Increased ESR in a child - looking for reasons. Increased platelets, monocytes and ESR in a child Increased monocytes and ESR in the blood

Monocytes are leukocyte cells. Their main function is to neutralize foreign "agents", including tumor cells.

This indicator should always be kept under control, since an increase or decrease in the level of monocytes always indicates the development of pathology in the body.

Monocytes (mononuclear phagocytes, macrophages, histiocytes) are large white nuclear cells produced from multi-patent stem cells via red bone marrow. They are part of leukocytes, along with such species as eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils and lymphocytes. They live in blood vessels for a maximum of 2-3 days, then they move to the surrounding tissues of the body.

Mononuclear phagocytes are "orderlies" in the human body, removing the effects of infection.

They counteract pathogens, various tumors. Each component of the blood performs its function, sometimes two or three. Phagocytes are of key importance in protecting the child's body when any foreign material enters it. So, the functions of these cells are as follows:

  1. Participation in the reactions of humoral and cellular immunity. Histiocytes counteract viruses, fungi, microbes, tumor formations, poisonous and toxic substances. Upon completion of the inflammatory process, dead cells remain inside, products of tissue decay. Mononuclear phagocytes rush there as "orderlies".
  2. Participation in the process of tissue repair. The source of inflammation is surrounded by histiocytes, forming a protective septum. This stops the spread of the infectious process further through the body.

The norm in children

This indicator differs from the norm for an adult and depends directly on the age of the child. The standards are shown in the table below.


A pathology during which monocytes in the blood of a child are increased is called monocytosis. It usually occurs during an infection, but in itself is not a separate disease. May indicate a disease with brucellosis, tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis, mononucleosis. Symptoms of monocytosis are fatigue, weakness, fever. More often in children, the phenomenon of monocytopenia occurs - when the level of monocytes in a child is lowered. It can be observed in very serious pathologies, including oncological ones.

If monocytes are lowered to 0%, then this is a threat to life!

Types of pathology

This violation is represented by two types, depending on the cause of the change in the leukocyte formula:

  1. Absolute is characterized by an increase in phagocytes in all respects. In this case, the analysis record will indicate: “Monocytes abs. elevated." Absolute monocytosis is an alarming sign for doctors and parents. If abs monocytes are elevated in a child, the doctor must send him for additional examinations.
  2. Relative is observed if the percentage of histiocytes is higher than the norm, but the leukocytes correspond to the norm. The reason lies in the decrease in the number of other types of leukocytes.

Causes of Elevated Monocytes

The number of macrophages above the norm in a child in most cases is not an indicator of terrible diseases. More often it is an indicator of already transferred illnesses.

Often, monocytes are elevated in a child due to tooth loss or teething. It can also be specific to the child's body and be a hereditary phenomenon.

Common causes of elevated histiocytes in children include:

  • surgical operations;
  • past illnesses (ARVI, acute respiratory infections);
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • long-term use of hormonal drugs;
  • general fatigue of the body;
  • purulent processes;
  • invasive diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • mycoses;
  • body intoxication.

Clinical blood test as a classic diagnostic method

This type of study shows the number of all leukocytes in general, as well as the percentage of individual elements. Only having a general blood test with a transcript and a leukogram on hand, the doctor sends your child for additional examinations, if necessary.

The well-known pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky advises to observe small, but very important nuances during the child's blood donation, as this may affect the results:

  1. Blood for analysis is usually taken capillary, from a finger. In newborns, blood is taken from the heel.
  2. Breakfast time must be postponed a little later, since having eaten before analysis, the baby will thus distort the results. By breaking this rule, you will see that monocytes and ESR will be increased, and neutrophils will be lowered.
  3. The child must be calmed before donating blood.
  4. On the analysis form, it is imperative to check whether the age is indicated, since the norms for different ages are different.
  5. Serious physical exertion the day before can also lead to a false result. Without following this recommendation, platelets and monocytes in their numerical values ​​will show a deviation from the norm.
  6. Some medications can affect the percentage of different types of white blood cells. This must be told to the doctor before he deciphers the blood test.

Diagnostic value of simultaneous deviation from the norm of other blood parameters

When deciphering the KLA, it is important to look at the value of not only elevated macrophages, but also other cells, not only those related to leukocytes:

The most common reactions of blood cells:

  • Elevated lymphocytes and macrophages can be detected when exposed to a viral infection (influenza, measles, chickenpox, respiratory disease), and low lymphocytes will indicate a failure in the immune system. Lymphocytes are blood cells that are part of leukocytes and are produced by the lymph nodes and the thymus gland. They are responsible for cellular immunity. When the lymphocytes and monocytes in a child are elevated during the recovery period from an infectious disease, you can not worry about the outcome of the disease. This means that the child will cope with the disease.
  • Elevated phagocytes and eosinophils indicate allergic reactions (bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis) and helminthiases (ascariasis, giardiasis). Sometimes they indicate lymphomas and leukemias. Eosinophils are granulocytes produced by the bone marrow. Their function is to fight pathological organisms. The most common reason why a child has elevated eosinophils is helminthiasis and allergic diseases. Separately allocate a congenital eosinophilia.
  • If a child has elevated monocytes and basophils, then this may indicate the presence of an allergy or an autoimmune disease. Basophils are the smallest cells of the immune system. Their main function is the destruction of foreign viruses, microbes and bacteria. Basophils are the first of all cells to go to inflammation.
  • Elevated monocytes in a child + neutrophils indicate the appearance of a bacterial infection. In such cases, the level of lymphocytes decreases, and the sick baby has a high fever, cough, rhinitis with thick mucus, when listening, the doctor diagnoses wheezing in the lungs. Neutrophil granulocytes are responsible for the process of phagocytosis - the capture and eating of foreign particles. Their biggest role lies in protecting the child's body from fungal and bacterial infections.
  • Elevated platelets and histiocytes may indicate infectious diseases (meningitis, toxoplasmosis). Platelets are not included in the leukocyte formula, but are a cellular element of the blood. Their function is to be a kind of “blockage” at the site of a damaged vessel. Elevated platelets in the blood test are the reason for the appointment of additional examinations.
  • Decreased platelets and histiocytes are an alarming sign that there is a problem with hematopoiesis at the bone marrow level.

Monocytes and ESR

Red blood cells are hemoglobin-rich blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) test has been adopted as the international standard for a complete blood count. This indicator does not exist separately from others. Monocytes and ESR in humans are related in the same way as all blood components are related to each other. The norm of ESR in a child changes with age. The ESR norm in a baby at birth is about 20 times less than in a month-old baby. An elevated ESR along with an increase in phagocytes may indicate an infection.

Actions with an increase in monocytes in the blood

Monocytosis is not actually an independent separate disease, but it is a symptom of the presence of the disease. For the treatment of pathology, it is important to understand the reason why an increased content of monocytes in a child was found. A doctor must be in charge! In the case of infectious diseases, for sure, these will be drugs. Oncological diseases require more intensive examinations and therapeutic measures.

