How to permanently switch to proper nutrition. What is PP: educational program for beginners. In general, proper nutrition is a habit. If you can outwit yourself and hold out for at least a month, then you won’t be able to think that you could ever eat differently.

Giving up your favorite Olivier salad and pastries can certainly cause severe stress. How to switch to a proper balanced dietso that a bad mood does not become his companion?

Do not think that everything you eat is completely harmful, high-calorie and wrong, and only diets and a fasting day can help you. Write down your weekly menu and see how you can improve it. It is enough to make a few changes, and the nutrition will become healthy, and your taste preferences will not be harmed. Here's what you can do:

  • change salad dressing or at least learn how to cook homemade mayonnaise;
  • reduce the amount of salad ingredients (multi-component salads are quite heavy food);
  • do not fry, but stew or bake;
  • learn to cook familiar dishes new healthy sauces - soy sauce, natural tomato sauce, etc.;
  • cook compotes so that there is no temptation to wash down food with soda, etc.

Delicious low calorie recipes

Who said low-calorie meals are not tastier than straw? In fact, modern chefs and, of course, lovers, have come up with many wonderful recipes. low-calorie meals, including desserts that allow you to enjoy the taste and, at the same time, reduce the calorie content of your daily menu. All you need is to familiarize yourself with the relevant sections of the culinary portals. You can also just ask in the search engine " low calorie recipes”, “recipes of low-calorie dishes”, “low-calorie desserts”, and choose the ones that you like.

Change the sweet "stash"

Many of us have an “untouchable sweet supply” for stressful periods. On ordinary days, we can still restrain ourselves, and on days of unrest and trouble, willpower “takes a day off” and we open a hidden box of chocolates to take a breath.

Make your stash more useful. Let you have a marshmallow or a box of marshmallows, a package of marmalade or a small (30-50 g) dark chocolate bar hidden away.

Dried fruits are also a great alternative. Then the breakdown will be left with nothing, and you will still have fun.

All food breakdowns, when you refuse in an instant healthy diet and gorge on donations or sweets, take place in bad mood. Therefore, in order not to turn off the path of proper nutrition on the path of obesity, prepare for such difficult moments. Helps great with stress cold and hot shower, cheerful music, exciting reading or cinema, communication with positive person, vacation plans, jogging. Choose what you like and relieve this stupid stress without adding calories!

Stop being led by marketers

“Fat-free products” sounds “slim”, but is everything really so rosy, as marketers paint us? We used to think that by buying fat-free foods, we take care of our figure and health, but no one tells us about elevated content sugar or its substitutes low fat foods. As a result, we not only do not lose weight, but also provoke obesity and diabetes.

So the usual sour cream, milk, kefir, hard cheese and oil is also part of proper nutrition. And a butter sandwich for breakfast (especially from rye bread) does not contradict the postulates of proper nutrition. You don't have to give up what you shouldn't give up.

In general, proper nutrition is a habit. If you can outwit yourself and hold out for at least a month, then you will not be able to think that you could ever eat differently.

Specially for
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Proper nutrition - what is it? Since you have visited our project, it means that you have probably already thought about changing your usual way of life, look for your way of gaining and strengthening health and want to find necessary information about proper nutrition. Where to start for a person who has no idea how to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, start removing toxins from the body, feel easy and confident? Below, in this article, you will find the basic principles of how to switch to the right nutrition.

From our life

My wife and I know firsthand that most people do not even want to hear about giving up their habitual improper diet. You don't have to go far. Our children are still with burning eyes grabbing packs of chips, KFC, drinking carbonated drinks (terrible cola). They gobble up sweets and cakes, and also eat meat products (red meat, shish kebab, sausages) and much more that an ordinary person is so used to.

We believe that we will be able to inspire them with our example, and over time they will also reconsider their approach to nutrition. There is one more point. People who do not play sports and do not give their body any physical activity suffer greatly in terms of their health. Moreover, not only health suffers, but also the figure of a person.

Sweets often defeat willpower, and incompatible and stupid foods are digested for a long time inside. They torment the poor digestive system, which does not know why, how and for what it is punished. The body, consuming complex food, asks the question: “How to digest sweets in borscht?”))

Stop torturing your body. Today, every third person has an uncharacteristic figure of a “fat” person. Just look at yourself, for sure many of you have not seen it for a long time abdominal Press and has a slightly protruding tummy. You can watch at work fat people what they eat at lunchtime.

