The rash in a child merges into large spots. Rash on the body of a child photo with explanations. Types of rash in children and their causes

In babies, a rash often appears on the body. It can have a different nature, so you need to start treatment, starting from its appearance and localization. Also important are the symptoms that accompany the rash. They primarily differ in their appearance: size, color, shape, and localization.

Varieties of rashes on the body

The main types of rash are as follows:

First of all, with any kind of small rash in a child, it must be shown to a specialist. Because only an experienced doctor can establish an accurate diagnosis. Self-medication in some cases can be very dangerous.

Location of spots

It is very important to pay attention to exactly where the spot is located. Thanks to this, it will be possible to determine the initial disease of the baby, which provoked the appearance of a rash.

The reasons for the appearance of spots on the face can be:

If the rash covers the entire body, then the following factors should be considered:

  • the presence of an infection in the body;
  • allergies, manifested in the form of contact dermatitis or urticaria;
  • acne of the newborn. The solution to this problem is proper nutrition and care, air baths and bathing with baby soap;
  • toxic erythema. Affects approximately 90% of the skin. Passes through 3 days after the removal of toxins from the body.

As for the rashes on the legs and arms, they most likely speak of allergies. Such a rash can cover the baby's limbs for a long time, especially if he is under stress, constantly tired. If you do not pay attention to it in a timely manner, it can develop into eczema.

In addition, other diseases can be the causes of a rash on the arms and legs: scabies, psoriasis, and even lupus. But if there are no spots in other places, it is likely that the child has a simple prickly heat.

Infectious diseases contribute to the appearance of spots on the abdomen: chicken pox, scarlet fever, rubella, measles. If therapy is started correctly and on time, the spots will begin to disappear on the third day. If there are no rashes in other places, then the child may have contact dermatitis, which is caused by an allergen in contact with the child's tummy.

A rash on the neck or head is most often the result of sweating. It is necessary to provide proper care for the baby's skin and normalize thermoregulation. You can bathe the baby in a row and smear the affected areas with ointments. But there are other ailments that provoke the appearance of spots in these places: atopic dermatitis, neonatal pustulosis, scabies, chickenpox.

The most common causes of red dots on the back and shoulders are scarlet fever, rubella, measles, insect bites, prickly heat, and allergies. But it can also indicate quite serious diseases.

white dots

The rash is usually pink or red in color. But in some cases, the rashes are white, they appear if the child has allergies, fungal infections, digestive system problems, hormonal failure, beriberi.

A small rash on the body of a child can be caused by the following factors:

In infants

In the first weeks after birth, active hormonal changes occur in the baby's body, as evidenced by rashes on his skin. Most parents turn to specialists due to the fact that a small rash has appeared in the baby all over the body.

However, in infants this is a common occurrence. At elevated ambient temperatures, their sweat glands actively secrete sweat. Therefore, in places of natural folds - under the arms, in the groin, on the priest and face, a reddish small rash appears. The skin is moist to the touch.

Sweating is not a dangerous disease and, after a while, it goes away on its own. But parents need to be aware that the influence of factors such as being in a wet diaper for a long time or in hot clothes in a baby can provoke the appearance of diaper rash. When caring for a newborn mother, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the baby's skin and notice any changes on it.

Keep in mind that infants can very often develop allergies to clothing materials, hygiene products or food. In the formation of children's immunity, they must be protected from external stimuli.

Diseases accompanied by rashes

A small red rash can occur not only with prickly heat, but also with other childhood diseases.

Chicken pox

This disease is the most common among children. Almost every child gets sick. Chickenpox is characterized by a small red itchy rash, which is replaced by small blisters that barely rise above the surface of the skin.

These blisters contain infectious fluid. After the blister bursts, a red small expression remains in its place. The child feels the most unpleasant sensations with rashes in the mouth, in the genitals and on the inside of the eyelids. From the period of infection to the appearance of the first red rash, 11 days pass. Very often the patient has a headache and the body temperature rises. Can't comb the rash as it can delay the healing process.

The baby can be helped by smearing the wounds with brilliant green or a solution of potassium permanganate. It is necessary to minimize leaving the house and contact with other people during the period of illness.


This viral disease is very rare these days. Its first symptoms can easily be confused with digestive problems or a cold. Red rashes appear only after 4-7 days. They are preceded by fever and fever, sometimes reaching 40 degrees. The gums are the first to be affected by the rash. mucosa of the cheeks of the child. After this, the spots spread to the neck and face, shoulders, abdomen, back and chest. The last rash appears on the limbs. When the disease begins to pass, the skin in their places becomes brown. This disease can have serious consequences. Therapy is prescribed only by a specialist.


This disease is highly contagious. The incubation period is asymptomatic and lasts about 21 days. The first rashes can be found behind the ears and on the back of the head. After a short period of time, the disease passes to the body of the crumbs. At the same time, the body temperature of the baby rises. There are no special drugs for the treatment of this sore.


Every infant under the age of 2 years can face this disease.. Pronounced signs of the onset of the disease are:

  • sore throat;
  • increased body temperature;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

After that, small red spots appear on the baby's face and spread rapidly throughout the body. This illness is contagious. but does not require therapy. Passes on its own.

Scarlet fever

Its first sign of appearance is a high temperature and the appearance of a characteristic rash in the form of pimples on the tongue. Scarlet fever is caused by streptococcus. The latent phase of the disease has a period of 3-7 days. Added rashes on the lower and upper limbs, face and body. When the spots disappear, peeling of the skin begins in their place. During this period, the person is contagious. It is best to avoid contact with other people.


