Deviated septum exercise. How is nasal septum correction surgery performed? Perforation of the nasal septum: treatment

Sometimes a person feels the strongest discomfort, thinking that he has some kind of viral disease accompanied by a runny nose and breathing problems. However the real reason may be a deviated septum.

This element belongs to bone and cartilage tissue facial department skull and is located in vertical position in the nasal opening, dividing it into two halves. It is almost never strictly vertical and even - due to different reasons it can deviate from its natural position, have slopes, curvatures, growths and other types of deformations.

The nasal cartilage is essentially an extension of the bony structure of the septum. The size and shape of the nose, as well as the attractiveness of facial features, largely depend on the structure of this part of the skull. Violation of the vertical structure can cause not only a cosmetic defect.

Pathologies of the nasal septum can lead to numerous diseases, some of which can be quite painful and unpleasant.

If there is a deviated nasal septum, the health effects may be subtle or have well-defined signs.

Causes and types of curvature

Deviated septum in the nose can be congenital or acquired.

There are several main reasons for the occurrence of such a defect:

  • The curvature that occurs during the period active growth fabrics. Since this part of the nose is made up of bone and cartilage, in some cases dissimilar tissues can grow at different rates. As a result, there is a deformation or change in the shape of the partition, the formation of internal defects.
  • Since the bridge is very thin, fragile and pliable, various neoplasms in the nose, for example, or foreign bodies in the cavity can cause it to deviate from the vertical and become crooked.
  • Deformation can also occur as a result of the development of a strong inflammatory process that affects this part of the bone, or accompany some associated with the destruction bone tissue facial part of the skull (syphilis in last stage, leprosy, and so on).
  • Trauma is one of the most common causes of curvature. It can be caused by an accident, an unfortunate fall, but most often it happens with a blow to the face that caused an injury or nose fracture. Men suffer from a nose injury more often than women, athletes get punched in the face with a deviated nose more often than people who do not play sports, tourism or simply do not drive active image life.

By outward signs it is not always possible to determine the curvature of the nasal septum, since what we see is a cartilaginous structure, and the septum itself is located deep in the nose. Therefore, a crooked nose does not always mean the presence of septal defects, and the curvature may well accompany a perfectly smooth outwardly nose.


It should be noted right away that in most people this part of the skull is curved to one degree or another. It is very rarely completely even, but small defects do not manifest themselves as pathological phenomena. For its curvature to become noticeable, it must be quite intense.

A crooked nasal septum, the consequences of which may not appear immediately, may have a “blurred” manifestation, or demonstrate obvious health problems.

The main symptomatology in pathology:

  • Most often, there is a violation of breathing through the nose, and it can be bilateral or unilateral. The violation can be complete or partial, it depends on how much the nasal passage is blocked. In most cases, this occurs after an injury, when a piece of bone is displaced or broken off, completely or partially blocking breathing.
  • Due to the deformation of the septum, noisy breathing and snoring occur during sleep. At the same time, both men and women can snore, even children.
  • A person suffering from a curvature may have a chronic or complicated form of it - inflammation of the maxillary and frontal sinuses. This is due to the fact that the curvature of the nose does not allow the contents of the sinuses, especially purulent, to freely separate and go out. As a result, stagnation occurs, joins secondary infection and develop serious chronic diseases.
  • Hearing organs can also be affected - inflammation occurs due to chronic infection. If the infection "settles" close to the septum, this can cause an even greater increase in deformity.
  • Many patients report increased dryness mucous membranes, which is accompanied by irritation and frequent sneezing.
  • If the septum is curved for a long time, due to injury to the mucosa, polyps can form on it. They may be single or multiple. Their presence and size significantly complicate the course of the disease.

Curvature of the nose, visible to the naked eye.All of these may not necessarily be diagnosed all together. Most common causes doctor visits are frequent runny nose and breathing problems, especially under exertion.

The patient's history can help identify a violation of the shape of the nasal septum. After carefully listening to the complaints, an experienced doctor can draw a conclusion about possible availability and send the patient for further examination. If the patient's card contains data on injuries, accidents or fractures, bruises of the face and nose, the examination should be continued.

The next step should be visual inspection. Sometimes this is enough to identify the problem, since some external defects of the nose clearly indicate the presence of a deformity of the septum.

