Instead of pills: effective antipyretic medicinal plants. Antipyretic folk remedies: how to bring down a high temperature without medication

Hello dear readers. Today we'll talk about how to bring down high temperature folk remedies. I think that each of us has repeatedly faced with a high temperature. In this article, I will tell you how to use folk remedies to reduce the temperature at home. Perhaps you will learn something new and useful for yourself.

The optimal body temperature at which biochemical processes occur in the body is considered to be 36.6, but there are also deviations from the norm from 36 to 37 degrees, it all depends on the body, because each organism is individual and unique.

If the temperature rises, this already speaks of a disease of the body, so our body signals to us that “something” is not in order, which only a doctor can say during examination and examination.

Why is the temperature rising

Most often, body temperature rises due to the presence of bacteria, viruses, protozoa, etc. in the body. It can also be a burn, frostbite, or being in the body foreign body. The temperature can rise to 38.5 and above.

In case of a critical rise in temperature, antipyretics are needed, this can be like first aid for a very high temperature, and then you should immediately consult a doctor, especially for children. You just need to keep in mind that convulsions can begin at high temperatures.

Do not self-diagnose either yourself or your children, self-medication can lead to complications, remember this, even if you are sure that it is a cold, it is better to play it safe and consult a doctor, and then boldly proceed to treat a cold .

How to measure temperature correctly

More than 90% of people, including me, measure the temperature in the armpit. armpit should be dry, it is not recommended to drink hot coffee or tea before measuring the temperature. And then physical activity You need at least an hour to be in a calm state.

Temperature measurement in oral cavity I consider it inappropriate. They also measure the temperature in the rectum, but for me it is most familiar to measure the temperature in the armpit.

I take my temperature with a regular mercury thermometer, children electronic, it is the most secure. Now there are even pacifiers with an electronic sensor, with the help of such a pacifier, babies can safely measure the temperature.

Today I want to tell you how to bring down the temperature with folk remedies. What do I take to bring down the temperature.

Lime tea. Helps me very well lime tea. In the summer we bring linden from our mother, dry it, and in the winter we make tea. Linden is a good diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

I brew tea like this: for half a liter of boiling water, a couple of tablespoons lime blossom, insist about 25 minutes under a closed lid infusion. Then strain and add a spoon or two natural honey, here already to taste, and I drink such tea in a warm form.

Cranberry tea. Of course, you can buy cranberries from us only during the season, this year we did not miss the opportunity to buy cranberries, because they are really very useful berry. They ground the cranberries with sugar and put them in the refrigerator and froze some of them.

More detailed information about the beneficial properties of cranberries and how to cook cranberries mashed with sugar, read in my article ", beneficial features and contraindications. I prepare cranberry tea like this: I mix a spoonful of cranberries, grated with sugar in a glass of boiling water, insist, filter and drink.

Such a drink perfectly quenches thirst, brings down high temperatures, helps with the first signs of flu and colds, and is rich in vitamin C.

viburnum tea. Tea from viburnum, I love it very much, we harvest it every year. Grind with sugar and refrigerate. I brew tea from viburnum as well as tea from cranberries. It is necessary to drink tea from viburnum in a warm form. Kalina has antipyretic properties, refers to natural antibiotics.

Only viburnum reduces pressure, so use viburnum tea with caution when pressure is reduced. Bones of viburnum, when drinking tea, you need to spit it out or just strain the prepared drink. Of all the berry teas, this one is my daughter's favorite tea.

Rosehip tea. it natural medicine is an anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, diuretic, rosehip is rich in vitamin C. It is better to brew tea in a thermos. For example, brewed in the evening, and drink tea in the morning.

For half a liter of boiling water, I take a couple of tablespoons of dried rose hips, insist, filter, add honey to taste.

Raspberry tea. One of my favorite drinks. Raspberries grow with mom, we sometimes bring raspberries from mom, more often we buy in the market, and recent times we collect in the forest, forest raspberries are very sweet and fragrant. I grind raspberries with sugar, from such raspberries I prepare delicious and fragrant tea.

