Which berry has the most vitamin C. Interaction with other substances. Vitamin C: where is it found the most?

We often hear about how important protein is, about various protein diets, but few of us really know everything about this element. In this article, we will provide full information about this important constituent part any living organism, in which foods it is the most and how to properly consume such food with maximum benefit.

We all know and constantly hear about how useful protein is (in other words, protein). But what exactly is its benefit? On TV and in the magazine every now and then they talk about amino acids, which are actually split proteins.

But it is rarely noted that it is by eating protein that we get the daily norm of the same amino acids that are responsible for accelerated regeneration cells, muscle building, strength and appearance of nails, hair and facial skin.

It turns out that it is important not only for internal organs, and for appearance person.

What happens if you don't eat enough protein? First of all, all those who sit on vegetable and vegetable crops are familiar with the consequences. fruit diets. Yes, they lose weight quickly. But after a couple of days, the result is not long in coming. Muscle mass loses its tone, "forms" sag and lost kilos not so pleasing to the eye.

Why is this happening? body without getting normal amount protein, begins to make up for the deficiency from its "bowels". In particular, the body constantly needs amino acids, which are the binding material of all elastic tissues. When new amino acids are not supplied, and the body notices a lack of some tissue, it begins to take it from other muscles. Therefore, they are the first to be hit.

But too much consumption of protein-containing foods can adversely affect the body..

How to understand how much protein per day should be consumed?

Recommended Calculation required amount protein is half a gram of "pure" substance per kilogram of weight. If you play sports or any other physical activity, then the amount of protein required increases two to three times.

What are proteins?

Considering them in the context of correct and sports nutrition, proteins entering the body are distinguished by the source, composition and rate of assimilation by the body.

Animal and plant origin

  • Animal proteins contain food that we get directly from animals: meat, poultry, eggs, fish, seafood, cheeses, dairy and lactic acid products, honey.
  • Plant proteins include soy, nuts, grains and legumes, cereals, vegetables, fruits and dried fruits.

To maintain muscle mass, excellent health, beautiful hair and nail portion of the protein should consist of 50/50 products of the first and second groups. Those who want to build muscle should take into account that they need 80% animal and 20% vegetable protein in their diet. Examples of combinations of these two types: eggs and potatoes (or wheat, beans, corn), milk and rye, millet and soybeans.

Complete, incomplete and complementary

The chemical composition of proteins is different. For a fulfilling life human body All 24 basic amino acids that make up a protein are required. Nine of them we do not have the ability to produce on our own and need to get them from food.

  • All nine essential amino acids are present in complete (perfect) proteins. The undisputed leader of this group is protein chicken egg: it contains them in enough and the required ratio. All animal products and vegetable units are rich in perfect protein (cereal germs, almonds, soybeans, buckwheat).
  • Incomplete proteins are either devoid of any amino acid, or its amount is negligible. These are vegetable proteins, not able to fully cover the needs of our body in amino acids.
  • Complementary are formed when the right combination protein food. Products containing incomplete proteins are combined in such a way that their combined amino acid composition is close to ideal.

Examples of such a mutually beneficial addition are, for example, a whole wheat bread sandwich with peanut butter; rice c green peas; lentils with green salad and sesame seed; peanuts and pistachios, etc. Complementary proteins do not need to be mixed in a common dish or one meal: it is optimal if they enter the body within one day.

Fast and slow

  • Fast proteins are so named because they have a high breakdown rate: they are absorbed by the body in an hour and a half. This feature is invaluable for active people involved in sports (professional or amateur) or who frequently physical labor. The use of fast proteins allows you to feel a surge of new strength and increase muscle mass.
  • Slow ones are digested for a long time (6-8 hours are needed for their breakdown, but they also nourish the body for a long time. Bodybuilders use this type of protein before bed. In combination with low calorie content, even a small amount of food gives long-term saturation, which allows you not to feel hunger for a long time .Champion in the longitude of satiety - skim cheese(70% casein).

