How to cure a severe bruise at home. Etiology and drug therapy. Preparations for the treatment of bruises - photo gallery

There is no such person on Earth who has never received a bruise in his life. Of course, most often such troubles happen to us in childhood, however, adult life we often suffer from bruises. What can I say, bruising is an unpleasant thing, and the consequences of it are often simply deplorable. In this article, we want to tell you about how to treat bruises, when something like this happens.

How to treat severe bruises

In medicine, the word bruise is understood as an injury to the muscle or bone tissue bodies without breaking the integrity skin. A bruise is always accompanied by injury blood vessels, which in turn causes the appearance of hematomas. For severe injuries, health care, but with the consequences of small bruises, you can completely cope on your own at home. It is these methods that we want to talk about here.

bruise symptoms

As a result of a bruise, a person feels severe pain. Soon, a swelling or swelling appears at this place, and then a bruise. In children and young people, these signs are more pronounced than in older people. It is connected with age-related changes V circulatory system And muscle tissues person.

How to treat an injury

The first thing to do immediately after a bruise is to apply something cold to the injury. It's best if it's ice, but cold compress or heating pad with cold water are also quite effective. As the compress warms up, it needs to be refreshed several times. Thus, it is usually possible to avoid the appearance of a tumor, and the pain decreases noticeably. A cold compress also keeps the bruise from spreading beyond the injury site. In case of bruising of the limbs, it is worth immediately applying a tight bandage.

After two - three days the site of injury should be warmed up with a warm heating pad or warm compresses. Warm baths and UHF therapy sessions are very helpful. As for massages, they can be done after the pain has completely disappeared. Especially good massage helps with bruised joints.

Pharmaceutical remedies for the treatment of bruises

Pharmacies sell very effective ointments and gels, which include nonsteroidal drugs removing inflammatory processes. They must be used in accordance with the instructions that come with them. Typically, these products contain substances such as diclofenac sodium, ibuprofen and ketoprofen. Ointments and gels are applied to the bruised area at least four times a day, rubbing them into the skin over the entire surface of the injured area. It should be borne in mind that if there is a wound or cut at the site of a bruise, these drugs cannot be applied to the wound or cut itself. Only undamaged skin can be smeared. It is clear that if the bruise is small, then the ointment or gel should be rubbed a little. If it is strong, then you need to rub more and even more often than four times a day.

If the injury is very serious, then how to treat bruises Of course the doctor decides. For severe pain, analgesics or NSAIDs are usually prescribed, which are taken by mouth. These are medical preparations like diclofenac potassium, ibuprofen, ketoprofen and naproxen.

Treatment of bruises with folk methods

From time immemorial, our ancestors treated bruises medicinal herbs. Their recipes have survived to this day and are still used, especially in countryside. In this article we want to introduce you to some of these recipes.

This method may seem somewhat strange. You need to take a small piece cleanly linen fabric and crush it as much as possible. Mix the resulting powder with vegetable oil in a ratio of one to four. This mixture should be applied to the site of injury and covered with cellophane or a very dense cloth. After about an hour, you need to completely remove the medicine and wash the skin. If this results in discomfort, then the bandage can be removed earlier.

ethnoscience claims that viper fat both anesthetizes the site of injury and heals it. If such fat is available, then it must be rubbed very carefully into the skin in a small amount.

An infusion of arnica flowers speeds up the healing of bruises. From this infusion, you can also make compresses and apply to the injured area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. It soothes pain, relieves inflammation and localizes bruising. To prepare the infusion, you need to take one teaspoon of dried arnica flowers and pour them with one glass of boiling water. Close the dishes and insist the contents in a dark place for two hours, then strain. The infusion is taken orally three times a day before meals, one tablespoon. Exactly the same infusion can be made from arnica roots. The medicine has similar properties as a flower infusion.

Undoubtedly, traditional medicine does not diminish the role of bodyaga. This excellent tool from cuts and bruises. If you use a bodyaga immediately after a bruise, then there may not be a bruise at all. You can prepare the solution at home. To do this, take two tablespoons of chopped bodyagi grass and pour four tablespoons of cooled boiling water over it. Mix the composition into a slurry and apply to the injury site. It is advisable to make a gauze bandage. The action of the bodyagi begins immediately after it begins to thicken a little.