If the defects are obvious and require surgical intervention, in without fail photographs are taken in different projections.

Next, the doctor may palpate the nose to identify possible cartilage and nostril defects. Then you can go to instrumental research. It includes anterior rhinoscopy without the use of a nasal mirror, only with the help of a forehead reflector. For an experienced doctor such inspection for the most part sometimes enough, since he can immediately assess the degree of curvature of the various elements of the nose structure.

To examine the deep parts of the nose using anterior rhinoscopy, the mucous membranes are treated with an anesthetic to exclude pain upon inspection.In cases where it is not possible to understand the problem with the help of conventional examinations or in the presence of injuries facial bones prescribe an x-ray of the skull and a tomogram. They help to see all violations in the complex.

Consequences of a curvature of the nose

Once a deviated septum is diagnosed, the consequences can be different. If there are no significant health problems, nothing special will be required, however, if the deformation is visually noticeable, or if there are chronic ailments that cause great inconvenience, treatment is simply necessary.

The consequences of the curvature of the nasal septum may not immediately affect health. For example, at rest, a person does not feel that the nose is “working” incorrectly, but under load, the body begins to suffer from a lack of oxygen. This can be manifested by shortness of breath, heavy intermittent breathing, spasms, headache, dizziness, and even loss of consciousness.

A person with such a problem has difficulty playing sports, dancing and other intense activities, he cannot run fast, it is difficult for him to read aloud for a long time, sing and even talk.

Prolonged lack of air can adversely affect the condition and even the lungs.

Sometimes the consequences of having a deviated septum in the nose can only become apparent in old age.

The curvature of the nose is especially dangerous for children:

  • It may not manifest itself in any particular way, but a chronic lack of oxygen adversely affects the development of the brain, affects mental capacity the child and his learning.
  • If such a defect is congenital, the child may constantly lag behind in development.
  • Except negative impact on the development of the baby mentally, long-term oxygen starvation may adversely affect the health of the child. Due to the restriction of air intake, the baby tries to breathe through his mouth, he even develops a characteristic appearance - an “adenoid face”, puffy, pale, with a constantly parted mouth and hoarse breathing.
  • If nasal breathing is disturbed and air is inhaled through the mouth, bacteria, viruses and fungi freely enter the child's body. This causes a variety, such a baby is more prone to colds and SARS, allergies, and.
  • In turn, a constant infection in the body “sets” the immune system, causes problems with cardiovascular system, diseases of internal organs.
  • Such a child is usually lethargic and inactive, since it is difficult for him to run, and this entails muscle weakness and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. And the reason for everything may be an inconspicuous defect of the nasal septum.

Treatment Methods

A crooked nasal septum is treated by two main methods - surgical and laser.

Surgery may be:

  1. Endoscopic
  2. general

A surgical operation is prescribed in the case when the curvature is very significant, accompanied by other defects and delivers serious problems patient. Endoscopic correction is performed using a special flexible instrument - an endoscope and is carried out with miniature instruments under the control of a video camera. No external incisions are made - all manipulations are performed through the nasal passages.

After the operation, gauze turundas and special silicone pads are placed in the nose, which are removed a day after the intervention. The patient is discharged the next day. Once edema subsides mucous membranes, and this happens after about a week, is restored nasal breathing and the patient becomes much better. This type of surgery is called a septoplasty.

More information about the curved nasal septum can be found in the video.

This type of surgery can be performed on children from the age of 14. For small children, such an operation is done only in exceptional cases, when possible risks overwhelmed by health benefits. This procedure is carried out under general anesthesia children over 6 years of age after a very thorough examination.

Laser nose surgery is only possible if we are talking about cartilage deformity and the absence of a fracture.

It is performed under local anesthesia and lasts no more than a quarter of an hour.When performing rhinoplasty in cosmetic surgery, nasal septal defects are often corrected at the same time, especially if they are directly related to external manifestations and affect appearance patient.

Complete nose reconstruction with septal and cartilage restoration is performed under general anesthesia in case of extensive facial trauma with bone fractures, lacerations and nasal injuries. This is very complicated operation, requiring long-term rehabilitation and sometimes reoperation.

by the most dangerous complications fraught with a curvature of the nasal septum resulting from an injury. Swipe in the face or a traumatic brain injury with a violation of the integrity of the nose usually leads to a very extensive.