This is a very dangerous disease. even newborn babies are affected by it. The symptoms of manifestation are:

  • the appearance of rashes;
  • stiffness and hardness of the occipital muscles;
  • drowsiness;
  • an increase in body temperature, which is accompanied by vomiting.

Rashes appear as small subcutaneous spots that look like an injection mark or a mosquito bite. They appear primarily on the buttocks and abdomen. After that, they move to the legs and spread throughout the body. If no measures are taken in time, then the rash will increase in size and volume and become like bruises. If medical care is not provided in time, a fatal outcome is also possible.

Allergic reactions in children

In the modern world, there are many factors that irritate children's delicate skin. Very often, a rash on a child's body is a manifestation of an allergic reaction. It can have a different appearance: small bubbles, pimples or spots . It can be localized on any part of the skin. With food allergies, rashes are most often observed on the stomach and back, and with a reaction to clothing - on the legs, arms, shoulders, sometimes even on the feet.

In any situation, it is necessary to consult a doctor, this will help to avoid complications and undesirable consequences. Since with severe allergies, Quincke's edema may develop or a malfunction of the internal organs may occur.

The most common manifestations of an allergic reaction are:.

  1. Atopic dermatitis, which is a red papular rash. Over time, they merge and become covered with a crust. The place of their localization is most often the folds of the limbs, cheeks and face. Accompanied by itching.
  2. Urticaria appears due to temperature factors, medicines and food. There are situations when it is impossible to determine the exact cause of this disease.

Insect bites

In summer, the rash can be the result of an insect bite - ants, midges or mosquitoes. The bite site can make itself felt for several days, it itches constantly, causing inconvenience to the child.

But here's the hornet's bite, wasps or bees cause much more trouble. They pierce the skin with a sting and inject poison that causes swelling, swelling and severe pain. Such bites are also dangerous because after them the baby may develop an allergy, and rashes spread all over the body, while the child feels severe itching and pain. Along with this, respiratory failure and fainting are possible, and in some situations, anaphylactic shock.

The bite site should be well examined, remove the sting from it, give the baby an antihistamine and monitor his condition.

A rash is a variety of changes on the skin. This disease appears most often in some painful conditions. In order to determine the causes of a rash, it is first necessary to understand what types of different types of rashes are classified into.

  1. Blotches on small areas of skin that are pink, light, or another color. The speck is not palpable.
  2. It may look like a papule in children, which is a small tubercle with a diameter of 5 mm. The papule is palpable and appears above the skin.
  3. A plaque with a flattened appearance.
  4. The form of a pustule, which is characterized by a limited cavity with internal suppuration.
  5. Bladder or vesicle with internal fluid and varying sizes on the body.

Below is a detailed description of all possible types of rash on the body of a child with photographs and explanations:

Toxic erythema

Toxic erythema on the face, chin and whole body often occurs in newborn children. Erythema appears in the form of light yellowish papules and pustules in diameter reaching approximately 1.5 cm. Sometimes there are spots of red tint. The baby's skin may be all or partly affected. Rashes can often be seen on the second day of a child's life, which gradually disappear over time.

acne in newborns

The spots are visible on the face of the baby and the cervical hotel in the form of pustules and papules. The root cause is considered to be the activation of the sebaceous glands by the hormones of the mother. In this case, treatment is not necessary, it is only necessary to observe hygiene. After the disappearance of acne, the baby does not have scars and other spots.

Prickly heat

Some types of rash predominantly form in summer and spring. Since the release of the components of the sweat glands is very difficult in the warm season. As a rule, rashes appear on the head, face and in the area of ​​diaper rash. looks like spots, pustules and vesicles. Skin needs constant care.



Also called neurodermatitis. Many children suffer from this disease, but the symptoms can be completely different, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. As a rule, the disease is accompanied by eczema, runny nose, asthma. Dermatitis appears in the form of papules of a red hue with a liquid inside. At the same time, the child feels itching, especially at night. Dermatitis appears on the face and cheeks, as well as a little on the extensor parts of the limbs. The skin is flaky, there is a noticeable thickening.

Children up to a year suffer atopic dermatitis without consequences. However, if there is a hereditary predisposition, then the disease can go into a chronic phase. Then the skin should be regularly treated with special means with a moisturizing effect.


In children, in the process of individual intolerance to drugs and food, allergic reactions may occur. The rash of an allergic form can be of different sizes, spread throughout the body or on the face, as well as on the limbs. The most unfavorable effect of such an allergic rash is itching - the whole body itches unbearably.

An allergic reaction can become. Occurs when interacting with certain foods or drugs. It is difficult for the child to breathe because the larynx is blocked. In this case, edema is formed on the legs and arms. also considered an allergic form of rash. It can manifest itself due to certain products, tablets, as well as due to an allergic reaction to the sun or cold.

Infectious rash

What are the most common causes of rashes in a child? Usually, these are viral or bacterial infections, which are divided into types. Photos of them can be easily found and viewed on the Internet.

Infectious erythema

Infectious erythema is caused by parvovirus B19, which is transmitted by airborne droplets. The most common symptoms of the disease can be a low temperature, redness and the appearance of spots on the face, as well as on the body. The incubation period of the rash in a child ranges from 5 days to one month. Headaches, a slight cough are quite likely. The rash is especially pronounced on the extensor parts of the limbs, on the feet. Children with this disease are not contagious.