For example, to build muscle mass egg white can act as doping 1 hour before physical activity, and 20 minutes after it, yogurt will help restore the spent strength. To gain a graceful figure (without the goal of building muscle) protein food allowed no later than 5 hours before training, and allowed only a couple of hours after. To obtain maximum benefit, for protein dishes, low-fat foods should be selected, subjected to moderate heat treatment and be sure to grind with a blender.

Slow proteins help not to gain excess weight even with an evening meal (two to three hours before bedtime). Until morning, the body will master its splitting, and the muscles will receive essential amino acids, but will not increase.

Table of fast proteins indicating the digestibility index:

Table of slow proteins indicating the digestibility index:


This group of proteins forms the basis of muscles (myosin), cartilage (collagen), blood vessels, tendons and ligaments (elastin), skin, nails and hair (keratin), etc., giving them elasticity and strength. Fibrillar proteins are found in animal proteins, especially cartilage.

Each group of proteins performs its role in improving the body. A properly composed diet helps to form an impeccable figure, avoid injuries and maintain visual appeal.

Most Valuable Products

Not all foods that contain protein are healthy. The main problem is that almost all products containing enough a large number of protein, contain fat, which is not very useful and prevents the normal absorption of the proteins themselves.

Oddly enough, but the easiest way for our body to perceive and absorb egg protein. First, this is due to low content fat in the product, and secondly, the protein is light, the body has no problems in splitting it.

But there is also a problem. It consists in the fact that there is too much cholesterol in the yolk, so it is still not advisable to eat more than 1-2 eggs per day. But, if you play sports, then the number of eggs consumed can double. In this case, the number of yolks should not be increased. Just separate the proteins and eat only them.

The second place in terms of usefulness, by right, is occupied by meat. Lean beef or chicken, steamed or grilled, is best. One hundred grams of fillet contains 28-30 grams of pure protein. In addition, such food quickly creates a feeling of fullness. It should only be borne in mind that it is better to combine it with light side dishes and always salads containing fiber.

Cereals- one of the best sources of "slow" proteins. We all know from childhood that oatmeal is very useful. It is low in fat, calories, but high in protein and carbohydrates.

Protein ranking of foods

Based on 100 grams of food / grams of protein, we present the following table:

Meat dishes Seafood Plant food Dairy and other products
Boiled veal 30,7 Red caviar 31,6 Bread wheat flour premium 8,1 Cheeses: reduced fat 25-30
Fried chicken 26,3 Black granular caviar 28,6 Wholemeal bread, rye-wheat 7 Dutch cheese 26
roasted turkey 26,2 pollock caviar 28,4 Rye bread 6,5 Kostroma cheese 25,2
boiled beef 25,8 Cod 26 Dried apricots 5,2 Egg boiled medium (1 pc.) 25
boiled turkey 25,3 Mackerel 23,4 Green peas 5 Sausage smoked cheese 23
boiled chicken 25,2 Pink salmon 22,9 Fresh champignons 4,3 Processed cheeses 22
boiled rabbit 24,6 Zander 21,3 Fresh porcini mushrooms 3,7 Low-fat cottage cheese 18
Cervelat 24 Pike 21,3 Greens (parsley, dill, lettuce, sorrel) 1,5-3,7 Brynza 17,9
Lamb shish kebab 22,9 Sturgeon balyk 20,4 pea 3,4 Bold cottage cheese 16,7
Fried beef liver 22,8 Perch 19,9 Cauliflower 3,1 Vareniki with potatoes 5,3
Pork boiled 22,6 Crabs 18,7 Green peas 3,1 Yoghurt 1.5% 5
Roast duck 22,6 Hake 18,5 Dates 2,5 Fat-free kefir 4,3
Ham 22,6 saury 18,3 Boiled potatoes 2,4 Skimmed milk 3
Boiled lamb 22 Flounder 18,3 Boiled polished rice 2,4 Milk 3.2% 2,8
Pork fried 20 Squid (fillet) 18 Prunes 2,3 Kefir fat 2,8
Lamb chop cutlet 20 Sardines in oil 17,9 Boiled brown rice 2,2
Duck boiled 19,7 Cod 17,8 Apples 2,2
Liver pate 18 Shrimps 17,8 Onion 2
Tallinn sausage 17,1 Pollock 17,6 Braised white cabbage 2
Krakow sausage 16,2 Herring 17,5 Vegetable cabbage rolls 2
Various canned meats 15 Sprat 17,1 Zucchini caviar 2
Chopped beef cutlets 14,6 Natural cod liver 4,2 White cabbage 1,8
Pelmeni 4 pcs. 14,5 Sauerkraut 1,8
Beef stew 14,3 Raisin 1,8
Ham 14,3 Eggplant caviar 1,7
Chopped pork schnitzel 13,5 Turnip 1,5
Doctor's sausage 12,8 Bananas 1,5
Milk sausage 11,7 Potato 1,4
Beef sausages 11,4 Sweet pepper 1,3
Stewed liver 11 Radish 1,2
Dairy sausages 11 Green beans 1,2
Pork sausages 10,1 1,1
Fried zucchini 1,1
tomatoes 1,1
Black currant 1
Borscht, cabbage soup vegetarian 1
Tomato juice 1
Natural honey 0,8

