What to do if platelets in a newborn fall. Possible consequences of low platelets. Causes of low platelets in a newborn

Platelets are involved in the processes of blood coagulation and restoration of damaged sections of the wall blood vessels. Under certain conditions and pathologies, the level of platelets in the blood of children changes.

The role of platelets in the body

Thrombocytes (platelets) are small fragments (2-4 microns) separated from large cells of megakaryocytes. The term "blood platelets" (Thrombocyte Countes, PLT) was first introduced by Bizzocero (1881), therefore, they are also called Bizzocero's plaques.

Megakaryocytes are formed in the red bone marrow from a pluripotent cell (common to all blood cells). A platelet separated from a megakaryocyte retains its shape by microtubules, which are located along the perimeter. From red bone marrow platelets are released into the blood, where their number is 65-75%, the remaining 25-35% are deposited in the spleen.

The platelet contains granules and vesicles, from which blood clotting factors and cell regeneration activators are released. vascular wall. In case of damage to cells of various tissues of the body, growth factors (platelets, epithelium, vascular endothelium, etc.) are released from blood cells, stimulating the restoration of damaged cells and their division.

Collagen, thrombin (blood plasma coagulation factor), ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and thromboxane A2 (stimulates contraction of the vessel lumen) are platelet activators.

Also, when activated, blood coagulation factors (proteins), biogenic amine serotonin, calcium, ADP, fibrinogen, peroxidase enzyme, etc. are released from the granules.

Platelets can carry immune complexes that attach to the membrane and support contraction of the vascular wall with the help of serotonin.

When activated, the shape of the cells becomes spherical, and thin processes (pseudopodia) form on their surface, which play a role in the formation and contraction blood clot formed during blood clotting.

These processes help platelets to connect to each other in complexes that attach to damaged areas of the blood vessel, this is called adhesion.

Platelets function in the blood for 7 to 10 days, after which they are destroyed, and their fragments are absorbed by phagocytes (). The number of platelets in the blood can change during the day, but normally these changes should not exceed 10%.


The normal content of platelets in the blood of children

Their number in the blood of children depends on age. The rate of platelets in the blood in children is presented in the table.

Table - Platelets: the norm in children of different ages

AgePlatelets in the blood, l
newborns100-420×10 9
10 days150-400×10 9
1 month160-400×10 9
6 months180-400×10 9
1 year160-380×10 9
1-4 years160-400×10 9
5-7 years180-450×10 9

A complete blood count allows you to determine the number of platelets, healthy children are recommended to do it once a year. In case of violation of blood coagulation or pathology of the bone marrow, the study should be carried out several times a year on the recommendation of a doctor.

When it changes physiological state the body of the child or in pathology, the amount blood cells children may vary.

An increase in platelets in the blood

If their number in the blood of a child is higher than the norm corresponding to his age, this is called thrombocytosis. Thrombocytosis is primary and secondary.

  • Primary. It is the result of disturbances in the processes in the cells of the bone marrow, so the number of platelets in the blood increases. An increase in their number is caused by an increased division of their progenitor cell due to its tumor degeneration. Its second name is essential thrombocythemia, which occurs in diseases:
    • erythremia;
    • myeloid leukemia;
    • lymphoma;
    • lymphogranulomatosis.
  • Secondary. It occurs when the formation of thrombopoietin increases, which is an activator of mitosis (cell division) and maturation (transformation into a full-fledged cell) of a megakaryocyte. Enhanced Level platelets can be in conditions such as:
    • trauma, surgery;
    • infections;
    • inflammation;
    • osteomyelitis;
    • tuberculosis;
    • splenectomy;
    • prolonged bleeding;
    • iron deficiency (anemia);
    • corticosteroid therapy (cortisol);
    • kidney pathology;
    • autoimmune diseases;
    • increased breakdown of red blood cells (hemolysis).

During the period rapid development organism in a child occur physiological changes and may occur stressful situations contributing to thrombocytosis. With them high level in the blood vessels there is a threat of the formation of blood clots (pathological blood clots).

Decreased platelet count

If a blood test shows that their number is below the norm corresponding to his age, this indicates thrombocytopenia. The level of blood cells in newborns up to 10 days should not be lower than 100×10 9 /l. The rate of platelets in children under one year old should be above 150 × 10 9 / l, and in children over one year old, their number should not be less than the lower limit of the normal age of the child.

Some causes of thrombocytopenia in newborns

A decrease in the number of blood cells in children may be due to following states body and disease

  • anemia (aplastic or megaloblastic);
  • hereditary thrombocytopenia (Fanconi syndrome);
  • leukemia;
  • rickettsiosis;
  • malaria;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • DIC;
  • Werlhof's disease;
  • allergy;
  • hyperthyroidism (pathology of the thyroid gland);
  • folic acid hypovitaminosis;
  • prolonged bleeding.

A low platelet level in children is quite common, since the child's body has hypersensitivity to many unfavorable factors. Thrombocytopenia is observed in 60% of either very low birth weight, asphyxia, (for example, the formation of antibodies to platelets).

Thrombocytopenia in newborns and children of the first year of life

Quite often changes normal level platelets in children up to a year in the direction of decreasing manifests itself in acute form. Their number in the blood decreases without changing their number or against the background of slight increase their products in the red bone marrow.

The child may have hemorrhages on the skin, mucous membranes, and in the internal organs. Most of the cases are related to the transferred infectious disease(rubella, measles).

In children under one year of age, treatment of acute thrombocytopenia is carried out only in stationary conditions.

Rarely, the cause of thrombocytopenia is the mother's antibodies against the child's platelets. As a result, their accelerated decay is observed. If a child has bleeding that can threaten his life, in such cases, a blood or platelet transfusion is prescribed.

