About his health in support. Strengthening health on their own, useful herbs. Eat legumes several times a week

It's not just older people who are thinking about how to maintain their health. The reality is that for a person, in addition to temptations and bad habits, bad ecology affects, elevated level noise, stress associated with traffic jams, work, family relationships and the accelerated pace of life and many other negative factors.

Someone has enough stock of good health for many years, and the psyche is "impenetrable", while someone has a naturally weak immune system, a set of chronic sores and an extreme degree of susceptibility to injustice and suffering. How to help your body cope with the load that the modern world imposes on it?

How to maintain mental health

Impossible to be successful person if the illnesses of the body haunt you. However, an emotional imbalance can knock a person out of society for a long time, turning him into a neurasthenic with all possible complexes.

To maintain your mental health, you need to know some rules of life that will help you remain an adequate person - not an altruist and not an egoist, but an individual with normal reaction to the events taking place in the world.

Laws of spiritual harmony

1. Develop. The more you know about the world, about people and everything in general, the easier it is for you to maintain clear, critical thinking and the ability to evaluate any situation yourself. Reading good literature and educational magazines, communicating with intellectuals and just interesting people, travel, diverse work, hobbies, learning languages, sports, attending cultural events - all this will contribute to the development of your personality.

2. Communicate. Without interacting with yourself like people lose the meaning of existence. If there are difficulties with communication skills - go to acting classes, oratory. It happens that the genius of eloquence on the network turns out to be a shy, tongue-tied uncle outside virtual space and cannot even ask a passer-by what time it is.

3. Live what you love. If you are still wandering in search of your calling, turn your thoughts back to childhood. Perhaps the place where you are now is a real nightmare from your childhood, maybe you never wanted to become an accountant, but you became one ... But your youthful dream remained a ghostly haze. Movies about crazy old people conquering Everest or throwing themselves into all serious - do you think these are comedies? No, these are the tragedies of people who did not live their lives the way they wanted and realized this only at the end of the road.

4. Don't hold onto negativity. Do not harbor grievances and plans for revenge - ex, parents, colleagues. If you think that you are being treated unfairly, seek resolution of the situation immediately, without withdrawing into yourself. The people around you are not clairvoyant, sometimes they don’t know that you are unhappy. This also applies to loved ones. Develop the ability to defend your rights, your principles and your comfort. Talk about your emotions, feelings, then people will begin to hear you and reckon with you.

5. Add spontaneity to your life. Stress strengthens the heart muscle, so help your motor knock longer! It turned out to be a week off with days off - wave where your eyes look, taking a camera and money with you. It doesn't have to be another country, you can't count it in your homeland the most beautiful places from which you can come inspired and full of creative energy.

6. Think like an optimist. Prepare for the worst, but hope for the best, do not inflate dreary and depressing thoughts. In communication, avoid negative language, try to communicate with charismatic, positive and successful people. If apathy and a dull mood overcome you, life-affirming music will help you, good books, favorite movies and diary.

7. Diary - good alternative psychoanalyst. Paper is able to absorb all your emotions and convey them to you in a different way. Rereading your own posts, even months old, will teach you a lot about how deep you can think and how much you can read between the lines. Many now prefer a blog to a diary - people want to be visible, they want to find like-minded people and fans, recognition. Can you be honest with yourself, open your soul to people and not be cunning at the same time, using your blog as a diary? Not many can. And if you lie to yourself - then why keep such a diary?

8. Practice spirituality. Someone goes to church or a mosque, someone reads mantras, someone meditates - they all live with the thought of God, develop their souls, strengthen their faith and spiritual strength, and are filled with energy.

Golden Rules of Physical Health

Mental harmony plus physically developed body give perfect person. Everyone wants to be beautiful, flexible and slender, not to creak their joints and stay in shape as long as possible. But how to maintain your health and maintain a good physical form if every decade the world statistics are getting gloomier: obesity, overweight, as well as cardiovascular diseases associated with them, are only gaining momentum.

