Recipe: Elderberry Honey - Excellent for pancakes and pancakes. In the garden - elderberry, and in Kyiv - uncle

Sambucus nigra L.

Honeysuckle family - Carrifoliaceae.

Popular name: elderflower, sambuk, buzok, wasteland, buzovnik, pishchalnik, base.


Small tree or shrub 3 to 10 meters high. The crown is rounded, the bark on old trunks is ash-brown with deep longitudinal cracks, on young shoots it is darker, gray-brown, with numerous yellowish lenticels. Trunk up to 30 cm in diameter. Young shoots are filled inside with a soft white core. The leaves are opposite, pinnate, with 5–7 ovate pointed leaflets with sharply serrated edges. The leaves have bad smell. The flowers are rather small, 5–7 mm in diameter, with an interpetal wheel-shaped creamy-white corolla, fragrant, collected in apical corymbose inflorescences up to 20 cm in diameter. Marginal flowers are sessile, the rest are on pedicels. The fruits are juicy, black-purple, berry-like drupes with 2–4 shriveled, brown pits. The plant is shade tolerant. It reproduces vegetatively, by basal offspring and seeds.


It is found in the Crimea, the Caucasus, Ukraine, Belarus, southwestern Russia, southern Siberia.


It grows in deciduous, less often in coniferous forests, among shrubs, on overgrown cutting areas, in forest plantations and forest belts. Bred in parks and gardens.

flowering time

Blossoms in May-June, fruits ripen in August-September.

collection time

The flowers are harvested during full bloom in dry weather. The fruits are harvested only fully ripe, in August-September. The bark is removed in the spring before the start of sap flow. Elderberry roots are harvested in late autumn. Leaves are harvested in spring.

Procurement method

Elderberry flowers, leaves, grains, berries, young branches, bark and roots are used as medicinal raw materials.

Flower baskets are harvested during the period of full bloom before the corolla begins to shed. Harvesting elderberry flowers usually lasts 15-20 days. After harvesting, the flowers are separated from the peduncles. Dry in dryers at a temperature of 30-35 ° C or cut off whole inflorescences and immediately dry in the shade under a canopy or in attics with good ventilation, laying out thin layer on the pads. Drying is completed when the branches of the inflorescence become brittle. After drying, thresh or rub through a sieve. Dried raw materials of spicy smell, sweetish taste. For elderberry flowers, humidity is provided for no more than 14%, for browned elderberry flowers no more than 8%. Shelf life of raw materials is 2 years. The fruits are harvested during their full maturity - in August-September. Whole bunches are plucked or cut off, laid out in a thin layer, dried in air, and then dried in dryers, ovens, ovens, at a temperature of 60–65 ° C. Dried fruits are separated from twigs, stalks. They are round-elongated, wrinkled, black-purple on the outside, dark red on the inside, slightly aromatic smell, sour-sweet taste, with a slimy feeling. Shelf life of raw materials is 6 months. Elderberry roots are harvested at the end of autumn, dried, ground into powder and stored in this form for up to 5 years. The bark is harvested from two-year-old branches in early spring before sap flow, they are cleaned of glands, the upper gray layer is scraped off, separated from the core and dried in dryers, ovens, ovens at a temperature of 65–70 ° C. Shelf life of raw materials is 3 years.

Flowers and fruits are stored in bags, bales in a dry, cool, well-ventilated area, on racks accessible for regular inspection. The raw material does not tolerate dampness, quickly absorbs moisture, becomes moldy, loses its medicinal qualities.

Chemical composition

Elderberries contain 2.8% glucose, 2.5% fructose, free acids (mainly malic acid), vitamin C, and 0.31% tannins. Unripe fruits and leaves contain the poisonous glycoside sambunigrin (breaks down into hydrocyanic acid and benzaldehyde). Dried leaves contain provitamin A. Black elderberry inflorescences contain mucous substances, malic, acetic and valeric acids, paraffin-like substance, solid essential oil, terpene and glucoside, which has a diaphoretic effect, rutin.

Applied Part

Flowers, fruits, bark and roots.


Black elder as a medicinal plant has been known since the Middle Ages.

Black elderberry is widely used in scientific medicine. Infusion and decoction of elderberry flowers are used as a diaphoretic for colds, flu, bronchitis, laryngitis, kidney diseases and Bladder and with neuralgia. Elder flowers are part of diaphoretic, emollient, laxative and throat gargling preparations. Infusion of dried elderberries improves bile secretion, enhances diuresis, promotes the promotion of intestinal contents. The bark is used as a strong laxative, emetic and diuretic. It is especially valuable that the diuretic property of the cortex manifests itself selectively, without affecting the activity of the heart and without changing blood pressure.

In homeopathy, the alcohol essence of leaves, flowers and other preparations from black elderberry is used - for arthritis, rheumatism, fevers, for diseases of the respiratory system, for bronchial asthma, with coronary heart disease, pharyngitis.

AT traditional medicine black elderberry received even more wide application. Infusion, decoction, juice, poultices, baths from the raw materials of black elderberry inside and outwardly used:

As a tonic As a diaphoretic As an antipyretic As an expectorant As a choleretic As a laxative As a diuretic As an anti-inflammatory As a sedative In diseases of the kidneys and bladder With ascites (dropsy) In diseases of the respiratory system With edema of various origins With female diseases, menopause With influenza and acute respiratory infections With headaches With diabetes At peptic ulcer stomach With hepatitis With rheumatism, polyarthritis, gout, arthritis With neuralgia, sciatica, sciatica With hemorrhoids As an antimalarial With cancer of the skin, stomach and other oncological diseases Externally and internally - with various skin diseases With inflammatory diseases oral cavity and throat With chloasma (skin pigmentation disorders), freckles With conjunctivitis, blepharitis With depressive states With hydrophobia (rabies).


Individual intolerance to the drug. It is not advisable to take during pregnancy, you need to consult a doctor! Treat children under the age of 12 years with caution. Observe the dosage, in case of an overdose, nausea and vomiting are possible. It should be borne in mind that elderberry preparations have a diuretic and laxative effect and should be excluded in ulcerative enterocolitis, diabetes insipidus. No specific contraindications have been identified.

Other application

The wood is suitable for use in turning production. The branches can be used to protect granaries from weevil. The plant repels rats and mice, so elderberry is planted around sheds, barns, cellars. Flowers - in veterinary medicine for colds and rheumatism in horses and large cattle. Insecticide for bedbugs, gooseberry moth, blackcurrant mite, raticide. The fruits dye wool and silk in various tones when etched. Red and purple food coloring for confectionery production, kissels, juices are obtained from the fruits. It is good to clean copper utensils with fruits. Honey plant. Bred like ornamental plant in parks and gardens. In the Middle Ages, it was revered as a sacred tree.

