Intrauterine device (IUD) - the principle of operation, types (hormonal, copper), indications and contraindications, what are the best spirals (Mirena, Juno, etc.), what happens after the installation of the spiral, reviews. Intrauterine devices: truth and myths, many reviews

Many girls are interested in how they put the helix into the uterus. The video of this process is widely presented on thematic resources, however, before deciding on this procedure, it is necessary to get to know it in as much detail as possible. This method of contraception is widely used in gynecology. The success rate for preventing unwanted pregnancy is 95-99%, depending on the chosen IUD.

After the installation of the helix into the uterus, fertilization of the egg by the spermatozoon does not occur, since its speed of movement increases and full maturation does not occur. However, if the embryo is still formed, then the product will not allow it to be implanted to the wall of the organ.

Before determining how a spiral is placed in the uterus, it is also necessary to know such a fact. Pregnancy in the presence of a product in the organ cavity is also impossible because the active components from which it is created act derogatoryly on spermatozoa. Male genitals reduce their activity of movements and lose the ability to fertilize. The following photo shows how the spiral looks in the uterus.

T-shaped helix in the uterus. Source:

The most common types of IUDs are:

  1. S-shaped;
  2. T-shaped;
  3. In the form of a ring.

Also, some girls note the appearance of discharge after the procedure. This condition is also considered normal, but provided that the discharge has a natural smell, and there is no admixture of purulent exudate. During the first six months, the biological fluid may periodically appear, but this should not be considered as a symptom of the development of pathology.

A woman should go to the doctor if there is a heavy discharge. As for the menstrual cycle, the contraceptive also affects it, so the duration of menstruation can be lengthened, but after 3-4 months everything stabilizes.

Installation (video)

The intrauterine device to prevent unwanted pregnancy is a reliable method of contraception that is suitable for most women who have given birth. The advantages of this type of contraception:

  • possible long period of use (up to 5-7 years);
  • high efficiency (approaching 100%);
  • cheapness (the average cost of a non-hormonal IUD is 1000 rubles, only the Mirena hormonal coil is expensive, about 10,000);
  • convenience compared to other methods of contraception (no need to remember to take the drug, think about the day of the menstrual cycle, etc.).

What are IUDs and how do they work

In short, it is a hormonal spiral, there is only one such spiral on the Russian pharmaceutical market - Mirena, and non-hormonal ones. These are types of IUDs for protection against pregnancy, they differ both in shape and in the metal that is part of them. But it already remains at the discretion of the doctor.

What does an intrauterine device (IUD) look like, what size is it? The most common is the IUD in the shape of the letter T. Less common in the form of a semi-oval. The second ones are usually slightly smaller, about 2.5 cm, and therefore are recommended mainly for nulliparous women.

What is a spiral from pregnancy already figured out, and how is its action carried out? Usually this is a combination of two actions. Firstly, the spiral, which contains copper, has a detrimental effect on spermatozoa that have entered the uterus. And secondly, even if the sperm cell penetrates further and fertilizes the egg, it will not be able to attach there due to the IUD installed in the uterus. The cycle will end, menstruation will begin.

Installation and removal

Does it hurt to insert a spiral from pregnancy, do you need anesthesia for this - local or general anesthesia? Every woman has her own sensitivity. Much depends on how easy it will be for the doctor to pass through the cervical canal. If it is at least slightly expanded, and this happens in the first days of menstruation, which are just the best for installing an IUD, the pain will be minimal. For women who find the usual gynecological examination painful, the doctor may advise you to drink painkillers shortly before the appointment. And before the procedure, sprinkle lidocaine on the neck.

Such a recommendation would be logical if the IUD is installed in the middle of the cycle. Such a need may arise if a woman has had unprotected intercourse. That is, in this case, the spiral is emergency contraception, it does not allow pregnancy to begin if it is installed no later than five days after intercourse. But then it remains as a regular contraceptive.

