How much do you need to do to pump up the press. How long can you pump up the press for people with different weight categories

The press (or abdominal muscles) is responsible for stabilizing and supporting posture, and is involved in the respiratory process. The press takes on part of the load when walking every day and in any basic exercises, whether it be squats, jumping, running or bench press. Having a weak press can be traumatic and critical for many sports, it can be one of the main reasons why you limit your physical capabilities. After all, stabilizing muscles are very important in many competitive movements.

How long can you pump up the press? How long can it take to pump up the press for a beginner who has just begun his journey in sports? How many days and nights do you need to spend on it so that the long-awaited cubes appear in order to get the long-awaited result? Do you need to practice every day?

It's no secret that this question is asked by many novice athletes. Cubes, like biceps, are associated in the average person with an athletic physique. Embossed cubes attract attention, are considered aesthetic. At the same time, many people have difficulty imagining. They believe that you need to "hollow" him almost every day. For many, this task seems impossible. They can’t even imagine how much you can pump up the press (even if you do it every day), and how many different sports drugs you need to use.

Meanwhile, in reality, everything is much simpler. Of course, no one really promises you instant results in a few months. However, we can promise you that with enough perseverance and moving towards the goal day by day, you can really succeed in the long run.

So how long can you pump up the press so that the cherished cubes appear? How long can a beginner who has just started his journey in sports? How many days and months do you need to spend on it? Do you need to practice every day? Let's discuss these questions in detail.

Immediately, we note such a moment: quickly, in a couple of days, you are unlikely to be able to pump up the abdominal muscles. Like any others. The body develops evenly and at a fairly slow pace. This is due to the relatively low rate of adaptive processes. With all your desire and diligence, you will not be able to add, for example, 10 or 15 kg of muscle mass in a short time (unless, of course, we are talking about support with additional drugs, but here you need to understand that there are limitations). Therefore, be patient and be prepared for the fact that it will be necessary to spend at least a year or two on this task if you want the treasured cubes to appear.

Below are the basics you need to know about dice training. They will help you understand the process of training this muscle group.

Basic training rules

  1. The muscles of the press (including their bottom) can be trained relatively often. Some athletes train it almost every day. You can even give a fractional load on this muscle group during the day. For example, in the morning do three to four sets and in the evening do three to four sets of exercises for this muscle group. During the day, you can perform such an exercise as a vacuum (just keep the lower press in tension for a certain time).
  2. The muscles of the lower press can be pumped up at home without specific equipment. All you need is a flat surface and a gym mat. The lower press can be pumped up with its own weight, without special weighting. It is enough to perform a few simple exercises with your own weight, such as twisting, lifting the torso, creases, etc.
  3. These muscles for women need to be pumped with a large amount of load. Do enough reps for enough sets. For example, five sets of 20 reps. Many exercises can be performed in a superset, that is, sequentially one after another without rest in between. For example, exercises such as lifting the torso and creases will work well in a superset.

