Erosion from what it is. What causes cervical erosion. Causes of congenital ectopia of the cervix

The most common causes of erosion include mechanical damage to the cervix, reduced immunity, sexual infections (genital herpes, human papillomavirus and others).

True cervical erosion may occur after difficult childbirth, abortion and other gynecological intrauterine interventions. And also due to the resulting gaps. The cervix can, as it were, turn inside out, the cylindrical epithelium of the cervical canal is on the vaginal part of the cervix and an ectopia is formed.

Symptoms of cervical erosion

The symptoms are few. As a rule, cervical erosion does not lead to significant changes in a woman's well-being.

Women with this disease do not have discomfort in the lower abdomen. And it does not appear during intercourse, because. there are no sensitive receptors on the cervix. However, after intimacy, some women experience slight bloody or bloody discharge, which is a good reason to visit a gynecologist.

In most cases, cervical erosion is an accidental finding during a gynecological examination. The doctor sees it as a small bright red area on the cervix. However, to clarify the diagnosis, it is important to do an additional examination - the so-called colposcopy.

Colposcopy is called the examination of the cervix using a special optical device with a magnification of 25-30 times. The device helps the doctor to better see the changed areas. After colposcopy, the gynecologist makes a more accurate diagnosis. The fact is that the term "cervical erosion" refers to several diseases, different in their origin and prognosis. The examination lasts at least 20 minutes, but it is practically painless for the patient.

During a colposcopy, the gynecologist has the opportunity to biopsy the altered area of ​​the cervix. This study is not carried out when the patient complains of some symptoms, but only if the doctor saw a suspicious area during the colposcopy.

A biopsy is usually performed on the 5th-7th day of the cycle, immediately after the cessation of menstruation. It is also important that at the time of taking the material there is no inflammation in the vagina. Therefore, if you are concerned about itching or discharge, it is advisable to see a gynecologist in advance and be treated. And then go to the examination of the cervix.

The doctor excised a small area of ​​cervical tissue, then to send it for histological examination. A detailed study of the cells in the area of ​​cervical erosion and the depth of the lesion allows the doctor to develop the correct tactics for treating the patient.

If a erosion exists for a long time, and there is no proper treatment, the cells of the cervix can change irreversibly. As a result, the risk of cervical cancer increases. Therefore, a dispensary examination by a gynecologist twice a year is mandatory for every woman.

Despite the fact that the symptoms of erosion are not always pronounced, this disease must be treated. Pseudo-erosion of the cervix is ​​characterized by the presence of an epithelium around the cervical canal that does not have a protective function and cannot prevent the penetration of infection (if any) from the vagina into the uterine cavity.

In addition, in some cases, a process of spontaneous epithelialization of erosion occurs, which can lead to the formation of an inferior epithelium.

Diagnosis of cervical erosion

Erosion of the cervix can practically manifest itself in nothing. Only occasionally are minor spotting possible during intercourse. Therefore, for early detection and timely treatment of erosion, even a healthy woman should visit a gynecologist at least twice a year.

If the doctor sees that there are any defects on the cervix, a colposcopy is mandatory - an examination using a special device with an optical system. This procedure is painless and does not require special preparation.

If during the examination the doctor sees an area that requires more careful study, he will take a small piece from it with special tweezers. This is called a biopsy. It is necessary to then examine in detail the cells of the cervix under a microscope.

In addition to colposcopy and biopsy, a number of additional examinations must be completed before erosion treatment. This is a smear for flora, cytological examination, blood tests for HIV, syphilis, viral hepatitis. You will also need tests for the presence of sexual infections: chlamydia, gardnerella, myco - and ureaplasma, Trichomonas, herpes, human papillomavirus.


A patient with cervical erosion must be under the supervision of a gynecologist. Only with erosions that occur in adolescence, you can not rush into treatment. Such erosions most often do not cause much harm and disappear by themselves. But even in this situation, you need to see a doctor regularly.

In other cases, if not properly treated, cervical erosion can lead to complications. Due to prolonged inflammation, the structure of cells in the area of ​​erosion may change. Perhaps the appearance of so-called atypical cells, precancer and even cancer of the cervix. Sexual infections, especially papillomaviruses and their combination with genital herpes viruses, can play a negative role in this process.

Treatment of cervical erosion


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The method of treatment is determined after a complete examination. The issue of choosing a specialist and methods of influence should be approached with caution, especially if a woman plans to have children in the future.

For a long time, cauterization by electric current (diathermoelectrocoagulation - DEC) has been used. But this procedure is not without drawbacks. Healing after it lasts a long time, and sometimes cauterization leads to complications, rough scars may occur. Perhaps, for example, a narrowing of the external opening (or pharynx) of the cervical canal. This can lead to problems during the next pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, diathermoelectrocoagulation is now used much less frequently. Currently, preference is given to other methods, in particular, freezing with liquid nitrogen - cryodestruction, radio wave method and laser coagulation.

However, with cryodestruction, a shortening of the cervix is ​​noted and, as with DEC, a narrowing of the external os is possible. Therefore, the methods of choice in recent years have become radio wave with the help of the Surgitron apparatus or laser coagulation.

The surgical laser treatment used in our clinic is the most preferred treatment method. It simultaneously acts on the changed area and at the same time stops the bleeding. After laser coagulation, complications are rare, a scar is not formed, because. the operation is carried out under close supervision and under the guidance of a doctor. The depth of exposure can be minimal (up to 1-2 mm) and can be adjusted during the coagulation process. The recovery process takes less time than with other methods.

Sometimes, with cervical erosion, a small operation is necessary - conization of the cervix. It is carried out if, according to the results of a biopsy, doctors find significantly altered, that is, atypical cells. If erosion occurs after a difficult birth, cervical plastic surgery is sometimes required. Remember that cervical erosion is a disease in which a doctor's consultation is required. Self-medication according to folk recipes can do more harm than good.

Cervical erosion, ectropion, leukoplakia

Erosion of the cervix is ​​any violation of the normal state of its mucous membranes. Such disorders can include both mechanical or chemical damage, and abnormal development of the mucosal epithelium. Regular visits to the gynecologist will help a woman to protect her health and prevent a serious consequence of the disease.

What kind of disease is this, the causes of erosion, symptoms, methods of treatment, as well as whether it is dangerous for women's health and how to protect yourself in the future - we will consider further.

What is cervical erosion?

Cervical erosion is an ulcerative defect of the mucous membrane of the vaginal part of the cervix. Its insidiousness lies in the fact that for a long time the disease has no manifestations. Pathology occupies one of the leading places in the structure of gynecological diseases and is often diagnosed in women of different age groups.

Cervical erosion does not turn into cancer, but she prepares the ground for tissue regeneration.

Chronic inflammatory processes lead to the appearance of scars, the formation of cystic cavities, polyps. Erosion is a defective change in the mucosa on the cervix. Very rarely there is a true form that heals quickly, most often it becomes permanent.

