In Krasnogorsk, Yemanzhelinsky district, Agrofirma Ariant LLC is building the largest grain elevator in Russia

The launch of a new grain elevator of the Ariant agricultural firm will help solve the acute issues of marketing and storage of grain in the South Urals and improve the competitive environment. Designed for 290 thousand tons of one-time storage, it will become the largest grain storage facility in the country, equipped with the latest Russian and foreign technologies. Journalists of regional mass media are invited to visit the object first. The press tour will take place on January 24, it will be attended by representatives of the Ariant company and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Chelyabinsk Region.

Already now in the village of Krasnogorsk "Ariant" has launched the first stage of the elevator, designed to store 190 thousand tons of grain. Reception of products is carried out continuously, without stopping for a day, even in winter. Since December 2016, the elevator has been receiving 1.5-2 thousand tons of oats, wheat and barley daily. This flow will increase significantly during the 2017 harvest season, but Arianta is ready for this.

- We will not have queues of cars, - says Konstantin Matveev, production director of the Ariant agricultural company. - 15 minutes at the acceptance - this time is needed for the express analysis of the brought grain by the specialists of the sighting laboratory. For it, the latest research equipment was purchased in Germany, which will allow you to instantly assess the moisture content of the grain, examine it for protein and the presence of harmful litter and impurities in it. Then the car goes to the scales and to the unloading area, we have several of them, no one is delayed. In addition to vehicles, we also accept grain by rail; a special acceptance point is also equipped for wagons. I guarantee that not a single grain will be lost from the grain collected by the peasants in the Southern Urals!

All equipment at the "Ariantovsky" elevator is the latest. The silos are domestic, and the dryers, designed to remove excess moisture from the grain and prepare it for proper storage, were purchased in Argentina. To ensure a high level of biosecurity, grain is fed into huge storage facilities in closed mode. A climate control system has been established in the storage facilities so that the grain retains all its useful qualities during storage.

- In recent years, the Chelyabinsk region has been harvesting very good crops of wheat, oats and barley, as well as oilseeds, - says Yulia Dida, head of the food, processing industry, agro-food market regulation department of the regional ministry of agriculture. – Despite the fact that the total volume of capacities for receiving and storing grain in the region is sufficient, the issue of modern equipment of elevators and granaries, as well as improving the competitive environment in order to protect the interests of agricultural producers, is certainly relevant for us. I am sure that with the start of the work of the new elevator, queues for the delivery of grain during the peak harvest period, which farmers complain about every year, as well as reverse dumping by large grain consumers, will become a thing of the past. The company, introducing new capacities, also offers the most advanced system for assessing the quality of received products, which will also remove conflict issues, because it is important for grain producers not only to harvest a rich harvest, but also to sell it profitably. The Arianta project will balance the interests of grain producers and consumers, and will significantly increase the efficiency of the industry. Today, the agricultural company shows very serious results in the production of pork, which accordingly ensures the growth of its needs in the purchase of grain and the production of feed.

Already today, the super-elevator in the Uvelsky district receives products from the farms of the Chelyabinsk and Kurgan regions and from a number of regions of Kazakhstan. Basically, it goes to the needs of Ariant itself - for the production of animal feed. The agricultural company needs up to 350 thousand tons of grain per year, the total demand in the region for the production of feed already exceeds 1.5 million tons. The company's feed mill, which is also the largest in Russia, is located next to the elevator, which completely solves the issue of logistics - there will be no "shrinkage" and shrinkage on the way to production with grain. There is also a large-scale storage facility and the production of vegetable oil.

The second stage of the elevator will be launched in 2017. The foundations are ready for the new silos. The elevator in Krasnogorsk will receive over 40,000 tons of grain per month.

Press Center of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Chelyabinsk Region

The launch of a new grain elevator of the Ariant agricultural firm will help resolve the acute issues of marketing and storage of grain in the South Urals and improve the competitive environment. Designed for 290 thousand tons of one-time storage, it will become the largest granary in the country, equipped with the latest Russian and foreign technologies

Journalists of regional mass media are invited to visit the object first. The press tour will take place on January 24, it will be attended by representatives of the Ariant company and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Chelyabinsk region. Already now in the village of Krasnogorsk "Ariant" has launched the first stage of the elevator, designed to store 190 thousand tons of grain. Reception of products is carried out continuously, without stopping for a day, even in winter. Since December 2016, the elevator has been receiving 1.5-2 thousand tons of oats, wheat and barley daily. This flow will increase significantly in the harvest season of 2017, but Arianta is ready for this.

