Candles pimafutsin how many candles in the package. Method of application indicated in the instructions. Indications and contraindications for the use of Pimafucin suppositories

For treatment gynecological diseases there are several dozen various medicines. Among them, Pimafucin suppositories stand out, since this medication has a wide range therapeutic impact. Candles are used in the treatment of diseases that occur against the background of the activity of yeast-like fungi. Pimafucin belongs to a number of antimycotic drugs, which, due to its unique composition several times accelerate the recovery time. Let's look at the principle of the drug and find out all about its composition.

Pimafucin in the form of suppositories is a standard vaginal suppository, yellow or brown.

Pimafucin - affects not only yeast-like fungi, but also representatives of the Candida family. This fact allows the use of suppositories in the treatment of a disease such as thrush. This medication is manufactured in several various forms. In addition to suppositories for intravaginal use, you can buy tablets in pharmacies for internal reception, as well as a cream for topical application.

In the treatment of gynecological diseases infectious nature only candles are used. This dosage form is considered more convenient for use. In addition, Pimafucin has high efficiency, which allows for short span time to eliminate the disturbing symptoms of the disease.

Candles are made in a torpedo shape. The composition of the drug includes natamycin, which acts as an active ingredient. Also, the composition of Pimafucin candles includes ingredients such as:

  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • polysorbates;
  • fat with increased hardness;
  • palmitic alcohol.

One package of medicine contains several foil strips. One strip contains three suppositories for intravaginal administration.

When to use candles

Pimafucin suppositories are used as the main medicine in the treatment of gynecological diseases that have arisen against the background of the activity of a fungal infection.

The use of Pimafucin suppositories is prescribed for diseases such as:

  • vulvovaginitis;
  • vulvitis and vaginitis;
  • mycosis.

Candles can be used not only for therapy, but also for the prevention of fungal diseases. This measure most often recommended when detecting a decrease in the quality of work immune system. Many patients are prescribed the use of Pimafucin in order to prevent the recurrence of thrush, against the background of long-term use of drugs from a number of antibiotics.

The active substance of Pimafucin is natamycin, a polyene antimycotic of the macrolide group with a wide spectrum of action.

Use during pregnancy

The statistics of diseases in the genital area suggests that the recurrence of thrush is most often observed in pregnant women. This can be explained by the fact that during the gestation of the fetus, serious changes are observed in the body of a woman. With the restructuring of the work of hormones, the quality of work is significantly reduced. protective functions organism. Until the very moment of birth, the baby is completely protected from the influence of various external factors mother's immunity. However, at the time of passing through birth canal exists high probability fungal infections.

That is why it is so important to eliminate pathogenic microflora in a timely manner. In order to do this in the safest way, you will need a consultation. an experienced specialist. Each patient is assigned an individual treatment regimen based on the characteristics of the body and the severity of the disease.

Often, concern for the health of the unborn child makes women wonder if the use of medications affects the development of the fetus. Experts say that Pimafucin acts superficially, and the composition of the drug does not penetrate into the blood. This feature makes it possible to minimize Negative influence both on the body of the patient herself and her unborn child. Based on this fact, gynecologists often recommend the use of suppositories in the treatment of relapses of thrush not only during pregnancy, but also during breastfeeding.

Annotation for use

Pimafucin candles, instructions for use of which come with a strip containing candles, should be used once a day. Before you start using, the protective shell should be removed from the candle, and then the suppository should be inserted into the vagina. In order for the introduction to pass as easily as possible, it is necessary to take lying position. Gynecologists recommend to exercise this procedure during the night hours.

The average duration of the course of treatment is from three to six days. Usually, the duration of the course, as well as the frequency of use of the drug, is determined by a specialist based on the severity of the disease and its symptoms.

In contact with the mucous membrane, the suppositories gradually dissolve, forming a foamy liquid, which is distributed along the walls of the vagina.

