Cleansing the body of toxins and toxins with rice. Rice express diet to cleanse the body. rice porridge daily cleanse

Many people abuse harmful and poor quality food forgetting about your health. Of course, some of harmful substances accumulate in the body, disrupting it normal work. This is manifested by a violation of material metabolism and poor general well-being: there is weakness, absent-mindedness, drowsiness, frequent colds etc. For this reason, special attention should be paid to regular cleansing of the body. There is a special rice diet for weight loss and cleansing the body of toxins, the recipe of which we will tell you.

Benefits of a rice diet for detoxification

Rice diet for 40 days to cleanse the body eliminates many problems, it has a number of advantages:

  1. Improving the condition of the skin.
  2. Raises brain activity and improves concentration.
  3. Normalizes memory.
  4. Stimulates performance.
  5. Eliminates various pathologies.
  6. Restores sleep.
  7. Improves overall well-being.

How to remove salt from the body with rice

The rice diet for removing salt from the body is quite effective: the croup removes all kinds of deposits from the body that remain in the vessels, tissues, organs and joints. The duration of the process of removing salts lasts about two months. You can repeat the procedure every two years, since a special rice diet to cleanse the body of salts causes desalination of tissues, which is harmful.

The recipe for making cereals is elementary: take 3 kg of rice and pour it into a saucepan with a volume of 8-10 liters. For a week, rinse the cereal under running water as thoroughly as possible - 20 minutes a day. The water should be crystal clear, and then the cereal will need to be dried and collected in a paper bag. Cook this rice in boiling water in small portions (about a tablespoon) for 20 minutes. While cooking, stir the porridge so that it turns out crumbly. Water during cooking is recommended to be changed at least once. Rinse cooked rice warm water and eat on an empty stomach. Normal food intake and even drinking water is allowed no earlier than after 3 hours (otherwise, the product will absorb salts from the incoming food).

In order for the salt-removal rice diet to give maximum results, an hour before rice, you should eat a couple of apples, which also contribute to the removal of salts. During the diet period, all salty foods should be excluded from the diet, spicy dishes, alcoholic drinks etc.

About a month after starting the rice diet to remove salt from the body, you will notice cloudy urine, which is associated with the beginning of the purification process. genitourinary system.

The feeling of hunger during a four-hour abstinence, which will need to be endured daily before breakfast, can be unbearable - be prepared for this. Weakness and even dizziness may occur, as potassium will be released from the body along with salt. Try to replenish it with foods such as cereals, dried apricots, raisins, nuts, potatoes, honey.

A sparing diet option on rice to remove salts

There is a simpler rice diet for cleansing the body of toxins and toxins, which is useful for people of all ages. In the morning on an empty stomach you need to eat raw grains rice groats. Take as many grains as you are now. After eating raw rice, you can not eat anything for 2-3 hours, and after that you can eat as usual, but from harmful products better to refuse.

To increase the effectiveness of the rice diet for weight loss and cleansing the body of toxins, it is better to remove animal fats and starchy foods (pasta, potatoes) from the diet. After 7 p.m., eat only vegetables or drink unsweetened tea.

The cleaning regime continues for 10 days, after which you need to take a break for 40-50 days. Otherwise, rice will begin to wash away useful substances along with harmful substances, disrupting the functioning of the body.

Raw rice grains absorb toxins in the intestines, leaving the body with them. It contributes general health improvement body, the establishment of the intestines and material metabolism.

The basic rules of a cleansing diet on rice

Rice cleansing diet can be tolerated by everyone healthy body, but some caution and adhere to certain rules:

  • please note that raw rice flushes out potassium
  • it is better to use unpolished or which is the most rich in vitamins and nutrients;
  • with constipation and hemorrhoids, a rice diet for cleansing the body is contraindicated;
  • when dieting, be prepared for general weakness organism.

A slagged body stops working stably, and regular cleaning helps to get rid of harmful substances and normalize its work.

According to reviews, a rice diet for weight loss and cleansing the body of toxins in 5 days can give very good results, so if you have no contraindications, be sure to try this cleaning method.