Simple Rules

The success or failure of your dietary reform will depend largely on how you approach it. own life. It is necessary to form and consolidate new habits and at the same time part with old ones. You will get used to the best if you stick to it firmly.

But you must, with the help of your will, be able to resist the temptations of various catering establishments and resist the ridicule of your ignorant, deluded, although they want only “good” for you, friends and relatives. Even if there was a breakdown, and you allowed yourself to eat something from the “unhealthy”, you do not need to blame yourself and self-eat. The part of the cells in your body that are used to ordinary food, still require their "dope". Just return to the chosen path.

Be persistent in your determination to form good habits and you will definitely win. you can love good food, which you may not like now, and even faster than you can imagine.

Hear your body's call for help and be prudent. Have pity on him. I think this clear and understandable step-by-step scheme should help "beginners" in getting on the path of proper nutrition.

Where to begin?

The first and foremost thing to do is to revolutionize the refrigerator and kitchen cabinets: replacing harmful products power on healthy food. What products are completely not designed to improve your body? What should be excluded from our diet? We bring to your attention a list junk food, the taste of which you will have to forget, if possible forever:

  • chips, crackers and other representatives of similar products;
  • alcohol, sweet carbonated drinks having a colored structure
  • harmful sauces, especially mayonnaise and ketchup;
  • Fast food (hot dogs, sausages in dough, burgers, pizza);
  • Frozen foods prepared in advance (dumplings, dumplings, meat and fish products);
  • yeast products, confectionery (trans fats);
  • all dairy and dairy products And yes, ice cream too.
  • fried and boiled potatoes;
  • sausages different kind(can anyone tell their real composition?)
  • remove everything from the diet flour products(everything that is made from white flour: bread, pasta etc.)
  • forget about salt and sugar (sometimes it will be possible to add salt to salads and even then for the first time. Salt in a salad can be replaced with pleasant lemon juice, but more on that in a separate article).
  • any canned food

I would like to end the first part of this article on a positive note. Therefore, we want to wish all users of our resource more faith in own forces. Do not listen to anyone and trust only your feelings. And you will definitely succeed. Well, the main recommendations and rules for the transition to the best food in the world we will consider already

Proper nutrition is an almost impossible goal, especially if you do not constantly strive for it. But - this is what can really help you achieve your goals. After all, we all want to get the body of our dreams and never lose it. Plus to this, proper nutrition gives more energy wellness and helps in training.

The thing is, proper nutrition is not so difficult.

When you understand that you need to focus on the structure of nutrition and correctly distribute all the food throughout the day, healthy food can become surprisingly pleasant and easy. To do this, we have prepared some tips that can help you.

Add protein to your breakfast

- this is what energizes our muscles and helps to stay in good and athletic shape. Starting to consume at least 30 grams of protein per day, you will not only satisfy your hunger, but you will also be able to feel full throughout the day and less break into the wrong snacks.

As a bonus, since protein is more difficult for the body to break down than carbohydrates, a protein breakfast will slightly increase your metabolism compared to carbohydrates.

Take snacks with you

There will be moments during the day when you want to eat, and before lunch or dinner is still a long way off. And in order not to break loose on buns and cookies, you should take several trays of food with you. This will not only satisfy your hunger, but also help keep you from eating the wrong food.

Here are some ideas for what to bring with you:

  1. Almonds, cashews, or other nuts (avoid their salty and sweet counterparts).
  2. Boiled.
  3. Protein shake (can be mixed with water, milk or juice).
  4. Apples, oranges, grapes or other fruits.
  5. Protein bars (not very common with us, but if you try, you can find or).

Put vegetables at the forefront

If you don't really like vegetables, the only conclusion is that you don't know how to cook them. Try to diversify your vegetable tastes. Mix, stew, boil vegetables in different combinations and you will understand that it is really tasty. Add vegetables to omelets, stir in salads, grill and even. Your body will love vegetables because of the feeling of freshness and lightness after them.

Eat Whole Foods

One of the most effective ways Eating right is about keeping processed foods to a minimum. Processed food is food that has undergone a human processing process. Baked goods, sodas, and many sauces are all great examples of processed food.

