What are critical days and how to survive them? What do critical days say, or when is it time to go to the gynecologist


Critical days (menstruation) is a cyclic rejection of the endometrium, which is accompanied by the release of blood from the vagina. The first menstruation begins in girls at 11-14 years of age and lasts monthly until the onset of menopause.

Anatomical features

During puberty, the pituitary gland stimulates the ovaries to produce hormones.

Critical days appear with a frequency of 20-35 days. Under the influence of hormones, one of the eggs begins to mature. The maturation process lasts about 14 days, after which ovulation occurs - the release of the egg into the fallopian tube.

Then there are two scenarios for the development of events:

  • the egg is fertilized by the male sperm;
  • not fulfilling its function, the egg dies.

In the second case, the thickened mucosa of the uterus is rejected, which is the beginning of menstruation.

The duration of blood discharge can vary from 2 to 8 days, the first days there are abundant discharges, but then their number decreases. This process is repeated monthly and is interrupted when the egg is fertilized.

During puberty, light red or brown discharge becomes a frequent cause for excitement. At this time, sexual function has not yet improved and such phenomena do not require treatment or intervention.

The absence of menstruation before the onset of puberty, during pregnancy and in the postpartum period is normal. If after 16-17 years menstruation does not occur, this indicates serious developmental disorders.

If menstrual bleeding begins later or earlier than the term, the duration of the cycle is unstable, you should consult a gynecologist.

Frequently asked Questions

Is it possible to have sex on critical days?

Sexual intercourse during menstruation is not prohibited. At this time, girls are more liberated and relaxed, not worrying about a possible pregnancy. On critical days, it is almost impossible to get pregnant. But a large number of couples prefer to avoid such experiments, girls are shy, and guys are squeamish.

According to the recommendations of doctors, it is undesirable to have sex without condoms during menstruation in order to prevent inflammation in the genitals. It is also better to restrain yourself from extreme sensations if the girl has abundant discharge or pain in the lower abdomen, and there are no hygiene products at hand.

Is it possible to go to the solarium on critical days?

There is no single point of view.

Pros: under the influence of heat and ultraviolet rays, physical discomfort is eliminated. Cons: heating the body during a session accelerates the flow of blood in the body, which can provoke increased bleeding. After visiting the solarium, women may notice the resumption of bleeding 2 or 3 days after the end of menstruation. Heat stimulates the growth of bacteria, which can contribute to the development of infection.

Dermatologists note a decrease in melanin in the body during menstruation, so it makes no sense for a woman to visit a solarium. There is no strict ban, but doctors tend to think that it is better to postpone a visit to the solarium until the end of the discharge.

Should I stop exercising during my period?

The answer depends on the task of training and the state of health of the girl. In the absence of gynecological diseases, if you feel good and there is no feeling of weakness, you can not change anything in the training regimen. It is necessary to exclude exercises that use an inverted posture so as not to disturb the energy balance of the body.

If there is a feeling of weakness in the body, you need to change the type of exercise. Instead of strength training, visit yoga or tai chi.

If there are problems in the gynecological sphere, the load on critical days must be excluded.

How long are critical days

In a healthy woman with a regular cycle, menstruation lasts 3-7 days and she loses 50-70 ml of blood. With a disturbed cycle, menstruation may vary, but the maximum duration should not exceed 7 days.

If the discharge is observed for a longer period, it is urgent to contact a gynecologist.

Restoring a normal menstrual cycle

After pregnancy and childbirth, in the postoperative period, the menstrual cycle goes astray.

How quickly a normal cycle is established depends on the method of feeding the child. If a woman is not breastfeeding, then recovery will take 6 to 8 weeks. When breastfeeding, menstruation may be absent for several months or the entire period of breastfeeding.

This is due to the fact that milk is produced under the influence of the hormone prolactin. Prolactin acts on the ovaries, preventing them from maturation and ovulation.

Menstruation after cesarean begins at the same time as during natural childbirth.

Laparoscopy is prescribed for infertility in women whose periods have completely stopped.

Period or menstruation (lat. mensis - month, menstruus - monthly) is a monthly process of cleansing the female body, during which girls bleed from the vagina.

Scientifically, menstruation is the shedding of the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus) and its removal along with blood from the vagina.

Often, when talking, instead of “monthly” you can hear: critical days, cases, monsters, bloody Mary, guests from Krasnodar, guests from Krasnoarmeysk, guests on a red Cossack, days of closed doors, days of the red army, a hedgehog in tomato sauce, a ship gave flow, crimson rivers, friends have come, red days of the calendar, accident, revolution.

