Consultation of gastrointestinal infections in the dow. Consultation for parents enterovirus infection in children

In everyday life, we are surrounded by more than 100 types of microscopic agents that can cause acute infectious process intestinal disease.

Unites these pathogens "meeting place" - digestive tract of a person, because this is exactly the place where the microbes themselves or the products of their vital activity can manifest themselves with maximum “benefit” for themselves and equally pronounced harm to humans.

Acute intestinal infectionis a collective concept. This includes intestinal infections caused by viruses (enteroviral, rotavirus infection) and bacteria ( typhoid fever, salmonellosis, dysentery, cholera, etc.).

For infections of this group, the signs of the manifestation of diseases have much in common. In patients, the temperature rises, general weakness, weakness, nausea, and vomiting appear. Concerned about cramping pains in the abdomen, there is a repeated liquidchair. The disease is especially severe in children, as the metabolism is disturbed, the nervous system, there is dehydration of the body, exhaustion. Therefore, when children are ill great importance It has timely appeal for medical help.

Sources of infection in viral and bacterial intestinal infections are people (with clinical manifestations diseases and pathogen carriers) and animals.

Patients with acute intestinal infection pose a danger to others. Together with vomit, liquid stool stands out great amount pathogens in environment. On household items, dishes, children's toys, towels, microbes remain viable for 5-7 days.

People of any age suffer from acute intestinal infections, but the incidence of children under 3-6 years is especially high. This is due to lack defensive forces body and lack of hygiene skills. With children, you need to follow the rules of hygiene much more strictly, because the resistance of their body to pathogenic microbes and their toxins is much weaker, and the body itself suffers from infection and is depleted in the fight against it much faster.

Summer quantity intestinal infections children will inevitably grow. There are several reasons for this. Let's talk about the main ones.

Firstly , warm time promotes reproduction at a tremendous rate of pathogenic microorganisms when they enter food (dairy products, meat, fish, broths) and rapid achievement the number of microorganisms that successfully breaks through protective barriers gastrointestinal tract.

Secondly , in summer, a large number of raw vegetables, fruits and berries are eaten, on the unwashed surface of which there is a huge number of microbes, including potentially dangerous ones.

Third reason : in summer, children spend a lot of time on the street, and even their parents do not always remember that eating with clean hands is a mandatory rule.

Fourth , in summer, both children and adults love to swim in open water. Microorganisms in the water long time remain alive (up to several months).


Here are some simple but actionable advice, following which will keep your baby healthy.

  • When using ready-made dairy products, including those intended specifically for babies, be sure to inspect the packaging for expiration date, integrity and swelling.
  • If you forgot to put some product in the refrigerator, then you should not trust your feelings when you smell it or taste it: some pathogenic microbes, multiplying, do not affect taste properties dishes. By at least do not give it to a child.
  • Water should be drunk only boiled, because. household cleaning filters are not capable of retaining microorganisms.

Even on vacation, one should not forget about precautionary measures: one should not swallow water when bathing, store food and drinks only in cooler bags, one should not drink water from unknown sources, it is advisable to use bottled water and use disposable tableware. Use disposable wet wipes to clean hands.

  • Thoroughly wash vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs! Especially those that could come into contact with the ground, such as strawberries, lettuce.
  • Meat, fish, dairy dishes, broths, especially prepared for diet food, is an ideal breeding ground for microbes. Therefore, for a child, prepare meals no more than 1 day in advance.
  • Do not buy products in places of unauthorized trade - along the route, along roadsides, from private individuals, because in these cases, you can purchase products that have expired or are manufactured in violation of sanitary norms and rules.
  • Purchased gourds (watermelons, melons) in cut form can bring great harm to health, since microbes from the surface are easily transferred and multiply in juicy pulp;
  • Do not buy food in advance,if possible, do not store anything for a long time, even in a refrigerator.
  • Don't buy expired products.

Children's infectious diseases, their prevention.