Sudden exanthema

Herpes infection of the sixth type can cause, otherwise called sudden. This disease affects children under two years of age. The infection is transmitted by airborne droplets from adults. The incubation period can last from a week to two. Then follows the prodromal period, which is not very pronounced. The child feels unwell, the throat reddens, the eyelids swell, the lymph nodes increase in size, the temperature rises. Children are naughty, convulsions may appear.

After a few days, the temperature drops and a small rash appears on the body, which in appearance resemble pink spots, they can be felt. After a couple of days, they become invisible and gradually disappear.

Chicken pox

Chickenpox, otherwise known as chickenpox, is a viral disease that is similar in structure to herpes. A large number of children under the age of 15 suffer from this disease. Chickenpox is transmitted through the air. The latency period is up to three weeks. Before the rash appears, the child may have a headache and pain in the abdomen.

Rashes appear on the face, trunk in the form of initially red spots with transformation into single-chamber vesicles. The liquid in the vesicles is initially light, and after a while becomes cloudy. The nature, structure and shape of this rash can be seen in the photo. As a rule, the vesicles on the skin are covered with a crust. Then there are new rashes with a further increase in temperature.

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When the spots pass, barely visible traces remain, which completely disappear after a week. It is forbidden to comb the rash, as there may be scars on the skin.

A similar virus in many children can go into the next latent phase and become fixed in the nerve endings. In this regard, shingles is manifested in the lumbar region. Photos of such an ailment can be found on the Internet.

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Meningococcal infection

A bacterium such as meningococcus is often found in the nasopharynx in almost every child, which is the norm. Usually, the infection is not considered dangerous, but under specific conditions, the disease can significantly reduce the quality of life of sick children and move into a more active phase of the disease.

If meningococcus after diagnosis is detected in the blood or cerebrospinal fluid, it is necessary to ensure the mandatory intake of antibiotics in the clinic. If meningococcus enters the bloodstream, sepsis may occur.

This disease is called blood poisoning. The disease is accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature and nausea. In the first days, growing rashes in the form of bruises go through the body of the child. Most often, such bruises appear on, scars often form. In some cases, young children who develop sepsis may experience fatal shock. Thus, it is necessary to immediately prescribe treatment after an accurate diagnosis is established, since it threatens with negative consequences.


It is considered a fairly common disease, the incubation period lasts up to two weeks. During the week, general weakness and malaise of the whole organism continues. In addition, children begin with a dry cough, redness of the eyes, and a fever. On the inside of the cheeks, you can see small dots of a white or gray tint, which disappear after a day. Further, rashes appear on the face, behind the ears, gradually descending to the chest region. After a couple of days, rashes appear on the feet, the patient's face becomes pale.

The rashes can itch, often bruises remain at the site of the rash. As soon as the spots disappear, peeling remains, which disappears in just a week. In the event that treatment is not started in time, children may develop otitis media, inflammation of the brain, or pneumonia. In the treatment, specialists often use vitamin A, which significantly softens the effect of the infection.

To reduce the risk of measles, children are universally vaccinated. A week after the introduction of the vaccine, small rashes may appear, which quickly disappear and are considered not dangerous to the health of children.

Surely every parent is familiar with a rash on the body of a child. This may be a sign of some disease or other condition of the body, and some of them can be very dangerous. Therefore, for any rashes on children's skin, you should contact your pediatrician.

A photo

The reasons

The main causes of rashes in a child include the following types of conditions and diseases:

If the cause of the rash is an infectious disease, the child has a fever, a runny nose and cough, a sore throat, and chills. The child loses his appetite, he may develop diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, and stomach pain. In such cases, the rash occurs immediately or for 2-3 days.

The diseases accompanied by a rash include measles, rubella, chicken pox, scarlet fever, enterovirus infection and other types of similar diseases. The most dangerous among them is meningococcal infection, which is a dangerous complication such as meningitis.

Diseases accompanied by a rash

Meningococcal infection

The rash in the child at the same time resembles hemorrhages. The child is very feverish. The disease is very dangerous, as it develops instantly. With a quick start of treatment, a favorable outcome shines in 80-90% of patients.

For example, scabies, which is provoked by the scabies mite. The main places of damage: between the fingers, wrists, abdomen, groin and genitals, other parts of the body. The skin is very itchy. Rash - dotted acne, which are located a few millimeters from each other. The disease is contagious and requires mandatory treatment.

Vascular diseases

Children's rash in diseases of the blood and blood vessels is hemorrhagic in nature and occurs due to hemorrhage into the skin. Occurs due to injury. It can be multi-colored bruises or a small rash that appears all over the body.


Rashes on children's skin appear a few days after infection with measles, that is, when the temperature rises, the throat turns red, a runny nose and cough appear. The rash travels down the child's body, starting on the face, then on the torso and arms, ending on the legs. And all this in just 3 days. It usually rashes in spots that rise above the surface of the skin. The spots are large and merge with each other.

Chicken pox or chickenpox

Chickenpox rashes often appear on the face, hair and torso. At first, red spots are slightly raised above the skin, then gradually become bubbles. The latter contains a clear liquid. The size of the redness is 4-5 mm. Gradually they dry up and turn into crusts. The skin is itchy. Often, the appearance of new formations is accompanied by a rise in temperature.


