How to smear the ankle with sprain. Ointments for ankle sprains: a list of remedies with different effects. Likely causes and symptoms of sprains

Different kinds joint injuries require their primary immobilization in order to prevent aggravation of the problem and speed up recovery. The same should be done with an ankle sprain, for the treatment of which ointments are often used.

These topical products have different effects, which explains the presence of different active ingredients in their composition.


The drug is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, the main active ingredient which is diclofenac.

The tool is widely used for the treatment of sprains ligamentous apparatus ankle, because it has such an effect:

  • Analgesic (pain reliever);
  • Decongestant;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Regenerating;
  • The drug helps to inhibit the development of pathological processes in the joint.

Ortofen owes its effectiveness not only to the main component, but also to the auxiliary ones:

As for the application of the ointment, if it is necessary to eliminate the sprain, it is applied to the ankle with gentle rubbing movements. The layer of funds should not be plentiful. You can use the drug no more than three times / day. At one time it is desirable to use a maximum of 4 g of the drug. It is permissible to apply 8 g of the drug per day.

Treat ankle sprains using "Ortofena" need no longer than 2 weeks.

There are a number of contraindications to the use of the drug:

  • Trophic ulcers;
  • Asthma;
  • Violation of hematopoietic processes;
  • Tendency to allergies;
  • peptic ulcer duodenum or stomach;
  • Rhinitis;
  • Diseases of the kidneys, liver;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the remedy.

Ankle sprain cannot be treated "Ortofen" during pregnancy III trimester, as well as breastfeeding. If it is necessary to take medication during lactation, breastfeeding should be abandoned.

For the treatment of children under 6 years of age, "Ortofen" also does not apply, except when the medication is prescribed by a doctor, indicating the dosages and terms of treatment with ointment.


With the use of this ointment, many diseases of the ligamentous and articular apparatus are treated, including ankle sprains. The drug is a venotonic, refers to decongestants.

The main component of the drug is troxerutin.

The list of auxiliary ingredients "Troxevasin" includes the following components:

This composition determines the effect of the ointment used to treat ankle sprains:

  • Anticoagulant;
  • Decongestant;
  • Venoprotective;
  • Tonic in relation to capillaries;
  • The drug helps to increase the density of blood vessels, strengthening them;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Anti-exudative.

When sprained ligaments ankle joint the drug is applied by applying it to the skin and performing massaging movements, due to which the medicine must be completely absorbed. After the procedure, you can put a bandage or bandage on the injured joint to protect it, ligaments and nearby muscles from the development of pathological processes.

Apply the ointment twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. If the treatment is not effective within a week, it is necessary to discuss with the doctor the change of medication.

There are contraindications to the use of "Troxevasin":

  • Allergy to its components;
  • Presence on the skin over the ankle joint various kinds damage.


The ointment is a warming agent with the ability to locally irritate. Like other medicines in this group, apply "Apizartron" when stretching the ligamentous apparatus of the ankle joint in the first days of the disease, it does not follow.

The effect of the ointment is as follows:

The effectiveness of the ointment is felt already a few minutes after its application.

"Apizartron" contains several active ingredients at once:

  • allyl isothiocyanate;
  • Methyl salicylate;
  • Bee venom.

In the list of auxiliary substances of the ointment are the following components:

  • Cetostearyl alcohol;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • White Vaseline;
  • Purified water.

When stretching the ligamentous apparatus of the ankle joint, it is important to apply the ointment correctly. This should be done twice or thrice / day, applying the product in a layer about 1 mm thick. The drug must be gently rubbed, but first it should just stay on the skin for a couple of minutes (until you feel a feeling of warmth). It is advisable to insulate the treated area after applying the ointment (at least with a bandage).

After using the agent for warming up the muscles, ligaments, it is necessary to thoroughly wash your hands with soap.

How long the treatment will continue, the doctor must determine. Usually, the ointment is used until the patient feels relief and elimination of the ankle sprain.

There are contraindications to the use of the drug:

  • Renal failure in severe, chronic form;
  • Mental diseases;
  • Arthritis in acute form;
  • The patient's age is less than 12 years;
  • Dermatological diseases;
  • Tumors, regardless of their quality;
  • Violation of the processes of bone marrow hematopoiesis.

"Symphytum DN"

The medicine is homeopathic remedy widely used for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including ankle sprains. The drug is a substance of a liquid consistency of a yellowish color.

The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, stops dystrophic processes in joints, muscles, degeneration of ligaments.

The main component of the drug is symphytum, and among the auxiliary substances are water, ethanol, green soap.

The drug is used twice or thrice / day. It must be applied to the skin over the site of stretching of the ligamentous apparatus of the damaged joint, gently rub the remedy.

Treatment with this ointment should be carried out for 2 weeks (maximum a month). If there is no result within the first 14 days, you should change the drug, and it is advisable to do this together with your doctor.

You can not use "Symfitum DN" in such cases:

  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • Dermatological diseases;
  • Presence on the skin over the affected area of ​​damage.

Which remedy to choose should be determined after the examination and together with the doctor. As a rule, treatment is carried out with the help of anti-inflammatory ointments, along with decongestants. Later, the doctor may add warming medications to the list of drugs.

As for homeopathic remedies, they can be used independently, but subject to contraindications.

Ankle sprain is not a fatal disease, but it requires medical assistance, otherwise the treatment may be delayed for a long time, and the disease can give complications.

The pain that occurs in the ankle joint is the result of any injuries, and also serves as a signal for the development of any pathology in the body. So, often a person has pain in the ankle joint with destructive pathologies of cartilage, bone or tendon tissues. There are a lot of reasons for the development of pain, and in order to understand how to treat a diseased joint, it is necessary to find out what led to the development of a symptom, because incorrect therapy can only aggravate the patient's condition.