What are useful exercises

  1. Body lifts. Performed on a gymnastic mat. It is desirable to fix the legs somewhere beforehand. It can be the edge of a bed or a bench. Hands can be placed behind the head or held in front of you. From a prone position, we raise the torso up to an angle of about 90 degrees. We fix in this position, then lower ourselves again and repeat the procedure. It is important during execution not to hunch your back too much and make sure that you do not help yourself with your legs. The optimal amount of work is four to five sets of 15-20 repetitions. Can be done at home.
  2. Twisting or lifting with a turn of the torso. Essentially the same as the rises of the body, but have a number of distinctive features. Performed on a gymnastic mat. It is desirable to fix the legs somewhere beforehand. It can be the edge of a bed or a bench. Hands can be placed behind the head or in front of you. From a prone position, we raise the torso up to an angle of about 90 degrees, while we must not only lift it, but also make a turn to the side - alternately to the right and left. We fix in this position, then go down again and repeat the procedure. It is important that the exercise is performed correctly: do not hunch your back too much and do not help yourself with your legs. The optimal amount of work is four to five sets of 15-20 repetitions. Can be done at home.
  3. Folds. What is the point of this exercise? We lie down on a gymnastic mat, legs and torso lie completely on it. Then, from this position, you need to raise the legs bent at the knees and the torso up, while it is important to connect the palms behind the legs, making a kind of cotton. Then lie down on the gymnastic mat again and repeat all over again. It is important to work synchronously with the torso and legs. The optimal amount of work is four to five sets of 15-20 repetitions. Can be done at home.
  4. Ascents to the Roman chair. The Roman chair is a special exercise machine that looks like an inclined bench with special mounts on top. You fasten your legs on these bindings, lie back on the back of a Roman chair, and from this lower position begin lifting the torso to an angle of at least 90 degrees with the hip joint. Hands can be placed behind the head or held in front of you. We fix in this position, then go down again and repeat the procedure. It is important during execution not to hunch your back too much and make sure that you do not help yourself with your legs. The optimal amount of work is four to five sets of 15-20 repetitions. If you have special equipment, you can do it at home.
  5. Vacuum. Purely static exercise. Its essence is that we keep the stomach drawn in for some time, maintaining the tension of all muscles. This hold can last from 10 to 40-60 minutes. Some athletes vacuum throughout the day. The idol of all bodybuilders Arnold Schwarzenegger especially loved this exercise. Can be done at home.

What does the training program look like?

Below are the ones you can do at home. Both of these complexes for the abdomen are quite serious and require a certain level of training on the part of the athlete.

Complex 1.

You need to perform this complex for the abdomen every other day, so, on the one hand, you will give the muscles time to recover, and on the other, you will consistently give them a fairly serious load.

  1. Superset - you need to perform lifting the torso and twisting: four to five sets of 15-20 repetitions.
  2. Folds: you need to perform four to five sets of 15-20 repetitions.
  3. Vacuum: five sets of 5-10 minutes.

Complex 2.

It is necessary to perform this complex for the abdomen at home every other day, in order to give the muscles time to recover, and at the same time stably give them a fairly serious load.

  1. Superset - you need to perform a torso lift and folds: three to four sets of 12-15 repetitions.
  2. Twisting: you need to perform three to four sets of 12-15 repetitions.
  3. Vacuum: four sets of 5-10 minutes.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. It takes time to get the result, and all you need is stability and a certain amount of patience.

Today we received a letter from one of our regular readers to the editorial office. In it, the author shared his practical experience of how quickly the abdominals can be put in order. Published with the spelling of the original.

Hello! I want to tell you about how much you can.

Different situations happened to me: sometimes it took a couple of weeks to strengthen the abdominal muscles, and sometimes I had to start from scratch. How I worked with a muscular corset, and what came of it - in this story.

So, how long can you pump up the press in time?

The ideal chiseled figure for me is not so much a gift of nature as painstaking daily work. One has only to relax and “score” on exercises, as the muscles immediately become flabby, the skin begins to sag in folds and the stomach appears out of nowhere.

Of course, I try not to start this process, but after giving birth, I once had to deal with this.

What does perfect abs mean to me?

In my opinion, the press of the girls is pumped up enough if the stomach becomes flat, taut, while the waist remains “aspen”. Men's "three rows of cubes", although they look sexy, they add a few extra centimeters to the waist. And if men can afford not to pay attention to it, then for women it often becomes a problem.

I always adhered to the “golden mean”, when tightened muscles appeared instead, and the press cubes remained subtle. They acquire a clear relief only when the muscle corset is strained. Constantly protruding cubes seem organic to someone, but neither I nor my boyfriend (future husband) liked this shape of the abdomen, so I was not fond of bodybuilding, but pumped the press at home, believing that it was a matter of taste.

To pump up the relief press, a girl or woman will have to contact a specialist in a fitness center, follow a diet and training schedule, and follow the advice of instructors. If there is a desire to do this, then you can pump up the cubes like a “lady bodybuilder”.

How much you can pump them up depends on the initial state of the muscles, the individual characteristics of the body and many other factors. Since I had a completely different goal, so I studied at home.

How long does it take to train the press?

