low fat diets. Good and bad fats

The myth of low-fat diets is still popular, despite the fact that it does not stand up to scrutiny. If, giving preference to food with low content fat, you are able to keep your cholesterol and glucose levels under control, then this type of diet is good for you. But for most people, this diet does not work! Dozens of studies have shown that low-fat diets are not only no better for health, but significantly worse than moderate and fatty ones.

Low fat diets are bad

The fact is that low-fat diets are usually high-carbohydrate diets. white flour, White rice, potatoes, sugary drinks - the so-called "fast carbohydrates", leading to sharp increase blood sugar, are fraught with the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease. Fat-free diets also have Negative influence for fats and cholesterol in the blood. They raise levels of "bad" fats (triglycerides) and lower levels of "good" cholesterol (HDL), which also increases the risk of heart disease and hypertension.

There is also a subjective point that everyone who is losing weight probably knows from their own experience. People sitting on low calorie diets constantly feeling hungry. They try to fix it by looking for other low-fat foods, consuming even more of it, and creating vicious circle. As a result, their weight does not decrease, but increases, with all the ensuing consequences (increase in triglycerides and decrease HDL level, increased blood pressure and ischemic heart disease).

Are low-fat foods on store shelves healthier?

Some foods in their natural state contain little or no fat. These are most fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes. And for anyone, this is a healthy choice. Other foods - processed and low fat - are not as good as they seem at first glance. The fact is that manufacturers, in order to somehow compensate for the taste and texture, often add salt, sugar or starch. In this way, low fat foods are not necessarily a "healthy" choice. For example, fat-free mayonnaise is almost always higher than fat mayonnaise in terms of sugar, salt, and starch.

Is it true that we get fat because of fatty foods?

Medical science has proven that this is one of the most enduring myths that have nothing to do with reality. It's not fat that causes weight gain, it's calories. And it doesn’t matter where exactly they are found: in fats, carbohydrates or proteins. Sweet mineral drinks, for example, do not contain fat, and their use is recognized as one of the main causes of the obesity epidemic among Americans.

Can you lose weight on a low fat diet?

To lose weight, say nutritionists, you can on any diet. However, carefully clinical researches discovered that low fat diet won't make weight loss more easy process and make it much more difficult to maintain the achieved weight. On the contrary, studies of volunteers, following diets with moderate or high content fats, lead to the conclusion that on such diets you can lose more extra pounds than on low-fat ones, and such results are retained better.

It is not difficult to draw a conclusion from the proven facts: it is important for each of us to find a diet plan that is not less fat, but less calorie, and follow it throughout our lives.

Are all types of fats the same?

Good fats: all vegetable oils (to a lesser extent palm and coconut), all nuts, avocados, fish and seafood, especially oily fish.

Eating unsaturated fat instead of saturated as well as refined grains and sugar, it can significantly lower triglycerides and "bad" cholesterol and increase good (HDL) levels.

It is very important to include daily diet special kind fats called . They are found in fish walnuts, flax seeds and rapeseed oil. Keep in mind, though, that the omega-3 fats in fish and shellfish are preferable to those the body extracts from vegetable sources, but this choice is also a good one, especially for people who do not eat fish.

Saturated fats less healthy, since they increase the "bad" cholesterol in the blood. We cannot completely exclude them from our diet, if only because products containing no saturated fat, also contain some saturated fats (fish, for example). The best strategy is to limit foods high in saturated fat (whole dairy and red meat) and replace them with high healthy fats.

Bad fats: red meat, butter, cheeses and ice cream, as well as processed foods with trans fats.

The biggest mistake is trying to replace "fatty" foods with "fast" carbohydrates, conventional "fried pork" white bread, white rice, potatoes and sugary drinks. They are just as (if not more) bad for your heart than saturated fats. Fried pork should be replaced fried fish, but not because it has less fat, but because fish fat good for humans, and pork fat is bad, harmful fat.