The main signs: fever, swollen lymph nodes at the back of the head, intoxication and the appearance of small spots on the skin. The rash spreads from head to toe during the day. The rash on the body lasts for about three days, after which it disappears without a trace. The main places of its placement: places of bending of the arms and legs, buttocks. This viral infection adversely affects the fetus during pregnancy.

Scarlet fever

The disease resembles a sore throat. A rash in a child appears on the 2nd day and is a small elements that are distributed throughout the body. Most of all, small pimples occur in the groin, on the inside of the elbows, in the lower abdomen and under the arms. The skin is red and hot, slightly swollen. After 3 days, the symptoms of the disease disappear, leaving behind a strong peeling of the skin.

In addition to the above diseases, a rash can occur with a herpes infection. Bubbles appear on the skin, the skin itches. Infectious monoculosis with rash symptoms occurs as a result of taking antibiotics.


Enterovirus infection, in addition to fever and general malaise, is characterized by rashes on the face and body. The child may have nausea and diarrhea.

Redness appears on about the third day and disappears after 1-3 days. Enteroviral infection most often occurs at the age of 3-10 years.

If it's an allergy

An allergic reaction in the form of a rash can be caused by anything: food, household chemicals, airborne allergens.

The cause of the rash is the ingestion of certain foods or contact with an allergen. An allergen can be chocolate, dairy products, eggs, medicines, animal hair, household chemicals, fabric, and much more. Touching nettles or jellyfish can also cause a rash. A mosquito bite can also cause an allergic reaction in a child.

An allergic rash appears immediately along with a runny nose, lacrimation and itching. Eruptions all over the body are embossed and clearly visible. Usually occur on the face, behind the ears, buttocks.

Poor hygiene

Since the skin of very young children is delicate, even minor violations in caring for it can cause rashes. These are prickly heat, diaper rash and diaper dermatitis. Sometimes redness appears on the face and behind the ears. The child should not be tightly wrapped up and try not to leave the baby in wet diapers and diapers. Young children should be washed and bathed more often, air baths should be given to them.

Insect bites

Very often, bites from mosquitoes or other insects are confused with a rash of infectious diseases. A tubercle appears at the site of the bite, which itches and itches. The time of year, localization and asymptomaticity will help to identify the cause of the appearance of such redness.

What to do first

Before the main course of treatment is carried out, you should visit a doctor.

If a child has any skin rash, moms and dads should do this:

  • Call a doctor at home. In the case of an infectious rash (enterovirus infection, chickenpox, rubella), this will help to avoid infecting others. You should try to isolate the child, in particular from expectant mothers. The doctor must make sure that it is not rubella or another dangerous disease.
  • If there is a suspicion of a meningococcal infection, it is very necessary to call an ambulance as soon as possible.
  • Do not touch the rash before the arrival of the doctor, lubricate them with any agent. This will not improve the condition of the baby, since the main and common cause of the rash is internal malfunctions of the body. And it will not be easy for a doctor to determine the diagnosis.

Reddening of the skin can also be caused by contact with clothing. Often this is due to the material, but also due to residues of detergent or fabric softener. The child should choose hypoallergenic washing powders, and it is better to use baby soap in general.

How can a doctor help

According to the clinical data and examination of the child, the specialist can determine the exact diagnosis and prescribe treatment. In the case of a viral infection, no special treatment is required. For a bacterial rash, the main treatment is antibiotics. If it is an allergy, you should not contact the source of its occurrence.

Doctors prescribe antihistamines, glucocorticosteroids and other drugs. Ointments, tablets and injections may be prescribed. The help of a hematologist will be needed if the cause of the rash is a disease of the blood or blood vessels. A dermatologist treats scabies by prescribing a series of anti-epidemic measures.


To avoid infectious diseases in children, you should be vaccinated. There is also a vaccine for meningococcal infection, against which a child can also be vaccinated. The pediatrician will tell you if this is necessary and when it is better to do it.

Very often, allergies occur in childhood and this is due to the not yet fully formed immune system. The body can react too actively to any irritant. Therefore, you should feed your child with hypoallergenic foods, introduce new foods gradually and one at a time. With age, the allergy in children disappears and the irritant is not perceived by the child's body superstrongly as before.

A rash in a child always appears unexpectedly. And such a manifestation of the body is by no means unreasonable. After all, in most cases, for the appearance of a rash on any part of the body, the child has good reasons. Only by identifying the main causes of rashes, you can start treatment, since in most cases, these rashes are symptoms that the baby's body notifies about the appearance of a focus of the disease in it.

Causes of a rash in a child

Despite the fact that the causes of a rash in a child can lie in more than a hundred different diseases, having a good understanding of their main similarities, they can be divided into four groups.

  1. Allergic reactions.
  2. Improper hygiene of the child.
  3. The occurrence of diseases of the blood and blood vessels.
  4. Allergic reactions.

The breakdown into groups is primarily due to the fact that certain causes of a rash in a child have the same signs of manifestation. Since, in addition to formations on the skin, there may be fever, cough and runny nose, sore throat and stomach, chills, lack of appetite, and many others. Each group has a similar treatment, but in any case, it must be prescribed exclusively by a qualified doctor. Self-medication is not worth it, since the health of the child is much more important than the manifestation of their knowledge in the medical field.

The child has a rash

You should not assume that the child has a rash only from an incorrectly selected menu. A rash appears for a hundred reasons. And this problem occurs both in week-old babies and in ten-year-old children. Only in the case of older children, it is much easier to cure a rash, since the main causes of its appearance in most cases are known and the child can safely talk about the accompanying signs of a rash. But with children under 2 years old, everything is much more complicated. Although their whole life is under the constant control of their parents, a child can develop a rash from almost everything. And in this case, going to the pediatrician will be able to clarify all the details of the disease, the symptom of which was the rash in the child.