However, you should not immediately tune in to pain, many women do not even notice how the spiral is inserted. Only then it can pull the stomach a little, spotting often appears. But this is all temporary. And after 10 days, you can resume sexual activity without fear of becoming pregnant.

Another important question is how much it costs to put a spiral against pregnancy on average. In ordinary antenatal clinics under the policy, this service is free. However, the spiral itself will have to fork out. In paid clinics, installation costs from 500 rubles and more. For the installation of Mirena more, since there are certain subtleties, and the price of the IUD itself is high. This is just in case something goes wrong with the doctor...


The intrauterine device quite reliably protects against pregnancy, but sometimes misunderstandings occur, and conception still occurs. The most likely reason for this is the displacement of the IUD or even its loss. Some women don't notice it at all. To prevent this from happening, you must understand how the pregnancy coil works, and that its action partially or completely stops if the IUD has moved. You can suspect a problem on your own if the tip of the thread from the spiral, which descends into the vagina, has disappeared or become longer. In the first case, perhaps the spiral has already fallen out, and in the second, most likely, it has sunk into the cervix, which is also bad. It is possible to say exactly whether pregnancy with a spiral is possible in your case and what to do next after an ultrasound examination. If the IUD just moved, the doctor will remove it. This can be easily done even if the thread has entered the cervical canal. That is no problem. However, for the future, you need to think carefully - it may make sense not to install a new IUD, but to find another method of contraception, since this one is most likely not suitable.

As for what signs of pregnancy with a spiral appear, they are absolutely similar to those felt by women without an IUD. Delayed menstruation or scanty spotting instead. Blood tests revealed an elevated level of human chorionic gonadotropin. An ultrasound shows a fertilized egg. By the way, before thinking about the topic of pregnancy with a spiral, what to do, you need to make sure that the fetal egg develops in the uterus. Since with an established IUD, an ectopic pregnancy often occurs.

If a fetal egg is found in the uterus, and the woman wants to leave the child, the removal of the spiral during pregnancy is usually not performed. Problems arise if the chorion began to form in the IUD area. This can provoke the threat of spontaneous interruption.

If a woman does not plan to leave the child, she is treated with curettage of the uterine cavity with the simultaneous removal of the IUD. Medical or vacuum abortion is not possible in this case.

Pregnancy after a spiral can occur in the first cycle. And usually it proceeds without threats. Although some doctors recommend refraining from conception for the next 3-4 menstrual cycles, so that the endometrium fully returns to normal after the IUD.
Also, pregnancy should not be planned immediately if there is an inflammatory process in the uterus. You need to heal first.

One of the most common and effective means of female contraception is the intrauterine device (IUD), the principle of which is to prevent conception and attachment of the embryo to the uterus.

The IUD is a device of small size and various shapes made of soft flexible plastic with the addition of metals, usually copper. There are also spirals with silver and gold, which, in addition to preventing unwanted pregnancy, also have a therapeutic anti-inflammatory effect.

The effectiveness of intrauterine devices is 99%. The spiral is a long-term remedy, and women do not need to take care of contraception every day.

The principle of operation of the intrauterine device

The main action of the spirals is to damage the spermatozoa entering the uterus due to a change in the internal environment, which occurs under the action of the metals in the device. The rate of advancement of the released egg also slows down, so it usually enters the uterus already incapable of fertilization. If fertilization nevertheless occurred, due to the presence of a spiral in the uterus, the embryo will not be able to gain a foothold on the wall of the uterus and begin to develop.

Hormonal IUD coils change the composition of cervical mucus, thickening it greatly, which also slows down the progress of spermatozoa. Any type of intrauterine device is a foreign body for the body, and therefore the endometrium lining the uterus usually changes, which can cause complications.

Term of use

The duration of the spiral directly depends on its type and correct installation. So, if the intrauterine device has moved, it will have to be removed ahead of schedule, because in this case there will be no guarantee of a contraceptive effect.

Most spirals are installed for 5 years, but there are types that last 10 or even 15 years, these include spirals with gold, since this metal is not subject to corrosion. When to remove the intrauterine device depends on the woman's health and the correct position of the device inside the uterus.