Traditional medicine also recommends using Epsom salts for bruises. It is particularly good at removing bruises. To do this, you need to make hot baths at the site of injury from a saturated solution. Epsom salt. On a bucket of water you need to take four hundred grams of Epsom salts and dissolve it in water. If the limbs are damaged, then you can simply lower your arm or leg into the bucket and keep them there for forty minutes to an hour.

Very good for bruises, a tincture of the color of wild rosemary for alcohol or a decoction of these flowers helps. With this remedy, you need to rub the bruised place twice a day.

Cabbage leaves are very good at repelling tumors. It is enough just to attach a sheet white cabbage to the site of injury and apply bandage. Sheets need to be changed periodically. This is usually done after 30 - 60 minutes. When the swelling subsides, the procedure can be stopped.

Here's an exotic one. It turns out boiled crushed beans also heal bruises. Bean puree should be applied to the bruised area for half an hour several times a day. After each time, it must be washed off with warm water.

Even a simple potato turns out to be able to heal bruises. There are two ways to use potatoes for this purpose. The first is to simply apply thin potato slices to the sore spot. The second is to wrap the potato mass rubbed on a grater in gauze and also apply to the site of injury. Such a compress can be left even all night.

A mixture of honey and aloe juice helps a lot with bruises. These two components should be mixed in equal proportions and applied to the sore spot. This remedy also has analgesic properties and relieves the inflammatory process.

A bruise is the appearance on the body closed damage caused by some destructive effect (impact, strong pressure). In this case, the soft tissues of the body suffer. It is practically impossible to protect yourself from accidental injuries, and for sure, everyone in their life, at least once, received a bruise.

Symptoms of a bruise appear in the form of pain in the affected area, the manifestation of bruising and swelling of the injury site.

Classification of bruises

In medicine, it is customary to determine the severity of injury by degrees, starting with the first, most mild degree, and to the most serious - the fourth.

  • 1 degree. Slight violations of the skin at the site of impact. It is with such an injury that it is possible to use home treatment folk ways
  • 2 degree. In the second case, bruising may occur in the injured area.
  • 3 degree. As a result of damage of this nature, there is a violation of the integrity of tissues and joints.
  • 4 degree. When applied severe injury violation in soft tissues, internal organs and bones leads to a change in the possibilities normal functioning organism.

Attention! A folk remedy after a bruise can only be used in the first two degrees, with more severe injuries, you must consult a doctor!

emergency medical care

The pre-medical organization of the treatment of the injured person will consist in observing four basic rules:

  1. It is necessary to fix the injured place in such a way that the injured person can feel comfortable, while not disturbing the bruised part of the body itself.
  2. Cannot be consumed vasodilators and drinks, in particular alcohol, you should not try to massage the site of the bruise, you should not apply hot compresses immediately after the injury.
  3. A compress should be applied to the site of the bruise, which will relieve the pain and prevent the hematoma from growing. You can use any handy tool: ice in a towel, bag or bottle; briquettes of frozen food from the refrigerator. But when using cold exposure to the site of injury, you must follow the regime - no more than 20 minutes in a row, a second compress can be done after 15-20 minutes.
  4. To alleviate the suffering of the victim, you can take available painkillers.

Treatment at home

When more than two days have passed since the injury, you can begin to treat the bruise at home. For treatment, several methods are used:

  1. Warm compress. Both a local compress made on the site of a bruise and warm baths will help restore blood circulation and eliminate sharp pain.
  2. Massage. Light, without pressure and pressure massage will also have a beneficial effect.
  3. Physiotherapy. Blood circulation can also be regulated by conventional exercise, the main task- improve blood circulation.
  4. Medicinal ointments, lotions, compresses. The bruise treatments listed below can be easily done on your own.

For various parts body is better to use different ways treatment.

Soft tissues - a compress of aloe and honey.

Joints - compresses from the tincture of wormwood.

Hands - remove the peel from the banana and inside apply to the sore spot.

Legs - a hot bath with a decoction of wild rosemary.

Fingers - dressing with fir oil.

The knee is an excellent way to attach an ordinary cabbage leaf.

The head is heated salt in a bag.

Shoulder - ointment from the yolk chicken egg and banal laundry soap.

Eyes - apply thoroughly washed wood lice.

