Plastic braces as an aesthetic option for correcting an overbite. Features of plastic braces. Prices for plastic braces

To correct bite pathologies, today's orthodontics offers many variations of braces. Traditional ones have long been no longer uncontested, now you can also install them, however, beating metal in aesthetics, they are significantly inferior to it in terms of price. Metal systems will cost decently cheaper, this is a fact, but if the task is not to overpay and get good quality treatment, it makes sense to pay attention to plastic braces, which will be discussed further.

Plastic braces

Such braces were the first among those that began to replace traditional metal braces. This was dictated primarily by aesthetic considerations, but it is also worth considering that high-quality plastic is used in the manufacturing process, thanks to which the system is reliable and can perfectly match the color of natural teeth.

Structurally, plastic braces do not differ from other analogues. The basis is made up of small locks that are attached to the outside of the dentition with a special glue. In each of these locks there are grooves through which an arc passes to connect them. It is fastened with wire or rings, called ligatures. All this design operates in the usual mode, correcting the location of the teeth and moving them in the right direction.

How did they appear?

Initially, the task of correcting the bite was very difficult, which is why metal braces appeared. As already noted, their main drawback was unimportant aesthetics, which sometimes became the reason that the patient refused treatment.

Progress did not stand still and such bulky systems began to be replaced by others made of ceramics or sapphires, moreover, it even came to those installed on the inside of the teeth and completely invisible to others. The problem, however, was that the cost of such structures turned out to be very high and not everyone could afford them. And as a cheaper replacement that can satisfy the needs of the widest segments of the population, plastic braces have appeared.

Advantages and disadvantages

Plastic structures have their own specifics and cannot be considered an absolute replacement for other types of systems, but they have certain advantages:

  • matching the natural color of the teeth;
  • price affordability;
  • hypoallergenic plastic;
  • patients get used to such systems quickly and easily;
  • no particular discomfort in the process of wearing braces;
  • correction does not pain due to its softness.

As for the shortcomings, there are some, in particular:

  • in terms of strength, plastic is inferior to ceramic and metal systems;
  • plastic will not be able to fully cope with pathologies of a too serious level, only metal products can do this;
  • susceptibility to staining under the influence certain products and drinks;
  • duration of treatment is higher, which is reverse side his softness.

These shortcomings become critical for some patients, but most are willing to put up with some inconvenience and dietary restrictions for the economic benefits of plastic braces and the effectiveness of treatment.

Types of plastic braces

There are several varieties of plastic systems, which include the following:

  • Silkon - the basis of the design is a non-porous material, due to the use of which friction is reduced and braces can be worn with comfort and convenience;
  • Silkon+Elan - the addition of the Elan metal groove improves glide and increases the abrasion resistance of the structure, which will increase the life of the braces;
  • Spirit is a very strong system, its frame is made of metal, which improves the strength and effectiveness of the treatment.

The choice in favor of one or another option is associated with financial aspect and the patient's requirements for the aesthetics of braces.

Features of care

Saving money becomes a fundamental factor when choosing plastic braces. However, this fact does not mean that they do not need to be looked after and taken care of, in this sense, the basic rules will be as follows:

  • you should refuse to use any solid foods to reduce the risk of breakage of the product;
  • it is necessary to limit sweet and sticky foods in the diet;
  • categorical refusal of chewing gum;
  • products containing dyes should be abandoned;
  • it is necessary to regularly clean the braces with the help of special devices;
  • After each meal, you need to brush your teeth, at least rinse them.

How many will need to be worn?

On a note: Plastic braces are guaranteed for one year, of course, provided that they are handled with care.

This period is usually not enough to correct the bite, so you should prepare for the fact that you will have to wear the structure for about three years. It is worth considering that this parameter is purely individual and depends not only on the degree of complexity of each case, but also on many other factors.


The pricing policy of each clinic is a personal matter of its owners, but if you analyze the cost of plastic structures, you can get an idea of ​​the approximate average level of costs. Yes, most simple options cost about 6-9 thousand rubles for one jaw, plus about 500 will have to be paid for installation. Using or Elan will lead to an increase in cost, but in any case, it will not reach the heights of ceramics, and even more so sapphire.

Gone are the days when the only possible way to correct the bite and straighten the teeth, there were bulky metal braces.

Now orthodontists offer several options for solving these problems, from budget versions of this device to elite and expensive devices.