Certainly unhealthy are trans fats- hydrogenated oils, in respect of which disputes do not subside. There are "scientific" works claiming that everything is not so scary, and if you listen to scientists, then soon there will be nothing to eat. But this performance, possibly commissioned by the manufacturers, has nothing to do with the results of the research. And in their course, an unambiguous relationship was found between the regular use of trans fats and ischemic disease hearts.

Most of the trans fats in our diets come from baked goods, margarine, prepared snacks and processed foods. food products. Many manufacturers are reducing their content in their products and replacing them with healthy fats. However, it is important to read labels carefully and choose foods that are free of trans fats. Of course, single intakes of products with trans fats are not dangerous, but if their use is regular, then the issue becomes relevant and paramount.

It should be remembered that most foods contain a mixture of fats. What follows from this?

Key to healthy diet is to choose foods that are high in unsaturated fats, low in saturated fats, and contain no trans fats at all.

Are coconut and palm oils considered healthy fats?

Coconut and palm oils have a higher saturated fat content than other vegetable oils. They are less harmful than hydrogenated and less useful than vegetable oils - olive, rapeseed, sunflower and others. Coconut oil is also a good choice if the recipe calls for a small amount of solid fat.

Can you eat high fat fried foods?

Fried foods are not recommended to be consumed with saturated fats and trans fats. On vegetable oils, it is quite acceptable to use it. But only on condition that you do it not too often, in small portions and control the calorie content. This is especially true for dishes such as fried potatoes. And be sure to put a plate of raw vegetables next to it.

Do I need to control the percentage of fat in calories?

It's not worth focusing on this. As long as you're using healthy unsaturated fats, it doesn't matter if the percentage is 2%, 30%, or 40%. The focus should not be on "mathematics", but on right choice foods with the right fats.

  • Cook with vegetable oils. Olive, rapeseed, soybean, peanut, sunflower, corn and other oils from plants are the best choice because they are high in unsaturated fats. If you have a dish that calls for the flavor of butter, use just a little, mixing it with olive oil and canola oil, for example. Get in the habit of cooking primarily with these oils and make sure you always have a bottle of good quality olive oil in your kitchen. Its fats are stable at temperatures used in home cooking food, except for deep frying.
  • Bake with vegetable oils. Just replace the 25% butter in bakery products vegetable oils. Chefs from the Culinary Institute of America set up a series of experiments to replace fats in confectionery recipes. The product tasters were not warned which of the oils contained in a particular product. The winner turned out to be a cake not made with butter, but with rapeseed oil! Today there is already a choice: there is great amount recipes from whole grain products baked with unsaturated fats according to modern technologies. Traditional "grandmother's" approaches also proved to be excellent.
  • Serve meals with healthy fats. Drizzle vegetables with olive or nut oil. Use peanut butter and trans-fat-free margarine instead of butter on bread. Fill with this mixture instead of Mexican sour cream, vegetable salads and other dishes.
  • Limit or Eliminate "Fast Carbs", replace them with "slow carbohydrates" and healthy fats. « Slow carbs» includes beans, non-starchy vegetables, and minimally processed whole grains such as whole grains wheat, barley, or brown rice. There are many delicious ways go from fast carbohydrates to the slow ones. For example, instead of potatoes as a side dish, try making brown rice or beans cooked with vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds. Try chickpea recipes, rediscover lentils and.
  • Use full fat cheese small quantities. Regarding low-fat cheeses, not everything is clear. In low-fat cheeses, there is not so much less fat, but in them more content sodium. That's why best strategy- use whole cheeses with full fat content, but in very small quantities - grated, for example, in salads or dressed in sauces. But cheese sandwiches are not the best we can afford. Enjoy small amounts of fatty cheese in your meals. Skimmed milk could be better than whole milk but if you drink it a little it doesn't matter of great importance. Ice cream is also better to reduce.
  • If you love chicken, you don't need to skin it.. chicken skin has bad reputation because it has a high fat content. But most of the fat in it is unsaturated, good fats. Chicken, on the other hand, cooked with the skin on, looks neater and retains moisture, so you can add less salt and avoid using breadcrumbs.
  • Definitely and unconditionally give up unhealthy hamburgers. Try either turkey instead of a turkey salmon burger, shrimp or tuna instead of pork steak. Add peanuts and tofu, walnuts and pine nuts- then you can effortlessly cut protein food in the form of red meat, eat healthier and at the same time no less tasty.
  • Eat at least one good source omega 3 fats per day. oily fish, walnuts will provide you with omega-3 essential fats that our body does not produce. .
  • Cut down on red meat. Eliminate or minimize red processed meats (such as bacon), and replace them with fish, poultry, nuts, and legumes. If you can't live without red meat, choose lean and control the volume.