How to eat proteins if you want to lose weight?

Why protein diets are so popular? As we noted earlier, protein gives strength and a feeling of fullness, which allows you to reduce carbohydrate intake. With their lack, the body begins to produce energy from the body's reserves in the form of proteins and fats.

Also, the body spends quite a lot of energy on the absorption of proteins, thereby burning all that is superfluous.

If you decide to try a similar diet, then the main thing is to follow the following rules:

  • meals should be carried out in small portions throughout the day (5-6 times);
  • you can’t get only proteins, combine each dish with other products, salads and all vegetables are perfect;
  • consume before lunch complex carbohydrates, after 15-16 hours it is better to eat light foods, for example, boiled fish or fillet;
  • the main "main" dishes in your diet are 100-200 grams each chicken breast, fish, boiled beef or seafood. Combine them with salads and green vegetables;
  • all products must be boiled or steamed or grilled;
  • it is forbidden to use any sauces, except for soy and lemon.

As you can see, there is nothing particularly terrible in such a diet. But from time to time (once every two weeks) you can afford a little infringement in the form of your favorite dish or dessert.

Too much protein in the body

With a slight excess of protein in the diet, its excess is an accumulator of energy, body activity. With prolonged excessive intake of it, the function of the liver is impaired first of all (an intensive exchange of amino acids occurs in it) and kidneys (the formation of kidney stones and bladder) due to increased load on them.

The breakdown and absorption of protein requires a sufficient amount of vitamins, so there is a risk of developing hypovitaminosis. For the breakdown of 1 g of protein, 1 mg of ascorbic acid is required; with a lack of it, only that amount of protein is absorbed, which is enough for vitamin C.

The rest of the unsplit protein acidifies the body: it washes out calcium from the bones and makes them brittle, changes the blood formula and causes allergic reactions, is deposited in the vessels and causes atherosclerosis, adversely affects water exchange, manifested by edema. If there is a predisposition, gout may develop, in which joints (recurrent arthritis) and kidneys suffer.

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The first vitamin that scientists discovered was called Latin letter"BUT". Retinol (its second name) is very important for the life of the body. Therefore, it is desirable for every person to know which foods contain vitamin A and consume them regularly. But if it is not possible for some time to eat foods that are rich in it, it is not so scary, because vitamin A is able to accumulate in the body and reserves can remain up to a year. Therefore, it is recommended to fully saturate useful substances in the summer to avoid their lack in the cold season.

Why does the body need vitamin A?