Belyaeva Elena Alexandrovna, educator, MKDOU d / s No. 24, Yemanzhelinsky district, Chelyabinsk region
Material Description: This material will be useful to parents and educators of preschool educational institutions.
Target: Prevention of viral and infectious diseases, detection of infectious diseases at an early stage
feature of children preschool age is their susceptibility to infectious diseases. In a team with close communication of children with each other, the possibility of infection increases.
Acute infectious diseases include measles, rubella, chicken pox, whooping cough, scarlet fever, mumps, diphtheria, poliomyelitis.
Determining an infectious disease at an early stage
Chickenpox (chickenpox)- the most common infectious disease viral disease at babies. General symptoms: chills, headache, loss of appetite, fever. specific symptom- characteristic rash: on the skin and mucous membranes small blisters with transparent contents are formed. At the same time, the temperature rises sharply (up to 39-39.5 ° C).
Rubella is the second most common viral infection. The general symptoms of the disease are the same as those of chickenpox. Specific symptoms - increase lymph nodes(especially posterior cervical and occipital) and punctate pink rash. It first appears on the face, then spreads throughout the body. Individual peas do not merge into a single field over time. If the inflammations itch and itch, they are cauterized with brilliant green.
mumps (mumps)- the child experiences general weakness, loss of appetite, his body temperature rises. The specific symptoms are pain in the ears, dry mouth, swelling in the neck.
Scarlet fever also has general symptoms similar to the manifestations of other viral infectious diseases. There is only one specific symptom - a bright red tongue with well-defined papillae and a small punctate rash.
Measles announces itself high temperature(up to 40.5 ° C), in addition, the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract and develops purulent conjunctivitis. A measles rash is a small whitish speck surrounded by a red border. They pour out in stages over 3-4 days in this order: head, torso, legs.
General rules prevention
The general rules for the prevention of infectious diseases are, first of all, the observance of the rules of children's hygiene. It is necessary to thoroughly wash food before preparing food, be sure to wash your hands before eating and after going to the toilet, after walking on the street, after playing. It is imperative to ventilate the living quarters, wipe the dust, wash the floors, do not allow other people's things to be worn, use only personal hygiene products. Children need to be taught how to healthy eating, fulfillment exercise, as well as harden to increase immunity.
Prevention of SARS and influenza
Prevention of acute respiratory infections viral infections(OVRI) in a child must begin in early childhood. First of all, hardening is important, as it increases the body's ability to resist viral infections. If you have an ill family member in your family, be it an adult or a child, they must be isolated in order to healthy child escaped infection. Constant ventilation of the room will help reduce the number of pathogenic viruses in the room. It is possible to carry out irradiation with a mercury-quartz lamp, as well as carry out wet cleaning. Wearing a cotton-gauze protective bandage is recommended, which must be changed every 4 hours. The patient should use individual dishes, towels, soap. Contact of the child with the patient should be limited for the period of possible infection.
Vaccination is carried out at least 1 month before the start of the epidemic and leads to the formation of immunity against certain virus serotypes.
Prevention of gastrointestinal infections
Pay attention to quality and proper cooking food. Boiled water should be stored in a closed and clean container. Raw vegetables and fruits are washed, and then doused with boiling water. Be sure to teach your child to constantly wash their hands before eating, after using the toilet, after contact with the ground.

Health to you and your children!

Acute intestinal infections in children

Acute intestinal infections rank second after acute respiratory viral infections and are the absolute leaders among summer diseases, while 60-70% of cases are children. The incidence increases sharply in the summer. Children spend more time on fresh air, the temptation is great to have a bite to eat on the street, forgetting about dirty hands, without washing the fruit, drink unboiled water, and in the products left warm, pathogenic microorganisms multiply rapidly and their toxins accumulate

Causative agents of intestinal infections many microorganisms can appear in children: salmonella, shigella, causing dysentery, pathogenic strains coli, cholera vibrio, staphylococci, yersinia, campylobacter, rotaviruses and many others. The infection enters the body through the fecal-oral route, that is, through the mouth. The most frequent reasons intestinal infections are:

  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene (washing hands after using the toilet, walking on the street, before eating);
  • drinking contaminated unboiled water;
  • infected products (eggs, milk, meat), non-compliance with the rules for their storage and preparation (contact with raw and finished products, insufficient heat treatment);
  • infected finished products that are not subjected to additional heat treatment before eating: dairy products, boiled sausage, sausages, cakes and pastries with cream, salads, aspic and others;
  • unwashed vegetables, herbs, berries;
  • swimming in polluted water sewage;

Clinical picture acute intestinal infections depends on the type of pathogen, the location of the lesion and the amount of toxins that have entered the blood. Allocate common symptoms of intestinal toxicosis and local manifestations- symptoms of gastritis, enteritis and colitis. Of the general toxic symptoms, fever, weakness, loss of appetite, malaise, and headache are characteristic. When the stomach is affected (gastritis), nausea, vomiting, pain in epigastric region. Symptoms of defeat small intestine(enteritis) are cramping pains in the abdomen, often in the umbilical region, and diarrhea - frequent loose stools. In colitis (colon damage), the main symptom is frequent slimy stool, often with an admixture of blood, spastic pain in the left iliac region.