Therapy with folk methods


Compresses are the best way to get rid of swelling.

  1. Grind a tablespoon of onion and plantain, mix thoroughly, gradually pouring in a spoonful of non-candied honey. Superimpose on sore spot for 15 minutes, during the day you can perform this procedure up to three times.
  2. Pour boiling water over a mixture of herbs of plantain, wormwood, St. John's wort and let it brew well. After cooling the mixture, use for compresses.
  3. Cut the aloe leaf lengthwise, apply thin layer honey, apply to the affected area.
  4. Vinegar mixed in water in a ratio of 2 tbsp. spoons per liter of water and moisten the compress cloth with the resulting solution.


To successfully eliminate bruises, you need to use various ointments:

  1. Finely chop fresh plantain leaves, mix with petroleum jelly, butter and melted lard (not salty). The proportions are as follows: 1 part of the plant to 7 parts of the mixture of fats. If it is not the season for fresh herbs, you can use dried ones, they are first infused in hot water.
  2. Hops and interior fat in the proportion of 50 grams of dried flowers of the plant per 200 grams of fat. Chopped hops are added to the melted fat, the broth is filtered.
  3. burdock root and vegetable oil. 75 grams of the plant and 200 grams of oil are infused for a day. Then the resulting mass is heated and filtered. Keep refrigerated.
  4. Ordinary butter It copes well with bruises if it is applied to the site of injury every half an hour.

Removal of pain

  1. Apply a mixture of table salt in the amount of 12 teaspoons dissolved in 12 cups of vinegar and apply this compress for half an hour to the injury site.
  2. If the house has a stove, then you can use the residual heat after the firebox. It is necessary to put the victim next to the open firebox of the stove, in which there are some hot golden coals left, but it is necessary to control the time so as not to overheat.
  3. Two tablespoons of dry bodyagi powder per spoonful of water. The resulting mixture is applied to the site of injury.

Badyagi powder - a commonly used folk remedy for bruises

In addition to the methods of treatment of bruises described above, there are several more folk methods, quite simple and reliable:

  • Apply fresh plantain to the bruised area. This is how we were treated in childhood by grandmothers in the village.
  • Attach a copper nickel to the bruise, this method works even better if you first hold the nickel in cold water.
  • Pour boiling water over dry St. John's wort in a proportion of 400 ml per 20 g, boil until half of the liquid has evaporated. The cooled broth must be filtered and taken up to 4 times a day, one tablespoon.

Important! With all the seeming simplicity of folk methods for treating bruises, errors may occur in the selection of ingredients and their proportions. If you are not sure about your methods, consult a doctor and use the remedies prescribed by the doctor for treatment!

Bruises and such common complications after them, such as hematomas and bruises, are varying degrees difficulties. It all depends on the force of the blow.

In simple situations, you can completely get by with folk remedies, in more complex or neglected situations, medical intervention will be required.

Complex bruises include injuries in which there are wounds on the skin or damaged bones and nerves.

Treatment of bruises and bruises at home does not take much time and is able to save a person from various complications.

For quick treatment bruises and bruises worth following certain rules . First of all, it is necessary to ensure that the damaged part of the body is provided with complete rest, they need to be moved as little as possible.

You can make such a cold compress using some kind of frozen product or a heating pad filled with cold water.

A positive result from the cold can only be obtained within a day after the bruise, that is, this must be done as quickly as possible.

Cold constricts blood vessels very quickly and prevents the development of bruising.. It quickly stops the appearance of edema and unpleasant secondary damage to nearby tissues and organs.

It is necessary to use cold to achieve a high effect in the treatment process as correctly as possible. To prevent damage to the skin that may occur from contact with ice, the ice object must be wrapped in a cloth.

Cold on a bruise should be kept for no more than 10-15 minutes, this will help to avoid frostbite and hypothermia of tissues. After a two or three hour break, you can repeat the procedure again.

If the legs, arm or finger were bruised, you just need to lift them up. This is necessary to prevent the formation of edema, for the outflow of blood.

Thanks to this, the damaged segment will feel much better. At night, it is worth making a mesh of iodine, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and wound healing. Significantly improves overall blood circulation.

Approximately a day later, immediately after the removal of edema, heat can be provided to all damaged organs.