The effect of retinol on vision has been known to doctors since ancient times. Then, with night blindness, they prescribed to use a lot of the liver, in which it is contained. Vitamin A has a positive effect on the functions of visual analyzers, photoreception and the retina. But besides that, he has a wide range actions on other human organs and systems. If a child with a small stature is started to intensively feed foods rich in vitamin, he will begin to grow rapidly. It is very difficult to overestimate its importance for life. Retinol provides:

  • Normal functioning of material exchange.
  • Optimal distribution of deposited fats.
  • Normalization of the work of the digestive, nervous, genitourinary, cardiovascular systems.
  • Health of bones and teeth.
  • The development of new cells throughout the body, slowing down aging.
  • Skin health.
  • Increase attention and reaction speed.
  • Normal weight gain for a baby in the womb.
  • Increasing the body's resistance to various kinds diseases, infections - there is an opinion that the vitamin can even alleviate AIDS.
  • Prevention oncological diseases In addition, high hopes are placed on retinol during cancer treatment.

What foods are rich in vitamin A

It is best to fill the body's need for retinol by including foods rich in it in the diet, because they are natural springs rather than chemically synthesized. Most products taste good and are available to almost everyone, so problems with their appearance on the menu are extremely rare. plant sources vitamin A are such vegetables and fruits:

  • hawthorn;
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • dandelion;
  • carrot;
  • viburnum;
  • Rowan;
  • wild garlic;
  • pepper;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • melon;
  • peach;
  • apricot;
  • pumpkin;
  • tomatoes;
  • persimmon;
  • celery;
  • broccoli;
  • parsley, dill, onion, lettuce.

Animal products rich in retinol include:

  • animal fats;
  • dairy products (but it is better to give preference whole milk than fat-free);
  • eggs (especially yolks);
  • liver ( great content in chicken and beef);
  • caviar and fish oil.

Vitamin A is found in small amounts in cereal products, low-fat milk, and beef meat. At the same time, one should not forget that food rich in beta-carotene can fill the need for vitamin A, because. Oxidative reactions convert one substance into another. But there is no need to hope that only food will fill the acute shortage of retinol. To solve such problems, it is necessary to take preparations containing vitamin A, but only after consulting a doctor.

Where is the most retinol - TOP 5

Based on what foods contain vitamin A, you can make the top five in terms of its content:

  1. Hawthorn and dandelion - 100 grams provides 160% of the daily value.
  2. Carrots - 100 g of fresh young root crops fill the daily need of the body.
  3. Ramson - to ensure the daily norm, you need to eat 200 grams of berries with food.
  4. bell pepper, broccoli, greens - 100 grams of the product contains 25-30% of the vitamin from the daily requirement.
  5. Pumpkin, viburnum, mountain ash, apricot - 100 grams provide 15-20% of the body's need for retinol per day.

Many people (especially those living in the city) often have the question of how it is possible to consume the richest foods with meals. A great solution would be to make a dandelion salad. This idea looks crazy, but only for those who have never tried it. From this flower it is possible to cook very delicious salad. Dandelion is also used to boil honey, which is sometimes difficult to distinguish from that collected by bees.

Daily dose of vitamin A

Everyone needs to saturate the body with retinol without exception. The norm for each person is calculated individually, because it depends on gender, age, body constitution, the state of the body (both physical and moral), factors that affect the absorption of the vitamin by the body (for example, climate). Approximate daily rate Vitamin A requirements are:

  • men - 700-1000 mcg (micrograms);
  • women - 600-800 mcg;
  • pregnant women - up to 900 mcg;
  • lactation period - up to 1200 mcg;
  • infants- 400 mcg;
  • preschool age - 450 mcg;
  • children preschool age- 500 mcg;
  • the period from 7 to 10 years - 700 mcg;
  • girls from 11 to 18 years old - 800 mcg;
  • young men - 1000 mcg.
  • at acute shortage retinol - up to 3000 mcg.

Where is the most vitamin C?

