Dwarf boxer dog. German boxer: a fearless defender with a cheerful disposition. Where to buy a puppy

Boxer dog is a universal pet. It is suitable for protection, service and just as a family pet. Behind the menacing appearance of this breed lies playfulness and kindness. She gets along well with children and other animals. But in case of danger, he instantly turns into a fearless defender.

Origin and formation of the breed

It is believed that the name "boxer" dogs received for the habit of using their front paws in a fight: they seem to box with them. As a separate breed, the boxer was recognized in 1896. A year before, an exhibition was held in Munich for the first time, in which its representatives participated. Since that time, the standard has changed somewhat: the exterior has been improved and work has been done to eliminate aggression.

But the history of the German boxer breed began during the time of Alexander the Great. Then the ancestors of the boxers - the Berenbeissers - came to Europe. Here they were used to hunt large animals: wild boars, deer, bears and wolves.

The German Bullenbeitzers are considered the direct ancestors of boxers. Namely, the Brabant variety of the breed. This was a large, somewhat inferior in size to the Danzig Bullenbeitzer, a dog with brindle or red hair, a large muzzle with a black mask and a special bite - the so-called undershot bite, when the lower jaw extends beyond the upper jaw.

The name Bullenbeitzer itself translates as "biting bulls." Due to the special structure of the jaw, the dog could hold prey for a long time and breathe freely. This was important before the widespread use of firearms: the hunter had time to get to the game and kill it.

The need for Bullenbeitzers disappeared when hunters began to use guns, and game-baiting was prohibited. Pickling dogs are also banned. Then cattle owners paid attention to this breed: the dogs coped well with guarding and driving herds.

To make the Bullenbeitzers more enduring and stable in their legs, they began to be crossed with representatives of the English Bulldog breed. Because of this selection, the German boxer dogs developed a spotted color, their heads increased, and their muzzles became more massive and short.

The first representatives of the breed appeared in the second half of the 19th century. German breeders began to breed a universal service breed. In 1896, the first description of the breed standard appeared. In 1905, his edition was published. It was so complete that it has hardly changed since then. Today they adhere to the latest version of the FCI standard, adopted in 2008.


During the history of the existence of the German boxer, his standard was specified several times. So, dogs with spotted, black and white colors were no longer allowed for breeding. And in 2002, it was forbidden to dock ears and tails.

According to the FCI standard No. 144 of the modern boxer, he belongs to the Molossian and Mastiff type dogs with mandatory working tests. The breed standard assigns certain requirements to the exterior:

  1. Frame. Square, with strong bones and developed muscles. Excessive thinness, like fullness, is considered a disadvantage. The chest is deep, reaching to the elbows.
  2. Head. Cubic shape, with a slight bulge at the top. When viewed from any side, it should be in correct proportion to the body.
  3. Muzzle. Dry, no wrinkles. However, when the dog raises its ears warily, wrinkles appear on the forehead. A snack is required - the lower jaw protrudes by 1.5 cm. When closing, the lips hide the teeth and tongue. The eyelids are painted in a dark color, the tip of the nose is black.
  4. Limbs. Well developed, even and straight. The hind legs are longer than the front.
  5. Wool. Smooth and short. Adheres tightly to the skin.
  6. Color. Brindle and red in all shades - from light fawn to red. But moderate colors are preferable. White spots are encouraged if they occupy no more than a third of the surface.
  7. Growth. Males reach at the withers from 57 to 63 cm, females - 53 - 59 cm.
  8. The weight. For males, on average 30 kg, for females - 25 kg.

The standard of the German boxer does not allow aggression, cowardice, cunning and deceit in a boxer. The dog must be confident, playful, calm, with a strong nervous system. At the same time, fearless in a serious situation and instantly respond to a threat.


The Boxer is considered a versatile dog. It is great for police service, security, home protection. The lack of aggression made him an excellent companion. And the mind and ingenuity made it possible to use the dog as a guide.

But it is worth understanding that a universal dog cannot be an “excellent student” in all areas. A boxer quickly learns the necessary skills, but cannot reach the top in a certain activity.

This breed is extremely playful. She remains active until old age. In fact, boxers are eternal children. They can't live without games. Their energy needs an outlet. Every day the dog needs to be loaded: both physically and mentally. Long, at least an hour, walks several times a day are necessary.

Dogs get along well in any family, and in any conditions. They are very tolerant of children - the dog will never bite or growl at a child. They are kind to strangers. But adults are wary. You should control this quality and socialize the dog so that it does not become aggressive towards strangers.

Boxers do not touch other pets - they consider them part of the pack. But someone else's cat or bird is prey for them. Therefore, on a walk it is worth making sure that the dog does not chase the “game”.

When properly socialized, Boxers are friendly with other dogs. The exception is representatives of the same breed. With them, the pet often arranges fights.

Since the German boxer is classified as a service dog, he has a very developed obedience and focus on people. He gladly carries out commands and tries to please the owner in everything. Because of this, the boxer is recommended to start for beginners. But keep in mind that the dog is large, strong, she needs daily active physical activity and a firm hand. If the dog feels weakness in the owner, he will take over the functions of the leader.


Start training with a boxer as early as possible. Education is carried out from the first days of the puppy in the house, and the basic commands are taught immediately after the end of quarantine.

The dog should start the full course of general training at 6 months of age. Special training (IPO, BH) is carried out from 1 - 1.5 years. The dog is allowed to pass the working standards at 18 months.

The upbringing of a German boxer should be strict, but not harsh. The dog perceives screaming and beating as weakness. Violence makes her either aggressive or cowardly. It is important to follow the sequence: for a long time the dog seems to “not hear” the owner, but at some point he understands everything and begins to follow the commands.

Any team is first studied at home. When the pet will perform it at home the first time, the learned skill is fixed on the street, in different places. This will avoid the stereotypical behavior of a boxer puppy when he does not obey the owner in other conditions.

Socialization is carried out as early as possible. It includes communication with strangers, children, dogs and other animals. In addition, it is imperative to accustom your pet to traveling in transport, walking along noisy city streets and public places.

Features of care

Caring for a boxer is not difficult. You just need to regularly carry out standard procedures.

  1. Wool. The dog practically does not shed and does not get dirty, it does not need to be trimmed. Short hair is easy to brush with a rubber mitt. You shouldn't bathe your dog often. If it gets dirty, you need to wipe the dirty areas with a cloth dipped in water and shampoo.
  2. claws. Trim as you grow. When the dog begins to “clatter”, you need to carefully cut the claw without touching the blood vessels. Usually this procedure is carried out every one and a half to two months.
  3. Teeth. Plaque is cleaned with a special toothpaste and brush for dogs.
  4. Eyes. Due to drooping eyelids, the boxer often accumulates tear secretion and dirt near the eyes. They should be removed regularly with a soft cloth dipped in water.
  5. Ears. They are regularly inspected and the accumulated dirt removed. Do not put cotton swabs into the ear. For cleaning use sponges or napkins. They can be moistened in water or purchased a special solution.

In order for the dog to give grooming procedures, they should be taught from puppyhood. At first, they simply examine the pet: they bend their ears, look at their teeth, lay them on their side or back. When he gets used to it, use a comb, toothbrush, scissors for cutting claws.

Boxers do not tolerate both heat and cold. In the summer, you need to make sure that the dog does not overheat and does not get sunburn, and in the autumn-winter season, dress it and not let it sit in one place.

Nutrition is a separate issue. This breed is prone to overeating, leading to bloating. Puppies up to six months are fed 4 times a day, adolescents up to a year - three times, and after 12 months - 2 times a day. Food must be of high quality. You can either choose a special dry food of high quality, or feed in kind.

In the latter case, the percentage of meat and offal should be at least a third, the rest of the diet includes cereals, vegetables, dairy products, eggs. On a natural diet, vitamins are necessarily added. It is forbidden to give sweets, pork, lamb, salt food or use seasonings.


Boxers are an artificially bred breed of dog. Therefore, they often have both congenital and acquired diseases:

  1. Deafness. Most often it affects white dogs - up to 40% of all cases.
  2. Aortic stenosis, arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy of the right ventricle.
  3. Allergies.
  4. Bloating and intestinal volvulus.
  5. Dysplasia of the hip joint.
  6. Deforming spondylosis.
  7. Brachiocephalic syndrome, characteristic of dogs with a short muzzle.
  8. Thyroid dysfunction.
  9. Conjunctivitis, inversion of the eyelid.