The recipe for cleansing the body with rice is one of the simplest and most effective. Firstly, it can be easily implemented at home. Secondly, the technique is really good - it cleans the efficiency. Let's take a closer look!

Contaminated toxic substances and slag human body does not function correctly. This may manifest itself in different ways. Rashes, stomach pain, malaise and chronic fatigue, insomnia.

You can solve this problem, and for this you need a little - just clean the body. The Tibetan technique, which involves cleaning with rice, will help get rid of toxins, toxins and salts. Everything today more people convinced of the effectiveness of this method.

The Tibetan method of cleansing the body with rice is known to nutritionists and doctors. There is even evidence that this product to this day it is used by monks, both for therapy and for the prevention of various diseases.

In its structure, rice (washed) is similar to a sponge, which can absorb all kinds of harmful substances, in particular salts, decay products. This is an excellent adsorbent, which contributes not only to cleansing, but also to rejuvenation of the body.

The product contains a significant amount of nutrients and useful substances:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • vitamins E. B, P, H;
  • minerals: boron, aluminum, cobalt, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iodine, iron, zinc, chromium, sodium, nickel;
  • ash;
  • starch;
  • mono- and disaccharides;
  • amino acids.

The rich composition of the product gives it mass useful properties. In addition to cleansing, rice has a rejuvenating, diuretic, antiseptic, antipyretic effect.

Rice is the main food product in the countries of the East. And it is not for nothing that he deserved the title of the most useful product. It is he who is the basis proper nutrition, health and longevity. Eating rice helps:

  • elimination of rashes;
  • improvement skin, nails and hair;
  • improvement of general well-being;
  • cleansing and rejuvenation of the body;
  • weight loss;
  • normalization of the functioning of the kidneys and liver;
  • improvement of the gastrointestinal tract.

You should know!

Reviews about cleaning with rice of people who applied the technique - direct evidence its efficiency. However, it is not recommended to use the method at home more than once a year (if you want more often, you need to consult a doctor). The fact is that together with toxic substances and slags, potassium is excreted from the body. That is why during the cleansing period it is necessary to introduce into the diet the use of products rich in this trace element: figs, dried apricots, raisins, potatoes.

The average duration of the rice diet is one and a half months. The method involves the use of brown rice. It is allowed to use the usual oblong or rounded shape. The essence of the technique is as follows. Rice fiber has crystal structure. To enhance the cleansing properties of the product, it is soaked. This helps to remove starch and sticky substances. Such rice will not be digested in the stomach, but will act as an adsorbent, absorbing salts, cholesterol, toxins and toxic substances.

During the cleansing course, it is recommended to exclude fatty, smoked, sweet and salty foods, alcoholic beverages and caffeine from the diet. In addition, if you smoke, it is necessary, if not to give up this addiction so at least minimize the number of cigarettes you smoke. It is also necessary to reduce the consumption of meat and introduce into the diet fortified foods. It is advised to use more vegetables and fruits. Drink more water. It is preferable to consume more than two liters of purified water without gas.

Course duration, features

In order for the cleaning to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to adhere to several recommendations.

  1. The duration of the cleansing course is one and a half months.
  2. A complete cleaning can be done once a year.
  3. Rice should not be salted, peppered or added to taste.
  4. You need to prepare for cleansing in five days. During this time, you need to drink herbal teas with tincture of ginger.

Homemade body cleanse recipe with rice

To prepare the product for cleansing the body, you will need five glasses. For convenience, number them.

Day 1. So, on the first day, pour three tablespoons of rice into the first container and fill it with water.

Day 2. On the second day, wash the rice covered yesterday under running water. Fill it up again and set aside. Now pour the same amount into the second glass and fill with water.

Day 3. On the morning of the third day, rinse the rice in both glasses and fill with fresh water. Next, pour three tablespoons of cereal into a third glass and fill with water.

Day 4. On the fourth day, wash the rice in three containers and fill with fresh water. Pour three tablespoons into the fourth glass and fill with water.