When factors affect the uterine surface of the cervix, epithelial cells cannot normally perceive an acidic environment, harmful microorganisms that live in the vagina for a long time.

The cylindrical epithelium does not have a protective function, therefore, when it is affected by viruses, bacteria, it is not protected.

As a rule, after one (less often two) weeks, the damaged mucosa begins to heal. More often, epithelialization occurs incorrectly, and pseudo-erosion of the cervix appears in place of the true one - also a modified area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cervical epithelium, but already without signs of damage.

In order not to be confused, patients should know that erosion is a wound (ulcer) on the cervix, and pseudo-erosion is the process of its improper healing, literally - what remains on the cervix after the wound heals.


It should be understood that the term "erosion" is quite extensive and includes several manifestations of the disease. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between types.

congenital erosion The congenital variety of this disease is the displacement of the cervical columnar epithelium. Congenital erosion is noted in childhood or adolescence, while the symptoms of the disease mostly do not manifest themselves. Detection occurs during colposcopy, where the presence of a bright red area that cannot be stained when using Lugol's solution is determined.
True erosion of the cervix The true form is a defect in the stratified squamous epithelium of the cervix. When viewed with the help of mirrors, a bright red spot with a diameter of up to 1 cm is visible around the external os of the uterus with clear demarcated edges. Bloody streaks appear in the mucous secretions during cervical erosion after some time.
Pseudo-erosion (false) What it is? The most common type of gynecological disease, occurring in every second patient. Outwardly similar to the true one, too, a bright red spot that appeared on the mucous membrane of the cervix, of various sizes. A small one is measured in millimeters, while a large erosion can grow up to several centimeters. The difference from the truth is that the surface of the uterus during pseudo-erosion is even and does not bleed. There are high risks of infection, which is accompanied by the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen, leucorrhoea and contact spotting (after sexual contact or gynecological examination).

Development options

Doctors distinguish several options for the development of erosion, among which.

  • Ectropion. The pathological process is characterized by eversion of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal due to surgical termination of pregnancy or childbirth.
  • parts of the uterus. With such a disease, endometrial cells are thrown and germinated on the mucous membrane of the cervix.
  • Leukoplakia. Pathology involves keratinization of the epithelium of the cervix.
  • Polyps diagnosed in the area of ​​the cervical canal, as well as polyps of the cervical part of the uterus and warts.

Reasons for the appearance

The causes of cervical erosion, unfortunately, are not fully understood, however, in modern medicine it is generally accepted that the main prerequisites for the development of this female disease are such inflammatory processes of the genital organs as endocervicitis and vaginitis.

In girls and girls under 18 years of age, erosion can be congenital and be detected after the onset of sexual relations. Many experts classify ectopia in all nulliparous women as congenital. In girls under 21 years of age and women during pregnancy, as well as during the period of involution, erosion is considered the result of hormonal changes.

In these cases, often changes happen on their own. and require only examination and observation.

When a patient shows erosion of the cervix, the reasons for its development may be different. However, most often, superficial epithelial cells begin to be rejected due to a previously developed inflammatory process.

The main causes of erosion in modern medicine are considered to be:

  • inflammation of the genital organs - cervicitis;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • decreased local or general immunity;
  • sexual infections and inflammatory diseases of the female genital area (HPV, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, vaginal dysbacteriosis, etc.); traumatic effects (abortions, mechanical damage, surgical interventions, childbirth, etc.);

Symptoms of cervical erosion + photo

In the vast majority of cases, cervical erosion rarely manifests itself clinically and most often such a diagnosis is a finding during a gynecological examination. But it happens that the patients themselves turn to the gynecologist with complaints of bleeding that is not associated with menstruation, especially after intercourse.

Possible symptoms of cervical erosion:

  • any spotting, especially after sexual intercourse;
  • aching pain in the lower abdomen
  • pain during intercourse
  • copious whitish discharge
  • There is no change in general well-being. Often inflammation is associated with erosion. Then the symptoms will appear more clearly: the pain will increase, the discharge will become more abundant.
  • Allocations during cervical erosion are otherwise called "whites" and are a thick white liquid without a pungent odor, which often leaves marks on underwear. Such discharge usually indicates the presence of inflammation or latent infection, often accompanying this disease.

All symptoms are not specific to erosion, and their manifestation can sometimes indicate the development of a completely different gynecological disease. In any case, the appearance of even one symptom is the reason for contacting a gynecologist for an examination.

What does erosion look like in a photo?

Complaints of patients with erosion are due to concomitant inflammatory diseases of the vagina () and cervical canal (endocervicitis). With erosion complicated by inflammation, mucous or mucopurulent leucorrhea, a feeling of discomfort appear.

Complications: why is the disease dangerous?

The fact that the symptoms of cervical erosion in a woman are not particularly pronounced does not at all indicate that there is no need to treat the disease. When pseudo-erosion occurs around the cervical canal, an epithelium appears that does not have the property of protection against penetration from the vagina into the uterus of infection.

In certain cases, the development of spontaneous epithelialization of cervical erosion is also possible, as a result of which the formation of an inferior epithelium is possible.

The answer to the question " Why is erosion dangerous?"Depends on what changes the doctor found during the examination:

  • if it is pseudo-erosion (ectopia, congenital erosion), then there is no threat to health, and no consequences can arise;
  • if this is a true erosion caused by infectious diseases, then the main danger is that the infection can penetrate the uterus and uterine appendages, and cause infertility in the future;
  • if it is, then without proper attention there is a real risk of developing cervical cancer in a few years.

The widespread opinion about the malignant degeneration of erosion is incorrect. Only dangerous are those cervical erosions in which atypical changes are present. They are well detected during standard colposcopic and laboratory examination, and their presence only means that the pathological site should be eliminated.

Impact on pregnancy

The presence of cervical erosion does not mean that a woman will not become a mother. Naturally, like any damage to the organs that make up the genitourinary system, erosion is an object of close observation by a gynecologist. Depending on the type of erosion, its size and location, treatment can be prescribed both before and after pregnancy.

If erosion is found in a pregnant woman, then treatment is also carried out after childbirth, since the disease does not affect the course of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus. Symptoms of erosion in a pregnant woman can be blood impurities in the discharge, as well as burning and itching during intercourse.


The diagnosis can be established already at the first visit to the doctor. Meanwhile, in many cases, a visual examination is only half the battle in diagnosing the disease.

Therefore, patients will need to pass the following tests:

  • Visual inspection with a mirror to detect changes in the mucosa. True erosion: the epithelial layer is bright red, its bleeding is visible. False erosion: squamous epithelium is replaced by a cylindrical one. Simple erosion: the epithelial layer is smooth. Papillary: nipple outgrowths form on the mucosa.
  • regular smear on flora;
  • PCR diagnostics, focused on determining the main types of infections (genital herpes, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, etc.);
  • blood test for,;
  • biopsy (if there is a suspicion of malignancy, a piece is taken from the affected area of ​​the cervix for histological examination).