It is necessary to monitor the weight of boxers. Even slight obesity is fraught with heart problems due to the short muzzle and, as a result, difficulty breathing.

The average age of a boxer is 15 years old. Unfortunately, statistics show that dogs of this breed usually live no more than 10 - 12 years. Long-livers are much rarer.

  • Height at withers : Males: 57-63 cm; Bitches: at least 53-59 cm
  • Weight : Males 30 kg and over; Bitches 25 kg
  • Lifespan: 10-11 years old
  • Other names: Boxer, boxer

Pros and cons

  • Reliable guard
  • Average dog size
  • Not aggressive for no reason
  • Loyal and affectionate with family members and other animals
  • well trained
  • Requires movement and loads
  • Needs training
  • Doesn't handle heat well
  • May be intolerant of other dogs
  • Not intended for outdoor use

Description of the breed

German boxer- a smooth-haired dog with strong bones, well-defined muscles and a cheerful disposition. The square format and powerful head are very harmoniously combined in this animal. Each movement of a boxer is filled with nobility and strength. Among the representatives of this breed, one can hardly meet a clumsy or clumsy animal. Separately, it is worth noting the high intelligence of the German boxer. Starting from puppyhood, dogs show real "miracles of resourcefulness and ingenuity." We can confidently say that boxers are able to independently make decisions depending on the situation.

The German Boxer is a very active dog that needs daily exercise. That is why their owners should be people who are ready for long walks in all weather conditions. If a person needs a sofa pet, then a boxer will not be the best option. Active and cheerful by nature, out of boredom and an overabundance of energy, he will begin not only to spoil the furniture, but to destroy everything around. This often leads to the fact that young dogs end up on the street, in shelters and in new families.

The males of the German boxer are excellent guards, subject to proper upbringing. They, during a walk and active games with fellow tribesmen, never lose sight of their owners and, at the slightest danger for them, almost instantly find themselves nearby. Bitches can frighten intruders with their formidable appearance, but it is unlikely that it will come to forceful detention, which cannot be said about males. Despite their love for people, males can be very aggressive, so owners should take this into account and prevent conflict situations from arising.

You should also take into account the fact that boxers fearlessly engage in fights with other dogs, which can cause problems during walks. Owners need to properly socialize their pets from puppyhood, so that they can have good contact with other animals. Without obedience skills, the owner will not be able to prevent an attack and stop his pet during an attack, which can result in serious problems.

But, if the German boxer falls into good hands and gets the right upbringing, he will become an excellent companion, partner in games and sports, a good guard and even a nanny for children and other pets. Despite the fact that the boxer is a service breed, it is not used for the protection of objects, in search activities. These dogs have proven themselves well as canine therapists, rescuers, guide dogs.

German boxer breed standard

The Standard (FCI No. 144 Boxer) characterizes the Boxer as a compact, broad-bodied, lean-muscled, short-haired, square dog. The latest version of the standard, published in 2008, describes the ideal boxer in great detail, outlining the main lines and proportions of the dog. He suggests that a boxer born in countries where docking is allowed can be shown at shows without restriction.

Particular attention in the standard is drawn to the behavior of the dog. Balance, trainability, strong nervous system is also important for dogs of this breed, as well as its appearance. Playfulness, mobility, love for family and children, uncompromising attitude towards violators are the main breed features of boxers.

An expressive head with a broad, voluminous and powerful muzzle should be in proportion to the body and appear neither too heavy nor too light. Body - have a square format, paws be straight and strong. The coat is short and close fitting. Color - red or brindle of various shades, with a mask on the muzzle. White markings are not forbidden, and are very adornment of the dogs.

The most serious vices include:

  • cowardice or uncontrollable aggressiveness,
  • bite other than snack
  • incompletely pigmented eyelids, light eyes,
  • frowning expression of the head, its pincher-like or bulldog-like appearance.
  • incompletely pigmented lips, nose and eyelids
  • low tail exit, kink
  • excessively pronounced mask, white spots occupying half or the entire head, white color occupying more than one third of the body surface.
  • unilateral or complete cryptorchidism in males.

The nature and characteristics of the German boxer

The German Boxer is a very loyal dog that bonds with its owner for life. Even if he is brought up in a large family and feels love for all household members, he chooses one master for himself, shows his adoration for him in every possible way and unquestioningly fulfills only his commands.

Some owners form such a close relationship with their pets that they begin to feel and understand each other on an energy level. For such boxers, "life loses its meaning" when the beloved owner is not around. They can lie at the front door for hours and listen to every rustle, hoping to hear the owner's steps. But when the long-awaited reunion occurs, the boxer's happiness and joy cannot even be described in words. They try in every possible way to show the owners how they missed them, how they love them and how much they need their affection and attention.

Difficulties for owners can arise in the process of becoming a dog's character. At puppyhood, boxers are very inquisitive, they try to explore all the corners of their homes on their own, try the objects that come across on the way. As a rule, the period of "crash" of property lasts up to two years, but if the family contains several representatives of this breed, then it can last. Many owners try to fight such curiosity and sabotage by force, but in most cases they do not bring the desired results. If you constantly shout at a boxer puppy, beat and infringe on his freedom of movement, then a cowardly animal will grow out of him, which will find it difficult to adapt in society in the future.

Practice shows that if you rudely focus the attention of a young boxer on any offense or object that he has recently damaged, then left alone, he will do everything again. This is due to the fact that after the animal has messed up, it quickly forgets about its misconduct, and considers the subsequent punishment unfair. The best solution would be moral pressure on the dog immediately after revealing its misconduct. Boxers react very subtly to the emotional background of their owners and are very worried when they are scolded and ignored.

Today, many owners keep boxers in metal cages. The reason for using such constructions is very banal:

  • unwillingness to constantly remove hair and drool;
  • protection of property from damage;
  • minimization of contacts (boxers constantly demand attention and follow the owners on their heels).

But when planning to purchase a metal cage, people should think about the possible consequences. Due to the constant presence in a closed and limited space, animals begin to develop behavioral characteristics. Going to "freedom" they can move in a circle (circling) for a long time. Some dogs begin to perceive cages as shelters, especially if they are covered by their owners with dark blankets or covers. Being outside the "house" the animal may experience anxiety and discomfort, especially if strangers have come into the house.

As for the content of German boxers in enclosures, this option is only suitable for countries with warm climatic conditions. Due to the short coat, dogs cannot stay in the cold for a long time, therefore, in regions with cold winters, outdoor keeping is not acceptable. It should also be borne in mind that boxers really need to communicate with their owners, so they will suffer when they are alone, even in the best enclosure.

The ideal solution would be equipment for a pet place in the apartment, which will be protected from drafts. You should not allow the dog to stay on a cold tile for a long time, as you will have to face a cold (initially, a cough begins, which, without the lack of timely drug therapy, leads to swelling of the trachea). For the animal, you should purchase a special bed, which is moderately soft and prevents the appearance of bedsores. It is worth noting that if the owner, at least once, let his pet on the sofa or in bed, in the future he will not be able to return him to his place.

The German boxer does not need any special care. The owner must ensure the following:

  • Balanced diet. Feeding the dog should be done at the same time.
  • Daily walks.
  • Physical activity and active games.
  • Training.
  • Planned deworming and vaccinations.
  • Quality veterinary care.
  • Infrequent bathing and grooming of hair, claws, teeth.

German boxers do not tolerate heat very well. There have been cases when dogs that were muzzled for a walk died. That is why owners should try to avoid open areas in the very sun and walk their pets under trees or in park areas. At home, the animal should always have a bowl filled with clean water so that it can quench its thirst at any time.

In the winter season, owners are advised to wear sweaters and overalls on boxers, which today can be purchased at any pet store or sewn on their own. In this case, the animals will be able to stay in the cold for a long time without the risk of developing broncho-pulmonary diseases.

You need to bathe boxers as needed, since the “protective fatty film” will be washed off along with shampoos and, as a result, local immunity will decrease. Despite the fact that this breed is short-haired, the owners have to clean their homes daily. To remove dead hair, special rubber gloves should be used.