When a symptom appears, it is necessary to seek the advice of a doctor as soon as possible and, if possible, to ensure the joint is at rest until the cause is identified.

What to do if the ankle joint swells and hurts and how to treat this ailment?

The structure and function of the ankle

The ankle joint includes the tibia, talus, and fibula connected by tendons and forming a joint in the form of a block. The muscles located in the ankle allow it to move, providing mainly plantar and dorsal flexion.

Causes of pain and swelling

There are many reasons why your ankle hurts. Most often, the condition develops as a result of pathological processes that require mandatory treatment.


Arthrosis of the ankle is a lesion of the cartilage of the joint with a gradual and slow development. As a result of the disease, the cartilage becomes thinner, which leads to its destruction. Lack of treatment, as a rule, leads to a complete functional impairment of the joint. Pathology, unfortunately, is irreversible, but it is possible to slow down the course of the disease and reduce the manifestations of symptoms by starting treatment in a timely manner.

The disease develops in 4 stages, at each of which the patient is tormented by certain signs and symptoms:

Stage 1, as a rule, does not bring much concern to a person. The main sign of pathology during this period is a slight stiffness in the joint after waking up, which disappears within 15 minutes. This stage is characterized by a slight aching pain and fatigue in the legs when walking, which occurs when a person walks a distance of just over 1 kilometer. It is also often noted the occurrence of a crackling sound when moving the joint.

Stage 2 is characterized aching pain when walking and feeling tired legs when a person walks a distance of less than 1 kilometer. morning stiffness in the joint is longer than at the very beginning of the disease.

Stage 3 is manifested by pronounced symptoms. The pain is acute. The pain syndrome intensifies evening time. The joint begins to inflame, deform, increase, muscle atrophy occurs.

Stage 4 is the last and develops due to lack of treatment. The pathology is characterized by complete dysfunction of the ankle, although signs such as pain and swelling of the joint completely disappear. At this stage, there is a complete fusion of the articular surfaces, cartilage tissue completely destroyed.

The disease is treated by a surgeon, a rheumatologist and an orthopedist.

Therapy aims to reduce inflammatory manifestations, anesthesia, maintaining the mobility of the diseased joint and slowing down the destruction. For treatment use:

  • nonsteroidal drugs anti-inflammatory effects in the form of injections, tablets and ointments;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • glucocorticosteroid hormones.

At stages 3 and 4, joint arthroplasty is indicated.


Inflammation of the Achilles tendon, which is manifested by pain in the heel or under the calf muscle.

Signs of Achilles are swelling and redness of the Achilles tendon, as well as a painful syndrome of varying intensity. As a rule, pain occurs at the beginning of walking, after which it subsides. Localization of pain depends on the area of ​​inflammation. If the development of the inflammatory process occurred in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe connection with the calf muscles, soreness is observed in the lower leg, but if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe connection with the heel bone is inflamed, then the pain occurs precisely in this place.

Additional symptoms of Achilles can be coarsening of the tissue, thickening of the tendon, tension in the calf, hyperthermia, and inflammation of the skin over the affected area. Also, prolonged inflammation leads to movement restrictions in the ankle.

Achilles is treated by a traumatologist, orthopedist or surgeon. Often, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory therapy, means for local anesthesia, physiotherapy and therapeutic exercises.


Inflammatory-destructive lesion of the ankle of various nature. When the disease affects one joint (unilateral arthritis, developing as a result of infection or injury) or both joints (bilateral, the formation of which occurs due to systemic pathologies).

The joint rapidly loses mobility, the temperature rises in the area of ​​soft tissues.

At chronic course symptoms develop slowly, gradually. Swelling and hyperemia are mild, the patient notes some stiffness in movement in the morning and acute pain when moving the joint.

Arthritis develops in 3 stages.

Stage 1 is caused by aching pain with any movement, which subsides at rest and some movement restrictions. Sometimes the joint may swell slightly.

At stage 2, the ankle constantly hurts, the pain becomes acute. The mobility of the foot is significantly reduced. At this stage, the ankle may swell a lot.

Stage 3 is characterized by a sharp loss of joint mobility, it swells. The patient suffers from constant sharp pain, there is a deformation of the foot, the development of ankylosis and, as a result, the patient's disability.

Arthritis is treated by a rheumatologist or orthopedic traumatologist. The main method of diagnosis is radiography of the joint in frontal and lateral projections. They also carry out cytological and microbiological research synovial fluid, diagnostic thermography, ultrasound. According to indications, radionuclide scintigraphy and arthroscopy can be used.

Arthritis is treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and steroid drugs. Synthetic steroids can be injected directly into the joint cavity. In addition, painkillers, vitamins and broad-spectrum antibiotics are used.

After the removal of the acute inflammatory process, the patient is recommended treatment with physiotherapy (electrophoresis, phonophoresis, amplipulse therapy). It also shows exercise therapy and massage.


Ankle sprains are called ankle sprains or tears. The main symptom of the condition is swelling of the ankle joint due to the resulting hemorrhage and pain during exercise. Pain wears different character depending on the severity of the injury. When constriction, the patient feels a slight aching pain in the ankle joint, with a rupture, the pain is acute, unbearable.

Diagnosis and treatment is carried out by a traumatologist, who prescribes the necessary treatment based on x-ray images.


Gout is characterized by degeneration of the joints due to metabolic disorders.