Vitamin C is organic compound, which is also called ascorbic acid. It is simply necessary for normal functioning organism, its work and health. At the same time, vitamin C is not produced by the human body, but enters it only with food, therefore, if the body is not provided right diets, it turns out beriberi. Accordingly, it is better to find out where the most vitamin C is in order to prevent beriberi.

Where is vitamin C found

There are some misconceptions about where the most vitamin C is.

  • Rose hip. Traditionally, it is believed that the largest amount of vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, but it's not. Most of the vitamin C, oddly enough, in dried berries wild rose. Followed by dried wild rose comes fresh, which also contains a large amount of vitamin C. You can find rosehip juice on sale, and cook compote from dried. Just keep in mind that in compote it will bring much less, because. at heat treatment the concentration of vitamin C in the original product decreases in proportion to the time of its preparation.
  • Kiwi - kiwi also contains a large amount of vitamin C, so, to replenish daily dose, eat some of its fruits.
  • Blackcurrant - in addition to vitamin C, it also contains substances that help remove cholesterol from the body, so it will be useful in many ways.
  • Sweet green pepper - if you pay attention to the content of vitamins, then such pepper will be much more useful in a salad than Bulgarian red.
  • Greens - in particular parsley. But the problem with these products is that the content of vitamin C is measured per hundred grams of the product, and not everyone can eat one hundred grams of parsley.
  • Strawberries and garden strawberries - their vitamin C content is the same as in citrus fruits, which is significantly lower than in the products mentioned above.
  • Citruses - well, finally, we got to them, note that these are far from the richest fruits in vitamin C, and there are many other products that will help fill the daily need for it. This should be in your favor if you are allergic to citrus fruits.

Why you need vitamin C

  • He participates in the process carbohydrate metabolism, so it is responsible to some extent for the level of sugar in the blood.
  • Participates in the process of blood clotting - without it, bleeding will last longer and may not stop at all. Sailors who suffered from scurvy, which occurs due to vitamin C deficiency, suffered from bleeding gums.
  • It helps to restore and regenerate tissues, together with the previous property, these two processes are responsible for wound healing and recovery from various injuries.
  • Reduces vascular permeability - due to this, the walls of the vessels become stronger and less susceptible to damage, so if you suffer from perpetually red eyes or nosebleeds, then vitamin C will be very useful for you.
  • Increases the body's resistance to infections - therefore, vitamin C is important to consume during the period of spread viral diseases, in the treatment and prevention of influenza and colds.
  • Beneficial effect on the pancreas and thyroid glands. Thus, vitamin C helps to normalize metabolism and digestion.

Knowing where the most vitamin C is, you can eat healthy and help your body.

To be healthy and vigorous, a person must receive a sufficient amount of vitamins from food, especially vitamin "C" (C). When physical activity increases, as well as during pregnancy, lactation, and diseases, the body's need for vitamin C becomes greater. If the body lacks this vitamin, beriberi develops: efficiency decreases, palpitations appear, pain in the legs, gums begin to bleed, teeth deteriorate. Decreased resistance to infectious diseases. To prevent this from happening, you need to eat foods with the most vitamin C.

Vitamin C: where is it found the most?

Forest fruits are rich in vitamin C: rowan berries, bird cherry. But contains the most vitamin C in a briar.

Rosehip is a real record-breaking product for the content of Vitamin C. Fresh berries contain 470 mg (per 100 g), dried - about 1000 mg (per 100 g)

Vitamin C is well preserved in dried rose hips: 10 grams of it contains the daily requirement of the vitamin.

Rosehip can be prepared for the future, for the winter. It is harvested before the onset of frost, as fruits touched by frost lose a significant part of the vitamin. From dried fruits rose hips can be cooked delicious and useful decoctions. For a glass of fortified broth, you need to take a full tablespoon of berries. Washed berries are poured with boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes. Then the broth is infused for 2-3 hours, filtered through cheesecloth, carefully squeezing the contents.

