Why does it occur and how to treat an intramural subserous node? Features of intramural uterine fibroids Intramural node in the uterus and pregnancy

The only remedy for fibroids and its prevention recommended by Natalia Shukshina!

As you know, uterine fibroids are classified as benign tumors that develop on the muscular layer of the uterus. Such formations consist of intertwined muscle fibers, taking the form of a ball or knot. Fibroids can grow to unpredictable sizes without causing any pain to the woman. The disease is so widespread among the female population that about 30% of modern women need immediate treatment from the age of forty.

General information about the intramural node

Uterine fibroids are usually divided into five types of possible development of the disease. The intramural node also belongs to one of the subspecies. In other words, intramural uterine myoma is the most common tumor formation that develops from the cells of the uterine myometrium, located in the middle layer. The spread of tumor growth occurs in the thickness of the wall of the organ, without penetrating into the lumen of the uterus.

The severity of the development of intramural fibroids can be subdivided into single and multiple occurrences of tumor nodes. Intramural uterine fibroids mainly begin their development due to an imbalance of sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone), pathologies of the endocrine system (the endocrine system plays an important role in the proper functioning of the female genital area), due to violations of the synthesis of hormones of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and hypothalamus -pituitary system. The size and growth rate of fibroids are directly affected by current inflammatory sexual diseases, abortions or other surgical interventions.

The most common symptomatic manifestations for intramural uterine fibroids are:

  1. An increase in the duration of the menstrual period, a noticeable increase in the amount of outgoing bloody discharge, the appearance of blood clots is possible.
  2. Significant discomfort during menstruation, pursued by severe pain and pressure in the abdomen in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe uterus.
  3. The ongoing presence of soreness in the lower abdomen, passing to the lower back or lower limbs.
  4. Abundant bleeding is accompanied by general weakness, pallor of the skin, all signs of anemia appear.
  5. Bladder malfunctions may occur. Everything happens because of his squeezing. The patient begins to worry about frequent urge to urinate.
  6. The disease greatly affects infertility and the inability to bear a fetus.
  7. Failure of the outflow of lymph, thereby forming stagnation of the lymph of the lower extremities.
  8. Chair problems.

Important are:

  • timely treatment of diseases of the reproductive system, including sexually transmitted infections;
  • correction of the hormonal background in case of its violations;
  • use of contraception to prevent abortion;
  • regular sex life.

How is the diagnosis of intramural nodes of the organ of the female reproductive system.

To detect the disease, resort to the two most effective methods:

  1. Ultrasound examination of organs located in the small pelvis.
  2. Magnetic resonance imaging.

Using the first method, in the presence of intramural uterine fibroids, specialists observe a round-shaped tumor with reduced echogenicity. The second method helps to conduct a differential diagnosis of a progressive disease.

Possible treatment plan for intramural nodes

If intramural uterine fibroids do not bring the patient any pain anxieties and other discomfort, specialists use expectant tactics. This tactic involves regular visits to the woman for scheduled check-ups to prevent deterioration in overall health.

Some cases of the development of the disease require immediate action. One of these areas in the treatment of intramural nodes is surgery. Depending on where exactly the pathological formation is localized, the method of performing the operation will be chosen. During the examination, the surgeon will decide which equipment is best to remove the nodes. In such cases, endoscopic equipment with a laparoscope is always used. Modern tools allow:

  1. Avoid wide abdominal incisions.
  2. Penetrate into the uterine cavity through the cervical canal.

Modern operations save a woman from radical removal of the uterus along with intramural nodes. Women after such operations do not go through a long recovery period, the possibility of getting an infection of the body from the external environment or through the negligence of medical personnel decreases several times. All operated patients of any age period satisfactorily endured such operations due to the low degree of trauma of the surgical process.

Uterine artery embolization can also be attributed to a progressive method of curing myomatous nodes. The method consists in carrying out obliteration of the uterine arteries through the femoral artery. Such manipulations make it possible to completely block the access of blood to the nodes, which leads to the replacement of intramural fibroids with connective tissue fibers. Ultrasonic waves also help to kill fibroid tissue under the influence of circulatory disorders. This method is not surgical, the impact of waves is carried out through the surface of the abdominal cavity.

Therapy with medication

Treatment is carried out with the appointment of certain drugs, with the help of which the metabolism of hormones is enhanced, and the growth of intramural nodes is blocked.

Therapy with physiotherapy treatment

This type of treatment is used to prevent recurrence after removal of intramural fibroids. Electrophoresis and magnetotherapy are widely used here.

If you are prescribed any treatment plan, try to stick to it and not violate the doctor's recommendations. Avoid the scorching sun, do not allow the skin to burn both under direct sunlight and in a solarium. Also, for the duration of treatment, it is advisable to refuse to visit the bath or sauna. Do not take hormonal pills not prescribed by a doctor.

Some women are prohibited from using sanitary tampons and safety coils to prevent unwanted pregnancies. It is necessary to observe a complete and balanced diet, increase fiber intake, fight excess weight. A set of physical exercises to combat excess weight should be developed competently, without increased stress, you can do yoga.