Chamomile tea. This is my wife's favorite tea. She brews chamomile tea for herself at a temperature. And not only at temperature. For half a liter of boiling water, two tablespoons of chamomile flowers. Insists for 20 minutes, strains and drinks warm chamomile tea. I don’t know about anyone, but Elena chamomile tea helps bring down the temperature.

Blackcurrant tea. It turns out vitamin and delicious drink with diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory properties. At a temperature, prepare yourself hot blackcurrant tea, drink this tea throughout the day, you can drink 4 glasses of this tea per day. This is one of my favorite berries. I already wrote about blackcurrant on the blog in my article ““.

Tea with lemon and honey. At a high temperature, you need to drink a lot, my daughter always prefers tea with lemon and honey at a temperature. Tea with lemon perfectly quenches thirst, rich in vitamin C. I add natural honey to tea, I buy it from a beekeeper I know.

St. John's wort tea. St. John's wort tea helps a lot. St. John's wort has an anti-inflammatory effect, and helps restore our immunity. Brew tea should not be very saturated, add a spoonful of chopped herbs to 0.5 liters of water, and be sure to sweat for about 15 minutes, or boil for 5 minutes on low heat and let it brew in a warm place.

For taste, you can add rose hips or mint, or even ordinary tea. Do not add linden to tea with St. John's wort. This tea raises the body temperature. It is good for diseases when it is necessary to sweat.

Mint tea . In the fight against fever and colds, mint tea helps us. Strange as it may sound, but mint tea gives energy, when brewing mint tea, add a little regular tea, especially if you drank it in the morning. It also acts as an analgesic and relieves headaches well.

Peppermint tea is best brewed in a porcelain bowl. One teaspoon of mint is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted in a warm place. This tea is used in the evening as a sedative.

Also in herbal teas you can add spices. such as ginger, cardamom, Bay leaf, cumin and cloves. This will help your body boost your immunity. Just don't add too much, as these spices increase blood circulation and your temperature may rise a little. These teas are good to use at the first sign of a cold.

Be sure to ventilate the room and humidify the air in the room in which the patient is located. You also need to do wet cleaning in the room.

When the temperature is high, a person needs to ensure peace.

You can do vinegar rubdowns at a temperature, for children and adults. I take a part of vinegar and five parts of water, then I dip a handkerchief, sponge or napkin in the vinegar solution and wipe the back, stomach, arms, legs, feet and hands, forehead. This procedure is done every two hours. It is one of the fastest and effective ways bring down the temperature. Only he removes only the temperature, and does not fight the source of the disease.

Contribute to the reduction of intoxication at high temperatures will help cleansing enema, an enema can be done using a decoction of chamomile or simply boiled room water. I have heard that if you have a high fever, you need to give an enema in order to reduce it, but I myself have never used this method, if you use this method to reduce body temperature and it has positive effect share with us below in the comments. Or if you have your own proven remedies that help you with a high fever, share them with us in the comments below.

Now you know how to bring down a high temperature with folk remedies, but if the temperature does not decrease, despite the fact that you are taking all measures to combat the temperature, then immediately call a doctor.

I also suggest you watch the video clip "If the temperature lasts more than three days, what should I do?" I recommend that you watch it, the information is informative.

With the onset of cold season viral diseases parents should be on their guard and know exactly folk antipyretics for children. Not every mom and dad trust traditional medicines, especially in the current environment in the pharmaceutical industry, where there is an incredibly large number of counterfeit drugs. , created by nature itself, will never fail, will not cause side effects.

Parents should know not to let the temperature rise child's body above 38°. Such a condition of the child without proper attention can cause convulsive manifestations and further disrupt it. nervous system. Not recommended for children pharmacological agents, including analgin or aspirin.

Parents should understand that to reduce the temperature, it is necessary to drink plenty of warm (not hot and not cold) drinks so that the child has something to sweat (when the liquid evaporates from the surface, the temperature decreases).

Perhaps the most common means of antipyretic effect for children, considered natural Bee Honey. To lower the temperature, dissolve a tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm water. When the child drinks the prepared antipyretic, the temperature will definitely decrease.

