Behavior of cats after sterilization. Care of a cat after sterilization. Complete care for the cat after sterilization The cat is active after sterilization

The recovery of a cat after it largely depends on the competent actions of the owners, aimed at the safe exit of the female from anesthesia, alleviating her condition in the first days of the rehabilitation period, as well as preventing. To do this, you need to know the features of animal care at this time, as well as alarming symptoms that indicate the development of pathological processes in his body.

In some clinics, postoperative rehabilitation of a cat after sterilization takes place in a hospital, where the female is under the supervision of experienced specialists. But often the owner takes the animal, which is in a state or in the initial stage of awakening.

In this case, its transportation in public transport should be carried out in a closed carrying container, on the bottom of which a waterproof diaper is placed, covered with a soft cloth.

Since during a narcotic sleep, the cat's body temperature decreases, it is worth covering it with a warm blanket to prevent hypothermia of the body. In the cold season, you can additionally put a small heating pad with warm (not hot) water under your back.

Important! Do not allow the heating pad to move into the wound area, as this can provoke internal bleeding.

Even when transporting a female by personal transport, you should not take her in your arms, as droplets of blood that appear on the seam can stain clothes. The act of involuntary defecation, urination and vomiting is not excluded, as a result of which the interior of the car will also be soiled.

Getting out of anesthesia

At home, the cat should be carefully removed from the carrier and placed on an oilcloth spread on the floor, covered with a bedding. Do not put the animal on the bed and other upholstered furniture, as this can lead to injury as a result of a fall. Do not do this from a hygiene point of view.

When taking a female from the clinic, it is necessary to find out exactly from the doctor the allowable period for her to come out of anesthesia in order to respond to the delay in time and take measures to save the animal.

Depending on the type of anesthesia, the drug administered and the individual characteristics of the body, awakening occurs within 3-8 hours after the operation. During this period, do not leave the cat unattended.

Requirements for the premises

In the room where the cat stays after the operation, there should be no drafts, bright lights and loud sounds. Curtains should be drawn, sources of noise should be turned off, and small breakable objects should be removed from the floor. Do not leave the female in a room where there is an open source of fire, as well as heaters and electric fireplaces.

It is necessary to take care of humidifying the air in the room in advance. To do this, you can use special humidifiers, hang wet wipes, or leave a container of warm water in the room beforehand. A cat litter box should be placed next to the bedding. It is very important to provide the female with complete rest and protect her from contact with children and other pets for the entire rehabilitation period of the cat after sterilization.

In the first five days of the postoperative period, the cat is prescribed antibiotics. Their dosage and duration of the course should be determined only by a veterinarian.

Cat Care During Recovery

The condition of the female during the rehabilitation period changes daily, and her care should also change accordingly. Therefore, it is necessary to know which signs are the norm and which require urgent intervention.

Day 1

It is strictly forbidden to independently accelerate the recovery of a cat from anesthesia. If awakening does not occur within the prescribed period, then you need to call the veterinarian. If it becomes necessary to leave the house and leave the female alone, then you should close the windows and doors in the room where she is located in order to avoid falling or unintentional leaving.

Do not leave a container with water or food in the cat's access area. 3-4 hours after coming out of anesthesia, you can drink a little with a pipette. In case of severe pain, expressed by an unnatural posture of the body, a plaintive meow or aggression to touch, you should consult a doctor about the use of an anesthetic.

Be sure to make sure that the female goes to the toilet. Urinary retention may indicate the development of complications and requires immediate consultation with a specialist.

On the first day, do not be afraid of vomiting or involuntary urination, which are a natural reaction to anesthesia. Even a dirty cat should not be bathed until the wounds are completely healed.

Day 2

Starting from the second day of the recovery period, the cat should have free access to clean water at room temperature. But complementary foods should start with a small amount of chicken broth, chicken or rabbit pate. Dry food, dairy products and any carbohydrate food should not be given. Meals should be fractional, 4-5 times a day, in small portions. But in the absence of appetite, you should not force the animal to eat.

Some cats have a tendency to hide behind pieces of furniture from prying eyes. It is necessary to ensure that in this place there are no sharp protruding corners, drafts, accumulation of dust. Also, the female can get stuck in a narrow space, and she will need the help of the owner.

If the cat does not get up on the second day or drags its hind limbs, this may indicate complications after anesthesia.

Sometimes this happens when using epidural anesthesia. Most often, these processes are reversible, and motor functions are gradually restored in the animal. However, it is worth telling the veterinarian about this and conducting a thorough examination.

Caring for a cat after sterilization is a procedure of paramount importance, since the further condition of the pet directly depends on it. Most often, young individuals easily tolerate such a procedure, however, non-compliance with postoperative care often leads to complications. The cat's stitches may bleed, and general well-being may worsen during recovery from anesthesia.

Caring for your cat in the first few hours after surgery

It is recommended to consult with your doctor in advance about the rules of rehabilitation after surgery, draw up a balanced diet and familiarize yourself with the priority actions in case of complications.

Particular attention should be paid to the pet for several hours after surgery. At home, without the supervision of a doctor, it is strictly forbidden to leave the cat alone until the moment of complete withdrawal from the effects of anesthesia and the return of the ability to move without outside help.

We can highlight the main aspects in the care of animals after sterilization:

  1. Discharge from the hospital. In some medical institutions, the cat, before returning to the owner, is taken out of anesthesia, in others, on the contrary, the pet is discharged in a state of narcotic sleep. It is important to check with your doctor about the rules for caring for a cat at home.
  2. Using a heating pad. In a state of anesthesia, the body temperature of the pet decreases, and the weakened body becomes susceptible to sudden changes in temperature and drafts. During the transportation of the cat home, it is necessary to place a heating pad with warm water on the back and be careful that it does not move out to the suture site, as this can lead to bleeding.
  3. The process of transportation. First of all, you need to take care of the presence of a bag with a hard bottom, in which the animal will be delivered home after the operation. The animal must be placed on a cotton cloth on its right side and covered with a warm blanket on top.
  4. Homecoming. The cat should be transferred to the floor, previously covered with a warm cloth, away from drafts. It is forbidden to lay the cat on a hill - during the withdrawal from anesthesia, it may fall and get injured.
  5. Coming to yourself. In general, the animal wakes up after anesthesia in a period of two to eight hours. All this time it is necessary to be near the pet.