During treatment severe forms vaginitis and fungal infections, the patient may be prescribed complementary therapy, in the form of taking Pimafucin tablets. It is very important that the treatment of mycosis should be carried out by both partners. In the presence of fungal diseases in men, it is recommended to use a drug that is available in the form of a cream. The cream is used to treat the genitals.

In order to achieve a lasting result, you will need to use candles regularly. In order to prevent the development of recurrence of the disease, it is recommended to use the drug for three days after all the symptoms of the disease disappear. Following this recommendation, you can fully protect yourself from the recurrence of pathology.

The fungus Candida albicans is most sensitive to natamycin, so it is usually used to treat thrush.

Side effects

Statistics show that side effects associated with the use of this drug are rare. Most often they appear in the form of local allergic reactions and are expressed in the form of burning and itching. In more difficult cases side effects Pimafucin suppositories cause redness of the mucous membrane and the appearance of edema.

The above symptoms have a temporary effect and disappear after a few hours after using the medication. Stop treatment if side effects Not recommended. With the simultaneous use of suppositories and tablets, such negative reactions body, such as feelings of nausea and diarrhea. These symptoms completely disappear at the end of the course of treatment.

At prolonged absence due attention to one’s health, a disease such as thrush can turn into chronic form. Against this background, there are constant relapses of the disease. In this situation, the use of candles and tablets is not enough. In order to fight the infection, you need additional measures and complex impact to the pathogen.

Suppositories contain cetyl alcohol. This component often causes irritation of the mucous membrane of the genital organs. This phenomenon is most often encountered by patients prone to allergies and having hypersensitivity to the action of irritating substances.

Throughout the course of therapy with the use of Pimafucin, it is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages. The simultaneous use of medicines in combination with alcohol can cause unpredictable reactions of the body.

The use of alcohol-containing liquids can not only reduce the effectiveness of the drug, but also increase pernicious influence infections in internal organs.

Also, throughout the course of treatment, it is recommended to abandon any forms sexual contact . It is quite important that both sexual partners pass the examination. This measure will allow early detection of the presence of infection and prevent possible complications. Most often when using suppositories for vaginal administration, patients are advised to use various means for contraception.

The scheme of use is standard: one candle per day, before bedtime

Contraindications for use

The drug Pimafucin has a pronounced antimycotic effect. This drug is well tolerated by most patients and rarely causes negative reactions of the body against the background of the use of tablets or suppositories. This feature allows the use of the drug in the treatment of many categories of diseases.

The main contraindication to the use of the drug is hypersensitivity and intolerance to natamycin, which acts as the main active substance. It is also not recommended to use the drug in case of hypersensitivity to products that are among the auxiliary components.

Pimafucin instruction

The instruction informs not only about the composition and pharmacological properties Pimafucin in each of its dosage forms (suppositories, tablets, cream), but also about other information about Pimafucin that is in demand in the treatment.

Form, composition, packaging

The medicine is produced in three versions: tablets, vaginal suppositories and cream / ointment.

Pimafucin candles

Each Pimafucin candle is placed in a foil strip, where there are only three of them. There may be two or one such strips in a cardboard package.

The active ingredient is natamycin. It is supplemented with the necessary proportions of cetyl alcohol, sodium bicarbonate, adipic acid, polysorbate 80, solid fat, sorbitan trioleate.

Pimafucin tablets

Tablets called Pifamucin have round shape. White. Twenty pieces are sold in tinted glass bottles.

The active substance natamycin is supplemented with kaolin, triacetin, white beeswax, polyvinylpyrrolidone, lactose, titanium dioxide, calcium carbonate, sucrose, potato starch, magnesium stearate, gum arabic, gelatin and methyl parahydroxybenzoate.

Pimafucin cream

Thirty grams of white cream are placed in plastic or aluminum tubes. Color allowed up to light yellow.

The main ingredient, as in other forms of the drug, is natamycin, which is supplemented with propylene glycol, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, cetostearic alcohol, cetyl wax ether, sodium lauryl sulfate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, decyletate and purified water.