The color of menstruation. Blood clots during menstruation

The blood during menstruation in the first days is bright scarlet, at the end it is dark, with a specific smell. If you find lumps and clots in the blood during menstruation - do not be alarmed, these are areas of the inner layer of the uterus - the endometrium, which is released along with the blood. If a woman is not pregnant, the endometrium is constantly updated: the old layer dies off and comes out during menstruation, and a new one grows in its place.

First period (menarche)

The first menstruation is called Menarche. Menstruation begins between the ages of 9 and 16 and indicates the body's ability to become pregnant. Often, the age at which the first menstruation occurs in a girl depends on the age at which her mother's menstruation began, i.e. - established by inheritance.

Signs of the first period can begin a couple of months before the onset. White or mucous discharge becomes more frequent, the lower abdomen pulls a little and the chest aches.

The first menstruation can appear in the form of just a couple of drops of blood, which eventually develop into regular and equal discharges.

Symptoms during menstruation

Before and during menstruation, almost all women experience the same symptoms, only in some they are less pronounced, in others in full:

- pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
- swelling, heaviness and pain of the chest;
- back pain;
- irritability;
- fatigue;
- heaviness in the legs;
— ;
- apathy.

Cycle and duration of menstruation

The cycle of menstruation is the period from the first day of the onset of menstruation to the first day of the onset of the next period. The norm of the monthly cycle is 20-35 days. The duration of menstruation is from 3 to 7 days.

After the first menstruation during the year, the cycle may not be regular, but then it gets better and is clearly repeated every time.

You can track your menstrual cycle using the calendar, simply by marking each day of your period. There are also special applications for PC and smartphones, by installing which you can mark and track your cycle.

In order for women to feel less discomfort during menstruation, scientists have come up with some hygiene products - pads, tampons, and even such a device that I think not everyone knows about yet - a menstrual cup.

Both pads and tampons are classified by the amount of discharge capacity. This capacity is indicated by the number of drops on the package. The more drops, the longer the tampon / pad lasts until the next change.

Of course, it is desirable to have these hygiene items of various capacities. For example, at the beginning and at the end of menstruation, it is better to use a tampon or pad for 2-3 drops, at the height - 4-6.

What to use - pads or tampons, you choose. You can alternate, for example, if you go to the pool, then you can’t do without a tampon, but you can use a pad at night. For some girls, pads create diaper rash, while for others, a huge discomfort from a tampon. Therefore, try and look for the most convenient option for yourself.

As I said, there are also menstrual cups in the world that are reusable. They need to be removed and poured out. True, this is not always convenient.

During menstruation, must be strictly observed. Wash your hands at least 3 times a day, and when changing a pad or tampon, be sure to wash your hands, both before and after contact.

If you put a tampon or a pad on yourself and you suddenly feel very bad, immediately take out this care product, and if you do not feel better, consult a doctor immediately.

What not to do during menstruation

During menstruation, you should refrain from:

- going to the beach or solarium;
- facial cleansing;
- depilation;
- Do not drink alcohol, coffee and spicy food.

All these factors can increase bleeding and increase the duration of menstruation.

When should you see a doctor?

For questions about menstruation, please contact.

You should contact your gynecologist if:

- the first menstruation appeared before 9 years;
- You are already 17 years old, and the first menstruation has not yet appeared;
- menstruation lasts 1-2 days or more than 7 days (period failure);
- the discharge is very scarce (a couple of drops) or very abundant (change the pad or tampon more often than after 2 hours);
- the menstrual cycle lasts less than 20 days or more than 40 days;
- feel severe pain during menstruation;
- when using a tampon, you suddenly began to feel unwell;
- there is bleeding between periods;
- after the cycle settled down, the failure began;
- no periods for a couple of months.

Video: All about menstruation

Menstruation is an important process in the life of every girl, which is a sign of her readiness for reproductive function. Ignorance of the basic norms and possible violations during this period causes stress and excitement in adolescents and adult girls. To understand how many days menstruation is normal, read the information provided.

How do normal critical days in women

It is impossible to specifically answer the question of how many days menstruation lasts. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Within the normal range, the time of menstruation should not exceed 2-8 days. A deviation from this pattern may indicate serious problems. The menstrual cycle should last from 21 to 35 days. The volume of blood and fluid released during critical days is 50-80 ml.

