Dandelion flower honey. Dandelion honey recipes without heat treatment. Aromatic dandelion honey

Did you know that dandelion honey exists? How it is obtained, not everyone knows. Let's try to understand this interesting question in more detail.

Do you know that honey can be obtained even from a plant such as dandelion? And indeed it is.

Probably, for the general public, it is far from being as well known as other more popular varieties of the sweet bee substance obtained by winged beekeepers. However, this does not negate its excellent qualities and healing properties.

Dandelion honey can be attributed to light varieties of honey. This group is distinguished by color characteristics as opposed to dark varieties.

If a we are talking about the meadow variant obtained from forbs, here yellow points can be combined with so many other plants:

  • wild mallow;
  • bruise;
  • hypericum;
  • clover;
  • hogweed;
  • cow sorrel;
  • sweet clover;
  • thyme;
  • meadow cornflower;
  • chicory;
  • sage;
  • Tatar;
  • motherwort.

Naturally, depending on the composition of pollen and the ratio of various components in it, the characteristics of the finished product obtained by winged beekeepers may change. Its color can vary from light yellow to dark brown.

AT pure form a similar sweet bee substance is distinguished by a light golden color. If you observe a different color, then, most likely, there are impurities of other plants in its composition, and such a variety is already a forb.

Medicinal properties

What are the features of this variety? AT this case can be said to be external distinguishing features as well as taste characteristics.

And, of course, you can not ignore the healing properties this product. After all, everyone knows that the sweet substance collected by the labors of winged beekeepers is widely used in folk medicine.

If we are talking about a polyfloral meadow variety, then the nectar from the flowers of a yellow flower gives the resulting composition a characteristic yellow color. In this sense, everything is quite logical and natural.

As a rule, herbal varieties are distinguished by a fragrant aroma, consisting of a whole bunch of different notes. The taste of the resulting mixture will also be quite peculiar and difficult to determine, but at the same time quite pleasant. Sweet tooth and gourmands will definitely like it.

Everyone knows that meadow polyfloral variety has a high nutritional value. This means that its inclusion in small quantities in your daily diet will help you recharge with a huge amount of energy, as well as relieve the symptoms of chronic fatigue.

Medicinal properties of this natural preparation are also well known in folk medicine. And they find enough wide application in practical activities for the treatment and prevention of a wide variety of diseases.

How to extract honey from dandelions

How is dandelion honey extracted? Of course, like other varieties of such a delicacy for a sweet tooth and at the same time natural medicinal product, it is assembled by the efforts of the winged workers of the apiary.

As a rule, bees fly around the territory where flowering plants grow and collect their pollen. The same happens in the case when it comes to such a well-known yellow flower as a dandelion.

It happens that the bees manage to collect a pure dandelion variety. However, very often the pollen of such a yellow flower is in the composition of the so-called polyfloral variety.

It is also known as a forb variety. And so in the conditions wildlife given flowering plant most often grows in the meadow, then the obtained sweet bee substance belongs to the meadow polyfloral varieties.

If you note for yourself that the natural medicinal product you bought is different very strong and pleasant aroma , then here one can even judge the geographical conditions of the territory on which it was collected by winged beekeepers. Most likely, in this case we are talking about a bee belonging to the so-called Central Russian breed.

Thus, we can conclude that such a delicacy for the sweet tooth is mined in the territory Central Russia. If we talk about the timing of the collection of raw materials for obtaining this beekeeping product, then we are talking about the so-called first pumping, that is, the first spring harvest in the new season.


Do you know healing recipes based on a sweet bee substance obtained from the pollen of dandelion flowers? However, they are well known in both culinary and folk medicine.

First of all, it should be noted that a pure dandelion variety without impurities of other herbs growing in the meadow has the following characteristics:

  • characteristic yellow color;
  • sharp tart taste;
  • strong aroma.

By density, this substance is absolutely not liquid. On the contrary, it is dense, thick and viscous.

Unfortunately, such a variety rather quickly undergoes crystallization processes. And this means that you will need to approach the issue of compliance with the conditions of its storage with special responsibility and caution.

By the way, jam is also known under the name of dandelion honey, which you can cook yourself at home. And here you do not need to resort to the help of winged beekeepers.

According to one of the popular recipes, you will have to pick about 600 pieces of yellow flowers. However, do not be afraid of this at first glance. huge amount: the fact is that such flowers can be found within a small area in a fairly large number.