Terms and conditions of storage

The drug Pimafucin, in any form of release, is stored for no more than two years at temperatures up to twenty-five degrees.


The drug has a fungicidal and antifungal effect, which is due to the binding of styrenes in the cell membrane. Cellular integrity is broken and the microorganism dies.

Pimafucin can have an effect on fungi of a pathogenic and yeast-like species, as well as on dermatophytes.


The activity of the drug is manifested when used topically. Systemic action the medicine does not show. Absorption through the skin or mucous membranes does not occur. When taking a tablet, its effect is carried out in the intestinal zone, since it has an enteric coating.

Pimafucin indications for use

Each of the varieties of the drug has its own set of indications for the appointment.

Candles Pimafucin indications for use

Pimafucin in the form of a vaginal suppository is recommended for treatment:

  • balanoposthitis;
  • vaginitis caused by the fungus Candida;
  • vulvaginitis;
  • vulvitis.

Pimafucin tablets indications

For the use of Pimafucin tablets, the following diagnoses serve as indications:

  • diseases of the passage of auditory external fungal etiology;
  • acute atrophic or pseudomembranous candidiasis with extreme depletion of the body;
  • diseases of the mucous membranes due to a fungal infection;
  • vaginitis;
  • inflammation in the oral cavity of a fungal nature;
  • vulvitis;
  • intestinal candidiasis;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • the development of ailments against the background of treatment with a cytostatic, antibiotic, corticosteroid.

Pimafucin cream indications

Pimafucin cream is prescribed for:

  • with lesions of nails, mucous membranes and skin by a fungus;
  • candidiasis of the skin and nail plates;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • otitis media of fungal origin or complicated by candidiasis;
  • balanoposthitis;
  • dermatomycosis;
  • vaginitis.


The use of the drug in any of its forms is not suitable for those patients who suffer from a high degree of sensitivity to substances that are part of the drug.

Pimafucin instructions for use

Each of the dosage forms of the drug requires compliance certain rules applications. After the symptoms of the disease cease to manifest themselves, you should take the medicine for a few more days.

Instructions for use of Pimafucin suppositories

The use of suppositories is carried out by insertion into the vagina.

Vulvovaginitis, vulvitis, vaginitis - should be administered 1 pc. / Three to six days / night. The candle is inserted as deep as possible, the patient takes a prone position.

If there is no effect in the treatment, tablets are added to the therapy: 1 pc / 4r / from 10 to 20 days. Men are shown the use of the cream.

The duration of treatment is at the discretion of the doctor.

Pimafucin tablets application

Intestinal candidiasis - for an adult: 1 piece / 4r / day.

for a child: 1 pc / 2r / d

The average duration of the course is seven days.

Pimafucin cream - instructions for use

Application is carried out exclusively externally.

Balanoposthitis, vulvitis, vulvovaginitis - the cream is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin once or several times a day. With a delay in recovery, treatment is supplemented by taking pills and suppositories.

Dermatomycosis, candidiasis of the nail and skin cover - apply the ointment at least 4 times a day.

Mycosis of the external auditory canal - lubricate the affected areas 4 times, followed by the placement of cotton turunda in the ear.

Pimafucin during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Any of the forms of Pimafucin is allowed for use by a pregnant or lactating woman. Thrush can be treated at any stage of pregnancy and while breastfeeding. The safety of the drug and the absence of toxicity, both for the fetus and for the baby, have been established. However, in order to avoid unforeseen situations it is desirable for this category of patients to use the drug mainly in the form of suppositories or creams.

Pimafucin for babies

Pimafucin candles for babies

This form of the drug for the treatment of infants is not used, since the suppository is administered vaginally.

Pimafucin tablets for babies

children infancy prescribed to receive only part of the pill. The drug is used to treat candidiasis in the intestines. Coated tablet gastric juice It acts specifically in the intestinal area and, as a rule, does not cause side reactions.

