Bleeding after cauterization of erosion by current. Possible complications after the procedure. What is the danger of this phenomenon

Now many people know that a woman needs to be regularly examined by a gynecologist. This is also done due to the fact that this moment erosion of the cervix is ​​the most common disease that affects almost all the fair sex. But to no lesser extent, patients care about the appearance of blood after cauterization of erosion in a woman. Does this normal? Or is the appearance of blood a signal for a second visit to the doctor? We will talk about this in this article.

Erosion in medicine is the replacement of cells of the mucous epithelium with cells of the cylindrical epithelium. Thus, in itself, uterine erosion is not dangerous, but in rare cases can cause serious illness.

Experts distinguish three types of erosion that must be distinguished:

  1. Pseudo-erosion - characterized by a red color of the surface, it does not have a specific shape, it can be either a small few millimeters), or a sufficient volume up to several centimeters). Appears, as a rule, as a result of an infection or inflammatory process. On its surface, in some cases, purulent discharge can be observed. This type of erosion is dangerous, because in the future it can provoke cervical cancer. Requires treatment.
  2. Congenital erosion - can be detected either in childhood or in adolescence as a result of colposcopy. It is characterized by a displacement of the cylindrical epithelium and, as a rule, disappears after childbirth. It does not pose a particular danger, therefore it does not need treatment.
  3. True erosion or erosion of the cervix itself is observed either in the region of the posterior or anterior pharynx of the cervix, or in the region of the lip of the cervix. This is a small red area that may bleed. The disease develops from ten to fourteen days, and then the cells of the old epithelium are replaced by cells of the new one. Pseudo-erosion can then turn into true erosion. She needs treatment and, often, it is quite difficult to treat her, because the affected areas can provoke.

The reasons

At the moment, there are several main causes of cervical erosion in women. Due to the prevalence of this disease, the main cause could not be identified.

  • Mechanical injuries - they occur due to frequent abortions, sometimes during childbirth. As a result of such influences, the epithelium becomes inflamed and erosion of the cervix begins.
  • Erosion can result from hormonal disorders or irregularities in the monthly cycle.
  • Sexually transmitted infections such as papilloma or herpes also contribute to the development of this disease.
  • Frequent change of partners or early sexual life.
  • Availability inflammatory diseases in the region of the cervix.
  • Fall of immunity.
  • Late treatment or advanced state of sexually transmitted infections.


Before treating uterine erosion, it is necessary to pass all necessary tests and undergo mandatory diagnostics so that the specialist can correctly prescribe therapy for the woman.

The doctor sends for research:

  • A woman needs to pass, syphilis and hepatitis.
  • Smear on flora.
  • Get checked out by a gynecologist.
  • Colposcopy - carried out special device, which increases the infected surface thirty times.
  • A biopsy is done if a woman is suspected of having a malignant neoplasm.
  • PCR, which reveals or papillomas.
  • Mandatory cytological examination.

With the help of tests, the doctor can answer the question: how to treat the disease. Because, depending on the size and nature of the spread of cervical erosion, the methods of treatment or the necessary medicines.


Specialists distinguish between conservative, non-traditional and surgical methods treatment of cervical erosion.

Alternative medicine:

  • It should be noted that to unconventional methods doctors are wary, but do not prohibit the use of physiotherapy or acupuncture. Simultaneously monitoring the patient's condition.

Conservative Methods:

  • Conservative methods include treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease. This may be taking antibiotics, immunomodulators or various anti-inflammatory drugs. This treatment is suitable for young nulliparous girls and is prescribed so as not to use surgery.

Surgical intervention:

But, if there is no effect from conservative methods of treating uterine erosion of a girl, then one of the types of surgical intervention is prescribed:

  • Chemical coagulation - this procedure is prescribed for minor erosion. The place of erosion is treated with special drugs that kill the cells of the cylindrical epithelium. It requires several procedures (usually about five) and does not guarantee complete healing.
  • Diathermocoagulation - this procedure is carried out using electric current. The place of erosion is cauterized and a burn is formed, which will then be visible as a scar on the cervix. The procedure is not pleasant, so gynecologists are now refusing it. It is recommended for women who have a large erosion area. After this procedure, during three weeks there may be problems with bearing children after.
  • Cryotherapy - this procedure is performed using liquid nitrogen and the tissues near the affected area are not damaged. It is carried out within ten minutes and is almost completely painless except for pulling pains lower abdomen. Bloody discharge after it is not observed, but quite plentiful watery discharge.
  • Laser coagulation - for the treatment of erosion is used laser therapy. Currently, it is not done in all clinics, since the equipment is expensive. True, there is no scarring from such a procedure, but it is not recommended. nulliparous women.
  • Radio wave surgery is a non-contact method. Radio waves affect the cell different intensity as a result, unnecessary tissues die off. Healing occurs within a month. This method does not leave scars on the cervix.

Burning is a very popular treatment for cervical erosion in the 17th century. Doctors used a tool in the form of a soldering iron for this purpose.

Cauterization is a method of treating uterine erosion with an electric current, i.e. when exposed to high temperatures. Such a procedure can be done at any gynecologist, since the device for this operation is in every hospital.

The appearance of blood after cauterization of erosion in this case will be the norm, and spotting will remain in for three weeks after it. But there are times when they are not the norm. We will talk about this later.

It must be remembered that after cauterization of erosion, personal hygiene must be observed so that microbes or bacteria do not enter the vagina and cannot cause re-inflammation.

The scar after burning through erosion heals on its own, but necessary measures Precautions still need to be taken:

  • It is necessary to wash for some time only in the shower, because a hot bath is not recommended.
  • You can not lift weights and generally refuse any kind of physical activity.
  • Do not have sexual intercourse for two to three weeks until the scars are completely healed.

This may be caused by:

  • The next regulation came ahead of schedule.
  • Scab damage.
  • Bleeding arose after the procedure for lysing the scab.

What is eschar lysis

After cauterization, the wound or scab is covered with a thin film, which contributes to the healing of the scar in the future. What is eschar lysis? If for some reason the film was damaged, then it may come, so a woman is not recommended to live sexually for two to three weeks, so that there are no complications.

If the woman still has bleeding and the scab is damaged, then the doctor in this case prescribes various hemostatic drugs: suppositories, ointments, medicines. If speak about folk remedies, then an infusion of nettle is suitable.

The reasons

The causes of spotting after removal of uterine erosion can be different, so you need to contact the gynecologist who performed the cauterization procedure. He will be able to necessary diagnostics and to find out why the appearance of blood after cauterization of erosion of the uterus occurs.

To be less blood secretions doctors usually do this procedure five days after the regulation But if there is still a large blood loss, then it is recommended using various hemostatic drugs.

