Toothache relief at home. We relieve severe toothache at home. Acupressure for toothache: technique

It is not for nothing that a toothache is considered one of the strongest: it will not work normally to sleep or eat with it. Ideally, you should immediately seek advice from a dentist, but this is not always possible. How to relieve toothache at home?

There are several rules that must be followed with a toothache:

  1. Clear your mouth of food debris. Sometimes meat fibers or apple pieces stuck between the teeth cause a toothache.
  2. Do not heat the painful area. Warm compresses cause additional blood flow, which will only increase the pain.
  3. Lie down less. Resting in a horizontal position activates blood circulation in the periodontal tissues, increasing pressure on them. As a result, the pain becomes even more intense.
  4. Do not chew food with a sick tooth.
  5. Get distracted. The more a person thinks about pain, the more intense it becomes. You need to try to come up with an interesting activity for yourself and immerse yourself in it with your head.
  6. Visit the dentist. Treatment of toothache at home is a hopeless occupation, since only a doctor can establish and remove the cause of the pain. It will only turn out to muffle painful sensations for a short time.

How to get rid of a toothache with medicine

A fast-acting pain reliever for toothache is the best way to improve your condition. The following drugs have proven themselves to be the most effective:

1. For mild or moderate toothache:

  • Askofen: tablets - 30 rubles. for 10 pcs. The main active ingredients are aspirin, paracetamol and caffeine. Do not give to children under 15 years of age;
  • Spazmalgon: tablets - 130 rubles. for 20 pcs. The active substance is analgin. Not used to treat children under 6 years of age;
  • Baralgin: tablets - 150 rubles. for 20 pcs., ampoules - 215 rubles. for 5 pcs. The main component is analgin. With caution is given to infants up to 3 months;
  • Nurofen: tablets - 150 rubles. for 20 pieces, candles - 115 rubles. for 60 pcs., suspension for children - 190 rubles. for 150 ml. The main component of the drug is ibuprofen. Can be used from 3 months of age. Contraindicated in diseases of the blood, kidneys and liver.

2. With severe toothache:

  • Nimesulide: tablets - 100 rubles. for 20 pcs. Released by prescription. The main active ingredient is nimesulide. Not suitable for children under 12 years old. It is also contraindicated in heart, liver and kidney failure, exacerbations of diseases of the intestines and stomach;
  • Ketanov: tablets - 65 rubles. for 20 pcs., ampoules - 120 rubles. for 10 pcs. The drug contains ketorlak, which has a strong analgesic effect. Quickly relieves pain for 3-5 hours. Contraindicated in children under 16 years of age, patients with ulcers and asthma;
  • Pentalgin: tablets - 110 rubles. for 12 tablets. The composition of the drug includes paracetamol, naproxen and caffeine. Not applicable until the person reaches 18 years of age. Also contraindicated in ulcers, asthmatics and those suffering from severe hypertension;
  • Ketorol: tablets - 50 rubles. for 20 pcs., ampoules - 160 rubles. for 10 pcs. Analogue of Ketanov. Contraindicated in children under 16 years of age, as well as ulcers, renal and hepatic insufficiency.

All of the above drugs should not be used during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Before taking any medicine for toothache, you should carefully read the instructions.

What helps with toothache during pregnancy

Women in position often experience severe toothaches. This is due to the hormonal changes taking place in the body of a pregnant woman, in particular, leading to disruption of normal blood flow in the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. An expectant mother should take painkillers for toothache with extreme caution, as the wrong medicine can adversely affect the health of the fetus:

  • in the first trimester it is forbidden to take any medication;
  • in the second trimester, it is allowed to take painkillers for the tooth;
  • in the third trimester, it is better to abandon drug therapy so as not to provoke premature birth.

To relieve toothache, a pregnant woman can turn to one of the following drugs:

  1. No-shpa: tablets - 220 rubles. for 100 pcs., ampoules - 500 rubles. for 25 pcs.
  2. Paracetamol: tablets - 20 rubles. for 20 pieces, rectal suspension - 50 rubles. for 500 mg;
  3. Ibuprofen: tablets - 20 rubles. for 50 pcs. Contraindicated in the third trimester;
  4. Analgin: tablets - 10 rubles. for 10 pcs., ampoules - 100 rubles. for 10 pcs.