Gout is a paroxysmal disease. The frequency of attacks varies from 1-3 per year to 1-2 times a week. During an attack, the patient feels a sharp pain and complete immobilization of the joint. In addition, a significant swelling appears over the joint, the temperature of the skin over the joint rises sharply, turns red. Pain is aggravated by palpation. An increase in the patient's body temperature is also often noted.

As a therapy use:

Drugs to reduce the level of uric acid (its excess is the main cause of the development of the disease), such as Allopurinol, Febuxostat, Adenurik, etc.;

  • painkillers;
  • NSAIDs;
  • glucocorticoids.

Dislocation and fracture of the calcaneus

Quite rare injuries that form after a fall or jump from a great height.

A dislocation is characterized by severe pain and swelling of the ankle joint.

A bone fracture is manifested by sharp and severe pain and the inability to step on the foot. In addition, the heel of the victim expands, it is deformed. Often the heel turns outward, the foot flattens, and a hematoma forms.

For diagnosis, radiography and tomography are used.

Treatment is carried out by a traumatologist who, after local anesthesia manually sets the deformed fragments into place. Also, the place of dislocation/fracture is fixed in plaster.

Peripheral edema and vascular obstruction

Pain in the ankle joint may be the result of a violation of blood microcirculation in peripheral vessels. This state accompanied by swelling and enlargement of the veins. Pathology is characterized by aching pain in the ankle, ankle joints hurt. As a rule, peripheral edema appears on both legs at once.

When vascular obstruction occurs, blood clot, in connection with which the blood circulation in the affected limb is disturbed, which leads to edema, swelling of the joint and aching pain.

Main therapeutic measures include physical exercises regulating the outflow of blood from the legs, the imposition and wearing of compression bandages, the use of tonic ointments and gels, as well as absorbable preparations, the use of compresses.

Infectious lesions

The ankle can hurt if the ankle and its soft tissues are affected by infection. Characteristic features for infectious lesions is swelling and redness of the joint. Pain in this case varies from mild to sharp and burning and depends on the underlying cause of the pathology.

For diagnosis, methods of blood analysis, synovial fluid, X-ray and ultrasound are used. The tactics of treatment are different in each case and are determined solely by a specialist.


If the ankle joint is swollen and sore, then this may be a sign oncological diseases bones lower extremities. At the very beginning of the development of pathology, the pain syndrome is not pronounced, without localization. Further, as the cells grow, the pain becomes more intense, motor restrictions appear. With this disease, there is functional impairment ankle joint, the area around it begins to hurt, the patient limps. Externally, the tumor is manifested by swelling over the joint, inflamed skin at the site of injury, and hyperthermia.

Pain and inflammation of the ankle joint can be a manifestation of other oncological pathologies.

Pain in the right or left ankle

The pain can be caused by a banal curvature of the spine. Interestingly, with curvature spinal column to the right, the person feels discomfort and pain in the left leg, including pulling pain in the left ankle joint, and vice versa.

Pain when walking

Sometimes the patient complains of pain of varying intensity when walking. The symptom is often provoked following states and diseases:

  • osteochondrosis of the spine, characterized by aching pain;
  • hernia intervertebral disc, manifested by acute periodic pain when walking;
  • flat feet, characterized by pulling pain;
  • osteophyte, which is characterized by acute pain when stepping on a sore leg;
  • heel spur - sharp pain, sharp, burning.

Diseases not related to the musculoskeletal system

  • hemophilia;
  • bursitis;
  • pathology of the veins and arteries of the legs;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • menstruation and pregnancy;
  • heart failure;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • psoriasis;
  • obesity;
  • bites of insects or animals;
  • irrational nutrition;
  • chondrocalcinosis;
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes.

In what cases should you immediately consult a doctor?

Emergency medical assistance is needed:

  • if the limb is very swollen, the joint is inflamed, there is a significant rise in temperature in the affected area, the leg has acquired an unnatural shape;
  • if pain intolerable or not stopped with the help of painkillers;
  • if pain in the ankle joint is accompanied by skin rashes, temperature increase;
  • if the patient is unable to move independently;
  • soreness after an injury is felt not only in the joint, but also inside the bone.

How to relieve pain?

In order to help the patient cope with pain in the ankle, it is necessary first of all to provide rest to the affected joint. With a pronounced pain syndrome, it is necessary to observe the pastel regime, with mild pain, you can put an elastic bandage on the joint, a therapeutic bandage.

Externally, Ibuprofen, Voltaren, Troxevasin, etc. are used. Inside, it is recommended to take Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Voltaren.

Any drug preparation has its contraindications adverse reactions. Before using medicines, you must read the instructions.

Among folk recipes popular means for treating joint pain are raw potato compresses, which must be grated and applied to the inflamed joint for 15-20 minutes, as well as comfrey-based ointment. To prepare it, you need to mix 200 ml of vegetable oil and 1 cup of dry comfrey grass. Boil the resulting mixture in a water bath for 30-40 minutes, then strain and add 100 g to the oil decoction. beeswax. Cool the mixture and use it 2-3 times a day, rubbing it into the diseased joint, which can relieve pain in a short time.
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Ointments for the treatment of sprains

Sprain - quite frequent view injuries, mainly received at home or while playing sports. Most often, ligaments of large joints are stretched - knee, ankle, shoulder. After all, they are experiencing maximum load when walking, running, while running physical work. The main type of treatment for sprained ligaments is local use medicines in the form of ointments, gels, rubs, creams.

General principles

Before saying what ointments are needed for sprains, you should first find out what happens. In most cases, sprains are not associated with a risk to the health and life of the patient (unless there are other, more severe injuries). However, symptoms such as pain, swelling, and decreased range of motion can permanently impair a patient's quality of life and deprive them of their usual activities.