Elevated monocytes in children: should I be worried?

When lymphocytes and monocytes are elevated in the analysis, this causes anxiety in the patient. Experienced doctors understand that when monocyte lymphocytes are elevated, this is only a consequence of some kind of pathology. At the same time, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis based on a single blood test. Therefore, it is impossible to unambiguously answer the question why, for example, monocytes are lowered, while other blood parameters are increased. Any changes in blood analysis should be taken as an additional symptom of the disease, which is taken into account when differential diagnosis is performed and treatment is selected.

Monocytes in the blood are representatives of a young group of cells, they go to the tissues, from where monocytes come out as mature histiocytes and macrophages. In addition, they migrate to the mucous membranes and skin, where they first meet with agents of foreign origin.

So, macrophages and histiocytes perform phagocytosis of the pathogen. When monocytes become elevated, this is a sign of the presence of an agent of foreign origin in the tissues, respectively, the monocyte level increases, since there is an increased need for macrophages. During their delivery to the tissues, the amount in the blood also increases, which is demonstrated in the analyzes along with an increase in leukocytes and changes in other blood parameters.

Another important indicator that is often considered together with monocytes is lymphocytes. In the body, on the "shoulders" of these cells are different functions:

  • the process of starting and stopping the immune response;
  • recognition of proteins of foreign origin;
  • production of immunoglobulins;
  • destruction of the pathogen cell;
  • storing information about him and writing it into the genetic code.

Thus, lymphocytes work on immunity in two directions. This is cellular and humoral immunity. Very often, the analysis does not use 100 percent of the indicator of only one cell. For example, if neutrophils are lowered, this does not make it possible to make a diagnosis directly. It is important to consider high and low indicators in a complex, and not separately. That is why it is often important for doctors to see exactly the combination of the level of monocytes and lymphocytes.

Against the background of an integrated approach to deciphering the analysis, one can understand at what stage the pathological process is, make a forecast for the development of the disease, deal with its causes, confirm the diagnosis and understand how impaired immunity is.

Increase in lymphocytes and monocytes

Despite the fact that agranulocytes, neutrophil cells, lymphocytes, erythrocytes and all other representatives of the circulatory system have their own functions, in terms of the task they converge on one thing. Their job is to neutralize pathogenic microorganisms.

Lymphocytes and monocytes - colorless blood cells, belong to the category of leukocytes. The bone marrow is responsible for the production of monocytes, after which they absorb pathogenic bacteria.

Normally, the level of presence of monocytes as a percentage of the total number of leukocytes in the blood should be at the level of 3-11 percent. If the analysis indicates an increase in lymphocytes and monocytes, we can talk about the presence of a tumor in its malignant form, infection against the background of the work of fungi, viruses or bacteria, diseases of the intestines, heart, and blood vessels.

If monocytes are enlarged, and all other groups of cells responsible for human immunity do not show pathological changes, then it is important to check for the presence of bone marrow diseases. In this case, monocytosis is a serious violation, and the disease itself is treated in stationary conditions.

To increase the chances of a favorable outcome, the doctor's first priority is to rule out bone marrow cancer or detect it at an early stage. It is important to note that regardless of the disease, monocytes and ESR are elevated throughout the treatment, often the sedimentation rate and monocyte level return to normal only a few days after complete recovery, especially if extensive inflammation is present.

At the same time, a low or high monocyte level is not always explained by the presence of pathology. Sometimes a non-dangerous increase may be due to the fact that lymphocytes and eosinophils have decreased. This is possible with severe allergies. This is due to the fact that other cells, for example, platelets and monocytes, become lowered, which means that the body needs to close the gap by offering compensation at the expense of others.

After two or three days, if the disease proceeds without complications, neutrophils and monocytes, platelets and other indicators will be reduced and will return to their norm. The increase in monocytes during the recovery period can even be considered as a positive trend.

Common Combinations of Cellular Responses

It has already been noted above that doctors rarely consider absolute indicators as a sign of a disease. In most cases, we are talking about a complex interpretation of the analysis. In this case, different combinations are distinguished. The most common are the following.

A joint increase in monocytes and lymphocytes may be a sign of an acute infection of viral origin. These are not only simple respiratory diseases, but also measles, rubella or chickenpox that are dangerous for some categories of people. In this case, neutrophils become lowered, and doctors usually begin work with antiviral therapy.

The combination of monocytes and basophils also cannot be ignored. Basophils are cells that react among the first. They rush towards the infectious focus even before the work of everyone else begins. The combined increased monocytes and basophils can cause long-term treatment with hormonal spectrum agents.

At the same time, against the background of elevated basophils, a large number of macrophages and lymphocytes are always present. The action is due to the production of serotonin, histamine and a number of other substances that enhance the inflammatory process.

Additional Variations

When neutrophils are elevated, and with them monocytes, it is worth checking for bacterial infections. This is how they manifest themselves in their acute stage. In this case, a reduced lymphocyte count is observed. Patients with this diagnosis are characterized by an elevated temperature, a wet type of cough, a runny nose with purulent discharge from the nose, and wheezing is present in the lungs.

It is important to note that all cells of the immune system and blood replace each other. Therefore, abrupt deviations, which are very different in their duration, must be taken very seriously. This is important to exclude malignant diseases.

When platelets are elevated, this is also a sure sign of the presence of inflammation in the body, especially if there is a combination with a monocyte increase. However, hematological diseases, cigarette abuse, the postoperative period, endocrine diseases cannot be excluded. An increase in platelets is inevitable after removal of the spleen.

Sometimes there are increased erythrocytes and monocytes. In this case, doctors usually prescribe an additional check, while observing the dynamics in which changes in the monocyte level and indicators of other blood cells will occur.

Separately, it is worth clarifying the indicators of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, which are always considered in conjunction with the main blood indicators. Most often, an increased level of this indicator is a signal of the presence of infectious diseases in the body.

Monocytes are a type of white blood cells (leukocytes) that are responsible for protecting the human body from tumor cells and pathogenic microorganisms, as well as for resorption and elimination of dead tissues. Thus, these cells cleanse the body, which is why they are also called "wipers".

The clinical significance of the indicator of monocytes in a blood test lies in the fact that their level can suggest the presence of a particular disease. Experts recommend that both adults and children take a general blood test twice a year for prevention in order to detect deviations from the norm in time.

Today we want to tell you why monocytes can be increased in a child and who should be contacted in this case.

Other names for monocytes can also be found in the medical literature, such as mononuclear phagocytes, macrophages, or histiocytes.

Macrophages are one of the main cells of the immune system. Their role for the body is to fight pathogenic microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi), waste products of microbes, dead cells, toxic substances and cancer cells.