Fix occlusion by affordable price design, which has good indicators of aesthetics and quality of treatment, you can, if you resort to help orthodontic systems from plastic.

History of appearance

Initially, the process of correcting the bite was a very long and painful process. For this purpose, bulky braces were created - special orthodontic metal structures.

The appearance was far from perfect, the person could not speak and smile without embarrassment, he was constantly in pain, and soft tissues in the mouth were always rubbed.

Since at that time such a design was the only way correct the defect, patients put up with inconvenience for the sake of a beautiful smile.

And only after some time, specialists managed to develop orthodontic systems that are perfect in terms of aesthetics. Their shape has remained almost the same, but the material from which they began to be made has changed.

Metal was replaced by plastic, and a little later - ceramics and sapphires. Designs are practically invisible on the tooth surface, since the color very closely repeats the shade of the enamel.

A little later, a lingual variety of braces was released, in which the plates are attached from the back (lingual) part of the dentition.

Ceramic and sapphire devices cost a lot, and not every patient can afford to correct defects with such devices.

Therefore, in terms of demand, they are much inferior to plastic systems, the aesthetics and effectiveness of which are no worse than expensive options.


Despite the large assortment of modern orthodontic mechanisms, plastic braces do not lose popularity, which is explained by the following advantages:

  1. Good aesthetic performance. In appearance, the devices are comparable to sapphire and ceramic devices. They are visually almost invisible on the teeth.

    To achieve this, orthodontists carefully select the color of the plastic. It is available in various shades, from yellowish tones to perfectly white.

    In addition, experts for such constructions advise using an arch covered in enamel tone and transparent (or white) ligatures.

  2. Interesting and varied design. Under the plastic system, you can choose any shade of locks, not limited to just white.

    By installing multi-colored, decorated with different patterns or glow-in-the-dark braces, children are a little distracted from discomfort accompanied by a correction process.

  3. No allergies. The polymer from which the structures are made is hypoallergenic, so the devices do not irritate the mucous membrane, and can also be used by patients with high sensitivity.
  4. Convenience and safety. Plates in plastic structures are produced under pressure using hot casting technology with their subsequent polishing. Clips round shape do not damage the mucosa and soft tissues (which cannot be achieved when wearing analogues made of metal).
  5. Short adaptation period. After installation, addiction passes quickly enough. In most cases, diction is not violated, but increased secretion saliva is observed only the first days.
  6. Affordable price. The cost of plastic is several times less than devices made from other materials. This also applies to payment for services for installation, subsequent correction and removal of the mechanism.
  7. "Soft" correction. The process of correcting the bite occurs smoothly, with gradual increase pressure on the teeth. That is why the manifestations of soreness and discomfort are minimal.

The mentioned advantages of bracket systems are significant, but agreeing to their installation, it is necessary to take into account their disadvantages.


Experts pay attention to the following disadvantages of plastic devices:

  1. The tendency of the material to pigmentation. Ideally, the product looks only the first weeks after installation. Then comes the inevitable and unpleasant situation - the shade gradually changes.

    This phenomenon is explained by the susceptibility of plastic to dyes. Foods and drinks containing dyes can cause coloring of the material.

  2. Low strength indicators. When comparing the strength of plastic with ceramic, metal and sapphire, this indicator very modest.

    It is characterized by rapid abrasion, frequent peeling off, which naturally negatively affects the duration of treatment.

  3. Unforeseen increase in the cost of correction. Plastic devices break more often than all other models. their repair or complete replacement are not free, and entail an increase in the total cost of bite correction.
  4. Cannot be placed from the inner (lingual) surface of the teeth. Lingual models of plastic braces are not available, so their complete invisibility cannot be achieved.
  5. Duration of treatment. Due to the fact that the material is inherent high rate friction, teeth move very slowly. Therefore, the patient will have to wear the system for about three years.
  6. It is impossible to correct a complex bite defect with plastic constructions. Devices cannot cope with severe pathologies dental system because the impact on the teeth is very weak.

The cons of the material itself scare away some patients, but there are those who are ready to wear them carefully and sacrifice their favorite products in order to preserve the integrity and appearance of the system, as well as affordable cost.


The dental market is saturated various options plastic orthodontic systems. But 3 models - Silkon, Spirit and Elan - received particular popularity and recognition both among specialists and among their patients.


Products from the American manufacturer - American Orthodontics. In their manufacture, a reinforced plastic filler was used, which increases the strength of the entire structure by almost 35%.

