Degrees and signs of alcohol intoxication. The state of alcohol intoxication: external signs and emergency care

The severity of alcohol intoxication can manifest itself in different ways. It may depend on many unrelated reasons. The most important of them is the individual characteristics of each individual. Previous illnesses are of considerable importance, especially for pathologies of an organic nature. Often they cause extremely rapid or

The effect of alcohol and the development of intoxication

People's ability to drink alcohol is very different. In addition, it is important for what purpose and with what mood alcohol is taken. If this happens at a festive celebration, then obvious intoxication can come fairly quickly.

If the average user consciously tries to remain in control of the situation, he can significantly delay the moment of intoxication. Of considerable importance to its depth and speed of development is the type of drink consumed, the percentage of sugar and alcohol in it.

A certain role is played by the state of a person before the start of drinking, both physical and mental. People suffering from alcoholism often experience atypical intoxication - dysphoric or mixed. It is quite difficult for them to distinguish signs, degrees of alcohol intoxication.

Stages of intoxication

Different stages of intoxication are distinguished, differing in the sensations of a person and the external manifestations of his behavior. First, an alcoholic drink causes a pleasant feeling of lightness and euphoria, gives a feeling of joy and high spirits, relieves fatigue and relaxes. As the amount of alcohol consumed increases, these sensations often change to other, much less pleasant ones. It can be irritation and anger, hypertrophied resentment, aggression and loss of control over one's own behavior.

The stronger the drink, the faster the symptoms of altered consciousness appear. An empty stomach also contributes greatly to this. If there is at least some food in it and the drink used has a small strength, then the process of development of intoxication does not occur so quickly. The manifestation of the degree of intoxication of the object directly depends on its mass, individual susceptibility and state at the current moment. With a clearly expressed neuropsychic stress of a person, alcohol has a less pronounced effect. This is due to the initial overstrain of the central nervous system.

Easy stage

A person draws attention to himself due to his increased mood, cheerfulness, sociability. He tries to be pleasant and complacent, but it becomes difficult for him to maintain the ability to concentrate. A mild degree of alcohol intoxication is characterized by somewhat cheeky and slow speech.

His judgments can become rather frivolous; the criticality of actions decreases, as well as the perception of various troubles. The surrounding reality is distorted for a person, he is not able to assess what is happening. Instincts inherent in the object are inhibited, skills are dulled,

Often a person overestimates his own capabilities, commits acts that are unusual for him in a normal state. These changes are observed already at the initial degree of alcohol intoxication. The reason for them is the toxic effect of alcohol on the nerve centers. But what is happening to them, people clearly remember and can retell later.


This is already a fairly strong degree of intoxication. All previous symptoms are aggravated, new ones are added to them. From the mouth of a person comes a distinct smell of alcohol. His gait becomes shaky and unsteady, sometimes it becomes rather difficult to attract his attention. Primary signs of stupor may be observed. Disorientation in space and a violation of the control of one's behavior are quite possible.

This stage is characterized by the loss of natural shyness, causing sexuality, incoherent speech and loud abuse. Increased excitability with reduced self-control easily provokes quarrels, disputes and even fights. The average degree of alcohol intoxication is characterized by memory lapses: there is a complete loss of individual fragments of what happened the day before. In the morning, a person may not remember everything that happened to him.

At this stage, various forms of deep disorder of consciousness are often observed. Subject is usually unable to stand on his own. It's hard to get his attention. It is almost impossible to contact a person, and he is slurred: he mutters something unintelligible, repeats meaningless phrases and words.

His condition may be different: he may be inhibited and lethargic, or, on the contrary, overly excited. Significantly reduced response to painful stimuli. A person is not able to write, he cannot use a familiar skill.

Deep intoxication against the background of severe intoxication of the body can turn into a coma, while the prognosis is not always favorable. Not everyone is able to reach this degree of alcohol intoxication, for many, protective reflexes of the body work - nausea and vomiting interfere with further use.

The presence of various stages of intoxication is of interest to many citizens. This affects, for example, the ability to drive vehicles. Sometimes there are situations when it is necessary to find out exactly how drunk or sober the subject is. For this, indicators of intoxication are calculated in ppm. A special device is successfully used, which is actively used by police services, doctors and ordinary citizens.

So what is the relationship between blood alcohol content and the degree of intoxication?

  • 0.3-0.5% - slight influence of alcohol.
  • 0.5-1.5% - slight intoxication.
  • 1.5-2.5% - average intoxication.
  • 2.5-3% - severe intoxication.
  • 3-5% - deep intoxication, alcohol poisoning, death is possible.
  • Over 5% - severe fatal poisoning.

Intoxication: Altered Forms

If the subject has certain psychological disorders or special personality traits, his intoxication can take various atypical forms. It can be:

  • Dysphoric. Even with a small use, a person, bypassing high spirits, demonstrates depression and aggressiveness, usually typical of more severe stages. This form of manifestation is typical for those suffering from chronic alcoholism.
  • Hebephrenic. It is expressed in excessive foolishness, ostentatious gaiety, often turning into violence. It is observed in various latent schizophrenic disorders. Occurs in teenagers.
  • paranoid. A person becomes suspicious and suspicious, he inadequately interprets the intentions and actions of others. This form occurs in some types of mental disorders, especially in the presence of alcoholism.
  • Hysterical. This form is observed in people of a special warehouse, egocentric, with high self-esteem. Manifested by an imitation of insanity, frequent suicide threats, demonstrative suicide attempts.

Harm of alcohol

Regardless of the amount drunk and the degree of intoxication, alcohol always has a pathological effect on the body. Alcohol is officially recognized as a dangerous drug that can cause irreparable harm to health and be addictive. Among other things, alcohol has a negative effect on the brain, which regulates the activity of all organs, affecting the smooth functioning of all body systems.

The negative effect of alcohol is due to a violation of the supply of oxygen to nerve cells, which begin to gradually die. This affects primarily the intellectual abilities of the individual. Against the background of damage to the cerebral cortex and a decrease in brain activity, the behavior of the drinker is gradually changing for the worse. An obvious change in the behavior, hobbies and addictions of the addict becomes noticeable.

How to determine the degree of intoxication?

It is possible to independently determine the severity of intoxication only approximately, by changing the nature of behavior. To do this, it is necessary to assess the behavior and speech of a drunk person, to check his ability to coordinate movements, objective perception of the environment.

To determine the content, it is necessary to conduct a special analysis. However, his performance is directly related to the amount of time that has passed since drinking. The indicators will be the lower, the more it has passed since the moment of use. Not everyone is able to correctly assess their own capabilities, so do not abuse alcohol.