These symptoms are caused by direct mechanical impact received during trauma (shock, fall), impaired local blood circulation, and developed as a result of this local reactions. By the way, no stretching of the ligaments occurs in this case - the ligaments are not stretched, but torn. And what many take for stretching is actually a micro-tear. But the essence of this does not change. As with stretching, and with rupture of ligaments, it is necessary:

  • Anesthetize the patient
  • Remove swelling
  • Relieve inflammation
  • Restore lost range of motion.

All this should be done as quickly as possible, so that there are no persistent motor restrictions - contractures. The main type of treatment in this case is the local administration of soft dosage forms called ointments. What is an ointment? In a simplified interpretation, this is an active medicinal substance dissolved in an ointment base. The ointment base plays an auxiliary role of a filler, and promotes the penetration of the active drug through the skin into the deeper tissues and into the capillary bloodstream, where it exerts its effect. therapeutic effect.

The role of the ointment base is mainly vegetable, animal or synthetic fats - pork fat, vegetable oils, petroleum jelly, as well as glycerin, paraffin, ozocerite, and much more. In addition to ointments, gels, creams, liniments, and pastes are also distinguished. All of them differ very slightly from each other in the ratio of the filler and active ingredients, fat content, pH (acidity), ability to penetrate the skin, etc. Therefore, we will call all drugs of this group for the treatment of sprains ointments.

Active Ingredients

As already mentioned, the therapeutic effect of ointments is due to the presence of one or another active ingredient, medicines. According to the mechanism of action, these drugs can be grouped into several groups.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Perhaps NSAID ointments are the most common drug group for the treatment of ligaments, both in sprain and in rupture. The bottom line is that in response to damage to the ligaments, a complex cascade of tissue biochemical reactions is launched with the formation of specific substances - the so-called. inflammatory mediators responsible for edema and pain. NSAIDs block the synthesis of inflammatory mediators, and thereby eliminate pain and swelling. The most effective in this regard are ointments with Indomethacin, Diclofenac, Voltaren, Ketoprofen.

Steroid hormones

Hormones of the adrenal cortex and their synthetic analogues suppress inflammation and reduce the permeability of the vascular wall, thereby preventing the development of edema. Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone are part of the ointments of the same name.

Irritant warming agents

These funds expand blood capillaries, enhance local blood circulation, and thereby promote resorption inflammatory focus and healing of damaged ligaments. This group includes ointments made on the basis of bee or snake venom preparations containing Camphor nicotinic acid, vegetable essential oils. These ointments should not be taken immediately after the sprain, when they will only aggravate the swelling, but the next day after the injury.


These include Menthol and its derivatives. True, in fairness, it is worth noting that Menthol does not reduce skin temperature. It just causes a pleasant feeling of coolness and pain relief. But another remedy, Chloroethyl, has a direct cooling and anesthetic effect. True, it is not presented in the form of an ointment, but in the form of an aerosol. Upon contact with the skin, it evaporates intensively, which leads to cooling of the skin and to a decrease in its sensitivity.

Local anesthetics

Absorbed by the skin and soft tissues, these agents penetrate into nerve fiber, and block the conduction on it nerve impulse. This eliminates all types of superficial and deep sensitivity, including pain.

Absorbable products

This is Heparin. It is an anticoagulant that thins the blood and prevents blood clots. These effects lead to an improvement in the local blood supply to the damaged ligaments, and to the speedy resorption of the inflammatory focus. Ointments with Heparin, as with irritants, should not be applied on the first day after injury, when the risk of bleeding and swelling remains.


These funds strengthen the vascular wall of capillaries and veins. After all, with a rupture and sprain of ligaments, there is often a violation of the local venous circulation. Restoration of venous blood flow helps to eliminate edema and resorption of existing hematomas. In this regard, Venoruton, Troxevasin, Aescin, which are part of the ointments and gels of the same name, are used.


It is noteworthy that for the treatment of ligaments are mainly used combined ointments, having in its composition not any one drug, but several. For example, NSAIDs can be combined with local anesthetics and with irritants. Or menthol - with local anesthetics. In these cases, the treatment becomes complex, with the elimination of all pathological links that form when the ligaments are torn.

Below are the most effective combined ointments:

  • Dolobene gel - contains Dimethyl sulfoxide (NSAID), anticoagulant Heparin, and Dexpanthenol, which promotes the healing of damaged ligaments.
  • Nikoflex - thanks to the available ingredients, it has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and resolving effect.
  • Apizartron - made on the basis of bee venom with addition mustard oil and NSAIDs methyl salicylate.
  • Finalgon is a mixture of nicotinic acid ester and Vanillylnonamide, which have a local irritant, warming and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Menovazin is not an ointment, but a rub for damaged ligaments, combining Menthol with local anesthetics - Anestezin and Novocaine.
  • Ben-Gay - gel with a combination of Menthol and NSAIDs Methyl salicylate
  • Viprosal - ointment based on snake venom with the addition of essential fir oil and salicylic acid
  • Menthol ointment - in addition to Menthol contains Methyl Salicylate
  • Camphocin is a rubbing liquid containing camphor, salicylates, and pepper tincture.
  • Capsoderm is an ointment containing local irritants - Capsacin and Camphor.


Of course, this is not all combined means for external use in ligament injuries. However, regardless of the mechanism of action of the ointment, gel or cream, one thing must be observed. general rule. All these products are applied carefully, and rubbed with soft sliding smooth movements, without jerking and strong pressure.