Doctors urge to fight physical inactivity, because healthy body and a well-functioning organism is the key to a long and active life. There are several rules, following which, you can significantly extend your life and save yourself from future health problems.

1. Eat right- this is no longer a boring medical recommendation, but a necessity. You must know at least the most basic rules of long-living people. No one says that you need to eat only grass and steam cutlets, the choice healthy food just huge and much tastier than unhealthy. You will understand this over time if you start changing your eating habits right now.

The main trend in nutrition that can be offered to most people is the emphasis on alkaline-forming foods (vegetables, fruits, buckwheat, green tea, herbs) and reducing the amount of animal fats, drinking clean water, exclusion of semi-finished products and products with any artificial additives.

2. Give the body movement. Spend at least half an hour every day walking physical exercises, morning exercises or evening run.

3. Pass tests and undergo an examination for possible diseases (if there are symptoms). Diseases of the present mental disorders, diabetes, oncology, obesity and manifestations of atherosclerosis, the consequences of which are strokes, heart attacks. Diseases associated with overweight, are successfully prevented by nutrition correction - this has already been discussed above. If you have genetic predisposition to oncology, it is worth going through a special examination - this is the case when it is better to feel like a hypochondriac and find out that everything is in order than to listen with a shocked look fatal diagnosis and understand that it was only necessary to go to the doctor on time.

4. Protect yourself during casual intimate relationships. These same connections can significantly undermine your health with serious consequences, although this is the last thing to think about.

5. Do not become a workaholic, be able to relax. Workaholics stop noticing that life outside of work exists and can be wonderful. From this, their families are crumbling, relationships with people are limited to working contacts, and your favorite company can give a kick when it realizes that an employee has been squeezed to the drop and cannot be restored. The one who knows how to have a good rest works effectively.

6. Sleep well. Normal is from seven to nine hours. Sleep deprivation affects work nervous system, on working capacity, well-being, mood, communication ... Meaning good sleep cannot be overestimated. Therefore, in the evenings, do not stay too long at the tablet or computer - it can be very difficult to fall asleep after them. Get in the habit of reading a few pages of your favorite book before bed to help you sleep better.

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Having seriously decided to take up strengthening your health, first of all, think about how your health can be shaken. After all, there will be no point in strengthening health if, in parallel with some factors, you allow your health to be destroyed. Maximum effect in such scenarios, it is maintaining health at the same level and no more.


First of all, think about the ecology of the place where you are in this moment live. There are places nearby different kind factories, highways and military facilities in which a person, in principle, cannot remain healthy. This and the impact chemical substances, their pollution of water, land and air, radioactive contamination of the territory, its gas contamination. If it so happened that you live in such a place, think seriously about moving or fighting for the ecology of your place of residence.

Rejection of bad habits

Refuse voluntary slow suicide at your own expense. No matter how hard you try to improve your health, tobacco, alcohol and other narcotic substances nullify all your efforts. The issues of the harm of smoking and alcoholic beverages are described in great detail and.

Change of attitude to life

If you think and say that everything is fine in your life, you are surrounded great people, and health is improving every day, then it will be so. If your thoughts are full of negativity, then it will inevitably fill your life. I recently wrote an article on this topic, read it.

It's about things that ruin. Now let's move on to what strengthens our health.

Ways to improve health

I must say that all these are not separate recipes, but the details of one mechanism that you need to try to start as a whole. One could simply say that health promotion is the healthy lifestyle life and limit it. However, let us briefly list some of its components.

positive attitude

As you already understood, this is what I said a few lines above. To be healthy physically, you must be healthy in your soul and heart. Thoughts are always primary, and the material comes after thoughts. Develop love for your body and for life. Improving health without it is unthinkable.

Energy Boost

Many Eastern practices We are sure that the health and life expectancy of a person directly depend on the energization of the body. And I must say that they are not mistaken. This view has been proven by modern science.