Folk antipyretics for children include a glass of freshly prepared orange juice. You can cook lingonberry juice or just a dessert that includes mashed lingonberries with the addition of a teaspoon of natural bee honey. It is better if the honey is lime.

Children enjoy drinking cherry juice, which is also a natural antipyretic if the juice is homemade and not bought at the supermarket. The most effective, effective antipyretic is cranberry, this unique natural remedy will not only lower the child's body temperature, but is capable of what is necessary for get well soon baby.

If nettles have been prepared since the summer, then the infusion prepared on its basis will perfectly help the child with viral infection or inflammation of the bronchi. Prepare an infusion of nettle as follows. 25 grams of dry nettle must be steamed in a thermos with a glass of boiling water, after an hour the folk antipyretic for children is ready, take it in a tablespoon four times a day.

When the temperature rises, the child should not be wrapped too much with a cotton blanket, so the legs must be kept warm. The temperature in the room should not exceed 18°. When warming the inhaled cool air, the temperature will begin to decrease.

Quite often, when the temperature rises in children, they are tormented by thirst. A thirst quencher can be considered lemon juice added to a cup of tea with honey. Raspberry also has a wonderful antipyretic property. It is a diaphoretic prepared as water infusion during a fever.

A pear is considered a folk antipyretic for children. Dried pears are boiled in water, bee linden honey, give a sick baby with thirst or fever. It is also very effective in treating cough. It is possible, as an antipyretic for a sick child, to use meadow red clover. Insist one tablespoon of flowers in a glass of boiling water for an hour. The infusion must be wrapped, then, after straining it, take a quarter cup four times a day 30 minutes before eating.

Most quick effect can be achieved by taking folk antipyretics for children in the form multicomponent fees. Prepare a decoction based on a mixture of heart-shaped linden flowers, lingonberry leaves, dried raspberries, anise fruits, coltsfoot leaves. The proportions of all components are the same. Pour boiling water over one spoonful of the mixture, keep in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool, strain the broth, drink a quarter cup before going to bed.

Warning. Contrary to popular belief, rubbing with vodka and / or vinegar diluted with water is not recommended (although they say that you should not rub the solution, but only wipe it). It is possible to worsen the child's condition due to alcohol or acid poisoning (even if someone had positive experience use of such rubbing).

There are a lot of folk recipes for antipyretics, choose to your taste. Take care of your children!

An elevated body temperature is a sign that the body is fighting a virus or microbe that has entered it. Such a reaction to the disease indicates normal immunity. Reception medicines in order to eliminate the symptoms of the disease can reduce defensive forces organism. Therefore, it is important to know in what situations it is necessary to bring down the temperature in adults and children, and when to allow immune system deal with illness on their own.

First of all, you need to determine the cause of the fever: a virus, infection, poisoning, etc. Adults need to take medicine in strictly defined cases.

Infectious disease or poisoning

On the initial stage disease, the mark on the thermometer ranges from 37 to 38 degrees. It is forbidden to shoot it down, because immunity forms the production of antibodies and eat Great chance that he will cope with the disease on his own. Unreasonable intake of antipyretics subsequently leads to the fact that the body stops responding to the introduction of bacteria and, accordingly, fights them. Only at a temperature of 38.5 is the use of drugs justified.

Illness during pregnancy

A slight increase in temperature (up to 37 degrees) in this state is the norm. After the mark of 37.5 degrees, antipyretics should be taken, since even the slightest inflammation in the body can lead to fetal loss. At a temperature of 38 and above, a pregnant woman should urgently call an ambulance to further treatment continue under the supervision of a specialist.

Antipyretics for children

Taking medications or not taking them depends on the age and condition of the child. To get the most accurate readings, children's temperature is measured 30 minutes after eating or drinking warm drinks.

If a baby under 3 months old has a mark on the thermometer that exceeds 38 degrees, it is urgently shown to the doctor. The baby should not be given medication without the appointment of a specialist.

Children from 3 months to 18 years of age do not bring down the temperature below 38.9 degrees. If a child has symptoms other than fever, such as excessive agitation, loss of appetite, or lethargy, a pediatrician should be contacted immediately.