The main signs of the onset of menstruation include:

  1. Changes in skin condition (rash, redness, acne).
  2. Drawing pains in lower back and abdomen.
  3. Breast filling.

How to calculate the duration of the menstrual cycle

Knowing how long your period lasts, you can monitor your health. To make correct calculations, mark on the calendar the date of the first day of menstruation of the current month and the next. The number of days between them will be considered the correct number. Ideally, the cycle should be stable, but a delay of 1-2 days is acceptable and is considered the norm.

How long do girls first periods last?

The first critical days begin in adolescents aged 11-14 years. At this time, the girl will probably feel pain or other discomfort in the lower abdomen. Allocations will be both meager and plentiful. The period of spotting can be delayed for 2-8 days. In this case, the second menstruation sometimes occurs only after 2-3 months, which is considered normal. At this time, a constant cycle is established, which over time will be from 21 to 35 days. After the first menstruation, it is better to see a gynecologist.

How long are periods after childbirth or caesarean

After the conception of the baby, menstruation does not bother the woman all the time of pregnancy. The regular menstrual cycle is restored for everyone at different times. This largely depends on the hormone prolactinoma, which is produced if the baby is breastfed. If you wean the baby early from mother's milk, then the normal work of the ovaries will begin in six months. In some cases, mothers cannot breastfeed their child from birth. Then the critical days will come in 4-10 weeks.

In addition, there are a number of reasons that cause a delay in the beginning of menstruation or their unscheduled start:

  • stress;
  • malnutrition;
  • lack of sleep;
  • various diseases and disorders of the body.

After childbirth, lochia is released from the vagina - blood clots of mucus, which many confuse with critical days. The cause of their appearance is considered to be stretching and then contraction of the uterus. The first days the number of lochias is very large, but after 6-8 weeks the bleeding will stop. If after childbirth and in the absence of breastfeeding, menstruation did not appear, you should consult a doctor.

Why do periods take longer than usual?

A change in the duration of the menstrual period may indicate a number of serious diseases. There are several reasons for this problem. The main ones include:

  • daily stress;
  • climate change;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • alcohol;
  • smoking;
  • malnutrition;
  • great physical activity.

If you are worried about how long your period lasts, you should definitely consult a doctor. Delaying treatment can lead to the following problems:

  • improper functioning of the ovaries (over time, it will develop into infertility);
  • cyst formation;
  • tumors in the organs of the genitourinary system.

What to do in case of violations of the cycle

If there is a failure in the menstrual cycle, this indicates problems in the functioning of the organs of the genitourinary system. The result of such a violation can be serious consequences, so it is better to immediately contact a gynecologist for advice. In addition, sometimes the question of how long menstruation lasts is raised by women when there is an ectopic pregnancy, cysts or tumors. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. To restore the cycle, you need to establish the main causes that could cause the problem:

  • infectious diseases;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • inflammatory processes.

Video: how many days are menstruation normal

Menstruation- this is a very important process that occurs in the body of each of us. Ignorance often makes us worry about trifles or not pay attention to serious problems.


The process of puberty is unique in its essence. For some 5-6 years, the young organism is experiencing a real revolution. The onset of menstruation is the first step on the path to puberty, when a small, fragile girl turns into an adult girl.

What happens at this moment in the body? Brain hormones act on the most sensitive organs - the ovaries, each of which contains about 100-150 thousand immature eggs from the very birth of a girl. The first hormonal signal, acting on the ovaries, causes one of these eggs to mature.

At this time, in the uterus, which received the hormonal signal from the ovaries, the preparation of the mucous membrane takes place. Its thickness increases from 1 to 10 mm, many new blood and lymphatic vessels and glands form in it. It becomes soft, juicy and is nothing more than a potential bed for the future conceived being.

Approximately on the 14th day, after the start of maturation of the egg, ovulation occurs (the release of a mature egg from the ovary into the fallopian tube). There, she either meets with a male spermatozoon and is fertilized, or, without fulfilling her function, dies. In this case, the bed prepared in the uterine cavity is unnecessary; the juicy, thickened mucous membrane is shed and menstruation begins. This process is repeated every month until the mature egg is fertilized, or until the woman begins menopause.

All about menstruation

Menstruation begins at the age of 11-15 years. Every woman has her own age of puberty. It depends on hereditary traits. That is, the girl's menstruation will begin at the same age as her mother, aunt or grandmother. Given the acceleration, menstruation may begin earlier, which does not mean any deviations. If menstruation does not occur after 17 years, then this is a sign of serious developmental disorders.