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We love fatty foods because it is very tasty, this is due to the fact that fats enhance taste qualities product. Those who want to lose weight need to remember that fats contain twice as many calories as proteins and carbohydrates. Also our adipose tissue and the fats contained in food are very similar, so it is much easier for the body to store fats, rather than proteins and carbohydrates.

Foods such as cheeses are among the fattest foods and are high in calories. When planning healthy eating it is important not only to choose the right products but also pay attention to how they are prepared.

Fried foods, especially deep-fried or deep-fried in large numbers butter contains a huge amount of fat. While fish and chicken are considered leaner, once fried, they can be even more nutritious than beef and pork. Here is an example of how the number of grams of fat in chicken breast, depending on how it is prepared:

Chicken breast Cooking method Amount of fat, g
only meat, fried 3.1
only meat fried in sunflower oil 4.1
meat and skin fried in butter 18.5

If you follow a healthy diet, you should avoid the consumption of mayonnaise and other sauces. Such refueling can nullify everything beneficial features food, increasing the calorie and fat content of the dish. Try replacing fatty sauces with less harmful analogues such as mustard, low-fat sour cream, natural ketchup.

International studies show that among the inhabitants of countries that historically consume mainly plant-based and low-fat foods, obesity, cancer, cardiovascular and other diseases are much less common. But if they have to switch to a "Western diet" with high content fat, in case of immigration or distribution of such food in their country, the level similar diseases increases sharply.

Do not rush to give up all fatty foods, fats, as well as other trace elements, are necessary for maintaining the healthy functioning of the body. Fats are vital for the construction of tissues and cells, many vitamins and minerals are absorbed only with the help of fats. Many people eat too many unhealthy fats and not enough healthy fats which are essential for our body.

Types of fats

In this section, we will talk about different types fats. People who eat a lot of foods high fat content are at greater risk of developing cancer or cardiovascular disease. But those whose diet consists of low-fat foods are perhaps even more at risk if they consume the wrong type of fat.

Saturated fats- fats with a high content of fatty acids. At room temperature are usually in solid form.

Saturated fats are mainly rich in animal products such as milk, butter, cheeses, ice cream, lard. This type of fat is naturally found in coke and palm oils.

Saturated fats significantly raise blood cholesterol levels and increase the chance of developing cardiovascular diseases.

unsaturated fats - fats with a high content of unsaturated fatty acids. They are:

- monounsaturated fats.
Monounsaturated fats are found in vegetables. At room temperature, they are liquid state become more viscous upon cooling. These fats are rich in rapeseed, olive, peanut oils, as well as avocados, seeds, and many nuts.

- polyunsaturated fats also found in vegetables. At room temperature and when cooled, they remain the same liquid. Polyunsaturated fats are found in corn, sunflower, soybean oils, as well as in many types of seeds and nuts.

Unsaturated fats are healthier than saturated fats.

Hydrogenated and trans fats are made from unsaturated fats with the addition of hydrogen. During the production of trans fats, fats become more similar in properties to saturated fats, remain solid at room temperature and last longer, which improves their marketability.

Trans fats are found in margarine, in many finished products and semi-finished products such as cookies, donuts, pastries, chips and basically all those foods that are harmful and that we love so much.

