Trutovik real medicinal properties. Medicinal properties of the tinder fungus. Description of larch tinder

Mushroom Trutovik has certain medicinal properties. The scope of their application is different, but one follows from the other. Below are the descriptions various kinds tinder fungus and its medicinal effects.

Mushrooms Trutovik - photo and description of species

Trutovik false, growing on deciduous trees, in places with high humidity, has a dark brown color;

The tinder fungus is scaly, preferring trunks and stumps covered with moss, from pale yellow to bright orange, with characteristic "scales";

The smoky polypore is a very beautiful, “lace”, gray-white fruit, with a pronounced leg;

The Schweinitz tinder fungus, which lives on rotten fallen trunks, rarely on the ground nearby, has a beautiful color from light brown in the middle of the cap to bright orange at the edges, the caps seem to flow out of each other, forming a beautiful “bouquet”;

The tinder fungus is changeable, it is least of all similar to all other mushrooms, it has a leg, slightly spongy in structure, the fruits, although they grow in groups, do not grow together with each other, favorite places are dry tree trunks, old stumps, in color - from beige to light -brown;

Umbrella polypore - a large "bouquet" of small "laces", colors - all shades of brown;

Polypore is multi-colored, with a variety of colors: "waves" different colors, from beige to almost black, from light yellow to bright brown and orange, flow on it one into another; grows mainly on deciduous trees, in places with high humidity;

The tinder fungus is varnished in pink, red, dark brown colors, it is as if varnished - smooth and shiny.

Trutovik humpbacked can be collected all year round, but the mushroom is not eaten, due to rigidity. The surface of the humpback tinder fungus is white, bumpy, turning brown with age, and sometimes with green tint, due to algae living on the cap of the mushroom.

Where does Trutovik grow

The fruit bodies of tinder fungi, unlike cap mushrooms, are perennial, but some species are one-year-olds. This mushroom grows from June to September, but often at the end of summer the fruit of the fungus becomes a "house" for various insects that destroy the inside of the fungus, leaving only the outer shell.

Young fruits of the tinder fungus are edible, but a little harsh, so they require additional processing and preferably pre-long cooking. Taste qualities not very pronounced, but pleasant.

Mushroom Trutovik - medicinal properties for the human body

Powder from the fruits of the tinder fungus can gently cleanse the body of harmful effects environment, poisons and chemicals and any other unpleasant substances. Given the air pollution in our time, this problem is especially relevant in cities. Trutovik is indispensable for everyone who cares about their own health and the health of loved ones.

Medicinal properties tinder fungus to restore impaired liver functions

Scientific research on tinder fungus conducted in different countries, allowed to extract from it fruiting body a polysaccharide called "lanophile" by scientists. This substance is famous for literally causing a poorly functioning liver to secrete the right enzymes, which are required to break down fats in the body, into enough, i.e. restore disturbed metabolism. To treat the liver and restore impaired functions, doctors recommend following a diet with the use of tinder fungus.

In addition, almost 70% of the tinder fungus consists of resinous substances that have a positive effect not only on the liver and biliary tract, but also on the lungs, helping in the fight against even such terrible disease like tuberculosis.

Properties of tinder fungus for weight loss

In the fight against unnecessary kilograms, the tinder fungus simply has no equal! No wonder many nutritionists advise using just such a mushroom diet. Positive side and clear advantage before most other diets is that the action of the tinder fungus is very mild and “does not hit” other organs, in particular gallbladder. For greater effect, it is recommended to "connect" to the fight against overweight two more mushrooms - shiitake and chanterelles. With such an active impact, the results will appear in a couple of weeks.

Anti-aging properties of tinder fungus

To use the tinder fungus in any type of treatment, the fungus is first dried. Further, powders, infusions and decoctions are prepared on its basis.

We have listed the most common and common varieties of tinder fungus. In addition to those mentioned, there are several hundred more different "options" of the tinder fungus.

Having cleansed the liver, a person acquires not only good health, getting rid of discomfort in the right side and even pain, unnecessary kilograms, but also receives a general rejuvenating effect. This is expressed in excellent health, cheerfulness, strength, and, of course, in appearance. A cleansed liver gives a "result on the face." Most skin diseases are a sign of illness internal organs especially the liver and intestines.