If after the operation are observed, then this is within the normal range and no drugs should be taken, especially self-medication.

In order to continue the treatment, it is necessary to know by what method of cauterization the erosion was eliminated. In order for the scabs to heal and become covered with a mucous membrane, the doctor prescribes various suppositories, ointments or creams.

If you observe ordinary discharge mixed with blood, but there is nothing wrong with that, then everything in your body is within the normal range. But, if the discharge is plentiful and you are losing a lot of blood, this is a signal that you need to see a doctor. What determines the choice of treatment in this case?

When there is blood after burning erosion on the uterus, discharge is usually accompanied by an unpleasant odor. If you consult a doctor with this problem, then most likely the cauterization procedure will have to be repeated again, plus the specialist will prescribe you special hemostatic drugs. Such treatment lasts about a month and is accompanied by a woman.

Abundant spotting in a woman can be a symptom of a serious gynecological disease or talk about.

Also, such blood discharge should alert you if you had the procedure two weeks before your period and they coincided with the regulations. In this case, you should consult a doctor and undergo an additional examination to avoid severe blood loss.

You should know that slight blood loss is the norm, but only if it is not caused by some additional diseases, but is a consequence of the cauterization procedure.

If the discharge of blood after the operation is accompanied by pain, for example, pulling or aching, and, it is almost imperceptible, then this is also within the normal range. But, if the discharge passes, and the pain continues, this is a symptom of the development of colpitis. It is recommended to consult a doctor immediately.

If the pain continues for more than two days after the cauterization procedure, you feel pain for more than a week, then you should immediately contact a specialist. In this case, either violations in the functioning of the reproductive system are possible, or the operation itself was performed insufficiently professionally. A woman needs to pass the necessary tests to diagnose the pathology, if atypical cells are found during the biopsy, repeat the cauterization procedure.


The appearance of blood after cauterization of erosion for two to three weeks is the norm, and the nature of the discharge changes as the wound heals. What are the symptoms of normal discharge?

Here are the main ones:

  • appears in the patient in the first days after cauterization of erosion. They usually go away in two to ten days. In them, as a rule, blood inclusions are observed, and, sometimes, they themselves acquire the character of spotting. This should not be frightened, as everything is within the normal range.
  • Pink (may be copious or thick) discharge - at first quite liquid, but towards the end they become thick and you can even see blood clots in them. They are also the norm.
  • Brown, scanty or thick discharge- do not go longer than a week and any allocations associated with that operation end with them.

It is also normal if small ones come out with the discharge - these are the remains of a scab. You should know that on the 8th or 21st day after the operation, a woman may suddenly start bleeding, but it lasts no more than two hours. If bleeding in women lasts longer, it means that when the scab fell off, a large one burst blood vessel, which needs to be either bandaged or cauterized.

If, after the cauterization procedure, a woman observes heavy bleeding, elevated temperature, chills and severe abdominal pain, it is urgent to call ambulance, as in this case it will be necessary to make an operative intervention.

It should be remembered that if spotting coincided with the regulations, then this is not the norm. In this case, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of pregnancy, and then diagnose the cause of such a pathology. It may be a problem with reproductive function women or improperly performed cauterization of erosion.

It should be borne in mind that when performing a laser operation, blood flows on the first day and is not a pathology - you do not need to consult a doctor in this case.

Possible complications

The appearance of discharge after cauterization of erosion is both the norm and evidence of pathology.

If the spotting does not go away within a week and it is quite plentiful and accompanied by severe pain, then this indicates the presence of complications when the healing of the scabs is not going well enough. It is necessary to inform the doctor about this, perhaps this is a consequence of neglected gynecological diseases.

Experts recommend that women after cauterization of erosion carefully monitor their health and prevent infection from entering the cervix. It is imperative to undergo an examination and examination, which the doctor prescribes, and then the healing of the scabs will be successful.

There are times when a woman heals normally after cauterization, but there are copious spotting. This is a sign of colpitis. Re-cauterization is not necessary, and the specialist in this case prescribes complex treatment for this disease.

Now cervical erosion is treated in different ways. Innovations do not stand still and the doctor may offer you, if, of course, the size of the erosion is small, take various medications. As a rule, with the help of such a painless method, it is also treated very effectively.

In modern clinics, you can also offer treatment radio wave method, using such modern apparatus as "Surgitron". The price of burning the erosion of the uterus will be from 3 to 7 thousand rubles. It is possible to cure cervical erosion with a laser, but such treatment will be somewhat more expensive from three and a half thousand rubles to seven thousand rubles.

If you wish, you can try a completely painless way - this is chemical method treatment. It is performed with the help of Vagotil and Solkovagin preparations and is very cheap - only 800 rubles. These drugs contain active substances that act on the damaged surface of the cervix. Blood after such a procedure, most likely, will not go, just like after radio waves and a laser. But, it must be remembered that the chemical method will only work if the degree of spread of the disease on the surface of the cervix is ​​small.

When is the best time to apply chemical treatment:

Many women are concerned about the question: when is it better to apply chemical treatment? As a rule, it is prescribed to young nulliparous girls in whom the degree of erosion on the surface of the cervix is ​​small and they are not yet recommended to do cauterization. After this operation, the girl should be at the doctor for several hours so that the specialist can control the process of rejection of epithelial cells. In women after childbirth with severe erosion of the cervix, such treatment will not give desired result and in any case, you have to do cauterization.

You should know that a woman does not have pain receptors on the cervix, so all procedures are relatively painless. You only need to choose from specified ways the most suitable for you, so that in the future you do not have to repeat the same procedure and carry it out to no avail.

With severe bleeding, a woman may feel:

  • Dizziness and weakness.
  • Also, the patient has a decrease in appetite, nausea and vomiting are possible.
  • Paleness of the skin (at the same time, close attention is drawn to the face).
  • limbs.

In this case, if the cause of blood loss is not any pathology, experts recommend proper nutrition, i.e. vitamin intake and the need to balance your diet. Women are told about the need to eat foods that improve blood circulation and increase the amount of blood in the body - these are protein-rich foods, red fruits.

A woman can drink a glass of red wine a day (namely red, but do not abuse it). Foods such as apples, prunes, tomato juice, pomegranate (by the way, pomegranate juice promotes the production of hemoglobin in the blood - it is recommended to use it for anemia). Therefore, when blood appears after cauterization of erosion, it is recommended to use only healthy food rich in vitamins.

Today, a disease such as erosion is not news to anyone and many women have faced this problem. Erosion is a defect in the mucous membrane of the cervix. There are some claims that this is a kind of replacement of the cervix with cylindrical cells from the cervical canal. But, in fact, this is not so.