And further. Contraindications specific to internal reception of this or that remedy, are completely valid for external use. An example is NSAIDs. Even ointments containing these drugs can adversely affect the work gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, before using this or that ointment or gel for sprains or ruptures of ligaments, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

One of the most common injuries in everyday life is an ankle sprain. Housewives and athletes, youth and pensioners face such damage at least once in their lives. Many are familiar with something unpleasant, and sometimes to tears painful sensation during dislocation of the foot, after which the leg swells and make the next step problematic. Let's try to figure out whether ointments and other external agents can help in such a situation.

When treatment with ointments is acceptable

Only a few go to the doctor with such an injury, and then in the case strong stretching ligaments and muscles. Most try to treat themselves using compresses, creams and ointments. In principle, if the ligaments have retained their integrity, home therapy is justified. The main thing is to know which and how to properly use ointments for ankle sprains.

Any dislocation is accompanied by the protrusion of the joint beyond its limits. functionality. Therefore, minor and serious damage to soft tissues is inevitable. Not only ligaments can be stretched, but also tendons and muscles. There is also a break small vessels. Therefore, when the ankle joint is stretched, there is whole complex painful symptoms.

With a complete rupture of the ligaments, the joint completely loses its flexion-extension abilities. Therefore, such injuries are considered quite dangerous and require surgical intervention. Often, problems with ligaments are accompanied by separation of the articular cartilage, the appearance of cracks in the bone.

It is impossible to independently determine the degree of complexity of damage. In addition, the signs of stretching are in many ways similar to the symptoms of both a simple bruise, and manifestations of a complex fracture, cracks in the bone. In order to confidently begin treatment with external agents, you still need to undergo an examination, which will allow you to exclude complications and recognize dangerous joint injuries in time.

Principles of treatment of sprains with ointments

AT pharmacy network today there are many various means, which can be used to treat such injuries. But it is necessary to choose a suitable ointment for the joint, first of all, depending on the period of treatment.

Important! The cost of an external remedy is not always a confirmation of its effectiveness.

Study the composition and focus on the effect that such a drug has.

Let's try to figure out which ointments can still be used for sprains and muscles:

  1. Immediately after an injury, the leg needs rest and cold. Therefore, as a first aid, it is recommended to immobilize the limb, give it an elevated position and make cold compress. Cold treatment it will take the next couple of days. At this time, it is advisable to use ointments with a cooling effect.
  2. After the diagnosis is made, in parallel with exposure to cold, it is necessary to stop pain, reduce inflammation and swelling. In this case, ointments containing non-steroidal substances are suitable. The main thing is that such funds act in three directions. Hormone drugs have a similar effect.
  3. And just removing inflammatory process, you can start treatment with heat. Here, means of an irritating and warming nature will help.

In practice, the tactics of treatment should look like this: cold - relief of pain and inflammation - heat.

interesting complex means. For example, at the first stage of therapy, you can use an analgesic drug of a cooling nature. And as a consequence, a warming ointment containing venotonic.

Also apply aids with bruises and sprains, the action of which is aimed at improving the condition of vessels or containing nutrients, chondroprotectors.

Cooling ointments

Immediately after injury, you can use ointments with a cooling effect. They usually contain menthol or oils. Due to irritation of the skin, such products have a distracting effect. In addition, it usually contains an analgesic, which helps to reduce pain.

Athletes always keep such products at hand, since cooling ointments can be classified as means emergency assistance. After application, the patient feels a pleasant cooling, which prevents the development of puffiness.

For cooling, you can use:

  • Lidochlor;
  • Traumelem S;
  • Flexal;
  • Menovazin;
  • Ledocaine;
  • Sanitas;
  • Kapilar;
  • Menthol ointment.

Important! Means with a cooling effect are not rubbed into the skin, but applied thin layer waiting to be absorbed.

Therefore, for convenience, gels that are absorbed faster are preferred. But on therapeutic effect ointments are much stronger.

Ointments with anti-inflammatory and analgesic action

An important stage in the treatment of ankle sprains includes reducing pain against the background of the inflammatory process. To cope with such a problem, external-type agents, which include drugs of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory group, will help.

To quickly relieve pain, you can use ointments containing:

  • Diclofenac - in Diklovit, Ortofen, Diklak, Voltaren, Diclofenac;
  • Ibuprofen - in Nurofen, Dolgit;
  • Nimesulide - in Nise;
  • Ketoprofen - in Artrozilene, Febrofide, Ketonal, Fastum;
  • Indomethacin - in Indovazin, Indomethacin-Acre;
  • Piroxicam - in Finalgel.

Such drugs have a pronounced analgesic effect and can significantly reduce the inflammatory process locally. Apply up to 3-5 times a day. After application, the product is rubbed into the skin. Fixing dressings at the site of application of the ointment are not required.

With severe pain, in parallel with the external agent, the patient is recommended to take tablets with an analgesic or NVPS. Given that nonsteroidal drugs have a number of serious contraindications and complications, preference is still given to external use.

This is especially true for patients with problems of the stomach, digestion, who are strictly prohibited from taking such drugs.

The duration of treatment with ointments containing nonsteroidal agents does not exceed 5 to 7 days. This period is quite enough to remove the painful symptoms of a sharp nature.

Important! Despite less negative impact on the body of ointments with NVPS than tablets or injections, apply them longer than a week not worth it.

  • Separately, it is worth highlighting ointments containing viper venom, for example, . The peculiarity of such ointments is that they do not contain NVPS, which means they do not cause side effects characteristic of ointments of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory group, while they have an analgesic effect in arthritis, myalgia and neuralgia.


Video - Ankle Sprain

Ointments with hormonal agents

Means, which include glucocorticoid hormones, have gained rather controversial popularity. Treatment of sprains is usually carried out with ointments Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone.