Thus, by rejuvenating the liver, a person destroys the very cause of all the problems that bother him. skin rashes. If skin diseases you have not been disturbed, the effect will still please you. After all, the skin literally becomes younger, acquires a pleasant elasticity, silkiness and even color. The tinder fungus also has a positive effect on the condition of the nails. Fragility and delamination of the nail plates is a problem for many people, which can be easily solved with the help of tinder preparations.

Among other things, the tinder fungus is known as a source of several antibiotics that are active against resistant forms of staphylococci. With its help, they fight viral diseases, malignant and benign tumors. Purulent wounds are sprinkled with powder from these mushrooms for the speedy healing.

Contraindications for the use of tinder fungus for medicinal purposes

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • age up to 5 years;
  • individual intolerance.

Side effects of the use of tinder fungus were not found.

Tinctures and decoctions of Trutovik - recipes

The tinder fungus is quite common and easy to assemble. It can be cooked medicinal drugs various forms, most often dried mushroom is used for this.

  • For cooking alcohol tincture on a tinder fungus, 5 g of dried mushroom is poured into 150 ml of vodka, insisted for 2 weeks in a cool place.
  • To prepare an oil tincture, 5 g of dried mushroom is poured with warm vegetable oil and insist for a week in a cool place.
  • You can also prepare a decoction: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of dried mushroom into 1.5 cups of water, boil for 20 minutes, and then insist for another 4 hours. All these liquids are used in various concentrations depending on the disease and method of application (external or internal).

Although the medicinal properties of tinder fungus are used even in traditional medicine, do not replace traditional mushrooms drug treatment. Treatment with tinder fungus can be carried out additionally, as maintenance therapy, after agreement with the doctor!

Video: Description of the varieties of Trutovik mushrooms

Lacquered tinder fungus(photo below), or mushroom of spiritual power, is surrounded by many legends: Buddhist monks could not meditate without it; in ancient treatises, the mushroom is mentioned as a remedy for a thousand ailments. AT modern world the popularity of the mushroom is growing rapidly.


Per centuries of history the existence of the fungus has acquired several names. For example, in Russia it is called differently: varnished tinder fungus, longevity mushroom, sacred mushroom, or ganoderma.

In Japan - a mushroom of spiritual strength (reishi mushroom), in China - a mushroom of immortality (linchi or lin-chi). The first mention of the miraculous properties of the tinder fungus was dated more than two thousand years ago in an ancient Chinese medical treatise. In ancient Japanese publications, the mushroom was mentioned as a means of giving longevity and eternal youth.


In its natural habitat, it is very difficult to find a varnished tinder fungus. Where does this mushroom grow? It grows at the base of heavily weakened trees, on lifeless wood, predominantly of deciduous species. AT rare cases You can find it on living healthy trees. Favorite place habitats are low stumps, it is on them that fruiting bodies are mainly found. In addition, occasionally they can be found on the surface of the soil, when sporocarps grow on the roots of trees sunk into the ground.

By its nature, the fungus is a saprophyte and contributes to the destruction of wood, causing white rot. Almost all countries of the world are the geography of the distribution of lacquered tinder fungus. Where does this unusual mushroom grow in Russia? It is widespread in southern regions: Stavropol, Krasnodar, North Caucasus. AT last years more and more often, the tinder fungus is found in the Altai Territory, in places where illegal logging is taking place.

Stocks of this valuable mushroom are limited. This one is quite rare and has healing power the mushroom has long been considered a great value, and only wealthy citizens and court doctors of the emperor of China could buy it.


In the seventies, a Japanese scientist was the first to grow varnished tinder fungus in laboratory conditions. Then it began to be cultivated in other countries. Fruiting bodies are the main raw material for obtaining biologically active substances, which are applied in medical purposes. They are obtained using intensive and extensive technological methods of production. Vegetative mycelium is obtained by submersible cultivation, which is rarely used as a raw material. In Southeast Asia, tinder fungus cultivation is widespread. In France, Canada, Japan and the USA, scientific research is being carried out to study the unique medicinal properties of the fungus, as well as its composition.

Polypore lacquered: photo and description

The mushroom got its name for its glossy surface. The fruiting body of the fungus is a hat-legged, annual. In rare cases, two-year-old specimens can be found. A flat ovoid or kidney-shaped hat reaches a diameter of about 25 cm. Its color is different, there are reddish, brown-violet, black-yellowish shades with clearly visible rings. The skin is shiny, smooth, wavy, divided into numerous growth rings.