Macrophages remain to work in the pathological focus even after the neutralization of the foreign agent in order to process dead pathogenic microorganisms, decayed tissues of the body, due to which they are called "orderlies", "cleaners" or "janitors" of the body.

In addition, macrophages prepare the body for recovery by enclosing the focus with a "shaft" that prevents the spread of infection to intact tissues.

The norm of monocytes in the blood in children: table

In most cases, the relative number of monocytes in the blood is determined, that is, the number of this type of leukocyte is indicated as a percentage (%) in relation to other types of white blood cells.

As you can see, the indicators of monocytes in the blood change with the age of the child.

Also, the doctor who sent for a general blood test may require the absolute number of monocytes from the laboratory assistant, which also depends on the age of the child.

The level of monocytes in the blood: how to determine?

The leukocyte formula is the percentage of certain types of white blood cells, such as neutrophils, basophils, lymphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils. Changes in the leukocyte formula are markers of various diseases.

Blood for analysis is taken from a child’s finger or heel, depending on his age, and in rare cases, from a vein.

How to prepare for a general blood test?

The well-known television pediatrician Komarovsky focuses attention in his program on a general blood test on the fact that the objectivity of the results depends on the correct preparation for the study, therefore it is important to observe the following principles:

  • blood is given exclusively on an empty stomach, because after eating, white blood cells in the blood rise. If the blood test is performed on an infant, then the interval between the last feeding and blood sampling should be at least two hours;
  • the day before blood sampling, the child needs to be calm and protected from stress, as well as from physical exertion and active games;
  • it is not recommended to give the child fatty foods on the eve of the blood test;
  • if the child is taking any medication, then this should be reported to the doctor who sent him for a blood test, since some drugs can provoke monocytosis.

Monocytosis is an increase in the level of monocytes in the blood, which can be determined with a complete blood count.

Monocytosis is not a separate nosological form, but a symptom of many diseases.

Increased monocytes in a child, depending on the causes, may be accompanied by a variety of symptoms, namely:

It is customary to distinguish between absolute and relative monocytosis.

Absolute monocytosis is set in the case when in the general blood test there is a mark "abs. monocytes are increased."

With relative monocytosis, there is an increase in the percentage of monocytes against the background of a normal number of leukocytes due to a decrease in the number of other types of white blood cells.

Increased monocytes in the blood of a child: causes

The following diseases can lead to an increase in monocytes in children:

  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • brucellosis;
  • malaria;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • ascaris invasion;
  • syphilis;
  • lymphoma;
  • leukemia;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • inflammation of the mucosa of the digestive tract (gastritis, enteritis, colitis and others);
  • intoxication with phosphorus or tetrachloroethane.

Also, monocytosis can be determined in children who have had an infectious disease, removal of tonsils, adenoids, as well as during eruption and change of teeth.

Monocytes are elevated in a child: examples of interpretation of the results of a general blood test

Of clinical importance is not only an increased content of monocytes in the blood, but also a combination of monocytosis with deviations of other hematological parameters. Consider examples.

An elevated level of monocytes in the blood can be a sign of a rather serious pathology, therefore, in no case should it be ignored. Upon receipt of a blood result in which monocytosis is present, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician for additional examination.

Children with suspicion of an infectious disease are sent for a consultation with an infectious disease specialist.

With symptoms of an intestinal infection, the child is prescribed a coprogram, fecal analysis for helminth eggs, bacteriological examination of feces, sowing of vomit, ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, general urinalysis, as well as specific serological tests to exclude diseases such as syphilis, brucellosis, malaria, etc. d.

Children who have signs of lymphadenopathy (enlarged lymph nodes) must determine atypical mononuclear cells to exclude infectious mononucleosis, or perform a bone marrow puncture if leukemia is suspected. In the latter case, a consultation with a hematologist is indicated.

If monocytosis is combined with heart murmurs or joint pain, then such children are referred for examination to a cardiorheumatologist, who can prescribe a biochemical blood test and rheumatic tests.

With monocytosis and abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, you should consult a surgeon, as this may be a manifestation of appendicitis, stomach ulcers, colitis, etc.

Treatment of monocytosis is to eliminate its cause.

To determine why the increased number of monocytes in the blood of a child can only be a specialist - a pediatrician. You may also need to consult related specialists, such as an immunologist, a hematologist, an infectious disease specialist, a surgeon, a TB doctor, etc.

Monocytes are among the largest cells of all white blood cells. They are important for fighting viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms. Their increased concentration in adults and children, most often, indicates the development of various pathological processes in humans.

Monocytes are a type of leukocyte. They make up 2-10% of the total volume of white cells. These immune bodies circulate through the bloodstream for 2-3 days, and then they enter the tissues and become protective cells.

Monocytes in the blood of an adult are responsible for a lot of functions in the body.

They kill microorganisms, engulf foreign particles, remove dead cells, and enhance the immune response. However, along with this, they can participate in the development of certain diseases, such as inflammatory lesions of the joints or blood vessels.

Table of the norm of monocytes in the blood by age

Monocyte counts in humans may differ by age:

Age Monocytes, %
Minimum indicators Maximum performance Averages
Up to 1 month5 15 10
2-12 months4 10 7
2-6 years old3 10 6.5
7-12 years old2 10 6
12-18 years old2 9 5.5
Over 183 11 7

Such values ​​are average for a healthy person, they can change, and this is due to lifestyle, time of day and taking various medications.

What tests help determine the level of monocytes

To find out the monocyte count in the blood formula, the doctor recommends taking a clinical blood test. It gives a complete picture of human health. The remaining indicators of the leukocyte formula are important only in the diagnosis of certain diseases.

If a person has a serious infection, these rates also increase. In order for the indicators to be accurate, food must be excluded in 8 hours, and alcohol in 24 hours. Emotional stress, as well as stress, can also affect the outcome of the tests.

Causes of increased monocytes in children and adults

An increased level of monocytes in adults and children is called monocytosis. It is not a separate disease, but rather refers to the consequence of pathologies in humans.

Monocytosis is manifested in diseases:

  • hematological tumors (leukemia or lymphoma);
  • infections (viruses, tuberculosis, bacterial endocarditis, syphilis);
  • autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma);
  • sarcoidosis;
  • cancer (breast, ovaries, colon);
  • myocardial infarction;
  • HIV infection;
  • severe pneumonia;
  • childbirth;
  • alcoholism;
  • obesity;
  • depression.

In addition to diseases, an increase in the concentration of monocytes in the blood formula may indicate past infectious diseases. This indicates that immune cells continue to work to protect a person from viruses, fungi and bacteria.


Infections are among the most common causes of monocytosis. This is due to the appearance of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi in the body with which the immune system begins to fight. The bone marrow produces a large number of monocytes that destroy harmful microorganisms.