Indeed, such gels Ambulance at the most unbearable pain. In addition, they are able to quickly stop the inflammatory process. With such tasks, the ointments of this group do an excellent job, and patients note a significant improvement in the condition of the injured leg.

Therefore, once having tried such therapy, a person refuses another treatment. But it is difficult to predict what the consequences of such therapy will be in the future.

All hormonal agents that are part of the ointments are synthesized from cortisol. Prolonged use of the stress hormone can provoke not only a number of negative consequences, but also addiction, as well as withdrawal syndrome. Dangers are exposed to the skin, as well as muscle tissue. Often there is bruising, tissue thinning, muscle damage.

Ointments for swelling and bruising

A bruise or sprain of the ankle is accompanied by damage to small capillaries, resulting in local hemorrhage, which is manifested by the appearance of bruises and hematomas. On the background severe inflammation the outflow of lymphatic fluid is impaired, and interstitial fluid goes into the tissue, which manifests itself as a pronounced puffiness.

Such processes provoke an increase in pain, and the presence of problems with blood vessels can result in the formation of blood clots, the development of varicose veins.

Therefore, an important stage of therapy is the use of agents that improve microcirculation and vascular tone. This group includes drugs containing heparin.

You can use:

  • Heparin ointment;
  • Hepatrombin;
  • Lyoton 1000;
  • Heparoid Zentiva.
No less interesting are venotonics containing troxerutin of the type:
  • Troxevasin ointment;
  • Troxerutin;
  • Venolana;
  • Phlebaton;
  • Troxegel;
  • Venohepanol;
  • Troxevenol;
  • Venorutinol.

Usually such remedies, for example, heparin, troxevasin ointment are not expensive, but quite effective. They prevent the appearance of blood clots, improve local blood flow, dissolve already formed hematomas.

Warming ointments

Ointments with a warming and irritating effect are an excellent remedy for the treatment of sprains, bruises, and dislocations.

The main thing to remember is that the first days after the injury, such methods of treatment cannot be used.

It is possible to warm up the tissues locally only after the inflammation has been removed. Otherwise, due to heating, the inflammatory process will worsen. The main effect of such drugs is to increase blood flow and lymph flow at the site of injury. If you apply such an ointment immediately after an injury, you can provoke increased swelling, subcutaneous and joint bleeding.

It is with the warming action that the main contraindications are associated.

You can not use such ointments:

  • during an exacerbation of any inflammatory diseases joint;
  • with oncology;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • in case of damage to skin.

Given that the composition of such drugs includes poisons, peppers and other potent drugs, allergic reactions are not uncommon.

Burning, itching, redness of the skin is normal reaction for such ointments. But if you feel an unbearable burning sensation, the skin is covered with spots or blisters, it is better to cancel such a medicine.

By the way, a strong burning sensation can occur if the dosage is not observed. When treating with warming ointments, more does not mean good.

Important! Do not try to wash off the ointment that causes discomfort from the skin. When interacting with water, especially hot, its activity only increases.

In such situations, it is better to use any vegetable oil or vaseline. Moisten the swab and gently wipe the area, being careful not to rub the product.

After using some drugs with a warming effect, a whitish coating may appear on the skin. For example, such consequences are characteristic of Finalgon, Dolpic. Before subsequent applications of the drug, such plaque must be washed off, as it will prevent the penetration of active substances into the tissues.

Among the popular and effective ointments with a warming effect can be distinguished:

  • Apizatron with bee venom;
  • Kapsikam with benzyl nicotinate, camphor and dimexide;
  • Viprosal with viper venom;
  • Quick-gel with ketoprofen;
  • Gevkamen with camphor.

Strictly observe the dosage of such products and wash your hands thoroughly after using them. Avoid contact with any mucous membranes, especially the eyes.

There are many more ointments of complex or specific effects. interesting homeopathic preparations, as well as products prepared according to home recipes. But their action is based on pharmacological properties herbal ingredients. Therefore, it is advisable to use them as an addition to the main treatment, and only with minor damage to the ligaments or during the rehabilitation period.

Three bones - the tibia, tibia, and talus of the foot - form the ankle joint. Its functionality is provided by the ligamentous apparatus - three groups of connective tissue strands that fix the bones together. Ligaments maintain the stability of the joint, somewhat limiting the mobility of its components. They also "control" the rotation, abduction and adduction of the foot.

When the amount of motion of the foot exceeds the allowable, the ligaments of the ankle can be torn. In the people, such an injury is called a sprain.

An ankle sprain occurs when the foot's range of motion is exceeded.

The ligaments that run along the outer ankle are most susceptible to it. Why does an ankle sprain occur, how long does it heal, and what measures will speed up recovery?

Doctors call the leading cause of sprain a foot tuck, when the ankle moves sharply outward, and the heel tucks inward. This situation is familiar to almost all lovers of high heels. If an unsuccessful “start” in shoes with heels is accompanied by a crunch or crack, one should suspect complete break ligament or bone injury.

Tucking your legs in high heels one of the most common causes of sprains

Sometimes the tendon-ligamentous apparatus is weakened from birth, or there are congenital changes foot configuration - then the slightest traumatic impact is fraught with sprain.

And only in 6 patients out of 1000 damage to the ligamentous apparatus of the ankle joint occurs during sports battles. Most often, emergency care is required for skaters and skiers who, when braking hard at high speed, have a rotational movement of the foot inward, followed by sprains.

Among other reasons for the "tear" of the ligamentous fiber - overweight, carrying heavy loads, excessive physical activity caused by professional necessity, as well as a number of diseases - flat feet, arthrosis and inflammatory phenomena in the joint.

Ay, it hurts!