It's easy to make, just heat it up in a frying pan. a small amount of salt, then just pour it from a cloth bag or a regular sock and apply it to the site of injury for 15 minutes. Such warming should be done a couple of times a day.

For the treatment and elimination of bruises and bruises, you can purchase an inexpensive bodyagi powder at a pharmacy. It's unique and quite effective remedy, which was designed and created specifically for this purpose.

The tool is used very simply - just dilute with water to a creamy slurry and apply to the bruised place for about an hour.

With a similar name, there is not only a powder, but also an ointment.. If you use these funds immediately after a bruise, you can effectively avoid the formation of a hematoma. This ideal remedy for the treatment of bruises in the elderly.

Among others, no less effective ointments it can be noted troxevasin, gaparin ointment, bruise-off, lyoton. This inexpensive means, which must be used strictly according to the instructions.

If there is a leg injury, for example, and there is no way to go to the pharmacy, you can find a lot effective means at home, in the refrigerator or in the medicine cabinet.

There are some of the most accessible and simple ways treatment of bruises and hematomas folk remedies, each of which has been tested for years and helps very quickly. You can choose based on personal preferences or what is at hand.

If a hematoma occurs during pregnancy, the treatment of such a plan will be as appropriate as possible. So, here are the most common remedies for severe bruises and bruises:

All the recipes listed in the section are quite effective. No less effective is herbal treatment. It can be used both independently and as an addition to the main treatment.

There are some of the most popular and effective ways to relieve pain from a bruise and remove both the hematoma itself and its consequences, that is, how to treat bruises at home.

Here are the most popular and effective ones:

The properties listed above are excellent for bruises of all parts of the body, not just the hands and feet. There are also narrowly targeted remedies and methods of treatment.

When hurt thumb on the feet backfire are of blue color bruising that forms under the nails, there are also certain pain, and in more difficult situations there is a risk of losing a nail.

enough to avoid such unpleasant phenomena, you should hold your finger under a stream of very cold water. Equally effective will be lowering the bruised finger into salted water for about 10 minutes..

After carrying out these procedures, the hands or feet are wiped dry and a tight bandage is made, which must be changed until the finger is completely healed.

To prevent unattractive blackening of the nail, it is worth making an iodine mesh as soon as possible or simply smearing the entire finger with iodine.

No less effective for bruised toes helps turmeric powder. It must be mixed with water until a slurry is formed. The resulting mass simply lubricates the finger.

Turmeric is characterized by an ideal antibacterial and healing property, therefore it is excellent for healing a bruise and repairing tissue if there is damage to the heel.

A bruised knee or collarbone should be taken as seriously as possible, especially if this part of the body is very swollen. Lack of proper treatment can lead to the development of arthritis and other equally dangerous consequences.

In case of a bruise, a cold compress should be applied to the knee, and also make sure that it is motionless and is slightly higher than the whole body. It is advisable to visit a traumatologist to exclude a serious injury, and in the absence of one, you can start treatment with folk remedies.

Ideal here is the treatment with cabbage and a compress of vinegar, water and oil.. Everything is clear with cabbage, but to prepare a compress, you just need to mix a spoonful of water, vegetable oil and apple cider vinegar.

The knee and fingers are the most common types of bruises.. Other options for injury can be considered in less detail:

If you bruise any part of the body - the elbow, back, thigh or wrist, if a serious hematoma forms, you should consult a doctor.

Only after a serious problem or complication has been ruled out should folk methods treatment.

Cold compresses can and should be used immediately after an injury and before visiting a specialist.

If a hematoma has formed after a bruise on the leg, treatment should consist in carrying out special measures aimed at dilating blood vessels. You can use them only a day later, and preferably two after the injury. Education can be treated by the following activities or procedures:

With more serious situations Your doctor may prescribe surgical removal of the hematoma.

This is an important and necessary decision, since a hematoma of the forearm, shoulder or foot, when total absence hematoma treatment able to bring enough serious problems with health.

You can complicate the work of the kidney or other important organs.

Summing up

All the recipes presented to your attention can be used both independently and as an addition to the treatment prescribed by a specialist.

It is rather difficult to decide which remedy is better, each of the methods is quite effective. The choice of method of treatment depends on the degree of bruising, on the size of the hematoma, and also on the place where the damage is located.