There are many ways to increase the energy of the body, from special gymnastics before special food and various food additives (both natural and synthetic origin). This also includes ways to increase the tone of the body. They have much in common with the increase in energy.

Physical exercise

The human body, imprisoned by nature for constant physical activity, without them quickly fades and becomes unviable. If you want your body to remain healthy, give it loads, at any age. Run if the age or condition of the joints, the cardiovascular system, does not allow running, just walk, exercise physical therapy(lfk). Dig in the garden, orchard. Human life is about movement.

Proper nutrition

This is a sore point for people of the 21st century and, especially, for residents of megacities. But without proper nutrition, health promotion will not happen. Men will be interested

Even the simplest changes in your lifestyle are enough to seriously improve your health!

Ride your bike twenty minutes a day

As part of the study, hundreds of people were analyzed. Scientists have found that those who rode a bike for at least twenty minutes strengthened the heart much better than those who simply underwent surgery. But remember, if you have problems with cardiovascular system, about the number of loads should consult a doctor!

Eat dark chocolate several times a week

A number of studies show that eating dark chocolate can benefit your heart. The benefit comes from the fact that this product contains flavonoids - they provide flexibility to the arteries. In addition, chocolate reduces the amount of bad cholesterol.

Drink beer from time to time

Researchers have found that men who drink one bottle of beer a day lower their cholesterol levels, increase their antioxidant levels and get rid of excess fibrinogens, proteins that cause blood clots, in a month.

Take a vitamin B complex every morning

Researchers have found that taking B vitamins on a daily basis helps to significantly lower levels of homocysteine, a substance that leads to increased risk cardiovascular disease.

Record yourself while you sleep

If you hear yourself snoring, make an appointment with your doctor. Breathing problems during sleep can lead to high blood pressure and other health problems, and increase the risk heart attack or a stroke.

Go to bed an hour early

Studies show that women who sleep less than seven hours are different increased risk cardiovascular diseases. Scientists suggest that the reason is that the lack of sleep increases the level of stress hormones, blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Eat fish at least once a week

Grill, stew or fry, the main thing is to eat fish. The researchers found that women who ate fish once a week were less likely to experience a heart attack compared to those who ate fish only once a month. For men, the results were similar.

Eat fiber-rich cereal at least four times a week

Scientists have found that people who use a large number of fiber, twenty-three percent less likely to experience a heart attack. To do this, try to eat whole grain cereal for breakfast.

Sprinkle ground flax seeds over porridge or yogurt

So you will provide yourself with two grams of omega-3 fatty acids, this healthy fats, which help prevent heart disease and reduce the likelihood of death due to heart rhythm abnormalities.

Make a salad dressing with flaxseed oil

AT linseed oil contains an impressive amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which is extremely beneficial.

Drink at least two cups of tea a day

It doesn't matter if it's black or green tea. Scientists have found that regular consumption of tea helps reduce the risk of a heart attack by an average of eleven percent.

Add hazelnuts to stir-fry

A small daily serving of nuts will be enough to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. You can add nuts to stir-fry or use in place of breading.

Eat legumes several times a week

Scientists claim that eating legumes can reduce the risk of heart disease by twenty-two percent compared to those who do not eat beans or peas.

have sex

Sex is a form physical activity which means it's good for the heart. Men who have sex at least twice a week are less likely to experience heart attacks and other heart problems.

Take an aspirin every day

Scientists have found that a small pill can be enough to reduce the risk of a heart attack by a third!

Eat fifteen cherries a day

Scientists have found that anthocyanins, which are so abundant in cherries, reduce the amount uric acid in blood. This acid can lead to a heart attack. Add berries to your salad or drink cherry juice.

Eat a serving of beans every day

So you can get three hundred micrograms folic acid. Scientists have found that the use of folic acid reduces the risk of stroke by twenty percent, and the risk of cardiovascular disease by twenty-two percent.