This technique allows to strengthen the fixation of the plates. to the tooth surface without additional application of adhesive mass and sealant.

The absence of micropores on the surface of the brackets makes them resistant to staining. The rounded edges of all parts exclude rubbing and damage to the tissues of the mucosa, and also provide comfort when wearing.

Another feature of the Silkon system is the presence of the MechanicalLock support pad. Due to its presence, all parts of the structure peel off when removed quite easily and painlessly.

Grooves are a significant drawback of the apparatus. The friction that is created during the correction of the position of the units of the dentition begins to destroy the grooves over time, which entails the need for a complete replacement of the system.


The device is developed by the American company Dentsply. This is vestibular orthodontic construction, which has no ligatures. It is distinguished by increased strength, which is only slightly inferior to metal systems.

The strength property was achieved through the use of a metal frame coated with a transparent hypoallergenic polyurethane alloy. The material reduces the duration of treatment and improves aesthetics construction, making it very similar to ceramics.

Another feature of them is the relief base (footboard). It very accurately repeats the surface of the teeth, provides a stronger fixation of the plates to the enamel and reduces the likelihood of them peeling off.

In Elan braces, the force arc is made of metal, which increases the pressure on those units that are to be aligned. At the request of the patient, the part can be painted in White color which reduces its visibility on the teeth.

The grooves are made of medical steel. The use of this material improved the adhesion of the arc to the locks, and also increased the strength of the entire structure.

The main disadvantages are similar to the disadvantages of all orthodontic systems made of plastic.


Product of the American company Ormco. Braces are vestibular models of the ligature type. The main features of the system are the following characteristics:

  • the arc is made of metal and is fixed with translucent or white ligatures (rubber bands);
  • the plates are made of translucent plastic, and quickly adjust to the natural color of the enamel;
  • the edges of each plate are smoothed, and there are no sharp edges and corners in the structure itself;
  • the platform has a mesh base, which improves the fixation of the product to the teeth and facilitates removal;
  • each plate has a metal groove to reduce friction and arc slippage.

Important! Among a wide range models, it is difficult to choose on your own the one that is better than others to cope with the task. For advice, it is better to turn to specialists.

Terms of treatment

You can quickly get used to the presence of plastic structures in your mouth. The approximate duration of adaptation is from 2 to 4 days.

Immediately after placement, mild soreness, discomfort, and increased salivation may occur. But, all symptoms disappear after a couple of days, as the latest models have been improved and provide comfortable treatment.

First visible results corrections will be noticeable only after 2-3 months, which is somewhat longer than with other designs. The whole course of bite correction also lasts longer - the process goes smoothly, with a gradual increase in pressure on incorrectly located units. Average duration correction is 2.5-3 years.

The duration of the correction is influenced by a number of factors, namely the severity of the pathology, the age of the person and individual characteristics his body.

Important! Can increase wear time poor hygiene and non-compliance with recommendations for the care of the structure.

Correction of defects with plastic orthodontic devices requires a very careful attitude and thorough care. To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Change your diet, eliminating or minimizing the use of hard and sticky products that can damage structural elements and cause chipping.
  2. Reduce the amount of coloring drinks and foods. Under the ban are juices, coffee, some fruits, berries, vegetables, wine, strong tea. Nicotine can also affect the color of the system.
  3. Carefully carry out daily hygiene procedures. When brushing your teeth, do not press the brush on the braces. For a more thorough cleaning of the design details, it is better to use a dental brush, floss and irrigator.
  4. Do not miss visiting a specialist. At the time appointed by the doctor, it is necessary to come for an examination. This will improve the quality of care by timely adjustment arc position.

    It is necessary to monitor the health of the mechanism. If you find any damage, you should not try to fix it yourself. In this situation, you need to contact a technician or orthodontist.

Important! O additional rules the operation of plastic systems should be consulted by the specialist who carried out the installation.


One of the advantages of plastic braces is their low cost, affordable for all patients. The price of a structure for one jaw, depending on the model, ranges from 6 to 10 thousand rubles.

The approximate cost of the most popular plastic systems is shown in this table.

To these figures should be added the payment for orthodontist services, diagnostics, taking impressions, making the apparatus, its installation and subsequent removal, as well as monthly visits to a specialist.

Gone are the days when the only possible variant bite correction consisted in wearing bulky metal braces. Dentistry has stepped far forward and has become more gentle. In the current realities, patients can avoid the sad fate of a person “who never smiles”: plastic braces deliver a minimum of aesthetic discomfort. But are they really as good as advertised?