Mode of application

Elderberry flowers have diaphoretic, antipyretic, diuretic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory and sedative effects. Therefore, the infusion of flowers is taken orally for colds, respiratory diseases, edema, kidney disease, rheumatism, gout, arthritis, female diseases, menopause and as a means of increasing the body's resistance to skin diseases(rashes, acne, boils). It is used for rinsing in inflammatory processes of the mouth and throat, in the form of drops, inhalations and used for poultices and baths. The decoction exhibits antibacterial activity.

The fruits have a peculiar taste and have a diaphoretic, expectorant, choleretic, laxative, diuretic, tonic effect. For treatment various diseases use fresh, dried fruits and seeds of black elderberry both independently and in collections with different herbs. Decoctions, infusions and tinctures are prepared from the fruits, and they are also used in cooking. The fruits are used internally and externally for diabetes mellitus, gastric ulcer, hepatitis, respiratory infections, neuralgia, rheumatism, sciatica, radiculitis, with cancer, skin diseases, inflammatory diseases of the mouth and throat. Crushed seeds and dried fruits are used for malaria. At strong cough and accumulation of fluid in the lungs, it is effective to take black elderberry syrup 3 times a day after meals, 1 dessert spoon. Kissel from dried fruits used as a laxative.

The leaves have a tonic, analgesic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, laxative, diaphoretic and "blood-purifying" properties. Leaves are used externally in the form of lotions, applications for tumors, diseases of the skin and joints. Inside - as decoctions and infusions. Boil young spring leaves in honey and use for chronic constipation.

Preparations from the bark are used in diseases of the kidneys and bladder, as a strong laxative and emetic. With rheumatism and sciatica.

Preparations from the roots are used for diseases of the kidneys and bladder, diabetes, women's diseases, depression, hydrophobia (rabies), and edema of various origins. With rheumatism, polyarthritis and sciatica.


Infusion of flowers

A tablespoon of flowers in 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes in a closed vessel, strain, drink hot as a diaphoretic at night or take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals as an anti-inflammatory, expectorant, astringent. A tablespoon of black elderberry flowers is placed in an enamel bowl, poured into 200 ml of hot boiled water, covered with a lid and heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled for 45 minutes at room temperature, filter. The remaining raw material is pressed. The volume of the resulting infusion is adjusted boiled water up to 200 ml. The prepared infusion is stored in a cool place for no more than 2 days. Taken warm, 1/3-1/2 cup 2-3 times a day. Two teaspoons of flowers per 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Drink in sips throughout the day as a diaphoretic, diuretic and emollient with colds (runny nose, cough, tonsillitis, laryngitis), as well as with diseases of the kidneys, bladder, edema, gout, hemorrhoids, skin rashes. 5-15 g of crushed dry flowers are poured into a glass of boiling water, infused for 20 minutes, filtered, stored in a cool place. Drink 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day hot 15 minutes before meals for colds and tuberculosis of the spine. A handful of dried or fresh elderberry flowers insist 20 minutes in 0.5 liters of boiling water. It is used for wiping and washing the skin and washing the face. An infusion prepared from the powder of the flowers has the same effect as the flowers. An infusion is prepared from 1-2 pinches of powder per 1 glass of water and drunk in 2 doses.

6–8 g of bark or 4–5 g of bark powder are infused in 500 ml of boiling water in a thermos for 5–6 hours, then filtered. Take 1/2 cup 5-6 times a day for edema (especially with renal edema), inflammatory diseases of the kidneys.

In the evening, pour 1 tablespoon of dry crushed leaves with 2 cups of boiling water, insist until morning (you can in a thermos), drink it warm in the morning. Take as a diuretic for colds.

Infuse 10 g of dried elderberries in 200 ml of chilled boiled water for 2 hours, then strain. Drink 150-200 ml once a day for constipation. In the evening, pour 1 teaspoon of dried fruits into 2 glasses hot water, insist until morning (possible in a thermos), drink warm in the morning. Take as a diuretic for colds. Half a teaspoon of dry berries per 150 ml of chilled boiled water, leave for 12 hours, strain, take warm once a day as a mild laxative. tablespoon dried berries pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, take 50 ml 3-4 times a day after meals for diabetes.

An infusion of berries improves bile secretion, enhances diuresis, promotes the promotion of intestinal contents.

An infusion of roots is taken in depressive states, hydrophobia (rabies).

A teaspoon of flowers or buds is infused with 250 ml of vodka for 7 days. Take at bedtime 30 ml for 2-3 weeks. After a 2-month break, you can repeat the treatment.


Mix an equal amount of bark and young elderberry shoots. 30 g of raw materials brew 1 liter of boiling water, put on a slow fire and boil for 5 minutes, leave for 40 minutes, strain. Use in diabetes, as well as a diuretic for edema of various origins.

30 g of black elderberry brew 1 liter of boiling water, put on a slow fire and boil for 5-10 minutes, leave for 45 minutes, strain. Use for diabetes and neoplasms.

Pour a tablespoon of leaves with 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, leave to cool. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for diabetes, edema of various origins, rheumatism, gout, ascites (dropsy), etc.

Add 1 tablespoon of honey to the decoction of the leaves and take it for stomach cramps.

Decoction of elderberry roots

Boil 30 g of black elderberry roots in 0.5 l of water, use it warm for douching with colpitis, cervicitis and other inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs. Start treatment 2-3 days after menstruation. Break 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation and so on until complete cure. 30 g of raw materials brew 1 liter of boiling water, put on a slow fire and boil for 5 minutes, leave for 40 minutes, strain. Use in diabetes, kidney disease, and as a diuretic for edema of various origins. From the infusion of leaves and roots of black elderberry. Dry leaves and ground roots pour 1 liter of boiling water (30:1000), leave for 2 hours. The infusion is filtered and poured into a bath (36-37°C). The course of treatment is 10-12 days. It is recommended to take a bath before going to bed for 15 minutes. Indications: rheumatism, gout, obesity. Pour two tablespoons of raw materials (dried leaves, flowers, elderberry roots) with a liter of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Strain and pour into the bath (its temperature should be 36–37 ° C). Take a bath for two weeks. The bath has a disinfecting effect. After a two-month break, you can resume the course. To enhance the effect, 15 minutes after the bath, it is advisable to drink 30 ml of elderberry tincture. Bath from the bark of branches and roots is used for polyarthritis, rheumatism.

Black elderberry juice is squeezed from flowers or ripened fruits. Taken for rheumatism and nerve pain, in particular with sciatica and nerve pain in the face. Fruit juice is taken depending on tolerance from 30 ml to 1 cup with a tablespoon of honey 3 times a day. The juice of the flowers is mixed equally with honey and taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.