The peculiarities of this breed include profuse salivation and systematic discharge from the eyes, accompanied by an unpleasant odor. You can take care of the fashion of the animal with a damp cloth, which is wiped as all mucous secretions appear. It is worth noting that salivation can significantly increase in dogs when any “pathogen” appears, which can be another animal, food, etc. In this case, you should not sound the alarm and run to the veterinarian, since the abundance of saliva transforming into bubbles and foam flakes is not a deviation.

Owners of boxers should take full responsibility for caring for the oral cavity. In order to prevent further dental problems that can provoke the development of serious pathologies and infections, it is necessary to accustom the pet to systematic hygiene measures from puppyhood. You can remove plaque with a toothbrush or with the help of special treats (for example, tendon bones).

The ears of the German boxer also need careful and regular care. Since docking has been banned since 2004, the owners of such dogs have had more trouble. The main problem of “hanging” ears is the lack of sufficient ventilation, which is why pathogenic microorganisms and fungi develop in the auricles, provoking the development of dermatitis, otitis media, etc. Regular hygiene and sanitization will help prevent unpleasant consequences.

German boxer feeding

In most cases, German boxers have an excellent appetite, due to which they often develop obesity. But, there are also such “instances”, when feeding which there are huge problems.

In order for a puppy to grow into a strong and healthy dog, the owner needs to provide him with a well-balanced diet. In this case, the correct frequency of feeding should be observed:

  1. Up to 2 months - six times a day.
  2. Up to 4 months - five times a day.
  3. Up to 6 months - four times a day.
  4. Up to 10 months - three times a day.
  5. Up to 12 months - twice a day.

Starting from the year of the boxer, it is necessary to feed twice a day. It is worth noting that this breed is characterized by such an “anomaly” as hungry vomiting. To prevent the appearance of this reflex, feeding hours should be set in the morning and evening. A bowl of food should be placed on the animal after a walk, since the manifestation of excessive activity on a full stomach can lead to volvulus and emergency surgical intervention.

Many owners of German boxers today are switching to dry food. This type of food saves them time on the daily cooking of porridge and broth, as well as the constant cleaning of the premises from food fragments (boxers eat like “pigs”, and also carry away porridge in their brylya, which ends up on the furniture, on the floor and on the clothes of the owners). When choosing dry food, you should carefully study its composition, give preference to proven and well-established manufacturers. Boxer owners should feed their dogs in a metered way to prevent unwanted weight gain and an overabundance of vitamins and minerals. The exact dosage corresponding to the body weight and height of the animal is always indicated by the manufacturers on the packages. It should also be remembered that keeping the boxer on dry food, it is necessary to provide him with free access to water.

Those owners who prefer natural feeding should use the following products when compiling the diet:

  • cereals (rice, wheat, oatmeal, buckwheat very carefully, as allergies can develop);
  • lean meats, fish (marine);
  • vegetables, except potatoes, onions, legumes;
  • fermented milk products, in particular low-fat cottage cheese and kefir;
  • fruits, etc.

Boxers should not be given bones, especially tubular bones, as they clog the intestines and can pierce its walls, causing bleeding. Until the moment when the dog's bones are fully formed, it is necessary to give calcium daily.

German boxer puppies

Boxer puppies are active, inquisitive kids, very friendly to people. The most elegant look are dark red or brindle on a bright red background, kids with white shirt-fronts and socks. When choosing a baby, it is important to know exactly what you expect from a dog. If you are looking for a friend and companion, you can opt for a puppy with an under-pigmented nose, with too much white on the skin. If you dream of participating in exhibitions, then you need to study the standard well and choose a puppy whose parameters fully correspond to it.

For a successful show career, in addition to meeting the standard, charisma is very important for a dog. Such puppies are always visible in the litter - with their behavior, look, they demonstrate their majestic character. Since ideal dogs do not exist, such boxers often win exhibitions, making an indelible impression on the judges. In addition, such puppies often have the makings of a leader - they try to sleep separately from their brothers and sisters, they are not inferior to their toys and bowls. Choosing such a dog, you need to understand that working with it will be a real pleasure only for those who appreciate the unspoiled, hard character of a working dog.

I would like to warn against the purchase of a boxer without documents. This breed cannot be called fashionable. Breeders monitor not only the exterior, but also the temperament of their dogs. Therefore, it is better to take a purebred puppy from a pedigree litter than a dog of unknown origin on the market. Raising a pet will take a lot of time, effort and money, but a pedigree boxer will bring owners much more pleasure than an incomprehensible-looking dog with thin legs that a market puppy will grow into.

German boxer training

If the owner ultimately wants to get an obedient and socially adapted dog, and not a "lawlessness", he needs to start raising his dog even at puppyhood. It is worth noting that boxers lend themselves perfectly to training, especially if the classes are held in a playful way. But, if the owner chooses the wrong tactics, he will have to experience the obstinacy of the pet's character.

Despite the fact that many “dog lovers” claim that boxers are not suitable for protective guard duty, they are well trained by the ZKS, they go well on the sleeve and carry out detention. Thanks to their natural jumping ability and athletic build, boxers easily overcome barriers and other obstacles. But, if the dog is not given the training of the ZKS, it should not be forcibly forced into classes. For a full-fledged life in society, it will be enough for a pet to pass an OKD, after which he will be able to unquestioningly carry out all the commands adapted to the owner’s ordinary life.

Owners of German Boxers, especially males, should take into account one feature of the breed. They are "runners", so at any opportunity they try to get away from their masters. That is why it is extremely important to teach the dog to walk without a leash from puppyhood, starting classes in closed areas. As soon as the owner manages to establish contact with his pet and switch his attention at any time, he will be able to expand the territory for walking. The best solution for the proper upbringing of a German boxer will be a visit to the training ground, where an experienced cynologist will work with the pet as part of an organized group. Upon completion of the training, the animal will have to pass the approved standards and receive a certificate that opens up great prospects for it.

History of the breed

The ancestors of the German Boxer breed are the descendants of the ancient bullenbeiser mastiffs, who, even under the Celts, began to actively spread throughout European countries. Their features include wide and powerful jaws, high resistance to pain, fearlessness, excellent endurance, great strength, evasiveness and lightning speed. Despite the outstanding characteristics of bullenbeisers, they eventually had competitors. Already in the 16th century, these powerful and fearless dogs began to be pushed into the background by the English Great Danes, who combined the endurance and speed of the greyhounds, as well as the fearlessness and stranglehold of mastiffs. As a result, Bullenbeiser breeding continued only in Prussia.

In 1850, German cynologists set themselves the task of developing a new breed that would have all the performance characteristics inherited from their ancestors, but at the same time be well controlled and non-aggressive. Thus, a boxer appeared who initially had parameters that differed significantly from the modern standard. For 46 years, the breed was improved and already in 1895 it was finally formed. In the same period, the first boxer club was created in Germany.

It is worth noting that it was in 1895 that a dog of this breed was first presented at the exhibition. A year later, 25 German boxers took part in international competitions, which provoked the widest resonance among the public. 1896 is marked by the drawing up of the first ever official breed standard. Despite the great interest of people in these dogs, conflicts began to arise between the founders of the first club, which led to its closure and the emergence of a new community called the German Boxer Club.

In Russia, breeding work with boxers was started in Leningrad. The work was headed by Vera Alexandrovna Obrucheva, an experienced cynologist with excellent command of German. During the war, most of the purebred dogs died, and those that remained did not differ in either conformation or health. The basis for further breeding was trophy boxers exported from Germany. The Russian Boxer Club was founded in 1993. Already this year he was admitted to the international club ATIBOX as an associate member.

Boxers are dogs that often accompany famous people. So, the owners of boxers are Sylvester Stallone, Jodie Foster, Luke Perry, Justin Timberlake, Naomi Campbell, Robbie Williams and others. The artist Pablo Picasso and the singer Alexander Vertinsky had such a dog. Igor Livanov is holding a boxer whose name is Pierre.

Russian artist Karl Bryullov depicted Princess N.S. Golitsyn, accompanied by the Brabant bullenbeiser - the ancestor of modern boxers.

Vertinsky dedicated poetry to his dog, the white bitch of the boxer Dolly. "About my dog"

It doesn't matter that you are a dog.
What matters is that you are human.
You don't like scenes, don't wear a tailcoat,
We seem to be different, but friends forever.

You don't like women, but I do.
You love scents, I don't.
I stubbornly compose unnecessary songs,
And you are sure that I am a real poet.