Erosion occurs when the single-layer epithelium begins to grow more. According to the statistics of our doctors, this situation occurs in most women, after childbearing age. Unfortunately, the disease is painless, so it will not be possible to consult a doctor with complaints, it is necessary to undergo regular examination periodically, so as not to start the initial development of erosion. But when the process begins to progress, a removal procedure is prescribed: with special preparations or cauterization. After the procedure, the woman may have discharge. This does not always indicate an unsuccessful operation or the development of some pathologies.

Types of erosion and causes of the disease

  1. True erosion occurs when the epithelium disappears. Then the surface of the mucous membrane is exposed, which can provoke bleeding. To all this, the treatment of this type of erosion is complicated, since it is after cauterization that bleeding can become even stronger. True erosion progresses for three weeks, after which it also overgrows with epithelium.
  2. Congenital erosion - may disappear on its own after childbirth. Such a pathology is not the true cause of cervical cancer, but if it is present, the risk still increases.

In fact, even today true reasons no one can name the appearance of such a disease. Perhaps this is due to the fact that it is erosion that proceeds painlessly and brings serious results. Therefore, it requires timely treatment and consultation, especially for women after childbirth and in early age. Possible reasons:

  • hormonal disorders and other age-related changes;
  • early sexual life and frequent replacement of partners;
  • prolonged inflammatory processes of the genital organs;
  • mechanical damage during childbirth or abortion;
  • weak immunity and much more.

Diagnosis and methods of treatment

Before you treat erosion, you need to make sure that the diagnosis is correct, and pass some tests. And only after that proceed directly to the treatment. This includes:

  • general inspection on the mirrors;
  • passing a smear on the microflora of the vagina;
  • oncocytological smear type PAP test;
  • colposcopy - carried out using a special optical device with a magnification of 30 times;
  • screening for possible sexually transmitted infections;
  • PCR diagnostics for papillomavirus with obligatory virus genotyping;
  • biopsy procedure from the eroded area of ​​the cervix, immediately before cauterization.
  1. Chemical coagulation - is characterized by the treatment of the erosive area of ​​the cervix directly with the help of a special preparation that directly acts on the irregular cylindrical epithelium. During this procedure, the squamous epithelium is not damaged and closes the inflamed area of ​​erosion. Such treatment is the most gentle, during which there is no bleeding, and the whole procedure is painless. But it is worth noting that this method of treatment is not effective enough for large erosions, since after that additional treatment will be required.
  2. Cryodestruction - carried out quickly and reliably, while the erosion site is frozen with a special liquid nitrogen. In our country, this method is not widespread enough, the more it costs a lot of money.
  3. Laser coagulation - the erosive area of ​​the cervix is ​​cauterized using a low-intensity laser beam.
  4. Diathermocoagulation - the procedure is carried out with the help of current. At a low voltage, the current, in contact with erosive tissues, leads to a burn. Today, the procedure is becoming less and less common. After that, the burnt tissue is removed. This method is used extremely rarely, except for the presence of a large affected area from erosion. As a rule, after diathermocoagulation, blood flows for three weeks.
  5. Radio wave surgery is the only contactless method using a radio wave, which stimulates the internal energy of the cell. This cell is destroyed in some way, which leads to the self-evaporation of the cell. The procedure is quite individual and the whole process takes a long time.
  6. Chemical treatment - treatment of the affected area of ​​the cervix with special preparations that kill the cylindrical epithelium. As a rule, it is carried out in several stages, but it does not guarantee a complete recovery after the last procedure.

Removal procedure

Since ancient times, as soon as this method of treating erosion was discovered, this procedure has become the most popular and effective. This procedure was done by doctors back in the 17th century with a special device. In appearance, it looked like our modern soldering iron.

Indeed, the procedure is not pleasant. The essence of the treatment is that under the influence of high temperature the infected tissue layer dies off, after which a new and healthy one grows. Then a new surface is formed. But unfortunately, after the operation, the bleeding lasts about three weeks. But this also has its pros and cons, especially since spotting can be the norm and pathologies. We'll talk about this a little later.

The resulting scar after cauterization heals on its own. In order to avoid re-inflammation in the vagina, it is necessary to maintain sterility and observe some precautions:

  • do not lift weights and do not engage in physical activity;
  • accept water procedures shower only, bath and hot water not allowed;
  • sexual intercourse is not allowed for 2-3 weeks.

If you follow all these simple rules, then recovery will occur without complications and repeated relapses. Many complain of heavy bleeding after the procedure, and such discharge is not only prolonged, but also painful. As a rule, at first the discharge is insignificant, but after a week the blood is flowing more and more. There are three main reasons for which there will be allocations:

  • earlier onset of menstruation, not on time;
  • after the procedure, lysis of the scab;
  • direct damage to the scab.

What is eschar lysis

After direct cauterization of erosion, a certain film remains at the site of exposure, which serves as a protective effect against all sorts of other injuries and infections. Also, such a film promotes rapid healing. During this, blood clots form, which begin to break down.

It is worth noting that the scab can be damaged during sexual intercourse or under the influence of power loads. Therefore, after cauterization, it is recommended to refrain from the first and second exposures. Some doctors recommend to exclude for two months intimate relationship so that during this time a complete renewal of the tissue occurs. If you do not follow essential recommendations, you may experience repeated pathology, the treatment of which will be more complicated, after which a long rehabilitation will be required. Discharge after cauterization of cervical erosion

As mentioned above, the causes of spotting can be different. It will be safer and more useful to immediately contact a doctor, in particular, the one who performed your treatment.

Bleeding will not be as strong if the procedure is carried out immediately after menstruation. Then the blood loss will be more sparing. Most of Doctors prescribe the operation five days after the end of the critical days. If the bloodshed is strong, then most often prescribed various drugs, contributing to stop the blood and rapid healing of the wound.

There are cases when the blood does not flow much, but rather smears - this is a normal phenomenon and it is absolutely not necessary to take various blood-stopping drugs. In one case or another, it is better to seek help from a doctor, rather than self-medicate, even though there are now many all kinds of folk recipes.

With timely examination and assistance, it is possible to get the necessary advice and treatment, after which the direct impact will be directed to the cause of the problem and its elimination.

As mentioned above, blood can be a normal manifestation and pathology. Therefore, determining what is the norm is quite simple. As a rule, spotting indicates the healing of the internal wound of the cervix. Only the duration and process of such secretions can be a signal of concern.

If the procedure was carried out two weeks before the expected menstruation, and the blood went 1-3 days before the start of the next cycle, this is the norm. In this case, there is no cause for concern, and no treatment is required.