Boil two tablespoons of young leaves in milk, wrap in gauze. Use as an external remedy for hemorrhoids, boils, diaper rash and burns. Mix in equal parts flowers of black elderberry and chamomile. Place in a gauze bag, pour over boiling water and make hot wraps for rheumatism and gout.


Ingredients: black elderberry, fruits - 1 kg sugar - 400 g.

Cooking: wash the fruits and blanch for 5 minutes. When the water drains, crush the fruits with a wooden pestle, squeeze out the juice, add sugar, bring to a boil, pour into hot sterilized bottles or jars and cork.

Ingredients: black elderberry, fruits - 1 kg sugar - to taste.

Cooking: Rinse the fruits with cold water, blanch for 3-5 minutes, drain, grind with a wooden pestle, add sugar, stir, bring to a boil. Pour the puree into sterilized jars, cover with lids and pasteurize at a temperature of 85 ° C: half-liter - 15 minutes, liter - 25 minutes. Store in a dark, cool place.

Ingredients: black elderberry, fruits - 1 kg sugar - 800 g water - 200 ml.

Cooking: prepare 80% sugar syrup. Ripe fruits dip in boiling syrup and cook over low heat until tender.

Ingredients: black elderberry, dried fruits - 75 g water - 1 liter sugar - 120 g citric acid - to taste.

Cooking: pour dried fruits hot water- 500 ml and cook for 10-15 minutes. Drain the broth, knead the fruits, pour the remaining water and cook for another 5-10 minutes. Combine both broths, add granulated sugar, citric acid and cook until tender.

Ingredients: black elderberry, dried fruits - 1 tablespoon water - 500 ml honey - 2 tablespoons.

Cooking: Pour dried elderberries with water and boil for several minutes, strain, add 2 tablespoons of honey. Drink hot several times a day.


Cooking: pour fresh washed fruits with water and boil for 15-20 minutes. Squeeze out the juice, add granulated sugar to it, bring to a boil, pour into clean bottles and cork them with corks. Store in a cold place.

Ingredients: black elderberry, fruits - 1 kg water - 2 cups sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking: Washed fresh elderberries pass through a meat grinder, add granulated sugar, water and cook until the desired density.

Ingredients: elderberry pomace - 1 kg sugar - 600 g.

Cooking: mix elderberry pomace with granulated sugar and cook for 15 minutes. Spread on a baking sheet in a layer 1.0-1.5 cm thick and dry in the oven at a low temperature.

Ingredients: black elderberry, fruits.

Cooking: separate the fruits from the stalks and twigs and dry in a shaded ventilated room. Dry in the oven on low heat. Store in a dry place in glass jars. Grind before use. Add to meat, fish dishes, broths, sauces, gravies.

Ingredients: black elderberry, flowers without pedicels sugar - 1 part water - 1 part.

Cooking: fill a glass liter jar with elderberry flowers without pedicels, pour them with sugar syrup (1 part boiled water and 1 part granulated sugar) and insist for a day, then bring to a boil and boil for 20 minutes. Strain hot infusion through a fine sieve and cool.

Ingredients: black elderberry, dried fruits - 10 g wild rose, fruits - 10 g strawberries, leaves - 20 g black currant, leaves - 20 g, sugar or honey - to taste.

Cooking: Dried fruits of elderberry, wild rose, strawberry leaves, black currant pour boiling water, leave for 5-10 minutes. You can add sugar or honey to taste.


Black elderberry: the healer of all peoples

There are two hypotheses about the origin of the generic name. The first thing Latin name Sambucus comes from the Greek "sambux" - red paint and is associated with the use of red elderberry for painting canvas. The second hypothesis is related to the name of the Iraqi musical instrument which is made from elderberries.

In addition, there is a legend about the appearance of elder among the people. While hunting, the prince fell behind his retinue and got lost. Finally he came to a hut in a clearing. An old man sat at the entrance and wept. To the question of the prince, he replied that his father had beaten him, because he carelessly carried grandfather from the bench to the bed and dropped it. The prince went into the hut and saw two even more ancient old men. He became interested in the secret of such longevity. The old people told him that they ate cheese, bread, milk and berries that grow nearby on the edge of the forest. This was the elderberry.

Several types of elderberry appeared in our flower beds at once. But these plants are not only ornamental. Representatives of this genus are quite widely used in folk medicine. And black elderberry occupies a very honorable place in the Pharmacopoeias of many countries of the world. That's exactly where we'll start.

Black elderberry (Sambucus nigra) is a beloved and grown since ancient times shrub of the honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae). In nature, it grows in deciduous forests in Western Europe, in the Crimea and the Caucasus, where it reaches a height of 10 m and looks like a tree. In our country, it usually grows up to 3-4 m. The leaves are opposite, odd-pinnate, with 5-7 lanceolate, pointed at the end lobes with a serrated edge. Planted in the open, black elderberry forms a bush round shape, densely leafy and covered with large (up to 20 cm in diameter) white, fragrant corymbose inflorescences to the very base. Blooms in late June - early July for a month. The berries, purple-black and shiny, on crimson stalks, ripen in early September and remain after leaf fall if not eaten by birds.

Fragrant flowers and edible fruits of elderberry

Fruits from wild plants have been harvested since prehistoric times. Elder bones, along with other "leftovers" were found in excavations of Neolithic sites. In ancient times, it was grown specifically for its fruits. It was known during the time of Pliny, who recommended the flowers for colds. Their use is allowed scientific medicine. The flowers are harvested at the very beginning of blooming and dried at a temperature not exceeding 30-35 ° C. However, not only they are used, but also fruits, bark, roots, but for various diseases. Elderberry flowers are credited with diaphoretic, diuretic, anti-febrile and anti-inflammatory effects. The bark has diuretic properties. Berries are known as a diaphoretic and laxative.

The chemical composition of the plant is quite diverse and differs significantly depending on the organ. The leaves contain the glycoside sambunigrin C14H17O6N (0.11%), which breaks down into glucose, hydrocyanic acid and benzaldehyde. Resins with laxative properties and a small amount of essential oil were also found in the plant. Found in fresh leaves vitamin C(200-280 mg%) and carotene (0.014%). The bark of the branches contains essential oil, choline, phytosterol. Ascorbic acid (10-49 mg%), carotene, sambucin C27H31O15Cl, chrysanthemum were found in the berries. Along with this, there are tannins (0.29-0.34%). Flowers contain essential oil, rutin flavonoid, tannins, glycosides, mucus. The berries contain mineral elements (iron, potassium, calcium and phosphorus), tyrosine. Found in seeds fatty oil, in flowers - semi-solid essential oil (0.027-0.032%), sambunigrin, choline, rutin, valeric, acetic and malic acids.

Elderberries have both medicinal and nutritional value. In the first case, they are harvested in the period of full maturity, in August-September, dried in fruit and vegetable dryers. Humidity of fruits for storage no more than 15%. The shelf life of raw materials is 6 months.

