How are composite veneers placed? What does a composite veneer look like: photos of teeth before and after. Ceramic veneers: patient reviews

A beautiful smile adorns the face and is usually the first to be noticed. Any imperfection in relation to the teeth has a significant Negative influence on the big picture, and in fact can spoil the first impression of a person, and in an instant.

When it comes to health oral cavity, several factors throughout life can cause defects, imperfections and discoloration of teeth varying degrees. The reasons for these changes may be:

  • genetics. Gaps, misaligned teeth, and unevenness are most often inherited;
  • lifestyle choices: coffee, tea, tobacco, red wine, and certain foods can darken teeth over time;
  • antibiotics. The use of tetracycline by young children causes gradual staining of adult teeth;
  • injury. Mechanical impact can lead to cracks or loss of teeth;
  • age. Teeth become darker as their structure matures. Similarly, old fillings wear out and stain over time.

Today, dentists offer various methods improving the appearance of any superficially damaged or stained teeth and therefore the overall smile. One of the most common treatments are veneers.

Veneers are thin layer material that is placed over unsightly teeth to improve their appearance. There are two types of veneers: composite (known as "straight") and ceramic ("indirect"). Below we will talk about the first.

There are several treatment options that can be used to correct the appearance of a smile, depending on which aspect needs to be addressed. Cosmetic procedures can even be used to improve not only the aesthetics of the teeth, but also their functionality and general condition. Composite veneers are an effective and reliable solution to some of the most pressing problems in cosmetic dentistry.

What it is?

Composite veneers (often referred to as straight veneers) are an alternative to porcelain veneers. Regarding their functionality, there are different opinions and usually they are both positive and negative. Each veneer is made by a dentist (rarely in laboratories) who applies the natural color composition directly to the teeth. Since the material is handmade, it is especially important to do your research and find a professional who has an artistic eye and experience. This is the only way to achieve natural result. This is one area where you need to invest in an experienced dentist.

The installation process is a kind of art, and requires knowledge of the details of the shape of the teeth, their morphology, translucency and the principles of smile construction. Composite veneers can whiten teeth more effectively than a conventional peroxide whitening procedure. They also make the smile a little wider and correct some damage like tooth wear, crowding or gaps. Composite veneers usually cost about half as much as porcelain veneers.

In other words, they are custom-made shells made of composite material. These veneers are used to improve the appearance natural teeth that are damaged, discolored, stained, have unsightly gaps, or are misaligned. Unlike ceramic veneers, composite veneers are created by a dentist, so that aesthetic improvements on the teeth can be obtained in one visit. On the other hand, porcelain veneers are always created in a laboratory and typically require two/three dental appointments to complete the procedure.

Problems that composite veneers usually solve

Broken or damaged teeth

Teeth that have been damaged by caries can be improved with composite veneers. It's economically more effective solution to correct both aesthetic and functional aspects of the smile.

Crooked teeth

Composite veneers can improve the appearance of crooked or misaligned teeth so that your smile looks natural and beautiful. Veneers offer faster teeth alignment results compared to orthodontic treatment. Opaque gaps between teeth can also be filled with composite veneers.

Irregularly shaped teeth

To achieve beautiful smile, deformed teeth can be improved with composite veneers. Staining, discolouration of the surface of the teeth or stains that are particularly resistant to whitening procedures can be addressed with composite veneers. Custom-made shells are placed over affected teeth to improve their appearance.

Advantages and disadvantages of composite veneers

Composite veneers are created by the dentist so the treatment can be completed in one visit. There is no need to wait for the veneers to be created in the laboratory, as in the case of the installation of ceramic analogues - it will take two to three visits.

The bonding procedure for composite veneers requires very little or no intervention (through drilling) into the structure of the teeth, making it minimally invasive. Thus, the outer shell of the teeth is guaranteed to be preserved.

Installing composite veneers is more economical than ceramic veneers. This is because there is no need for invasive drilling procedures and also because there are fewer visits to the dentist.

The disadvantages of these veneers are that it is much more difficult to achieve extreme smile changes. If the teeth are too crowded, moderate/heavy wear or bite changes are present, the use of ceramic veneers has strong advantages. The composite material is more likely to get small cracks and spots. While this material is quite strong, it is still not as strong as ceramic. The good news is that in most cases this problem can be easily fixed.