We will not have queues of cars, - says Konstantin Matveev, production director of the Ariant agricultural company. - 15 minutes at the acceptance - this time is needed for the express analysis of the brought grain by the specialists of the sighting laboratory. For it, the latest research equipment was purchased in Germany, which will allow you to instantly assess the moisture content of the grain, examine it for protein and the presence of harmful litter and impurities in it. Then the car goes to the scales and to the unloading area, we have several of them, no one is delayed. In addition to vehicles, we also accept grain by rail; a special acceptance point is also equipped for wagons. I guarantee that not a single grain will be lost from the grain collected by the peasants in the Southern Urals! All equipment at the "Ariantovsky" elevator is the latest. The silos are domestic, and the dryers, designed to remove excess moisture from the grain and prepare it for proper storage, were purchased in Argentina. To ensure a high level of biosecurity, grain is fed into huge storage facilities in closed mode. A climate control system has been established in the storage facilities so that the grain retains all its useful qualities during storage.

- In recent years, the Chelyabinsk region has been harvesting very good harvests of wheat, oats and barley, as well as oilseeds, - says Yulia Dida, head of the department of food, processing industry, regulation of the agro-food market of the regional Ministry of Agriculture. – Despite the fact that the total volume of capacities for receiving and storing grain in the region is sufficient, the issue of modern equipment of elevators and granaries, as well as improving the competitive environment in order to protect the interests of agricultural producers, is certainly relevant for us. I am sure that with the start of the work of the new elevator, queues for the delivery of grain during the peak harvest period, which farmers complain about every year, as well as reverse dumping by large grain consumers, will become a thing of the past. The company, introducing new capacities, also offers the most advanced system for assessing the quality of received products, which will also remove conflict issues, because it is important for grain producers not only to harvest a rich harvest, but also to sell it profitably. The Arianta project will balance the interests of grain producers and consumers, and will significantly increase the efficiency of the industry. Today, the agricultural company shows very serious results in the production of pork, which accordingly ensures the growth of its needs in the purchase of grain and the production of feed.

Already today, the super-elevator in the Uvelsky district receives products from the farms of the Chelyabinsk and Kurgan regions and from a number of regions of Kazakhstan. Basically, it goes to the needs of "Ariant" itself - for the production of animal feed. The agricultural company needs up to 350 thousand tons of grain per year, the total demand in the region for the production of feed already exceeds 1.5 million tons. The company's feed mill, which is also the largest in Russia, is located next to the elevator, which completely solves the issue of logistics - there will be no "shrinkage" and shrinkage on the way to production with grain. There is also a large-scale storage facility and vegetable oil production. the elevator will be launched in 2017. The foundations for the new silos are already ready.The elevator in Krasnogorskoye will receive over 40,000 tons of grain per month.

15 February 2017

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" traced the path of grain from acceptance to storage

Photo: Valery ZVONAREV

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Implementing the principle “From the field to the counter”, proven by successful practice, the Ariant agricultural holding has built one more link into the logical chain. Next door to Krasnogorsk pig farm in the Uvelsky district, the first stage of the elevator was launched. It will become the largest in Russia. Nearby is a plant for the production of compound feed for the many thousands of pigs of the agricultural holding.


The first stage of the elevator received the first batches of soft grains (they are required for the production of animal feed), barley, corn, sunflower last autumn. The elevator operates around the clock, and trucks with grain are coming one after another. The peak of acceptance falls on the harvest season.

The foundation for the second stage is already ready at the site: a large construction site will begin to boil here in the spring.

The introduction of the elevator will solve the problem of marketing and storage of grain for the farms of the Chelyabinsk, Kurgan regions, and the southern regions of Kazakhstan. The total capacity of the two phases of the ambitious project of the Ariant agricultural holding is 290,000 tons of one-time grain storage.

We launched the first stage of the elevator with a total storage capacity of 200 thousand tons. And with the commissioning of the second stage of the project, the total one-time volume will increase to 290 thousand tons. After the launch of the second stage, it will be the largest elevator in Russia, located on one site, - says the deputy chief engineer for fodder production of the Ariant agricultural holding Ivan Odintsov. - Grain is used in the production of feed for our pig farm. Now we produce 1,100 tons of feed daily, but our capacities allow us to increase the volume to 1.5 thousand tons per day.

Implementing the second stage of the project, storage capacities for 90 thousand tons of grain will be built. The second sighting laboratory, equipped with the most modern equipment, will be launched to increase the acceptance of products at this stage.

About 300 employees work at the site of the elevator and the feed mill, around the clock, according to the railway schedule.

The grain elevator can accept batches of grain not only by road, but also by rail. Why is a special reception point organized?

The equipment is purchased from recognized world leaders. For example, silo - domestic production. The system for cleaning grain from litter - the German company Buller. Dryers that remove excess moisture from grain and prepare it for long-term storage were purchased in Argentina.