The blanket is put on immediately after the operation.

During the anesthesia, the cat's eyes remain open, so it is important to ensure that the cornea does not dry out. To do this, it is recommended to gently close the pet's eyelids every half hour, massage them and instill specialized drops in the eyes.

In case of a long withdrawal from anesthesia, experts advise to massage the animal's paws - this will improve blood circulation in the cat's body and prevent limb numbness.

Post-anaesthesia monitoring

After the cat has recovered from general anesthesia, the owner should follow a few rules:

  • do not leave the animal unattended;
  • provide the most comfortable conditions;
  • regularly monitor changes in the behavior of the pet and the condition of the seams.

The most problematic are the first days after the operation. The pet must be provided with maximum peace, it should not be moved without maximum need. It is necessary to ensure that the animal lies on its right side - thus, the load on the heart is reduced. The room must be warm. After waking up from anesthesia, you need to give the pet a small amount of liquid using a pipette.

After anesthesia, the cat must be covered, as the body temperature drops.

On the surface where the pet will lie, it is recommended to lay a specialized absorbent napkin. In case of involuntary urination, it is necessary to ensure that the animal does not lick itself.

There are a number of symptoms that indicate that the animal did not tolerate the effects of the drugs that were used for anesthesia very well:

  • noticeable swelling of the muzzle;
  • excessive salivation;
  • limping - indicates an injection into the muscle;
  • itching and skin rashes.

If the above symptoms do not disappear for a long time, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a qualified specialist.

Pet feeding rules

Experts recommend, in the absence of individual doctor's orders, to give the operated pet half of the usual diet after 12 hours after returning from the hospital. Food should be liquid and easy to digest. It is necessary to provide the cat with round-the-clock access to clean water, and you should not force it to eat.

Cat food should be high in calories and easy to digest.

If the pet is used to eating food, it should be given. Animals that prefer regular food, in order to replenish the necessary minerals and vitamins in the body, need to increase the volume of low-fat dairy products, chicken broths and boiled vegetables. It is not recommended to drastically change the diet - you need to switch to a balanced diet gradually. To avoid obesity, you should reduce your usual daily diet by 20%.

Attention! Often, after the first meal, the animal may vomit - this reaction is a consequence of anesthesia and is completely eliminated within a few days.

In the event of a complete refusal to eat for three or more days, you should take your pet for a check-up with a doctor.

Throughout the entire postoperative period, it is necessary to ensure that the suture is constantly dry and clean. The edges should not diverge by more than 1mm. The presence of suppuration, the development of the inflammatory process and spotting is an important signal for visiting a doctor.

In the absence of complications, the complete normalization of the pet's body occurs in two weeks. The duration of the healing of the seam directly depends on the individual characteristics of the cat's body, the qualifications of the doctor and the correct postoperative care - on average, it takes no more than ten days.

Stitches can be removed at home.

When using threads for suturing, which dissolve independently and without harm to the pet's body, there is no need to remove them. In the case of using conventional materials, they must be removed by the attending physician. Most often, the removal of sutures is carried out a week after sterilization.

Means for processing the seam, if necessary, appoint a veterinarian. This procedure should be carried out a few days after sterilization.

  1. Chlorhexidine and Dioxidine. It is necessary to apply this solution to the seam with a pipette.
  2. Levomekol. It is necessary to treat around the wound daily. After treatment, it is recommended to apply a bandage.
  3. Sprays - Aluminum, Chemi, Vetericin. Use once a day until complete healing.

The treatment agent should not contain alcohol - this can lead to a burn on the skin.

Important! The main responsibility of the owner during the recovery period is to prevent the pet from removing the protective layer, damaging the seams and scratching his stomach until he is bleeding. This can cause infection and deterioration of the pet's well-being.

Care in the first week

Until the stitches are removed, the cat should be in a blanket.

For the fastest possible normalization of the cat's condition, it is necessary to follow a number of rules for caring for a pet after surgery in the first week:

  • First day. Without the recommendations of a doctor, it is forbidden to give funds that contribute to a faster exit from anesthesia. Do not leave the pet alone, give water from a pipette, do not force feed. In case of pain, an anesthetic injection should be given and, after agreeing the drug with a veterinarian.
  • Second day. Feed your pet in small portions. The toilet should be nearby - the cat is still very weak, you should not force it to overwork. Monitor appetite, restore motor functions and urination. If the pet refuses to walk and lies in one place for a long time, it is recommended to invite a veterinarian for an examination.
  • Third day. In the absence of complications, the condition of the pet is normalized. You can return to your normal diet. Don't forget to cut back on portion sizes. Rectal body temperature measurement is recommended. In case of detection of an increase or a strong decrease during the day, you must contact your veterinarian. If necessary, start taking a course of antibiotics prescribed by a specialist.
  • Fourth day. The appetite is completely stabilized, activity increases, the work of the genitourinary system and intestines normalizes. Otherwise, you need to take the pet to a veterinary hospital.
  • Fifth day. Puffiness and redness around the seam subsides, signs of scarring become visible. The cat can be let out for a walk around the apartment.
  • Sixth and seventh days. The condition of the pet is completely normalized, there are no problems with appetite, going to the toilet and sleeping, there are no pain sensations. You can go to the doctor to remove the stitches.

In the first week after the operation, active games are prohibited - this significantly increases the risk of suture divergence or leads to infection of the part of the body affected by the operation.