Intrauterine device insertion and removal

Before inserting an intrauterine device, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will determine the state of health and the possibility of using this type of contraception for a woman. It is the doctor who will choose the right one.

Many women are tormented by the question - is it painful to put an intrauterine device - there is no definite answer to it, since it depends on the characteristics of the internal structure of the reproductive system, and for each woman it is individual. In general, the installation procedure for the spiral is rather unpleasant, but quite tolerable.

Before choosing the type of intrauterine device, the specialist will prescribe tests for the patient. It is on the results of the examination that the decision on the possibility of installing an IUD and its type will depend.

Analyzes and research:

  • complete examination of the genitals;
  • gynecological examination with obligatory sampling of smears for oncocytology and vaginal flora;
  • expansion colposcopy;
  • all blood tests;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Spirals, as a rule, are installed by women with children. For nulliparous, the intrauterine device, as a means of contraception, is usually not used, with the exception of special models. It is dangerous for nulliparous women to install an IUD because it can cause further infertility.

Preparation for the introduction of the IUD of the spiral is the rejection of sexual activity a few days before the procedure. Also, you can not use vaginal suppositories, special sprays, douching and taking pills without the permission of a doctor.

The introduction of the IUD of the spiral is carried out only by a specialist. The procedure is carried out 3-4 days before the start of the next menstruation, since during this period the cervix opens slightly, which greatly facilitates the process of installing the device. In addition, during this period it is already possible to completely exclude a possible pregnancy. How long the intrauterine device is placed in a particular woman is also determined by the doctor, based on the available indications and the results of the examination.

If the specialist correctly installed the intrauterine device, intimate life can be restored after 10 days, during which menstruation should pass. During sexual intercourse, the device is not felt by partners. Allocations after the installation of the intrauterine device are possible in the first months, due to changes in the mucous membrane of the uterus and its attempts to adapt to the introduced foreign body. The discharge is usually spotty and irregular.

After installing the IUD helix, you can not:

  • take medications based on acetylsalicylic acid;
  • during the first 10 days, use tampons and have sex;
  • stay in the open sun for a long time;
  • visit baths, saunas, take hot baths;
  • lift weights and engage in heavy physical labor.

Only a doctor should remove the spiral. The removal is made in the first two days after the onset of menstruation and, if there are no inflammatory processes, the removal practically does not cause pain. If the thread is in the vagina, and the device itself is not damaged, it will not be difficult to remove the coil. In case of destruction of the IUD coil, a hysteroscopy procedure is required to remove it.

Complications and side effects of IUD insertion

Side effects, complications and consequences with an intrauterine device are quite rare, but one way or another they are possible and you should be aware of them. The following symptoms require urgent medical attention:

  • The coil has fallen out of the uterus or has shifted. Sometimes it comes out during menstruation, so it is necessary every month (after menstruation) to check the length of the thread in the vagina.
  • Part of a coil was found in the vagina.
  • There is no IUD thread in the vagina.
  • Profuse bleeding began.
  • Menstruation became irregular or disappeared altogether.
  • During intercourse, a woman experiences severe or cramping pain. This can be caused by various reasons, for example, an ectopic pregnancy, an ingrowth of the coil into the uterine wall, or a rupture of the uterine wall by any part of the installed coil.
  • The temperature has risen, fever begins, and abdominal pain and vaginal discharge have appeared - this can be a symptom of various genital infections.


Contraindications to the installation of an intrauterine device can be not only absolute, but also relative.

Absolute contraindications:

  • suspected or already confirmed pregnancy;
  • any inflammation, chronic or acute processes in the external or internal genital organs;
  • uterine bleeding of unknown cause;
  • a malignant tumor in the reproductive system, confirmed or suspected;
  • any pathology of the cervix;
  • pathological changes in the uterus.

Relative contraindications:

  • previous intrauterine pregnancy;
  • heart defects;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • high risk of having any sexually transmitted infection;
  • irregular or very painful menstruation.