Depending on the amount of damage - complete or incomplete rupture - there are 3 degrees of sprain of the ankle ligaments, each of which is characterized by signs:

  • Degree 1- delamination of ligament fibers. Swelling and pain in the ankle, small. the victim is limping;
  • Sprained ankle ligaments 2 degrees swelling of the soft tissues is pronounced, the victim experiences severe pain, a hematoma is formed in the joint area. Movement is difficult;
  • Symptoms of an ankle sprain 3 degrees indicate a complete rupture of the ligaments: the injury is accompanied by severe edema with extensive hematoma and hemarthrosis; local hypothermia or fever. Sharp pain does not allow you to stand on your foot or take a step, but the foot is unnaturally mobile.

What to do with an ankle sprain?

In case of a significant injury - if the victim cannot lean on his leg - you should call an ambulance and provide the victim with first aid, which, when the ankle is sprained, consists in maximum immobilization of the joint by applying a splint from "improvised" means.

For this purpose, a narrow board is used, which is bandaged, covering the lower leg, ankle and knee.

With a slight sprain of the ankle joint, an eight-shaped bandage is applied. It is fixed by making a coil at the level of the ankles, and gradually, in eight-shaped coils, it is lowered to the foot.
Be sure to apply ice to the injured area and give the victim an anti-pain drug.
Sometimes a complete tear requires a cast.

How to treat an ankle sprain?

Having received qualified assistance traumatologist or surgeon, the victim continues the treatment of ankle sprain at home.

How to fix the foot

Within 7 days, the injured ankle needs fixation and complete unloading. Fixatives - a bandage or teip (an elastic patch held by a bandage) - should not be left for more than 2-3 hours. They should not be too tight, otherwise the vessels adjacent to the injured tissues will be compressed and the cyanosis will increase.

Taping for an ankle sprain will help fix the foot

Taping the ankle joint with a sprain should be performed correctly as follows:

  • The patient is laid down; feet at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • The instep of the foot is lubricated with petroleum jelly and 2 depreciation pads are applied to it, covering the entire damaged area with them;
  • 3-4 strips of teip are wrapped around the lower leg. The strips must be overlapped;
  • Of the 3 subsequent strips, a “stirrup” is formed that overlaps the lower bandage;
  • Close the "stirrup", making 7-8 turns from top to bottom towards the foot. The strips are overlapped;
  • The foot is wrapped with 2-3 strips of teip and, having fixed it on the instep, is taken across the foot to the sole and brought under the heel;
  • The tape is circled around the heel and fixed in that part of the ankle where the instep was started to be fixed. The strip is cut off;
  • The heel is fixed by applying a new strip of tape across the foot and passing it through the sole;

more accessible and universal remedy fixation is an elastic bandage - indispensable in the case when the treatment of an injury is accompanied by the imposition of gypsum.

How to apply an elastic bandage on the ankle:

  • Moving in a circle, form the beginning of the bandage slightly above the ankle;
  • Covering the heel with a bandage, they grab the foot twice;
  • Next, the bandage is moved with cross-shaped movements: from the foot to the lower leg and again to the foot;
  • Once again, returning to the shin, they cover the ankle several times and fix the bandage.

How to properly apply a bandage you will learn from the video:

Apart from elastic bandage and tape for the ankle in case of sprains, special fixators are used - elastic therapeutic ones that stop the inflammatory process, or rigid ones that provide maximum immobilization in case of a serious injury.

For basketball fans, there are also special sneakers with a lock.

How to remove swelling

A bruise and sprain of the ankle with a tumor “puts” the victim to bed for several days.
To reduce swelling of the foot, it is recommended to lie with your legs up.

On the first day, ice compresses are applied to the injured area covered with gauze. Do them, keeping 15-20 minutes, then - a half-hour break - and sore spot cool again.

The next day, they move on to warming procedures. A hot heating pad, warm baths relax muscles, accelerate blood flow, promoting healing.
In the absence of bone damage, swelling will subside by the 3rd day, and a hematoma, even a large one, after 4 days.
If, after 14 days after the ankle sprain, the tumor still does not go away, you should visit the doctor, who will recommend detailing the consequences of the injury by x-ray examination and MRI.

How to anesthetize

Anti-inflammatory therapy is a mandatory component of the treatment of ankle sprains.

On the first day, severe pain will be relieved by injections of ketanov, analgin, renalgan. On the second day they are replaced with tablets.

From the third day, the treatment is made more intense by connecting to it - when the ankle is sprained, these are drugs that promote pain relief - nikoflex, finalgon, as well as blood outflow and "resorption" of the hematoma - troxevasin, dolobene, lioton, indovazin.

Ointments will anesthetize and help relieve swelling

Can I walk with an ankle sprain?
You can walk if it doesn't hurt. In the presence of pain, orthopedic doctors and traumatologists do not recommend “loading” the ankle, or they advise moving around using crutches.

How to repair "stretched" ligaments?

Not a serious injury allows you to start rehabilitation from 3-4 days.

Such early start prevent stiffness of the joint and atrophy of its muscles.

exercise therapy

Simple gymnastics will speed up the recovery of ankle ligaments after sprain:

  • Flexion-extension of the ankle is very effective, incl. with little weight; spinning them;
  • Carefully move around the room, bending and unbending your fingers and fingering them;
  • Shift from heel to toe and back;
  • Grab the leg of the chair with your toes and pull towards you.

More exercises for ankle sprains, you will learn from the video:


Start it at favorable course from 2-3 days. With an ankle sprain, massage begins with stroking and kneading the area just above the injury site. Then, covering the adjacent tendons of the muscles and trying to penetrate the fingers deep into the joint, they stroke and rub the ankle itself.
Massage effect promotes the outflow of exudate and resorption of subcutaneous hemorrhages, accelerates the fusion of ligaments.

