the body and hypothermia, but, oddly enough, most people get sick not during severe cold weather, but in the off-season (spring or autumn). The fact is that viruses “do not like” cold and dry winter air, preferring to expect more favorable conditions for themselves. And they come at a time when it is damp and cloudy outside, and the air is measured by small positive temperatures. That is why both spring and autumn there are regular outbreaks of cold epidemics.

    spring beriberi

    Avitaminosis is a group of diseases that develop as a result of a deficiency in the human body. The main symptoms of beriberi are fragility of the nail plates, peeling skin, hair loss, chronic fatigue, decrease (especially in the evenings) of vision, increased weather dependence, irritability, etc.

    Of course, you can ignore this, hoping for the soon appearance of fresh natural vegetables and fruits on the market, but in critical conditions beriberi in the spring: can cause diseases such as scurvy (lack of vitamin C), rickets (lack of vitamin D), night blindness ().

    And for people with normal immunity, vitamin deficiency (which in everyday life is called both hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency) does not pose a serious threat, since it is extremely simple to treat it - replenish the body essential vitamins, as well as amino acids, trace elements and mineral complex.

    Is there a connection between cold outbreaks respiratory diseases and beriberi?
    It is spring beriberi that is one of the key factors contributing to the spread of colds. Flaw necessary vitamins does not allow the body to normally fight the infectious agent, therefore, the more we need vitamins, the easier it is for microbes and other muck to infect our body. The duration of the disease also increases, since the immune system is simply not able to fight the infection normally, she needs “outside help” in the form of potent antiviral or antibacterial drugs.

    The main causes of beriberi in the spring

    It should be noted right away that beriberi is not a “mandatory” phenomenon and there are people who have never felt its effects on themselves. To join, as they say, in their ranks, it is enough to analyze the causes of beriberi and take an appropriate set of preventive measures.

    So, the main reasons for the spring lack of vitamins in the body:

    1. limited use in winter spring period fresh, natural (not greenhouse) vegetables and fruits;
    2. natural decrease vitamin complex in many vegetables and fruits by spring (for example, winter apples, carrots, beets);
    3. exacerbation of the main chronic processes and diseases, which impairs the body's perception of all useful substances.

    So, in order not to feel all the “charms” of a lack of vitamins in the spring, you must first of all:

    1. follow;
    2. make a pyramid vegetable-fruit complex;
    3. drink only fresh juices, not only fruit, but also vegetable;
    4. go out into the fresh air in the morning or afternoon;
    5. choose a vitamin course based on consultation with a doctor and drink it from start to finish.

    By following these simple requirements, you will help your body and strengthen your health!

    Avitaminosis in the spring - how to deal with it? was last modified: May 2nd, 2014 by admin

    Spring is the most anticipated time of the year when everything comes to life and blossoms. But the spring sun, birdsong and murmuring streams do not please? This is a sure sign of the development of beriberi. Deficiency of vitamins that the body has used up in winter period, manifests itself very sharply and in most cases affects the fair sex. So, avitaminosis is characterized increased weakness, drowsiness and lethargy. Appearance suffers significantly: hair becomes dull, nails brittle and exfoliate, and the skin acquires a grayish tint.

    Avitaminosis is acute illness, which is characterized by the complete absence of one or more vitamins. Provokes such a state of malnutrition or malnutrition. This pathology can cause a number of complications. For example, a lack of vitamin D provokes the appearance of rickets, and element A contributes to visual impairment.

    It is important to distinguish vitamin deficiency from hypovitaminosis. In the first case, it is a disease; in the second, pathological condition caused by a low content of vitamins in the body. Avitaminosis in its pure form is diagnosed extremely rarely and develops in people who have poor digestibility individual vitamins. All negative symptoms, which occur in the spring, it provokes hypovitaminosis.

    Causes of beriberi

    Many factors can provoke the development of beriberi. First of all, it is the presence of diseases or pathologies that disrupt the absorption of certain vitamins. The second most popular reason is wrong, unbalanced diet, which completely lacks useful substances and vitamins. These are primarily semi-finished products, fast food, etc. The third reason is the lack of fresh air, sun and physical activity.