It can be very difficult to stop it, especially if the victim has a very damaged face and it is not possible to find the source of bleeding. In such a situation, before the ambulance arrives, you should try to fix the victim in such a way that blood does not enter the Airways, try to stop the bleeding as far as possible by applying people in sterile gauze or introducing pieces of a hemostatic sponge into the nostrils.

The main danger of a deviated septum as a result of trauma is that a piece of broken bone can enter the respiratory tract or bloodstream. If the victim is unconscious and no one provides him with first aid, he may simply choke own blood with nosebleeds.

A frequent complication of the curvature of the septum is the formation of polyps.

They greatly complicate the life of the patient and make surgical intervention inevitable. AT during the operation, the patient can simultaneously remove and correct nasal septum.

Since the curvature of the nose is accompanied by a violation of breathing, it can be dangerous for people suffering from respiratory diseases, for example, asthmatics. They are already constantly lacking air, and the presence of complicating defects significantly exacerbates the problem. The same applies to hypotension, cores. Lack of air can provoke headaches, irritability, sleep disturbances and lead to fainting, heart attacks, and decreased performance.No matter how insignificant the problem with the curvature of the nasal septum may seem, it requires an attentive attitude, a thorough examination and a timely correct one.

There are 2 types of breathing in humans: nasal and oral. The first is more complete, since the nasal cavity performs important functions for the body. The air, passing through it, is moistened, cleaned of harmful impurities, warmed up. Therefore, if the nasal septum is curved, a row appears undesirable consequences for the whole organism. There are diseases that lead to disruption of nasal breathing, but the main thing is still the deformation of the structures of the nasal cavity.

surgery or treatment?

Proper treatment and accurate diagnosis set by an ENT doctor. To do this, he examines the nasal cavity with the help of special tools. Might need X-ray. However, a number of symptoms that the patient can identify on their own may indicate a deviated septum. Surgery may sometimes be necessary. But before that, you still need to go to the doctor and get permission for it. In some cases, the ENT may prescribe a treatment that is simple and effective. But do not be afraid of surgical intervention. Many people go through a similar operation and live happily after that.

surgery and treatment

The operation to correct the nasal septum is to remove curved cartilage and bone areas that impede the passage of air. To do this, an incision is made inside the nose. It is not visible after the operation. Despite surgical intervention, the mucous membrane covering the nasal septum is preserved. But this procedure is outdated, as it has its own negative consequences. Today doctors choose more modern methods and perform the operation using new equipment.

Deviated septum: operation. Endoscopic septoplasty

With the help of endoscopic septoplasty, it became possible to straighten those areas that are curved. Here, all visible cuts will be completely absent. With help special devices and a small camera, the doctor can observe everything that happens on any part of the nose. This virtually eliminates tissue trauma. AT this case the tension of the internal cartilage is changed by applying notches.

Deviated septum: laser surgery

One treatment option for a deviated septum is Sometimes this is the only possible way help the patient. Here, the surgeon can use a laser to reshape the curved cartilage. This method is convenient for isolated curvature, which is difficult to operate in a different way. But there are contraindications here, so this method is not suitable for everyone. Be sure to listen to the opinion of the doctor who prescribes this procedure. For each person with a deviated nasal septum, the operation (reviews about it may be ambiguous) should be selected individually. Everything will depend on the severity of the condition and symptoms.

A deviated septum is a fairly common condition that can often be seen in adults and children. Often a crooked nasal septum is the cause of difficulty breathing, sinusitis, runny nose and other complications.

Treatment of a deviated septum of the nose can only be surgical. Surgery for a deviated nasal septum is called a septoplasty.

Causes of deviated septum

The most common reason for the curvature of the nasal septum is the discrepancy between the growth rates of the bone and cartilage parts of the nasal septum, i.e. anatomical defect. Other common causes include trauma to the nose, as well as the presence of nasal diseases such as polyps, thickening of the turbinates, etc.

The nasal septum is an anatomical structure located in the nasal cavity and dividing it into two equal parts. In turn, the nasal septum also consists of two parts: the anterior cartilaginous, and the posterior bone, located in the depths of the nasal cavity. The cartilaginous part of the septum is easily palpable if you run your finger along the back of the nose. To the touch, it is pliable and elastic, therefore it is more susceptible to damage in case of injuries.