So, the path of grain on the site of the new elevator starts with analysis in the sighting laboratory. A wagon loaded with wheat, barley, corn, sunflower comes right up to the windows of the laboratory. Two kilos of grain from the batch is selected for analysis. And not with shovels in a basin, but with a special automatic sampler. The grain is taken from four points on the side. And then lab assistants conjure over it for 15 minutes. By express analysis, the grain is examined for moisture, protein, the amount of litter, etc. If the batch does not meet the requirements, it is returned to the supplier or discounted.

The laboratory works around the clock, - explains the head of the production and technological laboratory Oksana Ocheretnaya. - We have the most modern equipment to help us. We examine for infection: we do not accept grain with any degree of infection, because the volume of grain storage in elevators is huge.

In 2016, an infrared analyzer was purchased for the laboratory, which significantly accelerated the processing of information.

The analysis lasts no more than 1 minute, but by classical methods, the humidity on the drying cabinet is done for 40 minutes, and the protein test is ready the next day, says Ocheretnaya. - The new device is a globally recognized leader.

The laboratory is equipped with the best equipment. For example, the research equipment is made in Germany, the sampler is made in the Czech Republic.

Our specialists had to improve the sampler, as it refused to work in a thirty-degree frost, - says the manager. - Silicone hoses are installed inside so that they do not burst in the cold. Improved automation. For the new sighting laboratory, we plan to buy a Russian-made sampler with simultaneous sampling from four points from the car body.

After research in the laboratory, the machines are weighed to determine the actual weight of the grain, and the point of unloading - there are several of them on the elevator site.


The huge elevator dryers look like inverted cans. Inside them, at temperatures up to 100 degrees Celsius, they constantly turn over - tons of grain circulate. During harvesting, the grain is often saturated with rainwater. Excess moisture is removed in dryers, leading to a standard of 14.5%.

We are happy with our new dryers. They are fireproof, there is no risk of drying even “flammable” sunflower seeds here, says Ivan Odintsov. - The capacity of the dryer is 60 tons, and, on average, the batch is dried for 40 minutes.

After drying, the grain is examined by laboratory assistants. If everything meets the standards, the grain is sent to the storage.


Deputy Head of the Department of Food and Processing Industry of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Chelyabinsk Region Julia Dida:

The Chelyabinsk region has been demonstrating good grain yields for several years. In 2016, the region harvested 2 million tons of grain. The elevators are capable of storing 1.4 million tons of grain. There are more than 20 elevators in the Southern Urals.

But both the region and enterprises are interested in developing elevators equipped with modern equipment. Such enterprises, firstly, will protect the interests of agricultural producers; secondly, they will raise the standards of grain storage, while maintaining its quality.

We have walked the path of grain arriving at the elevator of the Ariant agricultural holding, and we can say that the questions of queues of cars are a thing of the past. The laboratory that we were shown will minimize possible conflicts of interest between grain deliverers and buyers and balance the interests of both agricultural producers and grain consumers.


According to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Chelyabinsk Region, at the end of 2016, the region exceeded pork production by 40%. And the Ariant agricultural holding is the undisputed leader in this industry. Accordingly, it is necessary to solve the issue of acquiring a larger volume of grain and its greater processing for animal feed.

The project of a modern elevator is relevant for both the company and the region.

The second stage of the elevator will be launched this year.

The agro-industrial miracle in Krasnogorsk will receive more than 40,000 tons of grain per month.

The commissioning of the second stage of the Ariant grain elevator in the village of Krasnogorsky will make it possible to fully provide the company with the necessary capacities for grain storage.

News of agro-industrial complex and agriculture. Chelyabinsk. January 23, 2017 website- The Ariant company is building the largest grain elevator in Russia.

Vertically integrated agricultural holding "Ariant" of Chelyabinsk businessmen Alexandra Aristova and Yuri Antipov(co-owners of ChEMK JSC) is a closed cycle enterprise. The company is engaged in the cultivation of pigs and cattle, as well as the production and sale of finished meat products through a proprietary distribution network.

The most important component of the work of "Ariant" is its own, about 82 thousand hectares, sown areas for growing grain crops, as well as factories for the production of animal feed.

The most important link in providing the company's pig farms with feed is the Krasnogorsk feed mill, located in the Uvelsky district. This is one of the oldest structural divisions of Ariant. It was from its merger with the Krasnogorsk pig farm in 2002 that the history of the agricultural company began.

As a result of a deep modernization, the once problematic plant has turned into the largest enterprise in Russia for the production of high-quality granulated mixed fodder with a capacity of about 800 tons of products per day. In the finished feed, 85% is grain, the rest is proteins, amino acids, enzymes, minerals and vitamins.