Eat an orange a day

You can also drink a glass orange juice. Oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C. Research indicates that a diet rich in this vitamin can reduce the risk of an attack, especially in smokers. If oranges bored you, eat strawberries, Brussels sprouts or broccoli, also red bell pepper These foods are also rich in vitamin C.

Avoid carbonated water

Chronic inflammation that leads to heart disease is directly related to your diet. If you constantly drink sugary sparkling water, you greatly increase the risk of inflammation. Where is the best place to drink juice?

Drink a glass of water every two hours

Scientists claim that women who drink more than five glasses of water a day are twice as likely to experience heart attacks than those who drink less than two glasses. The reason is that normal level fluid in the body stimulates good blood circulation and reduces the risk of blood clots.

Cook with ginger or turmeric twice a week

Both ginger and turmeric are known for their anti-inflammatory effects, and inflammation is the main cause of cardiovascular disease.

Go to the restroom on time

Research has shown that with full bladder the heart beats faster, and this creates an additional load on coronary arteries. This can lead to a heart attack in those at risk.

Leave on Monday and Friday

According to scientific data, people who regularly take a break reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by a third!

Drive with windows closed and air conditioning on

This will reduce your exposure to airborne pollutants, which will help protect your heart.

Drink a multivitamin

Do multivitamin complex a regular addition to your breakfast. Study participants who took multivitamins for six months showed significant reduction amount of protein that causes inflammation.

Meet your friends

Researchers have found that close relationships with other people reduce the risk of a heart attack by fifty percent.

Pay attention to the basics

Examine the risk factors and consider which ones you have. Among the main ones are smoking, diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol.

Take Antioxidants

Regular consumption of L-arginine and antioxidants significantly reduces the rate of development of atherosclerosis.

Fight depression

If you have lost interest in life, contact your doctor. Left untreated, depression greatly increases the risk of a heart attack.

Adopt a dog from a shelter

Scientists have found that pets have a positive effect on your heart health. In addition, with a dog you will be more active.

Most people understand how important the health of the body is. However, many do not appreciate the importance mental health. Good mental health makes life more enjoyable. It also contributes to more high level physical health and endurance. To be truly healthy, you need to take care of both your physical and mental health.


How to deal with stress

    Get exercise. When you are stressed, your brain releases hormones that tell your body to prepare to respond to the threat. severe stress can jeopardize your mental health and sometimes lead to symptoms of physical ill health. Good way cope with stress - exercise.

    Eat well. Proper Diet and right habits nutrition will also help reduce stress. In particular, try to stick to following recommendations:

    Get enough sleep. Sleep is the time when your body regenerates and processes the stress you've been through during the day. This is the time when your brain is resting. Sleep also allows the body and tense muscles to unwind after a hard day.

    Practice mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness meditation is a type of meditation that requires focusing on the present moment. The practice of mindfulness meditation focuses on just being and doing nothing else in the moment.

    How to increase your self-esteem

    1. Doubt your inner critic. Being happy with yourself is very important for mental health. Worry and negative thoughts can bother you and keep you from feeling good. Self-doubt can torment you the most. The following exercises will help you calm your inner critic and calm your anxiety:

      • If you catch yourself worrying and/or having negative thoughts about yourself, ask yourself some questions. For example, “Is this thought good for me?”, “Is this thought true?”, “Would I say this to another person?”. Answering these questions often helps reduce self-doubt.
      • Change negative thought to make her more faithful or kind. For example, you might catch yourself thinking, “I can never do anything right.” Try to make it more truthful: “Sometimes I can do something wrong, but other times I do a very good job. I can’t do everything in the world and that’s okay, I’m proud of what I can do.”
    2. Focus on your strengths. During difficult times, focus on those qualities of yourself that can help you cope with life's challenges.

      Practice self-affirmation. Self-affirmation is an exercise in which you remind yourself of your worth by saying or writing down what you love about yourself. Regularly recognizing the qualities you love about yourself can greatly increase your self-esteem.