Please note that when considering the results of a medical examination and examination of a person being examined as part of a medical examination for intoxication, drawn up in the form of an act of medical examination for a state of intoxication of a person (), it is advisable to carry out individually , that is, in relation to each specific case, to each specific person, in the specific circumstances of the examination using specific technical means for determining alcohol in exhaled air, and so on. Without taking into account the individual characteristics of the person being examined and the circumstances of the medical examination, it is practically impossible to correctly conduct an examination of the materials set out in the act on medical clinical signs of alcohol intoxication , compare these signs with the results of the study of exhaled air and draw up a reasonable review or review of the act of medical examination for intoxication. Here it is necessary to take into account both the physical and mental characteristics of the organism of the person being examined, his behavioral traits and characteristics, the presence of chronic, concomitant and acute diseases, the history of the use of drugs and other drugs and a number of other factors that are essential in terms of the correct interpretation of the identified clinical signs and examination results.

The results of a medical examination and examination identified and indicated in the medical examination report of medical clinical signs of intoxication and the results of an examination of exhaled air, or the results of a chemical-toxicological examination of the biological media of the body (blood, urine) should be considered as a combination of the presence and severity of individual clinical signs of intoxication , clarity and correctness of their description in the act of medical examination for the state of intoxication, and in combination with the results of an instrumental study of exhaled air for alcohol content, with regard to aspects of alcohol intoxication, or the results of a chemical-toxicological study of biological media of the body (blood).

According to the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision ( ICD-10 ) under acute intoxication due to the use of alcohol or psychoactive substances is understood as a transient state following the intake of alcohol or another psychoactive substance, leading to disorders of consciousness, cognitive functions, perception, emotions, behavior, or other psychophysiological functions and reactions. Thus, the assessment of the patient's condition due to the use of alcohol or psychoactive substances is based on the identification of medical clinical signs of alcohol intoxication or another type of intoxication, the assessment of their severity, which, in combination with the concentration of alcohol in the blood, is the basis for the classification of states of intoxication and the gradation of intoxication by degree. gravity.

To clinical signs of intoxication include: weakening of a person's self-control, disinhibition of the processes of his nervous activity; behavioral disorders and behavior that does not correspond to the situation and situation: agitation, irritation, aggressiveness, euphoria, verbosity, fussiness, drowsiness, lethargy; causeless decrease or increase in mood; disturbances on the part of consciousness and orientation in place, time, situation; blurred and slurred speech, impaired coherence of speech and presentation of thoughts, impaired articulation; unsatisfactory results of the test with an account; violations of concentration and stability of attention, exhaustion of attention; change in pupil size; sluggish pupil reaction to light; nystagmus; impaired coordination of movements; staggering gait, spreading legs when walking; instability when cornering; instability in the Romberg position; misses when performing tests for precise movements, for example, during a finger-nose test; decrease in the speed of reactions; trembling of the eyelids, tongue, fingers; vegetative-vascular reactions (pallor, redness of the skin, increased sweating, cyanosis of the skin, salivation, changes in the state of visible mucous membranes, injection, or injection, of the sclera, an altered state of the surface of the tongue, rapid or, conversely, slow breathing, the so-called tachycardia or bradycardia, high blood pressure or, conversely, a sharp decrease in blood pressure); the presence of the smell of alcohol, cannabinoids, organic solvents from the mouth, from hair, from clothes. In addition, an important role is played by information, both subjective (declared personally) and objective (according to documents and other sources), about the last use of alcohol, medicines, other drugs, chemicals and substances, the results of an external examination, the condition of the skin, the presence of damage (wounds, bruises, injection marks).

It should be noted that in many cases the doctors themselves misinterpret the results of the examination, examination of the examined person and the results of the tests and tests.

For example, often the so-called specialist doctors, including those allegedly trained in the conduct of a medical examination under the program provided for in Appendix No. 7 to Order No. 308 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 2003 "On a medical examination for intoxication", incorrectly the term is used intention"when presenting the results of the finger-nose test:" performance with the intention of a finger-nose test". The essence and meaning of the tests of Taschen, Schulte, stability in the Romberg position are incorrectly stated and their results are interpreted.

Close correlation of blood alcohol concentration, frequency and severity of manifestation clinical signs of alcohol intoxication made it possible to formulate in the form of a regulatory act of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation Methodological instructions "Medical examination to establish the fact of alcohol consumption and intoxication" dated September 01, 1988 No. 06-14 / 33-14 (Appendix No. 3 to the Interim Instruction of the USSR Ministry of Health dated September 01, 1988 No. 06-14 / 33-14 "On the procedure for a medical examination to establish the fact of alcohol consumption and intoxication"), the only official source at the moment classification of states of alcoholic intoxication , that is degree of alcohol intoxication , of federal significance, which was canceled by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated May 27, 2016 No. 321, and now, from March 26, 2016, the order, which does not contain a gradation on the degree of intoxication, but contains a separate application that sets out giving reason to believe that the driver / citizen is in a state of intoxication.

At the same time, the decrease in the qualifications of health workers, the low quality of their education, the inability of medical and legislative bodies to separate the concepts " fact of use" and " Drunk", led to the fact that when issuing a conclusion on the state of intoxication based on the results of a medical examination of vehicle drivers, the fact of detection of a substance that causes intoxication, and not the fact of detection totality of violations of physical, mental and psychophysiological functions and reactions, which, in essence, and not the concentration of the substance itself, as such, affect road safety. In fact, a substitution of concepts has been made " The fact of alcohol consumption was established, no signs of intoxication were detected" and " State of intoxication established"Moreover, no attempts have ever been made to assess the totality of violations of physical, mental and psychophysiological functions and reactions, sufficient for a reasonable assertion that the person being examined is in a state of intoxication.

It is necessary to proceed from the axiom that the doctor who conducts your examination has already "knocked his hand at it" so much that your presence only hinders and distracts him. Even without you, he will fill out the medical examination report in the right way, indicate the necessary . All the doctor needs is to offer you to purge the device and / or select a biological medium for analysis. In fact, it is precisely this basis that is currently the basis for establishing the state of alcoholic intoxication among vehicle drivers, both in relation to intoxication caused by alcohol consumption and in relation to drug intoxication, and the role of a doctor has been reduced to performing the function of an operator of a technical instrument for measuring alcohol in exhaled air. for which it is not necessary to have either a medical education, or a certificate of training, or a license to carry out medical activities, including works and services for medical (narcological) examination.