Plastic braces: history of appearance

At the dawn of orthodontics, metal braces were installed in all patients to correct defects in the dentition. From that moment on, a person for 1-1.5 years forgot that there is life without embarrassment once again to open your mouth, without rubbed mucosa and constant pain. Since no one knew that it could be otherwise, one had to either accept such a prospect or refuse treatment altogether.

But gradually the requirements for aesthetics began to increase, and more perfect bracket systems appeared in terms of appearance. Their very form remains the same, but the material has changed. This is how plastic braces, pioneers among aesthetic orthodontic structures, saw the light of day. Then they began to catch up and push ceramic systems and transparent aligners-kappa, but that was after.


AT recent times plastic braces are not as popular as before: the presence of more advanced orthodontic structures on the market is affecting. Nevertheless, plastic has a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. Good aesthetic performance. According to the appearance characteristics, plastic systems are comparable to sapphire and ceramic ones: they are also almost invisible on the teeth. To achieve this effect, the orthodontist carefully selects the plastic to match the color of the enamel: shades are available, ranging from yellowish to perfectly white. Increase the "invisibility" of braces transparent ligatures and white arcs.
  2. Interesting design. Plastic allows you to "play" with the appearance of the structure, so there are very unusual options on the market. Braces can be not only different colors but also decorated with patterns and even glow in the dark. For children, this option is very good: it is much easier for a child to get used to the need to wear something funny and unusual than just uncomfortable and interfering with everyday life.
  3. Relative cheapness. Compared to other types of orthodontic structures, plastic braces are inexpensive. The price for them ranges from 6000 to 9000 rubles. for 1 jaw. Orthodontist services for fixation, correction and removal of the structure are also quite cheap: from 300 to 500 rubles. per procedure, while in the case of sapphire and ceramic systems, the price consists of 4-5 digits.
  4. Convenience. The plastic used is not "at enmity" with the mucosa and tongue: it does not scratch or irritate them. Absence similar discomfort- a fairly weighty argument for giving preference to plastic braces.
  5. Hypoallergenic. For the manufacture of braces, biocompatible plastic is used, which does not cause allergic reactions.

Despite the seemingly significant advantages, before deciding to install a plastic system, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons. Indeed, one cannot do without pitfalls, and it happens that the pros suddenly turn into cons.


Usually, dentists do not hide the fact that plastic braces have " dark sides personalities." Their main disadvantages include:

  1. Tendency to pigmentation. Beautiful and almost perfect plastic bracket system looks only in the first few weeks of wearing. Then the inevitable happens: a gradual change in color. The fact is that plastic is very susceptible to dyes, and what kind of food does not contain them at all? Coffee, tea, berries, fruits, some vegetables, sweets, carbonated drinks - here regular products, provoking staining of plastic braces. Smoking, of course, also affects this process. This is where “color masking” comes in handy, which refers to the advantages of the design: you can hide the conspicuous shade even more bright color braces. Not so lucky for people who want one thing from the bracket system - invisibility.
  2. Fragility. The margin of safety of plastic is very modest, especially when compared with metal, sapphire and even ceramics. Plastic braces are characterized by abrasion and peeling, which affects the duration of treatment in the direction of increase. Some manufacturers are trying to deal with this drawback by making a structure on a metal base and making its relief as close as possible to the tooth surface.
  3. Unforeseen increase in the cost of treatment. After each breakage, braces need either repair or a complete replacement. Naturally, such manipulations are not free at all.
  4. Unable to install with inside teeth. There are no lingual braces made of plastic, so 100% invisibility cannot be achieved.
  5. duration of treatment. Plastic is characterized by a high coefficient of friction, due to which the teeth move rather slowly. On average, a patient has to wear braces for 2.5-3 years.

Serious disadvantages of plastic braces make them the least popular among all orthodontic designs. However, you can take the risk proper care braces imperfections will be minimized.

In particular, it is necessary to follow the diet very strictly: minimizing the exposure of the plastic to food coloring increases the chance that the braces will remain transparent. It is also important to stop smoking, chew your food very carefully, and use a colorless mouthwash.

Plastic braces - regular, but not final stage in development orthodontic dentistry. Stay on it or choose more modern options, everyone is free to decide for himself. It should only be remembered that the plastic bracket system is inconspicuous, fragile, cheap, prone to staining and long-term treatment. If you like the "set", then you should take it!