Trans fats raise cholesterol levels, although not as much as saturated fats, but they lower “good” cholesterol. Information about the content of trans fats in the product can be found on the packaging, if it does not mention the use of products containing trans fats, you can also find the use of hydrogenated ingredients and oils, this will also indicate the content of trans fats.

If you are using margarine, you need to be aware that softer margarine is less hydrogenated and therefore contains less trans fat.

Foods that do not contain animal fats and are labeled "Cholesterol Free" look healthy and beneficial to us. But this inscription is another marketing ploy, because the cholesterol content in plant products is so insignificant that it is customary to consider everything herbal products free of cholesterol, and if the product contains hydrogenated oils (trans fats), then it can be harmful for everyone.

Irreplaceable fatty acid.
Our body needs these fats for healthy functioning, but the body does not know how to reproduce them, so it is necessary that they come from outside. The most important saturated fatty acids are: linoleic acid, omega-6, alpha-linoleic acid and omega-3.

Basically, we consume more omega-6s than we need, and vice versa, we do not consume enough omega-3s. Omega-6 is found in polyunsaturated fats such as sunflower and corn oil. Omega-3s are found in walnuts, flaxseeds, tofu, some types of fish, including salmon, salmon, pink salmon, albacore tuna, river trout, sardines, herring and mackerel.

In fact, foods are not entirely clear on the content of one type of fat or another, for example, the fat found in beef passes as saturated, but in fact this fat is only a little more than half saturated. Olive oil considered monounsaturated, but, in fact, its fats are just over three-quarters monounsaturated.

Olive oil is considered one of the most useful products although this product is a pure fat that is 14% saturated.

Our ancestors, throughout the history of mankind, used both animals and vegetable fats, while a surge in cardiovascular, cancer and obesity is observed only in our time, it follows that not so much harmful natural products and the fats they contain per se, how much cooking method, amount consumed, food combinations, as well as invented hydrogenated fats.

Traditionally, fats are considered unhealthy. They are usually blamed for almost all diseases, from cardiovascular diseases to diabetes.

However, fats are different: good, bad and very bad. All of them affect human health in different ways.

Let's see why the term "good" fats is not an oxymoron.

Good Fats: Unsaturated

Unsaturated fats are divided into monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Both of these types reduce cholesterol levels in blood. Thus, they fight diseases caused by excess fat in the diet.

The most useful are monounsaturated fats. They reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol, which accumulates in the vessels and clogs them. In addition, monounsaturated fats increase the level of "good" cholesterol, which cleanses blood vessels.

Polyunsaturated fats is an excellent source of fatty acids Omega 3. Human body is not able to produce them, so you can get omega-3 fatty acids only with food.

Do “good” fats make you fat?

All vegetable oils are a combination of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids in varying proportions. Olive oil is richest in monounsaturated fatty acids.

However, do not forget that any fat in terms of calories remains ordinary fat. That's why labels on vegetable oil bottles that advertise a product as "light" imply a degree of refinement or flavor, not a reduced fat content.

All vegetable oils 100 percent fat. This means that a tablespoon of the product contains about 120 kcal.

Such a spoon on a large salad bowl will make the dish even healthier. While vegetables drowned even in extra virgin olive oil will be more nutritious and useless than dessert.

Bad Fats: Saturated

Saturated fats are found in animal products, mainly meat and milk. They remain solid at room temperature.

Scientists rightly blame this type of fat for raising the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, experts recommend replacing some of these fats with unsaturated ones.

Important: no need to completely cut out saturated fats. They contain vitamins. BUT stearic acid and is completely capable of being converted in the body into oleic, a monounsaturated fatty acid.

Nutritionists recommend excluding from your diet only fatty pork and processed meat products that contain a large amount of hidden fat: sausages, sausages, convenience foods.

Prefer fresh meat and poultry, cut off excess fat, and do not use oil when cooking them.

Worst fats: trans fats

The human body needs fats. They are the source of energy necessary substance for normal functioning cells, nervous system and required condition for the absorption of certain vitamins.