A child with a temperature above 38.9 degrees is sure to bring down the temperature. This can be done using pharmacological preparations or resort to traditional medicine.

When treating at home, adults and children, regardless of age and symptoms of the disease, should follow the following recommendations:

  1. Adhere to bed rest;
  2. Drink as much liquid as possible. A sick child, on average, should drink at least a liter of water, an adult - 2 - 3 liters;
  3. arrange fasting days. Digestion of food is extra work for an organism weakened by an illness;
  4. Ventilate the room as often as possible. In addition, in the patient's room you need to do daily wet cleaning;
  5. At low temperature(up to 37.5) children and adults can walk on fresh air. The main thing that weather were suitable - no strong wind, frost and rain.

Folk antipyretic agents of external influence

It is safer for kids and adults to bring down the temperature with traditional medicine, because aspirin or paracetamol, which are part of most children's drugs, negatively affects the functions of the kidneys and liver.

Among the most safe ways lowering the temperature in folk ways emit:

  • compresses;
  • rubbing;
  • baths;
  • wraps.

Vinegar-based compresses are effective in combating the disease and do not adversely affect gastrointestinal tract. The action of the compress is based on the fact that vinegar, quickly evaporating from the surface of the body, cools it. To prepare the product, boiled water and table vinegar are mixed in a ratio of 2: 1. The resulting composition is moistened with a clean cloth and applied to the forehead.

Acetic composition is suitable for rubbing. In this case, all areas of the body with elevated temperature are treated. Rubbing helps relieve heat for 40-45 minutes. The procedure can be carried out using alcohol solution. Vodka is diluted with water 1: 1, the cloth is moistened with a solution and the patient's body is wiped with it, starting with the hands. When wiping with vodka, it is important to avoid the abdomen, heart and groin area.

Antipyretic baths are used in severe cases when the patient's temperature exceeds 40 degrees. Cool water helps to cope with the heat. The temperature of the water in the bath should be 18-20 degrees, and the duration of the procedure is 10-20 minutes. Additionally, you can massage the body with a washcloth. This will improve blood circulation and accelerate heat dissipation.

Wraps allow for quick cooling most human body. The method is suitable for absolutely everyone. To do this, a sheet or a large cotton towel is immersed in a warm solution of yarrow. The solution is prepared according to the recipe: 2 tbsp. l. plant component pour 200 ml of boiled water and simmer for steam bath within 25 minutes. Then a cloth soaked in decoction is wrapped around the patient. Evaporating, the liquid quickly cools the hot body.

Folk antipyretic products

Some foods have excellent antipyretic properties. For example, raspberries contain salicylic acid, which helps to reduce the temperature as effectively as aspirin.

Raspberry infusion is prepared according to the recipe: a few tablespoons of berries are poured into 100 ml of boiling water and insisted for 20 minutes. In case of absence fresh berries use raspberry jam.

Dried raspberries can be mixed with lime blossom (1 tablespoon each) and pour 400 ml of boiling water. The mixture is cooked over low heat for several minutes. At high temperatures, tea is drunk 200 ml every hour.

Antipyretic drugs include another berry - cranberries. It simultaneously has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and diuretic effects. To make cranberry juice, the berries are washed in boiled water and passed through a juicer. Juice is poured clean water in the proportion of 100 ml per 3 liters, respectively. The broth is boiled and filtered, and then a few tablespoons are added to it. honey. The drink is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, one glass a day.

Spices are added to herbal teas to enhance the effect: cardamom, ginger, cumin or bay leaf. Due to this, the body's defenses increase during the period of illness. The main thing is not to overdo it, as spices increase blood circulation, which can lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition.

St. John's wort tea has anti-inflammatory properties and helps restore immunity after illness. To make the tea not too bitter, 1 tbsp. l. crushed herbal composition pour 0.5 liters of water. The water is boiled over low heat for 5-7 minutes, then the broth is allowed to brew in a warm place. Rosehip or mint is added to the drink to enhance the taste. The drink is taken 2 times a day, 1 glass.