The length of the menstrual cycle...

Some women are concerned about the irregularity of their menstrual cycle. First, let's be clear. The menstrual cycle is the time from the first day of one menstruation to the first day of the next. Only in 30% of girls menstruation becomes regular very quickly. Others take a year or more. But this does not mean that in a year menstruation will occur exactly after 28 days! The 28-day (so-called lunar) cycle is considered ideal. You understand, our life can hardly be called ideal. Nervous overload, stress, illness, bad ecology, nothing goes unnoticed. All this can cause a delay in menstruation. A normal menstrual cycle is not less than 21 days and not more than 35 days. Within these limits, a difference between cycles of no more than 10 days is acceptable. The remaining cases are deviations from the norm. In this situation, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, as ovarian dysfunction is possible.

Length of menses...

Again, there is no exact figure for all women. 3 to 7 days is considered normal. The first two days are more abundant discharge, the rest of the time, if I may say so, the remnants. If, for a week, you are “lashing like a bucket”, then you need to see a doctor. I want to remind you that if you use such a contraceptive as an intrauterine device, then do not be surprised by more abundant and painful menstruation. In such a situation, this is normal. However, the spiral does not affect the duration of bleeding. It should not last more than 7 days.

The amount of blood lost...

During menstruation, blood loss is negligible. The body compensates for it very quickly. On average, a woman loses 20–50 g of blood per day. Menstrual blood has a specific smell of blood and usually does not clot.

The quality of the discharge...

If you sometimes find blood clots in your menstrual flow, you should not immediately panic. A similar phenomenon occurs due to the fact that the enzymes cannot cope with the abundance of secretions and let through the so-called “unprocessed” blood, which accumulates in the vagina and coagulates there. Clots are also characteristic of women using spirals. In this case, the clots are pieces of a fertilized egg that did not find a "refuge" in the uterus and was washed away by menstrual blood.


Bloody daub, the so-called "stain" at the beginning and at the end of menstruation should not last more than two days.


Another equally important question. Should menstruation be painful? This natural process is accompanied by various, quite explainable phenomena. The hormones already mentioned affect the entire body. Therefore, the chest swells, becomes heavier, there is a feeling of some tension. Some women feel tired, irritable, weak; in others, the pulse and breathing quicken, they are chilly or feverish; the third has heaviness in the legs; in the fourth, the lower back aches or pulls the lower abdomen ... All these are signs of premenstrual syndrome, which each of you has experienced for yourself. From a physiological point of view, you should not pay serious attention to them. However, if these symptoms lead to disability, then you should consult a doctor.

The arrival of menstruation is normal for every woman, but when intermittent periods occur, a woman begins to panic. From how the “red days” pass, one can judge the presence or absence of certain pathologies. For example, representatives of the weaker sex need to see a doctor if menstruation began to come at different times or there is too much or too little blood. Intermittent menstruation is also an alarming signal. This is not a good sign, which may indicate the presence of a serious pathology. But sometimes critical days are interrupted for simple and safe reasons, so you should not panic in advance. You just need to see a doctor, undergo an examination and get the correct diagnosis.

Intermittent periods are very easy to determine. Critical days come as usual, but after a day or two they stop for several days, and then they resume and go on as expected. As for the intervals between the days of menstruation, they can be different. Sometimes a day is enough to recover, but it happens that the gap reaches a week. In any case, a similar symptom always greatly worries women. In order not to speculate about what this signal means, you need to consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

All representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, even those who are not yet familiar with menstruation, should know what they should be like. It is considered normal when the natural female cycle, called the menstrual cycle, takes place over a period of 20 to 35 days. In this case, the duration of bleeding also plays an important role. A normal indicator is when menstruation goes from 3 to 7 days.

If the blood goes less or more, this indicates that not everything is in order in the woman's body. During the period of special days, the body of the representative of the beautiful half of humanity leaves about 100 milliliters of blood. But it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Some lose as much as 50 milliliters, while others have a total of 180. This is the minimum and maximum for the amount of blood leaving the female body every month.

Most often, after the first year of menstruation, stability appears. That is, the menstrual cycle becomes constant, "red days" come at the same time, and the blood comes out in the same amount. This continues until pregnancy occurs. In the process of bearing a child, there are no periods, and after the birth of the first baby, a woman should notice significant changes in her cycle.