Practical experience shows that in fact, in 99.9% of cases, when conducting a medical examination and drawing up its results in the form of a medical examination report, medical personnel make various kinds of errors and shortcomings, differing in the degree of materiality and impact on the eligibility and legality of issuing an opinion based on the results. medical examination. However, the significance of these errors and shortcomings can be correctly assessed, correctly interpreted, correctly formulated and presented only by a specialist with sufficient practical experience in this field. Due to the fact that the analysis of the medical examination report and the interpretation of the examination results require special knowledge in the field of medicine, we recommend that you seek the help of an appropriate specialist.

It is regrettable that individual lawyers and defenders accompanying administrative, civil and criminal cases, in one way or another related to medical issues, without having the necessary knowledge in the field of medicine, often ignore the opinion of specialists in this field, do not involve specialists, based solely on their own opinion and understanding of medical issues. But this approach is especially characteristic of the judicial system, when a justice of the peace or a federal judge unreasonably assumes the role of a specialist in the field of medicine and makes an illegal decision, which is sometimes based on medically absurd grounds.

There are many examples of such solutions. One such example is the decision of the former Deputy Chairman of the Moscow City Court dated June 28, 2010. "Despite the fact that the check with a printout of the results of the examination conducted by K. for alcohol intoxication indicates the result of the study 3,200 mg/l, while according to the Operation Manual of the device "Alcotector PRO-100 combi", the range of indications of the named device is 0.000 to 2.000 mg/l, the fact of K. driving a vehicle while intoxicated is objectively confirmed by the totality of signs of alcohol intoxication identified in K. and described in the certificate of examination for the state of alcoholic intoxication - the smell of alcohol from the mouth, the instability of the posture; testimonies of PPSM officers P. and K. ... Moreover, K. himself testified that he had indeed consumed alcoholic beverages that day. K. agreed with the fact that he was intoxicated, that he had certified his signature on the medical certificate to the state of alcoholic intoxication. The correctness of the named act and the information contained in it about K. being in a state of intoxication was certified by their signatures attesting witnesses Ya. and Ch. which they confirmed when they testified before the judge of the district court."

Like this. It doesn’t matter what the device showed, whether it is possible to recognize such readings of the device as correct and reliable, and, therefore, to establish the admissibility of the act of examination for the state of intoxication as evidence in the case, the testimony of the police / police officers is more important and more significant than any objective evidence of falsification of the results of the examination. Know-how of the former Deputy Chairman of the Moscow City Court, Mr. Dmitriev. With which we congratulate him.

Without going into details, let us explain that no medical examination of K. was carried out; naturally, K. did not sign his signature in the medical examination report. Apparently, the federal judge does not distinguish between the witnesses of the examination for alcohol intoxication and the medical examination for intoxication. In addition, attesting witnesses Ya. and Ch. not only did not confirm in court the fact that K. was driving a vehicle (this moment is indicated in the decision on the complaint against the decision), but also the fact of their presence during the examination of K. for alcohol intoxication (this fact the judge, for quite understandable reasons, did not indicate in the decision on the complaint, which also contradicts the conclusion of Mr. Dmitriev in the decision (see above); it is obvious that witnesses cannot be considered as specialists who could confirm with their signatures the correctness of the compilation of the act and the information contained therein, both on the basis of signs of intoxication and on the indication of the instrument.In addition, the minutes of the court session, of course, were not kept, evidence was not taken from witnesses in writing, in connection with which Mr. Dmitriev's conclusions regarding witnesses about the testimony of witnesses in the district court are absolutely unfounded.

Further, according to the text of the decision of Dmitriev A.N.: "The applicant's reference to the fact that when the concentration of alcohol in the blood is over 3.0 - 3.5 ppm there is an alcoholic coma cannot be taken into account, since based on assumptions and does not cast doubt on the conclusions of the courts about the guilt of K. in committing the above-described offense. "Actually, this is not just about an alcoholic coma, but about a state of lethal intoxication with an alcohol concentration in the exhaled air of 3,200 (mg / l) * 2000 \u003d 6 ,4 (g / l) (the concentration ratio was obtained on the basis of an assessment of the ratios of the corresponding concentrations according to the note to Article 27.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation as amended before 08/06/2010). in Russia and abroad, are based on assumptions and do not deserve attention. We are not talking about the conclusions of the judges, but about the objectivity of the results of the examination and the admissibility of the relevant evidence in the case. And if the judge bases his conclusion on doubtful information, then the conclusion of the judge is also doubtful and not based on law.

The supervisory complaint raised the question of doubts about the serviceability of the technical measuring instrument used by the traffic police inspector during the examination for alcohol intoxication. Moreover, neither the act of examination for the state of alcoholic intoxication, nor on paper, nor in the case materials contained any information about the verification of the technical means.

The supervisory complaint did not even raise the issue of falsification of data by the traffic police inspector, although such a statement of the issue is quite legitimate under the circumstances. How is it necessary to adjust or check the device so that its readings go beyond the measurement limits by more than 1.5 times?

Interestingly, the judge would come to the conclusion that the concentration of alcohol in the blood of 6.4 g / l corresponds to the presence of only two signs: smell and instability of the posture, when considering criminal cases of murder and rape, especially when an expert opinion on the helplessness of the victim’s state in connection with alcohol-induced intoxication corresponding to lethal intoxication?

It is obvious that it is difficult for Mr. Dmitriev to deduce a logical chain: the unreliability of the results of the study of exhaled air is a consequence of either a malfunction of the device, or falsification of the exhaled air sample by the IDPS. In both the first and second cases, the act of examination for the state of alcoholic intoxication cannot be recognized as admissible evidence in an administrative case. Witness testimony can only be used exclusively along with documentary evidence in the case, which, according to Art. 26.2 and 27.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, and is an act of examination for the state of alcoholic intoxication. This is clearly and unambiguously indicated in paragraph 7 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated October 24, 2006 No. 18 "On some issues that arise with the courts when applying the Special Part of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses" as amended by the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated October 24, 2006 November 11, 2008 No. 23 "On Amendments to Certain Resolutions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation", according to which, in the case of an administrative offense under Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, it must be taken into account that the evidence of the state of intoxication of the driver is an act of examination for the state of alcoholic intoxication and (or) an act of medical examination for intoxication. Along with these acts, confirmation of the fact that the driver is in a state of intoxication and other evidence (for example, testimonies of witnesses) is not excluded. Comments, in our opinion, are unnecessary.