Day 5. On the morning of the fifth day, repeat all the manipulations with four containers. Fill the last fifth glass with rice - three spoons and fill with water.

On the sixth and all subsequent. Cook porridge from the cereal of glass No. 1. Do not add salt, sugar or butter. Pour rice into an empty first container, fill it with water, rinse the rest. In this way, eating and sleeping new rice, continue for a month and a half. If you do not suffer from gastrointestinal pathologies, then soaked cereals can not be boiled, but consumed raw. You can also steam rice with boiling water and set aside for a quarter of an hour.

In cases of diseases of the genitourinary system or with the deposition of salts in the joints in the countries of the East, cleansing the body with rice is used. The most suitable rice for this is brown rice, which is eaten in the countries of the East (white refined rice comes to us). Brown rice is husked, but not polished grains of a yellowish or brown hue. It is very difficult to buy it. Therefore, it can be replaced with second-class rice, it is in it that unpeeled grains are most often found. Quite in last resort white rice is also suitable for rice therapy.

Therefore, it is worth paying attention to a few points that indicate that cleaning with rice will be useful:

    Impaired intestinal motility.

    Periodic constipation or diarrhea, stool instability.

    Nutritional errors. Unbalanced diet.


Cleansing the body with rice helps to remove toxins from the body, improves metabolism. Normalizes weight, removes edema, improves kidney and liver function. The essence of this therapy is long-term nutrition soaked rice with a general restriction of table salt. The most important thing in rice cleansing is to follow a salt-free diet, then the result of therapy will be good. At the end of therapy, the urine becomes cloudy, filled with mucus. This is the result, which indicates that the body is being cleansed.

Why rice for cleansing the body?

it annual plant in many countries forms the basis diet. Through the use of this cereal crop, you can cleanse many organs and organ systems, get rid of edema, relieve irritability, apathy and lethargy.

Normally, the body removes toxins on its own, thanks to the lungs, kidneys, organs of the gastrointestinal tract, sweat glands. However, often he simply does not have time to get rid of them due to the high rate of absorption and distribution throughout the tissues. toxic substances. For example, with the fluorine that has entered the body, the liver will be able to cope on its own only after 6 months. It is in the fight against such toxins that rice helps to cope, as a natural antioxidant.

As for the waste products of human metabolism, the body removes them with urine, sweat and feces. Additional Help may be required when increased load on the digestive tract, for example, with an irrational approach to nutrition, lack of fiber in the diet, with diseases of the digestive system, with alcohol poisoning or food contaminated with microorganisms.

In this case, rice will act as a natural adsorbent, absorbing all the harmful substances that the body did not have time to remove. However, it is important to understand that rice cleansing is not a cure. This method cannot replace qualified therapy in case of food poisoning, with diseases of the digestive system, etc. Therefore, before proceeding with the cleansing of the body with the help of rice, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

The scheme of the procedure for cleansing the body with rice

Initially, prepare four glasses, number them. If cleansing is done by the whole family, then prepare half-liter or liter jars. The most important thing is not to confuse the glasses, rice is soaked for four days.

First day.

In the morning, rinse the rice and pour it into a glass, 2-3 tablespoons, pour cold water. Cover the glass, not tightly.

Second day.

Early in the morning, rinse the contents of the glass through a sieve, pour cold water again.

After that, put 2-3 tablespoons of washed rice into the second glass, fill it with fresh cold water, and place it next to the first glass.

Third day.

Rinse the contents of the first and then the second glass through a sieve and again pour fresh cold water.

In the third glass, also place 2-3 tablespoons of washed rice and pour fresh cold water.

Fourth day.

Rinse the contents of 1, 2, 3 glasses in turn through a sieve and again pour cold fresh water.

In the fourth glass, also place the washed rice and pour fresh cold water.

Fifth day

Rinse the contents of the first glass, cook porridge from this. Cook the rice for a short time so that the porridge turns out to be liquid. Drink a glass of water 20-30 minutes before eating. It is also very good to eat raw rice, in four days it becomes soft. This rice is good for removing worms. After eating rice, try not to eat anything for 4 hours. Refuse even apples, juice or water.