The fastest pumping of the press I got when I was in good physical shape. In youth, only 30-40 days are enough for this. It is better to train every other day, or 3 times a week.

I knew that at the same time it was necessary to eat a healthy balanced meal, because if you eat fast food and other high-calorie foods and foods, then even the most beautiful abs will be hidden under a thick fat layer. No wonder they say that the ideal figure is only 20 percent dependent on training and 80 percent on food.

How to download the press at home?

In my native walls, I usually pumped the press, lying on a rug on the floor - a hard horizontal surface. A couple of times I tried to do it on the couch, but immediately got pain in the lower back, as the soft base injures the spine.

Worked out in the morning on an empty stomach or a couple of hours after eating. If it was necessary to train in the evening, then she did it no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Important note! You can not pump the abdominal muscles on critical days. You need to start training no earlier than two days after their completion.

Warm up and breathing

Before pumping the press, it is important to warm up. Some people like tilts, squats, body rotations and other exercises. I like to actively dance to the music for 5-10 minutes - this gives not only warming up the muscles, but also a great mood for the whole workout. Sometimes I add rotation of the hula-hoop or active jumping rope (if the lesson takes place on an empty stomach in the morning, this helps the body noticeably waste the fat reserve).

Good pumping of the press is possible only when: we inhale with a minimum muscle load, exhale - with their maximum tension. When I didn’t breathe correctly at the beginning of training, I quickly got tired and lost my way until I learned to control my inhalation and exhalation.

Abdominal training usually includes exercises for the oblique, upper and lower abdominal muscles:

  • For the straight upper muscle that supports the internal organs, I do this simple exercise. Stand straight, connect the heels of the legs together, and put the socks apart. Put your hands above your knees (a couple of centimeters higher), sit down slightly. Exhale actively and hold your breath. Then you draw in and stick out your stomach as much as possible alternately, without breathing. After completing 5-6 such approaches, you can proceed to the following exercises.
  • I did crunches on the press, lying on my back. Bending your knees, put your feet on the floor. She put her hands behind her head, but did not squeeze them into the castle. On exhalation, straining the press, with the left elbow she reached the right knee, then with the right elbow - the left. When it became easy for me, in the future I kept my legs on the chair at a right angle, and did not lower my head to the floor so that the muscles were in constant tension. The next stage is when I removed the chair, and kept my legs parallel to the floor due to the abdominal muscles.
  • I swing the lower press by raising my legs to a height of 15-20 cm from the floor from a prone position. Moreover, as soon as the legs are raised, they need to be kept at an angle for as long as possible. In the same position, you can add cyclist movements over time, but not increase the acute angle between the leg line and the floor. When this load seems easy, you can add weights by tying an elastic band, for example, a water bottle, to the back of your legs. They can be crossed for convenience.

If you raise your legs at a right angle, holding the bar with your hands, then the perfect press is guaranteed! My husband made a horizontal bar for himself, and I immediately joined the classes.

Fitness trainers say that it is impossible to pump up the upper or lower muscles separately, since they are located vertically and are constricted by tendons. Therefore, loading one of them, we simultaneously train others.

The oblique muscles of the abdomen on the horizontal bar swing if you make turns of the legs, bent at the knees, to the right and left. Yes, it is not easy to do, but very effective!

And how to tighten the stomach after childbirth?

The female press after the birth of a child is an "unplowed field", even if there was a flat stomach before pregnancy. It is possible to restore the former beauty of the figure and muscle relief, but it will take a lot of time. It is permissible to start classes only after consulting with your doctor.

I fed my baby naturally for up to a year, so intensive training was out of the question so that the milk would not disappear. Therefore, it took me six months only to strengthen the abdominal muscles. When my baby began to eat "in an adult way", I was able to afford to train more actively, use weighting agents to thoroughly.

My husband gave me another great tool for strengthening the press and back muscles - fitball. This fitness ball helps you train more effectively by putting extra stress on your small stabilizing muscles. While exercising with a fitball, you notice that while you hold it, the load on all muscle groups increases.

  • Lie back on the ball;
  • Put your hands behind your head or cross on your chest;
  • By straining the press, lift the body up in a straight line or twist it to train the oblique muscles;
  • Keep your feet on the floor and prevent the fitball from rolling.