Physiotherapy treatment

It is prescribed for pain relief, in combination with exercise therapy and massage. For ankle sprains, physiotherapy includes laser and paraffin treatment, diadynamic therapy and UHF. Magnetic therapy is also used to accelerate lymphatic drainage and increase vascular tone.

Read more about methods of physiotherapy treatment

Folk remedies for ankle sprains

With the permission of the doctor, it is useful to supplement the treatment of ankle sprain at home with natural remedies.

The best of them - various lotions and compresses - will help to quickly cope with swelling during ankle sprains and relieve pain:

  • Moisten a bandage or gauze in vodka, apply to the injury site. Top cover with cellophane film and cotton wool (you can use a woolen cloth). Leave for 6-8 hours. Similarly, compresses are made from warm milk. Already on the second day, the swelling subsides;
  • Pass 2 onion heads through a meat grinder, mix the gruel with 1 tbsp. salt. Put a layer of gauze on the ankle, on top - a mixture, and cover with gauze. You can mix onion gruel with a mixture of two grated potatoes, cabbage leaf and sugar;
  • It is possible to significantly relieve pain and inflammation with the help of a compress from a diluted up to 50%: when the ankle ligaments are sprained, it is placed for 15-20 days for an hour;
  • An excellent effect is given by a combination of 50 ml of a diluted drug with 30 ml of water and a 2% solution of novocaine with the addition of 1 ampoule of a hydrocortisone solution. Withstand the compress for 40 minutes.

More Recipes folk remedies for the treatment of sprains, you will learn from the video:

Instead of a conclusion

Most backfire sprains of the ankle ligaments - with an inattentive attitude towards it, “looseness” of the joint is possible and high probability re-injuries in the future.

Therefore, do not neglect the advice of a doctor, and be healthy!

Ankle sprain is a fairly common injury. For the treatment of this condition, immobilization is mainly used with an elastic bandage or plaster splint, as well as various local medicines. In order for the active substance to penetrate deeper into the soft tissues, it is necessary to apply it with rubbing movements, and then massage the limb for several tens of minutes. Also improve efficiency local treatment possible by taking certain medications orally. This will lead to a double action and speed up the result.

Anti-inflammatory ointments

Ankle sprains are often accompanied by pain syndrome on the background inflammatory response. Therefore, in complex therapy this injury almost always use non-steroidal analgesics, including for local application. Among ointments with a similar effect, you can use products based on various active substances:

  • Ibuporfen - Nurofen, Dolgit;
  • Diclofenac - Diklak, Voltaren, Ortofen, Diclofenac, Diclovit;
  • Ketoprofen - Fastum, Ketonal, Febrofid, Artrozilen;
  • Indomethacin - Indovazin and Indomethacin-Acre;
  • Piroxicam - Finalgel;
  • Nimesulide - Nise.

All these ointments have an anti-inflammatory effect and eliminate pain, however long-term use are not recommended due to the risk of side effects. To increase the effectiveness, in addition to local application of analgesics, you can use them in tablets.

To eliminate swelling

To reduce the severity of edema and improve microcirculation in the affected area when the ankle joint is sprained, various ointments containing anticoagulants are used. These include:

  1. Troxevasin consists of troxerutin, which has an angioprotective effect and improves microcirculation. Due to this, the area of ​​edema and hematoma decreases faster and the risk of secondary soft tissue changes decreases.
  2. Heparin ointment is a good and inexpensive anticoagulant that prevents the formation of blood clots at the site of vascular damage. In addition, the resorption of the hematoma is accelerated, since it, in fact, dissolves and is absorbed into the systemic circulation. It should be applied with massaging movements three times a day for a week.
  3. Lyoton-gel is more expensive analogue containing the same heparin. However, the concentration of the active substance is much higher, so the effectiveness is also increased.

Warming ointments

It is not recommended to use warming ointments in acute period stretching. In the first day, their effect will be especially negative. But after three to four days, these drugs can accelerate healing by stimulating microcirculation of blood flow in this area. These include:

  1. Kapsikam contains benzyl nicotinate, which improves rheological properties blood, nonivamide, camphor, dimexide, turpentine. Local warming effect lasts for 12 hours.
  2. Apizatron is an ointment that contains bee venom. Due to this, it has a characteristic smell. This medicine stimulates metabolic processes, increases the elasticity of muscles and ligamentous apparatus, and also improves local blood flow. Rub into the affected area should be 2-3 g of ointment. Caution should be observed in patients with allergies.
  3. Comfrey stimulates nerve endings, improves blood circulation, has a warming effect, reduces the severity of pain. It contains allantoin with an anti-inflammatory effect, tannins that stimulate healing processes, vitamin E, which is an antioxidant, and oleresin, which has a warming effect.

Homeopathic ointments

Various homeopathic ointments can also be used to treat patients with ankle sprains. Most often, funds are prescribed for local application containing the following active ingredients:

  • arnica perfectly reduces swelling and accelerates the healing of damaged ligaments;
  • calendula has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect;
  • hypericum promotes rapid healing with micro-ruptures of soft tissues, and also reduces hematoma and swelling at the site of injury;
  • symphytum penetrates deep and acts from within;
  • rue strengthens muscle tissue and eliminates microdamages of cells;
  • aconite is a remedy emergency care, as it reduces the severity of pain syndrome.

You can apply all these ointments on your own, but only if the damage to the joint is minor. Otherwise, you need to visit a doctor who will prescribe an examination and effective treatment.

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