Only after all the data has been collected, the doctor will be able to make a final conclusion, make a diagnosis, determine if there are complications, and only after that treat the patient.

Treatment of cervical erosion

If this condition requires the use of therapy, the doctor assesses how extensive the affected area is and how advanced the course of the disease is. Based on this analysis, he decides how to treat cervical erosion by choosing one of the following methods:

  • Medication - a medicine is used that affects the infection that caused irritation of the mucous membrane. Local - the patient is treated with healing suppositories and tampons. This method may involve chemical cauterization of the wound with special preparations, followed by restorative therapy.
  • Surgical operation - cauterization.

Conservative treatment of cervical erosion is:

  • conducting non-specific anti-inflammatory therapy;
  • treatment with drugs that inhibit the growth and development of fungal bacteria and a sexually transmitted viral infection (if detected);
  • correction of hormonal and immune disorders;
  • the use of physiotherapy techniques (rarely) - vaginal tampons with therapeutic mud, irrigation with mineral waters, iontophoresis with drugs, ultraviolet and short-wave ultraviolet therapy, microcurrent and ozone therapy, helium-neon laser.

Gentle methods of treatment include the use of candles. Candles for cervical erosion are prescribed in the following situations:

  • erosion is caused by a violation of the microflora of the vagina;
  • pain during menstruation, localized in the sacrum;
  • appeared as a result of venereal diseases;
  • arising against the background of hormonal disorders;
  • trauma as a result of an abortion or difficult childbirth.

Causes of re-erosion of the cervix

The causes of cervical erosion in recurrent manifestations are almost the same as in the primary occurrence of pathology:

  • infectious and inflammatory processes,
  • promiscuous sexual relations,
  • hormonal disorders,
  • immune disorders.

Surgical treatment: cauterization of erosion

Cauterization of cervical erosion is carried out in order to influence pathological changes in the epithelium to remove damaged cellular structures on the cervix. There are several basic methods for carrying out the procedure, which last no more than half an hour in time:

  1. Diathermocoagulation. The most outdated and traumatic method is cauterization of erosion with current. Due to the high efficiency of the method, it has not yet been abandoned. The procedure is carried out without anesthesia for 20-30 minutes in the second period of the menstrual cycle. After the procedure, the patient is under observation in the ward, and if everything is fine, she will be allowed to go home.
  2. Cryotherapy - cauterization with liquid nitrogen (“freezing” of tissues). A more gentle method than diathermocoagulation. The disadvantage of this method is that relapses (reappearance) are possible;
  3. Laser coagulation– use in laser treatment. After the procedure, no adhesions and scars remain on the neck, healing and recovery are fast (in 4-6 weeks).
  4. With chemical coagulation the cervix is ​​treated with drugs that are detrimental to the emerging cylindrical epithelium. The squamous epithelium, growing, closes the area that was previously affected by erosion. This method is not without drawbacks. It is not used for erosion, which occupies a large area.
  5. diathermoconization- excision of overgrown tissues with a special loop. A scab forms on the surface of the cauterized erosion, which departs a week after the procedure. Overgrowing of the zone with stratified epithelium usually ends in a month and a half.

Folk remedies for cervical erosion

Before using folk remedies, be sure to consult a gynecologist.

  1. Thoroughly dissolve 2 tablets of mummy in 1 tsp. warm water, add sea buckthorn oil. Put a swab soaked in such a solution, according to the above scheme.
  2. Extract from bergenia root: 3 tbsp of crushed root of the plant are poured into 1 tbsp of boiling water, boiled over low heat until the liquid is completely evaporated. Drink three times a day, 30 drops half an hour before meals.
  3. Infusion of calendula used for vaginal douching in cases of congenital erosion and mechanical damage to the mucosa. The tool serves as a prevention of many STDs.
  4. 2 tablespoons of chamomile pour a liter of boiling water into a saucepan. Place the saucepan with a lid on a water bath for 15 - 20 minutes. Turn off the heat, infuse the solution for 40 minutes, then cool to room temperature.
  5. Treatment with honey, for this you need to wrap one teaspoon of honey in a bandage or gauze, make a tampon from it, tie it with a thread, insert it into the vagina, as deep as possible. You need to do this at night, in the morning you will notice a little blood, this is normal.
  6. Ointment "Levomekol". A miraculous ointment that has proven itself well for wounds. Squeeze the ointment onto a swab and insert it into the vagina at night. Remove the swab in the morning and douche. Do it daily for two weeks.
  7. With erosion of the cervix, it is recommended to inject aloe juice into the vagina every day, then you need to lie down for 20 minutes.
  8. Douching. St. John's wort: 4 tbsp. l. St. John's wort, pour 2 liters of hot water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes and leave for 30 minutes.
  9. For treatment, a decoction of the boron uterus is used.(Decoction is used both for douching and in the form of tampons dipped in decoction). To prepare a decoction, 2 tablespoons of raw materials are mixed with half a liter of water. The mixture is brought to a boil, filtered and cooled. Douching should be done once a day, at night. The course of treatment is about a week (5-7 days on average).


As you know, it is better to prevent pathology than to treat it. To protect yourself, you should follow a number of recommendations:

  • See your doctor regularly (at least twice a year).
  • Observe the rules of hygiene. In particular, you should take a shower at least twice a day, especially during menstruation.
  • Use condoms when having sex with casual partners to prevent infection.
  • Strive for monogamy and regular sex life.
  • To be protected in cases where pregnancy is not planned. It should be remembered that any abortion complicates the course of the pathology, injures the cervix.

From the material you learned what cervical erosion is, why it is important to start treatment on time and how to protect yourself from this disease. Be healthy, get examined by a gynecologist on time and take care of your health!

Erosion of the cervix is ​​an ulcerative defect of part of its mucosa. Inflammation that occurs against the background of ulceration of integumentary tissues, accompanied by rejection of epithelial cells.

The absence of epithelium leads to exposure of the mucosa. Such a formation sometimes bleeds, and then women complain of pain in the lower third of the abdomen, spotting, leucorrhoea and inflammation of the reproductive organs.

Regular rough sexual intercourse leads to wounding of the mucosa and desquamation in this part of the squamous epithelium. Infectious diseases, abortion and childbirth can provoke the onset of erosion.

With a closer study of the mechanisms of development of pathology, one can come to an unexpected conclusion that erosion is not a disease in the usual sense for us.

A change in the level of the hormone estrogen in the body is the main cause of the development of a defect in the cervical mucosa. Many different factors can lead to a change in the hormonal background: a failure can occur during stress, taking birth control pills, pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, and abortions. Bacterial inflammation, the main cause of vaginal infection, is also often accompanied by pathology.