In almost every forest there are wild rose bushes. In autumn, you can’t pass by without admiring the red placers of shiny berries. Hold on, pluck them: they will help you maintain health and vigor.

Foods high in vitamin C

A lot of vitamin C in cabbage, fresh and sauerkraut, horseradish, green onions, tomatoes, potatoes, black currants, gooseberries, strawberries, oranges, lemons, dogwood. It is good to prepare some berries and fruits for future use not only in dried form, but also in raw form. For example, blackcurrant, passed through a meat grinder and then mixed with sugar, which is taken twice as much as berries, will become good source vitamin "C".

The amount of vitamins in vegetables and herbs depends on the conditions of their growth, methods of storage and cooking. So, tomatoes growing in the shade contain less vitamin"C" than grown in sunny areas. Wrong do those who put green tomatoes taken from the bush on the stove, cover them more tightly. Tomatoes are best ripe for sunlight. List of products from great content vitamin C we presented in the form of a table. It is worth noting that in different sources the data is different.

Table. Vitamin C content per 100 g of product

Top list

We keep vitamin C in products to the maximum

Vitamin "C" is very unstable and is destroyed by prolonged heating. If cabbage soup with sauerkraut cooked for an hour, and this is quite enough, they retain half of the vitamin "C". But if they are left in the Russian oven for a long time, the vitamin is destroyed, after three hours only a fifth of it remains.

It must be remembered that the vitamin is detrimental to light and air. Therefore, it is better to clean and cut vegetables, greens shortly before cooking. Cook vegetables in a tightly sealed container, put them in boiling water or broth. If a peeled potato is placed in boiling water, it loses about 7 percent of vitamin C during cooking. Potatoes placed in cold water, already loses up to 35 percent of this vitamin. Potatoes boiled with their skins retain 75 percent of vitamin C. It is even better preserved when frying potatoes. Good to add to ready meals. green onion, dill.

In frozen vegetables and berries, vitamin C is almost completely preserved. But when thawed, it collapses very quickly. Therefore, the berries are eaten immediately after thawing. Vegetables are frozen in boiling water. When cooking compotes and jelly, frozen berries should also be placed in a boiling solution of sugar in water.

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, must be present in foods included in the daily diet. From its lack of health deteriorates, but its excess is quickly excreted from the body with urine. What foods contain vitamin C most, and how much do you need to eat them to make up for the daily allowance?

All about ascorbic acid

Vitamin C is water soluble vitamin, which is mainly found in herbal products nutrition: vegetables, berries and fruits, greens.

Daily requirement for vitamin C

For a healthy adult, about 150 milligrams of ascorbic acid is required per day, and with a cold, the need for it increases to 500 or even 2000 milligrams per day. When a woman is breastfeeding, the amount of vitamin C should be increased to 200 milligrams. The need for ascorbic acid increases with poor environmental conditions.

The benefits of vitamin C for humans

Vitamin C has a very diverse and versatile effect on the body. Therefore, it is very important to include foods containing vitamin C in the diet every day. It is involved in the formation of collagen and connective tissues. Thanks to ascorbic acid, blood vessels are fastened, bone, teeth, tendons and skin. Vitamin C is also involved in various metabolic processes.

Most important function ascorbic acid for humans is an antioxidant. It extinguishes the effects of toxic to humans free radicals. This is the name of the aggressive elements that are formed in the body with increased physical activity, diseases and under the influence negative factors environment.

Vitamin C successfully copes with the removal of poisons and toxins from the body. They combine with vitamin molecules, which are excreted through the urinary system. Products with vitamin C in the composition help fight against adverse effects per person. You can make a whole list of them:

  • Overheating;
  • hypothermia;
  • infections;
  • oxygen starvation;
  • stress;
  • Allergy.

Ascorbic acid prevents oxidation fat-soluble vitamins A and E, which are necessary for the healing of burns and wounds. It improves strength and elasticity blood vessels improves liver function, activates functions endocrine glands, protects the heart by removing deposits in the vessels, and reduces the production of bad cholesterol.