It is unlikely that you will be able to buy food from the farm every day in the morning, but try to include as many natural products as possible. By starting to eat in this way, you will understand how food should actually feel in the body.

Do not deny yourself pleasure

Do you adore? Or crazy about pizza? Don't give up on this food. Limit her, but don't cut her out of your life once and for all.

Why? Because, removing all your favorite foods from your diet, eating right will be a burden for you and most likely it will end in nothing. The bottom line is that by eating right most of the time, you can indulge in a few small indulgences with your favorite treats. It also increases the chances that healthy diet stay with you for more time. Just do not forget that such "breakdowns" should be controlled and not very frequent, and then your goal will come true.

There are many diets that promise life extension. Of course, not all of them have this effect. Many have a lot of shortcomings, unbalanced - helping in one, they harm in another. We offer you one of the science-based nutrition programs that can not only get rid of extra pounds but also slow down aging. It includes cooking recipes and sample menu for several days.

It is based on 7 principles of nutrition for a long-liver, developed by a biogerontologist, Doctor of Biological Sciences, head of a specialized laboratory at the Komi Institute of Biology scientific center Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Alexey Moskalev:

The transition to proper nutrition should be gradual. More junk food it is better not to replace it with a useful one abruptly, but product after product. For example, red meat - turkey or seafood, potato side dish - vegetable and so on. Variety of food is important. You can plan the week so that during this time the side dish and the protein dish are not repeated. This will reduce the chance of developing allergic reactions on food and avoid eating.

In the morning

Breakfast is a must every day. Why? Those who skip it are at risk of getting early type 2 diabetes and heart and vascular disease. Do not eat breakfast foods with fast-digesting carbohydrates (high glycemic index), since blood glucose in the morning is already quite high - early in the morning it comes from the liver to wake up our brain and, as it were, tell it: “It's time to get up!”

A protein breakfast is not very good either: the digestion of proteins by the body requires a lot of energy, and they are never superfluous at the beginning of the day.

On weekdays, don’t cook anything complicated for breakfast: eat a banana or an avocado. If possible, cook porridge from sorghum or sprouts. By the way, broccoli or its sprouts are very useful in the morning. They contain a very useful substance sulforaphane, which in the morning inhibits the production of glucose by the liver and even improves blood sugar levels in people with obesity and diabetes 2nd type.

As a breakfast drink, dilute lemon juice do not add sugar.

For breakfast on weekends, try mixing thermostatic yogurt with avocado and leaves in a blender. fresh spinach. Of course, choose yogurt without sugar.


First course

Soup - important element nutrition, if possible, be sure to include it in the diet. Use the following vegetable base:

  • small tomato;
  • 1/4 sweet bell pepper;
  • a little chili pepper and a stalk of celery;
  • 1/4 onion;
  • parsley and dill;
  • asparagus stalk;
  • several pods of beans;
  • leek.

In order not to repeat this set of products, further we will indicate it simply as a vegetable base. You can cook any soups on it.


For 5 servings:

  • vegetable base
  • Porcini mushrooms (can be replaced with frozen ones) 500 g
  • Balsamic vinegar to taste
  • Provence herbs to taste
  • Curry to taste
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Olive oil taste

How to cook:

1. Pour the vegetable base and porcini mushrooms with water. Put to cook on medium heat.

2. After boiling, cook the soup for 20 minutes, adding seasonings if desired.

Broccoli soup


For 4 servings:

  • vegetable base
  • Broccoli 4 florets
  • Provence herbs to taste
  • Curry to taste
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Olive oil to taste
  • How to cook:

1. Boil vegetable mixture and broccoli for 20 minutes after boiling.

2. Add seasonings, cool and blend in a blender to make a puree soup.

Seafood soup


For 4 servings:

  • vegetable base
  • Shrimps 5 pcs.
  • Squid 2 rings
  • Sea scallops 3 pcs.
  • Olives 5 pcs.
  • Soy sauce to taste
  • Balsamic vinegar to taste
  • Provence herbs to taste
  • Curry to taste
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Olive oil to taste

How to cook:

1. After boiling, simmer the vegetable base over low heat for 20 minutes.

2. Then add the shrimp, squid rings, scallops and olives. Once it boils, cook for 2 more minutes.

3. Soy sauce and balsamic vinegar, Provence herbs, curry, black pepper can be added to the finished dish to taste. 4. Add olive oil directly to the plate. Stir.