When choosing an anesthetic, a woman should definitely consult a doctor. It is also necessary to take into account the presence of diseases that a pregnant woman suffers from. Many medicines are contraindicated in asthma, kidney problems, liver problems, and blood disorders.

The main emphasis in getting rid of a pregnant woman's toothache should be on folk remedies that do not require medication. An interesting and completely harmless way is suitable for cat owners. This animal perfectly senses the indisposition of its mistress, moreover, it is able to relieve pain. Usually, cats themselves come to a suffering person, lie on his stomach and rest their muzzle on his chin. Over time, the pain subsides. To enhance the effect, pet the cat.

How to quickly relieve a toothache with folk remedies

There are many ways to forget about a toothache and not look for this in a pharmacy. The simplest and most effective methods are as follows:

  • wash and dry the psyllium root, then gently place it in the ear from the side of the aching tooth;
  • Rinse your mouth with a warm sea salt solution before going to bed. You just need to pour 2 tbsp of water. l. salt;
  • slightly wrinkle the ear on the side from which the tooth hurts;
  • wipe the gums with alcohol tincture of propolis. As an option - moisten a piece of cotton wool in tincture and put it near the aching tooth for 20-30 minutes. You can also use propolis in plates: they should plug holes in caries-affected teeth or simply place them in the mouth near the problem tooth. This method is contraindicated for people allergic to honey;
  • pour 1 tbsp. l. sage 200 ml of boiled water, boil them for 15 minutes. and cool slightly. You need to take a little warm broth into your mouth and hold it near the diseased tooth for 30-40 seconds. This procedure must be repeated 4-5 times every 30 minutes;
  • prepare an infusion of oregano, bay 1 tbsp. l. herbs in a glass of hot water. Rinse your mouth every 2-3 hours;
  • wipe the gums near the aching teeth with a piece of ice. For greater benefit, ice should be prepared by freezing an infusion of chamomile or other medicinal herb;
  • Gently massage the area between your thumb and forefinger. You can also rub the area with an ice cube;
  • lubricate the affected tooth with clove oil. You can drip oil directly on the tooth or apply a moistened cotton swab;
  • rinse your mouth with saline solution. You will need to pour 2 tbsp. l. baking soda with boiling water and let it cool to room temperature. Soda has a well-pronounced antiseptic property and perfectly soothes the gums that have become inflamed near diseased teeth;
  • in case of pronounced caries, you need to prepare a mixture of chopped onions and garlic. Ingredients must be taken in equal proportions. The resulting slurry should be slightly salted, mixed well and put on the cavity affected by caries. From above, you need to close it with a cotton swab and gently press it with your teeth;
  • rinse your mouth with vodka without swallowing the drink. Due to the fact that some of the alcohol is absorbed into the gum, it will become numb and stop hurting;
  • you need to find a pulsating place on your wrist and rub it with garlic. If a tooth hurts on the left side, then the right wrist must be treated, and vice versa.

Sooner or later, a toothache still forces its "owner" to see a doctor. Therefore, it is better to go to the dentist immediately: no pills and folk remedies are able to relieve pain for a long time.

Toothache is the most unpleasant pain that can torment a person at any age. Toothache often appears at the most inopportune moment, even during sleep. The most common cause of toothache is irritation of the dental nerve.

The pain can be short-term or constant, sharp or throbbing. In any case, even if you know a way to quickly remove a toothache, this does not mean that you can calm down on this. In the near future, after the toothache has subsided, it is better for you to contact the dentist. Repeated toothache will not be easier than the previous attack, and even the most important things can go by the wayside.

This article will discuss:

  • about what you can do yourself if you have a toothache;
  • in what cases self-treatment is dangerous for teeth;
  • can home remedies for toothache replace professional therapy.

Toothache is one of the most insidious and intolerable ailments of the human body, capable of making itself felt at the most unfortunate moments. If the pain in the tooth occurs in the evening or at night, then it is enough to spend several hours waiting for the qualified help of the dentist ... but if the person is too far from civilization, then it will take much longer to suffer. Tourists, truck drivers, fishermen, hunters, farmers, hermits often find themselves far from doctors.
When a tooth hurts, the pain can be of varying intensity and be caused by several reasons.