What is an injury? This internal violation tissues, but without any violation of their integrity. Violations of the skin with a bruise are not observed, only a hematoma appears inside, which is accompanied by dull pain.

Types of bruises

In fact, there are not many of them, here are the main ones:

  • Soft tissue injuries are perhaps the most common type. Appear directly from falling, hitting hard objects. Often seen in children.
  • Joint bruises are often confused with joint dislocations. The difference is that when bruised, the joints continue to move.
  • Bruises of the head are characterized by the formation of swelling at the site of impact (bumps).
  • Injury to the neck or spine. With such bruises, you need to be more careful and constantly monitor your condition. If circulation is impaired, you may not feel well in your limbs.
  • Injury thoracic. At strong blow respiratory failure or even cardiac arrest may occur.

What are the degrees of injury

They are different and depend on the symptoms:

  • Bruise 1 degree - the skin is barely noticeably damaged, pain is not observed, it disappears in a few days.
  • Bruise of the 2nd degree - a blow can damage the tissue, a bruise will definitely appear.
  • A grade 3 bruise is dangerous, accompanied by severe pain from a significant blow, especially to the head, spine or neck. As a rule, it is combined with a dislocation.
  • Bruising of the 4th degree is the most dangerous for the condition of the victim. Accompanied by significant changes in performance internal organs and acute pain.

What is the first aid for bruises

If you accidentally hit yourself and feel severe pain, you must immediately provide first aid. Assistance varies by location.

How do you know that you have a bruise, and suddenly you broke something for yourself? Very simple: when you hurt you will feel sharp pain, which later turns into a bruise. Having hit the joint, edema appears and after some time the joint is immobilized. Unlike a fracture, in which immobilization occurs immediately upon injury.

If in the process of getting a bruise you get scratched or abraded, they must be treated with iodine or hydrogen peroxide.

Cold must be applied to the affected area. This will reduce blood flow, constrict blood vessels and save you from bruising. Cold will help for half an hour - after that it is useless. Therefore, if you get injured, hurry to find a cold object, otherwise you won’t avoid a bruise. But then you need peace. After a few days, apply heat, it will begin to dissolve the hematoma.

When taking painkillers - do not be zealous, you may not notice the deterioration of your health, as a result of which you will not be able to see a doctor in time.

Important! Do not pierce the bruise with a needle - this will cause infection and serious complications!

In each case of receiving serious bruises you must immediately consult a doctor for an examination in order to avoid damage to internal organs, cracks and fractures.

The consequences of such injuries

In the most common scenario, there are no consequences for bruising. Your bruise will hurt for a very short time, maybe it will swell a little, the hematoma will disappear in just a week.

But, there are situations when the blow was very strong, or the fall is too unfortunate and the consequences will be serious. In cases like this, you can't just let things go.

  1. Firstly, with a brain injury, you need to look after your condition: nausea, dizziness, vomiting - this can lead to lethal outcome if the treatment is not up to the mark.
  2. Secondly, at improper treatment huge bruises - a hematoma can remain inside, and the clot will hurt sharply. Use ointments.
  3. Thirdly, bruises of internal organs that you left without examination will respond with serious deviations. The heart, kidneys, liver can malfunction, which will lead to serious illness.
  4. Fourthly, when bruised very large vessel vascular disease can develop, which will lead to a stroke or even death. Therefore, be sure to consult a doctor. Do not let your health condition take its course, do not listen to grandmothers and do not self-medicate. Health or life can not be bought later, for any money!

Treatment with medications

The doctor will advise a medicine or ointment for bruising, these are the most common of them:

  • Ketanov, analgin - used to remove pain;
  • Aspirin is taken to avoid inflammatory processes;
  • Ibuprofen ointments, quick gel, diclofenac also have anti-inflammatory effects;
  • Finalgon, fastum gel, capsicam - have a warming effect, they can be combined with physical procedures.
  • If after using medicines swelling does not go away - you need to see a doctor for physiotherapy combined with the use of UHF, electrophoresis, laser devices. This is called restorative therapy.

Never heat the injury site and completely avoid the use of hot bath or saunas - this will provoke tumor growth and hemorrhage.