Composite veneers will gradually darken over the years, and the only way lighten them - replacement. Composite also loses its luster faster, but can be polished when cleaned. The service life of composite veneers is 7-10 years. Porcelain veneers do not stain or smooth out over time. They last 15 years or more and are created by ceramists in dental laboratories. If the ceramist or dentist is not highly skilled, ceramic veneers will still look just as good as well-made composite ones.

If a dentist cuts and stains a composite veneer, it may look translucent and look the same as a good porcelain veneer. In turn, the best dental laboratories with professional ceramists can create porcelain veneers that look more natural and beautiful than any composite veneers. Make sure your dentist works with the best laboratories.

How are composite veneers applied?

They are usually installed in two steps.

Stage 1

The first step is "preparation". The dentist adjusts the patient's tooth with a small drill so that it is ready for the veneer.

He scrapes a small piece of tooth under local anesthesia. Then the tooth already has the correct size and shape for the veneer. The goal of this stage is to make the veneer look indistinguishable from natural teeth after installation.

A model or "impression" taken from the teeth in the form of a cast is used to make a set of veneers. These veneers are created personally by the dentist.

Stage 2

At the second stage, composite veneers are installed. The dentist puts them on top of the teeth and checks the comparability. Then they are removed.

The dentist then reattaches the veneers to the teeth before fixing them in place with dental cement. This process is accelerated by a "curing light" that causes the cement to harden and cements both the veneer and the tooth.

The last moment - the dentist removes excess cement and other substances.

Video - Composite veneers

What is the difference between ceramic and composite veneers?

Requires very little removal of tooth structure.Require the removal of a relatively large part of the tooth structure (but much less than when installing a dental crown).
As the teeth are prepared for the placement procedure with little or no intervention, the patient will experience slight discomfort or not experiencing anything during or after the procedure.Before veneers are placed, treated teeth are more sensitive to extreme temperatures, touch and air.
Composite veneers are often installed in one visit.Usually two or three visits to the dentist are required.
Casts and laboratory fabrication are not required in most cases, as composite veneers are directly applied to the tooth by the dentist.An impression is taken of each tooth and sent to a ceramist who makes the veneers.
Composite veneers are less expensive than ceramic veneers.Ceramic veneers are more expensive than composite veneers.
Even months or years after the procedure, the shape and color of these veneers can be changed or repaired by a dentist.Once a veneer is bonded to a tooth, it cannot be changed, so the shape and color must be carefully examined.
Removal of composite veneers can in some cases be done without any damage to the underlying structure of the teeth.The future removal of porcelain veneers will inevitably result in further loss of the underlying structure of the natural tooth.
Composite veneers are not as strong as porcelain veneers and are more likely to crack or break over time.Porcelain veneers and cement used in the fitting phase are comparable in strength to natural teeth.
Require more maintenance by the dentist than ceramic.Porcelain veneers require less dental maintenance than composite veneers.

Other considerations for ceramic and composite veneers

While veneers can improve the appearance of superficially damaged or stained teeth in some cases, they are not a substitute for corrective treatment. what people need with severely clenched, misaligned teeth or significant jaw defects. In these more complex cases, consultation and guidance from an orthodontist is recommended.

In addition, the functional and aesthetic longevity of veneers depends on the health of the patient's gums. Therefore, it is essential to maintain good oral hygiene by thoroughly brushing your teeth and tongue every day.

To eliminate minor defects on the front incisors in the form of punctures or discoloration of the enamel, dentists suggest using composite veneers. They have become a good alternative to porcelain veneers, but can they fully replace them?

Composite veneers - are presented in the form of a thin overlay, which is placed only on the front side of the incisor. With their help, they produce a kind of artistic restoration tooth, which is located in the zone of a smile.

Veneers are made using composite reflective materials, which are applied in layers to the incisor. The entire manufacturing process takes place immediately in the oral cavity, right there in the office of a specialist (dentist). To correct tooth errors with composite veneers, one appointment will be enough, because of this this way restoration received a second name - therapeutic.

Since the front of the tooth is subjected to minimal pressure and abrasion during eating, such plates can last quite a long time. Their service life can be extended with proper care and maintenance. certain rules operation, which we will discuss later.

In what cases is it relevant to use?