Pour a new portion of rice into the empty glass and also fill it with cold fresh water, put it at the end of the row. Do this for 2 weeks, eating rice in the morning, and prepare a new batch of rice in return. Observing intervals from breakfast to lunch. For lunch and dinner, you can eat anything. Need to exclude table salt, spicy and sour foods, as well as alcohol and tobacco.

Rice cleansing for a month

As a rule, the time for cleansing the body with rice is 30 days. At the same time, daily, before taking any food on an empty stomach, you need to eat boiled rice. However, it should not be just boiled cereals, but pre-soaked rice. The exposure time in water is at least five days.

Such a long soaking time allows the grits to get rid of simple sugars, from starch and inorganic salts. At the exit, a person receives protein-carbohydrate rice puree, which is able to absorb toxins and toxins. Thanks to the cleansing of the stomach and intestines, all human tissues and organs are cleansed, since the state of the body as a whole depends on the state of the gastrointestinal tract.

After a month-long course of cleansing, many people note the absence of joint pain that has not gone away before. long time, removal of edema, getting rid of insomnia. (read also: causes and symptoms of insomnia)

10 day rice flour cleanse

Chapsari or rice flour can also be used to cleanse the body. It is a valuable source of protein, trace elements, vitamins and minerals. It includes: phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium and is completely free of gluten and gluten. Therefore, cleansing with rice flour can be performed even by people suffering from gluten intolerance and allergies.

In addition, rice flour is good for teeth. It is enough to eat two tablespoons of this product every morning to cleanse the body. This is also done on an empty stomach. Rice flour should be chewed well so that it is saturated with saliva. It is not washed down with water, no seasonings or other liquids are added to it. The course of purification with rice flour should be at least 10 days.

Rice jelly for cleansing the body

By using rice jelly you can quickly and correctly cleanse the body. This method can be used frequently, if desired. fasting days on rice can be performed up to 2 times a week.

In order to prepare a cleansing rice drink, the grits will need to be soaked in 1 liter cold water. For this volume of liquid, you need to take half a glass of rice. Soaking time is 12 hours. After this time, the rice is boiled, while neither sugar nor salt is added to it. The resulting jelly is drunk in the morning and after that they do not eat for another 5 hours. After this time, you can eat any easily digestible foods.

Rice, as a natural adsorbent, absorbs toxins and pathogenic flora intestines. Restoration of the intestinal wall is achieved due to the enveloping action of cereal jelly. Bloating and fermentation processes are eliminated, thanks to the starch that is part of the rice, which will not be completely eliminated with such a short soaking time.

Rice porridge for cleansing the body

It is possible to help the body get rid of harmful substances even with the help of ordinary rice porridge, but it must be cooked correctly. For this, the cereal is also soaked overnight in clean water.

In the morning, the swollen cereals are boiled, but the water during cooking should not be absorbed into the rice, for which it must be changed at least 4 times. Only on the fourth water is the porridge brought to full readiness. During cooking and after it, no spices are added to the cereal so as not to disturb the purification process.

This porridge is eaten for 5 weeks every morning instead of breakfast. Next move food can take place only after two hours.

    Before proceeding with the process of cleansing with rice, it is necessary to consult with a specialist and clarify the absence of contraindications.

    You can not engage in self-cleansing of the body with severe chronic diseases, with exacerbation of any other pathologies, with oncological diseases, during pregnancy and lactation, while taking medicines or synthetic vitamins, in childhood.

    If the condition worsens during cleaning, the process should be interrupted and a doctor should be consulted.

    Nutrition during cleaning should be balanced.

    You should stop drinking alcohol, smoking at the time of cleansing.

    You should not combine cleansing with rice with fasting or other methods of cleansing the body.

To cleanse the body or not, each person decides individually. However, in order not to harm him, it is worth consulting a doctor before starting the process of getting rid of harmful substances.


Contraindications for rice cleaning No, negative consequences too. People with a heavily polluted body may feel weak at the beginning of cleansing. To make it easier to move more rest, relax. The best thing is to ignore this weakness.