The rest of the ingredients will be pretty simple. All you need is water, lemon and sugar. You will need water in the amount of 750 milliliters. Lemon - just one piece. As for sugar, you will need to stock up on 1 kilogram of this ingredient.

Make sure the flowers are in normal condition and in open form. Experienced chefs are advised to choose the first half of the day for collection. The flowers are washed from dirt and filled with water. The water should completely cover all of your harvest.

Then the flowers will need to be left for 12 hours in order for them to infuse. You can leave them to stand even for up to a day: nothing bad will happen to them during this time.

Then the water is drained through a colander, the flowers are washed again with running water. And only on this stage you can start the cooking process.

First, the water is brought to a boil, then the flowers are poured there and boiled for 10-15 minutes. After that, you can add a lemon, previously cut into small pieces. while the lemon can not be peeled.

Actually last step you need to release the received water solution from additional ingredients- that is, the dandelions themselves and the lemon. Then sugar is added to the resulting liquid.

The cooking process can take place in 2-3 stages. The main thing is to bring your solution to a certain density and viscosity. When your solution is similar in this indicator to a real sweet bee substance, then you can assume that your jam is ready for further use.

Of course, do not forget to pre-cool the resulting solution to an acceptable temperature. At the same time, it is very important to observe the recommended storage conditions for this culinary masterpiece.

First of all, you need to make sure that the result of your work is placed in clean jars, and that they are hermetically sealed in the future. For storage, it is best to choose dark, cool places and avoid direct sunlight.

This tool can be added to warm milk or tea, as well as consumed in its pure form. It well strengthens the immune system and contributes to the victory of the human body over colds.

Dandelion honey can be pure, but it is quite common in mixed herb varieties. It combines the pollen of many flowering plants at the same time.

This kind can be attributed to meadow honey. It is characterized by good medicinal properties, and is also very nutritious.

Syrup from medicinal plants is not only a delicious treat, but also a good helper for keeping the body in good shape. People have long been convinced of the healing properties of jam, so they are trying to cook a popular product. What is dandelion honey and how to make it? We will analyze the benefits and harms of the remedy, and also consider effective ways cooking.


Many domestic gardeners perceive the plant as a weed, but its effect on the human body is known all over the world. It is used in cosmetics and traditional medicine, and the Chinese add raw materials to National dishes. Of course, dandelion syrup is not as effective as bee nectar, but it contains important vitamins(in mg per 100 g of product):

  • C - 18;
  • E - 2.4;
  • beta-carotene - 3900;
  • choline - 24.

In addition, dandelion jam contains macroelements (potassium, phosphorus, calcium) and minerals (iron, zinc, copper) necessary for the body to work. One hundred grams of sweetness contains 190 kilocalories, it contains a minimum of fat (0.14 g) and protein (0.6 g). If you are afraid of carbohydrates, then there are not as many of them as in other desserts - only 48 grams.

Beneficial features

Many are accustomed to the fact that it is possible to be treated only with the help of bee nectar. However delicious dessert from yellow flowers is also not inferior in properties to a popular product.

vitamin therapy

What is the benefit of dandelion honey for humans? Presence in the composition ascorbic acid contributes to the normal functioning of connective tissues and bone formation. Beta-carotene is responsible not only for vision, but also for skin renewal. Substance PP is involved in all metabolic processes and lowers cholesterol levels.

A bundle of vitamins B and E controls the development of the body at the cellular level. The components increase resistance to oncology, improve immunity and hormone production. The benefits of dandelion honey are that it protects reproductive functions and nervous system. By the way, for the prevention of scurvy or in the treatment initial stage also appoint a popular product.

Iron is responsible for the formation of hemoglobin and transports oxygen through the veins. Calcium helps not only in the formation of bones, but also improves blood clotting. Potassium and magnesium are essential for healthy functioning of cardio-vascular system. Of course, there are few components for treatment in the composition of the syrup, but regular use will provide in the winter normal work organism.

From a cold

People who have problems with immunity should eat one tablespoon of sweets for breakfast every day - it will help to activate protective functions body. The first results are visible a week after the start of treatment.

The benefits of dandelion honey have also been seen in the treatment of viral and catarrhal ailments. Doctors advise tea with syrup during mass epidemics and for the destruction pathogenic bacteria. A warm liquid with a spoon of the product helps to reduce the temperature and enhances the separation of sweat.

In addition, honey jam is a good panacea in the fight against bronchitis. Active ingredients soften cough, help the lungs clear phlegm and soothe the respiratory system. By the way, dessert is prescribed to reduce asthma attacks and relieve pain.