What can be said about the above opinion of Dmitriev A.N.? It remains to state that the everyday judgment of the judge, the unwillingness to objectively consider the circumstances of the case recorded in the case file, to state violations of the law committed during the proceedings in the lower court, including for an unspecified reason for the discrepancy between the clinical signs of alcohol intoxication and the result of the study of exhaled air, which objectively raises doubts about the reliability and correctness of the readings of the device, a clear interest in issuing an indictment on a supervisory complaint, are more significant for the judge than the practice of narcology tested over the years, including those set forth in the regulations of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, than the explanations of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation aimed at establishing uniformity and continuity of judicial practice. What can we say about the decisions of lower courts, if a judge of this level allows himself to draw conclusions based, as we believe, not just on a personal erroneous, incompetent and unprofessional opinion, but also, obviously, on the desire to serve both those above him and others authorities interested in the outcome of such cases. What kind of respect for judges and the judiciary as a whole, under such circumstances, can we talk about when a federal judge so shamelessly and frankly discredits justice, which, as we see, is based not on the law, but on the personal personal opinion of the judge.

Another "masterpiece" of the former Deputy Chairman of the Moscow City Court, Mr. Dmitriev A.N. dated August 16, 2010.

According to Dmitriev A.N., in the act of medical examination, it is possible not to indicate any information at all on the technical means, except for its name, since " Rules ( ed. - means the Rules approved ) there is no mandatory indication in the act of medical examination for the state of intoxication of information about the calibration of the device with which such an examination was carried out"Yes, Mr. A. N. Dmitriev would immediately point out that neither the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, nor the Rules provide for an indication of the state of intoxication in the medical examination report at all: neither the results of a medical examination and examination, nor the results of an examination of exhaled air using technical means of measurement.

This is only a hundredth part of what this judge sculpted in his decision of 08/16/2010, not to mention the obvious falsification of the circumstances and materials of the case, the conclusions given in the decision of the justice of the peace, the primitive distortion of the arguments of the complaint itself against the decision of the justice of the peace, adding to everything this is his personal interpretation of the substantive and procedural law of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

What can I say, if, according to the former deputy chairman of the Moscow City Court, Dmitriev A.N. Art. 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation does not provide for the application of detention of a vehicle if the driver refuses the lawful demand of a police officer to undergo a medical examination for intoxication ().

In the decision of March 11, 2011 No. 4a-39/11, the Deputy Chairman of the Moscow City Court indicates that, as one of the arguments in the supervisory appeal, K. referred to the fact that the device ALCOTECTOR-EN 803 PRO-100 COMBI he was found to be under the influence of alcohol 4.015 mg/l, however, from the answer of the Federal State Institution "*" it follows that such readings of the named device in its good condition cannot be, the amount of alcohol in the human body in the indicated concentration is a fatal poisoning. This argument cannot be taken into account, since from the submitted materials it follows that K. agreed with the readings of the device, which he himself indicated in the act of examination for the state of alcoholic intoxication. At the same time, when drawing up a protocol on an administrative offense, K. explained to the traffic police inspectors that he had consumed alcohol. It should be noted that in case of disagreement with the result of the examination, K. had the opportunity to undergo a medical examination for intoxication. In addition, the above device has a verification certificate valid until 04/08/2011, the fact of issuance of which confirms the technical characteristics of the device and its suitability for use. Among other things, the circumstance indicated by the applicant was fully verified by the justice of the peace when considering the case on the merits, he was given a proper assessment, the correctness of which is beyond doubt.

The Deputy Chairman of the Moscow City Court was not embarrassed that the readings of the device went beyond the measurement limits by more than 2 times, the fact that the doubt about the serviceability of the device was confirmed by the Federal State Institution "*", that such an alcohol concentration, in accordance with all classifications of the state of alcoholic intoxication, is a fatal poisoning, and individual exceptions to this rule are only exceptions, nothing more. And in this state, the person being examined passes the examination, breathes into the tube of the device, signs the protocols and the OSAO act, and even misses the opportunity to undergo a medical examination. And nothing that the certified state body for metrology FGU "*" actually confirms the malfunction of the device, this is a trifle, since there is a certificate of verification of the device, issued almost 6 months before the examination, and, according to Mr. A.N. , the device could not fail during this period of time. Well, the device cannot become faulty within a year after verification, and that's it.

Interesting idea. And why shouldn't the manufacturer of the device provide for the so-called "protection against fools" and set the automatic blocking of the readings of the device that go beyond the measurement scale?

For some time now, the former Deputy Chairman of the Moscow City Court Dmitriev A.N. went further in his research to justify unlawful and unlawful actions on the part of traffic police officers when applying measures to ensure proceedings in cases of administrative offenses.

The problem of alcoholism in Russia, unfortunately, does not lose its relevance today. The reasons for this negative phenomenon include the general availability of strong drinks, the inability to consume them reasonably, and the special mentality of our people. Those who like to drink and are not aware of the future consequences often have to face difficulties in the social sphere. Especially when it comes to the performance of official or professional duties.

Tort act: why is drunkenness punished?

The act of intoxication (a sample document will be presented below in the text of the article) is the first real problem that the drinker will have to face. When drawing up a document in relation to an official at the workplace, a drunkard is threatened with dismissal or at least disciplinary action. Drunk driving is also prosecuted - it turns into a deprivation of a driver's license for the violator, a huge fine, and in some cases an administrative arrest.

When driving a vehicle, a drunk driver loses the ability to respond to the road adequately and immediately, which creates a danger to himself and other road users. A person who has all the main signs of alcohol intoxication is also unable to perform his usual work, control his actions and bear responsibility for them, and therefore deserves the application of appropriate educational measures in relation to himself.

Protocol on drunkenness of an employee as a reason for dismissal

Even if a person has become a victim of biased accusations in his direction, the first thing he should do is to familiarize himself with the order of legal relations that arise between him and a higher person (representative of a state body) in case of being at the workplace or driving a car in a state of intoxication.

The head of the institution has the right to draw up an act on the presence of an employee in a state of intoxication and dismiss a “careless” employee in cases where the perpetrator was discovered while drinking alcohol:

  • at work;
  • in the territory adjacent to the company;
  • at the branches of the enterprise.

In what cases is the execution of the act not a reason for dismissal?

For registration of the act of finding an employee in a state of intoxication, the time of the incident plays an important role. As a rule, an employee "drunk", noticed outside the work shift, is not threatened with dismissal, in most cases the case ends with a warning from the management.
An act for the performance of official duties in a drunken state is also not drawn up if:

  • employees of the enterprise carry out their activities overtime;
  • the employee drank alcohol before working hours and was not allowed to work;
  • the drunk is a minor employee of the enterprise - the manager has the right to dismiss the violator, subject to obtaining permission from the state labor inspectorate;
  • a drunk employee is a pregnant woman, a mother of a child under 3 or 6 years old, a mother of a disabled person or is raising a child as a single mother.