Seek help in a timely manner. The main thing to remember is that modern medicine allows you to fight diseases of the female genital organs without removing the uterus. For the timely detection of intramural uterine fibroids, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist once every six months, even in the absence of complaints.

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Intramural fibroids are the most common of all types of fibromyomas, formed as a result of the replacement of normal muscle tissue with fibrous or connective tissue. The development of fibroids depends on the content of estrogens in the body.

Fibroids usually have the form of nodes, but diffuse growths without defined contours also occur. Diagnosis of intramural fibroids is not difficult due to the increase in the uterus, dysuric disorders and defecation disorders. The diagnosis can be confirmed by ultrasound, dopplerography or hysteroscopy.

Factors contributing to the appearance of the disease:

  • Burdened heredity;
  • Menstrual irregularities;
  • Frequent abortions;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system;
  • Overweight;
  • Bad habits;
  • stress;
  • Climax;
  • Exchange diseases.

This video shows the surgical treatment of fibroids in 3 format:

Symptoms of the disease

Most intramural fibroids are asymptomatic until the myoma nodes reach a significant size, at which they cause compression of neighboring organs. In the future, the symptoms of the disease are caused by deformation of the uterine cavity. When it appears pain in the lower abdomen, heavy and prolonged menstruation, infertility, bleeding.

Complications of the disease include tumor necrosis and significant compression of adjacent organs with impaired function. This requires emergency hospitalization with urgent surgical intervention.

Types of myomatous nodes:

  • Interstitial. Characterized by a uniform increase in the uterus due to multiple myomatous nodes in the muscles of the uterus and heavy menstruation.
  • Subserous. They differ in the erased symptoms of the disease and are not detected for a long time. Fibroids form on the outside of the uterus and can affect the pelvic area.
  • Submucosal. The nodes are localized under the endometrium and are accompanied by intense pain. The uterus is rapidly increasing in size. The excretory systems of the body suffer.
  • Intramural. Multiple myomatous nodes affect the middle layer of muscles. Among the symptoms of the disease, there is a violation of the menstrual cycle, an increase in the uterus as during pregnancy, and pain in the lower abdomen.

Surgical excision

If a woman with a small intramural fibroids located in the wall of the uterus is planning a pregnancy in the near future, then such fibroids are simply controlled by recommending a visit to the doctor once every 6 months. If pregnancy occurs against the background of a similar fibroid, then most likely it will proceed normally, and the fibroid will decrease in size. Myomatous nodes, rapidly increasing in size, are subject to surgical removal. In this case, young women undergo organ-preserving operations. In this case, only the fibroid is removed.

In the presence of an intramural node with a size of "up to 12 weeks of pregnancy" located outside, laparoscopic removal of the tumor should be performed. A laparoscope is a device that allows, with minimal invasive intervention (3-4 punctures), by introducing special instruments through the minimum holes, to remove the tumor. The operation is carried out under video control.

With a tumor growing inside the uterus, hysteroscopy is performed - an operation in which a probe with special equipment is inserted into the uterus through the genital tract and the tumor is also excised under visual control.

Important! It is not possible to remove large myomatous nodes by laparoscopic and hysteroscopic methods, therefore, with such tumors, a different treatment tactic is performed.

In this case, hormonal therapy is prescribed, and after the tumor is reduced in size, sparing surgical intervention is performed. In some cases, however, there is still a need for laparotomy - a conventional surgical intervention with a large incision under general anesthesia. After such an operation, performed by a qualified specialist, a woman subsequently has the opportunity to plan a pregnancy and successfully bear a child. Delivery after such an operation in the vast majority of cases is carried out by caesarean section.

Indications for the operation:

  • Progression of the myomatous node;
  • Malnutrition of fibroids associated with torsion of the leg;
  • Large size of fibroids (more than 14-16 weeks of pregnancy);
  • Softening education;
  • hormone therapy;
  • Exhausting bleeding leading to anemia;
  • Squeezing and disruption of adjacent organs;
  • Malignant degeneration of fibroids.

Hormonal therapy for intramural fibroids

Not all types of fibroids can be reduced with hormonal treatment. But doctors sometimes prescribe this type of therapy, especially for young patients. Its course is long and reaches 7-8 months.

Usually, with such therapy, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Androgen group drugs - drugs that reduce the activity of estrogens. The course of treatment is 7-8 months.
  • Preparations of the group of gestagens - are effective for small sizes of myomatous nodes.
  • Combined preparations - used for fibroids no more than 2 cm. The course of treatment is 3-6 months.
  • - stabilizes the hormonal balance of the body and provides contraception. Set for up to 5 years.

Progressive surgical method of fibroids removal

FUS - ablation evaporates the node, acting on it with the help of ultrasound, while nearby tissues remain intact.

Benefits of the procedure:

Painless and no blood loss. Good results with large fibroids. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and without anesthesia. Nodes are reduced by 2-3 times. Normal tissues are not affected. No relapses or scars.