The pulp can be conditionally divided into three types, which go sequentially: spongy, dense, woody. She is dyed in dark brown color, has no taste or smell. The hymenophore is tubular in shape with rounded small frequent white pores, which eventually become yellowish, and then acquire a dark brown hue. The tubes are short. The leg is uneven, dense in height from 5 to 25 cm, with a diameter of about 3 cm. Powdery spores in the fungus Brown color. Lacquered tinder fungus is the only fungus in the tinder family that has a stem.


The chemical composition of the tinder fungus was studied by scientists from the countries of America and Japan. It is very complex and contains a huge amount of vital and useful substances, the presence of which determines healing properties mushroom.

Due to the high content of germanium and polysaccharides, the lacquered tinder fungus (photo above) has preventive properties. The immunomodulatory and antitumor effect is due to the presence of beta-glucan polysaccharides, which also help to reduce blood glucose.

A high concentration of germanium increases antitumor activity, prevents the formation of metastases and improves immunity. And besides, germanium takes an active part in the process of transporting oxygen, preventing the development of hypoxia. Triterpenoids, which are part of the fruiting body of the fungus, improve blood properties, prevent the formation of blood clots, and lower cholesterol levels.

Beneficial features

Lots of interesting legends associated with the beneficial properties of the reishi mushroom. In ancient Chinese treatises, for example, it was called a cure for a thousand diseases. The mushroom contains a large number of proteins and amino acids, as well as a special combination of polysaccharides, zinc and germanium, which is rarely found in nature. Scientists conduct Scientific research to study this composition in order to use the fungus for the prevention of both benign and malignant tumors.

AT traditional medicine the mushroom is used just for these purposes, in the scientific - with caution they declare the probable positive effect of healing with mushrooms. Studies mention that the effect of varnished tinder fungus on the patient is similar to the effect of modern chemotherapy. They also note that the reishi mushroom in different climatic zones has various properties and differs in chemical composition. Substances contained in mushrooms can lower blood sugar, reduce arterial pressure and improve work digestive tract. Great content iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese and potassium will help patients make up for the lack of these important minerals for the human body.

Traditional medicine recommends using ganoderma to strengthen immunity, with heavy loads both mental and physical, for the treatment of cardiovascular and lung diseases. The use of the mushroom helps to get out of depression, improves mood, reduces chronic fatigue. Mushroom infusions are used in the fight against numerous pustular diseases. And scientists in Taiwan are investigating the use of reishi mushroom in the treatment of viral papillomas in humans.

Polypore lacquered: application

AT oriental medicine Ling-zhi mushroom is used for all diseases. In each individual case, use special way preparation and dosage. Traditional medicine recommends the use of the fungus for the following diseases:

  • gastritis, ulcer, pancreatitis, colitis;
  • hypertension, arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke;
  • various infections;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • allergies of various nature;
  • respiratory organs;
  • immune system.

Tinder fungus tincture is successfully used for problems with potency. The mushroom is actively used by cancer patients. Preparations from it can be prepared by yourself or purchased ready-to-use. Dry extract from the mushroom is included in the official list of antitumor drugs in Japan. In pharmacies in Russia, it can be purchased in the form of a powder or capsules. An increase in the medicinal properties of the tinder fungus was noted with simultaneous reception with ascorbic acid.

The course use of the fungus as a biologically active source of nutrients is recommended:

  • residents of disadvantaged areas in terms of ecology;
  • elderly people;
  • in conditions accompanied by asthenia and immunodeficiency;
  • with prolonged, exhausting loads of a stressful, mental, physical and psycho-emotional nature;
  • at complex therapy drug and alcohol addiction;
  • when working with toxic substances;
  • citizens working in chemical industries, nuclear power plants, in heavy industry ;
  • when working in adverse conditions associated with climatic factors: high humidity, severe frost, heat.

Method of preparing a decoction: 10 g of crushed ganoderma is poured into a glass of water, brought to a boil and boiled for five minutes, stirring occasionally. Allow to stand for thirty minutes, filter, cool and take up to three times a day no earlier than thirty minutes before meals.

Introducing mushrooms into the diet

Daily intake of reishi mushroom has a positive effect on mental and physical performance, increases the resistance of the human body to the effects of harmful factors environment such as radiation, abrupt change climate, low content oxygen in the air, severe frost, heat.

The tinder fungus, being a powerful adaptogen, helps the body mobilize energy internal reserves and increase endurance. In terms of strength, it is equal to ginseng, Chinese magnolia vine and mummy. Lacquered tinder fungus helps to remove toxins, slags and salts from the human body heavy metals, prevents exposure to radiation.