Salads are a must for lunch or dinner. And not just because they are delicious. Salads allow us to consume more vegetables, which is very useful. In their composition, we get not only vitamins, but also a lot of useful biologically. active substances and nutrients. In addition, salads allow us to use the healthiest olive oil and other vegetable oils and seeds with important omega-3 fatty acids for us. And these oils, in turn, allow for better absorption of many of the bioactive components of vegetables, since they are fat-soluble.

fresh cabbage salad


For 3 servings:

  • White cabbage 1/4 pc.
  • bell pepper 1/4 pc.
  • Onion 1/4 pcs.
  • Carrot 1/2 pc.
  • Soy sauce to taste
  • Balsamic vinegar to taste
  • Provence herbs to taste
  • Curry to taste
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Olive oil to taste
  • Sesame seeds 1-2 tsp

How to cook:

1. Fresh white cabbage chop finely.

2. Cut the bell pepper into strips, onion and carrots.

3. Season everything with Provencal herbs, curry, black pepper, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, sprinkle with sesame seeds.

4. Finish by drizzling olive oil over the salad.

Vegetable salad


For 3 servings:

  • Small tomato 1 pc.
  • Fresh cucumber 1 PC.
  • Bulgarian pepper 1 pc.
  • Chili pepper to taste
  • Celery to taste
  • Leek to taste
  • Parsley to taste
  • Dill to taste
  • Soy sauce to taste
  • Balsamic vinegar to taste
  • Olives 7 pcs.
  • Grated ginger to taste
  • Black cumin urbech to taste
  • Spirulina powder on the tip of a knife
  • Milk thistle meal 1 tsp
  • Rye bran 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • Chia seeds 1 tsp
  • Flax seeds 1 tsp
  • Sesame seeds 1 tsp
  • Provence herbs to taste
  • Curry to taste
  • Black pepper to taste
  • truffle oil for flavor
  • Olive oil to taste

How to cook:

1. Cut all the ingredients and mix.

Main dishes

Many often limit the variety of second courses. For example, side dishes in many families are very monotonous: potatoes, pasta, a few cereals. And, unfortunately, these are not the most useful side dishes. But there are so many different grains and vegetables! I will give examples to support my words. useful products for side dishes:

  • from the well-known and popular cereals in our country - buckwheat, oatmeal, barley groats, brown rice;
  • try to make a side dish more often with cereals that are still rare in our country: quinoa, caniva, spelled, kamut, amaranth, sorghum;
  • don't forget the beans. This is not only beans and lentils, but also mung beans and chickpeas;
  • instead of potatoes, it is better to use sweet potato, it is healthier;
  • the choice of vegetables for side dishes is very large, use any - from the familiar head cabbage to its rarer types: cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and so on. Do not forget about zucchini, eggplant, green beans.

The choice of protein products is also quite large. It is not only meat products and not only chicken or turkey. There is also a variety of fish and seafood, tofu and cheeses.

Stewed seafood


For 2 servings:

  • Seafood (scallops, shrimp or squid) 500 g
  • Olive oil for stewing
  • Capers 5-6 pcs.
  • Mustard 1/2 tsp
  • Orange peel 1 pc.
  • Curry to taste
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Provence herbs to taste
  • Soy sauce to taste
  • Balsamic vinegar to taste

How to cook:

1. Stew seafood in olive oil without adding water under the lid.

2. Before cooking, add capers, mustard and orange zest, curry, pepper and Provence herbs to them before cooking.

3. After cooking, sprinkle everything with balsamic vinegar and soy sauce.



For 2 servings:

  • Turkey breast 1 pc.
  • Curry to taste
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Provence herbs to taste
  • Soy sauce to taste
  • Balsamic vinegar to taste
  • Sesame seeds to taste
  • Parsley, dill to taste

How to cook:

1. Boil the turkey breast for 30 minutes.

2. Sprinkle the cooked turkey with curry, herbes de Provence, black pepper, sesame, parsley and dill. Drizzle with soy sauce and balsamic vinegar and you're good to go.