At first glance, the situation is absolutely paradoxical, and instead of receiving legal punishment for violations, such people will be able to avoid dismissal even with regular use of alcohol in the workplace. Citizens who do not belong to the above categories will have to answer to the fullest extent of the law for their misconduct.

The main signs of intoxication

As soon as the administration of the institution becomes aware of the fact of a violation by the employee, a protocol is drawn up, which also contains signs of alcohol intoxication. For the act and bringing the guilty person to justice, they are of fundamental importance.
The obvious manifestations of drunkenness of a person include:

  • alcohol smell from the mouth;
  • unsteadiness and instability of movements, postures, gait;
  • changes in speech;
  • redness of the face;
  • inappropriate behaviour.

How to draw up an act of drunkenness?

In the presence of all or several signs of alcohol intoxication (for the act, most often they focus on the presence of a "fumes" when breathing and talking drunk), the employee is sent for a medical examination of the fact of drunkenness. In addition, for the registration of the protocol, it is equally important:

  • an indication of the exact name of the document and organization;
  • clarification of the time and place of the incident;
  • data of the offender
  • information about witnesses, at least two;
  • explanations of the violator or fixation of the fact of refusal of explanations.

Consequences in the workplace

The signs of alcohol intoxication for the act should be described in detail, with all possible details. This is especially important when a drunk employee refuses to undergo a medical examination procedure. In this case, the testimony of witnesses and a description of the signs of alcohol intoxication for the act will play a decisive role.

To start the dismissal procedure, an order is issued, the basis for which should be a medical report. At the same time, the signs of alcohol intoxication for the act (the sample document has a standard form) and the consideration of the case by a special commission do not play a decisive role.
The medical report indicates the level of alcohol content in the employee's blood. If, according to the results of the audit, it significantly exceeds the norm, the outcome of the case is unambiguous - dismissal with an appropriate entry in the work book.

How are drivers punished for drunk driving?

If the guilty person is threatened with dismissal for drunkenness at work, then the law provides for more severe punishment for violators who are road users. The Code of Administrative Offenses states that when driving a car while intoxicated, the traffic police will be forced to fine the driver for 30,000 rubles and deprive him of his driver's license for up to 2 years. When a repeated misconduct is committed, the amount of the monetary penalty increases to 50,000, and the period of deprivation of the right to drive is up to 3 years.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the procedure for measuring the level of alcohol in the blood. In our country, up to 0.3 ppm is considered the norm. The external signs of alcohol intoxication for the act drawn up by the traffic police are the same manifestations described above. In their absence, law enforcement officers do not have the right to force them to undergo an examination procedure.

Blood alcohol content and signs of intoxication: what's the difference?

By the way, if the driver is sure of his innocence, but the inspector still continues to insist on his accusations, the most correct decision would be to agree to an examination on the spot.
The fact is that the only evidence that a person is in a clearly intoxicated state can only be an excess of the normal level of ethyl alcohol in the blood. You need to pay attention to the following points:

  • The smell of alcohol or the so-called "fume" among the people can remain for a day after drinking strong drinks. However, this does not always mean that a person is in a state of intoxication.
  • When taking medicines containing alcohol, the driver may also smell bad of alcohol. If their reception is not prohibited to persons driving a car, there is nothing to worry about.

Alcohol certification: examination for drivers

The traffic police officer has the right to draw up an act on the state of intoxication of the driver only after receiving the results of the examination on the spot. The procedure is carried out in the following order:

  • In the presence of attesting witnesses, a person accused of driving while intoxicated shall be removed from the vehicle.
  • To record the results and record the study, a special technical device is used, the type and number of which is included in the federal register of approved types of measuring instruments. Before the examination, the driver has every right to demand that the inspector provide permits for the device.
  • After that, the traffic police officer demonstrates to the investigated and understood the integrity of the brand of the meter and the readiness of the device for the procedure, introduces the procedure for the examination, regulated by the relevant regulatory legal act of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • The presence or absence of a critical blood alcohol content is determined based on the readings of the device that examined the exhaled air. The use of modern breathalyzers allows an error in the region of 0.1 ppm.

Features of bringing the offender to justice

When confirming the drunken state of the driver, the inspector draws up an examination report, which is signed by all participants in the process. If the guilty person disagrees with the results of the check, an appropriate entry is made in the document, and the violator himself is sent for a mandatory medical examination. The conclusion of the examination, which took place within the walls of a specialized institution, is the main documentary confirmation of the signs of alcohol intoxication of the driver and the basis for bringing him to legal responsibility.

Without waiting for the results of the relevant checks, the traffic police inspector, who suspects the driver of intoxication, has the right to order the evacuation of his car to the impound lot. It is not uncommon for law enforcement officers to bring charges against a driver who drinks alcohol in a parked car. By the way, a driver can be called a person driving a vehicle, and not just being inside it.

A citizen fired from a job or deprived of a driver's license due to drunkenness has the right to appeal the relevant decision in court. Case law knows many examples where those accused of alcohol intoxication managed to prove their innocence, after which they were resumed in their previous position at the same workplace. In some cases, employees sought compensation for moral damages.

Ethyl alcohol is one of the most common causes of intoxication. Alcohol intoxication can be life-threatening. The lethal dose of alcohol for an adult is on average 0.75 - 1 liter of vodka. For drinkers and abusers of alcohol, it can be much higher, for children and adolescents - lower. Let's look at the symptoms of this condition and the first aid needed for alcohol poisoning.

Symptoms of the development of alcohol intoxication

Symptoms of intoxication depend on the degree of intoxication. With mild intoxication (the level of alcohol in the blood is 0.5 - 1.5%), looseness, increased sociability, a decrease in self-control and self-criticism are noted, the reaction rate and the ability to concentrate are somewhat reduced.

With an average degree (the level of alcohol in the blood is 1.5 - 2.5%), pronounced mental, neurological and somatic changes are noted. Characterized by hyperemia of the face, nystagmus, unsteadiness of gait, loud and slurred speech. The mood can be both elevated - to euphoric, and lowered - to depressive, its instability and dependence on the situation are characteristic. Decreased sharpness of thinking, clarity of perception. The disinhibition of drives and the decrease in self-control create fertile ground for impulsive (hooligan, sexual, suicidal) actions.

Diagnosis of alcohol intoxication

Severe intoxication (blood alcohol level over 2.5) is characterized by impaired consciousness of varying degrees (from stunning to coma), slowing down of psychomotor reactions, coordination disorders and possible epileptiform seizures, vomiting, involuntary urination and subsequent amnesia. Severe intoxication is a danger primarily to the drunk himself, although sometimes he can be dangerous to others. In this state, the situation is perceived fragmentarily, coordination of movements is sharply disturbed, speech is incoherent, stupor can quickly turn into deep sleep and coma.