Most of the outbreaks of infectious intestinal infections, especially in children's groups, are caused by rotavirus. It is very stable in the external environment, it is characterized by seasonality of incidence in winter and spring. The virus is transmitted by the alimentary route - through poorly washed hands, contaminated food (usually dairy), drinking water. It affects the mucous membrane of the stomach and small intestine. The onset of the disease is acute - fever, symptoms of general intoxication (weakness, decrease or complete absence appetite), repeated vomiting and diarrhea, rumbling, bloating, pain in the epigastric and umbilical region. Copious watery stools with greenery and lumps undigested food, as a rule, without admixture of blood and mucus. Almost half of the children with rotavirus infection have mild catarrhal symptoms - runny nose, sore throat, dry cough.

Peak incidence dysentery falls on July-August, in a hot time, favorable for the reproduction of bacteria. The causative agents of dysentery - shigella enter the body through infected water, food or dirty hands. The disease begins acutely, with fever, chills, severe weakness, loss of appetite. There are cramping pains in the abdomen, diffuse at first, then localized in the lower abdomen, often on the left. There is a single or repeated vomiting, frequent loose stools with an admixture of mucus, greenery, streaks of blood. False painful urge to defecate is typical.

Infection salmonellosis occurs through infected food products animal origin (meat, milk, butter, dairy products, eggs, especially waterfowl), in violation of the rules for their storage and preparation. The onset of the disease is acute - chills, fever, weakness, cramping pain in the abdomen (in the epigastric and umbilical region), nausea, vomiting. Salmonellosis is characterized by loose, watery, frothy, fetid stools. greenish color, 5 to 10 times a day.

At yersiniosis , besides intestinal symptoms, skin and joint lesions are common. The onset is acute, fever, weakness, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, frequent loose stools with sharp bad smell, up to 15-20 times a day, may be mixed with mucus and blood. On the 2-3rd day from the onset of the disease, a rash may appear on the chest, abdomen, back, arms and legs, palms and feet, more often small-pointed, less often small- or large-spotted, accompanied by itching, and from the 12th-15th day it is characteristically small - and large-lamellar peeling of the skin. On the 3-4th day from the onset of the disease, pain in the joints may appear, more often the knee, ankle, shoulder, wrist and interphalangeal joints are affected, usually several joints are involved in the process at once, but outwardly they do not change.

However, the most dangerous symptom with any intestinal infection is dehydration associated with the loss a large number fluids and electrolytes with vomiting and loose stools. It is the magnitude of water and electrolyte losses that determines the severity of the disease. To early signs dehydration in a child include: thirst, decreased frequency of urination and amount of urine, dark color urine, its pungent smell, viscous, thick saliva. Then dryness of the lips and mucous membranes appears, the skin becomes dry, its elasticity decreases, weakness and lethargy appear. With a severe degree of dehydration, the child becomes lethargic, drowsy, facial features are sharpened, the fontanel sinks in infants, there is no urination for 6 hours, crying without tears. When the first signs of dehydration appear, you should immediately seek medical help.

Prevention of acute intestinal infections is very simple and consists in observing the elementary rules of personal hygiene, food processing and storage techniques. Parents need to teach their kids about hygiene from the very beginning. early age and very carefully monitor what gets into the child's mouth, from food to toys, and if the baby has symptoms of an intestinal infection, do not waste time, but immediately seek qualified help.

Advice for parents

"Prevention of intestinal infections in children in summer"

What are intestinal infections?

Acute intestinal infections (AII) are a large group of human infectious diseases caused by pathogenic and opportunistic pathogenic bacteria, viruses and protozoa. The main intestinal infections include: dysentery, salmonellosis (read below), cholera, enterovirus and rotavirus infection, food poisoning caused by staphylococcus, etc. In terms of the frequency of distribution among all human diseases, they are second only to SARS. More than 60% of all cases of intestinal infections occur in childhood.