Modern dentistry cares not only about the physical comfort of the patient, expressed in fast, high-quality and maximum painless treatment but also about aesthetic comfort. Now it is hardly possible to meet a person with bulky metal braces. They were replaced by almost invisible ceramic, sapphire and plastic braces. The latter will be discussed.

How aesthetic plastic braces appeared

On the initial stage development of orthodontics, metal structures were used as braces, high-quality and reliable, but with a number of negative impacts:

  • Caused allergies in some patients;
  • They rubbed the mucous membrane, caused pain;
  • Delivered aesthetic discomfort.

With the development of science, methods of treatment have also improved. If it was impossible to change the principle of operation of braces, the material from which they were made changed. This is how aesthetic plastic braces appeared.

Outwardly, they are quite comparable with ceramic and sapphire. The color of the plastic can be chosen from snow-white to yellowish. They are attached to outside with the help of metal arcs, which become almost invisible when painted white.

Advantages and disadvantages of orthodontic construction

Plastic braces are becoming the choice of many patients, despite their lower quality compared to other designs. Firstly, the relatively low cost of a plastic bracket system attracts. Complete installation costs from 20 to 50 thousand rubles (the price depends on the attraction of additional strengthening agents).

Another plus is the ability to choose the color of the plastic. The orthodontist brings the color of the system as close as possible to the natural color of the patient's tooth enamel. In addition, you can choose clear braces. For creative people, colored plates decorated with drawings or additional decorations. Such features will make plastic braces attractive for children. Finally, the external attractiveness of the dentition is appreciated - the teeth look neat and well-groomed.

It must be remembered that for the use of records there is age limit. They are contraindicated for children under 13 years of age, therefore complete treatment braces can only be performed on teenage children.

Orthodontic constructions are easy to use. They do not irritate or scratch the mucous membrane. Made from hypoallergenic materials, they do not cause allergies and are absolutely safe to use.

When choosing designs of this kind, it is necessary to remember about the shortcomings characteristic of them. The main disadvantage can be considered the impossibility of installing lingual plastic systems.

Other disadvantages include:

  1. Insufficient strength of plastic structures. They can be easily damaged by mechanical influences;
  2. Longer treatment period: Teeth don't fit in fast enough compared to metal braces. The period of bite correction is 2.5 - 3 years;
  3. The plates are easily stained when in contact with food colorings, including coffee, tea, berries, fruits, etc. They easily turn yellow from smoking;
  4. The price of treatment can increase significantly due to frequent visits to specialists in connection with damage to the plastic or peeling of the records;
  5. Plastic braces are not suitable for correcting serious defects.

The presence of these disadvantages makes plastic braces the least popular among the existing aesthetic designs.

Types of plastic braces

There are three main types of plastic braces:

  • Silkon - characterized by the use of a non-porous substance that reduces friction and increases the comfort of wearing braces;
  • Elan - plastic braces with a metal groove, more resistant to abrasion than competitors. Due to the strengthening of sliding functions, the service life of structures is increased;
  • Spirit - plates with a metal frame, which contributes to increased strength and makes the treatment more reliable and faster.

The choice of one or another type of plastic system is made on the basis of the preferred cost of the final product, as well as quality.

Features of the installation of the device for bite correction

The device of plastic braces is the same as that of other types of structures. Small plates are attached to the tooth with a special dental adhesive. The braces are fastened with a metal arc passing through the grooves of the plates. It is installed by ligatures - rubber rings or wire hooks.

Plates and arcs are produced according to the individual characteristics of the patient and his tooth. Each element is aimed at a certain deformation and is designed to correct the specifics of the defect.

Plastic braces are not able to spoil tooth enamel. They are fastened special glue impervious to microorganisms and bacteria. Trouble can only occur if low-quality material is used.

The bite begins to correct immediately after the installation of plastic braces. A few days after the procedure, a person may feel slight discomfort: slight rubbing of the mucous membrane, pain and pressure on the tooth. But the patient gets used to these sensations quickly enough.

Basic principles of maintenance and care

You can extend the life of a plastic orthodontic structure by following some rules for caring for it. Such systems require more than any other careful attitude, the presence of all kinds of brushes, dental floss and other devices for cleaning records.