Quite often, a child has a rash due to an infectious disease that occurs in the body. In order to find confirmation of this reason, you should carefully monitor the accompanying signs. For example, a child could come into contact with a carrier of the disease and because of this, within a couple of hours, he would have a high temperature, completely lose his appetite, and experience pain in the abdomen. Sometimes, with infectious diseases expressed by a rash, there may be a strong cough and runny nose, appearing for no reason, and after a strong chill, pain in the abdomen and severe diarrhea appear.

If a child has a rash associated with viral infections, such as chicken pox, rubella, herpes infection, measles, then it will take at least two weeks to cope with the disease. The body, along with the treatment prescribed by the pediatrician, must itself cope with the underlying disease, the manifestation of which has become a rash.

Bacteria can quite often be the main cause of a rash in a child. Of course, you can cope with them with the help of antibiotics and other modern drugs quite quickly. Only the main problem is that they say that a more serious disease develops in the baby's body, the progression of which can have adverse consequences. Among the diseases carried by bacteria can be identified: scarlet fever, typhoid fever, staphylococcal infection, syphilis, meningitis. These diseases are quite serious and the child developed a rash for very serious reasons.

It is not worth talking about the fact that almost every allergic reaction that occurs in the body of a child is manifested by a rash. And it can appear from the simplest stimuli. Food allergies, intolerance to fluff and animal hair, allergic perception of cleaning products and detergents, smells of flowers and plants, become the causes of allergic reactions and, as a result, the child developed a rash.

If the manifestation of the rash is blood diseases, then there are two main causes of the rash. In the case of impaired vascular permeability, the rash looks like a small hemorrhage. The main "provocateurs" of its appearance are injuries and other specific diseases. A decrease in the number of platelets or a violation of their active work.

A small rash in a child may also appear in case of improper body hygiene. This is especially common in infants whose skin is unusually delicate. Therefore, the slightest delay in changing the diaper and untimely washing can lead to a rash.

Although, it also happens that there are several reasons for the appearance of a rash and only a qualified specialist can find out its true nature.

The child has a rash on the body

When a child has a rash on his body and it does not stop spreading, but increases exponentially, then you need to sound the alarm. After all, these are no longer simple small rashes on one of the body parts, which can be removed by anointing with a solution of furacilin or washing in a row. This rash already says more. The main diseases due to which a child has a rash on the body can be considered as follows.

  1. Measles. In a child, a rash on the body does not appear immediately. 2-3 days before its appearance, the body temperature increases markedly and reaches 38 degrees, the appetite disappears and the baby feels sick. If these symptoms are not present, then this disease can be excluded. In the first days, small pink spots on the body appear and disappear. First they appear on the face, and then "descend" throughout the body. The rash is not purulent, but has uneven edges and protrudes slightly above the skin.
  2. Rubella. The temperature rises and intoxication appears. The spots are pink and very small. They mainly appear on the face, armpits, on the elbow joints, buttocks and under the knees. In one day the body is covered with a rash. The illness goes away in three days.
  3. Scarlet fever. Initially, severe intoxication appears and a feeling of severe sore throat appears. In a child, a rash appears on the body on the second day. Most of all, it affects the inguinal region, armpits, elbows, lower abdomen. In the affected areas, the skin constantly "burns". With scarlet fever, the eyes and tongue become very red. Within three days, the symptoms begin to disappear, but the skin is very flaky.
  4. Meningitis. A rash appears in a child on the buttocks, shins and thighs. It has the shape of "stars" and resembles small hemorrhages. Body temperature rises sharply. You should contact your doctor immediately.
  5. Chicken pox. Red tubercles appear on the face and under the hair, which, as the disease progresses, pass to the body and take the form of watery tubercles. As the temperature rises, the number of rashes increases. In a child, a rash on the body begins to pass when dried red crusts appear.
  6. Allergy. Along with small skin rashes, lacrimation, cough and runny nose are observed. The rash may form large red spots.
  7. Pyoderma. Purulent formations initially spread throughout the body in the form of bubbles with a clear liquid, but pretty soon they begin to turn yellow and dry out.

Whatever the cause of the rash in a child, a specialist should examine it, since there are many reasons, and there is only one way to cure it.

Rash on the face of a child

When a rash on the face of a child appears often enough, then you should think about it more seriously. After all, regardless of the age of the child, this is a serious problem. So, in infants, a rash on the face is a fairly common occurrence. And the reason for this can be a common prickly heat. In order to avoid it, you should do face and body hygiene more often and sprinkle prickly heat with a small amount of baby powder. Allergic reactions to food are quite often expressed by the fact that a rash on the face of a child occurs in a matter of minutes, and disappears after 3-6 hours after the specified product has been eaten. In this case, simply by eliminating this product from the diet for several months, you can avoid the appearance of a rash on the face. In breastfed babies, a rash on the face can be a clear sign of diathesis. In this case, his mother should review his diet. Although, malnutrition during pregnancy can cause a rash on the face of a child to appear in the first months of his life.

More serious reasons in which a rash on the face of a child indicates an important illness can be scarlet fever, rubella, measles. If during the day the rash does not subside, then you should "sound the alarm."