Pimafucin cream for babies

Basically, Pimafucin cream is used for a newborn to treat diaper rash or when vulvitis or skin candidiasis is detected in him. The drug is used by applying to the affected area two to four times a day.

The girl is being treated for thrush by applying a cream to the vulvar area.

Caution should be exercised when treating an infant with this type of drug. With extensive areas of damage, the application should be carried out by dividing them into small areas, since it is forbidden to apply ointment to the entire surface of the baby's skin.

Side effects

For external forms of application of the drug, slight skin irritation, burning sensation is possible.

In tablets, the medicine may initially cause diarrhea or nausea, which resolves on its own and does not require treatment.


Cases of overdose were not recorded.

Drug Interactions

There are no descriptions.

Additional instructions

Infection of a chronic or recurrent nature may require treatment with all forms of the drug.

Burning can occur when using suppositories due to the inclusion of cetyl alcohol in their composition. At menstrual bleeding in a woman, treatment using a suppository is interrupted.

Sexual contact during the treatment period is not prohibited. Be sure to use barrier contraceptives and examination, both men and women for subsequent treatment.

Pimafucin is allowed for therapeutic measures in a newborn baby.

Pimafucin analogues

Analogues of the drug Pimafucin tablet form are drugs Alfa-Normiks and Nystatin Health.

Suppositories can be replaced if necessary with Clotrimazole, Livarol, Nystatin suppositories.

Pimafucin price

The cost of any of the forms of the drug must be specified at the pharmacy when buying. Approximately Pimafucin cream can be bought by paying about 190 rubles for a package. Suppositories cost from 275 to 385 rubles, and the tablet form of the drug can be purchased by paying 365 rubles for a pack.

Pimafucin reviews

Reviews of the drug are mostly positive in relation to any of its forms of release. Many report a quick, but in some cases short-lived, therapeutic effect. Some complain about the development of side effects.

Evgeniya: Few women today are not familiar with such an ailment as thrush, which develops for many reasons. In my case, the body gave a serious failure after the birth of the baby: sleepless nights, which are fraught with overwork led to the emergence unpleasant symptoms. The doctor prescribed Pimafucin in tablets, explaining that this drug will not harm the baby when breastfeeding, since it is prescribed to infants without fear if it is necessary to treat thrush. I trust my doctor. By following his recommendations, I recovered quickly. Didn't feel any side effects.

Marina: After the thrush out weakly severe symptoms turned into a pronounced ailment, I realized that douching with herbs alone would not be enough. I went to the pharmacy. They advised the setting of the Pimafucin suppository. A wonderful tool. Four days and problematic symptoms are gone. Recommend to everyone who gets it this problem. Helped me very well.

Veronica: My daughter is only five years old, and already had to visit a gynecologist. The baby began to be disturbed by itching in the genital area, and I decided that it was better to show her to the doctor. The doctor, after a delicate examination, advised to limit the child to sweets and, explaining that the thrush caused concern, she advised treatment using Pimafucin cream. The result is good. The drug is not very expensive. The purchase of just one tube saved the child from anxiety.

Similar instructions:

Pimafucin candles - antifungal antibiotic wide spectrum of activity. Its effectiveness is based on the binding of sterols cell membranes fungi, as a result of which they cease to multiply and die. Candles are especially good help with candidiasis.

In contact with

General information

Basic active ingredient candles - natamycin.

Some susceptibility to the antibiotic is shown by dermatophytes, and in medical practice there were no cases of their resistance to natamycin.

Candles are convenient and easy to use. Them administered vaginally, after which the substance is converted into foam and evenly distributed.

Note! Natamycin is not absorbed into the blood, so it does not cause side effects and complications.

The manufacturer of the medication is Yamanouchi Europe.

