What the animals quartet and reviews say. For World Animal Day, Quartet I prepared an online performance “What Animals Talk About. In honor of World Animal Day, BBDO Moscow has figured out how to help owners better understand their pets, and made

October 4th is Animal Day around the world. This is a special occasion to express love for your pets, show care for those who do not yet have an owner, and just be more friendly to all animals. Mars Petcare, represented by the world famous brands WHISKAS® and PEDIGREE®, will offer many exciting opportunities to celebrate this holiday. In addition, they, along with the cast of Quartet I, will show an online performance that will help people better understand their pets and learn about their true needs. Especially for Animal Day, Quartet I will show an online performance "What Animals Talk About". In an interactive format, the actors will tell you what our pets want, what they really enjoy, and what they suffer from (even if we act from the best of intentions).

Rostislav Khait, member of the Quartet I.

We are always for creative experiments. The play “What Animals Talk About” has become an unusual experience for us, both in terms of the format of the online production and in terms of content, because we have not yet had the opportunity to play cats and dogs. It was interesting to try! We are also happy to be a part of the big Animal Day celebration. It's great that they began to celebrate it so widely in Russia and talk about the boundless love of the owners for their pets, about proper care and responsibility. We think this is a very kind and important project.

As always, in their productions, the artists share their personal experiences, thoughts and emotions. Only this time the heroes of the monologues are animals: Spitz Justin, Briton Marquis, cat Cartoon and retriever Druzhok. Choose any character or watch the play in its entirety. These are 4 interactive stories about what animals really need, what they love, what makes them happier, and what, on the contrary, pisses them off. You can watch the performance anywhere and at any convenient time. From October 4, the performance will be available on the website dedicated to the holiday.

Maria Suchkova, Senior Brand Manager, WHISKAS®, Mars Petcare.

Of course, every owner cares about pets and tries to choose only the best for them. But sometimes your own ideas and guesses are not enough. To know the true needs of an animal means to properly care for it. Therefore, we try to help people better understand their pet.

This year, about 50 establishments joined the holiday. Restaurants and cafes, museums and exhibitions, co-working spaces, dance studios and yoga studios - popular establishments in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg will receive the status of pet-friendly places so that people across the country can spend unusual time with their pets playgrounds in the yard.

On October 4, visitors with cats and dogs will become honored guests, for whom special gifts will be prepared. A map with all the addresses, which is easy to make a holiday route, is available

BBDO and Quartet And found out what the animals are talking about

05 10, 2017, 06:00

In honor of World Animal Day, BBDO Moscow has figured out how to help owners better understand their pets, and did it in an unusual online performance format.


On October 4, the whole country will celebrate Animal Day. For the first time last year, Mars and its longtime creative partner, the BBDO Moscow agency, proposed to make large-scale celebrations a good tradition for the first time. This year, the team figured out how unusual it is for the brands WHISKAS and PEDIGREE to tell people what real pet care is. Insights from the life of the owners and their pets were embodied in the format of the online performance "What Animals Talk About".

Dress up your dog in a funny costume? Or treat the cat to ice cream? Or maybe surprise your pet even more and go with him to watch the fireworks? Showing care, people often do things that actually pets do not like at all.

Interactive performance "What Animals Talk About" was created in collaboration with Quartet I. An important feature of this digital idea is that the situations familiar to many pet owners are shown from a completely unusual side. The main characters played by the actors of the "Quartet I" - cats and dogs. "What Animals Talk About" - These are 4 soulful monologues in which Spitz Justin, Briton Marquis, Cat Cartoon and Retriever Druzhok share their thoughts, experiences, dreams.

You don't need theater tickets to see the show. - You can watch it in any convenient place and at any time. The premiere will take place on October 4 on the site dedicated to the celebration of the Day of the Animals, - Worldanimalday.ru. Each viewer can watch the production in its entirety or learn the stories in random order, choosing a hero.

Maria Dedyukina, Deputy Creative Director of BBDO Moscow: “This is a very unusual project. It was funny and very touching at the same time. Our performance lives in an online format, and we are grateful to the director Katya Telegina for supporting this idea so enthusiastically and helping us transfer the theater to digital. Loving pets means understanding their needs, and the performance will help owners look at caring through the eyes of animals.”