In addition, the method of embolization of the uterine arteries has recently been successfully used, which prevents the nutrition of the tumor and its regression.


Pregnancy may well occur and develop normally in the presence of intramural fibroids. But sometimes the increased content of estrogen and the cervical localization of the nodes can lead to miscarriage.

Of great importance during pregnancy is the location of the myomatous node. If the attachment of the fetal egg occurs on the unchanged mucosa and the fibroids are no more than 3-4 cm, then the pregnancy will proceed without any features and delivery will occur naturally. During pregnancy, myomatous nodes, as a rule, become smaller or completely disappear; after childbirth, the nodes, according to observations, return to their previous size.

The location of the placenta near the node can lead to intrauterine growth retardation, premature birth or abortion, and infection of the fetus. During pregnancy, with the growth of the fetus, the blood supply to the tumor is disrupted, which leads to increased tone and pain. Implantation of a fetal egg near the tumor can contribute to placental abruption, missed pregnancy, or miscarriage. Patients with this disease should be regularly examined (ultrasound of the placenta and node), as well as adhere to the regime of work and rest, for this it is necessary to register with the antenatal clinic as soon as possible so that he can determine the tactics of pregnancy and delivery, and also give necessary recommendations.

The disease significantly complicates the course of childbirth, mainly delivery is by caesarean section. Small intramural or subserous neoplasms are not an obstacle to natural childbirth.

Indications for operative delivery may be:

Localization of nodes that interferes with the opening of the cervix and the advancement of the fetus. Myoma more than 10 cm or multiple nodes. Possible necrosis or degeneration of fibroids. Scar on the uterus in combination with myoma. Myoma malnutrition.

During childbirth, complications may also appear that require immediate delivery: fetal hypoxia, premature outflow of water, impaired contractile activity and anomalies of placental attachment or concomitant diseases.

Alternative methods of treating the disease

Treatment of intramural fibroids with celandine is a method proven over the years of use. This medicinal plant contains biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect on many body systems. However, it should be remembered that celandine is a poisonous plant and uncontrolled use in large quantities can harm the body.

Pay attention! It is best to use preparations from celandine for the treatment of intramural pain in a complex way - inside and locally.

To make candles, you need to take 150 ml of celandine herb extract and 50-75 grams of beeswax.

Stages of making candles from:

  1. To prepare the extract, take a kilogram of chopped celandine grass, pour half a liter of water and boil in a water bath until a volume of 150 ml is reached.
  2. Introduce pre-strained celandine extract into melted wax. Simmer in a water bath, stirring until a homogeneous composition of the desired consistency is obtained. Pour into oblong shapes or form candles by hand.

You can also use the pharmacy version of candles. Apply a suppository at night vaginally or rectally for 2 weeks.

To prepare an infusion of celandine for internal use, it is necessary to tightly place chopped celandine in a clean glass jar with a capacity of 0.5 liters and pour vodka. The remedy should be infused for a month in a dark, cool place until ready.

Scheme of taking drops of celandine inside:

  1. You should start with 2 drops of the product, and then increase the intake by 1 drop daily.
  2. Having reached 20 drops, stop taking it for a period of 19 days, and then resume it, bringing it up to 40 drops in this way. After that, you should start a consistent decrease in the number of drops by 1 drop per day.
  3. Gradually reducing, bring up to 10 drops of the product and take a monthly break again.
  4. After a month, bring the drug intake consistently to 60 drops and reduce to 2.

  1. 50 grams of boron uterus leaves insist on 0.5 liters of vodka for 2 weeks.
  2. Take orally before meals 40 drops three times a day.

Recipe to stop bleeding:

Take fresh carrot tops, cut and pour boiling water (for 2 presses of carrot tops, a liter of boiling water is taken). Infuse for 0.5 hours and take as tea until the bleeding stops.

Treatment of myoma nodes with tincture of calendula

You can also treat a small uterine fibroid with a pharmacy tincture of calendula:

To do this, dilute the tincture with boiled water in a ratio of 1:10. Douche at night the vagina with a warm solution.

Note! Treatment of fibroids with folk remedies is effective only in the initial stages of the development of the disease and small myoma nodes.

Prevention of occurrence

Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of itramural fibroids include:

Adequate contraception to avoid unintended pregnancy and consequent abortion. Correction of disorders of the endocrine system. Timely treatment of common chronic diseases. Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, the presence of a permanent sexual partner. Exclusion of bad habits. Regular medical supervision during menopause. An active lifestyle to avoid congestion in the pelvis. Timely treatment of inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system.

Only an attentive attitude to one's own health, regular physical examination and a healthy lifestyle can prevent the appearance of myomatous nodes. And if the disease could not be prevented, then one should not run it to the point where a complex operation under general anesthesia is required, but manage with a minimally invasive intervention. To do this, a woman should always be aware of her state of health and modern methods of treating gynecological diseases.

What to do if you have a fibroid, cyst, endometriosis or other disease?