Operating and supporting components in the composition of suppositories:

  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • adipic acid;
  • standard;
  • fat of animal origin;
  • stabilizer E496;
  • polysorbate 80;
  • natamycin ( active substance).

Indications for appointment

Pimafucin - suppositories that are most often prescribed for thrush, but this drug is also effective for other diseases accompanied by reproduction fungus Candida on different parts of the body. Here's what Pimafucin suppositories help with:

  • candidiasis of the intestinal tract;
  • dermatomycosis;
  • fungal infection mucosa and skin;
  • middle ear infection (otitis media);
  • vulvitis, trichomoniasis, vaginitis, vulvovaginitis;
  • nail candidiasis;
  • balanoposthitis;
  • reproduction of yeast-like fungi due to a decrease in immunity.

In some cases allowed to use analogues but only with the approval of the attending physician.

Side effects

Some patients have side effects, among which:

  • nausea;
  • discomfort in the stomach;
  • slight irritability;
  • discomfort and burning in the vagina.

Diarrhea that occurs on the first day of the use of suppositories, does not require treatment and goes away within a day.

If there is an individual intolerance to the components of the drug, the reception should be stopped immediately.


Analogues are available in the form of tablets, creams, ointments, solutions for infusions, rectal and vaginal suppositories. Among them there are cheap and relatively expensive ones. Choosing which form to prescribe, the doctor takes into account the type of pathogen, localization and degree of damage.


Of all analogues - the cheapest A: The price of a package starts from 20 rubles. Indications for use: versicolor versicolor, candidiasis, mycosis, cryptococcal infection. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to components, age under 1 year, taking terfenadine.

Fluconazole many side effects therefore, these suppositories for fungal diseases are prescribed in rare cases.


The drug is available only in spirit forms: in tablets and capsules. A pack of 10 tablets costs from 360 rubles. Active ingredient- introconazole, which has a detrimental effect on dermatophytes, Candida fungi and molds. Diseases for which Irunin is prescribed:

  • fungal keratitis;
  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • vaginal candidiasis (thrush);
  • mycoses of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • onychomycosis;
  • dermatomycosis.

Irunin is not contraindicated children and pregnant women.


This analogue of Pimafucin is available in the form of ointment, enteric tablets, rectal and vaginal suppositories. Price - from 30 rubles per pack. The active ingredient is nystatin.

With candidiasis of the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs effective treatment with ointment and tablets. Vaginal suppositories are prescribed with the same candidiasis as well as for its prevention.

Rectal suppositories Pimafucin from fungal infections are used in the preoperative and postoperative period, if surgical intervention affects the lower intestines.

They are also prescribed for lesions of the anus and lower section intestines with yeast-like fungi. Contraindications: pancreatitis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, liver disease.


You can buy this drug at a price of 500 rubles. per package containing 100 ml solution for infusion or 2 capsules. Means expensive, but effective: 2 capsules completely destroy pathogenic microflora. Basic active ingredient- fluconazole.

Here's what you can take Mikosist from:

  • all types of mycosis;
  • cryptococcosis;
  • various forms of candidiasis;
  • fungal infection prevention with cancer.

According to many doctors, the difference between Fluconazole and Mycosyst is not significant, since they have the same active ingredient.


The drug is of narrowly targeted action, is available only in the form vaginal suppositories, applied for the treatment and prevention of thrush. Effectively destroys strains of the Candida fungus, but does not affect other types of fungi, as well as bacteria. The active ingredient is ketoconazole, one suppository contains 400 mg.

Contraindications: Allergy to ketoconazole, first trimester of pregnancy. It is prescribed with caution during breastfeeding, in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, for girls under 12 years of age. Of the side effects noted allergic rashes on the skin and mucous membranes.

Instructions for use

During pregnancy Pimafucin is prescribed after the 9th week, shortly before the 3rd trimester. If thrush is not treated, then no matter what phase it is in, the infection can be transmitted to the newborn. The effect is observed after a few days, but you need to complete the entire course prescribed by your doctor.