I repeated this exercise 10-16 times, with short pauses I did 3-5 approaches. In addition, I gradually mastered the usual exercises described above.

Three years have already passed since the birth of my baby, the abdominal muscles have strengthened very well. The stomach remains flat, but due to female physiology, I have to constantly keep myself in shape so that fat does not accumulate in the abdomen.

Salute to everyone. In this issue, I will tell you when is the best time to train your abdominal muscles (abs) in order to get a sculpted flat tummy / powerful “abs” cubes as quickly as possible.

The topic is very extensive, some are interested in what time of day is best to train the press (and at what time it is absolutely impossible), others are trying to figure out in what sequence to train the press in the gym (well, for example, before strength training or after), others want to know if it is possible to pump the press immediately after eating or need to wait for some time, the fourth is interested in whether it is necessary to pump the press at the stage of gaining muscle mass (or only on drying)?

In general, a bunch of nuances that fall under this topic, which we will deal with in order ...

What is the best time of day to train abs?

I am often asked questions, they say, when is it better to download the press: in the morning or in the evening or at lunchtime or when?

People naively believe and are looking for a specific, exact time of day to pump up the press, but I will disappoint you or please you (anyone) - it does not exist))). Whoever tells you what, they say, “It’s BETTER TO PUMP PRESS IN THE MORNING, when there is strength and a charge of vivacity” or “It’S BETTER TO PUMP PRESS IN THE EVENING - everyone does it, so you do it too” - don’t listen, this is all bullshit . I argue:

IN THE MORNING: Cheerfulness in the morning? Hmm, I haven't heard. Maybe someone has, but I can hardly get up ... I'm sure that I'm not the only one, so the morning is suitable for one, but obviously not for the other))).

IN THE EVENING: Remember this prepared phrase of our parents?)))) if everyone goes to jump with 9 floors are you going too? Ahaha, already shed a tear, so here))).

And I'm not talking about the fact that everyone has their own schedule. According to my observations, many people train at the time when they have a t. "clearance in business." And they do it right! It's better than not exercising AT ALL because you're busy at your "best" hours.

So that to start the press when it is most convenient for you(when you have the opportunity, when you feel comfortable), and ideally (but not necessarily, because everyone has their own schedule, someone is busy, someone less, someone free), when you are not in a hurry, and there is an opportunity to work out the abdominal muscles (abs) with due attention ...

P.s. one more thing, in my opinion, you should not train the abdominal muscles (abs) - before going to bed. That and in general (not only the press, you should not go in for sports at all before going to bed), because:

Depending on the type of physical activity, training can be overexciting, and then because of this, a person cannot fall asleep for a long time, as a result, insomnia occurs (as a result, lack of sleep, fatigue, etc.).

However, this is all individual. In part, it also depends on PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, well, for example, if the training is active, then most likely there will be overexcitation, as a result, problems with sleep, and if the training is such a “passive” type or yoga… then most likely there will be no problems.

In general, everything is individual, it will harm someone, and at least henna for someone 😀 so see for yourself ...

Personally, I can not train before bed, then sleep problems. But for 2 hours - calmly.

In what sequence to download the press in the gym?

In other words, when to train the abs BEFORE STRENGTH TRAINING or AFTER? ... as always, a very controversial issue. By the way, I am “FOR” both for this and that methods. WHY?

Yes, because both ways are good in their own way. Consider the comparison in more detail?

  • According to my observations, many people "score" on training the press at the end of the workout (they stupidly fell into doing it after strength training).
  • On the other hand, at the beginning of training, they will not “score” on him (abs), they even enjoy training him 🙂
  • Many do not know, but in fitness there is a rule, we first download what is behind “the weak part of the body, so to speak.” Those. if you really need the press: D, then it is very reasonable to do it with the first exercises, before the main strength training.
  • On the other hand, if you target your abdominal muscles (abs) thoroughly, you will no longer be able to fully give all your best in many strength exercises (in strength training) (for example, in squats, deadlifts, full list at the bottom of the article).
  • The press is almost impossible to tear, exercises for its development can serve as an excellent warm-up (in case you do not train it accurately, but as a warm-up) before your strength training (if you train in a fitness club).
  • On the other hand, as already mentioned, if you train with precision (beat it into the trash), you won’t be able to give it your all in basic exercises for other muscle groups.