What are the causes of intestinal infections?

The source of the causative agent of acute intestinal infection can be a sick person or a bacteriocarrier, as well as animals, insects (flies). The causative agents of intestinal infections can be on dirty hands, unwashed vegetables and fruits, in unboiled water. Favorable environment for the reproduction of microbes are dairy products, boiled meat products, pates, etc.

How does the disease manifest itself?

Intestinal pathogens cause:

1. Damage to the gastrointestinal tract (abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting).

2. Intoxication (fever, headache, weakness).

The clinical picture depends on the type of pathogen, the number of pathogenic agents that have entered, and the state of the human immune system. AT severe cases dehydration of the body develops (dry skin and mucous membranes, thirst).

What are the main preventive measures?

1. Thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits eaten raw (preferably with a brush and soap, followed by rinsing with boiling water).

2. Wash your hands with soap before preparing food and after every break in the cooking process (and always after cutting raw fish, meat or poultry), as well as before eating, after walking, playing with animals.

3. Subject foods to heat treatment. Raw poultry, meat and milk are often contaminated pathogenic microorganisms. During the cooking (frying) pathogens are destroyed. Note! Frozen meat, fish and poultry must be thoroughly thawed before cooking.

4. Avoid contact between raw and cooked foods (including not using the same cutting board and knife for butchering raw and cooked meats, fish products and vegetables).

5. Store all perishable foods and prepared foods in the refrigerator - the cold slows down the reproduction of microbes that have got into the food.

6. Keep the kitchen clean.

7. Protect food from flies.

These simple advice Helps prevent acute intestinal infections and protect your health and the health of your loved ones!

Prevention of salmonellosis

Acute infection salmonellosis is extremely diverse. Most of the time, it is violent. Approximately a day after microbes enter the body, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea appear. The temperature rises to 37.5-38 degrees, and sometimes up to 39-40 degrees. The infection causes severe intoxication. Are amazed the cardiovascular system, liver and other organs, convulsions appear, the heartbeat quickens, blood pressure drops.
Salmonellosis, especially at first, is sometimes similar to catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, sometimes there is only an increase in temperature and general lethargy.
In young children, this disease is so severe that sometimes the doctor is faced with the question of saving the child's life.
How can you protect yourself from salmonellosis? Salmonella get to a person in three ways: with food, with water, and also by contact with a sick person or animal.
Salmonella also gets into ready meals. This can happen if they are stored with raw foods or if cooked and raw foods use the same kitchen utensils - cutting boards, knives.
It is necessary to make it a rule not to eat meat that has not passed veterinary control. Meat and poultry should be well boiled or fried. If the meat is cooked in a large piece, then it must be cooked for at least two hours. We recommend drinking unpasteurized milk only boiled. Duck eggs should not be eaten raw and should be cooked for at least 15 minutes. Fresh chicken eggs can be eaten raw, but first they must be washed. Make sure that raw meat and poultry are not stored in the refrigerator in close proximity with ready meals.
You can also become infected with salmonellosis while swimming in a pond or lake, swallowing water contaminated with the secretions of sick birds and animals. But if it so happened that a child or one of the adult members of the family fell ill, do not try to make a diagnosis yourself, much less treat it - call a doctor immediately. Salmonellosis is far from a harmless disease, even in cases where it is mild. The fact is that salmonella can remain viable in the body of an undertreated patient for a long time. Breeding in gallbladder they cause cholecystitis, cholangitis. In addition, salmonella live in the intestines for a long time, and the “keeper” of microbes easily becomes their carrier. That's why you can't fight it yourself insidious disease like salmonellosis.

If symptoms of an acute intestinal infection occur

you need to seek medical attention immediately!

How to prevent intestinal infections in a child?

Diseases caused by exposure to children's body intestinal infection, can hit hard on immune system child and lead to serious consequences. The main causes of infection are poor-quality water and food, as well as household contact. Pediatricians consider the most dangerous summer period the time when various bacteria, viruses and protozoa, which are the main causative agents of intestinal infections, are most active. To protect the child from the ingress of various pathogenic microelements into the intestines, parents need to regularly carry out a complex preventive measures hostility .

