How is being overweight related to thyroid function? Functions of iodinated thyroid hormones. Normal thyroid size

Thyroid gland - hormones and their functions are essential for the human body. Together with the immune system and the nervous system, the thyroid gland is involved in the regulation of the activity of all internal organs of a person.

In hormones thyroid gland Every cell and tissue in the body needs it. Failure of thyroid function entails serious consequences.

The structure of the thyroid gland

The thyroid gland is considered an organ internal secretion, its main functions are the development and interaction with all systems. thyroid hormones and functions closely related to some parts of the brain: hypothalamus and pituitary gland that affect its function and vice versa. The organ also has a second name - thyroid gland.

The thyroid gland is located on the front of the neck, slightly below the Adam's apple. The iron is shaped like a butterfly. The mass of the thyroid gland in each person is 30-60 g.

Interesting! The weight and size of the thyroid gland are dependent on nutrition, intake medicines and age. For example, in the case of accumulation of hormones thyroid increases in size, as occurs in women during periods of menstruation or pregnancy.

The gland consists of three parts:

  • right lobe;
  • left lobe;
  • isthmus .

The fourth part, the pyramidal lobule, is also part of the thyroid gland, but only in 1/3 of the world's population. The lobule is the remnant of the organ on the basis of which the gland developed in the process of human evolution.

On the back of the thyroid gland are two paired glands. Parathyroid gland oval in shape and weighs no more than 1 g.

Connecting with the larynx, the gland can move when swallowing or with a tilt of the head. The thyroid gland is the fastest in the body to receive blood. The role of the thyroid gland in the existence of people has great importance, which is why a person at birth has a fully formed organ.

What is the thyroid gland made of? The thyroid gland has complex structure. The thyroid gland consists entirely of follicles, small vesicles filled with a thick fluid - a colloid. On the edges of the follicles are cells - thyrocytes.

Iodized hormones produced by these cells accumulate in the colloid to immediately enter the blood when needed. Parafollicular cells are located between the cells and follicles that fill the thyroid gland.

Interesting! The location of the thyroid gland does not depend on sexual characteristics. Therefore, despite the different physiology in women and men, the thyroid gland is located in one place.

What hormones does the thyroid gland produce?

The gland produces two types of hormones:

  • iodinated hormones;
  • thyrocalcitonin.

Calcitonin, a substance produced by parafollicular cells, is involved in the regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism. The hormone is responsible for removing calcium from bone tissue.

The iodinated hormones are triiodothyronine and thyroxine. The first hormone produced by the gland consists of 3 molecules of iodine, and the other hormone - of 4, respectively, they are defined as T3-hormone and T4-hormone.

In the body, the function of hormones does not occur if it receives less iodine. That is why it is necessary to consume iodine-containing foods. The amino acid tyrosine, supplied with food, is important for thyroid function, as it contributes to the formation of the hormones T3 and T4.

The activity of the thyroid gland

The hormones secreted by the thyroid gland, as well as their functions, are monitored by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. What are these parts of the brain responsible for? The first controls the level of hormones. If there is a deficiency of thyroid hormones, then it begins to produce thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH).

TRH acts on the pituitary gland, which produces thyroid-stimulating hormone, which regulates thyroid function and stimulates the synthesis of T3 and T4. When thyroid hormones show biological activity, then parts of the brain inhibit their production and function.

Functions iodinated hormones thyroid gland:

  1. Through food, the body receives iodine, which is absorbed in the intestines.
  2. When iodine reaches the thyroid gland, it dissolves in its cells.
  3. The gland produces a special prohormone thyroglobulin, which is necessary for successful education hormones T3 and T4, which then enter the bloodstream.

The thyroid gland is interconnected with all systems of the human body. Can't work without thyroid function internal organs.