A mint drink is good for fighting fever and colds. Dry mint (1 tsp) is mixed with regular tea (1 tsp) and poured with a glass of boiling water. It is better to steam the ingredients in a porcelain container for 20 minutes. Peppermint tea is drunk once a day in the morning. It not only quickly reduces the temperature, but also helps with headaches.

What to do when elevated temperature you will learn from this video.

Ways to reduce temperature in adults

Simple folk remedies help reduce body temperature for adults: water, vodka or alcohol. The whole body of the patient is wiped with a sponge dipped in the solution. The procedure is repeated every half hour, until the person's fever disappears. In combination with rubdowns, you can use other effective methods traditional medicine for the treatment of adults:

  1. Adding a few tbsp to tea l. cognac or vodka;
  2. Use in large quantities(up to 10 glasses a day) compotes, decoctions and teas. It is preferable to cook compotes and decoctions from strawberries, raspberries or cranberries, and decoctions from a mixture of herbs, for example, birch buds, elecampane roots, marshmallow, raspberry and eucalyptus leaves;
  3. Consumption of citrus fruits: oranges, grapefruits. These fruits help in the fight against fever and suppress inflammation;
  4. Adults at a temperature can take a warm bath and, wrapped up, go to bed. The method is based on the fact that the patient sweats and thus cools down.

Ways to reduce fever in children

The physiology of children is different from adults, so many traditional medicines that are suitable for the latter are not used to treat babies. For example, children, especially infants, should not be wrapped in a warm blanket or clothes. It is better if the hurt child is undressed and placed under a fan running at a minimum speed. It should be noted ways to reduce the temperature in children, which are suitable for both infants and adolescents:

  • rubbing the legs with bear or badger fat;
  • socks soaked in vinegar solution (9% table vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 1);
  • cabbage leaf applied to the forehead;
  • compotes from dried fruits, apples or pears;
  • a decoction of chamomile, marshmallow or coltsfoot;
  • enema with saline or soda solution (1 teaspoon of salt per glass of water).

Children are strictly prohibited from rubbing with alcohol or vodka. It is not advisable to give children under one year of age berry compotes and fruit drinks, since such drinks can cause allergies. Children under 3 years of age are not given drinks with the addition of lemon and honey, as well as multi-component herbal decoctions.

How to bring down the temperature in children? See in this video.


Traditional medicine has been successfully used to treat various ailments and decrease in body temperature. Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, they do not side effects on the human body. But despite natural composition drugs, it is necessary to carefully select methods of therapy depending on the age of the patient and the state of health. Some folk remedies used to treat adults are not suitable for babies and vice versa.

In contact with

Many infectious and colds are accompanied by high body temperature. An increase in body temperature indicates that the body is fighting an infection. And it's very good sign, since the absence of temperature indicates a very low immunity and the inability of the body to fight the disease. But raising the temperature to 39-40°C is dangerous.

Despite the fact that many are sold in pharmacies, many still use proven folk methods, no less effective than the use of medicines, but having a milder effect on the body, in particular, on digestive system. What folk remedies for temperature are most effective?

Top 10 best folk remedies for temperature

1. Cold compress

One of the easiest folk ways getting rid of heat - applying a cold compress to the forehead. To do this, you can use cool water with cologne or alcohol. It is necessary to moisten a piece of cotton cloth with them and attach it to the patient's forehead.

If the temperature has risen in a child, you can moisten this compress with a few drops of oil. tea tree, eucalyptus or fir oil so that the child inhales their vapors - these natural oils have antiviral and anti-infective effects.

2. Rubbing

At high temperatures, you can wipe the body with vinegar (or table), alcohol (when treating a child, you need to dilute them in half with water), and also rub the patient with a towel dipped in cool water. infants and children under 3 should simply be wrapped for a while in a sheet soaked in cool water. The effect of lowering the temperature is due to the fact that vinegar and alcohol (vodka) are substances that quickly evaporate, when the liquid evaporates, the body cools down, the temperature decreases.