The intrauterine device is considered one of the most reliable and convenient means of contraception. But in order for its use to be accompanied only by the “pluses” of this type of contraception, it is necessary to correctly select and install the device, as well as carefully monitor your condition during the entire period of using the IUD.

Naval Specialist Consultation


What is the Navy?

An intrauterine device (IUD) is a small plastic device inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy. Modern models are made of plastic and contain metal or a drug (copper, silver, gold, or progestin).

What types of intrauterine devices exist?

Modern intrauterine devices are small plastic or plastic-metal devices. Their dimensions reach approximately 3x4 cm. Usually, copper, silver or gold is used to make spirals.

The appearance of most spirals resembles the shape of the letter "T". The T-shaped form of spirals is the most physiological, as it corresponds to the shape of the uterine cavity.

1-27 - variants of spiral shapes. One thing in common is that they all play the role of a “foreign body”.

28 - Lipps loop. Spirals of just this form were common in the USSR. They were produced in three sizes. It was very inconvenient to insert them, since the disposable conductor, which is now attached to each spiral and is made of a transparent polymer, was absent, a metal conductor was used, with which it was difficult to control the insertion process. Therefore, complications such as perforation (perforation) of the uterus occurred more often than at present.

29-32 - T-shaped spirals or "teshki" - modern modifications of metal-containing spirals. 33 - also "teshka". An extremely convenient insertion and removal option. Due to the fact that the "shoulders" are drawn into the conductor, the manipulation is almost painless.

34-36 - multiloads or umbrella spirals. They perform their function perfectly, however, when they are inserted and removed, the cervical canal is often injured. There are also cases of defragmentation (when the "shoulders" come off the rod).

What are the best spirals?

There is no perfect spiral that would suit everyone without exception. This issue is decided by the gynecologist individually for each woman.

How does the Navy work?

The action of the IUD consists of several factors:

  • thickening of cervical mucus (i.e. cervical mucus), which makes it difficult for sperm to enter the uterine cavity;
  • a change in the properties of the endometrium (mucous cavity of the uterus), which makes it unsuitable for the introduction () of the egg;
  • due to the effect of a foreign body, the peristalsis of the fallopian tubes increases, which accelerates the passage of the egg through them, during which time it does not have time to reach the degree of maturity necessary for implantation.
How to use the Navy?

During a short, simple procedure, the doctor inserts an IUD into the uterine cavity.

If you want to make sure that the IUD is in the uterus, you can insert your fingers into the vagina and feel for the plastic threads attached to the IUD.

If pregnancy is desired, you can ask your doctor to remove the IUD. Your ability to conceive will be restored immediately.

What are the advantages of this method of contraception?
  • High efficiency, comparable to the effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives. To some extent, IUDs are more reliable than hormonal pills, since there is no danger of missing pills. When using a spiral on the part of a woman, absolutely no action is required to maintain the contraceptive effect, and, therefore, any possibility of error or accident is excluded.
  • Provides protection from pregnancy for a long time (from 5 to 7 years, depending on the type of IUD).
  • Application is not associated with sexual intercourse.
  • Compared to all other methods of contraception, the intrauterine device is the cheapest contraceptive method. Despite the fact that the cost of one spiral is many times higher than the cost of one package of contraceptive pills or one regular package of condoms, recalculating its cost for 5 years (the usual period of wearing one spiral) shows its undeniable superiority in economic terms.
  • Unlike birth control pills, metal or plastic coils that do not contain hormones have absolutely no general "hormonal" effect on the body, which (in some cases justifiably) many women fear. For this reason, IUDs, which do not contain hormones, are recommended as the primary contraceptive for women over 35 years of age, with active smoking or other conditions that make it impossible to use birth control pills, but require a very high level of protection against unwanted pregnancy.
  • The spiral is not felt at all during intercourse and does not interfere with partners.
What are the disadvantages of the method?
  • Unlike, for example, a condom, the IUD does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Insertion and removal of the IUD is performed only by a doctor.
  • After the installation of the IUD, side effects are possible.
What can be side effects?