Possible complications after surgery and ways to prevent them

If the cat looks depressed, and the stitches are inflamed, then you need to urgently go to the clinic.

It is important to carefully study the changes after the operation during the first few days. Long-term presence of the following symptoms may indicate the occurrence of complications:

  • depressive behavior and condition and pronounced weakness;
  • severe redness around the seam, severe swelling;
  • bleeding from the external genital organs;
  • lack of appetite and refusal of water;
  • unsteady gait, constant trembling;
  • increased or decreased body temperature for a long time;
  • severe redness of the mucous membranes or, conversely, excessive pallor;
  • vomiting and diarrhea.

When identifying the described condition, it is necessary to visit the attending physician as soon as possible.

Advice! In order to avoid the occurrence of negative symptoms, it is necessary to carry out high-quality care for the cat, following all the instructions received.

What to do and what to follow to avoid

It is undesirable to place the cat near the battery and other heat sources.

First of all, it is important to constantly be near the pet for the first days after surgery, if you feel worse, immediately consult a doctor. It is recommended to regularly monitor the cleanliness and integrity of the bandage, as well as adhere to a proper diet.

For the first time after sterilization, you should not let the cat near the batteries and remove the blanket until the seams are completely tightened. In addition, it is not recommended to leave food for a pet for the whole day.

During the first ten days after sterilization, it is forbidden to bathe the animal - water can cause the protective crust to soften, as a result of which harmful microorganisms penetrate into the wound.

The cat is forbidden to make jumps and sudden movements after the operation.

The main advice of veterinarians should be highlighted, following which you can avoid the occurrence of complications and significantly speed up the process of restoring the normal functioning of the cat's body:

  • reducing the load on the heart - during the first three days it is necessary to regularly monitor that the cat lies on its right side;
  • the absence of sharp sounds and bright light - the first day you need to give the pet as much time for rest and sleep as possible;
  • suture treatment - daily wipe the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin using a drug prescribed by a veterinarian;
  • checking body temperature - to prevent the possibility of complications;
  • drawing up a balanced diet - gradually accustoming a cat to eating healthy foods.

It is not a complicated operation, however, in the absence of proper care and ignoring negative symptoms, the animal's condition can deteriorate significantly. If all recommendations are followed, the cat will return to normal and fully recover within a few weeks after the operation.

The video shows how to care for a cat after spaying:

Neutering a cat is a surgical operation that has been successfully performed by veterinarians around the world for many years. The methods of its implementation may vary, but the essence remains the same: during the operation, the reproductive organs of the cat are removed, due to which a decrease in hormonal levels is achieved, as well as the cessation of childbearing functions.

Owners of a beloved pet who want to solve the problem of reproduction by surgery must clearly know how to care for a cat after sterilization. Thanks to a competent approach to keeping a pet after surgery, it will not only be possible to shorten the rehabilitation period, but also prevent the development of possible complications.

During anesthesia, the cat's breathing and pulse slow down, and body temperature may drop by several degrees. As a result, the animal becomes vulnerable to drafts and cold.

The period during which the cat moves away from anesthesia depends on several factors:

  • dosage of the drug;
  • animal weight;
  • his individual characteristics;
  • type of anesthesia.

Usually, the awakening of the pet occurs 2-8 hours after sterilization.

It is very important that at this time the animal be under constant supervision, because when waking up, the cat can make unconscious movements: jump or fall from a height, causing harm to itself.

The peculiarity of cats is also that during anesthesia they lie with their eyes open. Therefore, to prevent the cornea from drying out, it is important to close the eyelids every half hour.

You can also lightly massage the eyeballs or drip artificial tears (contact lens fluid) or saline. The implementation of the above recommendations will make it possible to turn the animal's recovery from anesthesia from unpleasant to more comfortable.

Postoperative care

Usually, caring for a cat after sterilization does not add additional difficulties for the owner of the animal. It is necessary to pay special attention to the operated cat during the first hours after the surgical intervention.

You need to transport your pet in a special carrier. To do this, the bottom should be covered with oilcloth, and covered with a clean cloth on top. It is important to put the cat on its right side, and then cover it with a blanket.

In the case of the operation in the cold season, it is necessary to provide for the warming of the pet during transportation. For example, you can use a heating pad or a bottle of warm water by placing it on the side of the cat's back.

At the same time, it is necessary to control that during transportation the heating pad does not move into the area of ​​​​the surgical wound, since this is fraught with the opening of bleeding.

Upon arrival home, the cat can either be left in a spacious carrier, or lay an oilcloth and a clean cloth on the floor. Do not place your pet on a bed, armchair, sofa and other hills.

It is advisable to arrange a horizontal warm soft place for the cat, where direct sunlight does not fall (during the recovery from anesthesia, bright light can irritate the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye, causing nervousness in the animal).

Also, during the first day after the operation, it is important to limit access to the recovering cat of other animals and children.

As long as the animal is in a narcotic sleep, it is forbidden to force-feed or drink it. If the pet sleeps too long, try massaging the paws for a better blood supply.

After a few hours, the cat will move away and try to move. Sometimes animals behave too excitedly and actively, causing concern to the owners. So, the pet can run and jump around the house without stopping.

However, there is no reason to worry - it will pass soon. After a few hours, she will acquire her former dexterity and coordination of movements. Nevertheless, during this period, you will need to carefully monitor so that it does not accidentally fall, get stuck and do not damage anything.

Immediately after waking up, the cat will try to remove the blanket or collar. Do not, under any circumstances, let her do this. After a few days, the pet will get used to it, so the protective equipment will no longer cause her discomfort.

Features of feeding

When can I feed a cat after spaying? Immediately after her healthy appetite returns. This usually happens on the second day after the operation.

It has been observed that cats under 4 months of age recover faster after surgery, so they can be fed their usual food in the amount that is half the norm.