Of course, some of the symptoms of the disease can cause a lot of trouble for a woman. But it does not lead to the development of neoplasms and is unable to cause an abortion. Much more harm to the body can be done by measures that doctors are used to treating cervical erosion - surgical procedures and laser exposure to healthy tissues.

An ulcerative formation, which is localized in the area of ​​​​the vagina that is adjacent to the cervix, is cervical erosion. The pathological process is based on the process of replacing the mucous epithelium with a cylindrical epithelium that is uncharacteristic for this zone, which occurs under the influence of certain factors. The prognosis for such a diagnosis is very favorable, since erosion is a benign process: a cancerous process after cervical erosion is extremely rare.

Cervical erosion

Erosion of the cervix is ​​by no means a rare occurrence in the field of female genital diseases. Symptoms of cervical erosion, in general, do not manifest themselves. This disease can only be detected by a specialist during a gynecological examination.

In some cases, its signs are vaginal discharge of a bloody consistency, moreover, most often they are observed after sexual contact. Erosion is a pathological phenomenon characteristic of all ages: it is observed both in young girls and in mature women. Its formation includes the following reasons: diseases of the pelvic organs associated with an inflammatory process that began as a result of sexual intercourse or abrupt manipulations during a gynecological examination; allergy to sperm and components of contraceptives.

Types of pathologies localized in the cervix:

  • Congenital. This type of pathology looks like a scarlet area, having a rounded shape, which is visible during a gynecological examination. It is typical mainly for teenage and youthful age categories. The main property is the ability to self-healing. The chance of developing cancer is low.
  • True. Characterized by the occurrence of a defect in the stratified squamous epithelium of the uterine cervix. Examination reveals the presence of a red formation, which has clear boundaries and does not exceed 1 centimeter. It is located around the external os of the uterus. The likelihood that this formation will progress into oncology is quite low, but after a few weeks, true erosion can move to the next stage of development - ectopia.
  • Pseudo-erosion (ectopia). It is a pathological modification in which the columnar epithelium finally replaces the stratified squamous epithelium. On examination, it looks like a red spot, located near the external pharynx, usually on the back lip. The period of existence of this form of the disease is unlimited, it can last months, years. Requires treatment, however, as a rule, it does not degenerate into oncology (if there is no cell atypia, that is, an atypicality that occurs during the development of the cancer process). The likelihood of oncology increases in patients who have papillomavirus types 16 or 18, 31 or 33, that is, an increased risk of tumor genesis.

Infectious pathogens (for example, gonococci, herpes simplex, chlamydia), which freely penetrate the cervix, can cause diseases. Since the epithelium is replaced, then, accordingly, it loses its protective function, resulting in the entry of harmful microorganisms into the organs.

After the process of displacement of the epithelium occurs, secretory epithelium will exist for some time, but this phenomenon is short-lived: the secretory epithelium does not tolerate an acidic environment.

As a result, the self-healing mechanism is launched. The remaining epithelium becomes stratified squamous, which, despite all the positive aspects of this process, has a big drawback: during the healing period of the epithelium, the surface becomes a positive environment for the papillomavirus transmitted through sexual contact to multiply. It also provokes diseases of the cervix in any of their forms (cancer, flat warts). That is why ectopia always worries gynecologists.

Sometimes the healing process takes its course, but only in cases where the ectopia has not yet given complications and if the woman has not given birth.

Other types of phenomena associated with the cervix:

  • Ectropion is a defect in the mucous membrane of the cervical canal. It occurs as a result of childbirth, diagnostic curettage, cervical dilatation caused by abortion. As a rule, there are no specific complaints in patients.
  • Leukoplakia is a disease in which areas appear on the cervix (more precisely, on its epithelium) that resemble normal skin. The cause of leukoplakia can be trauma, infection, hormonal failure, impaired immunity. This pathology does not show obvious symptoms, but there are more cases when it provokes a malignant cancer process.
  • Erythroplakia is a disease characterized by thinning of the mucous membranes of the cervix. An examination for which a mirror is used shows an area of ​​deep red color on the upper layer of the cervix. This is the confirmation of the diagnosis. The factors provoking this disease are unknown.

Cervical erosion: causes

Erosion of the cervix provokes a number of reasons. The most common causes of cervical erosion are:

  • Excessively early or too late introduction to sex life
  • Rare sexual contacts
  • Variety of sexual partners
  • Infection of the reproductive organs with infections, inflammation (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, HPV, vaginal dysbacteriosis and others)
  • Mechanical impacts (injuries, artificial termination of pregnancy, operations, childbirth, etc.)
  • Disruptions in hormonal synthesis and immune disorders (disturbed menstrual cycle, weak immunity, disturbed hormonal levels, diseases of the endocrine system)

Cervical erosion: symptoms

Symptoms of cervical erosion are not expressed in any way, so a woman can find out about the presence of the disease only after a visit to the gynecologist. Most often, diseases of this area of ​​the reproductive system occur without symptoms, but sometimes patients note the presence of secretions of various consistency, which is sometimes accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the genital tract.

What discharge occurs during cervical erosion

With cervical erosion, a woman may have spotting after intercourse. Sometimes women may confuse such discharge with the onset of menstruation. In some cases, blood from the genital tract may indicate ovulation. However, if pain in the lower abdomen and blood after each sexual intercourse is a systematic phenomenon, then you should consult a doctor.

Signs of cervical erosion: what other symptoms can be

Signs of cervical erosion are often erased. Symptoms of this kind indicate an infection in the body. The progression of the underlying disease occurs separately from the onset of symptoms.

The absence of complaints is not a reason not to undergo erosion treatment, because during the period of the disease processes occur in the epithelium, the result of which is the formation of favorable soil for the formation of a tumor. As a result of many years of research, it was found that cervical cancer very rarely results from the absence of tissue changes. To prevent oncology, it is only necessary to consult a doctor at the right time, who is able to prescribe the correct treatment for various background phenomena, which will significantly reduce the likelihood of developing malignant processes.

Ectopia (pseudo-erosion) may not have any symptoms, so doctors advise doing a colposcopy twice a year. Colposcopy is a study of the mucous membranes using a colposcope, which is performed under high illumination and optical magnification. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes, while it is absolutely painless, and its results provide reliable information about the state of your health.

The process, which was not stopped by timely treatment, can make itself felt in the form of painful discharge of a bloody structure. The most dangerous signal of the body is if sexual intercourse is accompanied by the release of a certain amount of blood (either in the process or after).

Cervical erosion: photo

This is what the initial stage of erosion looks like. Ulceration is visible on the cervix, but it is small and hardly noticeable. At this stage, the disease is best treated. Initial erosion, as a rule, is almost asymptomatic, and it can only be detected on a gynecological examination using dilators and mirrors.

Erosion of the cervix without treatment - a large ulcer, bleeds and hurts. There may be spotting after intercourse. Late stages of cervical erosion must be treated on an outpatient basis with laser or cryosurgery.