In the event that spotting coincided with menstruation, then it is initially necessary to exclude the possibility of pregnancy, and then diagnose the corresponding problem with a doctor. In this case, this is not the norm, but indicates some violations. These may be violations on the part of the cauterization operation performed or the very work of the woman's genital organs.

Features of blood excretion also depend on the individual predisposition of the body and on the method of the procedure performed. If the procedure is performed by a laser, then the blood goes on the first day and such discharge has an unpleasant odor. If the bleeding is strong, it is recommended to consult a doctor for advice and prescription. special treatment. The doctor may prescribe a second cauterization, which will promote vascular coagulation and help rapid healing.

It is worth noting that re-cauterization is prescribed purely because of the individual characteristics of the patient. In no case should you think that if it suits one, then it will help another. Individual tolerance is different for everyone and depending on the individual needs of a woman, treatment can be completely different. Moreover, the cause of erosion plays an important role in its further treatment.

Possible complications

Discharge after cauterization of erosion may indicate not only the normal course of healing, but also the presence of some complications.

If the burning procedure was successful and pain and profuse spotting does not stop for a week, then you should consult a doctor. Such signs may indicate that healing is proceeding inappropriately and there are problems. In such cases, treatment is necessary, after a special diagnosis and re-examination. As a rule, such violations after cauterization can be the causes of diseases that have not been treated for a long time.

Doctors recommend taking the rehabilitation period responsibly, since healing may not occur due to infection or for any other reasons, and there are quite a few of them. The main thing is to undergo an examination on time and be observed by a doctor so that there is no serious violations during the rehabilitation period.

There are times when bloody disorders are also present in healthy woman, while the examination diagnoses colpitis. In this case, local treatment will be inappropriate, and ineffective, because it is prescribed full course treatment with all auxiliary drugs. Therefore, in this case, cauterization would be inappropriate. What is most interesting, with such detections, cauterization in the base cannot be the cause of spotting, so a global and more accurate examination is needed here.

Recovery period after the procedure

The choice of treatment depends on the initial cauterization procedure, that is, how exactly it was performed, by what method and what are its consequences after the immediate procedure. As a rule, after the removal of the affected patient, a special drug treatment which contributes to the restoration of the mucous membrane. For this, it is most often used various ointments, aerosols, suppositories and vaginal creams.

If after cauterization there are ordinary discharges mixed with blood, then special treatment may not be required. Most often, these consequences are not dangerous. Discharges can be alarming if they are too plentiful when the blood is flowing strongly enough.

Such bleeding may be accompanied by an unpleasant odor. In such cases, they usually turn to repeated cauterization and coagulation of the vessels. In addition to all this, special medications are prescribed, the action of which is aimed at seducing bleeding. As a rule, such therapy takes up to a month, and all this time there is bleeding.

Abundant spotting can also be the cause of the existence of serious gynecological diseases. The reasons may be problems with blood vessels and low blood clotting.

If cauterization is carried out two weeks before menstruation, then the presence of spotting may coincide with menstruation, therefore, in such situations, an additional examination and regular consultation for the healing period is simply necessary. This is due to the fact that the blood can go so strongly that such a loss will seriously affect the general state of health.

Roughly speaking, the phenomenon of strong bleeding is quite normal, but if the causes of occurrence lie not only due to cauterization, then rehabilitation period should be the most serious and take place under the supervision of a physician.

As a rule, any spotting, especially abundant, is accompanied by some pain. It can be aching, pulling and almost imperceptible, rarely manifested tingling. But, despite the nature of the pain, it must be controlled. In principle, such a phenomenon is not a reason for excitement. But, on the other hand, such symptoms can be direct causes of colpitis. Therefore, additional medical advice is required.

If you feel pain for several days or a week, it is better to consult a doctor. If the feeling of discomfort, pain and cramps last much longer - a pathology, the treatment of which is necessary immediately. Such manifestations indicate violations of the female genital organs, as well as a possible incorrectly performed cauterization procedure. Therefore, the doctor should prescribe the appropriate treatment after an additional examination.

The patient must pass some tests and only then drugs are prescribed. In some cases, repeated cauterization with conization is prescribed. This is done if atypical cells were detected during the biopsy. This procedure is prescribed in some cases after difficult childbirth when cervical plastic surgery is needed.


To date, in addition to cauterization in medicine, there are many approaches to the treatment of cervical erosion in many other ways. It all depends on the degree of the disease and the problem of its occurrence. Therefore, if erosion initial stage, it would be best to turn to medical treatment. As a rule, it is safer and more effective.

If the case of the disease and the stage of progression of erosion are significant enough, then it is better, of course, to turn to surgical intervention. At the moment, a new device for the treatment of such a problem as an electrocoagulator is known - it allows you to destroy pathologically altered tissue already at the first use.

As for the methods of painless cauterization of erosion, the chemical method of treatment, Vagotil and Solkovagin, will especially help here. These chemical substances medicinal purposes act purely superficially and are the most active substances. Such procedures are painless and blood after such treatment most often does not go. It should be noted that this method of removing erosion may be ineffective in the event of a strong spread of the disease. As a re-treatment, the chemical method is not recommended.

This method of treatment is more suitable for girls who have not yet given birth, that is, in them, as a rule, the course of erosion is not so clearly distinguished. After carrying out such a procedure, it is necessary to be under the strict supervision of a doctor for several hours in order for the process of rejection of damaged cells to be successful. With strong and large erosions of mature and giving birth women, chemical treatment is not recommended. As a rule, in such cases it passes to no avail, and repeated cauterization is prescribed.

Given that there are no pain receptors on the cervix, all cauterization methods are painless. For more efficient and effective method treatment, it is necessary to choose the most reliable and proven one, so that you do not have to repeat the procedure.

With heavy bleeding, a woman may have dizziness, weakness, convulsions, nausea, and lack of appetite.

In such cases, doctors recommend eating more vitamins and eating exclusively balanced food. It is useful to take foods that will increase the amount of blood - protein-rich foods, red fruits and wine in small doses. Eating apples, prunes, pomegranates, tomato juice promotes an increase in blood levels. Therefore, when profuse bleeding after cauterization of erosion, the first way to restore should be healthy and proper nutrition with many different vitamins.

Cervical erosion can be treated with cauterization. If, after cauterization, erosion bleeds, then this may have several reasons. This disease should be studied in order to understand why it occurs and how to get rid of it.

Erosion is the disease that can occur in every third woman. Often it is confused with pseudo-erosion, the treatment of which may differ. Erosion is damage to the epithelial layer in the cervix. Often the disease proceeds without symptoms, so it is very important to undergo regular examination by a gynecologist and identify pathology on early stages its development. The goal is to identify the causes of bleeding after and learn how to prevent this disease. If a woman has cauterized erosion, but she is bleeding, then it is better to consult a doctor first and not self-medicate.