Rash on baby's legs

Quite often, the baby's skin becomes covered with spots. A rash in a child on the legs is less common than in other parts of the body, but the reasons for its appearance are very similar. The most "safe" rash on the legs is prickly heat. It affects young children in the summer. And with proper hygiene, it quickly resembles. An allergic rash on the legs is also not uncommon. It happens both in infants and in older children. In this case, by identifying the main allergen and ridding the child of it, one can hope for an early cleansing of the skin. A rash in a child on the legs can also appear after insect bites. In such cases, having treated the bite, you can be sure that they will pass in 2-3 days, of course, if the bites do not recur.

There are more serious reasons why a child has a rash on his legs: vesilocupustulosis, scarlet fever, measles, rubella and chickenpox. In this case, the rash is more widespread and increases in size within 2-3 days, and only after spreading over the entire skin begins to decline. Postponing a visit to the doctor is not recommended.

Rash on the hands of a child

Knowing the world around them through touch, babies quite often come into contact with objects that negatively affect their health. Therefore, a rash on the hands of a child is not uncommon. Of course, if the rash is caused by touching irritants such as cats, dogs, or chemical allergens, then eliminating the rash is very simple. With mechanical irritation, you can easily localize the focus of the rash with a good cream. The bites of insects that hit the delicate skin of the baby, with good treatment, will also pass quite quickly. But, it is much more difficult to deal with the problem if its cause lies deeper. Many infectious diseases are manifested by the fact that a rash on the hands of a child becomes the first symptom.

With viral pemphigus of the oral cavity, rashes appear on the hands of babies. At first, these are just red spots, but during the day they turn into small sores and damage to the lower extremities and oral cavity begins.

If the rash on the hands of a child is associated with chickenpox, then the appearance of the rash resembles insect bites. With rashes associated with the coxsackie virus, a large number of blisters can be observed. In addition to the hands, they affect the skin of the nose and mouth, and the child has the first signs of herpetic sore throat.

Do not forget about pseudotuberculosis. True, it is quite difficult to get infected with them, since the carriers of the disease are small rodents and mice. The first signs of infection are distinct seals on the palms, which eventually become red. These seals do not cause irritation and the child may not pay attention to it. Such a rash on the hands of a child is very dangerous, so immediate medical attention is simply necessary.

Rash on baby's stomach

The appearance of a rash on the abdomen of a baby has almost the same causes of manifestation as other rashes. In addition to the rash on the abdomen, there are rashes on other parts of the body. An exception is an allergic reaction to contact with some allergen in the tummy area. So, a rash on the abdomen of a child, especially in infants, may appear in children of one month of age due to improperly selected skin care products. Even a simple lubrication with oil for the skin can cause severe irritation that can only be removed with the help of special rubdowns.

If a rash in a child on the stomach is a consequence of more serious diseases, which are characterized by just such rashes, then an appeal to a pediatrician is mandatory. Basically, a rash on the abdomen of a child manifests itself with rubella, chicken pox, measles and scarlet fever. Of course, with proper treatment, the rash begins to disappear in 3-4 days. Only for this it is necessary to correctly establish the source of the disease and treat it qualifiedly.

Rash on child's back

Along with the most common causes, such as allergies, prickly heat, insect bites, measles, rubella, scarlet fever, a rash on the back of a child can cause other diseases. So, among the most likely causes of a rash on this part of the body, bacterial sepsis can be called. In this case, red pimples quickly turn into neoplasms of abscesses and spread throughout this body. The child completely loses his appetite, but against the background of this manifestation, he is constantly sick and vomits. In addition, the temperature rises to 38 degrees. Treatment should take place strictly under the supervision of a doctor at the hospital.

A rash on the back of a child can also appear due to meningococcal meningitis, which has recently become a very common occurrence. Along with the back, the rash, along with subcutaneous hemorrhages, can appear on the back, arms and legs. Intoxication is very strong, the temperature rises quickly and strongly. The baby feels constant pain in the occipital muscles. Hospitalization in this case is immediate.

Rash on baby's bottom

Quite often, one of the most delicate parts of the baby's body is covered with pimples. Almost always, there are two reasons for this negative manifestation: improper hygiene and an allergic reaction. Babies are especially susceptible to such rashes in the first months of life. Their skin is unusually delicate, so for many parents, a rash on the child's pope has become a common occurrence. So, unsuitable diapers (strongly irritating the skin), infrequent washing and lack of "breathing" of the skin in this intimate place, leads to the development of red pimples on the pope. Even if the child pooped and this process was not followed, then a half-hour stay in a dirty diaper without washing it leads to a rash on the pope, especially in the hot season. The cause of the rash can also be common prickly heat. In addition, the rash in babies will burn due to improper milk feeding, but then it appears not only on the ass, but also on the face. Diathesis can be easily overcome by changing the mother's diet (in the case of breastfeeding) or by changing the mixture (for artificial babies). But, sometimes an allergy to the ass can develop due to improperly selected baby skin care products. In those places where it was smeared with one of the care products, severe redness from a small rash may form. In this case, the rash on the child's pope will pass quite quickly if, in a timely manner, the baby is bathed in a tincture of a string or lubricated several times with a solution of furacilin.

Rash in an infant

Taking care of her baby, every mother closely monitors any changes in his health. A rash in an infant is one of the most common problems encountered in babies in the first months of life. There are several reasons for these manifestations. There are quite safe, but there are those that should be seriously considered.