Cervical erosion: treatment

So, before talking on a topic that contains the main question - how to treat cervical erosion, it is necessary to take into account its parameters, identify what effect it has on the body in a given period of time, and, of course, undergo an examination. The course of treatment is prescribed based on the results of the tests.

Medicine has a very diverse arsenal of methods to diagnose and treat cervical erosion. It is likely that if there is no infection in the body and if the affected area is small in size, then alternative methods are also suitable for treatment. Erosion can heal on its own, so our main action is to help the body in the fight against the disease.

In the presence of other infections, treatment is prescribed, for which they resort to drug therapy, as well as to laboratory control.

If a medium-sized erosion that has not healed for a long time is detected, then treatment methods such as, for example, cauterization of uterine erosion (electrical shock, or diathermocoagulation), laser exposure (is the safest method), chemical cauterization (liquid nitrogen) are prescribed.

With the transition of the disease to a more severe form (cancer, other neoplasms), the treatment process becomes more complicated and requires surgical intervention, during which the uterus is removed (partially or completely).

So, let us dwell in more detail on the block of questions about how to treat cervical erosion, what methods exist for this. It would be wise to start with how to treat minor symptoms of cervical erosion, moving in order of increasing severity.

Normally, the natural covering of the cervix (its vaginal part) is a stratified squamous epithelium (non-keratinized), which in structure resembles the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. The cervical canal has a cylindrical epithelium in its structure. The place of contact of the two covers in different parts of the uterus depends on age. In most cases, in girls before puberty, this place is located on the outer part of the cervical canal, that is, in the vaginal area of ​​the cervix. In mature women - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe external pharynx of the neck, and after 50 years it moves into the cervical canal.

The cause of erosion is that one layer is superimposed on another, thereby causing true erosion, that is, a violation in the epithelial tissue lining the vaginal region of the cervix.

Simply put, this is a kind of abrasion, the life of which varies from 2 days to several weeks. No signs of erosion are observed, treatment is not required, and healing can take place naturally. However, if the vagina has become a target for any infection, then a favorable environment is created for its development.

Erosion: alternative treatment

Treatment of cervical erosion with folk remedies has not shown its effectiveness compared to traditional medicine procedures.

Cervical erosion is healthy tissue that has moved out of its place, so anti-inflammatory drugs suitable for diseased tissues will only be effective if erosion occurs in parallel with infection.

Very often there are situations when women, fearing surgical intervention, continue to take strong biological stimulants (sea buckthorn oil, honey, rosehip oil), which activates the growth of the components of the stratified squamous epithelium, layering and covering erosion. Some of its parts break through the epithelial layer, while bulges are formed, and the ducts of the glands are clogged. The integuments of the cervix, losing their smoothness, become embossed, and their protective functions weaken.

In the glands, a phenomenon is often noted in which healthy tissues turn into malignant ones.

The danger of this process is explained by the fact that it is not detected during diagnosis: surface smears will not show the presence of pathology, even if it has passed to the initial stage of cancer. That is why, if laboratory studies have confirmed the presence of erosion in the cervix, then it must be treated immediately.

The exception is girls under the age of 22, if they have not given birth. In their case, it is necessary to increase the frequency of visits to the gynecologist, who will keep the condition of the uterus under control. As for contraceptives, doctors advise using oral medications, which are good not only for preventing unplanned pregnancy, but also for getting rid of ectopia (due to hormonal normalization). We will discuss methods of contraception in the next block of the article, but for now let's talk about popular methods of treating erosion.

Cauterization of the cervix

Cauterization of cervical erosion is one of the most common treatments for this disease. This radical method has been used for several centuries, remaining in the set of medical procedures in our time, except that the process itself has become less painful for the patient. So, how is erosion cauterized?

For this, a special tool, an electrocoagulator, was invented, due to which tissue destruction occurs under the influence of high temperatures. The result is a burn with a scab. This method is renowned for its effectiveness and has helped countless women over the years. Cauterization of erosion leads to the disappearance of the epithelium, uncharacteristic for a particular zone. In its place, a wound appears (real erosion), covered with stratified epithelium.

The scar heals after cauterization, but during rehabilitation it is strictly forbidden to have sex, douche, use tampons, lift heavy objects - that is, everything that interferes with the normal healing of the wound, causing suppuration and inflammation. Compliance with this list of rules leads to an easy healing process.

Cauterization of erosion also has its drawbacks. Due to the fact that the process of current penetration into the cervix cannot be controlled, large scars may remain, which in the future may complicate childbirth. Nevertheless, this method is well known to every gynecologist, and in any medical center there is an apparatus, thanks to which the cervix is ​​cauterized.

Treatment of cervical erosion in nulliparous

Cauterization of uterine erosion is an extremely radical method, so in our time there is a set of alternatives. Modern methods of treatment should provide maximum safety, have a minimum of side effects, providing affordable relief from the disease in a short time. So, methods such as laser therapy and exposure to liquid nitrogen or gas are now widely used.

Laser cauterization of cervical erosion

The laser is currently used in many areas of medicine, including the gynecological segment of science. Laser treatment costs a lot of money, however, it will take a little time. The principle of operation of the laser apparatus is the conversion of light energy into thermal energy when it enters the tissues of the body. Due to the action of high temperatures, the process of evaporation of fluids (tissue and intercellular) and the formation of a necrotic area takes place. There is no doubt that the laser is a safe, painless way of healing, which, moreover, does not leave scars.

It is widely used among women who do not have experience of childbirth. The microscope used in the treatment allows you to control the depth of exposure. However, this method is not always available, since the devices are not available in all gynecological institutions. So, you need to contact a private clinic or a specialized medical center.

Cauterization of erosion with liquid nitrogen

Cryotherapy is the process of treating the affected area with liquid nitrogen. This method, like laser therapy, is included in the “sparing” group, since it does not cause pain and does not leave marks. It is most often used for erosions of small sizes, in particular, ectopia and condylomas, since the depth to which the active substance is able to sink is quite small. That is why the treatment of larger areas with cryotherapy is not effective.

Cryodestruction is a lightweight method for the treatment of pseudo-erosion. It consists in treating the unhealthy area with liquid gas and lasts from 8 to 10 weeks. However, this method also has a negative side: sometimes tissue frostbite does not occur to the full extent, and this is not enough to kill all the modified cells.

Among the advantages of freezing erosion, one can distinguish rapid healing and a complete cure for a viral infection if erosion was caused by an oncovirus. Also, cauterization with liquid nitrogen is ideal for nulliparous women, as it practically does not leave scars, and therefore there will be no problems with future pregnancy.

As for the period after treatment, you will have to forget about sexual life for at least a month, and after the expiration of this period, consult a doctor. Sex using a condom also does not have a positive effect on the healing process, and sexual life in general is limited not only because of the possibility of infection, but also because of the mechanical effect on the wound, which leads to a longer healing period.