But not always the absence or interruption of critical days depends only on pregnancy. Changes can be indicative of a problem. Therefore, if critical days fail, you need to see a doctor. It is impossible to independently determine the pathology, and even more so to get rid of it.

What can cause intermittent menstruation?

If the critical days pass normally, there is no reason to worry. However, women of different ages may notice that their periods are not going the way they used to.

One of the most common reasons that there is a break during menstruation is a serious emotional upheaval and stress.

In this case, we are talking not only about psychological stress, but also physical. For example, such a phenomenon can be felt by a woman who flew from one country to another, with a completely different climate. This very often affects the natural female cycle.

The hormonal background also significantly affects the menstruation. It can change in the presence of certain pathologies, and due to quite normal factors. For example, intermittent critical days can be observed in girls who have recently experienced what menstruation is, as well as in women during the climatic period. At this time, the hormonal background is especially unstable, so various problems can occur with the menstrual cycle. As a rule, experts do not advise correcting this process. Everything should go by itself, and over time, the hormonal background and all the processes that are associated with it will definitely normalize.

A lot in the female body depends on the production of hormones, including how critical days will go. However, it must be borne in mind that the production of the necessary substances is largely influenced by the lifestyle of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. If a woman is constantly exposed to stress, sits on strict diets, abuses alcohol and smokes, she should be prepared for the fact that her hormonal background will fail. This will lead to the fact that the natural cycle will no longer be stable, and menstruation will become intermittent.

But not always the problem can be solved by normal nutrition, healthy rest and giving up bad habits. Often, only a gynecologist or even an oncologist can help in restoring a normal cycle and critical days. Therefore, you should not ignore such a signal. The sooner a woman sees a doctor, the more likely she is to cure the pathology without consequences.

Diseases that lead to intermittent menstruation

It is worth noting that the problem is not always in the pathology of the reproductive system. The brain is also responsible for how menstruation passes. If he sends the wrong signals, this will affect the state of the hormonal background and lead to a failure in menstruation.

Ovarian dysfunction is also a common cause of problems with menstruation. The development of the endometrium depends on this, which then comes out in the form of blood secretions. Therefore, if the ovaries do not perform their functions as expected, this may well lead to a disruption in the release of menstrual blood.

Often, the fair sex, who come with complaints of problems in the menstrual cycle, find a cyst. This pathology is accompanied by sudden uterine bleeding, and the menstruation itself may be interrupted. In addition, the cyst often manifests itself in the form of severe discomfort in the affected area. Abundant discharge and pain during urination may be observed.

One of the most dangerous diagnoses is a tumor. Most often, this pathology affects the ovaries. The neoplasm can be benign or malignant. Depending on this, appropriate treatment will be prescribed. The tumor can affect how the necessary hormones are released. Accordingly, it affects the menstruation.

Endometriosis, that is, excessive growth of the endometrial layer, can also lead to the fact that menstruation will take place with a break of a day or more. Most often, this pathology is accompanied by abundant bleeding on critical days. In this case, it may happen that menstruation will begin very abundantly, then after a few days everything will stop, and after another day the blood will return again. This scenario is typical for endometriosis. In this case, the discharge is always very painful and excessively abundant.

Polyps on the endometrium can also lead to a temporary suspension of blood output, followed by its resumption. Polyps can also be identified by such a sign as bleeding after serious physical exertion and sexual intercourse.

Those who lead an unhealthy lifestyle and exhaust themselves with diets may be familiar with hypomenorrhea. This is not just a disease, but a whole range of symptoms that can be very dangerous for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Hypomenorrhea leads to scanty periods, which are constantly interrupted and not stable. In addition, everything is accompanied by endocrine ailments, severe headache, nervous exhaustion, and sometimes nosebleeds. Such a pathology can lead to infertility.

Uterine fibroids, which are benign neoplasms, can also lead to interruption of menstruation for a day or more. It appears with hormonal imbalance and causes a lot of inconvenience to the fair sex.

How to get rid of intermittent periods?

First you need to establish the cause of the problem, and after that you can talk about how to get rid of it.

If the results of the examination show that the matter is in the disease, the doctor will be able to prescribe the most appropriate treatment, most often hormonal.

In the case when a woman’s wrong lifestyle leads to interruption of critical days and disruption of the natural cycle, then everything depends only on herself. You will have to reconsider your habits and nutrition, devote more time to rest and play sports, but so that the body is not subjected to excessive stress. All this will help to normalize the shattered hormonal background, and menstruation will again take place as it should be.

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