Thrombocytopenia is dangerous and can contribute to bleeding internal organs a child or large blood loss after serious injuries, which can lead to an unfavorable outcome. In addition to a blood test, the doctor may prescribe a coagulogram in order to assess the state of the blood coagulation system, as well as other additional methods research.

One of the main symptoms reduced level red cells in a child is an increase in bleeding time with minor tissue damage. It is also necessary to be attentive to frequent nosebleeds or the appearance of bruises (hematomas) on the child's body.

If the child has an increased or decreased number of platelets in the blood, then in addition to the treatment prescribed by the doctor, it is necessary, on his recommendation, or independently to carry out a correction daily diet sick.

With thrombocytopenia

To do this, you need to know which foods increase the number of blood cells, and which, on the contrary, should be excluded from the diet. For thrombocytopenia, foods that increase platelet production are recommended:

With low blood clotting, patients should not take:

  • cucumbers;
  • seaweed;
  • cranberries;
  • red grapes.

With thrombocytosis

With minor thrombocytosis, eating right, you can lower the level of cells without drugs. Healthy foods recommended for thrombocytosis:

Foods prohibited for thrombocytosis:

  • bananas;
  • mango;
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • nuts;
  • fruits of chokeberry;
  • pomegranate;
  • lentils.

Thus, the norm of platelets in a child's blood allows his body to resist adverse effects environment.


At healthy child in the body there is a balance between the formation of platelets in the bone marrow and their destruction in the bloodstream. When it is violated, pathologies of increased bleeding or an increase in the formation of platelets occur.

Therefore, it is necessary to control the level of platelets in a healthy child in order to protect him from excessive blood loss in the event of tissue injury.

If symptoms characteristic of thrombocytopenia or thrombocytosis appear, a blood test should be done and a pediatrician should be contacted, who can make a diagnosis, prescribe appropriate treatment, or refer him for a consultation with a hematologist.


The deviation of their number from allowable rate to a greater or lesser extent is fraught with serious negative consequences.

For example, poor clotting can lead to death even if little damage fabrics. But high levels of platelets are also dangerous to health.

What to do when platelets are elevated in a child? Answer to this important question can be obtained by familiarizing yourself with the properties of this blood component and its effect on health.

Mechanism of action

It may seem strange that such tiny blood cells have such a significant role in the life of the body. How does it happen?

The bottom line is this: platelets accumulate in in large numbers where there is tissue damage, accompanied by blood loss. Here they combine and collapse, forming a protective sphere in the form of a blood clot, which stops the bleeding.

In addition to performing this function, platelets provide nutrition to the protective layer of blood vessels - the endothelium.

Platelet norm

The detection of high platelets in the blood of a child does not make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis, but determines the direction further action in the survey.

Exceeding the permissible values ​​indicates the presence of pathology. That is why it is so important to know the level of these elements.

AT laboratory tests The numerical indicator of platelets is abbreviated as PLT (from Platelets - plate).

The number of blood cells changes with age, as clearly evidenced by the table, which indicates the permissible values ​​of the norm:

Numerical indicators (in microliters - µl)

In a newborn baby

First week - month

1 to 6 months

For a child under one year old

A physiological feature is significant deviations from the norm in girls at the beginning menstrual cycle. These values ​​can be otdomkl.

Indicators in children under one year

High values ​​of platelets in the first years of life are explained by the intensive development of all organs and systems of the baby. Accordingly, the number of platelets, which ensure normal blood clotting, is rapidly increasing.

At baby maximum values ​​are considered normal. The content of platelets stabilizes from 3 to 8 years. The average platelet volume of 0000 µl remains until adulthood.

The need for timely examination

In order to regularly monitor the child's health, on the recommendation of a pediatrician, it is necessary to systematically general analysis blood. This will make it possible to track all the processes occurring in the body.

Determining the level of platelets is an important component such an analysis.

The course of the procedure

Blood for research is taken from a vein or a finger. In infants - from a wreath on the leg, sometimes from the heel.

Despite the fact that no preparation is required before the analysis, you should still follow simple rules:

  1. Do not eat or drink before the procedure.
  2. In infants, blood for analysis is taken before feeding or 2-3 hours after it.
  3. Eliminate emotional and physical stress.
  4. Avoid hypothermia.
  5. Warn your doctor about taking any medications.

All of these factors can affect the results. To obtain the most reliable indicators, a blood test is recommended to be carried out 3 times at intervals of 2-3 days.

Blood sampling to determine the content of platelets is carried out in the district clinic or specialized diagnostic center. Test results can be obtained within a few hours.


Of particular concern should be:

  • the appearance of bruises in a child;
  • nosebleeds;
  • gum bleeding.

You can not ignore the complaints of the baby about headache, lack of appetite, drowsiness.

Primary thrombosis is accompanied by an increase in the spleen, the formation of blood clots in the vessels, bleeding in the digestive organs.

At the same time, it is observed:

  • severe itching;
  • pain in the fingers and toes;
  • high heart rate;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • coldness in limbs.

Such symptoms should not be ignored and require a mandatory visit to the doctor in order to identify the cause of this condition.

Indications for examination

Need regular examination blood occurs if the following pathologies are observed:

  • anemia caused by a lack of iron in the child's body;
  • viral and bacterial infections;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • oncological pathologies of the blood;
  • spleen diseases.

Examination in the presence of such pathologies should be carried out strictly on the recommendation of a doctor. In other cases with preventive purpose- once a year. Timely detection of deviations from the norm will be a prerequisite for preventing serious consequences.