Newborn acne is practically safe. Often more than half of babies are born with it. They do not require special treatment and pass by 3-5 months without a trace. Sweating is inherent in babies, especially in summer. The child has not yet adapted to the environment and cannot understand whether it is hot or cold. Therefore, quite often, small watery pimples appear under the hairline of the head, on the forehead and face. Less commonly, a rash in an infant appears on the buttocks. In this case, it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures for the child more often, change clothes and diapers, and also let the baby be without clothes. Food allergies are almost always associated with the mother's diet or formula, which is supplemented by the baby. Changing the diet of both mother and child will help to avoid these unpleasant rashes and prevent the manifestations of diathesis. A rash in an infant can also be from contact with allergens. It can be either animal hair or synthetic materials or washing powder. By excluding them from everyday life, you can get rid of allergies and carefully monitor so that contact no longer occurs.

More serious problems include the occurrence of roseola. The appearance of a rash in a baby is preceded by a high temperature for 3 days. At the end of the third day, it falls off sharply and sprinkles the whole baby with small red pimples. A week later, they disappear without a trace. In this case, Ibuprofen and children's paracetamol will become effective drugs. Scarlet fever manifests itself on the 2nd day of contact with the source of the disease. A rash in an infant appears first on the face and neck, and then spreads throughout the body. The only thing that is not affected is the nasolabial triangle. He becomes white. Medical intervention is needed immediately. Measles has rather characteristic spots that appear first on the cheeks and behind the ears, and then slowly descend throughout the baby's body. In this case, a high body temperature is observed. Treatment is strictly under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Red rash in a child

If a child has a red rash, then this can cause several diseases. Toxic erythema of newborns that occurs in the first week of a baby's life. This red rash in a child is not dangerous and goes away on its own within a week. Neonatal cephalic pustulosis is also very common in newborns on the face and body. Specific treatment is not required, but it takes a long time from 3 weeks to 3 months. A bright red rash with peeling scales may indicate an allergic reaction of the baby to various foods and mother's milk. By eliminating the allergen, you can quickly cure the baby. In some cases, pediatricians prescribe mild antihistamines.

More serious problems can be caused by a red rash in a child caused by viral infectious diseases. These include chickenpox, rubella and scarlet fever. With proper treatment, the symptoms are removed on the third day, but the supervision of a pediatrician is mandatory.

Small rash in a child

Quite often, a small rash in a child is not a cause for concern. Basically, its appearance is associated with prickly heat, food or contact allergies, eczema, which can be easily cured. A small rash in a child requires special attention if, along with its appearance, the baby has a fever, signs of intoxication are observed and he looks tired. In this case, only a specialist can determine the cause of the appearance of a small rash in a child.

Allergic rash in children

Toddlers are exposed to all sorts of influences from an external aggressive environment and their body reacts especially sharply to negative manifestations. Allergic rash in children is one of them. The reason for its appearance may be improper feeding of the baby, especially the baby. He reacts sharply to changes in his mother's diet and any inappropriate product is reflected in his body. Therefore, a caring mother should reconsider her diet. A bottle-fed baby may have rashes due to improperly selected nutrition. Therefore, you can try to change the diet and introduce even food for allergy sufferers. Contact allergies are treated by eliminating allergens from everyday life and taking anti-allergic drugs intended for children. They must be prescribed by a pediatrician.

A rash in a child causes quite a few troubles for both the baby and the parents. And only competent and correct treatment can get rid of this adverse symptom in a matter of days.

The appearance of a rash on the body is a frequent reaction of the body to an allergen, taking certain medications, insect bites and other negative factors. However, such manifestations can also occur in serious diseases, so this symptom should definitely be kept under control. It is especially important to detect and recognize a rash on a child’s body in time, because the child’s body is more susceptible to infections due to the imperfection of the immune system. The most common pathologies that are manifested by a skin rash are discussed in our information.

Skin rashes are not included in a separate category of diseases. It is more a symptom than a consequence of any disease. Distinguish between primary and secondary rash, as well as the nature of the formations. It is very important to pay attention to other signs of the onset of the disease, because the correct diagnosis and treatment depends on this.

Often rashes in children on the skin are accompanied by fever, lethargy, nausea and itching. By the way, itching is a normal reaction of the body to a skin rash or the release of histamine during an allergic reaction. There is also psychogenic itching, when, under the influence of stress and general overwork, a person can feel severe itching without visible rashes on the body.

There are the following types of rash according to external manifestations:

  • Spots that appear on the skin in areas of a different color. They can be red, pink, white and even colorless, with changes in skin structure.
  • Bubbles are convex formations of a round or oval shape with an internal cavity. Most often it is filled with plasma or colorless serous fluid.
  • Pustules, which are otherwise called abscesses. They are represented by wounds with purulent contents.
  • Papules are characterized by nodules on the surface of the skin, do not contain internal voids and liquid contents.
  • Vesicles are small blisters with serous fluid inside.
  • Tubercles outwardly look like convex formations on the skin, without an internal cavity. Most often they are painted in red or cyanotic color.

Any manifestations on the skin of a child require medical supervision. Many life-threatening infectious diseases are manifested by a characteristic rash, so you can not self-medicate.

By the way, traditional "grandmother's" methods, for example, bathing in herbs or covering up rashes with brilliant green in such cases are extremely dangerous! Depending on the nature of the rash, contact with water can worsen the condition of the child, and with an allergic nature, medicinal herbs are excluded altogether. In addition, no rash should be covered with coloring preparations until a final diagnosis is made. This not only makes examination difficult, but also creates the risk of "missing" a life-threatening disease.