And when I come home at dawn
Sometimes drunk, or sad, or angry.
You greet me with kindness,
And your tail, like a heart, breaks.

You smile - like the Gioconda herself,
And if there was a dog movie,
You would be "Vedette", "Sinemond Star"
And you would beat Greta Garbo a long time ago.

Only in this dream we have lost faith,
We need money and money, except for victories,
And I can't make you a career.
I can not. Do you understand? There are no funds.

This is how we live. Poor but proud.
And most importantly - always keep high
I am my head, and you are your muzzle, -
Of course, you are sinless, but I am not ashamed.

And although you sometimes had to bite,
Defeating enemies and "enemies" chasing,
However, I unfortunately must confess
You are much more honest and nobler than me.

And when we get tired of running after a century
And let's go from life to other lands,
Everyone will understand: it was you who was a man,
And I was the dog.


German boxers often have to deal with congenital diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  1. Spondylosis (deforming). If this pathology is transferred to the animal by genes, then over time, the bones of the spinal column will begin to actively grow in it. Ultimately, paralysis will occur.
  2. Dysplasia (affects the hip joint). Due to improper development of the bones, the dog begins to limp, its movements become constrained. At the advanced stage of dysplasia, the animal experiences severe pain, begins to drag its paws.
  3. Cryptorchidism. The testicles descend into the scrotum. This problem can be dealt with surgically, but the gene that provokes the pathology will still be transmitted.
  4. Hypothyroidism. With this disease of the thyroid gland, pigmentation, rashes appear on the skin, hair loss is observed. Thanks to hormone replacement therapy, it will be possible to stabilize the condition of the animal.

Boxers also have to deal with acquired diseases. Representatives of this breed are prone to:

  1. Diseases that develop in the broncho-pulmonary system. If the dog lies in a draft or on cold, damp ground (sand), it will have to be treated for a cold.
  2. Cardiac pathologies, in particular myocardiopathy.
  3. Allergies.
  4. Obesity.
  5. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Fall of the third century.
  7. Problems with the teeth, growths on the gums.
  8. Tumors, especially malignant ones.
  9. Diseases of the genitourinary system.

Very often, owners notice that the dog begins to scratch the area of ​​​​the uncropped ear, constantly shaking his head. When examining the auricle, redness, peeling, swelling and purulent exudate are revealed. In this case, you will need to undergo a course of antibiotic treatment, and subsequent prophylaxis.

German boxer puppies prices

The cost of boxer puppies varies depending on their quality and, accordingly, the purpose of the purchase. In the bird market, you can buy babies that look like a boxer for about $ 100. These dogs are unlikely to become participants and winners of international exhibitions, as in rare cases they meet the generally accepted breed standards.

For those who want a purebred dog, but are not going to engage in exhibitions and breeding, puppies with a breeding marriage that does not interfere with a normal lifestyle will do. This may be a non-standard color, malocclusion, a tail with a kink that had to be stopped and other exterior flaws that the breeder considers serious for the breed. The cost of such puppies varies depending on the region from 150 to 300 dollars. I would like to note that modern show boxers are no longer stopped. Therefore, if there are puppies with docked tails in the litter, then the reason is most likely the incorrect location of the tail vertebrae, kinks, or congenital bobtail.

Dogs of the so-called breed quality are strong middle dogs that will easily receive a divorce rating at the exhibition and will be able to produce pedigree offspring. In this category, there are dogs that successfully perform at regional shows and get the title of Champion, but will not be able to be competitive enough at large monobreed or international shows.

And finally, for those who dream of a dog that will make a brilliant show career, there is a show class category. This is never a puppy, because no breeder can give a 100% guarantee of quality at a tender age. Usually this is a teenager who has several serious victories in the puppy and junior classes. The age at which such a dog is acquired is 6-12 months. Prices for these dogs range from $800 to $2,000.

Nurseries sometimes offer adult sires for sale. These are usually already titled dogs that have proven themselves in training, at exhibitions and have numerous offspring. By purchasing such a dog, the future owner sees its parameters, the quality of the offspring and, based on the available data, plans further breeding use. The cost of such dogs usually exceeds $ 1,000, but it happens that they are sold on conditions or rented with a further purchase. The owner of such a dog usually easily obtains titles and uses it to renew bloodlines and improve the quality of livestock in his country or region.

In some cases, kennels inexpensively rehabilitate refusenik dogs. These dogs are well suited to experienced owners as they often have behavioral or health issues. But it also happens that a beautiful and smart dog is simply unlucky and, getting into a new home, flourishes and pleases the owners with its show successes. The price range in this case can fluctuate greatly, often the dog can be given away on the terms of future matings for symbolic money.

The German Boxer is a strong, active dog with a sociable disposition. The breed is excellent for service, security purposes, sports education, family maintenance. The glory of aggressive behavior is not justified in practice. The dog will be affectionate, obedient, get along with children without problems with proper upbringing.

The Boxer is the result of crossing English Mastiffs with Bullenbeisers. According to these data, we can conclude that the roots of the breed go back to the period BC.

The ancient Romans and Greeks bred military Molossians from Tibetan Great Danes. Later they were distributed in the northern and central parts of Europe. There, breeders mixed Great Dane hybrids into English Mastiffs. At the same time, bullenbeisers were popular in Germany - small brave dogs for protecting livestock, hunting and baiting large wild animals.

Bullenbeiser is one of the ancestors of the German boxer

It is impossible to trace the exact moment of the appearance of the familiar breed. The first identical images date from the end of the 19th century. Munich resident Georg Alt conducted experiments on mating tiger bullenbeisers with mastiffs and dogs of unknown origin. A fawn-white male appeared in one of the litters - the first representative of the modern German boxer. The ability to discipline, intelligence, high endurance and healthy aggression quickly made the dog attractive to serve people. In 1894, three followers of Alta began to stabilize the new cross. In 1895 the first nursery was opened. In 1904, the Kennel Club of America approved the official standard.

The etymology of the name of the breed is not exactly established. According to the first version, it was tied for the similarity of the muzzle with a boxing glove and the characteristic movements of the front paws in battle. According to the second assumption, the word "Boxer" was adopted by Europeans by chance and was originally used in Germany to refer to all dogs in general.

Description of the breed

The average life expectancy is 10-13 years, depending on the quality of the conditions of detention.

German boxers are distinguished by a muscular, lean body of medium height. The relief of the muscles clearly appears under the skin. The skeleton is strongly built, with a pronounced posture, stable slender legs.


The parameters of height, weight, exterior are documented:

The weightMales - 27-35 kg;
females - 25-27 kg.
Height at the withersMales - from 57 to 64 cm;
females - from 53 to 63 cm.
in proportion to the body;
cubic shape. With a slight bulge at the top
MuzzleMassive. Approximate in width to the skull;
upturned nose. With a black flattened tip;
dark mask;
dry. The shape of the bones shows through under the skin
JawTense. Leaning forward, has a warlike appearance;
strong symmetrical teeth. They are not visible when the mouth is closed.
EarsSet high (sharp if docked);
hanging quietly in the usual state;
sticking up in an excited state
normal look without aggression;
slightly convex;
small size
body bodyMuscular;
square shape. The length and height at the withers are almost equal;
with a short, straight back;
deep chested;
with a tucked up belly;
with a wide arched loin
limbsSet wide apart;
rear - with muscular thighs;
front - massive forearms, elbows pressed to the body
TailSet low;
long, thin, mobile by nature
Wool qualityShort length;
tight to the body;
ColorBrindle. From golden to dark brown;
ginger. From light yellow to red tone;
sharp lines;
white spots on the muzzle, chest, neck, legs, no more than 1/3 of the total color

The most noticeable marriage of the standard is the color with a predominance of black, white, gray. Pure white "albino" boxers are extremely rare (less than 25%) and prone to deafness more often than others. Next in prevalence is malocclusion, congenital malformations of the skeleton.

On a note! Ears and tails of German boxers for the exhibition were required to be docked until 2002. For 2018, the operation is prohibited in Europe. In other regions, the action is carried out at the personal discretion of the dog owner.


Healthy German boxers behave balanced and calm. The causeless aggression of such dogs is a myth. Negative rumors arose because of the love of negligent owners for deliberately pitting their pets. The breed is physically hardy, capable of highly competitive struggle even with large animals, but does not attack just like that. From the annoying contact, he will rather move away and observe from the side. Fighting qualities will show instantly in case of danger. Only with frequent irritants, mental disorders, they have reduced patience, they are constantly in intense readiness to fight.