  • Are you experiencing sudden abdominal pain...
  • And long and painful periods are already rather tired ...
  • And the recommended medicines for some reason are not effective in your case ...
  • In addition, constant weakness and ailments have already firmly entered your life ...
  • Now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity...
An effective treatment for uterine fibroids exists. Follow the link and find out what the woman who cured uterine fibroids recommends to you - after the doctors did not help her ... ..

Intramural myomatous node or interstitial uterine myoma is considered the most common tumor (more than 60%) diagnosed in women of late reproductive and premenopausal age, resulting from atypical division of smooth muscle cells of the myometrium. Depending on the factors provoking the appearance of this pathology, treatment methods are determined: from expectant management to surgical intervention using minimally invasive technologies.

Causes of the appearance of an intramural node

Modern medicine does not have a 100% evidence base why women have an intramural node in the uterus. However, ongoing studies indicate a hormone-dependent origin of this pathology. This theory is clearly supported by the following facts:

  • the appearance of fibroids during the period of the highest level of estrogen, characteristic of the reproductive age, and its self-destruction after menopause;
  • the presence in benign formation of receptors for sex hormones.

In addition to the influence of hormones, provoking factors for atypical division of smooth muscle cells are also:

  • violation of the menstrual cycle (early menstruation, heavy blood loss);
  • surgical intervention in the organs of the reproductive sphere (abortion, curettage of the uterus, and others);
  • spontaneous miscarriages;
  • chronic inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • unrealized reproductive function;
  • short period of breastfeeding (less than 6 months);
  • excess body weight;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • transferred stress;
  • irrational use of contraceptives and other hormonal drugs;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • genetic factor.

Symptoms of a developing pathology

The myomatous node is presented in the form of intertwining smooth muscle fibers, it can be either a single element or multiple. Depending on the location of the myomatous node, it is classified by type:

  • interstitial node (intramural) - localized directly in the muscular layer of the uterus and is the most common form of fibroids;
  • subserous myomatous node (subperitoneal) is most often presented in the form of multiple elements growing from a wide base or on a thin stalk outside the uterus;
  • submucosal node (submucosal fibroids) - grows into the uterine cavity, deforming it;
  • the interligamentous node (intraligamentary uterine fibroids) grows in the direction of the abdominal cavity, gradually exfoliating the leaves of the wide uterine ligament.

Unlike the subserous node, the intramural node is more difficult to diagnose early. Abundant spotting, as the main symptom of pathology, women often attribute to menstrual disordersassociated with hormonal changes in the body or inflammation.

It is difficult to determine the presence of an interstitial myomatous node without ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging if the disease is just developing. With the instrumental method of examining the pelvic organs (ultrasound), you can detect round foci in the muscular layer of the uterus, which are characterized by reduced echogenicity. By determining the direction of growth of the interstitial node, it is possible to predict the appearance of others (submucosal and subserous) in the future. Today, ultrasound tomographs are more often used, with which you can get a clearer three-dimensional image.

Making a choice in favor of a minimally invasive method, they often resort to diagnostic laparoscopy (for example, if the myomatous node is along the back wall). Such a diagnosis is also necessary in case of a difficult diagnosis, when a tumor is suspected in the abdominal cavity or in the retroperitoneal space.

At the time of the diagnostic study, the doctor may make a diagnosis such as fibromyoma, leiomyoma or myoma. In fact, this is the same thing, since there are no significant differences in the methods of treatment.

A woman may suspect an intramural (interstitial) node if she has the following symptoms:

  • heavy menstruation;
  • intermenstrual spotting;
  • pains of varying intensity in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lumbar region and intestines;
  • persistent pain in the pelvic area;
  • anemia associated with blood loss;
  • violation of urination and defecation with a large size of the node.

Severe pain and heavy menstrual flow is a signal for seeking emergency medical care in order to avoid uterine bleeding and associated dangerous conditions.

Neglecting regular preventive examinations and consultations with a gynecologist during exciting moments, a woman increases the risk of irreparable consequences.

Treatment Methods

The tactics of treating this pathology depends on the cause of its occurrence, the stage of the disease, and the resistance of the organism. In some cases, they resort to expectant tactics in order to determine the dynamics and select an effective treatment regimen. However, this approach is possible in the initial stage of the disease or in the absence of any symptoms, despite the diagnosis made during a preventive examination. Do not forget that myoma nodes, even of small size, are a disease that cannot be ignored. The waiting method is not shared by all doctors, so this is a controversial issue, which is desirable to discuss with several specialized specialists.

When determining the tactics of treatment, each doctor tries to use a minimally invasive method in order to preserve the childbearing function. Careful examination and gentle therapy are subject to women of reproductive age who are planning a pregnancy in the future. It depends on the qualifications of the doctor and the skillfully selected method of treatment whether a woman can feel the joy of motherhood at the desired time.

Today, the treatment (removal) of myomatous nodes is carried out according to the following methods.