Causes of violations

In most cases in childhood(including infancy) as the main cause are the following pathological conditions:

  1. A significant excess of the production of flat blood cells by the bone marrow. This is erythremia.
  2. Violation of the process of utilization of blood platelets, observed due to the removal of the spleen.
  3. Redistribution of platelets in the bloodstream. Appears as a result emotional stress, depressive state.

The diagnosis of “thrombocytosis” is made with significant deviations from the norm: lower and higher. Temporary changes in indicators after SARS and others colds corrected in the course of an adequate course of treatment.

Varieties of thrombocytosis

Root Cause Identification high performance platelet count is possible only based on the results of a thorough examination of the blood, followed by examination of the patient using instrumental devices.

A complex disease, which is accompanied by an increase in the content of platelets in the blood, has two etiological forms. They develop due to the manifestation of a number of factors:

  1. primary thrombocytosis. it hereditary disease. Less commonly, it develops against the background of myeloid leukemia and erythremia.
  2. secondary thrombocytosis. The provocateur of this type of pathology is viral and bacterial infections: hepatitis, pneumonia, toxoplasmosis and even SARS. Any inflammation caused by an infection is accompanied by a significant increase in platelets.
  3. In the blood test, in addition to the cases described, a high rate of blood cells is found after surgical intervention. Most often after removal of the spleen.

The stress or physical overwork suffered by the child becomes a prerequisite for an increase in platelets.


The main direction of therapeutic treatment are measures that thin the blood. This is due to the fact that when platelets in children are overestimated to a large extent, this is accompanied by a thickening of this biological fluid.

Methods are used such as medicines and following a diet that includes foods that help normalize squamous blood cell levels.

This takes into account the fact that blood thinning alone cannot eliminate the root cause that contributes to the increase in performance.

Medical therapy

Depending on the type of pathology, an individual course is selected for small patients:

  1. In the treatment of primary thrombocytosis, Mielosan and Myelobromol from the group of cytostatics are prescribed.
  2. Complex forms of the disease require the elimination of platelets using a special procedure - thrombocytopheresis.
  3. In order to prevent the likelihood of blood cells sticking together, drugs are used to improve blood microcirculation - Aspirin, Trental. Appointment of Aspirin is allowed only in the absence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. The detection of blood clots or symptoms of ischemia suggests the appointment of Bivalirudin, Argotoban and Heparin. In this case, the number of platelets is examined daily.
  5. Treatment of secondary thrombocytosis necessarily involves the elimination of the pathology that was the root cause of the excess of normal values. This prevents the formation of blood clots.

Increased values ​​of blood cells are normalized after the elimination of the underlying disease.

In the presence of hematopoietic defects, one cannot do without the use of special drugs that help thin the blood and lower the number of platelets. But they should be taken strictly according to the prescription of a pediatrician or hematologist, observing the recommended dosage.

The role of nutrition

In addition to treatment medications, it is recommended to pay special attention to the use of products in the child's menu that help reduce high platelet counts.

It is desirable for a child up to a year to provide breast milk feeding, but at the same time, the mother needs to reconsider her diet, enrich it with vitamins and essential trace elements.

For older children, to consolidate the effect of the use of drugs, it is necessary to introduce products into the menu that have the property of thinning the blood.

Most beneficial effect the level of platelets in the blood is affected by the use of following products supply:

  • red beets;
  • lemon juice with pulp and chopped zest;
  • cranberry and sea buckthorn fresh;
  • seafood;
  • pomegranates;
  • garlic;
  • dairy products - sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir.

Also, a decrease in platelets contributes to the use grape juice, red meat. An obligatory component of a balanced diet should be fish fat and linseed oil.

The use of fluid in sufficient volume also has a beneficial effect on the level of platelets, prevents blood clots. In addition to simple boiled water, the child is offered compote, a decoction of vegetables, green tea.

Possible consequences

The greatest danger is the likelihood of blood clots. They can block the lumen of the vessel. As a result, edema, vascular stenosis, ischemic disease thromboembolism, myocardial infarction. This is fraught with a threat not only to health, but also to the life of the child.

Prevention of thrombocytosis, in addition to proper nutrition, involves timely appeal Seek medical attention if symptoms develop.

It is also important to carefully examine not only in case of detection increased performance, but also with a preventive purpose twice a year.

Attentive attitude to well-being, following the instructions of the doctor, following the recommendations of proper nutrition are essential for the health of the child.

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Increased platelets in a child. Causes, treatment

Quite often, children are prescribed a general (clinical) blood test. Pediatricians offer this type of analysis due to the fact that the baby’s body is still getting to know various infections for the first time, so the baby can get sick a lot.

After clinical blood tests are carried out, it is sometimes revealed that platelets in a child are elevated. For worried moms and dads, of course, it is very important to know and understand what this situation is fraught with.

KLA and OAM for babies

Doctors are sure that it is normal to visit them because of children's illness about once a year. Usually, during each visit to the pediatrician, the crumbs may be prescribed an OAM (general urinalysis) and a CBC (general blood test).

During the OAC, it may turn out that the platelets in the child are elevated. These blood cells are able to carry out blood clotting and transport immune complexes in the body.

Almost all platelets can be classified as mature (about 95 percent). These cells, which form the basis of the platelet system, live for about 10 days.

The level of platelets can be determined by conducting a laboratory test of blood taken from a vein or a finger. If the baby is very tiny, blood is taken from the heel or from the toe.

platelets in babies

The norm of platelets in children (their content in the blood) is directly dependent on age:

  • in newborns up to 10 days from the moment of birth - × 10 9 / l of blood;
  • in babies under the age of 1 year - × 10 9 / l;
  • in children after 1 year, as in adults - × 10 9 / l.