Mentally healthy boxer - cheerful and active

In a calm state, representatives of the breed are affectionate, friendly to other animals and people. They easily become attached to all family members, but they single out an unconditional leader for themselves. They do not tolerate prolonged loneliness, they begin to indulge in despondency and longing. They are excellent nannies for children, they constantly guard them, entertain them with games.

The temperament of males is more cocky than that of females. They start up activity with great willingness, splash out emotions. Entertaining fights are loved since childhood, they can get carried away, move on to tougher tricks. Given this feature, it is necessary to teach the dog to control the force, to stop on command. More often this feature is manifested in communication with unfamiliar relatives. With old friends, boxers are much neater and more polite. They tend to choose equal opponents. The weaker ones are instinctively protected.

Boxers are real defenders

On a note! An unbalanced character (too cowardly or evil) is considered a marriage of the standard. Such individuals are not allowed to mating, clubs and exhibitions. The psyche of a dog depends on purebredness, upbringing, correct conditions of detention from birth. That is why it is dangerous to acquire puppies in random places.

They have high intellectual abilities. They are inquisitive about training, they quickly understand what is required of them, they carry out commands without any problems. Prefer positive reinforcement and variety in learning, can become stubborn if bored. In business, a well-bred boxer will show patience even with monotonous work. Therefore, the breed is often taken as an escort to moving vehicles, galloping horses, to security stationary events.

Video - A story about the German boxer breed

Conditions of detention

Boxer is one of the most unpretentious dogs to living conditions. Activity and size do not at all prevent such dogs from living in apartments of a modest area. They behave quite calmly in the house, they wait for walking to run.

Even before buying a puppy, you should consider a few nuances:

  • equip the place. It is better to choose a sunbed spacious. Boxers sleep in a ball, but like to stretch after waking up, they often play with toys in their corner. Soft bedding should be expanded as the dog grows. The "bed" must be removed from batteries and drafts. At the same time, the pet must constantly see the owners in sight. Only in this case, he will rest calmly, without unnecessary worries. Lack of control over what is happening makes boxers nervous;
  • buy ammunition. A collar with a leash will be required almost from the first weeks of life. Early accustoming facilitates the process of socialization in the future;
  • choose entertainment. Toys must be safe. Both a puppy and an adult dog can chew and swallow "prey". While the educational process is going on, it is better to remove wires, shoes, plants (especially poisonous ones) higher. Balls, ropes, frisbees, teethers and everything similar will do;
  • determine the time and place of walks. Boxer requires walking at least 2 times a day for 1 hour. You will need playgrounds for active games, since measured walking will not allow you to throw out energy and stretch numerous muscles.

The breed should not be kept outdoors. Short coat with zero undercoat does not contribute to warming in the cold at all. Such four-legged animals easily catch cold in drafts and high humidity, and in the open sun they easily overheat to heat stroke. With free range on the site, you should take care of the constant access of the dog to the house. For the same reasons, walks in too hot and cold weather are best reduced.

On the chain, boxers wither away from boredom, physical inactivity, lack of communication.

On a note! You can help your pet in the cold with special dog clothes.

How to care for a boxer

Like any other dog, the German Boxer requires hygiene, training, proper diet and health care. All products, objects, manipulations need to be taught from an early age, then there are no problems with resistance.


Type of procedurefrequency, processInventory, allowable means
BathingDue to sensitive skin, full bathing is not more than 2-3 times a year. The rest of the time, manage with local removal of dirt stains. After water procedures, be sure to wipe dryWater 30-32C.
All products are hypoallergenic:

Dog shampoos (including dry ones);
baby wipes;
wet towel

paw washingDaily after a walk. Wipe dry. It is important to clean the areas between the fingersWeak water jet;
wet towel;
dry towel
Trimming the nailsAt least once a month. Make sure that your fingers do not bend or bend.
Walking on asphalt helps nails wear down naturally.
Nail clipper for dogs
CombingOnce a week, according to hair growth. Finish by stroking the body with a piece of soft cloth. This will calm the pet and add shine to the coat.Soft brush;
a special mitten made of silicone or fabric;
suede leather
Cleaning of ears, muzzle folds, nostrilsWeekly. Wipe all folds, holes with a napkin wound around your finger. You can pre-dip in a veterinary disinfectant. Redness, pus, bad smell - a reason to check for infection in the doctor's office.
Every day, clean the remnants of stuck food from the muzzle.
Soft damp cloth;
wet wipes;
veterinary solution
Teeth cleaningThree times a month. Be sure to examine for the presence of tartar, inflammation of the gums, ulcers and wounds. If present, contact your veterinarianToothbrush for animals;
silicone tooth brush for babies;
veterinary toothpaste
Eye washDaily after walking to avoid inflammation. Moisten the cloth with warm boiled water, wipe, removing the dischargeCotton pads;
clean towel;
boiled clean water


The choice of natural or prepared food is carried out not only according to the views of the owner, but also on the basis of veterinary tests. Boxer is a breed prone to allergies, individual food intolerances. Prior to analysis, it is better to choose specialized food for sensitive dogs.

In general, you should follow the rules:

  • balance. In any type of food, the ratio of 3 parts of meat - 1 part of cereals and vegetables should be observed (for a puppy, the reverse proportion). Ready feeds are selected according to composition. The natural diet consists of beef and its offal (tripe, heart, kidneys), zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, oatmeal, buckwheat. In the absence of negative reactions, fish, rice, corn flakes, fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese), boiled eggs are acceptable. Add vitamin complexes. In the cold, food is made more fatty, warm and liquid;
  • safety. Products must be fresh, of high quality, clean. Meat in a semi-boiled form, raw only with confidence in the seller. Spices, sweets, smoked meats, pickles, canned food, chicken and other fragile bones are prohibited;
  • portions, feeding frequency. The breed is gluttonous. The serving size is selected with a veterinarian based on the type of activity, health. On average, about 300-500 g of food is required three times a day;
  • abundance of water. Clean drinking should always be in the public domain. The water is changed with every feeding.

After eating, the pet should be allowed to rest for about an hour. Activity on an empty stomach is fraught with intestinal problems.

How to train a boxer

Training is a mandatory item in life with a boxer. Correction and training allow you to remove conflict in the character of a pet, develop protective functions, and increase the ability of a dog's self-control. The procedure will also be required for exhibition activities. Preparing for exits always has its own specifics.

The easiest way to train is to contact a professional cynologist. This is especially true for adult animals. Knowledge of animal psychology greatly increases the chances of early success. There are clubs and specialists in every city.

Education on their own must begin before the age of 18 months of the dog. Between 1.5 and 3 years old, boxers go through a "transitional age", so it will become more difficult to focus them.

At the beginning of the path, simple commands “to me”, “sit”, “paw” are used. The result is backed by a treat. Change of scene, game situations, commands in the process of physical activity allow the boxer to learn new information quickly and cheerfully.

Important parts of training are firmness and consistency. Perseverance is expressed in repeated repetition, a calm, confident tone. Violence, screams are not allowed, lead to mental disorders. Every habit takes time to build, regular reinforcement with repetition.

One of the main aspects of socialization with people and animals is the behavior of the owner himself. Friendly, calm reactions to strangers set an example, conveys the mood of the absent danger. A leash is required until stable behavior.

Video - An example of training a boxer

Boxer Diseases

  1. Allergies, skin reactions. Food, fleas, plants, atopic dermatitis.
  2. Digestive difficulties. Intestinal torsion, poor patency, swelling are frequent companions of a poor diet.
  3. genetic abnormalities. Deafness, aortic stenosis, visual impairment. Individuals with mixtures of blood, albinos, are more often exposed.
  4. Eye diseases. Inversion and eversion of the eyelids, conjunctivitis. Consequences of improper care, infection, physical injury.
  5. pelvic dysplasia. Hip joints are often detected at the age of six months by lameness, dragging, curvature of the legs.
  6. Spondylosis. Deformation of the spine up to paralysis. Dogs from 5-6 years old are susceptible, especially with increased physical activity.
  7. Hypothyroidism. Thyroid problem. The first symptoms are hair loss, spots on the skin, frequent rashes.
  8. Oncological diseases. Frequent after 5 years.
  9. brachiocephalic disease. Too short muzzle interferes with normal breathing. Wheezing, shortness of breath.