Type of treatmentIndicationsWhat is the methodology based on?AdvantagesFlaws
Laparoscopic enucleation of interstitial fibroidsUterine fibroids complicated by infertility; recurrent miscarriage, persistent spotting or painExfoliation of the myomatous node during laparoscopy, followed by its extraction with a morcellator, coagulation of the bed and treatment of the abdominal cavity with an antiseptic solutionLess traumatic and less painful method; the most acceptable option for removing intramural nodes up to 5 cm in sizeContraindicated in the presence of cardiovascular, endocrine diseases, problems with blood clotting; does not provide for the removal of neoplasms exceeding 10 cm; not suitable for removal of myoma nodes located deep
Laparotomy removal of intramural myoma nodesRemoval of large or multiple fibroids when laparoscopy is not possibleAbdominal incision to access internal organsThe optimal option for the treatment of deeply located multiple myoma nodes exceeding 10 cm leaves a reliable postoperative sutureLong recovery period, scar formation on the uterus
Hysteroscopic myomectomyIntramural-submucosal nodes, most of which protrude into the uterine cavityRemoval of the node through the vagina during hysteroscopy without incision of the uterusAn effective method for the treatment of submucosal and submucosal-intramural fibroids; no scar on uterusNot every intramural node is available for removal during hysteroscopy
Embolization of the uterine arteriesInterstitial multiple fibroids in a woman planning a pregnancyBlocking the blood flow of the arteries feeding the fibroids by introducing emboli through the femoral arteryA modern minimally invasive method that does not require long-term hospitalization, the use of anesthesia; does not leave a scar on the uterusThe method is ineffective in advanced stages of the disease; painful recovery period
Focused ultrasound ablationAn alternative to surgery when it is required to preserve reproductive function; preparation for transcervical myomectomyTreatment of uterine fibroids with focused ultrasound, leading to thermal necrosis of the affected area, followed by the formation of a crust that falls off during tissue regenerationAn effective variant of the treatment of uterine fibroids, which acts only in the affected area, does not require anesthesia and surgical interventionNot suitable for the treatment of a myomatous node if it is located on the back wall of the uterus; often relapse
Conservative therapyTreatment of fibroids at an early stage of the disease, preparation for surgery, prevention of recurrenceProvides for the use of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists with a pronounced antiestrogenic effect and other hormonal agentsAn acceptable option in combination with expectant management when there are no pronounced clinical symptoms of the diseaseHormone therapy is not effective in the rapid course of the disease; the development of complications, the size of the node is more than 3 cm

Influence of the intramural node on reproductive function

In view of the fact that modern women are increasingly postponing the birth of children in the late reproductive period, wanting to make a successful career, such a diagnosis is not at all uncommon. A sharp change in the hormonal background, the presence of systemic diseases, surgery and neglect of preventive examinations contribute to the appearance of myoma nodes when a woman wants to realize her childbearing function.

If a woman wants to become pregnant, then uterine fibroids must be cured long before the date of the planned conception. The presence of an intramural node not only prevents the advancement of spermatozoa, but also disrupts the ovulation process as a whole.

Large myoma nodes can forever deprive a woman of the joy of motherhood. The unpleasant consequences of a disease diagnosed during pregnancy include:

  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • deformation of the uterine cavity;
  • violation of blood circulation in the uterine cavity;
  • premature detachment of the placenta;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • necrosis of the node tissue;
  • the appearance of cysts;
  • tissue swelling;
  • anomalies of intrauterine development of the fetus;
  • the threat of termination of pregnancy at any time;
  • protracted birth.

During pregnancy, the treatment of fibroids is limited only to the intake of iron-containing drugs that prevent the appearance of anemia, diet correction, vitamin therapy (emphasis on folic acid). Hormone therapy with hormonal agents is carried out after childbirth. If during the diagnostic examination a deformity of the uterine body or an abnormal position of the fetus is detected, doctors prescribe delivery by caesarean section.

It is not always possible to prevent the appearance of an intramural node, however, following preventive measures will reduce the risk. Timely diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the reproductive organs, the absence of injuries, stressful situations, correction of the daily regimen and nutrition, rational use of contraceptives contribute to the preservation of reproductive function in the future.

Hormonal changes in women of childbearing age lead to the development of hyperplastic processes of the genital organs. They can be benign and malignant.

According to statistics, 30% of women over 35 experience uterine fibroids, and the percentage of asymptomatic development of the disease is even higher. Its development cannot always be prevented, but it is possible to reduce the likelihood of occurrence.

Intramural myoma is a benign proliferation of smooth muscle cells of the uterus, the name is determined by the location of the nodes - in the thickness of the myometrium. In contrast, submucosal nodes grow under the mucous membrane, the endometrium, and subserous nodes are located closer to the outer surface of the uterus.

About the organ

The uterus is an unpaired muscular organ, it is designed for bearing and giving birth to children. The inner epithelial layer creates the conditions for the attachment of a fertilized egg and the development of the embryo.

The muscular wall is formed by three layers of cells, which are located in three directions - outside and inside longitudinally, and between them - in a circular way. Their contraction during childbirth pushes the baby out.