With the help of composite veneers, only minor defects can be visually hidden. These include:

  • teeth change color with age;
  • the shape of the incisor has changed (consequences of abrasion or injury);
  • enamel pigmentation has occurred that cannot be bleached (pigmented cracks, fluorosis or);
  • existence or three;
  • slight mixing of teeth in a vertical axis;
  • if there is a defect in the filling, but it is stable (for example, filling material darkened with time)
  • a composite plate can hide defects in an underdeveloped tooth that were formed during its development (for example, amelogenesis or hypoplasia);
  • in cases uneven contour incisor necks;

Sometimes with the help of direct composite veneers it is possible to change the group belonging of the tooth. An example would be a visual change from a canine to a lateral incisor.

In what cases composite plates cannot correct the situation - contraindications?

The main contraindications for the installation of veneers are the same as for similar structures. These include:

  • tooth enamel has serious defects that will prevent the quality of adhesion of the material used;
  • a nerve has been removed in the tooth (such incisors are more susceptible to destruction);
  • strongly worn tooth enamel;
  • increased tooth mobility;
  • at pathological abrasion teeth (an example is bruxism - teeth grinding, which is not controlled by the patient);
  • the presence of diseases or inflammatory processes of the gums or teeth;
  • developed anomalies in the bite;
  • non-compliance with the rules of hygiene in the oral cavity.

Contraindications such as the presence of diseases or malocclusion are not a categorical refusal to use composite veneers. After their successful treatment, the dentist at the first appointment can correct the damaged incisor with an overlay.

What are the advantages of composite veneers?

The main advantage of this type of tooth restoration is its low cost. The use of inexpensive composite material allows for restoration without the use of complex technologies.

The second big plus is as soon as possible in carrying out the procedure. The installation process is carried out in one visit to the dentist. In order to restore a tooth with such an overlay, a specialist does not need to take plaster casts and send them to a special laboratory. The material is applied in layers to the desired surface of the incisor, urgently in the dental chair.

But not everything is so simple. A simple manufacturing technology entails significant disadvantages, which must also be taken into account when choosing. The main one - the lining has small degree adhesion to the cutting surface. This causes bacterial growth and plaque buildup, especially at the border between the veneer and the tooth. As a result, they provoke inflammatory processes gums and caries.

If we compare composite veneers with ceramic veneers, then the aesthetic appearance of the former leaves much to be desired. Overlays darken and stain with increasing service life. When using them, the patient will have to strictly monitor food products, given the presence of a natural or natural dye in them.

I would also like to note the reliability of the composite material used. Its high brittleness leads to the fact that the pads are subjected to grinding, acquiring a rough surface. And the use solid food in the form of nuts or seeds, may lead to the formation of cracks on the surface.

How is the procedure for making composite veneers?

At the first stage of installing composite veneers, the dentist performs oral sanitation. Existing defects are eliminated, which may interfere with the procedure. The incisors on which the filling material will be applied are evaluated and marked.

  1. With the help of a special Vita scale (a scale of shades that is used in dentistry for visual perception of the future shade of the restored tooth), the specialist, together with the patient, selects the shade that the material used will correspond to.
  2. Using a special nozzle for a drill, a layer of enamel is removed. As a rule, the removed thickness is 0.3–0.7 mm. It depends on the existing defect of the tooth. The more significant the defect, the more enamel layer will have to be removed in order to tear it off as much as possible.
  3. The turned surface is processed special composition and dries up. This procedure is important for better adhesion of the lining to the surface of the incisor.
  4. After that, the dentist begins to layer-by-layer apply the composite material. Each applied layer is dried and processed. When applying the material, the doctor tries to give the tooth as much as possible desired shape. This is especially true in cases where the incisor has a puncture or underdevelopment defect.
  5. After the tooth has acquired the desired shape, the entire restored surface can be turned and polished.

It is impossible to say exactly when the whole procedure will be carried out. It will depend on the number of teeth that will be amenable to restoration and the professionalism of the doctor. On average, one incisor will take half an hour.

How long can composite veneers last?

The service life of these veneers is small and equal to five years. After this period, veneers require their renewal. But even during the operational period, you will have to periodically visit the dentist to polish the product.

Service time also depends on other factors. For example, careful daily hygiene procedures. In addition to toothpastes and brushes, you will need to use a dental and irrigator - a device that supplies water under pressure. This helps to get rid of food debris and plaque in places that are hard to reach for a toothbrush.