In addition, fats help maintain healthy hair and skin and even protect the body from the cold.

However, experts recommend limiting fat intake to 30-35 percent from daily allowance calories. These values ​​should not fall below 20 percent. In addition, most of the fats should be unsaturated - that is, liquid oils.

Fats are commonly associated with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and obesity. But not all fats are unhealthy.

Some fats are essential for your body while others should be avoided.

About fats

Although research is ongoing, many facts about fats are already known for certain. Some fats are associated with negative consequences for heart health, while others have beneficial properties.

Fat is just as important to your diet as proteins and carbohydrates, which provide your body with energy. Some bodily functions depend on the presence of fat. So, some vitamins need fat to dissolve in the blood and provide the body with nutrients. However, excess calories from eating a lot of fat can lead to weight gain.

Many foods and oils contain a mixture of fatty acids, but the predominant type of fat they contain makes them either "bad" or "good."

What are "bad" fats?

Two types of fats, saturated and trans fats, have been identified as potentially damaging to heart health. Most foods containing these types of fats are solid at room temperature, such as:

  • Oil;
  • Margarine;
  • Pork fat.

Both saturated and trans fats should be avoided in the diet.

Saturated fats

This type of fat is most commonly found in animal products. The classic sources of saturated fats are:

  • Beef and pork;
  • Domestic bird;
  • Fatty dairy products: whole milk, butter, cheese, sour cream, ice cream;
  • Tropical oils: Coconut oil, palm oil, cocoa butter;
  • Salo.

Eating too much saturated fat raises your blood cholesterol levels, which can increase your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

trans fats

  • fried food;
  • margarine;
  • Baking.

Like saturated fats, trans fats increase cholesterol levels, increasing the risk of heart disease.

What are “good” fats?

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are considered more healthy fats which should be included in your diet in small amounts. Foods containing good fats (for example, vegetable oil) usually remain liquid at room temperature.

Monounsaturated fats

This type of healthy fat is found in a variety of foods and oils. Studies have shown that eating foods containing monounsaturated fats reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

These products include:

  • Nuts;
  • Vegetable oils;
  • Peanut and almond butter;
  • Avocado.

Polyunsaturated fats

The main sources of this fat are vegetable products and oils. Like monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat may reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering blood cholesterol levels.

Polyunsaturated fats include omega-3 fatty acids, which you can find in:

  • salmon;
  • Herring;
  • sardines;
  • Trout.

In addition to omega-3 fatty acids, you should also eat foods containing omega-6 fatty acids, which are found in:

  • tofu;
  • roasted soybeans;
  • walnuts;
  • Seeds: sunflower, pumpkin, sesame;
  • vegetable oils.

We love fatty foods because they are very tasty, this is due to the fact that fats enhance the palatability of the product. Those who want to lose weight need to remember that fats contain twice as many calories as proteins and carbohydrates. Also, our adipose tissue and the fats contained in food are very similar, so it is much easier for the body to store fats, rather than proteins and carbohydrates.

Foods such as cheeses are among the fattest foods and are high in calories. When planning a healthy meal, it is important not only to choose the right foods, but also to pay attention to how they are prepared.

Fried foods, especially deep-fried foods or large amounts of oil, contain a huge amount of fat. While fish and chicken are considered leaner, once fried, they can be even more nutritious than beef and pork. Here is an example of how the number of grams of fat in a chicken breast changes depending on how it is cooked:

Chicken breast Cooking method Amount of fat, g
only meat, fried 3.1
only meat fried in sunflower oil 4.1
meat and skin fried in butter 18.5

If you follow a healthy diet, you should avoid the consumption of mayonnaise and other sauces. Such dressings can negate all the beneficial properties of food, increasing the calorie content and fat content of the dish. Try to replace fatty sauces with less harmful analogues, such as mustard, low-fat sour cream, natural ketchup.