The main functions of thyroid hormones:

  1. Actively involved in the creation of red blood cells.
  2. Control energy metabolism. Hormones normalize metabolism, heat levels.
  3. Promote the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. As a result, a person does not gain weight.
  4. Responsible for reproductive system. Thyroid hormones affect the functions of germ cells, which is very important during sexual development, conception, and childbearing.
  5. Regulate cellular metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. This function affects the development of bone tissue. For example, when various injuries bones, calcitonin serves as an engine: it helps calcium act on the problem.
  6. Influence the functions of the central nervous system. Lack of any thyroid hormone is noticeable in children who are lagging behind in development: intelligence decreases, cretinism develops.
  7. Depends on emotional state human: excitability, irritability, insomnia.

Interesting! Human growth and development is regulated by the thyroid gland. With a decrease in its function, growth stops.

Functional disorders of the thyroid gland

Dysfunction in the work of the thyroid gland is characterized by the degree functional activity her hormones:

  • euthyroidism;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • hyperthyroidism.

Structural changes in the gland

When reversible changes occur in the structure of an organ without affecting its functions, then it occurs. With a structural modification of the thyroid gland, all internal organs and systems work as expected, without visible failures. Euthyroidism is characterized by the growth of thyroid tissue, however, the amount of hormones remains normal.

This state of a person does not speak of his absolute health, since a violation structural functions thyroid gland is considered a borderline position. At any time, an increase or decrease in the amount of hormones can occur.

In such a situation, it is important to watch for signs of thyroid dysfunction. Euthyroidism lasts a short time and is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • insomnia, weakness upon awakening;
  • increased emotional imbalance: irritability, excitability;
  • disorders of the pumping function of the heart;
  • weight loss for no apparent reason;
  • neck compression.

When Thyroid Hormones Are Not Enough

Decreased thyroid hormone function is characteristic of hypothyroidism. The function of the thyroid gland is weakened when the human body receives little iodine or substances that destroy the action of thyroid hormones.

AT rare cases hypothyroidism occurs due to certain medications or removal of the thyroid gland. AT childhood gland hypofunction affects growth and development: observed growth retardation and mental development , disproportionate growth , cretinism .

A decrease in the function of the thyroid gland and its hormones has the following external manifestations:

  • weight gain that is not affected by diet or exercise;
  • increased fatigue, general weakness;
  • depression: a person is nervous and worried a lot;
  • changes in the menstrual cycle, inability to conceive;
  • body temperature is below normal;
  • dry skin, dandruff, itching, swelling of the skin, legs and face;
  • decreased heart rate;
  • constantly cold extremities even in a warm room;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • decreased memory and responsiveness.

Increased production of hormones

Increased production of thyroid hormones is associated with hyperthyroidism. Excess secretion The thyroid gland is characterized by the following conditions:

  • bias eyeballs(bulging eyes, exophthalmos);
  • weight loss with increased appetite;
  • changes in the menstrual cycle;
  • heart palpitations and high blood pressure;
  • dry skin;
  • hair loss;
  • diarrhea;
  • constant nervous excitement.

Interesting! Diseases such as toxic and (Basedow-Graves disease, Plummer disease), viral and autoimmune thyroiditis, as well as an excess of hormonal or iodine-containing drugs are characterized by hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.

Diagnostic study

The level of gland hormones can be determined using a blood test. To put correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment, the doctor must examine the patient, send him to X-ray and ultrasound.

Given the severity of the patient, the endocrinologist may prescribe to the patient additional examination changes and functions of the thyroid gland using computed or magnetic resonance imaging. CT and MRI make it possible to determine the location of the gland, its size and the presence of nodes.

Thyroid hormone levels

Thyroid problems are more common in women than in men. This comes from the fact that female body works in a cyclic mode: birth, feeding, raising children. The ovaries, uterus, mammary glands and thyroid gland work simultaneously with these processes. Therefore, the norm of gland hormones in the sexes is different.

The figures in this table may vary slightly, as different laboratories carry out their own methods of analysis.

Table of the norm of hormones in women:

Thyroid disorders can be treated if you see a doctor in a timely manner. Prescription of special medicines and regular monitoring laboratory indicators help to restore the previous functions of the thyroid gland.

Causes of thyroid dysfunction and preventive measures

The syndrome of insufficient thyroid function occurs for several reasons:

  • heredity;
  • nervous excitement;
  • adverse environmental factors;
  • food.