Fish with capers and curry


For 2 servings:

  • Halibut 1 pc.
  • Olive oil
  • Capers 5-6 pcs.
  • Mustard 1/2 tsp
  • Orange peel 1 pc.
  • Curry to taste
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Provence herbs to taste
  • Soy sauce to taste
  • Balsamic vinegar to taste

How to cook:

1. Halibut, adding olive oil, simmer until tender under a lid without water, adding capers, mustard, orange zest, curry, black pepper and Provence herbs.

2. Drizzle with soy sauce and balsamic vinegar afterwards.

side dishes

I understand that with the modern rhythm of life, some of my advice will seem complicated, but they are important. Food should be cooked immediately before eating it and no more than three hours before eating. It is necessary in any way to avoid roasting both in oil and on the grill. Whatever you can, eat it raw. Eat a serving of leafy vegetables at any meal. If this fails, eat them at least once a day. The best piece for dessert dark chocolate or berries, and at dinner - a glass of dry red wine. You should forget about all sweet drinks, it is better to drink it down with just water. Before eating, you can drink a glass of water, this contributes to weight loss.

Quinoa garnish


For 4 servings:

  • Quinoa (can be replaced with caniva, amaranth, buckwheat or barley groats) 200 g
  • Parsley to taste
  • Dill to taste
  • Curry to taste
  • Olive oil to taste
  • Soy sauce to taste

How to cook:

1. Boil the cereal in water until cooked.

2. Add parsley, dill, curry, olive oil, soy sauce to the finished dish.

Bean garnish


For 2 servings:

  • Legumes (mung bean, beans or lentils) 300 g
  • Parsley to taste
  • Dill to taste
  • Curry to taste
  • Olive oil to taste
  • Soy sauce to taste

How to cook:

1. Beans must first be soaked in water for 7 hours. This is important because soaking destroys excess phytic acid.

2. Boil beans until tender.

3. Add parsley, dill, curry, olive oil and soy sauce to the finished dish.

Vegetable stew


For 3 servings:

  • Broccoli 4 florets
  • Eggplant 1/2 pc.
  • Bulgarian pepper 1/4 pcs.
  • Soy sauce to taste
  • Olive oil to taste

How to cook:

1. Finely chop the broccoli and leave for at least 30 minutes. At this time, the enzyme miramidase is released in it, which synthesizes sulforaphane. This substance is a geroprotector, it slows down the aging of the body. In this form, sulforaphane becomes quite resistant to heat treatment.

2. Add finely diced eggplant and bell pepper to the broccoli.

3. Drizzle everything with soy sauce and add olive oil.

3. Simmer without adding water for 15 minutes.

Studying how to switch to proper nutrition, I came to the conclusion that you need to start with the choice of products. They should be good quality and meet certain criteria. Then they need to be properly prepared and consumed correctly. Then our body gets real benefit from what we eat. And we get a healthy, slender, energetic body.

Product selection

Let's first remember that we need food as a source of substances necessary for life and energy production. That is, the products must contain vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, fatty acid, antioxidants. All substances must be organic so that the body can absorb them. And, accordingly, the products should not contain any chemically synthesized substances, especially those harmful to the body.

What do we see in stores? Our stores now sell products that are not entirely suitable for food, I call them “products of the chemical and food industry”. According to GOSTs and specifications, it is now legal to add various not useful products to products. chemical substances. This is done primarily to reduce the cost of production. Read the composition of the so-called meat products - sausages, sausages, pate. There is very little meat, mostly a mixture soy protein, starch and fat. And all this is flavored with dyes, flavor enhancers and preservatives. When I want to buy such an attractive-looking meat product, I pick it up, read the composition, I feel disgusted and I put it back.

If we take dairy products, then many dairies have learned to make them from powdered milk. They just dilute it with water and you're done. Cheap and cheerful. Read the composition, it will say “normalized milk”. Although, it is not a fact that where it is written whole milk do not use normalized. After all, no one checks them by and large, write what you want.

As for juices, they have always been made from a dry powder, which is simply diluted with water. Remember how “Yupi” was in the 90s? Now all the “juices” are Yupi. Therefore, I am perplexed by people who buy juices for children, believing that they are healthy. Even if they were made from berries and fruits, after heat treatment there would be nothing useful left in them.

Chickens and eggs - pumped up with growth enhancers and antibiotics. Meat is the same. Recently I also found out that kebabs came up with the idea to marinate meat in saltpeter so that it fried faster ...