Instructions for use with vulvovaginal candidiasis:

  • the woman takes a horizontal position;
  • the suppository is inserted deep into the vagina.

The procedure should be done 1 time per day, just before bedtime. For the treatment of thrush during pregnancy is required up to 7-8 days, the duration is determined by the gynecologist.

AT active phase menstrual cycle, i.e. during menstruation, Pimafucin is not used. This is not related to specific side effects(these were not identified), but with the fact that the discharge interferes with the positive effect.

Once inside, under the influence of heat, the suppository acquires a foamy texture.

Since there are spotting in the vagina during menstruation, they simply wash out the drug before it affects the pathogenic microflora. It is advisable to wait until the discharge stops, and only then begin treatment.

With lactation the use of vaginal suppositories alone does not give positive effect. Required systemic treatment, therefore, the form of the drug is prescribed, which will help to more effectively cope with a fungal infection:

  • Treatment of thrush with Pimafucin in the form of suppositories is recommended if yeast-like fungi Candida are the cause of inflammatory processes, colpitis, lesions of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Patients with thrush, oral thrush, fungal vaginitis, skin candidiasis, or fungal infection ear canal, appoint Pimafucin tablets.
  • The cream is recommended for use during lactation, if the patient has ear inflammation, candidiasis skin or the external genital organs, including the mucous membrane, are affected.

During lactation, it is preferable to use Pimafucin in suppositories than in tablets, since the latter worsen the taste of breast milk. In addition, there is not enough data that would indicate the complete safety of the components of the drug for the child. Unlike tablets, the substances in the composition of suppositories do not penetrate the blood and other bodily fluids, which means they do not cause the slightest harm to the baby.

Most patients respond positively to Pimafucin. Isolated cases when suppositories are ineffective are explained by the fact that the woman does not comply with the requirements of the instructions. A big plus of vaginal suppositories is that, unlike many analogues, they can be applied during pregnancy and lactation.

Video: Pimafucin - instructions for use

Pimafucin is an antifungal drug designed to heal fungal diseases skin and mucous membranes of various origins. This antibiotic is special in that its action is carried out locally on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes, including the intestines. It is not absorbed into the blood. Let's get acquainted with the instructions and the use of Pimafucin candles.

The principle of action of Pimafucin suppositories

Pimafucin is an antifungal polyene antibiotic belonging to the group of macrolides. Pimafucin is produced by the Japanese pharmaceutical company Astellas Pharma. Vaginal suppositories have a dosage of 100 mg. In addition, it can be produced in tablets, cream and suspension. Due to this variety of dosage forms, it is provided A complex approach for the treatment of fungal infections.

Pimafucin is characterized by the possession of a pronounced fungicidal effect. The principle of action of Pimafucin suppositories is that they are bound and deprived biological activity sterols that have special meaning to ensure the integrity and permeability of fungal cell membranes. If the membranes are destroyed, then complete destruction of the fungal cells occurs.

The greatest sensitivity to Pimafucin is manifested by yeast-like fungi. genus Candida. Less sensitive to Pimafucin are fungi that cause skin fungal diseases - microsporia, trichophytosis and epidermophytosis. It is noted that there is no addiction to this drug of infectious agents.

Indications and contraindications for the use of Pimafucin suppositories

Various dosage forms of Pimafucin have found application in order to treat fungal diseases that have different localization. Indications for the use of Pimafucin suppositories is the presence of genital candidiasis in women.

Pimafucin has found use in the treatment of fungal infections that occur in pregnant women, since it is characterized by a lack of absorption into the blood and cannot be given to them. negative impact to the fruit. It can also be used while breastfeeding.

As a contraindication to the use of Pimafucin suppositories, there is an increased sensitivity of the patient's body to the components this drug.