In some cases, after the first meal, the animal may vomit. You should not worry, because a few days after the operation, digestion should return to normal.

If you find signs of constipation (if there are no bowel movements for 3 days, the cat is worried when visiting the tray), try giving 5 ml of vaseline oil inside.

It is strictly forbidden to use any laxatives without the recommendation of a doctor or to put an enema on your own! If the symptoms of constipation in a pet do not go away on their own within 3 days, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

You can try to offer the first portion of food in the morning, carefully observing the behavior of the cat and possible complications after the operation.

If your pet develops profuse diarrhea after feeding, be sure to consult a veterinarian, as it will not be possible to provide medical care at home.

Postoperative blankets

Most veterinary medicine clinics practice post-operative blankets on the animal.

This device, created from ties and fabric, not only helps to prevent wound licking, but also becomes a kind of barrier to infection.

When should the blanket be removed from the cat after sterilization? There are no rules about this, since a lot depends on how quickly the surgical wound heals and on the behavior of the pet. Many cats do not pay serious attention to a healing wound, so they will need a blanket for the first 2-3 days.

But there are also such fluffy beauties who do not take their eyes off the wound and therefore constantly lick it. In this case, you will have to leave the pet with a blanket for up to 14 days, until the wound is completely healed and the stitches are removed.

Important! Never remove a surgical collar from a cat's neck. If it is inconvenient for the animal to eat with it, then during feeding you can remove this device, not forgetting to return it to its place.

Seam processing

Recently, in veterinary medicine, suture material is increasingly being used, which is self-absorbable in the animal's body. On this occasion, it is worth asking the advice of a veterinarian in advance: it is quite possible that you will be able to remove the postoperative sutures on your own.

In other cases, this should be entrusted to a specialist. Also, young animals can be sutured directly to the internal organs, covering everything from the outside with surgical polymer glue. Of course, in this case, you do not need to remove anything either.

All cat care in the postoperative period is aimed at preventing the cat from removing the protective layer by scratching its stomach until it bleeds.

Therefore, a prudent owner should carefully examine postoperative sutures at least twice a day in order to urgently contact a veterinarian if necessary.

It should be borne in mind that immediately after the operation, a couple of drops of ichor or blood may come out of the incision. The seam of a cat after sterilization may turn red and become bloodshot, which is normal. Usually, after a few days, the swelling will subside and the incision will no longer become wet.

However, if the condition of the surgical suture has not improved, then this is a serious reason to contact the veterinarian. This is especially necessary if the area around the suture is very reddened, exudate has appeared, and a bad smell is heard from the suture, or it is simply hot to the touch.

How should the postoperative suture be processed? Usually such recommendations are given directly by the veterinarian who operated on the animal.

Most clinics practice the treatment of the seam immediately after the operation with aluminum spray, therefore, in this case, additional treatment methods are not needed.

If further processing of the seam is necessary, it must be started on the second day after sterilization.

Antiseptics that are used to quickly heal wounds:

  • chlorhexidine;
  • brilliant green - a solution of brilliant green;
  • betadine;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • chemi-spray;
  • ointment "Levomikol".

It is better to process the seam together with an assistant, since in this way the animal is less prone to stress, and the manipulation itself can be carried out more carefully.

Postoperative complications

It is worth recognizing that not always the sterilization of cats takes place without the appearance of complications. Therefore, it is necessary to assess the well-being of the pet in time and take measures to prevent such consequences for the health of the animal.

The following symptoms should alert the owner of the operated cat:

  1. Drowsiness, state of apathy, lethargy of the pet for about five days after the operation.
  2. Lack of appetite in a cat for five days after spaying.
  3. The body temperature of the animal on the fifth day after the operation is above 39.50 C.
  4. The surgical suture is very reddened, swollen, bleeding, edema within five days after the surgical manipulation.
  5. A sterilized cat may yell because of pain.

The presence of the above symptoms is a reason for immediate consultation with a veterinarian.

Update: April 2019

The operation of sterilization (castration) is only half the battle (see c). The most important period is the postoperative period, which falls on the shoulders of the owner of the cat. The veterinarian who performed the operation must instruct about all the intricacies of caring for the animal after anesthesia, tell and show how to process the stitches and what to look for in emergency situations.

The stomach after sterilization should be protected by a special blanket (bandage) with ties on the back. The protective bandage is worn all the time until the stitches are removed and plus another day or two so that the cat does not lick the small wounds from the threads.

A blanket for a cat is usually made of cotton natural fabric and does not cause physical discomfort to the animal after the operation. But due to the peculiarities of tactile sensitivity, a cat may be lazy to walk in it or have a strange gait. When the bandage is removed, everything falls into place.

You need to be careful that the cat does not cling to the blanket and does not get stuck anywhere.


If the owners of the cat after the operation are transferred in a state of anesthesia, then the process of blinking for the pet lies with them. Anesthetized cats often have their eyes open. In order not to dry out the cornea, you need to periodically cover your eyes (blink) or drip artificial tears or saline 0.9% on their surface.

General condition of the house

Upon arrival home, the cat should be put in heat (for example, on a warm heating pad) and on a soft bed, because. after anesthesia, the process of thermoregulation is disturbed. Be sure to lay on the floor so that in the process of awakening the animal does not fall from a height. It is necessary to lay a well-absorbent diaper, because. until recovery from anesthesia, the cat cannot control the physiological needs to empty the bladder and rectum. There may be tremors throughout the body (general tremor) or vomiting.

You need to lay the cat on its right side to reduce the load on the heart.

At first, the cat should not be actively played, jumping, climbing on pieces of furniture. If sterilization was carried out after childbirth, and kittens remained in the house, it is necessary to limit their communication for the first time. 2-3 month old kittens can suckle a cat for a long time, and this is fraught with traumatism of the postoperative wound. Sterilization of a nursing cat is carried out according to emergency indications, because. possible postoperative complications in the mammary gland.