The results of cunning experiments

A decoction of the roots is recommended in medical practice for diabetes mellitus and its complications: polyneuropathy, nephropathy, skin dysfunctions. A decoction of the bark or roots can be successfully used for metabolic disorders, sclerosis, heart neuroses.

flowers were official raw materials in the XV-XIX centuries. and were prescribed as a lactogenic, and more simply - a milk-extracting agent. Combined with other plants, they are recommended orally for the rehabilitation of patients with mastectomy for breast cancer. They exhibit antihypoxic activity during hypoxia. The sum of saponins and phenolic compounds in the experiment on rats has an anti-edematous effect, the latter is most clearly manifested by phenolcarboxylic acids. The aqueous extract exhibits antiviral activity against influenza strains A/PR/8 and A/Hong Kong.

Fruit recommended for people working with radioactive isotopes or living in areas contaminated with radionuclides, as they contribute to the removal of salts from the body heavy metals and radionuclides. Syrups, balms, concentrates, soft drinks are offered, which increase efficiency by 20-25%. In veterinary medicine, infusions and decoctions of elderberry flowers are recommended for fever.

A million recipes of all times and peoples

There are indications in the literature of various actions individual bodies plants. The use of elder flowers as a diaphoretic for colds is allowed.

The whole elderberry plant various ailments used by ancient physicians. In particular, it is reliably known that Hippocrates used it for colds. In folk medicine, elderberry preparations are used in the form of rinses for diseases. respiratory tract. Preparations from the bark are also used for diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

Preparations. Infusion of elderberry flowers: 5-15 g of crushed dry flowers are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, infused for 20 minutes, filtered, stored in a cool place. Drink 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals. Infusion of flowers is used for colds and flu as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory, rinse the mouth and throat with stomatitis and sore throat, make lotions for burns and boils. Poultice of elderberry flowers helps with hemorrhoids. Flowers are included in the fees for chronic pancreatitis.

And here are some recipes for a variety of diseases.

With fluid retention in the body, you can take 30 g of black or grassy elderberry roots, pour 1 liter of boiling water, evaporate by half and take 150 g before meals for 2 months.

With hyperthyroidism (increased function thyroid gland) is recommended to collect fresh leaves, steam them, wring out and make a compress on the neck. The leaves are arranged in 5 layers, pouring not large quantity soda, cover with a newspaper and cover with a cloth on top.

With hoarseness chop 2 heads of garlic, add 2 tablespoons of elderberry flowers and 3 tablespoons of honey, pour 600 ml of boiling water. Drink warm, 50 g every hour. The course of treatment is 3 days.

With dysentery take 5 tablespoons of blackthorn and black elderberry, pour 1 liter of boiling wine, insist in a warm place for 2 hours, strain, add honey and drink 50 g every hour.

With constant thirst Italian herbal medicine recommends throwing a handful of unripe black elderberries into 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, add a little sugar and drink the broth warm.

For constipation Rinse ripe black elderberry berries in cold water in bunches, when the water drains, cut off the stalks and immediately pour the berries into a saucepan or pot, add sugar (at the rate of 1 cup per liter jar of berries) and immediately bring to a boil. Boil no more than 15-20 minutes. When cooking, you should be very careful, because. elderberry "runs away" even more than milk. Transfer the resulting mass to steamed jars and twist them. Take the resulting puree 2-3 tablespoons 2-3 times a day. Elderberries (only boiled!) Eliminate constipation, steadily improve the functioning of the stomach, have choleretic action, govern blood pressure. The French for this purpose recommend decoction of berries: 60 g of elderberry boil for 3 minutes in 1 liter of water, drink 70 ml in the morning and evening before going to bed. To normalize the stool, some doctors also use raw ripe berries mashed with sugar in a ratio of 1:2, take the mixture in half a glass of warm boiled water.

Austrian herbalist Maria Treben includes elderberry flowers in her collection with leukemia. Similarly, but more upright, the recipe is offered by the Bulgarian phytotherapeutist P. Dimkov: 6 parts fresh berries mix elderberries with 2 teaspoons of honey and 1 teaspoon each of eggshells and nettle leaf powder. Take 1 tsp without a slide after lunch and dinner.

Together with St. John's wort and a currant leaf, the infusion is used for rinsing when periodontal disease.

Black elderberries are used to prevent aging. According to a number of herbalists, daily consumption of black elderberry prolongs life and youth. 2 tablespoons of dry berries are poured into 1 liter of water, 5 tablespoons of honey are added, boiled for 6 minutes, filtered and drunk hot as tea several times a day.

In Adygea, a decoction of fruits (hot, with honey) is recommended for older people with diseases of the organs of cardio-vascular system. In Bulgaria, the fruits (boiled, orally) are prescribed for hemorrhoids, which is probably due to their mild laxative effect.

In folk medicine, together with other plants, flowers in the form of an infusion were used for chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, anti-inflammatory prostatitis, allergic diseases, with atherosclerosis, gastritis, measles, rubella, hypertension, hematuria baths - as a means of improving blood circulation. Flower infusion compresses help with sunstroke.

In homeopathy, black elderberry roots are prescribed for bronchial asthma, cardiac asthma, and angina pectoris.

For skilled housewives

Fragrant black elderberry flowers are brewed as tea especially with a cold. They are also added to real tea to give it a special flavor (remember the “Elder Mother” by H.H. Andersen). Tea is flavored with flowers in the following proportion: 1 part of elder flowers and 3 parts of black tea. Flowers can be flavored and ordinary grape wine.

Black elderberries are used for cooking jam. The juice is used to color and flavor grape wines, such as port wines in Portugal.

In food, black elderberry is used as an additive to confectionery. You can make syrup and fruit jelly. To prepare the syrup, you need 1 liter of juice, which is squeezed from pre-blanched berries and 1.4 kg of sugar. The syrup is boiled down to a thick consistency. It can be used to make sweet sauces, jellies, pour over ice cream, or simply dilute with water for a delicious drink.

In the US, the young shoots, peeled, are boiled or pickled.

Black elderberry wine

Wine elderberry juice is most often prepared in a mixture with other juices - apple, pear, plum.

To prepare it, you will need 10 liters of elderberries, 2 liters of apple juice, 1 kg of sugar.

Pick berries from twigs and mash large capacity. You can not crush the berries in metal containers, unless of course these are special stainless steel vats. A large, wide-mouthed glass vessel is best. Apple juice and sugar are added to the resulting mass, mixed and left to ferment for 5-6 days. It is not worth keeping the berries longer, then vinegar is formed instead of alcohol.

When spontaneous fermentation is over, the pulp is filtered, the juice is squeezed out and sealed in bottles. They close the bottles with a cork, which is additionally fixed with wire, like on champagne, and placed in the basement for several months.