If the deviation from the norm is small, it should not force the parents to "ring the bells". If the norm of platelets in children is exceeded by hundreds of thousands of units, it is necessary to conduct an urgent and as thorough as possible examination of the baby's health.

If the platelet count has doubled, doctors consider it a critical condition.

Elevated platelet levels in children may indicate the presence of such serious illnesses like leukemia.

Manifestation of high platelets

There are certain signs, having found that parents can assume that the child's platelets are high enough. These include:

  • the baby complains of fatigue, which manifests itself very often;
  • the child's limbs swell;
  • sore arms or legs;
  • Nosebleeds start for no reason.

Any of these signs should not be ignored.

Causes of High Blood Cell Counts

When platelets are elevated in a child, even in a nursing baby, this can lead to the formation of blood clots.

There are very rare cases when, before passing the test, the baby was very worried or showed excessive physical activity - he ran or jumped. Another possibility of an excess of platelets may be the following situations: the child has recently been exposed to surgical intervention(operation); the child has had a sore throat or a cold; child had a tooth removed. Even if the baby was on medication, it had some effect on the platelet count. Unfortunately, in most cases, thrombocytosis (an increase in the number of blood clots) loudly "screams" that this is the beginning of a serious illness.


High platelets in children indicate that their blood is too thick, and much more than it should be. If this happens, moms and dads should take immediate action to thin the blood.

Reminder to parents. By itself, thrombocytosis is not a disease. If you dilute the baby's blood without eliminating the cause of the increase in platelets, this will not work.

Thinning the blood of a child is possible in several ways. The first option is to use medications. The second option is to give preference to a diet, making up a certain diet, including all the necessary products (best of all - garlic, ginger, lemon, pomegranate).

We reduce platelets

How to reduce platelets in a baby so that unnecessary harm is not done to his body?

If the whole point is in any disease, therapy should be carried out, listening to the opinion and recommendations of the doctor. The disease must be eliminated, because without this there is no point in talking about lowering the level of platelets. If, as a result of the examination, doctors do not find a serious illness, and the level of platelets is still far from critical, in order to lower them, you can adjust the baby's nutrition. There are many options here:

  • let the child drink more liquid(carbonated drinks are prohibited);
  • remove everything fried, spicy, fatty and smoked from the child’s diet;
  • offer the baby to eat daily more berries, fruits and vegetables (priority fruits are red and blue);
  • add celery and figs to the diet;
  • for a period of time not to offer the child food of animal origin (with the exception of dairy products).

If elevated platelets are the result of an abnormal formation of blood, the process of hematopoiesis, then in this case, drugs that thin the blood and reduce the level of cells will come to the rescue. Thus, the danger of blood clots will be prevented, and the blood will be maintained in a diluted state.

Clinical blood test

For the first time in a baby's life, a blood test is taken from him at the maternity hospital, then when he reaches the age of 3 and 12 months. But if the baby is premature or there is an Rhesus conflict between him and his mother, if intrauterine infections and other pathologies, the analysis can be carried out even in 1 month. The doctor offers a clinical blood test if the baby is sick, according to indications. Such an analysis is used quite often, because thanks to it you can get as much data as possible.

According to existing rules, a clinical blood test should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. If it comes to babies who find it hard to be hungry, then the analysis can be carried out a couple of hours after the end of the last meal with a baby. Clinical analysis will be able to show an increase or decrease in the level of blood cells.

If platelets are elevated in a child who is 3 months old (and normal values ​​\u200b\u200bat this age are * 10 9 / l), then you should not immediately suspect any abnormalities, because the level of these cells can fluctuate depending on different reasons. You just need to consult a pediatrician.

To exclude or confirm a neoplasm in a baby, it is imperative to donate blood for all indicators.

Increased platelets in the blood of a child: what does it mean?

Platelets are the smallest blood cells that look like platelets and are responsible for the process of blood clotting. In fact, it is platelets that provide liquid state blood and participate in the formation of clots (thrombi).

Platelets are produced special cells red bone marrow, are short-lived - their "life" is only 10 days, and then the platelets are destroyed in the spleen and liver. Instead of already destroyed platelets, new ones are formed, and this process is continuous. In some cases, platelet counts in the blood can be elevated in childhood, and parents should know not only why this happens, but also how to solve the problem.

Norms for the number of platelets in children

The number of platelets can be determined during a general clinical analysis blood - they are converted to 1 cubic milliliter. This indicator is considered one of the most important, since it characterizes the ability of the child's body to cope with bleeding and assess the level of blood clotting. The norm of the number of platelets in the blood in children depends on their age:

  • in newborns, the number of platelets in thousands per 1 cubic milliliter of blood is considered the norm;
  • in children aged 10 days to 12 months - thousand;
  • over the age of 12 months - thousand.

Note: girls in adolescence first days menstrual bleeding may be characterized by a decrease in the number of platelets, so the rate of thousands will be the norm.

A high number of platelets in the peripheral blood is classified as thrombocytosis or thrombocythemia, but a decrease in their number is thrombocytopenia. An increase in the norm may indicate the possibility of increased thrombosis, but reduced amount platelets - about bleeding.

Blood for determining the number of platelets is taken from a finger or a vein; in newborns, the sampling is carried out from a toe or from a heel. The study requires any specific preparation - the patient must donate blood on an empty stomach, but the child can be drunk. If a we are talking about blood sampling from the baby, then the manipulation is carried out 2 hours after feeding.

Doctors warn that before taking the test, emotional or physical stress is undesirable, because even ordinary hypothermia will show skewed results analysis. In addition, the results of the study may be affected by the use of certain drugs - antibacterial, corticosteroids. If the doctor has doubts about the accuracy of the results obtained, then you can donate blood for platelet count 3-5 times. The test results will be ready on the day of blood donation.