  • On the first day after the operation, the cat must definitely go to the toilet - it is important not to miss the stagnation in urination and bowel movements after anesthesia.
  • The first two days, you may need anesthesia. Pain is indicated by increased aggressiveness, apathy, meowing, refusal of food, dilated pupils and unwillingness to move.
  • Antibiotic therapy is not required if the operation is planned and carried out taking into account the rules of asepsis and antisepsis.
  • Vitamin preparations and restorative agents are prescribed only for old and weak cats who have had a hard time undergoing surgery.
  • In case of urgent need (the suture is bleeding or internal bleeding has been detected), hemostatic therapy may be prescribed.

Getting out of anesthesia

Three types of anesthesia are commonly used. After each type of anesthesia, the cat comes to life differently.

  • Muscle relaxants + analgesics. The most effective mixture used most often. The main disadvantage is the heavy withdrawal from such anesthesia: from 5-6 hours to a day.
  • Muscle relaxant + epidural anesthesia. The mixture is slightly toxic, the cat easily tolerates and quickly recovers from such anesthesia (up to 8 hours maximum). But there is a high probability of complications if the injection into the epidural space is incorrect - full sensitivity and motor activity in the hind limbs can return up to 2 days. When carrying out such anesthesia, the qualifications and experience of the surgeon are very important.
  • Gas (inhalation) anesthesia. A very effective and minimally toxic method, but rarely used due to the lack of special equipment and mixtures of substances for anesthesia. The cat comes to life almost immediately, as soon as the anesthesia machine is turned off.

Moving away from anesthesia, the cat will be out of sorts for some time, coordination will be impaired, and the cat's behavior after sterilization may seem inadequate. There are attempts to get up, to run somewhere, perhaps meowing, a clear lack of understanding of what is happening around. It is important not to let the animal hide in a far dark corner so that there are no difficulties in extracting it. For some time, the cat may not respond to the nickname, walk slowly, uncertainly and staggering. The main thing is that the first day the pet is always in sight!

Food and drink

On the day of the operation, the cat does not need to be fed, only watered - as soon as it starts to rise after recovering from anesthesia. In the first hours after waking up, it is better to do this through a syringe. Be sure to monitor whether the animal makes swallowing movements so that it does not choke.

Start feeding from the second day with a volume of 1/3 of the usual portion. The cat should drink by itself. Food should be easily digestible and low-fat. On the 3rd day, the cat should begin to show an independent interest in food, i.e. start asking. All food should be balanced. Portions are increased gradually, but not to the maximum - sterilized cats should be protected from obesity.

There are times when a cat does not eat after sterilization for 2-3 days, but only drinks. If the lack of appetite is no longer associated with any additional symptoms, this phenomenon can be considered as an individual version of the norm.

Treatment and removal of stitches

During the entire postoperative period, the suture must be clean and dry. Any suppuration, inflammation or bloody wetting is a reason to contact the veterinarian.

Depending on the type of operation, the sutures may be on the abdomen along the white line, on the side, or in the form of punctures if the operation was performed using a laparoscope.

The sutures are placed on the muscle layer and on the skin (if on the stomach) or only on the skin (with an incision on the side, the muscles are not cut, but moved apart, and small punctures are made during laparoscopy). Internal sutures are superimposed with self-absorbable threads, external - with a surgical thread (it must be removed over time).

Until the stitches are removed, the wound is treated daily with any antiseptic solution, but without alcohol, so as not to provoke skin burns. There is an opinion that the seams do not need to be processed, but for this it is necessary to completely exclude the possibility of contamination of the seam. For convenience, it is better to carry out the processing together: one person holds the cat standing on a horizontal surface, gently picking it up under the front paws, the second one rolls up the blanket and processes the seam.

There are sprays with which the seam is processed immediately after the operation, and then every few days (for example, Aluminum Spray or Chemi Spray), and this is an almost 100% guarantee that no infection will enter the wound.

On the 7-10th day, the sutures are removed (after the 12th day, the threads will already begin to grow into the skin). This can be done at the vet or on your own.

Seams are made in two ways: stapled or continuous. A staple stitch consists of several threads tied into knots at equal distances. It is enough to pull the protruding threads, separate the knot from the skin, cut the loop and pull out the thread. If the seam is continuous, then the knot is cut off on one side, the seam is fastened on the other, the thread is pulled out of the middle and the whole is pulled out.
When can a cat's blanket be removed? On the same day as the suture is removed, it is allowed to remove the bandage, but if the cat does not lick the wound, or when the wound is already densely overgrown with hair, which eliminates irritation of the wound with a rough cat's tongue.

Medication accompaniment

  • Rimadyl (carprofen)- intravenously or subcutaneously at a dose of 4 mg / kg (equivalent to 1 ml / 12.5 kg of body weight) once a day;
  • Tolfedin (tolfenamic acid) - 4 mg/kg once a day orally with food;
  • Ketofen 1% (ketoprofen)- subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously at a dose of 2 mg / kg (or 0.2 ml / kg) once a day and not longer than 3-4 days;
  • Loxicom (meloxicam)- 0.1 mg suspension / kg orally on the first day once, 0.05 mg / kg on subsequent days.
Means for processing seams:
  • Chlorhexidine 0.05% ( aqueous solution) - pour the seam through the dispenser or drip from above with a pipette until healing;
  • Dioxidine 0.5% - use similarly with Chlohexidine;
  • Vetericin-spray - spray the area of ​​​​the seam 1-2 times a day until removed;
  • Aluminum spray - spray on the seam every few days until healing;
  • Chemi-spray - treat the seam once a day until healing;
  • ointment Levomekol - treat around the wound once a day, you can under the bandage.
  • Sinulox (amoxicillin + clavulanic acid) - intramuscularly once a day at a dose of 0.5 ml / 10 kg for 3-5 days;
  • Amoxicillin 15% - subcutaneously or intramuscularly 1 ml / kg (in terms of 15 mg / kg) once for 5 days.
Fortifying drugs:
  • Gamavit - the first 2-3 days at a dose of 0.5 ml / kg of body weight, then up to two weeks at 0.1 mg / kg.
Hemostatic agents:
  • Travmatin - intramuscularly or subcutaneously, 0.5-1 ml 2-5 times a day;
  • Etamzilat - 0.1 ml / kg twice a day.