At the right moment, the wine is taken out of the cellar. Carefully, without shaking (firstly, there is a lot of sediment at the bottom of the bottle, and secondly, the cork can shoot), open and pour into glasses. The resulting wine, in addition to excellent taste, has a completely unusual rich color.

Black elderflower vinegar

To prepare it, you will need apple cider vinegar and fresh or dried elderberry flowers.

Choose inflorescences with well-opened, but not yet faded flowers. They should be white, without an admixture of browned. Without compacting, put them in a glass. Then measure the same amount apple cider vinegar. Leave them to insist in glassware, preferably in the sun, for 12 days. After that, strain through a cloth, pour into a bottle and now put in a dark place.

The resulting fragrant vinegar can also be used as ordinary table vinegar for salads, sauces, marinades. And diluted in a glass of water and honey, a tablespoon of such vinegar - good remedy with colds and lung diseases.

From ball to pyramid

And now a few words about cultivation. This plant is quite beautiful. Black elderberry looks elegant both during flowering and in autumn, strewn with shiny black berries. There are a number of ornamental varieties that differ in foliage color, shape and habit of the crown. In Guincho Purple, the leaves change fresh as they age. green color to black-purple, and in autumn they turn red. 'Aurea' (઺urea) is one of the oldest and most resistant forms with golden yellow leaves. "Aureomarginata" (઺ureomarginata) has leaflets with an uneven yellow stripe along the edge. "Laciniata" ("Laciniata") - with narrowly cut bright green leaves. The variety "Marginata" ("Marginata") has leaves with a creamy border around the edge. Elder "Nana" ("Nana") - low, up to 1 m tall, spherical shape. "Pulverulenta" ("Pulverulenta") - with slow growth, leaves with a white marble pattern. "Pyramidalis" ("Pyramidalis") has the shape of a column.

Sometimes black elderberry still does not withstand our winters. It is better to plant it in a bright place protected from cold winds with light fertile soil. It propagates by layering or seeds sown before winter or stratified within 4 months.

Elderberry is mainly a cross-pollinated plant, so it is better to plant two bushes of different varieties on the site. Otherwise, you can not wait for the fruit harvest.

From the first year after planting, they begin to form a crown. To do this, leave 6-7 powerful branches, which are shortened by 1/3 or even ½. This contributes to further branching and the formation of a beautiful rounded bush.

Photo Elena Malankina, Rita Brilliantova

Black elderberry - the healing properties of the berries of the tree of fate and how to use them

Everyone remembers, probably, the saying about "the elderberry in the garden, and the uncle in Kyiv."

So let's talk about this interesting shrub today.

Black elderberry is still revered by some nations as a sacred plant.

On the basis of its fruits, healers and herbalists prepared infusions and decoctions that healed people from many diseases and ailments.

Today, the healing power and benefits that black elderberries give are a little forgotten.

Let's correct this injustice and remember all the beneficial properties of the berries of the tree of fate, as elderberry was called in ancient times. 🙂

Elderberry grows mainly in the southern regions, in particular along the banks of reservoirs, in forest park areas, near houses.

Most often, it is a branched shrub, the height of which rarely exceeds 3-4 m.

During flowering, multiple inflorescences milky emit an intense intoxicating aroma.

In modern landscape design, it is cultivated as a valuable ornamental plant.

AT medicinal purposes it is customary to use inflorescences, leaves, bark, fruits and roots.

But, when to collect raw materials to get the maximum benefit?

The most useful and delicious berries from the bush are harvested in August-September.

Flowers are harvested during the peak of flowering, bark - in the spring, when sap flow begins inside the trunk.

The chemical composition of elderberries

The plant has a rich chemical composition.

The berries are concentrated such complex substances as routine-like glycoside aldrin, glycoside sambunigrin, sugars, paraffin-like components, mucus.

In addition, here are organic acids, such as chlorogenic, malic, valerian, coffee choline, tannins, isoamylamines, carotene, ethylisobutyl.

The bark contains phytosterol, choline, essential oils.

Fresh and dried leaves are no less rich, in which provitamin A, glycolic and hexene aldehydes are formed, traces of alkaloids, resins and tannins are found.

Healing properties of elderberry

In folk medicine, both fresh and dry raw materials are used, which do not lose their basic properties.

The beneficial effect is revealed as follows:

prevention of peptic ulcer disease
treatment of liver damage and hepatitis
therapy of disorders of the nervous system, neuralgic, neurotic processes
prophylactic against the formation of malignant tumors
diaphoretic, antipyretic action
antibacterial, anti-inflammatory activity
adjuvant for the treatment of the full spectrum of colds
mitigation of the course of diseases such as rheumatism, arthritis, gout
astringent, diuretic, sedative
cosmetic effect - elimination of acne and other rashes, skin toning
stabilization metabolic processes. Regular use of decoctions and infusions leads to an improvement in blood composition and an improvement in overall well-being.
improvement of bile excretion
laxative effect, which is especially important for those patients who suffer from chronic constipation.

The beneficial effect of the plant on human body and all useful properties are recognized even by official medicine.

Parts of the shrub are part of the pharmacy medicinal fees, extracts and extracts of the plant have been successfully used in the pharmaceutical industry.

Ways to use black elderberry

Berries of black elderberry are often used in winemaking and cooking.

Squeezed juice becomes the basis of syrups and mousses, jams and jams, ports and wines.

The flowers are added to herbal drinks, teas and baked goods. Most healthy juice can only be obtained from ripe berries, the rest of the raw materials are ineffective.

For cooking medicinal infusion about 30 grams of dried berries or flowers are poured with boiling water (250 ml), infused for no more than half an hour and used for its intended purpose. This remedy is effective for colds, bronchitis, toothache, headache. A similar infusion can be used for inhalation.

Very useful to apply dry heat on the basis of elder flowers, packed in linen bags, which are applied to the affected areas of the body with rheumatism and gout.

The healing properties of such compresses will facilitate the course of the disease and relieve acute symptoms.

What can be prepared blanks from elderberry?

It is customary to make jam and jelly from freshly picked ripe berries.

Sugar never acts as a sweet base for such preparations; it is much more useful and efficient to use molasses or honey.

In addition, jelly can be prepared on the basis of plant juice, which is also added to homemade fruit and berry wines.

Jam, jams and elderberry jam should be eaten by those who suffer from chronic constipation.

Tasty and useful tool bring activities back to normal digestive tract.

Both blanks are prepared in the standard way, by boiling and rolling into jars.

The finished dish is stored in the refrigerator until the next elderberry harvest.

Black elderberry honey according to an old recipe

If a fresh flowers put black elderberry tightly in a three-liter jar and pour honey in equal proportions.