The installation of an intrauterine device can lead to some complications, however, not all women who wear the device develop complications. Modern research shows that more than 95% of women who wear the IUD find them to be very good and convenient methods of contraception and are satisfied with their choice.

During or immediately after installation (for all types of coils):

  • Perforation of the uterus (extremely rare);
  • Development of endometritis (very rare).

During the entire period of use of the spiral (for metal-containing or plastic spirals without hormones):

  • Your periods may become more heavy and painful.
  • There may be bloody discharge from the vagina between periods.
  • Women with sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are at greater risk of developing pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • In some cases, expulsion (complete or incomplete prolapse) of the IUD from the uterus is possible.
When is it not possible to install an IUD?

Contraindications for the installation of the spiral are determined by the gynecologist. Only a specialist can determine exactly how safe the installation of a spiral is in your case.

An IUD cannot be installed if:

  • You think you may be pregnant.
  • You have more than one sexual partner.
  • There is an acute form of inflammatory diseases of the cervix or pelvic organs, including STIs.
  • During the last three months, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs were observed.
  • Vaginal bleeding of unknown origin is observed.
  • There is a fast-growing, also, if the myomatous node deforms the uterine cavity.
  • Has cancer of the genitals.
  • There is a severe form of anemia (hemoglobin<90 г/л).
  • There is a high risk of contracting an STI.
How to prepare for the installation of the spiral?

The procedure for inserting an intrauterine device cannot be performed in the presence of any genital infections or other gynecological diseases, therefore, before installing the device, the gynecologist performs a general gynecological examination, taking smears for the degree of purity of the vagina and a smear for oncocytology, in some cases, ultrasound is necessary. research. If any infections or gynecological diseases are detected, the insertion of the IUD is postponed until the cure.

Before installing the coil:

How to behave after the introduction of the spiral?

Within 7-10 days after the installation of the spiral, it is impossible:

  • Have sex;
  • Do douching;

After 7-10 days it is necessary to undergo a control examination.

Be sure to see your doctor early if:

  • Within a few days of having your coil inserted, you develop a fever, very heavy vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, or unusual, foul-smelling vaginal discharge.
  • At any time after the insertion of the coil, you feel the coil in the vagina, notice that the coil has shifted or fallen out, and also if you notice a delay in menstruation by 3-4 weeks.
What is follow-up?

If menstruation has not occurred within 4-6 weeks after the insertion of the IUD, contact the consultation. You should contact the consultation for preventive examination at least once a year, and in case of questions or problems - at any time.

What symptoms should you see a doctor for?

Appeal is required if:

  • You suspect pregnancy.
  • You have heavy vaginal bleeding (more heavy or longer than usual).
  • Are you experiencing severe abdominal pain?
  • pain is felt and bleeding occurs during sexual contact.
  • There are signs of infection, unusual vaginal discharge, chills, fever.
  • You do not feel the IUDs or feel that they are shorter or longer than before.
Will there be any changes in the state of health and the nature of menstruation after the introduction of the IUD?

After installing spirals without hormones, the following changes are possible:

  • Menstruation becomes more painful, somewhat longer and more plentiful than before the installation of the spiral.
  • Spotting bloody discharge from the vagina may be observed, before or after menstruation, sometimes (less often) and in the interval between two periods.
  • In some cases, due to increased menstrual pain and irregular bleeding, women are forced to stop using the coil and remove it before the expiration date.

After installing a spiral with hormones (in particular):

  • Perhaps a significant shortening of menstruation and a decrease in the total amount of bleeding during menstruation.
  • Approximately 20% of women using Mirena experience the complete disappearance of menstruation (amenorrhea). The restoration of menstruation in this case occurs only after the expiration of the spiral and its removal from the uterus. It is reliably known that the disappearance of menstruation in women using Mirena is not associated with inhibition of the ovaries (as when using oral contraceptives), but with the suppression of the development of the uterine mucosa with small doses of hormones.
  • Despite the fact that many women are afraid of the disappearance of menstruation, there is no reason to consider it dangerous to health. Moreover, this effect of hormonal coils may even be beneficial, as it significantly improves a woman's quality of life and is an effective treatment for anemia, which many women have with long and heavy periods. IUD Mirena is just used to treat severe uterine bleeding.
How is an intrauterine device removed?