Platelet counts in a blood test are done quite often in childhood. This can be “pushed” by frequent nosebleeds, or the parents noticed that the baby often has hematomas on the body, there is bleeding of the gums. The reason for the delivery of blood tests for the number of platelets may be the dizziness of the child, coupled with fatigue and periodic leakage of the upper / lower extremities.

An unconditional indication for conducting the type of study under consideration is the presence of certain diseases in the anamnesis:

Causes of thrombocytosis in children

  • erythremia - increased formation of platelets by the red bone marrow;
  • too slow "utilization" of platelets - this usually occurs when the spleen is removed;
  • abnormal distribution of platelets in bloodstream- most often observed against the background of mental or physical overwork.

If a high level of platelets is detected in blood tests, the doctor will need to determine true reason the development of such a pathological condition, for which they will be prescribed additional examinations patient. Children can develop thrombocytosis at any age, but parents should be aware that such a diagnosis is made by doctors even with a minimal increase in the number of platelets in the blood.

Thrombocytosis in medicine is divided into three main types:

  1. clonal thrombocythemia. In this case, there is a defect in stem cells in the bone marrow, which may also be due to damage to their tumor process. Stem cells do not respond to ongoing endocrine processes, and therefore the formation of the considered blood component becomes uncontrolled.
  2. Primary thrombocythemia. This condition is always associated with the growth of several areas of red bone marrow, and the result is an incredible number of newly formed platelets. Lead to similar pathology may some hereditary / congenital diseases, as well as erythremia or myeloid leukemia. Primary thrombocythemia is characterized not only by an increase in the number of platelets, these blood components are of enormous size and altered shape.
  3. Secondary thrombocytosis. The mechanism of its development is quite variable:
  • against the background of the removal of the spleen, when old platelets have not yet been destroyed, and new ones are already actively formed;
  • in the inflammatory process - the body intensively produces a hormone that promotes the maturation of platelets;
  • in malignant neoplasms - they produce biologically active substances that have a stimulating effect on bone marrow megakaryocytes, which increases the number of newly formed platelets.

Secondary thrombocythemia can also develop in the presence of a number of pathologies in humans:

  • any malignant neoplasms;
  • tuberculosis;
  • amyloidosis;
  • anemia of iron deficiency or hemolytic type;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • rheumatism in the active stage;
  • fractures of tubular bones;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • acute blood loss;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • splenectomy;
  • acute and/or chronic infectious diseases;
  • any major surgery.

In secondary thrombocytosis, a less pronounced increase in the number of platelets in the blood will be characteristic, while their morphology and functions are absolutely not impaired.

If the pathology in question was diagnosed for the first time, then the doctor will definitely refer the patient to undergo the following studies:

  • determination of C-reactive protein;
  • determination of serum ferritin and iron;
  • ultrasound examination of organs abdominal cavity and small pelvis;
  • analysis of the blood coagulation system;
  • bone marrow research.

Symptoms of thrombocytosis in children

Primary thrombocytosis will be characterized by the following symptoms:

  • enlargement of the spleen;
  • the formation of blood clots of different localization;
  • possible bleeding in the digestive organs;
  • pain in the fingertips;
  • unbearable itching of the skin;
  • there are violations of the central nervous system;
  • the process of urination is disturbed, pain in the anatomical location of the kidneys may be noted.

Specifically, in childhood, the pathological condition in question may be accompanied by frequent nosebleeds, gingival bleeding, bruising on the body even with a light touch. In addition, the child has cold extremities, recurrent headaches, variability blood pressure, increased heart rate.

General principles of treatment

When diagnosing thrombocytosis of the primary type, doctors use cytostatics Mielobromol and Mielosan. The treatment will be long, until the result is obtained, namely, the normalization of the number of platelets in the blood.

If the pathology under consideration is severe, then in addition to medication, thrombocytopheresis is used as a treatment, when platelets are removed from the bloodstream using special equipment.

An integral part of therapy for thrombocytosis is the appointment of drugs that improve microcirculation and prevent platelets from sticking together - for example, Aspirin, Trental. But it is worth knowing that Aspirin is used only if, against the background of the pathology under consideration, there are no erosive changes in the digestive tract.

When diagnosing clonal thrombocytosis, patients are prescribed Ticlopidin or Clobidogrel in an individual dosage - these are antiplatelet agents.

Often, against the background of the pathology under consideration, thrombosis and ischemic manifestations occur - with such a development of events, anticoagulants Heparin, Livarudin, Argotoban are used. Similar treatment should be carried out under strict laboratory control the number of platelets.

Secondary thrombocytosis is a reason for not only general therapy, but also preventive measures preventing the development of thrombosis. In any case, you should not worry, because even with secondary thrombocytosis, doctors give quite favorable prognoses.

Nutrition of a child with thrombocytosis

Drug treatment of the pathology in question is important, but doctors say that in order to obtain the expected result, it is also necessary to monitor the patient's diet. Babies, of course, the best option breastfeeding will become, but for older children it is extremely important to include the following products in the menu:

  • seafood and nuts;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • red meat and offal (liver, heart);
  • fresh juices (pomegranate, lemon, orange, lingonberry), diluted clean water in a ratio of 1:1.

Ginger, olive oil, beets, have an excellent thinning effect on the blood. tomato juice, fish oil, cranberries, lemons, viburnum and sea buckthorn. It is important that the child uses right amount liquid per day - at least 30 ml per kilogram of body weight, in without fail you need to give the baby tea, compotes and vegetable broths.

During the treatment of thrombocytosis, it is strictly forbidden to use walnuts, rose hips, bananas and mangoes - these products actively thicken the blood, which can lead to the development of complications.