Monocytes are increased in an adult and a child with such diseases of an infectious nature:

There are other infectious diseases that can provoke monocytosis. These are intestinal, respiratory and skin infections that affect the organs or systems of the human body.


Mononucleosis is a disease that most often affects children, and is accompanied by an increase in the leukocyte count in the blood. This condition is dangerous because it can turn into nasopharyngeal cancer or other diseases. The onset of the disease occurs by airborne droplets or through the blood.

The onset and course of mononucleosis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • temperature rise;
  • nasal congestion;
  • headache;
  • sore throat and redness of the tonsils.

Over time, if you do not start treatment, more severe symptoms may appear, which include:

  • mononucleosis rash;
  • enlargement of the liver and spleen.

A blood test indicates mononucleosis if the levels of monocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils and basophils are high. This condition requires immediate treatment, as there is a possibility of complications.

Children's infectious diseases

Monocytosis in a child may be the result of infectious diseases. Such pathologies suffer mainly during childhood. After treatment, a stable immunity appears, which persists throughout life.

Childhood infectious diseases that increase the concentration of monocytes include:

  • rubella;
  • mumps;
  • chicken pox;
  • whooping cough;
  • measles.

All of these diseases are caused by infectious bacteria that infect the body. In response, the immune system begins to produce additional monocytes in order to effectively fight pathogenic bacteria.


Tuberculosis is a pathological condition that is provoked by infectious bacteria. A high level of monocytes in this pathology occurs only in the later stages of the disease.

In the first clinical studies, the indicators may not deviate from the norm. This is the difficulty in diagnosing this disease.

Monocytosis can also be caused by persistent infectious diseases. Chronic inflammation causes changes in the leukocyte formula. A person may not notice any symptoms for a long time, but there may be abnormalities in the blood test.

Chronic inflammation that can cause an increase in the number of monocytes includes:

  • herpes;
  • shingles;
  • cytomegalovirus infection;
  • papillomas;
  • chlamydia.

Usually chronic inflammation lasts for months and does not have an acute onset of the disease. However, from the first days of inflammation, the body begins to produce an increased number of monocytes, which is an indicator of the presence of pathology.

Autoimmune diseases

Since in autoimmune diseases, the body perceives its own cells as enemy cells, it produces an increased number of monocytes. However, autoimmune inflammation that occurs against the background of the destruction of healthy cells may not always be accompanied by an increase in the number of monocytes. All indicators depend on the general condition of the body and its immunity.

Autoimmune diseases include:

  • lupus erythematosus;
  • scleroderma;
  • rheumatoid arthritis.

If the immune system is active, it produces a huge number of white cells to fight pathogens. However, in case of weak immunity, the concentration of monocytes may decrease.

Oncohematological disease

Oncological lesions of the blood are often accompanied by a transformation of the blood composition. Tumors in the blood-forming system are perceived by protective cells as hostile, as a result, all indicators of the leukocyte formula increase.

The oncohematological group of diseases includes:

  • leukemia;
  • lymphomas.

In addition to an increase in the number of monocytes, with oncohematological disease, their concentration may also decrease. This is due to the nonspecific action of tumor cells.

Malignant tumors

A blood test is an important test for diagnosing cancer. Usually in malignant tumors, the concentration of monocytes increases, as the immune system enters a defense mode. However, with bone marrow cancer, the indicator may, on the contrary, fall. This is due to a weak immune response and a malfunction in the bone marrow.

Monocytes are increased in an adult if such malignant tumors are present in the body:

Elevated monocyte counts may indicate the presence of cancer, so it is important to consult a doctor after the analysis for further diagnosis and clarification of the reasons for the deviation from the norm.

Chemical intoxication

Chemical poisoning greatly affects the blood composition of a person. During the onset of intoxication, not only the leukocyte formula will change, but also other blood parameters, such as lymphocytes and erythrocytes. The number of monocytes in the blood decreases as the immune system is blocked.

The most common chemicals that cause poisoning with a change in blood composition:

Most often, it is children who suffer from intoxication. In case of poisoning, urgent medical attention is required.

Reasons for an increase in women: menstruation, pregnancy

The leukocyte formula in women can change under the influence of the menstrual cycle:

  1. During the follicular phase, the number of monocytes may be lower than usual, as endometrial detachment occurs, and the woman loses some of the blood.
  2. Ovulation is characterized by an increase in indicators to normal values.
  3. During the luteal phase, the number of monocytes increases, as the body prepares for endometrial exfoliation and repeated blood loss.

During pregnancy, the composition of the blood can change, so for pregnant women there are normal indicators. Usually, an increased level of monocytes during this period is not accompanied by any symptoms. Immunity activates the forces for bearing and protecting the fetus. The indicators may differ from the norm by 2% (the norm for pregnant women is from 1 to 11%).

Symptoms of increased monocytes in women, men

Symptoms of an increased number of monocytes depend primarily on the underlying disease. Since a high white blood cell count is a clinical sign and not a disease, it may be accompanied by symptoms of the underlying cause. However, there are atypical cases when an increased rate may not have any signs at all.

As the immune system begins to fight viruses and bacteria, the main symptoms may be similar to those of a cold:

  • weakness;
  • temperature rise;
  • headache.

These general symptoms accompany most infectious diseases with an increase in the level of monocytes.

Additional diagnostics: analysis for lymphocytes, ESR, neutrophils

The clinical blood test immediately includes such indicators as lymphocytes, ESR and neutrophils. These data allow the doctor to more accurately diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Deviation from the norm of two or more indicators indicates the presence of pathological changes in the body:

  1. Changes in the concentration of monocytes and lymphocytes indicate, first of all, a bacterial infection.
  2. Departure from the norm of ESR and monocytes is characteristic of viral and autoimmune diseases.
  3. Excess neutrophils and monocytes can be the cause of a fungal infection.

With serious diseases in the body, usually there are several deviations in the blood formula. Each disease has its own characteristics of changes.

Ways to normalize the level of monocytes

Monocytes are elevated in an adult or a child, most often if there is any disease. Therefore, for normalization, the doctor must prescribe therapy for the underlying disease. If the cause of the deviation was a bacterial infection, then complex treatment includes the use of antibiotics.

In the case of oncological and autoimmune diseases, therapy is aimed at the underlying disease. During pregnancy, the level of monocytes is increased due to the increased work of the immune system. During pregnancy, the leukocyte formula does not require normalization, as this is considered a physiological state. After childbirth, normal indicators are restored.

Prevention of monocytosis

To avoid elevated levels of monocytes, it is necessary to follow the doctor's recommendations for the treatment of the underlying disease.

Also, the methods of preventing monocytosis include:

  • refusal of alcohol;
  • regular exercise;
  • weight loss with overweight and obesity;
  • consumption of omega-3 fatty acids;
  • reducing the consumption of meat in the diet.

These simple methods of prevention will not only help prevent the increase in monocytes, but also prevent many diseases.