There are many recipes for bruises, here are just a few of them:

Note! Do not abuse ointments, creams and infusions. Traditional medicine is quite dangerous when you do not understand it. It is also contraindicated in pregnant and breastfeeding women, children under 3 years of age. Do not risk the health of loved ones if you are not sure of the result. Because self-medication can bring you to the appearance serious complications. Be careful!

Diseases associated with bruises, sprains and fractures await every person, and at the most inopportune time and in the most unexpected, seemingly safe place. Hit in the garden, turned sharply and pulled the ligaments, the grandson fell off the bike and his leg was swollen? In any situation, the advice of our specialist will help.

Evgeny Tarasov, doctor the highest category, Moscow:

- With virtually any injury, if not appeared deep wounds, V without fail swelling and hematoma (bruising) appear. It is essential to prevent this.

Injury: easy to take but long to heal

1. It is necessary to easily rub the bruised place with ice for up to half an hour, without stopping.

2. IN warm time years, it is possible to attach bodyagi leaves (dry, but slightly wetted) to the site of the bruise, this will help soothe the pain and prevent the development of either a hematoma or a tumor.

3. It is possible to make an ointment: 2 tbsp. l. bodyagi, crushed into powder, diluted in 4 tbsp. l. boiled water and immediately apply a bandage with this mixture to the site of the bruise.

4. It is also possible to apply fresh cabbage leaves to the bruised place twice a day.

5. It is good to apply gruel from cooked and well-mashed beans to the sore spot.

7. Another simple, but almost trouble-free remedy: dilute any washing soap in water to milky, and then moisten a rag in this water and apply to the site of injury.

8. For severe injuries good effect rubbing the sore spot with a tincture of wild rosemary flowers in vodka or their decoction (for 1 glass of water - 10 g of flowers, boil over low heat for 15 minutes, then strain).

9. If the bruise continues to hurt, it is possible to apply slices of potatoes to the bruised place, bandaging them on top with a rag or cotton cloth and leaving this bandage for the night.

10. For resorption of traces of bruises, it is good to apply a cloth with castor oil. The hardening remaining at the end of the bruise must be kneaded and massaged. It is possible to apply aloe with honey to the traces left at the end of bruises.

11. But from the official pharmaceutical ointments, perhaps the most demonstrated ointments based on snake either bee venom(such as viprosal, viprosal B and apizatron), and diclofenac ointment.

Bruises can be lubricated with a special ointment.
Gently mix pine or spruce resin(resin), finely chopped onion, vegetable oil and bronze vitriol powder. Heat this mixture for 30 minutes. on fire without bringing it to a boil. Lubricate the bruised area every 4 hours.

Many do not know that a victim with broken legs must be carried with their feet forward up the stairs or uphill, and from the stairs or down the mountain - head first, so that the legs are always higher than the head

If your finger is pinched or hurt

Rub it for 30 min. ice or lower for 5-7 minutes. V cold water(preferably with arnica)

If necessary, repeat this procedure after a minute.

If the belly is injured

Take a horizontal position

Apply ice immediately to the injury

Try to bring to the doctor as soon as possible (especially if the bruise is accompanied by nausea, dizziness, and even more so vomiting)

Attention: In this case, do not rush to take analgesics - they can blur the picture of a probable internal bleeding when some internal organs are damaged, making it difficult to diagnose.

If the bone is broken

At closed fractures(especially, needless to say, if they are without bias) it is sometimes not uncommon for a non-specialist to make a correct diagnosis.

In contrast to a bruise, in most cases, movements in the injured limb are disturbed during a fracture, and pain sharply improves at the site of the fracture. This pain has its own peculiarity - it is local, and if you feel the injured limb, then at the fracture site pain sharply increase, and practically a few centimeters from this place they are not at all.

In addition, if it is not entirely clear whether it is a fracture or just a bruise, it is still better to play it safe and start providing appropriate assistance to the victim as quickly as possible.

The main help in this case is to give the victim painkillers and fix the injured limb. If there are no analgesics at hand in the situation, it is possible to resort to the help of alcohol.

2. Fixation - immobilization of a broken limb.
Put the limb in tires (lubok). If you don’t have them, then it’s possible to do the following: lubricate the skin at the fracture site with iodine (or at least wipe it with alcohol), close it with a clean cloth, put as much cotton as possible on top and then carefully bandage it.