An increased number of platelets in the blood of a child is a pathology that needs to be investigated. Make competent examinations, identify the true cause of the pathology and prescribe effective treatment only a doctor can - independent decisions lead to a deterioration in the child's condition.

Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

Information is provided for informational purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor. There are contraindications, you need to consult a doctor. The site may contain content prohibited for viewing by persons under 18 years of age.

Normally, the number of platelets is 150-450x10 9 /l. Their life time is 8-11 days. An increase in the level of platelets in the blood above normal values ​​is called thrombocytosis.

Elevated platelet levels are often found incidentally during laboratory research. High platelets in the blood may be normal physiological phenomenon, but more often they indicate the presence of pathology.

Blood platelets in the children's body perform several functions:

Primary thrombocytosis is caused by a violation in the synthesis of platelets from immature cells. A defect in the structure of precursors leads to the formation of atypical, or tumor, cells.

The secondary increase in platelets in the blood of a child is due to changes not related to the structure and function of hematopoietic (hematopoietic) cells. These are benign disorders associated with an overestimation of the total number of platelets.

Causes of secondary thrombocytosis:

  • acute and chronic infections;
  • taking certain drugs;
  • splenectomy (removal of the spleen);
  • bleeding, hemolysis, trauma;
  • physical activity and stress.

The relative increase in the number of platelets is due to redistribution between the blood and tissues. It is also called "false", because in reality the number of platelets does not increase.

In children, one of the most common causes of increased platelets is iron deficiency anemia. At the same time, in the general analysis it is observed (possibly undercurrent, then the deficiency can be judged by the level of ferritin). In this case, the child has all the signs of anemia:

  • pallor of the skin;
  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • decreased ability to learn and concentrate, memory impairment;
  • brittle and dull hair, cracks in the corners of the mouth.

In addition to these symptoms, signs of high platelets are superimposed: headaches, dizziness, petechiae and bleeding, swelling. This condition is extremely dangerous for the child's body and requires urgent intervention.

During the examination, it is impossible to evaluate only one indicator in the general blood test in isolation. Their complex will tell much more about the causes than a local decoding of the platelet content.

Platelet Functions

What does this mean for a newborn?

More than 10% of children in the first month of life may have a lot of platelets in the blood, but their number gradually decreases and is established by the year. During this period, various genetic and metabolic diseases may begin to appear, so all indicators in a newborn require special attention so you don't miss anything. First of all, hemoconcentration and dehydration in a child should be excluded.

At the baby

For a child under one year old increased amount platelets may not manifest themselves in any way. It happens that the symptoms of thrombocytosis are nonspecific and parents do not attach any importance to this. Small child cannot complain of malaise and headache. A decrease in the normal activity of the baby may become noticeable. He may start to suck less milk, gain weight poorly, sleep more. But such behavior in a child can be characteristic of most diseases.

Regular screening is very important. A simple complete blood count is informative enough to rule out thrombocytosis. If the baby has problems with clotting, then a more in-depth blood test is already required.

What is dangerous?

When platelets are elevated, this can lead to a violation of blood clotting. The most characteristic is the formation of blood clots for the vessels of the lower extremities. Detachment of the plate from the vascular wall can lead to thromboembolism.

The most dangerous blockage pulmonary artery and cerebral vessels. But thromboembolism elsewhere can lead to necrosis and even gangrene.

Elevated platelets in a child in the blood can be manifested by bleeding, petechiae, edema. Children become more passive.

Bleeding with an increased content of platelets is due to the constant formation of microthrombi, which develops a deficiency of clotting factors (chronic DIC).

It is extremely important for children under one year to continue breastfeeding. It renders positive influence to combat thrombocytosis.

The child should not be limited in the consumption of water. Also, liquid can be administered with products: soups, liquid cereals. Delicious teas, compotes, diluted juice - all this will help expand the drinking regimen. The child should not consume less than 2 liters of fluid per day.

The rest is required to rationalize the diet. A hematologist will help with the preparation of an individual diet for a child.

Fish oil is good for high platelets

Average platelet volume

In the English-language literature and in medical devices, when issuing the result of the analysis, it is designated MPV - mean platelet volume. It is expressed in femtoliters. Normal indicators vary greatly with age. On average, it is 7.4-10.4 fl. In children under 5 years old, the value should not rise above 9.

What it is?

The average platelet volume is an indicator that shows the maturity of the platelet cells. Young plates are always larger and decrease over time.

Why above the norm?

Full-fledged, mature platelets fit into the norms of the average volume, but if this value rises, this indicates a large number of early forms that still do not perform their function well enough.

With an overestimated indicator, you should always pay attention to the morphology of the platelet. Large cells with an abnormal structure indicate the development of a myeloproliferative disease (multiplication of atypical cells in the structures of the red bone marrow).

Causes of an increase in the size of normal platelets:

  • hyperthyroidism with the development of thyrotoxicosis;
  • idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • diabetes;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • removed spleen;
  • erythremia.

The physiological increase in mean platelet volume is the result of normal reaction body in response to changes. In this case, the indicator changes slightly. These states include:

  • bleeding of various origins ( physiological loss blood during menstruation, trauma with profuse blood loss, surgical interventions);
  • drugs that have a stimulating effect on the hematopoietic system.


If an increased level of the average volume of erythrocytes is associated with a high level of platelets, then this can lead to severe complications associated with blockage of blood vessels in vital organs, DIC.

In women, the number of platelets is a variable indicator that is closely related to physiological changes in the body. This can happen during menstruation. Platelets were slightly enlarged. In other cases, this means that platelets are elevated due to pathological processes.