All pathologies must be treated under the strict supervision of a physician. Otherwise, you can harm your four-legged friend.


The cost of a German boxer puppy on average ranges from 10 to 35 thousand rubles. Much depends on the previous owner, his costs for a puppy, color and blood purity. On the international market, price division is carried out by class:

  • pet - about $ 250. This includes dogs with a marriage of the standard, defects that are not life-threatening. Suitable for communication, but not suitable for exhibitions, breeding;
  • Brid - about $ 350. Completely healthy dogs with a quality pedigree, suitable for reproduction. More often bitches;
  • show - from $ 500. Boxers with a complete absence of vices, perfect for exhibition activities, breeding. Reference individuals.

In any class, the price may vary depending on the number of vaccinations and documents at the time of purchase.


The best place to buy a boxer is specialized kennels. In many, you can arrange for the transportation of a puppy. Before buying, they will offer to get acquainted with the dog, explain the nuances of care. The nursery always remains a support in any situation, helps to carry out breeding with a minimum risk of marriage, to raise pets healthy physically and mentally.

  • Nikenk-War-Hard. St. Petersburg, pos. Levashovo;
  • Ergobox. Moscow;
  • From Russia with love. St. Petersburg;
  • Ipolbox. Voronezh;
  • From the world of Angelica. Yekaterinburg.

When choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention to the appearance, behavior, activity, character.

Pros and cons of the breed

The German Boxer is a breed with its own strengths and weaknesses. Summing up, the following characteristics can be distinguished:

Cons common to many breeds. Boxers have much more pluses and according to the reviews of the owners.

Smooth-haired breed of above average height, originally from Germany. Refers to a number of service, guard and sports dogs. He will be a faithful guardian and companion for you and your family. It will become an ideal friend for teenagers and a wonderful nanny for children. The boxer has a high intellect, a loyal, docile and cheerful character. He is rightfully considered one of the most playful breeds among guard dogs, and interestingly, he remains so all his life.

The German boxer is loved for his cheerful, cheerful, but at the same time balanced temperament. It lends itself well to training and easily copes with the task. Boxer is used to work in the police, as a watchman and bodyguard. Thanks to their poise, strength and intelligence, boxers make excellent guides for the blind and people with disabilities. This muscular handsome man will be an excellent friend and reliable protector for the owner and a real thunderstorm for his ill-wishers.

German boxer breed characteristics and FCI standard

  1. Country of origin: Germany.
  2. Purpose: German boxer dog - companion, guard and working breed.
  3. FCI classification: Group 2 (Pinchers and Schnauzers, Molossians, Swiss Cattle Dogs and other breeds). Section 2.1 Molossian and Mastiff type dogs. With working tests.
  4. GENERAL APPEARANCE: Smooth-haired breed of medium height with a square body and strong bones. The muscles are dry, strongly developed, embossed. The movements are alive, full of strength and nobility. A boxer should not be clumsy, heavy, or too light; it must have sufficient substance.
  5. Important proportions:
    1. square format (body length to height at withers 1:1)
    2. the depth of the chest is half the height at the withers
    3. the ratio of the length of the bridge of the nose and the length of the skull 1:2
  6. Behavior/Temperament: fearless, self-confident, calm breed with a balanced character.
  7. Head: dry, without folds or wrinkles. Natural wrinkles on both sides of the muzzle descend from the base of the bridge of the nose. Corresponds to the proportions of the body, does not look light or overly massive.
    1. Skull: The upper part is not wide, maximally angular, slightly convex. The occipital protuberance is pronounced. The frontal furrow is marked, but not too deep, especially between the eyes.
    2. Stop (transition from forehead to muzzle): pronounced, the forehead forms a distinct angle with the bridge of the nose. The bridge of the nose is neither upturned (as in bulldogs) nor down.
  8. Nose: Black, broad, slightly upturned, with well-opened nostrils. The tip of the nose is located just above the base of the nose.
  9. Muzzle: As wide as possible, powerful. Seen from above, front or side, it is in correct proportion with the skull and does not appear too small, pointed, narrow or shortened. In an alert state, the formation of wrinkles on the forehead is permissible. The black mask clearly stands out on the general color, should not give a gloomy expression.
  10. The shape of the German Boxer's muzzle is determined by:
    1. The location of the fangs
    2. jaw shape
    3. Lip shape
  11. The fangs are sufficiently long and as widely spaced as possible, due to which the plane formed by the nose, the front surface of the lips and chin becomes wide, almost square and is located at an obtuse angle to the back of the nose.

    The front edge of the upper lip merges with the front edge of the lower lip. The curved front of the lower jaw and lower lip form a pronounced chin. It does not protrude much from under the upper lip, but cannot be hidden by the upper lip. The chin is pronounced when viewed from the front and side. When the mouth is closed, the tongue, incisors and fangs of the lower jaw are not visible. The furrow of the upper lip is pronounced.

    Photo german boxer - characteristics of the breed

  12. Lips: The upper lip is fleshy, thick, hides all the free space formed due to the large length of the lower jaw, supported by the lower fangs.
  13. Jaws/Teeth: Strong, healthy. The incisors are as evenly spaced as possible, the fangs are large and widely spaced. The form of bite - undershot, the lower jaw is longer than the upper, slightly curved upwards. The upper jaw is wide at the base, slightly tapering towards the end.
    1. Cheekbones: The zygomatic muscles are developed in proportion to the powerful jaws, do not protrude. At the transition to the muzzle, they form a slight bend.
  14. Eyes: Dark, not small, not protruding, not deep set. The edges of the eyelids are dark. The expression of the eyes is lively, intelligent, without the slightest expression of threat.
  15. Ears: Set high, set on the sides of the upper part of the skull, lying close to the cheekbones when at rest. In an alert state, they turn forward and form a distinct bend. They don't buy. On March 13, 2002, the next version of the standard was adopted, prohibiting ear and tail docking.
  16. Neck: Of sufficient length, rounded, powerful, dry, muscular. The upper line of the neck forms an elegant arch from the occiput to the withers.
  17. Case: square format.
  18. Withers: pronounced.
  19. Back: Short, level, broad, very muscular including the loin.
  20. Croup: sloping, broad, somewhat rounded. The pelvis is long and wide, especially in females.
  21. Chest: Deep, reaching to the elbows. The depth of the chest is equal to half the height at the withers. The forechest is well developed.
  22. Underline: Elegantly curved towards the ischial tuberosity. The groin is short, moderately tucked up.
  23. Tail: Set high, not docked.
  24. Forelimbs: when viewed from the front parallel to each other, with strong bones.
    1. Shoulder blades: long, sloping, strongly articulated with the body. Must not be overloaded.
    2. Shoulders : Long, with a right angle of articulation with the shoulder blades.
    3. Elbows: Not too close to the chest, but not turned out.
    4. Forearms: Vertical, long, with lean muscles.
    5. Carpus : Strong, well defined, not massive.
    6. Pasterns: short, almost vertical.
    7. Forefeet : Small, rounded, compact, firm pads. Claws are strong.
  25. Hind limbs: very muscular, straight when viewed from behind.
    1. Hips: long, wide.
    2. knee joints: in a calm state, the knees are so advanced forward that they reach a perpendicular, lowered from the iliac tubercles to the ground.
    3. Lower legs : muscular.
    4. hocks: strong, well-defined, but not massive. The angle of the hock joint is about 140 degrees.
    5. Metatarsus : Short, slightly sloping 95 - 100 degrees to the ground.
    6. Hind feet: Slightly longer than the front, compact. The pads are soft and firm. Claws are strong.
  26. Movement: vigorous, strong, noble.
  27. Skin: dry, elastic, without wrinkles.
  28. Coat: short, hard, shiny, close fitting.
  29. Height Weight:
    1. Height at withers: males: 57 - 63 cm; females: 53 - 59 cm.
    2. Weight: males: more than 30 kg with a height of about 60 cm; females: approx. 25 kg, height approx. 56 cm.
  30. Lifespan German boxer 9 - 15 years old.
  31. Defects: Any deviation from the above should be considered as a defect, and judged in proportion to the degree of severity and impact on the health and well-being of the dog.
    1. Aggressiveness, malice, deceit, excessive excitability, phlegm, cowardice.
    2. Lack of nobility, lack of characteristic expression, frown
    3. Pinchero - or bulldog-shaped structure of the head; salivation; teeth or tongue exposed when mouth is closed
    4. Pointed or insufficiently voluminous muzzle; drooping muzzle with drooping nasal bridge
    5. Light or mottled nose
    6. Light eyes
    7. Unpigmented skin of the conjunctiva
    8. Ears not adjacent to the cheekbones, erect, semi-erect, rose ears
    9. Crooked jaw, skewed incisor line, irregular teeth, underdeveloped or diseased teeth
    10. The neck is short, thick, with dewlap
    11. Excessively wide or too narrow chest
    12. Sagging, hunchbacked, narrow back
    13. Long, sagging or humped loins, weak connection with the croup; beveled croup
    14. Narrow pelvis; sagging belly; sunken sides
    15. Low set tail, looped tail
    16. Forequarters: X-shaped set, loose shoulders, loose elbows, weak pasterns, oval, flat or spread feet
    17. Hindquarters: Weak muscles, too blunt or too sharp angulations, saber, barrel-shaped, close hocks, dewclaws, oval, flat or spread feet
    18. Waddle movements, short stride, amble, stilted gait
    19. Mask extending beyond the muzzle, too much or too little brindle, insufficiently clean background, indistinct borders of the stripes, ugly white markings (for example, a half-white skull). Colors not specified in the standard, as well as the number of white markings in excess of a third of the surface of the dog's body.
  32. Disqualifying vices:
    1. Aggressiveness or cowardice
    2. congenital bobtail
    3. Any dog ​​clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified.