It is those foods that a person consumes daily directly affect the function of the thyroid gland. Deficiency of iodine, selenium and fluorine in the air, water, food affects the function of the gland. Modified and additives, stabilizers in food, adversely affect general state thyroid gland.

In order to prevent the development of an imbalance of hormones in the thyroid gland, you need to monitor nutrition: it should be complete and fortified.

The daily requirement of iodine for an adult is 150 micrograms.

Iodine is found in marine products, fresh vegetables and fruits, juices, clean water, sunflower oil. Tyrosine in sufficient quantities can be found in milk, peas, eggs, peanuts, beans.

At the same time, it is important to use honey instead of sugar, if allowed, to eat cereals, wholemeal bread.

And limit consumption:

  • smoked and canned foods;
  • fatty foods;
  • hot spices and seasonings;
  • alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

Natural red wine in moderation has favorable influence on the body and the work of the thyroid gland in particular.

Complete and balanced diet helps to normalize the activity of the thyroid gland, prevent the risk of disease and serious consequences.

I talked about why it is useful to spend regular examination thyroid with ultrasound. After that, a lot of letters came to the mail with questions about what the norms of the thyroid gland should be.

Therefore, I decided to write a separate article so that everyone can get acquainted with the information.

The thyroid gland is an organ located in the neck, in front, under the larynx. It has the shape of a butterfly and consists of two symmetrical lobes and an isthmus. Since the gland is located directly under the skin, deviations in its structure or structure can be detected even during the initial examination by an endocrinologist by palpation.

The thyroid gland of normal size in most cases is not palpable, except in cases where excessive thinness or the anatomical structure of the patient's neck allows this.

However, with a noticeable increase in the size of the gland during palpation, it is easy to determine:

  • the shape of the organ, the size and symmetry of its lobes, the total volume;
  • mobility and localization of the gland;
  • density and consistency of gland tissue;
  • the presence of nodes and volumetric formations.

Unfortunately, the manipulation does not allow to detect formations while maintaining or reducing the normal size of the organ, therefore, the main method for reliable diagnosis of the state of the thyroid gland is ultrasound.

On ultrasound, the thyroid gland is defined as a rounded organ, vaguely resembling a butterfly in shape, with symmetrical lobes and a homogeneous structure.

  • The volume of the gland: in women - from 15 to 20 cm3, in men - from 18 to 25 cm3.
  • Dimensions of the lobes of the gland: length - 2.5-6 cm, width - 1.0-1.8 cm, thickness - 1.5-2.0 cm.
  • Isthmus thickness: 4 to 8 mm.
  • Parathyroid glands with a diameter of 2–8 mm, from 2 to 8 units.

In different medical sources of the border normal indicators the size of the lobes and the volume of the organ differ. Studies among the population have shown that the average values ​​of the norm are relative - for example, the population of regions with a constant iodine deficiency is characterized by a general change in the size of the thyroid gland upwards, and this is not a pathology.

Often there is an asymmetry of the organ - the right lobe is usually larger than the left, but it happens vice versa - as idiosyncrasy organism. There have been cases where healthy people one of the lobes was underdeveloped or completely absent.

The difference in the volume of the thyroid gland in men and women is not associated with gender, but with the difference in physical and physiological indicators organism.

Normal thyroid size

Although throughout menstrual cycle in women, and there are some fluctuations in the data of ultrasound of the thyroid gland, nevertheless, when conducting an examination, specialists take into account, first of all, the age and weight of the patient. In adults, the normal size of the thyroid gland can vary within:

  • weight up to 40 kg - up to 12.3 cm3;
  • 41–50 kg - up to 15.5 cm3;
  • 51–60 kg - up to 18.7 cm3;
  • 61–70 kg - up to 22 cm3;
  • 71–80 kg - up to 25 cm3;
  • 81–90 kg - up to 28.4 cm3;
  • 91–100 kg - up to 32 cm3;
  • 101–110 kg - up to 35 cm3.