You may suspect the following:

  1. Chips and cracks in the teeth, thinning of tooth enamel.
  2. Caries. In the initial stages, caries damages dental tissue very slightly, so there is almost no discomfort. But deep caries causes pain every time the teeth grind food or are cleaned with a toothbrush.
  3. Pulpitis. Inflammatory processes in the dental nerve, accompanied by acute pain radiating to the temples or ears, often occur unexpectedly, in most cases, attacks occur at night.
  4. Periodontitis. The action of the infection provokes inflammatory processes in the periodontal bone tissues, among other symptoms of this pathology - severe pain of an acute nature.
  5. Periodontitis. With damage to the tissues surrounding the top of the tooth, there is a throbbing pain that increases during periods of mechanical contact with sore points. Read also:

Each of the diseases of the oral cavity requires professional treatment. To soothe a toothache on your own is possible using medications, or resorting to traditional medicine recipes. However, in this way, the cause of the pain cannot be removed. Unpleasant symptoms will disappear, but will subsequently appear again. But what to do if a tooth hurts, but there is no way to get together and go to the dentist right now? A variety of home remedies can help alleviate the condition.

How to relieve toothache at home?

If a tooth aches, a person often wonders what to do to minimize discomfort or eliminate it without additional funds. It is recommended to do the following:

  1. Thoroughly clean the mouth of food fragments. If hard pieces of fruit or meat fibers get stuck in the teeth, pain may occur. And if there is a hole in the tooth, the food that gets there causes strong discomfort and must be removed as quickly as possible.
  2. Stabilize the temperature of the diseased area. It is forbidden to warm up the affected area, because in heat the course of inflammatory processes accelerates, blood flow increases and pain increases.
  3. Reduce time spent in a horizontal position. When a person lies down, the blood circulation in the periodontal tissues increases, the pressure on the tissues also becomes stronger, as a result of which the pain becomes more active.
  4. Chew around the problem tooth. Additional pressure directed at the diseased dental unit adversely affects its condition.
  5. Observing the reaction of the tooth to irritants helps to exclude the possibility of aggravation of pain. For example, if the tooth reacts negatively to cold air, it is better not to open your mouth once again.
  6. Take a break from pain. In order not to concentrate on pain, you can do an interesting thing.

Emergency measures for toothache

To urgently relieve a toothache, you should adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Suppress panic. When severe pain appears and it is impossible to immediately consult a doctor, a person may become nervous. In such conditions, it can be difficult to make an informed decision, and the patient can harm their teeth.
  2. The easiest way to get rid of pain is to use proven medications. That is, if the tooth hurts while eating, it is necessary to finish the meal, thoroughly clean the oral cavity (an irrigator is perfect for this purpose, if any) and take an anesthetic: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Ketanov, Analgin or Baralgin. Before you drink the medicine, you need to carefully read the instructions, find out the contraindications for taking the drug and its recommended dosage.
  3. When there is no painkiller at hand, you can use Valocordin (a swab is impregnated with Valocordin and applied to the tooth). It will also be useful to rinse your mouth with a solution of soda with iodine or a solution of salt (table or sea).
  4. Patients in adulthood are sometimes offered to administer pain relief with vodka if no other means are available. For a certain period of time, the pain will subside if you hold a sip of vodka near the sore spot - then the gum will absorb alcohol and become numb.

Traditional medicine on guard of dental health

How to relieve a toothache for a person who treats official medicine with caution?