Here, based on these data, draw conclusions. Personally, I can do abdominal exercises both at the beginning of a workout (before strength training) and after strength training. It depends. Differently. It depends on how I train my abs. If it is aimed powerfully (that is, I score to the fullest), then definitely after training (strength), if so, weakly (for warming up, tone), then before strength training. Well, something like this.

P.s. I remembered that some individuals recommend training the press between sets in strength training. And I want to say a few words ... do not do this)), this is nonsense from the evil ones. In strength training, between sets, you need to recover for the next strength set. Instead of wasting your energy (time and breath) on the press jerking ... in general, these are the main recommendations ...

Can I download the press immediately after eating / or wait for a while?

Yes, of course you can. Get some borschik with mayonnaise, after fried potatoes and forward twisting (lifting the torso while lying on the floor) burping on the rise))). Well, seriously, then immediately after eating - to train the press, in no case is impossible. I think for obvious reasons.

Wait at least 40 minutes after eating. And then train for health. Here, too, by the way, everything is individual. And it depends on what the meal was (what was eaten, in what quantities, etc.). In short, if the meal was loaded, then 40 minutes at least (and see how you feel). If the meal was light (a kind of snack), then 20-30 minutes (and again, according to well-being).

Much depends on the individual. For example, I can easily devour (boot powerfully) and go to training right away (to the gym or to mike, boxing or wrestling, in general, anywhere). And I won't have a problem. And there are guys who generally eat EASILY (snack) 2 hours before training, and that’s the only way they feel good (no problems in training). To each his own ... there is no universal advice, here you need to experiment, experiment and experiment again ...

Do I need to pump the press at the stage of mass gain (or only on drying)?

Now, this is also a very controversial issue ... now, I will only express my personal opinion. And so, I believe that the press does not need to be trained at the stage of gaining muscle mass, because it is already actively involved in many exercises, such as:

Take my word for it, these exercises involve the entire abdominal muscle division. (upper, middle, lower, pyramidal), as well as oblique muscles (all three layers). As a result of this, I believe that there is no need to separate it separately.

But on drying (the stage of burning excess fat), on the contrary, it is just the same that you need to focus on training the abdominal muscles (abs). As a rule, everyone does it differently. Someone starts right away (right at the beginning from the first week of drying), someone from the middle, someone at the last stages, purely in order to bring them into peak shape ... it all depends on: the amount of subcutaneous fat in body of this or that athlete (athlete), own feelings/wishes. Therefore, see for yourself (experiment).

The most important thing you should know (and not forget)

The relief of the press - depends on the degree of your drying (the amount of fat in your body).

Therefore, do not forget about the right diet (diet), without which, you will at least get better by pumping that press, thousands of approaches, repetitions, a hundred times a day, it doesn’t matter, you will never see these cherished “cubes” and even a “flat tummy” ”, and all because it will be hidden under a layer of “fur coat” (fat). So what about nutrition, you need to take care of first of all =>

Sincerely, administrator.

(7 votes, average: 4,43 out of 5)

Short Course in Anatomy

It should be remembered that the press consists of the upper abdominal muscles, lower muscles and oblique muscles. To train the muscles of each group, there are separate ones.

Short Course in Anatomy

The most common cause of sagging belly is weak lateral muscles. And just the same, they are the worst to train.

Twisting is best for training oblique muscles. They are best performed with weights. It can be a barbell or, at first, a bar from a barbell. Barbell - in hand. Hands down. Turn the body to the sides until it stops. Inhale - when turning, exhale - in the starting position. Also effective for training oblique muscles is twisting on the floor. Lie down on the floor. Bend your knees. Hands are behind the head. Take turns trying to reach the opposite knee with your elbow.