As the data of the list show, the concept of the norm in a healthy person is very relative and often goes beyond the average indicators. In addition, it is allowed to exceed these norms by 1 cm3 or more, provided that the function of the thyroid gland is not impaired.

There are cases of individual underdevelopment (hypoplasia) of the organ with the preservation of its full functionality.

In about 1/6 of the population, the thyroid gland has a pyramidal lobe - an additional structural unit with a base in the middle of the isthmus - which is also one of the variants of the individual norm. Specialists of diagnostic rooms periodically observe the absence of an isthmus between the lobes of the organ in some patients.

To detect pathological changes, complex analysis thyroid ultrasound data:

  • Contours of the gland - healthy organ has clear, even contours, the change of which indicates the development inflammatory process.
  • Structure - homogeneous glandular tissue is an indicator of the norm and has a characteristic granularity. With the development of immune inflammatory diseasesautoimmune thyroiditis, diffuse toxic goiter - the structure becomes heterogeneous. Sometimes the heterogeneous structure of the glandular tissue is also found in healthy older people. age groups at increased production antibodies to certain enzymes of thyroid cells.
  • Echogenicity is a certain value of the general acoustic response characteristic of the tissue under study. Echogenicity should be normal, i.e. meet the standards for that body. If echogenicity is reduced, the doctor may suspect the development of an inflammatory process. An increase in echogenicity may indicate acute inflammation or the development of pathological changes.
  • Foci of changes are areas characterized by a decrease (hypoechogenicity), absence (anechoicity) or an increase (hyperechogenicity) of the acoustic response of ultrasound. Such formations should not normally be, although the presence of small, up to 4 mm, anechoic areas is allowed - single enlarged follicles of the glandular tissue. Pathological foci, identified in the structure of the tissue, are nodes of the thyroid gland. Nodes can be single or multiple. Solitary small nodules (1-3 mm) are usually not treatable and often disappear on their own over time. Formations larger than 3 mm, as a rule, require clarification of the diagnosis.
  • The state of the lymph nodes - the latter should have clear, even contours, the absence of cysts and normal size(not enlarged).

What does a thyroid ultrasound show?

colloid nodes- formations, which are overgrown follicles. These are benign lesions that almost never degenerate into malignant tumors.

Adenomabenign tumor, subject to surgical removal. The presence of a fibrous capsule allows it to be differentiated from other pathologies. It develops with age, mainly in women.

Cyst- fluid-filled formation. Usually observable.

thyroid cancer- a dangerous single node that does not have clear boundaries and a shell. It is characterized by rapid growth, is subject to immediate removal along with the lymph nodes.

When a neoplasm is detected, the patient undergoes additional research- Dopplerography or elastography, to assess changes in the intensity of blood flow in the vessels of an organ, and the cellular and tissue structure of existing formations. If necessary, carried out needle biopsy for histological analysis under ultrasound supervision.

Diffuse toxic goiter- a disease manifested by an increase in the volume of the gland and the heterogeneity of its structure due to the formation of multiple nodes.

Inflammatory diseases (thyroiditis)- distinguish between acute and subacute thyroiditis of infectious and viral origin, arising as complications after tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, SARS; fibrous thyroiditis - inflammation of the tissue as a result of the abundant growth of its fibrous component; autoimmune chronic thyroiditis- a feature of the body to perceive thyroid cells as foreign, as a result of which an inflammatory process occurs.

Goiter of the thyroid gland- an increase in volume due to tissue growth. Euthyroid goiter does not affect the function of the organ, hypo- and hyperthyroid goiters are associated with corresponding dysfunctions. Perhaps the development of endemic goiter among the population of areas with low iodine content in environment, as well as some hypertrophy of the thyroid gland during pregnancy.

Hypoplasia of the thyroid gland- congenital underdevelopment of the organ due to endocrine disorders during pregnancy of the mother or insufficient intake of iodine in the body.

Thyroid atrophy- a decrease in its size as a result of the gradual replacement of the glandular tissue with connective tissue, combined with the development of hypothyroidism, requiring constant replacement therapy.