Take a couple of narrow wooden planks (like chips) and distribute them over the bandage - from above, from the sides, and then again bandage the injured arm or leg.

If there are no tires, no splints, and, moreover, wooden planks, it is possible to use the same shovel with a long handle or boards broken out of the picket fence. In the very last resort the injured arm can be fixed on the body, and the broken leg can be bandaged to the healthy leg.

When immobilizing a limb, it is invariably of fundamental importance to remember that two joints adjacent to the damaged bone must be fixed without fail. For example, in case of a hip fracture, the knee and hip joints must be immobilized.

Ligament sprains can appear not only during falls or unexpectedly prohibitive loads. The leg can turn up when walking.

Much more often, a similar misfortune happens to the knee and ankle joints.

According to the symptoms of joint damage, there are 3 main degrees of stretching:

1. A little pain in the joint due to the rupture of several fibers of the ligaments.

2. Moderate pain, swelling, and difficulty in moving the joint due to wider damage to the ligamentous fibers. In addition, an increasing bruise (bruise) may appear.

3. Strong pain due to rupture of the ligament and subsequent instability of the joint.

We provide first aid

be directed to release the damaged joint (if it is an ankle, then remove shoes and socks).

It is necessary to put the injured joint on soft tissue(stand).

Immediately after the injury, it is imperative to apply to the damaged joint (supporting it in the most ergonomic, pain-free state) not a warm, but a cold compress (or apply ice). Wrap the ice cubes in a paper towel or dense fabric and apply to the sore spot, constantly changing the ice as the compress warms up. If there is no ice, apply a towel soaked in cold water to the affected area. Do this for the first 1-2 days.

Apply well to the affected area iodine mesh 2 times a day.

The joint in which the ligamentous apparatus is stretched should be immobilized as much as possible. Based on this, it is necessary to do a tight bandage of the affected joint during the day. elastic bandage. Or, it is possible to wrap the affected joint on all sides with a thick layer of cotton wool and tightly bandage it with a gauze bandage (making sure that the nails on the tips of the fingers or toes do not turn white or turn blue!).

You need to go to the emergency room or to the clinic (polyclinic) and take an x-ray.

If it is not possible to consult a doctor, start warming procedures from the 4th day - first of all, applications and compresses.

1. mix grated raw potatoes with fresh or sauerkraut and onion mashed with sugar, mix it all into clay diluted with yogurt, and make applications with this composition at night.

2. In the form of a compress, it is possible to apply a chopped medium-sized onion to the injured area.

3. Gauze folded in a couple of layers or terry towel soak in garlic infusion. To make it, pour 3 cloves of minced garlic with 50 ml of boiling water and leave for 1-2 hours.

4. Squeeze the juice of 1 lemon onto the gauze and apply to the affected joint.

5. To relieve pain and to combat growing inflammation, it is also possible to take brufen, ibuprofen, ortofer, or use ointments: apizatron, efkamon, viprosal, diclofenac, fastum-gel. Pre-rub 2-3 g of ointment into the joint, and then cover it with a dry warming bandage. Huge healing effect gives a combination of ointments with taking tablet preparations.

But athletes have not only exorbitant loads, but also chronic overexertion joint can lead to sprain ligamentous apparatus. Well-known expressions are jumper's knee, swimmer's knee, tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, and baseball's elbow.
Unfortunately, in the winter-icy traumatic time from probable sprain bundles, alas, virtually none of us is insured.

The knee joint is very fragile, therefore, it is very easy to damage it: in an accident, working in the garden, or also playing beach volleyball

If the meniscus is damaged

Few adults can boast that they have never damaged, injured, or even torn knee-joint. Indeed, not only athletes with their usually sharp and exorbitant loads on these joints, not only accident victims, but also simply working, for example, in their summer cottage or those who like to play volleyball somewhere on the beach (especially on the sand) or football, or perhaps just uncomfortable crouching or twisting a leg during a wellness run, people can damage their knee joints. In addition, during the course morning exercises some people manage to get not only a tear, but also an important rupture of the meniscus. In addition, sometimes the cartilaginous lining between the bone structures in the knee joint does not withstand. Perhaps, first of all, this happens in older people, which is facilitated by the already existing age-related transformations in their knee joints.