International studies show that among the inhabitants of countries that historically consume mainly plant-based and low-fat foods, obesity, cancer, cardiovascular and other diseases are much less common. But if they have to switch to a "Western diet" with a high fat content, in the event of immigration or the spread of such a diet in their country, the level of such diseases increases dramatically.

Do not rush to give up all fatty foods, fats, like other trace elements, are necessary to maintain healthy functioning of the body. Fats are vital for the construction of tissues and cells, many vitamins and minerals are absorbed only with the help of fats. Many people consume too many unhealthy fats, while not enough healthy fats, which are so necessary for our body.

Types of fats

In this section, we will talk about the different types of fats. People whose diet includes a lot of high-fat foods are more at risk of developing cancer or cardiovascular disease than others. But those whose diet consists of low-fat foods are perhaps even more at risk if they consume the wrong type of fat.

Saturated fats are fats that are high in fatty acids. At room temperature, they are usually in solid form.

Saturated fats are mainly rich in animal products such as milk, butter, cheeses, ice cream, lard. This type of fat is naturally found in coke and palm oils.

Saturated fats significantly increase blood cholesterol levels and increase the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease.

Unsaturated fats are fats that are high in unsaturated fatty acids.

Monounsaturated fats. Monounsaturated fats are found in vegetables. At room temperature, they are in a liquid state, when cooled, they become more viscous. These fats are rich in rapeseed, olive, peanut oils, as well as avocados, seeds, and many nuts.

Polyunsaturated fats are also found in vegetables. At room temperature and when cooled, they remain the same liquid. Polyunsaturated fats are found in corn, sunflower, soybean oils, as well as in many types of seeds and nuts.

Unsaturated fats are healthier than saturated fats.

Hydrogenated and trans fats are made from unsaturated fats with the addition of hydrogen. During the production of trans fats, fats become more similar in properties to saturated fats, remain solid at room temperature and last longer, which improves their marketability.

Trans fats are found in margarine, in many prepared and processed foods such as cookies, donuts, pastries, chips and basically all those foods that are harmful and that we love so much.

Trans fats raise cholesterol levels, although not as much as saturated fats, but they lower “good” cholesterol. Information about the content of trans fats in the product can be found on the packaging, if it does not mention the use of products containing trans fats, you can also find the use of hydrogenated ingredients and oils, this will also indicate the content of trans fats.

If you are using margarine, you need to be aware that softer margarine is less hydrogenated and therefore contains less trans fat.

Products that do not contain animal fats and are labeled “Cholesterol Free” on the package look healthy and beneficial to us. But this inscription is another marketing ploy, because the cholesterol content in plant products is so insignificant that it is customary to consider all plant products free of cholesterol, and if the product contains hydrogenated oils (trans fats), then it can be harmful to everyone.

Essential fatty acids. Our body needs these fats for healthy functioning, but the body does not know how to reproduce them, so it is necessary that they come from outside. The most important saturated fatty acids are: linoleic acid, omega-6, alpha-linoleic acid and omega-3.

Basically, we consume more omega-6s than we need, and vice versa, we do not consume enough omega-3s. Omega-6 is found in polyunsaturated fats such as sunflower and corn oil. Omega-3s are found in walnuts, flaxseeds, tofu, and certain types of fish, including salmon, salmon, pink salmon, albacore tuna, river trout, sardines, herring, and mackerel.

In fact, foods are not entirely clear on the content of one type of fat or another, for example, the fat found in beef passes as saturated, but in fact this fat is only a little more than half saturated. Olive oil is considered monounsaturated, but, in fact, its fats are slightly more than three-quarters.

Olive oil is considered one of the healthiest foods, although this product is a pure fat that is 14% saturated.

Our ancestors, throughout the history of mankind, consumed both animal and vegetable fats, while a surge in cardiovascular, cancerous diseases and obesity is observed only in our time, it follows that natural products and the products contained in them are not so much harmful. fats per se, how much cooking method, amount consumed, food combinations, as well as invented hydrogenated fats.

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