The prognosis of specialists with elevated monocytes

The prognosis for elevated monocytes primarily depends on the cause of their occurrence. If the underlying disease is an infection, then competent therapy allows you to completely cure and reduce performance.

In the event that the primary cause of the deviation of indicators was an oncological disease, recovery depends on many factors, such as the stage of the disease, age, or the presence of concomitant diseases. In women, changes in the level of monocytes can occur under the influence of pregnancy or in different menstrual phases.

Monocytosis is not a disease and therefore does not require special treatment. Therapy, first of all, should be aimed at eliminating the root cause. Preventive methods of monocytosis include maintaining a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits, proper nutrition with a reduced meat content, as well as treating infections that have arisen.

Monocytes can be elevated in adults and children during infectious diseases of a viral, bacterial or fungal nature. In addition, deviations in the leukocyte formula may indicate the presence of oncological or autoimmune diseases.

Article formatting: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about elevated monocytes in an adult

A blood test for monocytes, what is it:

If monocytes and ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) are elevated in the general blood test, even slightly, this gives reason to suspect infectious, or Epstein-Barr disease.

If the total number of monocytes in the norm is from 3 to 10% (usually 2-8%), then with mononucleosis this number may increase, although sometimes slightly. So, in clinical practice, examples are known when a “normal” number of monocytes (about 11%) is found in a patient, but he suffers from acute infectious mononucleosis. Therefore, the diagnosis helps to establish a more reliable analysis for specific antibodies to the infectious agent. ESR in mononucleosis is also slightly or moderately increased.

However, a complete blood count is not the most reliable test for mononucleosis. To confirm or refute this diagnosis, it is necessary to carry out other tests: the determination of antibodies to the virus or the detection of traces of the presence of the virus itself is carried out using an indirect immunofluorescence reaction, enzyme immunoassay (ELISA), or PCR.

Also, monocytes can increase with other infections, such as active tuberculosis, syphilis, brucellosis, subacute bacterial endocarditis, rickettsiosis and protozoal infections (malaria, leishmaniasis), fungal infestations. This symptom can also accompany sarcoidosis, ulcerative colitis; rheumatoid arthritis, hematological diseases (lymphogranulomatosis, acute monoblastic and myelomonocytic leukemia, chronic monocytic, myelomonocytic and myeloid leukemia).

Monocytes in the general blood test can be increased by drugs such as ampicillin, penicillamine, prednisolone, griseofulvin, haloperidol. Often, monocytes remain elevated during the recovery period after acute infections.

ESR can also increase during pregnancy, in the postpartum period, during menstruation. Also, an increase in ESR is accompanied by many inflammatory diseases of various etiologies; autoimmune and neoplastic processes, severe infections. An increase in ESR is characteristic of myocardial infarction, anemia.

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2014-08-21 13:06:55

Elena asks:

Hello! Diagnosis: idiopathic myelofibrosis, stage of hematological manifestations. Condition after splenectomy. Cirrhosis of the liver. Iron deficiency anemia grade 2. There are no data for the viral etiology of liver cirrhosis. Worried about weakness, pain in the right hypochondrium. Hemoglobin-100; erythrocytes-3.5*10; color index-0.8, platelets-230.0; leukocytes-10.2*10; stab 2; segmented-30; eosinophils-2; basophils-1; lymphocytes-53, monocytes-12; ESR-6. Erythrocytes are partly hypochromic, micro-macrocytes in places, poikilocytosis occasionally, pronounced anisocytosis. Alat norm; AsAt-52 (N up to 31); thymol test-6.25 (N to 4); GGT-201 (N to 38); Bilirubin total-29.0 (N to 25.5); bilirubin-7.0 (N to 6.4); bilirubin-22, 0(N to 19.1). Now I accept gyno-tardiferon. Hepadif was instilled a month ago. Previously, bilirubin was elevated only before splenectomy, 7 years have passed since the removal of the spleen, and this is the first time that bilirubin has increased again, so I decided to consult you. Please, tell me, what are my further actions with such bilirubin, which doctor should I contact? Hematologist or go to a hepatologist? Thank you.

2013-10-04 18:46:27

Vitaly asks:

Hello Dear doctors. I am 20 years old, Vitaliy. Please help me deal with the problem!
It all started at the beginning of May of this year. My head ached in the left forehead area (throbbing pain) lasted about a week. stuffy ears, excessive sweating and temperature sometimes jumps up to 37.1. I went to our clinic, the neuropathologist sent for an encephalogram (I don’t remember the exact results because they are in my card and she is in the clinic) But there is a slight violation (venous outflow is difficult) and 3rd conclusion Dystonic type reg (hypertonic)
She said that everything was fine with the pressure. Her head still hurt.
Then they gave me a referral for a CT scan of the brain.
On CT scans of the brain, paranasal sinuses, pyramids of the temporal bones:
Focal changes in the density of the substance of the brain are not determined.
The median structures of the brain are not displaced.
The ventricles of the brain are not dilated.
Convexital subarachnoid spaces expanded up to 4 mm.
The cisterns of the brain are not dilated.
Subtentorial structures without focal changes.
In the lower sections of the maxillary sinuses, against the background of a mucosa thickened up to 4 mm, cyst-like formations up to 15x8 mm in size on the left and 12x9 mm on the right are visualized.
The pneumatization of the remaining paranasal sinuses and air-containing structures of the pyramids of the temporal bones is not disturbed.
S-shaped curvature of the nasal septum with a spike directed to the left.
Concha bullosa bilaterally.
Adenoid vegetations are visualized in the nasopharynx.
Bone-destructive changes are not determined.
Conclusion: CT-signs of focal brain changes were not revealed. Bilateral maxillary sinusitis. Cysts of the maxillary sinuses.
I had sinusitis pierced as a child. After CT, I went to the ENT. I explained my symptoms to him, he said that cysts do not give such symptoms (but it is still desirable to remove them) He sent me to the ENT hospital. I decided not to go, but then to be examined .Then I had other symptoms (nausea lasted for 3 weeks) almost from morning until night. Then there was, so to speak, slight unsteadiness when walking (it also lasted 3 weeks then passed) In general, I decided to go to a paid clinic to a neuropathologist (she examined and also ordered a series of examinations)
X-ray of the cervical region
Blood test for TORCH infection
Clinical blood test
So far I have done dopplerography, an ECG, a blood clinic (the other 2 are being done) I will soon go and pick it up.
Dopplerography of the vessels of the head and neck:
The shape of the dopplerogram was changed according to the angiodistonic type.
The frequency distribution in the spectrum is shifted towards low frequencies.
The direction of blood flow in all located vessels is anterograde.
The sound characteristics of the Doppler signal are shifted towards low tones.
The rate of blood flow in the common carotid arteries and its branches is reduced.
The blood flow through the intracranial vessels is reduced. The tone of the arteries is reduced.
The coefficient of asymmetry of Doppler signals obtained from symmetrical sections of the same arteries does not exceed the allowable values ​​KA -9% (N - KAConclusion:
Dopplerography of the vessels of the head and neck indicates angiodystonia of the hypotonic type against the background of changes in the elastic-tonic properties of the vessels.