Types of curvature of the nasal septum

Depending on the causes, there are three main types of curvature of the nasal septum:

  • Physiological, which is due to a discrepancy between the growth rates of cartilage and bone parts partitions. A similar curvature begins in childhood.
  • Compensatory, which develops in the course of constant irritation of the cartilaginous part of the nasal septum by a polyp, an overly thickened nasal septum, or a foreign object;
  • Traumatic curvature resulting from trauma. It is the traumatic curvature of the nasal septum that is the most common cause of shortness of breath and nosebleeds.

Symptoms of deviated septum

In varying degrees, the curvature of the nasal septum exists in every person. However, this does not predominantly discomfort, therefore, treatment of the curvature of the nasal septum in this case is not required. However, a significantly deviated nasal septum requires surgical intervention. Surgery is needed when the following symptoms appear:

  • snoring during sleep;
  • a visible change in the shape of the nose caused by a crooked nasal septum;
  • difficulty in nasal breathing, sometimes so pronounced that the patient is forced to breathe through the mouth;
  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • frequent respiratory infections, runny nose, sinusitis, rhinitis, chronic pharyngitis and etc.;
  • allergic vasomotor rhinitis, which manifests itself in constant runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion, itching, clear secretions from the nose.

The most common symptoms of a deviated septum in children are snoring during sleep, a constantly open mouth, nosebleeds, and rhinitis.

Treatment of deviated septum of the nose

According to reviews, surgery on a deviated nasal septum (septoplasty) is the most effective method treatment.

Currently, traditional and laser septoplasty is used. You should know that laser septoplasty has a number of contraindications and is used only in case of a slight curvature.

Traditional septoplasty is performed under local anesthesia. The surgeon performs all manipulations directly in the nasal cavity, so there are no scars or marks left after the operation. The duration of the operation on the deviated septum of the nose, according to reviews, may be different. In most cases, it is from half an hour to two hours and depends on the degree of curvature.

The effectiveness of the treatment can only be judged after recovery period which is about two weeks.

Surgery for children is performed at the age of 14. However, if the symptoms of curvature are too pronounced, the child has difficulty with nasal breathing, rhinitis and other complications constantly occur, surgery is allowed from the age of six.

Possible complications after septoplasty

Complications after surgery can be divided into early and late. early complications are bleeding and hematoma. To eliminate them, it is necessary to insert tampons into the nasal passages. Enough rare complication is a perforation resulting from trauma to the nasal septum during surgery sharp object. To avoid this complication, the surgeon must carry out all manipulations with extreme caution and care.

An abscess may occur due to the presence purulent sinusitis and a blood clot in the vestibule of the nose. To avoid an abscess, the surgical field must be thoroughly disinfected. The patient is advised to drink a course of antibiotics before the operation and for some time after it.

A late complication is a change in the shape of the nose associated with high resection of the quadrangular cartilage. It should be noted that such a complication is extremely rare.

Prevention of deviated septum

To prevent a deviated septum, any injuries and damage to the nose should be avoided. Do not take any medication without the advice of a doctor vasoconstrictor drugs, since they are long-term use provoke swelling of the mucous membrane, which aggravates nasal breathing with a deviated nasal septum.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

If a person has long time a runny nose does not go away and he now and then has problems with breathing, this must be paid attention to. After all, if this is not chronic illness, then there may be a curvature of the nasal septum, the consequences of which can cause inconvenience to a person for a long time.

A bit of anatomy

At the very beginning, it must be clarified that the nasal septum, at its core, is a bone and a set of cartilages that divide the nose in half, forming two nostrils. The nose itself in the body performs very useful feature is a natural filter. And if it bends a little, a person is broken natural process air purification, then various diseases can occur.

The reasons

Considering the topic "Curvature of the nasal septum. Consequences”, it is important to pay attention to the causes of this pathology. So why can she move? First: it's all about anatomical structure facial skeleton. This occurs even in childhood, when cartilage develops much faster than bones, and therefore they bend in the nasal part, because they simply have nowhere to grow. Also, the cause may be rickets transferred in childhood. This feature of the body is also inherited. And, of course, the septum can be bent as a result, and this happens quite often.