Cleansing the body with rice is best done 1-2 times a year. Most convenient time, this is Lent.

Rice is the staple food for more than half of the world's population. Traditionally, rice is the main dish of oriental cuisine. Is it because the inhabitants Eastern countries, as a rule, are healthy, slim and feel great until old age.

This respected product is not only nutritious, but also beneficial for the body. Rice is rich in carbohydrates, protein, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus.

Most of the nutrients are stored in brown, brown rice. Therefore, it is preferable to use, namely, brown rice, basmani rice or wild rice.

Also, rice is great. removes toxins from the body, helps to lose weight, contributes to a decrease in the biological age of a person. Rice removes harmful salts and excess liquid from the body, which is especially good for women, because water often accumulates in their tissues, causing swelling.

Exist different variants rice diet for weight loss, from quite sparing to multi-day, hard diets. Everyone, depending on the state of health and needs, can choose their own rice diet for gentle cleansing body or weight loss. Let's dwell on some proven options for the rice diet.

It is better to use brown rice, but in principle, you can polish or crushed.

Cooking method

Prepare 4 small glass jars, for convenience, put the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 on them with a marker.

First day: In the morning, pour 3 tablespoons of washed rice into the first jar, fill with cold water, cover loosely with a lid.

Second day: Drain the water from the first jar, rinse the rice and fill it with fresh water, pour 3 tbsp into the second jar. l. washed rice and cover with cold water.

Third day: change the water in the first and second banks, similarly, fill the third.

Fourth day: change the water in the first, second and third banks, fill the fourth in the same way.

As a result, all the jars are filled with rice.

Fifth day: From this day, start breakfast with rice from the first jar. Fill the empty jar again with rice, fill it with water and put it in the general queue.

How to eat soaked rice

For breakfast, rice soaked for 4 days can be boiled, strictly without salt and oil, you can pour boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes, or you can just eat it raw. Most useful - raw rice, tastier - steamed with boiling water.

Important for the cleansing process: 30 minutes before rice breakfast, you need to drink a glass of water or herbal tea and then, after rice, 4 hours nothing to eat and drink categorically.

At lunchtime and in the evening, you can eat as usual, limiting only salty and sour. You can drink only clean water, tea, fruit drinks and dairy products. No alcohol, otherwise the action of rice will be directed to the removal of specific alcohol toxins.

How often to cleanse the body with rice

Arrange such rice breakfasts for 2 weeks twice a year, it will be enough so that deposits of harmful substances do not accumulate in the body, and it will be easier to keep the weight stable.

From experience: Such cleansing with rice breakfasts is quite easily tolerated, it is good to carry it out 2 times a year, in spring and autumn, or as needed.

Advice: Do not forget drink more water, and also very good before rice breakfasts, do a colon cleanse using the bowel cleansing procedure from the yoga practice of Shank Prakshalana (Shell Gesture).

Other ways to cleanse the body and intestines

How to remove toxins from the body - Methods and methods of purification from toxins and toxins

Outside the window of the twenty-first century, it would seem that it is time for the population of the planet to cure their ailments in no time the latest drugs, which, like mushrooms after rain, fill the shelves of pharmacies.

But more information became available to the people, people managed to gain experience in the field of treatment and prevention of many ailments and realized that when something hurts somewhere, it’s just a cry for help from an exhausted organism that wants to say that it is full of those harmfulness, with which the owner himself filled it.

Slags, toxins, cholesterol, salts heavy metals, fats - from all these uninvited guests you need to regularly cleanse your body.

You can do it different ways- you can exhaust yourself with fasting, washing, do tubage of the liver and gallbladder.

But! These procedures are painful, expensive and, to put it mildly, unpleasant.

To date, the method of cleaning the body with rice is recognized as the most accessible, popular and effective in terms of cleansing properties throughout the world.

Principles of cleansing the body

What is the essence of any "cleaning" of something? That's right, to make clean out of the polluted. That is, the task of rice is to remove from the dirty organism what makes it so? Everything is exactly like that.