Removal is usually done after 5-7 years (depending on the modification of the spiral). But at the request of a woman, this can be done at any time. The reason may be the desire to have a pregnancy or the occurrence of any complications.

Before removal, the same examination is performed as before the introduction of the spiral. If necessary, sanitation (improvement) of the vagina is prescribed.

Removal is done by pulling the tendrils of the spiral at a certain angle. In some cases, for example, in the case of wearing a spiral over the prescribed period, the removal has to be carried out in stationary conditions, with anesthesia, by scraping the uterine cavity.

Within 4-5 days after the removal of the spiral, you can not:

  • Have sex;
  • Use vaginal tampons (regular pads can be used);
  • Do douching;
  • Take a bath, visit a sauna or bath (you can take a shower);
  • Engage in heavy physical labor or intense physical exercise.

Removal of the IUD does not cause changes in the menstrual cycle. The exception is the Mirena Navy, when worn, there is no menstruation or poor cyclic spotting. After removal of Mirena, the menstrual cycle usually recovers in about 3-6 months.

Be sure to see your doctor if you develop a fever, very heavy vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, or unusual, foul-smelling vaginal discharge within a few days of removing the coil.

Can I remove the coil myself?

Do not under any circumstances try this!

The coil is removed by pulling on the tendrils, which may break before it is removed. After that, the IUD can be removed only instrumentally and only with penetration into the uterine cavity. In addition, the mustache may break off at the moment the spiral passes through the cervical canal and it will get stuck there. Trust me, it hurts a lot.

To remove the spiral, be sure to consult a gynecologist.

How often should the coil be changed?

Metal-containing coils (for example, copper or gold) can be used for 5-7 years without replacement. Spirals with hormones (for example, Mirena) require replacement every 5 years.

Can I get pregnant if I am wearing an intrauterine device?

The occurrence of pregnancy in women wearing an intrauterine device is extremely rare. The probability of pregnancy in the case of using copper coils is no more than 8 chances out of 1000 during the year. When using spirals with hormones, the chance of getting pregnant is reduced to 1 chance in 1000 within a year.

At the same time, the course of pregnancy is no different from the course of a normal pregnancy, the spiral is located behind the fetal membranes, and during childbirth is born along with the afterbirth. Many women are afraid that the spiral can grow into the child's body. These fears are unfounded, since the child's body is surrounded by and. Pregnant women with a spiral are observed as threatened by.

The risk of pregnancy is greatly increased if the coil shifts or falls out of the uterus. This happens, especially often after menstruation, when the coil can be thrown out of the uterine cavity along with the rejected tissues.

In this regard, all women who wear a coil are advised to check for the presence of a coil in the uterus at least once a month by feeling for the tendrils of the coil in the depths of the vagina. If earlier you felt the antennae of the spiral well, but you can no longer find them, contact your gynecologist, as the spiral may have fallen out and you did not notice it.

How do I know if I'm pregnant while wearing a IUD?
If a while wearing a non-hormonal intrauterine device, there is a delay in menstruation by more than 2-3 weeks, it is necessary to do a home pregnancy test and consult a doctor.
Can a spiral impair the ability to become pregnant in the future?

The contraceptive effect of intrauterine devices is easily reversible and disappears soon after they are removed from the uterine cavity. The probability of pregnancy within 1 year after the removal of the spiral reaches 96%.

Planning for pregnancy is possible as early as the next month after the removal of the intrauterine device.

The issue of contraception is relevant for every woman of childbearing age. Today, there are many effective ways to avoid unwanted pregnancy, among which intrauterine contraceptives are especially popular. When they put a spiral, before or after menstruation - many girls turn to doctors with such a question.