Thus, when setting accurate diagnosis endocrinologist results ultrasound(ultrasound) are analyzed in combination with other indicators of the patient's health. The set of complaints individual symptoms, general well-being, blood tests and data functional diagnostics allows the doctor to determine individual boundaries norms and pathologies and to choose the optimal means of therapy for the patient.

Dear readers, if you have any questions, then ask them in the comments, I will try to answer them in detail.

The effect of hormones on life human body in no way comparable with the size and weight of the endocrine gland. The main gland that regulates metabolic processes in the body is the thyroid gland, which is a very small organ in volume. The weight of the thyroid gland ranges from 5 grams in newborns to 25-30 grams in adults. Moreover, in women, the thyroid gland is always larger in volume and heavier than in men. Despite such a modest weight of the thyroid gland, the substances produced by it can radically change the fate of a person, spoil not only the figure, but also significantly reduce the quality of life.

How does the thyroid gland affect a person's weight?

The thyroid gland produces three types of hormones:

  • T 3 - triiodothyronine;
  • T 4 - thyroxine;
  • Calcitonin;
  • In smaller quantities, somatostatin and serotonin are produced, which also affect the metabolic processes in the body.

T3 and T4 are considered the most significant among all thyroid hormones, since they are the catalysts for splitting nutrients entering the body and are responsible for their assimilation by the body.

Of all thyroid diseases, three main groups are known:

  • Normal;
  • Low (hypothyroidism);
  • Increased (hyperthyroidism).

Under normal production excess weight not from thyroid but on completely different factors. First of all - increased consumption of carbohydrates (passion for overeating) and from passive sedentary image life. But pathologies that directly affect changes in blood levels have the most direct impact on body composition.

Hypothyroidism - causing problems with weight

How does the thyroid gland affect weight? If an excess of thyroid function helps to accelerate metabolism - metabolism. All carbohydrates, proteins and fats that enter the body are quickly broken down, absorbed and excreted from the body, then with T3 and T4 deficiency, the opposite picture is observed - the metabolic process in the body slows down sharply. The first symptoms of hypothyroidism are a delay in the body excess fluids - swelling appears on the face, limbs, and a set of excess weight unprovoked by excessive food intake.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. During normal metabolism, they are broken down and used to ensure the functioning of the body. The excess turns into fats, which are stored as a reserve. An imbalance between the body's energy needs and the rate of absorption of nutrients leads to the fact that even a small amount of the food taken by the patient is not spent on maintaining vital processes, but is converted into useless fats. In addition to the desire of the patient, his body weight begins to grow.

How to deal with weight in diseases of the thyroid gland

Independent measures of a general preventive nature:

  • diets;
  • Decrease in the amount of food consumed;
  • Increase physical activity with hypothyroidism.

They not only do not achieve an effect, but can be harmful, since as a result of self-treatment, a person struggles not with the cause that gives rise to an increase in excessive volumes, but with the consequence of much deeper processes in the body. During this time progression is possible. dangerous disease, the gradual onset of symptoms that affect the vital important systems, such as central nervous system or sexual area.

by the most effective tool fight against overweight body is timely appeal to an endocrinologist. This is especially true for women who have crossed the forty-year milestone in life. It is this category that accounts for up to 75% of patients with hypothyroidism. Having passed a blood test for the content of T3 and T4 in it, the patient immediately receives an answer to main question- about their level in the blood. Further - the doctor determines. It is usually enough to adjust the level thyroid hormones that affect weight How is the normalization of body weight, improvement of general well-being. In about 2/3 of the population, thyroid problems are caused by a lack of the trace element iodine in food and water. AT preventive purposes iodine-containing preparations, food rich in this element and artificially iodized and fluorinated table salt are prescribed.

Age after 40 years almost always entails a decline physical activity person. turn on physiological mechanisms, contributing to the deposition of fatty tissues, a person becomes stout. If these age-related changes pathology is imposed weight gain at sick thyroid gland happens much faster. To offset the effects of age and pathological factors, it is necessary to follow a diet that limits the intake of carbohydrates into the body as much as possible.