From cardiovascular problems

Dandelion honey is a good remedy for cardiac diseases. A unique combination of vitamins and minerals nourishes the main muscle of the body. With regular use, you can remove discomfort in the chest area.

Possessing a slight diuretic effect, syrup on honey removes from the body excess liquid, which makes it possible to reduce high blood pressure. By the way, sweetness will help during arterial surges during the climax. The remedy relieves anxiety and improves sleep as effectively as natural bee nectar does. Many patients take a sunny dessert with their favorite product at night.

From other problems

Dandelion honey has a positive effect on the functions of the liver, kidneys and reproductive system. Unique composition jam will enhance the effect medicines for splitting and removing stones. A slight choleretic effect allows the use of the drug in the treatment of hepatitis, cholecystitis.

It is widely used for the treatment of dysbacteriosis, colitis, and is also used as a laxative.

Honey syrup is indicated for recovery after surgical intervention. Petals filled with nectar activate the natural regeneration of the body, helping to heal damaged tissues. If you are not allergic to pollen medicinal flower, then bandages impregnated with a filtered substance are applied to the wounds.

The combination of vitamins and minerals helps keep the body in good condition. This unique ability is used in the treatment of sexual dysfunction and diseases. reproductive organs. Dandelion honey not only restores correct work body, but also contributes to an increase in sex hormones.

In addition to treatment, sweetness is used in cosmetology. Active substances products help fight breakouts and regenerate damaged skin. The syrup is smeared on the face to remove mimic wrinkles, and an aqueous solution is used as a cleansing lotion and rinse to strengthen the hair.

Harmful properties

Dandelion honey has a number of contraindications that are worth remembering. Prohibitions are not the whims of doctors, but real recommendations and warnings. People who do not pay attention to taboos can pay with their health.

  1. Allergy. If you have backlash on the pollen of any plants, then you should not experiment with syrup. Sometimes rejection comes from an excess of additives - aromatic herbs, spices or fruits. So that dandelion honey does not harm, we advise you not to exceed the minimum dose.
  2. Weight problems. Despite all the useful properties, the product contains sugar, which is quickly deposited in the form of fat. Obese people are advised to abandon the medicinal dessert.
  3. Diabetes. Another terrible disease, which is not friendly with a sweet potion. In this disease, glucose is more of an enemy than a panacea.
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For ulcers, acute gastritis and diarrhea, dandelion honey is harmful. Irritant action on the mucosa of the digestive system unpleasant symptoms(nausea, pain, heaviness) and activates dormant ailments.

It is necessary to pay attention to the environmental component of the product. If the raw materials grew near the highway or chemical production, then the flowers had almost no useful properties. The poisons have penetrated all parts of the plant, making it unfit for consumption.


There are many interesting recipes to make dandelion honey at home.


Our grandmothers also cooked delicious syrup, so we advise you to start with it. It retains all the healing properties that make the product as useful as possible. Need to take:

  • 300 pcs. colors;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • lemon.

To make honey from dandelions, you need to free the plant heads from rosettes and stems, rinse thoroughly in cold water and dry on a cotton towel. Raw materials are placed in a saucepan, pour half of the water and boil for three minutes. Slices of citrus without peel are added to the semi-finished product, removed from the stove.

The liquid is infused for 8 hours, after which it is filtered through gauze. Then a syrup made from sugar and moisture residues is carefully added to the future dessert. The product is boiled over low heat for half an hour, after which it is poured into sterilized jars and rolled up with lids.


Dandelion honey recipes have been modified, acquiring new flavors. One of the most popular is the option with fragrant herbs. To prepare the product you will need:

  • 400 pcs. flowers;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 1.2 kg of sugar;
  • half a lemon;
  • raspberry, currant leaves;
  • melissa branches.

Syrup is made from liquid and sand. Baskets of the plant are freed from greenery, washed, dried, and then poured with a sweet component. Raw materials are put on a slow fire for 20 minutes, gently stirring with a spoon. Squeezed citrus juice is added to the jam before removing from the stove.

  • 100 pieces. flowers;
  • 1 glass of bee nectar;
  • cinnamon.

To make dandelion honey delicious, you need to carefully sort out the baskets. The heads are cleaned of greens, twisted through a meat grinder and covered with natural raw materials. Spices are added to the filled petals, mixed and left in a jar under the lid. The drug does not need to be boiled, but is consumed in the same way as the product of bees.