He strengthens nervous system protects against stress. Used for diseases endocrine system, has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas, helps to get rid of excess weight, slows down the aging process, improves immunity, has antitumor activity helps patients tolerate radiation and chemotherapy.


  • pregnant women;
  • when breastfeeding;
  • under the age of 7;
  • in the presence of hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • with a tendency to internal bleeding.

It is believed that the fungus grown on deciduous fruit trees has more beneficial properties and its healing effect is stronger than that of the tinder fungus from coniferous trees. It should be remembered that the mushroom is used only for medical purposes and before using it, you should still consult a doctor.

Among inedible mushrooms full of those that are suitable as raw materials in cooking medicines for the treatment of many diseases. For example, Trutovik is real, modest tree fungus, often found in Russian forests and not noticed by most mushroom pickers "hunting" for edible specimens.

Trutovik real

Trutovik real- lat. Fomes fomentarius

In another way, the fungus is called Bolet present, Bloody sponge, Polyporus present or Tinder gray.

Description of the mushroom

External characteristics

Since this perennial mushroom has no stem, its hat is attached to the wood of the central top acquiring a sitting position.

The caps of young tinder fungi have round shape, in mature specimens grow in the form of wide hooves. The height of the fruiting body reaches 20 cm, width - 40 cm.

Hats are covered with uneven, wavy matte, occasionally cracking, leather. In young mushrooms, it is painted in a pale gray tone, in adults - in a pronounced grey colour. The recesses are darker. In rare cases, mushrooms have a light beige color.

Hats are filled with tight cork or woody soft pulp, the cut of which is velvety to the touch. It has a brownish, brownish-red or hazel color.

The bottom of the hat is filled with light round tubes that darken after being pressed.

The real bolet reproduces by smooth, elongated, colorless spores that form in a white spore powder.

Places of growth

The true tinder fungus grows in most European countries, as well as on Russian land. This saprophyte infects many deciduous trees, including oak, birch, alder, beech, aspen, settles on dry standing trees, fallen trees, and half-decayed stumps. If the tree is alive but weak, the tinder fungus can also infect it, growing from spores that have fallen into trunk cracks or broken branches.

Because of it, the wood becomes infected with white rot and gradually collapses.


Polyporus real does not apply to edible mushrooms.

Similar types and differences from them

Although this mushroom has such individual features as the central top fastening and the color of hats, novice collectors of natural medicines sometimes confuse it with false tinder fungus.

Unlike the mushroom described, the false fellow is separated from the wood much easier: it can be torn off by hand without resorting to a knife or other sharp object.

Medicinal properties of Trutovik present

This mushroom has many healing qualities that help fight even the most severe diseases. The main medicinal properties of Tinder gray include:

  • Ability to hit cancer cells and not let them develop. Medicines based on tinder help to overcome cancer diseases at the initial stages.
  • Hemostatic properties.
  • Cleansing the body of toxins: they are removed by agaric acid contained in the pulp of the mushroom.
  • breeding toxic substances from the liver: this is facilitated by the polysaccharide lanofil.
  • Getting rid of respiratory diseases - tuberculosis, cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.
  • Beneficial effect on potency.
  • Elimination of problems with the gastrointestinal tract and a laxative effect that helps to lose weight.

The ancient Greeks used this tinder fungus in the treatment depressive states, with various poisonings and pathologies of internal organs. During the reign Russian tsars the healing properties of the mushroom were extolled so highly that it was supplied abroad and even used for surgical purposes.

Women have used True Trutovik to strengthen nails and improve skin condition.

The main thing before data treatment natural medicine consult your doctor and do not take it during pregnancy and lactation.

The tinder fungus was seen by every resident of Russia live or at least in the photo. These are the same growths on trees that are found both in mixed forests of the middle belt and in old spruce forests. It turns out that this is not a useless mushroom at all. It is even edible and is used in cooking and traditional medicine. After studying the description of its various types, you can learn about the medicinal properties and use of the tinder fungus.

Polypore sheep

This species is known as sheep mushroom. Of all the tinder fungi, it most of all looks like a classically shaped mushroom: a fleshy round cap with a folded edge and a short thick leg. Useful Components composed of:

  • griffolin;
  • grifolinon;
  • neogrifolin;
  • scootigeral;
  • ovinal;
  • ovinol, etc.