The reasons

Unfavorable factors affect smooth muscle cells, damaging them. This leads to the appearance of nodes consisting of myocytes and connective tissue cells.

The most likely causes of intramural fibroids are:

    Hormonal changes with a predominance of high levels of estrogen. This hormone causes an increased division of uterine cells, its effect can manifest itself in the form of an increase in the mucous layer, then they talk about endometrial hyperplasia.

    If the myometrium is affected to a greater extent, then nodes are formed. A decrease in estrogen levels during menopause leads to the regression of fibroids.

  1. Traumatic manipulations with the uterus- abortions, curettage, difficult childbirth, surgical interventions. There are proliferating (young) cells in the muscle layer, their damage during gross manipulations causes a gradual accumulation of such myocytes. Hormonal shifts that necessarily accompany abortions, childbirth, enhance the process of formation of nodes.
  2. Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the uterus- endometritis, genital infections. Inflammation is accompanied by tissue edema, exit from the bloodstream of the liquid part of the blood, which leads to compression of microvessels and ischemia. The damaging factor in this case is directly infection and oxygen starvation of tissues.
  3. Diseases of the endocrine organs- Diabetes mellitus, damage to the thyroid gland, affect the overall level of hormones. Obesity always leads to an imbalance of sex hormones. This is due to the hormonal activity of adipose tissue and its ability to increase the synthesis of estrogens.

    Diabetes and hypothyroidism in most cases are accompanied by weight gain.

  4. Irregular sex life after 30 years, a sedentary lifestyle leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvis, which contributes to myometrial hyperplasia.
  5. Stress and bad habits in women, they can cause fluctuations in hormones and increase the risk of developing fibroids.
  6. The occurrence of fibroids in relatives speaks in favor of a possible hereditary predisposition to the disease.


In half of the cases, fibroids are asymptomatic. Symptoms become noticeable when squeezing neighboring organs, when the uterus increases in size due to large nodes. Some signs appear due to deformation of the organ. Symptoms:

  1. Abundant and prolonged menstruation are associated with a change in the shape of the inner surface of the uterus, worsening of endometrial rejection and its possible hyperplasia.
  2. Bleeding between periods are also associated with high levels of estrogen and hyperplastic processes in the mucous membrane.
  3. Painful menstrual bleeding due to difficulty in separating the endometrium.
  4. Lower abdominal pain occurs when there is a violation of blood flow in the nodes due to compression of the supply vessels.
  5. Excessive blood loss causes anemia, which is accompanied by dizziness, increased heart rate.
  6. Large fibroids compress neighboring organs- the bladder and rectum, which leads to a disorder of urination and defecation.
  7. Malnutrition of a large fibroid causes its necrosis. This is accompanied by severe pain, fever, intoxication, secretions from the genital tract of blood clots.
  8. Infertility, miscarriages, bleeding during pregnancy and after childbirth a consequence of a change in the shape of the uterus, a violation of hormonal regulation.

Clinical picture

The formation of myoma nodes occurs under the influence of a cyclic increase in hormone levels. Presumably, with each menstrual cycle, the accumulation of damaged myocytes occurs, in which the mechanism of apoptosis, programmed death upon damage, is impaired.

The impact of damaging factors exacerbates the process. But in the early stages, for the growth of fibroids, exposure to the usual concentration of estrogens, which fluctuates throughout the cycle, is sufficient.

Gradually, self-sustaining growth mechanisms are formed in the pathological focus - the connective tissue begins to synthesize estrogen from androgens, the level of hormones in the blood ceases to matter. The rate of development of self-regulation determines the nature of growth - the pathological focus will increase quickly or slowly, or at a certain stage it will stop increasing.

Small nodes may not manifest themselves for a long time and are detected by pelvic ultrasound by accident. Larger and multiple formations are accompanied by severe symptoms and make you turn to a doctor with complaints. Refusal of the woman from the necessary treatment leads to further growth of fibroids.

Surrounding organs are compressed, the size of the abdomen increases. Frequent heavy bleeding bleeds, leading to the development of anemia, sometimes severe. Sometimes such conditions require emergency measures to remove the uterus and blood transfusion.

Depriving the uterus of hormonal stimuli leads to regression of the nodes. This can be achieved by taking hormonal drugs or over time with the onset of menopause.


The following diagnostic methods are used:

  • Fibroids can be detected when examining a gynecologist. The doctor will note the compaction of the uterus, a change in its shape, size, the appearance of tuberosity. With the help of gynecological mirrors, intramural fibroids cannot be seen. But by the displacement of the cervix, one can assume its presence.
  • Hysteroscopy- examination of the uterine cavity with a special sensor from the inside allows you to visually assess the condition of the node.
  • MRI and CT- X-ray methods, produce a series of layered images. MRI is more sensitive to soft tissues, displays nodes of minimal size, clarifies their localization, location relative to neighboring organs.
  • Informative pelvic ultrasound, it detects even small nodes that require further regular monitoring.