The main types of rash in children, illustrative photos with explanations, as well as the causes that affect the appearance of such a symptom as skin rashes are discussed later in the article.

Infectious diseases accompanied by a rash

The cause of the rash in this case is a virus. The most common are measles, chickenpox, rubella, mononucleosis. Scarlet fever is considered a bacterial infection, in which treatment with antibacterial drugs is mandatory. To correctly distinguish these diseases, you should pay attention to the accompanying symptoms: fever, itching, coughing or pain.


Chickenpox is a relatively harmless disease that most often manifests itself in childhood. The nature of the rash is very specific and may vary from patient to patient. Basically, these are small bubbles that cover the entire body, except for the hands and feet. Rashes appear very quickly, last for several days, after which the bubbles burst and crusts form on the surface. The rash with chickenpox is accompanied by severe itching, the temperature may rise. When combing, there is a high probability of scarring, so you should definitely keep an eye on the child.

Scarlet fever

Previously, scarlet fever was considered a deadly disease, but with the invention of antibiotics, the situation has changed radically. The main thing is to pay attention to the nature of the rash in time and prescribe appropriate antibiotic therapy. The onset of the disease is accompanied by fever (sometimes up to 39 degrees and above), sore throat, weakness and apathy.

A day or two later, a small-dotted red rash appears, first in places of natural folds: armpits, groin, under the knees and elbows. The rash quickly spreads to the entire body and face with the exception of the nasolabial triangle. Itching is not felt, after the appointment of antibiotics, the rash gradually disappears, leaving no scars and noticeable marks on the skin.


Refers to more dangerous diseases, especially in adulthood. It starts like a common cold, with fever, sore throat. Almost immediately, a red rash appears on the face, which quickly spreads throughout the body. On the sixth day of the disease, the skin begins to turn pale and peel off.


The first symptoms of the disease are fever, cough, pain when swallowing. Then it starts to itch behind the ears, where the rash appears. Subsequently, it spreads over the face and body, after three to four days it disappears.


It manifests itself as characteristic bubbles with a clear liquid inside on the lips, near the nose and on other parts of the body. The bubbles gradually become cloudy, burst, a crust appears, which disappears without a trace.

Infectious erythema

It appears as a small red or pink rash. Gradually, the rashes grow and merge into one spot. It goes away in about 10-12 days.



An infectious disease caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. It is manifested by symptoms of a cold, with an increase in lymph nodes, spleen and liver. The third day of the disease is manifested by sore throat, rashes appear a little later. A rash with mononucleosis looks like small pimples and pustules, may not appear at all. The rash passes on its own with the treatment of the underlying disease. There are no marks left on the skin.


Dangerous infectious disease. It is manifested by the appearance of numerous subcutaneous "asterisks" due to vascular hemorrhages. Additional symptoms are fever, drowsiness and photophobia. If such a rash appears, you should immediately contact the hospital of the infectious diseases hospital. Delay threaten death, which in most cases occurs within a day.

Many of these diseases are considered typically "children's", because it is believed that an adult cannot get sick with them. In fact, everything is quite the opposite, in adulthood they are much more difficult to tolerate, and all sorts of complications are not uncommon.

That is why "windmill" parties are held in the USA and Europe so that children develop immunity to such viruses. Mandatory vaccinations given to children against measles, rubella and other dangerous diseases help to develop antibodies to strains of these viruses, so even if the child gets sick, the course of the disease will be less dangerous, and the risk of complications is minimal.

Allergic rash in children

Dermatitis, which occurs as a result of an allergic reaction of the body, may differ in the nature of the rash. Most often these are spots or small red pimples of various localization. An allergic reaction can occur to any product, household chemicals, dust, animal hair, plant pollen and many other irritants. If you suspect an allergic nature of the rash, you should not ignore such a symptom, but consult a doctor. He will accurately determine what it can be, and also exclude the possibility of an infectious nature of the rash.

Causes of a rash in newborns

In children under one year old, the immune system is only developing, so frequent rashes are considered almost the norm. However, the infectious nature of the rash should not be ruled out, so a visit to the pediatrician is mandatory.

Most often, the following types of rash appear:

  • acne in newborns. It appears as pustules and papules, usually on the face, neck, and upper chest. It passes without medical intervention, only with a high level of hygiene. The cause of the occurrence is considered to be a hormonal release that remains in the body of the child after childbirth.

  • Prickly heat. Often appears in the warm season, as well as in violation of heat transfer, excessive wrapping and rare bathing of the child. It looks like a small red rash, may form vesicles with transparent contents and pustules. Usually appears in the folds of the skin, on the back or face of the child.

  • Atopic dermatitis. Numerous red papules with liquid inside form solid spots on the face and in the folds of the skin. The onset of the disease is similar in symptoms to SARS, in the future the skin is very flaky. Usually children up to a year suffer this disease without consequences. When diagnosed at an older age, there is a risk of the disease moving into a chronic stage.

  • Hives. It is a skin reaction of the body to an allergen. It can appear anywhere, the types of rashes are diverse. It is accompanied by severe itching and causes discomfort to the child.

Types of rash in children are diverse. It is a common symptom of many diseases, some of which are deadly. If the parents found a rash on the hands, a rash on the legs, face or any other place in the child, it is imperative to visit a doctor in the referral in order to make an accurate diagnosis and carry out appropriate treatment.

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