About children

What is the danger of children's curvature of the nasal septum? The consequences can affect throughout the life of the baby. This is not only a nasal voice, but also poor performance at school, a slower brain and mental development. Such children are often weak physically as well.

About adults

What else is fraught with a curvature of the nasal septum? The consequences may be as follows: this is rhinitis, i.e., a frequently recurring runny nose, which may not go away for months. In addition, the throat may also be affected - this is tonsillitis and inflammatory processes in the throat. How dangerous is a deviated septum? It can also cause diseases of the middle ear, which are not easily treated. In addition, there are also aesthetic inconveniences: a person with may have nasal voice, very often observed night snoring(including in women of any age), the shape of the organ may change, which affects the appearance. In addition, lack of oxygen is fraught with insomnia, constant headaches, sleep disturbances, which affects general condition body and performance.

What to do?

How can a person understand that he has a deviated septum? Photos are the first helpers, thanks to which you can determine the problem yourself. However, there will always be doubts, with which it is best to consult a doctor. And if the septum is really curved, the doctor will most likely advise septoplasty - a surgical intervention, thanks to which the septum will not only be aligned, but also completely preserved. The operation itself will not leave scars and marks on the human body, because everything is done through small internal incisions. This also significantly shortens the recovery period.

Of course, it is not very good when you have deviated nasal septum, but the fact that this defect is observed in 90% of the world's population can serve as some consolation. It is not always possible to notice or feel this, but for some people, defects in the nasal septum can make breathing noticeably difficult, provoke uncomfortable sensations.

A curvature is a deviation from the normal location of the nasal septum in the nose, usually its shift to one side relative to the central line of the face.

There is another defect of the septum - perforation, which is a small hole in the nasal septum, which noticeably interferes with normal breathing.

How to relieve or eliminate the symptoms of a deviated septum?

These defects are treated in doctor's offices, however, there are methods for correcting defects that can be done independently at home.

For example, with a cold, you can use medicinal drops for the nose, however, in the absence of improvement within a week, it is preferable to go to an ENT doctor.

At home, you should regularly wash your nose with a syringe brine. It is necessary, at least temporarily, to abandon products that include potential allergens. These include, for example, fish, chocolate, as well as products that contain a significant amount of preservatives and additives.

However, before embarking on any therapeutic actions ask yourself some follow-up questions:

  • what season and do you have a runny nose regularly?
  • Do you have pain in the area of ​​the face, especially the nose?
  • Do you experience any other discomfort besides a runny nose?
  • do you observe heat with a runny nose?
  • Is it easy for you to breathe at night?

Answer these questions and if you get at least two positive answers, you should consult a doctor.

That is, at home it is possible to alleviate or eliminate the symptoms of a deviated septum, and there are many such methods. For example, doctors advise against blowing your nose vigorously when severe runny nose. In addition, it is possible to treat a runny nose with a curvature of the nasal septum with the help of special solutions that soften congestion in the nasal passages.

Surgery to correct a deviated nasal septum

However, it will not be possible to perform an operation to correct a deviated nasal septum at home for the average person. In order to determine that the source of your discomfort is the curvature of the nasal septum, you should be examined by a doctor. This problem is solved mainly with the help of an operation. This is a short operation, about half an hour, which is carried out more often under local anesthesia. After a couple of hours the patient is already able to walk. After a qualitative operation, there is no swelling of the nose.

Aligning the nasal septum without surgery

There are, of course, other methods of treatment that do not involve surgery. This, for example, laser therapy, endoscopy, rhinoseptoplasty, that is, methods that are also not applicable at home.

In the nineties of the last century, it found its application completely new method non-surgical correction of a deviated nasal septum, practically devoid of side effects and contraindications, this is laser chondroseptoplasty. It is based on the uniform heating of the cartilage to a certain temperature, as a result of which it becomes, like plasticine, very elastic. Burns of the outer layers, due to the use laser radiation, does not occur. Next, the cartilage is attached with a special tool desired shape and fixed with a tampon for a day. AT postoperative period the patients are really already at home, since there is no need for special observation, and the oil-soaked tampon is removed already on the second day after the operation. Whether this method can be called completely homemade - decide for yourself.

Immediately after the operation, the septum assumes a medial position with straightening of the cartilage of the septum.

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