    How to deal with negative emotions

      Make time for yourself. Dealing with strong emotions can be difficult, but they are an integral part of life. The ability to control your emotions and alleviate your own pain is an integral part of good mental health. Part of that is making time for yourself and the activities that you enjoy.

      • This activity will be different for each person. Perhaps you already have some activities that help you cope with emotions.
      • Talking to a friend, going for a walk, playing music, or other soothing activities such as taking a bubble bath are good examples.
    1. Practice self-awareness. Be aware of your own emotional reactions to external events. Take time to reflect on your reactions to difficult situations.

      • Instead of immediately reacting to negative events, try to mentally distance yourself to celebrate your emotional reaction. Many people find it useful, for example, to make several deep breaths or count to ten before reacting.
      • Think about how you feel without judgment. This will enable you to respond in a more thoughtful way rather than impulsively.
      • Being aware of your emotions is especially helpful in communication and relationships.
    2. Keep a diary. A diary can help you organize your thoughts and feelings. This can increase your awareness of your own emotional reactions. It is beneficial for both mental and physical health, for example, it increases immune system and relieves stress. Here are some helpful diary tips:

      • How do my feelings relate to this event? How are they not related?
      • What do these feelings tell me about me and my needs?
      • Can I objectively assess my emotional response? What assumptions can I make based on my judgments?
      • Try to write in your diary every day for at least 20 minutes.

    How to Maintain Healthy Relationships

    1. Recognize the signs of a healthy relationship. Social support very important in difficult times. Friends, family members, and colleagues can offer social support and help with stressful life events. Social support can also help you feel accepted and secure. Look for the following in your relationship:

      Recognize the signs of an unhealthy relationship. Unfortunately, some relationships can be unhealthy or contain elements of violence. Relationship abuse is often the desire to control another person physically or emotionally. Here are some behaviors that may indicate that a person tends to be abusive in a relationship:

      • He deliberately tries to put you in an awkward position, to shame
      • He is overly critical
      • He ignores you
      • Often moody and unpredictable
      • Controls where you go and limits your social circle
      • Uses phrases like “If you…then I…”
      • Uses money to control you
      • Checks your phone or email without your permission
      • Behaves like an owner
      • Shows his temper or excessive jealousy
      • Uses pressure, guilt, or forces you to have sex
    2. Assess your relationship. When you understand what characterizes healthy or not healthy relationships Take time to consider your social circle. Think about which relationships are most beneficial and which are harmful to your psyche.

    3. Invest in your healthy relationships. Maintaining a positive relationship doesn't just depend on other people. It also depends on your behavior. Here are some tips on how to maintain a healthy relationship:

      • Remember that each of you is a separate person, and think about what each of you wants from a relationship.
      • Express your needs and be receptive to the needs of others.
      • Recognize that you will not find complete happiness in one relationship.
      • Be willing to compromise and learn to negotiate outcomes that are acceptable to both of you.
      • Be empathetic, try to understand the other person's view and point of view.
      • When serious problems try to speak honestly and with empathy.

He who is strong in body can endure both heat and cold.

So the one who is healthy mentally is able to endure anger,

and grief, and joy, and other feelings.

Epictetus, I-II AD

Health Promoting Factors

Health is the main value, the key to the well-being and longevity of a person. This is a combination of physical, mental, social qualities and properties of each individual, which are the main components in life, existence and implementation in society. While a person is healthy, he does not think and does not take care of himself, but when diseases appear and pathological conditions, then, unfortunately, spends a lot of time, effort and money on its restoration, however, this is not always possible.

Below are a few useful tips which will help you and your loved ones to maintain and strengthen your well-being.