Now the agricultural company needs up to 350 thousand tons of grain per year to produce its own feed. To ensure the smooth operation of its feed mill, the agricultural company has a network of elevators, the most powerful and modern of which will soon be located in Krasnogorsk. After its second stage is launched, the elevator will become not only the largest in the region, but throughout the country. At the same time, the Krasnogorsk elevator will be able to process and store 290,000 tons of grain.

Currently, the first stage of capacities with the possibility of simultaneous storage of 190 thousand tons is in operation. All equipment is the latest. These are domestically produced silos and grain dryers purchased in Argentina. To ensure a high level of biosecurity, grain is fed into huge storage facilities in closed mode. A climate control system has been established in the storage facilities so that the grain retains all its useful qualities during storage.

Today, the Krasnogorsk elevator accepts products from the farms of the Chelyabinsk and Kurgan regions and from a number of regions of Kazakhstan. Reception of products is carried out continuously, without stopping for a day, even in winter. Since December 2016, the elevator has been receiving 1.5-2 thousand tons of oats, wheat and barley daily. This flow will increase significantly during the 2017 harvest season.

It is by this date that the second stage at the Krasnogorsk elevator will be launched. After reaching full capacity, the Krasnogorsk elevator will receive over 40,000 tons of grain per month.

By the way, at the end of last year, Agrofirma Ariant LLC won the auction for the sale of 100% of the authorized capital of Bredinsky Elevator OJSC, put up for sale by the Chelyabinsk Regional Property Fund. Having paid 30.8 million rubles during the auction, the Ariant agricultural firm became the new owner of the once unprofitable regional asset.

News service website


The harvesting campaign in the Chelyabinsk region is gaining momentum. By August 28, 225 thousand hectares of grain and leguminous crops, or 16% of the harvested area, have been threshed in the region. 412 thousand tons of grain have been harvested, the average yield is 18.5 centners per hectare, the press center of the regional Ministry of Agriculture reported.

As noted in the ministry, compared to last year, the yield is noticeably higher - by 4-5 centners. In many farms, individual fields with grain crops yield 50 or more centners per hectare.

In the Southern Urals, there are several agricultural holdings that sow several tens of thousands of hectares annually. These are, as a rule, large poultry and pig breeding enterprises that grow grain for their livestock and poultry. Among them is Agrofirma Ariant LLC, whose sown area this year exceeds 50,000 hectares.

Now on the fields of the Shumakov farm of the agricultural company, seed plots of barley are being harvested. According to Viktor Gudimov, head of production, from 600 hectares of barley crops, they plan to lay 600 tons of barley seeds for sowing next year.

“Our farm has nine thousand hectares of grain crops, including one thousand hectares of winter rye and one thousand hectares under fallows,” says Viktor Gudimov. – Harvesting began on August 3, oats and winter rye have already been harvested. We also planted wheat and sunflower. In parallel, we are sowing winter rye for 2018. Now a harvesting complex of 6 new combines and four transport vehicles is working on barley. All crops are planned in accordance with the needs of our feed mill. For example, winter rye is needed to make up the diet of piglets, so we grow it.”

Maxim Lukin, the chief agronomist of Ariant Agrofirma, clarified that the total area of ​​grain and leguminous crops in the farms of the agricultural holding is 46 thousand hectares, and another five thousand hectares are occupied by sunflower for oilseeds.

“Grain yields are on average 24 centners per hectare,” says Maxim Lukin. - Wheat has not yet begun to be harvested. But the whole winter rye was threshed, the average yield was 28 centners per hectare, and in some fields they received 55 centners per hectare. The term of harvesting depends on the weather, we are ready to clean everything up to the last hectare. We plan to lay 12,000 tons of grain for seeds, and more than 70,000 tons of grain for our grain elevator in Krasnogorsk, from which compound feed for the pig farm will be made later.”

The plant growing workshop of the agrofirm has seven farms, including five - in the Chelyabinsk region: in Uvelsky, Etkulsky, Nagaybaksky districts, two - in the Yurgamyshsky district of the Kurgan region. Ten self-propelled mowers for grain dumping and 38 modern grain harvesters work at the harvest. Despite the large volume of grain harvested annually - 70-80 thousand tons, this is only 15 percent of the need for fodder for pig-breeding complexes of the agricultural company, the number of livestock in which exceeds 580 thousand animals. The agrofirm buys a significant part of the grain in agricultural enterprises of the Chelyabinsk region and other regions of Russia, as well as in Kazakhstan.

In 2016, Agrofirma Ariant launched the largest grain elevator in the country in the village of Krasnogorsky, Uvelsky district. It is designed for 290 thousand tons of simultaneous storage of grain. Reception of products here is carried out continuously, without stopping even in winter. Next to the elevator, a feed mill is successfully operating, which is also the largest in Russia, a grain storage facility, and vegetable oil production has been established.

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