Sheep polypore is actively used in folk and traditional medicine. From young and ripe fruits make water and alcohol infusions, powders and extracts. They help to deal with such problems:

Trutovik is actively used in folk medicine

  1. Sarcoma and development of cancer cells.
  2. Staphylococcus aureus.
  3. Hay stick.
  4. Elevated cholesterol.
  5. Pain.

Young sheep mushroom is also used in cooking. It is pickled and salted, dried and even eaten fresh.

Attention! Sheep polypore should not be eaten by people with gastrointestinal upset.

Polypore scaly

In the people, this mushroom is known under the names of the hare, pest, elm. Outwardly, they look like oyster mushrooms. Pestrets is a mushroom with a scaly beige or cream cap, which can reach 60 cm in diameter. Its flesh is dense, light, it smells good and tastes good. The hare leg is short, curved, velvety to the touch. Useful components in the composition:

  • lecithin;
  • vitamins A, B, B1, F, D and H.

Polypore scaly

In traditional medicine, it is used to create drugs to stimulate the gallbladder. In folk medicine, ointments are made from scaly tinder, with the help of which they treat:

  1. Osteochondrosis;
  2. arthrosis;
  3. Phlebeurysm.

In cooking, it is better to use only young people. This mushroom can be added to soups and sauces. Also, the pestry is pickled, salted, dried.

Polypore umbrella

Also known as the tinder fungus - this name was not accidental. His fruit tree has many small branches with a small thin hat at the tip. It seems that one big mushroom there are many, many small branches. This type of tinder contains:

  • vitamins;
  • trace elements;
  • polysaccharides;
  • active enzymes;
  • ergosterol;
  • biotin.

Polypore umbrella

In folk and traditional medicine, both the ground part of the fungus and the underground part are used. It is used like:

  1. Immunostimulator.
  2. Diuretic.
  3. Antioxidant.
  4. Medicine for cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis.
  5. Antibacterial and antiviral agent: to combat staphylococcus, chlamydia, malaria.
  6. Means for the fight against malignant tumors.
  7. Anti-radiation agent.
  8. Hair growth stimulator.

In cooking, the mushroom is dried, pickled, salted.

Tinder fungus

This mushroom can be found on old semi-dry trees and stumps. Because of him appearance this tinder fungus is also called the stiff-haired sponge. He has a large rough hat, very reminiscent of a sponge. The young mushroom has a yellow or grayish color, with age its cap becomes brown with a green tint. The pulp of this tinder fungus is bitter, with an aniseed smell.

Tinder fungus

Like other types of tinder fungus, the stiff hair fungus is used in the treatment of cancer. In addition, it accelerates muscle regeneration, helps treat lung diseases, relieves fever. But in cooking, the hard-haired tinder fungus is not used.

Trutovik humpbacked

This type of tinder fungus grows on a tree. His velvety hat looks like a semicircle with greenish tint. Its flesh is dense, similar to a white or yellow cork.

Trutovik humpbacked

Trutovik humpback in its composition has useful polysaccharides that strengthen blood vessels. Also, this fungus is part of the drugs for sarcoma, carcinoma, throat cancer and leukemia. Modern research show the detrimental effect of this type of tinder fungus on the AIDS virus.

Attention! The tinder fungus is not eaten.

Mushrooms are a specific product with which a person always needs to be careful. But if you study the tinder fungus well, you can use all of it beneficial features for the benefit of health.

Useful properties of tinder fungus: video

Trutovik: photo

Probably, each of us at least once in his life came across mushrooms. We are taught to distinguish edible species from grebes from the very early age. But among the mushroom variety there are those that you will not find on store shelves, in dishes, in dried or canned form. Yes, and the first time you will not understand - is it a mushroom in front of you or something else. It is to such exceptions that the true tinder fungus (larch) belongs. What it is and "with what it is eaten" - you will learn from the article.

Trutovik real

Among the people, the tinder fungus has several names - "bloody" tinder leafy ". This was not in vain - in folk medicine it was often used as a hemostatic agent. Its pores absorbed blood well, creating a semblance of a cork or bandage. Another tinder fungus is often called chaga, especially if it is found on birch trunks. It is not right.

He even won honorary title"the king of all medicinal potions", on average being so for more than 1600 years. In ancient times, it was known under the name Agaricus albus, which in translation meant "cleansing", "quinine", "white Agaricus".