The remedy is infused for two and applied in a teaspoon to prevent colds.

Black elderberry syrup recipe, see here

Elderberry preparations

On the basis of black elderberry berries are prepared medications against colds and to increase immunity.

I can recommend you this company that offers medicines which are based on black elderberry extract for children and adults in the form of syrups and capsules.

Video about the beneficial properties of elderberries

Be sure to watch this video to learn more about useful properties ah elderberry.

Contraindications and precautions

The fruits of red elderberry are considered extremely dangerous - they can not be eaten either by animals or people. Even a simple touch to the berries is an occasion to wash your hands immediately.

If contact with mucous membranes occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Any products and dishes based on black elderberry should not be used for the treatment of colitis, diabetes, pregnancy and lactation.

A woman should not go for experiments, as this can be dangerous both for herself and for the fetus.

Nursing mothers are generally contraindicated in taking any biologically active funds other than those prescribed by the attending physician.

For people who suffer from Crohn's disease, elderberry is strictly contraindicated.

If a person has a predisposition to develop an allergic response and is diagnosed chronic diseases digestive tract, care should be taken.


It must be understood that it is not so easy to distinguish between two types of elderberry.

In order to avoid all risks, it is recommended to use any funds for preventive and therapeutic purposes for persons over the age of 12 years.

Having understood how black elderberry is useful, you can use it as a valuable component of a home phyto-first aid kit.

Means prepared on its basis should be taken taking into account contraindications and after consulting a doctor.

Alena Yasneva was with you, good luck and see you again!

Black elderberry for cough Black elderberry grated with sugar

Elderberry honey, its benefits and harms, as well as recipes, have been known for a long time. The thing is that this shrub is a natural storehouse a large number vitamins, trace elements that are found in flowers, and especially in the berries of this plant. To date, it has been forgotten a little and is not used very often, and earlier, not only compotes, jam, but also honey were made from it.

Delicious elderberry honey

Recipe amazing delicacy consists of several ingredients


  • 300 g - elderberry flowers;
  • 1 l - water;
  • 1 kg - sugar;
  • 1 tsp - citric acid(you can use 1 lemon).

Cooking method:

First of all, you will need to sort through the collected inflorescences and remove leaves, bad flowers. Then they need to be washed, thereby getting rid of the existing insects.

After that, you need to take a pan, best of all enameled and place the washed inflorescences in it. You need to lay them out very tightly and pour a liter of water. After that, cover the contents with a lid and leave for several hours, but it is better to hold the whole night.

In the morning, the resulting infusion must be boiled for 30 minutes, and then left for a while to cool.

When the broth has completely cooled, be sure to pull out the elderberry flowers and squeeze them well. To do this, you need to take a colander or a sieve. But after that, the squeezed inflorescences must be again placed in a decoction and boiled for 10-15 minutes.

After this time, sugar must be added to the resulting broth and continue to cook over very low heat, while not forgetting to stir constantly, for about 4 hours. At the very end of cooking, you need to add citric acid or the juice of one lemon and boil a little more, about 10-15 minutes.

While elderberry honey is being cooked, it is worth preparing a container in which this sweetness will be stored. Glass jars with tight-fitting lids are best suited for this. They must be boiled, and then dried, and only then pour cooled honey into them.

How to take?

The recipe for this elderberry sweet is very healthy, and at the same time it has a pleasant taste and aroma. It is recommended to be used as a preventive measure, as well as for treatment. various diseases 1 st. l. 2-3 per day. It is best to do this half an hour before meals. To maximize the effect of this product, it is recommended to drink it with a prepared rosehip decoction or herbal tea.

But before you start using it as a treatment, you need to find out if there is an allergy to such a product. It is also worth limiting its use to people who have diseases of the kidneys, bladder, gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage. Not recommended for women during pregnancy in large quantities.

Video: elderflower syrup.

Useful properties of nectar from elder flowers

Due to the fact that elderberry contains many useful substances, home-cooked nectar is no less useful. And most importantly, the recipe for its preparation is very simple and does not require large financial costs.

Its main useful properties include the fact that it is very good and effective tool at:

  1. Colds, namely with bronchitis, influenza, pneumonia, and is also used for bronchial asthma.
  2. Joint diseases, namely arthritis and rheumatism.
  3. Dermal inflammatory processes, promoting the healing of wounds on the skin.
  4. Favorably affects nervous system and improves sleep.
  5. Treatment of diseases associated with problems gastrointestinal tract(recommended to use in small doses).
  6. Helps strengthen immunity.

In addition, this sweet product has other properties such as:

  • antipyretic;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • helps to lower the temperature;
  • diaphoretic;
  • diuretic;
  • soothing;
  • disinfectant.

This is a small part of the useful properties that this product has. But despite the fact that elderberry honey is useful and has a beneficial effect on the body, it must be taken in moderation.

This recipe was suggested to me by a friend who has been keeping it in a piggy bank for decades, and she inherited it from her grandmother.

The ingredients are not complicated, but the main one is elderberry flowers. Our elder flower faded a couple of weeks ago, but I think in more northern regions it is now in bloom. So hurry up)

So. First, I take an elderberry and separate (as far as time and opportunity allows) green twigs.

The main thing is to remove the large ones, and let the small ones be for themselves. Elderberry is a very useful plant. And everything is useful in it - flowers, berries, leaves, stems, and even bark.

I pour cold water into a bowl and put it on fire. There (in cold water) I put the color of elderberry.

Then I take the flowers of the tea rose and separate the petals

I also throw them into the water to the elderberry.

Gradually the petals and flowers sink

I bring the color to a boil over low heat, and boil for another 10-15 minutes over low heat.

I strain flowers on a sieve

It turned out such a yellowish broth

I put the bowl back on the fire. And now I'm throwing sugar into the broth

Periodically stir the syrup with a wooden spoon. When the syrup begins to boil, a white foam appears. I'm filming it.

I cook for 15-20 minutes - until the moment when the syrup brightens and acquires beautiful colour.
If you throw roses 2-3 flowers, then the color will be barely yellow (like linden honey).
At the end I throw citric acid. Thanks to her, elderberry honey is not candied.

If the jars are sterilized, then such honey can be rolled up for the winter. But I had few flowers (for two servings), and my jars successfully fit on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator.

The output of this proportion of the recipe is about 1 liter.

The honey is viscous, it looks like ordinary bee honey.
But the taste is quite unusual. Pronounced elderberry with a hint of tea rose. To pancakes such a doctor - the most it!

Let this be an artificial option, but it has a place to be! Thanks to the unusual taste, you can pleasantly surprise your guests with a dessert with elderberry honey, or just honey for tea.

Thank you for your attention, Zoya :)
Live great!

Time for preparing: PT00H50M 50 min.

approximate cost servings: 15 rub.