Help extend the life and following rules operation:

  • Always monitors the condition of the gums in the places of their contact with the lining. Discomfort and redness should be a signal for an immediate visit to the doctor.
  • Timely remove plaque that provokes the development of caries. At the first suspicion of caries, the lining is removed in order to carry out the appropriate treatment.
  • Often, after the installation of composite plates, the patient's diction is disturbed. You should not climb there with foreign objects. In order for the adaptation period to pass faster, you need to talk more.
  • We must not forget about the mechanical effect on the plates. To avoid accidental breakage, do not bite or chew on hard foods.

Many experts also advise taking care of veneers at night and during activities that are associated with extreme sports. For this purpose, protective caps are put on before going to bed or classes.

How much does it cost to get a tooth veneer with composite veneers?

The price of composite veneers will depend on the professionalism of the dentist, the status of the clinic and its location. If we take a dental clinic located in the region, then the price per unit will be 2.5–3 thousand rubles. Clinics that provide such a service, which are located in a big city, estimate the work of tooth restoration at 5 thousand rubles. for a unit. Similar premium services - 15 thousand rubles. (also per unit).

Decision-making takes into account the fact that not always high price corresponds to the quality of the work performed. When choosing a dental clinic, you should better familiarize yourself with the information about it, or rely on the reviews of friends who have already used a similar service from one or another clinic.



Due to caries, anterior tooth a gap has formed. My dentist advised me to put a composite veneer on it. At first he did not dare, but then the price seduced. This procedure cost me 3500. The overlay has been standing for 9 years. While whole. The only problem- became dull and darkened. Now the tooth is different in appearance.


There was a chip on the front tooth. The doctor masked everything perfectly with a composite veneer, which lasted 6 years. When the tooth began to differ greatly from the rest over time, I decided to try ceramic veneers. Now I think it’s better to immediately lay out a good amount, but also get the best result.


Composite veneers are thicker in structure than porcelain veneers. Because of this, they look unnatural from the very beginning. If such an overlay is made only on one or two teeth, then they will differ. This restoration solution is more suitable when you need to correct the entire row of anterior teeth.


I put composite overlays on the upper front incisors 3 years ago. So far I have no complaints. I do not limit myself in food. I can eat a hard apple and click seeds. The color hasn't changed either. I think that this method of tooth correction is the most suitable. And the price is affordable and the quality is good. Now I recommend it to all my friends.

Which brands of toothpaste have you used?

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Anastasia Vorontsova

Photo: Restoration of anterior teeth with composite veneers

Composite veneers are thin overlays for teeth made of composite materials by layering.

Their difference from conventional onlays is that composite veneers are made directly in the patient's oral cavity.

Composite plates are also called direct veneers or therapeutic ones, as they are made in one visit.

The doctor applies a reflective composite material to the front surface of the tooth.

In this area of ​​the teeth, the veneer will last more than long time, since in this place the teeth experience minimal pressure when eating.

Direct composite veneers are quite durable when proper care and application.

How they are made

Unlike indirect veneers, therapeutic veneers are made directly in the patient's mouth from a composite material.

The manufacturing steps are as follows:

  • The dentist examines the oral cavity and assesses the condition of the teeth to be restored.
  • According to the Vita scale, the doctor, together with the patient, selects the color of the restoration material.
  • The teeth to be veneered are turned. The thickness of the removed enamel layer is approximately 0.3 - 0.7 mm.
  • Layer-by-layer application of composite material on the turned tooth surface.
  • The surface of the finished veneer is turned and polished.


  • Correction of tooth irregularities.
  • Microcracks, chipped enamel.
  • Increasing the gap between teeth.
  • Change in tooth color.

Composite veneering makes sense if it is necessary to carry out the restoration of one or two teeth. If a we are talking about restoring the aesthetics of the entire smile zone, then the best option there will be indirect veneers.


Composite veneers are not recommended in the same cases as indirect veneers.

Contraindications include:

  • Poor oral hygiene.
  • Malocclusion.
  • Exacerbation of diseases of the gums and teeth.
  • Brcusism (gnashing of teeth at night).
  • Pathological abrasion of teeth.
  • Thinning of tooth enamel.
  • Tooth mobility.
  • Pulpless teeth.
  • Availability serious defects enamels that cannot be hidden when installing veneers.

The first four contraindications are relative, and after their elimination, veneering with composite materials becomes possible.

Life time

Composite veneers, unlike veneers made indirect method, approximately once every five years require updating.

Regarding care, in addition to the standard daily hygiene measures with the use of toothpaste, brush, irrigator and floss, composite overlays need to be polished.