The medicinal properties of the syrup will become indispensable assistant in therapy. The recommendations analyzed in detail the strengths and weak sides sweet potion, and they also told best recipes dandelion honey.

Dandelion honey they call a product obtained from a plant common in our latitudes - dandelion, which most people perceive as an ordinary weed. It is characterized by a bright golden color, rich aroma and great taste. The substance is quite thick, it crystallizes quickly. Dandelion honey at home does not take long to prepare. It is able to replace many medicines from the home first aid kit.

Did you know? Dandelion as a medicinal plant is specially bred in many countries of the world (France, the Netherlands, Japan, India, USA).

Dandelion honey: useful properties of the product

The benefits of dandelion honey are due to its rich mineral composition.

100 g of medicinal substance contains:

  • potassium (232 mg);
  • calcium (232 mg);
  • sodium (44 mg);
  • phosphorus (42 mg);
  • magnesium (24 mg);
  • iron (1.8 mg);
  • zinc (0.28 mg);
  • manganese (0.23 mg);
  • selenium and copper (0.12 mg each).

Jam is also rich in vitamins such as beta-carotene (3940 mg), C (18 mg), E (2.4 mg), folic (13 mcg) and pantothenic acids(0.06 mg).

The unique composition is taken to alleviate the condition with:

  • hepatitis and other liver diseases;
  • diseases of the skeletal system;
  • anemia;
  • asthma;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases urinary tract and gallbladder;
  • diseases of the nervous system.

How is dandelion honey used in folk medicine

traditional healers give recommendations on how to drink honey from dandelions. At nervous disorders, high emotional stress, stress, it is recommended to eat a few teaspoons of honey with herbal tea or warm milk. The product is great for healing permanent constipation. 15 g of treats are dissolved in warm milk (1 glass) and drunk at night.

Important! Milk should not be heated to more than 40°C.

For the same purpose, you can mix dandelion honey (50 g) with turnip juice (100 g) and drink on an empty stomach in the morning. A bowel movement will occur in 20 minutes. To cleanse the intestines, dry corn silk mixed with honey (proportion - 1: 2) and eat a teaspoon a couple of times a day.

You can normalize the activity of the intestine in another way. 1 st. l. dry nettle and 1 tbsp. l. yarrow herbs and pour boiling water (250 ml), insist 2-3 hours, filter. 25 g of dandelion substance is added to this liquid. Take four times a day, 50 ml before meals. Thinking about how to cook honey at home is also for those who are worried about high blood pressure. For the treatment of hypertension, mix 1 tbsp. dandelion product, 1 tbsp. table beet juice, 1 tbsp. horseradish juice, juice of one lemon. This liquid is taken in a tablespoon 3 times a day for 2 months.

For hepatitis, an infusion is used, consisting of:

  • 250 ml dandelion honey;
  • 250 ml horseradish juice;
  • 250 ml carrot juice;
  • 250 ml of beetroot juice;
  • 30 ml of vodka;
  • juice of 2 large lemons.

All components are gently mixed. Take the mixture for one month, three times a day, one tablespoon 30 minutes before meals. After 2 months, it is worth repeating the course of treatment. Efficient Collection to combat insomnia consists of rose hips (35%), blackberry leaves (30%), motherwort herb (10%), valerian root (5%), thyme herb (5%), plantain leaves (5%). For 1 part of dry raw materials, you need to take 20 parts of clean drinking water(boiling water). The infusion is cooled, filtered. In 1 glass of liquid, dilute 1 tablespoon of dandelion honey. Take half a glass of medicine a couple of times a day. It also helps to cope with fatigue, irritability.

Rules for collecting dandelions for making honey

Before you make honey from dandelions, you need to take care of correct collection raw materials:

  • culture should be collected away from busy roads, dusty places, industrial enterprises, etc. This will ensure the proper purity of the product;
  • the optimal time for collection will be an early sunny morning, when the flowers are filled with nectar and have just blossomed;
  • the collected raw materials must be carefully laid out on a pre-prepared clean cloth or paper;
  • then let the flowers lie down a bit so that all the insects crawl out of them;
  • then the dandelions are washed in warm water;
  • the delicacy is prepared only in a copper, enameled bowl or in stainless steel dishes;
  • if you plan to store jam for the winter, it must be decomposed into glass containers and sealed with lids.

Important! It is necessary to wait until the inflorescences open completely.