Intrauterine contraceptives have been used since the mid-20s of the last century. Then they were a ring made of an alloy of brass and bronze, to which a small amount of copper was added. In 1960, a safer product made of elastic material appeared.

Modern spirals have a different shape, some of them contain hormonal preparations. The contraceptive effect is achieved by releasing a small amount of them into the cavity of the reproductive organ. In addition, the spiral has a mechanical effect on the inner lining of the uterus, preventing the attachment of the egg after fertilization.

The spiral significantly impedes the advancement of male reproductive cells and weakens them, which prevents pregnancy.

During this time, the cervix is ​​ajar so that the procedure for introducing a contraceptive is the least traumatic and easy to implement. The onset of menstruation is one of the signs that a woman is pregnant, so it is at this time that it is preferable to install a spiral.

Before installing an intrauterine device, an examination should be scheduled to exclude the presence of infections and pathologies associated with the reproductive organs. The standard list of diagnostic procedures looks like this:

  • smears of the cervix and vagina;
  • tests for syphilis, hepatitis and HIV;
  • general urinalysis;
  • tests that detect sexual infections;
  • ultrasound examination of the uterus.

Ultrasound is prescribed not only to make sure that a woman does not have changes that prevent the use of an intrauterine contraceptive. Its purpose is also to make sure that at the time of the installation of the spiral, the woman is not pregnant. To do this, you will have to do a test that determines the level of hCG.

The installation procedure is carried out exclusively in the gynecological office under sterile conditions. The woman sits in a chair with her legs on the holders. Before inserting the spiral, the doctor treats the cervix and vagina with a disinfectant. Additionally, local anesthesia is performed. Usually, a special gel is used for anesthesia, sometimes injections.

Only after that, the doctor, using special tools, slightly opens the cervix, measures the depth, and then introduces the contraceptive into the uterine cavity. The so-called "antennae" up to 2 cm long, the doctor brings out into the vagina. This is done so that the spiral can be removed. During hygiene procedures, a woman should check from time to time whether these “antennae” are in place.

The installation procedure is almost painless. Only sometimes women feel pain that quickly passes. Some ladies experience bouts of dizziness and fainting. But this is an extremely rare phenomenon that passes after a few minutes.

With a spiral in a few days you can have sex. In the first month, until the immune system adapts to the presence of a foreign body, it is better for a woman to refrain from visiting a bathhouse or pool. Strenuous physical activity should also be avoided.

Contraindications to the installation of the IUD

The intrauterine device is a convenient and relatively inexpensive method of contraception. But, like many medications, it has contraindications, in which it is impossible to use it to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The main ones are listed below:

  • cervical dysplasia;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms in the reproductive organs;
  • previous ectopic pregnancy carried by a woman;
  • severe trauma to the cervix during childbirth;
  • blood diseases.

For girls who have never given birth before, doctors usually do not recommend a spiral. They are individually selected other contraceptives.

Spiral after childbirth or abortion

After the appearance of the baby, women try to withstand some "pause" before planning a new pregnancy. And this is understandable - the body needs to get stronger after pregnancy and childbirth, and the family needs to get used to the new rules and routine.

It is believed that in the first months, while there are no periods, and a young mother is breastfeeding, she cannot become pregnant. However, this is not so, and very often a woman finds out that a little man has settled in her womb again, when all the signs of the onset of pregnancy become apparent.

That is why for women who have recently given birth, it is very important to use proper protection. And the best choice during this period is Mirena or another spiral.

You can install it when the uterus becomes normal in size. This occurs approximately 6-12 weeks after the birth of the child, although the placement of the coil immediately after natural childbirth is also practiced. In the event that delivery occurred by caesarean section, the intrauterine device can be installed after 6 months.

According to many practitioners, with whom US researchers also agree, positive results are obtained by inserting a spiral into the uterus immediately after an abortion, regardless of whether it was caused by natural causes (miscarriage) or surgically performed.