In this video you can see what the node looks like on ultrasound:


Treatment aims to eliminate the symptoms of fibroids associated with bleeding and pressure on neighboring organs, while maintaining the organ and reproductive function. Indications for conservative therapy:

  • small size of fibroids (up to 12 weeks of pregnancy);
  • single nodes (no more than 1-2);
  • slow growth of the focus;
  • intramural localization of fibroids;
  • no pain and no heavy bleeding.

hormone therapy

The choice of drug for treatment is always individual. The following groups are used:

  • Gestagens. Natural hormone of the second phase of the menstrual cycle, lowers estrogen levels. For treatment, progesterone or Dufaston is used, which can be used even during pregnancy. The Mirena intrauterine device is also effective against fibroids.
  • Antiprogestogen drug Mefipristone apply twice per cycle for small knots.
  • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists reduce the concentration of estrogens, which leads to a decrease in the node.
  • Tamoxifen- selective estrogen receptor modulator has an antiestrogenic effect.
  • Antiandrogenic drugs (Danazol) by reducing androgens, they affect gonadotropins, which inhibits the growth of the node.
  • Combined oral contraceptives help in the treatment of small nodes up to 2 cm in diameter.

Other medicines

Other drugs are used to relieve the symptoms and effects of fibroids:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs needed to relieve pain. Analgin, Nimesulide, Meloxicam, Ketorolac are effective.
  • Iron preparations needed to treat anemia. Apply Sorbifer, Maltofer, Totem.
  • Hemostatic agents are needed for heavy bleeding, Etamzilat is effective in injections or tablets.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine cannot be used as an independent method of treatment. It is used after consultation with the doctor as an additional supportive therapy:

  • 4 teaspoons flax seed brew 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes. Take for 2 weeks half a cup three times a day before meals.
  • Freshly squeezed potato juice 100 g is taken on an empty stomach for 3 months.
  • Motherwort tincture drink 30 drops twice a day for a month.
  • A decoction of a mixture of nettle, burdock, barberry, yarrow, cloves, shepherd's purse has a hemostatic effect.

FUS ablation

Focused ultrasound - the destruction of fibroids in a non-invasive way using ultrasound under the control of MRI is performed as follows:

  1. Before the procedure, an examination is carried out to determine the location, size of the nodes. It is impossible to use the method with submucosal and subserous nodes on the leg or sizes of more than 500 cm3.
  2. The distance to nodes is calculated.
  3. Appropriate hardware settings are made.
  4. Under the control of the MTP, ultrasound affects the node. Anesthesia and anesthesia are not needed at this stage.
  5. After the procedure, analgesics are prescribed.


Surgical treatment is possible radical - removal of the organ, conservative plastic - myomectomy.


The removal of the uterus is resorted to in the following cases:

  1. There is no need to preserve the childbearing function.
  2. The size of the fibroids is more than 15-16 weeks of pregnancy.
  3. Rapid node growth.
  4. Tumor enlargement in postmenopausal women.
  5. Suspicion of sarcoma.
  6. Violation of the function of neighboring organs.
  7. Bleeding leading to anemia.

Operation process

  1. General anesthesia.
  2. Access to the abdominal cavity laparoscopically with a small size of fibroids. If the size of the uterus is more than 16-18 weeks, a laparotomy is performed.
  3. The vessels supplying the uterus are tied up.
  4. The appendages are cut off, the neck is preserved.
  5. The uterus is released from the ligaments and removed. The ovaries are examined for tumors.
  6. Checking the reliability of hemostasis.
  7. Layer-by-layer suturing of the abdominal cavity.
  8. On the wound - aseptic bandage.


After the operation, thrombosis prevention is continued for a month (compression underwear, low doses of aspirin). After removal of the uterus, hormone replacement therapy is prescribed to prevent castration syndrome. After removal of the nodes after 1, 3 and 6 months, a control ultrasound is performed.


With timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable. At childbearing age, reproductive function can be maintained and pregnancy can be achieved.

Recurrence is possible if not all nodes were removed during treatment (for example, with FUS ablation).


In order not to get sick, you need to adhere to the following principles:

  1. Beware of infections, treat inflammatory diseases in a timely manner.
  2. Refuse abortion.
  3. Lead a full sex life.
  4. Have at least 2 children.
  5. Control weight, eat right, avoid hypodynamia.
  6. Treat other endocrine diseases.

To prevent relapse:

  1. Adhere to a healthy lifestyle, with obesity, get rid of extra pounds.
  2. Avoid stress.
  3. If you need to take hormonal drugs, strictly follow the prescriptions.
  4. Use the intrauterine hormonal system "Mirena".

An intramural knot in the uterus can disrupt the menstrual cycle. If you do not take any measures, then soon it will increase in size.

This will compress the bladder and intestines. Moreover, the woman will be tormented by intermenstrual bleeding.

Traditional methods of treatment of intramural uterine fibroids

Intramural uterine fibroids are treated in two ways: conservative and operative. It all depends on the age of the patient and her desire to maintain childbearing function. If the symptoms of the disease: pain, bleeding, are rarely disturbed, then hormone therapy is prescribed. An inspection is carried out every six months.