We have a wonderful view from our window. A slender row of acacias that have already faded. And below, under the very acacia trees, elder bushes grow. When I look at an elderberry, I remember my childhood when my mother cooked artificial honey from elder flowers. Again, looking at the elderberry, I wanted to try honey from my childhood. Without thinking for a long time, I decided to cook it myself. I called my parents and asked how to cook artificial elderberry honey.

Now it is very difficult to buy real honey on the market. For example, today I saw honey on the market, according to the seller it is “acacia”, and the beekeepers say that this year the bees did not fly to the acacia. This year the acacia bloomed very early. But the essence is not in the name of honey, but in the fact that you can buy real honey only from a familiar beekeeper, and we sell honey to people who don’t even have an apiary. What conclusions can be drawn from this?

Yes, the most logical ones. If they bought honey in an apiary, then at a price not lower than the market price, and if lower, then not by much. When reselling, they will have to weld something for themselves, plus transportation costs. And where do they get the fat from, if no one buys honey from them above the market price, there is only one way out - to mix artificial honey.

I don't want to say that all market sellers mix artificial honey, but going to the market for honey turns into a lottery if you don't know the seller. Yes, and beekeepers can also feed the bees with sugar if they see that there is not enough honey, or they know that honey is for sale. And this is not only the case with honey.

I'll tell you how I bought milk at the market. I have two small children and every week we bought 6 liters cow's milk. When our acquaintances' cow stopped being milked, we had to look for another supplier in the market. We liked milk from one woman, and we began to buy from her.

Once again, when buying milk, she gave us milk not from under the counter (as always), but took a bottle of milk standing on the counter. As usual, we boiled milk at home and poured it into jars. What was our surprise when at the bottom of the can was white precipitate. My grandmother had a cow, my parents had a cow, but this was the first time I encountered this. One can only guess what kind of sediment it is, it can be starch, milk powder, or something else. But you can’t make milk at home, but you can cook artificial honey.

Preparation of artificial honey not by chemical means

And now I will reveal to you the secret of making artificial honey. Honey can be brewed from elderberry, linden flowers, dandelions and even mint. Today we will prepare artificial honey from elderberry flowers.

For this we need:

  • elderberry flowers - one liter jar, elderberry flowers need to be tamped tightly
  • 3 liter cans of sugar
  • half a lemon
  • one liter of water

We picked elderberry flowers. We pick flowers from green twigs, we try to have as few green twigs as possible. We take a liter jar and tightly tamp the elder flowers.

We put the elderflower flowers and a liter of water in a saucepan, bring to a boil, leave it on low heat for 20 minutes.
Turn off and let stand for 20 minutes. We filter.
We add sugar to the resulting broth and put it on a slow fire to languish for at least 3 hours, when foam appears on top, we collect it.
If it is not collected, then our honey will not turn out as transparent as we want. We prepare our half of the lemon, twist it in a meat grinder along with the zest. Lemon can be replaced with a teaspoon of citric acid.
We need lemon or acid so that our artificial honey does not sugar. When 3 hours have already passed since we have cooked honey, we add twisted lemon and simmer it for another 20 minutes.
We prepare jars and pour our honey into jars without forgetting to strain it from lemon slices. We got artificial honey, fragrant honey without dyes and flavors, which at the same time also has medicinal properties.

For example, such honey can be used to treat colds and coughs by adding it to tea or eating it with a spoon. Elderberry is widely used in folk medicine. Now you can be treated with elderberry, or rather elderberry honey, which is much tastier and more pleasant.

How to make elderberry honey

Every human body needs good nutrition vitamins and microelements.

Now there are many drugs that can be bought at the pharmacy in order to saturate the body with everything it needs.

But, unfortunately, these vitamins are rarely effective, due to the fact that they need to be taken in combination, and each individual needs to select this complex individually.

Just coming to the pharmacy and buying vitamins in a jar is not enough.

All essential vitamins gives nature. One has only to know the recipes for cooking delicious and healthy meals from the gifts of nature. Elderberry is very useful, which is very rich in vitamins and microelements. Elderberry honey is very popular.

Elderberry is a tree whose berries and flowers are rich in nutrients. The flowers of this plant contain essential oils, ascorbic acid, sugar, choline, glycosidic substances, tannin.

Elderberry honey: recipes

Honey from sugar and elderberry flowers

For this recipe you will need

300 grams of elderberry flowers,

500 grams of sugar

1 liter of water.

Elder flowers should be put in a small saucepan and pour 1 liter of water. And put the pan on the fire for 20 - 30 minutes. Bring contents to a boil and remove from heat. The resulting broth must be cooled and pour 500 grams of sugar.

A decoction with sugar should be boiled for 30 - 40 minutes over low heat, while constantly stirring the liquid. Gradually, it will turn into a thick syrup.

The resulting syrup should be well wrapped in a blanket and left to cool completely. After cooling, honey must be poured into glass jar Close the lid tightly and leave in a cool place.

Honey is ready!

Honey with black elderberry

The preparation is very simple: you just need to mix elderflower gruel and bee honey in equal proportions. The mixture must be stirred until smooth. Store such honey in a glass container in a cool place.

Honey with elderberries

To obtain such honey, you need to mix liquid bee honey with gruel from black elderberry berries in equal parts.

Medicinal properties and uses of elderberry honey

Reception of honey for medicinal purposes is carried out three times a day for a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals.

To enhance the effect, you can drink honey with a rosehip decoction. But you can eat honey and just as delicious dessert, in a small amount It's a great substitute for candy for kids.

Such medicinal honey beneficial effect on genitourinary system.

It is used as a diaphoretic, choleretic and diuretic. Such flower honey will help with colds, bronchitis, flu, pneumonia and even bronchial asthma, it acts as a good expectorant.

Such a tool can be used even for children and pregnant girls and during breastfeeding.

Elderberry honey can cause allergies in very caustic cases, often the body does not show allergic reactions to this sweetness.

In addition, honey is used to treat various joint diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism and gout. This remedy is also considered excellent for the treatment of skin diseases and skin lesions.

They treat diseases digestive system, it will help even with an ulcer and chronic problems bowel movements

Elderberry honey is easy to prepare and with proper storage. for a long time retain taste and medicinal properties. The main thing is to cover the container tightly with a lid and do not leave it in a warm place.

Such a remedy can replace many drugs in home first aid kit. This does not require large financial outlays. It is important that high-quality and really useful honey is obtained, which is important at a time when there are a lot of low-quality products on the market.

And we also offer to cook amazingly delicious honey from dandelions.

Elderberry honey - recipe

Going to the pharmacy, you can buy vitamins that are designed to support the body's immunity, both in the form of prevention, and when you are already sick. But why spend money on artificial vitamins when nature provides us with everything we need. The well-known fragrant elderberry is quite capable of helping us.