Care: first week day after day

Day 1

After the operation, the cat sleeps an additional 30 minutes to 1-1.5 hours. On the first day the beast is half asleep, lethargic. There is a violation of coordination of movements. There may be hallucinations. Do not give any drugs that accelerate the recovery from anesthesia without the consent of the veterinarian! The first day you need to be nearby, stroke the animal, hold it in your arms, observe. When leaving, it is best to leave the cat in a small enclosed space and on the floor to avoid it falling and going out in an unknown direction. Do not put food and water - you do not need to feed on the first day at all, drink from a syringe or pipette drip.

If there is a lack of blinking, close the cat's eyes on its own to prevent the cornea from drying out. Do this before the start of self-blinking.

On the first day, the animal is disoriented - it can run away in an unknown direction, stop abruptly, run into walls, meow, fall and fall asleep, jump up, etc. You don't need to be afraid. It is better to place the pet in an impassable room so that no one and nothing bothers her.
Possible involuntary urination. If the cat goes to the toilet on its own, you can support it by stretching a towel under the belly the entire width of the body for stability and additional stimulation of the intestines.

There is vomiting. The first sign of vomiting is excessive licking of the muzzle. You can not bathe until the seam heals.

If the cat is in pain, you need an anesthetic injection, previously prescribed by a veterinarian.

Day 2

The cat gradually comes to his senses and becomes more adequate. Near it, you can put water and start feeding a little. The start in food is taken with low-fat chicken broth or kefir with bifidobacteria. In no case do not overfeed, but give all food in small portions. In free access and plenty should be only water! Even if before the operation the cat was only on dry food, you should not start with it - it is better to replace it with similar “wet” ones.

If the animal moves a little, and the paws are cool, you need to rub them or put the cat on a warm heating pad, removing the cooled one in a timely manner. On the second day, she can hide from prying eyes - it is imperative to ensure that the animal is always in sight. If you are allowed to hide, then in places where you can easily get it.

The cat's toilet should be somewhere nearby so as not to bother the animal with unnecessary walking after the operation.

If a cat does not walk at all after sterilization, then there are two reasons: the animal is uncomfortable in a bandage or there are problems with the hind limbs after anesthesia (especially after epidural anesthesia). The exact cause will be determined by a veterinarian who can be invited to the house.

Continue to monitor behavior, appetite, urination, defecation (should appear) and general condition.

The pain usually subsides on the second day. If there are still signs of discomfort due to pain, an anesthetic is given or pricked.

Day 3

On the 3rd day, the cat should fully recover: show activity and interest in what is happening, go to his tray to the toilet and start asking for food. You can gradually switch to a normal diet, but the ban on overfeeding remains.

On this day, it is necessary to measure the body temperature. Body temperature is measured rectally (in the rectum) with the tip of a thermometer smeared with petroleum jelly or any greasy cream. If the temperature is elevated according to two measurements during the day, you need to contact the veterinarian - you may have to start taking antibiotics. The course will have to be completed completely, no matter on which day the temperature drops to normal.

If the temperature from antibiotics does not start to decrease, you need to take the cat to the veterinarian or call him at home - there is a risk that the infection is viral, and this is the risk of death of the animal due to postoperative weakness.

Also a reason to contact the veterinarian if the body temperature is below 37.5 ° C.

If there is no bowel movement, you can give mild laxatives based on lactulose (Lactusan, Duphalac). The intestines must be emptied regularly - this must be monitored, because. very often, after anesthesia, there is a slowdown in intestinal peristalsis.

Day 4

By the fourth day, the animal should actively and independently eat and drink, active urination and bowel movements should be noted.

If there is no urination, you need to give 1/5 tablet of no-shpa or 2-3 drops of valerian tincture, diluted in a teaspoon of water. After 15 minutes, make a light massage of the abdomen at the level of the bladder. There should be urination. If still not, the cat needs to be taken to a veterinary clinic for bladder catheterization.

Day 5

By the fifth day, the cat can begin to let out of the closed room, because. it can be allowed some activity - to walk relatively long distances (between rooms), you can let it go for a walk in the yard (under supervision), if the animal had access to the street before sterilization. You can jump on low surfaces.

By the fifth day, the swelling and redness around the seam should subside, if there were any signs. There should be signs of scarring.

Day 6 and 7

The fact that the cat underwent surgery is only reminiscent of a blanket (bandage) and the presence of postoperative sutures. By the end of the week, the animal should be fully active, eat with appetite, drink whenever it wants, sleep in any chosen place, jumping on the sofa or chairs (of course, it’s still difficult to jump on the windowsill from the floor).

No pain. Urination and bowel movements as usual. With normal body resistance, sutures can be removed on the 7th day - a maximum of 10th.

The suture after sterilization of the cat should be clean, dry, with signs of dense scarring, without signs of inflammation or suppuration.

Possible postoperative complications

Complications after planned surgical interventions develop extremely rarely and, in most cases, it depends on the individual characteristics of a particular animal.