The causative agents of intestinal infections have their own preferences in products. So, salmonella in most cases enters the body through eggs, meat and milk. The dysentery bacillus lives on vegetables and fruits, and the vibrio cholerae in drinking water.

Main preventive actions

Parents should teach their child to follow the rules of personal hygiene from an early age.. The child should understand for himself that hands should be washed thoroughly before each meal, as well as after using the toilet and when returning home from the street. It is necessary to control that children do not suck their fingers and toys, and also do not drink water from other people's bottles. All food, especially in the summer, should be fresh and dishes sterilized.

When breastfeeding a baby, the mother should control the sterility of the process.. If the child eats adult food, then it is necessary to take into account the features of its storage, preparation and serving. There should be mandatory heat treatment fish, meat and all dairy products. Fresh fruits and vegetables must be thoroughly washed under running water, it is advisable to douse them with boiling water. In no case should the finished dishes be allowed to come into contact with flies and insects.

Very often, the cause of intestinal infections is poor quality drinking water . It is better if the child consumes mineral or bottled water purchased from trusted manufacturers. Tap water must be boiled. You should not buy cakes and other creamy treats for your baby in the summer, as they often cause intestinal diseases.

A child who attends kindergarten should be taught to use only their own towel, comb and other personal items. In the event that there is a patient in the family, the baby must be completely isolated from contact with him, and all common items should be thoroughly disinfected. Door handles, toys and other household items should be regularly treated with special antiseptics. Ventilate all rooms daily, do not walk around the house in street shoes.

Prevention on the road and on vacation

In the summer, many parents tend to take their kids to the sea, and in order not to spoil the rest, you should already be vigilant on the road and carry out the prevention of intestinal infections. It is recommended to give a drink to the child during the trip Activated carbon, enterosgel or any other immuno-strengthening drugs. On the way, children should be fed only with fresh, non-perishable foods, and they should be given high-quality purchased water.

The immune system of an adult is able to independently cope with a small amount harmful microorganisms, but if we are talking about their colonies, then without foreign aid the body just can't do it.

It should be explained to the child that sea water should not enter the mouth.. After staying on the beach, playing in the sand and visiting crowded places, you must thoroughly wash the hands and face of the baby. Switching to new products should be gradual, and at the slightest suspicion of their staleness, refrain from using them. You should not buy food on the beach or on the street, as well as in the market from your hands.

The implementation of all these preventive measures will help reduce the risk of getting an intestinal infection into the children's body. Of course, it is impossible to insure against everything, but even the implementation of elementary measures to prevent diseases increases the chances of avoiding them. At the slightest suspicion of an intestinal infection in a child, one should not self-medicate. It is necessary to call a doctor as soon as possible, who will be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe a course of treatment.

Prepared by: teacher

In the summer, many children (and adults) often experience intestinal disorders caused by infection. Infection with microbes occurs due to the ingestion of contaminated fruits, vegetables, greens.

How to prevent intestinal disorder, and what measures are there to prevent intestinal infections in children?
All intestinal infections are divided into two large groups: caused by viruses and caused by bacteria. It is widely believed that children most often get intestinal infections in the summer. This is not entirely true. 90% of intestinal infections are diseases associated with viruses. Viral infections are characterized by seasonality. Most often in children, rotavirus infection occurs, the peak of which occurs in winter and spring.

Bacterial infections is dysentery, salmonellosis. Their heyday is summer, the beginning of autumn, and by winter their frequency decreases.
Viral infections are transmitted by the fecal-oral route, through contaminated objects, poor-quality food, and water. In a family, this is most often an intrafamilial infection.

An infection that in an adult will cause a single loosening of the stool, in a child will turn into an intestinal infection with fever, frequent loose stools, dehydration, serious condition which may lead to hospitalization. Unlike adults, who are constantly exposed to viruses in everyday life, children do not have immunity to these viruses.

But now we will talk about "summer" infections - dysentery, salmonellosis. These infections have a fecal-oral route of transmission. The infection enters the body through contaminated objects and hands, poorly washed fruits, berries.
Or here is another common picture that can be observed: a mother bought berries in the market and immediately gave her child a meal. Even if she washed them with water in the same market, the risk of infection is very high. It is recommended to thoroughly wash not only fruits, but also berries. Do not be lazy, wash the berries well, not only helminth eggs feel great on them, but also, for example, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

How should you wash a berry, such as a strawberry?
Arrange the berries in a colander in a single layer. Rinse under water for 5 minutes to wash off earthen deposits from the berry. Unfortunately, microbes are not afraid of such a shower, so you need to wash the berries with a contrast bath. In the first container, dial very hot water, but not boiling water, and in the second - almost icy. Dip a colander with strawberries in them alternately 2-3 times. You can also wash raspberries, currants.