Causes of erosion

Currently, no doctor can name with accuracy. There can only be speculation and indirect causes. These include:

  1. Disruptions in the body of a hormonal nature.
  2. Age-related changes in a woman as in a period transitional age as well as during menopause.
  3. The girl started having sex too early.
  4. Frequent change of sexual partners.
  5. The presence of inflammation in the genitals.
  6. Damage to the layer of the cervix during childbirth or abortion.
  7. Reduced immunity.

But, as already mentioned, erosion can be true and false, as well as congenital. Exactly congenital erosion the most dangerous, as it can provoke cancers in the cervix.

Methods of cauterization and causes of subsequent bleeding

Cauterization of erosion can be carried out by different methods:

  1. Electrocoagulation.
  2. Cryodestruction.
  3. laser destruction.
  4. The use of radio waves.

The most widely used method is electrocoagulation, when erosion is cauterized by high-frequency electric shock. After that, the burnt erosion is covered with new epithelial tissue. After that, a scar or adhesion forms at the site of the burn. These scars adversely affect childbearing functions therefore, if a woman does not have children, this method of treatment is contraindicated for her.

Some time after cauterization (from a week to 10 days), small spotting may appear, by the end of the week they may intensify. The reasons may be:

  1. Scab licking.
  2. Scab damage.
  3. Early menstruation.

What is scab lysis?

After cauterization has been carried out, the wound is covered with a thin film that protects it from various injuries and infections. Such a film is short-lived, and it can thicken and collapse, after the destruction of blood clots, bleeding may begin. Such a film is a scab. It can also be damaged during sexual intercourse or lifting weights. In order for the fabric to tighten well and quickly, you should refrain from intimacy for two months.

How to treat bleeding after cauterization of cervical erosion, is it necessary to consult a doctor?

The onset of menstruation may be the cause of bleeding. In this case, it is still worth visiting a gynecologist. Usually, if the cauterization procedure was carried out before the onset of menstruation, then the bleeding may be more abundant than usual. But if electrocoagulation was carried out immediately after menstruation, then abundant discharge should not be observed.

If the cause was damage to the scab, then hemostatic drugs and medicinal infusions. Nettle infusion helps in this case. Usually bleeding is not abundant, appears at times and has a scarlet color.

Bleeding after cauterization, on average, can periodically appear for three weeks, and this is considered the norm, since the wound, covered with a film, should gradually heal. In this case, it is not necessary to use any hemostatic drugs.

If bleeding appears in large quantities, you will need the help of a specialist. He will prescribe hemostatic ointments, aerosols, suppositories and creams that will gradually reduce blood secretions. Therapy is designed for approximately 30 days, at which time bleeding after cauterization of erosion may occur periodically.

Cauterization by radio waves

The device is a pencil, which, when touched, burns the erosion. The procedure lasts several minutes and is not painful, since Lidocaine is injected directly into the uterus. Radio wave therapy does not leave scars, which is why it is mostly suitable for nulliparous women. The method is relatively new, but already successful in implementation. He attracts and fast healing wounds.

The operation will be more successful if carried out in the first phase menstrual cycle. It is at this time that tissue regeneration is good, which will contribute to rapid healing.

AT postoperative period sexual intimacy is not recommended for 1 month. In addition, lifting weights is prohibited for 3 weeks. You can not take water procedures, swim in the sea, pool, bath. A visit to the bath or sauna is contraindicated. To prevent infection from entering open wound, you need to wash with Romazulan.

After the procedure, there may be discharge without blood, this is completely normal. After 30 days, the crust may come off. After about 10 days, you need to visit a doctor to make sure that healing is happening as it should. It will take an average of a month to restore the body. After that, you can start planning a pregnancy.

Contraindications and benefits of radio wave surgery

There are contraindications to this procedure, these include:

  1. The woman is pregnant.
  2. Cancer tumors.
  3. Infections.
  4. Inflammatory process in the female reproductive system.
  5. Poor blood clotting.
  6. The presence of an intrauterine device.
  7. Heat.

If these deviations are not available, then radio wave surgery is the best option with cervical erosion. Its advantages include:

  1. No postoperative bleeding.
  2. This method does not involve damage to healthy tissue.
  3. The wound heals faster, which cannot be said about other methods.
  4. Radio wave surgery does not leave behind scars and scars.
  5. The use of this method is also advisable for other uterine diseases.
  6. The method is sterile, which reduces the likelihood of further complications.
  7. Patients do not feel pain.

If you cauterized erosion in any way, and the bleeding does not stop, it is better to visit a specialist, then you will find out exact reason occurrence of these discharges.

Regardless of the method chosen, cauterization of the cervix is ​​a trauma. After treatment, a wound surface is formed, open to infection. Tissue healing goes through certain stages, and discharge after cauterization of cervical erosion inevitably occurs. Their nature may be different: everything is determined on the day after the procedure and general condition women. Possible appearance pathological discharge that require additional diagnostics and treatment.

How does normal healing happen?

Any wound goes through several phases before a new epithelium forms in its place:

  1. Proliferation;
  2. Epithelization.

A feature of wound healing after cauterization of erosion is that it occurs under the scab. Rapidly formed blood clots clog the vessels, there is no bleeding. Coagulated blood, lymph and tissue fluid form a crust on the surface of the wound, which protects against the penetration of microbes or re-injury.

The phase of inflammation is expressed slightly. Leukocytes and fibroblasts flock to the site of injury, which absorb damaged cells and substances formed during the decay process. At the same time, collagen synthesis is stimulated.

In the proliferation phase granulation tissue under the scab gradually grows, sprout into it small vessels. By the end of this stage, a young epithelium appears on the thin tissue formed by collagen, and the scab disappears. Normally, this happens on the 8-20th day. The time depends on the size of the defect on the neck and the reactivity of the organism itself.

The proliferative phase during the healing of cervical erosion consists in the growth of epithelial tissue and the replacement of the first delicate collagen fibers with stronger ones. At this time, it is decided whether there will be a scar at the site of the wound after cauterization or a healthy one will form. epithelial tissue. If as medical procedure electrocoagulation was chosen, the damage after it is deep. On the surface of the neck, the formation of collagen fibers, which form scar tissue, predominates. After removal of erosion by Surgitron, liquid nitrogen, laser, the damage is superficial, so the cells recover faster than they grow. connective tissue and no scars form.

The radio wave method of treatment with the Surgitron apparatus allows avoiding tissue scarring, and recovery period most often it is not accompanied by the appearance of pain.