The basis of such a diet is protein-vegetable food. The abundance of low-calorie fiber, vitamins, microelements contained in fresh plant foods - vegetables and fruits contributes to the acceleration metabolic processes. The work of the gastrointestinal tract is stimulated - the intestinal motility increases, and the excess of hard-to-digest food is removed from the body. Vitamins act as catalysts. Their effect on metabolism can be comparable to that of the thyroid gland, but not replace them.

Self-selection of a diet to reduce excess weight due to the thyroid gland during the treatment of hypothyroidism is harmful and dangerous. This should be done by a dietitian. Many vegetables and fruits contain increased quantities trace elements and organic acids and salts, which can cause side effects with excessive consumption - gout, calcification and stone formation in the bile and bladder, allergic reactions.

Especially harmful are "mono-diets" - when immoderate consumption of any one product is offered as a panacea:

  • Kefir;
  • apples;
  • Nut kernels;
  • Raw food.

Any diet should be balanced, justified, controlled by periodic analyzes of the content of hormones and trace elements in the blood and urine. It is almost impossible to provide this at home.

Treatment of hypothyroidism usually entails the normalization of the patient's well-being. When satisfied with the state of the gland, the endocrinologist - maintenance optimal level no longer depends on him, but on the patient.

The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland located on the front of the neck. It consists of two parts. As a rule, the right lobe is slightly larger than the left. Both parts are united by an isthmus lying on the trachea.

A normal thyroid gland is shaped like a butterfly. Average weight an organ in an adult is 15–30 g, but in some cases it can reach 50 g. From the moment of birth, the mass of the gland in a person increases 20 times, the maximum growth peak is observed in adolescence. With age, there is a decrease in size and weight. endocrine organ. In women, the norm of the volume of the thyroid gland is usually larger than in men.

Volume indicators are important diagnostic value. According to the results, the norm for women is 15-18, and for men - 25-28 cm³. The parameters depend on the age of the patient and total mass body. The lobes of the thyroid gland contain many follicles, each of which has a diameter of 0.3 to 1–2 mm. The dimensions of the shares in a healthy person are: length - 4, width - 2, thickness - 2 cm. The permissible parameter for the thickness of the isthmus is 4-5 cm.

Types of gland cells:

  • A are thyrocytes that synthesize thyroid hormones.
  • B - oxyphilic cells, which should not be present in healthy tissues. They appear in some diseases.
  • C cells produce calcitonin.

Normal size of the thyroid gland in adults:

Patient's weight, kgNormal volume, cm³
Among womenIn men
50 15 18
60 18 20
70 21 23
80 25 28
90 28 30
Over 10032 34

In pregnant women and adolescents, the volume of the gland increases significantly and may differ slightly from the data in the table; this is not considered a pathology. A deviation of 1 cm³ is allowed.

Diagnosis of thyroid nodules

In healthy people, the structure of the thyroid nodules is homogeneous, average, does not exceed 2 mm in diameter. Such elements are referred to as follicles. If the formation is more than 1 cm, this is a knot.

Depending on the echogenicity, the nodes are:

  • Isoechoic - have a clear contour, formed as a result of increased blood circulation in the affected area of ​​the gland. The structure of tissues is little changed, they can find cystic formations. Such nodes do not disrupt the functioning of the organ, the size of the thyroid gland is normal.
  • Hyperechoic formations are characterized by a change in the structure of tissues, they appear against the background of a violation salt balance in the body. Most often, such nodes occur when malignant tumors that violate normal functioning organ.
  • Hypoechoic nodes form when the follicles die off, observed.
  • Anechogenic thyroid nodules larger than 1 cm have a cystic membrane and are filled with fluid inside. On ultrasound, they look like dark spots.

Nodes can be single and multiple, differ in size and structure. Most characteristic features the formation of seals of the gland is a change in the shape of the neck, hoarseness, discomfort during swallowing of food. Pathology leads to a violation of the secretion of hormones, as a result, exophthalmos develops, metabolism is disturbed, body temperature rises, arterial pressure, patients complain of shortness of breath, palpitations.