3. Plentiful drink

4. Plants and herbs

Antipyretics can be used to reduce fever medicinal plants and herbs - nettle, flowers and leaves of yasnitka, elderflower, rose hips and mountain ash, linden tea. It should be remembered that when using them, the temperature will not drop immediately, but only after a while. natural remedies especially indicated for children, since giving them aspirin, analgin and other antipyretic drugs in large doses Not recommended.

Herbal infusions are also considered antipyretic agents that have an anti-inflammatory effect and enhance the protective properties of the body. The temperature will be lowered by a special herbal collection, which includes 25 g of linden blossom, 20 g of plantain herb, 10 g of chamomile, wild rose and coltsfoot (ready dry collection must always be at hand). 4 teaspoons of the collection should be poured with boiling water, insisted for 10 minutes and drunk three times a day.

Black elderberry flowers also belong to folk antipyretic drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect. Manifold natural remedies, giving an antipyretic effect, allows you to choose the one that best suits your body.

5. Strawberries

The most effective folk remedy that reduces body temperature is the beloved strawberry. It increases the body's resistance various infections, helps with stress, vegetative-vascular dystonia. For it is recommended to consume 50 grams of fresh or processed strawberries after each meal, as well as in the form of jam.

6. Fried onions

An interesting folk antipyretic is fried onions. It must be eaten at the very beginning of the disease, when the temperature is just starting to rise. This medicine will prevent severe respiratory disease.

7. Honey

As an effective antipyretic, it is recommended to use natural bee honey. It is necessary to dissolve a teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm water, drink it - and the temperature will definitely drop.

8. Cranberry

It copes well with elevated body temperature - a very effective anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, diuretic and tonic. The only contraindication to the use of cranberries as an antipyretic is the property of this unique berry to increase acidity. gastric juice, so from this tool should be abandoned to those who suffer from gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

9. Willow bark

Willow bark is considered to be a good folk antipyretic. The presence of phenol glycosides, flavonoids and tannins in this plant allows the use of willow bark (in addition to being used as an antipyretic) as an astringent and hemostatic agent.

10. Raspberry

The most famous and widely used means to reduce the temperature is garden or forest raspberries. The presence of salicylic acid in this berry allows it to be used for colds as a powerful antiseptic.

For a speedy cure, the room where the patient is located must be systematically ventilated. Frequently change bedding and underwear, especially if the patient is sweating. Food should be light rich in vitamins. As long as the temperature remains high, it is necessary to observe bed rest. Protect your children from diseases and be healthy yourself!

The traditional use of higher plants with antipyretic properties is a common feature of many cultural systems throughout the world.

As we know, all synthetic compounds used as antipyretics are toxic to liver cells as well as heart muscle. Therefore, the use of natural antipyretics is now especially relevant.

In nature, there are many plants that are used as an antipyretic. The group of diaphoretic and antipyretic plants includes linden, raspberries, cranberries, viburnum (berries), willows (bark), succession, yarrow, chamomile and many others ...

Willow bark is a natural source of salicylic acid

1 tbsp white willow bark pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 5 minutes, then strain and take 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day at elevated body temperature.

Common raspberry is used as a remedy with antipyretic and diaphoretic effect.

Raspberry stalks (the thicker the stalk, the better) - the most powerful diaphoretic and antipyretic - boiled for 20-30 minutes to a dark crimson color and drunk in several doses (flowers and dried fruits are also effective).

2-3 tbsp dry fruits and leaves, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Take 1-2 glasses every 2-3 hours.

Berries and cranberry juice are a good antipyretic

Crush one glass of cranberries with a spoon, pour two glasses of boiling water and let it brew for 20-30 minutes. Take warm 2-3 times a day, you can add honey for taste.


AT folk medicine linden is used in the form of an infusion as a diaphoretic for colds, flu and for rinsing the mouth as a bactericidal agent, as well as for pain in the head, throat, bleeding, leucorrhoea, infertility, neurosis, pulmonary tuberculosis, eczema and furunculosis.
Infusion of linden flowers: 2-3 tbsp. lime flowers pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for an hour and strain. single dose- 1 glass per reception. Take with fever and colds, as a diaphoretic.
Infusion of linden flowers: linden flowers - brew with the peel of one apple, add honey and drink quickly from three to five cups one after another with hot infusion;

Antipyretic drink from hibiscus flowers

1 tablespoon of hibiscus flowers per 0.5 liters of water. Soak hibiscus flowers in cold boiled water, leave to infuse for 8 hours. After the drink is ready to drink, take any amount instead of tea.