Vitamin C actively interacts with the B vitamins. Together they promote the absorption of iron, which is necessary for the processes of hematopoiesis.

Vitamin C deficiency

This is a list of symptoms that indicate insufficient intake of ascorbic acid in the body:

  • The formation of small bruises on the skin;
  • Slow healing of abrasions;
  • bleeding gums;
  • Irritability;
  • Joint pain;
  • Weakness;
  • Low resistance of the body to diseases;
  • swelling of the face;
  • Lack of sensation of teeth;
  • Nose bleed;
  • Hair loss.

Among the peoples of the north, a disease such as scurvy is often found. It is directly related to vitamin C deficiency in the body. What are the symptoms of this disease? It can be recognized by the following features:

  • Loss of appetite;
  • Bleeding from the gums;
  • Fatigue;
  • Hysteria;
  • Depression;
  • Bleeding from the skin;
  • Anemia;
  • Loss of teeth.

If you observe some symptoms of ascorbic acid deficiency in yourself, then include foods rich in vitamin C in your diet. A table showing the content of vitamin C in foods will help determine how much and which product you need to eat in order to fill the daily requirement. But synthetic vitamins best to drink after meals. This contributes to their better assimilation.

Excess ascorbic acid

An excess of vitamin C in the body is very rare, as its excess is actively removed in the urine. But such cases are known in medicine. Signs of excess ascorbic acid are as follows:

  • Diarrhea;
  • Frequent urination;
  • Colic in the lower abdomen;
  • Redness on the face;
  • Nausea and vomiting.

If you have all these symptoms, then exclude foods rich in vitamin C from your diet. A special table can help with this.

Vitamin C is the most unstable to environmental influences and heat treatment. In the composition of products, ascorbic acid is destroyed during long-term storage. For six months of storage of potatoes, up to 50% of ascorbic acid is lost in it.

In order to preserve vitamin C in food, it is necessary to keep them in a cold, dark place. Vegetables and fruits are best eaten raw. During heat treatment, up to 60% of ascorbic acid is lost. A table listing foods containing vitamin C takes this factor into account.

Table of the content of ascorbic acid in products

Below is a table where vitamin C in food is superior in content to all other foods:

Dry rosehip 1000 15 400 38
fresh rosehip 650 23 260 58
Juniper 266 56 106 142
red sweet pepper 250 60 100 150
princess 200 75 80 188
Sea ​​buckthorn 200 75 80 188
Sweet green pepper 200 75 80 188
Kiwi 180 83 72 209
Black currant 200 75 80 188
Honeysuckle 150 100 60 250
Parsley 150 100 60 250

In this table, the daily requirement is calculated for an adult healthy person(150 mg per day).

Vitamin C is found in moderate amounts in the foods shown in the table below:

Products Content of vitamin C in products (mg) To replenish daily requirement need (d) Vitamin C content after heat treatment (mg) To fill the daily requirement of a boiled product, you need (g)
Brussels sprouts 100 150 40 378
Dill 100 150 40 378
Hawthorn 90 166 36 417
Broccoli 90 36 417
viburnum 88 175 35 430
Cauliflower 70 215 28 535
Strawberry (strawberry) 60 250 24 625
red cabbage 60 250 24 625
Orange 60 250 24 625
Spinach 55 280 22 680
Grapefruit 45 333 18 833
White cabbage 45 333 18 833
Sorrel 43 333 17 880
Lemon 40 378 16 940
Mandarin 38 395 15 1000

This table includes data on the content of ascorbic acid in the composition of products that are most often found on our table. Whenever possible, foods that contain vitamin C should be eaten raw. To a greater extent, this applies to foods, especially those rich in vitamin C.

By using ascorbic acid enough, most colds will bypass you. You will endure the flu easier if you drink rosehip broth every day. Take care of your health and eat more fresh berries, fruits, greens and vegetables.

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