Therefore, visits to the dentist should be regular. It is necessary to protect the veneers from excessive mechanical impact. Protective mouth guards can be worn at night to avoid breakage of the record.


  • One of the main advantages is cost. Composite veneers do not require complex installation technology and the use of expensive materials. These factors are associated with their low price.
  • Doesn't take a lot of time. Composite veneers are installed in one medical appointment. For the manufacture of overlays, it is not necessary to take impressions and send them to the laboratory. Veneers are made directly in the patient's mouth.


  • Main disadvantage- inaccurate fit to the surface of the tooth, which leads to the accumulation of plaque and the multiplication of bacteria in the marginal places, thereby causing the formation of caries and inflammation of the gums.
  • Unlike ceramic veneers, composite onlays are less aesthetically pleasing.
  • Over time, the pads darken and need to be replaced.
  • Composite veneers are quite fragile and therefore less reliable.
  • Over time, the lining can grind off, become rough.
  • Composite veneers can change color, stain.


As mentioned above, the cost of direct veneers is lower than indirect ones. The price of composite veneers depends on the status of the dental clinic and the skill of the dentist.

Prices in Moscow for composite veneers are higher than in clinics in other regions of Russia.

AT dental clinics economy class, the cost of such overlays is in the range 2500 - 3000 rubles and reaches up to 15,000 rubles in premium dentistry.

The higher the price of a composite veneer, the higher the quality should be the level of work of the dentist to create it.


Composite veneersrarely done at present, but still such cases occur and reviews The owners of such overlays are very different.

  • When a gap formed in the tooth as a result of caries, a composite veneer was placed. The dentist applied the material in several layers. Ten years have passed since then. The veneer stands in place, whole and unharmed. Only the color of the lining has changed. She faded and darkened. Now this tooth is very different in appearance from the rest of the teeth.
  • I had a composite veneer on a broken tooth for seven years. I recently changed it to ceramic for the reason that the tooth was different from the rest. I want to say that the material from which the composite veneer is made is too dense in structure and is not as similar to a natural tooth as a ceramic veneer.
  • Four years ago I had composite veneers on upper teeth. I have no complaints about pads. I eat whatever I want: apples and even nuts. Nothing breaks. The color of the veneers is the same as the color of the rest of the teeth. Composite veneers helped me get rid of a defect in my front teeth.

Photos before and after

Video: "Aesthetic restoration of teeth with composite veneers"

Dental microprostheses made of composite materials or ceramics are called veneers. They cover the front wall of the tooth, visually visible when smiling, and give the teeth an even and aesthetic appearance, improve the color of the darkened incisor, while not making it different from the rest of the row.

Veneers differ from the usual crowns in that they are not located on the entire surface of the tooth, but only on its front wall and cutting edge. Ordinary veneers do 0.5–0.6 mm thick, but there are ultra-thin microprostheses, about 0.3 mm thick. They are called lumineers, characteristic feature is that the teeth do not require grinding.

Methods of restoring a tooth by filling or restoring color by whitening are becoming a thing of the past, since an aesthetic appearance can only be obtained by installing veneers.

Veneers are installed for no reason if a person wants to have Hollywood smile, and in other cases there are more definite indications for the installation of microprostheses:

What are the contraindications?

  • the patient has a reverse or direct malocclusion;
  • a person is engaged in boxing or other sports that lead to tooth decay;
  • there are no chewing elements in the oral cavity (sixth, seventh, etc.);
  • have bad habits of using incisors for other purposes, for example, biting threads, chewing nuts and seeds, biting nails, etc .;
  • the inner surface of the tooth on the side of the tongue has a strong destruction or a filling located in this area is large;
  • in the past, treatment was performed with resorcinol-formalin.

Some people have thin enamel on their teeth by nature. Under the installation of the veneer, part of the enamel is removed and the microprosthesis in this case attached to soft dentin with little strength. Sometimes the doctor advises the installation of lumineers, under which tooth processing is not needed. A porcelain crown can be placed on teeth that have been severely damaged by destruction, and veneers can be applied to the remaining incisors, selecting restoration elements in the same color.

Their division into types occurs depending on the material from which the restoration element is made.

Ceramic plates are made from zirconium dioxide and porcelain medical purpose. This type is most common among dental patients, as it is durable, and the color does not change after many years of use. Ceramic microprostheses have a thickness of no more than 0.3–0.5 mm and outward signs are indistinguishable from natural incisors.