What discharge to expect after cauterization

Immediately after cauterization of erosion, no pronounced bleeding is observed: the scab securely fixes the vessels. In the first days, watery discharge may appear. They are transparent, of low intensity, they may be streaked with blood. Such allocations go up to 10 days. Gradually, they change to pink mucous membranes that look thicker. The intensity of staining can be different: from pale pink to reddish.

At the next stage, after cauterization of erosion, scant brown discharge is determined. They are thick, smearing, last no longer than a week.

In some cases, the scab departs gradually, then throughout the entire time after cauterization, its pieces appear in the form of dense blood clots. Sometimes bleeding increases 8-20 days after cauterization. This is an indicator of the complete discharge of the scab, but some vessels are damaged, and bleeding begins. It should stop within a few hours.

If the bleeding does not stop or suddenly increases, you should immediately inform your doctor.

During cauterization, damage to the vessel is possible, which bleeds for some time after the procedure. But in most cases, spotting gradually changes to pale pink and soon stops completely.

Pale pink discharge after cauterization of cervical erosion are observed within 10-14 days. After complete healing of the affected area, the discharge stops.

Normal discharge can be considered, which lasts up to 3 weeks, gradually changes its color and density and does not have bad smell are not accompanied by burning and itching. Then the usual leucorrhea appears, after which it is time for menstruation.

Possible complications after the procedure

The consequences of the treatment of cervical erosion can be different. When using modern methods - radio wave and - they are minimal. Depending on the type of complication, the nature of the discharge may change:

  • Damage large vessel- bloody, bright scarlet color;
  • Accession of infection - color and smell change;
  • Endometriosis of the cervix - unusual timing of bloody daub;
  • Cysts - contact bleeding;
  • Erosion recurrence - light or bloody discharge.

Cauterization of a small defect is rarely accompanied by the development of complications. Large and neglected erosions, which require a more careful choice of treatment method, are often accompanied by unpleasant consequences.

What is considered unusual discharge

The change in the nature of the secretions must be observed. For convenience, you need to use during this period pads with a cellulose surface, and not a mesh. It is strictly forbidden to use tampons after cauterization of erosion. It is also better not to use pads with a smell: chemical fragrances act as an additional irritating factor that can cause inflammation or inflammation. allergic reaction or provoke thrush.

After coagulation of cervical erosion, the use of tampons is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to injury to the vaginal mucosa, as well as adversely affect its microflora.

The help of a doctor is necessary if the discharge does not correspond to normal indicators.

You need to worry in such cases:


The appearance of scarlet blood already a day after cauterization of erosion indicates an injury to a large vessel. It is impossible to stop such bleeding on your own, so you need to contact the doctor who performed the operation and ask to eliminate the defect. This can be done by coagulation - cauterization, or by ligation of the vessel. The choice of tactics depends on the localization of the vessels and how strong the discharge is.

If blood appeared after 8-20 days, but its release stopped after a few hours, then this bleeding is associated with the discharge of a scab. Incessant bleeding, a rise in temperature is a reason to consult a doctor urgently.

The release of blood may begin after the healing of erosion and the past menstruation. Sometimes after intercourse there is a slight bloody daub. Often it is the result of a developed complication - cervical cysts. They have no specific symptoms.

A complication can develop after cauterization of the neck with liquid nitrogen, cryodestruction and other methods. In this case, the scab clogs the glands and does not allow their contents to flow normally. Cystic enlargements gradually form, which can burst during intercourse with the release of a small amount blood.

Bloody spotting that occurs shortly before menstruation indicates endometriosis of the cervix. Its development provokes early start monthly, even before the time when complete epithelialization of the wound defect occurs. Endometrial cells are fixed and begin to grow independently. With a significant rate of their development, cysts filled with blood-brown contents can form on the neck.

Smearing spotting that appears before menstruation can speak of endometriosis of the cervix.

Change the color of highlights

dyed pink or Brown color highlights can change it to another. If the discharge becomes yellow or greenish, more liquid in consistency, then this may be a sign of infection.

Obstetrician-gynecologist Dmitry Lubnin tells about what discharges are considered pathological and what their character can tell in the following video:

The reason for the development of this complication may be insufficient sanitation of the vagina before cauterization. If a 3-4 degree of purity was established by smears, then treatment of colpitis and cervicitis is necessary before the procedure. To do this, use vaginal suppositories, tablets and other local medicines, taking into account the identified flora.

Some diseases are manifested by the specific nature of the discharge. This is possible with sexually transmitted infections. For example, with the development of trichomaniasis, the discharge becomes liquid, with greenish tint, foamy.

Sometimes bacterial vaginosis develops. Then the discharge becomes white or grayish-white.

Rarely, after treatment of erosion in the vagina, a fungus may appear - candidiasis. The reason for this is a decrease in local immunity, endocrine pathology or others chronic diseases. At the same time, the discharge becomes curdled, white, itching and burning are disturbing.


While the treated erosion heals, the discharge is not accompanied by a pronounced odor. But sometimes his appearance indicates a violation normal recovery mucous.

reproduction conditionally pathogenic flora(gardnerella) leads to symptoms of bacterial vaginosis. This microorganism in the process of life releases volatile amines, which smell like rotten fish.

A dangerous sign is discharge with an unpleasant smell of decay. Such symptoms occur with the development of a purulent process in the uterus and appendages. This pathology requires urgent intervention. The combination of an unpleasant odor and a yellow, pus-like discharge from the genital tract is an indication for urgent medical attention.

Other unpleasant symptoms

Additionally, any of the listed signs of abnormalities may be accompanied by symptoms such as pain, fever.

After cauterization of erosion for some time, slight pain may be the norm. Gain pain syndrome against the background of abundant bloody discharge requires medical intervention.

Pain can be an indicator of developed inflammation. If the infection is from cervical canal has penetrated higher into the body of the uterus or appendages, or an exacerbation has occurred chronic process, then the pain becomes dull, pulling, which can sometimes intensify. With the defeat of the appendages, the pain is localized on the side of the development of inflammation.

Sometimes, after cauterization of cervical erosion, a woman may experience serious discomfort in the lower abdomen. If the pain intensifies, this may be a sign of developing inflammation.

An unfavorable sign is an increase in body temperature. It always speaks of an inflammatory reaction that needs to be treated with antibiotics.