    Symptoms of beriberi

    Signs of spring beriberi depend on which vitamin is deficient in the body.
    The lack of vitamin A causes night blindness”, in which vision is significantly reduced, coordination in space is disturbed in evening time. The deficiency of this element is also indicated by the appearance of dandruff, dullness and brittle hair, the appearance of white stripes on the nails and pustules on the skin. There is also tearing, which is aggravated by the sun, the sensitivity of the body increases, especially to pain.

    Vitamin B1 deficiency is indicated by a violation psycho-emotional state. Thus, the patient constantly experiences irritability, lethargy, causeless anxiety, insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day. A person suffers from headaches and memory impairment is observed. In some cases, vitamin deficiency provokes a violation of the stool.

    The lack of vitamin B2 is manifested by weakness, lack of appetite, which provokes weight loss. Cause digestive problems muscle weakness, and insomnia can vitamin B3 deficiency. In addition, such a pathology negatively affects the condition of the skin, causing the appearance of inflammation and age spots.

    Lack of vitamin B5 is characterized increased fatigue, muscle pain, numbness of the extremities and nausea. A lack of vitamin B9 is manifested by insomnia, anxiety and problems at work. digestive system.

    Vitamin B6 deficiency is characterized by the appearance of seizures, stomatitis, and nervous disorders- lethargy, irritability and anxiety. Lack of vitamin B12 manifests itself fatigue, increased nervousness and development inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

    Vitamin C deficiency leads to frequent viral and colds, provokes an exacerbation of chronic diseases and increases the fragility of blood vessels.

    Vitamin D deficiency is manifested by sleep disturbance, deterioration of vision and the condition of hair, nails and teeth. In addition, this condition disrupts appetite and provokes a burning sensation in the mouth. Low content vitamin E is expressed by dermatitis, impaired menstrual cycle and inflammatory diseases skin.

    Vitamin F vitamin deficiency worsens the condition of hair, nails and skin, in particular, acne and. The results of vitamin H deficiency are muscle pain, dandruff, pallor of the skin, inflammation of the mucous membranes. Deficiency of elements P and K is characterized by the appearance of bleeding gums, the formation of hematomas on the skin and various bleeding.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    Vitamin deficiency can be diagnosed based on visual inspection patient and study the nature of the symptoms. To exclude the possibility of developing other diseases, laboratory tests are carried out - general and urine tests. In some cases, they take skin tests and a study of the organs of the digestive system (ultrasound) is performed. In order to clarify which vitamins are lacking in the body, special tests are carried out.

    Treatment of beriberi

    The treatment of vitamin deficiency consists in taking vitamins that are not present in the body in sufficient quantities. For this purpose, special complexes or preparations can be used. The most popular are Undevit, Supradin, Decamevit, etc. Only a doctor should prescribe such drugs after clarification general condition patient and establishing a vitamin deficiency.

    Not less than important role plays and food. So, depending on what deficit is missing, you should enrich your diet with the appropriate products:

    In order to save maximum content vitamins in foods, they must be properly stored, prepared and consumed. So, keep food in a dark, cool place. Greens, fresh vegetables and fruits are not subject to long-term storage and do not need to be subjected to long heat treatment while cooking. Meat and fish are best baked in the oven or steamed. The finished dish should be consumed immediately after preparation.

    Some folk methods will help to cope with beriberi:

    Prevention of spring beriberi

    In order to prevent the development of spring vitamin deficiency, it is necessary to review your diet in the winter. First of all, you should enrich the diet with seasonal vegetables and fruits - lemon, orange, kiwi, beets, cabbage and carrots. Do not forget about the benefits of high-quality meat, fish and dairy products. If possible, you should drink freshly squeezed dates or vitamin infusions (on rose hips, viburnum or mountain ash).

    For the prevention of spring vitamin deficiency, it is often necessary to walk on fresh air, perform simple physical exercises that improve health and improve general well-being. Do not forget about good rest and enough sleep.

    Spring is the most romantic time, because it is at this time of the year that everything awakens, sharpening the senses, and, unfortunately, causing spring beriberi, which is expressed in a feeling constant fatigue and brokenness. The disease itself is expressed in total absence in the body of any vitamin, so now it is practically not found. Now anyone, even a very limited person in money, has access to products that can all year round ensure the normal functioning of the body and prevent beriberi in the spring, so all ailments appear only due to a lack of certain vitamins.