Note: Males should have two normally developed testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

color of german boxer

  • Red (from light yellow to red-cinnamon, medium tones of red-red are most preferred). Black mask on the muzzle.
  • Brindle - dark or black stripes on a red background. The stripes on the main background are outlined in contrast. White markings on the chest, head, neck or paws are acceptable.

Pictured is a white German boxer German boxer

The white German Boxer is neither an albino nor a rare species. Genetically, these are fawn or brindle dogs with an excessive amount of white markings. They are more susceptible to sunburn leading to skin cancer and deafness. Nearly 18% of white boxers are deaf in one or two ears. In the past, white puppies were culled and euthanized at birth. To date, breeders are increasingly refusing euthanasia and raising white bulldogs as pets.

German boxer character

By nature, the German Boxer is a fearless, vigilant, docile and devoted breed with a strong, stable nervous system and a bright temperament. He is perfectly focused on people, needs constant communication and attention of the owner, makes excellent contact and is devoted to all members of the family in which he lives. With the right upbringing, they will not strive for dominance and will unquestioningly obey the commands of the owner.

It is wary of strangers, although it is completely devoid of pronounced aggression towards people. He would rather rush to hug and lick the guest than just scare. The impressive appearance and loud barking make him an excellent watchman and guard. But there will be no barking over trifles.

Not suitable for permanent keeping in an aviary or on the street (the chain is strictly contraindicated). The boxer is a breed for people, and all his talents are revealed only with constant communication with the owner. The German boxer can hardly endure extreme cold and heat. The brachycephalic structure of the muzzle is to blame. In summer, the dog can only rest in the shade. And in severe frosts, the pet will have to be dressed in a blanket or overalls, because he loves to run in the snow, somersault and dive.

Pictured is a German boxer with a cute look

Gets along well with the owner's children. Babies are perceived as a patient nanny, but it is better not to leave too small children alone with a pet. Teenagers will be an excellent company in any prank and active game. Puppies of the German boxer need early socialization and the passage of OKD (general training course) and ZKS (protective guard service).

He gets along with other pets, especially if he grows up with them. On the street, poorly bred males may show aggression towards individuals of the same sex. Boxers are inherently cocky, they are able to drive cats and provoke a fight with other dogs. It does not tolerate loneliness, does not like to be alone for a long time. Boredom is able to spoil things in the house.

Needs long walks 1-2 hours, with elements of training. A boxer has a huge supply of energy that needs to be thrown out in the right direction. Ideal for practicing various sports for dogs: agility, obedience, competitions in general and special training courses.

The German boxer has all the qualities of a fighter - dexterity, courage and strength. At the same time, he has a childish spontaneity and amazing sensitivity, although he is rather stubborn, but he will always achieve his goal only with charm and humor.

Before choosing this particular breed and buying a German Boxer, consult with experienced breeders and listen to reviews from owners living nearby. Try to spend some time interacting with this wonderful dog. People who are not interested in selling will be more willing to tell you all the pros and cons of a German boxer, explain what to feed and the subtleties of raising a German boxer puppy.

It is best to buy a healthy puppy in a German boxer kennel, which will reduce the risk of acquiring a sick dog.

German boxer maintenance and care

Caring for a German boxer is simple but necessary. The breed is smooth-haired, shedding. Molt is seasonal.

Photo german boxer waiting

Comb: coat once a week with a natural bristle brush or rubber mitt. Combing effectively removes dead hair and dust, improves blood circulation and makes an excellent massage. After combing, wipe the coat with a piece of automotive suede to add shine. During the molting period, it is convenient to use the massage mitt while bathing, combing out the hair that has fallen out.

Bathe: Infrequently or as needed with shorthair shampoo. Frequent washing with detergents removes the protective film from the coat and dries out the skin.

Before bathing, cover the bottom of the tub or basin with a rubber mat to protect the paws from slipping. Moisten wool with warm water, apply shampoo diluted with water (in a ratio of 1: 1) and lather well. Professional shampoos are highly concentrated, so they need to be diluted. Wash the hair with massage movements, wipe the head with a sponge, then rinse everything thoroughly with warm water. Keep the foam on the wool should not be. After, apply a nourishing balm for a few minutes and rinse with water. Dry with a bath towel. Insert pieces of cotton wool into the ears in order to remove residual moisture. After bathing, do not walk for 2 hours, make sure that the dog does not sit in a draft. In the cold season, dry slightly with a hair dryer at low speed.

In summer, the Boxer enjoys splashing in open water, the only condition after swimming in a river or lake is to rinse the coat with warm boiled water to wash away the remnants of river plankton.

In winter, wipe the coat of the German Boxer with a damp towel or clean with dry shampoo. Rub the product into the coat and leave for 5 minutes, then comb out with a natural bristle brush.

In the photo, a German boxer lies in the house

Paws: after walking, wipe with a damp towel or rinse with a shower. Examine the paw pads for cracks or injuries, the Boxer is a very active breed, can be injured without noticing it. Treat the wounds with an antiseptic. To prevent cracking, especially in winter, rub olive oil on your paw pads and include it in your dog's diet 1 tsp. in a day.

Check eyes regularly. Healthy eyes are shiny and lively, without souring and tear ducts. Small gray lumps in the corners of the eyes are easily removed with a soft, lint-free cloth, dry or dipped in chamomile decoction. We wipe each eye with a separate piece of cloth. If you notice excessive watering, redness, or pus that appears after washing your eyes, contact your veterinarian immediately and do not treat yourself. Different symptoms indicate various diseases, ranging from allergies to glaucoma.

Teeth: Brush 2-3 times a week with dog toothpaste using a brush or finger attachment. Check gums regularly, healthy gums are pink, without inflammation.

A German Boxer puppy needs to be taught to brush his teeth from an early age. First, use a piece of gauze wrapped around your finger and toothpaste, give the brush just to chew, so that the dog gets used to it. We start cleaning from the front teeth, gently massaging and moving to the right - to the left as the puppy gets used to this procedure. Prevention of the appearance of tartar is solid food, dry food, rubber toys.

Ears: Check once a week. A healthy ear of a pleasant pink color, without excess sulfur and odor. We remove the accumulated sulfur and dust with a cotton pad dipped in warm water or ear cleaner. If the ear is clean, do not touch it. Carefully use cotton buds so as not to injure the dog, do not allow children to clean the pet's ears without adult supervision. If your dog notices fluid in the ear, an unpleasant odor, or black dots resembling dirt, the dog often shakes his head and rubs his ears on the floor, take him to the veterinarian immediately. There are many reasons, otitis media, ear mites, inflammation and more. The specialist will diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Muzzle: regularly wiped with a damp towel. After walking, to remove salivation and adhering dust, leaves, earth. After eating, wipe the wings to remove food debris, reduce the appearance of an unpleasant odor and inflammation.