Daria Malchevskaya, Marketing Director, Mars Petcare: “In order for everyone to join the celebration of Animal Day, we created a large integrated campaign and focused not only on offline events, but also on digital activation by launching an interactive online performance. We are confident that all animals deserve special attention, so another important part of the entire campaign is charity events, the purpose of which is to take care and help dogs and cats from shelters.”

Listen to make pets happier! Follow the furry moments of users with the hashtag #animalday and #whatanimalssay, share your impressions and find out sooner What Animals Talk About.


The composition of the creative team


Client: Mars pet care

Mars Petcare Marketing Director: Daria Malchevskaya

Senior Brand Manager WHISKAS, Mars Petcare: Maria Suchkova

Senior Brand Manager PEDIGREE, Mars Petcare: Naila Aliyeva

WHISKAS brand managers, Mars Petcare: Alexander Kabalenov, Irina Khorokhorina

Digital Manager, Mars Petcare: Natalia Mikhailova

Digital Specialist, Mars Petcare: Maria Pogorelko

Head of Customer Marketing at Mars Petcare: Svetlana Volkova

Mars Petcare Client Marketing Managers: Natalya Kasimova, Olga Ragozina, Anna Loginova, Ekaterina Vishnyakova

Mars Petcare & Food External Communications Manager: Elena Selivanova

Marketing Interns, Mars Petcare: Anastasia Perova, Anastasia Barabanova


Agency: BBDO Moscow

Managing director: Natalia Tsyganova

Executive Creative Director: Alexey Fedorov

Deputy Creative Director: Marina Dedyukina

Digital Creator: Alena Ivanova

Digital art directors: Anna Kuzicheva, Andrey Krusanov

Art Director: Oleg Koposov

Copywriter: Tatiana Kolotilova

Junior copywriter: Polina Pukhlikova

Digital designer: Anastasia Klimenko

Intern: Artem Rodionov

Art director of the design studio: Elena Antonova

Creative director of design studio: Igor Khripunov

Senior designer: Julia Velikanova

Creative designer: Tatyana Moiseenko

Music Producer: Dmitry Rubezhov

Head of TV production department: Irina Noruzi

Producer assistant: Elizaveta Grigorieva

Digital Director of Strategic Planning: Alexandra Sagalovich

Senior Interactive Producer: Yuri Marin

Producer of interactive projects: Tim Bardowski

Digital Analyst: Evgenia Lukonina

Strategic Planning Director: Anastasia Chulyukova

Strategic Planning Manager: Anna Hitko

Client Relations Director: Anastasia Dubrovskaya

Account Director: Anastasia Babuchenko

Account supervisor: Elena Kitova

Senior account manager: Tatiana Petrova

Account manager: Varvara Sidorova

Junior account manager: Tatyana Lunina



Producer: Ekaterina Telegina


PR & SM agency:mint

Senior Project Manager: Maria Kirienko

Project manager: Anna Plekhanova

Social Media Project Manager: Anna Petukhova

Assistant: Anna Smirnova

Anastasia Smirnova

Social Media Assistant: Ksenia Mokrova


Working with celebrity: TMA

CEO: Daria Arkharova

Director of Celebrity Relations: Christina Malberg

Event Director: Mitrofanov Valentin


BTL agency: Unite

Client Relations Director: Evgenia Rybinskaya

Digital Director: Aziz Raufov

Art Director: Natalya Maslova

Account Manager: Yana Zhukova

Specialist in working with customers: Daria Baranova

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World Animal Day is celebrated on October 4th. This is a special occasion to express love for your pets, show care for those who do not yet have an owner, and just be more friendly to all animals. Mars Petcare, represented by the world famous brands WHISKAS® and PEDIGREE®, will offer many exciting opportunities to celebrate this holiday. In addition, they, along with the cast of Quartet I, will show an online performance that will help people better understand their pets and learn about their true needs.

It seems that we know absolutely everything about our pets? Character, habits, daily routine, favorite food, places where it is better to scratch so that it rumbles louder. But we have never been able to figure out what our cats and dogs really think about living with us. Especially for Animal Day, Quartet I will show an online performance "What Animals Talk About". In an interactive format, the actors will tell you what our pets want, what they really enjoy, and what they suffer from (even if we act from the best of intentions).