If the contraceptive is inserted into the uterus 15-20 minutes after the operation, this minimizes the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy. In addition, there is no need to use anesthetics again and dilate the cervix.

Advantages and disadvantages of the intrauterine device

The spiral is considered a reliable method of protection: its effectiveness reaches 95%. Many women note as a positive factor that with the same spiral you can live up to 5 years, and in some cases even longer. This saves time and money that would have to be spent on purchasing other contraceptives. In addition, intrauterine devices have other advantages:

  • you do not need to strictly follow the schedule of admission, unlike birth control pills;
  • allowed for use by women who are breastfeeding;
  • after extraction from the uterus, you can quickly become pregnant.

Hormone-containing spirals, for example, Mirena, not only prevent pregnancy, but also have an anti-inflammatory effect on the reproductive organs, and prevent endometriosis. In addition, after the installation of the Mirena spiral, menstruation becomes practically painless and less long.

With all the positive aspects, the use of a spiral can sometimes have negative consequences. First of all, this is a restriction that applies to nulliparous girls. It is due to the fact that they have a small uterine cavity, and also too narrow. Because of this, the procedure for placing a contraceptive is more complicated and painful. In rare cases, it ends with perforation of the wall of the reproductive organ.

The spiral is suitable for women who have a permanent sexual partner, as the risk of infectious diseases increases, especially in the first month after the installation of a contraceptive. A foreign body inside the uterus contributes to the rapid spread of infection. With untimely treatment, infertility becomes a consequence of inflammation.

The use of the IUD is associated with regular visits to the gynecologist. First, in order to install it, and then preferably every six months. In addition, a woman has to independently control the antennae, the ends of which are in the vagina. This is necessary to make sure that the spiral does not fall out. To remove the contraceptive, you will again have to go to the doctor.

Can I remove the IUD myself

Some women are interested in whether it is possible to remove the spiral without menstruation or on their own? Experts categorically do not recommend conducting experiments at home. To do this, you need to contact a gynecologist. The extraction procedure should be carried out when menstruation has come (in the first days) under sterile conditions.

With self-removal of the spiral, there is a high risk of damaging the genital mucosa and infecting.

Removal of the IUD by a gynecologist is a virtually painless procedure if there are no inflammatory processes. Before her, the doctor conducts an examination. If the spiral is intact, then it takes it out by pulling on the antennae. If there are no threads in the vagina or the contraceptive has collapsed, microsurgical intervention is used - hysteroscopy.

After removing the spiral from the uterus, the doctor takes a smear from it, which it sends to the laboratory for cytological examination. This procedure is followed in most cases, but it is not required.

Types of Navy

If there are no contraindications, then, after consulting with your doctor, almost every woman can pick up a spiral. Among the devices on the market today are those that are shaped like an umbrella or spiral, an egg and a ring. The materials from which they are made are also different.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the location and structure of the uterus, the doctor will recommend a certain type of spiral to the woman. The first generation S-shaped contraceptives made of polyethylene are practically no longer used. This is due to their low efficiency and frequent cases of arbitrary prolapse from the uterus.

Relatively inexpensive modern copper-based IUDs are very effective. They oxidize the environment in the uterus, so the spermatozoa, getting into it, become less active. Since copper is released quickly, the replacement of such a spiral occurs every 3-5 years.

There are not only copper spirals, but also those that contain silver, platinum and gold. Drug intrauterine systems containing levonorgesterol or progesterone in the leg are especially effective. Every day, a small dose of the hormone is secreted into the uterus.

The most popular among such spirals are Mirena, Levonova and others. They improve the condition of the endometrium and fallopian tubes, have a positive effect if the periods are too heavy and painful. The disadvantages include the appearance of intermenstrual discharge. It is possible to install a Mirena spiral or another containing a hormone for up to 5 years.

The choice of contraceptive should be carried out together with the doctor. He, focusing on whether menstruation is regular, assessing the condition of the genitals, will determine which type of spiral will be optimal.

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