The main postoperative complications:

  • Prolonged postanesthetic hypothermia. If for a long time the cat lies without moving, it has a coldness of the ears and paws to the touch, it is necessary to check the body temperature. If the temperature is below 37°C, you need to put the cat on a warm heating pad, cover it with any natural piece of cloth and contact the veterinarian for advice.
  • Intra-abdominal bleeding. If traces of fresh blood are found in the suture area or from the vulva, with obvious soreness of the abdomen and pallor of the skin, the cat should be immediately taken to a veterinary clinic to stop possible bleeding in the abdominal cavity. If internal bleeding is confirmed, then a second surgical intervention is performed.
  • Postoperative hyperthermia. With elevated body temperature for more than 3 days (above 39 ° C), it is necessary to consult with a veterinarian or take the cat to an appointment for a direct examination by a specialist.
  • Redness around the seam and its swelling. Within 3-5 days, a similar state of the seam is allowed, provided that there is no discharge from the wound. After 5 days, both redness and swelling will begin to subside and will completely disappear by the time the sutures are removed.
  • Rotting postoperative suture. If the cat's postoperative hygiene measures are not followed, dirt can get into the seam, from which it will begin to fester. Be sure to show the animal to the doctor. If the prescribed topical preparations do not help to eliminate such signs, the doctor will have to remove the sutures, remove the damaged skin around the wound under anesthesia, and re-sew.
  • A lump on the abdomen in the area of ​​the seam. If an enlarged area is found anywhere around the seam, this is an occasion for consultation with a veterinarian. There are two options for bumps after sterilization - this is postoperative edema, which may have to be opened, or growth of granulation tissue (“young” skin), which will disappear on its own within a month and a half.

Sterilization (castration) is not a complicated operation, the difficulty lies in the postoperative period. After surgery, be sure to get recommendations from a veterinarian on how to care for a cat, and strictly adhere to them. In any emergency situation, be sure to consult with a specialist.

see also


Sterilization of cats today is one of the most common surgical procedures in veterinary medicine. In terms of prevalence, only the castration of cats can compete with it. It is no secret that in many cases, in order to decompose an animal, one has to resort to a full-fledged abdominal operation, from the consequences of which not all animals recover quickly and easily. To prevent the development of severe complications and speed up the regeneration processes, high-quality care for the cat after sterilization helps.

Features of care largely depend on the type of sterilization. In some cases, the operated animal really needs careful and constant supervision, while in others it is enough to sometimes look after the pet, which can lead a normal life almost immediately after the operation.

Isolation and protection from stress

But for all these cases, there is one general requirement: despite the condition of the animal immediately after the procedure, it must spend the first day (at least) in an isolated room where other pets and small children have no access. They will disturb the operated pet, or even start playing with it (and this will end badly).

It is necessary to protect the pet from the action of stress factors. While the animal is recovering from the consequences of the operation, it is necessary to refrain from carrying out scheduled and unscheduled repairs, and for the first days it is generally necessary to talk more quietly and not to check the condition of the cat every minute, as excessively obsessive care can make her nervous. Following just these two rules will prevent many troubles.

Proper nutrition

Correct plays a huge role. In no case should you give the operated cat dry food, as well as “heavy”, fatty meat.

In the first case, a weakened body does not receive all the necessary nutrients, micro- and macroelements, and in the second, the digestive system spends too much energy on digesting such food, which is vital at this time.

Veterinarians advise during this period to use either saturated broths or high-quality canned food, designed specifically for feeding animals recovering from illness or surgery.

Caring for a cat after abdominal sterilization

Immediately consider the features of caring for pets in this case. Cavity sterilization is the most common and popular. It involves the removal of the uterus, as well as the ovaries (i.e., the load on the cat's body is very serious).

Such an operation involves a “full-fledged” surgical intervention, and therefore it is necessary to take care of the cat especially carefully. The slightest negligence can lead to very serious consequences, even death.

First day

most responsible time. The animal (most likely) has not yet completely recovered from the effects of anesthesia, and therefore constantly sleeps or stays in a “frozen” state, especially not reacting to what is happening around it.


Most likely, on the first day after the operation, you will not have to worry about it: the body has not yet really recovered from anesthesia, and therefore one should not expect a frantic appetite from a cat.

In addition, feeding a pet at this time is not the best solution. Too much energy is expended on the digestion of food, and it is far from a fact that the food is completely absorbed. In the latter case, the food begins to rot in the lumen of the digestive system.

Basic care rules:

  • To avoid negative consequences, you should not give your pet any food for the first six or seven hours after she wakes up after surgery.
  • Water should be given in unlimited quantities. We advise you to change the drink to fresh every few hours.
  • You can start feeding only 10-12 hours after the pet has recovered from anesthesia. She is given liquid broths with a small amount of boiled chicken and vegetable puree (baby food is perfect).
  • To make the cat feel good, we advise you to place it in a basket or box, which must be placed in a secluded, quiet and dry place, protected from drafts.
  • Keep other pets and small children away from your cat.
  • Monitor the condition of the postoperative bandage and suture. Remember that the release of a small amount of ichorus and redness of the operated area is normal.

If you notice (or think) that or any discomfort, immediately report it to the veterinarian. You may need to prescribe light sedatives.

Important! If the animal's body temperature suddenly begins to rise, it is necessary to immediately notify a specialist about this, regardless of the time of day (this sign most likely indicates severe inflammation).

Second and third days

When the animal slightly departs from the effects of general sterilization, its condition improves somewhat, but it is still too early for the owners to relax.


As on the first day, pickles are contraindicated. It should be limited to the same broths (slightly more concentrated). As in the previous case, the animal must have unlimited water. The body of the pet at this time actively removes the metabolites of the drugs used to administer anesthesia to the external environment, and therefore needs large volumes of liquid.

Seam care and conditions

Since the cat begins to walk and, at least relatively, is interested in what is happening around her, you need to make sure that the pet does not especially jump on furniture and interior items: this behavior is the key to the divergence of postoperative sutures.

To comply with this condition, it is desirable to isolate the animal in a separate room.

Make sure that there are no drafts, but we do not recommend placing a cat under the central heating batteries!