Side effects of Pimafucin suppositories

Pimafucin is an antifungal drug, which, as a rule, is well tolerated by patients. But still, there are cases when, during oral administration of tablets, patients experience side effects such as nausea and liquid stool. While taking Pimafucin in the form of suppositories, irritation of the mucous membranes may occur. Cetyl alcohol, which is part of vaginal suppositories, can cause a feeling slight burning sensation in the presence of hypersensitivity to the above-named component.

In most cases, the mucous membranes are irritated with thrush. This is the reaction of the mucous membrane, irritated by the inflammatory process that was caused by fungi, to the presence of another irritant. If this phenomenon occurs, there is no need to cancel treatment. This side effect goes away on its own.

There have been no cases of overdoses of Pimafucin, since they cannot be provided overall impact on the body.

Pimafucin is considered effective and at the same time the safest antifungal medicine. Pimafucin can be prescribed to pregnant women without restrictions, which proves that this drug does not have any side effects that have general character including adverse effects on the fetus.

Pimafucin suppositories are an antifungal drug that has been used for women in the treatment of diseases associated with problems in the genital area due to damage by yeast-like microorganisms. The tool turned out to be effective in the fight against fungi of the genus Candida, so it is prescribed by gynecologists in the treatment of thrush.

The drug is available in three dosage forms(cream, suppositories, tablets). In the treatment of urogenital candidiasis, preference is given to Pimafucin in suppositories due to the ease of use and the speed of eliminating the signs of the disease.

Pharmacological properties

Vaginal suppositories Pimafucin is an antifungal medication with a wide range of effects. Its main substance is natamycin with antibacterial properties. It belongs to the polyene group and has a strong fungicidal effect, in which the steropes of fungal cell membranes bind. The result of this process is the destruction of the structure of the microorganism and its death.

Natamycin fights against for the most part yeast strains Candida mushrooms. And dermatophytes show less sensitivity to the substance.

When administered vaginally, suppositories for short term melt, acquiring a foamy consistency, this contributes to a uniform distribution of the active substance inside the vagina. Interacting directly with the mucosa, natamycin does not penetrate into the bloodstream, preventing the occurrence of systemic reactions and without causing unwanted effects from the body.

Indications for use

Pimafucin vaginal suppositories are used to treat diseases caused by fungi of the genus Candida. They are discharged if the patient has the following conditions:

  • Candidiasis (thrush).
  • Vulvit - inflammatory process affecting the external genitalia.
  • Vaginitis is a disease of the vaginal mucosa.

Candles are used in the same way as prophylactic against the recurrence of candidiasis and other fungal infections, manifested due to prolonged use drugs with antibiotic properties.


The antifungal drug in the form of suppositories, unlike other antimycotic drugs, is characterized by safety for the patient and excellent tolerability. Therefore, Pimafucin has the only contraindication - individual hypersensitivity to the components that make up the candles.

Vaginal suppositories are approved for use during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. But during menstruation, gynecologists recommend interrupting the course of treatment with the use of Pimafucin. Since the drug will not linger in the vagina, being washed off spotting, and the expected therapeutic effect will not happen.

Instructions for use

In composition, drugs similar to Pimafucin are Primafungin and Natamycin. Both products contain the same active substance and have the same therapeutic effect. Analogues fight well with pathogenic microflora destroying pathogenic fungi of the genus Candida. it safe medicines approved for use by pregnant and lactating women. Adverse reactions from the body as a result of the use of Natamycin or Primafungin have not been identified, and the only contraindication is hypersensitivity to the substances that make up the drugs.

Nystatin, Clotrimazole and Livarol - cheap analogues Pimafucin, which have a similar therapeutic effect, but differing from it in composition. Effective means Livarol is considered (the main active ingredient is ketoconazole), which fights strains of dermatophytes and yeast fungi. However, this drug is forbidden to use in the first trimester of pregnancy, in addition, the likelihood of adverse reactions great.

For a package of 5 Livarol suppositories, the patient will have to pay 360 rubles, and for Nystatin suppositories - 100 rubles.

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