What to do if there is a toothache, but analgesics are not allowed? In both cases, traditional medicine comes to the rescue. You can also try:

  1. Infusions and decoctions of calendula, sage, mint, chamomile, calamus root.
  2. Sea buckthorn and mint oil (a cotton swab soaked in oil is applied to the affected area).
  3. Clove is famous for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, therefore it is widely used to reduce pain and inhibit inflammation in the oral cavity. Chopped cloves can be added to vegetable oil, and the resulting mixture can be placed on the tooth area. Also, clove oil can be rubbed into the affected area and dripped into the mouthwash solution.
  4. Propolis. Pieces of propolis can be applied to a diseased tooth or gum, and its alcohol solution is used to rinse the gums. Even to anesthetize the gums, you can moisten a swab in the solution and apply to the affected area.
  5. Plantain. A fresh leaf can be put to a sore spot, after chewing it.
  6. Ice Cube. Ice is wrapped in cotton cloth or a plastic bag and held on the cheek at the site of pain concentration. Direct contact of cold with a diseased tooth is harmful.

A variety of folk remedies allows you to experiment. If one remedy does not work, it does not mean that the others will not help either.

Kitchen painkillers for teeth

You can relieve a toothache that has taken you by surprise while eating right in the kitchen, using food products that are well known to everyone. Suitable:

  1. Garlic with pepper. Mix the spices evenly and add a little water to them so that the consistency of the mixture becomes pasty. The paste is applied to the aching tooth and helps within five minutes.
  2. Raw potatoes. A potato slice is placed on the tooth until the pain subsides.
  3. Fresh cucumber. It must be applied to the affected area or simply chewed.
  4. Salt with garlic. The ingredients must be brought to a mushy state, and this gruel should be applied to the aching tooth.
  5. Onion. Raw onions are known to be a good natural antiseptic and can also be used to relieve toothaches.
  6. Lard. A fresh slice of lard should be applied to the tooth.

In addition to the above products in the kitchen, there is always vanilla extract or apple cider vinegar. Both of these products are suitable for impregnating tampons, which should then be applied to the tooth.

How not to harm your teeth during home therapy?

Relying on one's own strength in eliminating toothache, it is worth considering that analgesics are intended for urgent and short-term relief from pain symptoms. Some people, being sure that a simple pill helps, are in no hurry to complain to the doctor about a toothache.

But in any case, the tooth will have to be treated now or later. The sooner the dentist takes control of the treatment in his own hands, the easier and cheaper it will be to restore the health of the dentition, avoiding all sorts of complications.

If a tooth aches, for example, due to acute purulent pulpitis, then after a while the dental nerve may die, which means that there will simply be nothing to hurt, and the infection that destroyed the nerve will continue to move along the tooth and periodontal tissues. If the microbes get to the root canals, then acute purulent periodontitis will begin, the complications of which can be granulomas, cysts, abscesses.

If the pain pill helped, but not one hundred percent, and the pain is still felt, you should not exceed the recommended dose of the drug. Strong painkillers often harm the liver, stomach, pancreas and other organs.

In an effort to stabilize the condition of the tooth, it is forbidden to arbitrarily take antibiotics - the dentist must prescribe them. And self-treatment is only a temporary way out. Health must be trusted to specialists.

Toothache appears at the most inopportune moment. Many people are not always able to immediately visit the dentist. To relieve toothache, it is allowed to use various kinds of folk remedies. These may include dental treatment with both medications and homemade prescriptions. Note that most of them are aimed at temporary removal of pain, while there is no way to get to the dentist.

What can be done at home if a tooth hurts?

How to get rid of toothache at home? When a sharp severe pain suddenly appeared, then it is quite possible to remove it at home. In each first-aid kit there is Analgin - although the remedy is recognized as quite harmful to health, however, if Analgin is taken once, then nothing bad will happen.

To soothe a toothache at home, in addition to Analgin, is quite realistic with the use of other painkillers. Rinsing with a solution of the usual baking soda will also be useful - with the use of such therapy, it will be good to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Often, to cure a tooth that aches, they use cloves, an asterisk and other means, which we will talk about in our review (we recommend reading: teeth aching: what to do to quickly eliminate the pain syndrome?).

It is not recommended to relieve pain without a visit to the doctor for a long time - you can only do harm. The fact is that the manifestation of sudden pain in the tooth may indicate various dental problems. If swelling of the gums, their bleeding and other symptoms join the aching pain, then this most likely indicates the presence of diseases:

  • gingivitis;
  • caries (we recommend reading: how can you quickly remove caries from your teeth at home?);
  • pulpitis;
  • dental stone.