  • The seams begin to heal, but it is foolish to expect their ideal state.
  • The surface of the postoperative wound begins to dry out, swelling and redness gradually subside.
  • To speed up healing and minimize the likelihood of bacterial inflammation, treatment of the suture with chlorhexidine is allowed.
  • The owner needs to monitor the condition of the bandage and change it as needed.
  • The surgical diaper must be clean, it must fit snugly enough to the surface of the animal's body. Change it as it gets dirty, but at least once a day. As in the previous case, it is necessary to carefully monitor the temperature of the cat's body.

Fourth and fifth days


If the condition of the animal no longer causes concern, you can start introducing ordinary food into its diet (but little by little, in small quantities).

Boiled chicken and good canned food are much healthier. Ideally, it is desirable to give food specially formulated for the nutrition of debilitated and operated animals.

Seam care and conditions

  • The area of ​​the postoperative wound is clean, dry, without visible exudate. A small amount of crusts formed as a result of drying of the ichor is allowed.
  • There should be no signs of an inflammatory process. By this time, a normal postoperative wound has already managed to heal well, the sutures are clean, with smooth and dry edges. Swelling, severe redness and pain are unacceptable.
  • Twice a day, the seam is smeared with a solution of chlorhexidine.

Despite well-going wound healing, the cat is still required to wear a surgical diaper at all times. It prevents scratching and constant licking of the postoperative wound.

If everything goes well, then by the fifth day the cat can be let out of a separate room, but at the same time you need to constantly monitor that she is not fond of active games and jumping. It is still advisable to change the band on a daily basis.

Sixth and seventh days

If the operation was performed with high quality, and everything went well, then by this time the cat can be considered “conditionally healthy”. By this time, the animal is already gaining strength, it has a good appetite. Despite this, do not forget that the cat has recently been operated on.


If the condition of the pet does not cause any concern, the following products can be used at home:

  • Low fat and by-products.
  • Raw.
  • Lightly boiled.

Seam care and conditions

The animal can already lead a completely normal life, but provided that the area of ​​postoperative sutures has already acquired a normal color, there are no signs of inflammation, no exudate is visible. But even in these cases, we would strongly recommend that the cat continue to wear the surgical brace.

Once a day, you can treat the postoperative wound with chlorhexidine. The frequency of changing blankets can be increased to once every two to three days. It is advisable that at this time the pet does not run or play too actively, since excessive physical activity can interfere with the process of final healing of the postoperative wound.

Second week

By this time, the animal should have fully recovered. The sutures are completely tightened by this time, somewhere on the tenth day from the moment of sterilization they can be removed. Starting from the eighth day after the operation, the animal no longer needs a blanket (but we would recommend consulting a veterinarian).

There are no special requirements for feeding and maintenance, the cat leads its usual lifestyle.

Caring for a cat after laparoscopic sterilization

This type of operation (it is also called endoscopic or lateral incision sterilization) is considered the easiest. Note that after laparoscopic sterilization, animals recover very quickly, within just a few hours. Since the length of the surgical incision does not exceed five millimeters, the suture also requires much less attention.

First day

This is the most crucial time, since it is during this period that it becomes clear how successfully the operation went. If everything is in order, no special care is required for the cat.


Since powerful anesthesia is rarely used during surgery through a lateral incision, the animal returns to normal very quickly.


  • In the first hours, even if the pet, as it seems to the owner, looks completely normal, you should not overfeed it. Although the operation is considered quite easy, a stump remains in place of the removed uterus. And the pressure on it that has expanded as a result of feeding the digestive organs is best avoided.
  • The same can be said about drinking. Water, of course, must be given without restrictions, but for this you need to wait at least four hours.

Seam care and conditions

Although the seam after laparoscopic surgery does not differ in impressive dimensions, you still need to take care of it:

  • At least the first three days the cat should have a surgical blanket. It won't be redundant. Change as it gets dirty, but at least once a day.
  • It is highly recommended to keep the pet in a separate room at this time and make sure that she plays and jumps less.
  • In the first hours and even days after the operation (as in the case of conventional sterilization), a slight swelling of the suture and the release of small amounts of effusion, as well as a slight soreness of the operated area, are allowed.
  • Another task of the owner is to monitor the general condition of his pet and immediately call the veterinarian if the cat's general body temperature begins to rise.

Second and third day

As a rule, after laparoscopic deposition, the cat's condition at this time is completely stabilized and, apart from a microscopic suture, it is no different from its relatives. Of course, this does not eliminate the need to look after her.


  • If everything is in order with the cat (she is active, runs fast), then she can be given ordinary food, without any "frills". But still, we highly recommend using high-quality canned food or “natural food” for the first three days. The main requirement for food is the content of good, “light” proteins, macro- and microelements.
  • In the water, there are no restrictions. The pet is free to drink as much as she wants.

Seam care and conditions

  • The cat can already be let out to run around the house without restrictions, but it is still better to leave it in a separate room at night. So it is less likely that she will jump unsuccessfully and damage the seam.
  • We also recommend that she wear a blanket.

  • At this time, the seam should already be completely dry and weathered. Severe swelling is not allowed, the local temperature should be normal.
  • Twice a day - treatment with chlorhexidine.

Four days to a week

At this time, you do not need to do anything. After laparoscopic sterilization, by this time the suture is already completely healed, by the end of the first week it can be removed. However, when using absorbable materials, this is not necessary, so the owner does not need to do anything at all. The blanket (as a rule) can be removed on the fifth day, there is no special need for it.

It is only necessary to monitor the general condition of the cat. There are no special requirements for feeding, if the animal feels well, then from the fifth day it can be completely transferred to a normal diet. Seam care is no longer required, but once every three days it can be treated with chlorhexidine.

Despite the general ease of the procedure and the low likelihood of complications, you should always immediately report this to the veterinarian, noticing signs of lethargy, refusal to feed, or seeing exudate oozing from the postoperative wound!

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