“We are always for creative experiments. The play “What Animals Talk About” has become an unusual experience for us, both in terms of the format of the online production and in terms of content, because we have not yet had the opportunity to play cats and dogs. It was interesting to try! We are also happy to be a part of the big Animal Day celebration. It's great that they began to celebrate it so widely in Russia and talk about the boundless love of the owners for their pets, about proper care and responsibility. It seems to us that this is a very kind and important project,” Rostislav Khait, member of the Quartet I.

As always, in their productions, the artists share their personal experiences, thoughts and emotions. Only this time the heroes of the monologues are animals: Spitz Justin, Briton Marquis, cat Cartoon and retriever Druzhok. Choose any character or watch the play in its entirety. These are 4 interactive stories about what animals really need, what they love, what makes them happier, and what, on the contrary, pisses them off. You can watch the performance anywhere and at any convenient time. From October 4, the performance will be available on the website dedicated to the holiday - Worldanimalday.ru.

“Of course, every owner cares about pets and tries to choose only the best for them. But sometimes your own ideas and guesses are not enough. To know the true needs of an animal means to properly care for it. That's why we try to help people understand their pet better,” - Maria Suchkova, WHISKAS® Senior Brand Manager, Mars Petcare.

Watch the interactive online performance "What Animals Talk About" and join Animal Day! You can also arrange a holiday for animals that do not yet have owners. Participate in a special project on the Ozon.ru website and learn the touching stories of cats and dogs from the shelter. You can easily show care for fluffy pets right on the website of the online store.

We are ready for the holidays, are you? Post your happy furry moments with the hashtag #animal day, share your impressions and find out “What Animals Talk About” as soon as possible.

Dress up your dog in a funny costume? Give your cat ice cream? Or maybe surprise your pet even more and go with him to watch the fireworks? Showing care, people often do things that actually pets do not like at all. BBDO Moscow came up with an unusual format for conveying the thoughts and feelings of animals to their owners.

On October 4, Russia celebrates Animal Day for the second year in a row. The company Mars took the initiative to hold the holiday. This year, the brands of the company WHISKAS and PEDIGREE, together with BBDO Moscow, created a unique online performance "What Animals Talk About", in which insights from the life of the owners and their pets were realized. Quartet I took part in the implementation of the idea.

“What Animals Talk About” are 4 soulful monologues in which Justin the Spitz, Marquis the Briton, Cartoon the Cat and Druzhok the Retriever share their thoughts, experiences and dreams. An important feature of this digital idea is that the situations familiar to many pet owners are shown from a completely unusual side.

“We got it funny and at the same time very touching. Our performance lives in an online format, and we are grateful to the director Katya Telegina for supporting this idea so enthusiastically and helping us transfer the theater to digital. Loving pets means understanding their needs, and the performance will help owners look at pet care through the eyes of animals,” says Marina Dedyukina, Deputy Creative Director of BBDO Moscow, about the unusual project.

To get to the performance, you do not need to buy a ticket - you can watch it at any convenient place and at any time. The premiere will take place on October 4 on the site dedicated to the celebration of Animal Day - Worldanimalday.ru. Each viewer can watch the production in its entirety or learn the stories in random order, choosing a hero.

As part of the promo campaign, a large-scale trade activation will start on October 4, implemented jointly with the BTL agency. In addition, the Ozon.ru online store website is launching a charity special project “What Animals from the Shelter Are Talking About”. He was also supported by the actors of the Quartet I. Visitors to the site can learn 8 soulful monologues of cats and dogs that do not yet have loving owners. Listen to their stories and choose how to help animals. You can share them on social media or treat them to treats by adding WHISKAS or PEDIGREE to your cart and Mars will double their donation. All participants will have the opportunity to meet the heroes of the special project by visiting the shelter.

Mars has implemented another charitable initiative with the Lenta hypermarket chain: special baskets will be installed in stores in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where customers can put the purchased food - it will also go to shelters for homeless animals.

We are sure that all animals deserve special attention, so another important part of the entire campaign is charity events, the purpose of which is to take care and help dogs and cats from shelters,” says Daria Malchevskaya, Marketing Director of Mars Petcare.