The essence of this method is a long-term forty-day or express diet for 9 days, salt-free with rice soaked in water to remove salts and carbohydrates from it.

The role of rice in cleansing the body is as follows:

Naturally, the rice cleaning method is not a panacea for everyone and everything, and this procedure can only be carried out by those who have no contraindications.

Contraindications for cleansing the body

  1. Everyone knows that rice can become an obstacle to emptying "in a big way", or, more simply, it strengthens, so those who suffer from constipation should refrain from this method of cleansing the body or solve their problem first.
  2. For the same reason hemorrhoids are a contraindication for cleansing toxins and toxins.
  3. During pregnancy and breastfeeding It is strictly forbidden to carry out rice peeling.
  4. Age restrictions: the system is contraindicated in children and adolescents under 18 years of age and the elderly - after 55 years of age.
  5. The rice cleaning system works in such a way that the body begins to intensively lose salts. At urolithiasis such a property of the system can cause the release of stones, stove or renal colic.
  6. If a person suffers from chronic cardiovascular diseases, rice, like any sorbent, along with harmful substances, will wash out salts from it, and along with them much-needed potassium.
  7. It is forbidden to use the rice cleaning system for all forms of cancer.

While rice contains enough potassium - 10 mg per 100 g, the rice cleaning system has a pitfall - fast loss potassium body. Rice simply flushes out potassium salts from the body, like all other salts.

Potassium salts nourish muscles in the body, including the heart. Preventing potassium deficiency is one of the main tasks to prevent a decrease in cardiac function.

In order to avoid problems during the period of cleaning the body with rice, it is necessary to introduce fresh herbs in large quantities into the diet, dried apricots, figs, walnuts, bananas.

If it is not possible to eat potassium-containing foods, it is recommended to use asparkam in tablets to make up for the lack of potassium during the cleansing of the body with rice.

Rules for preparing the body and conducting cleansing

First of all, you need to be prepared for the fact that for the period of the procedure you will have to completely abandon the use of alcohol, meat dishes, any smoked products, products with high content fat and salt.

You also need to cleanse your intestines. There are several ways to do this: before going to bed, drink a cleansing drink from vegetable oil and kefir - for a glass of kefir 1 tablespoon of sunflower or olive oil, the next morning the intestines will be cleansed gently, painlessly and without disturbing the microflora.

You can put a micro enema to prepare yourself for cleaning.

You need to prepare not only your body, but also the rice itself. Rice, in its original form, contains a large number of carbs to get rid of.

Carbohydrates from rice are washed out in this way:

Place 3 kilograms of rice in a container of 10-12 liters. Every day for 14 days, rinse the rice under running water for half an hour until the water is absolutely clean.

This is a sign that it no longer contains salts and carbohydrates.

After that, the rice should be dried and folded into a dry container for storing cereals.

The classic method of cleansing the body with rice (course for 40 days)

The entire cleaning cycle will last 40 days. Daily during this time it is necessary to cook prepared (washed) rice according to the following recipe.

One tablespoon (30 grams) should be boiled in boiling water for at least half an hour, while not forgetting to stir, thus preventing the grains from sticking to the bottom of the pan.

If time permits, you can change the water, this will further clean the rice. Then warm washed rice should be eaten on an empty stomach, but in no case should be washed down with water, tea, coffee or other drinks.

The first meal after rice can be no earlier than 4 hours later. If the feeling of hunger is too strong, one or two apples can be eaten an hour before breakfast with rice.

Firstly, apples, together with rice, will help to remove salts, and, secondly, they will reduce hunger and allow you to painlessly reach dinner.

Although the very feeling of hunger that occurs after eating such a breakfast, this is a sign of the beginning cleansing of the body.

After 20-30 days (depending on individual characteristics and the degree of "contamination" of the body) it will become clear that things have moved off the ground and the process is running: the urine becomes cloudy - salts come out of the joints, slight dizziness may begin - this potassium is washed out along with harmful toxins, which means it is not consumed enough, you need to continue to eat potassium-rich foods over and over again.