A patient in a coma has the following symptoms:

skin is clammy, cold,

reddening of the face,

conjunctival hyperemia,

body temperature is reduced

breathing slowed down

quick pulse,

the initial increase in blood pressure is followed by a collapse in the future.

Depending on the depth of the coma, pain sensitivity and tendon reflexes are reduced or absent. Initially increased muscle tone is replaced by muscle hypotension, possibly the development of a convulsive syndrome. As with any anesthesia, its depth during alcohol intoxication can be judged by the size of the pupil and the presence of a corneal reflex. The initially observed constriction of the pupils, with their reaction to light and the corneal reflex preserved, is replaced by the expansion of the pupils, their loss of the light reflex and the disappearance of the corneal reflex.

The last symptoms of intoxication are evidence of a deep alcoholic coma - far advanced intoxication. The diagnosis of acute alcohol poisoning, even in the unconscious state of patients, usually does not cause difficulties, since almost always there is a characteristic smell of alcohol from the mouth and from vomit.

Degrees of intoxication

Depending on the severity, there are three degrees of intoxication:

  • light,
  • middle
  • and therefore heavy.

The latter case is fraught with serious consequences and, in order to get out of intoxication, may require medical intervention. With the first two, you can try to fight on your own. Time-tested methods will come to the rescue.

Complications of alcohol intoxication

The causes of death of patients with acute alcohol poisoning due to are:

respiratory disorders (more often - mechanical asphyxia),

acute cardiovascular failure,

a sharp drop in blood pressure (collapse).

Especially often a fatal outcome is observed with the rapid use of large doses of alcohol. In addition, with alcohol poisoning, there is a significant disorder in temperature regulation, which leads in the cold season to hypothermia, frostbite of the extremities, and sometimes to death.

When examining a patient (with any diagnosis), it is important for the doctor not only to notice the symptoms of the phenomenon, but also to correctly describe it in the medical documentation, which may subsequently be of great legal importance. If in doubt, it is advisable to carry out the Rapoport reaction or use the Mokhov-Shinkarenko indicator tube. Regulations recommend using the following conclusions: “Alcohol intoxication”, “Alcoholic coma”, “Intoxication caused by narcotic or other substances”, “Sober, but there are functional impairments that require removal from work with a source of increased danger for health reasons”.

Differential signs of alcohol intoxication

While the diagnosis is usually straightforward, misjudgment of the accompanying pathology is relatively common. First of all, a careful examination of each patient in a state of alcohol intoxication is necessary to establish possible traumatic injuries associated with poisoning. Particular attention should be paid to identifying a possible craniocerebral injury (presence of abrasions on the face and cranial vault, bleeding from the nose and ears, uneven pupil size).

There are frequent cases when the cause of a coma in persons who have taken alcohol is not alcohol poisoning, but a severe traumatic brain injury; especially suspicious in this regard is a long-term (more than 6 hours) coma and a low blood alcohol content (less than 3%). It should also be remembered that in a state of intoxication, an apoplexy coma may develop as a result of a cerebral hemorrhage. The differential diagnosis is made on the basis of the following signs: with an alcoholic coma, sticky cold skin is observed, the face is hyperemic, cyanotic, breathing is intermittent, the pulse is thready, blood pressure is reduced. With an apoplexy coma, the face is purple, breathing is hoarse, one cheek “sails”, the nasolabial fold is smoothed, and other signs of an organic lesion of the central nervous system are revealed.

For mild alcohol intoxication, the following criteria developed by the American Psychiatric Association can be used to make a diagnosis:

Anamnestic indications for alcohol intake.

Deviations not only in behavior, indicating maladjustment (aggressiveness, conflict, sexual disinhibition, unstable mood, reduced criticism, impaired concentration), but also in social and professional activities.

The presence of at least one of the following signs - slurred speech, unsteady gait, coordination disorder (unstability in the Romberg position), nystagmus, flushed face.

The absence of a connection of these symptoms with any other somatic disease or mental disorder.

Emergency assistance for alcohol intoxication

Patients with moderate to severe intoxication need emergency care. With an average degree, the patient is washed with a stomach or induces vomiting; after that, they offer to drink a glass of water with ammonia dissolved in it (8-10 drops per glass) and intravenously (as "stimulants") 2 ml of a 10% solution of caffeine-sodium benzoate or cordiamine on glucose is injected. Then you can put heating pads at your feet or put mustard plasters. Inside, they give a laxative to drink - up to 30 g of magnesium sulfate.

In severe cases, somatic complications should be excluded (primarily a traumatic brain injury!), Requiring independent intervention, and only after that you can start sobering up. The patient's stomach is washed through a thick tube with small portions (300-500 ml each) of warm water (up to 12-15 liters in total) with the addition of sodium bicarbonate or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. When washing the stomach, carried out using a thick probe, it is necessary to use a mouth expander to avoid biting the probe. Washing patients in a state of intoxication can also be done using a Janet syringe and a thin probe inserted through the lower nasal passage. With a sharp depression of consciousness, tracheal intubation is preliminarily carried out to prevent aspiration of vomit, if tracheal intubation is impossible, gastric lavage is not recommended for patients in a coma.

Respiratory disorders in alcoholic coma are usually caused by the retraction of the root of the tongue and the closure of the entrance to the larynx. In these cases, for emergency care, it is necessary to insert an air duct into the mouth or hang a tongue holder on the tip of the tongue, if necessary, suck the mucus from the pharyngeal cavity. These simple measures ensure the free flow of air into the respiratory tract. Oxygen therapy is indicated, in rare cases of deep coma and respiratory depression, there is a need for artificial respiration.

With a drop in vascular tone and a decrease in blood pressure, it is necessary to infuse Poliglukin (400 ml) and 1000-2000 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution or 5% glucose solution into the vein; the introduction of fluids is also indicated for the purpose of detoxification and because large doses of alcohol cause significant dehydration. A good detoxification effect is also given by intravenous drip of a mixture of 300 ml of Hemodez, heated to body temperature, and 300 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution with the addition of vitamins B 1 (3 ml of a 6% solution), B 12 (200 μg), ascorbic acid (3 ml of 5% solution).

In the most extreme cases, when intoxicated, you can quickly and strongly rub both ears of the patient. A rush of blood to the head can bring the intoxicated person to consciousness, and in a minute he will even be able to say his address. Naturally, in the future they move on to the complex of the above-described medical procedures.

With a developing coma at the prehospital stage, 100 mg of thiamine chloride (vitamin B 1 - 2 ml of a 5% solution), 50 ml of a 50% Glucose solution are administered and detoxification therapy is started; required hospitalization in the intensive care unit of the hospital.