The tinder fungus won great love in Greece. The famous Greek healer Dioscorides considered it a panacea, prescribing its use for all internal diseases. The doctor was sure that the tinder fungus - The best way restore strength, get rid of blues and depression.

Recipe for King Mithridates

The ancient Romans and Greeks firmly believed in healing properties this mushroom species. The real tinder fungus was very expensive, it was not possible for mere mortals to buy it.

A unique proof of the value of the mushroom is the famous recipe of King Mithridates. It was this ruler who found out that if you constantly take a drug made on the basis of a tinder fungus, you can protect your body from poison.

During his reign, the king constantly drank remedy, and the best proof of its effectiveness was the moment when, having fallen into depression, Mithridates decided to commit suicide and took large dose poison. Oddly enough, the poison not only had no effect, but did not even cause a simple food poisoning. Needless to say, the recipe for the remedy was kept in strict secrecy.

The tinder fungus is able to remove toxins

King Mithridates told the world how the mushroom helps prevent poisoning. But the ability of the fungus to remove toxins from the body has already been established by modern scientists.

Experiments were carried out on rats and mice, which were sprinkled with powdered tinder fungus. The results were shocking - mercury dichloride, arsenic compounds, and many others began to come out of the body of rodents. dangerous poisons that have accumulated over the years. Later, the reason was also established - the whole thing is in the unique agaric acid, which simply has no analogues in terms of its properties.

We treat the liver

The second property of the tinder fungus is the restoration of the liver. Siberians were well aware of this - they collected real tinder fungus and ate it in the form of tinctures and powders, which, in turn, made it possible to produce an enzyme that breaks down protein. Girls, on the other hand, used tinder fungus more often as ideal remedy for weight loss.

By the way, as a means for losing weight, the tinder fungus was advertised by the Japanese. Quickly realizing that a lot of money could be made on this, many pharmaceutical companies began to produce tons of mushroom-based tablets and infusions, in huge quantities buying a tinder fungus in Russia. The Japanese, on the other hand, found the polysaccharide lanophile in the mushroom, which causes the liver to secrete the necessary for it. normal operation enzymes.

Why are enzymes important?

Probably, many paid attention to the fact that young children are quite often chubby. The explanation for this is simple - the liver begins to form only from the age of five, and until that time the protein accumulated by the body is not broken down - precisely because of the absence of the mentioned enzymes.

Treatment with tinder present is to help the liver. The absence of enzymes allows proteins to be broken down into fatty amino acids, which are then also absorbed by the liver. In fact, they are not removed from the body. And this leads to the accumulation of fat cells. The tinder fungus, as studies confirm, helps to produce an enzyme that removes split amino acids, preventing the body from overgrowing with fat.

However, this is not all that a real tinder fungus is capable of. Its use, judging by the reviews of physicians, is also popular for the treatment of lungs.

Learning to breathe freely

Trutovik is a truly unique fungus, as patients say, and its spectrum of action is quite large. Means prepared on the basis of tinder fungus can be taken from simple cough so in cases where a person is seriously ill. This includes pneumonia, and cancer, which is sometimes simply impossible to get rid of.

According to doctors, the first aid is a tinder fungus for tuberculosis, and they can be treated very running cases. In China, drugs developed on the basis of this fungus have the most different directions- starting, as mentioned above, from a simple cough, and ending with impotence.

Only doctors do not recommend experimenting with doses themselves - the tinder fungus is excellent tool from constipation, and improper use of it can lead to endless diarrhea.

Getting younger

Trutovik real will help to become younger. As already mentioned, it restores the liver, on which the health of any person directly depends. The consequences of this are the lack of skin irritation, fatigue, pain in the right side. The skin becomes elastic, acquires a pleasant healthy color.

Women who care about their beauty claim that real tinder helps nails - brittle and exfoliating plates return their structure, as well as an even pink tint. However, you need to be aware of the limitations. So, the tinder fungus is contraindicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • children under 5 years old;
  • those who have an individual intolerance to the fungus.

But side effects from its use has not yet been discovered. The mushroom is also good because you can collect it yourself - throughout the year, but only from living trees. AT preventive purposes tinder fungus is taken for about a month, with a frequency of 2 times a year. If the mushroom is used for treatment, then the period of admission should be increased to 3-4 months.

Infusions on the tinder fungus are made in boiling water, on warm water or on vodka. Be sure to let the drug brew, and it is best to store it in the refrigerator. Medications are prepared exclusively from powder - it is very easy to dry the mushroom at home.

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