Composite veneers, reviews of which say they are outdated in terms of effective use , since the limitation of the period of use and insufficient aesthetics make them not very popular in the dental market.

Porcelain ceramic microprostheses are classified as Hollywood laminates. They are only 0.2 mm thick and are more durable than porcelain plates. The method of their installation does not require tooth grinding; in some cases, it is practiced to install veneers on existing crowns.

Methods for making veneers

Ceramic microprostheses

Manufacturing technology provides two options:

  • applying ceramic material in layers with further firing, this is how non-pressed ceramics are made;
  • the most common pressed ceramic, in this case the casting is formed under the action of high temperature, such products have a longer service life in contrast to non-pressed elements.

First, the tooth is ground to install a veneer, then an impression is made from a special quick-hardening mass, through which a micro-prosthesis is simulated on a computer. The turning of the element is done on a special machine that performs the process without human participation. The inner surface of the veneer processed by the tool for applying a rough surface that will allow a stronger grip. At the time of manufacture, the tooth is protected by a temporary laminate. During installation, it is removed, and the veneer is fixed on cement, which is applied to inner surface plates and teeth.

Composite veneers produced by two technologies:

Patients with composite veneers note a number of shortcomings. Feedback from dentists suggests that elements made directly in the technical laboratory are superior in quality to those that are superimposed in the dentist's office. But in more than 90% of cases, the doctor makes composite veneers in the patient's oral cavity. The superimposed layer on the anterior and incisal part of the tooth is an extensive filling at a price much higher than a standard restoration.

In the office, the doctor only removes the enamel layer, turning the incisor under the veneer, and the technician, using modern laboratory equipment, gives it the required shade of color and transparency. The quality of this type of installation will be higher, but composite plates will never be compared in terms of appearance with porcelain or zirconium products:

For high-quality manufacturing and installation of veneers, reviews say that you should strictly observe all technological instructions:

Positive qualities of ceramic micro prostheses

The photo shows that ceramics are much more suitable for creating veneers. against composite materials:

  • the plate has a beautiful glossy aesthetic appearance;
  • after years wearing products, they will not lose color, yellowness and dullness are not inherent in this material;
  • ceramic veneers are characterized by high wear resistance, which indicates high reliability, the shelf life of the plates is not limited by time frames;
  • plates made of this material are fully compatible with human body and do not cause allergic reactions.

But there are some drawbacks in the installation of ceramic veneers:

  • unlike composite ones, it takes more time to manufacture, since the former are layered in place in the doctor's office, and ceramic ones are made in the laboratory, which increases the duration of the service;
  • compared to composite microprostheses, ceramic plates have a higher cost;
  • such products are put almost forever and are not repaired, they are not subject to removal.

Special Separate veneers do not require maintenance, the only condition is hygiene, daily brushing or flossing. These recommendations are necessary to maintain the shiny surface of the record. It is recommended to avoid the use of food products that color products in bright and persistent colors, for example, pomegranates, cherries, coffee, strong tea.

Do not use the front cutters for other purposes, such as opening metal caps on bottles there are certain devices. If you crack open nut shells or do boxing without special protection, then no matter how strong the veneers are, they will break from such treatment. For a preventive professional examination, you should visit the dentist's office at least once every six months.

Healthy teeth and a whiter smile important factors for every person. In dentistry, to correct deficiencies and to achieve high aesthetic performance, special pads are used, which are fixed to the surface of the teeth using a special adhesive. What is better to choose - ceramic or composite veneers? In each case, the designs are selected individually, taking into account the condition of the dentition, the indications and the budget of the patient himself.

What are veneers in dentistry

These are micro-prostheses (direct composite and indirect ceramic), which are used in dentistry to correct minor defects in the dentition, to improve the aesthetic characteristics of a smile. These products are thin - no more than half a millimeter, due to this they are imperceptibly to others.

Lumineers are also used for restoration in dentistry - Hollywood laminates. Their installation does not require pre-turning. But they are very costly. Therefore, more often, dentist patients prefer to install composite or ceramic plates.

What types of veneers are

Composite veneers and ceramic veneers allow you to achieve amazing aesthetic effect, hide the defects of the teeth. Dental veneers differ in material, method of installation, duration of operation, aesthetic indicators. The service life of the plate directly depends on what material is used for its manufacture. A composite structure, when properly installed and subject to all the rules for caring for it, can last about 4 years, after which it must be replaced.