Useful properties of elderberry honey

There are two types of elderberry:

Red elderberry is considered poisonous to humans. Black, on the contrary, is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements.

Elderflower honey has a diaphoretic, antibacterial property, so it is good to treat them. colds both in adults and in children. The only thing is to always check if there are any individual intolerances or contraindications to the use of healing syrup.

To make honey from elderberry, you need to take only flowers. They contain a lot of useful elements for our body - vitamin C, ascorbic acid, various essential oils, tannin, sugar, choline, glycosidic and other substances. For decoctions and tinctures, berries, leaves and even tree bark are also used, but we will talk about flowers.

Try one of the oldest and most proven recipes for making elderflower honey.

elderberry honey recipe


  • elderberry flowers - 300 g;
  • boiled cold water- 1 liter;
  • sugar - 1/2 kg;
  • half a lemon (or 1 teaspoon of citric acid).


We pre-clean the flowers from dry leaves, green twigs and insects. Then we tightly pack them into a liter jar - we get exactly 300 grams. Pour the contents into an enameled pan and pour in the prepared water. You can let it stand overnight by covering the pan with a plate, or you can immediately start cooking. After that, bring to a boil and boil for 20 minutes. Turn off, let cool. We filter the syrup, you get a greenish broth. Add sugar and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.

If you like thick elderberry honey, the recipe is as follows:

  1. Boil longer - at least three hours.
  2. Stir with a wooden spoon until thickened.
  3. Remove the foam, otherwise the honey will not be transparent.
  4. Next, grind half a lemon in a meat grinder and add to honey. If there is no lemon, use citric acid. Lemon is needed so that honey does not sugar and does not become a glassy insoluble mass.
  5. We filter the contents of the pan from the lemon, roll it tightly into jars and wrap it until it cools completely. Unique fragrant honey is ready!

A simple recipe for how to quickly cook elderberry honey at home (simply, syrup):

  1. Mix any bee honey with elderberry slurry until smooth.
  2. Transfer to a jar, cover tightly with a lid.
  3. Store in a dark cool place.

The benefits and harms of elderberry honey

Elderberry honey is a great recipe for everyone, but there are not only benefits, but also harms.

The list of useful properties of artificial elderberry honey is quite large:

  • very effective in helping with coughing;
  • relieves inflammation of the upper respiratory tract;
  • removes nasal congestion;
  • diaphoretic;
  • has antipyretic properties;
  • strengthens immune system;
  • acts as an expectorant;
  • relieves swelling, acting as a diuretic;
  • cleanses the kidneys;
  • helps in the treatment of pancreatitis;
  • relieves stomach pain;
  • acts as a sedative;
  • helps to increase lactation in nursing mothers;
  • relieves pain in rheumatism, sciatica;
  • used for skin diseases, as a remedy for age spots on the skin;
  • helps with gout;
  • prolongs life, helps to maintain youth.

The list is far from complete.

However, with all the wide range of miraculous properties of honey, there is a category of people for whom such elderberry syrup is contraindicated - these are people who suffer from:

  • colitis;
  • diabetes insipidus;
  • with acute kidney disease;
  • Bladder;
  • stomach;
  • intestinal tract.

AT rare cases allergy appears.

In addition, as mentioned earlier, red elderberry is not suitable for use - it is poison.

We have a wonderful view from our window. A slender row of acacias that have already faded. And below, under the very acacia trees, elder bushes grow. When I look at an elder, I remember my childhood when my mother cooked artificial honey from elder flowers.
Once again, looking at the elder, I wanted to try honey from my childhood. Without thinking for a long time, I decided to cook it myself. I called my parents and asked how to cook artificial elderberry honey.

Now it is very difficult to buy real honey on the market. For example, today I saw honey on the market, according to the seller, it is “acacia”, and beekeepers say that this year the bees did not fly to. This year the acacia bloomed very early. But the essence is not in the name of honey, but in the fact that you can buy only from a beekeeper you know, and we sell honey to people who don’t even have an apiary. What conclusions can be drawn from this?

Yes, the most logical ones. If they bought honey in an apiary, then at a price not lower than the market price, and if lower, then not by much. When reselling, they will have to weld something for themselves, plus transportation costs. And where do they get the fat from, if no one buys honey from them above the market price, there is only one way out - to mix artificial honey.

I don't want to say that all market sellers mix artificial honey, but going to the market for honey turns into a lottery if you don't know the seller. Yes, and beekeepers can also feed the bees with sugar if they see that there is not enough honey, or they know that honey is for sale. And this is not only the case with honey.

I'll tell you how I bought milk at the market. I have two small children and every week we bought 6 liters of cow's milk. When our acquaintances' cow stopped being milked, we had to look for another supplier in the market. We liked milk from one woman, and we began to buy from her.

Once again, when buying milk, she gave us milk not from under the counter (as always), but took a bottle of milk standing on the counter. As usual, we boiled milk at home and poured it into jars. Imagine our surprise when there was a white precipitate at the bottom of the jar. My grandmother had a cow, my parents had a cow, but this was the first time I encountered this. One can only guess what kind of sediment it is, it can be starch, milk powder, or something else. But you can’t make milk at home, but you can cook artificial honey.

Preparation of artificial honey not by chemical means

And now I will reveal to you the secret of making artificial honey. Honey can be boiled from elderberry, from linden flowers, from and even from mint. Today we will prepare artificial honey from elderberry flowers.

For this we need:

  • elderberry flowers - one liter jar, elderberry flowers need to be tamped tightly
  • 3 liter cans of sugar
  • half a lemon
  • one liter of water

We picked elderberry flowers.
We cut flowers from green branches, we try to have as few green branches as possible. We take a liter jar and tightly tamp the elder flowers.

We put the elderflower flowers and a liter of water in a saucepan, bring to a boil, leave it on low heat for 20 minutes.
Turn off and let stand for 20 minutes. We filter.
We add sugar to the resulting broth and put it on a slow fire to languish for at least 3 hours, when foam appears on top, we collect it.
If it is not collected, then our honey will not turn out as transparent as we want. We prepare our half of the lemon, twist it in a meat grinder along with the zest. Lemon can be replaced with a teaspoon of citric acid.
We need lemon or acid so that our artificial honey does not sugar. When 3 hours have already passed since we have cooked honey, we add twisted lemon and simmer it for another 20 minutes.
We prepare jars and pour our honey into jars without forgetting to strain it from lemon slices. We have obtained artificial honey, fragrant honey without dyes and flavors, which at the same time also has healing properties.

For example, such honey can be used to treat colds and coughs by adding it to tea or eating it with a spoon. It is widely used in folk medicine. Now you can be treated with elderberry, or rather elderberry honey, which is much tastier and more pleasant.

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