Dissolve in a glass at high temperature warm water 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and drink the patient. If the temperature does not subside, wipe it with water acidified with lemon.

Antipyretic and diaphoretic properties also have: peppermint, blue cornflower flowers, arnica flowers, chamomile and centaury grass, oregano, tricolor violet, thyme, milk thistle, strawberry and blackberry leaves, etc. Elder flowers, currant leaves and buds - brew and drink like tea

Mint for high heat

At intense heat used regular mint. Part of it was wrapped in a wet cloth, and, slightly crushing it, was placed on the forehead, and part was mixed with honey in the form of balls and sucked until the temperature passed.


Any kind of willow is suitable - goat, white, red. The tool is always at hand, because. willow grows everywhere. Although for maximum extraction of salicylic acid from the bark, you need to collect it in the spring, but in emergency cases it is possible in winter, slightly increasing the investment in the decoction. It is better to use top shoots.

Willow bark 1 tablespoon chopped bark
Sage, grass 0.5 tablespoons

Linden flowers 1 tablespoon

The dose is given for one tea leaves. Pour the whole mixture with 300 ml of boiling water and cook over low heat for 3-5 minutes, cool, drink everything, adding a little honey. After taking the decoction, rinse your mouth with water so that tooth enamel does not suffer from salicylic acid.

Wormwood umbrella

The whole plant is used as a medicinal plant. During the day, you need to take 4-5 tablespoons of dry grass in the form of a powder or in the form of a decoction in the water. 1 tablespoon of wormwood per 200 ml of sweet boiling water, leave for 10 minutes and drink hot.

Tern wild

Blackthorn bark is an ancient antipyretic. A teaspoon of finely chopped bark is poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Strain the broth, add honey and drink for an hour. In addition to antipyretic properties, a decoction of wild plum bark has strong diuretic properties and a slight laxative effect.

Elecampane at high temperature

At high temperatures during the flu, elecampane will help well, and its root is traditionally used, but in principle the whole plant works fine: the stem and flowers. But since it is unlikely that anyone collects a leaf of elecampane, and the root is sometimes found in pharmacies, we will give recipes with a root.
Crush the root of elecampane and pour it with sweet cold water by adding a teaspoon to a glass of infusion apple cider vinegar. For 200 ml of water, 0.5 teaspoon of crushed root. You have to insist all night. Take half a glass before meals. The taste is very tart.
Elecampane is at the same time an excellent expectorant, treats serious illnesses liver and gallbladder. The only contraindications are peptic ulcer in the acute stage (with excessive acidity).

Meadowsweet at high temperature

Meadowsweet (Russian tea). This luxurious swamp plant has been completely forgotten. Tall, taller than a man, a plant with a cap of white, unusually fragrant flowers - for which diseases the Slavs did not use meadowsweet: arthritis, gout, and urolithiasis disease, and at female diseases, and with hemorrhoids, and even from snake and dog bites.
The meadowsweet meadowsweet (leaves look like common elm leaves) has another name, meadowsweet. In general, meadowsweet is an adornment of swamps, low-lying forest edges, and small forest streams. And although the ancient herbalists speak of a root, do not dig it out, a huge stem with flowers perfectly heals a lot of ailments.
Steep a tablespoon of cut stems with flowers at high temperature, leave for about 20 minutes and drink at a time. You can take 4-5 glasses of decoction per day, rinse your mouth every time, because meadowsweet, like willow, contains a lot of salicylic acid.

Sometimes the temperature is so high that it must be lowered immediately. Especially in children of seven weeks from birth, whose temperature exceeds 38 ° C, they need emergency assistance. As a general rule, in older children and adults, there is no need to treat a fever that is less than 38°C.
Majority medical experts point to the beneficial nature of fever in fighting infection!

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