Node types

There are the following types of nodular formations:

  • - This is a rounded node with clear contours, having a connecting capsule and filled with liquid. Pathology is typical for women over 40 years of age, marked by slow growth.
  • are follicles containing colloidal fluid. Such formations grow slowly, do not cause pain, long time present asymptomatically. In most cases, treatment is not required, since the functioning of the organ is not impaired.
  • - characterized by swelling of the tissues surrounding the benign node, inside contains a small amount of blood vessels. Adenoma has a fibrous capsule, does not grow into neighboring organs. Her cells produce hormones, but can be observed.
  • The malignant node has an indistinct shape, grows into the surrounding tissues. The structure is heterogeneous, there are areas of necrosis or fluid accumulation. The tumor is dense to the touch, grows rapidly, painless. Increase cervical lymph nodes occurs during metastasis. : papillary, anaplastic, .

A sample is taken from a patient to detect cancer cells. pathological tissue on the cytological examination. The material may contain colloidal fluid, atypical, epithelial cells, purulent masses. According to the results of the analysis, treatment is prescribed.

Treatment Methods

Hormone therapy is prescribed for patients with colloid toxic goiter. Patients take L-thyroxine, as a result, the production of thyroid-stimulating hormone by the pituitary gland decreases and the growth of the pathological node slows down.

Thyrotoxic drugs are indicated for the treatment of nodular toxic goiter and thyroid adenomas. Therapy with Thiamozole inhibits the production of thyroxin, relieves symptoms, but does not affect the growth of the node.

(Iodide) is prescribed to patients with euthyroid goiter against the background of severe iodine deficiency. Such treatment ensures the entry of I into the cells of the thyroid gland, which slows down the pathological growth of nodes.

Surgery is indicated if:

  • the volume of the gland determined during the diagnosis exceeds the norm;
  • node diameter greater than 3 cm;
  • observed fast growth education;
  • during the study revealed cancer cells;
  • "cold" compaction does not synthesize hormones.

Large formations are excised together with one lobe. In case of malignant tumors, the gland is completely removed and partially the surrounding tissues into which the cancer cells have grown. Sometimes regional lymph nodes are also removed. After that, chemotherapy is prescribed, taking hormonal drugs.

Thyroid nodules are detected during examination and palpation of the neck, ultrasound examination. You can calculate the volume using a special formula, knowing the main parameters of the left and right lobe. Laboratory research needed to assess secretory function endocrine organ. Based on the data obtained, the necessary treatment is prescribed.


  1. Uzhegov, G.N. Diseases of the thyroid gland: Varieties of diseases; Medication treatment traditional medicine; Medical / G.N. Uzhegov. - Moscow: RGGU, 2014. - 144 p.

The thyroid gland (glandula thyroidea), being the largest endocrine gland in the human body, produces and accumulates iodine-containing hormones. Under their influence are all metabolic reactions and many processes that determine the supply and consumption of energy in the body.

Organ structure

The shape resembles a horseshoe with a concavity facing inward. If it is supplemented by a pyramidal lobe, then it is similar in shape to a trident pointing upwards. From external influence the gland is protected by the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles and fascia of the neck (fascia cervicalis).

The fascia of the neck forms a connective tissue capsule (capsula thyroidea), which loosely closes with a fibrous capsule (capsula fibrosa) and fixes the gland to nearby muscles. Outside surface capsules closely fused with the larynx and trachea, with the pharynx and esophagus - the connection is loose. Above it (lateral lobes) limits the thyroid cartilage, below - 5-6 tracheal rings.

The gland consists of two lateral lobes of unequal size: the right (lobus dexter) and the left (lobus sinister), which are connected by the isthmus (isthmus glandulae thiroidea), sometimes this strip of tissue is absent.

In addition to the main structural links listed, this gland has another, irregularly occurring, lobe called the pyramidal (lobus pyramidalis), which departs either from the isthmus or from the lateral lobe - more often from the left and less often from the right. This additional part resembles a narrow tongue and is directed upwards, sometimes with its tip it can reach the body of the hyoid bone.