Menisci, in other words, cartilage formations located on the condyles tibia, much more often (in 75% of cases) are damaged with inside knee joint. Along with this, usually along with this, a rupture or tear can also appear in the cruciate or internal lateral ligament.

Therapeutic action plan

1. We need to try to identify what happened to the knee joint.

Symptoms of a torn meniscus:

clicking sensation, as if something had cracked in the knee joint

acute pain that does not allow the victim to normally bend and straighten the leg - the joint seems to be wedged, with these attempts, in most cases, a sharp pain appears

the joint begins to swell due to the accumulation of blood in its cavity.

2. be directed immediately to provide rest to the affected joint by bandaging it tightly (it is good to rub an analgesic and anti-inflammatory ointment or gel like viprosal, diclofenac, fastum-gel into it beforehand).

3. It is necessary to immediately put frost on the affected knee - a container or a heating pad with ice.

4. With pronounced pain syndrome the victim should be given analgesics with an anti-inflammatory component - the same ibuprofen, brufen, indomethacin, orthofen (diclofenac), naproxen, or at least analgin, citramon or aspirin.

5. Significantly more often, with a pronounced lesion of the joint, a plaster splint is superimposed on it for an average of 10 days. If this is not possible, then go to immobilize (immobilize) the affected joint with an elastic bandage.

6. It is necessary during the day to try as long as possible to keep the leg with the injured joint above the level of the heart.

7. It is fundamentally important to avoid those positions of the leg that lead to increased pain in the affected joint.

Quite often it happens that the pain temporarily lets go. But this impression is in most cases deceptive - with any slightest noticeable physical activity pain returns in most cases. Along with this, the joint becomes more and more swollen due to the release of the so-called synovial fluid into it. Just on the basis of this, the struggle for the return of a crippled knee joint to service should not be left to chance, it is best to seek advice and help from a surgeon or a traumatologist as soon as possible.

Attention: correct diagnosis rupture of the meniscus can only be delivered by a doctor at the end of the palpation study of the joint, or, in addition, by means of its magnetic resonance imaging.

If the diagnosis of a meniscus tear is confirmed, it is prescribed in most cases conservative treatment(the same analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs), and physiotherapy and in the future - a special physical therapy.

In order to prevent amplification inflammatory process in the once already affected joint, 1-2 times a week, apply a leaf to this diseased joint fresh burdock, bandaging it for 3-4 hours. winter period and in the off-season, dried burdock leaves should be used. Soak the previously prepared burdock in hot water and, after soaking it, bandage this leaf to the sore joint at night 1-2 times a week.

If conservative treatment does not give a noticeable result, then you have to resort to surgical intervention.

Any person (but above all, of course, those who lead an active lifestyle) should train their knee joints so that they are able to cope with any load on them. And for this, apart from the special warm-up exercises for the joints included in the complexes of morning exercises or aerobics, all people were shown uniform jogging on flat terrain, swimming, and those who had already prepared their joints for stress - cycling.

From traditional medicine

Folk methods are advised to use silver water in the form of compresses when menisci are torn. It is not difficult to prepare it: you need to pour 1 liter of unboiled water into an enameled saucepan and load a silver item into it, closing it well with a lid. Water is infused for 3 days.

To strengthen the menisci will help the performance of a special exercise that can be done at home, as well as in addition to the elderly.

Lying on your back, 3-5 min. rotate your legs, as if imitating cycling, after which, sitting down, thoroughly massage your knee joints.

In the first minutes after the end of the bruise, do not try to get up on your own or move the injured limb. call ambulance and wait for an expert.

If the pain is very severe, ask for an anesthetic injection. After that, the doctors who came to the rescue, in most cases, carefully move the victim onto a stretcher and take him to the clinic, where you need to do X-ray, which recognizes the presence or absence of bone fractures.

A day after the accident, I again turned to the traumatologist. I had to do magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound of the vessels in order to check how the joints, ligaments and blood vessels suffered, due to the fact that all the bones, fortunately, were preserved. The study showed that I had a ligament tear in my ankle and knee joints. The doctor immediately issued a verdict: lie down for a month and walk for 2 months with a plastic fixator put on the knee joint.

Be sure to systematically visit a traumatologist. Due to the fact that, in addition, torn ligaments, with improper treatment, will remind you of yourself all your life: your legs hurt, react to weather changes, and ache.

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