ECG: Sinus rhythm - 49, sinus bradycardia violation of gastric conduction in the middle branch
Donated blood 3 times already (last time yesterday)
Hemoglobin 168
Erythrocytes 5.5
Color indicator 0.92
Leukocytes 6.5
Eozonophils 8
Sticks. one
Segments 35
Lymphocytes 52
Monocytes 4
ESR 3mm/h
convolution n 4.08 to 4.47
Date 26.09.2013
I attributed all these symptoms to any dystonia (vsd)
But then I decided to undergo an oncological examination in men (he examined me, he didn’t like the lymph nodes in the armpits, said they were slightly enlarged) Although they seem normal to me, besides, I checked with him 2 times before that day, he said everything was normal. In general, he scared me to death (he says you have "bad lymph nodes" "this means either oncology or HIV infection) took me to the surgeon and put an alleged DZ: axillary lymphadenitis. Sometimes they hurt a little or pull or prick in general discomfort. The inguinal ones also pull for several days, if at all, lymph nodes and not some muscles.
Please tell me what lymph nodes should be normal (I mean, if they don’t hurt during palpation, but they hurt like that, is that a bad sign?) I was in a panic after his words. Then I went to an oncologist (she didn’t accept me, she said only in the direction of a therapist) you yourself understand what "good doctors" are in a regular clinic
Please advise what to do next, is it worth panicking?

Responsible Maykova Tatyana Nikolaevna:

Vitaly, go to the specialists and treat your headache and neurosis. And then you will come up with a couple more diagnoses. A neurosis can be treated by a psychiatrist, but he will not cure a headache. You can go to a neurologist who is specially trained in the diagnosis and treatment of headaches and they will treat both.

2013-03-22 11:15:56

Vlad asks:

Hello, please help me with advice, they don’t answer anywhere !! In January, the bones of the whole body began to hurt, she donated blood: abs monocytes were elevated. Gradually, the condition began to worsen: temperature 37.0 - 37.9, weakness, sore throat, then the throat disappeared, the head ached a lot (the front upper part and temples throbbed) for about 3 weeks, ulcers appeared before a month (they didn’t reveal anything, they suggested thrush due to a fall immunity). There was a headache and temperature mostly in the evenings. The doctor diagnosed Acute EBV infection. A blood test at the end of February: lymphocytes are greatly increased, leukocytes are slightly elevated, ESR and segmented neutrophils are lowered, BUT no atypical mononuclear cells were found! By March, the symptoms were gone, but a week later she contracted SARS from a friend. Now I have a slight runny nose, Four days ago my eye became inflamed, the doctor said it was adenovirus infection. From medicines: February - amizon, azithromycin, geviran, loratadine, March from 9 to 13 amizon, now eye drops oftalmodec, ofloxacin and ocoferon. How soon can I plan a pregnancy if the symptoms pass and the blood test is restored??? Menstruation on March 26, can I already try in April ??? Answer, please!

Responsible Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

Pregnancy planning should be carried out against the background of complete recovery, taking folic acid 800 mcg per day for 1.5-3 months. I recommend being examined for TORCH infections: herpes, cytomegalovirus, rubella, toxoplasmosis. These infections can also occur like GRVI, but they can do a lot of harm. After all, you are planning a pregnancy, and you are not testing your immunity.

2012-02-29 15:17:28

Love asks:

I am 25. In 2011, in my thyroid gland, according to the results of ultrasound, a single nodule 8*9 mm in size was found, hypoechoic with a heterogeneous structure, calcifications and a contour in the form of a delineated "halo", with digital Doppler mapping - feeding pedicle Vps=17 mm/s, Ved = 7, IR=0.6. It is not possible to exclude a lymph node.
There is systemic lymphadenopathy (the size of symmetrical lymph nodes in the occipital, cervical, inguinal, in the parotid salivary gland is within 0.8 - 1.5 cm, the size of the axillary lymph nodes is 2.5 * 1.2 cm and 1.8 * 1 2 cm), lymph nodes are painless. Spleen: normal size.
The results of a general blood test:
Hemoglobin - 120, leukocytes - 6.4 * 10^9 / l, eosinophils 5%, stab neutrophils - 2%, segmented - 41%, lymphocytes - 50%, monocytes - 2%, ESR - 15.
The content of thyroid hormones in venous blood is within the normal range: TSH - 1.1 (normal - less than 4), T4 - 1.2 ng (normal - less than 2), T3 - 2.2 (normal - less than 4.2).
State of health: lethargy, weakness, excessive sweating, temperature in the evening and at night - 37.2-37.4 C.
Venous blood for culture is sterile. Antibodies to Toxoplasma, DNA of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are absent in venous blood. Negative results of PCR and ELISA for DNA and antigens of herpes viruses type 7.8, HSV1 / 2, CMV, EBV.
I ask for your recommendation regarding my situation and advice on what can be done and where it can be done in order to find out the diagnosis and what kind of disease it could be.
Thank you in advance.

Responsible Vlasova Olga Vladimirovna:

Hello Love! I can only advise on a node in the thyroid gland - the node is small, but you can talk to an ultrasound doctor if he can puncture it to clarify the diagnosis (nodes from 1 cm are often punctured), and there are no violations of the hormonal background of the thyroid gland. There is lymphocytosis in the general blood test, and if this occurs with lymphadenopathy, it would be good to see a hematologist.

2015-12-21 11:52:40

Svetlana asks:

Hello. For the last 3 months, I have been feeling severe weakness, an increase in the left head lymph node, in general, the entire left side of my face hurts, memory impairment. An employee has Epstein-Barr virus at work. She passed a blood test, leukocytes 6.6 g / l ESR 9, monocytes 6.6%, but lymphocytes 49.9% and in the leukoformula lymphocytes 54%. Eosinophils 0. Could it be this virus, and if not, is it necessary to consult a doctor with such indicators and to which one? My lymphocytes have been elevated for the past 3 years. What could it be?

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Hello Svetlana! There are signs of a viral infection in the blood, but it is impossible to identify the type of virus by a complete blood count. Given the symptoms, you should contact a general practitioner and, possibly, an infectious disease specialist for examination. Take care of your health!