The thyroid gland is located inside a fibrous capsule. Layer enclosed between connective tissue membranes this body, filled with loose tissue intertwined with the arteries and veins of the organ. The fibrous capsule looks like a thin fibrous plate (inseparable from the parenchyma of the gland), which directs the processes into the body and crushes it into fuzzy single lobules (lobuli).

In the body of an organ, thin connective tissue layers rich in blood vessels and nerves form a supporting tissue - stroma. The layers contain C-cells (parafollicular) and B-cells (Ashkinazi cells), and the loops of the layers contain A-cells (follicular).

The growth of the thyroid gland is realized through the formation of follicles.

The body of the thyroid gland (parenchyma) is made up of two types of cells. The first is follicles (or thyrocytes) in the form of an oval, the cavity of which is filled with colloid (the main part of this mass is iodine-containing protein), they are prepared for the production of T3 and T4 hormones containing iodine molecules. The walls of the follicle are formed by a single-layer epithelium, spreading along the basement membrane. The second type of cells are special parafollicular or C-cells designed to secrete the hormone calcitonin.


The thyroid gland is located in the anterior region of the neck under the "Adam's apple" and is pressed against lower departments larynx and upper section trachea, clasping it on the left and right. The corner points of the upper border of both lobes (lobi dexter et sinister) almost reach top edge thyroid cartilage of the larynx, and the lower points - V-VI tracheal cartilages. The posterior lateral lobes are in contact with the neurovascular bundles of the neck.

The shape and size of the shares are prone to significant fluctuations. Women are characterized larger size than for men. Pregnant women have larger glands than non-pregnant women.

The isthmus near the organ almost always covers the II or III tracheal cartilages. But another picture is also observed when it is located at the height of the 1st tracheal ring. The dimensions of both lobes are much larger compared to the size of the isthmus; the isthmus is very narrow, sometimes it is absent, both the right and left lobe connected to each other by a connective tissue bridge.

Important! By anatomical structure The thyroid gland is an unpaired organ.

A distinctive feature of the thyroid gland is the existence of vessels tightly wrapped around it. Such a dense network of blood vessels contributes to the continuous supply of hormones to the blood. As a result of this process, the body actively responds to the signals of the pituitary gland and changes the production of hormones in this moment to the needs of the body.

normal activity or pathological changes thyroid glands are determined by scanning with an ultrasound machine.

A healthy thyroid gland without deviations has:

  • clear contours of the thyroid gland;
  • homogeneous tissue structure;
  • against the background of blood vessels and muscles, the gland has a significantly light background;
  • no nodes above 3 ml are detected;
  • the structure of the lymph nodes of the neck is clear.

Thyroid size and weight depending on sex and age

The average values ​​of the normal weight of the thyroid gland (in grams):

  • in an adult individual \u003d 11.5 - 25
  • in a born child \u003d 2 - 3.5

The lateral lobes of the thyroid gland correspond to the sizes in the range (in centimeters):

  • length 2 - 4,
  • width 1 - 2,
  • thickness 1, 3 - 2, 2.

What is the normal size of the thyroid gland?

The norm for each individual person is dictated by the characteristics of the organism, its weight class and age. The dimensions of the thyroid gland obtained during the study of the patient may not coincide with the accepted standards. Information about the average size of the organ is presented in the tables.

Table 1. Norm in adults depending on age and body weight

Table 2. The norm for men and women, depending on gender and age

The absence of changes in the shape and size of the thyroid gland, nodes and seals on ultrasound is considered the norm.

What is the main function of the thyroid gland?

Predetermined by its hormones, which determine the course of many processes in the body. Short list:

  • active stabilization of skeletal muscle tone,
  • blood pressure is maintained
  • exchange of vitamins
  • regulation immune system- the formation and activity of T-cells of immunity,
  • management of the process of hematopoiesis - thyroxine is involved.

A decrease in the amount of hormones slows down metabolic and regenerative processes and accelerates the aging process of the body. With signs of dysfunction of this important organ, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which regulates its activity, is determined.

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