And then the president allowed the cultivation of GMO agricultural products. Now hold on. We already had enough GMO products - canned corn, chocolate bars, Heinz ketchups. And now a sharp jump cancer and infertility in women. And will it still be...

Confectionery: cakes, cookies - everything is done using chemistry, so it's cheaper and faster. Cheap, processed palm oil is added to many products.

This list is endless. My goal is not to intimidate you. I just want you to realize that in this area there is a big problem. And no one cares about your health. As they say, nothing personal, just business. Therefore, if you yourself do not take care of what gets on your table, then no one will take care of it. The health of you and your family is in your hands.

What can be done about it? Actually a lot. You can buy homemade meat and eggs in the market or in the nearest village. You can refuse semi-finished products and start cooking yourself. It will not be difficult to bake boiled pork in the oven instead of sausages and boiled-smoked meat products.

You can read the composition on the labels, and choose products with a minimum content of chemicals. Just don’t get fooled by the now fashionable words “natural”, “organic”, etc. Read exactly the composition of the product - what is included? If you are already buying dumplings, then look at least at the category. The best that happens in stores is category “B” - maximum amount meat and some extras. Category "B" - more additives, less meat. Category "G" - from the word shit, probably 🙂. Manufacturers are not always honest, but you can still be guided by this. Vote with a ruble - if you run into an unnatural taste in category "B" - never buy products of this brand again.

I personally blacklisted Miratorg after I bought their minced meat. During frying, a lot of water stood out from it, and it became some kind of strange texture and with a chemical smell. I was shocked! Since then, this brand simply does not exist for me!

Choose the least refined foods. Pancakes with flour of the 2nd grade turned out to be not only healthier, but also tastier. Pasta should be chosen with the maximum long time boiled for longer than 10 minutes, then they are really made from durum wheat. From such pasta, the figure and health do not deteriorate. The same applies to cereals. Kashi fast food convenient, but absolutely useless, all useful of them removed.

Most healthy bread- whole grain yeast-free, or at least with bran.

I buy brown unrefined sugar. It is less harmful than white. And it is best, of course, to use natural honey instead of sugar.

It would also be nice to go through the “Purification” program every few years - in specialized organizations or at least buy a set of bioadditives for self-cleansing. I know women who were even able to solve the problem of infertility in this way.

Variety of products

In order for the body to get everything from food necessary substances food should be of high quality and varied. If you severely limit the set of products, then this is no longer a healthy diet. Whatever the creators of fashionable diets and trends say.

Now no one monitors the usefulness of products, but only their low cost for manufacturers. Vegetables and fruits are grown on depleted land, but with the participation of chemical fertilizers, or in greenhouses. The meat is grown on hormones, on chemical feed. Therefore, even varied diet does not guarantee the presence in the body of all the necessary substances.

To make sure your body gets required set take a complex of vitamins and minerals from jars. Only not pharmacy options, they are synthesized at the same pharmaceutical factories as tablets. There is little use from them, in large doses they are even harmful, since the body cannot absorb them and perceives them as foreign substances that must be removed from the body. Best of all - organic complexes that are made from vegetables, fruits and other natural substances. For example, .

About water

I will write a couple of lines about the need for water. You need to drink about 2 liters of it. For an accurate calculation, multiply your weight in kilograms by 0.03. For example, 63 X 0.03 = 1.89 liters of water per day. This is the calculation pure water. Tea, coffee, soups, juices are not included in this calculation. It is better to drink several sips every half an hour or an hour. To do this, put a large cup or bottle of water on your desktop, in a prominent place. If you drink a glass at once, then the water is not so much absorbed by the cells as it is excreted in the urine.

But in the morning, immediately after waking up, it is useful to drink a whole glass at once. Advanced: Add a slice of lemon to the water. Just please don't drink the tap water. She and wash sometimes scary. Use water filters or order artesian bottles in large bottles. If you are cooking with untreated water, then, after pouring water into the pan, do not immediately close the lid tightly, give time for the chlorine to evaporate. After a couple of minutes, you can tightly close the lid - so the water boils faster.

Proper preparation

The main principle here is maximum preservation useful substances and elimination of harmful ones. To remove nitrates, soak greens and watermelons in water. It is better to buy watermelons not earlier than the end of July. There are so many nitrates in the early ones that people end up in the hospital with poisoning. All fruits and vegetables should be washed with soap. In addition to germs and worm eggs, you will get rid of the chemical plaque that is applied so that they are better preserved during transport and in the store.