Means for the treatment of erosion: drug therapy

As already mentioned, ectropion, or pseudo-erosion, is healthy tissue that has been displaced from its place. Treatment by douching and using tampons in this case is ineffective, as is treatment with herbal decoctions (except for the initial stages of the disease). In addition to the surgical method of treatment, there is another one, which consists in the use of tampons impregnated with a specially synthesized solution that burns through the affected area.

The most common drugs for this are Solkvagin and Vagotil. The impact on the affected area is carried out for several days. This method is less effective than cauterization, laser and liquid gas, however, it perfectly helps with minor pseudo-erosions in the absence of an inflammatory process and warts. It is worth remembering that this method is useless for patients with more severe lesions due to the fact that the substance cannot penetrate beyond a certain threshold. As a result, further progression of the pathological process.

Cervical erosion in women giving birth: effective treatment

Radio wave erosion treatment

This is a procedure for removing erosion on the cervix with a radio knife. The most widely used apparatus used to remove erosion is called "Surgitron". The basis of the mechanism is radio wave energy. The advantage of this method lies in the fact that it provides the process of cutting off the affected area, and not its cauterization, after which it can be given for histological analysis. This makes it possible to make the most reliable diagnosis. The radioknife method is an alternative to surgical intervention, and provides hemostasis by cauterizing blood vessels and stopping hemorrhage.

Surgery for cervical erosion

Surgical intervention is performed only when erosion becomes a malignant tumor. In the event that the results of the biopsy gave a positive result in favor of oncology, then it is necessary to seek help from an oncologist who, unlike a gynecologist and any other specialist, knows how to direct treatment in the right direction. It should be remembered that cancer at first can be cured completely. However, advanced cases of ectopia are common. The appearance of clear signs that are likely to develop into cancer, an operation is indicated.

The postoperative regime includes the same recommendations as the regime after the biopsy, but its duration is 3-6 weeks. At this time, it is forbidden to lift weights, visit saunas and other places where there is a chance of overheating, and have sex. The healing process is accompanied by secretions of a bloody or bloody structure, which are the norm. Subsequently, serous discharge of a liquid consistency may also appear, because the postoperative scar is a kind of surface that resembles a burn. It is also important to choose the right time for the operation. The most favorable is immediately after menstruation (5-7 days), since the covers should heal by the arrival of the next critical days. Otherwise, the contact of an unhealed wound and menstrual flow can cause endometriosis (the main signs are blood during sexual contact and during the non-menstrual period).

Cervical erosion and cancer

Can erosion develop into cancer? This is the first question a woman should ask her doctor. The fact is that without treatment, erosion can go further and cause irreversible changes in the female body.

In medical practice, there is such a paradox: cervical erosion is located on the 4th place in the spectrum of diseases of the female body, which is proved by the number of patients. Perhaps the reason is the lack of time and incompetence in matters of this kind, because prevention measures are quite simple. It is enough just to regularly undergo gynecological examinations, use contraception, be more scrupulous in choosing a sexual partner.

The main danger is the phenomena in which cancer occurs due to normal cells that line the surface of the cervix. Another unpleasant fact is that in recent years, cancers of this organ are increasingly spreading among women under the age of 35 years. The insidiousness of this pathology lies in the possibility of sexual transmission, because the main causes of this disease are viruses: papilloma and genital herpes. Unfortunately, most women and men believe that regular change of sexual partners is normal, as long as a condom is used. It should be remembered that a condom is not a protective agent against papillomas and genital herpes. Medical practice shows that if a woman has more than six sexual partners, then the risk of getting a malignant pathology of the cervix increases 11 times.

So, those women who are most at risk are:

  • Started having sex too early (before age 16);
  • Early transferred childbirth;
  • Allow themselves promiscuity;
  • Have had more than 3 abortions;
  • Transferred infections of the reproductive system;
  • They smoke too much.

It must be borne in mind that cancer is a problem resulting from a disease in the cervical region that has not been cured in time. Cancer does not appear for no reason, it has its own previous stages, which include a condition such as dysplasia. Ectopia cannot accelerate the development of a cancerous tumor, but it is a background disease. In this environment, cancer can develop, which will be masked by pseudo-erosion. By starting erosion, it can be brought to the formation of a malignant tumor.

Why shouldn't the process be left to chance?

Of course, erosion has the ability to self-heal, as damage of any nature that occurs in our body. However, this applies only to a young female body, that is, girls and girls who did not give birth, and hormonal changes became the cause of erosion. If you have experience of childbirth, if there is no permanent sexual partner, and the doctor has determined that you have erosion, then measures must be taken quickly. On the one hand, erosion can go away on its own, but, on the other hand, it can cause cancer. That is why the pathological processes in the cervix must be cured in any case.

  • Before treatment, it is necessary to be examined, because any problem associated with damage to the cervix can provoke a malignant process.
  • Consistently frequent visits to the gynecologist (twice a year), even in the absence of complaints, plays a significant role. If you experience discharge unusual for your body (especially bloody consistency) during and after sex, contact a specialist immediately. Annually undergo colposcopy and cytological tests, and if erosion is already detected in you, then these procedures should be frequent. Remember that any disease can be cured if it is detected in time.
  • First, the inflammatory process is treated, then the erosion itself, because it can eliminate itself. Once the inflammation has been cured, a biopsy can be done. The results of the analyzes are the main aspect in drawing up a treatment plan!
  • Regardless of age and childbirth experience, it is necessary to remove the onset of cancerous modification of epithelial cells. The operation should be scheduled at the end of critical days. This is necessary in order for the wound to heal before the start of the next ones.
  • Don't be afraid! Pathologies in this area are treated absolutely painlessly when compared with the process of childbirth or with other procedures. Feelings are comparable to the state on the first day of menstruation. Perhaps the introduction of an anesthetic drug.
  • It is necessary to contact a competent specialist in this field. If the condition is on the verge of cancer, consult an oncologist.

Cervical erosion: reviews

Irina: I suffered cauterization of the cervix many years ago, in the postpartum period. Erosion was large. I had to first be tested for infections of various kinds, as well as tests for hepatitis, AIDS and other diseases.

Maria: In our local medical institution, erosion is treated exclusively by cauterization. Judging by the reviews, not everyone has a problem the first time, but my treatment ended quickly and safely.

Katya: Cauterization of erosion was performed on me, since there was no laser device in this clinic. You lie down on a gynecological chair, on which lies some kind of metal object. The device is a large metal box, from which several wires and control elements extend. My procedure went without anesthesia. To begin with, they gave me a short discharge, so that I understood what to expect. I came across a neat doctor who was worried about my condition and wondered if I was in much pain.

After erosion treatment

Depending on the type of treatment, prevention and the postoperative period may vary slightly. Some treatments require the patient to visit the doctor more than once. However, in all cases, during the healing of the wound, sexual rest and careful hygiene procedures are required. After cauterization, a burn forms at the site of erosion, and then a crust, which disappears by itself. At this time, the discharge of ichorus and small spotting discharge is possible. If you experience pain in the abdomen, fever or red discharge, you should consult a doctor.