If the intramural node has not changed in size, then treatment with contraceptives is continued further. But when the tumor in the uterus increases, then surgery is performed. For women of reproductive age, organ-preserving operations are provided, during which they are husked. After a period of rehabilitation, a woman can become pregnant. If the patient has reached menopause, then most often a radical operation is performed - a hysterectomy.

In the presence of intramural fibroids, pregnancy can occur, but a woman should be careful. After all, at this time, the level of sex hormones in her body rises. Due to this, the node can increase in size. Such patients should undergo special preparation for childbirth, as they are at risk. In order not to be in a similar situation, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a gynecologist every six months. Such a measure will allow to catch the disease at an early stage and eliminate it with the help of contraceptives. It is important to monitor the hormonal background, because the causes of the formation of nodes lie precisely in this. Of course, the origin of the tumor is affected by poor ecology, the presence of genital infections, but it is precisely because of the increased level of hormones that fibroids most often occur.

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Treatment of intramural uterine fibroids by folk methods

Myomatous nodes can also resolve with the help of folk methods. However, they should be agreed with the gynecologist without fail and undergo regular ultrasound to make sure that the therapy is chosen correctly.

The upland uterus is a sure remedy against neoplasms. Good results are obtained by tincture from this plant. To prepare it, you will need crushed raw materials in the amount of 50 g, pour 500 ml of vodka and let the product brew for two weeks. After this time, the medicine is filtered and taken 35 drops three times a day half an hour before meals.

You can get rid of the disease with propolis. You will need to buy a tincture in a pharmacy or prepare it yourself. To do this, take 20 g of propolis, pour 500 ml of vodka and infuse for five days in a dark place. Then the finished solution is filtered and consumed at bedtime, 5 ml each. The duration of therapy is two months. After that, you can undergo a control ultrasound. The nodes should completely dissolve or decrease in size. If this does not happen, you should try another folk remedy.

You can eliminate the tumor with the help of ordinary quail eggs. They contain many vitamins that will support the body during a difficult period for it. For therapy, you will need to consume 6 eggs on an empty stomach within 21 days. So that later there are no problems with the gallbladder, it is recommended to drink a decoction of immortelle during treatment. Preparing from simply. You will need to pour 200 ml of boiling water over 10 g of raw materials and leave for 15 minutes. Then the agent is filtered and taken 50 ml three times a day.

Walnuts will also help stop tumor growth. You will need to get partitions from the fruits. Then 30 g of raw material is taken, 200 ml of vodka is poured and infused for 14 days. Then the agent is filtered and taken 35 drops half an hour before meals three times a day. It is desirable to dilute this amount of tincture in 50 ml of water.

Shilajit gives good results in myoma. You will need to dilute the product in boiled water in a ratio of 2.5:10. In the resulting solution, a tampon is wetted and inserted into the vagina at night. Along with this, it is recommended to use 0.4 g of mummy inside. The duration of therapy is 10 days. Then a week break is made, and the course is repeated again.

Burdock gives excellent results for any type of uterine fibroids. For treatment, you will need the root of this plant, dug in the spring.

It must be crushed, then 5 g of dried raw materials are poured into 400 ml of boiling water and infused in a thermos for 12 hours.

After this time, the drug is filtered and taken 4 times a day, 100 ml each.

The duration of therapy is 30 days, then a week break is made, and the course is repeated again.

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Treatment of fibroids accompanied by bleeding

If the disease is accompanied by bleeding, then the highlander scaly will help in this matter. You will need to pour 200 boiling water over 20 g of grass and insist for an hour.

Then the infusion is filtered and drunk half an hour before meals, 10 ml each. After two weeks, the bleeding should stop completely. Then you should drink yarrow infusion for 21 days. To prepare it, 10 g of raw materials are poured with 200 ml of boiling water. An hour later, strain the product through cheesecloth and consume 60 ml 30 minutes before meals.

A herb called burnet helps with bleeding. It is recommended to prepare a tincture from it. To do this, 30 g of crushed roots are poured into 300 ml of vodka and infused for three weeks. Then the agent is filtered and added to tea 5 ml three times a day. Therapy continued for three weeks.

Viburnum bark will also help eliminate bleeding in fibroids. It will take 10 g of raw materials to pour 200 ml of boiling water and simmer for 10 minutes. Then the broth is filtered through gauze and consumed 20 ml four times a day.

White sweet clover will also help in this situation. 5 g of grass should be poured into 200 ml of boiling water and insisted for 30 minutes. After filtering, the product is drunk three times a day before meals. You can use yarrow tea, to which you should add 1 g of sweet clover powder.

Nettle will help with uterine bleeding. To prepare a medicinal potion, pour 200 ml of boiling water over 10 g of herbs and leave for 3 hours. The resulting infusion should be consumed three times a day before meals. Nettle tincture also helps. To prepare it, 30 g of dry raw materials are poured into 100 ml of vodka and infused for a week. You need to take the drug 5 ml three times a day before meals.

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