Algorithm of actions upon detection of pathological secretions

In order not to miss, you need to strictly follow the medical recommendations after cauterization of erosion. But if the nature of the discharge changes or they do not go away for a long time, you need to follow a different algorithm of actions:

  1. Heavy bleeding in the first few days emergency appeal for medical assistance;
  2. After cauterization, the ichor acquires an unpleasant odor, does not become thick, but, on the contrary, remains liquid or foams - consult a antenatal clinic doctor;
  3. The appearance of fever, pain in the pelvic area - you can take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug on your own at a temperature above 38.5 degrees and go to see your doctor;
  4. Contact bleeding during intercourse a month or more after cauterization of erosion - make an appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist for an examination.

Self-treatment when symptoms of complications appear after cauterization of erosion is unacceptable. Without a vaginal examination, some tests, a smear and an ultrasound, to pinpoint the cause pathological processes impossible.

It is possible to distinguish menstruation from bleeding after erosion by the time of onset and the nature of the discharge. The first menstruation in most women begins 3-4 weeks after cauterization. By this time, the discharge that was after the treatment of erosion ends. Menstruation itself is different in color from other discharges. The blood during menstruation is dark, sometimes there may be strands of the endometrium (clots) in it. The nature of bleeding is different - on the first day it is small, on the second and third days it is more abundant, in the last 1-2 days it decreases to spotting.

Pathological discharge indicates the development of complications and require immediate medical attention.

How to minimize the risks of complications after cauterization of erosion

Proper preparation for the treatment of erosion and compliance with medical recommendations after cauterization will help to avoid unpleasant complications.

Before treatment, a woman must take a swab from the vagina. It shows one of four degrees of purity, where 1 is absolutely healthy state, and 4 degree - severe inflammation. If a woman, according to the results of a smear, has a 3-4 degree of purity, then before cauterization it is necessary to undergo treatment for vaginitis. For this, local preparations are used in the form of suppositories and vaginal tablets, for example, Ginezol, Terzhinan. With a slight presence coccal flora the doctor will offer to sanitize the vagina (for example, with Povidone-Iodine suppositories).

If pseudomycelium or Candida spores are found in the smear, then it is necessary antifungal treatment. The gynecologist may prescribe Clotrimazole, Pimafucin suppositories or take Fluconazole once orally.

The gardnerella found in the smear indicate the presence of vaginal dysbiosis and possible bacterial vaginosis. In this case, the treatment is carried out, for example, vaginal tablets of Metronidazole.

If, according to the results of the tests, representatives of a sexually transmitted infection are found, then appropriate treatment should be carried out. Chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, Trichomonas, human papillomavirus are often combined with cervical erosion and support inflammatory response on her.

To avoid complications after cauterization of cervical erosion, a thorough preliminary study is necessary. vaginal flora to detect and identify bacteria.

After monitoring the treatment, you can proceed directly to cauterization. The rate of wound healing after cauterization depends on the method chosen. The most traumatic is electrocoagulation. Cauterization by laser and - modern methods, which damage the cervix to a lesser extent and rarely lead to the development of complications. When choosing a treatment regimen, you can focus on the reviews of other women, but you should definitely listen to the opinion of your doctor.

After cauterization for several days, you need to observe the nature of the discharge. Directly during the healing period, you can not:

  • Have sex;
  • Accept hot bath, steam in the bath and sauna;
  • Visit natural reservoirs, a public pool;
  • Sunbathe;
  • lift weights;
  • Go in for sports or physically hard work;
  • Use tampons.

To speed up regeneration, the doctor may prescribe special drugs. These are candles Betadine, Depantol, Genferon, suppositories with sea ​​buckthorn oil. Those who had erosion in the background viral infection can prescribe Kolpocid - these suppositories have antiviral activity. Antibacterial effect is exerted by levomekol ointment, vaginal tablets Terzhinan.

Usage folk methods acceleration of healing is possible only after consultation with your doctor. Douching, laying tampons during this period is categorically contraindicated. In the first case, it will wash out normal microflora vagina and there is a danger of ascending infection, as well as damage to the eschar on the neck. Inserting tampons can also damage the crust, cause bleeding, or cause infection.

Success in the treatment of any disease depends on the coordination of the actions of the doctor and the patient. If a woman listens to the recommendations, follows them correctly, and the doctor takes into account individual characteristics patients, the result of therapy will be positive.

A useful video on the prevention of complications after cauterization of cervical erosion

After cauterization of erosion, the discharge depends on the type of treatment, and can last up to four weeks.

Hardware treatment of cervical erosion is carried out only when conservative treatment brought no results. Cauterization of the erosion zone destroys the pathological epithelium and mobilizes the body to restore the epithelial coating or to form a scar.

Types of cauterization

Cauterization (this concept includes multiple methods of influencing the cervical mucosa) is carried out after conservative treatment has not brought the desired results.

The indications for it are:

  • false cervical erosion or ectopia;
  • leukoplakia (keratinization of the epithelium of the cervix);
  • erythroplakia (cervical pathology, a sign of which are areas that have completely lost the epithelium, or on which it has been preserved with a minimal layer).

If the doctor decides that cauterization is necessary, preparation for it includes smear control and clinical analysis blood. When identifying inflammatory processes and determining the pathogen (bacteria, fungus or virus), appropriate treatment is prescribed. At the time of the intervention, there should be no inflammatory processes in the vagina, cervical canal and external genital organs. For control, the doctor prescribes:

  • determination of the flora of the vagina (smear);
  • smear examination with chain reaction polymerases to determine infection with sexually transmitted infections;
  • general clinical blood test;
  • blood chemistry;
  • blood test for HIV, syphilis, blood type, hepatitis;
  • histological examination of tissues taken from the erosion zone.

For the procedure, a suitable period is selected - the second or third day after the complete cessation of menstrual flow. This choice serves two purposes:

  • optimal healing of the area on which the intervention was carried out;
  • reducing the risk of developing pathologies of the cervix.

The choice of technology by which cauterization will be carried out is influenced by:

  • woman's age;
  • whether she had a history of giving birth before;
  • equipment that is in the clinic;
  • the presence of a specialist who knows how to work with the equipment;
  • the question of the cost of the service if a woman applied to a paid clinic.

Many doctors offer a woman a procedure for no good reason.
To make a decision on consent to treatment, it is advisable to undergo an additional consultation with a doctor with good reviews.

Methods of cauterization

For cauterization, several methods are used that differ:

  • technological complexity;
  • the shape and depth of the burn caused by the uterine mucosa;
  • wound healing method;
  • method of rehabilitation after hardware treatment.

Some methods of cauterization are technically and technologically obsolete, but continue to be used due to the cheapness and ubiquity of equipment (cautery by electricity).

Existing methods of such treatment:

  • electrical (thermal) coagulation;
  • exposure to nitrogen (cryolysis, or freezing);
  • laser burning (vaporization with a laser);
  • exposure to radio waves (wave coagulation);
  • plasma exposure (argon plasma ablation);
  • exposure to ultrasound;
  • medicinal burning.