Daily regime

One of the conditions for maintaining health is the observed order of work, rest, sleep, and nutrition. clear and correct routine working day greatly facilitates any activity, allows you to maximize the use of all the capabilities of the human body, experience less stress. Living conditions and features professional activity everyone is different and everyone can create a convenient schedule for themselves. Any overwork is the result of an incorrect daily routine. eating, sleeping, hygiene procedures must be done at the same time. Thanks to the rational distribution of time during the day, the body experiences a normal load, the expended forces are restored faster and more fully, the body wears out less.

Personal hygiene rules

Simple daily truths: keeping the body clean, caring for the oral cavity, nails and hair, washing hands before eating, choosing clothes and shoes according to the season from natural materials, using only individual household items. And only a few can boast that almost everyone does it regularly.

Physical activity

AT modern society office work, computer technology, automation of production, movement by car significantly reduce a person's need for movement. In people leading sedentary and sedentary image life, may appear various complications: scoliosis, osteochondrosis, dystrophy muscle tissue, hypertonic disease and other diseases. Do not forget about the problem of our time - overweight. In the absence of the necessary physical activity, an increase in body weight occurs and this leads to the development of the most various pathologies endocrine and of cardio-vascular system. Regular exercise stress increases a person's endurance, the body's resistance to disease, improves mood. It could be like daily exercise and walking, as well as any sports, family games, dance or fitness classes.

Balanced diet

A person should receive a certain amount with food nutrients(proteins fats carbohydrates, essential amino acids, vitamins, some fatty acid, minerals and trace elements), otherwise his health will not be at the best level.

Reasonable nutrition implies several basic rules: the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates should be 1:1:4; rational calorie content, the indicators of which depend on age, gender and characteristics labor activity- the correspondence between the calorie content of the food that a person consumes and the energy that his body expends; meal frequency: at least 3 times a day for an adult; food quality: complete proteins, availability enough fiber, vitamins, microelements, minimal amount refractory fats; quality of cooking: sufficient heat treatment, restriction of fried, spicy, spicy; salt restriction.

Try to include daily diet more fruits, vegetables, fish, as well as products made from wholemeal flour. This will saturate the body with the necessary for normal operation substances. In addition, such food will strengthen your immunity and improve your well-being.

Healthy sleep

Good sleep allows all organs and systems of our body to relax after a hard day's work. An adult should sleep for at least eight hours. It is very useful to take a short walk in the fresh air before going to bed, and then ventilate the room. calm, deep sleep too late eating also interferes, so dinner should be no later than 1.5 hours before bedtime.

Psycho-emotional component A person in modern society is faced with stress every day: at home, at work and on the road; the ability to resist and not develop conflict situations- there is our mental and social health.

A person should live in peace with himself and society, do things that give him pleasure, in which case he will have much Great chance keep your health.

Try to deal with the troubles and troubles of life easier. If problems suddenly arise in your life, solve them quickly, without postponing for later.

Hardening of the body

AT Everyday life of a person, hardening of the body is of great importance to increase its resistance adverse effects environment(increased immunity, improved functional systems) and as a result, the ability to resist diseases. the main objective hardening - accustom the body to sharp fluctuations temperature, increase its resistance to infections, develop immunity to diseases, in particular colds.

To natural factors external environment, which are widely used to harden the body, include air, water and solar inhalation. The choice of hardening procedures depends on a number of objective conditions: time of year, state of health, climatic and geographical conditions of the place of residence.

Hardening with air helps to increase the tone of the nervous and endocrine systems. Under the influence of air baths, digestion processes are improved, the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Being outdoors improves general well-being body, influencing emotional condition, causes a feeling of cheerfulness, freshness. Clean Fresh air contains a sufficient amount of oxygen for the body and contributes to a cheerful active mood, high performance. It is advisable to combine stay in the air with active movements: in winter - skating, skiing, and in summer - playing ball and other outdoor games.

Do not forget, your health is only in your hands. Admit to yourself whether you are really doing everything in your power to preserve and strengthen it.

Move more, eat right, smile more often! Be healthy!

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