BBDO Moscow agency told Sostav about a creative digital solution. Read the interview with the creators of the holiday campaign very soon.

The composition of the creative team:

Mars Pet Care(client):

Daria Malchevskaya — Marketing Director of Mars Petcare

Maria Suchkova — Senior Brand Manager WHISKAS, Mars Petcare
Nailya Aliyeva — Senior Brand Manager PEDIGREE, Mars Petcare

Alexander Kabalenov, Irina Khorokhorina — brand managers of WHISKAS, Mars Petcare

Natalia Mikhailova — Digital Manager, Mars Petcare

Maria Pogorelko — Digital Specialist, Mars Petcare

Svetlana Volkova - Head of Client Marketing at Mars Petcare

Vera Merkulova - Category Program Manager Mars Petcare

Natalia Kasimova, Olga Ragozina, Anna Loginova, Ekaterina Vishnyakova - Managers of the Mars Petcare Client Marketing Department

Elena Selivanova - External Communications Manager Mars Petcare & Food

Anastasia Perova, Anastasia Barabanova — Marketing Interns, Mars Petcare

BBDO Moscow(creative agency):

Natalia Tsyganova — Managing Director

Alexey Fedorov — Executive Creative Director

Marina Dedyukina — Deputy Creative Director

Alena Ivanova - digital creator

Anna Kuzicheva, Andrey Krusanov — digital art directors

Oleg Koposov — art director

Tatyana Kolotilova - copywriter

Polina Pukhlikova — junior copywriter

Anastasia Klimenko — digital designer

Artem Rodionov - trainee

Elena Antonova — art director of the design studio

Igor Khripunov — creative director of the design studio

Yulia Velikanova — senior designer

Tatyana Moiseenko — creative designer

Dmitry Rubezhov - music producer

Irina Noruzi — Head of TV Production Department

Elizaveta Grigoryeva - assistant producer

Aleksandra Sagalovich — Digital Director for Strategic Planning

Yuri Marin - senior producer of interactive projects

Tim Bardowski - Interactive Producer

Evgenia Lukonina — digital analyst

Anastasia Chulyukova — Strategic Planning Director

Anna Hitko - Strategic Planning Manager

Anastasia Dubrovskaya — Director of the Client Relations Group

Anastasia Babuchenko — account director

Elena Kitova — account supervisor

Tatyana Petrova — senior account manager

Varvara Sidorova - account manager

Tatyana Lunina — junior account manager


Ekaterina Telegina - director

mint(PR & SM agency):

Maria Kirienko - Senior Project Manager

Anna Plekhanova - project manager

Anna Petukhova - Social Media Project Manager

Anna Smirnova - assistant

Anastasia Smirnova — Social Media Department Assistant

Ksenia Mokrova — Assistant of the Social Media Department

TMA(work with celebrities):

Daria Arkharova — CEO

Christina Malberg - Director of Celebrity Relations

Mitrofanov Valentin — director of the event organization department

(BTL agency):

Evgenia Rybinskaya — Client Relations Director

Aziz Raufov — digital director

Natalia Maslova — art director

Yana Zhukova - Account Manager

Daria Baranova - Client Relations Specialist

Many owners are sure that their animals could tell a lot if they could speak. Talk about how they like raw meat instead of dry food, complain about the neighbor's cat Vaska, or sincerely confess their love.

For such understanding owners, and for other animals who are not indifferent to fate and thoughts (they definitely exist!) Quartet I» with the assistance of Mars Petcare created online performance with the name already familiar to this creative team. Only now the audience will find out what not men, but animals are talking about. Spitz Justin (Leonid Barats) ordinary cat cartoon (Camille Larin), British marquis (Alexander Demidov) and a retriever buddy (Rostislav Khait), left alone with themselves and the viewer in their apartments, talk about feelings and experiences. The cartoon, for example, is waiting for the court authority to be undermined due to the role of the grandmother in the local play, and the Marquis is completely satisfied with his idle royal existence. Druzhok unbearably misses his beloved owner, and Justin dreams of being a big and formidable, imposing dog. Everything is practically the same as with people - fears, fears and small joys.