That is why it is extremely important to consult a dentist in time to remove the root cause of a toothache. Otherwise, it is easy to get a complication in the form of gum disease or even lose a tooth.

Tablets for toothache

To relieve pain at home, an adult is allowed to take painkillers that are available in his medicine cabinet. When taking the medicine, read the instructions for its use and consider all possible contraindications. It is not permissible to exceed the permissible daily and single dose, as well as to take alcohol the day before.

To calm a tooth that hurts, it is most convenient to use effective tablets. The drug Ketanov, produced in tablet form, has a very strong and fast analgesic effect. It is able to relieve the most severe pain, due to which it is often used to eliminate it in oncology, after operations, etc. A significant drawback of Ketanov is that in pharmacies this medicine is unlikely to be bought without a prescription.

Good to remove toothache will also help Nurofen tablets. This drug has maximum pain relief and minimal contraindications - it is used even during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, Nurofen is also available in the form of a suspension and syrup for children of different ages.

An excellent analgesic effect can provide tablets of the famous Paracetamol. Like Nurofen, this drug is allowed during pregnancy and lactation. Medicines based on Paracetamol in the form of suppositories and syrup are available for children of different age categories.

So, the medicines that are allowed to be taken for toothache at home (with a short list of contraindications):

  • Analgin, contraindicated in diseases of the liver and kidneys, during pregnancy and lactation;
  • Nurofen and Paracetamol, which should not be taken by patients with stomach ulcers;
  • Ketanov, produced by prescription;
  • Nimesil in the form of a water-soluble rinse powder;
  • topical anesthetic gels;
  • star.

Massage to relieve toothache

Ear massage has an unsurpassed effect on toothache, which helped to get rid of this trouble even in the most ancient times. You can easily do it at home on your own.

There are a lot of biologically active points on the surface of the ear, the correct pressing of which can stop pain in a specific area of ​​​​the body (we recommend reading: what points should be massaged for toothache?). To massage the auricle against toothache, the following actions are recommended:

  • grab the upper part of the ear with the index finger and thumb;
  • descend to the lobe down with the most accurate and careful movements;
  • do the procedure until the pain subsides.

Folk remedies

Despite the fact that pharmacies today you can buy almost any pain reliever to relieve toothache, various kinds of folk recipes are still popular. For these purposes, decoctions of herbs, lotions from plants, compresses, tinctures for alcohol and improvised food are used. Folk remedies for toothache can be used both individually and in combination.

How quickly this or that remedy will help depends, first of all, on the frequency of its use. Note that folk recipes, despite their effectiveness in combating this kind of pain, can only be used temporarily.

Rinsing with soda

Mouth rinses have been used to treat toothache for a long time. One of the most popular rinses is the famous soda solution. To make it, take a glass of water and add 1 teaspoon of soda with a small slide. After thoroughly mixing the solution, you can start rinsing with it, which can be done every hour. Note that with the use of a soda solution, you can even cure pain in a tooth with a hole.

Garlic and onion

Good results in the treatment of teeth by folk methods are shown by the use of garlic for this purpose. As a rule, it is used in the form of lotions. For better and faster pain relief, onions are often used along with garlic.

To treat a tooth with a similar mixture, you must:

In order to relieve tooth pain using garlic, it can also be smeared on the wrist. The fact is that there are points on the wrist - massaging them with garlic, you can anesthetize the tooth.


If you have clove oil in your home, you can also use it to soothe a bad tooth. To do this, a few drops of clove oil are dripped onto a cotton swab, and then applied to the inflamed area. After some time, the pain will begin to subside. If this does not happen, then you can drop this oil on the tooth. This method of removing pain syndrome with clove oil is in great demand in home treatment.

plantain root

Psyllium root is effective in curing acute or aching pain in the tooth. Its application is surprisingly simple: the psyllium root is placed in the right ear if the pain is on the left and vice versa. Despite the strangeness of this method, many argue that it is effective. Note that with the help of psyllium root it will be possible to get rid of pain in cases where it suddenly appeared during outdoor recreation.

What other effective home remedies are there?

In fact, there are a number of folk remedies for the treatment of toothache on their own.