    Why does vitamin deficiency occur in the spring

    There are several reasons why beriberi appears in the spring, and the most important factor is that all fruits and vegetables, from which a person receives the bulk of minerals, lose their balance by the spring as a result of long-term storage. great amount their beneficial substances.

    Spring avitaminosis also affects people who need enhanced nutrition, for example, athletes, women during critical days, pregnant, nursing mothers and so on.

    Signs of spring beriberi

    Symptoms of the manifestation of the disease depend on the deficiency of which vitamin exists in the body. For example, a person may notice manifestations of beriberi on the hands in the form of peeling and dry skin, and this means a lack of vitamin A. In addition, vision may deteriorate, eyes become red and watery, appetite disappears, increases general fatigue and hair and nails become brittle.

    If a person is deficient in B vitamins, then initial signs spring malaise can be expressed in the occurrence of nausea and constipation. If not start timely treatment, then in the future, irritability, headaches and memory loss may occur. The lack of vitamins of this group in the body of pregnant women can lead to a slowdown in the development of the fetus.

    Avitaminosis in adolescents and children, expressed as a lack of vitamin B3 or pantothenic acid, is expressed in a delay in their growth and a sharp increase in body weight. At the same time, it may decrease arterial pressure and disrupt the functions of the nervous and respiratory systems.

    At this time of the year, people not only become irritable, some get worse mental activity and drowsiness occurs, which can be very difficult to cope with. All this is also a sign of spring beriberi and is characteristic of a lack of B6.

    In the case of B12 deficiency, diarrhea and various neurological syndromes may develop.

    Vitamin C deficiency reduces the body's resistance to viral infections, permeability of the walls of blood vessels, bleeding gums and pain in the lower extremities.

    Lack of nicotinic acid or vitamin PP leads to metabolic disorders and other functions of the endocrine system.

    Almost the same signs apply to the definition of illness in children. The main symptom of the disease is beriberi in children on the hands and face, expressed in the occurrence of not only dryness and peeling, but also irritation. Therefore, small patients need even more attention than adults. In addition, it is very important for children optimal amount get vitamin D and calcium, as their deficiency provokes the development of a disease such as rickets.

    How to carry out prevention?

    Chief and the only way prevent beriberi in the spring - use an increased amount of nutrients. And here there are two ways, one of which involves taking special preparations, and the other is eating foods rich in essential nutrients. this case vitamins. The latter case is applicable only when the body is healthy and able to fully assimilate the substances entering it. In other cases, you will need the help of a doctor who will determine which minerals for spring beriberi should be consumed by a particular person.

    Spring follows Special attention draw on certain products nutrition by increasing their consumption.

    • A large amount of vitamin A is found in the liver, animal oils, as well as vegetables and fruits, yellow and red.
    • Dairy products, cereals and peas are rich in vitamin B1.
    • Milk and dairy products, meat, by-products, buckwheat and oatmeal, as well as legumes will help fill the deficiency of vitamin B2.
    • Fish, chicken and beef, beans, nuts, as well as vegetables such as potatoes and sweet peppers will cope with the lack of vitamin B6.
    • Vitamin B12 deficiency can be replenished from oily fish, meat and offal.
    • A large amount of vitamin C is found in black currants, rose hips, sea buckthorn, citrus fruits, green onions, green peas and apples. Another vegetable rich in this substance is, oddly enough, potatoes.
    • Eggs, cod liver, oily fish and butter will help prevent beriberi in children and compensate for vitamin D deficiency.
    • Support endocrine system and fully provide the body nicotinic acid You can use dairy products, fish, meat and yeast.

    The method when the prevention of spring beriberi is carried out using vitamin preparations, is suitable only for those people whose body, for one reason or another, cannot absorb vitamins from food. Despite the huge variety of such drugs sold in pharmacies, they should not be taken on their own, since they all have side effects. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will advise what to take with beriberi and in what doses. Self-medication can be dangerous, and harm no less than the lack of beneficial minerals.

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