The cervix is ​​one of the most significant organs of the female reproductive system. She participates in the process of fertilization, selecting the most viable sperm, plays an important role in carrying a child, being responsible for ensuring that the internal os is closed and the fetus is kept in the mother's womb.

But at the same time, the affected cervix has the most favorable conditions for the development of infectious diseases that can lead to infertility and inflammation of the body of the uterus and ovaries.

A doctor can visually assess the condition of the mucous membrane located in the area of ​​​​the external pharynx of the cervical canal during a gynecological examination. It is in this way that erosion (or ectopia) of the cervix is ​​​​usually detected - displacement of the cylindrical epithelium, which can lead to many negative consequences.

Until now, the opinions of scientists about this pathology differ in the world. Some doctors consider it harmless and does not require treatment, even with a large area of ​​pathologically altered epithelium.

Another part of doctors (including Russians) consider this disease a source of not only infectious, but also oncological diseases of the cervical canal. They believe that cervical erosion is a time bomb that can be present for years and eventually turn into a cancerous tumor.

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Dangers of cervical erosion

Cervical erosion photo

Small in size ectopia has a good chance of self-healing. Gynecologists in this case prescribe to the patient only regular observation by a doctor, without raising the issue of minimally invasive intervention. But if the erosion is large, then the lack of timely treatment can lead to a lot of problems.

  • Inflammatory diseases uterus and cervix. They become a consequence of the fact that the mucous membrane of the external pharynx of the cervical canal becomes fragile and vulnerable, and therefore prone to frequent cases of STDs.
  • Cervical ruptures that happened during childbirth. They can occur due to damaged epithelium, which has lost elasticity and has become thin due to the presence of a constant inflammatory process.
  • Cervical cancer. Often this disease is a direct consequence of a large and chronic erosion, which over the years turns into dysplasia (precancer), and then into a malignant tumor.

You can avoid all these problems if you follow the doctor's instructions and do not start a large ectopia, leaving it without treatment.

Types of disease and features

The displacement of the cylindrical epithelium is divided into several types, depending on the location of the pathologically altered area, and also depending on the circumstances under which it was formed.

  • true erosion- a formation characterized by a rich red color, often bleeding. It is localized in the region of the pharynx of the cervix and has a pronounced rounded shape.
  • congenital erosion- a section of the epithelium of a red color, without bleeding and the presence of inflammatory processes. Such erosion does not lend itself to staining with Lugol's solution during colposcopy, does not tend to transform into a malignant tumor, and, therefore, is not dangerous for a woman.
  • pseudo-erosion- the formation of a red or dark red color, which has a tendency to inflammation and frequent relapses. It needs treatment, as it can transform over the years into an oncological disease.

Based on the varieties of ectopia, it becomes clear that only true erosion and pseudo-erosion deserve close observation and treatment, and patients with identified congenital ectopia may not be afraid for their health.

The essence of ectopia is the displacement of the cylindrical epithelium from the inside of the cervical canal to its surface. However, the reasons for this shift may be different.

  • Cervical injury. Often occur due to mechanical damage during sexual contact. Especially if the girl began to live sexually too early. But even more often there is a true erosion of the cervix after childbirth, when the entire cervical canal is injured.
  • Genital tract infections. Ectopia occurs only in cases where STDs remain untreated for a long time. The mucous membrane of the vaginal walls and the surface of the cervix are constantly exposed to inflammatory processes, the result of which is the gradual replacement of the squamous epithelium with a cylindrical one. Such erosions are most often bleeding and cause discomfort during sexual contact.
  • Inflammatory process in the pelvis. They can cause ectopia only if they affect the cervix. As a rule, this happens when the inflammation of the uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes has not been eliminated in time.

To start treatment, the doctor needs to find out what exactly caused the occurrence of the pathologically altered cervical mucosa.

Signs and changes in discharge

Ectopia tends to exist completely asymptomatically and for years not to make itself felt. A woman may not be aware of the presence of the disease, especially if she does not have the habit of regularly visiting the gynecologist's office. But in some cases, erosion has two main symptoms:

  • Pain during sexual contact. Occur in situations where the sexual partner has a long penis, which easily reaches the external pharynx of the cervix, where erosion is located.
  • Small spotting that happen after sex. They can occur even if the length of the partner's penis is medium or small, and the cervix does not come into contact with it. The cause of bleeding lies in the change in the consistency of the intravaginal secretion of a woman during sex, which corrodes the inflamed surface of the pharynx of the cervical canal.

Other symptoms of erosion are very indirect and occur quite rarely. As a rule, a woman begins to plan a trip to the doctor exactly when she feels pain or sees a bloody spot after each sexual intercourse.

In some cases, discharge during cervical erosion is profuse and watery.

Treatment of cervical erosion - methods and preparations

Depending on the complexity, erosion can be treated in several ways. Some of them involve minimally invasive surgery. Others are based on drug therapy. As a rule, neither one nor the other can be combined.

Treatment with drugs and suppositories

Only very small ectopias are subjected to such treatment. As the main preparations, suppositories, tampons soaked in special wound healing oils are used.

Doctors also seek to resort to drug therapy in cases where the pathologically altered area of ​​the epithelium is located too close to the entrance to the cervical canal and the scar formed after minimally invasive surgery can become an obstacle to pregnancy.

Candles for cervical erosion are made on the basis of sea buckthorn oil, therapeutic mud or cocoa, or they contain substances that accelerate skin regeneration.

Elimination by radio wave method

This technique involves the use of the Surgitron apparatus, which, using radio waves, removes a pathologically altered area of ​​the epithelium.

The main advantage of this method of treatment is the complete absence of scars after the procedure. All manipulations last from a few seconds to 3-4 minutes (depending on the size of the ectopia focus).

If the lesion is large, then the patient feels a slight pulling pain in the lower abdomen until the doctor completes the procedure.

  • Radio wave treatment of cervical erosion is suitable for both women who have given birth and those who have not yet given birth.

Elimination with a laser

In terms of time, the treatment is as fast as when using the Surgitron apparatus. True, laser removal can leave a slight scar, but the intervention itself is almost bloodless.

  • The probability of recurrence is small, but after the erosion of the cervix has been removed with a laser, it is necessary to observe a certain regimen of physical activity for some time, because strong physical stress can provoke bleeding.

Elimination by cauterization

The procedure is quite old and is now used less and less. Leaves a scar, so it is not recommended for nulliparous girls. During the manipulation, the patient experiences a short-term acute pain in the lower abdomen, and then, within 3-4 hours, there are unpleasant pulling sensations in the same area.

  • Erosion of the cervix after cauterization is prone to relapse, especially if the woman has given birth again.

Liquid nitrogen treatment

A common procedure with a high percentage of complete cure. After cryotherapy, a small scar remains, which, as a rule, does not interfere with either conception or childbearing.