How to cook dandelion honey, recipes

FROM experts advise 3 ways to make honey from dandelions.

To make your own dessert simple recipe you will need:

  • 0.4 kg of plant flowers;
  • 7 glasses of granulated sugar;
  • 2 glasses of clean drinking water.

Inflorescences are washed, dried, poured with water and put on fire. Liquids are allowed to boil for 2 minutes. Then it is filtered through sterile gauze, sugar is added. Then the infusion should be boiled for another 7 minutes. finished product should be stored until the next summer season, as a regular blank. Dandelion honey can be prepared according to a more complex recipe.

For this you need:

  • 0.3 kg of dandelion flowers;
  • 1 kg of sugar (sand);
  • 2 glasses of clean drinking water;
  • 1/2 tsp citric acid.

To make syrup, dissolve sugar in warm water. Pour the flowers into the sweet mixture and cook them for 20 minutes. 3-5 minutes before the end of cooking, add to the pan citric acid. We leave to infuse for 24 hours. Then we filter the resulting liquid through gauze and boil for another 20 minutes. After that, the product is ready.

Dandelion honey is also prepared according to a recipe that contains healthy citrus fruits:

  • 0.3 kg of culture inflorescences;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 0.5 l of clean drinking water;
  • 2 large, washed and cut into pieces thin plates lemon.

Flowers are poured with water and boiled for 15 minutes. Lemon is added 3 minutes before the end of the boil. The brew is left to infuse for a day. Then it is filtered and sugar is dissolved in it. The liquid is brought to a boil and cooled a couple of times until it thickens and begins to resemble regular honey in consistency.

Dandelion honey: benefits medicinal properties, cooking recipes

Summer is a great time to gain strength: run barefoot on the grass, get a tan, improve your body with fresh vegetables, berries and medicinal herbs. medicinal plants have always been a source life force and longevity, and one of the best natural healers dandelion has been considered since ancient times. A fragrant nectar is prepared from its flowers, which tastes like bee honey.

This delicious delicacy is truly healing product. Dandelion honey is a storehouse of vitamins, microelements and biologically active substances.

Benefits and healing properties of dandelion honey

Dandelion honey is used for liver health, prevention colds, improve digestion and gallbladder function. Use it with tea and milk (1 teaspoon 3 times a day), spread on pancakes, croutons, add to pastries.

This healing nectar from lovely sunny flowers can be a healthy substitute for sugar, chocolate and other sweets. Dandelion honey has analgesic, laxative, emollient and antimicrobial action. This allows you to use it to treat cough, sore throat, flu, colitis, dysbacteriosis.

Dandelion honey rejuvenates the body, cleanses the blood, removes tinnitus, improves metabolism, relieves kidney, liver and gastrointestinal pain. This beautiful vitamin product, in addition to its many useful properties, it is prepared from available ingredients, therefore it has a low cost. Do not be afraid to harvest it for the future: dandelion honey will be stored all winter.

How to make dandelion honey

Dandelion honey is sometimes referred to as dandelion jam, and many of the ways these desserts are made are similar. How to make honey from dandelions different ways. The main thing is to collect baskets during the mass flowering of the plant, away from busy highways and industrial enterprises.

How to make honey from dandelions: recipes

Recipe 1. Dandelion honey - a classic recipe

You will need: 2 cups of water, 300 g of flower baskets, 1 lemon, 1 kg of sugar.

Free the flowers from the stems and green rosettes, rinse well and dry on paper towels. Place 300 g of peeled heads in a saucepan, cover with half of the water and boil for 3 minutes. In the resulting flower decoction, add a lemon - peeled and cut into small slices. It is necessary that in this form the broth is infused for 6-8 hours.

From the remaining water and sugar, boil the syrup. Strain the infusion through a colander lined with several layers of gauze and pour into the sugar syrup. Boil for 25-30 minutes over low heat. Pour the finished honey into jars - pre-sterilized, and roll up like regular jam.

Recipe 2. Dandelion honey - original recipe

You will need: 500 g of dandelion flowers without stems and receptacle, 1 kg of sugar.

Rinse flower baskets, dry and lay in layers in glass jars generously sprinkling each serving with sugar. In this recipe, sugar is always taken 2 times more than flower cups. Cover the jars filled with the flower-sugar mixture tightly with lids and expose to the sun to ferment.

After 2 weeks, you will get a sweet nectar, you need to strain it and squeeze it well. Ready honey is stored at a temperature of no more than 15 degrees in tightly closed glass jars.