Emergency care in a hospital with alcohol intoxication

In a hospital, patients continue intensive detoxification therapy. Gastric lavage (to prevent reabsorption of alcohol into the blood), bladder catheterization (with acute urinary retention) combined with forced diuresis - water load with parallel administration of osmotic diuretics (lyophilized urea in the form of a 30% solution with glucose or 10% mannitol solution) or saluretics (Lasix). Water load for emergency care in case of alcohol intoxication is carried out by intravenous drip injection of 1000 - 1500 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution and 5% glucose solution. Urea solution is administered intravenously by stream at the rate of 1 g/kg. The rate of administration of solutions should correspond to diuresis. Treatment of patients can be repeated after 4-5 hours.

The emergency method in the form of forced diuresis is contraindicated in acute cardiovascular insufficiency, violation of the excretory functions of the kidneys; it is ineffective in the elderly. In order to accelerate the oxidation of alcohol in the blood, 500 ml of a 20% solution of Ulucose, 20 IU of insulin, 3-5 ml of a 5% solution of vitamin B p 3-5 ml of a 5% solution of vitamin B 6, 5-10 ml of a 5% solution of Ascorbic acid are injected intravenously , 1 - 2 ml of 1% Nicotinic acid.

Emergency home care for alcohol intoxication

Almost every one of us felt not quite a good morning after a festive night or just a luxurious feast in the circle of our friends and relatives. At such moments, the question always arises: how to provide yourself or a loved one with emergency assistance when intoxicated, how to remove alcohol from the blood? All this can be done not only in medical institutions, but also at home.

In fact, the most accessible and simple means are always at hand. Surely, everyone has the opportunity to find a bouillon cube lying around at home and, of course, pickle. It is impossible not to note the importance of tea, honey, activated charcoal, milk in this whole business.

To achieve the fastest effect, you can drink activated charcoal. 5-6 tablets are washed down with plenty of warm water. After a few minutes, the vast majority of alcohol in the blood will be neutralized, which means that you have removed it from the blood.

Drinking plenty of water is a remedy

As already noted, it is important to drink plenty of fluids. Let's answer another very common question: does coffee help to remove alcohol and cheer up after the celebration? No, no, no, and again no. This is the delusion of the majority. Coffee is undesirable. Of course, for 10 minutes he will be able to activate the body, give strength and energy, but after that he will quickly take everything doubly. As a result, alcohol is not withdrawn, the state of health is even worse, and so on. It is better to give preference to tea, and especially green tea. Such a drink will cleanse the blood and certainly add strength.

Two main methods are listed. Let's look at a few more answers to the question: how to remove alcohol from the blood, which, by the way, are not inferior in their effectiveness.

Milk is another emergency treatment for alcohol intoxication

You can even drink milk. It cleanses the body as a whole, including removing alcohol from the blood. Drink it every hour for 200 ml. Very soon you will achieve results and you will feel much better.

Honey also fights this problem. It acts as a diuretic, thereby neutralizing and removing alcohol from the body and blood as well. To do this, dissolve one tablespoon in 200 ml of water (a glass) and drink a glass every 30 minutes. However, it is important to consider the tolerance of honey here. If you have allergic reactions to such a product, then its use is excluded.

Brine will help remove alcohol from the blood

A well-known way to remove alcohol from the blood is brine. It can be cucumber or tomato, which many, as it turned out, do not know. Such "drinks" very quickly neutralize the poisons of alcohol and remove it from the blood. Pickle drink a glass every hour. Do this until there is a noticeable improvement in well-being.

Chicken broth will help with symptoms of alcohol intoxication

Probably only about half of the population knows about the properties of chicken broth to fight hangovers and alcohol in general. Of course, it’s hard to imagine that such a “soup” can quickly remove the poisons of alcohol from the blood. However, this fact remains. To prepare such a healing broth, a pinch of cumin and chicken is added to a half-liter vessel filled with water. The entire solution must be drunk even if you do not want to do this. Such a nuance is a prerequisite for treatment.

In fact, the most effective and easiest way to help with alcohol intoxication is at the level of instincts given to us by nature. Thus, if a person has "overdone" with alcohol and does not suffer from alcoholism, he begins to feel nausea and vomiting, which contribute to the natural removal of excess of this poisonous liquid. If this mechanism does not work, then you can artificially induce vomiting. To do this, they drink about half a liter of water, and then press on the root of the tongue with a spoon or finger. The method is more effective, the sooner it is applied after drinking.

An extremely effective way of emergency care is the influx of fresh air. Thus, it is necessary to stay outside more, inhaling clean air. It is important to note one nuance here: be careful in the cold season in order to avoid hypothermia. By the way, being in smoky rooms very sharply reduces the rate of alcohol removal from the body.

Alcohol works great with water, and our body is 90% water. It can be concluded that the removal of alcohol from the body is an extremely difficult process, because its substances are literally in every cell of the human body. In this case, you can increase the water content in the body, and therefore reduce the concentration of alcohol. Drink plenty of fluids, naturally, soft drinks are meant. Strong tea with lemon is perfect for emergency care for alcohol intoxication. It neutralizes alcohol. You can also remove it by taking a shower, preferably replacing cold water with warm water. Such a procedure will give clarity to the mind, and also make you focus on your condition, which is also extremely important.

First of all, you can get out of intoxication in a natural physiological way, i.e. causing vomiting. This can be done using the well-known two-finger method. It is necessary to put 2 fingers into the mouth, while pressing on the root of the tongue. Many also practice drinking large amounts of liquid in a few minutes. There are, of course, radical measures here, such as a cup of hot coffee with a lot of salt added, or something like that. But they are not as popular. A weak solution of potassium permanganate is perfect for gastric lavage.

You can try to speed up the process of neutralizing alcohol in the body. There are several ways. For example, a cup of sweet coffee with lemon or strong peppermint tea can help to eliminate alcohol from a mild degree of intoxication. However, if you have heart disease or high blood pressure, it is better to refuse coffee and look for an alternative. Juices with a high content of vitamin C, the notorious cucumber and cabbage pickles, mineral water - all this will contribute to the process of sobering up. They will also be the best helpers in the fight against a hangover.

There are recipes for decoctions that will come in handy in cases of intoxication, when the necessary herbs are at hand. Here is one of them. Take a teaspoon of yarrow herb and 3 tablespoons of peppermint, pour 250 ml of boiling water over it and let it brew for 30 minutes. Strained broth should be drunk at one time in a warm form. The drunkenness wears off quickly.