“We strive to make sure that every owner is responsible for his animal and provides him with a comfortable and happy life”

Maria Suchkova, WHISKAS Senior Brand Manager, Mars Petcare, hopes the performance will help owners understand their pets better: “Of course, every owner cares about pets and tries to choose only the best for them. But sometimes your own ideas and guesses are not enough. To know the true needs of an animal means to properly care for it. So we try to help people better understand their pet.”

THE WALL Magazine spoke with Maria to find out more about the concept of the play and whether it's really possible to work with your own (or someone else's) dog at Mars.

How did the idea for the play come about?

The performance is dedicated to World Animal Day, in Russia we ( Mars pet care) proposed and began to celebrate it widely in 2016. Every year we try to come up with something new and unusual for the holiday. So, in cooperation with our partners, the idea of ​​such an online performance was born, which would help the owners to better understand the animals. This performance is fully consistent with our global idea - the idea responsible pet ownership. We strive to make sure that every owner is responsible for his animal and provides him with a comfortable and happy life.

Did you immediately see Quartet I in your performance?

As soon as we got to the title, “What Animals Talk About”, the first association was just the films of the Quartet I - “What Men Talk About”, you know. "Why not contact them?" - we thought and began an active process of attracting actors. Of course, they did not agree immediately, but not after 3 months, everything went much faster.

Who and how developed the concept and the performance itself?

The main part was developed by our partners, the creative agency BBDO Moscow, but Quartet I also made performance remarks, tried on monologues and suggested how it would be more convenient and effective to do at one time or another.

Is it true thatMars petfriendly office? Do you really bring pets and work with them all day long?

Yes, it’s absolutely true, you can stay and work with pets in our office. There is a separate room for cats - they love solitude and relaxation in a calm environment. If you come with a pet, you will receive a special pass for it, as well as a sign on the door warning everyone else that you are not working alone today. It is also part of responsible ownership - others may have allergies, and working in an office should be comfortable for everyone.

And do people really bring their animals?

Yes, and with great pleasure. We already have regular animal customers that everyone is looking forward to. Again, in order to bring an animal into a public place, you must first ask yourself the question: “Is my dog ​​socialized enough (for example)? Will she be able to behave well in society? Therefore, we develop responsibility in animal lovers.

But how did Maria and her colleagues still manage to attract “ Quartet I" to participate in our unusual project, what its participants learned from animals and where they looked for inspiration, we managed to learn firsthand - directly from Rostislav Khait, Camille Larina and Alexandra Demidova.

Why did you agree to participate in such an experiment? How do you generally choose from all the offers that you receive?

Rostislav. You know, proposals should at least not offend, but rather please, our creative needs.

How did this performance please your creative needs?

Rostislav. We really have never played animals before ... Except for that time, once in my youth: Lesha, as a director, staged the fairy tale "Blue Puppy" at the institute. Good fairy tale. I played cat...

Camille. I am a fish called Pila.

Alexander. And I played a famous animal - a sailor.

Camille. Well, it's unexpected. The next project will probably be “Birds, Pole and Balloons”.

Rostislav. Of course, we are not one of those people who will devote their entire lives to animals, but, in general, we are quite loyal to them. As for me, it's better to play animals than children.

Everyone laughs.

Camille. You said about children, I immediately remembered - there is such a belief in the theater and in the cinema that it is impossible to outplay an animal and a child. Therefore, we tried to find certain organic matter. A strange combination of us as humans and animals. A fairy tale is a fairy tale, but I wanted to come up with something like that.

“How they do it - you understand everything that is in their eyes”

What inspired you? Did you have a sample of an animal from which you copied habits?

Camille. Rather, people who look like certain animals. There are really unique characters - either a person or an animal. The beast. I've been watching them. And once we made observations at the institute of animals - I remember standing in front of a camel in the zoo for two hours and watching him very carefully. Therefore, I also looked after animals, based on life experience.

What do you think about the idea of ​​an online performance? You've never done this before, have you? Why was this format difficult or, on the contrary, what did you like?

Alexander. Everything was organic and easy for me, there were no difficulties ...

Rostislav. It's because you played yourself.

Everyone laughs.

Alexander. Yes, probably.

Camille. Yes, I also played myself.