We train the main enemy of a flat stomach
  • Now let's transform the exercise. The legs are also bent at the knees, but they need to be raised to the level of 90 0. Ankles should be parallel to the floor. Turn your legs out to the sides so that your knees touch the floor. You need to start with one approach. In the approach - at least 5 times. After a couple of months of training, at least 2-3 sets should be performed, and the total number of repetitions should be close to one hundred.

But, the main thing is not to overdo it at first. Approaches should be performed until a slight burning sensation appears in the abdomen. If you overtrain, then the next day instead of the question " How long can you pump up the press? ” the question “Why did I get involved in this?” will appear.

Well, the classic exercise for giving a better shape to the upper part of the press is known to everyone since school. It can be performed either on the floor or on a special simulator. A well-supported bench will also work. The main thing is that it does not turn over when executed. The exercise consists in tilting the body back and returning it to a vertical position. Each approach must be performed until a slight burning sensation appears in the abdomen. Every day you need to add one to two times in each approach.

Now let's take on the upper press

When you become an ace in doing this, complicate it. Ideally it should be . The head should be below the level of the pelvis. Hands are behind the head. The main thing when doing this is to hold onto something with your feet so as not to move down. And now we are trying to squeeze the press out of this inclined position. Happened? Congratulations, you are well on your way to bringing relief cubes to a once very non-embossed body. The main thing is not to stop there.

It should be remembered that time , how much is it really possible to pump up the press , depends not only on the number of approaches in each exercise, but also on the quality of performance. When doing this, many do not force the abdominal muscles to work, but the backs. And then they are surprised at the lack of results and the fact that their back hurts.

How much can you pump up the press

Then everything depends on you and only you. You can work out at the gym or at home. It is not superfluous to recall at the same time that in a sports club or fitness room, a competent coach will never allow a ward to exercise for which he is not yet ready. Yes, and it will make you warm up properly before that. Therefore, you should not trust trainers too much, who say that they will make “candy” out of your flabby body in a month. At home, all the "responsibility" for the result will fall on your shoulders. You will need to dose your efforts on your own, warm up on your own, but the result, if successful, will also be yours and only yours.

Nice six-pack style abs are the absolute standard for a beautiful body. No matter what anyone says, everyone dreams of him, both men and girls.

Happy owners of such a press invariably become the center of attention on the beach. Most people look at them with envy and even resentment.

But none of them even guess what people had to go through to get such a figure.

In this article, we will just talk about what you will have to go through if you want to see the coveted cubes on your stomach.

What needs to be done to get the press

Here it should be said right away that there is no secret method in this matter and cannot be. To get something, you need to try hard - everything is the same here, with the only difference that for the press you have to try even harder.

The key to success is to adhere to a few basic rules. I think most of you already understand what rules will be discussed, but it is worth highlighting them as the main thesis of this article:

1. Proper Diet- no matter how strong your press is, if it is hidden under impenetrable layers of fat, it brings absolutely no aesthetic value. That is why the first step is to make sure that the press is visible when it appears. A properly formulated diet is absolutely essential if you want to get rid of excess fat.

2. Aerobic exercise- This rule can be correlated with the first. You have to change not only your diet, but also your lifestyle. As a rule, overweight people are lazy people who prefer a sedentary lifestyle and a minimum of activity. For the best fat burning, you should follow a proper diet along with regular exercise. In this case, you can get rid of excess fat twice as fast.

3. Direct training- of course, the press will not appear just like that. Just like any other muscle, it needs to be worked hard. But let's tell you a secret, pumping the press is one of the most tedious activities. If most people eventually begin to love hard workouts with iron, then you will never find fans to shake the press. And so we single out the fourth rule.

4. Motivation- no matter how stupid it may sound, but you must be motivated to change yourself. You should not immediately ask yourself how much to download the press - after all, you will immediately begin to think about acquiring the final result, which in many cases leads to the abandonment of training. You have to force yourself to love the process itself, without thinking about what will come of it.

How much to download the press?