In some cases, after treatment, erosion is found again. The reasons are: incorrect selection of the technique for stopping erosion or non-compliance by the patient with the doctor's prescriptions.

Discharge after cauterization

The presence of outflows from the vagina, their type, quantity and smell are control indicators of the state of the mucous membranes. It is believed that normally in a healthy woman, there should be no discharge. The appearance of them, transparent or white, indicates changes in the woman's vagina.

Isolation of abundant masses yellow color indicates an infection, a greenish-yellow color and an unpleasant odor indicate the addition of a purulent infection.

Changes in the mucosa after the procedure

Cauterization forms a lesion zone (burn) on the mucosa, which provokes the formation of a superficial crust, swelling and redness of the mucosa.

A film of accumulation of dead cells forms over the burn, covering the affected area with a soft crust.

Leukocytes and other cells begin to flock to the affected area to accelerate healing, dead cells are replaced by new ones, a new epithelium begins to form under the scab, which provokes secretions, with which the dead epithelium is eliminated and a favorable environment for healing is maintained.

The healing process depends on the type of cauterization - the most traumatic method of diathermocoagulation will require a two-week rehabilitation.

During this period, the discharge should normally be clear, watery and not have a strong odor. The crust, separated from the updated mucosa, comes out on its own, without pain, with vaginal leucorrhoea.

In some cases, the separation of the scab may be indicated by changes in the secretions:

  • there is a slight discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • can be point pain in the area of ​​the cervix;
  • spotting appears - normally they go for a day.

If bleeding after cauterization of erosion continues for more than two or three days, you should consult a doctor.

Women should know how to behave after erosion treatment and what should be the discharge - rehabilitation depends on this.

Allocations after cauterization by current

The method involves the impact of current through the electrode on the affected area of ​​the epithelium. The lesion zone is deep, since the method does not allow to regulate the size of the lesion with great accuracy.

The burn on the mucous membrane heals for 14 days, and during this time there are discharges after cauterization of cervical erosion. This method is characterized by spotting with blood clots (due to deep defeat). If, after cauterization of erosion, it bleeds for more than three to four days, then medical treatment is necessary to stop bleeding.

To do this, a woman is prescribed Tranex (or another hemostatic drug), which should be taken as directed by a doctor, most often a tablet (250 mg of the substance) during the day.

If, after treatment, the discharge has changed color and smell, the doctor, after examining the smear, will prescribe antibiotic therapy. To prevent inflammatory processes, the doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory suppositories, as well as suppositories that promote the healing of affected tissues (sea buckthorn).

Diathermocoagulation is the only method of cauterization that is carried out before menstruation, so if it bleeds after erosion treatment, this can be caused by menstruation and means the woman is entering a new physiological cycle.

The method of current destruction is the most traumatic and hard to perceive by a woman. For pain relief, drugs Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Nimesulide are used. If it bleeds after cauterization of erosion, chills join the pain and heat These are signs of bleeding. This condition requires medical correction.

Allocations during laser cauterization

Method laser vaporization allows you to carry out the procedure with high accuracy, minimally injuring the surrounding tissues with a light beam. The process of renewal of the epithelial coating lasts for a month, which reduces the risk of complications of the cervix.

The procedure may cause a woman to have a slightly bloody or clear, watery discharge. To prevent inflammatory processes, the doctor prescribes suppositories - anti-inflammatory or healing, relieving inflammation. A feature of the discharge during the laser correction method is their pungent odor.

Allocations with radiomethod

This method of treatment is considered the newest and most modern, with the least trauma. A scab does not form over the affected area, but appears light thin film. The method is non-contact, which does not allow infection to enter the female genital tract during the procedure, which minimizes the risk of inflammation.

As a result of the correction, spotting appears after cauterization of erosion, this is considered normal. They should disappear in a few days, soreness and spasms should go away with them. This method of treatment gives minimal relapses.

Allocations during the freezing method

The freezing method is considered more gentle than electric cauterization. characteristic feature method is the formation of abundant watery secretions throughout the healing process.

The outflow from the vagina with other methods of destruction do not have significant differences from those described above. The doctor conducts control examinations every 10 days, the last one - on the 45-50th day after the treatment procedure.

Discharge during wound healing

What discharge after cauterization of erosion is considered normal? By their nature and color, it is possible to determine the stage of wound healing after the intervention and the condition of the mucous membranes of the cervix.

Usually, discharge without the addition of pathology lasts for 3 weeks. The first 7-9 days separates watery, clear liquid. In the case of cauterization by current, there may be spotting after cauterization of erosion. The color of the liquid discharged from the vagina becomes pink, the consistency of the discharge is thicker. Their shade can be emphasized by streaks of blood.

Then, on the 10-14th day, the discharge becomes thicker and pasty, the color of the discharge is dark, up to brown. In the secretions, pieces of tissue from an exfoliating scab can be determined.

After the crust has fallen off, there may be observed on the intervention area minor bleeding, which quickly stop themselves. Any bleeding after erosion should not be plentiful, as much as possible - resemble the intensity of menstruation.

To stop pathological (too abundant) blood discharge, the doctor performs the procedure of cauterization of the affected vessel.

Painful discharge

After cauterization of erosion, the woman is at home, and must independently study the discharge to control wound healing.

The attention of a woman should be attracted by the smallest violations in the volume, color, smell and consistency of the outflows.

To prevent bleeding, increase discharge, an infected woman must adhere to a number of rules, the doctor must inform about this after cauterization. The total rehabilitation period after treatment is at least 90 days. Throughout this period, a woman needs:

  • lead a measured lifestyle with a mandatory eight-hour sleep;
  • exclude from the diet spicy, fried, heavy dishes that would cause blood flow to the small pelvis;
  • give up alcohol and tobacco;
  • include physical exercises and walks in the schedule of the day after 10-15 days from the moment of cauterization;
  • do not swim in open water, rivers and pools;
  • exclude a hot bath and a bath;
  • do not lift objects whose total weight exceeds 3 kilograms.

A woman should exclude sexual intercourse until the erosion zone is completely healed and a full-fledged epithelium appears.

The doctor performs cauterization, having previously treated the infection, but:

  • violation of hygiene;
  • weak immune system;
  • non-compliance with the doctor's recommendations;

leads to re-infection and the need for additional treatment.

When restoring menstruation, it is necessary to use only external sanitary pads, changing them as they become dirty, but at least every 2 hours. The use of tampons is prohibited.

When inflammatory processes are detected in the scab area, they are prescribed vaginal remedies Polygynax - active against fungi and Terzhinan ( complex drug against all vaginal infections).

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