  • It is allowed to use a solution of salt and iodine to rinse the mouth. To do this, take a glass of heated water, stir 1 teaspoon of salt in it and add 6 drops of iodine. With the help of the resulting solution, it is necessary to rinse your mouth before going to bed, especially if the pain often returns at night (see also: how to rinse the mouth in the presence of a diseased tooth?).
  • Many were treated for colds with potato inhalations. Few people know that quite intense toothache can be treated in the same way.
  • All kinds of rinsing with the help of various decoctions of herbs will help eliminate pain. For the preparation of decoctions, medicinal plants such as chamomile, sage, mint and St. John's wort are used.

For many years, the pain syndrome has been removed with the famous asterisk, for which a small amount of balm is applied with massaging movements to the cheek of an unhealthy tooth.

What to do with a toothache at night?

Tooth pain at night is a common occurrence that many people have to deal with. Night pain in the teeth in the prevailing cases appears as a result of pulpitis. As a rule, at the same time it has a sharp and pulsating character. I must say that usually this pain is quite strong, since at night other irritants are completely absent. The pain that appeared at night must be eliminated urgently, since it most likely will not allow the patient to sleep for a minute. In order for the tooth to pass and not hurt, it is allowed to drink a strong painkiller pill (Ketanov or Analgin), and go to the dentist in the morning.

Like most troubles, a toothache always comes unexpectedly. It usually shows that a person has problems with their teeth and gums that need to be addressed urgently. The best advice in this situation: go to the dentist to understand the causes of toothache. But how to reduce toothache when there is no way to immediately turn to a specialist? Can this be done at home? Moreover, with pain that occurs in teeth affected by caries, a person may experience other unpleasant symptoms: headache, fever, and swelling of the cheeks and gums.

How to relieve toothache
In order for the pain to recede or at least decrease, it is necessary to use the help of traditional medicine or folk remedies.
  1. Take any pain reliever. In the first-aid kit, everyone has the simplest analgin, baralgin, ketanov. If there are no such drugs, moisten a cotton swab with valocordin, applying it to the aching tooth. These drugs will help relieve inflammation in the oral cavity and relieve pain. But even when the pain has receded, do not forget about it. As soon as the opportunity arises, consult a doctor!
  2. Food debris stuck in carious teeth can also cause pain. Therefore, be sure to remove them by rinsing your mouth with soda or saline.
  3. Propolis can also reduce toothache at home. This universal medicine should always be in the first aid kit. Put a couple of drops on a cotton swab and apply to the painful focus for 15 minutes. The pain will immediately go away. But an alcohol solution can damage the mucous membranes of the mouth, so propolis must be used carefully. Clove oil has the same effect.
Traditional medicine helps relieve pain
When there is no way to take medicine, folk recipes will always help out. How to relieve toothache with folk remedies? There are a lot of recipes.
  1. The most inexplicable: in the ear on the side where the diseased tooth is located, it is necessary to put the psyllium root. In half an hour the pain will recede.
  2. The oral cavity is rinsed with a decoction of sage. To prepare it, you need to take one tablespoon of sage, pour a glass of boiled water, boil for 10 minutes, insist. Rinse your mouth five times within half an hour. The decoction can also be held on the side of the diseased tooth.
  3. A gruel of salt, onion, garlic will help. Mix chopped onion and garlic in equal proportions, then add a pinch of salt. Such porridge should be put on a sore tooth. Onions and garlic will kill bacteria, and salt will relieve swelling. With a clove of garlic, you can still rub your hand in the place where the pulse is felt.
  4. Between the tooth and the gum, put a piece of fat (preferably fresh). After twenty minutes, the pain will disappear.
  5. Massage of the auricle and earlobe perfectly relieves toothache without any medication.
  6. A three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide and furatsilin are recommended by doctors to use for rinsing the mouth of pregnant women who are overtaken by toothache.
It does not matter what caused the sudden pain in the tooth. The main thing is that you do not put off a visit to the dentist for a long time, so as not to prolong the disease. Even banal caries, if left untreated, relieving pain in the tooth with folk remedies, can lead to complete destruction of the tooth.
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