Ceramic onlays, with proper fixation and compliance with all the recommendations of the dentist, can last much longer - more than 15 years, veneers will perform their functions. Depending on the material used, the fixation of products is carried out in two ways - direct or indirect. If the direct method is used, the onlays are bonded to the front of the tooth in one visit without the need to prepare the enamel layer.

Ceramic devices are made in several stages - preparation, impression taking, construction, fixation.

Indications and contraindications

Like any other dental device, plates have indications and contraindications. Overlay installation is shown in the following cases:

  • pronounced yellow a tooth that cannot be whitened (more often this condition develops with the abuse of coloring foods or drinks, as well as in heavy smokers);
  • if, after depulpation, the color of the tooth has become dark;
    with fluorosis lesions;
  • in the presence of pronounced defects with an extensive area of ​​enamel damage;
  • with uneven and incorrect arrangement of teeth in the smile line;
  • in the presence of abnormal development of teeth;
  • if whitening procedures to get rid of an unpleasant shade are ineffective;
  • if there are old fillings that differ in color from the original color of the enamel.

The main contraindications for installation are:

  • the presence of malocclusion;
  • if there are no adjacent molars;
  • in the presence of bad habits- nail biting, cracking nuts, opening bottles (such contraindications are relative, after you manage to get rid of negative habits, you can install plates);
  • if the patient suffers from bruxism;
  • when doing too active image life, extreme sports;
  • if inner part the tooth is very badly destroyed;
  • with pathological abrasion of enamel.

Composite veneers

Composite devices are created in one visit to the dentist, do not require significant grinding of the enamel layer. Such plates are used only for the frontal group of teeth, since they are not able to withstand high chewing loads.

To achieve the effect of naturalness, the specialist grinds the anterior tooth surface a few millimeters before the procedure so that the adhesion to the device is maximum. The structure of the composite is similar to the structure of the filling material.

Main positive aspects composite overlays are:

  • the ability to restore teeth in one visit to the doctor;
  • lack of time costs;
  • affordable cost, unlike ceramic products;
  • the need to treat only the area on the incisors that is damaged, and not the entire tooth.

The disadvantages of such devices are:

  • after a while, the products become rough and dull, easily exposed to coloring pigments from food or drink;
  • they are fragile, have increased fragility compared to ceramic plates;
  • short service life.

The process of manufacturing composite veneers is not long, you can put them in one visit to a specialist.

Ceramic veneers

For patients, porcelain veneers are more acceptable because they are strong and durable. In time, they are made longer than composite ones. First, the doctor makes an impression, after which it is sent to a dental laboratory, where the direct manufacture of the product is carried out in special ovens. Restoration with the help of ceramic devices is carried out in several stages: enamel turning, making an impression, making, fixing.

The duration of their operation is at least 15 years with proper installation and compliance with all medical recommendations. The structure of such products is almost identical to natural enamel, they are not stained with drinks and food.

Differences between composite and ceramic veneers

Which veneers are better - ceramic or composite? It is unambiguously impossible to state, since in each case the products have their own advantages and disadvantages. Devices from different materials may differ in different indicators. How are composite veneers different from porcelain veneers?

The composite differs from ceramics in such characteristics:

  • duration of wearing service;
  • strength;
  • durability;
  • installation and manufacturing time;
  • the need for enamel preparation;
  • aesthetic indicators;
  • possibility of installation on the front or chewing group units;
  • the difference between ceramics is that it adheres more tightly to its own tissues.

The difference between ceramic veneers, composite products and in cost. The former are much more expensive, so not every patient can afford such a procedure.

Features of the manufacture and installation of plates

The installation of composite and ceramic veneers also has its own differences. Composite products are made directly in the mouth, in one visit to the doctor. Ceramic veneers are made in dental laboratory. You will have to wait about two weeks. Composite structures are applied to the enamel surface in layers, after which it is polished.

Ceramics are made by mold in a special furnace. After that, it is turned, polished, adjusted to the color and shape of a natural tooth. Such products can only be installed after preliminary preparation in order to achieve a perfect fit, adhesion.

Service life of different types of veneers

Porcelain veneers with proper fixation and care will last about 15-20 years. Composite products usually need to be replaced after 4 years. Important to find qualified specialist who will competently deal with the restoration process.

It is also very important to follow all care recommendations: clean twice a day (preferably after each meal), use floss to clean the interdental space. You may need to purchase an irrigator for a complete procedure for cleaning the surface of the device.

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