How to wash fruit

All hard-skinned fruits should only be washed with laundry soap or with by special means for washing fruits. In no case with dishwashing detergents - it is not clear how much chemistry you will eat additionally with fruits. All fruits from the store or market are covered with a layer of wax or powder. Many people's favorite snack on the street - a banana - is treated with a powder that protects it from premature spoilage. So think about what additional ingredient you or your child get by snacking on a banana on the street. Soft-skinned fruits can be washed according to the principle of contrast washing.

How to Avoid Salmonella Infection

Salmonella infection occurs through poor-quality food products. Most often through salads, cakes, dairy products, i.e. through everything that can become infected in the summer.
Products must undergo heat treatment. If you are not sure that they are fresh, then you should not use them.

There is another group of diseases - the so-called traveler's diarrhea, or giardiasis.
The topic is especially relevant when parents take their children on foreign tours, where there are a lot of these infections. Parents do not always understand that eating outside the hotel is very dangerous. "Traveler's diarrhea" in children is accompanied by acute form giardiasis or a viral intestinal infection, less often a bacterial infection.

What hygiene rules will help in the prevention of intestinal infections in children?

All these rules are well known:
Don't put anything in your mouth . It is clear that Small child explores the world through the mouth. This stage is called the stage of oral study of the world. However, the mother must understand the seriousness of the problem. If everything is available to the child, then he, accordingly, will go through everything.

General hygiene in the family . We often see how mothers first lick the nipple themselves, and then give it to their child.
Or they try mashed potatoes, a mixture, and then feed the baby from the same spoon. Or drink water from the same bottle with the child. It is absolutely impossible to do so! Each of us has our own flora in our mouths.
Dishes, a cup, a bottle for drinking, a towel should be each individual.

For older children age groups be sure to wash your hands after walking, playing with animals and the toilet, as well as before eating.

Eating outdoors is unacceptable at any age. There is no reason for a child to eat outside. Rigid dietary stereotypes should be formed in the family. Children should not eat when they want and what they want.
Eat at home or children's institution, but not on the street - this is an absolutely rigid rule. If there are no conditions for food, then food should not be provided, no matter how the child asks. Otherwise, it is simply impossible to maintain hygiene.

When interacting with animals, one should not forget about elementary rules: do not put him at the table, do not kiss and be sure to wash your hands after playing with him. The animal itself also needs to be disciplined: it should not interfere with a person while eating, for which it must be fed before the family goes to dinner (dinner).

Only good quality products should be used. Do not store products longer than the specified period.
Carefully study where, by whom and when the product was produced. You can not cut a rotten apple and give it to a child, because bacteria and viruses penetrate deep into the product. In other words, there should be a real hygienic education. Only then can the problem be solved.
Parents should have a clear understanding that hygiene rules must be followed by all family members.

There should be no double standards. The child sees everything perfectly and will act as his parents do.
No edifying and educational processes addressed only to him will be carried out.
Washing hands before eating should not only the child, but all family members. Not only the child, but all family members should not eat on the street.
Coming from the street, not only the child, but all family members should wash their hands. Washing hands after using the toilet should not only the child, but all family members.

You need to start with education. Talk to your child about bacteria that may be on their dirty hands. Look on the Internet for what, for example, giardia looks like. Draw it together. Talk to him about how bad it would be if she got into his body. After such a figurative and creative explanation, the child will accurately learn the basics of personal hygiene. Read poems with your child that emphasize hygiene and healthy way life.

These are the poems of S. Marshak, Y. Tuvim, “Moydodyr” by K. Chukovsky, poems by S. Mikhalkov, known to us since childhood, etc.
All our everyday life- this is contact with a huge number of viruses and bacteria. Nature has laid down that we will definitely encounter diseases. But this is not a reason to panic and go to rubber gloves, water everything with bleach and treat with quartz. You just need to consciously and respectfully treat your family, the people around you, observe elementary hygiene standards.

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