It is extremely dangerous when platelets are overestimated during pregnancy. This provokes a number of complications for the fetus and the woman herself.


  1. When treating the underlying disease, it is not necessary to additionally lower platelets. After the cause is eliminated in the child, the platelets themselves will return to normal. Thinning the blood may relieve the baby's condition, but will not help get rid of the problem.
  2. If platelets do not return to normal over time, then you should contact a pediatrician, and subsequently a hematologist.
  3. Thrombocytosis in children is quite rare. Even if the parents do not notice any obvious changes, do not ignore the bad analysis. First you need to exclude pathology.

Blood test indicators are important for assessing the health of children, so their change is always alarming for adults - both mothers and doctors. If parents see results increased content platelets in the blood of a child, they are always interested in whether it is dangerous for their daughter or son. For timely assistance the baby needs to find out why the platelets may be higher than normal and what to do with an increased rate.

What number of platelets is considered elevated

Platelets are small blood cells without nuclei, the second name of which is "blood platelets". They are important for blood clotting, in particular for the formation of blood clots to close damage to the vessel and stop bleeding. Such cells are formed in the red bone marrow, live up to ten days, after which they are destroyed in the spleen.

The upper limit of the norm for a newborn is considered to be 490 x 109 / l of platelets, but by the fifth day of life their number begins to decrease, amounting to no more than 400 x 109 / l at the age of 5 days to a month, and in one year old baby and older - a maximum of 390 x 109 / l.

A slight excess is not considered dangerous by doctors, but if the number of platelets exceeded the norm by 20-30 x 109 / l or more, this condition is called thrombocytosis or thrombocythemia.

In the first days of a child's life, the level of platelets in his blood will be overestimated and this is considered the norm. Gradually, this level should decrease

Causes of thrombocytosis

Depending on the provoking factor, thrombocytosis is divided into:

  1. Primary. Its appearance is due to a violation of the formation of platelets in the bone marrow, for example, due to a tumor process.
  2. Secondary. This increase in platelets develops due to a disease that does not affect the bone marrow. However, it is only one of the symptoms of the disease.

Causes of secondary thrombocytosis include:

  • Surgery to remove the spleen. The increase in platelets after such an intervention is associated with a slowdown in their decay. In addition, the spleen normally produces compounds that inhibit the synthesis of platelets, and after removal, they cease to inhibit their production.
  • Acute inflammation, such as in bacterial or viral infections, rheumatism, tuberculosis, osteomyelitis and other pathologies. Due to inflammatory process production of the hormone thrombopoietin begins, which stimulates the maturation of platelets.
  • Cancerous tumors, for example, lymphogranulomatosis or lung sarcoma. Due to growth malignant neoplasm the bone marrow is activated, as a result of which platelets are produced in an increased amount.
  • Blood loss caused by trauma, cirrhosis of the liver, anemia (both iron deficiency and hemolytic), ulcerative lesion gastrointestinal tract and other factors. In such situations, thrombocythemia acts as a compensatory response.

At viral diseases platelet levels rise

A slight increase in the number of platelets can be observed with mental or physical overload. Sometimes platelets rise as a result of the side effects of certain medications.

Symptoms of increased platelets

If a child has developed thrombocytosis, this may manifest itself:

  • Swelling and feeling of heaviness in the limbs.
  • Soreness in the tips of the fingers.
  • Skin itching.
  • Weakness.
  • Blueness of the skin of the extremities, as well as lips.
  • Cool to the touch hands and feet.
  • Vertigo.
  • Frequent nosebleeds.

Why is thrombocytosis dangerous in children?

Due too a large number platelets, the process of blood clotting is accelerated. Platelets begin to stick together with each other and clog the vessels, resulting in the formation of blood clots. Their appearance disrupts the functions of internal organs, which is especially dangerous if the vessels of the heart or brain are blocked.

Elevated platelet levels threaten the child with the formation of blood clots in the vessels


The change in the number of platelets is determined during a clinical blood test. If thrombocytosis is detected, the child should be carefully examined, since the cause of the disease is a fundamental factor in the appointment of treatment. If the indicator is significantly overestimated, the child should:

  • Determine the amount of iron in the blood, as well as the level of ferritin, to rule out anemia.
  • Detect seromucoids in blood C-reactive protein to confirm the presence of an inflammatory process.
  • Do a blood clotting test.
  • Conduct an ultrasound examination of internal organs.
  • Do a urine test.

When indicated, the child is referred to a hematologist, and after his consultation, a bone marrow examination may be prescribed.


Primary thrombocytosis is treated with cytotoxic drugs, drugs to improve blood circulation, and drugs that prevent platelets from sticking together. In some cases, anticoagulants and other agents are prescribed.

In severe thrombocythemia, the child is referred for a thrombocytopheresis procedure, when platelets are removed from the blood with a special apparatus. If thrombocytosis is secondary, attention is paid to the treatment of the underlying disease, and also protect the child from increased thrombosis.

What to do with a slight increase

If platelets are only slightly elevated, drugs are not prescribed. In such situations, the doctor will advise to pay attention balanced diet child. The children's diet should include:

  • Foods rich in iodine. These include fish and seafood.
  • Foods rich in calcium. First of all, these are dairy products.
  • Foods from which the child will receive iron. It can be meat, liver, cereals, fruits and more.
  • Products that help thin the blood. Lemon, ginger, cranberries, viburnum, lingonberries, garlic, beets, tomato juice, fish oil and some other products have this effect.

With a slight excess of platelets in the blood, you can not resort to pharmaceutical preparations, but simply review the diet of the child and include in it more products rich in calcium, iodine and iron

It is advisable to avoid foods that increase clotting, such as bananas, lentils, walnuts, wild rose, pomegranate. In addition, the child should be given sufficient fluids, and any folk remedies in children with thrombocytosis, it can be used only after consultation with the doctor.