Nails: Trim once a month with a large breed nail clipper. Smooth the sharp ends with a nail file. Teach your puppy to cut his nails from an early age, otherwise you simply won’t be able to cope with an adult dog. If the baby is nervous and afraid, trim the nails gradually.

After any procedure, be sure to praise your pet and treat him with a treat.

Ticks and fleas

Ticks (in particular ixodid) are carriers of a deadly disease of dogs - piroplasmosis (babesiosis). The disease is seasonal, and ticks are especially active from early spring to the first autumn frosts. When biting, the tick injects piroplasm (Piroplasma canis) into the blood along with its saliva, actively multiplying in erythrocytes and destroying them. The waste products of piroplasm are toxic to the body. If an infected dog does not receive proper medical attention in time, it will die within 4-5 days.

If he is cheerful, cheerful, eats with appetite, you are lucky, the tick was not contagious. But if you see these symptoms, immediately seek help from a veterinarian. Only timely and proper treatment will help save health and life.

Signs of piroplasmosis in a boxer:

  • Refusal to eat, drink
  • Lethargy, apathy, fear of light
  • High body temperature (39 - 42 degrees)
  • Urine red-brown
  • The whites of the eyes turn yellow
  • There is muscle weakness, legs give way
  • Gastrointestinal disorders (vomiting, diarrhea)
  • Drops at the withers - validity period 3 weeks. Bathe the day before treatment so that sebum can be produced. Do not bathe for 10 days after application.
  • Spray - apply before a walk on the pet's coat, in case of flea infestation, treat the dog's bed and clothes.
  • Tablets - give only after consultation with a veterinarian.
  • Collar - works with regular wear, do not wet. Often combined with drops at the withers.

Ask your veterinarian which one is right for your dog based on weight, age, health status, and where you live.

German boxer training

Training a boxer is not a difficult task. He lends himself perfectly to education, thanks to his sharp mind, he quickly understands the goals and tasks set for him, of course, if they are set correctly, he remembers the learned commands for a long time.

It is necessary to start raising a German boxer from the first moment a puppy appears in the house, and training from 4 to 6 months. First of all, the basic commands are taught - “Sit”, “Next” and “Lie down”.

German boxer training - photo

After the pet has mastered these commands, you can proceed to the main command, which he must perform the first time and in any situation - “Come to me”.

The German boxer is an amazing breed from which you can grow anyone - a nanny, a rescuer, a guard, a guide or a fighter. Often it is characterized by stubborn behavior, but with the right approach and perseverance of the owner, you can achieve perfect obedience.

The first step is to teach the boxer puppy to his nickname, place, go to the owner on command and leave him. Gradually, the tasks should become more difficult. The German boxer puppy learns to walk next to the owner, approach him on command, even leaving the game with other dogs or a fight.

Remember the stubborn nature and childish spontaneity, so the upbringing process should resemble a game. Never scream or hit your pet, the puppy may grow up cowardly and vicious.

The main point in raising a German boxer puppy is self-confidence and patience.

Despite the fact that the boxer is inferior in terms of the speed of education to the German Shepherd or Doberman, having learned the commands, he will remember them for a lifetime. It is recommended to simply periodically repeat and consolidate the learned skills, thus maintaining the excellent working condition of the dog.

  • Hypothyroidism
  • Bloating
  • bowel problems
  • Allergy (mostly food)
  • Entropion (inversion of the eyelid)
  • Deafness (unfortunately 20-40% of white boxer puppies can be born deaf in one or both ears)
  • aortic stenosis
  • Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy of the right ventricle (these congenital disorders often present during adolescence)

The German boxer is a merry fellow with a belligerent look who simply needs discipline and boundless love from the owners. This dog can perform most of the official duties, but this does not prevent her from being a pleasant companion. What is this breed and what are its features?

Researchers are sure that the ancestors of boxers were the ancient Tibetan Great Danes, which appeared in Ancient Greece and Rome even before the beginning of our era. On the territory of Greece, these dogs were used to breed military dogs - Molossians, which quickly spread throughout European countries.

According to another version, Great Dane dogs also lived in the north of Europe, and it was the European Great Dane that became the ancestor of the English Mastiff breed. Later, the first boxers were formed from mastiffs.

Northern hybrid dogs of the Great Dane family came to the central European countries. For example, at that time in Germany, bullenbeisers were in fashion - small and large. These dogs were also the ancestors of boxers. Having small dimensions, small bullenbeisers were distinguished by fearlessness and mobility, which allowed them to be used for baiting bulls, as well as hunting large animals.

The appearance of the first boxers dates back to 1850, it happened in Munich. Breeding activities with bulldogs, mastiffs and bullenbeisers have yielded results. The producers managed to bring out a disciplined breed that combines healthy aggression, excellent physical data and developed intelligence.

Therefore, boxers can control themselves, have obedience and are aimed at serving people. The complete formation of the breed took place at the end of the 19th century, at the same time the standard was approved, and the first clubs appeared.

The breed got its fighting name because of the manner of its representatives to play, moving their paws in the air, as if boxing in the ring.

Description of the breed German boxer

Dogs are of medium height, proud posture, stocky build. They have developed, dry muscles, the relief of which clearly stands out under the coat.

Distinctive characteristics in appearance are the following:

  • Head in dogs it is quite compact, and the closer the width of the muzzle to the skull, the more ideal it is. There is a dark mask on the muzzle. The lower jaw protrudes forward, giving the boxers a belligerent look. The teeth are strong, set symmetrically, they are not visible when the animal's mouth is closed.
  • lobe nose a little upturned.
  • Ears located high enough. If they stop, then they acquire an acute form.
  • Eyes with a dark iris, a look without aggression, energetic and inquisitive.
  • Body boxers have a square, that is, the length and height at the withers are equal. The back and loin are short and strong.
  • limbs boxers are massive, correctly set. Dogs are distinguished by a wide croup, this is especially noticeable in females. The belly of the dogs is lean, fully tucked up.

Woolly cover boxers have a short, hard, tight fit to the body. There are two colors:

Stripes according to the standard should have clear lines. White markings are allowed, they even make the dogs look more aesthetic. Dogs with a different coat color - white, gray, black, with a lot of white and others are a marriage.

The character of a boxer must have a spirit of struggle, this instinct is called functional. Dogs fight selflessly and with pleasure. Moreover, this quality is already manifested in infancy. Gradually, the games become tougher, turning into a real battle. But if the dog's need for an outburst of emotions and a manifestation of strength is often satisfied, the dog can become unnecessarily pugnacious.

There are representatives of the breed with a low threshold of irritation and a constant readiness to fight. They can be dangerous, but mostly thoroughbred dogs believe in their own strength and use them only in moments of danger.

Photo of a German boxer

Boxers are merciless to enemies and boundlessly devoted to their family. Thanks to their playfulness, they are excellent companions for children, they can play tirelessly. And thanks to the natural instinct to protect the weak, the dog will never touch the child and will forgive any awkwardness, even pain. If the baby becomes very annoying, then the boxer will go somewhere far away.

Dogs of this breed need constant presence next to their owners and are very difficult to tolerate separation. But unfamiliar personalities cause distrust and alertness among boxers. No, the dog will not attack for no reason, but will not let the newcomer out of sight. In case of danger, he will definitely show his fighting qualities.

Do not believe the fables that boxers are stupid. In fact, these dogs are very smart and quick-witted, they will not cause difficulties even for a beginner.

Power and endurance allows to use boxers as service dogs. They may accompany a moving bicycle or a galloping horse.

How to care for a boxer

Boxer photo

german boxer puppy

Video about the German boxer

How much does a german boxer puppy cost

Today, the breed has somewhat lost its former popularity, so kennels are located mainly in large cities of the Russian state. The cost of a boxer puppy starts from 20,000 rubles. You can buy a pet with a pedigree from your hands for 8,000-10,000 thousand.

Boxers are loyal and devoted friends, as well as excellent defenders with excellent mental abilities.

German boxer kennels

Boxer kennel in Moscow and the Moscow region: www.aivengo.ru

Nursery in St. Petersburg: www.nikink.ru

Kennel in Ukraine: www.eleve-boxers.com

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