Recipe 3. Dandelion honey - with fragrant herbs

You will need: 2 cups of water, 400 g of flower baskets, 1.2 kg of sugar, juice of half a lemon, fragrant herbs- currant leaves (raspberries, cherries) or sprigs of lemon balm.

Make syrup from water and granulated sugar. Free the heads of dandelions from greens so that only yellow petals remain, rinse, dry, dip in syrup and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, no more than 20 minutes. Lemon juice add at the very end.

To make honey more fragrant, 5 minutes before readiness, throw a few stars of cloves into the nectar, 5-10 pcs. cherry, raspberry, currant leaves or a couple of branches lemon balm. Strain the finished honey through a sieve covered with several layers of gauze and pour into jars.

In caring female hands, golden yellow flowers turn into a wonderful dessert that on a cold winter evening will remind you of a sunny summer and help make up for the lack nutrients in the body. Dandelions are deservedly called the “solar pharmacy”, and dandelion honey is a tasty, affordable and healing delicacy. Cook, taste and eat to your health!

Alesya Musiyuk

Dandelion honey is a product that not only has a pleasant sweet taste and floral aroma, but also carries a lot of useful substances. According to the presence of vitamins and antioxidants in it, dandelion honey is in no way inferior to bee or linden honey.

In addition, the product is used not only in its pure form. It is often used to make desserts, pastries and even sauces. Cooking delicious and useful product won't cost much. All you need is to find time to collect dandelions and boil honey.

What are the benefits of dandelion honey?

Dandelion honey has long been famous for its rich composition, which includes vitamins and trace elements necessary for human body. Another feature of the product is that it retains valuable qualities for a long time.

Bees practically do not make honey from dandelions, because their nectar has a bitter taste. In this regard, insects are looking for other flowers with sweeter nectar. Therefore, dandelion honey is often prepared independently at home.

Traditional medicine actively uses the product in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • liver disease;
  • bronchial asthma and bronchitis;
  • constipation;
  • kidney disease.

Since dandelion honey effectively affects the heart, liver and lungs, these organs recover faster from diseases.

Dandelion honey has an effect on the nervous system. It helps fight insomnia, depression and stress, improves mood. The remedy renders beneficial effect and on digestive system, normalizing bowel function and improving appetite.

Also, the product has an antiseptic and decongestant effect. The tool effectively helps to strengthen the immune system due to high content vitamin C.

The composition of honey includes vitamins: C, vitamins of groups B, E, PP. It also contains trace elements: iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus.

Harm and contraindications

Dandelion honey is not recommended if there are contraindications:

  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • allergic reaction;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

You should pay attention to where the flowers were collected. It is not recommended to use a plant that grows near highways, power lines, railways for cooking. The best option- remote forests and fields.

cooking recipes

How to make honey from dandelions? The recipe is extremely simple, so there is no need to have any culinary skills. There are a lot of cooking recipes, everyone can choose the most delicious and healthy option to their liking.

The most simple step by step recipe making honey from dandelions with a photo:

How to cook dandelion honey with lemon? This is another common recipe for cooking.

This will require:

Also often prepared honey with the addition of herbs. Currant, cherry or raspberry leaves can be used as herbs.

For cooking you will need:

  1. Boil syrup from sugar (1 kg) and water (2 cups).
  2. Rinse and dry the dandelion flowers.
  3. Add the flowers to the syrup and boil for 30 minutes. At the end of cooking, add the squeezed juice of one lemon to the mixture.
  4. Also added currant leaves and a few branches
  5. Ready honey is cooled and laid out in jars.

That's not all possible recipes honey preparation.

Even in ancient times, in the countries of the East, dandelion was considered medicinal plant. It has been actively used in alternative medicine for the treatment of many diseases. Dandelion and honey from it were also used in magic to make powerful potions.

From dandelions you can make not only honey, but also jam, wine. Parts of the plant are also used to make salads.

The plant is especially popular in Italy and Belgium. In Belgium, even beer and pate are made from dandelion. In the US, there is a day dedicated to the plant. In May, Americans are busy preparing all kinds of culinary specialties from a plant and treat them to their guests.

Dandelion is a common culinary plant that is used to prepare a wide variety of dishes. Honey from the inflorescences of the plant has a pleasant, sweet taste and aroma, and also pleases with useful and valuable qualities for humans. For the preparation of honey, not only flowers are used, but also lemon, herbs, bee honey.

Dandelion honey video recipe

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