You can learn more about platelets, their role and the norm in the blood by watching the following video.

An increased level of platelets in the blood in children can often indicate the development of a disease, so the doctor will always pay attention to their number in deciphering the analysis.

Install accurate diagnosis only in terms of blood cells is impossible. However, the pediatrician will already know in which direction to move.

What are they responsible for?

Platelets are small colorless blood cells, which originate in the cells of the bone marrow, and then travel to the blood, where they total is 65%. The remaining 35% remain in the spleen.

Cells do not have a nucleus, have a disc-shaped shape, and their size is 2-4 microns.

The education process takes 8 to 10 days. An analysis of the number of these cells in children is included in the mandatory list of studies.

What are the functions of colorless blood cells?

  • Responsible for blood clotting (hemostasis).
  • Participate in the dissolution of blood clots and blood clots (fibrinolysis).
  • Are suppliers nutrients(growth factors) for vascular wall cells for normal operation immune system.
  • They have the ability to release a lot of useful substances- fibrinogen, serotonin, etc.

These colorless bodies can accumulate and stick together(adhere), forming a cork in places of damage to the vessel wall. Due to this, blood loss is eliminated.

However, an increased number of platelets can contribute to the formation of dangerous clots. Therefore, it is so important to regularly take a general blood test.

In our material you will learn about. Let's talk about the most effective drugs and methods of treating the disease.

Find out also what are the reasons for the appearance bronchial asthma in children, what preventive measures are needed - we suggest reading about it.

Norm up to a year and older

Just now a newborn baby already has a certain number of platelets in his blood, which changes with age.

Norm in children per 1 liter of blood:

  • in newborns - 100-420 × 1000000000;
  • in children, since the birth of which 10 days have passed - 150-400 × 1000000000;
  • in babies one month old– 160-100×1000000000;
  • in six-month-olds - 180-400 × 1000000000;
  • at one year old baby– 160-380×1000000000;
  • in children whose age is 1-4 years - 160-400 × 1000000000;
  • from 5 to 7 years - 180-450 × 1000000000.

The level of platelets may vary depending on the physiological state or the presence of any disease. But what if the analysis showed that your child has a lot of platelets in the blood?

Reasons for the increase

Elevated platelets may indicate the formation of blood clots in the bloodstream, due to which vascular obstruction occurs.

The active formation of blood cells is directly related to the excess concentration of megakaryocytes (huge bone marrow cells).

According to recent studies, in patients with thrombocytosis, an increase in the concentration of these elements is observed constantly.

This is manifested in polycythemia - a benign tumor process of the blood system. With this disease, particles of decayed megakaryocytes are found in the blood.

Elevated platelets can also be seen in myelogenous leukemia ( malignant disease blood).

An increase in the number of platelets may precede thrombus formation in the peripheral circulatory system, what causes the development of the following diseases:

  • vasoconstriction;
  • swelling of the legs and arms;
  • erythema;
  • venous blockade of internal organs.

Why can blood platelet counts be elevated in children (including newborns)? Main reasons:

  • Lack of iron in the body.
  • Recent surgery.
  • Postponed stresses and physiological changes. As you grow children's body exposed hormonal changes, which are affected psychological condition. This becomes the main reason for the development of thrombocytosis.
  • Surgery to remove the spleen. This important organ takes a major part in the breakdown of dead cells.
  • Inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, and other intoxication manifestations can also affect changes in the quantitative indicator of colorless bodies.

    When to See a Doctor

    As soon as the decoding of the analysis in the child revealed that the platelet count is elevated, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Hematologist deals with the problem, but you can show the child to the local pediatrician. The doctor will prescribe everything necessary tests and based on their results will establish a diagnosis.

    To make a diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe the following studies:

    • blood test for platelets every 4 days (3 times);
    • general blood analysis;
    • ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity and pelvic organs;
    • bone marrow biopsy;
    • analysis to detect the level of iron and ferritin;
    • coagulogram (a set of blood indicators indicating the clotting process);
    • analysis for C-reactive protein (for signs of an infectious disease).

    Additionally, the doctor may prescribe a consultation with a gynecologist and urologist. As soon as the results of these studies become known, the doctor will draw conclusions and prescribe an effective treatment.

    Do you know how to determine gastritis in a child? Learn about the first signs of the disease in the following material:.

    How to lower high content

    The main condition of therapy is diet. With a high platelet count, regardless of the cause, you should eat a sufficient amount of foods that can thin the blood. Among them:

    • olive oil;
    • fish fat;
    • berries;
    • tomato juice (natural);
    • onion;
    • garlic;
    • lemon;
    • linseed oil.

    Also include foods fortified with magnesium in the diet. It:

    • buckwheat;
    • seaweed;
    • barley grits;
    • nuts (cashews, peanuts, pistachios, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts);
    • oatmeal;
    • peas, beans;
    • millet.

    Increased attention is being paid drinking regime. Suitable mineral water without gas, green tea, fruit, vegetable fresh.

    If the level of platelets in the blood of a child is slightly increased, it is not recommended to eat bananas, lentils, pomegranates, mangoes. You should also stop taking diuretics.

    When the number of platelets in the analysis is exceeded blood thinners are also effective which are prescribed only by a doctor.

    How to correctly decipher a blood test? We will discuss this issue with famous doctor Komarovsky in the following video:

    Exceeding the norm of platelets often indicates that the body is experiencing pathological changes. Which ones can only be established by a doctor. With a timely diagnosis and adherence to the prescribed treatment, the cell level will return to normal.

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