To preserve nutrients, the principle is used - if a liquid dish is being prepared, then the products are placed in cold water. During heating nutrients will go into the water. If you are preparing a second dish, for example, boil potatoes, then put them in boiling water so that the nutrients remain in the potatoes.

You need to cook on low heat under a slightly ajar lid. To preserve nutrients, the time of heat treatment is important. Try to keep the dish on fire minimum time required for its preparation. Some products do not need heat treatment. First of all, these are vegetables, even beets. I have no idea why they boil it for 4 hours! I rub it raw on a salad grater, very tasty and healthy.

You need to fry only on heat-resistant fats, which, when heated, do not turn into a carcinogen. Heat resistant are lard, ghee and Coconut oil.

It is useful and convenient to bake in the oven: meat, fish, with or without potatoes. As Daria Dontsova writes in her cookbook, she wrapped the meat in foil, put it in the oven, and that was the end of your cooking chores. The beauty!

Juices are very useful, of course, only natural and freshly prepared. As the song goes: “Every home should have a juicer.” But smoothies are even more useful, so it’s better to have a blender in every house :).

Do not forget about hygiene. Domestic eggs (not store-bought) should be washed by soaking them for 5 minutes in water with a small amount soda. Otherwise, you risk the whole family to end up in the infectious diseases department with salmonellosis. After processing raw meat and wash the fish laundry soap a cutting board, a knife, used utensils, and then faucets and a sink. Leave the cooked food warm for no more than an hour, and then send it to the refrigerator. Millions of bacteria multiply very quickly on foods left warm.

How to eat right

1-2 meals a day leads to a set excess weight. You need to eat 4-5 times a day in small portions. Our stomach is able to digest no more than 300g of food at a time. Everything that you have eaten in excess of the norm will not be digested and will only clog our body. Do not eat later than 3 hours before bedtime. During sleep gastrointestinal tract stops its work. All food lies there undigested until morning and rots. Do not spoil the stomach with endless small snacks and, especially, sweets. The stomach needs to rest sometime.

Breakfast is better with protein food. Perfect for this egg. So you immediately adjust the metabolism to correct work during the day. For better digestibility proteins should be combined with vegetables, greens are especially good for their absorption - leaf salad, parsley, green onion, dill, green varieties of cabbage. If you are watching your weight, then you need to eat carbohydrates only in the afternoon, you can reduce their intake to 2-3 times a week.

Don't drink food right away. It is better to drink water half an hour before meals and one hour after. Fruits are also physiologically more correct to eat before meals, as they contribute to the production gastric juice. I eat fruit before meals and after 20 minutes I am very hungry, which confirms the correctness of this theory. Use this as a hack for kids with poor appetite - give them some water or fruit 20 minutes before dinner.

Food should not be too cold and not too hot. But I personally love ice cream and am not ready to give it up completely. That's why I eat it on an empty stomach less problems brings digestive system. And I never eat or drink very hot, it destroys the mucous membrane and leads to cancer of the esophagus and stomach. This rule is very easy to follow if you put food on plates in advance, a few minutes in advance. Add water to a cup of coffee or tea room temperature(filtered or pre-boiled).

Limit your intake of sugar and salt. They are very harmful to health and well-being. This is done very simply - gradually reduce their number. I drink tea with honey, and I put 1 tablespoon of unrefined sugar in coffee. moderate sea salt edible salt only soups and side dishes, and for cooking eggs, meat and fish I use sets of spices. Don't forget that sugar is large quantities found in cakes, buns, chocolates, sweets, soda. If you want something sweet, eat honey, sweet fruits, dates, dried apricots or raisins. Very sweet, tasty and healthy. If it's chocolate, then dark, in it minimal amount sugar and the maximum amount of cocoa. A lot of salt is found in semi-finished products, smoked meats, salted fish, canned food. In addition to salt, it is usually full of chemicals, and there are also carcinogens in smoked meats, it is better to use this to a minimum.

I think you understand what to switch to healthy eating it's not that hard. And it's much tastier than unhealthy :). It is important to apply these principles not occasionally, but to make them part of your lifestyle. Understand why we eat at all. And then the body will delight you with harmony, vigor and excellent health!

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