  • All manipulations are carried out quickly and almost painlessly.

After treatment, slight brown discharge may occur for several days (not bleeding, but a few drops on a daily pad).

There is an opinion among women that ectopia can become a serious obstacle to pregnancy. In fact, there is no direct connection between infertility and displacement of the cylindrical epithelium.

The presence of the disease can affect the change in the consistency of intravaginal secretion, which will become more impermeable to sperm. However, a man with normal sperm counts will be quite able to conceive a child in such a situation.

In gynecology, there are indeed cases when problems with the onset of pregnancy and erosion are associated. But then conception does not occur due to the scar after the treatment of ectopia, which blocks the entrance to the cervical canal, and a significant part of the ejaculate cannot enter the fallopian tubes.

This problem arises due to the wrong approach to the treatment of erosion, when the doctor imprudently chose the technique by which minimally invasive surgery was performed.

The presence of untreated erosion does not affect the bearing of a child. The only difficulty is that during childbirth, the thinned mucous membrane of the external os of the cervix will be subject to severe ruptures.

  • However, it is impossible to live with the presence of ectopia - this can adversely affect the state of health and cause serious problems.
  • Cervical cancer - stages, first signs and ...

Such an exclusively female disease as erosion of the cervix is ​​characterized by damage and violation of the integrity of the epithelial cover. In order to determine this ailment, specialists use special mirrors. The damaged area has bright red inclusions, which are often located in the cervical region. Today, the question of such a disease as cervical erosion photo, what it is and how to treat, worries a considerable number of representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, and in this material we will try to reveal the topic that concerns most women.

False and true erosion: features

This disease is a diagnosis that is often made by gynecologists to their patients. In accordance with the indications of medical statistics with this disease faced by more than 50% of women. It is for this reason that many are concerned about the question - cervical erosion photo, what it is and how to treat the disease. The main feature of this gynecological pathology is that it is often impossible to find out about its development without being examined by a specialist.

Today, doctors are isolating several types of disease- this is the so-called congenital erosion, true and pseudo-erosion (false).

  1. Congenital erosion I is characterized by a displacement of the boundaries of the epithelium outside the cervical canal even during the intrauterine development of the fetus.
  2. true erosion- this, in fact, is a pathology that is acquired as a result of exposure to the female body of various negative factors (gynecological diseases, mechanical damage during procedures or intimacy, inflammatory exudate, and others).
  3. false erosion characterized by the replacement of the cellular epithelium - that is, the cells lining the internal canal of the cervix are displaced beyond its limits.

Causes of the disease

Such a female disease as cervical erosion photo, what it is, causes and how to fight - this is one of the main topics that has been discussed by doctors for quite a long time. Today there is several theories of the origin of this disease.

  • The most widely accepted theory is that the disease is caused by inflammatory processes accompanied by increased secretion of the glands.
  • Mechanical damage. The cause of the inflammatory process can be several reasons - the birth of a child or sexual intercourse.
  • Early onset of sexual activity. Note that the full maturation of the mucous membrane of the female genital organs occurs, as a rule, by the age of 20–23. The ingress of any infection or mechanical injury can cause the onset of pseudo-erosion.
  • STIs: gonococci, thrush, chlamydia, genital herpes, as well as papillomavirus and Trichomonas.
  • Violation of the hormonal balance and failures in the immune system, which disrupts the menstrual cycle.

Symptoms indicating the presence of the disease

Cervical erosion photo, what it is and how treatment is carried out - this is one of the most interesting questions for many women. Note that often only a specialist gynecologist can determine the beginning of the development of the disease, after an examination. That is, even the presence of an ailment does not cause any changes in the state or well-being of a woman, and therefore she simply cannot notice or detect the characteristic symptoms of erosion on her own.

This is due to the fact that such a part of the female reproductive system as the cervix is ​​completely devoid of sensitivity, and even during sexual intercourse with an existing disease, the woman will not feel any discomfort. However, in some women, after intimacy, minor bleeding or blood discharge may appear, which in fact is a serious enough reason to make an appointment with a gynecologist.

Erosion diagnostics

For to detect disease and start timely treatment, the main task of any woman should be a regular visit to the gynecologist to conduct a routine examination and identify all the problems that have arisen, including cervical erosion photo, what can her gynecologist tell a woman. At the same time, it is necessary to visit a specialist at least twice a year - this is the permissible minimum that must be met in order for a woman to keep her women's health in perfect condition.

In the event that the doctor determines cervical erosion or the presence of any other defects or violations of the integrity of the epithelium, scheduled for a procedure such as calposcopy, implying a more in-depth examination through a special optical system. Note that this procedure is absolutely safe, painless and does not take much time both for preparation and directly for carrying out.

If a specialist finds an area during calposcopy that needs to be examined more closely, a tissue sample will be taken for detailed examination under a microscope (biopsy).

Treatment methods for the disease

As a rule, the method of treating a disease such as cervical erosion is primarily determined by a specialist based on the data obtained during the study: the type of damage to the integrity of the epithelium, its size, the presence of concomitant pathologies of the patient and her age. That is, in fact, to answer the patient's question - cervical erosion photo, what it is and how to properly treat, the doctor can only after examination. At the same time, the treatment of the disease and its methods are purely individual.

Note that before starting treatment, it is imperative to conduct an accurate diagnosis of the state of health and identify other pathologies of the genitourinary system. Based on the results, an effective treatment is selected ( for example, cauterization). In addition, do not forget that for the effectiveness of the chosen method of dealing with the disease, the sexual partner of the woman must also undergo an examination. After that, the main task before direct treatment is to eliminate the inflammatory process.

Folk remedies: using time-tested methods

Folk remedies, as well as modern practical medicine, can effectively cope with such a female disease as cervical erosion. The most popular method is to use sea ​​buckthorn oil, which contains many active ingredients that will help to quickly restore the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix.

For treatment at home, you can perform such simple and at the same time effective procedures as installation of tampons with sea buckthorn oil at night. The course of treatment with this method is at least three weeks. Note that during treatment it is better to refrain from intimate relationships.

Before starting the procedure, you should douche with warm water, in which a small amount of soda is dissolved. Only after that is placed a tampon abundantly moistened in a sea buckthorn solution. In order not to stain bed linen and furniture, it is better to cover the bed with a special lining. Also, do not forget about such a hygiene product as panty liners.

Another use case sea ​​buckthorn oil for the treatment of erosion implies the presence of several ingredients - grated blue onion and oil, which are thoroughly mixed. These tampons are placed at night for two weeks.

Summing up

Such a female disease as cervical erosion photo, what it is and how to treat our readers found all the answers in this material, is not an irreversible disease. It is quite simple and quick to cure with timely detection. Therefore, do not neglect your health, but it is better to visit a doctor once again.

Below, visitors to our site can watch a video that tells in more detail how to treat cervical erosion with folk methods at home.

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