Waste, obesity and excessive thinness - Tibetan method of purification, taking into account age

Not so long ago, the world learned the secrets of Tibetan medicine. It turns out that these wise people cure radically opposite diseases - obesity and excessive thinness, that is, metabolic disorders, with the same miracle cure- rice.

When it comes to Tibet, here, of course, one cannot do without mystery and rituals. Tibetan monks, therefore, the cleaning method is very specific, but the fact that it is effective has been proven all over the world, even eminent endocrinologists use it to restore metabolism and cleanse the body in hopeless patients.

So, in order to cleanse the body, it is necessary to take as many rice grains as the age of the person was at the time of the start of treatment. Rice must be raw, whole and peeled.

Every day for 10 days you need to swallow them on an empty stomach, in no case without drinking any liquid. After that, you can neither eat nor drink for three hours.

After that, you can live your own ordinary life. Except for those who want to get rid of excess weight, you can not eat after 19:00 and do not eat anything that is of animal origin (Tibet after all!) And foods containing starch.

What gives the ingestion of raw rice grains, and even dry food?

All the same!

Rice is such a filter-absorbent, and, therefore: the intestines are cleansed, the microflora is restored, and toxins are removed.

rice kvass

Of course, there are ways to cleanse with rice and simpler, and, frankly, “tastier”. This is rice kvass.

Moreover, the list of useful properties of this drink is not limited to the removal of harmful substances from the body. Rheumatologists, therapists and neurologists prescribe it to their patients along with drug treatment to get rid of osteochondrosis and joint pain.

The explanation here is simple - pain syndrome occurs due to the deposition of salts, which rice kvass successfully copes with.

Recipe for rice kvass: add 5 tablespoons of rice (do not use chaff), 4 tablespoons of sugar and 6 pieces of raisins to a liter of boiled cold water. Stir and leave for 4 days in a cool place (not in the refrigerator).

Then strain and store the finished kvass in the refrigerator. Also, in addition to the cleaning effect, kvass will help speed up metabolism.

Learn the express method of cleansing with rice in three days from the video.

Let's hit rice with kilograms or rice express diet for urgent weight loss

To be honest, almost everyone has had it: a holiday is on the nose, but you can’t fit into your favorite dress. Or the reverse picture - after the holidays, the tummy does not fit in any suit.

On the help will come trouble-free Ambulance- rice nine-day express diet.

The menu for one day of this technique for those wishing to lose up to 7 kilograms is presented in the table. It is worth remembering that during the course of weight loss, alcohol, sugar and salt should be excluded from the diet.

The duration of such a diet is 9 days. During all this time, do not forget about the liquid - green tea, pure water, decoctions of herbs.

Rice cleaning - reviews

My grandfather and father had myocardial infarction by the age of 40. As examinations showed, there were plaques in blood vessels which interfered with the normal blood supply to the heart. The fear of clogging blood vessels simply haunted me. I have been looking for ways to prevent this. When I was visiting my father in the hospital, an old cardiologist told me about the way to cleanse the body with rice - about a forty-day course, warned me about the need additional reception potassium. It's been 22 years since then. Once a year, I "cleanse", regularly examined - my body works like clockwork! Maybe someday, if I find myself in China, I will bow to the Tibetan sages in gratitude for giving me health!

-Evgenia I., 55 years old, Saratov

One winter, I bought a summer dress at a sale. It's time to appear in it in front of my beloved husband - a wedding anniversary was planned, and then ... During the winter, I ate my sides, my tummy was rounded ... I met a girlfriend in the supermarket - we studied together at the institute, I didn’t even recognize her right away: slender, fit, and in the cart - full of rice . In general, she revealed her secret to me. Nine days later, I was back in my usual shape, well, a month later I “sat down” already on full course- I survived all forty days - I didn’t think that so much filth is stored in me! But now even the skin on the face has become different. In general, now I am stable once a year - on rice.

-Elena O., 26 years old, Ryazan

How to cleanse the body with rice at home can be found in the video.

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