Care Tips:

  1. It is necessary to exclude from the diet solid foods that can damage the structure - ice, seeds, nuts, crackers, etc .;
  2. The amount of sweets, smoked meats, viscous sweets consumed should be minimized ( chewing gum it is better to exclude completely), as they contribute to the peeling of the plates from the teeth;
  3. If you want to keep the original color of the braces, you should refuse food and drinks with dyes;
  4. It is important to remove contamination from the system daily and carefully, using dental brushes, irrigators, etc.;
  5. Brushing your teeth is necessary not only in the morning and evening, but throughout the day - after each meal.

If you follow the rules for the care of plastic braces, their service life will increase significantly, trips to the orthodontist will be reduced, and appearance your teeth will stay flawless longer.

The first orthodontic designs were invented in early XIX centuries and were uncomfortable and bulky devices that greatly changed the appearance of a person. Since the century before last, technology has stepped far forward, and dentists have come up with practically perfect view braces.

To correct the dentition, light and comfortable bracket systems made of and plastic were developed. At the same time, plastic braces are considered the most inconspicuous and light, with the exception of which increases their level of aesthetics. For the manufacture of plastic braces, a unique plastic is used, which is distinguished by its special strength and composition.

Such braces are ideally fixed on the teeth, resistant to external influences, and also have a special relief that makes them practically invisible on the dentition. Note that each type of plastic braces has its own characteristics.

Types of plastic braces

Types of plastic braces are determined by manufacturers that are on the market dental services presented in huge number. But experienced dentists There are three types of plastic braces, which are reliable and of high quality.

  1. Elan. Distinctive feature of these braces - a special relief that repeats the surface of each tooth. This feature makes it possible to secure fixation bracket with tooth enamel. In addition, Elan braces have a metal frame, which increases the strength of the entire structure.
  2. Spirit. These brackets have a metal groove that improves the glide of the archwire, which makes the entire bracket system resistant to abrasion. Spirit plastic braces have a snow-white shade, which enhances the aesthetic appearance of the structure. Note that this species braces are not suitable for patients with, as the braces wear out quickly and the teeth upper jaw will damage the structure.
  3. silkon. These braces are made of non-porous material, which reduces the friction of the archwire during movement. This feature allows you to make the correction of the bite more effective, both in quality and in time.

In addition to the advantages of the material and design features, there are other undoubted advantages.


  1. Plastic braces are not noticeable, as well as ceramic and sapphire ones. They perfectly match the color of the enamel, which makes them almost invisible.
  2. For those patients who do not seek to hide the presence of braces, plastic ones can be colored. The patient can choose the color of the locks himself, so as to emphasize his individuality. This is especially important for children who want to always stand out and attract attention. Some dental clinics offer to make such braces from a luminous material.
  3. The material of plastic braces is hypoallergenic, which completely eliminates the occurrence of an allergic reaction.
  4. The plastic is very smooth, which eliminates the appearance of scratches and other damage to the oral mucosa. It also helps to quickly get used to a foreign object in the mouth.
  5. Affordable price. All orthodontic designs are different high price, but plastic braces stand out significantly in this regard. On average, their installation and maintenance will cost 2-3 times cheaper.

But apart from positive aspects Like any other orthodontic design, plastic braces have a number of disadvantages.


  1. Plastic braces, although considered reliable, are less durable than metal braces. Therefore, while wearing them, you need to refrain from eating solid food.
  2. Plastic has a porous structure, which over time affects the color of the braces. The color change occurs faster if the patient constantly consumes coffee or carbonated drinks.
  3. Plastic braces have a high coefficient of friction, so they will have to be worn longer than conventional metal braces.

It is worth noting such a disadvantage as an increase in the price of treatment due to the fragility of the material. In the event that the patient does not adhere to the recommendations for the care of braces, then the likelihood of plastic breakage increases. That is why there may be additional costs for the restoration of the structure or the manufacture of a new one.

Caring for plastic braces

Patients are increasingly choosing plastic braces as they are affordable. But in order for them to last the entire period of treatment, you must follow simple rules:

  1. Refusal of solid foods: nuts, crackers, seeds and hard vegetables and fruits.
  2. When brushing your teeth, use only special items: brush, irrigator and floss.
  3. Brush your teeth and braces after every meal.
  4. Refusal of coloring products, otherwise the braces will quickly acquire an unpleasant color, which will not look aesthetically pleasing.

For a particular type of plastic braces, special care rules may be provided, which the attending dentist should tell about.


The average price for plastic braces is 20-30 thousand rubles for one jaw. The cost of manufacturing, installation and further maintenance will be from 50 000 rubles.

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