There is no definite figure for how much you can pump up the press. Everything here depends on the physiology of a person, his initial state of the body, as well as on his compliance with the prescribed rules. To begin with, until you are absolutely satisfied with your body, you need to download the press regularly. Another thing is that it can, and should be pumped throughout life, so that the muscles are constantly in good shape. But now we are talking specifically about getting the result, so we will not describe this topic.

The approximate time for a not very full person to be able to pump up the press is about 3-4 months. We do not take into account various additional techniques, such as massage, the use of special additives or other procedures. Only nutrition, cardio and training. During this time, it is quite easy to pump up a beautiful press, or to bring the shape of your body to an acceptable level. Fat people will have a little more difficulty with this, but they will also have a greater boost of motivation. Nothing is more satisfying than seeing your hard work pay off. In addition, the higher the percentage of fat in the body initially, the faster it will go after the start of training and proper nutrition. So do not despair if you have to spend an extra month or two. The main thing is the result.

How many times a week to download the press

Coaches do not have a clear answer to this question. On the one hand, the press is the same muscle as, say, biceps or triceps. The difference is only in volumes. And therefore, if some are inclined to believe that the press should be trained in the same way as small muscle groups - that is, 2-3 times a day, then others say that it is better to train it every day.

Our experience suggests that it costs no more than 3 times to download the press per week. Why? As mentioned earlier, the abdominal muscle needs to be given rest, otherwise you will not only not see progress, but, on the contrary, worsen the situation. In addition, this is due to another factor. As rule number 4 says - you need to be motivated. That is why it is necessary at least sometimes to interrupt from classes in order to relax not only the muscles, but also the nervous system.

If you are interested in how many times a day you need to download the press, then there is a definite answer - you should not do it more than 2 times a day. Some professional athletes perform ab exercises twice a day. What it looks like - one hard workout is broken into two lighter ones. So overall performance stays the same, but by giving your abs such a breather, you can be sure that you'll run your program better. Of course, beginners should not engage in this method. We remind you that this approach is only a whim of some athletes, but not an iron dogma. This method is practiced by those who feel good about their body and know exactly what and how to do it. For those who do not quite understand this, it is better to start with the first option - once a day.

Features of training on the press

Even in such a matter as pumping the press, there are subtleties. The point here is that the press can be different - girls basically want to get only a thin waist, with barely noticeable cubes. Guys, on the contrary, most often work on voluminous cubes, the relief of which will be drawn even through clothes. And accordingly, training for these two goals will be different.

If your goal is precisely the bulk press, then you need to do a small number of approaches. It is advisable to use additional weights in this case, as well as to do repetitions slowly, measuredly, under control. Everything is the same here as in bodybuilding - in order for the muscles to grow, they need to be given a load with additional weights, performing repetitions slowly.

Work on a thin waist includes a large number of approaches, about 6-7. During their implementation, you need to try to work for wear, in each approach, performing the maximum number of repetitions. The speed should also be high - to such a level that a characteristic burning sensation in the abdominal area appears.

Abdominal training should include exercises of different principles. What does this mean - conditionally divide the press into three parts: upper, middle and lower. Different exercises affect these areas in different ways, and by doing a few exercises on the "upper" abs, you may not work out other areas at all. In the end, you will notice that some parts of your abs will become more pronounced, while others will not be visible at all.

How long should the workout be

On this issue, too, you can find a huge number of different opinions. Some say that you need to download it for at least half an hour, others suggest doing it for five minutes a day. It is optimal to do the press for about 15 minutes in one workout. We remind you that the press is a small muscle, and it does not need to be overloaded. Fifteen minutes of intensive mode can have a much greater effect than if you tried to do the exercises for thirty minutes, while observing the technique through time from fatigue.

The press has one unpleasant feature - it adapts to the load very quickly. Therefore, the emphasis should be placed not so much on increasing the number of repetitions as on the quality of repetitions. Try to perform strictly observing the technique. Remember - pain in the abs during exercise is a sure sign that the abs are getting a good load, which will serve as an equally wonderful stimulus for growth.

In conclusion, I would like to say that, despite the severity of the pumping process, the result is worth the candle. Being the owner of a beautiful press, you will invariably attract the interested attention of the opposite sex, or the envious glances of your fellow soldiers.

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