The process of examination for intoxication is clearly spelled out in the law of the Russian Federation. To protect against misconduct by police officers and from examination errors, you should familiarize yourself with the work procedure and the level of measurement of intoxication. It is enough to understand the sequence of actions in case of disputes, so as not to lose your driving license or receive a penalty at work. The activity of a narcologist, when measuring ppm in blood or urine, is strictly regulated. To notice errors in the work of personnel and point them out for correction is the main goal of the material of the article.

How to correctly determine the fact of alcohol consumption?

Check for alcohol intoxication

The definition of intoxication of a person is carried out according to four components:

  • visual symptoms of intoxication;
  • exhaled air vapors;
  • taking blood for the presence of ethanol molecules;
  • urinalysis for alcohol-containing drinks.

A preliminary examination is carried out at the place of stop or at the workplace. A police officer checks for external symptoms that indicate the fact of drinking alcohol. Current signs of alcohol intoxication are listed in the Code of Administrative Offenses. These signs include redness of the skin of the face. Alcohol-containing products increase the flow of venous blood.

Clear evidence of a hangover is slurred and meaningless speech, as well as inappropriate behavior. The listed signs require the presence of the smell of ethanol decay products from the mouth and dilated pupils of the eyes. If the state of a person is affected by the alcohol taken, then the pupils of the eyes always dilate. The dilated pupils do not react to bright light.

Measurement of exhaled vapors

After identifying the external signs of alcohol intake, they begin to examine the offender on a device for measuring the concentration of ethanol in exhaled air - a breathalyzer. The concentration of alcohol in human vapor is prescribed in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and is 0.16 mg / l. Exceeding this indicator is the fact of alcohol intoxication and entails deprivation of rights with the imposition of an administrative fine.

A violation protocol is being drawn up and the car is seized. The violator is forwarded for a medical examination to a clinic to a narcologist. A narcologist, when making a diagnosis of intoxication, is guided by the rules and figures prescribed in the law of the Russian Federation.

Rules for inspection at the stopping place

People are subject to medical examination in the following cases:

  • If the driver refused to voluntarily undergo a test, then the next instance is a narcological dispensary and an examination by a narcologist.
  • The driver objected to the values ​​of the police breathalyzer and did not agree with the testimony.
  • The driver refused to be tested, but there are external signs of intoxication and the violator's condition is suspicious.

Based on the results of the symptom check, a protocol is issued to a medical institution. This document contains information about:

Rules for the examination of the presence of alcohol in exhaled air

  • about the time of the check;
  • device information;
  • information about witnesses;
  • symptoms of intoxication;
  • Attached is a verification document.

Rules for examination in a medical institution

Testing for alcohol by a narcologist is regulated by the instructions for conducting a study for the presence of alcohol with filling out form 307 / y-05 “Act of medical examination for intoxication”. In this act, information about the detainee and signs of alcohol intoxication prescribed by law are filled in. Symptoms take the following forms:

  • description of behavior;
  • dilated pupils;
  • the appearance of the skin;
  • features of speech;
  • the smell of alcohol from the mouth.

In the act, it is not allowed to fill in signs consisting of colloquial phrases. The indicated signs must coincide with those prescribed in the law and must have clear and legible definitions.

After identifying the signs, clinical checks follow on the following points:

If the measurements of the exhaled air did not show intoxication, then it will be necessary to take measurements after 20 minutes. Perhaps the subject took alcohol, which was not yet digested by the digestive system and did not reach the lungs. If the secondary check did not show anything, blood and urine tests are prescribed. According to the ratio of these analyzes, conclusions are drawn about intoxication.

It is impossible to draw unambiguous conclusions about the condition of the subject from one test for alcohol in the blood. Symptoms that indicate drinking alcohol:

  • The concentration of alcohol in the blood is less than 0.3%, no ethanol was found in the urine - the subject is sober.
  • A conclusion about mild intoxication is made if the blood contains up to 1%, and a small value is found in the urine, which does not exceed the concentration in the blood.
  • If a value is found within 1-2%, and urine values ​​\u200b\u200bexceed blood values, then a conclusion is made about a severe degree.
  • Blood values ​​are 2-3%, in urine a lower value is an average degree.
  • Exceeding the values ​​indicates severe intoxication and dangerous health consequences.

The totality of all indicators and the described symptoms allow us to judge the intoxication of the subject. The absence of one indicator violates the rules of examination and can be challenged in court.

Refusal to carry out an examination entails the deprivation of rights and the imposition of an administrative fine. In the direction for examination, you must pass all the checks and, if you disagree with the results, undergo repeated procedures in an independent clinic. Symptoms of intoxication established by a police officer are considered a necessary requirement for referral for a medical examination.

Examination by a narcologist

In the clinic, you have the right to demand information about all the devices used during the test. The survey begins no earlier than 20 minutes of drinking alcoholic beverages. After analyzing the breathalyzer readings, the result is transferred to paper and attached to the act. It is necessary to double-check the evidence entered into the act.

The unwillingness to undergo one of the methods for determining alcohol can be perceived as a complete refusal to be examined. The test of exhaled air vapors is completed and the readings are included in the act. If there is no evidence, check the entry of the phrase in the act: “Zero, alcohol was not detected.” Provided there is no ethanol in the air vapor and there are signs of intoxication, the next step is to take blood and pass a urine test.

Are you confident in your sobriety? Then in the near future, no more than 5 hours after the clinic, you need to undergo an independent examination. The verification procedure will be paid, but it will help to prove your innocence in court. Do not forget to pick up all the alcohol test certificates, the identified violations in the preparation of the protocol will help prove the illegality of the measurements.

How to avoid mistakes when measuring alcohol vapors

Consider the situation at the traffic police post using a breathalyzer to test drivers for alcohol. Observe the following points to avoid measurement errors:

  • Before passing the examination for intoxication, you need to check the error of the device and the availability of certificates of permission to use the device for checks. Check the set date and time on the breathalyzer. Breathalyzers must be prepared for use with the mouthpiece inserted. During the control measurement, check the suction of air through the mouthpiece - this will eliminate the tricks of the police to slip the mouthpiece soaked in alcohol.
  • At the place of verification, the presence of two witnesses is obligatory, and their passport data and signatures must be entered in the protocol.
  • Do not test on the device immediately after eating, drinking or smoking. A cigarette smoked can disable the device or show intoxication in a sober person.
  • Check each completed item of the police report. There should be no empty lines and the readings are duplicated in words.
  • If the results are positive, take a copy of the inspection report and printed breathalyzer readings.

The symptoms of intoxication are clearly indicated in the law and are prescribed verbatim in the act of examination for intoxication. Checking the recorded results will help avoid lengthy court proceedings.

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