2015-08-30 17:51:35

Xenia asks:

Good afternoon.
3 years ago (winter 2012) I got myself two kittens (first one, then the other), both from the market not vaccinated. They were ill with something (liquid stool, did not eat, etc.) and we gave them away. There was also a puppy at the beginning of 2012, he died, he was ill with something.
After the kittens, a month later, the following symptoms appeared:
Lost weight from 56 to 49 kg
Diarrhea persistent
Complete loss of appetite
Severe abdominal pain in the morning
And rashes on the body like lichen. (one month later)
Low pressure
Panic attacks
Dull pains in the area of ​​the gallbladder (there were about 3 months) did not stop.
A full examination was carried out, but the cause was not found.
In the spring of 2013, I recovered, the symptoms were not so pronounced.
Only in April 2015, in the direction of an infectious disease specialist, a form of Toxoplasmosis, toxocariasis, and ascariasis was discovered.

The current state is:
General weakness, fatigue, dizziness (mild) weakness in the legs, drowsiness, eyes baked and reddish,
There are headaches
Brings legs together
Increased body temperature (often 36.8, less often 37)
Anxiety (previously had panic attacks)
When I'm very nervous, my body temperature rises and my legs are wadded.
The abdomen does not hurt in general, the stool is normal (there is diarrhea, rarely)
After and during the medication, pain began in the gallbladder area (drawing pains, rare, short)
There are breathing problems (not enough air), the longest was about 2 weeks
There is a lump in the throat (2 weeks)
The pressure is the lowest 90/55 (when taking nemazol drugs), well, it happens sometimes.
Normal 100/60
Appetite is normal, 4 meals a day are full. I always really want sweets, especially in the evening and at night.
The skin is a bit dry, there is a 2|2 cm rash on the leg, which does not go away.
Sleep is normal.
Height 165, weight 52 (at the moment)

First tests:
Ascaris put. CP = 1.92
Toxocariasis will put KP = 5.23
Toxoplasmosis 2.9 U / ml (up to 1.6 negative 1.6-3.0 doubtful. More than 3.0 positive)
Neutrophils are slightly reduced
Lymphocytes are slightly elevated
Monocytes are slightly elevated

I was prescribed treatment for toxocariasis and ascariasis. Piperosine 1 tab. 1 time per day - 5 days. And nemazol 14 days, 1 tab. (200 mg)

Retested 2 weeks later:
Toxocariasis CP= 7.6 (1:800)
Roundworm CP= 2.3 (1:200)
Toxoplasmosis (not treated) IgM - not found. IgG-detected 85.5 IU/ml.
Now they have been re-appointed to drink from toxocariasis and ascariasis Vermox 2 times a day for 2 weeks (+ vitamins enterosorbents and antihistamine)

After taking Vermox, she sent tests and showed the results of 1: 600 toxocariasis
And 1:200 roundworm. (I drank piperazine for 5 days, 2 weeks for Nemazol and 3 weeks for Vermox) do you think they died or are they still there? Slightly increased Soe and leukocytes. On ultrasound, weigh in the gallbladder.
Is it possible to get pregnant with such indicators?

Responsible Agababov Ernest Danielovich:

Good afternoon, you do not have any data for toxoplasmosis, anthelmintic therapy was prescribed adequately, you can send all the results of the examination to my mail for a correct assessment of the situation. sven=š

2015-05-23 05:54:32

Sergei asks:

Ears are normal.

Responsible Shidlovsky Igor Valerievich:

In absentia it is extremely difficult to talk about something specific. There is arterial hypertension, not very high numbers. There is a pathology of the ENT organs, which does not affect the state of health. There is a GERB, which also does not cause ill health. Of course, you can go to an infectious disease specialist and resolve the issue of infection with the herpes virus and the need for treatment, but I think that first of all you need to start with a consultation with a psychotherapist and exclude depressive states and panic attacks. I repeat my recommendations in absentia.

2015-05-23 05:51:28

Sergei asks:

Sorry if I post in several topics, but there are a lot of problems:
Since September, the state of health has worsened. First the temperature dropped. before it was always 36.6, but it began to fluctuate from 35.6 in the morning to 36.4 in the afternoon, that is, it could be 36.0 and 36.3. My chin began to be pressed, I felt like I was constantly ill, although I almost didn’t cough or have a sore throat, my eyesight was a little low.
In December, he suffered from pharyngitis with a slight rise in temperature, seemingly without consequences. But on the January holidays, the pressure began to jump up to 160/100 and the pulse, from time to time there was such a feeling that the blood circulation was not enough (breaking the body), I was treated with alcohol in the evenings, it temporarily helped.
On January 17, I went to the cardiologist, they did an EKG - so-so, they did an ultrasound of the heart - everything is normal except for a minimal mitral valve prolapse. The condition in my head did not improve, at the beginning of February I went to a specialist in Hepatitis, I passed tests for HIV Hepatitis B and C, everything is fine. I did ultrasound of all organs: thyroid gland, liver, kidneys, spleen, something else, everything is normal, at the same time I passed various tests, everything was almost perfect, I took pills for pressure but my condition did not improve, I passed many different tests during this time (for the liver, kidneys, urology , cardiac markers, different viruses, general blood tests, cardiac markers, hormones, everything is normal except for the general analysis.
Briefly on the general analysis (I indicate only those parameters that came out of normal values):
On January 16, everything is OK except for three parameters (segmented neutrophils 41%, total neutrophils 45%, lymphocytes 42%).
February 6: there were 6 bad points (Leukocytes 3.91 thousand / μl, segmented neutrophils 38%, total neutrophils 41%, Lymphocytes 40%, Monocytes 13%, Neutrophils abs 1.60)
On April 3, two parameters did not fall into the norm: Leukocytes 4.30 and monocytes 11.4%.
On April 4, I went to the doctor because a sore throat appeared (a very dry throat when inhaling) and the temperature rose a couple of times to 37.2. He prescribed IMMUDON, spray and something else.
On April 22, 5 parameters were not normal: Leukocytes 3.55; Neutrophils 40.9%4 Lymphocytes 43.1%; Monocytes 11.8%; Neutrophils abs 1.45 thousand/µl.
April 26, 4 parameters are not normal (leukocytes 3.29 thousand, neutrophils 39.0%, Lymphocytes 47.1%, Neutrophils abs 1.28 thousand)
I note that in addition to immudon and spray, I used only a little arbidol, nothing more.
On May 5, three parameters are not normal (Leukocytes 3.86%, Neutrophils 47.4%, Monocytes 11.1%)
On May 10, two parameters are not normal (Monocytes 14.7%, Basophils 1.1)
I will list the tests that I took and which turned out to be normal:
April 22-Prothrombin time, Prothrombin (quick) INR, APTT, Fibrogen, AlAT, AsAT, albumin, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, indirect bilirubin, gamma-HT. Glucose, Creatinine, Urea, Total protein, alpha1 globulins, alpha2 globulins. beta globulins, gamma globulins, triglycerides, cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, Friedwald HDL cholesterol, atherogenic coefficient, alkaline phosphate, calcium. potassium, gatrium, chlorine, T4 free, TSH, AT-TPO PSA-total, ESR-2mm.
April 26-Albumin, ASL-O, Ferritim, AT to the myocardium IGG,
May 3 - ASL-O, C-reactive protein, Rheumatoid factor. Toxoplasmos, antinuclear antibodies.
May 5 - CEA, herpes type 1 and 2 IGG-18.2 (should it be treated) - IGM negative, components of the compliment system c3 and c4, AT to native double-stranded DNA, Chlomidia DNA in the blood, blood culture for sterility.
May 10 - anti-CMV IGG and IGM, CEC, Trichinella in the blood, Streptococcus spp DNA quality.
May 13 - sowing on the flora and mushrooms "expectoration from the mouth", the result of Candida 10 ^ 2 CFU / tamp, Haemophilus parainfluenzae 10 ^ 8 CFU / tamp.
May 14 - Troponin1, Fibrinogen, AlAT, AsAL, Creatine kinase, Uric acid, Triglycerides, Calcium, Potassium, sodium, chlorine.
When sowing "expectorant", they found Haemophilus parainfluenzae in a titer of 10 ^ 8 how dangerous it is and whether it should be treated at all, what threatens not to treat. Also found IGG 18.2 to herpes types 1 and 2, IGM-negative. does it need to be treated? And can this be the cause of poor health, either worsening or improving, the general blood test. As well as increased sensitivity to high blood pressure. I have been taking blood pressure pills since January. Blood cultures in early May for sterility did not reveal anything, rheumatic markers were within the normal range.
The heart worries the most (as if something is preventing him from working, there is a feeling that he does not have enough strength to pump blood, sometimes it tingles slightly, it happens on the right in the chest but mostly on the left. Although this does not lead to dizziness, the vessels in the eyes often burst, in February it was difficult to go to the metro a couple of times, dizzy, but for some reason only in February, the pressure stabilized 120-130 to 60-85 ...... I drink Concor 2.5 at lunch and Valsacor 80 before bed, Before that 10 years, the working pressure was 130-140 at 80-90, and there were no problems.
since May 10, just in case, I drank AUMENTIN 250 ml three times a day for 6 days. (I didn’t know the results of the analysis for sowing yet)
Oh yes, I forgot, I did a chest X-ray on April 25, everything was without pathologies.
could it be heart problems or something else, and what is the probability of endocarditis and pericarditis?? On April 15, I did an ECG, it does not differ much from January, and the cardiologist did not say anything like that, he wrote out only Valsacor in addition, could he overlook something there.
On April 28, I went to another cardiologist with suspicion of myocarditis, he said that he does not see myocarditis according to my external condition, he said to do an ultrasound with a kidney hotler (done on the same day), daily urine for metanephritis and SMAD. That since there is an ECHO type for three months, nothing much could change.
During the illness in early December, there was no temperature, only in early April 37.1 for one day. The cough is dry.
By the way, I was at the appointment with a gastroenterologist, he said that since I have sputum in the mornings (and it is only in the mornings), then something with a sphincter and in a dream the juice partially flows into the throat from here, morning expectoration, recommended gastroscopy) has not done yet) and half beds where the head is raised a little (after that, indeed, the expectoration almost disappeared)
Ukhogorlonos was also in custody, he wrote:
The nose is normal, the nasal septum is slightly deviated from the midline without disturbing nasal breathing.
Mouth cavity - gums and mucous membranes of the inner surface of the cheeks are pink, not bleeding.
The oropharynx is a symmetrical pharynx, palatine tonsils of the 1st degree, clean, lacunae are free. Posterior wall with lymphoid granules, vascular pattern enhanced.
Ears are normal.

Diagnosis: catarrhal pharyngitis, p/o course, GERD.

Help me understand what's wrong with me .... already spent a lot of money on all this and the result is not only worse, then better.

Responsible Bozhko Natalya Viktorovna:

: Good day, Sergey! I am a narrow specialist (otolaryngologist) and therefore I can comment on the current situation with confidence only from the ENT authorities. The described clinical picture of pharyngoscopy (the posterior wall with lymphoid granules, the vascular pattern is enhanced) is indeed characteristic of inflammation of the posterior pharyngeal wall (pharyngitis). Pharyngitis can have a different origin (infectious and non-infectious), which is now difficult to determine after the fact, or rather impossible. I want to draw your attention to the fact that pharyngitis is often provoked by the reflux of gastric contents into the throat. Therefore, be sure to "keep this issue under control." And most importantly, in the provided blood tests, a decrease in the number of leukocytes, a decrease in neutrophils, an increase in the number of lymphocytes, as well as monocytosis can be traced almost everywhere. I think that you need to consult first of all with an infectious disease specialist and rule out mononucleosis (Ebstein-Barr virus). It would not be superfluous to consult a hematologist. Be healthy!

Monocytes, % 6.9% norm 3.0 - 11.0
Eosinophils, % 1.1% norm 1.0 - 5.0
Basophils, % 0.6% normal Neutrophils, abs. 8.73 * thousand / μl norm 1.56 - 6.13
Lymphocytes, abs. 3.34 thousand / μl norm 1.18 - 3.74
Monocytes, abs. 0.91 thousand/µl norm 0.20 - 0.95
Eosinophils, abs. 0.15 thousand/µl norm 0.00 - 0.70
Basophils, abs. 0.08 thousand/µl norm 0.00 - 0.20
ESR (according to Westergren) 26 * mm / h norm
According to the last analysis for a period of 9 weeks, Hemoglobin, hematocrit and erythrocytes were also lowered.

Before and during pregnancy I take Elevit 1 ton per day.
The doctor said that because anemia is most often iron deficiency, then I need to additionally take iron supplements. Prescribed Sorbifer Durules.

But the instructions for the drug states: Before you start using the tablets, you need to conduct a series of laboratory tests: do a blood test, determine the level of iron in the serum and the overall ability of iron to bind.
The drug cannot be used to treat other types of anemia (infectious anemia or anemia due to other chronic diseases).
Before you start taking Sorbifer Durules tablets, be sure to consult your doctor. The effectiveness of treatment can only be hoped for in the case of a diagnosis of iron deficiency (low serum iron and high iron binding capacity) made before the start of treatment. The drug cannot be used to treat other types of anemia.

Because I am now worried not so much for myself as for the baby, I passed the tests indicated in the instructions for the drug, despite the fact that the doctor did not prescribe these tests. Here are the results:
OZHSS - total iron-binding capacity of serum 85 norm 45-70 µmol / l
Serum iron 33.97 norm 9.0 - 30.4 µmol/l
Those. it turns out that the iron content is above the norm, although the FBC is increased ...
Tell me, please, is it possible, on the basis of a decrease in Hemoglobin, Hematocrit and Erythrocytes, as well as with increased TIBC and Serum iron, to consider that anemia is iron deficiency? Or even so here we are talking about a different kind of anemia? Should I take Sorbifer Durules?
I'm worried about hurting the baby.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Sincerely, Olga.

Responsible Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna.

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