Rostislav. The format was not difficult for us at all: all because we did not actually participate in an online performance, as the audience would see it, but performed a task that was quite familiar to us - filmed in small videos. There was a monologue that had to be learned, to enter the image and play this image. Later, our monologues were recorded and formatted into an online performance.

Whose thoughts were more difficult for you to convey to the viewer - men or animals?

Rostislav. About the thoughts of animals, we only assume that they exist, but about the thoughts of men - everyone knows about them. Here we suggested by behavior what the animal could think in this or that situation, and talked about it. Your presentation.

Camille. Maybe a little different - my daughter was born a month ago, it's clear that so far she can't talk. And I wrote a little story, as if on behalf of my daughter - what she thinks about. I wrote that “now that I was born, I can do everything, I know everything. But in a month this knowledge will be erased, and I will have to re-learn how to walk, talk, think, and so on. I assumed, of course. It's the same with animals - we assumed that they could behave like this and think like this.

You reincarnated as animals, you felt like them. What do you think they could teach us that we can learn from animals?

Alexander. Animals are kinder, probably more loyal than people, more disinterested or something.

Camille. The ability to be silent. How they do it - you understand everything that is in their eyes. The eyes are the most unprotected place in both humans and animals, and therefore they transmit information to you through the eyes, and you understand everything.

Alexander. Well, they also do not need water to wash themselves - licked themselves and is ready. Autonomous food. Cats, especially.

Camille. By the way, yes, a cat is the most independent animal. A cat that walks by itself. Indeed, what many psychologists call for is not to be dependent on someone or something. To be able to be alone, if necessary, to be independent ...

Alexander. Clothes are not needed. Generally.

Everyone laughs.

Camille. Some trends...

Rostislav. Take it easy, in general.

Alexander. “I don’t need your fur coat, don’t need it” ( cat voice).

“I go and think: “Come on, honey, come on, don’t make a mistake, please” ... We come to the door, I make a “ring” ... You guessed it!

Rostislav. With dogs or with cats?

Yes, with anyone, with animals, birds, dogs, cats ...

Rostislav. I have one. I went to Odessa to rest in the summer. My parents used to have a dacha there. I arrived, I wanted to sleep terribly. I wake up in the morning from the fact that I hear someone either yelling, or talking like dad, or moaning, or doing something else with this sound: “Oooooh, ooooh” ( bass slow). I go to my mother: my father is dying, or something terrible is happening. And she shows me to a neighboring plot - a dog sits there and does: "Oooo, ooooo, ooooo." It was she who missed her master so much. Everything ended well - she waited and when she saw him, she began to do this: “Oh, oh, oh, oh!” ( happily).

Camille. There was one such story: after some kind of feast, party, I did not go home, but went to my friends to spend the night. And they had a dog, and in the morning they had to walk with her. And they say to me: "Camille, go for a walk with the dog." So I took it, went out, pressed the elevator button, went downstairs, had a wonderful walk. A well-bred dog, cleaned everything everywhere and comes to me. Then I understand that I don’t remember the apartment - we arrived there together, or rather, the owners of the dog brought me. And I stand: "What's next?" The door to the entrance somehow opened, but what about the elevator? And the dog led me. I go and think: “Come on, honey, come on, don’t make a mistake, please” ... We come to the door, I make a “ring” ... I guessed it!

Alexander. The cat that I got in my first year at the institute - he lived with Kamil and me in the same room. Then he got tired, and I sent him to Ryazan. So he learned to go down the stairs from the seventh floor, and this is how he got up. He came to the elevator, sat down (everyone knew that this was the cat Marik, lives on the seventh floor), waited for the elevator. Together with the person who came up, he enters the elevator, people knew where to drop him off, so he reached the house.

Camille. True, there was a problem with the cat - if a person reached the fourth or sixth floor and got off, then Marik did not understand and also got off at someone else's stop.

Alexander. And now the cat Marik also lives with me, that cat is not a relative, not a great-grandson, and he talks very funny. In the morning he comes to the door and like this: “Meow, meow, meow ...” A cry is heard: “Stop it, Marik!” To which Marik makes the final “Me” and falls silent with the look of “Understood, I am silent.”

We also understood everything, but we are not silent, but we tell what to see online performance "What Animals Talk About" You can visit the site dedicated to Animal Day, or via a direct link.

Photos courtesy of Mars Petcare

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